Macron suggests the EU take a “break”from more environmental regulations
h/t To NetZeroWatch
The left side of politics is fracturing over climate and energy. The Green Party of France is calling Macron irresponsible and accusing him of “climate denial” for the sin of daring to suggest the EU already has enough environmental regulations:
[Macron] insisted that, when it comes to the regulatory side, the EU is “ahead of the Americans, the Chinese and of any other power in the world.” During a speech on how to revive the French industry on Thursday at the Elysée, President Emmanuel Macron called for “a European regulatory break.” “We have already passed lots of environmental regulations at European level, more than other countries,” he said. “Now we should be implementing them, not making new changes in the rules or we are going to loose all our [industrial] players.” — Politico
Macron was not suggesting anything as radical as actually unwinding Green legislation. But the mere act of not pandering 100% to sacred Green goals meant pushback for apostasy was swift and hard and a complete overreaction:
“…from the left there has been only rage. ‘Absolutely irresponsible’ cried the Green MP Sandrine Rousseau, who said it wasn’t fewer environmental regulations that were needed: ‘On the contrary, we have to increase them.’
Her party colleague Sandra Regol levelled that most damning of accusations at Macron, that of ‘climate denial’, adding that he was ‘taking France back to the 1980s’.
Notably, these quotes are so toxic that the rest of the media are not mentioning them. After all, if Macron is a “climate denier” for not racing full tilt on the Green Express, it says something about the cult of Green. Let the absurdity shine.
“Build Back Better” has suddenly become “Build Back Factories“
Macron is clearly trying to speak the language of the jilted working class (even if he may not do much to live up to it). He was not trying to woo the Green voter. No wonder the Greens felt outraged. He threw an event on Monday for 200 foreign business leaders to attract investment and was even talking to Elon Musk…
Macron vows to build back factories, boost France’s economy shaken by pension protests
While Macron woos investors to help re-industrialize France and reduce Europe’s dependence on China and the U.S., protesters follow him around the country, banging saucepans to protest economic injustice and his leadership.
More than 200 international business leaders are expected Monday at the Choose France’ event staged at the palace of Versailles to promote foreign investment.
[ABC News (US)] Elon Musk was a surprise visitor, meeting first with Macron at the Elysee Palace with discussions about “significant progress in the electric vehicle and energy sectors,” as well as digital regulation, the president tweeted.
By far the most interesting write up was from Gavin Mortimer of The Spectator:
Is Macron finally taking on the cult of net zero?
The far-left France Insoumise were also outraged. ‘It’s not as if there’s a [climate] emergency’, tweeted a sardonic Damien Maudet. One of the party’s MEPs, Manon Aubry, thundered that Macron ‘is now using the same rhetoric, word for word, as the European right and far right, who want to kill the implementation of the rest of the European climate package’.
It’s almost like democracy still matters in France? Macron appears to be afraid he is losing voters and that French elections might follow the recent swing in the Netherlands where the Farmer Citizen Movement (the BBB) came from nowhere to win an astonishing 23% of the vote:
At the same time that the CGT and the French Socialists have been shedding supporters, Marine Le Pen has been attracting followers, many of them blue-collar workers who once voted left. Her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, founded the National Front in 1972, growing it from a fringe party to one that reached the second round of the 2002 presidential election by latching onto the two preoccupations of the working-class: immigration and deindustrialisation.
This same sense of grievance accounted for the success in April of the newly-formed Farmer Citizen Movement in the Dutch regional elections. As Eva Vlaardingerbroek wrote in The Spectator, the Movement had tapped into the ‘larger conflict between the authoritarian green agenda being pushed by our government and the silent majority paying for it all’.
The truth is that net zero has become a bourgeois cult, and their self-absorbed domineering has been tolerated for too long.
As the yellow vests told the environmental lobby as they took to the streets in 2018 to protest against a green fuel tax: ‘You talk about the end of the world while we are talking about the end of the month.’
