By Jo Nova
Despite achieving nothing but a holiday junket for 45,000 people, COP27 has managed to eke out the usual PR “win” in the grand media theater. They have a document they call a historic breakthrough which is actually nothing but a wish list for future UN wet dreams. It’s just a “roadmap for future decision-making” meaning, they haven’t made any decisions yet. They can’t say who’ll pay, or who’ll get the money, or how big the money will be, or exactly what it will be for. But they can say they will meet again to figure it out.
They’ve simply announced a new category of globalist graft
“…the text of the agreement leaves open a number of crucial details to be worked out next year and beyond, including who would contribute to the fund and who would benefit.”
But there is no agreement yet over what should count as “loss and damage” caused by climate change – which could include damaged infrastructure and property, as well as harder-to-value natural ecosystems or cultural assets.
A report by 55 vulnerable countries estimated their combined climate-linked losses over the last two decades totalled $525 billion, or 20% of their collective GDP. Some research suggests that by 2030 such losses could reach $580 billion per year.
So even with all the exaggeration — with fifty five countries and twenty years of back-claims — the tally amounts to just 26 million per year in damages?
“Loss and damages” is a plan to tax the West for bad weather in Somalia or a frost in Uruguay
If it ever amounts to anything, nations of the West will just shift money from “foreign aid” baskets and funnel it through the UN to make it even less effective for the world’s poor. It will fatten up corruptocrats in third world enclaves and provide bread and honey for UN hollowmen and junketeers. There will be no incentive for the tin pot nations to build sea-walls, stop erosion or do hazard reduction to stop fires — because the worse the catastrophe is, the more money they can ask for in “losses”. So third world governments will be less accountable for their own incompetence as they blame-shift to the West, but they’ll get more dependent on the UN as sugar-daddy.
All in all, it will be a win for creeping communism but a loss for the everyone else. It’s another road to One World Government.
Thank the West for releasing all the CO2. Consider it a gift…
The West doesn’t need to pay the world for imaginary “climate damage”. CO2 is a net benefit worth billions. It has increased crop yields, and plant growth and helped feed the world, it has thickened the forests, increased mangroves, and reduced desertification (Goklany, 2015). There are 18 million more square kilometers of greenery in the world. (Zaichun, 2016). If the temperatures do increase two degrees, and CO2 hits 700ppm, corn is estimated to grow 25% faster and soy beans will boom by 31%. (Qiao et al 2019)
Let’s burn oil and feed the world.

Carbon dioxide fertilization (in ppm, horizontal axes) of C3 crop and C4 weed
Source: von Caemmerer et al. (2012).
Nearly nine out of ten islands of 700 Pacific and Indian ocean are growing more than shrinking (Duvat, 2018), and the 11% that are shrinking are so small they have no human inhabitants. Zero. So let’s pay nothing to no one for sea level rises, but send a bill to the islands with extra real estate?
What has the West ever done for you?
The third world seems happy with cars, trucks, electricity, antibiotics, gas and planes. They like their fertilizer, poly-cotton, concrete, sealed roads and smart phones. The game of retrospective injuries and awards can be played by both sides.
“There is no need to pay reparations. Our leadership of the industrial revolution brought prosperity to the world and led to increased life expectancy and better living conditions.”
As CO2 grew, the population of Africa expanded from 155 million one hundred years ago to 1,500 million now. A billion more African lives…
CO2 is a net benefit to life on Earth, and so is the West.
Duvat, V. K. E. (2018). A global assessment of atoll island planform changes over the past decades. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change, e557. doi:10.1002/wcc.557
Goklany, Indur (2015) Carbon Dioxide, The Good News, GWPF
Qiao, Y et al (2019) Elevated CO2 and temperature increase grain oil concentration but their impacts on grain yield differ between soybean and maize grown in a temperate region, Science of The Total Environment,Volume 666, 20 May 2019, Pages 405-413
Zaichun Zhu, et al (2016) Greening of the Earth and its drivers, Nature Climate Change, Letter, doi:10.1038/nclimate3004
*If the top 39 countries* on the Human Development Index pay up, the cost is split among 1.1 billion people. Why stop at 39 countries? The 40th nation was Saudi Arabia, and I’m guessing they won’t pay a cent.
I thought there was a “Green Climate Fund” already extorting money from clueless governments? I guess if it works once, it can work again…
Their next meeting seems to be in Rwanda, so I guess there won’t be that many takers…
Is Bora Bora underwater?
