A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I came across this short-on-screen statement from the NHK Newsline commentator in New York the other day. And “verbatim I will quote it.”
“Weather experts in Washington have taken a break from offering their predictions on what’s coming. They’ve ground sourced their weather forecasts asking other meteorologists, business people, even members of the public. The consensus – slightly less snow”.
No wonder they are jittery, the modellers are predicting a cold air outbreak.
And “verbatim I will quote it.”
DuckDuckGo Useless – Bing also Useless
Only got it right
And an answer came directed in a writing unexpected,
(And I think the same was written in a thumbnail dipped in tar)
‘Twas his shearing mate who wrote it, and verbatim I will quote it:
“Clancy’s gone to Queensland droving, and we don’t know where he are.”
In my wild erratic fancy visions come to me of Clancy
Gone a-droving down the Cooper where the western drovers go.
As the stock are slowly stringing Clancy rides behind them singing
For the drover’s life has pleasures that the town folk never know.
It’s really special when Peter Dawson sings it.
“could ‘sterilize an entire generation’”
A major WEF target !
You would not know it from the news because it isn’t “breaking news” – Brisbane chnl 7 4pm report carried a story encouraging people to get inoculated before the massive wave of covid expected to arrive hits us – but the Queensland Police Service have today revoked their covid mandate. There is a report (behind a paywall so not linking) by the Courier Mail and a ghougle search (qps revoke covid mandate) can only provide stories published back in May/June 2022 covering the legal actions of certain frontline workers.
The current court case brought by the QPS members is still awaiting the judge’s ruling with no indication of when that will come. Of course given the revocation the obvious question is whether a ruling will be given or will the result be a reserved decision which would help protect both the QLD govt and all those firms that brought in their own mandates – Woolworths for example.
This still has a long way to play out and is not going to be just forgotten about with those wrongly and illegally affected letting bygones be bygones.
For the promoters of the jab I suspect that’s a feature, not a bug.
This 7 Second Video reveals EVERYTHING —
They were all better looking with the masks on…………………….
Hilarious! Less snow than what? Tony Heller has just published a video that says the opposite.
It will not be too long before others realise that Earth has seen it all before. Four times in the last 500krs and almost identical circumstances to 399k years ago.
The only thing that surprises me is that the belief in CO2 somehow warming Earth remains strong. It shows how easy it is to embed nonsense.
Your wish (that others will soon appreciate the truth) is undermined by your correct assertion at the end. I see no such hope.
It’s okay, Adellad. Reality is rapidly overtaking the BS.
It’s mid December and people are still skiing and snowboarding down south.
Wait until next winter when people can’t heat their homes in record low temperatures.
We’ll see how well the “global warming” crap goes down then.
Words are cheap, all data sets indicate the world has been cooling for eight years.
The eternal optimist, and God bless them unironically. But I agree with Adellad. Hot summers will return and winters will be survived, as this one in the North Hemisphere seems to be. I don’t hear too many complaints as yet and I listen to a lot of right-wing material.
The cold weather is upon Europe now.
Their memories are short.
They can flip.
They can be flipped.
Trouble is that gorbal warming has been rebranded “climate change”. Now any and all weather is an indicator of human interference in the once pristine earth.
Pfizer gets another experimental bivalent covid “vaccune” approved for babies 6 months plus.
Apparently it only took 2 days to get the approval.
Only politicians, senior public serpents and true covid believers should take this stuff, and lots of it.
In Canada, state sponsored suicide is now a lifestyle choice.
Yes I heard today of something like a disabled person who had some issue I can’t recall, was offered assisted suicide as an option at which they thought was a bit out of order so to speak.
Canada is perhaps even more progressive than Victoria?
We have to find another term instead of “progressive” ….. most of what’s termed “progressive” these days has nothing to do with progress. Let’s call our betters the “regressives”.
Shades of ‘Soylent Green’??
Courage is the cure
Kara Thomas
I joined the organisation because of Kara’s excellent advocacy.
Other than for a short 2 year stint a while ago I have never been a member of the AMA. That was all it took for me to realise that they are a group of self-serving wokists.
At my age, red tee-shirts are not really a fashion accessory, but I splurged on the AMPS model emblazoned with “let doctors be doctors”.
Corona investigative committee: Pilots vs Qantas.
Qantas admit that the vaxx doesn’t prevent transmission; the basis of their mandate.
JC2 direct link:
So, does that mean all the staff Qantas sacked for refusing compulsory experimental covid vaccines get their jobs back with back pay plus interest?
I didn’t think so.
Did Molnupiravir Create the Recent “COVID Variant Soup”?
