A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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The beast from the east dumps on the UK as the North Atlantic Oscillation goes negative.
It would be nice to look for correlations in ocean surface heat distribution. Ocean oscillations world wide control all the weather. And generate these atmospheric oscillations. I put great faith in the fact that winter doesn’t happen in the oceans but oceans contain 1400x as much energy as the thin air above. Studying surface effects is likely not studying the cause.
One 65 year AMO/PMO ocean oscillation and one 200 year De Vries solar oscillation completely explain air temperatures over Europe for 250 years, picking 9 inflexion points and amplitudes to perfection. You would think that would end CO2 driven Climate Change, but it is ignored. They prefer Michael Mann’s Hockey stick. It pays the wages of hundreds of thousands of climate scientists and activists.
And this real analysis shows temperatures will drop 1.5C by 2070. No matter what happens to CO2. And we are blowing up power stations and refineries and now rural shutting railways because they use diesel engines. The politicians are very quiet about that, but who cares about country people? They can use their electric cars and bicycles for their children, sheep and wheat.
Awa’ ye go, mannie! Maybe I should say it was Gord fae the Nord ( can’t think of a different name to rhyme with North) …
It is a NORTH wind, which seems to have missed the Inner M-Firth area, dumping a little snow around the High ground of Aberdeen and its new By-Pass. Thank goodness, we now have around 12 hours of daylight to work in – seems weird after a Mild non-winter February and now that the days are stretching, but this is wetter is nowhere near what it was like , back in the ealry 60’s as Gramps tells us: New range of tractors brought out by Ford & M-Ferguson – baptism of FIRE – under the sumps since Antifreeze was extra option in those days and so it was old ex-WD Coats etc over the bonnet overnight and a kettle of hot water down the spout to warm the engines. and then we have: Dundee Eve. Telegraph (11th March, 1929) Britain Basking in Early Heat Wave Even Scotland saw very high temperatures with Fort Augustus reaching +18.3°C . so there you go: and if you live in the Sarth of Inglind, you’ll be sitting in the VerMouth from the South tonight – rain turning to Snow
Frontpage in the Australian, the march to cripple Australia is gaining incredible speed under a Green/Labor government.
“Australian investor groups representing members with $US43Trillion in assets want the government to bolster the safeguard mechanism and
avoid “greenwashing“: by forcing heavy emitters to disclose time-bound climate transition plans”
..will release a joint statement on Tuesday recommending three integritiy measures to apply pressure on big companies using carbon offsets to delay investment in decarbonization”
Labor’s tougher safeguard mechanism, requiring the nation’s 215 biggest-emitting facilities to slash emissions by nearly 5 per cent each year to 2030, is due to commence on July 1”
“demanding future safeguard mechanism baselines align with 1.5C decarbonization pathways”
So Cbus, HESTA, IFM are demanding Australia’s companies shut down fast. No cheating with carbon offsets!
And save the planet from 1.5C of warming.
Unbelievable. Who elected them? Where is a single scientist recommending this? What warming? This science fantasy is completely out of control!
And while the top 10 are oil/gas and power companies, who are the other 205 companies who have to shut down fast?
The Andrews government aims to cut emissions by 80 per cent compared with 2005 levels by 2035
That will be achieved with the planned shutdown of what little industry remains plus people freezing in winter or boiling in summer and many other inconveniences due to energy starvation.
And they are against even using carbon offsets. These superannuation funds really want the biggest companies in Australia to shut down. Why? People talk about the insurance industries, but they are not an industry. The knock on effects from the closure of the top 215 companies in Australia who actually do anything is going to be a disaster. And it starts 1st July 2023.
The only solution, since the government won’t do it, is for members to withdraw their funds and place them somewhere else. A run on the funds would cripple them because many of their assets are in real property not just shares so are difficult to liquidate.
The climate transition plan for many of the companies is gong to be shut down or move to china.
They should put that in their plans and publish them. Then let’s see just how popular these climate based policies and activism really is.
