A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Not a bad April Fool’s joke, or is it?
Lots of people do really believe in “perpetual motion”, probably the same fools who think you can run an industrial civilisation on batteries, windmills and solar panels.
Their quality and volume of thinking does a very good job of imitating perpetual motion. In a scatological sense.
that invention is pure genius!
Two earlier April 1 jokes I can recall were the the classic BBC News item on the problems with spaghetti growing in Italy causing a worldwide shortage, and when a local TV station advised that the Royal Yacht, in port at that time, was open to the public.
Dick Smith towed an “iceberg” into Syd Harb once. He was a real character I wish I knew.
But cars have batteries and batteries start cars so batteries must make electricity.
I mean how do they make electricity out of coal?
It is said that repeating a statement will eventually leading to it being believed.
So I’ll repeat my statement once again, Artificial Intelligence is alive & living in Canberra!
Artificial intelligence is no match for natural stupidity……..
Software’s been hacked!
Excellent plugs on Outsiders this morning by Rowan Dean for this blog.
Do you have a link? It doesn’t seem to be on their website or YouTube yet.
Sorry, just saw this and to add to being useless, no I don’t.
Damn , missed it this morning .
Just seen it as outsiders has a repeat but condensed version which should be on tomorrow as well , was the weather segment Rowan does and was about weather cycles of flooding , droughts and fires since settlement .
Very good article about “liberals” (US sense), i.e. Leftists.
Published on November 4, 2018
On the Subjective Mental State of Liberals
written by Charles Haywood
In 1974, philosopher Thomas Nagel famously asked “What Is it Like to be a Bat?” Nagel rejected reductionism, the idea that all consciousness can be reduced to simpler components identical for all sentient beings. Instead, he held that for each type of conscious being, there is a unique mindset embodying what it feels like to be that type of being. These subjective experiences are called the “qualia” of consciousness, the internal viewpoints inherent to a sentient creature. Nobody can say what the qualia of a bat are, but I am here to analyze a closely related question: what are the qualia of a liberal?
By liberal, I do not mean classical liberal, or even the American moderate Left that until the 1960s was ascendant in the Democratic Party. Rather, I mean left-liberal, or progressive, the ideology of cultural Marxism, of the Frankfurt School, now dominant in the Democratic Party, as it has been dominant for some time in the academic world and in other worlds controlled by the Left, such as the media-entertainment complex. What goes on behind their eyes? To a neutral observer, the externally visible political actions of today’s liberals are irrational and incoherent. The simplest explanation for their behavior is that liberals are people of low intelligence, and that they are not educated (whatever degrees they may have). An alternative simple explanation is that they desire evil and hide that desire, so their actions and stated reasons do not match. But, while both are possible explanations, it seems unlikely that that any of this is how they perceive the world and their actions. So again—what are the qualia of a liberal?
The first quale is that liberals do not see reality as it is. What their eyes perceive is not the truth, because everything is filtered through an ideological lens, which removes anything that contradicts their ideology before it can enter their minds. Reality is totally subordinated to political ends, which are derived purely from abstractions.
The second quale, related to but distinct from their divorce from reality, is that liberals use key words, first inside their heads and then spoken out loud, only after mentally assigning them new meanings designed to serve their abstract political goals. For example, in current political discourse, we constantly hear that anything not Left, and especially Trump, is “corrupt” and “illegitimate.” These words are used because liberals know that anything not in agreement with them is bad, and they know that the words “corrupt” or “illegitimate” designate bad things.
The third quale, again related but distinct, is emotivism ruling rationality. Any matter perceived by a liberal that affects his political worldview is not analyzed objectively, nor are his conclusions supported logically, but rather with unbridled emotion. Occasional efforts at rationality are made, but upon any examination or challenge, emotion swamps any such attempt. Why?
The fourth quale is breathtaking arrogance, blended with a nebulous, yet unshakeable, conviction of their own moral superiority, both tied to the belief that history is a wave and liberals are destined to ride it like the Silver Surfer. The origin of this is not anything rational, such as an analysis of the past and measured predictions about the future, but an insatiable desire to lord it over supposed inferiors, feeding the human desire to feel that one is on a higher plane than others. This characteristic is often the most evident in particular political discussions, such as those surrounding global warming.
As described this could also equally be the quale of a narcissist. Perhaps liberals are just narcissits?
If Donald Trump is unsuccessful in 2024 USA elections I suggest we make him an offer to be PM of Australia. He’d put Australia back on track in about 10 minutes!
You do realize how much the IRS would want from Mr Trump to “give up” his US citizenship?