Strange how it is always “the west” having to be milked. One only has to look at countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela to see how a prosperous country is ruined by graft and corruption, but the “west’ foots the bills now for even weather. The mob at this gabfest have one plan in mind: control. I notice they don’t get much help from India and China, just the mugs in the “west.” Anyone with half a brain and doesn’t watch the parroting media knows its a massive con job. Remember this all started after a cold spell from WW2 onwards and we were bombarded with propaganda to frighten us into believing a new Ice Age was coming. Then magically around 1979 it all changed as temperatures normalised and we were going to burn. One thing they forgot about climate change is they didn’t start the story with “Once upon a time……………”
The same author of the 2016 paper which is the base for the 18 million square km link is now saying. ‘ Future greening of the Earth may not be as large as previously predicted”
And while 700ppm C02 might be good for crops, it might not be good for mammals, particularly indoors where C02 levels (winterised buildings) are 50-100%.higher and above the medically acted danger level of 1000 ppm according to Yale uni
Nit picker deluxe. We’ll apply for free WEF membership for this one!
Yet the levels safe for US submariners and expensive astronauts are much, much higher, 7,000 and 5,000 IIRC.
But somehow 1,000 is really, dangerous? Me smells something contrived and not measured but very suddenly convenient. Color me mighty suspicious of Peter’s claim.
Especially since those growing plants in the plastic ‘igloos’ in the EU add more CO2 to boost growth. At least to 1,000 p.p.m. and up to 1,300 p.p.m. if the added cost can be justified by the boost in growth.
Strangely the workers go in and out without having to don protective breathing apparatus.
What they do have to wear (in cold weather) is warm clothing – apparently ‘Global Warming’ doesn’t work on a local scale, only in far off places like the North Pole where it is ‘raging unchecked’ at 0.4℃ in this last decade. Equally odd is that the South Pole is getting colder. Could “Global Warming” have a left bent?
You beat me to it.
Typical Leftist mindset where fake data and fake scares are put forward, instead of admitting that higher CO2 is a boon for crop yields, reduces desertification and does nothing for climate…
I love the inclusion of rice as an example of how higher CO2 levels produce more rice , rice also has been demonised as contributing 12% of man made methane emmisions .
CO2 starts to measurably affect mental acuity at about 800ppm. Doesn’t matter for most things, but pilots and drivers should preferably not be exposed to such levels.
I worked in the Industrial Gases area and above the 1% level one would start to be concerned, more due to removal of oxygen than the Co2 itself. OHSA in the US allows for 5000ppm continuous exposure for an 8 hour period.
If one looks back into the past there have been far higher levels into the 2000ppm level and above and lifeforms thrived.
The main hazard from CO2 is that its heavier than air and will displace oxygen. In pits particularly if we have had decay of organic matter this can be a real problem.
Suggestions that 800ppm levels are a problem are unproven and I would like to see the actual research on the risk here. Suspect its non existent, or badly done.
Mr. Foyle: I have observed a measurable drop in mental acuity at and above 350 ppm. Among CliSci activists. Causes a form of madness, evidently.
They are clutching at straws.
‘ … there is a growing body of research suggesting levels of CO2 that can be found in bedrooms, classrooms and offices might have harmful effects on the body, including affecting cognitive performance.’ (Guardian)
This “growing evidence” has been “growing” since the 1980’s.
How much longer until it reaches maturity? Or at least puberty?
Basically.. the evidence is still-born !!
Although, if you did put some “climate scientists” in a room and told them it had high CO2…
… there would undoubtedly some mental impairment..
Almost a total lack of rational cognitive function, going by PF’s comment !
I think that what is having an adverse effect on Cognitive performance in classrooms is the absolute garbage that is brainwashed into student teachers in universities . That and the rubbish curriculum .
Bumped as it fits here IMO
Robin Dunbar (2010). “How Many Friends Does One Person Need? Dunbar’s number and other evolutionary quirks”. Faber and Faber. P214.
On Education.
“But my real concern is this. An education is not just a technical training in the arcane knowledge of a discipline (whether that be history, politics or a science). It is training in how to think and evaluate, how to marshal evidence for and against a position, how to approach a problem critically without falling prey to prejudice and preconception. Those are skills that everyone from bank manager to politician, journalist to local government functionary, needs every working day. But to train those skills, it is necessary to excite an interest. And somewhere along the line between primary school and university, we are managing to stamp out that sense of excitement and enquiry. We will rue the day we lost sight of that.”