Years of protests have achieved some kind of deferred pain for Macron, adding to the pressure for him to get back to reality:
Credit rating agency Fitch last month downgraded France’s sovereign credit rating, citing the protest movement. “Political deadlock and (sometimes violent) social movements pose a risk to Macron’s reform agenda,” the agency wrote. –– ABC News USA
But make no mistake, only last week Macron was giving tax credits to all the fashionable Green causes:
It follows a series of incentives announced by Macron last week to support innovative industries and transition towards greener technology. They include tax credits in fields like battery production, electric cars, hydrogen and wind power, as well as accelerating authorization for industrial projects. — Business Standard
So the new talk of a pause is a good but tiny step. It’s merely a deceleration on the race to Green Hell, but perhaps the momentum is shifting?
More heartening than anything is that Macron appears to care at all what French voters think.
We’re so used to voters being irrelevant to the UniParty — perhaps the recent Dutch elections have rattled the cage?
Photo: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service
We should never stop criticizing the climate propaganda – especially when it comes from the “official” IPCC.
“The new Report provides an independent assessment of the most important parts of AR6. We document biases and errors in almost every chapter we reviewed. In some cases, of course, one can quibble endlessly about our criticism and how relevant it is for the overall ‘climate narrative’ of the IPCC. In some cases, though, we document such blatant cherry picking by the IPCC, that even ardent supporters of the IPCC should feel embarrassed.”
The truth about carbon sequestration, or how farmers are being destroyed so you can eat crickets, and digital currencies will make sure that you do:
I started reading your link and immediately found a reference to Bill Gates buying up US farmland…..
There are 900 MILLION acres of farmland in the US, of which Gates owns 270 THOUSAND = 1/3000th in his slimy hands. One of my mates here in NQ owns more farmland than Bill Gates = I should NOW BE VERY AFRAID OF MY MATE??
Before reading any further, maybe you can assure me that the entire article is not just more hyperbolic BS. Please!!
Bill Gates has paid enormous amounts of money to aquire the land he now owns . This doesn’t include the land and agribusinesses that he owns through proxies . Your mate is probably in significant debt for the privilege of owning it . Sorry , no contest (and I don’t think you mate wants to rule the world either).
Yes Manta I hear you. If it was only Bill you would be right. But is just part of a much bigger picture. Biden is talking about idling 50 million acres in the US. I’m sure you must have heard how they are forcing farms out of production in Holland, even in Australia farmers have to offset cow farts by planting trees. Zelensky is selling off Ukrainian farmland to Blackrock to pay for the war. Eventually, there wont be any paddocks left as land is taken “offline”.
They will control what you eat using digital currencies. Eventually they are going to “ban” meat and dairy products for all but the very rich, because cows fart.
Once upon a time I would have laughed at anybody suggesting net zero, and all electric vehicles. But now its law in most European countries. And people want it, because they are led to believe that they are doing something good, making a sacrifice to save the planet. Meanwhile the Western oligarchs laugh all the way to the bank. They start bit by bit, one foot in the door and then the other, until its too late to reverse. The object is for big money to monopolize everything, and they will use climate change as the excuse. They will indeed take over the food supply.
You will own nothing. And you will be happy, because you are saving the planet. They will be filthy rich, and eat meat.
Ask yourself what the strategic value of each portfolio represents. Just how much bargaining power comes from owning highly productive American farmland versus (forgive me for being blunt) a vast expanse of dirt and toil? Don’t get me wrong, I greatly admire Australian farmers who manage to make the poor soils found outside the ‘green’ regions in our wide brown land, but measured on the basis of ‘strategic production’ old Gates has it over your mate a thousand times or more.
And that’s just counted as farmland. The vast majority of Australia’s large holdings are in areas that will probably never be used for anything other than grazing, whereas my understanding is that gates holds a lot of land that has development potential (I’m guessing it’s much closer to large urban centres and transport arteries).
Now I feel poor. My 1/4 acre of urban, rocky hillside couldn’t produce enough food for a starving wallaby
Keep in mind that France is a SUPERPOWER, at least in Napoleonic minds.
“Macron vows to build back factories”.
Now, where did I hear that before?
Oh, yes! MAGA!
It’s 2023 and we are at the apex of human civilization.
