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Greens create slavery
What’s more important — freeing people in slave labor camps today or making the world one hundreth of a degree cooler a century from now? Oh the dilemma.
It’s just another unintended consequence on the road to Climate Heaven. If solar panels were actually efficient and competitive they’d make network electricity cheaper and theoretically, at least, there would be money to pay for real wages. Instead competition is cut-throat, and no country with a lot of solar panels can actually afford to make solar panels.
New Walk Free study shows Australia’s push for green transition exploits slave labour
By Jenna Clarke, The Australian
Leading Australian philanthropist Grace Forrest is warning Climate Change and Energy Minister Chris Bowen that the push for Australia’s green energy transition could force more people into slavery.
The comprehensive international study, five years in the making, shows Australia’s supply chains and products at risk of human exploitation for the first time, including solar panels which are imported from China at a cost of close to $2bn.
“For the first time, we have solar panels in our top five most vulnerable products of modern slavery. This is a confronting reality, one that speaks to compounding an intersecting crisis,” Ms Forrest told The Australian.vMs Forrest said. “You can‘t harm people to save the planet.”
If we cut back on slave made solar panels, where will the solar panels come from, and how much more will the forced energy transition cost?
It’s no accident 84% of all the world’s solar panels are made in China
No one else can compete with slave labour, and no one else has as much coal fired electricity.
China has cornered the solar panel market and supply lines. Squint closely to see “the rest of the world”…
Ironically, Grace Forrest, who founded “Walk Free” is funded by her father, billionaire Twiggy Forrest who wants to build the largest ever solar farm in the world in the Northern Territory. That may explain why she bizarrely doesn’t believe in boycotts. Instead she wants a bigger government with more rules (just a lighter version of slavery, eh?):
From fashion to solar panels, taint of slavery stalks firms
Hans van Leewen, AFR
…Walk Free boss Grace Forrest says that although consumers should shop carefully, the real onus for tackling the problem is not on them: it is on governments and businesses – which are not doing enough, despite the strictures of the five-year-old Modern Slavery Act.
She wants to see non-compliant companies hit with financial penalties. And she urges politicians not to worry about exacerbating the cost-of-living crisis, because paying exploited workers a fair wage would boost prices by as little as 1 per cent.
She said Walk Free did not support boycotts, and was not asking consumers to take responsibility for eradicating modern slavery. As with climate issues, the equivalent of greenwashing could make it too difficult for the individual shopper.
Magical thinkin’ — apparently businesses can do this without hurting consumers:
“We actually argue the business should absorb that cost, rather than it being for the consumer,” she told The Australian Financial Review while visiting London to launch Walk Free’s latest Global Slavery Index.
We presume she flew to London for the launch. Nice work if you can find a philanthropist to pay for the trip. But hey, she could have been playing the party-circuit, and instead she is raising awareness of modern slavery.
Slavery in other G20 countries means we all need more laws, and more lawyers
Somehow because there is slavery in China and it’s a G20 country, it follows that Canada and Australia need to bring in legislation and employ more bureaucrats.
“The fact is that 50 per cent of the world’s people living in modern slavery are residing in G20 countries,” she said. This statistic showed that the slavery problem was not just in poorer countries – “it’s over here, not over there”, as she put it.
“We would like to see an increase in legislation across the G20 countries. Canada has just announced this. Germany is going to see their example set across the EU in the coming years. We just need the political will now to step up and do that everywhere.”
Ms Forrest says “You can‘t harm people to save the planet.” Jo Nova says, “They are already harming people, and they probably won’t save anything.” What’s wrong with boycotts?
Aunty is running with it.
I bet that story won’t last.
Green slavery is good.
Well I was looking up the Tina Turner story and after Nutbush it went to a story about frequent fires in dump trucks caused by LITHIUM batteries. So the ABC might be unknowingly causing concerns about marvelous renewables.
and yet her father Andrew was at the WEF spruiking climate change:
Andrew Forrest – Global Warming
the WEF of course proudly espouses ‘you will own nothing an be happy’
(being a slave is fine if you enjoy it?)
