A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Does it matter which megalomaniac is behind the curtain?
George Soros with his Open Society money plus the Chicago Marxist contingency of Susan Rice, Valerie Jarrett, Penny Pritzker, and Barack Obama are five people I’m inclined to group as the Biden puppet masters. Is there a pecking order among them? Does it matter?
I suppose it matters to these individual megalomaniacs, but to anyone else? No. Just get that totalitarian state up and running. Maybe it will matter when all nations are under someone’s thumb and one of those thumbs wants to be the one-world Big Thumb. Not to worry — I’m positive the Big Thumb will be chosen by consensus.
Back in the ’90s, my father casually commented, “Clinton [Bill] wants to be president of the world.” A light came on; I’m not thinking big enough. To look back, Bill and Hillary were the power-hungry transitionalists too early to the game. Their flaws were parochial ruthlessness and being irritatingly petty. If one wants to be king of the new world order, one doesn’t waste time taking the White House china when one moves out, as they did. With the tech boom, the Clinton’s “apotheosis syndrome” spread with the wildfire of social media. Egos mushroomed, and Andy Warhol’s uncanny prediction that “in the future everybody will be famous for fifteen minutes” came true.
A “great reset” dictator’s first mission is to confiscate everyone’s free agency. People end up doing things they don’t want to do, mostly against their core values, and then remark, “I mean, what choice did I have?”
A fair assessment of these types. Imagine a future world under the thumb of wicked totalitarian swine like the plutocracy of the US and its allies.
Antifa wannabee big brother collective keeps a close eye on Germans.
Stasi/Gestapo/Dictator Dan spring to mind
Find the suburbs with the most far-left millionaires and/or climate cultists……
Great place to start.
Am I wrong in my understanding that the Germans have not yet put mandatory restrictions on such uses? Last I heard, they were just letting the market work.
Can’t be “on the verge of collapse” if that is correct.
Gas consumption rose over 14% in the last week of September (over same figure from 2021). Industry and household, except industrial use cannot be blamed with so many factories shutting down, along with such luxury places as bakeries and cafés.
The “good” news is that Yurt builders are flat out in Hungary as people realise they (with modern insulation) are easier and much cheaper to heat. Young renters faced with rising heating bills (and inflation pushing up rents and costs of building) are looking at these as semi-temporary options.
I saw that.
No doubt there will be restrictions if they decide that they cannot deal with shortages without them.
My understanding was that business with high energy usage were closing their doors due to cost, not restrictions, but I may have missed something.
Germany is a hotbed of the political mind. Both communism and Fascism were bred there. The two worst ideas that broke the back of the west (I know fascism was invented by Mussolini, but AH really made it his own).
When you think about the constituents of Nazi Germany you are looking at quite a varying mob. Most connective was the anti Semitic but beyond that you have Himmler, who was absorbed by racial purity and German origins. Others had their own interests and self absorption.
Svante Arrhenius was long time President of the Swedish Racial Purity League.
Another of his ideas was wiring up school students and giving them a mildeectric shock if they gave the wrong answer. He claimed it improved their intelligence.
Lizard Island looks pristine after many bleaching events.
‘On a remote island, a small patch of reef is as good as scientists have ever seen it.
‘The coral reef at Lizard Island, 270 kilometres north of Cairns, has been hit by four mass bleaching events in six years. Marine biologists are hopeful about its future. (SMH)
And if there were “four mass bleaching events in six years”, assuming that was true, it means the reef can rapidly recover from bleaching so it can bleach again, and again and again. Bleaching does not kill the reef.
or crown of thorns starfish or a myriad other events claimed to be terminal by the GBR Industrial Complex (send more money tm)
When I was young, I found work in that industry they called Bush Regeneration. It got me into thinking what a crock of nonsense this environmental care industry is. It was a complete fraud that large sums of money would be spent on, to achieve what? It was all based on this infantile idea that exotic or invasive is bad. I would dare say the same thing applies to the GBR pest management establishment.
One time I was at Lizard Island happily snorkelling on one of their pristine reefs I came a across a researcher from the permanent research station located there. They were dragging their scuba gauges over the coral causing a lot of damage as they were with their fins. Nobody would be that careless unless they wanted to cause damage they could report for whatever reason.
An in-depth analysis of the F1® Singapore GP 2022
Thanks to Versor, the official AI Partner of the Australian Grand Prix.
Volleyball Girls Banned From Locker Room For Refusing To Change In Front Of Boy Masquerading As Girl
Giorgia Meloni: Defending God, Country and Family
Please answer me these questions. This is about what we are doing here today. Why is the family an enemy? Why is the family so frightening?
There is a single answer to all these questions. Because it defines us. Because it is our identify. Because everything that defines us is now an enemy for those who would like us to no longer have an identity and to simply be perfect consumer slaves. And so they attack national identity, they attack religious identity, they attack gender identity, they attack family identity. I can’t define myself as Italian, Christian, woman, mother. No. I must be citizen x, gender x, parent 1, parent 2. I must be a number. Because when I am only a number, when I no longer have an identity or roots, then I will be the prefect slave at the mercy of financial speculators. The perfect consumer.
