A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Man tracks down the Dr that gave one of his family members the covid vaccine and they died after taking it.
The violence of the man was not warranted although his anger was understandable.
The doctor will claim he was “just following orders”.
In fairness to the doctor, in places like Australia and many other Western countries, doctors would have been, and actually were, and even would be today, deregistered if they expressed independent thoughts and were critical of the covid vaccines or advocated antivirals such as HCQ or IVM (which were banned for COVID prophylaxis or treatment in Australia in any case).
Obsolete vaccines designed for the alpha strain are still being forced upon people. These seem mostly or wholly ineffective against the dominant omicron strains (but make up your own mind).
The Australian Government bought enough doses of the vaccine for ten doses for every man woman and child. Most people have been injected three times so just another seven to go….
They are still being forced upon people as you say, but they’re worse than ineffective.
Will we ever, ever know how many lives might have been saved if Ivermectin had been made freely available, and how many dollars?
Dr Blaylock called it mass murder, and put the number at 80% 0f the 800,000 who had died in the US at the time of his writing.
That makes 640,000 who died that would not have died had these drugs not been prohibited or prevented from use.
i.e. Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Budesonide.
Dr Blaylock also recommended Robert Kennedy’s book.
It has been surreal because usually when someone tries to tell Doctors what they can and can’t prescribe or if they say something is wrong and they are ignored they go off like a frog in a sock. With Covid it has been like they all just shut up shop.
I think there are more and more who are questioning the narrative but they are fighting their own union and registration body.
The vast majority will still be rusted on, it is too late to admit they erred.
There will be no cleansing, no soul searching, no revolt in the AMA.
If along the way their own union and registration body had not been questioned by those kicking over the traces modern medicine wouldn’t have got to leaches yet.
How do you reckon Florence Nightingale would have got along with AHPRA?
It was inevitable that someone would go after a “just following orders but not medical ethics” doctor.
When the pharm animals wake up en-masse imagine what will happen.
Pre-planned martial law perhaps.😈
A bit of a “how to use NEPA” to block green projects. Note hit on offshore wind at the end. Let the Black Hole take it!
The Black Hole of environmental impact assessment
By David Wojick
The beginning: “Despite lots of talk about streamlining NEPA, this cannot actually be done. Environmental impact assessment (EIA) of large projects takes a long time for two inescapable reasons. First, nature is a complex system. Second, science takes time. The result is what I call the Black Hole of environmental impact assessment because once you get in, you cannot get out. There is simply no end to the unanswered questions. Research is often like that with every answer raising more questions.
To begin with, in principle you have to identify every living thing that might be affected by the project, as well as all the important physical features. For the myriad animals and plants this is especially important if any are classified as threatened or endangered under the various protection laws. You cannot just list all these things, oh no. You have to say where they are and in many cases what they are doing. Also how they interact, such that affecting one kind might affect others. There is the food web for example. Plus things like nesting, denning, hiding, travel, and so forth. All of this is potentially incredibly complex if an Agency or Court decides it is important.
Then, given all these living things, and what they are doing, and their physical world, comes the even more complex issue of impact. It is more complex because you are entering the world of possibility. Possibilities can be truly endless.”
Lots more in the article. Please share it.
Save the whales.
Our community had to renew the water licence. In respect to turtles, no one had seen a turtle in that lake for at least 60 years, but it was not possible to prove the negative. So we argued about how taking water would not damage turtle populations and got the licence.
Many years ago Sister Emmanuel taught me that turtles had flppers which were designed primarily for swimming, and tortoises had more dual purpose feet for walking as well as swimming. Tortoises we had locally.
Years later Patrice Newall wrote of her turtles in the Isis river.
I know that there would be no flippers in the Isis River, so wondered. I expect Patrice to be “well educated”.
Since then I have again seen tortoises described as turtles. What happened to the language?
Chinese planes, ships carry out simulated attacks on Taiwan: Taipei
From the Sydney Morning Herald –
Taipei: Chinese aircraft and warships practised on Saturday for an attack on Taiwan, island officials said, in retaliation for a visit there by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi that also saw Beijing halt dialogue with the United States in several areas.
Pelosi’s brief unannounced visit during the week to the self-ruled island claimed by China infuriated Beijing and has prompted unprecedented military drills that have included ballistic missiles fired over the capital, Taipei.
