There’s an exodus of smart men from US universities

University of Bologna oldest university in Europe has been running since 1088AD.  

It took a thousand years of hard work to create a reputation of excellence and honor that is being casually vaporized and bled dry in a fashion frenzy of Wokery.

This year in the US undergraduate enrollments fell by 650,000 in a single year — and the departure was led by young men.

For the last thirty years people in Ivory towers were treated like Gods and came to believe their own advertising. Who could blame them? No one in the media asked them a single hard question so the illusion of their glorious prophesies remained intact even as their absurd predictions crashed upon the shore.

The academics fell over themselves to outscore each other in a pointless Victimhood status game where they earn points by insulting one of their main client groups. No wonder men are leaving.

Victor Davis Hanson asks Are Universities Doomed?

The Daily Signal

Nationwide undergraduate enrollment has dropped by more than 650,000 students in a single year—or over 4% alone from spring 2021 to 2022, and some 14% in the last decade. Yet the U.S. population still increases by about 2 million people a year.

Men account for about 71% of the current shortfall of students. Women number almost 60% of all college students—an all-time high.

Monotonous professors hector students about “toxic masculinity,” as “gender” studies proliferate. If the plan was to drive males off campus, universities have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.

Bureaucrats took over universities and drove out the students.

At Yale University, administrative positions have soared over 150% in the last two decades. But the number of professors increased by just 10%. In a new low/high, Stanford recently enrolled 16,937 undergraduate and graduate students, but lists 15,750 administrative staff—in near one-to-one fashion.

One of the top universities in the world is rejecting 70% of those with perfect SAT scores?

Since 2020, the old proportional-representation admissions quotas have expanded into weird “reparatory” admissions. Purported “marginalized populations” have often been admitted at levels greater than percentages in the general population.

Stanford’s published 2025 class profile claims a student body of “23% white.” Fewer than half of the class is male. Stanford mysteriously does not release the numbers of those successfully admitted without SAT tests—but recently conceded it rejects about 70% of those with perfect SAT scores.

At some point universities were captured by Big Government as the largest sole source of  their income, and thus, inevitably they came to serve Bigger Government instead of serving science, or students, or even employers.

Given the bloat, the cost, and the crushing spirit of political correctness, it’s a matter of time before other training programs and private testing services take over their role to connect the best students with the top paying employers.

Artwork: The University of Bologna is the oldest continuously running University in the world.

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94 comments to There’s an exodus of smart men from US universities

  • #
    Simon Thompson

    Also interesting is the fact that if women make are 60% of uni enrolements, but hypergamy demands that they marry a man who has the same education or better. What proportion of female graduates will not find their partner? (Mr Morrison will get this right!) After working to pay off student loans and have their career before “settling down” what will their ova reserve look like? I understand that even men doing stem subjects have to waste time and money on compulsory woke units. With Computer Aided Instruction, there should be LESS staff, not more!


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      Alexy Scherbakoff

      You need more assistants for the ‘special needs’ students.


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      Frederick Pegler

      How many of these 60% young women students, have at the back of their mind.’One day they will need to suport a spouse and children’.
      Fact is the bulk of young men still have this thought at the back of their mind. Which is why they’re skipping Uni for a career path that gives them that option.


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      Jordan Peterson predicted that women would stop going to universities when the sex ratio reached 2 women/1 man in a recent talk.


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      Interesting comment from a Black guy who used to comment on blogs: said that in his experience, Black women would not marry or seriously date a guy who had less educations than she did, even if her degree was in some squishy subject and *even if that guy was a skilled tradesman making more money than most college graduates*.

      He also said: “Watch out, white guys! If this hasn’t happened yet in your world, it will”.


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    John Hultquist

    Amazing! I was at the local U. today visiting with two important folks and got the same message. Total enrollment down and impacting the entire place. Some sub-segments more down than others. More down of males than females. At some point I’ll see some numbers, but that was a side-issue today.