There is a very interesting article about Andrew Forrest here:
It is not helping his FMG share value ! 🙁
I’d like to see the forest conduct a show that illustrates his confidence in “pure unadulterated hydrogen”.
He should sleep with a canister of pure hydrogen under his bed for a month to show his confidence in the product.
The current situation is very disturbing.
To remove slavery from the equation we need more Hydrogen, it’s obvious.
I thought everyone would have Twigged to that straight up.
Please explain why or did you forget the sarc tag.
Because if you are literate you ought to recognise sarcasm when you read it. Would you want a joke tag too for when people are being humorous?
@Kalm Keith:
I twigged when I saw the capital T on your Twigged.
[Let’s not forget that non-Australians won’t have a clue who Andrew Twiggy Forrest is – Jo]
Maybe they can’t see the Ts for the Forrest.
Rumour has it that Hydrogen Twiggy with the Watermelon GREEN blob are working on a new climate change device. A custom pair of underwear that collects and stores your farts for the day which can power your home overnight, almost as realistic as Hydrogenpower……bwahaha
An even greater resource would be a similar garment upscaled to fit cattle, thus eliminating the methane problem and the need to stop eating meat.
The problem would be that burning the methane produces CO2, so the solution would be to use energy to extract the hydrogen from the methane.
Bill Gates has already provided US4.5 million to do just that.
The idea is no more ridiculous than Twiggy’s hydrogen. There must be something about becoming a billionaire and stupid at the same time. There are exceptions like Gina Rinehart who seems to get more sensible.
Much as I like giving exsteelworker a tick I did not expect it to be 9 ticks. I noticed several ticks have been multiplied today.
EtTu? Quite the reverse WEF want to control your diet to ensure we fart less.
Roll up and get your solar panels now , because soon getting them might be difficult/very expensive . China can cut off our supply of most things very quickly . Twiggy is a blatant subsidy miner and scheme promoter . As always follow the money….
And where are most of the inverters for the solar panels manufactured?
My 2012 solar panels still function with about a 6-7% degradation. One inverter was replaced under warranty (twice).
I now have new inverters and a few more panels as the new inverters support multiple inputs and I was under the “acceptable” limit for installation.
Hopefully, I either will not need further inverter replacements or the installer/manufacturer combination remains financially viable.
Never put solar panels on your roof. They get damaged in storms, they cause roof leaks, they produce 1/4 of the power that they claim, and now some insurance companies will not insure your house if there are panels on the roof. Rooftop solar is the worst thing you can do to your home.
In Australia, the Vicdanistan Government is encouraging regular checks of solar systems to ensure they don’t burn your house down.
So, she wants us to become slaves to pay more taxes to free the slaves in China?? What are these people on?
This will be some other Woke fad that will die within days. RIP the free market.
160 countries… and all countries reported by (Walk Free), have slave labour.
OK, slavery is illegal in Australia.
Yet Australia is at 147th place, 13th from the bottom of countries.
Now look at how “Walk Free” presents the data. (graph linked below).
Note that the Y axis is wildly distorted…
0 to 1 (slaves) represents the lower 50 % of the Y axis. 1 to 100 (slaves) represents the higher 50% of the Y axis.
Again look at how the graph is presented. It makes Australia look almost as culpable as North Korea.
Ok Imho, this is a propaganda graph. It is a graph that mis-represents the data.
If one has a cursury view, then you would believe Australia is bad, a country involved in endemic slavery.
View the graph link here:
Make your own informed view/conclusion on what “Walk Free” presents to us.
Using a log scale for “per thousand people”.. ???
Weird to say the least.
Here is a quick attempt to use a more sensible linear axis.. with countries in alphabetical order (every second one labelled)
The Leftist Agenda, being based on post-modernism, i.e. that there is no such thing as objective truth, wants us to think that only white European nations practiced slavery. That is not true. All nations and races have practiced it, usually against their own kind. E.g. Slavs are called that because they were once slaves. The slaves purchased to go to America were usually collected by other Africans. And the Left also refuse to tell you that European and Americans were the first to outlaw slavery. And they absolutely don’t want you to know about the British West Africa Squadron whose sole job from 1808-1867 was to suppress slavery. Slavery still exists in numerous countries today in Africa, the Middle East and Asia. Not in Europe or the Anglo democracies.