Many people have been fooled into believing that we can transition to zero emissions without harm to the economy and that businesses will continue to operate with enormous costs and no hope of being profitable.
Consider just Victoria which has to shut down by 80%. The sewage plant, our country train system, glass manufacturers, major employers all.
ExxonMobil’s Gippsland Basin gas project was the heaviest Victorian emitter on the 2021 list, followed by Viva Energy’s Geelong oil refinery, one of two plants in Australia producing petrol, diesel and LPG. ExxonMobile shut down its Altona Refinery, the fourth-biggest emitter on the list, in August 2021.
The emissions cap will also apply to the Alcoa aluminium smelter in Portland; the Qenos petrochemical plant in Altona;Beach Energy’s Lang Lang and Otway gas plants; BlueScope’s Western Port steelworks on the Mornington Peninsula; the Opal Australian Paper Maryvale Mill; Oceania Glass in Dandenong South; Melbourne Water’s Werribee sewage treatment plant; and V/Line, which operates a fleet of diesel trains.
I cannot believe it. The people who do nothing for a living, make nothing, the insurers, the bankers, the public servants at their desks at home, the politicians have decided to shut down all the people who do anything! That is manufacturers, transport (including V-Line), metal makers, concrete makers, refiners, power generators, coal miners, farmers.
What’s left?
Hotels, hospitals, schools and shopping centers, councils, state governments and Federal public servants? And the Clean Energy Authority who rip into your electricity bills so ‘investors’ can buy windmills with your money.
It’s a Bizzaro world and I cannot believe anyone would do this without aiming to shut down Australia to a third world country with no manufacturing, mining or agriculture. What else is there? Can we have a nation of bankers and insurance executives and town planners?
Forget Blackstone. We have enough evil people in Australia although I am prepared to be persuaded that they are just idiots.
“What’s left?”
Venezuala perhaps?
Every socialist believes that socialism has never worked in the real world because they didn’t do this or that etc. Jim Chalmers wants to impart his version of socialism as quickly as possible.
…how dare people save for their retirement. We, the gub’mint, could build lots and lots of good green stuff with that money.
Once these leeches start they won’t stop. I cannot believe that anyone thinks otherwise.
….is always just one more execution away from utopia.
Yes TdeF, very shortly we will be instructed to do our neighbours washing and pay him/her/they/them for the service, those transactions will be the only way we can maintain our GDP.
The spectre of Russia and China forming an economic alliance to overcome sanctions sounds much like taking in each other’s washing to me too.
But with India and a lot of african (especially in the North) joining in, along with Saudi Arabia and South Africa, there will be a big block.
And there is also the ‘leakage’ of Russian oil, gas and coal (and other goods) into the EU, means that sanctions aren’t hurting Russia as much as the MSM parrots.
mmmm sure , don’t quake in fear at the feet of the US and you are taking in each others washing. Used to be called international trade.
Don’t worry! The F-35s, Super Hornets, Growlers, Wedgetails, Ghost Bats, C-17s, C-130s, KC-30s will all be coated with solar panels. As will the Collins-Class submarines, M-1 tanks and Bushmasters. Fossil fuels are so passé!
Very long extension cords, perhaps??
Not the sewage plant. The Vic govt mandated that they all have solar power systems, so they will be able to continue to operate, even though the systems in the big plants probably cannot even run the plant during the day without generator assistance. Let alone at night.
They are used during load shedding. Same with the water treatment plants spread around the countryside.
For those wishing to see the graph of the UAH satellite “pause” over Australia, I have now repaired my web hosting, so here it is by the Monckton method.
This is now a more secured link for all.
Geoff S
So why are we shutting anything down?
“So why…?”
You already know the answer to that question.
Hot war Like between USA/NATO and Russia, Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Korea, and everywhere else around the globe they’re liberating, is so passé.
Bring a country/countries to their knees and you won’t have to fire a single bullet.
They’ll plead for you to come in and take over so they can eat again and have energy again.