Quite a complimentary article on Pelosi and her visit to Taiwan. Having been to the country I do view it as an Asian equivalent of Ukraine with added micro chipsi
Ukraine would not have happened if the US had not scuttled away from Afghanistan with its tail between it’s legs. This annoyed its allies , destroyed American credibility and emboldened its enemies.
Pelosi seems to have realised that where does it end if we let despots march into other countries. Norh Korea into south Korea? Iran into Iraq and Israel. The combinations are endless.
It seems Biden did not want her to go to Taiwan so where that leaves his credibility, I use the word ironically, I don’t know.
I understand that the CCP is taking domestic flak for being paper tigers and not just stopping Nancy Pelosi visiting Taiwan. I misjudged Nancy, because I never thought she could achieve that much – generating flak in a country where flak is impossible is quite an achievement. Wouldn’t it be nice if one elderly lady brought down the CCP…….
The CCCP scored an own goal by going over the top with threats and beligerance before Pelosis vist, they didn’t/couldn/t stop her and this now makes Xi look weak at home, thus the ban on sand.
The “shoot her down” comment came from Hu, the editor of the Global Times, not from the CCP directly. He took the article and comment down, but not before it got worldwide coverage. The end result, though, is that people thought it was the CCP and now they look stupid. XI is not happy, apparently. Might be looking for a new editor!
I reckon no point in looking for Hu.
On the upside, maybe some of his/her parts were suitable for recycling.
We have to recycle ya’ know, for the planet
Asian Ukraine? find me provinces of Taiwan that want to be returned to the loving care of the CCP.
A significant proportion of Taiwanese would like reunification or not to declare independence so retain the status quo of one day being part of a greater whole
M<y metaphor however was more along the lines that the conflict in Ukraine and the extreme beligerence in Taiwan would likely not have happened if the US had not scuttled away from Afghanistan. It showed weakness and this has been exploited and will likely continue to be exploited by despots
“ A significant proportion of Taiwanese would like reunification or not to declare independence so retain the status quo of one day being part of a greater whole”
I’m really surprised by that, not that I have evidence to the contrary, but I had always assumed they liked their independence. Turns the world upside down for me.
Could you contrast that or maybe not with Hong Kong, who I’ve always thought fiercely protected their independence.
Cant say I ever heard that kind of reunification conversation in Taipei, but then I didnt get around much just worky worky.
There are always people who think that sucking up to a bigger neighbour (bully) will result in them being given a reward of being a big fish in a small pond. (Sorry about the metaphors)
If these ‘war games” were as big as it seems they could hardly have been organised in the time since Nancy Pelosi’s visit was announced.
So Nancy’s visit would then seem to have been in response to information that China was making big plans. Plans which might have been turned with the flick of a switch into the real thing.
Rotten, Pelosi’s visit ito Taiwan was ultimately about U.S. domestic politics.
I doubt that her visit will work to help the Democrats in November. Biden’s mess of everything he touches should see the Republicans romp in. Election fiddling aside that is.
Where do you think Australia will be in 2030?
Here is my prediction.
By 2030 we will have a dramatically reduced standard of living and electricity will be considered an expensive luxury, affordable only for night time lighting and 30 mins 600pm to 630pm government propaganda delivered on the compulsory Telescreen in every home plus supplemental radio.
Few will be able to afford hot water, refrigeration, heating or gas or electricity for cooking. People will learn to eat their insects and gruel raw or with minimal cooking (or prepare food only once per day).
And in 2030, the West will have self-destructed and have no affordable electricity (if Trump or DeSantis don’t win the next US election) and China will dominate and control the world in every way.
The Left will continue to demand more windmills, solar panels and Big Batteries.
Your projection is overly optimistic.
I think Nancy’s trip might have been a response to a perceived threat of imminent action.
… the State issues
4. each approved occupied life-unit solar ovens: summer/winter energy ratings – raise one cubic meter H2O 78/39 C degrees (8 hrs w/o clouds)
5. pedal (hand/foot) energy-converters – one per three subjects, . . Ooops . . voters (every-other, above 43rd Lat
6. > 741. Other regulations & rights
You are being very pessimistic, I reckon you will get electricty for at least 45 minutes every day, not a measly 30 minutes.
