A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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An excellent writer on the climate and energy topic. BF Randall. Free Substack articles, easy and informative reading, if you don’t know him already. Well worth a look.
Discussions locally about a proposed wind farm at a little rural place called Ruffy in North Central Victoria. Some towers will be 240 metres high, transmission lines will need to be built for many kilometres through native forest which will need to be cleared.
Now, just a couple of questions.
1/ How can a government that has recently banned the logging of native timber allow this “clear felling” of exactly the same tree species that need to be protected.
2/ Why would you build a new wind farm in the same approximate area as the current wind farm (Cherry Tree range) that operates intermittently at best and in fact if it is noticed that the turnines are turning, people comment Hey the wind farm appears to be working today!
Snapshot of those existing renewable success stories (prompted by your comment) shows:
Flinders Island Wind 68%, Solar 4%, Battery 27% and Diesel 0%.
King Island Wind 9%, Solar 1%, Battery 0% and Diesel 90%.
Starting to notice Flinders seems to default to battery as first preference to diesel on some days then when diesel is fired up takes opportunity to recharge the battery. My oh my Pinocchio your nose is growing. Mmmmm
What do you think is wrong with that sequence? I’d expect the battery to be first as its instantaneous, the if the fluctuation persists start the generator. Then sure if the battery needs charging then charge it. Where is the lie?
To me the potential lie is in how the performance statistics are reported. It is great that during the day the island is “self-sufficient” with renewables (including battery) and no diesel – we have a success story. My concern is that toward the end of the day/overnight/morning any battery drain that has not been recharged by wind/solar excess is courtesy of diesel. Naturally night-time consumer demand is lower so any ramp up of diesel to also charge the battery could be “lost”. I need to do more research to see if reports also contain a comparison of diesel consumption pre/post December 2017 and if so, what they show.
Back in November 2017 when announcing the introduction of renewables an ABC article made the following comments under the headline “Flinders Island going for green with renewable energy hub, farewells dirty diesel”:
“In December, Hydro Tasmania will flick the switch over to its Hybrid Energy Hub, which will enable the island to be powered by 60 per cent renewable energy on average. When conditions are right, diesel generators will be switched off and the island will run 100 per cent on renewables.
The system will use a combination of solar, wind, battery storage and enabling technologies to reduce the island’s reliance on expensive shipped-in diesel and provide residents with a more reliable energy source.”
We are now approaching 6 years of experience, dirty diesel has not been farewelled and my periodic monitoring of the operation (over last few months) suggests that diesel was usually used ahead of battery however battery seems to have been recently elevated above diesel during the day. The speed at which the battery gets used up is very noticeable so the balancing act pressure to maximise battery storage must be quite acute from a real time operations p-o-v. Cheers.
I have used this illustration of Castle hill, Townsville before. It’s 286 m high.
‘we need to destroy the environment to save it’
a case no doubt of the the cure is worse than the disease.
aka mo money
I went to that meeting Sambar. I haven’t had time yet to digest everything, so many factors. Two impressions:
1. The FERA meeting leader twice early on, despite protestations of seriously listening to local residents’ concerns, actually pretty well stated that it will happen, so much for listening.
2. We estimated that at least 90% of the people present in the overflowing (freezing) hall were against more turbines.
Most of us are already annoyed by the eco-crucifixes on the skyline at Cherry Hill as we drive towards Seymour, except for one chap who thinks they are beautiful; each to his own but he was also somewhat sycophantic towards the FERA leader. The latter was full of bland ready-made responses to every question. Just doing the job he is paid for, I guess. Actually, he did seem a bit thrown, especially when he was reminded about basalt and granite in the area.
There were questions about a lot of what we have been discussing on this blog. Particularly though, in that area, there was plenty of discussion about the geology and hydrology of the area and difficulty of the terrain for access.
We were assured that this was all a proposal by a private company and nothing to do with the government. Few people there seemed to believe that the government wouldn’t come in somewhere and provide permits and money (our money) to back this up.
I was just sent this on FB so dont know where else to find a link.
it explains the origins of Covid way back to the 60’s, and how the so called vaccine would never work and when they were initially patented just before patient zero. A very interesting watch for those that can view it.
