Watch on SteynOnline or ADH TV
By Jo Nova
My appearance with the wonderful Mark Steyn Tuesday is playing at SteynOnline, or on the Australian ADH TV.
Mark was tickled with the idea from my article last week: The science is settled but we just found 19,000 new volcanoes. He also wanted to talk about The crime of talking to Tucker Carlson and the Red-pilling of Naomi Wolf. We discussed other major science surprises like the mass phytoplankton blooms that seed clouds. That was another rule breaking surprise just two months ago — that moment when researchers realized that all the toluene and benzene pollution over the Southern Ocean was actually not caused by humans at all, but by phytoplankton.
We discussed the odd coincidence of how all the places that are warming in Antarctica seem to lie over the top of a 91 volcanoes we only discovered a few years ago. As I said, we know the surface of the moon better than we know the depths of the ocean. Only three men have visited the Mariana Trench and it’s only 11 kilometers from the surface of Earth, but 12 men have walked on the moon.
— It was a lot of fun. Bear in mind that it was 3pm for Mark and 3am for me. We really are on opposite sides of the world.
What if a volcano blows up underwater, and nobody hears it…?
Doing research for this I wondered if we would know if a volcano erupted under a kilometer of water. The answer, it turns out, is often “Not”. If they don’t trigger a big seismic wave, the best we can do is look for floating rafts of pumice, and discoloured water containing bits of silicon, iron and aluminium oxides. Yes, it’s that bad. Volcano’s might be going off on Earth and we wouldn’t know.
Indeed, after Hunga Tonga surprised everyone — people started to wonder if there might be other volcanic surprises lying in wait on the sea floor. How would we know? We haven’t a clue. A lot of the time we don’t even know after they have erupted — let alone before. People might think there would be a heat signature on the surface of the ocean, but that only works for shallow volcanoes that are already putting out hot lava. With the average ocean four kilometers deep and sometimes up to 11 kilometers deep, a 3 or 4 kilometer mountain can appear on Earth and we likely won’t even notice.
Matthew Blackett at Prevention Web: “How ocean colour changes can signal an imminent eruption”
It’s rarely acknowledged, however, that most volcanic activity on Earth occurs beneath the sea. Submarine volcanoes are pretty much ubiquitous in all of the world’s major oceans and it’s estimated that 75% of the Earth’s magma output comes from mid-ocean ridges.
To make things trickier, many known submarine volcanoes are found far from land, and being underwater prevents scientists from observing any changes by conventional means. So how do we monitor them?
Can you imagine what it would cost to install seismic detectors all around the Pacific Rim or along the Atlantic Ridge?
Scientists have managed to install equipment that detects tell-tale tremors on the sea bed before. This research has helped reveal the seismic precursors of a submarine eruption – the signs that one is imminent – similar to what scientists had already documented in volcanoes on land. Installing this equipment does not come cheap though, and it’s not possible to do it everywhere.
An impending eruption can be detected in subtle temperature increases on the volcanic surface. For submarine volcanoes, these are harder to spot. The heat signatures of submarine volcanoes will only ever be visible at the sea surface if a volcano is in shallow water and already erupting hot lava. At that point, it’s too late to warn anybody.
Drive your nuclear submarine carefully.
A note from Mark for Australian fans:
Today’s edition of The Mark Steyn Show can now be viewed on ADH TV Down Under. The show will be posted every day, Tuesday to Friday, at 5pm Australian Eastern
Jo Nova, thanks for posting this, Mark Steyn sightings are always welcome here.
Brilliant interview! Jo and Mark covered every issue that conservative politicians should be, but AREN’T, speaking up about!
The rather interesting correlation between seismic activity and temperature (lagged 2 years) adds significant weight to the possibility that undersea volcanic activity has been the cause of much of the slight warming over the satellite period.
Add in the strong solar forcing from the last 50 years into the ocean heatsink, https://ibb.co/jvh4dzr
Add in the effect of decreased cloud cover over the topical oceans, https://ibb.co/HVXGb5K
There really is no need to fantasise about scientifically nonsense such as warming by increased atmospheric CO2.
So-called climate change scientists disregard geothermal sources as contributing to the Earth’s radiative imbalance on the basis that heat transfer from that source is so small (100 to 200 milliwatt per square metre) compared with the (1361 watt per square metre) irradiation at the top of the atmosphere.
