Nordstream explosion. Twitter Forsvaret, Danish Defence.
It was an act of terrorism that revolved around energy, but it’s also about free speech and the media. It’s a red-pill moment, and it was released on a blog, not in “the news”. Journalism lives — but it has moved.
Seymour Hersh is the same writer that broke the My Lai massacre and Abu Ghraib scandal. The veteran reporter won a Pulitzer prize and has an insider source and many details on his new substack blog. He claims The United States deliberately blew up the Nordstream pipes with help from Norway. The explosives were planted by divers in June under the cover of tine BALTOPS 22 NATO exercise. They were triggered by a sonar buoy dropped from a Norwegian Navy P8 surveillance plane on Sept 26th, last year.
The WhiteHouse has flatly denied it, calling it “utterly false”, but the US always had the means, the motive and the opportunity, and we all remember the day when Joe Biden made the open threat “: “If Russia invades…then there will be no longer a Nord Stream 2. … We will bring an end to it.” It turns out behind the scenes the people keeping secrets were “dismayed.”
So here we are, Energy is a national security thing, not a fairy wand to get nice weather. Gazprom’s gas and oil revenues “were estimated some years to amount to as much as 45 percent of Russia’s annual budget.” Wow.
By stopping Germany and Europe from getting access to cheap Russian gas, the US would be neutralizing Putin’s “weaponisation” of energy, though by weaponising it themselves. The US was afraid the Germans might be reluctant to send weapons to Ukraine if they also depended on Russia for gas. By helping the US, Norway would be happy to sell more gas itself. But how will cold Germans feel knowing that their electricity bills have skyrocketed? Likewise the rest of Europe. Will people in Britain connect those dots? For Europeans, their ally took away their sovereign choices.
Right now the German government could be using this news story for leverage behind the scenes. They could promise not to make a fuss if only the US does x, y and z? What’s the going price for terrorist strikes?
Will the US have to pay the carbon credits on half million tons of methane — the largest single methane leak ever? Does anybody even care enough to ask?
Will this be leading story in every news bulletin around the world, or will the headlines just read “White House forced to issue statement that the claims are utterly wrong”.
The original source is Seymour Hersch’s new blogging platform: Read it all, it’s quite the tale!
How America Took Out The Nord Stream Pipeline

Seymour Hersch, 2007 | Photo by Hossam el-Hamalawy
The New York Times called it a “mystery,” but the United States executed a covert sea operation that was kept secret—until now
Two of the pipelines, which were known collectively as Nord Stream 1, had been providing Germany and much of Western Europe with cheap Russian natural gas for more than a decade. A second pair of pipelines, called Nord Stream 2, had been built but were not yet operational. Now, with Russian troops massing on the Ukrainian border and the bloodiest war in Europe since 1945 looming, President Joseph Biden saw the pipelines as a vehicle for Vladimir Putin to weaponize natural gas for his political and territorial ambitions.
The motive:
America’s political fears were real: Putin would now have an additional and much-needed major source of income, and Germany and the rest of Western Europe would become addicted to low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia—while diminishing European reliance on America. In fact, that’s exactly what happened. Many Germans saw Nord Stream 1 as part of the deliverance of former Chancellor Willy Brandt’s famed Ostpolitik theory, which would enable postwar Germany to rehabilitate itself and other European nations destroyed in World War II by, among other initiatives, utilizing cheap Russian gas to fuel a prosperous Western European market and trading economy.
The direct route, which bypassed any need to transit Ukraine, had been a boon for the German economy, which enjoyed an abundance of cheap Russian natural gas—enough to run its factories and heat its homes while enabling German distributors to sell excess gas, at a profit, throughout Western Europe. Action that could be traced to the administration would violate US promises to minimize direct conflict with Russia. Secrecy was essential.
Norway were the obvious collaborators:
Back in Washington, planners knew they had to go to Norway. “They hated the Russians, and the Norwegian navy was full of superb sailors and divers who had generations of experience in highly profitable deep-sea oil and gas exploration,” the source said. They also could be trusted to keep the mission secret. (The Norwegians may have had other interests as well. The destruction of Nord Stream—if the Americans could pull it off—would allow Norway to sell vastly more of its own natural gas to Europe.)
With a last minute change Joe Biden called for the charges not to go off with just a two-day timer, but to sit there ready underwater on the pipe and be triggered at some later date. This caused quite a stir and much frustration. It was a much more difficult requirement:
The C4 attached to the pipelines would be triggered by a sonar buoy dropped by a plane on short notice, but the procedure involved the most advanced signal processing technology. Once in place, the delayed timing devices attached to any of the four pipelines could be accidentally triggered by the complex mix of ocean background noises throughout the heavily trafficked Baltic Sea—from near and distant ships, underwater drilling, seismic events, waves and even sea creatures. To avoid this, the sonar buoy, once in place, would emit a sequence of unique low frequency tonal sounds—much like those emitted by a flute or a piano—that would be recognized by the timing device and, after a pre-set hours of delay, trigger the explosives. (“You want a signal that is robust enough so that no other signal could accidentally send a pulse that detonated the explosives,” I was told by Dr. Theodore Postol, professor emeritus of science, technology and national security policy at MIT. Postol, who has served as the science adviser to the Pentagon’s Chief of Naval Operations, said the issue facing the group in Norway because of Biden’s delay was one of chance: “The longer the explosives are in the water the greater risk there would be of a random signal that would launch the bombs.”)
On September 26, 2022, a Norwegian Navy P8 surveillance plane made a seemingly routine flight and dropped a sonar buoy. The signal spread underwater, initially to Nord Stream 2 and then on to Nord Stream 1. A few hours later, the high-powered C4 explosives were triggered and three of the four pipelines were put out of commission. Within a few minutes, pools of methane gas that remained in the shuttered pipelines could be seen spreading on the water’s surface and the world learned that something irreversible had taken place.
How useless were the media?
In the immediate aftermath of the pipeline bombing, the American media treated it like an unsolved mystery. Russia was repeatedly cited as a likely culprit, spurred on by calculated leaks from the White House—but without ever establishing a clear motive for such an act of self-sabotage, beyond simple retribution. A few months later, when it emerged that Russian authorities had been quietly getting estimates for the cost to repair the pipelines, the New York Times described the news as “complicating theories about who was behind” the attack. No major American newspaper dug into the earlier threats to the pipelines made by Biden and Undersecretary of State Nuland.
Asked why he thought the Russians failed to respond, he said cynically, “Maybe they want the capability to do the same things the U.S. did.
“It was a beautiful cover story,” he went on. “Behind it was a covert operation that placed experts in the field and equipment that operated on a covert signal.
“The only flaw was the decision to do it.”
Seymour Hersch also explains why he is writing for Substack and not the major outlets. “Here, I have the kind of freedom I’ve always fought for. “
See the videos below of all the US officials calling for action against the pipeline — looking for sanctions. Many interests in the US wanted to stop this pipeline.