  • #

    There seems to be an effort on the part of university bureaucrats to divest of white males regardless of ATAR rank. This is observable and true. Attempts at increased enrolements at the expense of academic excellence have led to a “dumbing down” of the tertiary education system whereby degrees are dispensed with alacrity. There is a lack of intellectual community now, and as such most students are churned out with a cursory understanding of their course material.


  • #

    Academia like healthcare in the US has a customer that drives policy, the US Federal government. And if you look at the two sectors of the economy with an inflation rate that exceeds the DPI year after year, its education and healthcare. People in the private sector try to minimize overhead costs from administrative functions as it often adds little value to the customer. It’s hard to convince anyone in the government of the virtue of cutting overhead so the rest of us pay through the nose for it.


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      Actually, it is WHO runs the US (or any and all western) government that rules the USA (west), and it might seem to be the “elected” representatives, but it is that group who control them that pulls their strings. Western government is now just a tool for the elite to inflict their Malthusian fantasies upon the plebs as they all yearn for the “good ol’ days” of serfdom and the droit du seigneur.


  • #

    Very good! We might see America go ahead again instead of its permanent decline into ‘social justice’ and wokeness.

    Universities have added nothing to the society as a whole, once teh Govts decided everyone must have a tertiary education for us to be a ‘smart’ society they instantly debased that education completely.

    Education comes from the work you do, and if you need fast-tracking to learn more, your employer will pay for the increased asset value of yourself. We have become a world where everyone expects a free education and hence gets a lifetime of free propaganda instead.


  • #

    I just wish that the average bloke or woman had a basic understanding of our electricity grid and why we need more reliable BASE-LOAD energy to supply our future energy requirements.
    Ken Stewart tries to enlighten us about where our energy comes from and the problems of TOXIC S & W.
    And AGAIN we have big problems when the Sun disappears and the Wind doesn’t blow. Just check out the data.


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    David Maddison

    I saw a meme the other day how, while children in China or India are learning advanced subjects in school such as calculus, physics or chemistry, American children (and this would apply to other children in Western countries as well) are learning subjects such as how horrible Western Civilisation is, how concepts such as the traditional family unit are supposedly obsolete, the multitude of supposed genders and orientations, how free enterprise is “exploitative”, the promotion of extensive anti-white racism, continued attack on Western Judeo-Christian ethical and moral principles, lack of respect for law, even bizarre concepts like “mathematics is racist” (e.g. and the list goes on.

    It gets even worse by the time these sadly indoctrinated children get to the corrupted universities where freedom of thought and ideas is no longer considered a relevant or valid concept.

    This is all quite a deliberate strategy of dumbing down the whole of society, initiated in the 1960’s when the Left started infiltrating the education system (and everything else) under Rudi Dutschke’s plan of “the long march through the institutions).

    Now that the Left are in control, in all Western countries, there is no limit to the evils they will commit. They have already started erasing individuals from history, e.g. destruction of statues, not studying their works in a positive way, or at all. Yesterday I mentioned how they are even trying to erase Don Bradman, Australian sporting legend, simoly because he wrote a letter to the Prime Minister in 1976 advocating for free enterprise and warning about the power of unions.

    We are all set to see a repeat of Leftist evil just as we saw with the National Socialists and International Socialists. And even then, few people know of those evils today because of the lack of teaching of objective history.

    I think rational thinking people should home school their children and then send them to university in an English speaking but not yet woke country like Singapore, maybe India.

    Modern schools are little more than centres of Leftoid indoctrination of children and are really a form of child abuse.

    It’s very sad. It took 3,000-4,000 years to build Western Civilisation and scholarship, and the Left are destroying it in mere decades.


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    Dr Judith Curry is a very smart and determined woman and here’s her recent article for Sky News about our energy needs and the panic behind their stupid push for UNRELIABLEs.


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    David Maddison

    On those rare occasions when you do get a genuine intellectual these days, like for example Jordan Peterson, Ian Plimer or Peter Ridd (and there are many others, not an exclusive list, plus many intellectuals unpersoned or sacked/fired over their evidence-based views on covid) look at how they are treated for daring to question the narrative.

    This also related to the utter corruption of science as it is now taught in “universities” and “schools” and general public discourse.