However, NASA claim that the radiative balance has averaged only about 600 milliwatt per square metre over the past 12 years (with no imbalance in some years).
It appears quite possible that geothermal heat transfer may account for the entire imbalance.
“So-called climate change scientists disregard” everything except CO2 because they are lazy and incompetent.
They also disregard energy losses from global tidal displacement, which would be about 40 milliwatt per square metre referred to the top of the atmosphere.
Their estimates of radiative balance are BS.
Great interview and discussion Jo.
The comments by Mark before you came on were also interesting such as Commissar Fauci and Jacinda Trudeau trying to deny they ever recommended or imposed mandates and/or lockdowns for covid but Mark shows otherwise.
Also significant was the Biden Maladministration lifting most remaining vaccine mandates (from May 11) including (seemingly) for non-US citizen travellers to the US. However, as Mark points out, the CDC, contrary to this policy, has just announced that non-citizen travellers to the US have to have had at least one experimental covid vax injection after Aug 16, 2022.
Even though the US is removing most remaining mandates, there is no suggestion that Australia will be removing remaining vaccine mandates. Australia is an even more fanatical follower of the covud vaccine fraud and WHO than the Biden regime.
All those volcanoes becoming active in a few years of each other and becoming the causes of ice loss. Are there similar volcanoes in the arctic? Are there similar volcanos in the Andes, Europe and Asia? Strange how a global phenomenon can be caused by local events.
Nice to see a thought being mulled over PF.
Have you heard of the ‘Snowball Earth’ hypothesis and the thought that volcanic activity was responsible for the melting of a large part of the covering of ice?
Glaciers grow and recede all the time. Did you know that at Glacier National Park in Montana, US, they had to remove signs predicting the imminent demise of the glaciers by 2020? Because the glaciers refused to disappear.
And what is the problem in any case? The world is not static, as Aristotle thought. We know differently now.
And so does the Arctic ice cap vary year to year and century to century.
Again, what is the problem? The world is not static, as Aristotle thought. We know differently now.
You do realise, I hope, that even if the whole floating Arctic ice cap melted, it would not alter the level of the oceans by one mm (assuming its composition is the same as the water from which it froze, there are some exceptions)?
And when in human history have periods of natural global warming ever been a bad thing?
The Minoan, Egyptian, Roman and Medieval warm.periods were all times when civilisation thrived. We are not currently as warm as those times.
And periods of natural global cooling such as the a little Ice Age bring famine, war and disease.
The Chinese are well aware of the consequences of global cooling for their civilisation that’s why they have no problem with being the world’s largest CO2 emitter, by far. (Based on the false assumption that CO2 causes global warming.)
SEE graph at https://c3headlines.typepad.com/.a/6a010536b58035970c01b8d0f76684970c-pi showing why Chicomms are not worried about supposed global warming but terrified of global cooling.
Peter, can you give us some reasons why volcanic activity in the Antarctic is not, or cannot be responsible for melting ice…?
The mass of the Southern Ocean is so large, that for the observed ocean warming, many many volcanos would have to simultaneously and continuously erupt in a manner they weren’t doing for hundreds of years. It’s nonsense. Just like Jo assuming that every newly discovered sea mount is an active volcano.
Yet a tiny increase in a tiny component of the atmosphere, with a radiative frequency that cannot penetrate even a tiny fraction of a mm, can ?
Get your fantasies straight. !
Southern oceans have been cooling, and OHC is just a tiny wiggle after cooling to the LIA. https://ibb.co/xGtNY9Z
Everything you say is complete and absolute nonsense, based on nothing but AGW religious mantra.
Simon >”assuming that every newly discovered sea mount is an active volcano”
Who does that?
It’s not just volcanoes. Hydrothermal vents release enormous amounts of energy directly into the ocean – unlike greenhouse gasses, which don’t.
Hot magma is the heat source – not greenhouse gasses.
Deep Sea Hydrothermal Vents
“In 1977, scientists exploring the Galápagos Rift along the mid-ocean ridge in the eastern Pacific noticed a series of temperature spikes in their data. They wondered how deep-ocean temperatures could change so drastically—from near freezing to 400 °C (750 °F)—in such a short distance. The scientists had made a fascinating discovery—deep-sea hydrothermal vents. They also realized that an entirely unique ecosystem, including hundreds of new species, existed around the vents. Despite the extreme temperatures and pressures, toxic minerals, and lack of sunlight that characterized the deep-sea vent ecosystem, the species living there were thriving. Scientists later realized that bacteria were converting the toxic vent minerals into usable forms of energy through a process called chemosynthesis, providing food for other vent organisms.
