A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Some one rated this “7” with no posts?
Not guilty M’lud.
It’s the thought that counts I guess [no, not me].
Happy Bob Marley’s birthday! 🇬🇳 🎶
Happy Why Tangi Day NZ – public holiday & the sun’s shining & folk are out strolling the beaches – shame they’re CLOSED due to all the toxic goop washed-out last weekend. ‘Snow possible to 1,000m’ next few days down south. Carbon™ causes everything, including weather. Cheers!
Have you heard Bob’s latest? …..Reggae Mortis.
Fake stars now? 😉
It should have been 10/10 according to my Crystal Ball.
My computer model had it 11 out of 10.
Did you get a second opinion from the other one?
I give your comment an 8
Maybe the plebs who do “peer reviews” have done their thingy.
COVID & The Vacation like a Cruise
Pity their ABC can’t do comedy like that. Great.
Dave B
Dead set!!THe ABC don’t get close to that humour.
Well it looks like the dry cycle is returning and the country in the Eastern part of the continent to turn from verdant splendour (cue Mackellar) to waist-high brown grass. A couple of heatwaves and the scrub dries as well. The times of the media vultures with their cries of planet incineration will return in time for Xmas 2023. No birds were dissected in the forming of this opinion.
Too early to say, it may still pan out to be a Modoki of some kind.,-12.36,530
I’ll accept a Modoki el+gordo. Still grass and understory will grow out and dry. ENSO and the changes within are irrelevant once you have a week or two of dry, hot weather embedded in the short/medium weathersetup.
You know that grass sends up flowering stalks that are programmed to dry even if it is raining?
El Nino Modoki are more common when the Pacific Decadal Oscillation is negative, as in the first decade of the 21st century, and the impact on world temperature is plain to see.
Assuming my hypothesis is correct, we should see large scale significant reduction in rainfall across the Top End.
I too predict a drop off of rain in the top end in the coming months.
If the money wasn’t wasted on windmills and solar panels and spent on something useful like dams and irrigation, just imagine where Australia would be now.
Instead, we are being committed to another drought.
Like I keep telling people; It is, and has ONLY EVER BEEN, ALL about the “spillage” from that tax-payer funded “largess”.
Next fires, people will completely lose the plot. Children will cry as their parents stare to the horizon, lost for words. And the next dry, Greens will be lighting fires. I would be if I was a Green. It works so why not?
As I and others said in2019 that the, fires will come big time. F..k I couldn’t interest the SES or Rural Fire hierarchy in a heads up on the issue. Plainly in sight for anyone with a semblance of a brain, but dealing with fools in the system can be irritating.
Tend to agree, Glen. It may be like 1974-75 – two very wet years but 117 million hectares were burnt during that period. The fires were mainly in western NSW, Qld, NT SA and WA. Six died but many cattle and sheep perished..–75_Australian_bushfire_season#/media/File:Inland-fires.png
They are rational, there is little likelihood of drought or bushfires in the foreseeable future.
‘Both indices were unprecedented in the observed record in 2019. We find that the likelihood of experiencing such extreme susceptibility to fire in the current climate was 0.5%, equivalent to a 200 year return period.’ (Squire et al 2921)
Devastating Footage Emerges After 7.8 Magnitude Earthquake In Turkey
A magnitude 7.8 earthquake struck southern Turkey at 4:18 a.m. Monday near the city of Nurgadi, which was followed by a powerful 6.7 magnitude aftershock that was felt as far as Syria and Lebanon.
I did predict an 8.0 for early this year late last year as my readers will recall.
I suspected the middle east but didn’t want to say that or cause panic.😎
I have a new method of prediction.
Not bad so far.
Yes indeed, but could you please re-educate us, briefly, how ( as UK Media portrayed it) how the ANatolian Fault caused the fault in Nurgadi (sic) =Nurdagi ? . their news report confused me as to where the Anatolian Fault really was …. Not next to Syria.