That’s the reason why . . . That’s why we inspire so much fear. That’s why this event inspires so much fear. Because we do not want to be numbers. We will defend the value of the human being. Every single human being. Because each of us has a unique genetic code that is unrepeatable. And like it or not, that is sacred. We will defend it. We will defend God, country and family. Those things that disgust people so much. We will do it to defend our freedom because we will never be slaves and simple consumers at the mercy of financial speculators. That is our mission. That is why I came here today.
Chesterson wrote, more than a century ago . . . let’s see if I can find it . . . “Fires will be kindled to testify that two and two make four. Swords will be drawn to prove that leaves are green in summer.” That time has arrived. We are ready.
Thank you.
Mrs Y has been ranting at me this afternoon about this. What I am supposed to do remains a mystery. Its good to vent I guess 🙂
Sounds like you have a good woman to me.
Good for Mrs Y. I agree with her.
I am rather fond of her Philip. Not one of the worlds great panderers is Mrs Y 🙂
How much is Herr Klaus Schwab worth?
As an Elite Leftist he’s is probably worth less than most of his comrades and is worth an estimated US$25 to US$100 million. The exact figure is not known due to his lack of transparency.
According to Wikipedia he pays himself US$1 million per year from the World Economic Forum.
He lives in a US$11 million home in an expensive suburb in Cologny, Switzerland.
Schwab is only a front man.
Antarctic freight-train cold blast to slam the South Island Tuesday with ‘snow to sea level’ then the North Island Wednesday with ‘snow to 200m’ around the capital, Wellington, and falling as far north as the East Cape.
All Jabcinda, and James Shaw [Greens], need to do is look out their Beehive windows and see *gobble worming* accumulating in frigid snowdrifts on the hills. Colding is the new warming.
But isn’t Jacinda’s war against “disinformation” going to stop global warming? She is, after all, our single source of truth….
A blocking high is going to settle over the ditch, bringing brisk southerlies from the Southern Ocean.
I see where a big wet in the NW has descended down into the Bight and is sweeping towards SA.
Its a weather anomaly.
‘For a lot of towns in the Kimberley region these daytime temperatures are more like what they would experience in the middle of winter, even colder in some locations. In Fitzroy Crossing for example, June is the coldest month with an average maximum temperature of 30.6 degrees. The top temperature recorded on Saturday was a full three degrees below this.’ (Weatherzone)
gee imagine, they had a temperature that varied from an average. I wonder if they understand how an average is arrived at?
During the LIA these conditions prevailed, a blocking high in the Tasman became the norm.
Oh the memories of winters in Nappy Valley aka Wainuiomata back in the 80’s. Still have photos of the weekend when we got patches of snow on the hills behind our place. Wainui elevation is 92m/302feet so probably too low for the coming 200m sprinkling. Main thing is don’t cop the b s that it means the climate emergency is closer. It would have been closer back in the 80’s.
Three consecutive mornings of -6degrees was the indicator that winter had bottomed out and we were heading for spring.
She will probably say “Shut”.
More of the same. Again. Yawn.
Meloni sticks to Anglo-Saxon course
For those who had hoped that cooler heads would prevail, Italy’s likely new head of government, Giorgia Meloni, has made an important political announcement: immediately after her election victory, she declared her solidarity with Ukraine and assured Kiev’s President Zelensky of Italy’s continued full support.
Meloni wrote on Twitter: “You know that you can count on our loyal support for the cause of the freedom of the Ukrainian people. Stay strong and hold on to the faith.”
Moreover, Zelensky had previously sent a congratulatory address to Meloni on her election success: “Congratulations to GiorgiaMeloni and her party on their election victory. We welcome Italy’s continued support for Ukraine in fighting Russian aggression. We look forward to a fruitful collaboration with the new Italian government.”
Former Italian leaders express concern over Meloni’s Ukraine course
He is not alone. The leader of the Five Star Movement and the former Italian Prime Minister, Giuseppe Conte, has spoken out against supplying weapons to Kiev in an interview with the Italian daily newspaper Avvenire. He also called for a return to the search for diplomatic solutions to the Ukraine crisis.
“The words ‘peace’, ‘negotiation’, ‘diplomacy’ have disappeared from the public debate,” he said. “I ask myself: have we resigned ourselves to the inevitability of war? When the Five Star Movement raised objections, they were just warning: war means war.”
Precisely what I suspected and said – she’s yet another wolf in sheep’s clothing. Backing Zelensky is backing the US neocon’s endless war against Russia.
Meanwhile in the UK, a recent government poll showed 50% of the people want Truss gone!
She’s only been PM for weeks. 😂😂
Tax cuts for the rich. Fracking. Groan.
And again, she’s onboard with the anti-Russia neocons blaming Russia for the UK’s concern over the economy based on recent tv interviews.
ie no ability to fix anything.
Netherlands- PM Rutte’s poster being egged by protesters in disgust.
Brazil – rigged elections! Votes cast by people who haven’t voted yet! Amazing. Sounds familiar.