Hydrothermal vents are like geysers, or hot springs, on the ocean floor. Along mid-ocean ridges where tectonic plates spread apart, magma rises and cools to form new crust and volcanic mountain chains. Seawater circulates deep in the ocean’s crust and becomes superheated by hot magma. As pressure builds and the seawater warms, it begins to dissolve minerals and rise toward the surface of the crust. The hot, mineral-rich waters then exit the oceanic crust and mix with the cool seawater above. As the vent minerals cool and solidify into mineral deposits, they form different types of hydrothermal vent structures.”
# # #
There is no need to specifically focus on active, but transient, volcanoes – there’s plenty of continuous non-GHG energy to quantify.
Given the lack of knowledge that quantification is at present just a WAG (Wild A**** Guess).
FAST FACTs from the Nat Geo article:
Hydrothermal vents have been found all over the ocean, including regions of the Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Southern and Arctic oceans.
The deepest vent located so far is in the Cayman Trough, which is the deepest point in the Caribbean Sea. The trough is located along the boundary between the North American Plate and the Caribbean Plate.
At approximately 400 °C (750 °F), the vent fluid of black smokers is hot enough to melt solid metal.
# # #
It is impossible for greenhouse gasses to have even the minutest fraction of energetic input to the ocean than black smokers hot enough to melt metal.
Alarmists and their lackies must heat their water by breathing high concentrations of CO2 above it…
The idea of heating from below, probably never crossed their tiny minds. !
James asks:
“Peter, can you give us some reasons why volcanic activity in the Antarctic is not, or cannot be responsible for melting ice…?”
Simon answers:
“The mass of the Southern Ocean is so large, that for the observed ocean warming, many many volcanos would have to simultaneously and continuously erupt in a manner they weren’t doing for hundreds of years. It’s nonsense. Just like Jo assuming that every newly discovered sea mount is an active volcano.”
# # #
The question was in respect to the Antarctic. Like the “Doomsday” Thwaites glacier in the West:
That West Antarctic melting couldn’t be caused by volcanoes could it? [2014]
Simon’s answer immediately deflects from the question (a non sequitur), either by intent or ignorance.
Either way, this is clearly Simon’s main tactic or mode of operation (MO).
It gets tiresome.
Oh dear, Peter,
Foot in mouth again?
The Hunga Tonga eruption was a local event.
Have you noticed that the aerosols that it produced are still very noticeable in each day’s sunsets?
Is that not a clear indication that volcanic eruptions can trigger outcomes worldwide?
From an extensive literature on the topic, you might care to read, for example, the very readable: “The year without summer: 1816 and the volcano that darkened the world and changed history”, written by W K & N P Klingaman.
Thanks Jo, once again, for your insight.
Paul Miskelly
To sunsets you might add the real possibility, once again brought to our attention by Jo, that those aerosols may have produced the wet weather of recent years. Every farmer knows that you can make money out of mud but not much out of dust.
Here you are Peter:
1864 The Ever-Receding Tipping Point
Eighteen-Sixty-Four Tipping Point Warns of “Climatic Excess”
“As early as 1864 George Perkins Marsh, sometimes said to be the father of American ecology, warned that the earth was ‘fast becoming an unfit home for its “noblest inhabitant,”’ and that unless men changed their ways etc.
1922 The Arctic Ocean is warming up, icebergs are growing scarcer
1923 Montana Glacier could disappear by 1948 Says Professor Waterman.
1924 Montana Glacier could disappear in 25 years Says Dr. Matthes US Geological Survey
1939 Scientist warns all the glaciers in East Greenland are melting rapidly, like those in Norway
1940 Scientist warns many glaciers in NE Greenland have receded and it would not be exaggerating to say they are nearing a catastrophe
1947 Scientist warns Arctic warming at an ‘unprecedented’ rate.
1952 Montana’s Glacier Park may need new name The giant glaciers are melting away and could be gone in 50 years say naturalists
1970 New Ice Age coming — Kenneth Watt (founder of Earth Day) said that the Earth is cooling and by 1990 the World will be 2.2℃ (4℉) colder and 6℃ (11℉) colder in the year 2000
1974: Another Ice Age — Armadillos moving south
1978: ‘No End in Sight’ to 30-Year Cooling Trend — Armadillos are moving South. People from northern USA should follow.