Fake Meat Fail: Sales Collapse At Beyond Meat, Impossible Foods As 20% Of Staff Laid Off
The fake meat industry appears to be in a death-spiral as sales at plant-based ‘meat’ companies Impossible Foods and Beyond Meat have imploded
As Axios reports, “after years of hype, the tide is turning against the first generation of plant-based protein makers.”
Last year, both companies were riding high – with prime placement on supermarket shelves, and Burger King even adding an Impossible Whopper to its menu.
Impossible Meat even began to branch out – looking to expand offerings to highly processed meats such as chicken nuggets and sausages.
Sales have collapsed, however, which according to a recent Bloomberg report, has resulted in Impossible Foods planning to lay off around 20% of its workers.
Impossible Foods Inc., the maker of meatless burgers and sausages, is preparing to cut about 20% of its staff, according to a person familiar with the matter.
The Redwood City, California-based company currently employs about 700 workers. The new round of dismissals could reduce that amount by more than 100.
Impossible Foods also offered voluntary separation payments and benefits to employees at the end of 2022, said the person, who asked not to be named discussing private information. An internal document viewed by Bloomberg confirmed the separation packages being offered. The company previously reduced headcount in October, cutting about 6% of its workforce at the time. -Bloomberg
Beyond Meat’s sales fell over 22% in the third quarter of 2022, as the company is preparing to similarly cut 20% of its workers. The company has also lost several executives.
The novelty factor has worn off.
People, including me, have tried it and said “meh”…
I didn’t try it. I just said ‘meh’. What a revolting idea.
A little bit of good news on this Monday…:-)
Be very careful with these plant protein boosted concoctions.
I work in Petfood a lot of the time and a researcher I trust in the US has done a lot of work with cat and dog diets. Pets are many years ahead of humans in the use of high levels of plant based proteins in particular in Grain Free products.
Well, after cardiomyopathy breakouts in dogs this has been linked to high levels of said plant proteins.(ie heart attacks) In fact my researcher nutritionist friend had compiled papers and research in this area and produced a guideline for formulating petfoods, and levels of plant proteins are restricted to certain levels. To contain heart issues.
Whilst dogs are not humans its pretty clear to me there has been no attempt at any research on humans eating many of these highly processed plant proteins at high levels. This is not your standard vegetarian fare but something else altogether. I warn any who will listen to keep levels of these fake meats to once a week, as we already have the evidence from our canine friends that all may not be well here.
Of course the Left who are pushing this sort of thing will never do any research, as it might find problems. Think covid vaxxes and Climate Change….
Jordan Peterson announces movement to counter WEF initiatives.
This initiative may save our affordable energy and freedom in all its forms.
12.5 mins
We should support this initiative with all our might and resources…
The Grollo Family bought Mt Hotham Airport for $6.5 million.
Do you think that’s a good idea because we keep getting told glo-bull warning will destroy the skiing industry in Australia. /sarc
No problem David. A nice little airport free of snow — after all we were told in 2012 “Enjoy snow now, by 2020 it will be gone
Environmental Researchers say the end of Australia’s ski culture is in sight, despite one of the best snow seasons in a decade”
The Australian Sept 5, 2012
I think from memory someone senior in “The Bureau”
Ideal fr private jets if WEF decides to flee South.
Thanks Graeme.
There is a sensible article about snow cover at:
Which can be contrasted with the scary article at:
Australian Snowpack Disappearing Under the Influence of Global Warming and Solar Activity
If the CSIRO believes in no snow why do they own 2 ski lodges.
Here is a link to their ski club.
No mention of imminent disaster.
I wonder what “funding proposal” paid for that.
enjoying it while they can?
land banking for future beachside accommodation?
bought them in the age of innocence before they realized they were planet destroying, indigenous land occupying, colonialist scum like everyone else?
its all a terrible mistake and they will be sold off to build youth centers in Alice Springs?
