A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Apparently a large amount of brainpower and public money went into producing this very glossy bit of powerpoint shelfware integrated with humanizing video. This maps out a smooth path to our renewable future in 2030.
Personally I think most of these sorts of presentations are done to make management and shareholders feel comfortable and if you think you actually know what you are going to be doing a couple of years time you are either dreaming or in a very stagnate environment (in which case you don’t need a plan)
Another one
“Looking For the Official Party Line on Energy Storage”
You could say that The Manhattan Contrarian “went critical”
Being discussed right now in The Australian, with an article by Nick Cater, who points out the sheer absurdity, including the AEMO’s statement that Australia can go 100% renewables.
How long it takes to charge an electric car at home and what it costs:
(~2 min video)
Plus, govt taxes such as road users, gst ect which many countries have temporarily held off to incentivise EV usage.
In summary, 22 hours to charge from 20% to 80% using a normal 10 power point. Charge cost, @29c/kWh, was A$12.18.
Gawd, can’t even get that right. Charged to 100%.
Bill Gates Caught Admitting ‘Climate Change Is WEF Scam’ to Inner Circle
Bill Gates was caught admitting the climate change agenda is a giant scam for the New World Order in a newly surfaced video in which he boasts that the term “clean energy” has “screwed up people’s minds.”
According to Gates, who was speaking to an audience of his inner circle in 2018, wind, solar, battery technology and other renewable energy sources might be fashionable, but they are NOT capable of solving climate change.
I’m shocked! 🙄
Maybe NASA can fit a control switch to the Sun.
They’re more likely to get the CIA to insert a control switch into Bill Gates, IMO.
Great video.
Highly recommended.
It has always puzzled me that Climate Change is so obvious a scam and that the people at the top know it. Like the Wuhan flu. Everyone knew it was made in China, including Bill Gates. And Hunter Biden’s laptop was not ‘Russian disinformation’ and the 51 leading US experts on security knew it when they signed their letter. So why did they do it?
Climate Change and now ‘nett zero’ is now powered by political opportunists and $1,500,000,000,000 every year in cash. And there are many parties who really want to see the total destruction of all Western Democratic countries. China and Iran to name only two. The fall of the Roman Empire was a puzzle, unimaginable because everyone lost. But it was soft militarily, comfortable and successful and peaceful and beset on all sides by other emerging military empires and opportunists within, as is the modern world and they are include would be world governments of the UN, EU, China and the plutocrats of the WEF.
Of course man made CO2 driven Global Warming is a obvious scam.
After 250 years of no sea rises, no significant increase in temperature, no vanishing sea ice, a tiny 50% increase in CO2 over a very long time, despite the rocket ship graphs. As for slowly melting glaciers, that has been happening for 10,000 years since the last ice age. So what?
None of the newly invented CO2 driven Climate Science is true, least of all that mankind has any say in how much CO2 is in the air, denying every principle of chemical equilibrium. Ocean acidification when all the oceans are alkali, not acid. Vanishing North Polar ice. No more snow. End of the Great Barrier Reef. The list of lies and fake science is endless.
How to stop it? You would like to think that it will stop itself, that ordinary people wake up to what they are losing, insanely throwing away. But revolution is not like that. A new generation wants change and a better,fairer life because they do not remember what life was like and have no idea how much better off they are than any time in history. Ask the Romans, the French, the Spanish, the Russians and especially the Germans about revolution. This time the clarion call is not world domination but to ‘save the planet’. That’s ridiculous.
But I have to say Bill Gates seems like a true believer and philanthropist. But believes what he has been told about CO2. And he likely believes in reducing the world population, a crucial story from the time of Malthus. Such people do not believe world population is self limiting, that wealth reduces populations, as does contraception, better health, better quality of life. However he can also see clearly that ‘renewable energy’ is fake, but has a thing about cows and methane. I doubt he is driven by the opportunity to make more money. What would he do with it?
My recent concern is that he was obviously distressed at the predictable arrival of the Omicron variant of Wuhan Flu because the world would self inoculate. So I think as a self appointed God like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day, this Bill is on the side of reducing world population and that the arrival of a killer plague for an overpopulated world was a fact of life that he accepted. In his world God like self image, decided it was overall a good thing, even if it was man made.
That is the problem with the WEF. They are certain that most other people’s individual lives do not matter. It is their uniting principle in their big picture view. It’s the old idea of untermenschen, subhumans. And once again run by a German visionary with his own book on revolution, this time born in Hitler’s Germany in Ravensburg in 1938. It was the biggest concentration camp for women in the Third Reich. Must be a coincidence.
Well said TdeF.
Curcumin for COVID-19: real-time analysis of all 39 studies
Interesting. Better stock up before it’s banned.
Turmeric, from which curcurmin is derived, is an easy to grow rhizome. I use the fresh rhizomes, grated, for my DIY curries. It not only imparts the rich yellow colour but has health benefits. It can be planted in pots or throughout the garden. Keep the soil moist and it grows ‘like steam’. You can also make tea or ‘golden’ latte’s. It is easily dried and ground to use as a supplement. Fear of banning begone! It’s easy to be self sufficient for curcumin if you can grow turmeric.
I dried some of my crop this year – so fragrant and delicious – completely different to the stuff you get at the supermarket.
Powerful storm system with heavy mountain snow and heavy lower elevation rain persists in the West. As much as 5 feet of snow may accumulate in California.
The “Dragon Storm” — as it’s been christened by Lake Tahoe snow forecaster Bryan Allegretto, who spotted the mythical creature in the outlines of the weather system on radar images …
Remember when people used to see religious icons in the sky or water and worship and wonder. Now people only see monsters in the sky or water THEN worship and wonder
Global warming scepticism on the increase.
Good to see! Laughable, as it is just people seeing the difference between their local weather and what the climate alarmists are still saying, the gap that is more and more obvious.