Just notice my quick graph from last night stops at Sweden.
If I get a chance today, I’ll see if I can update it, and add some country names of the tall columns.
Or someone else can do it. 🙂 (just follow the data link at the bottom of the main blogpost, download the data spreadsheet etc etc)
It must be an extraordinary definition of slavery if Australia is supposed to have 1.6 slaves per thousand people? How do even measure that without a slavery detector?
Firstly, that’s not slavery. If only 1.6 people in a thousand is a slave and they have interviewed survivors, it would be interesting to know what slave work they did.
That’s 0.16% And “The Australian Bureau of Statistics estimated that 2.1 million Australians, or 9.3 per cent of our population, were suffering from some form of depression.”. 1.6 in a thousand is the number of people born with a club foot.
We have a hundred times more people on sitting down money. Then the NDIS.
The figure is much higher. And we have wage slaves everywhere, people on subsistence level living standards living from paycheck to paycheck. Stacking shelves at Coles. Parking meter people, living on the street.
Then Bankers, lawyers, tax collectors. We have vast numbers of overworked people doing really nasty work for inadequate pay.
And Age and ABC journalists who get very offended if you criticise their criticisms of others. Like King Charles.
No, Australia is awash with slavery.
And it’s all Captain Cook’s fault. Apparently. Before he arrived there was absolutely nothing to do, so slavery was impossible.
Yep, how they come up with the 1.6/1000 is anyone’s guess.
Maybe they are counting some of the “sweat shops” that hide in back alleys?
And “Transgender identity is generally found in less than 1% of the worldwide population, with figures ranging from <0.1% to 0.6%".
So the number of slaves in countries like Australia is comparable to the number of transgender people. That's not slavery. It's discrimination.
I know some kids who reckon their mum makes slaves of them. On a more serious note I recall some conscripts who had been raised in a Barnados home and were subsequently “fostered” out to farmers. One young fellow was telling me about his work and accommodation and it was close to slavery. He was soon made aware that he could have a better life and we helped him into better employment. He was the only fellow I knew who thought digging a weapon pit into sandstone was quite easy if you put your back into it. He also had an affection for snakes. When one of the section was about to decapitate a copperhead (18 inches long so a juvenile) this bloke stopped him and calmly put the snake in his top pocket and buttoned the flap. He was happy and so was the snake apparently.
Good call about the graph.
The y-axis is called a logarithmic scale.
“Log scales are for quitters . . .” {cartoon}
And its not even a proper log scale.
It starts at zero, which cannot exist on a log scale.
…the bottom of the y axis in this case should be 0.01
Send it to Bowen then he might understand uranium’s potential. On second thoughts he wouldn’t.
The log scale is used for visibility of the smaller numbers but it is not really appropriate.
Log scales are not for visibility. Generally that would be highly improper.
When something is tiny it should look tiny. And 1.6 in 1000 is so close to zero it is less than noise, not slavery. But this is social science and they want drama.
There are many times in physical science when things change exponentially. It’s very common. That is whenever growth is proportional to population and you get an explosive exponential growth. And a logarithmic scale is necessary and appropriate because the inverse of an exponential is a logarithm which allows viewing of the proposition and confirmation of the exponential behaviour.
In the carbon scam, proponents remove the X axis and ramp up the Y scale to make total CO2 look like it is rocketing and match it with the graph of exponential growth in CO2 emissions. In fact one is a straight line and the other is an exponential. It’s called lying.
Sigh… I know what log scales are. Thanks for the lesson. I’ll write this more slowly with a few extra words.
They used a log scale to make the smaller values easier to see. I also wrote that it wasn’t appropriate – you seemed to miss that sentence. See how I can write the same thing as you but much much briefer. btw I work in a stats intense area of research.
“I work in a stats intense area of research.”