1981: Scientists (including Steven Schneider) warn global warming would see Buckingham Palace 7 feet underwater
2009 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2020?
2010 Signs installed about glaciers being gone by 2020
2014 No more Glaciers in Montana by 2034? What will they call Glacier National Park (Montana) in 30 years when all the glaciers are gone?
2019/20 Signs removed (all 29 of them)
2021 All of the glaciers in Glacier National Park are expected to be gone by 2030,” said Noah Greenwald, director of endangered species for the Center for Biological Diversity (CBD)
Roosevelt Glacier (Glacier National Park?), strongly linked to AMO. https://ibb.co/LY3jQ36
Scientists say. We know now that they can say anything they want and no matter how ridiculous the MSM will report it. The take away should then be believe nothing that either the MSM or scientists say because they are seldom correct and even when right they mostly exaggerate. The recent Covid extremes in addition to the climate hyperbole has given science a bad name such that anyone who thinks for themselves will ignore it. The story of the boy who cried “wolf” was prescient and plays out daily.
PF, it is thought that part of Antarctica which has the higher volcanic activity has been like that for thousands of years. That part of the continent has supposedly warmed but it represents a much smaller portion of the continent. It’s also the bit that extends up more into the slightly warmer parts of the southern ocean. The greater part of the continent hasn’t warmed, nor is it melting. It’s only the northern arctic that has warmed – so the term “global warming” is a complete misnomer.
‘Strange how a global phenomenon can be caused by local events.’
Not so strange after all.
Strange that we can track ocean seismic activity.. and it matches atmospheric temperature really well. https://ibb.co/Qd8CVdV
You do know that many glaciers are quite large compared to the rest of the Holocene, having only formed during the Little Ice Age…
… and that they generally start receding well before any possible effect from human CO2.
Arctic sea ice is still in the top 5-10% of the last 10,000 years.
Your comment, as usual, has very little basis in reality.
“‘Strange how a global phenomenon can be caused by local events.’”
You mean… like urban warming affecting the surface data, even before alarmist tampering. ??
And electronic temperature sensors reading a 1 second intervals being used in the fabrication to surface temperature trends?
Is that what you are referring to.?
“Are there similar volcanoes in the arctic?”
LOL… Does Iceland count ?
… or the fact that Greenland lies over a moving magma sac?
Andes.. well yes.. a few eruptions still going on.. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andean_Volcanic_Belt
Perhaps this will help you. https://emergency.cdc.gov/situationawareness/NaturalHazards/images/worldvol.jpg
And those are just the land volcanoes.
Here we see it in real time.
A big warm blob just off-shore of erupting land volcanoes..
So localised that it MUST be CO2!
>”All those volcanoes becoming active in a few years of each other….”
Jim Fairgray asks something similar at #21:
“I’m wondering if submarine volcanoes could be the culprits for the bigger climate cycles like Roman warming period and medieval warming period, and cycles like the Maunder min. causing cooling.”
My response(s) at #21.1 from Cap Allon (Electroverse)
Cap Allon:
“Volcanic eruptions are one of the key climatic forcings driving Earth into its next bout of global cooling.
They have been shown to increase in both number and explosivity during times of prolonged solar decline–thought to be tied to an influx of cosmic rays (CRs) penetrating and exciting silica-rich magma. In short, during solar minimums the Sun’s magnetic field weakens and the outward pressure of the solar wind decreases. This allows more CRs to enter the inner solar system, including our own planet’s atmosphere.”
‘ … and becoming the causes of ice loss …’ in Antarctica.
el gordo – that article deserves better exposure.
2019-2020 South Pacific Blob and Antarctica Warming in February 2020
By Alvin Wong and Wyss Yim
Volcanoes Study Group, Hong Kong
Hot blobs beneath the sea surface formed by the release of geothermal heat through submarine volcanic eruptions and/or sub-aerially erupted hot volcanic materials including lava flows into the sea are an underestimated natural cause of ocean heat waves 1. Recent examples include the 2013-2016 North Pacific Blob 2,3and the 2018-2019 Southwest Indian Ocean Blob 4. The present study on the development of a blob in the South Pacific Ocean referred to as the 2019-2020 South Pacific Blob 5 has provided evidence to account for the observed recent warming in Antarctica including a new hottest temperature record on February 6, 2020 6 and heat wave conditions dramatically changing Antarctica in just 9 days 7.