Never before have there been so many highly educated university graduates boosting our collective intelligence answer showing the path to equality and inclusivity.
With all that, we have to ask;
Why does Nothing in the world now make any Sense any why is the hard work of so many people over decades been smashed and ridiculed?
I think most the brain power was put to work on social and cultural manipulation by sociopathic power mongers.
The damage is baked in.
The reestablishment of non cult, non mass formation normalcy will take at least a decade.
One could suggest that most of the remaining successful experts are employed on projects in space – on earth not so much
Will be much harder and much longer than that. The gender demographic at Uni level is apparently about 60:40 (F:M) now (or at least skewed way above 50:50 where it should be). Two things come to mind from that: 1) We have seen the “college graduated female vote” in action over a few election cycles now and suffice to say as little as possible about it for fear of being banned from all social media…:-), and 2) from the above, the resulting powers (we now know that those who look like females do not necessarily promote the interests of that demographic, even though they ride on its coat tails to gain access where they might not be allowed into by any other criteria) driving the criteria for Uni acceptance has DEI as its main criteria with merit a distant last, so the battle will first need to be to regain some level of rationality in that thinking before anything good can be expected in the outcomes. The battle has just begun.
Keith, you’d remember the ’70s and maybe the ’60s. In the ’60s Australia’s economy went ahead in leaps and bounds, and fun was had along the way. The measure of an Australian’s wealth was the Holden car, and from about ’58 till ’70 the price of a Holden did not rise, while wages rose substantially, and the technology in the car improved too.
Then in 1969 Hawke took over the leadership of the ACTU, and from there it was all downhill. The ACTU busted any firm that tried to innovate, demanding all the benefits be paid to the workers up front. That’s not how innovation gets off the ground.
If the people of Australia understood the opportunities that were wasted under Hawke’s ACTU in the ’70s they would all jump off a cliff. It was that waste that puts us at the mercy of foreigners today.
Good one.
The closure of the Newcastle State Dockyard is a classic example of the things you talk about.
Meanwhile, in South Korea, the workers were getting the same pay rates as Newcastle because of the huge amount of work available and their sensible work practices.
The dominant thinking was, when the job is finished we are out of work. So let’s drag the job out for all we can get out of it.
The worst example I saw was the stretch of the New England Highway between the old Cessnock road at Rutherford and the 80k sign below the BP? servo. Less than a kilometre of road was a major construction job for about 15 years.
That was repeated in the same area in the early ’90s, when a small servo just west of Greta was apparently bought by a major distributor and replaced with a new modern complex. When the construction was complete the Departmrnt of Main Roads built the entrance from the highway. They dragged that job out for fully a year, during which time the ownership of the servo changed. The servo was prevented from opening
There was never any shortage of work that needed doing, but so much had been wasted on inefficient work practices that there was no money left to undertake another job.
It was in the early 80’s, the age of Hawke and the “worlds best treasurer”, Keating, that financial deregulation, free-trade agreements and globalization began. If you had’ve voted for Howard/Liberals you would haven gotten the same policies, because the whole world adopted those policies. And now the West has been de-industrialized and is debt ridden. Go figure.
The more University degrees there are within a government, the dafter the govt becomes
Today’s universities don’t educate, they indoctrinate.
It is the fulfilment of the 1967 plan of the German communist Rudi Dutschke’s “long march through the institutions”. That idea originated with the Italian communist Anthony Gramsci. It represented an “intellectual” Marxist take over of society without violent revolution.
Obvious sarc there.
They are producing cultural jihadis.
KK. I think you’ll discover it’s EQUITY, not equality, being promoted.
Equity has usually been thought of in monetary terms. How much equity do you have in your house? Are you invested in fixed interest, or equities? Etc. Generally, the value of what you own, minus any outstanding financial liability against it = your equity.
Once leading leftists (mostly very rich people: billionaires and oligarchs: see Davos crowd: their sycophant servants) realized they could turn human beings into wage and tax slaves, they decided that THEY (the rich) had no desire to enjoy “equality” with them THEY much prefer owning the tax / wage slaves, and now talk about the EQUITY they own: the human “capital”.
