By Jo Nova
Modern science is just a competition to see who can cry the most. It’s national policy by agony aunt analysis. The terror and tears are right there in the national policy news at The Guardian. Six months after the UK experienced a hypothetical 40 degree minute the media are still dining out on the psychoanalysis of it.
Outlook? Terrifying: TV weather presenters on the hell and horror of the climate crisis
What is it like to have a front row seat for the worst show in the world? Four meteorologists describe how they are explaining the reality to viewers – and coping with it themselves
Long gone is the British stiff upper lip as the Luftwaffe bomb London, now beach weather brings tears:
Switching channels, the ITV meteorologist Laura Tobin, who does the weather bulletins on Good Morning Britain, was also on duty that day. Like Rich, she had been watching the models with a mixture of incredulity and dread. “I remember when I did my first bulletin on that Tuesday morning I forecast that we would break 40C. Then when I sat down and chatted to my producer, I had tears in my eyes. Something I had thought would be a reality in the future was a reality that day. We shouldn’t be reaching these temperatures – it would be impossible to without climate change.”
TV journalists are, in theory, supposed to ask hard questions — like maybe whether hot records mean anything at all when they are recorded with equipment that sits next to hot tarmac, has an error margin of 1 to 2C, and lasted less than three minutes. Three of the five hottest spots that day were also at airports while a station in the green fields of Harpenden only reach 37.8°C. See Cliscep for all those details.
If you don’t like forty degree days, don’t build next to a tarmac.
It was hardly the “New Normal” it was the hyped hot two-minutes

What if the planet doesn’t need saving? Laura Tobin is selling a book.
As the DailySceptic points out:
The record [at RAF Coningsby] was set at 3.12pm following a sudden jump in temperature of 0.6°C in the previous two minutes. Sixty seconds later, the temperature fell to 39.7°C. The Met Office has refused to answer our questions on the matter.
So the record probably didn’t even exist, and even if it did, it’s hardly a PTSD event to be psychoanalysed months later. Get ready for therapy:
I’m talking to four weather presenters and meteorologists about what it is like to have a front row seat at the worst show in the world: the climate crisis.
Weather is not the same as climate, except when it is:
Of course, weather is not the same thing as the climate: one happens over days, the other decades. But, as Clare Nasir puts it: “Climate impacts weather.”
Obviously the weather-isn’t-climate line is getting to them. Let’s use it.
And they know their whole faith comes back to climate models
If you start with useless models — CO2 can pretend to fill in for all the other variables you forgot:
She explains how scientists have learned to detect a climate-change footprint in a particular weather event (extreme heat, rain, storms, etc) “by running the computer models with the scenario that has just happened but with lower amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere to see if you could actually squeeze out that temperature, or that amount of rainfall. They then go back and put in a lot of different scenarios so they can calculate the likelihood of this event happening because of climate change. They can put a number on it – say, for example, it’s 100 times more likely this event has occurred because of climate change.”
Climate models are just the neolithic binary entrails that modern shamen read. The modelers don’t even include electromagnetism, space weather, cosmic rays and changes in UV spectrum. If any of those changed the climate in the last fifty years, the models will blame CO2 instead. That’s what they are designed to do…

Laura Tobin in Svalbard GMB
Tobin’s in tears again: “there’ll be no more reindeer”
This is what 40 years of feminism has brought us, the right for women to cry on TV?
In 2021 Tobin went to Svalbard, the Norwegian archipelago in the Arctic, to report for Good Morning Britain. She saw how the glaciers had receded, how the fjords were no longer freezing over, how this was affecting the wildlife: polar bears were dying, human economies were dying. And again there were tears, this time live on camera. “I didn’t mean to. I didn’t want it to be about me crying; I wanted it to be about the science. But I just saw the reality of it and it moved me. I realised that we – everybody – is responsible for that change. Seeing the reality compared to seeing and knowing the science was different. That was the moment for me when I was like: I want my daughter to come back and see this. If we don’t change there may be no reindeer, polar bears or glaciers when she’s my age. That was reality.”
It doesn’t get much more embarrassing for women in science than disappearing reindeer, except possibly for women who use namecalling, guilt, and ad hom attacks:
Back then, [Clair] Nasir says, the media thought it needed to provide a “balanced” point of view, and “even though the science at that point was pretty much spot on, they were allowing these climate deniers – whether they were in the pockets of the fossil fuel companies or whatever – to come on to voice their opinions without any factual backing whatsoever. I’m going to say this in the harshest possible terms: everybody had blood on their hands.”
It’s not science, it’s just a Psy-Op. The money is a billion times bigger on their side. Someone tell Clair about the $130 trillion dollar banker cartel called GFANZ.
Hi Jo – these “scientists are PATHETIC.
Not only ALL of gthe things you mention can’t be inserted into their SCAM models.
What about clouds?
The day they say they can include clouds in their models we’ll KNOW they’re LYING!!