Might be enough to balance the US Federal budget…
Schools are full of students whose main objectives are to learn nothing and to drag others down to their level. Of those students, the ones that had any kind of success in later life tended to be drug dealers. But they have a much better career path open to them now – politician. First they took over Gang Green, and now they are well up the ladder in all major parties.
Your “drag you down to their level” reminded me of the saying:
Never argue with an idiot (liberal) they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
Reminds me of something i learnt early, you are who you hang out with. Difficult at times but you avoid a lot of stupid sh1t.
David Maddison:
You might be able to run relying on batteries and renewabes except there aren’t enough minerals to build either the batteries, the windmills and solar panels.
I don’t believe this is an April Fool’s day joke.
The peer reviewed paper:
There was an article, I believe in Nature, that discussed how certain trees in South Africa, when having their leaves being eaten by Giraffes and Elephants, were able to communicate with other trees in the vicinity, that immediately started emitting non-attractive toxins.
Here is one link:'t%20hear,their%20production%20of%20leaf%20tannin.
And other links to similar tree communication:
“The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate – Discoveries from a Secret World”
It seems like tossing in the phrase “machine learning algorithms” is a sign that you are ‘hip’ these days..
..and this is why you need to talk to your plants!
King Charles is way ahead of us.
We used to have a CIO that loved to throw out tech and management phrases du jour. He used to love having global “town hall” meetings (yes American company although he wasnt)
People gathered in conference rooms around the world to waste hundreds of man hours listening to his latest wisdom.
Oddly, because it was in Europe not Oz, in my room the staff had a sort of BS bingo betting game going on. The would select key phrases and the 5 minute time window in which they would be first used. Winner take all, usually around 100 swiss francs.
In the early 2000s it was RFID, MPLS, “perfect storm” , “right sizing” , “synergy” and similar. He never let us down.
Israelis are way behind us. We’ve had talking turkeys for yonks!!
“Italy knows…”
Australia, being one of the most fanatically committed countries to the anthropogenic global warming fraud and wokeness in general, I see no strong movement here against entomophagy.
In fact, the control freaks have kids eating this garbage poverty food in 1000 Aussie “schools”.
Remember when the singer ‘Prince’ scrawled ‘slave’ on his cheek, to protest against his record company?
What if Trump turns up to his ‘arraignment’ with a message printed on his cheek e.g. “Lock Up the Bidens!”. ?
That’ll look good in the mugshot. Dumb idea or not?
I believe he will have his Secret Service detail with him at all times: that rules out the booking staff attempting to scrub his cheek, doesn’t it? They wouldn’t allow an assault like that, I assume.
But he needs to keep cool, as we all do. I suspect the FΒI has provocateurs in place.. Don’t play into their hands!
So stay cool everyone. I think the Donald is about to become a folk-hero…
PS. Any other suggestions for how he can turn the mugshot into the greatest marketing tool in history?
I think the arrest and mug shot are already the greatest marketing opportunity in history.
Which makes me wonder why the regime are doing it. Are they desperate? Or clueless? Or in need of the biggest distraction in history? Or sure that they’ve got him this time for sure?
No. None of that.
They want violence – pure and simple.
I think you’re right.
And the Globalist Ruling Class, who hold the purse strings of the Democrat Party, were getting impatient — so they jerked on the leash of Bragg, a dim bulb who I expect had a path cleared for him through Law School because of his ethnic group.
So Bragg had to move, the call came from above.
Yes. Keep in mind that we dont have reliable information about the charges President Trump faces. The info we do have is from unsourced leaks from the Grand Jury or the DA’s own office and if the information is correct then the informant has committed a felony.
The “information” may be misdirection.
The mug shot, if released, will be on more T shirts and coffee mugs than Che Guevara.
Scary stories or legitimate?
After covid, we can no longer trust the “authorities”.
Aussies warned to get vaccinated ahead of flu season
A doctor has issued an urgent warning to Aussies as the early figures for flu cases indicate a grim outlook for the winter ahead.
Madeleine Achenza
less than 2 min read
April 2, 2023
About 15,000 people have reported a flu diagnosis in the country in the last three months.
East Sydney Doctors general practitioner Dr Brad Mackay said when cases rise so high this early in the season it’s usually an indicator of a High Peak later in the year.
However, Dr McKay warned that vaccine fatigue is high after three years of the Covid-19 pandemic and the majority of the Australians receiving at least two to three vaccines within that time frame.
“A lot of people are tired of getting the Covid vaccines, we’re trying to dish them out at the moment,” Dr McKay said.