There are two Covid-specific drugs. One is Paxlovid, developed by Pfizer, which causes “Paxlovid rebounds” and was not tested by Pfizer on vaccinated people. I wrote about a dozen articles on it, exposing it as snake oil, and this one is a good summary.
Another is Molnupiravir, which has a very interesting mode of action. It interferes with viral replication, CAUSING AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF MUTATIONS, so much that the mutated viral descendants are essentially defective and cannot replicate.
However, the problem is that SOME mutated copies CAN replicate — and cause excessive generation of “Covid variants” — a so-called “variant soup.”
Can of
wormssoup indeed.120
Kids and Young People Targeted by Bill Gates’ Exercise, “Catastrophic Contagion”
Remember “Event 201”, a preparedness exercise featuring a coronavirus pandemic, conducted in October 2019 under the auspices of the World Economic Forum and Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and involving China’s CDC and others?
The timing was exquisite, and the COVID-19 pandemic started within weeks of the exercise and went on just as predicted.
Catastrophic Contagion
Be aware that Bill Gates just conducted another exercise, aptly called “Catastrophic Contagion” on October 23, 2022.
Bill Gates and his partners realize that with Covid skeptics winning the battle and taking over entire social networks, the future battles against “misinformation” will need to involve much heavier weaponry.
And there’s this simultaneous inconprehensible push to vaxx kids needlessly.
What are these vaccines doing to the nation’s children and where is the benefit?
This week over one hundred health professionals wrote to the MHRA regarding Moderna’s application for a conditional marketing authorisation for Spikevax for babies from 6 months upwards. This baby dose has already been approved in the US and added to their routine immunisation schedule, thus removing any distinction between a novel technology gene-based vaccine rushed to market under the pretext of an ‘EMERGENCY’ and standard vaccines. Maintaining this distinction is vitally important, as there are still major unanswered questions about the long-term safety of mRNA products, which HART has discussed recently.
Meanwhile, in the UK, Pfizer’s Cominarty was quietly given full marketing authorisation for 5-11 and 12-adults, an event not announced by the MSM but instead ferreted out by the persistence of Sir Christopher Chope via a parliamentary question. The response to how the conditions had been met was chilling – basically, we’ve already given so many doses that we know it is ‘Safe & Effective’.
But most worrying of all is the fact that the MHRA have now given full authorisation to Pfizer’s 0-4s jab. They state that they have “authorised the vaccine in this new age group after it has been found to meet the UK regulator’s standards of safety, quality and effectiveness, with no new safety concerns identified. This decision has been endorsed by the Commission on Human Medicines, after a careful review of the evidence.” But the Pfizer trial for this age-group was a total shambles. They originally planned for 2 groups; one in which subjects received two 3mcg doses of the vaccine, and the other placebo. However, as with other trials, they very quickly went ahead and offered the vaccines to the placebo recipients. Thus by the time they realised this low dose was ineffective and they wanted to proceed to a third dose, they had to recruit more children to the placebo group in an attempt to create a valid comparator group.
“It is hard to believe how far we have come from your deliberations in July 2021 when you said the benefit risk balance was too close for a vaccine for healthy under 18s. We are now in a situation where 99% of preschoolers have been infected, omicron variants are clearly much milder, the vaccine efficacy is poor and more and more evidence is coming to light about potential harms.”
Gotta vaxx everyone to weed out the inferior ones for a better world…
The “misinformation” might include the observation that the bureaucrats who took part in the earlier simulation intervened in the CoV-2 epidemic response with idées fixes developed during the simulation.
They distorted the assessment of risk in the real emergency and unnecessarily increased casualties.
Perhaps a lesson which should be learned is that these bureaucrats should be confined to their boxes at the first sign of any real pandemic.
Paxlovid and Molnupiravir are both simply rebranded and repackaged HIV anti-virals, first released around 2014. Both caused significant adverse side effects in that role.
What could possibly go wrong?
Again, is this a bug?
Or – for those promoting this new technology, at least – a feature?
I hate conspiracy ‘theories’ [wet dreams or chemically induced traumas, mostly], but I wonder what might be done different, if there really was some big conspiracy ….
You may have to tell one year olds what that cold white powder is in the UK. I think the two year olds have probably seen it before. I know the 5yo living just north of London have seen it before.
There is a good dosing of the white stuff across UK today:
I am not being sarcastic when I point out this is the result of the Northern Hemisphere warming up.
Earth is just moving into Northern Hemisphere warming and Southern Hemisphere cooling. When the Southern Hemisphere warmed, extra heat was transferred to the NH to warm it up.
As the NH warms up, extra heat from the northern oceans will be advected to colder land masses and that will manifest as more snow.
In the long run, the snow will pile up and actually cool summer temperatures but that is a few thousand years away.