They put the output of one FAKE, UNVALIDATED model ..
… against the output of another FAKE, UNVALIDATED model..
… with all their FAKE, UNVALIDATED conjectures and assumptions built in..
… and pretend the numbers they get have any meaning. ?!
This really is the stuff on ANTI-SCIENCE and fantasy.
“Tobin’s in tears again: “there’ll be no more raindeer””
Should that be “reindeer” .
… or is it a Flanneryism.. There’ll be no more rain, dear.
[Ah but too obscure. In Australia we have only raindear, the kind that is expensive when it is here and expensive when it’s not. – Jo]
Reindeer / caribou can not graze if the snow melts and refreezes. It’s a serious issue as boreal regions are warming much faster than the rest of the planet. There are no urban heat islands affecting temperature records in reindeer grazing regions.
I recommend reading The Treeline – The Last Forest and the Future of Life on Earth by Ben Rawlence
Simon. You know they are all scamsters yet you link to them still?
Facts are that they are either gulling YOU or you are gulling us.
Here’s reality: Sydney Morning Herald 2008:
“This drought may never break
ByRichard Macey
January 4, 2008 — 11.00am“….
“It may be time to stop describing south-eastern Australia as gripped by drought and instead accept the extreme dry as permanent,
one of the nation’s most senior weather experts warned yesterday.
“Perhaps we should call it our new climate,” said the Bureau of Meteorology’s head of climate analysis, David Jones.
That is the reality. Forget the most frequent flooding in Oz (recorded) History, the wettest years in Oz History, the biggest damage bills from flooding in history…..
The reality is that it’s a drought. You got it straight from the BoM prediction factory in 2008
How much longer will you be allowed to peddle this fraud Simon?
Here is another Green storm in a teacup.
LOL.. Treelines have shifted back and forwards like, FOREVER.
Many parts of the region were heavily forested during most of the last 10,000 years.
There are scientific/biological estimates of +3C to maybe even +7C or more above current temperatures.
The COOLING down to the LIA meant that those forested regions disappeared..
And the caribou, reindeer survived through all that time.
Now… Please explain the many tree stumps found under naturally retreating glaciers ?
And please show the scientific evidence that human released CO2 has any provable causation of this natural treeline variability.
Some papers showing that Arctic has been much warmer in the not so distant past.
If anything, this is a NATURAL RECOVERY to more plant and animal friendly times
That warmer Arctic was so much more beneficial for life !
Many more found here
The model for “how to books” is reckoned to be
“How to do it and not get it”, authored by
“One who did it, got it and can’t get rid of it”
What a total crock.
The tragedy of 40 celsius.
We heat steamy little rooms to 75 C and charge people to sit in them for their health.
I won’t be reading the Treeline book because its based on a false assumption, the boreal forrest is behaving naturally with the warmer conditions.
Researchers in the Netherlands have analysed in detail the Late Allerod and early Younger Dryas period, using Pinus Sylvestris as a guide. Cold is a killer.
‘The inability to set fruit and the disappearance of the pine woodland within decades before and after c. 12,745 calBP is interpreted as the vegetational response to abrupt climate deterioration at the start of the Younger Dryas (12,807 ± 12 cal BP).’ (Bazelmans et al 2021)
I was fortunate enough to visit Svalbard in June 2016. It was cold then even in June and average temp. in winter is like -15C and down to -26C at night. The glaciers and ice were very significant and visible in 2016. Today it was -7C in Svalbard – cool eh? Practically nothing grows there (except grass and moss) at the best of times. Even so, about 10,000 reindeer live there – no problem. But for about 9 months of the year, it is completely frozen over but the reindeer don’t die out, why? Because they fly south for the winter to Hawaii? They’re all got condos there on Waikiki Beach? That’s why they’re all brown – from their Hawaiian suntans? I don’t know, I’m only guessing Lol. Best you, Simon, ask an expert like Greta Thunberg or Prof. Tim Flannery. There are coalmines there for Greta to protest about and if dim-Tim says “even the rain that falls isn’t going to fill Svalbard’s dams and rivers” he would probably be right for 9 months of the year (think about it).
The Arctic is warming four times faster than the global average.
Europe is hotting up more than twice the global average
The Middle East region is heating up twice as fast as rest of globe.
Africa is warming faster than rest of world:
China warming up faster than rest of the world:
Countries in the eastern Mediterranean and West Asia are warming twice as fast as the global average.
Pakistan:warming twice as fast as the rest of the world
Singapore is heating up twice as fast as the rest of the world“.
The Atlantic Ocean is warming the fastest.
Over the past 50 years, the U.S. has warmed 68 percent faster than the planet as a whole.
All the above global warming headlines were published in 2022
So, if the snow is melting from all that extra heat, how can it refreeze? Do the reindeer open a can of FREEZE – THE Anti-Heat?
We never see any headlines along the lines that such and such is freezing twice as fast as the global average. If all these regions are warming up up twice as fast as the rest of the globe etc etc, just as many other places must be cooling by nearly as much, otherwise the global average would be increasing.