(My bold)
I think we are.
An interesting book IMO.
More likely caused by mobile phones, the drop in cognitive performance that is.
What a load rubbish. Submarines have CO2 levels around 8000 ppm at times. I know a navy Engineer who told me that. It was his job to manage all the systems on a sub or navy ship, and he did both. And the submariners manage to survive safely. I dont know where the mammals 1000 ppm comes from but I suspect it is just like a lot of the climate change rubbish – made up and repeated many times to become fact /less.
I love the way jo always quotes and references sources on this blog and I wish I could do the same. There is a big difference in quoting Peter Ridd as opposed to Tim Flanery. Peter is credible and could be relied on whereas Flanery (words escape me). Quoting a source adds to the credibility of the statement
I know this is off-topic a tad but quoting a source often doesn’t help with credibility. In public testimony here in the U.S. I have at times quoted sources for statements I made or data I have presented, and it has been objected to as “hearsay” or duplicative and then ignored.
Of course, the meeting was usually being called as a matter of statutory requirements by people who didn’t want to hear what I had to say in the first place.
Utter Garbage!
The MSDS for CO2 states the OHS safe working level for CO2 content of available breathing air as an average of 5000ppm over the entire full 8 hour shift, or a short-term exposure limit of 30,000ppm for the minute.
In working kitchens, submarines, classrooms, etc. exposure levels often exceed the OHS-recommended 5000ppm time-weighted average.
” it might not be good for mammals, “
Utter and complete rubbish… baseless speculation. !
Mammals developed when CO2 were much higher than now.
They will easily acclimatize to the natural increase in atmospheric CO2.
Human mammals in submarines acclimatize to levels much higher.. 3000ppm+ no problem.
Closed bedroom levels can easily reach 1500ppm.. no problem to anyone, or any pets.
Its when CO2 levels drop too low that they become a problem.
Unfortunately, there is very little chance of atmospheric CO2 levels ever reaching 1000ppm. !
Yet the crew members of all submarines survive and thrive on levels of 3,000ppm and higher.
How come?
If you lock “climate worriers” in a room and the CO2 level climbs to 1000ppm…
.. its not the CO2 that causes problems, its the excreted vegan hydrocarbons and accumulated noxious gases and verbiage that are the problem.
Mind you, the mental damage was obviously pre-occuring, else they wouldn’t be “climate worriers” in the first place..
Strange how one particular species of mammal, the nuclear submarine sailor can thrive when CO2 is 8000 ppm.
Covitized Buildings are much worse PF. By sealing your doors against a virus and having to cook rather than Uber the best takeaway deal you may become a sufferer or victim of carbon monoxide poisoning.
From a reliable source ‘Our CDC’
From the mouth of the same horse:
Lock people up in a cold climate and create a hysteria about a bug their neighbour may be breathing out and you may lose a lot of people to what is a known killer ‘with CO’
“(winterised buildings) are 50-100%.higher and above the medically acted danger level of 1000 ppm according to Yale uni
Covitized Buildings are much worse PF. By sealing your doors against a virus and having to cook rather than Uber the best takeaway deal you may become a sufferer or victim of carbon monoxide poisoning.
From a reliable source ‘Our CDC’
What are the symptoms of CO poisoning?
The most common symptoms of CO poisoning are headache, dizziness, weakness, upset stomach, vomiting, chest pain, and confusion. CO symptoms are often described as “flu-like.” If you breathe in a lot of CO it can make you pass out or kill you. People who are sleeping or drunk can die from CO poisoning before they have symptoms.
From the mouth of the same horse:”
I recall students sealing doors with adhesive foam to prevent escape of the smell of the weed that they were smoking.
Were those symptoms recorded in such a room?
@Jo, we really need a “LOL” function next to the thumbs up and down…
If you have a Windows OS, touch the “windows” key and the period key simultaneously. A pop-up box will appear. Click on the one you want. 😂 … often the LOL choice.
There are a dozen choices of this type: 🤣 😒
Scroll down for some other options.
A different OS may also have this concept implemented. I can’t examine any, if they exist.
Do you have to disinfect your finger after touching the “windows key”?
Asking for a friend
Submarines typically 4000- 5000ppm.
Which is why Labor along with the French are designing flywire windows for our new subs .