The uncovering of the massive recycling scams goes a long way, all the Teals lining up at Woolies and Coles to put their plastic bags in the bins means they had skin in the game, only to find out they were being duped as it was all just warehoused.
One day they’ll find out what percentage of their yellow bin goes into the landfill along with everything else, another very expensive show of virtue signalling.
May it continue! …people go mad all at once, but return to their senses one at a time..
“Non-binary” gender bender Sam Brinton who is a senior official in the Biden maladministration has been caught stealing women’s luggage at airports a second time.
If you don’t know about him, he is a man who usually wears dresses, often with a moustache, and uses they/them pronouns. Search Goolag images “Sam Brinton” with no quote marks.
In this link you’ll find a picture of Sam Brinton with another Biden Maladministration appointee Admiral Rachel Levine, United States Assistant Secretary for Health, a promoter of transgenderism, especially for children.
Weird stuff!
Typical appointments of the Biden Maladministration. There are many others like that.
Let’s be +ve and say WHEN this madness subsides will white hetero males have a case for compensation for institutional discrimination?
California College Approves Electronic Security System to Bar White Males From Nonwhite ‘Safe Space’
I wonder how they decide who is truly “white” or not?
What if someone is mixed race or has even a small admixture of something else?
Will they employ “race scientists” just like their racist predecessors, the National Socialists who were the previous bunch of race-obsessed Leftists?
And for that matter, how will they decide who is male or not, given that the Left can’t even answer the question “What is a Woman?”, a reference to the Matt Walsh documentary?
Ah- they will need to look at the half-moons at the bottom of people’s fingernails.. Ask South Africa, they got very good at deciding who was black and who was white, and the rest of the world has followed them.
The Nazis were leftists??, where did you learn history ?.
“how they decide who is truly “white””
Surely its like gender… the person gets to define themself.
Didn’t BoltA get into trouble because he questioned the aboriginality of someone?
So, just like many BLM protesters… be white, but “identify” as what is needed at the time, to get your full quota of “virtue”.
“The Nazis were leftists??,”
Well yes, they were.. Does the words “National SOCIALISTS” mean anything to you.
btw… Neo-Nazis are 190 degrees right-wing !
Does Nationist Socialist Workers Party sound right wing?
They were later categorised as such by Stalin once cooperation between him and Hitler ended in the invasion. The gullible party members in the West swollowed this.
Also see Patrick Leigh-Fermoy’s A Time of Gifts; autobiographical about travel in Europe (esp. Germany) about how easily Communists could become Nazis (and in some survivors the reverse after 1945).
Who needs an electronic system? Just a sign Whites not permitted.
Umm ….. ‘Admiral’ Rachel Levine has never served a day in
hisher life in the Navy.The position is evidently an ‘equivalent‘ ranking position.
At least he gets to show off
hisher medals when he wears the dress.Huh! More medals than Audie Murphy MOH.
That is a very high “equivalent rank”. The highest rank there is in fact (baring the exceptional award of Admiral of the Fleet, which is rarely awarded)
I wonder what Admiral Rachel Levine actually did?
Doctor. I think they start out as officers and progress in the medical ranks.
The odd thing, although not the only odd thing, is that Levine’s specialty is supposedly pediatrics and yet I don’t think they let kids serve in the military.
Pediatrics? OMW!!! Would you let a child supervised or unsupervised near him?
Levine NEVER served in the military.
Thanks Tony. I noted you had said previously Levine had never been in the navy, and I knew he was in the Health Corp to which the rank is attributed. My mistake was to assume the Health Corp was an arm of the military.
So the costume and rank is all a bit over the top. Just like the claim to be the highest ranking female across the uniformed services.
There are EIGHT uniformed services of the United States.
Marine Corps
Air Force
Space Force
Coast Guard
Public Health Service Commissioned Corps
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Commissioned Officer Corps
Sam Brinton should do a gig in Teheran. They’re very interested in that kind of behaviour.
Afternoon all.
I think this is significant in a number of ways.
1. That SMH has published any criticism of the BoM at all;
2. That they’re using models which failed to predict the magnitude of any of the recent disastrous floods; and
3. Their “explanations” are pathetic.
Some examples:
Re 2. ” There are lots of different forms of computer models that we looked at. None of them really picked up . . . 775 millimetres in the headwaters of Lismore. The upper range for the Northern Rivers was between 200 and 400 millimetres. ”
There was also no useful warning for the people of Molong or Eugowra. Or earlier, Lockyer.
Re 3. ” The bureau’s flood forecast peak predictions aim to be within 0.3 metres 70 per cent of the time, but in 2021-22 that mark was met just 68 per cent of the time, down from 81 per cent in 2019-20 and 71 per cent in 2020-21 . ”
Being only 81% accurate in a drought year hardly indicates huge, or useful,success.
Paywalled, but also published in today’s printed paper:
Dave B
And its getting worse, by all reports.
So getting the local weather right in the coming week is difficult but predicting climatic events 5 decades out is proven science…
“but predicting climatic events 5 decades out is proven science…”
Confidence is indirectly proportional to the likelihood of the presence of a checker with clip board and pen
And directly proportional to distance from the scene of action
The rainfall totals were talked about in our circle that night by looking at radar and rainfall amounts on the other side of the border range. That red basalt was waterlogged and could not take the slow moving heavy rain with Dunoon copping over 700mm in 36 hrs. It’s easy to bag the Bureau in hindsight,but when they miss out repeatedly they leave themselves open. A sad organisation.
Give them a break, they have predicted ten of the last zero bad cyclone seasons on the east coast.
Computer models?
How many do they have?
If just one of their computer models was sound they would not need two.
This morning’s forecast for Sydney exemplifies the poor performance of the BOM’s analysis of real-time weather conditions.
Two linear severe thunderstorm cells passed through Sydney from the northwest about 15 km apart. One was belatedly identified and generated a severe thunderstorm warning (after the fact). No report at all for the other, which was the more severe.