Maptram. Far too logical. Leftists…especially leftist statisticians….don’t do numbers. Maths etc are far too racist to get involved with they’ll tell ya!
These are the same dopes who reckon weather and climate are completely different things…but then tell you that climate change (weather: how else to know if it’s changed?) will upset future weather! Yeah, the average of weather events will control those future weather events.
And on it goes. You’ve nailed it but will the coffin of climate change stay nailed?
Sometimes you do see reports of extreme cooling rates.
Here is a repeat of several recent comments here and WUWT.
The last 6 1/2 years or so shown here are cooling at an equivalent rate of about 30 deg C per century.
Yet, global warming alleged to be 1 to 1.5C over the 20th century is supposed to be an existential crisis.
Geoff S
Can I identify the period before everything became a climate crisis?
Just watching Simon Sharma on the bbc on the history of Britain. They are covering skara brae in the Orkneys, north of Scotland. He mentions that when it was built in 3000 BC our climate was warmer and drier than today. After falling off the sofa in surprise, I checked the date of the programme. It was made in January 2000 .i suspect the narrative would not say this if the programme was made today
The Holocene Climate Optimum (HCO) was a warm period that occurred in the interval roughly 9,000 to 5,000 years ago, with a thermal maximum around 8000 years ago.
Yes some older programs escape modification.
One on the end of the Roman occupation described how the UK climate cooled and became much wetter, it became impossible to grow the same food crops, and old roads had to be raised up as land became marsh.
I visited Scara Brae in 2011 and our guide said exactly the same thing re it being warmer and drier.
Skara Brae – damn auto-correct.
Its like nothing we’ve ever seen before but twice as bad.
The southern ocean and seas off Greenland moderate the average. Atmospheric warming over continental land areas is warming faster than over ocean, this should be unsurprising.
LOL.. all that red colour.. where they have no thermometers. Hilarious. !
Faked in models, perhaps?
Reality, as measured by satellites, show NO WARMING this century except for the El Nino peak in 2015, now all gone.
And of course, anything from GISS/Gavin Schmidt is known to be a load of massively mal-adjusted, twisted and tortured urban temperatures…
.. bearing ZERO resemblance to any sort of reality.
The whole NH has been COOLING since 2018, so their pretty little animation is basically just a load of JUNK. !
The Southern Ocean is cooling in the Pacific sector, naturally.
The seas off Greenland are a little more complex.
‘In the modern-day climate, a massive area of persistent anomalous warm water in the Northeast Pacific and redeveloping cool pool south of Greenland are well-correlated to a stubborn upper air pattern that can alter or delay effects from leading modes of climate variability such as -NAO patterns.’ (Climate Impact Company)
The reason Europe is enjoying another warm winter is because the NAO is extremely positive.
For good measure, the North Atlantic Oscillation.
‘Continental land is warming faster than over ocean.’
That makes sense. Its worth noting that the Northern Hemisphere is naturally 1.5C warmer than the Southern Hemisphere.
Continental lands will also COOL faster than over the oceans.
PF has just come to the realisation that H2O in the world’s oceans controls global temperature…
… and since CO2 cannot and does not warm the oceans, he has proven that CO2 has no effect on global temperatures.
Graeme No.3,
Good News! You might think those statements are contradictory, but if you do the sums, it turns out that the global average warming is zero.
The whole world is heating twice as fast, as the whole world is heating. Scientist say the whole world is heating so fast it’s starting to freeze.
Of course it is because almost all the temperature measurements are taken in urban areas or even at the end of major air traffic runways, while my met station here on the France/Spain border is showing a sweltering 12.9 C reading – it is up from a 2.5 C overnight.
In Europe, caribou are called reindeer. In Alaska and Canada only the semi-domesticated form of caribou are called reindeer.
I very much doubt your claim that these animals can’t break through melted and refrozen snow to get to food.
Also, the world is greener now due to more natural CO2. There is plenty of food.
Melting and refreezing of snow is not a new phenomenon. Animals deal with it. I know warmists claim it but I can find no actual evidence for this being a problem. And it could only happen when the temperature got close to zero which in the areas where these animals live, would mean it’s close to summer anyway. The animals have survived plenty of other naturally warm periods, just like all other arctic animals.
They have lived through many changes in temperature over thousands of years to be here today they travel for miles a day foraging as they go commonly able to dig through the snow AND ice in places to eat.
They are not grazing on grass under the snow. They are not cows. Uniquely among mammals they live on lichen and have an enzyme which can digest it.
And the Inuit ate the partially digested lichen and moss from the stomachs of caribou they killed.
Only if partially digested. Humans cannot digest lichens. There must be a lot of it to feed herds of reindeer in winter, under the snow and ice.
They range for MILES every day to eat the Lichen which is all over the tundra regions as Alaska is a really big place.
Alaska is almost 3 times the size of France.
