A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Interesting brief excert from a longer video. John O’Looney showing the clots from arteries after SADS case.
Here’s how the vaccine is causing those weird “blood clots”
Steve Kirsch
Aug 31
Recently, Jessica Rose published a very long, but very important Substack article, “Is the spike protein acting as a prion with regard to hemoglobin molecules? And is porphyria being induced?”
The short answer is yes, it appears so, according to everything we know.
Here’s a key paragraph from that article:
So the bottom line of all of this information is this: the virus infects the RBCs using spike protein via the CD147 receptor on red blood cells which causes hemolysis (rupture of the red blood cell). This causes the release of massive amounts of hemoglobin. Then the spike protein, due to its amyloidogenic peptides, triggers mis-folding of the hemoglobin into amyloid fibrils causing subsequent blood clots. The blood clots would be enhanced due to antibodies (Ag:Ab complexes).
These “rubbery” blood clots that are being pulled out of cadavers on a regular basis.
Watch this short video of John O’Looney explaining how these clots cause people to die.
What is remarkable is the medical examiner is completely missing this in their determination of the cause of death (which they leave unexplained). The embalmers find these clots. Most of them say nothing because they don’t want to lose business.
The “clots” featured in these videos are not blood at all; they are primarily amyloid proteins (thanks to analysis done by Mike Adams of clots supplied by Richard Hirschman).
Steve Kirsch newsletter.
In a functional world, discovery of that ‘stuff’ in a deceased person’s arteries would be enough to trigger an urgent investigation. In the actual, DYSFUNCTIONAL world that is unfortunately our reality, multiple examples are going uninvestigated.
That single fact alone should be enough to worry even the most ardent believer in these so-called ‘vaccines’.
Well, I’ve been trying to explain to people that when you shut down your power generators and replace them with bird shredders, then stupidly pick a fight with the suppliers of the very stuff that keeps you warm and keeps your industry going, you might have a problem and it’s either rank stupidity or carefully calculated evil….take your pick.
PS I’m not pro Russia, just telling it how it is.
The other thing is that it’s likely the Russians know we’re going into global cooling, so have waited until now to let the dog of war ( a war it seems they don’t want…) off the leash.
The Russians are a winter army, and as Napoleon found out, fighting Russians in winter is a bad idea, but it appears the West has a ( planned?) suicide mindset, and will not only deprive itself if it’s energy, but also starve it’s own population and crush middle class businesses with a pointless and avoidable war…never let a crisis go to waste, eh Klaus?
Is it Thursday already?
In a Post Modern world, how can you tell?
It’s always Thursday somewhere.
That’s at least consistent. So why ask?
You obviously don’t understand my metaphysics.
No. What’s metaphysics?
Don’t answer that. Please. My nonsense detector is gefurgulated.
It’s an attempt at being pithy by our resident Barristocrats, I suspect….not sure it qualified in this case…
That sounds like the sort of word my mother used to invent. It’s wonderful, must add it to the collection!
Annie, there are only two options.
It could have been “gefurgulated”, as written, or Ayefurgulate.
The “Barristocrats” is also right up there in bringing to mind current government activity; lots of talk over lots of coffee.
Maybe ‘PFurgulated’ even?
Really ?
Where in the world will it be Thursday, when its Monday in Canberra ?
In a little fantasy world of woke imagining ?
I knew an alco who only drinks on Thursdays. That’s what he said.
He didn’t say “Thursday”, he said “Thirsty”
Depends , which dimension are we talking about?
Why are you picking on Thursday? How about giving the other days a fair go?
Thursday is binary and offends those who are not born on Thursday or who do not identify as Thursday .
Ooohhh… September 1st today. 😉
Pope Francis instructs Vatican entities to move all funds to Vatican bank by Sept. 30
Pope Francis has ordered that the Holy See and connected entities move all financial assets to the Institute for Works of Religion (IOR), commonly known as the Vatican bank.
The pope’s rescript, issued Aug. 23, clarifies the interpretation of a paragraph in the new constitution of the Roman Curia, Praedicate Evangelium, promulgated in March.
According to Francis’ rescript, financial and liquid assets held in banks other than the IOR must be moved to the Vatican bank within 30 days of Sept. 1, 2022.
The IOR, based in Vatican City State, has 110 employees and 14,519 clients. As of 2021, it looked after 5.2 billion euros ($5.6 billion) of client assets.
ALL assets by the end of this month…
September the 1st is the Anniversary of when Nazi Germany and the Stalin led USSR invaded and carved up Poland in 1939.
Are there any theories as to WHY the vatican is doing this? Some other thing going on in September?
Probably related to Pells investigation of corruption
Origin Energy owns Australia’s largest power station Eraring, a 4 unit black coal burner opened in 1984 and well located 120 kms north from metro Sydney. 2880MW capacity plus a tiny bit of extra diesel, it provides 25% of NSW power requirements. And Origin has ever so politely informed AEMO and the NSW government that they may intend to close the thing in August 2025.
What Origin is really doing is playing a game of high stakes poker. Who will fold first, the company or the government? It would seem that NSW cannot really do without Eraring and its reliable flow of electrons. Does Australia’s most populous and important state really want to go down the route of daily brownouts and load shedding? No lights at the Sydney Opera House?
Origin probably wants someone to guarantee some reasonably attractive revenue income for providing capacity to the grid. If their bluff works, a sizeable stack of chips will be pushed across to Origin’s seat at the poker table.
Then the CEO can go and try his luck in Vegas. 😄
With no plan evident to deliver replacement dispatchable power. Just talk of more wind and solar with network upgrades and the odd small battery.
A Chart For Those Good Folks Who Dream That the Sun and Wind Can Power the Planet
Meanwhile the Labor/Green Idiots in Victoria with their Gas Bans and NSW Liberal/Greens – Kean (Australia’s Santos Narrabri gas project approval faces court challenge) do not have a Clue – Stupidity Personified
Japan to Step in to Buy Gas to Avoid Crunch If Prices Surge More
State-owned Jogmec to import LNG if companies can’t afford it
Officials to review potential measures in coming weeks: NHK
There’s a very precious aquifer at Narrabri. About as precious as you can get.