Russia – significant military buildup and deployments. There’s some serious weapon positioning happening.
The US’s coordinated attack on the Nordstream 1& 2 pipelines which forces Germany’s hand in favour of the neocon’s war and US energy.
Just wait until November…
I don’t know how much more of this I can take.😨
I need a holiday.
You real name is Ivan Konovich, isn’t it…..
I’m not Russian or have ANY allegiance or bias in their favour.
I will always call it as I see it and that means exposing the agendas, lies, breaches of international law etc,things you clearly need to do some research into…
Try doing it yourself before you quote someone with so little credibility and even fewer principles.
This war could have been prevented…. but that prevention would require that Putin have the decency to accept that reviving the old Russian Empire does NOT justify killing people or denying the self-determination of entire nations. It might also have been prevented if nervous nancies and historical illiterates remembered that Dictators always lie, they always have excuses and appeasement has a shocking record when it comes to preventing conflict.
You want to talk about “Western” problems…. that’s fine.
Just don’t use your failure to deal with them as an excuse to leave people to die or live under a thranny tgat is far bloody worse than we have. They’ve lived under Russian domination. They might know why it’s worth fighting.
Fracking. Groan. – Why groan? The UK is sitting on a massive reservoir of gas which can knock a dirty (p.i.) great hole in the greens’ barriers to effective energy. It’s a bit late, but it took the UK a bit too long to remove Carrie from No.10. Better late than never, and it could possibly make a difference before the end of this Northern winter.
Tax cuts for the rich. Groan. – Yes, that’s not a good look and probably not a good policy.
50% of the people want Truss gone! – That’s the best start that Liz Truss could want. Too-high expectations are diabolical for politicians. So this makes it much much easier for Liz Truss to win people over by having policies that demonstrably work. IOW she just has to demonstrate that her policies work. The greens will go absolutely flat out to stop the fracking because the fracked gas will demonstrate that the policies really do work.
Go Liz you good thing!!!
Because of that simple thing called TIME…the thing they don’t have.
There are existing wells they can uncap, best to get moving with it and get longer term supply underway.
Do you have a more expedient plan?
Never faced an election, let alone won a popular vote.
Academic and bureaucrat.
Known for increasingly authoritarian rule and “the greatest suppression of Constitutional Rights in the history of the Italian Republic .”
Took Italy deeper in debt to the EU.
One can understand why he is so disparaging of those fighting for their liberty.
Peace : What the Ukraine had before Russia invaded, and will have when Russia leaves.
Negotiations : Ukraine giving up hundreds of nuclear weapons in exchange of a Russian guarantee of Ukrainian borders and sovereignty.
Diplomacy : Something done to avoid war in the first place.
Yes, I don’t know about Meloni Maybe the clue is in the name ( politically green ( appealing) on the outside, red on the inside ….. )
As for oor Lass, wotzer name, Stress!, aye … well we were damned if we did, and damned if we didn’t vote for her. The Proof’s in the Pudding Party – who proposed them and pulled the strings to get them voted in? but I’m still glad that Doris an’ ‘er is gone.
U-Turn by the Come and quazi Karter Chancellor on the hi-rate Income tax. Maybe the Banana Boat found that the Clyde does have some waterfalls,
Brazil? plenty enough last night before the end of election as per anti _DT. this morning > Nowt.
And well. the Barrow is only so big – overloading… just don’t burst the tyre – simply shed the load – to the SIDE and keep going – RUN !
According to the Italians, “meloni” is slang or a good pun for boobs.
During the campaign, Meloni posted a picture of herself clutching two melons to her chest.
Seems she can take a joke.
NSW fast tracks mRNA FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease vaccines
The NSW Government has taken another step towards fast tracking the world first mRNA vaccines for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) and Lumpy Skin Disease, inking a deal with US biotechnology company Tiba Biotech.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Regional NSW Paul Toole said today marks an important milestone towards securing the vaccine technology that will protect Australia’s $28.7 billion livestock industry.
“The NSW Nationals in Government are taking the threat of FMD and Lumpy Skin Disease extremely seriously, and this milestone is another step forward in preparing for a potential outbreak,” Mr Toole said.
“I have now written to vaccine manufacturers to take up my challenge to develop both vaccines ready for use and manufacture in NSW by August 1 next year.
Oh, are we still living in fear of FMD from our northern neighbours (but nowhere else)?
Please save us oh benevolent government! /sarc
Why not slip a bit if the old Covid mRNA vaxx in too just case. It’ll stay in the rump. Maybe. Hopefully. 😂
They should get right behind the mRNA technology as a cure for all evils. After all look at the results for Covid, its a killer of a cure, unmatched in history for its results.
My cows get regular drenches of Ivermectin. They are a thriving herd with no skin diseases or parasites. mRNA vaccines for cattle? Labs have been experimenting for 2 decades with genetic vaccines on animals. With no success and plenty of dead animals. This was one of the main reasons my husband and I refused vaccinations for Covid.
First time I’ve heard that. (That’s complimentary btw.) How interesting. Not one farmer I know ever said that to me. They were all first in line around here, convinced by their positive experience with vaccines and animals.