At least three volcanic eruptions (Figure 1) have been identified to contribute geothermal heat during August to December 2019 (spring and early summer in the southern hemisphere) to create the South Pacific Blob with an ocean surface temperature maximum attained on December 30, 2019 (Figure 2). Out of these, two were initially submarine volcanoes located in the territorial waters of Tonga and one was an island volcano with a crater just above sea level off the North Island coast in New Zealand waters.
To paraphrase Obama – GHGs didn’t build that.
There are volcanoes all around the globe. There were a couple of major eruptions, about 2 weeks ago, of 2 volcanoes on the Kamchatka Peninsula of Russia, which I think were probably responsible for the extra-wavy jetstream and manic weather we’ve been having across the States, since.
Think of a volcano as a giant vortical heat pump. The plume is often full of lightning. They pump out heat, CO2, and other gases. They’re like a stationary tornado, are they not? Wouldn’t they create a low-pressure system? But, unless they shoot enough ash into the atmosphere to darken the sky around the planet for months on end, zero consideration is given to how they may impact the weather, by either meteorologists or climatologists, as far as I can gather. It’s like they don’t exist. One of the few scientists who examines the possibility of weather impacts is Wyss Yim. He credits the rise of a brand new volcano off the sea floor near Madagascar a few years ago with providing the energy that fueled 2 massive East African cyclones.
The senseless averaging of weather and temperatures happens in very select places.
JB >”One of the few scientists who examines the possibility of weather impacts is Wyss Yim”
One of the co-authors of the study el gordo presented at #4.12. Expanded at #4.12.1.
So, a new volcano off the sea floor near Madagascar a few years ago provided the energy that fueled 2 massive East African cyclones.
And, three volcanic eruptions contributed geothermal heat during August to December 2019 (spring and early summer in the southern hemisphere) to create the South Pacific Blob.
These are non-trivial events.
And GhGs didn’t do that.
And just when you thought things couldn’t get any more crazy:
“Myriad factors likely account for these trends, with some speculating that global warming has contributed via a reduction in ballpark air density.”
If that was the case, there would be Boeings falling out of the sky everywhere, you couldn’t make this garbage up.
But they did – and sadly, some will believe.
I wonder how many top players from 1980 would have got a game these days?
Are there a higher percentage of home runs hit in the southern states, than in the northern states?
If not, their fantasies are baseless.
If so, then is there a shift to play in the warmer states?
Without that sort of data, their comments are meaningless.
The same with golf balls, making older courses too small. The culprit though is well known, improvements in golf balls and irons as people pay more and more for game winning technology. Plus athletes getting much bigger and stronger with better nutrition and big money sports attracting bigger people. In Australian rules football which used to be amateur like all sports except boxing, you were a ruckman at 6’2″ like Sam Newman. Now Richmond’s Matt Colina is 213cm or 7′. Obviously all climate change.
And it’s the very first time in history accepted that it is a reasonable proposition that humans controlled the weather. Really? It’s a long way from the Greek god Jupiter on Mount Olympus throwing down thunderbolts. Or Mt. Etna, the one red eyed giant as Cyclops throwing boulders. Or Nepture controlling the seas.
No, we believe in the idea that humans control the weather with their magic fossil fuels through the tiny invisible gas carbon dioxide.
Pull the other leg! You would think such an outrageous suggestion would have to be proven, but not in the new world of Climate Scientology nothing has to be proven. It’s true because the international political body the UN says it is true. Without proof.
So pay up. UN administered worthless Carbon credits. And worship the electric battery. Has anyone proposed putting windmills on Easter Island yet? They should appease the wind gods.
Touché TdeF.
We have become as gods! Except, the bigger gods keep throwing boulders and lightning bolts at us while we scurry about trying to pay bills and buy food and keep the lights on: The Never-Ending Greek Comic-Tragedy Story.
Congrats Jo, too. A fine delivery, a breath of fresh air: we’re living on this jewel of life spiralling through the great unknown while ‘the bigger gods’ yell it’s a flat, 2-dimensional world and it’s broken and it’s all our fault so kneel down and pay up. Meh, it’s more enjoyable throwing rocks back at ’em.
>”Home runs in baseball….some speculating that global warming has contributed via a reduction in ballpark air density”
Roger Pielke Jr debunked this with 5 minutes of research:
The Honest Broker @RogerPielkeJr
There is an obvious control group, AAA baseball (completely ignored in this new paper)
And home runs are down in AAA
Maybe climate change only has effects in the major leagues?