In light of the Seymour Hersh bombshell on the U.S. and Norway blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline, let’s recall how U.S. officials openly incited against it for months, then blamed… Russia.https://t.co/qp1d7Jx9ry pic.twitter.com/V0Cy2JPSXI
— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) February 8, 2023
UPDATED: Ian Rons disagrees, and is very unimpressed with the Hersch uncorroborated story. Worth reading it. Though it smelled like a weak effort with “legal” and political points at the top. (As if any government seems bound by law these days). But one point struck — he queries whether it was necessary to hide under the BALTOPS war games, as submarines could get in there anytime. And the delayed triggering by sonar drop does sound complicated.
I also have deep reservations about the remotely-triggered detonators that were apparently designed and manufactured for this one operation on short notice, that survived over three months submerged under battery power in the cold Baltic Sea, vulnerable all the time to discovery, and which were apparently triggered by a single sonar buoy dropped from a Norwegian(!) aircraft, despite the fact that the explosions happened about 50 miles and precisely 17 hours apart. Every detail of that story raises a number of questions, but perhaps Sweden (which is carrying out the investigation) can tell us whether evidence of these sophisticated trigger devices has been found.
Nonetheless, the debunking is not a heavyweight performance. Just points worth discussing.
h/t Another Ian, Krishna Gans, Scott of the Pacific, Tony Thomas, Bill in AZ.
Russia doesn’t need to blow it up, they can simply shut the gates at their end, but that would go against their interests.
Details Surface of Biden Administration Deliberately Destroying Nord Stream Pipeline, Then Lying About It Repeatedly
Biden Administration prefer war and wants to prolong it for $$$
This time I am on the other side of the conspiracy theory. I think it more likely that the Russians did it. Joe gave them the invitation by taking the blame in advance.
But anybody could have done it. Anybody. It does not require any feats of engineering. Just a few moderately sophisticated explosive charges, a fishing trawler and a GPS device.
Why would Russia destroy the pipelines when they could just turn the taps off and then on again when all of this blows over (as it will)?
Maskirovka — as you say, they could have just shut it off on their end, so they have no apparent reason to destroy it; this allows them to point accusatory fingers in whatever direction is convenient, with Biden already having set himself up as a handy fall-guy. That may not be the way it happened — it depends on Putin or his people being savvy enough to build an extra layer of deception — but if true, it allows Russia to assume a higher moral position; they would have been willing to sell gas to Europe via the pipeline, but some dastardly act of sabotage has forestalled that. Cutting Europe off without being seen as cutting Europe off.
Best argument against that – that Russia did it to themselves for the maskirovka benefit – is that they didn’t seem to get ANY such benefit out of it. There was never any apparent effort by them to take advantage of such a thing. They seemed as stunned as the rest of us.
I have to believe that, if they were going to waste such a valuable asset for maskirovka purposes, they would have followed up on it. They haven’t.
The ability to tempt Europe, and their self inflicted desperate need for affordable energy, with the pipeline, was a Russian ace. You do not throw your aces away. Germany was already facing public protests about the resources going to Ukraine. The US threatened directly that they would do this, literally saying it would not open, ” one way or the other”.
As a US citizen it is shocking and revolting to see what the Global Government US has become. It is a small comfort to know that we did not vote these insane folk into office. The US global currency status is being steadily diminished. This reality will accelerate that process.
Why would Russia destroy the pipelines when they could just turn the taps off? Well, a possible answer is that by blowing up the pipeline anonymously, they can claim force majeur instead of having to face the ire of Europe for turning the taps off.
Under Occam’s Razor, I would say it’s a tie with America doing the blowing-up provided Norway isn’t involved. I find it difficult to believe that Norway would get involved like that.
I suppose the troof will come out one day. [troof is a rare breed – truth with proof).
There wasn’t much more ire left in the tank. Very sure that relying on the need for gas rather than goodwill was Russia’s only card to play.
If you want to stop using something or you want to stop someone else from using it you have to destroy it. Turning the taps off means you can turn them back on. Much like the ABC; the only way to curb it is to not defund it or to reduce it’s funding but completely dismantle it and sell every asset they control. Anything less and lefty governments can crank it back up.
LOL, that makes no sense to destroy your own money hole and leverage against part of Europe who have become dependent on Russian Gas.
This Reuters article can help you better understand what is going on:
Russian gas threat in Europe
Russia has no motivation to destroy their leverage against Europe.
I’m with Tom and the author of the article on this one. The thing that bothered me from the beginning of this Ukraine debacle was the Biden Admin’s rhetoric and statements that was constantly prodding Putin and basically pushing him into a corner where he had no choice but to attack. One didn’t get the feeling that the US was trying to avoid this conflict so I’m very sceptic of their intentions in all of this. The US has also historically been shown time and time again to exploit these regional conflicts for their own benefit ONLY, and will help and support when it suits them, and the next moment throw their “allies” under the bus by withdrawing and leaving them high and dry when it suits them (The Kurds in Syria, Afghanistan, Vietnam, Southern Africa, etc. to name just a few). They are one of the most fickle, untrustworthy entities in geopolitics – rely on them at your own peril.
Tom Pearson (5.13am). The US leadership (whoever that may be) might “like” war, but do they want a nuclear-weapons conflict?
Since the US is persistently “prodding the bear” you really do have to ask whether it expects no nuclear response regardless of the provocation, or does someone (someones?) want total destruction of the US?
I do not use the term “nuclear-war” since it appears that if Russia actually acted first, there might be NO RESPONSE. Who knows who (or what) is in charge in the US?
Apparently a dozen or so high altitude balloons could have been sent in all at once, and detonated EMP devices effectively shutting down the US entirely. I don’t know if the US has what Russia has, which is apparently and essentially a blow up the world dead man switch on their nuclear arsenal.
I agree, there is no sensible reason for the Russians to destroy/delay their future fortune from selling oil/gas to Europe.
It probably was Biden and Norway. But why? There no rational or sensible reason for Biden to blow it up because he hates fossil fuel in the USA. Only answer is liberal/socialist/Communists in the American left wing are truly loony!
Jo – beware of anonymous sources (the ultimate source of this story), especially if they are in the Deep State.
I am sceptical of this story – so is Eugyppius.
You are absolutely right, Kiwi. The Russians did it.
They dropped bombs on the pipelines from a low-flying spy satellite cleverly disguised as a weather balloon. They got the idea from the Chinese who have been using the technique for years to spy on the Americans without anybody noticing.
How does the Russians benefit from the pipeline being destroyed, why not just shut it off at their end which is easy to do.
My apologies, Tom.
I didn’t think a /sarc tag was needed.
Now that I read it better the second time around, I have to admit your sarcasm was very good.
I’d also say it was very obvious.
Its not immediately obvious to a newcomer.
Mr. Aye: Why the cheap shot at Mr. Pearson? Just to remind us what a cheap-shot artist says? Thanks
Kiwi, You’d better warn The Times, The NY Post, and The Australian too.
It’s strange how the entire lamestream media lost interest in this major act of war within about 5 minutes of it occurring. Watch them go into defence mode now.
Nope . There will not be a peep from any of them. To do so would alert their diminishing number of readers that they are not really a news service but mouthpieces for big government.