Speaking to an ex submariner last night. Forget CO2 he is scared of Covid to the point the extended family has achieved the ultimate end point. They have at least one of everything. A dead Grandfather, a transgender divorced single thingy tummy tucked, covered with tatts and piercings complete with an autistic (gifted) thing child. The rest have all suffered Covid and are being treated for breathing difficulties. Everyone is being counselled and those working are dining out on the NDIS.
He assured me not to worry as he had a box of RAT tests.
The old joke among the submariners was always the story of how 40 crew go to sea in a submarine and 20 happy couples return.
Fitzy, you are completely out of touch on this issue, like you are with most issues, CO2 is NOT toxic at 1000ppm or a medical issue of any sort. 1000ppm is used only (industrial hygiene) as an indicator of possible stale air for indoor building occupation. Submariners are allowed up to 7000 ppm CO2 underwater operations without any ill-effect. And that’s for people who may be fighting a war and have to be alert, active and concentrating on their tasks unlike climate activists who can sleep-walk through their protests without thinking properly and being factually aware of the issues. Personally, I advise work-exposures be kept below 1000ppm to eliminate any increase in drowsiness through a long workday.
The world will be a better place when organisations like the UN & WEF are disbanded, defunded & shut down. The upside will be a reduction in CO2 emissions produced by the gaseous ramblings of the masses of useless employees.
Here is one decision they made
Here’s what the White House released about one decision of the summit.
“We support the WHO mRNA Vaccine Technology Transfer hub as well as all as the spokes in all regions of the world with the objective of sharing technology and technical know-how on voluntary and mutually agreed terms…
In case you are in any doubt, that is bureaucratise for a digital Global Vaccine Passport built around the experimental mRNA technology.
Or as The Indonesian Health Minister made even more explicit.
“Let’s have a digital health certificate acknowledged by WHO — if you have been vaccinated or tested properly — then you can move around.”
“Indonesian Health Minister” — another member of Team WΕF? … that was my first thought when I heard him advocating Vaxx Passport thingies.
Is the G20 just an opportunity for the ‘nominal’ leaders to mix with the REAL leaders?
I mean, look who was there, alongside the elected leaders: Κlαus, Von der Leyen, and I think I heard Gαtεs dropped by too.
Κlαus even got to make a speech in front of his disciples: Trudeau and Jacinda.
How many others were there in the audience, listening in reverence?
With all the loot the UN receives, they could put in a decent water well tank and pump for every village in Africa and India.
Perhaps it’s relatively simple.
A highly successful culture has produced a highly successful elite and protected class.
They are desperate for meaning, so high purpose must be created.
Especially when it justifies the privilege.
I don’t know why we don’t appreciate them more.
It’s a burden really.
Nobility has born this burden for centuries.
At least society has advanced enough now that they longer have to do their own fighting
The growing atoll study is one of my favs.
A shining example of how ‘science’ matters.
Even Garbo Greta knew COP was a scam and was brave enough to say so but politicians and the global elite slavishly attend. They fly in on winged egos spouting free our $$$$ for countries, including India and China, crying poor. The UN, of course, wants to appear to be the main donor. We have to fund them first so they can take their cut.
I wonder if we will ever have a PM brave enough to stop payments to the UN? What would be the consequences apart from some snarls from those wish they could do the same. Like all socialist/communist organisations they survive on the sweat of others; they are parasites. Like all parasites they will eventually kill the host unless the host fights back. It is so easy. Stop paying and use the dough here. Albo would rather be adored by the world’s press than his own people much like Jacinda Ardern who looks odds on to lose her next election. Show ponies are no good in a plough.
As Peter Dutton said in Parliament yesterday to Albo – surely charity begins at home – only to have Albo launch into a Gillard-type well prepared speech about “racism”. Pathetic.
The Albanese / Bowen duo are doing Australia a huge favour. Their policies will send the ALP into political oblivion for probably 30 / 40 years.
Net Zero, The Voice, Compensation for our “sins” against the 3rd world & God knows what ever else they are still dreaming up. The ALP only got 30% of the votes so the next election & many after that will wipe them out for the foreseeable future.
Always remember the Socialists / ALP cannot be trusted. Ask the question “ where is our $275.00 that was PROMISED at least 100 times by the PM himself, never mind the promise being repeated by his lackeys probably as many times!!
From all reports, they were very well fed and housed slaves. There were no slaves in Egyptian times being flown in on private jets.
