A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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I do like these weekend threads………….
That’s a week comment.
Here’s something you’ll never forget…
Or unsee as Canadian tries to Americanize itself…
Since the AGW hypothesis is wrong, or at least wildly too hot, try the Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis.
Judith Curry is usually such a voice in the wilderness, but there is just so much wrong with the Meridional part. It seems to be written to justify basing all the computer modelling on the atmosphere, not the two known drivers of climate, the sun and the major deep ocean currents. The first is undeniable. We get it twice a day, every day of our lives, dramatic climate change. And there is admission that 99.9% of all the thermal energy in the ‘biosphere’ is in the deep oceans.
It reads like a series of propositions. From just one paragraph..
From a thermodynamic point of view, the main feature of Earth’s climate is the transport of energy. OK.
Energy transport is the cause of all weather. Ok
Most of the solar energy that is not reflected is stored in the oceans, where most of the climate system energy resides. Good.
But the oceans are not good at transporting energy. Rubbish. Oceans rotate, CW and CCW, like winds. And the energy goes with them.
Differences in water temperature tend to cause vertical movements through altered buoyancy, not lateral movements, Rubbish. That is true for air where hot air can be half the density of cold air, driving violent updrafts. It’s how Hot Air balloons work. And Tornadoes form. Water does not change density noticeably with temperature. And the list of long distance currents is very long. Like the Humboldt Current. And water is turned by continents. It happens with air and mountain ranges, why not water?
and the oceans are temperature stratified, seriously limiting vertical energy transport. No. This contradicts the previous assertion that changes in density with temperature drive vertical currents.
Most of the energy in the climate system is transported by the atmosphere, This is the point of the article, the really ridiculous self justification. Try the Gulf Stream, which is not an air current.
and even a great part of the energy transported by surface ocean currents is wind driven, So the Gulf stream is wind driven?
as ocean circulation is primarily not thermally, but mechanically driven. Yes, Coriolus forces, as in the atmosphere. The world spins one way and the water goes the other way but runs into land. But how are these the currents which previously a) did not exist and b) were only wind driven become real and mechanically driven.
This stuff is not only made up science, it is self contradictory multiple times in one paragraph.
The Gulf Stream alone proves this all this wrong.
“How deep is the Gulf Stream current?
As a western boundary current , the Gulf Stream experiences western intensification , making the current narrow (50-100 km wide), deep (to depths of 1.5 km) and fast. With an average speed of 6.4 km/hr, and a maximum speed of about 9 km/hr, it is the fastest current in the world ocean.” And it is not wind driven, crosses the Atlantic like huge river 50km wide and a massive 1.5km deep and warms Western Europe where it brings both heat and rain and controls the climate of many countries. That’s lot of hot water at 9km an hour!
Interesting stuff.
I agree with your criticisms TdeF.
The major transporter of heat from the tropics to the high latitudes is ocean currents. I do not understand how Judith Curry could suggest otherwise.
The article is by
Javier Vinós & Andy May
“On the other hand, I think I can safely say that nobody understands climate change.” J. Vinós, paraphrasing Richard Feynman’s words about quantum mechanics.
I cannot believe Judith Curry has read it.
I went straight for section (v).
It should have been obvious this was trash science. Quantum mechanics is over 100 years old and well understood. Nobel Prize winner Max Born was Olivia Newton John’s grandfather. As a Jew born in Poland, I have no idea why he is considered a German Physicist. At least Einstein was born in Germany.
It is the height of arrogance to open a science article by comparing yourself with great physicists and worse in not understanding anything. Who opens with self aggrandizement?
Man made Climate Change is fact free non science. Sure Climates Change, but you cannot predict anything if you do not understand that ocean currents transfer energy. Vinos disagrees. No wonder he doesn’t understand anything, but to put Climate Change on a pedestal with Quantum mechanics is a clue.
It was never about climate or temperature. It has always been about communists killing the West. They have almost succeeded but they have gone too far too fast and their hubris will be their undoing.
Its written by Javier and Andy May. Judith does not always agree with those who co0ntribute article. I have been waiting for the long series to conclude before reading it.
Still, we do know that taking concerted action does work as we saw with the Ozone hole
Oh wait! It seems to be just as big as ever. Peak hole is usually a few days into October. But if they were apparently wrong with the ozone hole it surely can’t possibly mean they might be wrong about CO2?
Reminds me of my doctor when he told me I had an almost incurable disease. The good news is that two out of three patients die. You’re my third patient; my previous two patients both died, so you’re guaranteed to live.