Apparently there are huge numbers of transgender procedures in Iran where homosexuality is illegal and punishable by death as it’s considered a cure for homosexuality.
The number of transgender procedures is said to be similar to that in the UK where homosexuality is encouraged.
Article about transgenderism in Iran:
A thought around this “vaccine” area –
One of the early things to come out was that both Pfizzer and Moderna were supposed to keep trials running for some years to “accumulate long term data” but both went and jabbed their control groups.
With what has come out since wouldn’t there be potential legal challenges based on definite lack of important information on which to have given “informed consent” and likely worse to come?
Particularly from those in the control groups?
The title says it all
The incredibly high excess deaths problem is the same in every country that mandated the RNA covid vaccines which produce Wuhan-1 covid spikes that have been modified to make it more difficult for the body to eliminate. This is a link to some of the information that was presented at US Senator Ron Johnson’s December 7th, 2022, roundtable discussion of the covid mRNA vaccine adverse event crisis.
The 2021 US data, analyzed by the US Society of Actuaries (SOA), found a 40% increase in deaths in the 25-64. The 40% increase in deaths, was in the cohort of employed people who are covered by group life insurance. The covid deaths in every country were primarily in the over 65-year-old group.
As quoted by the CEO of an insurance company, just a 10% increase in excess mortality is a “once in a 200-yr flood” so 40% is off the charts.” -Ed Dowd
This is a link to Dr. James Thorp presentation at Senator Johnsons’ roundtable event. In his Obstetrics and gynecology practice he has seen a 50 times, increase in miscarriages.
The Shadow State’, a feature documentary by The Epoch Times, takes a deep dive inside the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) industry, an emerging multitrillion-dollar power structure that unites governments with corporations in the march toward a brave new world of climate and social justice. See how it works, what its goals are, and who is driving it.
Will this new global alliance bring us a cleaner, more peaceful, more equitable future, or will it bring shortages, poverty, and political instability? Will this partnership of government with banking and tech giants deliver prosperity and freedom, or will it control our lives in ways that 20th-century totalitarians only dreamed of?
JC2 direct link:
“The only thing you don’t know about people is the history you haven’t read”
Harry S. Truman
The modern generation don’t read history
Therefore the modern generation don’t know much about people but feel that they do
“The American Who Gave Us Pearl Harbor”
The modern Generation don’t read or listen to real Science.
Indigo Jones predicted the wet year and floods
And not forgetting the man who foretold an attack of this kind.
Yesterday, or two days ago on the other side of the IDL, also marked the anniversary of the sinking of the Prince of Wales and the Repulse. This little know event had far reaching ramifications well beyond WW2.
Perisher Valley will hit a high of 7 degrees C tomorrow according to the Bunch Of Muppets (BOM).
For at least another week, fog, sleet, and snow are expected to disrupt travel throughout the UK.
At Manchester Airport, travellers faced long delays after icy temperatures and snow caused runways to close.
Victoria like Germany has massive reserves of lignite,’brown’ not black coal. It is painted as the most ‘polluting
coal because you need more tons for energy. Which is reasonable given that it is 2/3 water. But dried out, it is every bit as energetic as black coal because it is the same stuff. Briquettes have the same energy content as black coal.
I am amazed at how the manipulators of public opinion come up with these metrics. For example Australia is the biggest polluter in the world per capita. Not China which produces more CO2 than all other countries combined.
There is no energy crisis. There is only a madness, a perversion in politics. And no science whatsoever. Windmills and solar panels are just fashion. And they only work 30% of the time.
If there is a Climate Emergency it is that politicians are using climate science to destroy the energy and food supply of Western democracies. In a real emergency there is a real problem. In a Climate Emergency there is no problem, just panic.
The sky is falling! Sounds familiar? It’s the oldest scam in the book. And both sides of politics are pushing the same story. And know it is rubbish.
The project unveiled the next morphing of the message.
It’s called “medical mysogny” I kid you not. It’s where women get a lower class of medical treatment than men.
How broken would ones mind need to be to come up with this rubbish
“The War in Ukraine: Past, Present and Future: A Conversation between Michael Vlahos and Douglas Macgregor”
Angela Merkel admits the Minsk agreements were all BS design to give the west time to arm Ukraine. They never intended on meeting the agreement.
This now justifies the Russian invasion of ukraine
Now brrrace for 15 days of snow! Temperatures to drop to -12C in England in the run-up to Christmas – so cold even grit used to melt ice on the roads won’t work
This morning saw a low of -8.6C (17F) near Bournemouth, Dorset
Snow fell and settled today in areas such as Devon, Wales and parts of Scotland
Manchester Airport temporarily shut both runways, disrupting 20 flights
A freeze for up to ten days ahead is expected for the whole country
Britain is facing a fortnight of snow and ice chaos in the run-up to Christmas as temperature lows of -12C (10F) are forecast tomorrow night – as cold as the North Pole.
Two inches of snow is expected to fall on the South East tomorrow, with further flurries across the country through the week. There are due to be daytime highs of just 1C (34F) to 3C (37F) for many, and nights plunging as cold as -12C in England and -15C (5F) in Scotland.
This morning saw a low of -8.6C (17F) near Bournemouth, Dorset. And the cold snap could last for 30 days – well beyond the festive period.
Snow fell and settled today in Devon, Wales, areas of North West England and parts of Scotland. Manchester Airport temporarily shut both runways, disrupting 20 flights.
As Chopper would say, you need to harden the f#ck up. 😁
-8C? Hell, that’s JC2 shorts weather…
Miserable day on the sunny south coast of the UK today, -5.4C last night, 0C max today, some seriously impressive hoar frost on trees, then light sleety rain freezing right on the coast but a little snow 200m higher and a couple of miles inland.
Current forecast has temperatures returning to average next weekend.