I am anticipating the electricity prices to go up across Europe this week. Now just nudging EUR450/MWh.
I’m not sure that your last two sentences are by way of trying to convince me that the rest of what you said was true Rick. If it was then it didn’t work.
Are you saying the entire planet can’t be colder or hotter but only parts of it at a time.? If so, is that because the plant-food gas CO2 is distributed unevenly around the planet’s atmospheres ??
You will have to pardon my ignorance on these matters Rick (and other readers). Despite being a regular reader on here the complexities of weather and climate still confound me.
If taken over the entire surface of globe, the December average solar power input is 180PW. That is 180E15 watts. 34% of that arrives over the oceans in the Southern Hemisphere and a significant portion gets absorbed, warming up the Southern Hemisphere but some also gets transferred to the NH. The maximum SH ocean temperature will be reached in March.
Move on 6 months to June and the solar input averages only 169PW. The northern oceans absorb about 19% of that resulting in peak temperature of NH oceans in August.
So in the present era, the SH gets a larger proportion of the solar power because Earth is closest to the sun in early January. In around 9,000 years Earth will be closest to the sun in late June and the NH will be getting the most solar input.
When the SH is warm, it distributes heat to the NH. When the NH is warm, it distributes heat from the oceans to land. A lot of that heat is transferred in winter because that is when the land is coolest and needs warming up. Every 1000kg of snow falling on land releases the same heat to space as burning 100kg of coal. So the snow warms the land.
Most of the “global warming” is occurring in winter in the NH. For example, the Greenland plateau January temperature has shot up from -30C to almost -20C. A big gain. Greenland is gaining elevation at 17mm per year as a result.
You may have some difficulty accepting that -20C is warm but when you just look at anomalies, that is what you see; almost 10C of warming in 70 years on the Greenland plateau.
Thank you.
I got most of that thanks Rick. Except the bit about Greenland is gaining elevation as a result of the temperature rise in the NH winter. I’m not clear of the mechanism behind that rise.
More snow falling and compacting as ice faster than the glacier is losing elevation from the flow (or slow shear) toward the coast.
Icealand and Greenland are the only two regions that I am aware of gaining ice. Other regions that form glaciers have influence from warmer land breezes that accelerate melting. There will be a lot more snowfall in these areas before the ice starts accumulating again.
Greenland is proving to be the canary for termination of the interglacial.
Great …got it …thanks again
The usual suspects have now completed their latest fictional pandemic set in the near future. Buoyed by the success of the previous world domination effort they have raised the bar. The Catastrophic Contagion pandemic was prepared with a higher fatality rate than COVID-19 and disproportionately affecting children and young people.
Wait a minute!
Yes, a big push to make sure Govts are ready to silence the people who can see through their plans.
Gates/WHO/WEF have learned from the last fake pandemic and will strike harder and faster against anyone not toeing the line in the next pandemic. Killing us will be crucial to saving lives…,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
Science proves kids are bad for Earth. Morality suggests we stop having them.
We need to stop pretending kids don’t have environmental and ethical consequences.
A startling and honestly distressing view is beginning to receive serious consideration in both academic and popular discussions of climate change ethics. According to this view, having a child is a major contributor to climate change. The logical takeaway here is that everyone on Earth ought to consider having fewer children.
Although culturally controversial, the scientific half of this position is fairly well-established. Several years ago, scientists showed that having a child, especially for the world’s wealthy, is one of the worst things you can do for the environment. That data was recycled this past summer in a paper showing that none of the activities most likely to reduce individuals’ carbon footprints are widely discussed.
The second, moral aspect of the view — that perhaps we ought to have fewer children — is also being taken seriously in many circles.
“Roll out ze shots!”
I think the mRNA vaxxines have quietly taken care of that “problem”.
Really MV.??
How many of the very wealthy do you think have really had any of the real vaxxine !?
“having a child, especially for the world’s wealthy, is one of the worst things you can do for the environment. ”
No problem- The Muslims and Africans aren’t wealthy, and they are happy to replace us as we commit social suicide.
US scientists achieve ‘holy grail’ net gain nuclear fusion reaction
US scientists have reportedly carried out the first nuclear fusion experiment to achieve a net energy gain, a major breakthrough in a field that has been pursuing such a result since the 1950s, and a potential milestone in the search for a climate-friendly, renewable energy source to replace fossil fuels.
The experiment took place in recent weeks at the government-funded Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California, where researchers used a process known as inertial confinement fusion, the Financial Times reports, citing three people with knowledge of the experiment’s preliminary results.
The test involved bombarding a pellet of hydrogen plasma with the world’s largest laser to trigger a nuclear fusion reaction, the same process which takes place in the sun.