Intense eruption at Popocatepetl, ash to 10 km (32 000 feet)
Intense eruptive activity continues at Mexico’s Popocatepetl volcano, with large volcanic ash emissions reaching 9.7 km (32 000 feet) above sea level at 03:36 UTC on May 21, 2023.
Based on an analysis of recent activity, the Scientific Advisory Committee of the Popocatepetl volcano has decided to raise the alert level from Yellow Phase 2 to Yellow Phase 3 on May 21. The decision was made as a precautionary measure in response to observed changes at the volcano.
Pushing low Stratosphere, but a long way fron Tonga’s 50km ash into the low Mesosphere.
As posted many months ago, Popocatepetl is one to watch closely, as volcanic activity is ramping up. 😎
Must be Colonialism – what else could it be! Then again, the conquistadore trudged past Great Fire Mountain back in the 1500s and it was ‘alive and kicking’ then… maybe it’s natural after all.
Was it Nietzsche who said that all things are natural – even the unnatural.
Can’t be much good for air filters or lungs.
Was this posted here already?
Stockholm Historical Weather Observations — Daily mean air temperatures since 1756
What about this?
Another New Study Shows The Siberian Arctic Is Warmer When CO2 Is Low And Colder As CO2 Rises
In the last 25,000 years there has been an anti-correlation between rising CO2 and the Siberian Arctic temperature – the opposite of what is claimed by proponents of the anthropogenic global warming narrative.
The Stockholm data is amazing. Really no change in 250 years. Sure some parts of some years colder or warmer than others. But that would be expected on a port city surrounded by water, which is the advantage of port cities. Water moderates all climates. A similar graph for inland Moscow would be interesting, especially in November 1812, 1941 and 1942 which were the two battles of Moscow and Stalingrad in which freezing temperatures were critical.
As for Siberia “Arctic Siberia was 4°C warmer than it is today from 15,000 to 11,000 years ago, when CO2 was ~240 ppm.” is interesting because it was the middle to end of the last ice age. I would assume summer didn’t exist as in Arctic Siberia today.
Siberia was a refuge during the LGM, at the same time New York was under a mile of ice.
This seems to be about ‘southern Siberia’. Siberia is 50 degrees and North and the glaciers in America and Europe went well South of this in Europe and North America, so it is a surprise but it is in the middle of the largest land mass on earth, so perhaps the sheer distance from large bodies water was a factor. Very interesting.
It also shows how adaptable the naked apes were in extreme cold. And how fragile we are now, actually fearing warming of a degree or two when our distant relatives would have welcomed it.
I have travelled across Siberia in summer. And highly recommend the trip. Especially Lake Baykal, one of the geographic wonders of the world.
Rectangular sunset in Texas
Well, that’s different.
As strange as the proton aurora blobs in Europe.
How long before the Left blame it on “climate change”, LoL?
Come on David, everyone knows that sunsets are caused by human released CO2 ! 😉
I wonder if the same technique is used to determine which co2’s are human caused as they use to determine which electrons are from green energy?
Chlamydia cousin in Great Barrier Reef coral offers hope for bleaching
Researchers investigating the coral microbiome in Australia’s Great Barrier Reef have found two clusters of co-existing bacteria. And, for the first time, they’ve discovered that one of them is a close relative of the bacteria that causes chlamydia in humans. The discovery provides more information about coral reef health and may help tackle the problem of coral bleaching.
Researchers from the University of Melbourne, the Australian Institute of Marine Science, Townsville, and the University of Vienna have discovered two types of CAMAs within the tissues of Pocillopora acuta corals in the Great Barrier Reef.
The first, belonging to the Endozoicomonas genus, is known to be widespread in corals. It’s generally thought that this bacterium is beneficial to corals because of its ability to produce B vitamins and antimicrobial compounds.
The second kind of bacteria was unexpected. It was found to be from the genus Chlamydiales, which includes the bacteria that causes chlamydia, a sexually transmitted infection, in humans. It’s the first time that Chlamydiales has been found in corals.
CLUELESS JOE BREAKS DOWN! Biden Rambles Incoherently for 40 Seconds at G7 Summit
“There’s a lot of other. For example, the idea that we’re in terms of taxes. That they’re used to. For example… I was able to pass Global Warming. Anyway, I was able to cut the deficit that we were. I was able to say to that 50 corporations that made 40, 400 billion. That they pay zero in tax,”
He sure as h3ll won’t be up for POTUS next year, if that even matters by then.