WEF: “The slaves will own nothing and be happy. We will have own all the equity, and be even happier!” Got it now Keith?
The equality of the cognoscenti is not unfeigned.
It is not mercy that rains down on us from the WEF.
Spell check has changed and to its own thing, twice.
Go the AI bots.
Whilst what France does is encouraging they generate most of their electricity from nuclear. Because of the age of reactors it’s not as effective as it could be but at least it’s effective. Australia is heading to a green disaster and becoming totally uncompetitive. We will manufacture nothing and be totally reliant on resources. But with the greening of our resources sector and huge amounts of red and green tape it won’t be long before our main customers China and India will source their resources from primarily Africa and South America. With the Greens in charge of the agenda here there is more sovereign risk here than in most other countries in the world.
Victoria, Australia has already refused to send coal to India which they wanted. And I don’t believe for an instant the government claim that there would have been a “voter backlash”. Few people care.
What sort of insanity is that?
Incidentally, Batchelor never had a proper job, he was only ever a union organiser or a politician then became president of the Community Broadcasting Foundation, which redistributes taxpayer money to community broadcasters.
BRICs is already becoming more and more emboldened every day – see them aligning on NOT condemning Russia for Biden’s Ukraine debacle and evenly openly calling the US’s bluff on AGOA like South Africa is currently doing. Those who are strong players in mining (except the geniuses down under of course) pretty much know the main customers for raw materials are going to be the likes of India and China so they’re playing to that tune now.
We are an emerging nation and should consider joining BRICS after Putin’s demise.
Countries applying to join BRICS:
Exactly why the estblishment rigs elections where ever they can, especially in America.
In Australia, election standards are reasonable, although not foolproof and no ID is required to vote although you do need to know an address and date of birth.
However, election scamming in Australia is a bit different. Australia is one of the few countries in the world with compulsory voting.
The Left faction of the Uniparty relies on compulsory votes from the uninformed, the apathetic and the uneducated who are forced to vote. They typically offer more and more “free stuff” to these people.
It’s cruel to exploit people like that when they have little awareness of what’s going on and would rather not be involved in the voting process.
David maaaate, we don’t have compulsory voting. We have compulsory attendance to get your name scratched off the list to show you have turned up and not cop a fine. That ballot paper is yours to do with as you please, draw pictures on it, play noughts and crosses on it, write limericks on it and stuff it in the box, particularly as there is not many candidates worth voting for at any time. The brain washing of the plebs must be kept up that you have to vote for the illusion show.
Strictly speaking that’s true Rusty, but the practical outcome is that a vast majority of people who are forced to attend a polling place end up filling in the ballot paper in the manner their Uniparty volunteer tells them as instructed on the “how to vote card”.
One day “you can all get stuffed” will win an election . None of the above would romp it in . Expletive deleted should get a run too….
There are reasons why some of us believe that all Senate voting should be done “below the line” and done without “errors”
‘ … vote for the illusion show..’
Has the Westminster system passed its used by date?
Beijing is amused and wonder when the penny will drop.
“Although signed in 1975 by Labor Senator Don Willesee, the Lima Declaration has had far reaching effects, and can clearly be seen as the blueprint for the disastrous policies embracing the bizarre philosophy known as “Globalisation”.
The Second General Conference of the United Nations Industrial Development Organisation (UNIDO) met in Lima, Peru, during the period 12-26 March, 1975. The resulting declaration had disastrous ramifications for Australian industry. The basic reasoning behind the Declaration was that the drastic plight of the Third World was the result of the rapacious policies of the advanced industrial nations. Australia listed as one of these. The only way to rectify the situation was to transfer industrial resources from advanced countries like Australia to the Third World, then to provide markets for Third World exports by buying products once produced locally.
Both major parties are equally to blame for betraying the nation. The Fraser Government took over where Whitlam left off, Hawke and Keating increased the tempo of the programme with Mr Hawke, Keating, Button and other senior ministers telling unsuspecting Australians they were working to ‘internationalise’ the Australian economy. The truth is, they were sowing the seeds that has almost decimated Australian manufacturing and industry and has seen Australian jobs disappear overseas.