Good. Like two up. If you get heads, the next one must be tails. But really 33% survival rate is not ‘almost incurable’. It’s not far from two up odds.
AGL shares down to $6.64.
How low can they go?
Will the Canadians be back with another takeover bid?
Why are they down?
Isn’t AGL a large subsidy harvester?
The whole market is going down. AGL is ripe for the plucking.
The fruits of Cannon-Brooks genius move against the previous management.
Interesting Poster from NYC –
How many sheeple are about to wake up the hard way?
A very good poster!
“Trump won and you know it”
The Dems know it too.
That’s why they have weaponized the Justice Department and corporate media against him.
Powerful and scary, but a ploy of utter weakness.
Success or failure, the landscape is torched.
A black hole has formed at the intersection of Climate Change, Russian Collusion, and Pandemic highway.
The role of MRNS-LNP’s in inflammatory outcomes and immune issues. Paper in pre-print.
We bring experimental evidence that pre-exposure to mRNA-LNPs or its LNP
component affects innate and adaptive immune responses. Pre-exposure to mRNAavailable under aCC-BY 4.0 International license.
(which was not certified by peer review) is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made
bioRxiv preprint doi:; this version posted August 20, 2022. The copyright holder for this preprint
LNPs led to long-term inhibition of the adaptive immune responses, which the use of
adjuvants could overcome. On the other hand, we report that after pre-exposure to
mRNA-LNPs, the resistance of mice to heterologous infections with influenza virus
increased while Candida albicans decreased. We also detected a general neutropenia
in the mRNA-LNP exposed mice. Interestingly, mice pre-exposed to mRNA-LNPs can
pass down the acquired immune traits to their offspring. In summary, the mRNA-LNP
vaccine platform induces long-term immunological changes that can affect both
adaptive immune responses and heterologous protection against infections, some of
which can be inherited by the offspring. More studies are needed to understand the
mechanisms responsible for these effects and determine this platform’s impact on
human health.
Green tentacles would seem to reach deep into local shire offices.
Whilst on a morning bicycle ride along the esplanade here through a resolutely residential area one passes a house where they are running a plant-based cafe and vegan place out of their front yard and garage. Normally this type of home-based operation would be strictly verboten by zoning regulations in this upmarket type of an area. The front garden is completely covered with pumpkin and squash plants, and the nature strip is white gravel and two foot plus high clumps of silverbeet and swiss chard. No lawn and roses here!
A sign says cars are NOT to park on the driveway, but bicycles are very welcome. This cafe is not open everyday, but only occasionally. I sometimes see a ratty old Saab parked there, most likely the owners’ personal vehicle. Possibly the fact that the machine, like Greta Thunberg, was manufactured in green nirvana Sweden, makes this oil-burner OK.
I wonder if the Surf Coast Shire would approve an application from a neighbouring property to open a Fat Boys Meat’n’Burger Grill?
Somehow I think not!
And SAAB, just like Greta, is obsolete.
Do they serve seaweed with their meals – you know – to limit the future emissions of diners?
Greta stopped being Swedish before Greta was born. SAAB ceased to exist 11 years ago and had not made Swedish designed cars in Sweden for some time. More like Subarus in Germany at the Opel plant.
Short, and to the point….and a bit OT…
“Contra their sole purported purpose for existing, smart thermostats have been scientistically proven to INCREASE energy usage:”
“However, those thermostats were found to “fail to deliver the expected energy savings.”
“The researchers said, in their nearly 100-page report, those thermostats “actually increase electricity and gas consumption by 2.3% and 4.2%, respectively,” the report found. The report explained the problem was not necessarily one of usability. “In fact, researchers observed, nearly all users with the smart devices programmed them almost immediately, and many did so with energy savings in mind,” the report said.”
Greenland mass balance makes a comeback.
According to Tony Heller, Greenland has been gaining snow (ice) for years and it is more than balancing the loss from the calving glaciers. Is he wrong?
I think it best to look at the Danish Met website and reference their actual data, rather than attempts to plot the data in various ways.
Once upon a time that was true.
Now it’s all once upon a time.
Surely, accumulating ice at the top of a glacier and flowing downhill is the CAUSE of calving icebergs. The more ice the more calving. If the glaciers were reducing in extent, they would be RETREATING and subsequently, there would be less calving.
That’s good to show the difference between calving and retreating.
A great point.
Retreating is warming.
Calving is cooling.
Simple high school teachings. You’ll find commonsense in short, if not obsolete, supply in today’s brainwashing/schooling.