Four times the size of Germany.
Three times the size of Spain.
Alaska has only 737,000 inhabitants total in 2022
Anchorage has 291,000 inhabitants.
Fairbanks has 33,000.
Juneau 32,500.
No other cities with 10,000 or more.
Study, massive UHI in Arctic.
Damm Russkies, always doing the actual research that disagrees with the West’s computer modelling!
No wonder we have to destroy them and break Russia up into compliant little stans.
Reindeer conservation status ‘least concern’.
Populations are cyclic 40/60 years.
“There was much concern a little while ago (2009) about the continuing decline of wild reindeer herds all across their range with global warming being blamed. No link was found however and some of the previously declining populations have begun to stabilise or increase in size again while others that were stable have begun to decline.”
Simon, this one’s for you.
Took a photo of the food stalls around Bergen’s waterfront, selling reindeer burgers (80 kr) and hotdogs (60 kr), plus whale meat.
Yeah, the reindeer skin by my bed for very cold nights came from there. Usually I use a Kudu skin, better than any doona but not as long in the hair as the reindeer.
“There are no urban heat islands affecting temperature records in reindeer grazing regions.”

Then show us where the long term temperature measurements were made. !
(Or are they just faked like everything else.)
Then explain tree stumps under retreating glaciers.
The boreal forests are steadily moving north because of warming, that is true, but the warmth is also producing forest development. Increasing CO2 has helped in this regard.
Why is it that some irrational people think that forest replacing permafrost non-productive wasteland… is a bad thing ? !
And of course.. has there actually been any warming ?? (Waiting for raw temperature measurements, please Simon, which pics of location of measurement)
We know that the Arctic in general was pretty much the same temperature in the 1920s-40s as it is now.
Quite right, b.nice. Also:
Amundsen sailed through the NW Passage in 1906 (says he could have done it in 1903);
In 1921 there was no ice below the 80th parallel;
In the late 50s, the submarine USS Skate surfaced at the North Pole.
It’s all cyclical.
Simon – the climate changes, always has, always will. The historic record is incredibly clear on that.
Your ilk cannot seem to comprehend that there are other forces at work besides the evil CO2. (which is at best a very minor contributor)
The sun drives our climate and the cooler weather of late is just the start of a 30 year or so cooling cycle.
Just what temperature should we aim at, if we were able to supposedly control the sun and other forces? The cold of the LIA, the Ice Age chill, the balmy Medieval Warm period (when life thrived)? ? ?
Well, if its that serious, we better starve the poor of energy and then of food, let them die so that we can fix this serious issue. Of course, we could also just eat all the reindeer and caribou, give all that cheap meat to the poor. Which would be worse? Your moralising is garbage, all part of promoting yourself as the latest climate Jesus preaching the suffering of the majority. You left wingers really need to get help.
Tobin’s in tears again: “there’ll be no more reindeer”
Oops, did she mean rain dear? She was after all patronising her audience
18th century tsar Rudolph the Red was in bed just going to sleep alongside his wife when she jabbed him in the ribs and said “Darling it is snowing”. Rudolph pulled the duvet back from his head, listened and replied “No that is rain”. Wife immediately chastised him and said “no, that is snow”. Rudolph grumpily rolled over in bed and said forcefully “That is not snow now go to sleep. Rudolph the Red knows rain deer.”
…oops, I did mean “dear”.
“Rudolph the Red knows rain, dear.”
The version I heard was about a Russian weather forecaster who had a near perfect rainfall prediction record..
Help! Help! The BBC have issued a weather warning for tomorrow for our area. It’s going to be dire. Call out the army!
I know it summer in Oz at present but it’s winter here. Looks like a pleasant fairly mild day with very light winds. Can anyone explain why it warrants a weather warning?
Perhaps because it is neither End of the Earth Hot nor End of Civilisation Cold?
Actually, it seems to be a “yellow” warning for surface ice.
There was a ton of rain on Saturday and on my drive to Newhaven and back there were floods, rivers running down from fields and woods, and water coming out of drain gulleys. For the weather to then rapidly swing round to the north bringing frosts with all that water still around will cause a lot of ice, even if only first thing in the morning.
And their ABC and the climate council were yapping the same sort of nonsense this morning.
Don’t these loonies ever look up the data for themselves?
Humans have thrived for 200+ years and even easier, healthier, wealthier lives since 1950 and 1970.
Are these ignorant fools really that stupid? It takes just a few minutes online to find and understand the facts. So what’s their excuse?
So, why did we have to haul up the doona last night, in mid summer, here in Brisbane? Global “weirding”?
The old electronic thermometer expired a few weeks back, and needs replacing,, probably with a quality analogue model, but is is still chilly here at half past six. The morning-chorus of birds lining up for breakfast looked decidedly “fluffy”, especially the Butcher Birds.
The constant “adjustments to the terminology and the explanations clearly that the ONLY “science” in play is of the “political” variety.