It must not be interfered with.
Modern gas wells do not interfere with underground water .
I wonder what Dutton and the Opposition are thinking regarding this. I think Liddell is closing 2023 and then Eraring in 2025. If these two closures go ahead, who ever wins government at the 2025 election is going to be looking at a broken energy grid…a presumably bigger mess than we presently have. Labor of course think that it will all somehow ” be alright on the night ” but anyone with any common sense can see that winning government in 2025 may be the grand booby prize of all time. The electorate will not be happy if they are sitting in the dark.
Presumably, AGL and Origin are hoping that they will be paid all sorts of subsidies to keep both power stations open, as you point out..I can just imagine the deals they probably already have written up to present to the NSW Government who are seeing blackouts coming.
Origin has not been performing well on the ASX, so they’ll have to keep the coal plants operating until gas power plants are built to back up the renewable hubs.
AGL not so hot either.
Dutton is planning to diversify the Party, presumably to break up the factions. On the question of energy he floated the idea of nuclear power, stunned silence all round.
No. The LNP are behind him on NP
Yeah but what do the LNP voters think?
Half of Greens and Labor voters want nuclear power.
The LNP had their annual convention in Brisbane and were going to raise the issue, but I can’t find the result.
The recent crisis in the electricity supply could only have been relieved by either government undertaking to subsidise losses or suppliers undertaking to supply at a loss.
Supplying at a loss cannot be done indefinitely. AGL and Origin will certainly be bargaining for subsidies to recover those losses.
And there is a great need that the market at large understands that these subsidies are not being applled to coal generation. They are applied to “renewables” in the periods when the windmills are not turning and the sun isn’t shining.
Spare us the doubletalk; without the subsidy harvesting generation certificates renewable energy is a loss making enterprise.
IT is getting very close to crunch time. The only thing that gives me hope is I know for fact that I have never met a green who is not an outrageous hypocrite, so they will most likely cave at some stage and keep coal going.
Of course they are hypocrites.
These people say 80 bil KW/h per year in ICT*. Imagine the reaction if told they were no longer allowed their electronic toys. Similar to my generation being told they could now longer rev an engine I guess. Wait……
* I’m not sure what, exactly, that is.
ICT: Information and Communications Technology
Origin has probably decided to push for a degree of certainty.
It cannot be easy trying to work out a longer-term plan when you know that you are just one stupid piece of lefislation away from being shut down.
This is one way to confront politicians with the reality of their policies, instead of pushing them off into the next term.
Just nationalise the suckers, its a Govt’s perogative. They can take them over and pay nothing at all if they wish, or pay some Govt-approved valuation, and run them as Govt corporations.
Govts specialise in running hopelessly inefficient, old and outdated businesses and keeping them propped up for decades. In this case it would be a first win for the taxpayer!
Bank of America announces zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages for Black and Hispanic first-time homebuyers.
Bank of America said it is now offering first-time homebuyers in a select group of cities zero down payment, zero closing cost mortgages to help grow homeownership among Black and Hispanic/Latino communities.
The loans require no mortgage insurance — the additional fee typically charged to buyers who put down less than 20% of the purchase price — and no minimum credit score. Instead, eligibility will be based on factors like timely rent payments and on-time utility bill, phone and auto insurance payments.
So low income groups who can’t afford a deposit and no demonstrated credit rating are being offered over-valued real estate (tanking massively right now) at the leading edge of orchestrated skyrocketing energy & food costs along with shortages driven inflation coupled with approaching socio-economic meltdown.
This will not end well..
Not all low income groups apparently, so there is a degree of harm minimization.
Wasn’t it something like that that caused the sub-prime collapse a few years ago.
Lending mortgage money to people who could never possibly pay it off ?
Yes … but that was so 2008.
A bit more than a ‘few’ years ago, Grandad.
So by modern standards that’s a Fact Check False.
Proceed immediately to Facebook jail.
Consider yourself shunned.
The Arctic is not ice free now … b … b … but it will be … you’ll see.
And why do you keep going on about ‘money’?
Stan is Lorretta now.
2008 was crunch time; the policy was a Clinton era disaster (Fanny Mae and Freddy Mac or something like that) exactly long the lines of what is described above. This cannot be incompetence, it must be the most evil bloody-mindedness.
My first thought too.
Must be.
But don’t expect Joe to know that.
Americans taking out loans through buy now, pay later apps to purchase groceries
Apps that allow users to buy now and pay later have surged in popularity in recent years, with more and more retailers supporting the option.
While the service remains most popular for big purchases, with the price of goods continuing to go up, many Americans are now opting to use it to purchase essentials.
According to the Daily Mail, one of the major players in the buy now, pay later (BNPL) game, Zip, reported a 95 percent rise in the purchase of groceries using their service in the US, with restaurant bills up 64 percent.
Among the retailers that support Zip are Costco, Doordash, Safeway, and Starbucks.
Users can pay for groceries or a pumpkin spice late with just 25 percent down, and the remaining 75 percent split into four payments over the following six weeks.
Credit over 6 weeks for a latte.
Bye bye American lower & middle class…
Scientists Boost Immune Response to COVID-19 Vaccine by 25 Times
Scientists have discovered that molecules derived from α-galactosylceramide (αGC), a compound from marine sponges, can act as adjuvants. They work by stimulating a small population of immune cells that are important for defending the body against viral infections. Rui Luo, Zheng Liu, and their colleagues wanted to see if they could devise a version of αGC to significantly enhance the immune response elicited by a protein-based COVID-19 vaccine.