All 3 have headlines about this. That’s why I mentioned them specifically.
Murdoch rags, I believe the story.
Except to smear and destroy Hersh-
“Once-celebrated journalist Seymour Hersh made unproven claims the US blew up the Nord Stream pipelines. Hersh won a Pulitzer in 1970, but his more recent work has come under sharp criticism.”
Business Insider…
OT, but I haven’t seen the Australian MSM mention the King of Thailand going after Pfizer in response to the injury to the princess, either.
Guarantee Kiwi wouldn’t be anywhere near as sceptical if the Guardian claimed it was carried out by Trump and Putin in the library with the lead pipe.
Kiwi would vote for Ardern and identifies as as a muppet .
“Unnamed sources” have been notoriously unreliable in the past and Biden has been braggadocios all his life. Remember corn pop, the bad dude.
Although I think the gist of the story is correct – the USA blew up the pipeline – I do not believe the details and do not trust Seymour Hersh. He is actually adding nothing to our real knowledge, just a few rumours from anonymous sources, that could easily have just been written by an average thriller writer (most journalists these days would qualify). Hersh is asking us to believe that he is able to reveal all sorts of state secrets yet never feels the wrath of the state, unlike Seth Rich (HRC’s email server and secrets for sale), Julian Assange and many others (even the unvaxxed) who have taken on the state.
Hersch didn’t have to touch this story or say a word. If the details are proven wrong (and he has a lot of details) then his reputation will suffer.
color me skeptical of the attacks on his character that so far have lacked any refutation of the details of the story.
Well who has more credibility a Democrat Regime/Deep State or unnamed sources? The only thing less credible than the Gov. is the legacy news media. I certainly don’t give Biden and company any benifit of doubt.
Whether this is true or not will come out in the wash. It will be interesting to see how much traction this gets in the MSM
However, what I find curious is that with only a week or so to go before Nordstream received official EU certification allowing the gas to flow and thereby irrevocably allowing Germany and the EU to overdose on cheap Russian gas, that Russia then launched its invasion.
Why then? Another month and I doubt Germany and others would have felt able to turn off the tap.
Murky and irrational goings on at many levels.
Russia wanted the pipeline in a “ready to go” state so they had more energy hostage influence over Europe.
Yes, taking that option off the table: it never made any sense that Russia would to do that.
The threats from Biden and Nuland, their expressed desire for the pipeline to be ‘stopped’, points to their own complicity.
More than an “expressed desire” It was a direct threat, that regardless of how Germany felt, “One way or the other” it would not open.
Oh, and Poland directly thanked the US for the deed.
Another month and the crisis would have been less as europe would have been filling their reservoirs . It favours the US as they got to sell expensive gas to customers without a choice . Blackmail lies and extortion is a tool the “Deep State” has been using since the beginning . They are no longer even bothering to hide it anymore .
This was also carried at the UK Daily Sceptic
The comments are worth reading. IF and its a big IF this turns out to be true I think we will all need to revise our opinion of Biden being a bumbling President afraid to say boo to a goose as witnessed in Afghanistan.
He apparently had the nerve to order the destruction of a gas pipeline much coveted by some of his major allies AND he ordered the destruction of the so called weather balloon. Is he actually a bold Hawk rather than a dithering Dove?
Joe Biden may have ordered it but he is seemingly an actor repeating lines given to him. We need to know who really is pulling the strings in the US govt to find where the ‘hawk’ is.
Ally Versus Ally: America, Europe, and the Siberian Pipeline Crisis
by Antony J. Blinken – June 4, 1987
Dr Jill.
The culprit is likely to be a committee of executives from defence-related enterprises.
There was a process of defence contractor restructuring after the collapse of the Soviet Union. The restructuring was encouraged by the DoD and there were major budget cuts. The industry effectively became a monopoly, a very powerful monopoly.
Dr Jill
Biden couldn’t order a pizza. If true (and there’s cetrainly motive) this the the Deep State gone rouge.
Obama is operational. “I want a national security force as large and well funded as the US military” So now they are building an FBI headquarters as large or larger that the Pentagon, increasing funding to an obviously corrupted agency, and hiring plus 50 thousand IRS employees with many of them to have arms training as well. As to his , “Under my policy energy prices will necessarily skyrocket” apparently he was already speaking for the world. He also told Joe, “You don’t have to do this” Joe is the fall guy for all their destructive insanity.
Yeah, right.
CIA: “Come on Joe, if you sign off on this one, you can have chocolate and vanilla pudding tonight”.
An ice cream would get him to do anything.
Or maybe they have a supply of 12 year old girls whose hair he can sniff.
Morning TonyB,
Regardless of whether “Corrupted ditherer-in-Chief” ordered it or not, one very basic fact still remains the same … If you vote liberal north of the Rio Grand (or U.K., or here) you all subscribe to the same basic “Junk Science”.
I.e. “Keep it in the ground”, people who label themselves as “progressive”, are actually regressive, and want to send the human race back to the 1800’s in 1 generation.
To paraphrase Chris Kenny from the last few days:–
It’s hard to believe Climate-Gate was 2009!
It’s now 2013.
How much longer is the “lame-stream-media” going to suck-up to the Liberal Elites, who it can irrefutably be proved, have lost their minds?!?
Warm regards, reformed warmist of Logan
PS. If you don’t believe how much sucking is going on in msm & socialist media, just look up Seymour Hersch on Wikipedia!!!
Lindsey, be aware that there is groupthink HERE among all these free thinkers.
The “groupthink here is the ones that have every logical reason to not believe any Biden denial. The same yahoos that promote the Global Warming scam, are the very same insane folk driving up energy prices, and promoting the COVID policy on a global scale. They honed all those skills with “Global Warming”.
If you want to claim the US is ultimately self destructing on purpose, you may have something. You have to break a few sovereign eggs to make a global omelet.
This apparent involvement By Norway opens up all sorts of complications
Norway stood to gain hugely from the destruction of the pipeline and subsequent refusal of Germany and the EU to buy Russian Gas and Oil as they invaded Ukraine. Norway of course is a large supplier of both and has done very well out of the EU demanding they be allowed to buy even more from Norway. IF 2 major allies conspired in the manner suggested, this story is not going to go away
But they ARE continuing to buy Russian oil and gas. It is shipped to China and sold at a healthy profit for the Russians. The Chinese then onsell it to Europe at a further healthy profit to the Chinese.
Ain’t global “free” trade grand?
Care to explain how they ship SIGNIFICANT quantities to China? A little extra, I’ll grant, but China would then just reduce other higher priced imports.
Discounts offered on these fuel oil cargoes help to improve margins at Chinese independent refiners and replace crude that some companies are unable to import without quotas, the sources said. The trade also provides a way to get Russian oil to market and bring much-needed export earnings to Moscow.
China and Russia have recently celebrated competition of new oil pipelines and a rail link between their countries.
Russia is also shipping oil to India, who convert it to diesel and sell it to Europe.
Even the US is still importing Russian oil.
The sanctions have totally backfired. Russia is now making more money from energy sales than before Victoria Nuland’s 8 year war went hot.