It’s not “common sense” that’s in short supply, it’s the understanding that ice is deformed plasticly under load: more ice deposited on top means that the ice below in contact with the earth has only one place to go; horizontally.
Ice going into the ocean is a sign of water deposition on the poles and a cooling planet!
The way Climate Alarmists put it, calving is a sign of warming, instead of being natural, eternal, necessary, unavoidable and common. And it does not imply melting but rather the force of gravity on vast amounts of ice pointing downhill. In Antarctica for example, the bulk of the continent the size of South America is 3.5Km high, solid ice. That has to be a problem when it finally meets the water.
This defies logic, but it might be true.
‘Weaker solar activity has a positive effect on Greenland temperature, so the solar influence is essentially the inverse of solar activity and shows as peaks during the LIA the Wolf, Sporer, and Maunder grand minima.’ (Javier / Climate Etc)
China. A coup or not?
Rumours have been swirling on Twitter/Reddit etc about a coup in China.
As of posting, there is ZERO evidence of this. There is a lot of circumstantial “evidence” but no real proof.
China being China methinks a coup is unlikely but there is something building and about to burst. Stay tuned!
Beijing mouthpiece China Daily don’t mention it, so the rumours might be true.
The signs are there for all to see.
Which one?
The one about the Scottish DJ not dying of SADS?
This lad is all over it!
The rumours have no foundation.
Ah! Believe nothing until it has been officially denied.
How do you know that? Things are still murky.
Should you say “unlikey” I would not object.
People a million miles [figuratively] from the centres of power who call others idiots for”believing” give me the Tom Tits.
you like these “its goona blow!!!!” stories dont you? 🙂
The primary source seems to be out of India. Unreliable.
A reshuffle at the upper levels of the CCP would leave the CCP still firmly in charge.
There is no democratic movement likely to gain power, true.
The military is gung-ho about taking back Taiwan so their T/O would be worse, but a more world-centric CCP is possible. China is clearly riding for a fall. Some may see that.
“If a military coup did occur, Beijing would be under martial law, with no flights allowed in and out.”
Oh rubbish! A coup merely needs to see who is getting on a plane so they can stop someone fleeing. Seeing tyrannical Govts all around the world examine airline passengers now, there is no reason to do anything differently in a coup than have suitable men in black at the aircraft entrance saying “Excuse me Sir, could you come with us”
An internal coup in China would be unnoticed by the West for weeks, until some new spokesman says the President has been changed.
US military bought mass monitoring tool that includes email and browsing data
Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) has revealed that the US Naval Investigative Service (NCIS) has a contract for “Augury” – a mass monitoring tool that reportedly covers 93% of the world’s internet traffic and provides access to petabytes of current and historical data.
The Senator wrote that public contracting records show that NCIS has a contract for Augury and that these records show that Augury provides access to network data “from over 550 collection points worldwide.” Wyden added that these records show Augury “is updated with at least 100 billion new records each day” and “confirm that Augury provides access to email data…and data about web browser activity.”
Cosive, a security company that claims its team are “experts at the setup and optimisation of Team Cymru Augury at organisations throughout Australia and New Zealand,” states that Augury gives “visibility into 93% of the internet traffic” and claims that Augury provides direct access to more than 50 different categories of data insights.
According to Motherboard, netflow data can be used to follow traffic through virtual private networks (VPNs) and show the server a user is ultimately connecting from. Motherboard claimed that Team Cymru obtains its netflow data from internet service providers (ISPs) and that this transfer of data is likely happening without the informed consent of the ISPs’ users.
So – your browsing, emails, passwords etc are all being logged, even for VPN’s and Darkweb activity.
Let me guess – it’s all to stop terrorism or some lame excuse. Well, they’ve been monitoring everyone for decades and it hasn’t stopped terrorism yet.
Mass surveillance is the equivalent of the “safe&effective” vaxx. The realities don’t match the claims.
If they read any of my emails then they would soon get very bored and p$ss off……………..
must be why my VPN access is slow sometimes, its got to route through this thing first
Quadruple Vaxxed Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla tests positive for COVID again
One user responded to Bourla, he said, “You’ve had Covid more times than many unvaccinated people. Is it possible that maybe… *just maybe* the boosters are weakening your immune system? I am no doctor or anything – I’m just a lawyer with half a brain.”
Another user said, “Again? We already know it’s not safe and thanks for once again confirming it’s not effective.”
Exactly. I have not been jabbed and still don’t know whether I have had the ‘Virus’ or not as I have never been tested. I do get the Common Cold every Winter and sometimes in Summer too.