No wonder you were so cold in Brizzo… at 0630 this moaning, Mt Hotham in Victoria was a life-threatening, and existential, -1.7 C with a -10.9 windchill. Falls Creek was ‘warmer’ on -1.1 C yet the windchill was -11.5 (let’s round that down to -12 C). A cool southerly, heading north, will chill things down somewhat.
Hello Simon! Hello Tobin! Australia FREEZES IN SUMMER! Cry, babies, cry.
I was in my hike tent near Guthega (this is sometimes called Perisher/Blue for advertising reasons) on the evening of 8 December last year (2022) when I had a look at the thermometre at 4 am. Then -5, and eventually -7 at dawn the bureau reckoned, though I was too busy having a swim in the ice-flow-covered Munyang river to check my own guage.
Aussies are tough matey. We don’t worry about no steenking wind-chill factor…NOT EVER!
O/T I guess Ardern has done the numbers ..! Got buckleys of winning come Oct, OR been offered a nice cushy job at the UN or WEF. That woman is such a sneaky, self centred, Socialist B…It makes me so mad what she has done to NZ over past years. Left the Country morally and financially bankrupt !….
But her daddy was a policeman – he’ll make sure she pays back her debts before she departs for New York or London or Davos – no really…
Meanwhile Tropical Storm and Hurricane strength and frequency in decline reaching LOWEST in 42 years:
2022 Global Wide Hurricane Season Ends with Weakest Storm Levels of the Last 42 Years
Death Cult beliefs v. observed scientific data: you decide.
Fiji Met have named ‘Irene’ as the 2nd Cat 1 troppo of the season, lurking south of Vanuatu. Similar to the previous non-cyclone, ‘Hale’, TC Irene is expected to survive less than a day, before continuing south toward us as a ‘low’. Oh Catastrophic Warming, how thou hast fallen…
Completely opposite to experts’ soothsaying, MELB & SYD now appear to have NZ’s climate / weather / whatever – we’re all enjoying a lovely 25-27 C mid-summer spell, plus we have the bonus of a clean 1-2 m (4-6ft old school) groundswell out of the NE thanks to the last non-cyclone dropping out of the tropics. Crisis? Emergency? Ignoramuses – this is what we call ‘summer’ and long may it last.
This was BoM’s forecast in October.
‘It is likely there will be an above-average number of tropical cyclones for the 2022–23 Australian tropical cyclone season (November–April).’
The season isn’t over, but I’m calling their forecast a massive fail.
Freddy might turn up and bolster the waves.
‘Based on current model guidance, the low has a moderate to high chance of becoming a tropical cyclone between now and Saturday. If it does reach tropical cyclone strength while still inside Australia’s area of responsibility (west of longitude 160º E), it will be named Freddy and become the third system named by Australia so far this season.’ (Weatherzone)
No 1 son works in the Pilbara, has been sending me daily screenshots of 45deg+ temps from his phone this swing. That would make them really cry, hey?
I wonder how Laura would cope if she saw what we saw on the car screen one July as we crossed a large road junction in Dubai….51C!
Has he sent you photos of the Bungarra families moving into the workshops during the heat of the day? Apparently they regularly set up home in the cooler corners, where nobody disturbs them, then leave later in the day or during the evenings.
On the other hand, if we are to be ideologically committed to an anthropogenic climate change obsession what better reinforcement can we have but an anthropocentric focus on measurement of climate parameters.
In particular, the use of Stevenson screens to measure near surface air temperature, has little scientific validity. These insulation-screened temperature measurements are really measuring a composite parameter, partly dew point temperature, partly convection current temperature, partly near-infrared heating equilibrium temperature (of the instrument).
The result is highly dependent on the factors relating to all three conditions, and all three are readily influenced by the instrument site management.
I think you will find that the height of the Stevenson screen is set for it to be easy to read the instruments. To properly record the effects of evotranspiration it really needs to be much lower as I recall from one article.
Today, most people in the West are completely disconnected from the environment.
They spend too much time indoors and online rather than enjoying “the great outdoors”, even in countries such as Australia known for its outdoor lifestyle.
Staying indoors was further exacerbated by the covid lockups, especially some of the world’s strictest and most brutally enforced as happened in Australia.
People got used to the indoor lifestyle and used to having food delivery slaves bringing meals to their doors and online ordering everything else.
Remaining indoors will be further encouraged with the ongoing war by the Left against individually owned motor vehicles and the “15 min city” concept being pushed by the WEF, UN and the Left in general.
Due to all of the above and the disconnectedness from the environment people are shocked at any slight deviation from what they think are “normal” temperatures. Also, due to the lack of critical thinking skills and general dumbing-down of the population they immediately blame “climate change” or whatever the vogue term is.
Maybe urbanites & city folk & über drivers… yet thanks to our convoluted & twisted coastlines, most people are within spitting-distance of the sea (or a river or a lake), and after the 2-year prison sentence handed-down to us by ‘that woman thing’, are flocking to the beaches (now that it’s stopped persisting down).