Sunday Night At The Movies
Haven’t done one for some time, movies just aren’t what they used to be and maybe most never were, but I just watched a Gable and Hayward movie, Soldier Of Fortune, on YT.
A search prolly won’t find it so I’ll give the link
Strong explosion, pyroclastic flows at Lascar volcano, Chile
Lascar is a composite stratovolcano located in Chile’s Antofagasta region. It is the most active volcano in northern Chile, ranking No. 14 in the Volcanic Risk Ranking of Chile
The last eruption at this volcano took place in 2017 (VEI 2)
The largest historical eruption took place in 1993, producing pyroclastic flows to 8.5 km (5.3 miles) NW of the summit and ashfall in Buenos Aires
The Argentine Mining Geological Service (SEGEMAR) through its Argentine Volcano Surveillance Observatory (OAVV), in conjunction with the Chilean Southern Andes Volcano Observatory (OVDAS), reports the technical alert level of the Lascar Volcano was increased to Yellow on December 10, 2022.
The change in technical alert level is associated with the explosive event recorded at 12:36 local time (15:36 UTC), which was correlated with a long-term seismic event ( LP) associated with the fluid dynamics inside the volcano, whose energy reached 320 cm² and which generated an eruptive column that reached 6 000 m (20 000 feet) above the crater level — 11.5 km (38 000 feet) a.s.l., with a dispersion of ash in the southwest direction.
Interesting. Not Shiveluch or Cotapaxi as expected. Pushing 12km VA EMS too!
JC2’s #3.2? Prolly.
Wild times ahead, like an 8.0+ quake early next year. 😎
Update: Climate Lockdowns: Canterbury Joins Oxford as Second City to Introduce Controversial Scheme
Identical schemes introduced at the same time just a coincidence and not a coordinated assault on personal freedoms claims officials.
Just as many predicted, the second city to impose travel restrictions ala 15 minute city agenda is Canterbury in England, which becomes the second city to impose huge restrictions of freedom of movement on residents of its city. The controversial plan includes the very same restrictions on personal freedoms as the Oxford scheme, a scheme which it’s implementers have said “is going to happen whether residents like it or not”.
Politician and Broadcaster Nigel Farage called the scheme “a climate change lockdown” causing Canterbury City Councillors to rush to social media to try and silence him. A Twitter spat between him and Canterbury City Council leader Ben Fitter-Harding about the controversial scheme ensued, with the Council leader attempting to take back the narrative in an almost identical meltdown that Oxfordshire County Councillors had when their scheme was revealed by us. The Canterbury scheme would see the city split up into five districts, with motorists being fined if they drive between them. In a tweet responding to a story about the proposals, Mr Farage said: “The climate change lockdowns are coming.”
What will it take for the masses to rise up and say “NO!”?
If they do, this nonsense will all end, FAST.
If they don’t, it’ll all end in collapse.
Pick one.
Will people be allowed to leave those cities and not come back?
Time to start hunting?????????
Some of the science on the threat of OSW to the severely threatened Right Whales:
The traditional whale protection groups have punted the Right Whale because, being green, they love wind power. We are the whales best hope, with just over 350 left alive.
It is extremely uncommon to encounter a “green” who genuinely understands or cares for the environment.
For example, you never see them on volunteer invasive weed removal programs in National Parks or rubbish clean ups on events like “Clean Up Australia Day”. I assume similar in your country.
No, they are generally hypocrites of the highest order, sipping latte in inner city melbourne suburbs such as fitzroy, watching all the trams go by – predominantly powered by fossil fuel produced electricity.
Some of the really “smart” ones are probably pondering why the government can’t just put a solar on each tram so as not to use “evil” fossil fuels.
I have a question.
I have heard it said that the IPCC has said that human emissions before the second world war were insufficient to cause significant change in the atmospheric CO2.
Is this true?
Does anyone have a reference for this?
Certainly the cumulative emissions were small compared to now,
But those emissions don’t make much difference anyway.
A change of atmospheric CO2 from 280ppm to 400+ppm is only significant to plant life.
Anyway, before WWII was the period of fastest Arctic warming, according to Phil Jones of CRU.
This is quite detailed, and has the information you asked for
Model based NONSENSE. !
Its all they have, and its totally irrelevant to any real Earth.
There is not one bit of real scientific evidence in there that proves human released CO2 causes warming.
If you think there is, then point out where it is.
And Figure 1 … That totally ludicrous 2D child’s picture of energy balance.
Do they still actually publish that? So Funny !
Climate science is stuck in its own little mire of gormlessness..
re: that idiotic diagram..
Since there is 324 mythical back radiation, and only 198 solar radiation reaching the surface..
…. why aren’t “solar” panels designed as “back-radiation” panels… would be 1.5 times the output
(more “back-radiation” than solar reaching the surface.. roflmao !!)
Whoever came up with that load of nonsense, needs to go back to primary school and start his education all over again.
As does anyone else that pays any credence to it.
Things backwards again, eh?
And since when does water radiate IR?
70% of the Earth’s surface is water.
I strongly disagree with this …
‘The common conclusion of a wide range of fingerprint studies conducted over the past 15 years is that observed climate changes cannot be explained by natural factors alone.’ (IPCC)
Its a common conclusion of brain-washed climate idea logs.
But that is meaningless in terms of actual science.
In the last 15 year, the only atmospheric warming has come from the 2015/16 El Nino… absolutely natural, no possible human causation.
And for the 15 years before that El Nino, there was no atmospheric warming at all..
So the comment is, as with most “climate” comments, totally nonsensical and meaningless.
But we have a problem convincing them because temperatures remain on this high plateau, which they will argue is indicative of global warming. Heat is building up in the system, caused by CO2 emissions.
Its plain to see that temperatures remained flat during the first decade of this century, caused by a negative PDO, which then returned positive in the following decade accompanied by robust El Nino.