    The Left have promoted the false ideas, and especially in relation to the anthropogenic global warming fraud and the deadly mismanagement of covid that:

    1) Scientific fact is decided by “consensus”. FALSE

    2) There is such a thing as “settled science”. FALSE

    3) Dissenting opinions must be repressed. FALSE

    “Trust the science”, a favourite expression of the anti-science Left, is one of the most unscientific statements one can make.

    Questioning scientific results, hypotheses and theorems is exactly how you do science.


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      That the polar vortex is caused by global warming is not just described as science but The Science that needs to be taught to everyone, despite that it falls over once you go past the hand waving postulate and into the scientific method.


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    “I just wish that the average bloke or woman had a basic understanding of our electricity grid”

    It will come soon enough when they are unable to charge their phones (or cars).


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      No it won’t.
      That will all be blamed on “unreliable” fossil fuel generators. You know – those 50 year old plants that keep pumping out electrons at 90% capacity 24/7, 365 days every year.
      Some people believe the media, politicians and activists. Some people can’t be bothered to find out who’s telling porkies. AND some people just don’t care.

      This will not end well.


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      another ian

      They’ll understand the result – understanding the grid I doubt.

      It seems to me that one should not just accept the view of the first person to highlight what might be a problem.

      And when a problem is defined one should be wary of proposed solutions – particularly the first proclaimed as “THE ANSWER”.

      Which is likely to be grabbed in that situation


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    The Australian government has crunched the numbers and female students are well represented.

    It depends on what each university caters for, 75% of students at Sydney Catholic University are female, while at UNSW it seems to be male dominated.


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    David Maddison

    Excerpts from President Eisenhower’s farewell address, January 17th, 1961:

    As we peer into society’s future, we – you and I, and our government – must avoid the impulse to live only for today, plundering for our own ease and convenience the precious resources of tomorrow. We cannot mortgage the material assets of our grandchildren without risking the loss also of their political and spiritual heritage. We want democracy to survive for all generations to come, not to become the insolvent phantom of tomorrow.

    Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.

    In this revolution, research has become central, it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.

    The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocation, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.

    Yet in holding scientific discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.


    • #

      Back in Eisenhower’s, secondary and tertiary education was focussed on real issues, and produced real results. The Manhattan Project; the development of such aircraft as the U-2 and SR-71, which was achieved using slide rules; the space program, moon landings and the Hubble telescope would likely not have occurred had the educators of the day been of the current woke variety.


      • #
        David Maddison

        Yes, back in the day, people had a deep understanding about how things worked. They could build an atomic bomb, high altitude aircraft, mach 3+ aircraft or moon rocket with no or little computing.

        A modern engineer would be lost without software written by someone else that does the calculations for them. Today they would be lost without finite element analysis or computational fluid dynamics. Back in the day, necessary calculations were done intuitively or manually.

        In contrast, I met a recently graduated mechanical engineer a few years ago who had never heard of a Car not cycle heat engine.

        And look at Australia’s very own Bureau of Meterology. They can’t even do a decent weather prediction because they use non-validated models that make predictions for them and their predictions aren’t as good as a knowledgeable person looking out the window.


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        David Maddison

        On the subject of the SR-71, this video explains how the J58 engine it uses works. All designed with deep knowledge and little to no computing.

        I would challenge any product of a modern “university” to design something like this today.

        This is the genius that can be achieved when people have a clue.


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        The Manhattan Project was not under his watch. It was others. Eisenhower was fighting the Germans in Europe. And a Great Job he did with the Allies.


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    Why don’t Universities challenge us to THINK and try to understand very simple sums?
    A year ago Willis Eschenbach tried to enlighten us to the problems of their NUT ZERO lunacy.
    BTW Professor Pielke jnr also found similar problems.

    Here’s Willis’ summary.