Families, kids, teenagers, grandparents, crusty old seadogs like myself, clubbies, surfers, boaties, dog-walkers, tourists… we’re all OUTSIDE enjoying the sea, sun, sand: salt water & Vit D, good medicine.
“The record [at RAF Coningsby] was set at 3.12pm following a sudden jump in temperature of 0.6°C in the previous two minutes. Sixty seconds later, the temperature fell to 39.7°C” … The blowtorch being used suddenly ran out of kerosene.
The measurement standard needs to be changed to exclude short multi-second excursions at high temperature due to a cloud of hot jet exhaust wafting over the measurent station.
I thought that there was a worldwide measurement standard that excluded measuring peaks, and that only Australia didn’t conform to this standard.
It’s an RAF base, there’s lots of machinery that could have affected that reading. Hell, there might have been the exhaust from a jet fighter close by.
Part of “climate protection”:
The EU allows starting Jan. 24th to mix powder of house crickets (Acheta domesticus) in human food products.
After the yellow mealworm and the migratory locust the 3. insect with EU approval to be part of human food.
Novel foods: a risk profile for the house cricket (Acheta domesticus)
We’d better start taking a magnifying glass to use while shopping, in order to read the ingredients.
It will probably just be listed as “protein” without the real source mentioned. Maybe it will get one of those lovely numbers that tell you that your food contains Colour E110 or preservative E220.. Colour E110 is a synthetic azo dye and good old E220 sulpher dioxide. Both generally recognised as not being much good for you.
Let me know if anyone sees an “ingredient list” with those items.
Im waiting for them to include “spiders” !!…..They should be very easy to breed in limited space !! Oh for swallowing a red back or white tail !…..These people need to be set adrift in a row boat !
Ease up on Ms Tobin, please! She is just trying to sell her book. How else can she if there is no need to save the planet? She does not want to have save face when it is categorised as “Fiction” in libraries.
I have in the past seen pictures of the remains of dead trees from 5,000 or 10,000 years ago on the arctic shoreline.
I CANNOT find such images now from a Goolag search.
All I get is garbage about supposed catastrophic climate change.
These images must be highly downgraded in search rankings, if they appear at all, because such pictures would disprove the Medieval warmist viewpoint of a “static earth” where nothing ever changes.
If you can find such images, please post a link here.
Hmm. Could try another search engine perhaps.
I have seen similar pictures on Tony Heller’s videos from time to time (
Goolag search found on line 3 (search term: old trees arctic shoreline) (line 5)
second line in picture search.
Ok. My search terms were “dead trees arctic shoreline” without quotes.
As a trial I put this into Brave
“Arctic shoreline past dead tree stumps”
and got
David here’s a long list of Holocene optimum studies that show much higher temps and sea levels from 10 k to 5 k years ago.
And these studies are from many countries and also show the much higher Antarctic sea levels during the Hol optimum.
I can’t find the tree stump photos, but I know that the MacDonald 2000 study found Hol Opt was much warmer and Boreal forests at that time grew up to the Arctic coastline. This area is much colder today and mainly tundra etc.
Censoring for sure, but you also, nowadays, need to be more precise with your search terms.
There’s loads of results for arctic warming millions of years ago.
For thousands, start here:
Had you searched for 5,000 or 10,000 years ago there’d be no results…
It was about 10 years ago when it was announced that 250,000 Caribou had vanished in Canada which indicated their imminent extinction. They had lost all the Polar bears and now Santa’s reindeer.
This was heralded as an ecological disaster caused no doubt caused by Global Warming. Headlines world wide. The natives said to just look in the next valley. And eventually the Caribou were found, in the next valley although in Canada that is a long way. What a relief!
So a decade later we have another Caribou/Reindeer sob story.
What is odd is that so many believe the ability of animals and humans to easily adapt to changing climate is zero. Every living thing is underneath millions, even hundreds of millions of years old.
At an extreme species are highly adaptible, even by selection when a large part of the population dies because so much is left for the survivors who resurrect ancient genes from exactly such a time. All life on earth has been through hundreds of ice ages and times when CO2 and temperature were much higher. Pyrophytic gum trees and pine trees wipe themselves out for the same reason with bush fires. Both are filled with explosive oils. Wiping out your own environment and most of your population is a very successful territory expansion technique, as long as you wipe out your competitors.
One of the problems for Ms Tobin is that she is only educated in physics/meteorology. It is a science of zero flexibility. Absolutes. She needs to a short course in biology and ecology and zoology and botany. Survival of the fittest. And you do not have to worry about humans. They are the most adaptible people on the planet, from Murmansk to Antarctica to people in orbit. Many people in the Nederlands live below sea level. They are not drowning or mad. It is called adaptation.
It seems that some tiger snakes evolve at breakneck speed
In the last two months, two species of extinct gecko have been discovered in NZ… ain’t science grand. One of them was brought in, alive, by a cat to its owner. The planet is OK.