Researchers were able to produce 2.5 megajoules of energy, 120 per cent of the 2.1 megajoules used to power the experiment.
The video at that link is unrelated to the recent test in California but it does have the story.
They are checking the numbers before an official release this week.
They have spent USD3.5bn on the reactor to get a gain of 0.4MJ. Enough to vaporise 100 grams of water. Or equivalent to 10 grams of coal. Baby steps comes to mind. Power was impressive though. It appears the laser is rated at 1PW. Civilisation’s entire electrical generation averages 0.003PW. So the laser would not need to fire often to get a decent power output. But then it only produced a gain go 20%. So it would need 5 times the internal generation to that sent out.
I guess they say that these reactions can make big gains once the conditions are right but USD3.5bn to produce what you get out of half a cents worth of coal suggests it is still a big mountain to climb. Maybe within 30 years. Just as the last of the die-hard CO2 demonisers shuffle off.
Earlier trials fired the laser at 440TW for 5 ns to induce a 2.8PW bang for 0.1 ns.
This is interesting (even their ABC can produce relevant stuff now and again) in reality they are describing how a climate model works and why it all turns to rubbish
Algorithm. the word has been around forever, it just gets more use than it use to. To hide or disguise deficiencies in models, programs &c. The word IS the black box.
A classic example of the folly of trying to automate a measure of substantially chaos is the ACORN.SAT saga.
Before you start you are faced with the problem that computer climate models are and must be reverse engineered, on a “best fit” basis. Precision doesn’t get a look in.
The second problem you face is that if more than one person has been involved in writing such an algorithm/model/program then there may be nobody at all who knows how it was written.
The BOM’s first attempt at ‘homogenising” Australia’s temperature records contained absurdities which told us two things; 1. The BOM was not competent to do this work, and 2. They hadn’t even checked their work to discover the absurdities. It is quite clear that what they are trying to do is automate the measure of chaos.
Yet, without comment, the same people set back in to delivering us ACORN.SAT versions 1 and 2.
IRENA & Co-Conspirators with Privileges & Immunities Hustle Climate Hoax to Siphon Trillions & Destabilize Global Economy
As a driving force placing pressure on public and private sectors to comply, the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) plays a key role in funneling trillions from the global economy while influencing government policies and propping up the climate hoax narrative. While IRENA is pivotal in the “no-regrets” initiative to transform the global economy, the international organization enjoys immunities and privileges which allow them to operate without transparency or accountability.
IRENA is one part of a global web of international organizations which have been granted immunities and privileges allowing them to operate without transparency or accountability.
Their headquarters agreement with the UAE offers privileges and immunities for their members and assets, while their official documents are inviolable. Under their statute, IRENA is afforded additional immunities and privileges by way of agreements signed with each of their 168 member nations.
In the United States, for example, Barack Obama issued an executive order in September of 2015 to designate IRENA as “a public international organization entitled to enjoy the privileges, exemptions, and immunities provided by the International Organizations Immunities Act.” Furthermore, IRENA is protected under immunities and privileges of the UN headquarters, as the international organization maintains a permanent office there.
Though IRENA does periodically publish financial and investment reports, tracking the massive transfer of the world’s wealth between international organizations, facilitated by this agency in the name of climate change, becomes an almost insurmountable task due to layers of immunities and inviolability of documents.
IRENA has signed partnerships, contracts, and compacts with numerous organizations to transition the global economy, drive government policies, and prop up the climate hoax narrative. The goals and commitments vary among agreements, but a common thread among many of the organizations involved in this massive transfer of wealth are their privileges and immunities which allow them to operate outside of the law.
To name a few, the United Nations and their specialized agencies operate under the privileges and immunities afforded to them by the ‘Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations,’ which among other things, shields members from legal process and renders their official documents inviolable. USAID is afforded privileges and immunities that provide employees with “full criminal and civil immunity for both personal and official acts.” The European Commission is granted privileges and immunities protecting members and assets from legal process while rendering official documents inviolable. Similarly, the World Bank is shielded from accountability through their immunities and privileges clauses.
2021 report entitled “World Energy Transitions Outlook: 1.5°C Pathway,” IRENA calls for channeling trillions from oil, coal and natural gas, while bilking the global economy out of at least 4.4 trillion each year until 2050, for a grand total of 131 trillion dollars. Proponents of this massive wealth transfer speak casually of taxing the energy sector, businesses, and consumers to death in order to reach their astronomical $131 trillion goal.
German Molecular Biologist Unveils Concept of World’s First Artificial Womb Facility Which Can Incubate up to 30,000 Lab-Grown Babies a Year
On Friday, a German molecular biologist by trade unveiled a new concept for the world’s first artificial womb facility, EctoLife, which could incubate up to 30,000 babies a year.