Agreed Philip,
The Veterinarians were big proponents of the ‘Clot Shot’ and boy are they feeling it now. I am thinking this may be as a result of the Hendra virus scare. That put the wind up that profession.
There is a massive shortage of Vets, Doctors, Pharmacists, nurses, paramedics
But then does the cow manure get sterilised as well? Can it become good soil after that?
I think the Russians should bring a lot of young German tradesmen, factory workers and engineers to work in their economy. Keep some of that gas at home and build lots of new factories. It can feel a bit bad to export too much of ones energy resources. Particularly if you consider it to be your capital stock.
The covid “vaccine” disaster just keeps getting worse. I added the bold emphasis at the end of the abstract.
This fellow has put together a chronology of how the scandal unfolded. It took a pretty big team, but they seem to have got to the bottom of a lot of it.
How many don’t? Lots I’d assume.
How Much Energy Will The World Need?
Wind and solar are not viable replacements. Virtually all of our energy continues to come from fossil fuels, despite all the hype and subsidies. Without oil, gas, and coal, we would experience absolute economic collapse, and most of us would die of starvation.
Manhattan Institute Senior Fellow Mark Mills presents the stark reality that it is politically correct to ignore:
Well last night I happened upon a Documentary: “Denmark from above”. Much better than Gurgle’s streetview, etc.
Point is: Denmark is / was ( lost in the German translation) the No1 in Windpower in the WORLD. Well yes, Vesta was already known here in the 70’s. But as it said in the Docu., Wind only supplies around a THIRD of its power. Now that’s saying something.
Limiting it to a third or less, after all this time, is an indicator to me that they understand the limitations and issues.
ACT electricity consumption..?
Does anyone know of a data source for data of the daily/hourly electricity demand in the ACT.
I know it is not much (<1.0 GW peak) but it is not recorded on any of the regular reporting sites.
I guess it is likely bundled in with NSW data, but since it is the only territory that claims 100% RE supply, i would have thought someone would record its actual usage ?
Interesting question. I have asked ACTEW if they have anything. I guess they do seeing they claim to be 100% “renewable” they must know what the 100% number is.
Hello Chad – this link will give you some information on the ACT’s power usage and where to find it. There does not appear to be a live daily feed.
More information on its “100 % renewables” justification is available at this ACT Govt link, specifically page 14, an extract below:
It’s all done with a stock of renewable energy certificates, but their contracted generators have not been performing to expectations so their stash may run out soon.
Thanks Rowjay.
So ACT is around 2850 – 2900 GWh per year
Or approx 300 MW average continuous .?
And appsrently not all covered by their VRE scheme !
The Federal Reserve is Raising Rates – Get Used to It
From Armstrong Economics –
“The title speaks for itself. The Fed is going to continue raising rates until inflation shows notable improvement. Some still question whether the Fed will ease on its hawkish policies, but there is absolutely every indication to believe they will continue at full speed. Core PCE rose 4.9% in August from the year prior and increased 0.6% for the month.
Before the aforementioned data was released, Chicago Federal Reserve President Charles Evans said he was “cautiously optimistic” that the US could avoid a recession. “There are lags in monetary policy and we have moved expeditiously. We have done three 75 basis point increases in a row and there is a talk of more to get to that 4.25% to 4.5% by the end of the year, you’re not leaving much time to sort of look at each monthly release,” Evans, who is set to retire next year, said.
The truth of the matter is that the White House simply changed the definition of a recession. The majority is hurting financially right now, and I don’t think we need the talking heads to tell us that we are already in a recession. The typical analysis looks only at domestic conditions, but internationally, most central banks are in the process of raising rates and backtracking on failed QE policies.
Every month there are reports of the market being “spooked” by rate hikes. People come on TV and act surprised that the Fed has the audacity to raise rates yet again. Why? Powell stated in every possible way that the FOMC will raise rates for “some time.” In Powell language, that means rates will continue to rise for a while. ‘Socrates’ foresees havoc going into 2023. Things must get worse before they become better. Unemployment must rise, rates must go higher, and you must adjust your strategy accordingly.”
And the RBA will follow suit tomorrow………………….
Keeping along the same lines as John Connor II mentions at Comment 11.
What I can’t figure out is that no matter what jurisdiction, 75% of total power consumption is the ABSOLUTE minimum that power consumption ever gets down to, the lowest point of total power consumption on any, and every day of the year, of time in fact, and that’s for a town, a city, a Capital City, a State, or the whole grid in its totality. That’s three quarters of ALL generated power as the absolute minimum.
If you can’t supply that amount, and supply it ABSOLUTELY, 24/7, then you’ve got nothing, literally. You go black.
As I’ve been saying all along, you can have whatever Nameplate you want to for wind generation, but what happens when there are those times (and now quite frequent) when wind generation drops below 10%, and hey, that should actually be falling below 50%, and there is no fallback to, well, whatever.
For more than four years now, I have been keeping the daily data for ALL wind generation on the AEMO grid.
The ABSOLUTE highest it has ever been is at a Capacity Factor of 74.6%, and keep in mind here, that that was for just ONE ….. FIVE MINUTE recording period.