Third World countries have been “ravaged” by corruptocrats for about 75 years, not by climate change.
Like this?
Perhaps each country should “adopt” a poor country as China seems to be doing with Samoa, first priority police training /sarc
Ok let’s adopt Bora Bora! Charge extortionate rent for future COP’s
Reckon we need to send a bill to Tonga. For the damage done to the “climate” by the Hunga-Tonga volcano, we seem to be running at about -1C since that event.
Am sure we can do some sums and come up with a figure that will ameliorate the damage to our crops for the interference to our sunlight, not just to our crops but to our Solar Panel performance.
You forgot the three years of flooding and subsequent crop and infrastructure losses.
Narrabri in northern NSW is currently running 5.5 C below the average for the month. The minimum temperatures are 4.3C below. This anomoly must be a record. November 31.1c now 25.5 !
It’s still forecast for Snow in the Ski resorts
There must be heartache at the BoM as well as exploding heads. How on Earth will they manufacture the hottest year ever in 2022? Well they could homogenise all those cool sites with let’s think for a bit Aha yes Marble Bar.
So far it is the lowest max. The previous lowest was 26.4C in 1916. Heading for a record low.
Your min mean is 11.7C at present – it was 9.2C in 1884.
First line: the usual spelling is “eke out” (though “eek out” does sound suitably shrill).
🙂 I wondered, but the spell checker was happy… Ta!. Dang, have to look up that word every time.
When a mouse smells cheese and rushes out for a taste and sees a cat, it goes “eek” –
The clever cat eats
cheese and
breathes down rat
holes with baited
[W. C. Fields]
One could almost say that climate worriers are “eeking” out a living ! 😉
Nothing like handing over to China billions of our hard-earned taxes to the advanced nuclear, space, military, economic and bioweapons superpower and the world’s biggest polluter. That is, apart from what we already hand over to pay for the solar and wind subsidy-harvesting equipment.
Perhaps a they should have a COP meeting in China? They (might) then see that many Chinese cities are as advanced or more so than what you would find in Europe, North America or Australia.
The Chicomms must be laughing all the way to the Bank of China.
At what point does this become treason?
These are deliberate acts to destroy Western economies, especially giving China an exemption for CO2 emissions when they are obviously an advanced industrial country and far more industrialised than Australia.
“Polluter”? You were referring to carbon, not carbon dioxide, I presume.
I constantly write to TV presenters, such as Paul Murray, to stop them using the word “polluters” when referring to life giving CO2 emissions, with little result, unfortunately. It is the use of language such as this that causes public misconceptions about the whole climate issue.
I was using “polluter” in two senses.
1) The sense that they emit vast amounts of genuine pollution such as toxic chemicals and discharge of plastics into rivers which ends up in oceans and leads clueless countries like Australia to ban plastic containers of various kinds, disposable picnic wares and free supermarket plastic bags;
2) the sense that clueless, scientifically illiterate Leftists call CO2 emissions, “carbon” (sic) as they call it, “pollution” although failing to acknowledge that China emits anything at all. I was sarcastically housing their language.
Apart from resident Leftists, anyone who regularly reads my posts or reads this blog will know that CO2 is NOT a pollutant. I will use quote marks and other clarifications next time.
Correction: “Using” not “housing”.
“CO2 is NOT a pollutant”
It’s the life gas of the plant kingdom, actually !
I guess “carbon pollution” would actually be carbon soot/particulates.
… which, while not very good for the lungs, is quite good for soils.
And I wonder how many “climate worriers” use carbon filters for water, or take “activated carbon” tablets. ?
Polluters and emissions are two words juxtaposed by commentatators endlessly. Used on the so-called conservative side to promote clean alternatives such as nuclear, or pie in the sky better storage down the track – improved solar /wind tecnologies etc. These fence sitters like Murray should get their teeth into the matter and declare fossil derivatives are the go not nuclear, which has too many hurdles to overcome. A start would be giving that useless fool Bowen a dismissal card.
The trouble is that he is a useful fool to tptb.
If Third World countries want to fix up their problems, let them invite Western countries back in as managers.
Back in the day, these managers were called colonisers.
Almost without exception, and there may not be any exceptions at all, every formerly colonised country was better off under colonial management than it is now. Yes, there were cruel instances such as King Leopold II in the Congo Free State but that was more to do with the king’s personal excesses .