“My new concept will be unveiled early December, something that I have been working on for a while,” said Hashem Al-Ghaili in November. “The new concept relies on over 50 years of groundbreaking scientific research.”
Hashem Al-Ghaili is a molecular biologist, producer, filmmaker, and science communicator based in Berlin, Germany.
EctoLife, which operates solely on renewable energy, enables infertile couples to conceive and become the biological parents of their own offspring.
TRENDING: Karl Rove Who Ran PAC Ads Supportive of Top Democrat Candidate and Held a Fundraiser for Adam Kinzinger Blames Trump for Midterm Losses
“It’s a perfect solution for women who had their uterus surgically removed due to cancer or other complications. With EctoLife, premature births and C-sections will be a thing of the past. EctoLife is designed to help countries that are suffering from severe population decline, including Japan, Bulgaria, South Korea, and many others,” according to its press release.
“According to the World Health Organization, around 300,000 women die from pregnancy complications. EctoLife artificial womb is designed to alleviate human suffering and reduce the chances of C-sections,” Hashem wrote.
Herr Schwab will not be happy.
Mind you, you’ll need viable healthy contributions to start with.
Powered by renewables – so it’s available on sunny/windy days.
Probably the only way these deluded transitioners will ever have a baby.
I can see such a facility being misused to provide armies of genetically engineered clone super soldiers to enforce Comrade Herr Klaus Schwab’s decrees and fellow Elites’ decrees.
Any child incubated in an artificial womb won’t hear the soothing voices of the mother, surrounding noises, the mother’s heartbeat, motion, etc..
It will probably be born quite maladjusted.
Stack them up in racks hundreds of meters high, each one pipeed with nutrients and oxygen, then harvest the energy they produce.. Why have them born, just feed them enough social media so they think they are alive.
The Matrix wasn’t fiction, just prescient.
China & the Cycles
From Armstrong Economics –
“The Tiananmen Square protests culminated on June 4th, 1989 (1989.424). While the COVID Protests have been rising in China and the lockdowns have been deployed more so for the control of civil unrest which may start to come to a head by October 2023, the Pi Target was October 27th, 2020 and the day before, the 26th, was when US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken reneged on all previous agreements with China since Nixon. He issued a statement regarding Taiwan and launched a new Cold War with China. China’s Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian on the precise target of the 27th made it clear that the Biden Administration violated all previous agreements including the one-China principle. The whole Biden statements and Pelosi’s trip suddenly supporting Taiwan appears to have been to actually instigate a war. It now appears with rising civil unrest, governments typically need an external diversion and that may now become Taiwan.”
” … that may now become Taiwan.”
Highly unlikely, he saw Putin fall into a black hole.
Most likely, Xi will be patient and yet persevering on Taiwan, perhaps a bit of brinkmanship but no more. He believes that war is a waste of resources.
Putin has not fallen into a black hole. It is the USA that has shot itself in the foot along with the UK.
“Abuse Catches Up To You And Cripples You”: Ronnie Coleman’s Video Leaves Bodybuilding Fans In War Over His Body
Ronnie Coleman is one of the most celebrated bodybuilders. Coleman is the eight-time Mr. Olympia with a beast-like physique. He is the winner of 26 IFBB titles and is famous for his dedication to bodybuilding. Coleman performed highly challenging workouts every day. His body was always the topic of discussion.
Coleman had a commendable dedication toward training every. On an occasion of performing 800 squats, Coleman injured his back. He realized something was wrong with his body, but chose to ignore the pain and continue competing and training normally. Soon his injuries got the better of him. Throughout his bodybuilding journey, Ronnie underwent 13 surgeries. At one point, doctors declared that he might not be able to walk. However, Ronnie took assistance to be able to walk again.
It’s shocking to see him as a cripple needing crutches to walk.
How the mighty fall when the ignore critical warning signs and push their bodies too far. It’s not worth it.
Thankfully I never suffered any permanent damage from what I did, probably bordering on miraculous…
As I’m sure you’re aware, but should be mentioned, pro bodybuilding is competitive drug experimentation, easily and often descending to abuse.
Nowadays they call it ‘gear’.
Without weekly monitoring by a co-operating physician, gear kills.
Bodybuilders have a similar long term prognosis as those that chemically change their sex.
Besides the drug abuse, the utter absurdity, dare I say stupidity, of doing 800 squats, might be predictive.
It speaks to our times that this somehow is an image of health and fitness.
A fantasy physique.
(With enough tanning cream and the right lighting.)
Goes with a fantasy climate.
Do you know who Harvey Ball was?
He created the original smiley face in 1963.