How’s your sense of smell?
I haven’t had the fake vaxx or been tested. Never will. Couldn’t care less.
If anything my sense of smell has improved.
I used to suffer badly from throat infections at the hint of winter. Now, I wouldn’t get one if a flu infected person coughed all over me, and they have. Literally. Strange…
My sense of smell is never better. I can smell BS from a mile off…………………….
Hope he doesn’t have any strenuous pastimes. If he does he might consider taking it a bit easy.
I like how your handle is spelt ‘so pray’ backwards. So cute………………
actually its a small town in Turkey
Spain’s Council of Tarrasa launches a “Drag and Transvestism” workshop for children age 6.
Or this, Spain’s MINISTER for diversity, suggesting children can have sex with who they want:
Are you old enough to stand up and sing along with Sesame Street?
Yes? Then it’s time to be introduced to gay sex, 200 imaginary genders, drugs, reassignment surgery, bondage and safe words.
Pedophilia and child trafficking is massively entrenched into Hollywood, Disney, schools, 3rd world humanitarian aid, and especially governments around the world for decades; anywhere where easy access to children is allowed.
How is this allowed to happen?
Is half the planet sick?
Time to rewrite the rulebook!
“People Don’t Want Their Children Sexualized!” – HUNDREDS of Parents and Students Protest Depraved Trans Teacher with Massive Fake Boobs and Nipples at Oakville Trafalgar High School
On Friday HUNDREDS of Parents, students, and concerned citizens turned out to protest the depravity in the name of inclusivity outside Oakville Trafalgar High School.
Yup. Depravity. Roman games 2022 version.
The anti Pro-Life movement strikes again
For those interested in vintage steam and other internal and external combustion engines the next Lake Goldsmith Steam Rally is on Oct 29 and 30th 2022.
It is about 2 hrs drive from Melbournistan.
A heretic convention?
Are these engines powered by wind and solar?
I think not!
What’s Greta’s number…
Sadly, the drive up to the Steam Rally site has been shockingly visually polluted by Australia’s largest wind subsidy farm with 149 windmills called the Stockyard Hill Wind Farm. Owned by the Chinese, of course.
I have a video of a small part of the eyesore here:
Here is a video I made of one of the steam powered machines, a 1903 Bucyrus 65 ton rail mounted steam shovel. It is the only preserved and workung one left in the world. Try running that with a windmill!
Steam, if only the commercial sailing ship owners had thought of buying steam tug boats as back up for when the wind didn’t blow.
True.. Just like ruinables, you would need a tugboat for every steam ship, following along behind to take it in tow when the wind dropped.
Maybe they could put a subsidy farm at RAAF Base Ballarat. I did my trade training there and remember it as cold, windswept, where no one would go voluntarily so no one would notice it.
We were mainly Queenslanders and it snowed one morning. Class suspended.
ps I was not referring to the town. They were friendly to us.
Love it. I helped with the manufacture of the 6,000 tonne models in the 1980s at Evans Deakin in Coopers Plains, Brisbane. Huge walking monsters with buckets which could lift a house. Not steam though but still Bucyrus. They never stopped pushing the limits.
Bucyrus is now part of Caterpillar IIRC.
And the Armstrong Holland dozer blades in IH machines were license built Bucyrus
Steam technology experts Olds Engineering in Maryborough Queensland have built steam railway engines, boats, road vehicles and others steam powered since I think late 1800s or early 1900s.
Olds family in the USA were Oldsmobile and REO (R.E.Olds).
The Maryborugh factory rebuilt a Doble steam car engine during the late 1990s, former Robert Holmes a Court collection auction sale vehicle.
The REO Speedwagon was a fire truck wasn’t it? Spawned a pop group.
A truck. Father and uncle had a 1932 one
‘Untethered’ Air Force general: ‘When you kill your enemy, every part of your life is better’. Your food tastes better. Your marriage is stronger.
An aerospace industry conference took on more of a tent revival feel on Wednesday when an Air Force general took the stage and sought to fire the audience up about the existential threat he said China posed to the American way of life and the urgent work needed to defeat it.
“I’m untethered as of now,” said Gen. Mike Minihan, the head of Air Mobility Command, in his keynote address at the Air & Space Forces Association’s Air Space & Cyber Conference at National Harbor, Maryland. “I do have something to say. I can’t see the clock, I’m going to go ‘till I go. I’m finally that rank.”
The general’s speech was titled ‘The Mobility Manifesto,’ and he turned up the volume as high as the title implies.
The baby-boomer loony left US military and demonrats are the driving force in endless wars and warmongering.