Its negative again and should settle on this new plateau for at least a couple of decades with Modoki El Nino and La Nina conditions prevailing.
For temperatures to fall below the Spencer line we’ll have to wait until the AMO goes negative, then the balloon will go up, the fat lady sings and curtin comes down on the AGW hypothesis.
Didn’t you have a bet on a somewhat different prediction? One that involved temperatures going down already?
No atmospheric warming for 39 of 44 years of accurate atmospheric temperature measurements.
No CO2 warming signal anywhere.
Cooler than nearly all the last 10,000 years.
“One that involved temperatures going down already?”
And yes, it has been cooling since the last El Nino.
No sir, world temperatures won’t fall until the AMO goes negative.
The PDO can only stop temperatures rising, so when the AMO is in sync it should fall. Here is the PDO in graphic detail.
“temperatures remain on this high plateau”
Where did you get that bit of nonsense from.
Current temperatures are well below what they have been for nearly all of the last 10,000 years.
Please stop quoting ignorance nonsense from the climate kooks !
I’m well aware that we are at the end of the Holocene and temperatures are lower than anytime in the past 10,000 years. Its also a good thing that human emissions keep the planet fertile, CO2 starvation is not a pretty sight.
Nevertheless, the masses still need to be convinced and a fall in temperature below the line for an extended period won’t go unnoticed.
It is what you get when you reach a conclusion and then work backwards to provide figures that justify it.
One might call it “reverse science” or something similar.
““reverse science””
Not so much “reverse science”, but the absolute and total absence of any science whatsoever.
‘Is this true?’
No, best not get bogged down in attributing CO2 to global warming, its a fantasy.
This will become patently obvious over the next 15 years as world temperatures fail to rise.
“as world temperatures fail to rise.”
Atmospheric temperature “failed to rise” for the period from 1980-1997..
then “failed to rise” again from 2001-2015.
and have been falling since 2016.
So they have “failed to rise” for 39 out of the 44 years of atmospheric temperature data.
Thank you, Peter, for the reference but I could not find an answer to my question there.
Perhaps I need to clarify.
I was not asking if it is true that human emissions before the second world war were insufficient to cause significant change in the atmospheric CO2.
I was asking if it was true that the IPCC had stated this.
Right John, see my reply to your initial question at 23.5 below. I cannot imagine the IPCC saying such a thing because AGW does not say it.
Read all of it
Yes, I suggest you do. (its very obvious that you haven’t !)
Then get back to us with which part contains anything that is actual science (ie not based on unvalidated models.)
Or fail .. yet again !
JinNZ…. You will find PF is very short on basic comprehension of simple questions.
It is very obvious he has not understood your question… and has no intention of giving you a proper answer.
Re “I have heard it said that the IPCC has said that human emissions before the second world war were insufficient to cause significant change in the atmospheric CO2..”
I seriously doubt it though I stopped reading the full reports after AR3, 20 years ago. I know that AGW claims the CO2 increase began before 1800 and we have been its sole cause. This is where the reparations junk comes from.
There is however a big AGW turning point around WWII, which is it stopped warming (according to the AGW temperature estimates) until the 1970’s. This they attribute to aerosol cooling from air pollution, which we then reduced, so warming recommenced. But the warming before the 1940’s is similar to that after the 1970’s, so the supposed CO2 increase we were supposedly causing was supposedly causing lots of warming long before the war. At least according to AGW, which is normally what the IPCC says.
Note that the question is what the IPCC says, not what is true, which is a very different topic indeed.
Thanks David.
NOAA put this out and you can see the drop in temperature after WW2. They don’t take off again until the Great Climate Shift of 1976, which was caused by the Pacific Decadal Oscillation going positive.
A few days ago some clueless Australian Federal politician said that under new electricity policies prices would still go up but bills would go down because something would be returned. In other words it looks like our taxes are going to be used to subsidise our bills.
It is a basic law of electricity generation that the more solar, wind and Big Batteries you have, the higher the prices. Every single time. If prices are to be genuinely reduced, then stop unreliables, tear them down, and build coal, gas, nuclear and real hydro (not SH2) if sites can be found.
That should be easy Dave.Just take away the subsidies. Simples really.
The plan is for the subsidies to eliminate themselves- no fossil fuel industry, no subsidy.
Those subsidies will also only go to those who don’t pay tax. So Labor can spruik that they are looking after all the disadvantaged and protecting them from all those nasty energy company barons.
It is a basic law of electricity generation
The EU and US plan to extend that “law” to apply to metal production with a “Global Arrangement on Sustainable Steel and Aluminium”.
“Ready for another round?
The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, in partnership with WHO and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, conducted Catastrophic Contagion, a pandemic tabletop exercise at the Grand Challenges Annual Meeting in Brussels, Belgium, on October 23, 2022.
The extraordinary group of participants consisted of 10 current and former Health Ministers and senior public health officials from Senegal, Rwanda, Nigeria, Angola, Liberia, Singapore, India, Germany, as well as Bill Gates, co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The exercise simulated a series of WHO emergency health advisory board meetings addressing a fictional pandemic set in the near future. Participants grappled with how to respond to an epidemic located in one part of the world that then spread rapidly, becoming a pandemic with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.
Participants were challenged to make urgent policy decisions with limited information in the face of uncertainty. Each problem and choice had serious health, economic, and social ramifications.
Not that it matters, but I wonder if Gates’ lab grown meat really does have a genuinely lower “carbon” (sic) footprint than real meat? Somehow I doubt it.
Note that there are two types of synthetic “meat”.
1) Plant based substitutes.
2) Lab or factory grown real meat (muscle tissue) derived from animal stem cells.
To be actual like real meat, it must have the same embedded “carbon” content.
Cattle cannot produce “carbon”…. period…
They put out no more “carbon” (as meat, farts, breathe, cow pats) than they take in.