    “To summarize: to get the world to zero emissions by 2050, our options are to build, commission, and bring on-line either:

    • One 2.1 gigawatt (GW, 109 watts) nuclear power plant each and every day until 2050, OR

    • 4000 two-megawatt (MW, 106 watts) wind turbines each and every day until 2050 plus a 2.1 GW nuclear power plant each and every day until 2050, assuming there’s not one turbine failure for any reason, OR

    • 100 square miles (250 square kilometres) of solar panels each and every day until 2050 plus a 2.1 GW nuclear power plant each and every day until 2050, assuming not one of the panels fails or is destroyed by hail or wind.

    I sincerely hope that everyone can see that any of those alternatives are not just impossible. They are pie-in-the-sky, flying unicorns, bull-goose looney impossible. Not possible physically. Not possible financially. Not possible politically.

    Finally, the US consumes about one-sixth of the total global fossil energy. So for the US to get to zero fossil fuel by 2050, just divide all the above figures by six … and they are still flying unicorns, bull-goose looney impossible”.

    Math. Don’t leave home without it”.


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    Thomas A

    Maybe you’re all just reading a little too much into it. College education in the USA has become enormously expensive unless the student has a scholarship. It used to be that surgeons didn’t pay off their college loans until their mid-30’s. That has now expanded to a regular degree. With a shortage of plumbers, electricians, tradies and a lot of people realizing that a good life can be had investing in the stock market, property and technology, who can blame the younger generations for grabbing opportunity in areas outside of a left wing mindset?


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    John Galt III

    In addition there is discrimination against certain races at the 8 Ivy League Colleges and it is NOT what you read. You read that Asians are discriminated against given standard test scores. That is absolutely true. What you don’t read is that whites are hugely discriminated against. But not all whites. Jews used be our Asians. They are not any more. Their elite status disappeared long ago. So today Jews are way over represented at Harvard etc., given their now good but not excellent test scores and White Christians are hugely discriminated against. You can read about it here below. Oh, and it is written by a Jew so he has no axe to grind whatsoever. In fact he is appalled by what is going on. Whatever you do if you are a white Christian do not sound like you voted for Donald Trump.

    In 1965 my elite prep school – St George’s – an Episcopal denomination school in Newport Rhode Island sent 16% of its XI Form grads to Harvard. Think about that. It was an all male school then. Today that school is co-ed and as far as I can tell sends no one to Harvard.

    Later in 1978 after 4 years in the US Military and a lot of self education I gained admittance to a Harvard Grad School and earned a Masters degree. I knew what and what not to say and what should and what should not appear on my application. I am an Ayn Rand fan and a Christian, but I knew however that I had to make it sound that my life experiences had made me a Bernie Sanders. I laughed when I got my acceptance letter and killed a large bottle of wine.

    I give Harvard no money despite quarterly appeals as they have a $40 billion plus endowment. They don’t need my money – they need a piece of my mind.


  • #

    These two statements are incompatible:

    Nationwide undergraduate enrollment has dropped by more than 650,000 students in a single year—or over 4% alone from spring 2021 to 2022, and some 14% in the last decade.


    it rejects about 70% of those with perfect SAT scores.


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      bobby b

      It makes sense because the top elite schools aren’t losing students – they still fill every opening – but many lower-tier schools are in trouble.


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      Robert Swan

      Incomplete, not incompatible. Comparing national enrollments with Stanford’s rejection rate for applications wuth perfect SAT scores is a bit like comparing global average temperature with yesterday’s maximum in Brisbane. Neither says anything about the other.


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      It makes sense if you want to keep a racial balance in the total student body..

      If you want 60% black students and you don’t have enough applicants, you reject enough white/Asians to reduce their numbers to 40%.


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    Question orthodoxy at your peril. At best you will be confined until you recant, at worst, you will be burned at the stake for heresy. Have we really fell that far back into the dark ages? It is almost like the robber barons and evil Bishops of Europe never left us. Will we too have that Reformation moment? Who will be the one to nail their thesis to the door of the UN building in New York demanding the end of this false religion created by bureaucracy? I am singularly amazed how much of history is repeating itself.


  • #

    So Judith Curry says we need to reduce C02 emissions over this century.

    Can someone here please explain to me WHY?