Silly science is still fun!
[Followed by]
Climate change did not lead to more home runs in Japan 1977-2003
Attribution science is tricky like that
And climate change has not caused more home runs in NCAA D1 baseball
Climate attribution is a tricky business, I tell ya
[And finally]
So let me summarize the state of play
Climate changes causes more home runs in MLB
But it does not in AAA, Japan or NCAA D1
It took me all of 5 minutes to gather this data
On a more serious note,
Science? Peer review? Journalists?
These climate change spruiking scientists are in A League Of Their Own
Thanks again Jo for your knowledge about the science of so called CC or so called AGW and it’s a pity that so few people have ever been shown so much of the critical data since this delusional nonsense infected so many lazy minds over the last 35 years.
Your clear thinking during Mark Steyn’s interview is like a breath of fresh air and you’re always prepared to support your claims using the latest available data.
Thanks again for your courage and hard work.
Thanks Neville, but I have to give a lot of credit to Mark. How many interviewers would even want to show those graphs? I suggested three, and he and his team enthusiastically said yes to all of them.
Most newspapers however will show bond yield graphs but hardly any climate graphs.
Since the ocean volcanoes are not new, i.e. they have been there forever and we have not been aware, is it necessary to monitor them? I suspect the cost of the monitoring equipment is huge but would it be greater than the billions wasted on the faux science of climate change? If it is necessary why not give the BoM the gig? They will make up the data and pocket the change. Just tell it what result you want and they will, scientifically of course, find it.
Forget the monitoring, that’s many steps ahead. First thing that needs to be done is an admission that all those active seamounts might in fact have an effect on sea temperatures, which in turn affect weather and climate. Baby steps.
Lawrie, even if we ignore the threat of most of the volcanic eruptions in the mid Atlantic Ridge say, we probably ought to be monitoring the ones close to large cities on the Pacific Rim.
But in terms of our climate trends, we need to figure out some way to monitor the oceans much better. If solar magnetic effects (or any other solar or orbital factor) are changing hydrothermal vent activity, or magma flows. We’ll never get climate models to work unless we find a way to allow for these other variables. Perhaps long term proxies are more realistic and we need some ocean floor cores. Perhaps neural net type “models” which are fed these long proxy details will provide better predictions. Farmers need climate models that work. And so do national policy bunnies…
Has a study been done on the potential effects on Silicon Valley of the major earthquake (magnitude 6.7+) in the San Andreas Fault that is forecast to happen some time in the near future (2032) according to the United States Geological Survey?
Stephen, I’m sure it has been done, but at this rate the Democrats will destroy San Fran before the San Andreas does. Have you seen the crime rates there?
No wonder the Antarctic is melting a bit from below, hullo, it isn’t global warming.
As an aside from underwater explosions, it seems the Japanese have developed an array of wave movements and depths monitors sitting in the ocean off part of the eastern shore of Japan. Apparently, the most recent tsunami in that region in 2011 (due to a underwater earthquake) caused a large loss of life because the warning given the people was too late for thousands to move. The monitors were land-based.
I should say the monitors that were land based were seismic monitors not measuring wave movements and depths!
BTW Willis Eschenbach quotes the recent NATURE study that found no warming over Antarctica for 70 years.
So those pesky undersea volcanoes haven’t caused any obvious mischief since 1950 at least.
See his reference to the NATURE study at the link.
And as a re-post from yesterday –
There is a new book out by Peter Frankopan. He is a Professor of Global History at Oxford University in England. The book is called “The Earth Transformed: An Untold History”. The punchline is – ‘By far the biggest risk to global climate change comes from volcanoes’.
These UN plonkers and Climate Alarmists have only looked at the World over the last 200 years at best. This Professor has looked at everything as best he can over the last 4 billion years. Top that if you can you Charlatans.
CO2 is a harmless gas that is ESSENTIAL for life on Earth. Ask the Trees and plants what they think. And then ask the Animals that need to eat something.
Warmists love taxpayer-funded adventure holidays* such as to the poles, Himalayas, the Great Barrier Reef or tropical rainforests etc.. So why don’t they go to the Antarctic to monitor these volcanoes?
On second thoughts, not. Their findings would be the opposite of the truth.
* Taxpayer-funded adventure holidays. Remember The Ship of Fools?