On a more serious note, although you are rich in minerals such as coal which is looked down on, surely you have lots of minerals of the future including lithium and uranium?
Your Chinese overlords will allow you to keep 20% of the money you make on those
Remember one definition of a pessimist is “an optimist with inside information”
Australia’s problem is not a lack of natural resources, it is a lack of experienced people who know how to convert materials to electricity properly.
You probably know that proper engineers make better systems than improper activists with causes and power. Geoff S
I doubt it will be that doomster-ish. I suspect there will be a substantial bloody nose and some very expensive band aids applied by 2030. Hope I am around to see it. Bigger events may be distracting from mere energy supply.
Bigger events seem to concentrate on disrupting that “mere energy supply”
Do they? I wouldnt have thought that was a given these days
Depends on how many coal and gas electricity generators close by 2030.
In the last 8 years solar has increased output from 2.2% of demand to 13.4%, wind 4.7% to 11.9%, hydro 6.4% to 7.9%.
If by 2030 solar output has increased to 25% of demand, that would mean it supplies 100% of demand during daylight hours, an unworkable scenario without massive batteries to store about 15,000 Mw for 18 hours. That’s 270 times the capacity of that SA “big” battery.
And if wind has increased to 25% of demand by 2030, that would mean output would vary from zero to 50% of demand. How big do you size the batteries to cope with that variable output?
That leaves about 40% of demand to be met by coal and gas generators on average, but perhaps on occasions forced to be on standby, and on other occasions ramp up to meet 90% of demand, with hydro providing the balance.
What a costly way to try and run an essential service.
Robber, electricity ‘demand’ is dependent on electricity cost. If electricity is too expensive to purchase by industry and domestic users then ‘demand’ in the future will be considerable less than present.
Western Australia should be able to handle the transition… The gas generation is mostly in place already.
I do wonder how the newly proposed offshore wind generation will be transmitted to the eastern states though.
And by then we will be getting right into the grips of our next Grand Solar MINIMUM as we experience a very low sunspot count in solar cycle 26.
We need to stop this nonsense of CAGW!
Keep your hat on, solar cycle 25 is misbehaving.
“China will dominate and control the world in every way. ”
You have a major conundrum in your post. EITHER we are living in the dark ages with no power OR China controls the world and we all have a marvelous standard of living with burning coal and nuclear power.
Sunday mathematical problem:
You have two circles, one radius 1 unit, the other radius 3 units.
How many times will the 1 unit radius circle rotate around the 3 unit radius circle back to its starting point with no slippage?
Hint, not as simple as you might think. Even some mathematicians get this wrong.
SEE video:
3 times ?
It does an extra turn just by going round. Follow the point that touches the large circle at the start – when it has done a full 360 degrees, it still has 1/3 of a turn to go before it touches again.
An engineer with familiarity with gearing should do better than I did.
The question appears to be trivial. As expressed above, it simply asks how many rotations does the centre of the 1-unit circle perform about the centre of the 3-unit circle to complete one rotation.
The question does not ask how many times the smaller circle rotates about its own axis.
Fair enough.
To quote Jen Psaki.
“I’ll have to circle back on that one”.
and if it rolls without slipping on the inside of the larger circle?
Good way to see it. Roll the small coin horizontally to the right on a line segment = the large coin. When it reaches the exact end you know it has rolled the proportion R/r here = 3.
Now with the small attached to the line segment wrap the line segment around the large coin. Now easy to see the additional +1 rotation. Always R/r + 1. 12 year olds love physically
Doing this problem with coins and paper (for the line segment) and then postulating a “theorem”. Best middle school theorem I ever saw from a group was a square roiling on a triangle and still getting C/c +1
Here is a video exposing the junk “scientific” studies supporting transgenderism, now being heavily promoted by the Left.
The rates of transgenderism, especially those under 18 years and female have increased dramatically in recent years.
What the proponents of transgenderism won’t tell you about this cruel, mutilating, sterilising and irreversible procedure (when surgery and hormones are employed) is the huge rates of regret by people who undergo it.
Unlike genuine cases of gender dysphoria of the past, which involved many years of psychiatric counselling and therapy before surgery was considered, children (under 18) can now go on puberty blockers and then hormone treatment with little to no counselling and surgery soon after.