Flu vaccines are available in doctors surgeries and pharmacies but uptake has not been high as yet, according to Dr Mackay.
“They’ve had general practices this week as well, they’re out there, but low numbers at present.
“We are wanting people to remember to be vaccinated.”
Last year about 225,000 reported a flu diagnosis across Australia with 308 people dying as a result of contracting the virus.
The normal flu vax that’s been around for many years is quite OK. Be very, very wary of the mRNA ( Covid ) based vaccines. It nearly killed me!!
“Last year about 225,000 reported a flu diagnosis across Australia with 308 people dying as a result of contracting the virus.”
Again, I’m a bit slow.
Flu and COVID are separate things?
So 225,000/308 was on top of the COVID casualty number?
Were any of the alleged ‘COVID’ mass tests actually able to distinguish between flu and the Great It ?
My dazed recollection is that all flus were the Great It during the Great Pan It.
Or there wasn’t much interest in distinguishing.
It is hard for me these, after the Great Pan It, to not eye roll when the ‘experts’ speak.
They sound like maroons.
Fauci, Dan A, and Jacinda, (bright lights among many others) could literally sub as a Looney Tunes caricatures.
(If there is a Gaia, in the future their faces will be commonly resourced for mockery.)
But never mind me.
I was pre-boy who cried wolfed by the C Hoax.
So just yawned when the P showed up.
Now yawning about AI.
We are now ruled by crying boys … I mean persons … or those who identify as something other than persons … I apologize to any hysterical maroon whose chosen identity I may fail to acknowledge … during my short remaining time in Clown World.
“I apologize to any hysterical maroon whose chosen identity I may fail to acknowledge …”
Why should you apologise for THEIR psychological problems. ?
I did make reference to hysterical maroons.
It is true.
I apologize.
(I think it is illegal to call hysterical maroons hysterical maroons in Canada, Scotland, Wales and NZ. Not sure about Oz and what’s left of UK.)
Also … there was a serious question in my reflexive sarcasm …
were the mass virus tests actually able to distinguish between SARS COV and other respiratory symptom producing bugs?
China approves first home-grown mRNA Covid vaccine
22 March 2023
China has approved its first home-produced mRNA Covid vaccine, months after ending strict pandemic rules.
Drug regulators cleared the vaccine, developed by CSPC Pharmaceutical Group, for emergency use, the company said.
China’s labs have been trying to create an mRNA vaccine for years – the country refused to clear foreign-made ones for widespread domestic use.
Studies show Chinese vaccines have been less effective than mRNA shots in preventing deaths and severe illness.
Acquittal before the trial. Do PRC drug regulators use a Washington jury?
The Dirty Secret About Trans Violence
Psycom Pro is a psychiatry resource for clinicians, and last year it concluded that “More than half of transgender individuals experience partner violence or gender identity abuse.”
In 2020, seven experts published a study in the American Journal of Public Health on “Intimate Partner Violence in Transgender Populations; Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Prevalence and Correlates.” They concluded that “Transgender individuals experience a dramatically higher prevalence of IPV [intimate partner violence] victimization compared with cisgender individuals, regardless of sex assigned at birth.”
The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reviewed the literature on domestic violence in the LGBT community and found that “43.8% of lesbian women and 61.1% of bisexual women have experienced rape, physical violence, and/or stalking by an intimate partner at some point in their lifetime, as opposed to 35% of cisgender women.” It also found that “Transgender individuals may suffer from an even greater burden of intimate partner violence than gay or lesbian individuals.”
In addition, virtually every study concludes that trans people suffer from high rates of depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation and suicide, making it plain that this is a mentally challenged population. How much this contributes to their propensity for violence is not known.
(JC2 – I have accessed and read the quoted research but can’t link to it, because…secret methods. 😉)
Transgender man says he REGRETS his transition | ‘It’s cosmetic surgery, it doesn’t fix anything
I’d class it as mutilation rather than plastic surgery, but…
So the rainbows and pink unicorns in fantasy world are disappearing fast as reality bites. Mentally disturbed living lies together is a recipe for disaster.
There will be an entire generation of mentally and physically scarred young adults commiting suicide or spending their lives on psychiatrist couches as a result of the loony-left’s plan to destabilise society, ending relationships and ignoring basic biological realities.
Any medical person party to this madness should be struck off permanently.
No doubt this will all result in future legal action tidal waves as we’ll see with fakevax ™.