Let’s hope the vaxxes do their work on them first. Gen x&y will replace them but will be too busy buying pink handbags to start wars.
Must be time for a remake of Dr Strangelove. Wouldnt Peter Sellers have a field day to day?
Personal details of nearly 10 million Optus customers are leaked in one of Australia’s biggest cyber attacks ever – here’s what the hackers know about YOU
Close to 10 million Optus customers have been urged to check their accounts after their personal details were stolen in what is believed to be one of the biggest cyber attacks in Australian history.
Hackers stole 2.8 million customers’ passport and drivers licence numbers, email and home addresses, dates of birth and telephone numbers after reportedly exploiting a weakness in the company’s firewall.
The remaining seven million had their dates of birth, email addresses and phone numbers stolen.
Optus chief executive Kelly Rosmarin says the company is working with the Australian Federal Police to investigate the attack.
So, you are in the IT business and specifically in the comms business and you cant or dont protect yourself. Doesn’t really bode well for everyone else does it?
Industry gossip says that they were testing updated security(!?) but did it on a test network with poorly configured Internet access. If true the irony is a bit special.
If its anything like my experience , management can say what they like about security but it is enacted at the coal face. Unless those people believe , and their management believe and they are supported with the appropriate systems and tools then top level management statements are pure frog$h1t.
1. 0days. Nothing’s perfect.
2. If it’s designed by humans, it can be cracked/hacked by humans.
Imagine if the banking system or eftpos was taken down instead of a telco hack. Total chaos.
Don’t live life in condition green (complacent).
Live in yellow – Alert, switched on, prepared but not hyper (red).
In the blink of an eye complacency can turn to panic for the switched off, and that’ll be most people.
As Chiefio has experienced – security is on-going and costs money. Therefore a drag on bonus-hungry executives and to be gotten rid of as soon as possible.
“ So – your browsing, emails, passwords etc are all being logged, even for VPN’s and Darkweb activity.”
“Hackers stole 2.8 million customers’ passport and drivers licence numbers, email and home addresses, dates of birth and telephone numbers a”
I’m struggling to see the difference…
The globalitarians had great fun changing our behavior with Covid. Bill Gates hasn’t stopped giggling since March 2020. Climate change of course is the ongoing globalitarian project par excellence. The Rocker Fellers started it in 1968. Can’t have cheap energy for the masses. Energy must stay scarce and expensive. Cold fusion, Tesla (the man not the car) and free energy? Shhhh…. don’t tell anyone about it.
The Caspian region contains an estimated 627 billion barrels in oil reserves. Let’s make sure it stays off the market, at least for a few decades. London real estate can’t absorb any more Kazakh billionaires. And how would a Saudi sheik afford a new Lamborghini Aventador with $30 oil?
Have a heart, folks. Got to recycle the petrodollars into the money centre banks.
When conventional generatibg plant is rated it is always rated in terms of it dispatchable power.
So too, should wind plant, all of which has a dispatchable power of zero.
The answer is more of them of course, ask Minister Chris Bowen.
No one understands “dispatchable power” but “Powers XX,000 homes” is understandable. The fact that the first is real horses, the second is phairy pharts is lost in translation.
Renewables could powers XXX,000 homes at midday but no-one wants it.
Renewables only powers X,000 at evening peak when it is needed.
Sad but true.
Reebok’s new footwear.
Hail Satan! Also good for climbing fences and certain camel analogies 😆
My Bright Yellow Crocs are no longer the world’s worst footwear!
Footwear specifically designed for extreme vegetarians.
But did you have “Croc Pox” by the end of summer?
Is that a 2/3 or a 1/4 setup?
I have several pair of footwear that separate the big toe from the other toes….
Did a famous doctor’s Covid vaxx make his cancer worse?
Michel Goldman, a Belgian immunologist and one of Europe’s best-known champions of medical research, walked into a clinic near his house, rolled up his sleeve, and had a booster shot delivered to his arm. He knew he’d need it more than most.
Just a few weeks earlier, Michel, 67, had been to see his younger brother, Serge, the head of nuclear medicine at the hospital of the Université Libre de Bruxelles, where both men are professors. Michel was having night sweats, and he could feel swollen lymph nodes in his neck, so his brother brought him in for a full-body CT scan. When the images came through to Serge’s computer they revealed a smattering of inky spots, bunched near Michel’s left armpit and running up along his neck. It was cancer of the immune system—lymphoma.