WEF, IPCC officials, as well as other UN types, have over many years repeatedly stated the elites want to bring the West, (donor nations), to it’s knees via “Climate Change” so as to restructure the global economic order, eliminate capitalism and bring about the world central command economy and total panopticon control.
That graph doesn’t indicate any form of “Climate Emergency” to me. How does it relate to the 6th mass extinction?
Thanks Geoff.
Do you have the link to the sauce? I have been called a liar for posting it.
The monthly observations derived from satellite measurements are updated monthly here at the University of Alabama, Huntsville.
I simply copy the last column, AUST. and do a simple time series plot.
I start the plot around Jan 2000 and end it with the lastest month from UAH.
Watch the slope of the line of linear least squares fit.
If it is positive, knock off a month or two at the start around 2000, repeat until the positive slope first turns negative.
Bob’s your uncle.
Geoff S
“When do we deploy the new variant?”
“We frighten the pants of everyone with the new strain…”
UK Health secretary Matt Hancock
Lots of people getting thrown under the bus get ready for the script to be flipped.
“The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
― H.L. Mencken, In Defense Of Women
“The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out for himself, without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, and intolerable…”
― H.L. Mencken, Prejudices: Third Series
Just to add to yours & my distrust of government, particularly the Marxist ALP,
Consider what the government will skim off the top of the inflation currently running somewhere between 7 / 12%
What do the price increases mean in ADDITIONAL GST revenue??
ALP government loves inflation they get an unseen tax increase by normal ALP stealth methods. Our clever, all knowing, smart electorate ( including the Media ) don’t even think about, let alone talk about the GST bonanza the ALP skims off the top of the electorates misery.
Wake up people!! Or are you just too smart to see when you’re being scammed again!!
“let alone talk about the GST bonanza the ALP skims off the top of the electorates misery.”
Would that be the GST introduced by the Howard LIBERAL-NATIONAL coalition government?
Howard’s 10% GST replaced the Wholesale Sales Tax of 22% proudly owned by Kim Beasley of the tax seeking ALP!
The old memory vault hasn’t been updated for many years, has it?.
And finally fixed the demon of importer vs wholesaler vs retailer. It’s 10% at every transaction with a credit system. Sales tax was a temporary tax from WW1 which was completely unworkable by 1990. And the BASS statement really helped all businesses because most small businesses fail and the BASS statement every quarter forced people to see their losses before they lost their houses. It was overall a much better and simpler system with about the same revenue.
What is nuts about it is the Commission which hands the National GST from one state to another, so that WA with twice the population of basket case SA gets only the same share in the GST. At least Sales tax stayed in the state.
“Howard’s 10% GST replaced the Wholesale Sales Tax …”
1) Howard campaigned on the slogan “revenue neutral”. It was claimed it would replace a raft of charges like sales tax, and was predicted to raise 6.25 billion a year.
2) Most of the taxes and charges it was meant to “replace” still exist, and GST raised 107 BILLION in the 2019-2020 fiscal year. One quarter of the entire budget.
3) Even your precious sales tax has been “unrepealed”, you’re just unaware of it yet. Go have a careful read of the Online Safety (Transitional Provisions and Consequential Amendments) Bill 2021, companion to the Inline Safety Bill 2021
And just to be clear on this Graham, I’m not promoting Labor or denigrating the Libs and Nats. I’m berating you and others here who continue to naively believe there’s a sparrow’s fart difference between the two.
The GST was not a new tax in that each state had many taxes which were stopped. However Victoria decided to keep the big ones, the Stamp Duty and the Payroll tax, which is insane for a Labor party, a tax on employing people.
But the new GST system was was far simpler. Prior to this Sales Tax was an appalling system and I personally battled it for years publicly. And each state had their own interpretations of what was taxable, when it was taxable and how much it was taxable. Importers vs wholesalers vs retailers and vague. I had contradictory statements from the State Commissioners in Victoria and Queensland, each contradicting the other with legal precedents to back up their contradictions. But the Victoria commissioner presented with evidence of rapacious stupidity saw no problem in total contradiction. It was not law but greed.