A girl that was considered a “tomboy” or a boy who was considered “effeminate” in times past would be left alone and grow up to be either heterosexual or homosexual, today they would be immediately be considered “transgender” and their woke parents or schools would immediately start “transitioning” them.
And this is where Leftist heads start to explode.
Even some homosexuals see the transgender movement as “homophobic” because rather than allow the afflicted individual to express their identity as homosexual, they are forced to become transgender.
Besides, don’t Leftists constantly rant how there is no real difference between genders so why would one want to (pretend to) change into the other, according to their “logic”?
Follows the trend of the left of the left to start internal wars when each particular identity niche feels its losing out for attention and “winning” vs another. In this case the “G’s” stop liking the “T’s” and stop the alphabet people being one big kumbaya family. I’m sure the climanistas hate the vaccine/mask frightbats for distracting from the “climate emergency” So much intersectionality, so few taxpayer dollars.
great examples in this article across a broad spectrum
Good article, yarpos.
Mater’s Meme of the Week #1
From the Comments
– To achieve perfection it just needs tuba girl with a speech bubble “stop oppressing me bigot”!
– Above all else, the moral busybodies of our age loathe the democracy and freedom exercised by their fellow humans, as C.S. Lewis points out above:
Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive.
Faith and begorrah.
Saturday nights at the local GAA aren’t what they used to be.
Homosexual is a sexual orientation identity, and transgender is a gender identity. If you are transgender, you can either be homosexual or heterosexual.
On thatr subject
“Revolting. In every way.”
My niece decided her second son was really a girl when he was not quite 4. She says she felt a female spirit when she was pregnant. She is a heroine in a rather disgusting Facebook group. The kid went to school as a girl for a few months, but then due to extreme misophobia, she has home schooled the two for the past 2 years. The child has had ZERO peer contact since then. On the last occasion I saw him 3 years ago, his energy level seemed pretty high for the “girl” he was presented as.
My sister must accept the situation or lose ALL contact with her grandchildren. I sincerely hope the unquestioning treatment with puberty blockers is over by the time he gets there. The whole situation makes my stomach turn.
France to Create ‘LGBT+ Ambassador’ to Win ‘Battle of Mentalities’ Abroad
France will be creating an “Ambassador for LGBT+ rights” by the end of the year, as well as funding for ten new “LGBT+ centres”, French prime minister Elisabeth Borne announced on Thursday.
Prime Minister Borne committed to spending €3 million on the creation of ten more such centres, in addition to the existing 35 LGBT+ centres.
The commitment will mean that there will be at least two in every region of France, and at least one in the nation’s overseas territories.
I doubt that her visit will work to help the Democrats in November. Biden’s mess of everything he touches should see the Republicans romp in. Election fiddling aside that is.
There is an interesting volcanic eruption happening in Iceland now.
Here is one of a number of videos, including drone footage, posted by this YouTuber. You might want to check our his other videos as well.
Yes, saw that on news last night, is that the one that last erupted for 6 months.
Clearly this recent eruption is due to our decades of carbon sinning.
We must stop supporting the cow flatulence industry, its time to roast grubs and crickets on the BBQ instead.
Mmm…roasted grubs..
David ‘The left will continue to demand more windmills, solar panels & big batteries’…This sentence appears to be spoken verbatim by reps of all executive factions of parliament when queried about repairing idiotic energy policy resulting in negative outcomes for the economy, inflation & std of living. These Bureaucrats appear to be stout lifer members of the the ‘renewable, green, clean, cheap’ woke religion aka ‘sect’. There’s just no limits to the hubris. To personally move against this western democracy global church doctrine is to forfeit current & future financial security & public venue for green virtue signalling. So it’s back to the….’demand more more windmills…etc’ you know how it goes! Hey, but it’s STiLL NOT WORKING PEOPLE, costing a fortune & lowering our standard of living, DUH!
see #4.2
Our neatest city, Exeter, where the Met office are located are introducing electric bin lorries
No complaints from me as the diesel versions are noisy and smelly. Whilst bin lorries don’t go great distances there is a lot of lifting and loading of the bins that householders put rubbish in. I I am surprised that such a lorry could complete a full days duty. Anyone got any experience of the practicality of such a vehicle?
These vehicles usually periodically compress the garbage load using a hydraulic ram.
That requires a lot of power. I wonder how much of the battery budget that would consume?