BoM under pressure on all fronts.
‘The Bureau of Meteorology is battling stormy weather inside and out. Farmers, former employees and the union representing its staff say the agency’s decision-making, culture and communications are as clear as the mud that swamped communities along the east coast this year.’ (SMH)
We could see this coming a mile away.
‘Coal plants on alert as Britain risks blackouts.
‘UK electricity prices soar to a record high amid supply fears, with the National Grid mulling whether to fire up old coal plants.’ (Oz)
We only have 3 coal fired plants left. The government have taken great delight in literally blowing up the remainder in an act of green virtue. Drax was converted to wood pellets. It is very cold here in the UK and with little wind and little sun I think the remaining coal plants are already operating.
It is supposed to get Windier from Tuesday and much less cold from next weekend so that might help to keep the power on as the turbines come back to life.
Demand has been lower than normal despite the cold weather as People have been economising because of the cost of fuel
Not quite sure but it appears there are 5 or so other coal units not usually running. Anyway they have fired up 2 more for this evening’s peak, totalling 1.1GW. Wind is supplying only 2.5% of morning demand. A cash fight will determine which way the interconnectors flow.
I noticed on Gridwatch two nights ago that despite cliff-edge conditions, 7% of our electricity was flowing TO France and a tad to Ireland. Someone, from the Amalgamated Union of Sociopaths, somewhere is coining it and never mind the risk to consumers.
Amalgamated Union of Sociopaths.. I may steal that or variation of it. Thank you. 🙂
I think the 2 coal fired Drax plants have been put on stand-by status. They would add another 2GWto the (slightly less than) 4GW from the wood burners (assuming that there is coal available to burn). Yes, I know Drax was built over a coal mine with lots of reserves BUT your government????
Yes, to burn wood pellets from thousands of miles away when drax was built over a coal mine takes a special kind of warped genius. The wind has become noticeable today here in Devon for the first time in a week so if that happens in the rest of the country it might just keep the power on
Given that Coal CO2 and wood CO2 are identical, DRAX is based on the expensive assumption that CO2 is stuck in the atmosphere unless you grow trees, nett zero.
Which is odd as world green cover is exactly matching the increase in CO2. A greening the size of Australia or Brazil.
Since 1988 satellite records, NASA has declared that the world has greened by 14%, the same as the increase in CO2. So growing trees does not reduce CO2. Rather increased CO2 means more trees.
When will anyone admit that nett zero is busted. Gowing trees to reduce CO2 has been contradicted by the trees themselves? DRAX is insane, 14% of the UK power from American trees. Someone in America is getting rich on the idea that Britons have been talked into not using their coal.
It is quite funny to see how NASA explain this greening as a result of increased Chinese agriculture, not increased CO2. But they do take the trouble to use increased trees to explain the lack of Global Warming.
What is harder to explain is the magnitude of the greening matching the magnitude of the CO2 increase and the satellite observed greening is not all in China which is not big enough anyway. But after 4 years, NASA has ignored the obvious conclusion. More CO2 means more trees, not fewer. Which means CO2 has nothing to do with trees.
Rather as the sole source of all trees, more CO2 means more trees grow themselves. So much for Carbon Credits from growing trees. It must be very embarrassing for NASA true believers of the idea that humans control insoluble CO2 stuck in the air unless rescued by trees. But roll on world conquering “Nett Zero”. Virtue signalling science nonsense which is so obviously not true.
“From a quarter to half of Earth’s vegetated lands has shown significant greening over the last 35 years largely due to rising levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide”
But in the 2020 NASA article, the increased Greening is finally explained by increased Chinese agriculture. But all the greening, the size of Brazil, would have to be in China which is not true.
The other indication that it is written nonsense is that CO2 is responsible for ‘increased fertilization’. CO2 is not a fertilizer at all. It is the stuff from which all living things are made. A tree is 100% CO2 and water.
The problem with the original observation by a ten country group studying NASA images is that CO2 is not reduced by the massively increased number of trees. Rather more CO2 clearly means more trees grow themselves and every country should receive cash, a quarter of the planet.
It staggers me that NASA has all the data to show nett zero is rubbish and somehow everything is twisted to justify man made Global Warming, except without the warming because of the trees.
“Given that Coal CO2 and wood CO2 are identical”
How are the amounts when burnt? Wood needs giant diesel-powered logging machinery to harvest, giant diesel-powered trucks to transport, giant diesel-powered loaders at each end, more giant machines to chip, then machinery to steam, liquor coat and compress, and finally you have a wood pellet..
More diesel to load and transport, load it again on a ship, fuel oil it across an ocean and burn even more diesel to get it off the ship, to DRAX and unload it.