Having received two doses of Pfizer the prior spring, Michel quickly went to get his third. If he was about to spend months absorbing poison as he tried to beat a deadly cancer, at least he’d have the most protection possible from the pandemic.
Within a few days, though, Michel was somehow feeling even worse.
The pictures showed a brand-new barrage of cancer lesions—so many spots that it looked like someone had set off fireworks inside Michel’s body. More than that, the lesions were now prominent on both sides of the body, with new clusters blooming in Michel’s right armpit in particular, and along the right side of his neck.
In 2018, a team of researchers based at Columbia University’s Institute for Cancer Genetics had published an intriguing study using mice with a pair of gene mutations that, when they co-occur, predispose T cells to go rogue. (Michel’s tumor, which had been sequenced by this point, showed the same two mutations.) When these mice were injected with sheep red-blood cells—as an experimental stand-in for invading microbes—the animals developed the subtype of lymphoma that was diagnosed in Michel.
See the scans in the article!
Say after me – safe and effective.
From cancelled flights to Xi’s absence at a PLA meeting, is the rumor of a military coup true?
See #8 above.
Would be an interesting situation, add President Putin
It has exercised my mind thinking about the economic ramifications, especially for China, of a world trade restriction and impact, a major problem for regimes as money supply runs short.
“Would be an interesting situation, add President Putin”
Yes, wouldn’t the Yanks love to pull China away from Russia right now! Maybe the Yanks had a hand in it, although causing trouble in China is much harder than in Hong Kong. ..or maybe some members of the PLA thought Xi was being too docile in his help for Russia to stop American expansion and they want someone more hawkish…
We do live in interesting times!
Sunday entertainment. Did you know?
You’re more likely to get a computer virus from visiting religious sites than porn sites.
According to research from security firm Symantec, religious websites carry three times more malware threats than pornography sites. Symantec found that the average number of security threats on religious sites was around 115, compared to adult content sites which carried around 25. In fact, only 2.4 percent of adult sites were infected with malware. The researchers hypothesized that’s because porn sites need to generate a profit, so there’s a financial incentive to keeping them virus-free to encourage repeat business.
I guess Jesus doesn’t save you after all. 😆
There’s a company that turns dead bodies into an ocean reef.
The company Eternal Reefs offers an innovative solution. It mixes the cremated remains of a person with concrete to create a “pearl” onto which loved ones can etch personal messages, handprints or (environmentally friendly) mementos. The pearl is then encased in a “reef ball” that is dropped into the sea, where it provides a new habitat for fish and other sea life, helping encourage a vibrant ecosystem.
What’s wrong with the old-fashioned concrete overshoes? Great for politicians and health experts!
Pigs don’t sweat.
If someone tells you they’re “sweating like a pig” you might want to point out to them (if you’re that sort of person) that if they were being biologically accurate, that would mean they were not sweating at all. Swine are born without sweat glands, so when they need to cool off, their only option tends to be to find a cool puddle of mud in which they can roll around.
New saying – sweating like a government health expert at the Nuremberg Trials II 😆
Spider webs were used as bandages in ancient times.
In ancient Greece and Rome, doctors used spider webs to make bandages for their patients. Spider webs supposedly have natural antiseptic and anti-fungal properties, which can help keep wounds clean and prevent infection. It’s also said that spider webs are rich in vitamin K, which helps promote clotting.
Just be sure to remove that hairy black 6″ spider first!
Scientists warn that in 6 months we will have run out of things to call racist and blame on white people.
A group of vegan activists told me that people who sell meat are gross.
I told them people who sell fruit & veg are grocer.
Ex-bartender AOC is now an animal activist and is complaining about turtle neck sweaters.
Irish animal rights activists have broken into a turkey farm.
They say they are going to release thousands of turkeys into the wild…
as soon as they’ve defrosted.
Could someone please tell me why people are comparing Greta Thunberg with the US president?
It’s impudent and just wrong. One is an angry, attention-seeking child that yells at foreign leaders on international conferences and never does anything that actually helps.
The other one is a Swedish climate activist.
I robbed a politician last week.
I said “Give me all your money!”
He said “Don’t you recognise me? I’m a politician!”
I said “ok, give me all my money”
Never forget the two unwritten rules of life:
You need a “badda boom tish!!”
This is the best I could do (with 30 seconds effort)
Mexico earthquake triggers ‘desert tsunami’ 1,500 miles away in Death Valley cave
About five minutes after the 7.6 magnitude earthquake hit near Mexico’s southwest coast Monday, typically calm water deep in a Death Valley National Park cave started sloshing against the surrounding limestone rock.