Would the Norwegian government run the risk of Russian retaliation? The Norwegian oilfields are within the range of the Russian naval base at Murmansk, and a tit-for-tat destruction of the Norwegian sea oil infrastructure would not only devastate oil revenues, but likely ruin fishing for some years. The Norwegians would know this, and the Russians likely have their own spies in Norway. Can secrets remain secrets, and for how long? With Norway having about the 3rd highest GDP per capita, why would a rational Oslo government want to participate in a USA inspired push to start WW3? Has NATO become a clique of militarists looking for wars to get involved in?
The way things are unfolding reminds me of the history of the ancient Greek tragedy of the League of Delos, where the Athenian led defensive league (against Persia), morphed into an Athenian tyranny, that led to Athens eclipse at Syracuse and Aegospotami. Hubris is dangerous.
It was Colonel Mustard in the library with the candlestick…
Cleverly disguised as a weather balloon.
The Left always claimed President Trump was a warmonger and was going to start WW3.
But Trump brought nothing but peace.
As usual, everything the Left say is the opposite of the truth.
Biden (or rather those that tell him what to do) is the true warmonger and very likely will start WW3.
Trump was trying to peacefully wean Europe off Russian gas and sell them American gas which was available in abundance under Trump’s policies. He knew the dangers of Europe reliant on Russian gas.
Remember Trump’s warning at the UN and the German delegation infamously laughing at him?
Video: https://youtube.com/shorts/7vs54LL-gsY?feature=share
Biden might not be the chief warmonger.
I trace the buildup to this war, back to Obama’s regime and his puppets, Biden and Nuland. Hillary Clinton was likely involved too, while she was Secretary of State.
Reportedly, the U.S. State Dept spent 5 billion dollars on influencing anti-government forces in Ukraine, which finally toppled their Govt in the Coup of 2014.
Wow! .. 5 billion. How do you spend that much? Who pocketed most of it? … Any kickbacks for the Big Guy?
The original election was rigged and millions of ukraine citizens subsequently created a popular coup that forced the former president to run to Russia and then voted overwhelmingly for a change of govt. we saw the same scenario in Belarus but the president refused to go and violently deployed his troops to keep in power. We seem to forget that Russia invaded three separate territories in 2014.
Okay, probably a lot of players ‘rigging’ stuff in Ukraine.
Did they each get paid 5,000 dollars!? That would account for the 5 billion spent.
Look, all around the world, things are getting rigged. Does the USA spend 5 billion in each case, as a counter measure … or was there something special about Ukraine?
They only spend that much to take control of a country right on Russia’s border, somewhere they can set up their biolabs..
Five billion, followed by US 100 billion to Ukraine since the start of the war. That is 100 billion that we are not accounting for or tracking, having VOTED to not follow the money.
Not to mention when he did take military action, it was specific, deliberate and measured. Never pushed beyond a single strike if that was enough to get the message across, even though a few in his administration were pushing for a lot more involvement in places like Syria.
Ultimately, it was the European people that brought energy starvation upon themselves.
They voted for windmills and solar panels, and when they were discovered not to work, they imported more and more gas.
Having your whole society dependent upon a pipeline from 1000km in foreign hostile territory, what could possibly go wrong?
The Singaporeans learned thrat lesson with the absurd Woke proposed 5,000km cable from Ausralia to Singapore but at least had the advantage that Australia was not (currently) hostile toward them.
Get woke, go broke AND COLD!
I don’t think that the Singapore Goverment was ever serious about the proposal, but were just being polite to the seemingly insane but influential billionaires and didn’t want any upset with Australia. But they organised supplies of natural gas.
They might also have laughed among themselves.
In just the past 30 minutes, it’s already getting harder to find the links of those publishing this story, while search engines are now displaying ‘fact checks’ and articles disparaging the Pulitzer prize winning journalist who broke the story. Lamestream media and big tech in defensive overdrive. Russia Russia Russia Trump Trump Trump
If “fact checkers” (sic) say it didn’t happen, that’s a reasonable sign that it did. A quite useful service from the “fact checkers” but not in the propagandistic way they imagined.
Many of us have long suspected the US is not the bastion of freedom and virtue they claim to be. Their role in many dubious affairs during the 20th century is well known. However as the light shines on them with their role in Covid 19, the nightmarish vaccines and now this bombing they cannot claim to be the “good guys” any longer. The western world is now so corrupt is hair raising.
The question isn’t “Is the US the paragon of virtue we’d like it to be?”. The question is “is it better than the other available options (China, Russia, EU technocrats, George Soros/Davis)?”.
Best of a bad bunch is a better choice than none of the above, but can I have unicorns and puppies instead please.
All the more reason for countries like Australia to be more independent. All these one sided deals with our so called “allies” makes Australia weak, like it is now. Our governments have given away most of our sovereignty already!
The US is finally being exposed for its imperialist activities . It is totally controlled by a group of oligarchs who are bent on destroying freedom and exerting total control (the swamp). The good news is that they are no longer hiding and no one trusts them anymore .
The bad news is they have a lot of like thinking one world politicians all over Europe and the world, doing the same insane energy policies, ( only some are doing them even better) and doing the same COVID policy. Everything they are doing now, they honed those skills with “Global Warming.
So, while there is plenty of blame to go around, the world likes to have its focus on one scapegoat, and sadly IMV, as a US citizen, we are most responsible. I just hope the world understands these One World government yahoos stole our election.
Until the world learns the lessons here, it will be repeated regardless.
The US is indeed a bastion of freedom and virtue as per the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.
Any actions in violation of the principles of those founding documents are not a fault of the US as an idea but of Deep State corruption which has been going on ever since the US stopped having an isolationist policy in the 1890’s.
David, it is true that the US foundational ideals are incredibly valuable for individual rights and freedom from group power. And those US principles of individual freedom have been under attack for a very long time.
I think trust in the US and their credibility took a fatal knock when they ran away in Afghanistan leaving their allies in the lurch
Saigon in 1972(?) was just a practice……
1975 – it was Australia that finished withdrawing in 1972.
The current US one world yahoos left the Taliban with several hundred BILLION in military equipment.
Ditto Viet Nam.
It was self-evident that the CIA did it on White House orders, with Germany and other EU countries quietly agreeing to it before the sabotage. Putin had no point in the deliberate damage, no dog in that fight.
The most obvious tell after the destruction was the absolutely indecent haste with which the MSM dropped the story. Within 2 days, it was if it never happened.
When a big story suddenly drops off the MSM radar without a murmur, the accuracy of the story is confirmed.
The MSM knew Russia didn’t have a motive to blow up the pipeline, but instead of digging deeper they killed the story
Reading between the lines, American Adventurism is not dead.
Yes Ianl, when a bombshell story like the deliberate destruction of the Nordstream Pipelines suddenly disappears from the MSM radar you can bet 100% it’s true.
Sounds like a repeat of the successful Hunter Biden Laptop’s strategy.
Are there no nationalist left in Germany?
Now, where does this leave Europe?
Biden is shutting down the US energy supply, as are all Western Leftist governments shutting down their own country’s supplies.