British taxpayers contributed much of the funding to the Ship of Fools.
And did they ever repay the Australian taxpayer $2.4 million for their rescue?
The 2016 Turner et al BAS study also found that the Antarctic Peninsula has been cooling since the late 1990s.
Again this appears to be natural variability and just one more thing that the Gore loony got wrong. So let’s hope the undersea peninsula volcanoes continue to behave themselves.
Here’s hoping ADH.TV takes off. It’s a slightly unfortunate name however. Sounds a bit too much like ADHD, so you can bet all the lefties will start their ad-hominem attacks soon, based on that.
I apologize, I neglected to mention that this report was from November 2, 1922. As reported by the AP and published in The Washington Post — over 100 years ago! FACT CHECKED!
Thank you Mark
Thank you Jo
Never forget that the reason for the
TOXIC clueless W & S is supposed to be for the hope of nicer weather and climate.
But in Denmark these offshore wind disasters can fall to pieces and plunge into the sea and be very dangerous for shipping.
But our clueless Aussie govts are also in favour of these TOXIC, UNRELIABLE, DANGEROUS disasters and they intend to waste billions of $ of taxpayer’s money for decades and for ZERO change for our climate.
I’m just thinking of all the ongoing maintenance to keep this garbage going, solar panels to be washed, broken and failed windmills to be repaired/replaced, overly long transmission lines to maintain for bushfires and storms, the list goes on.
Of course the technology to monitor and measure undersea volcanic activity already exists. What is lacking is the will and funding to do so.
That can easily be fixed. Just convince the alarmists that climate change causes volcanoes, rather than the other way round. They will suddenly become much more interested and bingo! – billions of dollars will be made available for satellites and sensors.
Mr. Cornubia: You think alarmists would be drawn in so easil…….
Nah, couldn’t finish that sentence.
The submarines involved in undersea mount collisions USS Connecticut $US3b and the USS San Francisco 15 years ago.
At this rate a submarine hitting an iceberg might just be on the cards.
>”warming in Antarctica seem to lie over the top of a 91 volcanoes we only discovered a few years ago” [Hotlink]
That post was back in 2014. So now it’s in “Older Entries” under the Antarctica Tag.
That West Antarctic melting couldn’t be caused by volcanoes could it? [2014]
I knew there was something like that topical for the recent post ‘The science is settled but we just found 19,000 new volcanoes’, but didn’t think to dig back 9 years ago. Time flies.
Seems to be some sort of physics constant – what is the time lag for when mainstream climate science catches up to independent bloggers on the subject of humungous terrestrial heat ?
I was severely rounded on and mocked years ago at the now defunct warmist enclave NZ blog Hot Topic for even mentioning “mysterious undersea volcanoes” and hydrothermal vents. Verboten apparently.
What is a hydrothermal vent?
Years later, after Hunga Tonga which was similar in size to the Krakatoa explosion in Indonesia in 1883, here we are.
The eruption in Tonga: what we know one year on
“Remarkably, it was caused by a volcano that lies under hundreds of metres of seawater. The event shocked the public and volcano scientists alike.
Was this a new type of eruption we’ve never seen before? Was it a wake-up call to pay more attention to threats from submarine volcanoes around the world? The answer is yes to both questions.
The Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano was a little-known seamount along a chain of 20 similar volcanoes that make up the Tongan part of the Pacific “Ring of Fire”. We know a lot about surface volcanoes along this ring, including Mount St Helens in the US, Mount Fuji in Japan and Gunung Merapi of Indonesia. But we know very little about the hundreds of submarine volcanoes around it.”
“Mysterious” indeed.
‘Scale of 2022 Tonga eruption leads to rethink on underwater volcanoes’
“A new report has revealed Tonga’s underwater volcano disaster triggered waves up to 90 metres high.”
“One of the co-authors, Auckland University Professor Shane Cronin, said the findings increasingly show what a monumental event the eruption was.
“Everything we knew about the explosive power of submarine volcanoes has been completely thrown out the window,” he said.
Professor Cronin was one of the first academics to visit the post-eruption site of the Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai volcano.
“We realise from this eruption that there’s a whole type of volcanic activity of submarine volcanoes that we never imagined could happen.
“It’s really opened up our eyes to another type of volcano and now that we’ve seen this example we can now start to better understand other submarine volcanoes.”
The record-breaking volcano was 500 times more powerful than the bomb that hit Hiroshima, generating a mushroom cloud that penetrated the atmosphere that was visible from space.”