Just as there was the thalidomide tragedy with around 100,000 affected children who carried deformities for life (and still do), the “transgender era” will similarly be marked with children (many more than the thalidomide tragedy) who have been mutilated and sterilised by woke transgender procedures and who have been lied to by being told they can really become functional versions of the opposite sex.
I hope those responsible for promoting transgenderism to children are sued and otherwise severely punished.
Coca-Cola produces as much as $2BN of pure COCAINE every year in a secretive New Jersey factory – all thanks to its iconic recipe and a VERY special arrangement with the DEA
A small chemical processing plant hidden in a quiet neighborhood of New Jersey has an exclusive license to import coca leaves into the US on behalf of The Coca-Cola Company and manufactures as much as $2 billion of pure cocaine every year.
The leaves are used to produce a ‘decocainized’ ingredient for the iconic soda and the cocaine byproduct is sold to the nation’s largest opioid manufacturer, which markets the powder as a numbing agent and topical anesthetic for dentists.
The unassuming facility in Maywood has been processing coca leaves for Coca-Cola for over 100 years and is now run by a chemical manufacturer called Stepan Company.
It operates under special licenses issued to it by the DEA and is the only company in the US permitted to import coca leaves and manufacture cocaine.
And just this year, on January 30, Stepan successfully renewed its petition for permission to continue importing the controlled substance into the US.
The DEA did not respond to a request from for details as to how much coca the company imports, but in the 1980s it was was reported that more than 500 metric tons of leaves could enter the plant in a single year.
Five hundred tons of leaves might produce something in the region of two million grams of cocaine – which, according to pharmaceutical company listings online, could be worth around $2 billion.
Cocaine still has some legitimate medical uses.
It’s difficult to imagine that they can use 2000kg per year in the US though…
Brand names: Numbrino and Goprelto
“Studies show …” Well, I wonder who did the studies?
With the level of propaganda and unethical behaviour from Western scientists, who would believe them over Chinese vaccines being no good..
The other articles on that page are fascinating. This is what the BBC think British people are interested in-
Shopping lists making a comeback to save us money
Five hacks to help save money on your food shop
Three ways to win the rental property race
Rent prices: Have they gone up in your area?
What is happening to house prices?
What do I do if I can’t afford to pay my debts?
Energy bills: Discounts and payments that could help
How much is council tax going up?
Maybe things are getting really tough in Britain.
There is an odd site on Youtube where (among other things) the host sets himself challenges to feed himself with three meals for a small amount, typically a pound, but recent inflation has driven the to a pound and thirty something pence. The channel is Atomic Shrimp if interested in some quirky stuff.
Germans have those great words to describe things. Schadenfreude for example, which is the pleasure enjoyed from another person’s misfortune. Wind droughts that stop turbines producing power are called” Dunkelflautes”, which is a compound word meaning “dark doldrums”. Miranda Devine, the Australian journalist working for the New York Post has drawn attention to a new word ‘totting’. English for totschweigetaktik. Means ‘death by silence’ and refers to a tactic employed to kill issues and news reports by simply ignoring them. Totting has been applied to numerous stories in recent times. Hunter Biden laptop, Twitter files, Nordstream II pipeline explosion story, adverse vaccine reactions and many more. One more of the reasons these days to not trust MSM.
China’s flagship EV’s are exploding in huge numbers
And these are the top quality EV’s AND also sold here in Oz..
I saw something on the weekend about them, going off like Guy Fawkes night.
A Sign of the future and this is for Children? Europe gone mad ...Gone? GOING and accelerating
take a look at this .. is it my Destiny , or what, when I’m fed up with UK Media offerings and have an earworm from listening to music instead ( Birdsong? huh – distant traffic noise drowns it out …Covid, NAY – LOCKDOWN, showed us what we missed.) … and channel hopping on Satellite TV.
Look at this … I’m saying no more – When the Dutch farmers do what they do…..der Club der haesslichen kinder and it for children ! ?? Put anything close to hand AWAY before you watch!
Journalists are thinking they are going deep, by asking the government if the voice will have a say in defence, or health care, when surely the thing to be asking about is immigration? All going to plan, wont the landlords have a say in what australia’s population should be? And how can they agree with the present 300 000 pa immigration numbers swamping them? Maybe there will be another huge jump in people declaring themselves aboriginal?
That’s my plan and I am going to change my name to Voice and send a bill for contract fees.
Judging by the SA premier’s take on the “voice” in SA, it’s simultaneously an excellent and amazing step forward, empowering Aboriginal people, while also being something that can just be ignored.
I think it’s a massive step backwards to have something written into the constitution that is based on any particular race, but then, I’m not a racist like the people who will vote “yes”.