None of the four meaningfully boosted the T cell response, but all of them produced antibodies with a much greater capacity for interfering with the virus. The analog called αGC-CPOEt led to the production of antibodies with the greatest neutralizing capacity — 25 times greater than what the vaccine could elicit without an adjuvant.
So the immune system is coaxed into a 25x greater reaction that normal eh…
“So the immune system is coaxed into a 25x greater reaction that normal eh”
So what could possibly go wrong ! 😉
Test it on Fauci before he retires.
That won’t end well. !
Further reading from one of my previous posts for Jo. Text below a copy and paste from pdf link below :
“1.Dr Andrew Robertson, Chief Health Officer (WA), acting pursuant to sections 197 and 198 of the Public Health Act 2016 (WA) [the Act] that gives power, for the purposes of emergency management during a public health state of emergency, hereby authorise the person( s) occupying the class of position in Column 1 of the attached Schedule to perform the statutory functions in Column 2 of the attached Schedule, subject to the conditions, limitations or restrictions (if any) set out in Column 3 of the attached Schedule.
“2.The Schedule is attached as Annexure A.
“3.This instrument of authorisation shall take effect from 8 March 2021 and shall remain in force until the public health state of emergency is no longer in force or until otherwise amended or revoked.
“4.This instrument of authorisation is additional to the Instrument of Authorisation Authorisation To Supply Or Administer A Poison [SARS-COV-2 (COV/D-19) VACCINE] (No. 1) 2021.
“DATED this 5th day of March 2021
Scientists warn of potential threat to heart health from extreme weather
Study author Professor Stefan Agewall of the University of Oslo, Norway said: “Climate change is leading to a rise in the average global temperature but also extreme cold in some regions. More than 70,000 excess deaths occurred across Europe during the summer of 2003 due to intense heatwaves.Cold weather also accounts for excess deaths and hospital admissions.Previously studies on the cardiovascular effects of heat and cold mainly used aggregated data, such as daily deaths in a city. The EXHAUSTION project used individual data, enabling us to identify vulnerable subgroups for protective interventions, thereby increasing resilience for future weather events.”
With an approximately 10°C (18°F) temperature drop, from 5°C to -5°C (41°F to 23°F), there was a 19% greater risk of death from cardiovascular disease (relative risk [RR] 1.19; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.04–1.36) and a 22% elevated likelihood of death from ischaemic heart disease (RR 1.22; 95% CI 1.07–1.38). There was a 4% higher risk of new-onset ischaemic heart disease associated with an approximately 11°C (20°F) temperature drop, from 2°C to -9°C (36°F to 16°F) (RR 1.04; 95% CI: 1.01–1.08).
Wonder what my risk is at -20C? 😁
At least Europe can blame deaths on the cold…
More than 70,000 excess deaths occurred across Europe. And they blame hot weather, how many here would love to see the proof of that claim.
I wonder if those deaths could be attributed equally to sudden adult death syndrome. Any autopsies or are we to assume the worst?
Quick, we have to stop the old people from moving to Florida! (Not only do they get heart attacks, they turn into Republicans.)
And Canada.
No wonder people in Africa, the Tropics, Sweden, and Siberia never make it past 50.
Those Babushkas are all 40.
Seriously, can ‘Science’ be taken seriously anymore?
Here’s the Reason They Don’t Show the Wide Shot at Biden’s Events
But I wanted to note something else about that event — the visual they’re trying to sell us there with the tight shot.
If you were used to seeing Trump rallies, you would notice the Biden folks seem to be trying to imitate that look with a group of people holding signs behind him. Except unlike Trump rallies which generally have thousands of people, you get to see the wide shot to confirm that.
But when you see the wide shot of the Biden event, you see the problem.
Good on FOX for the wide shot showing the gathering 😂
I’ve seen bigger turnouts at PTA meetings
Boy, that’s a pitiful look and just straight-up embarrassing.
But nothing like the thousands that come out for President Donald Trump, so the attempt to make it look like that fell pretty flat. It just looked sad.
Last trump rally I attended
How did Trump lose? You can understand why at least half of America wants to know. And there is only one explanation.
Fewer people voted for him is the word on the town.
Fewer REAL people voted for him. !
correct for once.
Finally picked up my early morning error ! Well done.
Trouble was all the not-real people that voted for Biden !
If the town you refer to is Washington, D.C., then that would be the word alright.
“Fewer people voted for him is the word
onto the town.”Including Jeff Id’s recent posts
It was a rhetorical question. Look it up.
While you are still in Topsy Turvy Land Greg’s Assistant
Explain this announcement with your upside down logic.
Two pieces of scientific logic for you to explain using your understanding of numbers.
(1) Why were the Mandates that were applied in 2020 after a positive Covid detection across the Queensland Border being relaxed with 2033 new cases. This in the light of no deaths in Queensland ‘of Covid’ in 2020 and with daily deaths now.
(2) What science says the mandate can be removed for private industry workers performing the same functions of those still requiring the vaccine mandate in the bureaucracy.
This I understand should be as easily explained as a President running for a second term receiving the largest number of votes ever and being defeated after a pause in the counting, reversed his lead in key States.
So I have to answer whatever question you demand? Why?
No rational explanation ?!
Ok.. not unsurprising..
Deep down, even die-hard Dems and leftist KNOW that the last US election was a farce of vote rigging.
They just cannot admit it even to themselves.. !
Just trying to help GA! You were struggling with rationalising the election results, so I thought I would give you a simple problem to help you gain some confidence.
So what is the answer. Is Covid 19 less dangerous to those in the private sector? Science based answer please.
Maybe one closer to your hobby. What happened to the flu in 2020 week 11 to 14?
I’m asking for a bloke who Jo believes is a bit lost. He is pretty sure the symptoms reported for Covid 19 were very similar to those reported for the H1N1 Flu. Cytokine storm, mucus and patients with blue lips.
He is taking bets that the powers that be are about to ramp up the reporting of the Flu now that Covid deaths in the UK for example have dropped to about 5 a day.