‘Blessing in disguise’
“Tonga’s main island of Tongatapu is known for having very fertile soils, the reason for which had been a puzzle for scientists until the eruption.
“We’ve always known that the content of our soil in Tongatapu and ‘Eua is fertile because of volcanology but we couldn’t explain how these fertile soils were deposited because the nearest volcanos are 70km away and we assumed volcanic ash from submarine volcanic eruptions couldn’t fall more than 20km from the source,” said Kula.
[Taaniela Kula, the head of the Tonga Geological Service]
“That changed on January 15th, because we realise now that submarine volcanoes can submerge from the seafloor and spit out tonnes of cubic materials far out onto islands and make them fertile.
“We’re bearing fruit four times a season now because of the fertility of the soil because of the mineral rich ashfall from the eruption.”.
I’m wondering if submarine volcanoes could be the culprits for the bigger climate cycles like Roman warming period and medieval warming period, and cycles like the Maunder min. causing cooling.
Jim >”I’m wondering if submarine volcanoes could be the culprits for the bigger climate cycles …”
But what is the trigger?
Cap Allon at Electroverse on that:
“Volcanic eruptions are one of the key climatic forcings driving Earth into its next bout of global cooling.
They have been shown to increase in both number and explosivity during times of prolonged solar decline–thought to be tied to an influx of cosmic rays (CRs) penetrating and exciting silica-rich magma. In short, during solar minimums the Sun’s magnetic field weakens and the outward pressure of the solar wind decreases. This allows more CRs to enter the inner solar system, including our own planet’s atmosphere.”
Links to this earlier post:
Cosmic Ray Flux and Global Cooling: the implications are upon us
As discussed many times before, Earth’s ever-waning magnetosphere –likely occurring inline with a magnetic pole shift and perhaps low solar activity (as well as other poorly understood forcings)– is resulting in even minor impacts having a larger than usual affect.
Our planet’s magnetic field strength is weakening, down some ≈20% from the 1800s.
This waning is due to two key factors: 1) low solar activity, and 2) our planet’s migrating magnetic poles.
As Earth loses its dipole magnetic shape –due to the shifting of its magnetic poles– the overall field strength weakens and its protective shield against potentially harmful space energy is reduced. This means every enhancement of the solar wind, every crossing of the Sun’s current sheet, and every CME has a larger and larger impact than it ordinarily would, both directly on the upper atmosphere, and also indirectly through the ionosphere’s equator-traveling waves that come from the aurora.
The weakening is accelerating.
In the year 2000, we knew the field had lost 10% of its strength since the 1800s, another 5% was lost by 2010, further accelerations occurred in 2015 and 2017…..”
Warmists believe “climate change” causes volcanic activity.
Great. It now becomes important to find as many active volcanoes as possible, therefore funding will be made available and the gravy train continues.
How they think “Climate Change”(lol) causes seismic activity, 2 years in the past…
… and how they think a change of couple of degree C or less will trigger an Earthquake or volcano, when summer to winter swings are many times that amount…
Is beyond me !!
Queen, the pop group, said… It’s a kind of magic !!
(note: for the comprehension challenged… The temperature on the graph is lagged two years)
The absence of logic in relation to cause and effect is remarkable. It reminds me how during the pandemic when pro-vax exponents would dismiss people claiming to have suffered vaccine injuries, stating that their side effects were “correlation, not causation”. Conversely, it seems a lot of these people may now also think climate change is causing volcanic activity, it simply cannot be conceived by them as correlation…
Volcanoes & earthquakes -out of sight, out of mind.
Then we have other curiosities like Pythias’ Oasis or the “ocean” between the core and mantle and other things that aren’t important, ‘cos the (rigged) science is settled, and realities disrupt the money flow.
Love Mark Steyns work – Would be great to see Jo get a regular gig on his program.
Great interview Jo.May there be many more!
I hope this becomes a regular occurrence Jo. You and Mark are two of the smartest, bravest people I have ever had the privilege of meeting.
Trying to decide if “congrats to Ms. Nova for snagging a spot on MS’s program” or “congrats to Mark Steyn for snagging an appearance by Ms. Nova” was more correct, and then decided both were valid. Good show!
[…] Read more: https://joannenova.com.au/2023/05/jo-nova-talks-to-mark-steyn-about-volcanoes-and-free-speech/ […]