How are the CO2 miles for wood looking against coal then?
When you burn it you need to burn more to get the same energy as coal due to the water content of wood, so more CO2 gets emitted.
Of course it only works because the fake accounting they do says that burning wood does not get added to a country’s emissions. An unbelievably stupid way of costing civilisation a lot more for energy.
As things slow down for dinner, a little light entertainment.
At just eight minutes long, the shortest, and maybe the funniest cowboy movie ever.
A white Xmas on the Australian Alps, not unprecedented. What are the odds?
No not unusual at all but I’m betting the amount of days it has snowed is up .
Seems Musk is going to release the Twitter covid files with tweets like
“Oh it is coming bigtime”
“And things get spicy”
Pronouns for the day – “Prosecute/Fauci”
Will anyone notice?
Tony Heller presents –
“Safe and Effective”
Monday entertainment: Water clock
The obvious disparity between prospective renewable energy and reality is due to the assumption that demand will be maintained.
The anomaly is easily explained if the population is reduced as intended.
The problems of outdoor dining at – 44C with wind chill
Great to see Piers in action..The idea according to ‘Piers Corbyn’ about a convoluted behaviour of jetstreams during solar minimum is now on the petri dish..
Well done Piers!!and of course there are other astrophysicists who would agree with his stance.
From: …..and beyond
“Piers Corbyn gives update on the status quo and what’s to come @ Speaker’s Corner 04/12/22“
From the beginning..
My recent review paper in Transportation Engineering might be of interest to people here. It can be accessed at this link: .
Prof. Gautam Kalghatgi FREng FSAE FIMechE FCI FISEES
P.S. The abstract of the paper reads –
The dominant narrative in the affluent west is that climate change poses an “existential threat” and very rapid cuts in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and hence fossil fuel use are needed to avoid it. Simultaneously oil, gas, coal, aviation, steel and cement industries and livestock farming have to be largely shut down to eliminate GHG. This review argues that globally all this will not happen by 2050, let alone 2030 because the scale of the problem is too large. Transport is particularly difficult to decarbonize and current policies focusing entirely on battery electric vehicles will not and must not succeed. GHG levels are unlikely to come down significantly in the next several decades and even if they did, extreme weather events will not disappear. It is better to recognize such realities and make societies more resilient to the effects of climate change. Humanity will have to adapt to any further warming as it has successfully done with the previous warming of about 1.1 C over the past century. Combustion research, particularly of fossil fuels and in internal combustion engines is currently seen as unnecessary in many countries. However, it will be absolutely necessary, along with the development of the alternatives in order to ensure that energy use is improved since combustion will continue to be central to supplying global energy and driving transport for decades to come. The gap between current policies and reality will perhaps be bridged as energy security concerns come to the fore.
As I said many times before. It is far more cheaper and effective to just do what Mother Nature does. And that is to adapt.
There is no warming. Green Houses gas warming is fake for planet earth which is 3/4 covered by water. And as CO2 is extremely soluble and compressible in water, 30x as soluble as essential oxygen which fish need, CO2 vanishes quickly into the oceans which contain 98% of CO2 gas. Given Henry’s law, we only have as much CO2 as the oceans will release. Heat the oceans and a little more comes out. So warming produces CO2, not the other way around.
And ocean warming is a result of one 250 year solar cycle (the De Vries Cycle) and one 64 year Ocean cycle (PDO/AMO) which fully explain many temperature variations for the last 250 years to great detail and the world is suddenly cooling as predicted by Fourier analysis (15:20 in) of the pattern and a perfect fit.
So we could soon be seeing the ice fairs return to London as the river Thames freezes over, as it did in 1812.
CO2 is not pollution. It is the gas of life from which all living things are made. There is no science in CO2 driven man made Global Warming. It and ‘nett zero’ are fake science disputed by the planet itself. See #
I had heard reference to the Thames being narrowed by new embankments since then, causing a faster flow and therefore making it more difficult to freeze over now.
I do remember early 1963 when a lot of water froze in various places, including a pond near Reading where I went skating. That was a very unpleasant winter altogether. We had no central heating then and frost flowers were the order of the day on bedroom windows…shiver.
Our stove is going today…welcome summer in Nth Central Vic!
My husband just reminded me of the chunks of ice in the Irish Sea that washed up on Blackpool beach that winter. He was in Blackpool for Christmas and saw chunks of ice near the pier.
Elon Musk: Many battles remain, but, yes, the tide is starting to turn on the mortal threat to civilization that is the woke mind virus
As I’ve said before, the tide is turning, but is it enough, and in time?
Freezing to death to prevent warming might start people thinking.
I think a majority have lost the ability to think. That was all part of the plan of dumbing-down the “education” system.