Opps! Should have read MrGrimnNasty #39
Not Influenza A nor B. What is it?
Influenza cases were down 85% across 17 different countries.
It’s just textbook microbiology. Get past the symptom list, it’s a lousy way to identify a virus. (Nearly every respiratory disease has similar symptoms). We can easily and accurately test not just for Covid and Influenza but all the different sub-variants thereof, and we do. Eg the current subtype of influenza A is (H1N1)pdm09.
Any restrictions that stop the spread of a respiratory disease with an Ro of 3+ will self-evidently, obviously, stop a respiratory disease with an Ro of 1.4. It’s just maths.
Just curious, Gee Aye:
What is your rock-solid refutation of Rigged (M. Hemingway) and 2000 Mules?
My grandson and I attended the Trump rally for Harriet Hageman in Casper, Wyoming. Stood in line for three hours to get in, and it was S.R.O. inside of the Casper Events Center (designed to hold just 20,000). There was a JumboTron outside of the facility, in the parking lot, for those who were unable to get inside.
Maybe you missed it, but Mrs. Hageman defeated the RINO Liz Cheney by some 35 percentage points.
I wish I knew how to send images on this internet stuff-thingy, since I saw a great one just yesterday. It is a still-shot of a clip from a Groucho Marx movie. He is dialoging with a woman, and the woman is saying, “God made Joe Biden President.” Groucho is saying, “Why? Was he out of locusts?”
Regards to all,
Did you know that bears, AND deer, do not wear Kevlar?
And you can’t beat F15s in a fight?
Just look at the Taliban, they learned a good lesson or two from Joe Biden and the US government.
He also informed us about which neighborhoods have the best basketball players.
One of my old cars played games with me yesterday and I enjoyed a nice ride home with a chatty tow truck driver.
He was saying how he liked EVs and that they were good for business. I asked how, apparently it goes like this:
1. EV has an accident. 1 tow to a smash repair or tow service yard.
2. Before work can begin, 1 tow to dealership/service centre to disconnect battery.
3. 1 tow to return car to smash repair place.
4. When work is complete 1 tow back to dealership/service centre to reconnect battery.
5. Potential bonus tow if owner wants it delivered
Not sure I would be keen on towing to the dealership , with a damaged live car. Hope he has a plan if it starts smoking. Anyway at last some evidence of jobs provided by the green revolution.
Perhaps more important is whether the towie’s insurer will cover him if the EV catches fire during transport…
Just release the tow winch cable and dump the burning POS on the road.
and slash the 4 ratchet strap wheel tie downs, a big hook knife perhaps
And don’t forget is 800V DC….quite nasty and unforgiving…so many reasons EVs are just the most pointless vehicles ever invented…
Very interesting.
First case of bird flu confirmed in a porpoise
The SVA- Statens veterinärmedicinska anstalt has confirmed the first finding of avian influenza virus in a porpoise. The analysis shows that the porpoise died as a result of the same virus that was behind this summer’s extensive bird flu outbreak among wild birds.
The young male porpoise stranded alive in Kämpersvik, in Tanum municipality, Västra Götaland 28 June 2022. Despite repeated attempts by private individuals to get it to swim out to deeper water again, it was too exhausted, got tangled in seaweed and died later in the evening. The porpoise was transported to SVA for an autopsy. The analysis now shows that bird flu virus was found in several organs and that the virus had caused meningitis. The findings confirm that the bird flu virus was the cause of death.
The bird didn’t infect the porpoise on porpoise though…
Long been known to be carried by various types of seal, recently confirmed again in US and UK. Will you take my word for it, or is a cetacean required?
How do we know it wasn’t a bird that identifies as a porpoise.
Or a porpoise identifying and living as a bird.
In no why am suggesting that birds or porpoises, that identify as porpoise or birds, can’t produce viruses.
Coming Extremely Soon to Australia via Labor/Greens/Teals/Liberals – the Stupidity/Inanity of America
August 24: California bans sale of new gasoline-powered cars
August 30: California asks Californians to avoid charging electric vehicles due to electricity shortages
Serves ’em right, I say.
The dumb stupidity of Ca authorities just keeps giving..
You might think they would know that the <600,000 EVs in their state represent less than 0.5% of electricity demand…
……even assuming that NONE OF THEM CHARGE FROM RT Solar !
What if you only have enough power to meet 99.5% of expected demand?
22,000 Colorado Households Lose Control of Their Home Thermostats During Heat Wave as Power Company Locks Out Air Conditioning Use
September 1, 2022 – Sundance
Indoor temperatures began climbing, and when formerly free-range residents attempted to adjust their air conditioning, they discovered they were locked out from control in their own home as the power company took over.
Comrade Citizens, it is important that we support the needs of the energy collective. All good thinking citizens put the needs of the state ahead of their selfish desires.
As the national energy emergency now begins to unfold, the officials in charge of energy resource equity remind everyone how critical it is to remain compliant with all ministerial energy objectives. Compliance is expected from all correct thinking citizens.
As long as you remain compliant, there is no reason for concern. Do not attempt to adjust your household allocation of energy. Energy advisors will be made available for enhanced personal education to explain the benefits of our Green New Deal. Your cooperation is appreciated
After Phasing Out New Gas Cars, California Says “Avoid Charging EVs” Amid Potential Blackouts
Summed up By Chip Bok Cartoon
Hackers hide malware in James Webb telescope images
Threat analysts have spotted a new malware campaign dubbed ‘GO#WEBBFUSCATOR’ that relies on phishing emails, malicious documents, and space images from the James Webb telescope to spread malware.
The malware is written in Golang, a programming language that is gaining popularity among cybercriminals because it is cross-platform (Windows, Linux, Mac) and offers increased resistance to reverse engineering and analysis.
In the recent campaign discovered by researchers at Securonix, the threat actor drops payloads that are currently not marked as malicious by antivirus engines on the VirusTotal scanning platform.