GST was a good idea, a huge simplification for everyone and not a tax increase at all. And the Liiberal party under Howard took it to the election, unlike the current raid on Superannuation. But now like everything else, the Labor party wants to crank it up. Franking credits are next. Then death taxes. And of course the biggest honey pot of all, trillions in Superannuation savings forced to be kept where it can be stolen.
Death taxes are the next big ones.
Even the pretend Liberal Morrison under the pretend Liberal Turnbull regime wouldn’t rule them out.
November 14, 2015 — 7.51pm
The Turnbull government is being urged to resurrect death duties and Treasurer Scott Morrison isn’t ruling it out.
Why global heavy machinery giant JCB is going for hydrogen not electric
Hydrogen haters still gonna hate no doubt.
I wonder what a single tracer round into a hydrogen storage tank would do. Could be spectacular.
..or a road accident, or a JCB on a building site.. or down a mine..
Without oxygen it would be like dropping a match into a full 44 gallon drum of petrol – nothing!!
But it doesn’t require much oxygen; 23% of air 77% hydrogen from memory for an explosion.
Hindenburg anyone?.
In the previous thread I posted a link to a video questioning the accuracy of historic CO2 proxies.
Since the whole anthropogenic global warming fraud is based upon supposed rising levels of CO2, just how confident can we be of past proxies and measurements since 1959 at Mauna Loa and also Cape Grim in Tasmania from 1976 and has that data been subject to “adjustments” to fit the narrative?
Not confident at all in my experience.
In the early 1990s I was for a time collecting international air pollution data for a Australian government researcher. I noticed that the partial pressure data provided by the Mauna Loa site wasn’t correct. After some correspondence the post-grad student managing the data admitted that the meta-data gave a bogus conversion factor.
Scientific disinformation is not new.
Have a look at that:
or that:
the papaer:
add that paper to the list
complete paper by Francis Massen
Thanks for posting Krishna.
Perhaps this will help 😉
Experts, experts, experts.
I’m sick of unqualified experts. I’m sick of incorrect experts. I’m sick of lying experts.
I’m sick of MSM story-tellers (modern journalists) using the word to kick off their upcoming garbage:-
Experts fear that the Great Barrier Reef will die if…
Experts predict ocean temperature rise caused by…
Experts back renewables…
Experts warn that too much vitamin D3 may…
Experts urge doctors to advise patients to keep “up-to-date” with covid-19 va…
One thing I have noticed with these experts, particularly over the last couple of years, is that they are generally anonymous experts.
Throughout the (now discontinued) insufferable head nodding covid press conferences hosted by state premiers and health bureaucrats, they never once lined up and introduced any of the so-called experts that were supposedly making the ridiculous decisions for the sheeple to abide by. Who exactly were they? Where are they now?
Experts has its own meaning in the context of covid. i.e. EXPERTS: An unknown virtual or physical entity used for blame-shifting and/or hiding behind.
Very few experts promoted by the MSM (aka leftist movement) are ever named – and the ones they do name are verified, certifiable idiots. The names norman swan and tim flannery immediately spring to mind. This kind of expert is more often wrong than right but unbelievably remains an expert in the eyes of the adoring MSM, and unfortunately there are many more than those two clowns.
This whole saga demeans genuine experts. Maybe when referring to real experts, we should use another word altogether or add something. Eg. Distinguished expert or qualified expert. Genuine experts always put their name to their work. They do rigorous research, clarify indiscrepancies, name their sources, etc. I trust genuine experts. People such as Ian Plimer, Peter Ridd, and of-course Joanne Nova, are just a few of too many to name.
So I’m going to apply an “expert” filter to everything I see or hear from now on:-
Un-named expert(s) from MSM = propaganda.
Un-named expert(s) from anywhere else = untrustworthy.
Named expert(s) from MSM = quick check, most likely garbage.