More than half of Australia’s manufacturing capacity has been destroyed since 1974 and the economic carnage continues while Australia imports vast quantities of goods once produced locally. While we’re ploughing oranges into the ground, we’re buying concentrate back from Brazil. Our car industry has all but disappeared, steel making is on it’s knees and our petroleum industry is under severe threat of being moved overseas. If a situation arises where there is a serious threat in the region, we will be unable to defend ourselves. The Declaration will leave Austraia short of technology, tools and jobs and we can thank scores of useless and short sighted politicians for that – on all sides of Parliament.
In 1970 estimates numbered Australian farmers at around 300,000, the number is now below125,000.”
Add UN Agenda 21 and following emissions reduction targets Kyoto, Paris and Glasgow Climate Conferences.
Thanks Dennis, good read.
Dennis, about those farmers.
Almost from its inception in about 1980 the National Farmers’ Federation has been the greatest enemy of rural Australia. They are a bunch of elitists employing modern scholars, all of whom believe in their hearts that they have done a good job by halving the number of their constituents.
In the mid ’80s the NFF, led by Cambridge educated Ian McLachlan and employing a couple of supposedly smart young Andys, Stoeckel and Robb, they told us that our biggest problem in Australian agriculture was intervention by foreign governments in our markets. This was true and correct. Our competitors around the world were subsidised heavily, and we were subject to various trade barriers. I think most of us already knew that.
THey told us that what we needed was free markets. All the world needed free markets. If we showed the way all the world would follow our example. So they took us on a jaunt into the moral high ground of economics with a new policy which they later named Unilateral Trade Reform.
It took only two years to show that the rest of the world had no interest in our moral high ground, and Unilateral Trade Reform was suicidal lunacy. But so far as I know the NFF never recanted it.
Now the NFF believes that farmers can make money out of carbon trading in what is in the long run a zero sum market. For every big winner there has to be a lot of little losers.
All of which is now overtaken by Albo’s new carbon credits, which won’t just grub money out of the system, they will terminate agricultural activity on farmland purchased for carbon credits.
Bjorn Lomborg has declared that optimistically, “Organic Farming” can support 4.7 billion people. With two wars already, linked no doubt by disruption to food supplies, don’t be surprised if we reach that figure in 5 or 4 years if politicians do not act now to prevent it..
These links underline Australia’s place in the world:
Based on a question yesterday on shipping queues I did a check at the ports. These are apparently not abnormal queues these days.
In April Queensland coal ports shipped 16Mt. An annualised rate of almost 200Mt. Average price given mix of met and thermal, say USD250/tonne. So just under AUD75bn per year from just the Queensland ports. Think of it as soft solar panels and dark flat screen TVs because that is how it comes back.
Australia is riding the NetZero wave of the western world to keep China’s global takeover of manufacturing on track. All good until China decides it would make more sense to send people and know-how to Australia. That know-how comes with strings though. The sort of strings their Victorian envoy put into practice two years back.
Great history Dennis, love your contributions. LIMA led to GATT and then the almost complete obliteration of Australian manufacturing industry. An industry our forefathers knew was essential for an independent Australia because the WW2 experience taught them how un-prepared we were to defend ourselves. Populate or perish were the buzzwords. So similar mythical ideals to the climate change policies of present government. For the yesteryear globalists, the pipe dream of a ” level playing field’, which was always such a joke. For the climate alarmists, lets try and change the weather in 50 years time by reducing humanity’s tiny 2-3% of 0.04% CO2-a colourless, odourless, inert trace gas so rare, it’s almost extinct & exponentially exceeded by Water Vapour as a ‘greenhouse gas.
These are words only from this grub.
I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could kick “electricity Bill”.
Another ploy they use to lull the people. Tell them what they
want to hear and then do NOTHING, OR, the exact opposite.
Srsly, this is the man who has united France, against him, by unilaterally raising the pension age. This is his latest, and some would say childish, attempt to get attention.
Not sure Peter. The politician’s instinct for survival can be predatorally primitive and powerful. If uncomplicated by ideology.