Meanwhile, the WEF is planning something:
A Catastrophic Mutating Event Will Strike the World in 2 Years, Report Says
Give congress sat phones:
Internet and comms to go down for the looming cyber event.
Sat phones and cash. 😎
Biden doesn’t know where he is or why. His memory is also gone. But in a way that changes nothing. He is not running the place anyway. Who is calling the shots is unknown but there is a long list. And the people who are running it are happy with that. President Harris is equally comfortable with having no idea what’s going on, so they are covered.
It would not be surprising if the 25th Amendment was used in the next year as Joe is incapable of fulfilling the duties of President. Kamala Harris then becomes President. At least she can read a teleprompter, they hope.
And you have to wonder what Hillary Clinton is planning or Barack Obama. They are both working out ways to get the power they once had and having two such old candidates leaves Hillary in the race. What they think of President Joe Biden is likely unprintable. I think old Joe would get lost in a revolving door.
Trendy vegan brands are set for a wipeout following a plunge in demand for animal-free food and drink products, experts predict
Experts predict the wipeout of trendy vegan brands after a plunge in demand for animal-free food and drink products.
The latest casualty in the flatlining vegan market is Swedish oat milk firm Oatly, which has been forced to withdraw its dairy-free ice cream in the UK, The Observer reported.
Yorkshire sausage-making company Heck has reduced its vegan-friendly range from ten products to just two.
Managing director Andrew Keeble said: ‘The public somehow wasn’t quite ready for it yet. They didn’t want all that veg in the sausage.’
Supermarket sales of meat-free products fell by £37.3million in the year to September, analysts from NielsenIQ found.
If Dawg didn’t want us to eat animals, he wouldn’t have made them so tasty. 😁
It’s hard to keep up the virtue-seeking when you have to relate it to tasteless slodge !
You really have to feel sorry for Jewish guys.
Imagine never being able to eat bacon and eggs for breakfast.
They are mostly left internationalists anyway. Overly influential and judgemental. I guess I’m old guard when it comes to them.
At a recent Volunteer Fire Dept BBQ I saw 2 people who tried the vegan dogs discretely ditch them.
Yesterday driving from Sydney to Orange NSW, Great Western Highway via Bathurst, I noted many signs displayed “Ice & Snow” warnings already.
This morning in Orange it was minus 2C.
Their BoM’s Mt Hotham [Coldham?] page has 6 snowflake ‘❄️’ symbols in a row for the next 6 days’ outlook. Impressive. Whatever happened to – uh, don’t bother 😃
..and most of last week, and all this week.. Frosts as far out as Weatherzone predicts. Friday will be miserable, zero on Thursday night then cloud and showers to lock the cold in on Friday. That front is bracketed by -1 and -3 nights.
The big dry has come back. We did have fewer frosts over the last two or three years while we had rain, now there’s not enough humidity for snow, maybe in August. Seems we have rained the water from the Tongan volcano out of the atmosphere & the planets have moved apart, so a long slow haul back into drought.
Last tomato and pumpkin plants hauled out today, more peas going in… Chickens drinking water was solid ice.
I reached for a bottle of water stored in the driver’s side door late morning and it was chilled.
Widespread cold will put a drain on the power system, be prepared for blackouts.
Mudgee airport recorded minimum of -3.8 after a forecast of -3.0.
Enough to freeze your Canobolas
bit of local humour there folks 🙂
Same at Guyra. Schnee und Eis.
Tuesday WTF: This is Nebraska Democratic Senator Machaela Kavanagh
Totally off the rails wacko.
I wonder why relationship are in massive decline.😆
Dear God. I have long believed that many of the people presenting as ‘trans’ are in fact simply mentally ill. On that basis, I feel sorry for them. However, because their issues have been kidnapped by progressives and turned into a political weapon, they aren’t getting the help they need.
But that video suggests that some of their supporters are themselves suffering some kind of mental illness. Like the most visible trans, they are typically unhinged and disproportionately angry at everything.
I see a lot of this among young people on social media, albeit thankfully less extreme that that crazy lady.