The reverberations from the earthquake more than 1,500 miles away created what experts have called a “desert tsunami,” which on Monday made waves erupt up to 4 feet high in the cave known as Devils Hole, a pool of water about 10 feet wide, 70 feet long and more than 500 feet deep, in Amargosa Valley, Nev.
The water in the partially filled cave has become an “unusual indicator of seismic activity” across the world, with earthquakes across the globe — as far as Japan, Indonesia and Chile — causing the water to splash up Devils Hole, according to the National Park Service website.
VIDEO: This guy has a project to make electricity from burning wood in a steam engine.
A lot of Australians might soon find themselves wanting to do this except firewood collection has actually been banned in many places such as in Vicdanistan. You won’t even be able to use a steam engine when they destroy the electricity grid.
No it hasn’t. The spring 2022 firewood collection season is now open in Victoria.
There is no place on mainland Australia where it would not be easier and cheaper to use solar panels and battery for electricity than building a steam engine running on wood. And what could go wrong with wood fired boiler of questionable design operating a steam engine that came out of the arc. He twiddled with something like 15 valves and knobs to get it to even work. Then there are issues like guard and other safety devices that are likely missing.
Wood is very good store of energy but converting heat to electricity is a messy business compared with solar panels. It is best done at scale in a well engineered power station.
I’ve seen vid of a bush-african arrangement in which the generator was running on a toyota landcruiser engine powered by a wood-gas generator.
Allegedly, it had been running for a considerable period, and it was far cheaper the employ a few “boys” to stock up the woodpile, than truck petrol in.
Mother Earth did it in the 1980’S there are plans and links to more:
We don’t need to worry DM.
The presenters on youtube are way behind in what is available today.
It is fortunate that Ch1n@ has all the bases covered for our future energy supply.
FYI, not only do they sell solar panels and wind turbines, they also sell steam electricity generators.
If you need a home power backup for future blackouts, you can buy an “Industrial Steam Turbine Generator for Electricity Generation”.
You don’t need wood or fossil fuels, it is powered by solar panels and has a 1000kv ouput.
The generator is priced at US $150,000. Plus a little extra for the solar panels.
So cost is around 7-8 Teslas or so.
The problem is solved.
David, I hope I helped to allay your fears, I am sure that our future is in safe hands.
Diana West who exposed FDR’s role in WW2 learns biology:
A very interesting interview wuth Aldous Huxley from 1958:
The future is now
Isn’t it a bit easier nowadays to ascertain truth?
Whatever the governments and their media sycophants are trying to censor … is the truth?
What they deem disinformation is information.
The doctors and scientists that have been forced to resign are free to speak honestly.
Nearly axiomatic that the official interpretation of anything is propaganda.
Conspiracy theories, more often than not, are breaking news.
They could really turn over the apple cart by deciding to be truthful, but I doubt they are capable of doing so.
If they stop being obvious, we could be in trouble.
Take the time to listen: “The De-Population Bomb”
They speak mostly about USA but the same dynamics are affecting most countries.
Apologies, if anyone has already posted this.
Andrew Huff: “I attest that EcoHealth Alliance developed SARS-COV2 and is responsible for the development of the agent SARS-COV2 during my employment at the organization.” (See below.)
Donald Trump, Senator Ron Johnson, Senator Rand Paul, Rep. Jim Jordan, and others were right. As early as late April or early May of 2020 former President Trump spoke of the creation of SARS-COV2 in a lab in Wuhan, China. Since that time both the investigation and the cover-up have continued but the evidence provided herein clearly demonstrate that SARS-COV2 was indeed created in a lab in Wuhan China by EcoHealth Alliance and with funding from Anthony Fauci’s NIH/NIAID. …
Anthony Fauci and others coordinated to cover-up the funding of the Gain-of-Function work that resulted in SARS-COV2. …
The story of SARS-CoV-2 involves many government officials and agencies; academic research centers and research centers; and funding sources. We will discuss many of them here, but have determined that only a few bare most of the responsibility for SARS-CoV-2, and this document focuses on these individuals and organizations:
• Peter Daszak and his organization EcoHealth Alliance,
• Anthony Fauci, head of The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
• Shi Zhengli, Chinese virologist who headed the Center for Emerging Infectious
Diseases at the Wuhan Institute of Virology,
• Ralph Baric, Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and the Department of
Microbiology and Immunology at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. ..