    Could it be because she wants (or needs) a foot in both camps?


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    Hillsdale College advertised on Rush Limbaugh’s show and claimed community colleges were going gang busters.


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    The smart men do not need University. Nor the women. Did Newton or Einstein go to University? I went to University, however, I learned a lot, lot more afterwards.


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    Once you accept your own victimhood you allow society to label you a loser, especially by those who facilitated your victimhood. How can you create a loser and not be in contempt of your creation?


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    I wholeheartedly agree with the thrust of this but that stat that Stanford rejects 70% of people with top scores is meaningless until you know what proportion of such people are applicants and whether persons with lower scores are preferred if they are in ‘oppressed’ groups.


  • #

    Yes, universities are doomed. My uni went downhill after I left.


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    St John

    After I graduated from the ANU in 1967 the Uni went downhill so fast even the Geology Dept was eventually dismantled. Geology and mining BAD.


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    Yes and SA has known for over a month that the River Murray would be flooding. So why are they so unprepared now?


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    John Connor II

    An oldie, but this is how Chinese schools educate children:

    I do have an actual exam somewhere. I’ll find it.
    In the west, if you fail entrance exams but are a racial minority, you get in, and final exam pass levels allow the incompetent to graduate.
    2+2=5 unless you’re a racist.
    Men can change “gender” and have babies.

    The west is in terminal decline.
    End all government funding of schools.
    They either sink or swim based on their ability to provide an education of value in the REAL world, not the woke w@nky one.


    • #

      “End all government funding of schools.”

      An excellent idea!

      Our current system of Govt would end too… They are nothing without their 15year-long propaganda systems.


      • #

        There is hope.

        ‘Students will be taught more rigorous mathematics, learn how to analyse scientific data and study climate change in greater depth under a proposed overhaul of the high school science syllabus.

        ‘The draft NSW science syllabus for years 7 to 10 will embed more explicit maths instruction in high school science subjects in a bid to bridge the academic gap students face when studying physics or chemistry for the HSC.’ (SMH)


        • #

          and study climate change
          So incorporating religious studies into science education. How very 19th Century of them.


          • #

            All is lost.

            ‘Girls are outperforming boys in most Higher School Certificate subjects and doing almost as well in the historically male strongholds of mathematics and physics, leaving chemistry as one of the few subjects in which the top bands are dominated by boys.’ (SMH)


    • #
      John Connor II

      China: 30 Absolutely Insane Questions from China’s Gaokao

      The lone criterion for admission into Chinese universities, the gaokao is a high-stakes exam on which students’ entire future depends.

      USA: The Top 10 Most Ridiculous Common Core Problems We Have Seen So Far

      If we divide 220 genders by white supremacy, how much climate change do we have? 😁


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    History majors have fallen by 50%.

    That says a lot, but needs debating along with this.

    ‘Private and online venues will also fill a national need to teach Western civilization and humanities courses—by non-woke faculty who do not institutionalize bias.’


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    David Maddison

    Remember when the Australian National “University” refused a donation from the Ramsay Centre which would have been part of a A$3.3 billion endowment, to teach Western Civilisation?

    The Left went into meltdown.


    Sydney University academics denounce western civilisation degree

    More than 100 academics call Ramsay Centre proposal for their university ‘European supremacism writ large’

    Michael McGowan

    More than 100 academics from the University of Sydney have signed an open letter opposing any push to introduce a western civilisation degree funded by the John Howard-backed Ramsay Centre.

    The university has confirmed it is in conversations with the Ramsay Centre about the possibility of running the degree following the Australian National University’s decision to pull out of negotiations.

    Published on Friday, the letter states the academics’ strong opposition to the Ramsay Centre proposal, describing it as “European supremacism writ large”.