The US will have no gas to spare.
Australia sells most of its gas to China on a bizarre 30 year contract at world’s cheapest prices with no provision for inflation or market prices*.
Venezuela has a dysfunctional socialist regime (a tautology I know).
The Middle East probably won’t want to get involved.
The Russians probably won’t want to repair the pipeline.
French Farmers March on Paris as EU Climate Rules Threaten Their Livelihoods
French farmers almost entirely shut down sections of Paris this week protesting a new European Union (EU) climate command that would ban a type of fertilizer for sugar beets. EU climate ideology-fueled regulations have been causing controversy for a year now, as thousands of farms across Europe could be shut down by the restrictions even as a potential food crisis looms.
Breitbart explained, “In what is reported to be the largest farmer demonstration in France since 2019, some 500 tractors and thousands more people converged on Paris on Wednesday to protest against the decision last month by the government of Emmanuel Macron to ban the use of neonicotinoid insecticides for sugar beets following a ruling from the EU’s Court of Justice.“ As regulations became more difficult this year, production costs also spiked because of a lack of irrigation water and the European energy crisis.
Meanwhile, recent data shows that the world has not experienced global warming for eight years and that climate alarmism, which has fifty years of failed predictions behind it, continues to be based more on ideology than science.
The targeted insecticides are tied to nicotine and are supposed to be better for mammals and also useful in reducing the amount of pesticide needed. The insecticides are put on seed coatings instead of sprayed. The insecticides do reportedly have some negative effects on bees, however, and so the EU is trying to quash them altogether.
One farmer explained the issues from his perspective to Le Parisien, ”My brother grows beets and I use beet by-products as fertiliser. Without them, we are exposed to risks of disease in our crops.” There’s also the possibility of losing the farms. In fact, EU nitrogen emission regulations could end up causing 3,000 private farmers in the Netherlands to be dispossessed by the government, Breitbart noted. The Netherlands is one of the biggest global food exporters. Germany is also imposing business-killing fertilizer restrictions on its farmers on the basis of climate alarmism.
French Farmers Stage Mass Tractor Protest in Paris Against EU Green Diktats
The protest comes amid a wider movement across Europe against onerous regulations imposed from Brussels upon farmers throughout the EU. Last summer, farmers in The Netherlands staged months of protests and actions in response to the globalist government of PM Mark Rutte imposing EU nitrogen emissions standards on farms near supposedly environmentally sensitive areas.
The plans, which have yet to come into effect, could see upwards of 3,000 privately-owned farms seized or shut down by the government, despite the widespread backlash against the scheme.
Dutch political commentator Eva Vlaardingerbroek told Breitbart London in November: “What this shows you is that the will of the people means nothing to our government. Despite all of the protest and (inter)national backlash, they’re pushing through with what I think are criminal policies.
“Our government doesn’t cater to the wishes of it’s own citizens, it caters to globalist institutions whose interest it is to control the food supply, so they can control us,” she said, adding: “It’s the Great Reset in full force.”
And what did the Dutch farmers benefit from the protests? Zero as far as I know. People will have to do more, but the Western governments remind me of the French Aristocracy just before the revolution. Desperate people can become quite unreasonable…
All of these WEF plans are the same folk that left the Taliban several hundred billion in weapons, blew up Nordstream, created a global refugee crisis with the “Arab Spring”, and honed all their manipulative skills with “Global Warming”
They are NOT the US, or EU leaders, they are their betrayers.
Why shouldn’t the US shut down its oil industry? Oil will only be needed for another decade.
I have it on the best authority, POTUS. /s
Why is that necessary?
This could be accurate but today we’d be best to watch and hopefully learn more as time goes on.
In fact we may never really know what happened, unless a very reliable insider(s) comes forward and spills the beans. Who knows?
Very true, Neville.
But when it looks like a duck, waddles like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are it probably is a duck.
The story is true and we need to quit the American Alliance before they drag us into WW3.
It is a global alliance, run by the same folk destroying global food supplies and running Covid policy.
Oddly, the major beneficiaries of this act were also American. American gas, mostly from fracking is proving to be very profitable with each ship making around 200 million
To rephrase the famous Marfia quote ‘nice little pipeline you got there, sure wouldn’t want anything to happen to it, what with winter coming on and all’
US gas exports to Europe won’t last for too long. As Biden continues to shut down the US energy supply, what is currently available will be desperately needed at home.
And anyway Peter, why would Europe need gas? You Leftists keep telling us you can run an industrial civilisation on wind and solar and “wind is the cheapest form of electricity generation”. Fossil fuels and nuclear are unnecessary according to your mob.
It will all come down to price. If American oil can make bigger profits being shipped to and sold in Europe, that’s where it will go.
And then we’ll just drive a lot less here in America because our prices will match Europe’s prices.
Which is how it’s supposed to work in a market economy, BTW.
European gasoline and diesel prices aren’t intrinsically high, they are high because of prohibitive taxes, something the Left want in the US and Australia as well as part of their war against privately owned cars.
Already starting in Australia. Prices are being kept high deliberately.
Which takes us back to the Globalist from my nation, ” Under my policy energy rates will NECESSARILY skyrocket”
Laissez faire capitalism with a twist.
And the Chinese – who bought the Russian natural gas and sold it to Europe! With a nice profit of course…
And Poland and Norway benefit as well. Germany would only tolerate this if there is no longer any rational German nationalism left.
Germany is well and truly in the grip of the international and globalists.
Both politically and culturally.
Energy is the subject of this article and why an explosion occurred in a monster gas pipeline and was it deliberate sabotage or not.
But Francis Menton is still trying to get the delusional loonies to prove that UNRELIABLE TOXIC S & W can actually supply enough energy for a modern country’s citizens to survive or even thrive.
So why can’t they just use a test case to prove how this can work properly instead of wasting endless trillions of $ for decades to come?
I think the answer is very obvious to many people on this blog.
There have been and they failed, short and laconic ! 😀
Burt Bacharach brown bread age 94
Thanks for all the wonderful music.
I love all of Burt Bacharach’s music. This piece I had Played at my Dad’s funeral last year (the Priest was Brazilian!).
One of my favorite scenes from Austin Powers.
Austin Powers/Burt Bacharach What the World Needs Now
Rest in Peace.
When solving crimes Law Enforcement Professionals always consider MMO! Motive means Opportunity. The US Government is about the only organisation that has all three facets required to carryout such an audacious act of sabotage!
Penguinite: “When solving crimes Law Enforcement Professionals always consider MMO! Motive means Opportunity.” Should read “When solving crimes Law Enforcement Professionals always consider MMO! Motive, means, Opportunity.”
Completely changes the meaning.
For the want of a comma the was was lost. tks
When solving crimes Law
When solving crimes, Law
Here in Germany, at the beginning of the discussion who was responsible, to targrt on Russia was a very short one.
What I read some days later, only found it one time, was the sentence, paraphrasing, we know who was it, but we have to protect third sources…..
Citing the Hersh text:
We already know the US is at war against Ukraine and Russia.