Classic science fiction movie from 1954.
“Devil Girl from Mars”. Colourised version.
Synopsis from Wikipedia:
1902 classic. A trip to the moon.
Good for a laugh (almost as funny as your synopsis) but climate alarmists would probably think it’s real. 😆
Climate themed, spoiler, it was those pesky aliens wot dunnit, sweaty, very sweaty.
Trust a Martian girl to land in Scotland looking for males. Must be the kilts. The tweed is mesmerising.
Billy Connolly got Pamela from NZ – or did she get him?
Must be that excessive heat rising from the loch and glen: a 1989 ‘summer’ snow blizzard almost froze me to death – thankfully I dreamed of Martian space women and survived. Or it could’ve been the whisky.
Here is an interview from four years ago of Mark Steyn interviewing George Papadopoulos. Papadopoulos explains Alexander Downer’s and Australia’s high level of involvement in the false claims of Trump – Russian collusion.
I find it remarkable that the video has (relatively) so few views. I suspect YouTube is shadow banning it. Part 1 Part 2
It is not clear what benefits Aborigines will get from constitutional recognition or why time is being spent on it. After all, NSW, Queensland, Victoria and South Australia have already recognised indigenous people in their state constitutions (1901) and the Federal Parliament passed the Act of Recognition in 2013. Not a single benefit to anyone has flowed from those measures.
That’s because you – and the rest of us – don’t know how it will work. The folks pushing it DO know however, and I would bet my house on it being a huge financial scam. Whatever the ‘Voice’ turns out to be, it will involve taking money of ordinary white taxpayers and handing it to certain others, in vast quantities.
I am also certain that it will become a huge land grab, seriously accelerating the native title claims to all the most valuable land, possibly including that which lies under my house, and yours.
But no-one in Oz can actually truly own land, as good old King Charles owns it all…
Not in Oz. That’s England. In Oz we have title which has no time limit. It’s not Crown Land.
It’s absolutely Australia too!
I don’t how you define “freehold”. In my mind it is an inalienable right. Should the Crown decide that their need is greater than mine it, by law, it must make adequate compensation for my dispossession.
By comparison, in China, there is no freehold only leasehold for a much shorter period than our 99 yrs and even that can be disregarded on a whim. But they are not the West, so should not be questioned.
It’s far more than just a financial scam, Steve.
It doesn’t take much digging to reveal that it has nothing to do with giving anything to Aboriginals or anybody else. It is all about transferring the power to alter the Constitution from the Australian people, to the Executive government – that is, the PM and Cabinet Ministers, sidestepping parliament as well.
Just another brick in the wall of creeping and escalating claims as per usual lefty operations. “Just” this little bit and “just” that little bit and before long everything is gone. One of reasons 2A people in the US wont give an inch on gun laws.
The Second Amendment was an accident of history, no other country has similar gun laws built into the Constitution.
The danger with the Voice, if it comes to fruition, is that it might cause social divisiveness. The MSM could champion a cause, which is not in the best interest of the country, and sway politicians against their better judgement. This could eventually erode our democracy.
Chadwick Moore discusses why Tucker was fired by Fox.
I have a friend who is a visiting senior medical professional in various hospitals in Melbourne.
As part of his ongoing education he is required to do a five hour “cultural safety” course. If he doesn’t do it, he can’t work.
That course is heavily based upon the debunked book of Bruce Pascoe, Dark Emu, said to be Australia’s greatest literary hoax*.
The course my friend is asked to do states how Aborigines had cities, were farmers, aquaculturists, engineered complex structures and houses, were subject to deliberate genocide etc., in other words all the usual propaganda originating in that book.
The Left are not only fabricating history, they are now forcing people to learn it for their certifications. Even though the book has been debunked
I saw a copy of that over the weekend and spent half an hour looking at the pictures.
Didn’t read anything but the discussion of the photographs didn’t seem to point to a highly advanced culture.
The Australian Museum (a NSW govt museum) has a blurb about the book Dark Emu and embraces its narrative.
Given the errors and misrepresentation in the book which have been publicly exposed I’m quite surprised a museum would give it such prominence and promote its claims.
Plus the fact the author’s birth certificate and family tree indicate he’s not indigenous, and a couple of aboriginal groups have said he’s not part of the mob he claims to be, it’s hard to understand why the museum takes that position on something so questionable.