Let’s see what the industrialists have to tell him. And I’m sure Musk would have spelt out fairly clearly the needs of industry when they met up.
The common-sense policy of attempting to slow down the green/marxist/totalitarian anti-society agenda of un-elected bureaucrats…
… would seem childish to some people who support that agenda.
They might comment as such, just to seek attention.
Peter F:
I don’t think childish. More likely to try and head off a backlash at the next election, or more likely a possible revolt. Already he has lost a majority (2022) in the Legislative and with him not able to stand again, and facing a Left and Right revolt against his plans, he needs to gain some influence among the general public or his second term with end in chaos. Hence he wants all local Government offices (Mairies) to fly the EU flag as well as the French flag to influence some who’ve done well out of the EU (farmers in particular).
“While Macron woos investors to help re-industrialize France and reduce Europe’s dependence on China and the U.S., protesters follow him around the country, banging saucepans to protest economic injustice and his leadership.”
They’ll need cheap and available energy and liquid fuels to do that… otherwise, it’s a pipe dream.
Lets hope the Dutch disease spreads to more countries as reality starts to bite the whole population. Up until now the green impost affected small groups who had low voting power but as more now feel the pain the pushback will come and politicians will have to take note. Bowen of course is immune because he is not smart enough to know he is doomed.
It will take a while to hit Australian shores if our lazy, insolent and dumb media has anything to do with it.
Don’t think you can call them “lazy” in the true sense of the word – they’re working really hard to further THE CAUSE. But I get where you’re coming from. They’re “lazy” in pursuing the topics that stand out like sore thumbs for investigating and enquiring about.
Yes Rupert, and of course there is always “journalism-by-press release” too.
I am afraid you are kidding yourself, Jo. Macron is simply obeying the First Law of Politics.
There are only two Laws in politics: –
Law 1
– SAY whatever is necessary to get reelected.
Law 2
– DO whatever is necessary to please those who control the purse strings.
The saying and the doing rarely have much in common.
MV, maybe read the whole post before you pour in the cynicism and essentially say what I already said?
“Macron is clearly trying to speak the language of the jilted working class (even if he may not do much to live up to it)”
Watch out France, Elon can smell some rents for the taking.
Elon may meet some French resistance.
BBF? ‘Build Back Factories’?
Bombs & guns & tanks don’t make themselves, and with that Ukrainian grifter, Agent Z, bludging his way round the hallowed halls of Europa, ploughshares need to be turned into swords to – what’s that catchcry – enslave the planet.
I’m with John Cleese when it comes to these Franc’n’steins.
So why doesn’t the Macron donkey just refer to co2 emissions from 1970 up to 2021 or is he really too stupid to understand the real world data?
The Wiki graph covers all countries and confederations 1971 to 2021 + transport and shipping.
You’ll note China, India and other developing countries co2 emissions have SOARED since 1970 and since 1990, while the wealthy OECD countries emissions have not increased over the last 53 years.
So how many more TRILLIONs of $ do the OECD countries want to WASTE for a continuing ZERO return?
And over 80% + of our TOTAL global energy is still generated from FOSSIL FUELS. Why doesn’t Macron and the clueless EU + the USA etc THINK about and understand the REAL world DATA?
Are these people really that clueless and ditto for their so called scientists?
These are very simple sums, so why their ongoing BS and stupidity? Or do they want to WASTE another 53 years and endless TRILLIONs of $ for NOTHING?
French Greens are all in a rage,
At Macron who will not engage,
With their ultra green goals,
And those Dutch farmer polls,
May also have rattled his cage.
BTW the clueless Mann donkey is still obsessed with the well informed and decent Dr Judith Curry and he’s aided by other crawlers to try and tear her down.
They are just a mob of gutless cowards.
Mark Steyn nailed the Mann Donkey with his book “A disgrace to the Profession”.
He linked to all the REAL scientist’s opinions about this silly fool and his so called studies.
IOW Mark Steyn at his best and a very easy way to accurately point out Mann’s problems.
“The truth is that net zero has become a bourgeois cult, and their self-absorbed domineering has been tolerated for too long.”