Now they’ve declared war against Germany, but Germany won’t acknowledge the declaration.
These days who the hell would ever know the truth behind anything?
Social media, the usual media, and politicians cannot be trusted at all.
The world is in a dangerous place right now.
To use an old quote from the US intelligence community- “ if it looks like a duck and it quacks, then it’s probably is a duck”. I think there is little doubt the US blew up Nordstrom. In this case the duck got shot.
… Nordstream
if it looks like a duck and it quacks, then it’s probably is a duck
and the last conclusive piece of the puzzle as far as N2 goes – “if it swims like a duck”.
At least we now know a duck fart is more powerful than a sparrow fart.
The only defense is that the US election was stolen, their rational military leadership purged, their own energy independence purposefully destroyed, their Congress neutered by RINOS, their media destroyed, their patriots imprisoned for years, their courts overtaken by globalists, and in truth, they are being run by the same insane one world WEF globalists also in many nations running the insane COVID policy globally.
AGAIN here’s a very tiny hybrid generator that clearly doesn’t produce enough of their clueless UNRELIABLEs electrons.
Same old story with the Diesel ALWAYs providing the lion’s share of RELIABLE electricity for up to 2000 people.
Here’s an idea, just shut down the Diesel for a month and see how well their S & W and battery perform?
Even using the diesel the clueless battery is flat most of the time, so no luck there for their unicorns and fairies solutions.
But don’t worry because the Albo and Bowen donkeys etc have full confidence in TOXIC S & W generating enough electricity for 26 million Aussies.
Has Seymour Hersh been set up here? I’ve threatened plenty of things I never did, and Biden is the man who couldn’t shoot down a balloon on his own soil. At no time did Putin give the convincing impression that he believed the US was actually responsible.
That’s the problem Matty, I don’t think Putin needs to acknowledge it. My concern is that now this gives Russia a free ticket to give some payback to the US. But only if they want to. The pipeline could be repaired and gas might flow again in a few years time. In that period the German economy could flounder and they might be very willing to accept the cheap gas. There’s no way the US could attempt this stunt again.
Exactly, but what impact will this have on the NATO Alliance?
I think there is some alternate thinking on this subject, from left field you might say. Let’s say Nordstream hadn’t been damaged and you now have 2 of the most important countries in Europe dependent on each other economically. One the recipient of cheap gas, the other receiving vast income. Would that not lead to much better peace relations in Europe?. With better relations in Europe there would be no need for US bases and probably NATO. That puts a lot of people out of work and possibly negatively affects the US the most.
That’s the way it was a year ago. Someone came along and stuffed it up.
“That’s the way it was years ago in 2014. Someone came along and stuffed it up.”
Wasn’t it thought that increasing interdependency in international trade would make war obsolete? Missed by “that much”. 🙂
The Germans were confident that the strategy would work, peace in our time, but a big headed Putin stuffed it up.
Interesting – sent email to Tuesday Lunch Group on Topic of
Another secret: When there is no wind there is NO power. Re: The clean energy revolution hides a very dirty secret CLAIRE LEHMANN
last night and I included a screen shot of
Another secret: When there is no wind there is NO power.
Hmm you mean like KIng Island –
The King Island Renewable Energy Integration Project (KIREIP) provides a glimpse of what’s achievable in renewable energy.
which currently at 1045pm 9 Feb 2023 – ie NIGHT is 91% Supplied by Diesel
Oops Reply to Neville 21 above
King Island may be one place that renewables make sense as its not on any grid and the oil has to be transported there.
Re Norway having a part – might be questionable by this flight path from Monkeywerx
And there are some direct speculations –
1 – there are 4 pipelines and all of them would be mined to make sure?
2. IIRC one of the Nord Stream 2 lines is still serviceable – means the mine on that one didn’t go off.
3 – IIRC Sweden did the investigation after the explosions. They found that mine and know who planted it but have kept quiet. Might lead to some “favourable deals in equipment or similar” though.
And that all might be in the “neat, complicated, plausible and wrong” grade of speculation
An explosion wrecked the Nord-Stream,
Carried out by those it would seem,
Who could do it covertly,
While bragging overtly,
Led by he who loves an ice-cream.
The destruction of the Nord-Stream happened the day before the alternate Baltic pipe bringing North Sea gas into Poland (but near the German border) was officially opened. Russia loses its revenue, Norway pays a dividend to its citizens and Europe keeps the heating on. Note that despite the apocalyptic stories at the time of the explosions Europe has managed to sail through this winter with gas storages full.
At the expense of its industrial production so not exactly a “sail”
Also (IIRC) that Nordic line has no where the capacity of the Nord Stream lines
That’s just unfortunate, having to push everything they can from a NATO member instead of Russia. And it’s not as if Norway needs the cash.
I just checked the richest countries in Europe, per capita. The shock is that Ireland is just about to pass Switzerland (ignoring the tiny tax shelters), nearly 1.5x everyone else! And that’s without oil and banking.
Hi another Ian,
You’re correct, Baltic Pipe which makes landfall in Niechorze is a branch of the existing Europipe II which makes landfall in Dornum (Germany), so Baltic pipe is not only delivering a small volume compared to NS 1 and potentially NS2, it is not actually delivering any extra gas volume to the Peninsula, it is diverting volume which would otherwise have been delivered to Germany.
The comnbined export capacity of all Norwegian export pipelines; to Germany (Europipe I and Europipe II), Netherlands (Norpipe), Britain (Vesterled and Langeled), France (Franpipe), Belgium (Zeepipe I), and now Poland (Baltic Pipe) is 120 billion m3 per annum.
Nordstream II on it’s own had a design capacity of 55 billion m3 per annum, which is equal to the capacity of Nordstream I (meaning the four pipelines making Nordstream 1 & 2 on their own would have been able to deliver to Germany almost an equal volume to the total Norwegian export pipeline capacity to six countries.
Add to that the 33 billion m3 per year coming down Yamal and 100 billion m3 per year coming down Brotherhood.
So who are the good guys again?
We were supposed to believe the Russians blew up their own pipeline? How devilishly cunning.
Imagine if Russia had blown up the Norwegian pipeline which opened a few days later? Hell of a coincidence timing for that second pipeline.
And the Chinese weather balloon over America had electronic communications monitoring. And who didn’t know that?
Do you get the feeling the Biden Administration has a problem with the truth? Long live Russian disinformation.
And the paper’s announced that the Trade War with China is over. What trade war? We were severely punished for asking for an investigation into the origin of the pandemic Wuhan Flu. Why?
“The WhiteHouse has flatly denied it, calling it “utterly false”.
LOL, well, of course they would say that.
This is a biggie.
And Joe Biden misspoke when he promised to do it.
Saw a pic of Mandy Rice Davis the other day and she was cute. “Wouldn’t look that good today” I thought. Indeed she doesn’t, she died in 2014.
Not a lot of people left who remember who Mandy Rice Davis was.
Beijing will milk this for all its worth.
‘Vyacheslav Volodin, chairman of the Russian State Duma, or lower house of parliament, said the report should become the basis for an international investigation for “bringing Biden and his accomplices to justice”.