They keep talking about charging up these ….. Batteries, with the ….. ‘Excess’ renewable power.
They don’t even have enough power to run everything as it is, so where does that continuous excess come from. You either consume the generated power as it is being generated or charge the batteries. You cannot do both.
You have a current Nameplate of 9854 MW for all the wind generation in Australia.
The year round average is 2956MW.
The absolute best it has ever been is 7304MW, for that single five minute period, and that’s spread across the whole of that vast Australian grid.
That keeps just Sydney powered up ….. for five minutes ….. once every four years.
The aim is to build more gas fired power stations to support the unreliables.
whose aim?
The previous federal government, Scomo asked the market to build them but hey refused, so the taxpayer is footing the bill for Kurri Kurri through Snowy Hydro.
OK the past government, I thought it was something current
Keep the coal, build new HELE Coal Plants and Nuclear.
If we all focus very hard we can replace Liddell with a Hele coal fired power station.
Need to start .. like.. NOW !
Yes, Tony, quite agree with all you say. May I hijack with the comment: Few have seen a Heron or Stork standing at an empty fishpond, expecting to get a Meal. Not only that, but their Mates don’t join in at the edge, yet “our leaders” INSIST on us funding MORE windNILLS which are STUCK on-site – cannot move to where there may be some wind when they’re not there. – Farmer Logic ( like Boss always arrives when you’ve just stopped to wipe the brow and have a smoke ).
There is a huge amount of six-figure work for CFMEU members in building offshore wind.
That’s right. Lots of jobs to build poor product. The stuff that takes civilizations down
The 21st Century is Easter Island, and we are building stone heads…
Saw a headline on a real estate about areas “booming” in future because of renewables projects.
Here is a prime example in Narrabri, the locals can’t believe their luck.
‘Its investments galore in Narrabri at the moment, and people are snapping up properties to be a part of the action.
‘Real estate agents are facing shortages in rentals, small acreages, units, and ‘doer uppers’, and all agree the approval of the Narrabri Gas Project in 2020 was the catalyst. (Namoi Valley Independent)
Exactly the same happened in Blaney when they said the gold mine would go ahead.. However, nothing yet, you need patience and deep pockets for these projects than can take a decade to get going.
It seems the project was set for approval two years ago and then Cadia mine had a water leak.
So an Amendment report has held it up, its all about the water issues at McPhillamy’s. The two mines are unrelated in this respect, so its only a matter of time.
Gas is not a renewable, but its going to be an integral part of the renewable hubs.
Their ABC managed to write this entire article about mysterious and frightening numbers of cardiac deaths in the under 50’s without once mentioning the words “covid” or “vaccine”.
Researchers investigate ‘frightening’ numbers and causes of cardiac arrest in younger Australians
Key points:
New research shows cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death for Australians under 50, but many victims have no prior symptoms
Researchers say the cardiac arrest death rate is more than five times the road toll in the same age group
They say improved genetic testing could help to significantly lower the death rate
Lets see, what vaccine did they recommend to young people? what vaccine did they recommend to older people? no connection of course , just a coincidental factoid.
I asked my local State member if the had any comment on deaths running 20% above historical levels. Question forwarded to Shadow Health Minister (aka black hole)
“New research shows cardiac arrest is a leading cause of death for Australians under 50, but many victims have no prior symptoms”
So I guess I’ll be keeping my eye on the circus to see how long they can pretend.
They’re sending in the clowns so often, it’s all clowns.
Ol’ Blues Eyes is just so great.
The medical establishment is puzzled it seems, mumbling about genetics, as if genetics explains a population wide trend developing over 2 years. Apparently there is a carpet big enough to sweep this all under.
The study was in Victoria for the period mid-2019 to mid-2021. You know how many people were vaccinated in that period under the age of 50?
hint- almost zero. Those that were in the few months early 2021 when the vaccines were available got AZ (not mRNA) and were not the fit and healthy cohort in the study.
Big Sarc: Whatever happened to media coverage of the Nordstream burst: all that Methane escaping: Jings <em>even the SUN is getting excited. New Sunspot may Hurl Dangerous Solar Flare at Earth Danger the gas may reach the solar flare expected
THink I want to find one of the Tesla mannie’s Vacuum tube hi-speed trains to stay in, and ride out the storm.
So has the Gas stopped flowing now?
That speech of Putin’s was kind of interesting. But what is all this stuff about Anglo-Saxons? Thats getting a bit personal. A bit below the belt.
Truss on the ropes after only a few weeks of frivolous behaviour, has done U-turn on tax cuts.
When the coal generators start to shut and the renewables can’t provide power on demand, who ya gonna call for instant electrical generating capacity? Johnny Diesel, that’s who. And that’s the plan. SA is already there. Remote areas and grid-disadvantaged islands usually depend 100% on JD. And where does diesel come from? From a refinery, of course. Mostly from Singapore. And who owns Singapore’s two giant oil refineries? That would be ExxonMobil and Royal Dutch Shell.