After the loss of a blue ribbon seat in a Vicdanistan by-election this weekend, there are now only three federal Liberal seats in the Melbourne area out of 26.
That seat had been Liberal since 1990.
The Liberal Party is bad, but it is still slightly less bad than Labor, so why do the Sheeple keep voting Labor?
“so why do the Sheeple keep voting Labor?”
Who said they do?? We only see the results of the counting, not the votes. Its the man who totals the vote counts up who puts people into power, not the voters..
Q. Why do the Sheeple keep voting Labor?
A. About 15 per cent of Aston’s population is Chinese. … Even in its safest seats, Labor saw huge swings towards it [in 2022] from Chinese voters.
Yep, and no coincidence Daniel went on a private tour to China with no local journalism. Possibly didn’t matter because it was probably all over the Chinese social media and news sites the ex-pats use extensively.
Dan might fancy repackaging the belt and road with the help of Albo.
Here is a China Daily editorial, which means its Xi’s thinking.
In 2007 PM Howard MP for the Bennelong Electorate in Sydney for over thirty years, a seat he took over from a Liberal MP who had also held the seat for a very long time, but at the 2007 election John Howard was defeated by a narrow margin by a Labor former ABC presenter candidate. The Electoral Commission had changed the electoral boundaries a couple of times adding Labor leaning voting booths turning a very safe Liberal seat into a marginal seat. Bennelong is also home for many Asian Australian voters.
Opposition Leader for Labor Kevin Rudd and the ALP ran a negative campaign against PM Howard in Bennelong based on the scare that if re-elected the Liberals (Coalition) were planning to block Asian immigrants and/or other campaign deceptions that Labor campaign planners are well known for creating, example the so called “Media-scare” about Medicare being abolished. Work Choices industrial relations legislation extremely deceptive union funded election campaign.
An employee at the company I managed was a Hong Kong Chinese IR qualified person who looked after our computer linked system, at the time a mainframe and personal computers system. He was here on a working visa and hoped to be granted a permanent residency visa. I asked him, knowing that he was not eligible to vote at the election, joking, did he intend to vote for John Howard. He was not amused and replied that he would not vote for Howard if he could, that Howard hated Asians. I asked him where he obtained that information and that it was untrue. He told me a Chinese language newspaper.
I later learnt that during the Bennelong election campaign Labor campaigners were knocking on doors and talking to householders, that Kevin Rudd’s Chinese Australian son in law was one of those people knocking on doors, and of course door knocking is a legitimate campaign activity.
John Howard lost his seat at that election, however three years later a Liberal candidate won the election from the Labor MP.
I have no doubt that Labor are working hard to convince Chinese Australians to support them.
RenewEnergy ran a piece titled “Reliability standard may be changed to cope with wind, solar and nervous ministers”. A couple of quotes from the article:
Our pre-VRE one was 99.9% reliable.
A direct consequence of heavily sibsidised VRE’s distorting the generation market.
The lights will go out sometimes (more than usual) and you will understand and accept this as necessary to save the planet.
We are being prepped…
please just maintain the reliability levels that were consistently delivered from 1970 to 2000
not a big ask really, or are we going to say its like going to the moon? we cant do that again for 50+ years
He was sued for incitement to racial hatred or comparable against Israel because of their vacc policies.
I will never forgive the ABC for the animal liberationist 4 Corners program in, was it 2011? That Great Lie and the Gillard government’s response to it triggered a chain of events which cost Australian farmers many billions of dollars in lost productivity and broke a lot of good people. It also did terrible damage to Australia’s relations with Indonesia.
4 Cornners has churned out a number of other Great Lies over the years since, so as far as I am concerned the ABC should be dismembered ASAP.
But, looking for info on the war in Ukraine, I found some good reportage on the ABC website. Just now I read a well written article on Allegra Spender’s “tax round table” program. I copy from that a paragraph reporting the input of Ken Henry, one of our highest ranking economists.
“Our major political parties have been arguing about who is the better “economic manager”, but what do they think will happen to our “economy” and “tax system” if ecosystems keep collapsing, more species become extinct, deforestation rolls on, soils keep degrading, our waterways get more polluted, and rapid glacial melts slow our vital ocean currents?”
Poor Ken!
I’m still hoping the wheels will fall off their wagon this winter.
For those who don’t know, Allegra Spender is one of the “Teals” (a different shade of Green) elected at last year’s federal election. I would expect that she is taking a substantial pay cut to represent us in parliament. It might be interesting to see what she comes up with.