‘The United States should pay “compensation to countries affected by the terrorist attack”, Volodin added.
‘Russia’s foreign ministry said on Wednesday the United States had questions to answer over its role in explosions on the undersea Nord Stream gas pipelines last year.’ (China Daily)
And there you have the motive for Russia to do it.
This is how Beijing sees it.
‘With the blast of the Nord Stream pipelines, the only remaining bridge to build common security in Europe was destroyed, which means that Western European countries have to choose to be deeply bound with the US at the crossroads of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.
‘Hersh also mentioned in his latest report that “Germany and the rest of Western Europe would become addicted to low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia – while diminishing European reliance on America.” This is one of the main reasons Washington decided to blow up the Nord Stream pipelines.’ (Global Times)
The faster the free open democracies of the world get rid of every murderous dictatorships the better. Imagine Taiwan taking over the CCP,the Iranian people toppling the religious freaks, the Nth Korean people getting rid of the only overweight family in the country, experiencing freedom for 1st time in generations, Venezuela,Cuba,Saudis
ect ….PUTIN!, these dictatorships only benefit their families and mates at the expense of the citizens, they’reallbillionaires. . Ok, our western way of life isn’t perfect, but it’s a hell of alot better than anything those psychos can come up with.
‘ … free open democracies …’
With America the leader of the free world they are setting a very bad example. Do you condone commercial terrorism of this nature?
First find me a free open democracy! Aussie certainly can’t claim it, nor Canada, obviously not the USA, the world’s permanent war state, the UK hasn’t had a claim to it for 100years..
The West is knee-deep in blood and pig-s***, the idiots who vote get given a choice between two murderous dictators and think they are free!
Apparently you all need to learn about something unique and special to the pipeline industry. Look up “Pig” as it pertains to pipeline maintenance. Russia could easily sent a pig with explosives to do a “punny” inside job. Motives would be complex but freezing out NATO members is surely plausible.
Freezing NATO and blaming the CIA or any other convenient goat……
Ummm? IIRC Nord 2 was not open. How3 do you push a “pig” down a pipeline with the end shut?
From your Wiki reference
” This is done without stopping the flow of the product in the pipeline.[1][2][3]”
So if it weren’t “open” then how did the explosion disrupt the flow of product that the media is talking about??? How did it cause “half million tons of methane — the largest single methane leak ever”?
That largest ever product released from a “not open” pipeline?
Ian I know you can do better.
“Prior to the leaks, the pipelines had not been operating due to disputes between Russia and the European Union in the wake of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but were filled with natural gas. ”
There was several hundred kilograms of explosive, pigs can fly.
They had a pig run in 2013.
Photographs would show if it was blown from inside or out… Easy to sort out.
The initial/prelim Swedish investigation – divers going down to look – stated that the explosion was from the outside of the pipeline, not from inside.
Russia (or anyone with pig access) could with no divers, no submarines, no ships at sea. Just a pig and some explosive material detonated by radio, by pressure pulse, by timer.
Assuming the Swedes have examined the pipe it would be obvious if the explosives were inside the pipe.
The USA lie as a matter of course, and the list is extensive.
Their attempt to hurt Russia financially has massively backfired as we’ve seen.
The USA is almost militarily impotent just like the EU who are silly enough to be dragged into the US’s rabid irrational hatred of Russia.
Note how Martin A. has published a few good articles this week on the topic, must reads for the delusional Zelensky fans.
With Feb 24 shaping up to be a major move by Russia, the reality of this insane war and the consequences will become clear to all.
History DOES repeat as human nature never changed.
So, when Ukraine falls, what then?
Is there not a single member of the Left, including the Lamestream Media, that questions that wind and solar just don’t deliver, that you still need real sources of energy such as coal, gas, nuclear and properly designed hydro?
Best guess about the destruction of both Nord Stream pipelines is Russian incompetence.
Theory goes as follows: Pipelines were at the bottom of the Baltic Sea. Temps there are just above freezing and depths are a bit deeper than 100′. At the time, the two active natural gas pipelines were shut down, as Putin shut off natural gas to Europe. Problem is that shutdown did not replace the natural gas in the pipeline with N2. Non-moving dirty natural gas precipitates out natural gas – water ice mixture called hydrates. Over time, they grew hydrate plugs. Russians did something on their end, likely an attempt to draw down natural gas in the pipeline and the plugs started moving, hit a bend in the pipelines and destroyed a section of both of them.
Never underestimate the Russian gift of incompetence. Cheers –
It’s also possible that an as yet undiscovered species of gigantic sea-dwelling mud wasp drilled into the pipes, built mud nests, and laid its eggs there, blocking them, causing the explosions.
The wasp was attracted to the site by the presence of the Pigs referred to upthread.
We’ll know the truth soon enough. Apparently the Chinese captured the whole episode on one of their low-flying satellites cleverly disguised as a weather balloon.
Bizarre comment but not even funny MV.
Frankly, your comment attitude lately suggests dementia should be your immediate concern. That happens often enough to people your age.
Memory made of Swiss cheese and a vault of chicken wire.
I was going to reply to that, Bozo, but I’ve forgotten what I was going to say.
Thank you for the bozo comment,yah bozo.
You beclown yourself again.
Who might you be ? To tell me what is funny or not?
I say it is funny,if you have a sense of humour.
Memory Vault being right on target and vastly more accurate than any of our State Funded Medias.
I thought it was a humorous way to say that we can sit around making up our own evidence-free suppositions all day long, but we’re only playing with ourselves.
Comment below is From Erny72, (posted in the wrong spot)
I had forgotten the story that Sweden retrieved an unexploded device. (Another ian @ #24.1)
So Sweden would certainly have narrowed the field, and may even have identified the source.
Why has Sweden not told us?
BTW. I scored 21 red thumbs to 2 greens at #1.1 for saying the Russians more likely than the Americans, and it was so easy that anybody could have done it.
Which declaration attracted 21 red thumbs?
you disagreed or were sceptical about the main article. Never do that.
Sweden allows to have found an explosive device about 2014 without further elaboration on whose.
And they also did the inspection on the Nord Stream explosions aftermath, again without saying who and what so far
A bit more
” On 18 November, the Swedish Security Service concluded that the incident was an act of “gross sabotage”, stating that traces of explosives were found on the pipes.[85″
“And they also did the inspection on the Nord Stream explosions aftermath, again without saying who and what so far”
You can be quite sure that if they could cook up a story about them being blown up from the inside due to Russian incompetence, that story would be world news on every media, photos and videos as well..
So we can confidently assume they have no evidence to show the pipes were blown up from inside.
Now, are we saying Seymour Hersh didn’t write the story?
Are we saying he is quite wrong in all he wrote? He’s joined Dementia Joe and no longer a Pulitzer journo?
Are we saying the evidence he assembled is incorrect? ..or he drew the wrong conclusions?
Its not like he’s The Health Ranger, or even Dr John Campbell, whom many commenters keep saying is not a doctor but a nurse..