Anyone stupid enough to open a random .docx deserves what they get.
Thursday weirdness
I would have deducted 2 stars. 😅
College sports may keep students from developing serious COVID infections
A new study has found that college football players diagnosed with COVID returned to practice quicker and experienced less severe symptoms than the average patient.
Researchers at Louisiana State University (LSU) received unprecedented access to the school’s student-athlete football players in order to take COVID-19 saliva samples back in 2020. The findings revealed that none of the football players experienced secondary infections after they isolated themselves for just 14 days.
The LSU-based research revealed that the healthy young athletes were able to ward off more severe COVID-19 symptoms, unlike the millions of older Americans or people with comorbidities, such as diabetes.
Well now…young, fit sports-playing athletes are NOT dropping from Covid then…
The GRETA effect strikes again!
Jaguar I-Pace catches on fire again – is this another Bolt EV battery fire situation?
Another Jaguar I-Pace battery caught on fire without any crash after simply sitting charging in a garage. This is the fourth known I-Pace battery fire that seemingly started on its own, which is starting to be significant considering the relatively small number of units on the roads.
Jaguar also uses LG battery cells like the Bolt EV and Kona EV, which were both recalled for battery fire risks. Is this another Bolt EV battery fire situation?
The I-Pace is Jaguar’s first and only all-electric vehicle.
My GRETA scale is earning its place! 😅
Water for growing and processing biofuels from corn is causing environmental damage.
Again, the fake fix is far worse for the environment than the zero problem. !
China Threatens to Destroy Elon Musk’s Starlink
Chinese military researchers are threatening that Musk’s Starlink satellites must be destroyed. The problem, however, does not appear so much to be the fear of collision, but rather that China believes that Starlink could be used for military purposes and thereby threaten what China calls its national security.
Chinese military researchers recently called for the destruction of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellites, an extraordinary threat for a state to make against a private foreign enterprise.
In December 2021, China filed a complaint with the United Nations, claiming that two of Musk’s Starlink satellites had nearly collided with the Tianhe module of its Tiangong Space Station — in April and October of 2021– and that Chinese astronauts had been forced to maneuver the module of the station to avoid the collision. Starlink is part of Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the satellites are part of a plan to make internet coverage from the satellites available worldwide, with the goal of launching nearly 12,000 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit.
“[A] combination of soft and hard kill methods should be adopted to make some Starlink satellites lose their functions and destroy the constellation’s operating system.” — Five senior scientists in China’s defense industry, led by Ren Yuanzhen, a researcher with the Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications, under the People Liberation Army’s (PLA’s) Strategic Support Force.
Anyone who thinks Elon’s sats are just supplying internet to the needy probably believes in the Easter Bunny…
“an extraordinary threat for a state to make against a private foreign enterprise.”
Not at all, ask the East India Company, or the VOC (Dutch East India Company). They took over whole countries & had armies/navies of their own.
What happened to the idea that a country owned its airspace, and who decided that airspace stopped at a certain height? I’m sure it is all set up to favour the Yanks as they seem to think they own space.
I find it a fascinating idea- ‘a country is entitled to shoot down any other country’s craft above its borders’… This is MY airspace!
So, extrapolating the airspace sovereignty idea. Who owns the Crab Nebula ? and with the planets spinning on the axis and moving about the sun, and the solar system moving about the Milky Way and the Milky Way moving through the “universe”, who keeps track of who owns the airspace three thousand light years away KP
There is no airspace as there is no air. It is just space.
When musk supplied Ukraine with starlink comms, it appears he made himself personally a legit Russian military target.
If the rumours of Spetznatz being in the USA is true, then musk could be taken out.
Trudeau spent $8k a month on groceries at taxpayer expense
The day is coming where they’ll all be rounded up..
The day is coming where they will rule with an iron fist.
Yes that often comes first.
“In December 2021, China filed a complaint with the United Nations, claiming that two of Musk’s Starlink satellites had nearly collided with the Tianhe module of its Tiangong Space Station — in April and October of 2021– and that Chinese astronauts had been forced to maneuver the module of the station to avoid the collision. Starlink is part of Elon Musk’s SpaceX and the satellites are part of a plan to make internet coverage from the satellites available worldwide, with the goal of launching nearly 12,000 Starlink satellites into low Earth orbit.”
Soooo the country that sprays the world with uncontrolled re rentries is worried about collisions? sure
The unstated thing also is that Starlink represents a workaround of the Great Firewall
Fake president real perv Biden at it again!
“Almost double figures”, so too old as he walks away…
Creepy. !
The Anger Games, Tucker Carlson Outlines the Hatred of Biden Toward a Nation He Divides
Tucker Carlson delivered a hard-hitting monologue last night, hitting the agenda of the installed occupant of the White House directly on target. Within the outline, Carlson notes the background of an angry, bitter and disconnected divider-in-chief and the hate-filled agenda he espouses. {Direct Rumble Link}
It is a remarkable moment captured and broadcast by Mr. Carlson, less than 24-hours before Joe Biden is scheduled to lay out his divisive national agenda of hate during a primetime speech on Thursday evening. WATCH:
Full Transcript – Here
Australian Medical Professionals Society Releases Adverse Events Report of Covid-19 Injection Data.
The full report is here:
The Anger Games, Tucker Carlson Outlines the Hatred of Biden Toward a Nation He Divides
September 1, 2022 | Sundance | 53 Comments
Tucker Carlson delivered a hard-hitting monologue last night, hitting the agenda of the installed occupant of the White House directly on target. Within the outline, Carlson notes the background of an angry, bitter and disconnected divider-in-chief and the hate-filled agenda he espouses. {Direct Rumble Link}”
Timor stands up to Woodside and demands a quick resolution or they will look to China.
‘Mr Ramos-Horta has used a series of media interviews to warn that his country may turn to a Chinese company to fund the project if the Australian government does not “intervene” and lean on Woodside to back Timor Leste’s plan to pipe gas from the Greater Sunrise fields to its south coast, where it wants to build a processing plant.’ (ABC)
Old world capitalism is about to get steam rolled.