We look forward to you presenting a better linear y-axis graph that my 2 minute effort at #6.1 then.
“philanthropist” usually means someone who has too much money and too much spare time.
And egos who want to
‘Save The Planet’
usually intend to
Slave The Planet
(starting with humanity)
What a difference one letter, L, maketh
yet there is hope (I hope).
On the one hand philanthropists are just evading tax! While, on the other taking government subsidies for questionably spurious activities!
Your facts, no matter how damning, simply don’t matter. You cannot break an addiction, or a delusion, with logic. A person gripped by either of these must fail so hard that it hurts, and they have no choice but to re-calibrate.
That will happen when the blackouts kick in. Only so much can be blamed on Trump, Abbott, Morrison and Ukraine…….
I live in Austin TX, and was at Ground Zero of the Great Winter Blackout of 2021, which all the usual suspects have tried to hang around Abbott’s neck. Greens all got together on their messaging and loudly, absurdly claim that if we’d only had more windmills and solar panels the GWB wouldn’t have happened.Typical of these was a recent piece by Michael Webber in the NYT. Now Webber ought to know better, being a professor of ME, but he’s got business interests in Green energy, so has become quite the cheerleader. I hit back with a somewhat sharp-edged, fact-based comment, but it took multiple tries to break through the censorship, er, moderation filter.
Cognitive dissonance
By the time I was 2/3rds through this post, I had to quell the mental discord with 4 ounces of Bass Phillip Reserve.
Except it’s not unintended by those who run the agenda.
The whole point of unreliables is to ultimately dramatically lower the standard of living of non-Elites/Proles in the West and make all of us non-Elites into slaves.
Once we’re cold, miserable and hungry and with no jobs because of no industry, all because of highly expensive rationed electricity, what do you think people will do? There’ll be no leisure because there’ll be little or no transport to go anywhere. The government will create even more draconian laws to censor and control people and will give them menial slave tasks to keep them occupied so they don’t rebel.
Even worse, after years of censorship and propaganda, the Proles won’t even know they’re slaves. Exactly the scenario of Nineteen Eighty Four.
If only the Left realised Nineteen Eighty Four was a warning, not an instruction manual.
“He loved Big Brother.”
The more complete quote is:
And you can see where the censorship of the Left is taking us. The Left are censoring comedy and comedians, censoring or rewriting literature, censoring science, destroying art such as statues and paintings in art galleries. It’s all prophesised in Nineteen Eighty Four.
There will be no love, except the love of Big Brother. There will be no laughter, except the laugh of triumph over a defeated enemy. There will be no art, no literature, no science.
Maybe. I predict there will be war or at least an uprising. If people live under tyranny then they don’t notice a change of tyrant e.g. when the Tsar was replaced by Lenin. Different boss same job. When people live in freedom they will notice tyranny, some more quickly than others but all eventually.
Why the panic now to introduce more wind and solar, electric cars and restrictions on agriculture if not for the elite’s fear that the plebs are slowly waking up.
Sounds just like Dictator Dan’s Victoriastan already.
Thanks David.
Global warming is not based on science and it is a fraud as are most totalitarian schemes for total control of their people.
The Nazis and Communists and most others seeking to destroy freedom and faith, are anti-Christ. Jesus taught Love thy neighbor as thyself.
Another example of Green Slavery is cobalt mining in the Congo.
The gigantic irony here is that when faced with a choice between locally grown FF or slave produced solar panels from China, the lefties will always choose the slave made product. On the other hand, no conservative would ever support slavery.
And yet which group always claims the moral high ground ???
Just like the Democrats in the US – championed slavery, established the KKK…..
Perhaps, on her way home from London, Ms Forrest should stop off in China, to visit the real Forbidden City – the one where the Uyghurs live!
Try to get a visa extension to visit Tibet?
The manufacture of solar panels is a highly skilled job not something you’d entrust to low skilled ‘slaves’, efficient, automation is more likely a cause for their success. Australia and the West seem to suffer from politically motivated sinophobia. I’d be interested to see some hard facts to back up the hype, and Wikipedia doesn’t count when it comes to political facts !