Rudd Labor did a lot of damage to Australia’s relationship with the Indonesian Government when they abandoned the working very well Howard Government “Pacific Solution”, deterrents against people smuggling that Indonesia was cooperating with for reasons both Indonesian and Australian related.
Labor failed to inform Indonesia that there was a new policy involving sending Royal Australian Navy ships to ferry planning to become illegal immigrants and asylum seekers from “Suspected Illegal Entry Vessels (SIEV) intercepted by RAN and other surveillance. They illegal immigrants were ferried to Christmas Island and sent to mainland Australia rather than to an offshore processing centre denying asylum seekers who failed to be accepted access to legal aid here and to the court system and through that legal channel remaining in Australia for many years hoping for a new government to cancel their Temporary Protection Visa (permission to live and work in Australia but subject to deportation if authorities decided it was safe for them to return home). Albanese Labor recently cancelled TPV and is issuing permanent residency.
I believe that Labor’s position on immigration and “refugees’ is also part of the long term Labor Plan to govern, as indicated during the Keating Labor period and what media referred to a “ethnic branch stacking”, recruiting migrants to become members of ALP branches and providing community leaders with well paid positions in government departments and local government, etc. This is a very long story that too many Australians have forgotten, 1980s – 1990s, Labor Govermemt 1983 to 1996.
“recruiting migrants to become members of ALP branches and providing community leaders with well paid positions in government departments and local government, etc. ”
I had a young Indian guy working for me in Auckland, & he asked for a day off as he had to organise a visa for his mother to come over. I said ‘that shouldn’t take a day..’ but gave him the time off. One of the other guys told me that he would catch a bus the Immigration Dept on the far side of Auckland as they had Indians behind the counter, and that was where all the Indians went to get things done..
That’s how it went when Australia adopted multiculturalism, government publications in many languages, interpreters in government public departments and courts of law, new Australians given priority for government employment, etc.
Fill up now –
“Here Comes Pain – OPEC+ Makes Surprise Oil Production Cut Announcement, The Global Cleaving Continues
April 2, 2023 | Sundance | 48 Comments”
Yep, laying it out in plain view.. the split in the world after the fall of the Western Empire. Pick a colour on the map for your grandchildren to thrive in, grey for go-ahead expanding economies making people richer, or yellow for fading, degraded countries grubbing in the dirt like the grey countries used to.
I see money to be made in smuggling petrol across the Mexican/American border!
Here’s your tax dollars at work! CIA up to their usual hi-jinks.
“Well-known Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky was killed by a bomb blast in a St Petersburg cafe on Sunday. TASS news agency quoted an unnamed source as saying the improvised explosive device was hidden in a miniature statue that was handed to Tatarsky as he addressed a group of people in the cafe.”
These are the people with the non-narrative news of the war, the ones pointing out that Ukraine is not winning, and will never win.. I expect it was the same people who handed a mobile phone to the Hamas commander and it blew his head off seconds later.
Why do you blame the CIA? He was a Pootin apologist so anyone could have done it.
Anyone? Most of the world’s people just don’t believe in this “Putin is a Fascist” “Putin is bad” Putin is..” stuff, so you could remove all the non-whites from the equation straight away. Obviously the Russians wouldn’t do it to their own, so now we’re left with the West.
Who has the biggest stake in this propaganda war? The Yanks of course! Who is generally behind the assassinations, the regime changes, the unexplained accidental deaths of people the Yanks have a problem with.. The ol’ favourite, the CIA.
Even the Taliban weren’t putting bombs in desk statues, and the woman who presented it to him a few minutes before was on camera as she did it. The most interesting question would be- was she still in the cafe when it blew up?? Did her handlers eliminate her as well?
You need help with your hatred.
KP does not need help with his hatred, he may need to refine who he blames for a hideous and unnecessary crime. I would suggest that his best friends may be the American people and for that matter the Chinese, Russian, Indians etc, just not their leaders. You know the same leaders who locked up their populations and are still pushing the safe and effective vaccine and net zero.
You’ve lost touch with reality KP, given the info that has now come out, care to explain the CIA involvement?
Anybody that has offended any of the myriad of violent criminals and groups in Russia, and that includes Putin’s regime, dies of some poison, falls from a height, or blows up. And that’s before you even get to anti-war or Ukrainian sympathisers or agents.
I’m not so sure..
The girl that handed him the statue was a pro-Navalny activist who had been arrested for demonstrating against the war. So she is on the opposite side of Tatarsky, the blogger who was killed, and goes along to his meeting at the cafe amongst all the people she hates. She says she was given the statue to present to Tatarsky and knew nothing about it.