Also, it is possible to make quiet diesel garbage trucks. I remember in the Municipality of North Sydney, Australia in the 1980’s the then Mayor Ted Mack introduced quietened diesel garbage trucks. They were extremely quiet.
The technology was available to quieter diesel garbage trucks 40 years ago. The use of coal powered electric garbage trucks now must be just stupid virtue signaling.
Ted Mack was an interesting fellow, and unusually for a politicians had many redeeming qualities.
I didn’t agree with everything he did but he did forego many of the financial benefits of political office and was a strong independent.
I could find no references online to his quiet diesel garbage trucks. There might be in newspaper archives like Trove.
Owning a property on North Sydney Council Area, I met Ted Mack on a number of occasions, a real gentleman and probably one of the few honest politicians in Australia – continuing to drive his 1951 Citroën Traction Avant after retiring from politics
He chose to serve for only two terms in both the New South Wales state seat of North Shore and the federal seat of North Sydney to avoid receiving a parliamentary pension.
It’s the preferred car of gangsters in old French crime movies 😀
At about that time new trucks in general became much quieter. They also became much more durable. Technology took a quantum leap manifested in Japanese manufacture.
I remember that GM had been selling Isuzu trucks branded as Bedfords. Then they took to branding them as Isuzu and offered them on a free trial for a month. They were so much better than what we were accustomed to that very few sent them back. The marketing ploy was a resounding success.
Which reminds me. Off topic but here it is.
My brother has a 1984 8 ton Izuzu. It has very stiff front suspension, and a very good driver’s seat. So it’s riding in comfort for the driver, but a rough ride for the passengers.
My father, aged about 92 at the time, was visiting neighbours up the road at harvest time. THey were such good mechanics that they still had two D series Fords in rego. Both were in the workshop with broken front springs.
Dad said: “I said to them, you should get an Isuzu. It hasn’t got any springs!”
If you can’t virtue signal at the home of the Met office then where can you virtue signal?
It was the hydraulics that had set me wondering as to how an electric bin lorry would complete its days duties. I don’t know it’s route but a lot of Exeter is pretty hilly. For a lorry that size the battery would have to be pretty heavy. Assuming it doesn’t catch fire I will try and follow the story and see how well they work out
And I forgot to mention the no-doubt large amount of energy required to hydraulically (or in this case, electrically), lift hundreds of garbage bins, apart from compression of the load.
I think in the city the Poms are so jammed in they have teams of guys running along hand loading garbage trucks. There isnt the room for Otto/Wheelie bins as we generally know them.
The ones around my way roar and grind and bang their way around the streets as though they are in a competition to see who can make the most noise.
You can hear them coming from three blocks away, the bins are plastic so they are not the problem.
If you think garbage trucks are noisy, try snow removal which continues all night in Montreal. A sidewalk plow and two big ones on the road to heap the snow in the middle (or 2 passes with one) followed by a giant snow blower loading a line of trucks that follow behind slowly, waiting for their turn to load.
On the other hand, the initial clearing just dumps on one side of the street, and we always seemed to buy on that side. Residential streets are not cleared for 3-4 days after a snowfall. And, you are not allowed to shovel out your driveway into the street, so you end up with huge piles on each side. Is it any wonder that so many retire to coastal BC.
Or Florida?
long forgotten memories of winter life in Europe 🙂 snow ploughs doing the roads in the small hours and Roland the landlord out shovelling and salting the drive so we could all get out. It had a short sharp pitch up to the road exit that became impossible once iced over.
I recalling cr@pping myself the first time i passed a snow plough going in the other direction. A big red wall travelling at speed with snow flying everywhere. I had imagined plowing snow as a slower more sedate activity. Aint gonna get much done that way sonny jim!
Have you noticed how every world “leader” or “advisor” that heavily promoted or mandated multiple covid vaccinations got covid?
-Dictator Dan of Vicdanistan
-Anthony Alba-sleazy, PM of Australia
-Brett Sutton, Chief Health Officer of Vicdanistan
One wonders how they got it, because their minders and themselves would be paranoid about getting it and would have kept anyone away from them that was less than triple or quadruple vaxxed, LoL…
Maybe these people where all part of the placebo trial and now we know who got the saline solution.