Big Oil don’t get much bigger. They’ll cheerfully supply all the diesel we can buy. To be paid for in dollars, naturally. US dollars, that is. Greenbacks.
Funny how behind the entire climate change scam from day one, Big Oil was lurking. I wonder why.
I call those actions of oilies in Singapore what they are: responsible corporate conduct preventing loss of human lives from reprehensible politico/bureaucratic decision making.
Geoff S
They are, however, behind the anti-nuclear and anti-coal agenda in the guise of reducing carbon emissions to ” save the planet “. Nothing wrong with a corporation making money. Except when they put the competition out of business via promulgating lies.
It need not be just JD…..
Dont forget the Gas option !
Already a big player in remote power generation as well as large utilities.
..and Australia has plenty of gas to fall back on in a energy crisis
…just got to release it from politics and drill it up !
We even used to run a LOT of vehicles on gas, until some dumb ar5e decided to kill
Could it be the Prius displaced gas cabs and without them the market was unsustainable?
Yes H , with the demise of Ford in Australia and the arrival of hybrids the equation for cabs changed. I dont know where tis “killing” of gas comes from.
I drive a gas Hilux and buy $0.89-$0.93 gas every week, occasionally having to top up locally at $0.99. The guys that did my conversion 10+ years ago say they are experiencing a bit of a resurgence. Nothing taxi industry scale but people are seeing half price fuel as attractive. If you do the miles , like and outer burbs commuter it makes sense, and its good fuel for engine longevity and low “emissions” Just passed half a million kilometres and still chugging along.
We even used to run a LOT of vehicles on gas, until some dumb ar5e decided to kill it !
…and it still makes sense, technically, financialy, and even from a “green” viewpoint.
What ever happened to common sense ?
Professor reports to WEF, expresses frustration about “misinformation” because it’s legal speech.
Brown University Professor Claire Wardle told The World Economic Forum that she’s frustrated about “misinformation” because it’s legal speech: “I keep saying: Well, it might be legal, but if it’s leading to harm, can’t we actually have a conversation about that?”
I agree. Speech that leads to harm, like the mRNA vaxxes, needs to be addressed.
Oh, that isn’t what you meant? 😆
“Having a conversation”, is what you do to correct wrongful ideas…
……..or you can just lock them up for 15 years like a certain ex-KGB chappie does.
I’ll have a conversation with her: P*** off.
“…leading to harm” what? in reality or in her fevered imagination? as usual, if these power hungry lefties cant win the discussion they either slur or try to censor or both.
Classic. The 854 MW Muja coal power station in Collie WA, situated adjacent to a coal mine, has run out of coal so has shut down. May restart in time for summer, but may have to import coal from NSW. The WA govt energy minister claims WA has a 99.8% energy reliability figure. But after they stop purchasing power from Bluewaters coal power station, the youngest in Australia, in 2025, I doubt that this reliability figure will be maintained. Despite WA having lots of cheap energy sources, it is shooting itself in the foot.
The far left protestors outside the CPAC conference in Sydney all seem to be still wearing masks. How typical.
PS. I didn’t know Zuby was a presenter at CPAC this year.
Yes, it’s like the red cap of the MAGAs, a political uniform. If they’re that concerned, they probably should just stay home, like I do mostly.
but they’re not that concerned, it’s just a uniform.
Might also be to prevent facial recognition when their protests become ‘mainly peaceful’.
Recent work on covid and long covid has made clear that taking Vitamin D supplements is of limited use if someone is deficient in magnesium. In fact, since magnesium is used in the metabolism of Vitamin D, mild symptoms of this deficiency can be made significantly worse. Most people in Western Civ are somewhat magnesium-deficient, moreover. This is because, although there is adequate magnesium in a healthy diet (it is resposible for the green colour of chlorophyll in plants), the magnesium-to-calcium ratio is also important and there is excess calcium in the typical Western diet. Magnesium and calcium are from the same group in the periodic table and compete to some extent in the body.
I can testify personally to this. Taking epsom salts (magnesium sulphate) has signficantly reduced the Raynaud’s syndrome which was the only remaining effect of my (mild but very) long covid – which, unlike the other symptoms, didn’t look like it was going to go away. Wikipedia told me that Raynaud’s was related to magnesium in the blood vessels in my hands, and this year I found the recent papers of Patrick Chambers on magnesium and (long) covid online:
Interesting. I eat greens a fair bit, but I might focus on it more.
When Power Meets Progress, what happens then? Who wins? what do you need to know? Who holds the reins ?
Do be careful if you are self-medicating on electrolytes. A family member has been three times now into intensive care units because of spontaneous excursions, mostly hyperkalemia of unknown origin. Another near miss was from hypercalcemia from Ca+Vitamin C prescribed tablets.
I had some brief onlooker studies of serum electrolytes in non-human biology and found it horribly complex. Geoff S
Thank you. I am well aware that I can overdo it. A single excess does of Mg just gives you the runs, but a protracted excess is indeed dangerous. for now I am going how by I feel; a surprising number of minor niggles that I had atrtributed to ageing (I am in my 60s) have vanished since I started taking smallish does of epsom salts.