There are reasons countries are Third World. Partly it is that the dominant culture doesn’t have the organisational skills, the attention to detail, the time management, the creativity etc. of the Western colonising culture and despite numerous attempts to inculcate these skills, it has rarely worked out. Singapore might be a rare exception.
Australia, Canada, India, Indonesia, New Zealand…
Fair enough Old Cocky.
I would say the Anglo democracies, Australia, NZ, Canada, USA and pre-1994 South Africa are or were definitely better off than the land that was originally settled. In those cases the majority inhabitants (settlers) were the same as the colonising culture (except SA where settlers were a minority). SA is now rapidly reverting to its pre-colonial state. The settlers bought superior technology and organisational / governmental skills to those places.
The advancement of India is highly variable, advanced in some areas, in others still using the ancient legacy trains of the British. Had the British stayed in India I think they would be much like the other Anglo democracies today. Indonesia is still Third World in many respects.
Here be pedants 🙂
“Back in the day, these managers were called colonisers.”
Back in the day, these ‘colonisers’ were called managers.
There, fixed it.
Its all smoke and mirrors, climate displacement isn’t currently covered under the Refugee Convention, but Australia is happy to accept guest workers from the Pacific islands in the interim.
Now that global cooling has begun we should expect sea level to fall slightly as Australia absorbs that excess H2O. La Nina and Modoki El Nino combo have the capacity to lower sea level.
The loss and damage camel’s nose is so fuzzy at this point there may not even be a camel. Nothing has been agreed to except that a committee will consider what might be agreed to. But it could be great fun to watch. The developing countries fighting over nothing. China refusing to pay. Be still my heart. Okay do not be still.
I hope you’re right David, but personally I wouldn’t trust these clowns to run a chook raffle at the local pub.
Not sure what trust has to do with it. The question is what 200+ countries will agree to. I am looking forward to watching them try to figure that out. Could take a few years.
Hopefully long enough for the narrative to collapse
Just think of the air miles and resort living such deliberation will entail. It is similar to closing-the-gap in that the main players do not want to close the gap because that would stop the gravy train too.
The treasonous damage inflicted on Aussies is a disaster and has been since Hansen’s idiotic speech in 1988.
But I suppose Gore has since made a fortune from his Sci-Fi AIT movie and the Kerry loony has now enlisted a very eager Bowen donkey to agree to his latest delusional transfer of funds to the most corrupt governments in the world.
But thanks again Jo for your hard work and once again you’ve provided links to follow up if they doubt your honesty.
But nothing will change the stupid loonies delusional ideas about their so called dangerous climate change.
So why can’t they show us what they mean, with links to the evidence?
Let’s face it Dr Rosling provided the proper Data/ evidence in a 5 minute BBC video, 200 countries 1810 to 2010. Yet they still refuse to understand?
Please do not insult donkeys; I haven’t heard of a single donkey who has said they believed in man-made Global Warming.
For some perspective, perhaps we should look at the amount of foreign aid and remittances that have been transferred from richer countries to poorer countries over the last 100 years or so. Not to mention the assistance given during natural disasters, health emergencies, etc.
On this issue the PM accuses Opposition leader of ‘dog whistling’.
But everybody in the media knows anthropogenic Global Warming is all the fault of Donald Trump!
There lots of snow in Buffalo
But that’s not where the Gulfstreams go
Noble saviors of planets know
Don’t shuffle off to Buffalo
Exotic Egypt is the spot
Perfect for that masked group shot
Inject inject Decarbonize
Don’t dare to doubt the enlightened wise
Be happy with your own demise
Pharaohs once and God Kings again
Rulers of pixel air and sand
Siblings of Ra burn with righteous light
And Take wing with Horus in Gulfstream flight
To that hallowed place
That has no snow
It’s so unworthy of God Kings you know know
To save the World in Buffalo
Funny they go to Egypt, where the once worshipped the Sun god RA, a precursor to PVs
Are those ‘Gulfstreams’, the Grumman type.
Gulfstream business jets are made by Gulfstream Aerospace, the parent company of which is General Dynamics, not Grumman.
“…nothing but a holiday junket for 45,000 people, COP27….”. An all inclusive luxury bludge for organised crime bosses to plan the next climate protection money racket and global citizen rip-off.
And it’s not like those already developed Countries will just roll the printing presses to ‘make’ more (extra) money to pay those outstretched hands of those …… “Please Sir, can I have some more!!” Developing Countries
It’s me and you who pay all of this. Our Government will nod its head with a serious look on its (collective) face (think Chris Bowen) and then come back to Australia, and, well, just raise taxes to pay it, after all it was all our fault really, wasn’t it?