(as are any other consumer animals)
Anyone checked
against “The Voice”?
Four new words this morning –
indigini, idigiphobe, indiginist, indiginism
The big lie exposed:
“Get vaccinated for others”
Wasn’T ready, no idea what happend:
Elon Musk just Tweeted:
Elon is very good at tweeting – even beating DJT at the art at the moment. It makes me WANT to look at his page.
“Automaker Stellantis lays off hundreds of American workers, blaming high cost of making electric cars
Stellantis closing assembly plant in Belvedere, Illinois, in February 2023”
The plan is to ban petrol/gasoline/diesel cars and push us onto electric cars then ban those as well, except for the Elites.
They won’t need to ban EV’s, David. They will just make charging them too expensive for us minions. Every litre of petrol includes nearly 50 cents in assorted taxes allegedly to pay for roads. Then there is 10% GST on top of that.
Once ICE vehicles are banned that money will still have to come from somewhere.
Novated leases and electric cars (EVs)
The Australian Federal Government passed the Treasury Laws Amendment (Electric Car Discount) Bill 2022 in December 2022. The changes are back-dated to 1 July 2022.
Essentially this means EVs and plug-in hybrid EVs (PHEVs) under $84,916 financed through a novated lease will pay ZERO fringe benefits tax.
This represents a massive and unprecedented saving for people like you. In fact, PHEVs and EVs will generally be cheaper to novated lease, even compared with paying cash up front. (This is possible because marginal tax rates are generally a lot higher than interest rates.)
If you’ve been sitting on the fence regarding buying an EV or plug-in hybrid, and uncertain about whether to proceed because of the significantly elevated purchase price of these vehicles, the goalposts just moved – a long way.
Essentially the new legislation means the cost of ownership, in terms of the impact to your take-home pay, of an EV like a Hyundai Kona Electric or Tesla Model 3 (ie, EVs costing $60-something thousand dollars) is now about the same as the cost of owning a $35k Toyota Corolla – provided you own them under a novated lease.
EVs eligible for this FBT exemption include the Tesla Model 3, BYD Atto 3 (incl. the extended range version), MG ZS EV, Nissan Leaf (incl. e+), Hyundai Kona Electric, MINI Cooper EV, and Polestar 2.
Remember, the FBT concession is available on new and used EVs and PHEVs that were first delivered after 1 July 2022. This means: If you start a novated lease on a used EV from a dealer or private seller, and that vehicle was first delivered prior to 1 July 2022, the vehicle will be ineligible for the FBT concession.
all very interesting but a large part of calculation is the expected depreciated value of the vehicle at the end of the lease. This is something that never seems to get discussed much.
Sorry Yarpos, I thought I pressed green; can’t steer straight while having a cuppa!
Whether Twitter works out as a viable business proposition for Elon Musk or not, he is having his US$44 billion of fun.
Plus he is giving conservatives and fellow rational thinkers a voice and hope against the evil of the Left, and is still allowing Leftists a voice in any case.
Siberian Express to impact America.
A couple of interesting points from their ABC
1, The ABC representative stated the OR-I-ON space craft landed on earth, i thought to my self WTF is a OR-I-ON besides a Toyota sedan? Then i realised the twit was trying to say O-RI-ON as in the “Belt of Orion”, what type of education do these people get at schools now days???
2, A female spokesperson for the Gas companies was trying to educate an ABC representative on power generation, she stated they had an agreement with the gov signed last September to increase gas production now that has been torn up and you now want to limit production by putting a price cap on gas, the ABC rep presentative could not grasp the concept. In addition gas produces 9% of power so this change will have little effect as coal and hydro set the price. the ABC response “so you think you should be treated differently to coal?”
Anyway the greens will shutdown any deal because in their mind coal and gas should be charged a “Wind fall” tax because of all the money they have made since a dictator invaded Ukraine.
In other news Angela Merkle admits the Minsk agreements was all BS and the west never intended to abide by them, it was just a stalling tactic to give them time to arm the Ukraine………..thus justifying the Russian invasion, will the greens now call Merkle a dictator? i guess not
Would that be a “wind fail” tax then?
Oh dear, more big manufacturing in Germany starting to hit the wall due to green pseudo-energy costs.
“If the (steel making) plant were to be shuttered, production would likely be moved offshore to a location where energy is cheaper and environmental regulations lax. ”
Where all the West’s industry goes, as we make the world a cleaner greener place..
Politicians, Elites, Gaia worshippers and the Left in general are increasing their push for non-Elites to eat insects. E.g. this primitive poverty food is now served in 1000 Aussie schools.
How about we see meat deleted from the restaurants of parliaments, the banquets of climate “crisis” conferences, the private jet flights to said conferences, WEF and UN meetings etc. and replaced with their beloved insects?
Same problem different state, total collapse is now imminent i feel
Good luck everyone
And since electricity runs their de-sal plants.. could be a major problem there, too.
IIRC Perth’s reservoirs only hold about 30% of Perth’s annual demand…
… so they have a large dependency on aquifer and de-sal, both of which require a lot of energy.
Interesting article. First quoting an engineer who has experience in power supply to large areas, and the for an alternative view point swithing to an energy consultant who runs her business from home.
The engineer warns that the system is in dire straits and may fail if just one thing goes wrong. The home consultant has installed solar and batteries to her house so she doesn’t go “off line” in the middle of an important zoom meeting
Presumably she has a two fruit tins and string link from her house onwards?
Just a shame that more of these energy industry executives didn’t call this ‘renewables’ bollocks out when it was originally proposed. With all of our natural resources we would be in a world leading position now.
Over the weekend the following analysts and gas company execs made some statements. Mark Santer/Energy Analyst MST Marque, Saul Kavonic/Energy Analyst Credit Suisse, David Maxwell/ CEO Cooper Energy. To sum up all their statements- the worst, most destructive legislation seen in the energy sector in 30 years. It’s a pity people like this weren’t a little more vocal years ago. But again, where are all the engineers?