The next step in the chain is apparently an ex-journo called Popkov- “The attack on Tatarsky was orchestrated by Roman Popkov, a former journalist with the MBKh Media outlet.. According to the suspect, Popkov “taught her journalism” at first but then asked her to carry out a task for a “contact” of his. ”
So, someone who wanted to send a clear message to the pro-Putin bloggers did a nice job of creating the statue and packing it with C4, a radio detonator, and had access to the girl’s cell of anti-Putin activists. I’d still say the USA has the most to lose from the countering of their propaganda by these bloggers. I have a list of 8 or so that were banned from Twitter after they told the wrong stories last year. You will find teh same ‘American advisers’ at the top of the chain.
Hanrahan, I have lots of help with my hatred, the millions and millions of people who have suffered under the USA since the 1930s. Most people in the West need to read more than just their local propaganda, or travel around the world to non-Western/touristy places. If this is not the end of the American Empire, I am sure it is the beginning of the end, we will know in a decade.
Lol- Apparently this women actually said this.. ..and you wonder why I dislike American hubris..
“Astounding statement from White House official talking head Karine Jean-Pierre:
“We are deeply concerned about the transition of Brazil and China to national currencies when conducting mutual settlements. This is a violation of the rights of our citizens who rely on a stable dollar exchange rate on the world market .
America will not allow other countries to dictate their terms to it in mutual trade. We want to warn that the violation of the rights of ordinary Americans will not remain without consequences for these countries.”
ie- Use the American dollar so we don’t have to work for a living, or we will bomb you back to the stone age. ..and Australia supports these people!
The era of living dangerously –
Australian Electoral Study finds the Coalition unworthy.
‘On top of a general trend of voters abandoning the major parties for the “teals” and Greens, it also showed that only 32% of women voted for the Coalition, compared to 38% of men.
‘And there were “major generational differences”, with the AES finding “the Coalition has very little support among millennials and generation Z”. (Guardian)
A key indicator to where the political parties are heading is Primary Vote results.
For example, the ALP Election Report for May 2022 that Labor received the lowest first choice or primary vote since 1934.
The Liberal-National Coalition did slightly better than Labor but the often referred to as 2PP (two party preferred so after preferences distributed) result was under 70 per cent of votes combined, a lower than average result and falling.
The UK has first past the post voting, no preferences required that here often result in a candidate for an electorate with the most primary votes being beaten on preference allocation trickle down lottery as I call it.
Possibly. I do not trust surveys. Labor was elected on a vote which was lower than Bill Shorten’s losing vote. That’s the only survey that matters. But the new left leaning Woke liberals will never be elected. Tony Abbott would sail home. Just on the cost of electricity. And pointing out that Climate Change is crap after 35 years of this ridiculous nonsense.
And “the Voice” is incomprehensible activism which does not even explain how it would benefit real aboriginals in the bush? There is no shortage of pretend aborigines though, even half of Tasmania is pretend aborigine when the last aborigine Truganni died in the 19th century. We are either all Australians or we are all individuals, as in Monty Python.
It’s a new world of pretend women, pretend aborigines, pretend electricity and pretend caring.
Clearly AGW propaganda works, is the Coalition on a road from nowhere to oblivion?
As we lean towards a one party state, with lots of teals and independents flocking about to get noticed, it could be curtains for our Westminster system.
Daily Telegraph – Suzanne Ingram, a board member of the NSW Aboriginal Housing Office, complained on SBS last year that 300,000 0f the 810,000 Australians now claiming to be Aboriginal were fakes. In fact, just the last two census – 2016 and 2021 – had more than 130,000 people calling themselves Aborigines who hadn’t in the census before.
How can we create an Aboriginal-only advisory parliament when up to one third of the people are actually white pretenders?
I add the question how can an Australian with ancestry part Aboriginal and part other migrant/s since 1788 be eligible?
From two reasonable sources now I’ve heard that there is no definitive genetic test for aboriginality.
Like this –
Anyone got more on this?
To begin, surely DNA testing and analysis of other than Australian Aborigine ancestry would be a good starting point?
Techicalities, I identify as indigenous. End of story.
So let’s all make that claim at the next census and let the government authorities sort it out, after all, we are all fellow Australians.
I suspect that after The Voice becomes part of our constitution, everyone in the country will self-identify as aboriginal. Even then, The Voice won’t work, it’s just a heavy extra layer of bureaucracy being imposed at a time when we desperately need less.