Oh, by the way, this is all nothing new.
It goes all the way back to COP3 at Kyoto in 1997, when the UN inserted that specific money grubbing clause.
I wrote about it at the following Post, and hey, note the date at the top ….. 2010.
The UN and Climate Change – Ten Fateful Words
Nothing’s new in the World. They just find more ways to take our money. And hey, graft and corruption, not a chance. These people are as pure as the driven snow. One million out of 580 billion is only 0.00017%, a bee f@rt in a hurricane.
“Eek” it’s actually “eke.”
[Thanks! – Jo]
“Etymology 1
The noun is derived from Middle English eke (“addition, increase, enlargement”), from Old English ēaca,[1] from Proto-Germanic *aukô, from *aukaną (“to increase, add, enlarge”), ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ewg- (“to enlarge, increase”).[2] The English noun is cognate with Old Frisian āka (“addition, increase; bonus”), Old Norse auki (“growth, increase, proliferation”).
The verb is derived partly:[3]
from the noun; and
from Middle English eken (“to increase, add, enlarge”) [and other forms], from three distinct verbs (1) Old English īeċan (“to increase, add, enlarge”) (transitive), (2) ēacan (“to be enlarged or increased”), and (3) ēacian,[4] all from Proto-Germanic *aukaną (“to grow, increase”); see further above.
The English verb is cognate with Latin augeō (“to augment, increase; to enlarge, expand, spread; to lengthen; to exaggerate; to enrich; to honour; (figuratively) to exalt, praise”), Old English ēac (“also”), Old Norse auka (“to augment, increase; to add; to exceed, surpass”), Icelandic auka (“to augment, increase to add; to exceed, surpass”), (Danish øge (“to enhance; to increase”), Norwegian Bokmål øke (“to increase”), Norwegian Nynorsk auka (“to increase”), Swedish öka (“to increase”)).”
As an aggie, can I say the photos of the crop responses to increasing CO2 levels is great. That experiment has been repeated some many times in various capacities. Then if anyone appreciates the difference between C3 and C4 photosynthesis, those crop yield advantages become even more stark with crops like Maize/Corn and Sorghum. Both crop staples in so many developed and developing countries. Photosynthesis is also such a wonderful sequestering process. Unlike the present loony schemes of CO2 sequestration where the majority shoved back into the ground is O2 not C. Photosynthesis is a far more efficient process, because all those lovely plants lop off the O2 and release it back into the air for us to breathe, retaining most of the C for growth. Try explaining that to Chris Bowen or a Teal politician. They all think CO2 is some sort of poisonous gas.
” They all think CO2 is some sort of poisonous gas.” I call “Crappola” on that statement. They all know that it is a cornerstone of life but are happy to ride on the bandwagon of self aggrandizement and pocket lining fear porn that has been concocted around it to maintain our servitude.
I am not sure they do know it’s crap. Bowen was convinced that illegals on boats could not be turned around. He was also sure you could screw SMSF owners and still be elected. The man is as thick as two short planks. The Teals grew up in the modern education system so while excelling at arts and other useless courses would not have heard of the periodic table let alone atoms and molecules.
He also stated in a presser (words to that effect) that solar panels contained Lithium. I mean, how much can a koala bear.
Macrame and basket weaving would have their other majors, didn’t Elbow state you can charge your electric car at night from your solar panels.
“The Teals grew up in the modern education system so while excelling at arts and other useless courses would not have heard of the periodic table let alone atoms and molecules”
Product of the quote at #
Coincidence or what…
The 27th COP-flop wraps up and immediately the snow begins falling, in Australia, again, for the 3rd time this month. Must’ve been the high priests of Hokey climbing Mt Sinai in search of their new world order Ten Commandments aka Climate Repentance And Pay (acronym self-explanatory).
Tonga’s king, and family/friends, have amassed a small fortune in recent decades [thanks to white man magic]; maybe Australia’s flood refugees could seek (eke!) reparations due to the volcano’s climate-altering ‘pollution’… cough-cough!
Nah Greg the renewables worked!
I hate all the graphs on this subject. They play with the zero line to create this rocket ship effect. A 50% increase over 250 years is not a rocket ship. It’s a very slow 50%.