Let China figure out a way to run a pipeline across a 3000 km deep ocean trench. Why should we bother?
Nothing to do with old world capitalism. All to do with the best commercial option.
Thanks G4, more to do with plate tectonics than economics.
Just looked at GEarth. That’s a deep trench. 🙂
BTW Thats M not KM.
3000 meters maybe?
3,300 meters to be precise.
For contemplation
“Understanding the tyrannical mind”
Thank you, that article is prompting me to reassess my marriage.
We live in one of several hundred “Improvement Districts” in BC. They deal with local fire protection and water supplies ususually. The provincial government hates them because they are run by volunteers and prohibits them from accessing any public funds except through the nearest government “Regional District” where everyone is paid and the graft is enormous.
This article speaks to the attitude of the gov and the RD’s to Improvement Districts.
Interesting, we have a similar dynamic here in Oz between our volunteer regional fire services and the State Govts (and Unions)
America is now suffering from a shortage of carbon dioxide
Your government at work
By Editorial Board – The Washington Times – Wednesday, August 31, 2022
For years crusaders like former Vice President Al Gore have claimed carbon emissions are a great threat to mankind’s continued existence. People laughed when he started. Now, thanks to unmeasurable amounts of infotainment, they take those claims seriously, embracing them with a kind of religious fervor and believing their activism is the only thing preventing the destruction of mankind.
In the just-enacted Inflation Reduction Act, for example, there are programs, tax hikes, subsidies, and grants projected to cost the economy something over $500 billion over the next ten years to bring the average global mean temperature down a fraction of a degree.
If the Chinese don’t stop building coal-fired plants to produce electricity, whatever very expensive reductions in carbon emissions the U.S. will achieve for all that money will be wiped out and then some.
This is why you should not be surprised to learn America is now suffering from a shortage of CO2, shock of shocks. CO2 has legitimate, even important industrial applications in, for example, the food and beverage industry. Reports are starting to appear that major companies food producers and giants in the over-the-counter beverage industry are at wit’s end because there isn’t enough of it to keep the fizz in your drink and your food items properly chilled as they’re moved from the factory to the frozen food aisle of your local grocery for too much longer.
Call it your government at work. Taking on problems, real and imagined, one by one, without considering how decisions made in one place or about one product might impact the entire marketplace.
Given current policy, that makes no sense whatsoever. But, to paraphrase President Ronald Reagan, the secular patron saint of the limited government movement, when did anything the federal government does make sense?
It’s About The Iran Deal!
Alright, it’s time for in depth breakdown on the escalation of the Mar-a-Lago raid.
For those who didn’t see it, someone (purportedly the FBI), leaked this photo, from the FBI raid. The docs are laid out in the floor in Mar-a-Lago. While everyone is arguing about who put them there, the juice is in the photo.
I posted when I saw these dates that the big news on these days were: 1
May 9th, 2018- Trump backs out of Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal2
August 26th, 2018- News breaks of John McCain’s death. The next day, President of Kenya meets with Trump at White House3
So why would the Biden Admin be after Trump’s documents about Obama’s Nuclear deal with Iran? Why are they so afraid of Trump having them?
I’m still unsure why these are of interest or if they are correlated, but a few hours after I posted about the Iran Deal, Trump confirmed it with a Truth quoting Paul Sperry about the docs pertaining to the Iran Deal.4
Remember the crates of cash dropped off to Iran? Plus the tens of billions of US dollars sent to Iran for them to not build nuclear weapons. Just for them to use the money Obama gave them, to build the weapons we paid them not to make…
I don’t know for sure, but it appears very much like Biden Admin weaponized the FBI to illegally retrieve these documents due to fear of Trump releasing them. Covering for their Deep State overlords.
But then we see this oddly placed TIME magazine cover, precariously snuck into the photo. And it’s clearly not there by accident. Why the hell would the FBI include it, and why does Trump have it framed and waiting for them?
DOJ Is Likely to Wait Past Midterms to Reveal Any Trump Charges
Bloomberg) — Federal prosecutors are likely to wait until after the November election to announce any charges against Donald Trump, if they determine he broke laws, according to people familiar.
Under long-standing department policy, prosecutors are barred from taking investigative steps or filing charges for the purpose of affecting an election or helping a candidate or party, traditionally 60 days before an election. This year, that would be by Sept. 10, which makes it unlikely anything would be announced until after Nov. 8, said people who asked to remain anonymous speaking about potential Justice Department actions.
Under long-standing department policy, prosecutors are barred from taking investigative steps or filing charges for the purpose of affecting an election or helping a candidate or party, traditionally 60 days before an election. This year, that would be by Sept. 10, which makes it unlikely anything would be announced until after Nov. 8, said people who asked to remain anonymous speaking about potential Justice Department actions.
It’s not clear if any of the investigations into Trump will have reached the point by November that a decision on charging him could be made, according to two of the people who asked to remain anonymous.
Announcing charges against Trump prior to the election likely would be seen as a political ploy by his supporters to damage him and his endorsed candidates, and could fuel unrest in the country.
South Carolina Republican Senator Lindsey Graham, for example, recently warned during an interview on Fox News “there literally will be riots in the street” if Trump is indicted for mishandling classified information. Trump immediately posted the clip to his social-media site.
FBI Blasted for ‘Staged’ Photo of Documents Seized in Mar-a-Lago Raid
“I love staged photo ops,” Trump’s attorney Alina Habba told Charlie Kirk on Wednesday. “I mean, it’s amazing how they specifically placed in response.” She added:
But they’re arguing that everything is too sensitive, so we can’t have a special master. It was top secret, but they can put exhibit F, which is the picture of all the top secret documents laid out strategically on the floor and that’s not a problem. It’s a typical ‘we are trying to backup our story because we don’t have one image’ is my perspective of that.