Dr. Huff has personal knowledge and documents related to the origin of COVID-19 and has shared both with Renz Law. His personal declaration is included in this document as evidence to support many assertions we make. …
From the Declaration by Andrew Huff Ph.D., Former Employee of EcoHealth Alliance
After being promoted to Vice President of EcoHealth Alliance, Dr. Huff had access to information about the organization’s finances. He learned that EcoHealth was heavily dependent on government contracts to remain solvent and that cash flow was often tight. He also observed first-hand that EcoHealth engaged in minor fraud by overbilling time on contracts and double- dipping on some contracts between government agencies and provide donors.
Dr. Huff was routinely involved in meetings and informal discussions during which gain-of- function research was discussed.
During direct participation in the USAID PREDICT program, Dr. Huff saw first-hand that EcoHealth failed to pay adequate attention to biosafety, biosecurity, and risk management. The organization did not perform proper oversight of foreign laboratories at which research funded by EcoHealth took place. Dr. Huff expressed his concerns regularly and they were routinely dismissed by Daszak and other EcoHealth staff.
Dr. Huff met Dr. Shi Zhengli and Dr. Ralph Baric and attended presentations at which they discussed their work on the design and engineering of SARS-CoV-2 and the use of humanized mice in their experiments.
Dr. Huff was involved in the creation of a slide deck presented to In-Q-Tel which included the use of USAID PREDICT funding to collect coronavirus samples from bats all over the world, to analyze these viruses to identify their most dangerous features to humans, and then create chimeras to test on humanized mice. …
In late 2014, I was asked to review (provide edits, comments, and feedback) on a research proposal that was in preparation to be submitted to the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute for Allergens and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) to conduct Gain of Function research and development with numerous partners including the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which was supported by Dr. Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina (UNC). Reference: File name “CoV as submitted” titles “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence” Dr. Huff’s documents retained from his employment at EcoHealth Alliance.
o I attest that I reviewed the proposal that was submitted to NIH which detailed the gain of function virology work that was being conducted to create the agent known as SARS-COV2, which causes the disease known as COVID-19.
o I attest that the proposal clearly stated that the gain of function work on SARS- COV2 was already underway in China, prior to October 2014, at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), with the support of USAID in collaboration with EcoHealth Alliance and EcoHealth Alliance’s partners and sponsors. …
o I attest that EcoHealth Alliance developed SARS-COV2 and is responsible for the development of the agent SARS-COV2 during my employment at the organization. …
[P. 53:] • Gain of function research is a highly contentious topic in my scientific area of expertise. Those who are for it make the argument that if you can identify a high-risk pathogen, and then engineer the pathogen in the laboratory to increase its transmissibility, infectivity, pathogenicity, or virulence, then you can develop medical countermeasures to prevent the spread of disease, if an outbreak of a naturally evolving agent were to occur. I believe this logic to be inherently flawed because it is naïve to think that humans can modify or engineer a naturally occurring pathogen that would evolve similar to the way infectious agents naturally evolve. Typically, Gain of Function research (via selection of rare traits or genetic manipulation or engineering of the agent) undergoes thousands of years of unnatural evolution (decided by humans not by nature) in a laboratory in a matter of days weeks or months. This is akin to predicting the future, with the likelihood of success decreasing in every timestep. …
[57-page PDF]
Candid camera conformity experiment;
Think about this in terms of the climate wars.
We need safe steam boilers to drive generators
Izzy goes to Fiji.
“Safe and Effective®”
Links to
” Such a swift progression for lymphoma in just three weeks was highly unusual…”
And comments
“RIP Dr. Tim Ball, Climate Realist”
Global warmists silencing their critics..
“Aussie Climate Minister Celebrates the Signing a Letter of Intent”
Conclusion –
“I think a more accurate description of events is Aussie Energy and Climate Minister Chris Bowen breezed into town, got a photo opportunity with Kerry, then made a lot of vague statements about all the progress he’s making securing investment for Australia’s green future.
I doubt anybody in the USA is remotely interested in buying Australian green hydrogen exports. The USA already has its own large scale green hydrogen projects.”
Jet stream directs Fiona to Canada.
“Sunday Talks, Neil Oliver – Those with Trumpets are Not Going to be Silent in the Fight Against Tyranny and Nihilistic Collectivism
September 25, 2022 | Sundance | 9 Comments”
““Joe Biden’s” Last Stand”
“Not to put too fine a point on it: the sh!t has already hit the fan. We are where we were going. If you truly believe those 2020 national election results, then this is what you voted for, America. Feeling any buyer’s remorse yet? Got the feeling that something must be done? Okay then, what?”*-nation/joe-bidens-last-stand/
Understanding climate means admitting that clouds are anti-gravity.