When I was at school in the 80s, the word was “go see the snow now because it won’t exist beyond 2000”. Remember that mythical number. The ABC even had a science show called Beyond 2000.
It was called “Towards 2000” and when it went commercial mid 1980’it changed its name to Beyond 2000 and a later iteration called beyond tomorrow.
A rare successful commercial venture into scitech – compared it with that show I seem to remember with a title one letter long.
Maybe just a hedge against sea level rise taling out Melbourne and Sydney airports ? 🤔👍
Italy’s Internet Restored After Nationwide Outage; Reports Of Global Ransomware Attack
Reuters confirmed the outage was due to “an international interconnection problem.”
In a separate report, Reuters said that Italy’s National Cybersecurity Agency warned about a ransomware attack targeting servers worldwide.
The hacking attack sought to exploit a software vulnerability, ACN director general Roberto Baldoni told Reuters, adding it was on a massive scale.
Italy’s ANSA news agency, citing the ACN, reported that servers had been compromised in other European countries such as France and Finland as well as the United States and Canada. -RTRS
The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) was aware of the attack. The agency said:
“CISA is working with our public and private sector partners to assess the impacts of these reported incidents and providing assistance where needed.”
Reuters pointed out that the cyberattack and Italy’s internet outage “were not believed to be related.”
Meanwhile, here’s what people are saying on social media:
So Italy was the first in the West to do lockdowns… Now they’re the first to have the cyber attack ol’ Schwab has been monologuing about. What is it about Italy that the Globalists don’t like?
The covid pandemic started in Italy, exactly 3 years ago.
Would the internet outage in Italy right now be the start of the predicted cyber pandemic?
Italy is hit with a sudden internet outage. How the hell does the entire country of Italy lose the internet.
Next it may be banking.
G-O-T C-A-S-H-? 😎
Bird flu is back and it’s jumped species
It’s groundhog day again. And I mean that quite literally since it was actually reported on February 2nd:
Bird flu has jumped to mammals in the UK – so how worried should humans be?
Yes, the experts are back and they have more “warnings”. But don’t worry “It’s not that alarming”…yet. Although clearly someone at the New York Times didn’t get the “don’t be alarmist” memo, because they went with…
An Even Deadlier Pandemic Could Soon Be Here
scientists warn there is a possibility that bird flu viruses could change and gain the ability to spread easily between people. Monitoring for human infection is extremely important
And – just like Covid – if they start testing everyone for bird flu, they will find it.
We all know where it goes from there: Vaccines.
Meanwhile, The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) confirmed that a bobcat from northeast Washington tested positive for the highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus H5N1 strain last month.
This marks the fourth mammal in Washington State to test positive for HPAI since July of 2022. Three raccoons (one on Camano Island, one in Spokane County and one in the Tri Cities area) tested positive in 2022.
Avian influenza, also known as bird flu, refers to the disease caused by infection with avian (bird) influenza (flu) Type A viruses. These viruses occur naturally among wild aquatic birds worldwide and can infect poultry and other bird and animal species. Wild aquatic birds include ducks, geese, swans, gulls and terns, and shorebirds.
I track outbreaks of all types daily and it’s been pretty ordinary for months but do I see a new trend emerging? 😉
Possibly/hopefully unrelated, is an upward trend in human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease.
A joint symposium on by the control of spread of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) was held with the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Korean Neurological Society Saturday.
The Korean Centers for Disease Control reported a total of 67 cases occurred in Korea in 2021, and the trend has been gradually increasing over the past five years– 38 in 2017 → 54 in 2018 → 53 in 2019 → 64 in 2020 → 67 in 2021.
Analyzing the number of occurrences by type as of 2021– About 85% (57 cases) of sporadic CJD (sporatic CJD, sCJD) occurred without any particular cause, and about 15% (10 cases) of genetic CJD (gCJD), which spreads and occurs through heredity.