  • #

    The university experience for my 3 sons ( youngest graduated 2021) had no comparison to my uni days in the 1980’s. Everything these days is on-line and so there is virtually nil on-campus experience. With COVID this all became exacerbated. My youngest didn’t have a “university experience” at all. It’ just like doing a correspondence course, except with HECS fees. There is a crunch coming very soon to both universities and TAFES, because there is declining enrolments, yet same numbers of staff and empty buildings. In Victoria, the state government literally give away TAFE courses and still cant attract students. My niece is studying a course at Deakin Uni ( Geelong ). For the whole of last year she actually attended only 6 times at campus and one of those visits was to actually enrol and get information. She spends most of her time working part time in retail sales.


  • #

    As the father of two university graduates, and having therefore had to engage with their ‘Uni friends” on occasions, I can say without the slightest exaggeration that as the “woke index” rises, (as it inevitably does among millennials), so does the “stupid index”.
    They are so full of themselves and their woke narratives that they have no head space for critical thinking or analysis. They just chant the mantra and endlessly search for a way to become a member of the latest “victim group”. One of my kids has finally managed to achieve just that on the flimsiest of pretexts.
    They continually claim to be hard done by, but have never faced actual hardship or experienced trauma, – a situation which leaves them totally unprepared for the seriously hard times that are just around the corner.


    • #

      Totally agree Rick. There was a time ( geez I sound old!!) when even the building industry had slumps. Those entering the building industry in the last 20 years have never experienced any of those conditions. It was when housing approvals plummeted, numerous individual builders and building companies went broke. But it was also needed to create the most efficient industry. During the last recession, and during COVID, the government bailed the population out. But that required incredible borrowings. However, it seems nearly all western countries have employed the same borrowing tactic, so I’m not sure about those “hard times”.


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        Robert Christopher

        Germany is heading for deindustrialization, because its cheap Russian gas supply is being terminated, and it is owed over €1Trillion by the rest of the EU’s Eurozone because of the TARGET2 mechanism. Yet it has been German Industry that has kept the EU afloat, in the recent past.

        The forecast is that the EU will scrape though this Winter, but without that cheap gas they won’t be able to top up the reserves ready for the following Winter: the 2023 Winter will be a sorry tale, for the whole of the EU.

        And the dysfunctional UK government (along with the Scottish, Welsh and London political ‘experts’) will probably follow.

        After all, they know what’s best for us. It their knowledge of Science that clinches the matter: Political Science, that is!


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    David Maddison

    Universities increasingly have racist policies such as this one at UTS that appears to be a course for Australian Aboriginals only.


  • #
    David Maddison

    Universities now turn out graduates such as:

    Arts graduates who hate Shakespeare.
    Doctors who can’t do medicine.
    Engineers who can’t engineer.
    Scientists who can’t do science.


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      and nurses who don’t know how to care for people. Degreed up the ying-yang, but no improvement in nursing skills. Good at paperwork (maybe). Very sad.


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    David Maddison

    Dissident scientist William M. Briggs talks about fixing broken science.


  • #

    Melb Uni numbers: 54 000+ students 51% undergraduate 49% graduate, 40% international students, 9,451 staff.
    And, surprise, surprise: 87% of graduates developed analytical problem-solving skills.
    I wonder how many study engineering or science compared to law, business, arts?


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    Serge Wright

    Society has been moved from the pursuit of excellence to the pursuit of woke politics. This will ensure we fail and probably in a spectacular fashion, but it seems that’s the plan 🙁


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    At Yale University, administrative positions have soared over 150% in the last two decades. But the number of professors increased by just 10%. In a new low/high, Stanford recently enrolled 16,937 undergraduate and graduate students, but lists 15,750 administrative staff—in near one-to-one fashion.

    I expect there are a lot of ‘pronoun counsellors’ and quite a few admin officers looking after the therapy pets.


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    Ed Zuiderwijk

    Also here Cook University of Queensland leads the way.


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    Dave in the States

    The primary reason I went to university originally was because of a girl named Andrea. I doubt if young men today are much different.


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    Winston Smith

    The prize here isn’t the University – it’s the endowment funds.
    They will be plundered for years to provide for an undeserved lifestyle for Leftist wymmins.
    Generations of bureaucrats only employable in an ever intrusive and unrepresentative government.


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    Ashli Poper

    The smarter a man is, the prettier his wife is.)