That is it in a nutshell! If the poor took an interest and voted they would have more power than the Teals and their acolytes, but it never seems to happen.
Remember the fable of the little boy with his finger in the dyke?
If Macron pulls his finger out the dam of religious green fervour might burst?
I think old EM is being eminently practical with regards to more environmental regulations. When they say “environmental regulations” we all know that just means reductions in CO2 and NO2 emissions. He had a peek over at what happened in the Netherlands and would like no part of trying to impart further crazy green regulations on the French farming industry. Because you have to remember nearly all European agriculture is heavily subsidised. In some countries, and this is true of Dutch farming, the government literally pays the farmers. So, when you get the Far Left Green elements into government they say the same. ” We own the farmers because without government subsidies they would not be in business, so will dictate any further NO2 reducing polices we like”. I suspect the far left factions of the French government are making similar noises. Now, if you thought the Dutch farmers put on a great protest they have nothing on French farmers. Anytime French governments have attempted to rationalise farming subsidies there are huge tractor demos bringing Paris to a standstill, politicians get pelted with rotten tomatoes and huge tanks of cow manure are offloaded onto the doors of politicians offices. The French love their food and so the farmers also have huge support. Mr Macron is not going to jeopardise his morning croissant or his beef bourguignon any time soon. Well not unless he likes it flavoured with wine vinegar, rotten tomatoes or cowsh*t.:-)
World Economic Forum puppet and Prime Minister of the Netherlands, Mark Rutte, is closing down independent Dutch farms en masse, with the intention of replacing them with WEF “Food Innovation Hubs”. None of this has anything to do with preventing the imaginary “climate emergency”, and everything to do with centralised control of the entire global food supply. Why? Because a population that is dependent on globalist “food hubs” to avoid starvation, will be a lot more compliant with unfettered totalitarianism than a population with easy access to an abundance of food. (source – WideAwakeMedia @wideawake_media (Twitter))
On the one hand we have:
On the other hand we have:
If Macron is really winding back from Net Zero, why is he spending so much time with Elon Musk, the worlds biggest government teat sucker?
Elon is the worlds biggest spanner in the Uniparty censorship plan. For all his imperfections he blew away their technocratic control of social media platforms and exposed the Censorship Industrial Complex. Censorship needs to be near total to work. One big platform where people can find the truth out is a major breach in the dam.
The tax credit pandering to the Greens is real, but how much is it worth?
Umm, so how does Elon get around the law with Twitter? Turkey has a law that shut Twitter up during their elections. Elon had a choice: be an activist and shut all of Twitter in Turkey or obey the Turkish law. Turkey is a democracy, so it is difficult to argue with the law, the Australians all being committed democracy adherents. As a corporate executive he did the sensible thing and obeyed the law.
Twitter banned Denninger for criticising the new Elon CEO, the WEF minion paid by Soros who is now running Twitter: twitmo for 12 hours. So how is that free speech? As for revealing the censorship industrial complex, please, we (those still thinking, as are the majority on this site) all knew that was happening, we all suspected most of what was revealed, during the Covid pandemic the Twitter censors were doing the government’s bidding, we all knew that.
It did not take Elon Musk to reveal that, even a six year old could see what was happening. Elon Musk has ripped it apart to credit his “good guy” account while instigating his own censorship protocol from now on, and that is not a free speech protocol, it cannot be, he is not the law maker. Anyway, he has a Soros puppet in the CEO seat.
No, Twitter is not one big platform where people can find the truth, no it is not a big breach of the dam. This is the man helping the green movement do their transhumanism, their AI, their electric cars etc. all backed by big money. We get all these revelations, yet nothing really changes, it is just the same old shite, different style. Until Musk stops taking tax money for “green”, he is a bad guy.
Like I said, Twitter is the spanner in the Uniparty works. Nothing that happens now changes what Twitter has been for the last six months. Has Elon been heavied into appointing the WEF CEO? Did he appoint her as Sundance at CTH suggests to be “cover” for DEI in a powerless figurative role, or is this another victory for the faceless men?