And just in case I still have to spell it out: The Voice bureaucrats, just like every other bureaucracy in history, will end up looking after themselves as their first and only priority. They will make it even harder for genuine aboriginal voices to be heard – and it’s hard enough already. Mind you, the aboriginal people are in good company, because the ordinary citizen’s voice is also not being heard.
PS. The elites use ‘populist’ as a sneering term for any political party that cares about or tries to represent the people.
For an oswald ruby moment! Thats how low the FBI and CIA have sunk! Lies and leaks were the basis of the Comey FBI’s Russia collusion like J Edgar Hoover and the days of Nixon and the lies and leaks against Dr Martin Luther King and many others. Its the democrat version of the McCarthy era.
McCarthyism is the practice of making accusations of subversion and treason, especially when related to anarchism, communism, and socialism, and especially when the accusations are false or unproven and are made in a public and attention-grabbing manner. Characterized by a campaign spreading fear of alleged communist and socialist influence on American institutions and of espionage by Soviet agents
McCarthy’s biggest mistake was underestimating the degree of subversion within the States and his inability to get the electorate behind him.
I guess the MSM was doing then what they are doing today, politically.
Unrepentant eco-fanatics double down on plot to sabotage the Grand National: XR offshoot vows to cause ‘summer of animal rising’ including breaking into farms, disrupting diners and blocking supermarket aisles
Sooner or later, one of these clowns is going to get very badly hurt !!
Invading a farmer’s land, is just asking for trouble!
People are getting well and truly tired of these ignorant, self-righteous bar-stools !
Pick a favourite –
“The Truth About Russia’s Economic Power: Is It Really as Small and Weak as the West Claims?
“The size of California?” Not a chance. Delve into the little-known nitty-gritty of Russia’s true economic size and productive potential.”
Long but worth the read IMO
Californias economic power is firmly in the rear view mirror.
“Restoring trust in government by using the IQA”
Paris to ban rental e-scooters, but not private ones. Very low turnout, but those were the terms.
An “anti-covid” update
Biden bans incandescent light bulbs
A record Oz could try and beat –
“SaskPower wants 3,647 megawatts of wind and solar. But early this morning, Alberta’s 4,783 MW of the same produced just 29 MW . And it stayed around that number from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m.”
“Progress” (/s)
Matthew England has cooked up a storm in a teacup.
From another blog – things caused by covid
“oh nutz hope you guys recover quickly, anytime we get sick now we just call it covid, sniffle, cough, headache, rash, broken nail, stub toe, take ur pick, dang stuff gets ya comin n goin
You forgot about splinters…”
Temps steady, the pause continues.
Your prediction is not for a pause.
Javier Vinós in comments (wuwt) gives us a date for the AMO transition.
‘The date I have for the AMO shift to the cold phase is 2025 ± 1 year if it maintains the same periodicity. When that happens we can expect a decrease in the global average surface temperature of 0.1-0.3ºC over a decade and a half. Lots of action for the global warming wars.’
The Chinese population, under the boot of the CCP, are the happiest in the world.
‘China has become the number one country with highest proportions of happy citizens in the world, according to a survey by global leading market research group Ipsos.
‘Saudi Arabia ranks second on the list, followed by the Netherlands, said the report, indicating that around 73 percent of adults across 32 countries describe themselves as happy on average.
‘The survey discovered that happiness in middle-income countries saw a more pronounced increase than it did in high-income countries.’ (China Daily)
“‘The survey discovered that happiness in middle-income countries saw a more pronounced increase than it did in high-income countries.’ (China Daily)”
Maybe the middle-class were allowed to keep more of their income than in high-income countries where it all goes to the top 1%. As they say, when you’re fighting for a living, it doesn’t matter which political party is in power.. Worrying about politics is for people who have enough to eat and somewhere to live.
“Global survey unveils drivers of happiness, finds life satisfaction roaring in Latin America but dropping in many Western countries; while people strive for social connections, many are pessimistic about the future of relationships and one in five say they have no one to turn to for support….. many Western countries post declines in year-over-year reported happiness: Great Britain (-13 percentage points), Poland (-7), Canada (-6), Belgium (-5), Germany (-5), and former happiness champion Australia (-5).”
Its likely those countries with the most woke and the most global warming legislation are the unhappiest.
Americans are a little bit happier.
‘The United States ranked 15th on the list of the world’s happiest countries in 2023, up from 16th place in 2022.’
“Could It Happen Here? It Is Happening Here.”
Good read, I like the term ‘left-wing fascism’ to describe China.
Astra Zeneca Vaccine withdrawn from Australia
2 million year rain event discovered by geologists?