Lisa Boothe: This will lead to human suffering, death and destruction
…. and when some Hawks are done promoting MORE warfare, from a current UK TV lunchtime series on buying up the village / hamlet in France ( & Italy),CONSIDER THIS: I was led to this article: Who Knew / would have thought: all those EU Rremoaners never told us this:
Never mind, think too about all those disabled & abandoned people in UKRAINE‘s homes ….. Eh? such a great country – we’re told. Poor folk – just like those images from ROMANIA’s orphanages years ago.
Maybe we should send old people to fight wars , and demand participation from these “hawks” , then things might be different. Young people fighting and dying to satisfy political egos is just obscene.
OH Yarpos, ( a wee bittie sarc) how could you! sending old peole to wars …. I think they would object, based on having been there once upon a time and know what it’s all about. The young are kwik to protest about their rights etc, etc : so let them go fight to show their determination, and as for the “hawks” …. well that’s the problem, how DO you get the hawks themselves into the Mellay / melee ? Best find the poacher turned gamekeeper to find the trade secrets for that. Bio-Chemical analysis would probably tell you that it was Pb Deficiency that done it.
U.S. Supreme Court to hear case on Big Tech’s legal immunity under Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, which protects them from lawsuits over content created by users.
Gurgle, Fakebook, Twatter, etc, are concerned they may be held liable for their actions. And, Rightly So.
I think now it’s pretty clear what will happen. The EU will collapse. Individually countries will come under Russia’s orbit. This should happen very quickly. The EU cannot survive the next two winters.
More likely Russia will collapse.
Too much television Zane.
I’m with Zane, but why can’t they BOTH collapse?
Hard to see the rational for the assertion that Russia will collapse or be more likely than the EU.
Regime change I would buy, collapse no.
They have all the marbles at the moment and alternate markets for said marbles.
EU is a total basket case politically, financially and strategically. They are living on long past glories and believe their own BS at least amongst the so called leaders. Things may change as the pendulum swings back, depends on how far gone they are.
Yes, I meant the regime collapsing. But after that anything could happen including a breakup of the unwieldy entity known as the Russian Federation.
Breakups happen mainly by way of pressure from the outside. If anyone has the regime change terrorists neutralised it would be Russia.
Russia is one giant gas station [US usage] run by a mafia. They do not have the skills to keep the gas pumping without Shell, Halliburton etc. The oil wells above the Arctic Circle feeding China are particularly at risk of permanent damage without their expertise.
Russia and China cannot thrive taking in each others’ washing. Only if the West relax sanctions* can they get back to any sort of normalcy and I doubt USA will go back to the bad ole’ days.
* China is not officially sanctioned YET, but a lot of technology is not for sale to them.
“They do not have the skills to keep the gas pumping without Shell, Halliburton etc. ”
Russia has quite high technical abilities for those who look beyond the Sydney Morning Herald’s blatant propaganda. Their space exploration, Mig29 & 35s & Sukhoi SU35, the hypersonic missiles..
Technically they can match any country in the world, something very surprising for only 140million people, but with a completely different view of life to that of the American Empire..
You may be confusing Russia with the Saudi’s. If they were just this gas station they wouldn’t be able to get that much kit to the battlefield and smash everyone using only a skeleton crew.
People love underestimating the Russians. Personally I rate them pretty highly for intelligence and capability and even higher for toughness. Way beyond us on that last one.
I beg to differ, but……
“The Nord Stream 2 Pipeline Sabotage”
But weren’t there two explosions?
3 were reported, and a fourth one a few days later ?
IF America dunnit, it is possibly the most irresponsible thing they have ever done.
It’s not really America is it. It’s the ethnics that took over in the 2020 coup. So they now act like Israel. Blowing up a wharf and blaming it on fertiliser. Demolishing apartment buildings after starting a fight to use as cover. Then over to Miami to destroy another building and have a round of applause for the culprits in foreign soldier uniforms.
But this time they didn’t use their magical ethnic cover.
Talking of irresponsible, going into Iraq because they saw a caravan in the desert was amazing. Shock and Awe.
So the US is guilty as charged on suspicion only.
Look at the incentives- Who benefits? Follow the money trail..
Does Russia blow up its own pipelines it have just spent billions of dollars building and destroy any chance of selling gas to Germany?
..or do the Yanks blow it up to make sure Germany doesn’t give in to Russia and is then forced to buy American gas at 5 times the price while having their living standards collapsed from under them.
Where are the German car manufacturers moving to?? Its not Russia! Its America gaining the benefits of the sanctions they forced their poodles to enforce.
Anyone with an IQ above 50 knows that even if the Russians had irrefutable proof the Yanks did it the Western media would label it ‘False News’ and bury it immediately.
Pure speculation. One P8 on one mission blows four(?) holes in pipes, hours apart. Yea, right.
There is credible speculation about ice forming in pipes not flowing. These plugs are removed with great difficulty, patience and skill. I seriously doubt Russians have either the patience or skills.
Well a consortium built Nordstream under the Gazprom banner. A lot of people East and West will lose money if its a loss.