It’s the people who are stuffed. George Carlin explains –
The Earth Plus Plastic
“Climate impacts weather.”
It would be more correct to say weather sets the tone for climate.
Can they increase the temperature a couple of degrees please?
What Do Thermometers And Barometers Actually Measure?
The thermometer and barometer are two instruments fundamental to atmospheric sciences but the problem is that the people using these instruments have no idea about what information the instruments are providing.
The thermometer does not measure the kinetic energy of the molecules in the atmosphere and the barometer does not record the pressure or weight of the molecules in the atmosphere.
The only difference in the design of the two instruments is that a thermometer has its measuring liquid totally enclosed while the barometer has the reservoir exposed to the atmosphere.
Both are measuring data from the gas molecules in the atmosphere, but somehow people believe that the little piece of glass enclosing the bulb of the thermometer is converting the units of the data from weight per unit area to mass times velocity squared.
If climate is average weather over a specified time then “Climate impacts weather” makes no sense at all. Averages do not “impact” the thing they arevof. The average height of Americans does not impact people’s height.
They have this undefined and confused concept of climate as a force or process independent of weather. There is no such critter.
That just defines more clearly the confusion and lack of expertise in the Klimate Klowns Katastrophe.
Wow, Vaxxcinda is retiring, giving it all away, oh dear, what a shame.
Follow the money!
Well, at least she wont sing.
Neigh !
I can’t stop crying, there is no sunshine here today and the weather forecast is for stormy conditions to follow, how will we survive this climate emergency?
I had timetabled the whipper-snipping for today.. rain, rain.. oh well
Grass will be twice as high when I can next get to it !
Great news!
New Zealand WEF graduate and PM Jabcinda Ardern will soon resign.
The scary thing is, will her replacement be even worse?
Probably, Labor does not produce good leaders.
G’day David,
It’s already happened:
Cheers, and may things improve for NZ.
Dave B
“I believe that leading a country is the most privileged job anyone could ever have, but also one of the more challenging,” a tearful Ardern said. “You cannot and should not do it unless you have a full tank plus a bit in reserve for those unexpected challenges.”
“I know what this job takes, and I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice,” the now former prime minister said. “But I absolutely believe and know there are others around me who do.”
Translation: I’ve been exposed and humiliated on a global scale and can’t take it any more.
Is some major scandal about to break or is it just another WEF puppet abandoning ship before it sinks.
All I can say is good f****** riddance!
Maybe take up climate modeling instead.
There are many parents out there that yearn for their offspring to become a doctor, politician, lawyer, or belong to a secret society, or something like that, and forget completely that there are a certain percentage, said offspring, who secretly, or publicly aspire to be a popular climate model instead, or even perhaps model someone else’s climate, political climate, financial climate etc..
Modeling various climates and keeping everyone in the audience satisfied is not always achieved. It is possible to satisfy some of the audience some of the time, but not as possible to satisfy all of the audience all of the time.
The World is not following the Climate Change models. So of course, the World is wrong……….saec.
sarc I mean and not saec…………..
Modern Iceland’s temps are much cooler today than the last 8,000 years EXCEPT the late 19th century.
And even colder than the 1700s and less ice then than today.
“Modern Iceland’s Climate Is Colder With More Ice Than Any Other Time In The Last 8000 Years Except The 1800s
By Kenneth Richard on 14. December 2020”
Share this…
“A wealth of new research in glacier and sea ice extent show modern Iceland is 2-4°C colder than all of the last 8000 years except for a slightly colder late 19th century. Even the 1700s were warmer with less ice than today in and around Iceland.
A new study (Geirsdóttir et al., 2020) now affirms peak Holocene warmth at least “∼3–4 °C above modern in Iceland” prevailed throughout much of the last 8000 years. Data from tree growth, glacier-induced soil erosion, algae productivity, sea ice biomarker proxies (IP25), and other climate indices affirm these conclusions”.
Just to add that Steve McIntyre and Willis Eschenbach have linked to the Vinther study to show that Greenland temps have been lower for thousands of years and yet co2 levels have increased over the same time interval.
Britain’s first media weather event,
A storm of ferocious extent,
This 1703 type gale,
Would make our meteorologists wail,
And for two weeks it didn’t relent.
If it happened today they would be in panic mode.
It was an extratropical cyclone that struck central and southern England on 26 November 1703.
‘High winds caused 2,000 chimney stacks to collapse in London and damaged the New Forest, which lost 4,000 oaks. Ships were blown hundreds of miles off-course, and over 1,000 seamen died on the Goodwin Sands alone.’ (wiki)
The great storm of 1703 was a destructive extratropical cyclone that struck central and southern England on 26 November 1703. High winds caused 2,000 chimney stacks to collapse in London and damaged the New Forest, which lost 4,000 oaks. Ships were blown hundreds of miles off-course, and over 1,000 seamen died on the Goodwin Sands alone. News bulletins of casualties and damage were sold all over England – a novelty at that time. The Church of England declared that the storm was God’s vengeance for the sins of the nation. Daniel Defoe thought it was a divine punishment for poor performance against Catholic armies in the War of the Spanish Succession.