At a recent tech hub networking event we were told that Aborigines were the first innovators, scientists and entrepreneurs!! Who’d a thunk?
Clearly they destroyed all their research papers and experimental data when they saw the invaders sailing into Sydney Harbour.
Conservatives fan flames with new AI chatbot
A conservative company has created a new AI chatbot with a Right-wing bias to counteract programs like ChatGPT, which are openly programmed to promote a globalist agenda.
Virtual World Computing, LLC created the TUSK browser, which bills itself as “The Freedom-First Web Browser and Search Engine developed exclusively for Conservatives.” The browser “is focused on defending and supporting free speech on the Web” and contains a search engine still being developed which allows users to choose whether they want to see search results with a Left-wing, Center, or Right-wing bias.
ChatGPT has been hailed by the World Economic Forum as “the start of the generative AI boom.” The program has been used to generate everything from best man speeches to complex college papers to stock portfolios which outperform top investment funds.
But the program has been confirmed to strongly promote globalist agendas. It has refused to praise Donald Trump but has written adoring poems about Joe Biden. It waxed lyrical about Antifa but demonized the unvaccinated. It has even generated its own information deepfakes, such as creating a fake study to try to claim there are more than two genders.
The chatbot has drawn heavy criticism for its bias.
“Artificial Intelligence will simply reflect and magnify the mindset and ideology of its creators — and impress those values upon the rest of us,” said Hoover Institution Senior Fellow Victor Davis Hanson.
“The [political] left controls AI, and the left is going to do what the left wants to do,” Media Research Center and Free Speech America Vice President Dan Schneider told Fox News.
“They are training the AI to lie,” said billionaire Elon Musk, who co-founded OpenAI. The Tesla CEO told former Fox News host Tucker Carlson last month that AI is created by forces on the Left and is being programmed to indoctrinate.
Tuesday fail: chainsaws and idiots
OMG!!!! 😯😯😯
Unbelievable. Shocking.
Explains why, with so much info available with the click of a mouse, “we” are so poorly informed.
Dr Suneel Dhand talks about over prescribing of medications or “polypharmacy”.
Australian Ethicist who opposed medical care for unvaccinated wants rights for robots
An Australian moral philosopher who supported withholding medical care from those who refused the COVID-19 injections is now pushing for robot rights.
Peter Singer is an award-winning ethicist and bioethics professor at Princeton University. In 2000, he was inducted into the US Animal Rights Hall of Fame. He has authored several books, including Animal Liberation. He has spoken out against “speciesism”, in which humans are given more privilege than other species, and claims that all sentient beings deserve equal consideration.
That does not, however, include living humans in the womb. While he believes animals should be given equality to humans, Singer also believes in late-stage feticide.
Four months later, Singer penned an article arguing that those who refused the COVID-19 injections should be denied health care in favor of those who were vaccinated.
“When robots become conscious, when they also — like humans and animals — become capable of suffering or of enjoying their lives, then certainly they should have rights,” he said in an interview.
“Some day, undoubtedly, it’s possible that an AI could be conscious and convince us that it’s conscious. And if that’s the case, then we need to take account of the AI’s interests, just as we would take account of those of another sentient being.”
I think we all know how to class him. 😁
And all of that is being built on and polished up in the greatest nation on earth; the United States?
Singer is a misanthrope.
Singer does not hate all humanity. He appears to be a malignant utilitarian- promoting the greatest happiness of the greatest number of greatest persons, mostly by euthanising the less-than-great.
The NSW region of the NEM now operating with insufficient reserve:
A 500MW shortfall in reserve makes NSW vulnerable to loss of connection with Queensland, which is currently sending 603MW down the lines. And I doubt Queensland has any excess reserve because it has prices at $480/MWh.
Price for current interval $500/MWh and heading for $640/MWh in the next interval.
It is not even cold yet and the LoR events are occurring and shortfalls increasing. Tomago should be on notice to load shed in a hurry under these circumstances but there is no news on that.
Australians depending on the NEM should be ready for demand side management during evening peaks. Flashlights at minimum. It would be fitting for Canberra to be set free to run on their 100% “renewables” when the cold really hits the coast.
Friday might be the tipping point.