Whoever had the technology and skill to blow the pipelines up would have no problem planting evidence to incriminate another actor. As has been said, those conducting the inspection have the only hard evidence so far, but then again, it wouldn’t be hard for America to source Russian explosives and tech, also vice versa.
C’mon! This is silly. Anyone with a ha’porth of sense knows the pipes blew up from a combination of Climate Change and Covid.
Havent seen much in the media about the new Baltic Pipe Line between Norway and Poland which started full operation in October 2022. It has a capacity of 10 billion cubic meters per year. It seems that the construcion cost was so high that it was argued that it would not be able to compete with low-cost natural gas supplied by Russia.
No need to worry about that anymore.
Biden couldn’t order a pizza. If true (and there’s cetrainly motive) this the the Deep State gone rouge.
Of cause I won’t put this past China either.
Two things make me suspicious. We really don’t know that these pipelines were blown up at all; Photographs of the destroyed pipelines have been withheld from public viewing. All we have are the doubtful assurances by our lying media that they were blown up. The second is who on Earth is Seymour Hersch? I’ve never hear of him before. How does he have access to all this secret information?
There is no denying that the pipelines were destroyed. Frankly this could have happened by simply failing to properly dry the methane before sending it into the pipeline. Whoever knows surely isn’t talking.
So Joe Biden is a Bondian villain who oversaw the operation to blow up the pipelines. This sounds more like Russian agitprop. We screwed up. Blame someone else. Worse yet, there are the Biden Democrats willing to go along with the gag if only to make Joe Biden look smarter than a rock. Sorry people. The rock is still smarter.
Another possibility is that BALTOP22 featured divers from one nation planting explosive charges on simulated charges and other nations detecting and disarming these charges. This is purely speculation but let’s say they missed several charges. Ocean currents carried these explosive charges to low areas in the Baltic where self destruct timers set them off. Oops. They were resting on the pipelines.
Or we can speculate that climatistas blew up the pipelines. We really don’t know because the evidence is concealed.
So, the way I read Seymour is the contract to supply gas to China had nothing to do with it. And the new pipeline to China was within their limits to fill. Even with the previous winters requests for the homeland to limit their gas use, and warning Europe of their problems of supplying enough pressure to the pipeline. I have read nothing about more production facilities in Russia, so taking on a new customer means you have to ignore your other customers.that is what I figure happened. They shut down Europe to supply a better paying customer.
Today, the pipeline directly south east to China (Power of Siberia) is not linked to the pipeline network directed west to The Peninsula (Yamal, Brotherhood and Nordstream 1&2), so blowing up Nordstream doesn’t help Russia more easily supply China unless they’d waited around for the Altai pipeline to be completed and a corresponding pipeline to be built across Mongolia to China (which is just being agreed on now).
The only beneficiaries right now are Poland and Banderastan (through which the remaining Russian gas export pipelines transit), Algeria, Azerbaijan and Norway (who also have gas export pipelines to the EU Peninsula) and the US, Canada, Qatar and if they have export terminals, Mexico and Trinidad, who in theory could export LNG fairly directly to the Peninsula, but lack the available/un-contracted volumes to do so with much significance. Oh, and Iran could probably shift a fair volume of LNG to the Germans now Nordstream is holed, but the Germans do insist on joining these sanctimonious sanctions games, so maybe not.
Danish military analyst Anders Puck Nielsen has convincing arguments about why the Russians are responsible for the Nord Stream sabotage.
And in his most recent video, on Feb. 9, he says he has not changed his mind despite these latest revelations.
A depressing absence of critical thinking …
This technical ‘reservation’ about the sonar drop is a laughable attempt to discredit Sy Hersh’s reportage. To indulge in a spot of ‘no shit analysis’, even if the US lacks such technology (which is unlikley), Norway most certainly doesn’t. Given the high cost of Norwegian labour and the wealth of oil and gas to tapped beneath the North Sea, Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea, often at substantial distance from shore, deepish water and harsh climate, the Norwegian petroluem industry has developed all manner of subsea technology to remotely operate oil and gas infrastructure under the sea. Operating the valves of well heads in subsea templates, remotely operating gas compressors under water or cutting and welding replacement sections of pipeline remotely underwater are all routine. The industry is today developing and trialling autonmous submarines for loading and exporting oil from subsea satellite oil fields which don’t warrant the expense of export pipelines and autonmous submersibles to inspect subsea structures.
Developing and dropping an active sonarbouy to trigger the charges of an undersea reserve demolition is a friday afternoon project.
On the triggering of the charges themselves, well the Norwegian petroluem industry is more than capable of operating complex tools and electronics (for example down hole pressure, temperature and flow gauges, valves and plugs which are operated by pressure pulses at various lengths of time after being placed) downhole in production and observation wells, where the prevailing conditions make the shallow Baltic Sea around Bornholm look about as formidable as your kid’s inflatable wading pool. Such tools traditionally communicated their data to surface/seabed and thence to shore via cable but modern tools may avoid the expense of running cables but communication via ultrasonic, magnetic/induction or pressure pulses to interrogation tools elsewhere in or on the well construction. It is also quite possible to entomb such tools inside concrete plugs at the bottom of abandoned wells to monitor pressure and temeprature over many years with battery power and remote data sampling. The idea that placing a reserve demolition on the seabed, and equipping it with an initiator that can reliably detonate the charges by means of remote triggering within one year, is somehow technologically challenging, well the claimant is either ignorant or being deliberately misleading.
The physical placing reserve demoltion charges against the pipeline in such shallow water is not at all difficult either, such a task is a walk in the park for an ROV crew with even rudimentary competence (in fact the only aspect of the story is that is even slightly hard to believe is why the US navy would go to the unneccessary trouble and risk of using divers for such a mundane task).
As for the idea that reserve demolitions can’t be emplaced and left for less than a year before reliably being detonated,…
I note there is a lingering misdirection that Russia really did blow up their own Banderastan-avoiding pipelines so they’d have an excuse to redirect limited gas volumes to China. If not having enough gas to go ’round were the motivation, … consider the simple expedient of shutting a valve? How hard, never mind justified, would Russia/Gazprom have been to simply say “Suka, you put sanctions on us, you want to pay in Euros so you can ‘freeze’ those payments and effectively get our gas for free? B’lyat, we stop the gas and you can sit in the cold and reconsider your stupidity…” But yeah, right, instead of simply closing a valve, the Russians sent a pig full of explosives down three of the four pipelines, and in so doing, blew up the opportunity to lure the Germans back to the light once they started getting cold in order to regain political influence over them. And those pesky Russians managed to do such a good job that the ‘investigators’ didn’t manage to find even a shred of incriminating physical evidence of Russian pigs on site. And if this is really their cunning plan, why haven’t those sneaky Russians also blown up the Yamal pipeline that transits Poland or the Brotherhood Pipeline that transits Banderastan? The latter would also deprive The Peninsula of gas imports from Turkmenistan and Kazakhstan. But, you know, what ever helps sheeple sleep at night.
[Comment edited … for length and tone. Better to split comments to reply to specific points. The methane paragraphs will be posted under #35. Short comments get approved faster. – Jo]