Steve, your politically motivated namecalling is noticed. If I were the CCP and I was paying people to write comments to defend slavery, they would use exactly that kind of slur and throw general doubt over the data (did you read the post?)
I’m sure most of Jo’s bloggers are not supporters of slavery of any kind, yet many people today allow their minds to be corrupted by the delusional so called CC EXISTENTIAL threat.
Here again is the Wiki graph showing all countries and confederations co2 emissions from 1970 to 2021.
In 1970 there was about 14.9 billion tons of Human co2 emissions, but in 2021 that had increased to 37.1 billion tons.
Look at the graph and note China and other developing countries’ co2 emissions since 1970. And note India’s co2 emissions will definitely increase in the near future.
AGAIN the USA and the EU combined co2 emissions have not increased since 1970 and yet the TOTAL world Human co2 emissions today ( 2021) are about 22 billion tons HIGHER than 1970.
How much longer before the so called scientists and govts and MSM etc WAKE UP and understand these simple facts?
IOW why are we WASTING TRILLIONs of $ and decades of our time for a guaranteed ZERO return on their so called investment?
BTW I used OWI Data graph at this link to show total world Human co2 emissions since 1970.
The graph is active so you can find world or countries’ co2 emissions by year.
It is no where near zero. Every MWh of “renewable” energy produced currently robs $55 from consumers. A little over a decade ago, the wholesalel cost of electricity was $50/MWh and this made up around 60% of the total cost. The margin between wholesale and retail is widening to enable the level of theft to be increased as more ‘renewables” get connected. So now the mandated theft from consumers is similar to the full cost of energy a decade or so ago.
So the return on investment is highly NEGATIVE. It is why UK and Auslralia have de-industrialised and Germany as well as the USA are headed down the same track.
The Governments wonder why productivity is falling. Yet they are encouraging more useless jobs installing and connecting wind farms, solar farms and big batteries. All funded by mandated theft from consumers.
I remember seeing a CSIRO article that stated that Australia and the Southern Hemisphere is a carbon sink.
Of course, I can no longer find this – perhaps the CSIRO removed it after I sent the reference to ScoMo (PM at the time).
His response was to disagree with me, even though he loved to quote the CSIRO as experts who should be genuflected to.
Looking at emissions only does not tell the full story, a favourite tactic of the left.
The Government was asked for progress numbers of installed wind turbines and solar panels and none of the witnesses at the Senate Committee could answer the question.
Surely there must be a professional engineer or scientist somewhere in Australia who is in a position of authority who has a clue and who has the cajones to speak out about the solar and wind insanity that Australia is being subjected to?
Yes, I know they might lose their job. At least they won’t be killed for speaking out – not just yet anyway. There must be something worth fighting for?
The closest that fits the bill is Paul Broad, an economist but working in electrical generation for a while.
Now gone after telling Bowen the new government was in fantasy land. Clear message, if you want your high paid job then shut up.
Twiggy sees opportunities. If governments are mandating theft then it is better to be on the beneficial side of those mandates than the other side. Same mould as Elon Musk.
All miners will benefit from mandated transitions because resource demand to feed the Chinese factories need to ramp up massively.
No point in talking to the deaf !
Remember this is like a relegion they will accept no alternative…..
…..unless it involves more $$$$s. !
We didn’t get rid of slavery. We just offshored it. As we’ve done with production and reproduction.
I never realised that it was the right wing that is driving the push for regulations to force manufacturers to make supply chains transparent. I need to rethink who I am with all my ethical clothes, coffee etc
Don’t giant off shore wind turbines pretty well need a whole industrial sector to support their installation? They don’t come in a box.
Correct – They come in ships from China. My bet is Dan was looking to lock in Chinese owned wind farm off southern Victoria during his last visit. A new SEC funded by China, sourcing machinery from China and establishing an income stream for Chinese retirees supported by the next few generations of Victorians.
Victorian credit rating is tanking so his SECV2 will only come into existence through direct investment with guaranteed returns.
“Ms Forrest says “You can‘t harm people to save the planet.”