People will not appreciate cheap reliable electrical energy until it no longer exists?
“will not appreciate cheap reliable electrical energy”
The “cheap” part of that comment is disappearing fast… and the reliability won’t be far behind !
What’s not being discussed is the current usage of the gas peaking plants in the Perth metro area, situated along the north-south gas pipeline running through Perth. If, as I suspect, they are already running 24/7 to make up for the 20% coal energy loss, then they won’t be available to come online on the hot days when they will be needed.
Gas has had to step up to over 50% at night, when normally it averages less than 40%. Must have a look to see what gas gensets are already running today.
A quick look at what is currently happening with WA’s SWIS grid shows that one of the major coal power plants, Muja, is now up and running, presumably using coal imported from Newcastle. Muja coal energy was mostly shut down due to lack of local coal, despite being situated adjacent to a working coal mine. However, gas is still providing 53% of the energy at night, up from its average 40%, while coal, which also used to average 40%, is now averaging 20%.
Dr Jay Bhattacharya, Stanford Uni, apparently spent the afternoon at Twiter following an invite from Elon Musk. He found out more about the trend “blacklist” that twitter placed on himself and many more during 2021. Jay, was one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration. One of the sensible epidemiologists who were silenced and censored. The ones we should have listened to. At the moment the whole TWITTER FILES story is getting no coverage on MSM. So, old Elon thought he would spice things up a bit. As pointed out by another, he recently tweeted “My pronouns are Prosecute/Fauci”. Cat and pigeons comes to mind.
A Musk tweet
“Twitter is both a social media company and a crime scene”
An observation
I’m working my way through Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick. “The untold history of the United States”, which explores “the darker side of US history”
Introduction starts from about 1800 (with lamentations of the lack of knowledge of their own history by US citizens) and up to about Pearl Harbour (1941) takes about 134 pages (where I am now).
Pearl Harbour (1941) to 2012 is covered in pages 101 – 615.
Looks like a bodacious amount of darker side coming up!
And I wonder how many pages the Twitter saga on its own will add?
DM has an article about NSW gov having handed Wollumbin national park and Mount Warning over to an indigenous ‘consultative’ group for management. They have promptly banned hiking to Mt Warning and possibly use of any images of the famous peak for anything.
Instead of using the images of said mountain, I’d like to see images of the members of the indigenous consultative group.
That’s shocking. I was hoping to walk to the top one day. I have visited the base already.
It has great cultural significance for non-Aborginal Australians as it was named by Captain Cook in 1770 to warn future mariners of the dangerous reefs he encountered in sight of the mountain. Such naming presumably saved many lives.
Why is this cultural heritage site being stolen from non-Aborginals?
And if it is not allowed to be photographed, how are mariners meant to recognise it?
Its the remnant central plug of the Tweed shield volcano and I think it unfortunate that the original people are being so precious and exclusive.
There are some pictures here.
View them before they are censored.
I wonder when was the last time any Aborigines actually visited the site and conducted ceremonies there? I long time ago, I’d bet.
It will now become an un-managed fire hazard full of weeds and rubbish.
We have been waiting for this..
“Coal plants on alert as Britain risks blackouts
National Grid warned in October that if it was unable to import enough electricity from Europe, it may have to rely on two emergency schemes to keep the lights on: firing up old coal plants and paying households to use less. Coal plants can be instructed until about 12 hours before they may be needed and a Grid spokesman did not rule out deploying them on Sunday night.”
So now we have the photographs of Governments across Europe freezing people to death in an attempt to stop warming.
Stop the insanity!
And I am waiting anxiously to see the pictures of the brave anti Warming protesters in the snow and ice at -20C outside the coal power stations. It will be interesting to see how they get there and how they stay warm. Portable solar panels and windmills? Or will they drive there in Teslas?
And if the world was suffering from dangerous warming, why is there a problem? Especially on a small island like Britain where no one is more than 120km from the ocean. The whole island is moderated by the surrounding ocean, not just those millions who live in coastal towns.
And the British holiday in much hotter places if they can afford it. The current mad protests about warming make no sense, but you can be sure they will be indoors for the next few months. Art Galleries or car showrooms for example.
Why are there no pictures of Greta Thunberg in her native Stockholm protesting the winter? It shouldn’t exist.
It’s odd, isn’t it? You never see people in Malaysia or Singapore or Shanghai or Jakarta protesting Global Warming. Only really cold countries with snow and ice who holiday in warm places when they can.
You know, the very places which are rapidly disappearing under the rising seas like the Maldives which has just finished seven new international airports to cope with tourists. Or totally airconditioned Dubai which hosts 15 Million tourists a year and they can go skiing and ice skating in daily temperatures of 43-48C. They are so concerned about sea rise they have build cities of mansions offshore.
Still you have to hope the freezing winter makes people in the UK reconsider their anti warming stance.
I am hoping the ordinary freezing voters start to ask why they are paying fortunes for energy to prevent warming.
In effect, they are paying fortunes for energy to prevent warming their own homes adequately.
Just more proof that our climate is very benign and very beneficial today and how lucky we are in 2022.
In 1990 the population was 5.3 billion and yet 2 billion were living in extreme poverty.
Today the population is 8 billion, BUT ONLY 648 million are now living in extreme poverty.( 2019 data)
And today we know that Farmers and farm worker numbers have rapidly declined since 1950 or 1970 or 1990. And yet everyone has more food today and the climate has allowed us to prosper and lead healthier and wealthier lives.
Here’s the link from OWI Data.
Now the WEF wants to murder your pets.
This video appears to be humour, but when dealing with the Left I long ago learned to understand that with them, nothing is too crazy not to be true.
The ignorance and arrogance of the unelected WEF types is unbelievable, except that our stupid governments go along with so much of it.