The actual graph of CO2 vs time is almost a dead straight line, not an exponential like population. How did they measure CO2 in 1750? It was only discovered in 1750? But they need 1750 to 1850 to create the ‘rocket ship’ effect. And in these graphs like Mann’s Hockey stick, they bolt different measurements together which is really wrong. Ice cores are the favorite, as if CO2 doesn’t leak or diffuse at all. The only way to prove such a thing is to have a high area of overlap between ice cores and laboratory measurements, but we will have to wait thousands of years for that.
The very idea that fossil fuel CO2, CO2 from old plant matter is insoluble is outrageous.
And what has become my endless point is that fish breathe oxygen. And CO2 is 30x more soluble and enters the water 30x faster, so it’s all gone. What escapes the water is small 0.04% against the 2% which is in the water, 50x as much.
So I read about ‘historic’ CO2. The biggest ‘polluter’ is China and claims to be a victim of ‘historic’ pollution. ANd a third world country which now has satellites and submarine launched nuclear missiles which can reach the US from China. What sort of third world country is that? The Tonga vs China battle would not last ten minutes and there would be no Tonga.
And the US Democrats are still fighting the cold war, in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and now Ukraine. China which plays both sides against each other is being asked to intervene and claims to be a victim no less.
Meanwhile the EU and UN have become perfectly evil global empires and CO2 is their Molotov Ribbentrop pact to carve up the rest of the world and China will wait because underneath it all is Marxism. The Greens are their useful idiots who think they will run the place.
You’re dead right TdeF. Anyone who has analysed data for a decent period of time and then charted it, knows you can make any graph look good or bad depending on the method of graphing. What units or unit spacings you use on the x or y axis, and of course when the data begins. Plus many other tricks. Lies, damn lies and statistics.
There is quite good correlation between CO2 and population.
Easy to dismiss as coincidental but burning fossil fuel has contributed tremendously to human health and longevity. The global population is already past peak child so the growth is now directly related to longevity.
Remove fossil fuels and the global population will fall dramatically. Europe will likely get a taste of this future early next year.
“The Journal of Irreproducible Results” years agone had an article on the power of linearisation.
The last among the methods of achieving that was “The White Rubber Sheet Method”. In which you put your data points on a sheet of white rubber and had helpers stretch till linearisation was achieved. Then you added axes, dimensions etc.
Was mentioned that it was for desperate situations as there were witnesses involved.
I don’t think they care exactly where the money comes from, or exactly who benfits, as long as they get their cut. You can bet there’s a percentage for big guy somewhere.
This sums it up well.
“There is no need to pay reparations. Our leadership of the industrial revolution brought prosperity to the world and led to increased life expectancy and better living conditions.” Jacob Rees-Mogg
Australia has a fanatical commitment to UN and related globalist decrees due to a reinterpretation of “External Affairs Powers” (Section 51(xxix) of the Australian Constitution) by activist judges in the Franklin Dam case (Commonwealth v Tasmania (Tasmanian Dams case) [1983] HCA 21, (1983) 158 CLR 1 (1 July 1983), High Court).
It is now the standard excuse used by all Australian Governments to circumvent the will and best interests of Australians in favour of the UN globalists our politicians are loyal to.
The 45,000 free loading parasites at COP27…they couldn’t do it by Zoom and save all those “greenhouse gases” they claim to be worried about, especially the emissions from the 400 private jets.
(As we all know, CO2 is valuable plant food and a source of life and not a pollutant, but ignorant Leftists, a tautology I know, think it is a pollutant.)
COP28 there will be 800 private jets.
Seems to me that COP#n is always a win for galloping technocracy, rather than “creeping communism”.
Witness the role of Bruntland’s “Our common future” in laying the framework for UN Agenda 21 & the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
Our Common Future was just greenwashed technocracy and Bruntland was a member of Rockefeller’s Trilateral Commission when she wrote it; as was Maurice Strong who set up the IPCC at the same time via the same UN process.
Good point Rob. It would be useful to have a conversation about the differences.
I suspect that once the accountability is removed either by force or techno-jargon, the names at the top may change but the superstructure of “Big government” effectively works out in a similar fashion. Perhaps I’m wrong…
I love the C4 weeds as it reminded me that C4 photosynthesis developed around 30 mya in response to global CO2 falling below around 500 ppm for the first time. Natures experiments don’t survive unless the environment is right, and c4 works best when CO2 falls below 500, so shows no real improvement when CO2 increases, but C3 plants do
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