If only they really meant it. I wonder what they call the energy poverty and excess winter deaths in Europe? is that harm? Harming people seems secondary to ideology and staying on narrative.
By “people” she means billionaires, not Proles.
No billionaire subsidy harvesters may have their subsidy-harvesting operations interfered with.
I recall NZ (New Zimbabwe) at the behest of Japanese importers turning otherwise arable bovine pastures, just south of Auckland, into pumpkin and onion patches. For the first couple of years the Japs took most of the products what remained was scooped up by Indian importers. But then they didn’t buy and crops rotted!
That happens regularly in Oz with the locally owned veg and fruit farms.
It often costsmore to ship them to market than the buyers will pay..
..so plough them back into the soil !
New Zimbabwe. I like that
When it comes to modern Green ideology, slavery isn’t a bug, it’s a feature.
Since we do not have the ability to reliably measure one hundreths of a degree, either Fahrenheit or Centigrade, then we are never going to know what nature’s control knob (if she has one) is. The fact that we can no longer be relied upon to keep unique and original records of temperatures safely and without interference from other interested parties (e.g. meteorologists) is disturbing in that the climate profession seems to have no standards to keep other than an agenda to keep yelling that despite all evidence to the contrary it keeps getting hotter.
Add to that the ridiculous change to the seasons we now have because climate professionals didn’t know about Julian Date formulas in 16/32 bit computing evolution (they ridiculed these simple formula as believing the Earth was only 4,000 years old which is quaint but totally missing the point). The UK’s Met Office now tells us summer starts on 1st June having now forgotten to add they mean Meteorological Summer (16 bit dates) and not Astronomical Summer (i.e. longest and shortest days).
I sometimes think we’d be better off not having the huge climate science units and go back to slim line weather guessers even the folk managing the land who at least pay attention to nature. After all Julian Date formula are an example of Artificial Intelligence at work meaning they use computer power to convert any dats (and time) in relevant history into a manageable integer or short floating point number and back again.
That was an issue with 16/32 bit transition (which also gave rise to all the worries about A Millenium Bug!!!) Unfortunately the UK’s Met Office didn’t have especially good computer support teams when they needed them or so a certain story tells its tale. Meanwhile the astronomers and astrologers (just like in ancient times in Mesopotamia and China) got on with new technology by adapting formula to the power of the computer long before the Met Office woke up.
John in OZ.
Here’s the CSIRO Cape Grim data and the SH is a NET SINK and the NH is a NET SOURCE of co2. Here’s their quote and the link. So not just an Aussie sink but the entire SH is a NET SINK. I’ve never met a fanatic who understands any of this CSIRO data.
“Seasonal variation”
“Carbon dioxide concentrations show seasonal variations (annual cycles) that vary according to global location and altitude. Several processes contribute to carbon dioxide annual cycles: for example, uptake and release of carbon dioxide by terrestrial plants and the oceans, and the transport of carbon dioxide around the globe from source regions (the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink)”.
Quite. The Bud Light/Anheuser-Busch boycott appears to be having the desired effect.
Yes, the same old propaganda: west is best. More war anyone, maybe NATO can go kill a few slave owners?
Same theme … https://news.uchicago.edu/story/us-prison-labor-programs-violate-fundamental-human-rights-new-report-finds
I personally don’t care about China’s slaves. That’s their problem. My problem is working out how not to be one when they take over Aus. Given I work in agriculture and they like agriculture, I figure I stand a chance.
Australian governments are bound to attack agriculture soon, they have to in order to achieve their slogan zero 2050, so I fear my employment is limited anyway.
I am expecting a trading scheme in ‘Freedom Offset Credits’. Find some indigenous tribes in, say Brazil or Indonesia, round them up and “free” them into camps, then sell so many thousand credits to companies who can import from China with a clear ….
(Someone help me out here?. I was going to say ‘conscience’, but I doubt they have one,)
Book: ‘The Deliberate Corruption of Climate Science’
Book: ‘Human Caused Global Warming, the Biggest Deception in History’
Tim passed away on Sept 24th 2022