We know they are guilty because we know the nature of the junta who conducted the 2014 coup in Ukraine, the 2020 coup in the USA, the foreign invasion of Syria and the destruction of Libya. We know their attitudes, their ethnic makeup,. We have their vows to destroy Nord Stream 2. We know that they had their navy in the area at the right time and earlier running drills and they are the only suspects.
Now you are acting like it’s Ronnie and Nancy with their tight team from California and a pretty diverse bunch of patriots. But it’s not. It’s a [Snip]AD full of traitors, many of them who could be hung for treason. So check your calendar and try figure out what is going on around you.
You know nuttin.
Don’t be a clown. We know the Americans did it. First they did the 2014 coup. Then the 2020 coup. This is completely in keeping with this rolling thunder of crime and terrorism.
How about creating and fuelling ISIS. That was pretty irresponsible.
I think, the German gouvernement knows that US is responsible, else their reactions would be much stronger.
Without Any Demonstration Project Or Feasibility Study
Essentially the entire developed part of the world is currently embarked on a crash program to eliminate fossil fuels from the energy system of the economy. The program has two main parts: first the suppression of the production and distribution of fossil fuels; and second the construction of large numbers of wind and solar generation facilities to replace them. Both parts of the program are currently underway simultaneously in all advanced countries, as a matter of what we are told is the highest moral urgency.
But will the coming fossil-fuel-free system actually work to provide the energy we need to run our modern economies? There are very substantial reasons to think that big problems are inevitable, the main one being that wind and solar generators don’t produce anything most of the time, and can’t be ramped up on demand at a time of need.
So surely, there must be multiple small to medium-scale demonstration projects around the world showing exactly how this fossil-fuel-free future system can be accomplished, and how much it will cost.
Actually, and incredibly, no. There is no such thing anywhere in the world as a functioning demonstration project that provides full energy to an economy of any size without reliance on fossil fuels, and using only carbon-emissions-free sources like wind, solar, hydro and/or storage.
There isn’t even a demonstration project that supplies just the electricity sector of any economy (typically about 25-35% of final energy usage) with the energy it needs free of fossil fuels. Indeed, there isn’t anything remotely close.
And it gets worse. The closest thing to a demonstration project in the world has failed disastrously. The project in question is known as Gorona del Vento, on the island of El Hierro, which is one of the Canary Islands that is part of Spain. El Hierro has a population of about 10,000. Beginning in about 2010, they built a system of some five massive wind turbines, plus a large pumped-storage reservoir in the top of an extinct volcano that they happened to have on the island. The wind system was built with capacity of close to double peak electricity usage on the island, with the idea that when the wind blew at full strength the excess capacity would be used to pump water up to the reservoir, to be released later at times of calm.
UPDATE, October 3:
In comments multiple readers have cited other projects from around the world as the potential example of the “demonstration project.” However, if the meaningful usage of the term “demonstration project” in this context is something that can be scaled up to work for the entire world energy system, I don’t think anything qualifies — even El Hierro.
King Island, Tasmania. Unlike El Hierro, I don’t think that King Island ever claimed to be constructing a system that could achieve 100% emissions-free electricity. At least, I can’t find that. El Hierro did make that claim. Their storage capacity at King Island would need to be multiplied by more than an order of magnitude to begin a serious effort.
Old Ozzie:
The El Hierro project was discussed extensively on Euan Mearns Energy Matters site ( some years ago.
The site is not that active now, but you should be able to find lots of facts there.
Much like the King Island case; lots of hype followed by underperformance and a coverup over the costs.
No there isn’t any such valid speculation. Oil and gas is Russia’s main industry. They know their way around a gas pipe. Perhaps you have been reading the Atlantic or the Guardian.
“Is The Fed About To Destroy America?”
and other things
“The first real evidence mRNA shots RAISE the risk of Covid hospitalization and death over time
A big Swedish study offers fragmentary but suggestive data”
Haven’t we had multiple threads showing the real evidence before? If this is the first what were they all about?
I have only watched a part of the video however I have already forwarded it on to many others. Very disturbing stuff to say the least.
Science has been unhooked by market forces and replaced by cargo cult science
Wouldn’t 3 strategically placed hurricanes wipe out the whole state of Florida? A rubbish dump is their highest peak!
Russia just ended its vulnerabilities. Very hard for the West to cause insurrections and rig elections once the locals have had enough. A fellow was giving away kittens at work today. If I had gotten one and trained it to fight the Russians it couldn’t do worse than NATO. Everything NATO has tried has made Russia stronger and Europe weaker.
Meanwhile, the UAH satellite data over Australia refuses to show warming. The latest monthly update includes September 2022 just finished. The anomaly value is -0.29 deg C.
No warming trend over Australia for 10 years and 3 months. Graph follows. Geoff S
Thanks Geoff, that is reassuring. Meanwhile the world as a whole is stubbornly warm on a higher plateau.
Warmer than the LIA… Thank Goodness. !
Not as warm as nearly all the rest of the Holocene.
Actually, quite cool compared.
Fake news.
Dukes of Hazard politically correct parody .
The folly of renewables.