CJD is like Rabies in that symptoms can take months or years to show and then it’s too late.
What if a lab with no ethics was doing directed evolution on H5N1 (bird flu)? Hypothetically, if a foreign power or malicious corporation wanted to release it, with plausible deniability, it would be best to do that among a “natural” outbreak.
If someone wanted to sell vaccines, a real pandemic is so much easier and better to use than a fake one. One lab can create a global pandemic, but it takes 10,000 labs to fake one.
But then, perhaps a group just wants to sell fake meat and it’s so convenient if there is mass culling in the domestic meat market. “Good for sales”.
What if a biotech war had already started. How would you know?
They are, they are, for 100 years. Worldwide…
Confucious say “Ask JC2” 🤣
Watch everything, everywhere, every day and track trends…
It would not surprise me at all, to see a virus engineered and purposefully released (again?). That Fauci and Pfizer, plus who knows how many more, what are they up to? I’m not a smart man, but I smell a rat.
What if a new social class of hyper wealthy elites emerges and begins buying up a dying sectors of Western culture (Universities and Uni-Media), recognizing they could be repurposed.
What if a curious symbiosis developed between over grown nation state bureaucratic governments, their security apparatuses, and these elites and their newly purchased academic and media ‘friends’.
You get Climate Alarmism with an autistic teenage spokesmodel.
You Capitalist Communists WEF.
You get Scientism.
You get TED talks.
(Then a convenient Orange Dragon Devil arrives and threatens these well laid plans … but therein lies an opportunity … you didn’t become elite by failing to recognize opportunity.)
And viola, a very weird ‘Pandemic’ of mysterious origin provides an enhanced legal and psychological framework for (total)itarian control, very nearly completing the true goal of the IPCC.
Resulting in hippie boomer former counter culture revolutionaries demanding that everyone stop questioning authority and get vaccinated.
You get the Children of God Woodstock generation and their progeny demanding restrictions on Free Speech.
Good up to the last paragraph.
OBama, for example, is only 61. Hardly a boomer.
Our current NSW premier is a well under 50 piece of work.
Arrogance, kreepiness and ugly leadership abound in all age groups.
Didn’t mean all of them.
They were the ones that were supposed to be questioning authority.
There was even a bumper sticker.
Inciteful description of how I generally roll, ‘good up ’til the last paragraph’.
I may use that. 🙂
Could replace my previous planned epitaph, “Damn it, Keith Richards is still alive.”
What if all the 9.x comments disappeared. Would anyone care?
Monday balloon madness
US Military Fears China May Reach Balloon Wreckage Before They Can Get There – Proper Salvage Vessel Won’t Be There For Days
You just can’t make this up! After allowing a China spy balloon to float across Alaska and the continental United States for the last 10 days, the US military finally shot the balloon down after its work was accomplished.
Now the US military is concerned they may not reach the balloon wreckage before China can. The balloon was shot down 6 miles off the coast of Carolina. They can’t be serious, except that they are.
The US military will not have a proper salvage vessel at the scene for several days.
These clowns are making a mockery of the United States.
The US military can’t retrieve a balloon 1km off shore for over a week? How on earth do you expect to win ANY war!?
Is the pink handbag squad afraid of water? 🤣
Perhaps chief Wild Eagle knows what to do.
There are job openings at the White House.
Keep your hat on, it was only a wayward weather balloon,
‘Zhuang Guotai, the head of the China Meteorological Administration, was fired on Sunday, according to reports.’ (UK Mail)
As in firing squad “fired”?
They don’t waste ammo with a ‘squad’, you get that one to the back of the head with a board tied to your back thing.
Getting the sack is better than being sent to Outer Mongolia.
Doesnt the US spend a lot of money on a Coast Guard as well as a Navy?
Allegedly, the wreckage is in shallow water; about 40 feet.
An easy scuba dive, even for an old bloke like me.