Without Elon we didn’t have the receipts — the details of the Censorship Industrial Complex. We didn’t know the FBI and CIA were reading the private messages. Yes, it was suspected, but that’s very different from fact, and much more dangerous to the bad guys. You might be easily convinced by rumor but most people need more than that.
Elon has put his life’s work on the line. He would have been far better off staying in the club of billionaires that get treated like heroes. Instead he took a business risk that has cost him billions. If he was just a Green moocher he could have done a “Bill Gates”.
I guess the CCP hate Twitter too eh?
My reply disappeared, I hope that was a glitch. In its place, here is something to ponder
leopard doesn’t change it’s spots.
Here’s the solid proof of their TOXIC W & S disasters and can’t even generate enough energy for about 2000 people on King island.
Yet the EU, USA, Aussies etc BELIEVE you can generate enough energy for millions of people around the world.
So where is their real world data and evidence for these clueless TOXIC disasters?
>“climate denial”
Deny this climateers:
The Industrial Revolution has had a minimal effect on atmospheric CO2
By Andrea Widburg
Cites this paper:
‘World Atmospheric CO2, Its 14C Specific Activity, Non-fossil Component, Anthropogenic Fossil Component, and Emissions (1750–2018)’
Skrable, Kenneth; Chabot, George; French, Clayton1
Health Physics 122(2):p 291-305, February 2022.,_Its_14C_Specific_Activity,.2.aspx
“Our results show that the percentage of the total CO2 due to the use of fossil fuels from 1750 to 2018 increased from 0% in 1750 to 12% in 2018, much too low to be the cause of global warming”
This article demonstrates that this whole climate club scam is based on that little boys game of mines is bigger than yours.
…and the latest school playground insult is:
” yeah? Well your dad drinks Bud Light!”

The best way to destroy the lefty climate loonies is to give them what they want and force them to experience the realities hiding behind their delusional beliefs.
Power cuts between 6pm – 12pm, so no lights, heating, cooking, internet, teh-lie-vision? Aaawww, it’s annoying I know, but you are saving the planet!
They’d do a full 180° in the first week.
Macron was one of the key protagonists of the climate movement, including the extreme de-industrialisation policies that have brought Europe to its knees. No doubt he knows French history very well [SNIP] and he can feel the first wisps of an anti-climate revolution wind that’s gathering strength. Fear has a tendency to expose weakness [SNIP]
[Serge. You know why I snipped, right? – Jo]
If this is the weong place for this I appologize
Jo and others please consider.
ICJ letter
Hi Gentlemen/Ladies,
I has been observed that any attempt to prove or convince the IPCC or the WEF, the UN or any of its cohorts that CO2 is not a culprit of any significant effect on climate is futile.
With this UN request to the ICJ to provide a statement on the obligation of states with regard to their anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases there exists the possibility of influencing and/or convincing the ICJ that CO2 is NOT a contributor to climate variation.
Without going into the multitude of real science reasons why the rare gas, CO2, with its limited ability to absorb the infrared radiation exiting from the planet, and the other methods like conduction and convection in the atmosphere that can cool the planet, it MUST be possible to assemble a cadre of the most respected qualified an erudite world-wide scientists to create a multi-faceted presentation to the International Court of Justice in the Hague for their consideration of 2023/12 (chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/ and to argue that the advisory opinion on the responsibilities of governments to consider climate change must remove consideration and restrictions of “anthropogenic emissions of green-house (carbon) gases” from their advisory opinion.
It must be shown, proven and stressed that climate change (if any) and the effects on the people and planet are NOT associated with anthropogenic carbon based emissions in ANY significant way.
With this Gore-inspired root cause of catastrophic global warming scam refuted and defeated the whole push for Net Zero will be shown to be a useless and wasteful exercise.
I doubt I will be able to share this suggestion to all the relevant people so request the people who manage to receive this pass it on to those that you know who will be able to help conspire to initiate and complete this written statement to the ICJ, and have it delivered.
Yours Sincerely Don A BSc, Melb.
PS. Restricting the statement to purely explaining CO2, its effects, benefits and refuting all the CO2 lies, and avoiding talking about climate change at all, might avoid being ignored like this was.