Named expert(s) from anywhere else = probably OK, apply commonsense.
“Experts” are either entirely fabricated as part of a standard media introduction to a topic (e.g. “Experts say….”) or if they do actually exist, they are available for hire to the highest bidder. Just follow the money trail.
My most hated phrase “some scientists say” means no scientist actually said it.
What my mother included in her “The Great Anonymous They”
Definition EX(s)PERT
EX – a has been
sPERT – a drip under pressure
The real experts are usually banned by the BBC lead Trusted News Initiative. So they only appear on the Mark Steyn Show, or now allowed on Twitter by Elon Musk. Some times the BBC’s best scientific experts are revealed by looking on the way back machine, to reveal the fact that they are usually scientifically unqualified environmental activist, working as bureaucrats paid by government green subsidies. If the expert does have a scientific qualification, they are only allowed on the telly if they agree with Greta, otherwise they have to retire. There is also the expert (like Robert Malone) who invents something that kills more people than it saves, but who gets sacked for saying so. Same for the inventor of Covid tests as regards its reliability.
In Britain, the last time there was a Climate conference for experts was in 2016. The professor of atmospheric physics who invited the experts to Britain was told by the university administrators that he could not be allowed to hold the conference on university property. So since 2016 all Climate conferences held in Britain have been hosted by politicians, bureaucrats and uneducated environmental activists, including two scientifically uneducated experts called communicators. One a moron called Bob Ward, and the other, an expert prophet called Greta Thunberg.
A judge in the US rules that a biological male should be allowed to compete in women’s events.
” harm is in making a person pretend to be something different, the implicit message being that who they are is less than.”
“That is the very essence of separation and segregation, and it is what the MHRA prohibits,” the judge wrote.
So why is it ok to harass sceptics to just accept something as robust science because there is consensus? I suspect most reading this are sceptics because the went into the details and found The Science less than convincing.
Surely lefties can appreciate the harm is in making a person pretend to be convinced by The Science or be ridiculed by a dipsit millennial.
The judge has effectively decided that the very essence of separation and segregation is in making a person pretend to be something different from what they are not- ie making them pretend to be what they are.
The essence of wokeness is the Minnesota Human Rights Act.
J6 and 5 big lies
“Tucker Blows The DOORS OFF January 6th LIES | 45K Hours Of Security Footage EXPOSED Cover-Up”–tucker-blows-the-doors-off-january-6th-lies-45k-hours-of-security-footage-.html
Various people’s socks and underwear in shreds by the look of it
More here
With a bit of luck that might be the YSM’s “Guam Moment” where it tips over?
And here
“Well now there’s a problem.
Tucker has released video that pretty-much blows a hole in the entire January 6th narrative. In fact, it blows it up, sets it alight and watches it burn to ash.
This is a serious problem for a number of reasons, not the least of which is the number of people sitting in prison — or convicted on connived, false claims with no ability for their defense to access the evidence proving that in many cases they were escorted.
At worst most of these people are guilty of trespass, but even there you likely can’t make it stick as trespass is voided if you’re invited or chaperoned, and its quite clear that at least in some cases — they are.
There’s another problem too: The Brady decision by the USSC makes clear that the prosecution must turn over all evidence they have which exculpates a defendant. It’s not optional and it dates to 1963. The violations here are severe and in fact it appears basically universal.
Indeed the definition of malicious prosecution is to bring a case before the court where you know the exculpatory evidence is so strong you’d never win a conviction and you intentionally withhold it from the defense. That opens up the DOJ and even the individuals involved to personal liability.
I have no idea how the DOJ thought they’d get away with this indefinitely, but apparently they did think they would.
Well, not any more.
Now the question becomes if the government will not live to its own laws, what remains?
It’s not a pleasant question to ponder, but ponder it we must, and the implications do not just extend to January 6th.
It’s nice to see it, ‘cept I fear it changes nothing.
Likely just solidifying the factions.
I was talking with a couple of ‘woke’ friends just yesterday.