“And all I see is this raid continuing to backfire because it’s not being run by law Enforcement, it’s being run by government gangsters, like [FBI Director] Chris Wray, and [Attorney General] Merrick Garland,” Patel said.
He also said the government officials involved in the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago are connected to the officials who were involved in the Russia collusion hoax.
“Now these guys know they were on the precipice of releasing the other Russia gate documents that Devin and I could not release that Donald Trump declassified and what do they do?” Patel said. “They go raid Mar Lago and say ,’Uh! Can’t see anything anymore. We have an open investigation.’”
Richard Grenell pointed out the photographed document were declassified by Trump and noted the comparison between Trump’s handling of documents and failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.
“It was all declassified papers (not accessible digitally) and kept in a former President’s office – guarded by the United States Secret Service,” Grenell tweeted. “Hillary was never President, her documents were never declassified and were all available digitally ONLINE for hackers.”
Former Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT), who chaired the House Oversight Committee, called the FBI’s photograph “a public relations effort.”
“Well, the impression I got is that it was a public relations effort. This is not needed in a court document to make the case to the sitting judge,” Chaffetz said during an appearance on Fox News. “This was put out there knowing that they were gonna go out there to the media.”
Wouldn’t NOT announcing that he has committed no crime before the election be interference?
The downside cost of biofuel
“Biofuels Drying Up Lake Mead”
On Seven News Tonight – Aether UVC Troffer
Aether combines two proven and powerful methods of cleansing the air. UV-C technology in a contained chamber pro-actively inactivates pathogens as the air passes through the fitting. An in-built HEPA filter scrubs the air by filtering the inactivated viruses and particulate, pushing cleaner, safer air back into the environment. The resulting air is cleansed of 99.995% of airborne pathogens such as COVID-19 and influenza. Cleaner air means safer spaces, and reduced impact from infection.
. Patented air-purifying LED Troffer with HEPA filter and UV-C LED
. Concealed UVC LED air disinfection chamber integrated into a 1190mm x 290mm LED troffer with no direct UVC radiation exposure to the room environment
. Aesthetically pleasing design operates quietly
. H13 Medical Grade HEPA Filter with Germagic Technology
. Standard recessed with optional surface mount, or suspended ceiling application
. Remote control with status indicator light for site visibility of operation and maintenance
. Plug and Play Quick Fit to the existing 1200mm x 300mm ceiling cavity making ideal for retrofit or new construction
. Cyanosis compliant to AS/NZS1680.2.5 for general health care applications
Anyone had experience in its use?
At $1000 for each light unit, that’s a very expensive ceiling light.
I was curious about NSW rail workers’ wages.
A railway cleaner and a graduate teacher earn nearly as much as a FIFO miner. THEY work long shifts in harsh conditions and the travel home for the week off is in their own time. A miner with family in Townsville but working near Newman has to fly to Perth, then the Red Eye to Cairns and then another leg south.
Can anyone see why we are so short of skilled workers? You sit on the dole ’til you can wrangle a job in rail, education or shipping. Too easy.
And another thing: The miner will likely work 168 hrs in a 3 wk rotation.
Always Look on the Bright Side of Life – North Korean Edition
Some truly bad Kim Cheese
Thx Old Ossie,
These critters not self possessed but possessed.
Hope all you denizens have read Karl Popper’s “Open Society and
It’s Enemies,’relevant today as in World War Two.
German farmers also rise up. Ministry of Agriculture in Stuttgart besieged. Protests are underway in dozens of German cities.
Via Martin A.:
Britain is without a leader right now after Johnson has thoroughly pushed the British economy over the edge. The close of August was very weak. Even Putin sent three warships into the Irish Sea as a warning after Johnson’s stupid remarks that they would use nuclear weapons outside of NATO against Moscow.
The sun is setting this time on the British Empire.
People have to realize that the old theories no longer work. We are in a new age where nations are self-destructing in what perhaps history will call the Cultural Revolution of the West that will destroy society the same as took place in both Russia and China.
Like I said days ago that some disagreed with, the UK is only too happy to start WW3.
Even Marty agrees…
A mass exodus from Britain looming perhaps?
Perhaps they can all move to where all their mass-immigrants/refugees came from. There is no doubt room…
Europe has a collective death wish it seems. People may not be aware, but the Russians have some serious tech the west doesn’t. Additionally, the Russians appear to believe they are fighting to keep western values out of their country US embassies apparently fly rainbow flags ), as they appear convinced the west wants to crush Russia.
So it may not end well for the West. Russia is also a heavily Christian nation, whereas the West appears to have turned its back on God…if you know your scripture, this only ends one way unless the West gets its self together and turns back to God.
If you look at the Roe vs Wade overturning and other pro-conservative court desicions, you will notice the far left Whitehouse has immediately lept back into the moral abyss, which can only bring God’s judgement.
Like it or not, IMHO this is a spiritual fight, but people don’t seem to have noticed that part of the Judgement is being ruled over by those who appear to be insane reprobates.
My words are harsh, but we are in dire times….
I said before: Any PM that assures his enemy that he would never, under any circumstances, use his/her nuclear weapons is a traitor. The only shade of grey allowable is the guarantee that they would never be used preemptively. But a man like Putin would not believe such a pledge because he knows any such pledge he could make would be crap.
We are not supposed to post comments from Socrates Private Blog as it is paid for.
It was nonsense a couple of days ago when you said Britain was happy to start WW3 and it is nonsense now. Why do you believe that complete rubbish? Why would we want to start a nuclear war?
Zelensky & cohorts steal it all. ….And it’s gone!
Stupid western governments…
And if the US drains it’s arms and munitions by sending to Ukraine, it makes the USA vulnerable to a pearl harbour style attack by China on Guam.
Au contraire. By draining Russia’s armoury and humbling them on the battlefield, the “Allies” will send a strong message to China that they don’t have the overwhelming power needed for an amphibious invasion.