I would expect that the Air Force waited until it was offshore but still over shallow water, in case the rig had high-explosive “anti-tampering” device, as found on all the most “interesting” weather balloons”.
China may have inadvertently done the people of the US a favour, showed up the top brass for the muppets they are.
Ukraine will Used the Weapons to Attack Moscow – They Lied
To get the weapons for massive destruction, Zelensky lied and promised that the weapons would not be used to target Moscow. Kiev’s forces will not hold back when it comes to hitting locations inside Russia, according to Fyodor Venislavsky, a member of the Ukrainian parliament’s National Security, Defense, and Intelligence Committee. Speaking to Germany’s Bild tabloid on Saturday, he also described Moscow as a “legitimate military target.” The West is arming Ukraine for long-range missile attacks on Moscow. Putin and the hardliner will now have NO CHOICE and will be fully justified in nuking Ukraine to end the war the same way the United States nuked Japan.
The corruption in the Western media is astonishing. This is not being reported in the USA or Europe. It is being reported in the Middle East and in Russia. The international fake news organization, Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a consortium to control all the mainstream Western Media, is promoting World War III and we are to be told Russia is evil and we must go to war to destroy every individual Russian on the planet. There is no longer any independent journalism left. I had learned in grade school history class that the media created the Spanish American War. Pulitzer later felt guilty and donated his assets to Columbia University to hand out awards for journalists when Pulitzer was the father of yellow journalism and sheer corruption.
This is ABSOLUTELY what our world leaders want to take place. In their view, Gates has convinced them that there are just too damn many of us and they cannot pay for all the pensions. It’s time to thin the herd. They need war to reduce the population and eliminate the debt crisis.
For all of those who support Zelensky and hate all Russians or at least buy the bullshart propaganda about Putin, take a last look at your children and grandchildren You are condemning them to a future that may not even exist. Your stubbornness and refusal to look at the truth have emboldened our World leaders to steer us directly into world war III. I have had Ukrainian employees on both sides from Kiev (Its original Russian spelling) and Donetsk. I have had experience with Ukraine and they are DESPISED by all their neighbors for they are the remnant of Hitler’s N@zis. The wheel of fortune has completed its revolution. We are now supporting the Ukrainian N@zis Ethnic cleansing operation of the Donbas.
Yuppety yup…
It would be good to have less Russian propagandists on this site. Thanks.
Hell no, they’re needed to balance the mainstream propaganda that seems all-pervasive!
Read it here, watch it happen in a week or two!
If it was satirical, perhaps, but in reality its just boring Russkie propaganda.
And why is there only Russian propaganda, only one side in a war? That would be a world first. The first casualty of war is the truth.
What were the Bidens doing in Ukraine? And why are the Ukranians and Moldovans the poorest people in Europe if the place is such a prize?
And don’t underestimate the tens of billions of dollars and profits flowing like a river and the military industrial complexes behind it in Germany, France, the UK and US. And the endless wars waged by these same countries against Russia. I could list them but the post would be put in moderation for length. The public is always told it’s the good guys vs the bad guys.
And who actually won in Afghanistan? Libya? Syria? Vietnam? Cambodia? Millions died and others profited and no one won. Propaganda. That’s all you hear. From BOTH sides.
Here in America we get cheap underwear made in Viet Nam at Walmart.
Could count as a win.
Syria is currently a Special Operations live fire training facility.
Also not all bad.
Ukraine provides laundering services.
Surely its time for American adventurism to end, useless waste of resources.
China’s belt and road offers a more humane way of going about business and preventing wars.
So you suggest the USA, UK, GDR , etc just sit back and let any war moungering tyrant do whatever they want ?
Whilst it may seem like interfereing in foreign events, it is generally a “preventitive” , or lesser of eivils action.
Where would we all be if they had just let Hitler run around europe unhindered ?
..or even Korea, Vietnam, etc.