No one at the time blamed Climate Change as they didn’t have the Models or the low IQ that the Alarmists have these days……………
‘Climate change a compulsory topic as ‘nihilist fever’ bites.
‘All university degree courses in France will have to include instruction on climate transition under a new government plan.’ (Oz)
‘Climate Transition’? How can you transition the Climate? Is there a Climate Model for that? The mind boggles……..
For Johnny Rotten – Two Steps From Hell – Dragonwing
Thank you Memoryvault. Magical stuff. Great Music.
I would be quite happy if Australian universities ran Climate Science 101, non compulsory, so that I could realise my dream of becoming a tutor online.
“climate transition”
really ?!
.. How many genders of “climate” are there !?
And how do they “transition” ?
Well yes you too would cry faced with all these crises at the same time, from our leaders at the WEC:
This is what you get when you entice a bunch of nut jobs with a free holiday to sit in the same room as each other and ply them full of alcohol.
Well yes you too would cry faced with all these crises at the same time, from our leaders at the WEC:
“Dear friends, scientifically this is not a climate crisis. We are now facing something deeper,” Swedish scientist Johan Rockström said during a presentation Wednesday, adding that we are “Really putting humanity’s future at risk. This is a planetary crisis.”
“This is a safety crisis, but above all it is also a justice crisis,” she said, suggesting that the most strongly impacted populations are in poorer countries that contribute the least to planet-warming emissions.
MORE – The crisis is also “spiritual,” a woman with a hat added
This is what you get when you entice a bunch of people with a free holiday to sit in the same room as each other and ply them full of alcohol.
The lot of them need to become poor, hungry, powerless, in hospital, and victims of Authority, so they might know the boot upon the face of them that pays for their Holiday. Just a thought.
Feminism began in 1983? Well blow me down.
pffft… These are TV weather girls FFS! Actresses who pretend emotions to suit the story they are telling, no more sincerity than a land agent or an airline stewardess!
I don’t know why the peasants get so fixated on TV news actors and weather readers, they are just failed graduates from some acting school who never made it into real programs and films.
There’s something missing in the life of the average peasant, something filled by TV actors and politicians… Maybe its since the Church gave up its role to the Govt.
To be fair to Tobin she has a degree in meteorology and trained as a meteorologist. BUT….she studied at Reading University which is a popular source of global warming bullshit so likely to have indoctrinated her in climate change. Then she went to the Met Office, the formerly respected national weather service that used to be part of the Ministry of Defence but is now part of BEIS, and a noted activist organisation on global warming, for her meteorologist training. In days gone by, the training would have included the analysis of weather station data in order to produce a forecast but now it is just looking at model output. I recall a respected BBC weatherman, Bill Giles or Micheal Fish possibly, explaining how they put together a TV weather forecast. He would look at data, maps, satellite images, and using experience put together a forecast. And strangely it was a lot more accurate.
‘Climate change’. Theory and its enforcement. Mao worked out the basis of how to change a nation. His methodology has simply been applied by Climate elites (as John Kerry described himself and others attending Davos o/night) seeking to change the world – to be led by those elites – as they desire.
The impoverishment of Mao’s followers enlisted to do the job, described as soldiers, peasants and workers, whom he placed on a moral pedestal (with no improvement in their living standards) was no different to that of the rest of the nation with the exception of his elites. Education was the learning of his ‘little red book’ which got the youth onside to ‘control’ what was said over the kitchen table’. Books and teachers were destroyed and no tolerance of anti redbook debate was permitted.
Sound familiar?
Charity! Charity! Give her some credit. At least she’s not in Davos..
One of the lies peddled on the Day of the Great Heat was that a village called Charlwood near Gatwick Airport was the first to hit 40C in the morning. I live not far from Gatwick and with all the hype about the heat I put a datalogger out on my patio on a north facing wall. The data made interesting reading as to how long the peak temperature lasted and as to when it actually occurred. To claim 40C in the morning is complete rubbish as it took well into mid-afternoon for the peak to arrive, and a look at the RAF Coningsby data showed the same pattern as mine.
The Climate Sceptic piece is good reading but I wonder if they have found the actual Heathrow site. I wish I could recall a site I used in the summer that showed the station locations when I was investigating Charlwood – which was a complete mystery – and happened to look at Gatwick where the indication was that it was between the runway and the taxiway. Google seemed to confirm this location and it would make sense as the weather stations at airports are to provide pilots with accurate information on runway conditions. So the site at Heathrow doesn’t fit that in my opinion as it is on the airport perimeter.
I agree with above comments, but let’s wait and see what happens when NEXT Northern Hemisphere summer comes around. If we have another heat anomaly, we had better get prepared to face the onslaught of the AGW Zombies.