I refer you to the D Day landings. Possibly the most amazing assembly of men and machines ever, and they still had problems on Omaha beach. By then the yanks had learned a lot about amphibious assault. When did China last flex their muscles against a strong opponent? [The sticks and stones skirmish with India is noted]
Point of order – Russia builds its own arms, whereas the US has to import a lot of tech components from a now unfriendly China to build its tech, like Javelin rockets.
Its a slow burn. Lets not forget that if China can get the USA and Russia to destroy each other, we get “Emporer Zing” as the last man standing. Given it seems a lot of the US govt agencies are already heavily CCP infiltrated and run, a direct invasion by China on the CONUS would make sense, and it appears there are many CCP Collaborators inside the USA On the CCPs payroll who would likely detonate internal nukes to weaken the US residents resolve China wants the USA for its farmland, they dont want a radioactive wasteland.
So China appears to have engineered the whole thing. And once they take Tiawan, they control chips for 70% of the worlds device manufacturing. I dont think China will flatten Taiwan, they need the chip plant too much.
Sure, they can build WWII tanks without western technology. But a lot of them were built in Ukraine anyway.
At some stage its got be used and refreshed
Agree totally. Sending £billions, arms and munitions thousands of miles to Ukraine to prolonged a war is not the answer, while pensioners at home are freezing to death in the UK because they couldn’t afford their energy bills. Thanks to green energy people don’t realise it is the very reason why wars started.
If WE don’t do it now it will be 1939 all over again.
Think about it! This is the “kinder” face of WWIII, the one that doesn’t involve mushroom clouds.
During WWII Ford’s Willow Run plant delivered a brand new B24 every 24 mins. A beleaguered Germany churned out over 1,000 submarines. The yanks could make Liberty Ships faster than anyone could sink them. Low tech artillery rounds were never in short supply over years and Germany never had a shortage of ack ack guns or ammunition. It was a low tech war and literally a manufacturing contest the US won convincingly EVENTUALLY.
Such a global war today CANNOT happen, even bullets are no longer cheap and the cost of everything else increases exponentially. A properly equipped infantryman today costs thousands to equip, and the supply time is no longer seconds or minutes but days, months, maybe many months. As I said this is no way to fight an old fashioned world war.
Wars that end in an Armistice never really end. The Great War [The war to end all wars they thought] erupted again within the same soldiers’ lifetimes. The Korean War is “pending”. The Vietnam war was a US defeat so the country has put that pain behind them.
I am not a war monger, but the war is happening and must be concluded on the battlefield. The west must ensure that the conclusion is favourable to our interst.
Its simpler than that – the Elite appear to want 90% reduction of humanity to appease their deranged climate “gods”. Better to starve people and not pollute things with bombs and nukes, just dig big holes…..
There has been what appears both a deliberate shutdown of fertilizer production and removal of energy supplies, which together is a recipe for death, especially if we are going into 10+ years of extra cold winters.
Pubs hundreds of years old survived the viking raid, The Black death, WW1 and 2. Now 75% face permanent closure thanks to high energy bills in the UK. Another devastating side effect down to the ‘Callous green agenda’
Pubs use to represent a national heritage, a heart of our community wiped out.
Bit older than hundreds of years if they are fending of Vikings in the front bar, but I get your point. Yes the depth of “pub culture” is often not well understood by us furriners.
You Have to Buy an Electric Car That You Can’t Charge
German Minister for External Affairs Baerbock (Green) about her voters and Ukraine:
Nice, isn’t-it ?
‘I Don’t Care What These Blue-Haired Freaks Say!’: Mark Robinson Goes Scorched Earth On Woke Left
Here we go again, Argentina, it’s not covid.
“Grounded Lithium, Part 3: Lithium prices have tripled in a year, so now what?”
And a reminder of the odds in the “Handicap Stakes”
This is interesting. While the Liechtenstein parliament were discussing earthquake insurance, there were two earthquakes. Too spooky for humans. After the second earthquake the meeting was adjured.
Earthquake rocks Liechtenstein Parliament, Sept 1, 2022
Same problem in Australia. Spooky earthquake in region that does not experience earthquakes.
There has been a roughly ten-fold increase in small earthquakes all over the planet, including regions where there has been no recorded record of earthquakes. The scientific community is not discussing the sudden change. The increase in earthquakes is physically related to the sudden increase in natural, natural gas explosions.
Azerbaijan mud volcano triggers huge blast in Caspian oil and gas fields, 4 July 2021
The blast took place about 10km (6 miles) from the Umid gas field, which is 75km (45 miles) off the coast of Azerbaijan’s capital Baku, state oil company Socar spokesman Ibrahim Ahmadoc said.
This is a video of the Azerbaijan explosion. The same explosion mechanism is occurring Siberia.
There has been in the last decade the occurrence of natural gas explosions in Siberia. The official ‘explanation’ is sudden warming 200 hundred feet under the ground. That explanation ignores the fact that Siberia is now because of the change in the location of the north geomagnetic pole (the geomagnetic north pole has moved from Canada to Russia increasing its speed of movement by a factor of ten starting in the mid 1990s), experiencing record cold winters.
What Caused Recent Acceleration of the North Magnetic Pole Drift?
Why Are Siberian Temperatures Plummeting While the Arctic Warms?
The mystery of Siberia’s exploding craters
The Geek in Pictures:
Another round of “Yamal: one tree to save them all” from Steve McIntyre
“Steven McIntyre vs. the Spawn of Yamal”
And comments
The ABC is, or so it says, fact-checking:
ABC fact check logic needs a fact check:
Ie no-one died, in any age group, as a consequence of being vaccinated.
The proportion of people vaccinated over the course of the epidemic steadily increased. The total losses also steadily increased. Is that really a negative correlation?
“So, Someone Thought This Was A Good Idea”
And “Pedohitler” is trending on Twitter