War is nasty, but the “no involvement” alternative can be much worse.!
Andrei is shutting down The Saker blog, a real shame, but understandable given his reasons-
“In the past I have indicated several times that should it come to a direct war between the USA and Russia I would shut down the blog because being a guest in the USA (I only have a “Green Card”) while my country of ethnic origin is at war with the USA puts me in an impossible position. ”
He will keep a close association with Kolozeg, another good site for non-mainstream opinions.
..and the way the Russians are pushing in the North-East of Ukraine around Izium, the Euro/USA tanks may not be in time to help.. Uncharitable opinions suggest that NATO will string training out to make sure that the tanks never have to go into combat if it looks like Russia is on the move.
So, how many Leftists do you know who are eating insects “to save the planet”?
Probably quite a few; after all if you have the brains of a bird then insects might look nutritious.
And O/T but are Witcherry Grubs classified as insects. I see a market for them in hot sauce (with or without beans) or possibly Chocolate coated.
Yes. They are the larvae of moths and moths are insects.
Fried in butter they are delightful.
Spelled Witchety Grubs.
Here’s an update on the presumed Chinese spy balloon that flew over the US.
The wreckage is recoverable as the water is shallow and attempts are being made to recover it.
It will be interesting what’s found although presumably Biden doesn’t want to upset his Chicomm comrades too much.
“It will be interesting what’s found ”
Not that we will ever know DM, the FBI will classify it and release photos of what they want us to believe was on there…
It must have had a good radar signal for that missile to hit it, I suppose weather balloons are all carrying reflectors so they show up clearly. Not what you would want a spy balloon to have of course!
Evidently the balloon was shot down with a Sidewinder missile. They use an IR seeker, not radar, and use a proximity fuse.
Why would expect to be told? Armchair generals are low in the pecking order.
This whole debacle once again shows America to be a feeble shadow of its former self, following on from the international embarrassment of the Afghanistan surrender. Firstly, the failure to intercept the thing sooner surely suggests the surveillance of their own airspace is pathetically inadequate and/or their national security is woefully hamstrung by politics. Secondly, is it too much to ask the (supposedly) advanced technology they possess could not have simply put a few small holes in it, so that it slowly descended, fully intact for recovery and analysis? Thirdly, another technical failure is suggested by the fact they didn’t have recovery teams in place BEFORE they shot it down?
Seriously, a total cock-up from start to finish. The Chinese must be feeling more confident about a Taiwan invasion by the day and, if it looks remotely likely that Trump could be re-elected, they might want to do it pretty soon.
Has China done anything wrong even if it was a deliberate incursion?
Is there international law that’s states how high national sovereignty over airspace extends(no!). It doesn’t extend as high as space – obviously! Seems a bit of a grey area.
How high can an SR 72 fly? They were legitimate targets, according to Russia.
There’s nothing Russia doesn’t consider legitimate! But yes, the shooting down of an SR 71, supposedly, could be a consideration if a law were to be constructed.
MrGrimNasty the CCP tested a hypersonic missile system using high altitude balloons as a platform , this was in 2018 and aired on state run tv . NTD news have just reported and the photo clearly shows that indeed they did do some experiments , now the missiles were glide so not sure where the hypersonic comes into it but the balloon that was shot down did track across an area where the US has a cluster of nukes .
Sorry original story was reported on the epoch times .
So? My point is China hasn’t broken international law with this actual balloon.
Have been making progress on my orbital model of the sun. I have progressed from the simplistic point model that adorns many web sites like this one:×488/rscb1/ngcb1/notWebP
To a more accurate model that includes the rotational inertia. This model includes the momentum exchange between translational and rotational inertia through the varying planetary pull on the sun. The linked image compares the orbits:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhH-TbbMhqoI7leX_?e=DqgtnC
The radiall displacement is probably overshooting in this diagram because the model is only monthly time intervals and too coarse tp accurately model the behaviour. The sunspots are caused by the varying pull mostly when Jupiter is in opposition or conjunction with Saturn but Venus and Earth both contribute to the noise on the sunspots. There is also a natural frequency in the exchange of energy that this model does not reproduce that well.