E.g. In Australia how do you explain the election of a federal Labor regime and the re-election of the Andrews regime in Vicdanistan when there was a slightly less bad alternative or good independents to vote for?
I’d loke to see an audit of the telephone votes.
They will just be told climate change causes heating and cooling (and anything else that needs explaining) and many will probably just shrug and believe it. They haven’t heard anything else in the MSM for a very long time now, it must be true.
The ignorance of so many about the basics of maths, physics, chemistry, botany and zoology is totally astounding. How do you get through the brainwashing of so many who cannot respond to the nonsense with which they are indoctrinated on a daily, if not hourly, basis?
Much worse is the wilful ignorance of those who push all the warmist nonsense.
But I bet the Elites will still be able to get their coffee and soy etc.. Especially the soy, most male EU politicians are feminised wimps from too much soy.
And no one likes illegal deforestation but to qualify every product imported will be difficult, expensive or impossible.
It’s all part of the plan of the Left Elites removing everything good and nice in life.
They could add Slovakia, Finland and Romania to the list of places facing deforestation.
And the citizens of the EU won’t need coffee, cocoa as they won’t be able to boil the water necessary. A bleak time at breakfast but never mind, a nice bowl of crunchy insects with cold milk (Ooops! Dutch dairy farms are being shut down by the government).
If you crush your beetles in cold water it looks milky. Enjoy.
The Massive Gas Field That Europe Can’t Use
Earthquake risks in the Netherlands have locals unwilling to plug the Russia-related energy shortfall.
Proof of the old saying “those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make them insane”.
Although I think it is unnecessary to blame the Gods in the case of the EU.
I think that applies to most people in Western countries.
“Whom the gods would destroy they first make mad”.
Reverend William Anderson Scott “Daniel, a Model for Young Men” (1854).
I first heard that as “They first make confident”.
Equally applicable IMO.
“It’s over. The Tampa Bay Times just won Coffee & Covid’s Funniest Headline of 2022 award, for its December 8th story headlined “More Deaths Among Vaccinated Americans Not a Reason to Avoid Vaccines, Experts Say.” Haha, experts! Good one. The sub-headline — and I am not making this up — said, “It actually underscores the importance of staying up-to-date on boosters.” ”
“The story refers to the latest CDC numbers which, despite the overfunded agency’s best efforts to camouflage, obfuscate, and deceive, are finally showing that covid is killing more jabbed people than unjabbed people. You might recall a recent Washington Post headline about the story that we discussed a couple weeks ago: “Covid is no longer mainly a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Here’s why.” ”
From Jeff Childers “Coffee and Covid” – free subscription which is good reading so far.
The same script as NSW health saying unvaccinated people are “over represented” in hospitalizations when at the time zero unvaccinated people were in hospital. Just looking today at it seems there there are a couple (3 of 609) and zero of the 42 in ICU.
Other rationalizations will need to be found. I am sure they are being worked up.
And also from there –
“Another cardiologist has followed Dr. Aseem Malhotra and is calling for a halt to covid vaccines, due to injuries. Dr. Dean Patterson has also adopted Dr. Malhotra’s brilliant formula, opining that given the levels of KNOWN cardiac side effects and other safety signals, the shots should be considered the cause of injury until proven safe.
The doctors’ proposed standard — unsafe until proven safe — is a keen shift in the burden of proof. It makes perfect sense. The jab makers should be the ones who have to prove their drugs are safe, not the other way around. It’s not doctors’ duty to prove the drugs are harmful, not when there are clear safety signals.”
Scientists at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory may have achieved a remarkable new high point for fusion reactions, generating even more energy than was pumped in during a recent experiment, according to a report by the Financial Times.
Full story:
A Fusion Energy Breakthrough? Major Announcement Expected From US Scientists
Hmmmm, it’s time, Comrades, to start working on an anti-fusion narrative. Try thermal ‘pollution’. Or maybe fall back on the ever-reliable water vapor one.
Sorry, John Connor II. I see you’ve already covered it in comment #13. I wonder what happened to the Lockheed Martin one. I haven’t seen any recent updates.
“Aussie Net Zero Insanity: Shell Suspends East Coast Gas Supply Agreement”
The Law of Unintended Consequences strikes again?
“Have We Gotten Basically ALL Of Disease Wrong?”
“Sometimes medical progress appears almost miraculous”
ATSIC – Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islanders Commission was legislated in Parliament but after several years and billions of dollars of taxpayer’s monies to fund ATSIC is was shut down because of a lack of governance and corruption investigated.
““There shall be a body, to be called the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice,” the first line read.”
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet.
IIRC there is a limerick involving a dahlia