‘A polar air mass will send shivers across southeastern Australia later this week, with blustery winds, rain, snow and hail likely in several states and territories.’ (Weatherzone)
I live close to a coal fired power station, if the interconnectors fail will I get a blackout?
And along with our politicians planning to steal the power to alter our constitution, they are also planning to hand immense power over our daily lives to the WHO.
Oh I’m sure the Sydney Morning Herald & ABC will carry all 208pages of it, with discussions by experts from those in favour and those against, and we will all discuss it over neighbourhood coffee before the Govt plebiscite asking if they should sign it or nay. Some people on here tell me this is a democracy I’m living in…
“The True Cost Of Energy Generated From Wind Turbines”
“Danger to Birds and Whales”
“Climatic and Environmental Changes”
Links to
“ANALYSIS: The True Cost of Energy Generated From Wind Turbines
Contrary to mainstream belief, wind turbines are neither effective nor, in many cases, good for the environment”
Something recommended by Bing for me to read
Looks like the death of one bird is tragedy but the death of millions by wind turbines is just a statistic.
“‘You are seriously asking the colour of my skin’ to ‘determine if I have a right?'”
More on “Their voice”
I am in the courtroom covering the case of Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi in Germany.
An impactfull trial, I hope and will believe in an acquittal. It’s a 100% political trial as he warned the people of the mRNA vacc.
Who is Bhakdi
Bhakdi has won and the farce of the show-trial is over.
Of course the prosecutor will appeal to court.
The push is on for a regulated controlled internet with Govt permission, and 100points of ID… All for the children of course, they might learn about sex and what their parents used to do!
“I recognise that some interest groups may oppose restrictions due to concerns about privacy, but safeguarding our children should take precedence and none of these groups are proposing alternative safeguards. Implementing age verification systems and monitoring the distribution of adult content can lower the risks and protect vulnerable young minds.
Some argue age estimation technologies, which provide an approximate age, are sufficient to allow or deny access to age-restricted online content or services. But age verification (AV) – such as the use of physical or digital government identity documents — is a much more accurate method of ID’ing someone. Roblox, Instagram and Yubo are trialling AV right now.”
Her ideas will be as practical as ID cards for pubs- easily circumvented by clever kids!
You will need a special internet licence to visit Jo Nova…
..and is Rolf Harris remembered for his big-brush painting on TV that had people entranced? his waltzing with 3 legs or tying his kangaroo down?? Nope, one of Aussies greatest entertainers is remembered for his criminal convictions, as though that was all he was.
“Convicted paedophile Rolf Harris dead aged 93”
Yes indeed, convicted. I doubt he was guilty, just a substitute sacrifice for the truly vile Jimmy Savile that the BBC protected for so many years.
Perhaps it was partly punishment for Rolf’s portrait of the Queen — he should definitely have gone with the big brush for that one.
I hope he didn’t die in jail.
Rolf wasn’t attractive enough to get away with it. If a “George Clooney” did what he did you would never hear of it. Rolf’s dorky image repulsed people when they heard of the claims. Rolf was a great man, artist and entertainer.
A covid observation
“Side-note or post-script, for those interested in how the vaccination story is going: A close friend went into the CVS pharmacy looking for a “get well soon” card. There were none. A clerk on-hand right there in the aisle said, “we can’t keep them in stock.” No “sympathy” cards either. Draw your conclusions.”*-nation/dum-da-dum-dum-dah/
“Fade to Black in Ukraine”*-nation/fade-to-black-in-ukraine/
Another one
“What Can The US Senate Teach Us about the Dangers of the COVID-19 Vaccines?
A review of the common forms of spike protein injuries and the profound consequences of denying them.”
ENSO watch, thankfully BoM isn’t forecasting a super El Nino.
‘While models are forecasting a very high likelihood that ocean temperatures in the central and eastern Pacific will reach El Niño thresholds in southern hemisphere winter, an accompanying shift in atmospheric circulation is necessary for an El Niño event to be declared. Due to the persistence of neutral atmospheric indicators over the tropical Pacific, our ENSO outlook remains at El Niño WATCH.
‘History shows that when the ENSO Outlook has reached El Niño WATCH, El Niño has subsequently developed in about half of those years.’ (B0M)