The sunspots do not align with the peak pull but, rather, when the pull is changing fastest. The pull has been falling since early 2020 and will be at minimum in 2030 so solar spots till then before dipping in 2031 then increases again till 2038 – with next conjunction 2041.
There is speculation that we entered a Gleissberg in 2014, but I have my doubts.
Your timing might be more accurate, similar to 1810 – 1830.
15 minute cities in Canada – “not happy Jan” edition
Has anyone noticed egg yolks are more pale than usual? Specifically I am referring to Coles free range eggs from Melbourne. I know some of the colour used to come from dyes added to the feed but are they no longer doing that or what is the reason for pale egg yolks in Australia?
Ours are losing the bright orange of early spring/summer that comes from the carotene in the spring grass. They will still be a darker yellow/orange than shop-bought ones, the chickens have the run of our 500sqM back lawn. ..which reminds me, I had better go & mow some of it!
The colour of the egg yolk varies from breed to breed I think, as does the shell colour. There are a couple of Barters, a Leghorn, a handful of Light Sussex and half a dozen young Marans.
I expect they add carotene to chicken feed at the farms.
Old “green” idea from the leave civilisation behind movement to the country was to feed the chooks with some orange marigold flowers to make yolks brighter orange. It was promptly taken up by battery farmers as a way of getting chooks with orange skin fat, which was thought to show that they must be free range one.
Why do you think a “free range” chicken is better fed than a battery hen?
So all that changes is the air they breathe.
Further down the page:
At those stocking rates lesser hens will be pecked to death, it’s the “pecking order”.
Everything about commercial poultry is ‘orrible but I’m a hypocrite and still buy standard eegs.
I’ll call foul on this one myself. I thought at the time something wasn’t right.
These space requirements are for birds housed at night, released again in the morning. You get that when you don’t read it all.
My apologies. 🙁
And they wouldn’t be individually caged. Chooks like to get in close at night.
Egg yolks are normally a pale yellow. They are made more orange by adding a dye to their diet. If you are getting pale yolks, it may be because they free range eggs are actually free range for a change (it’s hard to force them to eat the dye unless they’re in cages).
Not sure that I agree with you. I have friends who have a poultry farm, they produce what they call pastured eggs. Nice deep rich orange yolks. The chickens are in clutches of several hundred with each clutch restrained in an area of a couple of hectares for a period of three days, then they are moved on to fresh pasture. It is the abundance of fresh green pick that gives the yolk their colour, not a dye.
We had some chooks in our back garden in Melbourne some years back. Their egg yolks were a deep rich colour as they had the green pick and all the bugs to feast on.
There have been a substantial number of studies(e.g. 1, 2) showing that using both marigolds and marigold extract in the poultry diet increases the chicken’s antioxidant capacity and helps repair skin tissue.
Add marigold flowers instead for natural enhancement of yolk colour.
Thanks to
raising-happy-chickens dot com
I gave a green tick for the apparent logic. And then I read the next comments and realised that I had acted in haste.
A few threads ago there was a short session on internet book sources for IIRC second hand books – might have been overseas.
I saw it but didn’t save it so would appreciate a pointer that way
Book Depository, Amazon (will often show used option), AllYouNeedIsBooks UK.
Enter the title and author and you will be bombarded.
I often use to find old, rare or used books. Real paper books, of course.
Tganks Deej. Actually I meant
Thanks everyone
I’ll save them this time
Greens have lost Lydia Thorpe , has quit the party and is going to be an independent, at least she won’t get voted back in .
Hate it when that happens. If a parliamentarian ( senator ) quits her/his party, the whole seat should be up for re-election, or passed onto the next party. Or whatever the process is in the senate.