One still believes Trump ‘colluded’ with Russia and the poor heroic Democrats were just prevented from exposing the truth by right wing extremist conspirators, particularly Fox News.
The other was speaking of mutual acquaintance, whos is a ‘they’.
This friend was using neo words and neo pronouns to the point where I could barely follow the conversation.
Two differing realities.
Even the language is diverging.
Like ‘equity’ vs. equality.
‘Mostly peaceful protest’ vs. insurrection.
Definition of ‘woman’.
Free speech is hate speech.
Carbon is a dangerous poisonous substance.
Blizzards are ‘climate change’ caused by warming.
Humans come in two forms, BIPOC and people devoid of color whose very culture was constructed to oppress the BIPOCs.
Patriotism is synonymous with extremism. (It is my impression this is actually the official position of the FBI and the Biden administration.)
Why wasn’t this door removing evidence presented before?
Why not just tell us rather than tease us Sidney (kraken) Powell style ?.
You need to follow deeply.
It wouldn’t have been, except that the Republicans got control of the House in the last mid term election and that a rump of “truth seekers” extracted “unusual concessions” before McCarthy got to be Speaker
Even with a gale blowing into the SA and Vic subsidy farms, wind is still only managing 22% of grid demand.
Probably the windiest weather we have had in about six months and wind can only produce around 20% of demand at 10pm. Over the last three months it has been lucky to get to 10% on a good day, often as little as about 2%. And Blackout Bowen reckons that by quadrupling the number of turbines he can power this country!
I just came across this 17 minute clip by Russell Brand. I like it.
I was surprised to find it.
Dave B
Following some secret service iinformations, Nordstream blow-up was a job of Ukrainians.
Really ?? 😀
Seems highly unlikely, they don’t have the capacity.
The Americans did it in a fit of rage.
Don’t have the capacity? Nonsense!
This is not a complicated engineering exercise. All that is needed is a few moderately sophisticated explosive charges, a fishing trawler and a GPS device.
The hardest part might be to secure the explosives without getting noticed.
Anybody could have done it. I suspect a rogue operator.
I’m still waiting for the forensics on Nordstream, nevertheless Biden has his fingerprints all over it.
Why has Germany remained silent?
“…. But his trip turned out to be a complete nightmare due to the lack of quick charging points in the UK – and the battery charge that EVs lose when parked….” taken from a story in
So where does all that energy go to?. If it was a hydrocarbon fuel or one of those newfangled E-liquid fuels, there would have been a stooshie from the EPA lot…… ‘wozzat liquid under your car?’ kinda thing. So looks like we are going to waste a lot of juice from intelligent herons – fishing at the right pond for a change. So we’ll be spending money charging EVs, taking up valuable resources when people need heating POWER, all just to fizzle away whilst car not being used for a whiley. UK Metal herons only catching and providing around 3GW. and at times that equates to around 7% of uk’s needs. Seems Germany has On-shore generation BIGGER than the UK’s consumption of power… but don’t tell our SNP or London politico nutters that!
And tonight BBC Scotland ( celebrating centenary of Broadcasting – from Glasgow) tells us that there has been a profound increase in Students taking up courses at Coll. / “Uni’s ” – but WOW – not enough WOMEN doing the courses. Ahemm.
Australia’s first town completely run by solar !! And then you start reading and realise there is a lot of hyperbole.
Yeah, its just an ad. No mention of the cost of the solar farm or the batteries, never mind installation. They’re paying 30c a unit, so I assume that covers the capital cost depreciated off over 10years..
No mention of how many subsidies have been applied between that $0.287 and the $1.20.
If it was possible to get the true cost figures this could be a useful example. It is certainly a setting in which any benefits of solar power are maximised.
“William Creek has a population of 50”
Enough said. !
“Brought to you by Pfizer”
“Brook Jackson v. Pfizer: The Biggest Whistleblower Case In American History – Viva & Barnes”
And comments there
Breaking Nooze