I don’t know how many times I have to debunk this POS fallacy that coal fired power cannot ….. ramp.
It ramps every single day, in fact twice a day, and not just a little but by anything up to 7000MW.
It eases off during the night dropping from around 18000MW at around 6PM to 13000MW at around 4AM.
It then ramps up to 16000MW for the morning Peak.
Then it falls back to around 11000MW during the afternoon.
Then it ramps back up to 18000MW again for the evening Peak.
Now just look at those numbers for a minute.
It’s not just sitting around doing nothing.
That power is actually BEING CONSUMED, and that’s each and every day, and when those plants close, that’s it really.
There is NOTHING to replace it ….. NOTHING.
Then I saw recently the speed ramping capability of coal fired power, on an occasion when the bottom dropped out of wind, and that’s a regular thing really, once, twice three times a week, and that’s the instantaneous fall mind you, not the long term fall as those large High Pressure Weather Systems move across the wind plants, and they just disappear to almost nothing. Keep in mind that the average for wind it just 3080MW.
On this occasion when wind collapsed, four Units at one of the big coal fired plants each ramped up around 125MW in a five minute period, to deliver an extra 500MW.
So, the idea that the friends of the dirt green slime scoff at, that coal fired power cannot ramp is just so much bovine waste really.
Oh, and wind collapsing, well, that happened again, umm, just three hours back now, and wind instantaneously fell (across one five minute recording period) 1900MW, and then across the next quarter hour a further 600MW, for a loss of 2500MW. (Incidentally, what do we do when renewables are all there is and this happens?)
As usual, it was Hydro to the rescue, The two Tumut Stations delivering all the lost 2500MW in five minutes.
You can see it at the Aneroid site and just look at wind and hydro in isolation, and have a fool around, and you’ll see it all.
Now think that those coal fired plants are all three to four levels of technology lower than current coal fired power, and that the average age of these 16 plants is 35 years.
If there’s one thing you can say in favour of coal fired power when comparing it to those renewables of choice is ….. well at least it actually works.
As elegant and concise as ever, TFO. As a casual observer over years, I have always been lead to believe that only gas can ramp up and down. But it never made sense, because like gas, all you need to do is feed more coal into the furnaces. So all you do is crank up the draglines and the conveyor belts in the open pits. Increase the water supply to create more steam and bingo, more electrons generated. Or is that too simplistic?
It should also be noted that brown coal is rather more difficult to “ramp”, but still has the capability.
Here is the current “48 hour” Vic fuel mix graph.
ps.. generally, these coal “rampings” are “pre-planned” as part of the basic operating routine.
… as opposed to Hydro and Gas that can ramp quickly, at will.
It takes about three tenths of a second for a steam powered generator to go from no load to full load and vice versa. See comment #47 below. What takes five minutes (what you refer to as “ramping up”) is synchronising new supply with existing.
The five minutes is the recording time.
All output readings are recorded on a five minute basis.
SCADA Current
Before we all hop over the Monday thread Tony, Dunkelflautes are currently being mentioned in The Australian today.
Any data on the latest NEM Dunkelflaute? Lowest percentage of wind power? And how long that low percentage existed?
Omargersh – summer finally arrived today, huzzah! Blue skies, light breeze, 26 C, beautiful… thank you Oh Mighty Carbon! May you live forever…
Meanwhile, across the Tassie, the West Island [Australia] hills are in for snow today, snow tomorrow, snow the next day, snow on Thor’s Day AND snow on Frida’s Day – hoot! Thank you Oh Mighty Carbon, Ye Who Causes Everything Under The Sun (except warmth).
N.B. Australia, please don’t send us any more of your rubbish weather, we’ve had enough rain and cold and wind… keep it to yourself eh, I plan to work on a few more skin cancers & getting sticky tar on my bare feet, chur!
No, Ross, that’s not how it works.
ALL steam generating power plants, regardless of what is being burned, produce a constant, set amount of steam. This is what is referred to as its nameplate capacity. what changes, depending on demand put on the generator, is the amount of that steam that enters the turbine which drives the generator.
Under full load (maximum power draw on the generator) all of the steam flows through the turbine delivering maximum drive to the generator. Under no load (no power draw on the generator) all steam bypasses the turbine and ultimately returns to the boiler. Regardless, the amount of fuel being burned remains the same. Running costs remain the same.
Sorry, meant to be a reply to Ross at 45.1
So in other words the contribution from unreliables counts for nothing. Fuel is being burned at the same rate and if it’s not being used to heat steam after its had its energy absorbed by the generator, the heat is wasted up the smokestack.
Isn’t that condition called “spinning reserve”?
Spinning reserve is what we used to have in ‘olden days’, when coal fired power
was all we hadsupplied nearly all the power.The Main Plant’s Units delivered all the power, and the much older, nearer retirement Units at the older plants just waited for the call, sometimes with just one or two Units ‘burning and turning’, but not supplying to the grid, just humming along quietly.
When maintenance was due, that was carefully scheduled, and as the major Unit went off line, one or two of those older Units came on line in its place, and no one was any the wiser, as it was all seamless.
Once this CO2 thing came in, and around the time of the CO2 tax, quick as you like thank you very much, those older spinning reserve plants closed down.
Even when one of the majors failed, there was always a spinning reserve to come on line. Hydro did the instant recover, while the spinning reserve came up and ready, and in a short time, hydro shut down as the reserve took over.
Now, all they have is hydro, and a ring around for hopefully an OCGT or two or three to come on line.
Excellent MV, beautiful explanation, thanks. Again, basic information that our Energy leaders fail to inform us. So, in fact, it is relatively easy to “ramp up and down” within a certain range with coal by adjusting the steam input direction. So, in reality not only are intermittents un-needed, to a certain extent gas (eg OCGT) is not essential either. Hence, what TFO is explaining is essentially correct?
What Tony is explaining is spot on, Ross.