Senators are not elected by “seats”. They are elected by the whole state.
When Richard De Natale resigned with two and a half years of his senate term unspent Lidia Thorpe was appointed by the Greens party to fill the casual vacancy, that is, she’s unelected.
Not entirely accurate Gob. SMH has a story today which includes this bit of history:
” The Greens chose to elevate her again in 2020 when she replaced Richard Di Natale when he resigned from parliament in November of that year. The party gave her the great gift of being the incumbent senator when she led the Greens ticket in Victoria last May. ”
For overseas people our latest general election was last May.
That she was given the lead on the list of Green candidates meant she got all the benefit of people who voted for the party rather than the candidate.
The article also contains the phrase “bait and switch” for her manoeuvre.
Dave B
She will be a shoe in for whatever “The Voice” bureaucracy ends up looking like. The trough will be large.
Hopefully fading into ignominy.
Probably retire to a Greek Island.
Given her passion for “her” land and heritage perhaps she will answer the call of her “Scottish/Australian descent” and retire to one of the Shetland Islands.
I would suggest Little Fogla Stack as suitable after reading that ‘biography’. SW of Mainland.
Uninhabited with sea views and lots of unpolluted air (very bracing at times).
On the subject of balloons, you may be interested to know there is a community of people who take standard Mylar party balloons, fill them with helium and attach a tiny transmitter with GPS. These balloons can travel thousands of km and may even circumnavigate the globe. The transmitters have tiny 5mW power and for long range flights use WSPR protocol which can receive data with a -34dB signal to noise ratio.
A Melbourne fellow used to send a lot of them and I attended one of his launches, along with another DIY latex balloon that went to about 115,000 feet altitude.
His website is at and you can find various flight logs there.
On one of the UK shopping channels they sell overpriced watches, one of them had the gimmick that it had been into space, it comes with a certificate with a printout of all the ‘flight’ data. Yep, they send everyone up on a balloon. Fools and their money.
Oz company may resurrect BritishVolt battery factory.
“Glazov Gang: Naomi Wolf on ‘What Pfizer Tried to Hide’”
Protective Effect of Vitamin D Supplementation on COVID-19-Related Intensive Care Hospitalization and Mortality: Definitive Evidence from Meta-Analysis and Trial Sequential Analysis
Vitamin D supplementation results in the following:
72% reduction in ICU admission
51% reduction in your risk of death
It’s conclusive.
Full Paper:
Startling Evidence Suggests BioNTech and Pfizer Falsified Key Data: Part 1
If this proves out, companies could lose indemnity and become legally liable.
Wind power makers suffer huge losses, want to abandon major project
“Siemens Gamesa reported Thursday that it had lost a staggering $967 million during the three-month period from between October to December.”
General Electric renewables unit reported a loss of $2.2 billion in 2022.
Meanwhile in SCotland, what we already knew – around 15 YEARS ago: and in SPain , some wyse guys were powering up solar installations at night via Genny’s because the tarriffs were so good MAybe Electricity only goes 1-WAY along a wire THink about it!
Harvard Medical School To Make ‘Climate Change’ A Focus Of Its Curriculum
oxygenconservation anyone? An email newsletter led me to this and the back-end of something on TV t’other day Buccleuch Estates selling off land… but was so vague or obliquely put that I missed the Structure. Selling of land “AS featured in last weeks’ Scottish Farmer, Oxygen Conservation has confirmed the purchase of 11,390 acres of Langholm Moor, known as Blackburn and Hartsgarth, from Buccleuch.” Had to look further into it …Pugh! heard it all now.. can’t they make up their minds what they really want to do?
I guess Dan and Lily’s off shore power dream project will be different , but interesting developments in any case.
and this ignores the whole whale killing thing
what Tony from OZ reminds us of from time to time, on one graphic of global energy sources
That chart said “primary energy”, in which case biofuels should be quoted.