Karl Lauterbach, German Health Minister, 4 vaxxes
And next he will get German Measles……………
It isn’t a real vaccine because it doesn’t stop you getting the disease or passing it on. When the UK rules allowed the vaccinated and the recently negative-tested to party together, they were helping the virus to spread.
David I refer back to 2 posts in Weekend Unthreaded
Spectator Australia – Losing trust in ‘the science’
James Allan
Spectator Australia – Empty Space: Silicon Valley’s war against victims
Alexandra Marshall
I’m sure they are all grateful that the vaccine saved them. It could have been so much worse (they all get the same script). In the end , like the flu or a cold, everyone will get it eventually. Wishing us all a light dose.
Bogus vaccine.
Bogus tests.
Bogus ‘pandemic’.
Simple facts.
Athletes might well become a thing of the past.
They appear to be expiring from “unknown causes” at an extraordinary rate. Some 17 times the historic rate.
NCLA Clients Join Missouri and Louisiana Suit Challenging Gov’t-Directed Social Media Censorship
Washington, DC (August 2, 2022) – Public statements, emails, and recent publicly released documents establish that the President of the United States and other senior officials in the Biden Administration violated the First Amendment by directing social-media companies to censor viewpoints that conflict with the government’s messaging on Covid-19. Today, the New Civil Liberties Alliance joined the lawsuit, State of Missouri ex rel. Schmitt, et al. v. Joseph R. Biden, Jr., et al., representing renowned epidemiologists and co-authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, Drs. Jayanta Bhattacharya and Martin Kulldorff, as well as Dr. Aaron Kheriaty and Jill Hines. Social media platforms, acting at the federal government’s behest, repeatedly censored NCLA’s clients for articulating views on those platforms in opposition to government-approved views on Covid-19 restrictions.
This insidious censorship was the direct result of the federal government’s ongoing campaign to silence those who voice perspectives that deviate from those of the Biden Administration. Government officials’ public threats to punish social media companies that did not do their bidding demonstrate this linkage, as do emails from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to social media companies that only recently were made public.
Government-induced censorship is achieved through a wide variety of mechanisms, ranging from complete bans, temporary bans, “shadow bans” (where often neither the user nor his audience is notified of the suppression of speech), deboosting, de-platforming, de-monetizing, restricting access to content, requiring users to take down content, and imposing warning labels that require click-through to access content, among others. These methods also include temporary and permanent suspensions of disfavored speakers.
This sort of censorship, which strikes at the heart of what the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution was designed to protect—free speech, especially political speech—constitutes unlawful government action.
Old Ozzie,
Good to see you are still with us . I don’t know why they bother – social media is already in the pocket for the democrats and big pharma . They don’t even try to hide it anymore .
Not sure how they get “Majority” out of these percentages?
Poll: Majority of Americans Regret Taking Covid Vaccine
In an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, UCLA Geffen School of Medicine Doctor Joseph Lapado and Yale School of Public Health Doctor Harvey Risch are sounding the alarm that there may be serious underestimated risks involved with the side effects of the Wuhan Coronavirus vaccine.
This comes as an independent pollster found that a significant number of Americans regret receiving the vaccine in the first place.
10 percent of those vaccinated said they wish they hadn’t done so, while 15 percent of adults said they have been diagnosed with a new condition by a medical practitioner weeks or months after the first dose.
Children’s Health Defense (CHD) authorized the poll two years after the first vaccine was rolled out.
“The fact that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports more than 232 million Americans ages 18–65 have taken at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 15 percent of those surveyed report a newly diagnosed condition is concerning and needs further study,” Laura Bono, CHD’s executive director said.
The top conditions people reported were blood clots, disrupted menstrual cycles, heart attacks, strokes, lung clots and liver damage. 10 percent of these conditions among people who took the vaccine were severe.
No one took a COVID vaccine.
They were injected with a fraudulently labeled for profit commercial product.
A product literally produced without previously legally required ingredient labeling and possible ‘side’ effect warnings.
(‘Side effect’ itself is a laughable marketing term, there are only effects.)
75% of people positive for SARSCOV2 do not express or develop symptoms of COVID.
COVID appears a possible ‘side effect’ of SARSCOV2 infection.
‘Infection’ may even be an incomplete understanding of the viral paradigm.
‘Science’ is only settled in Camelot.
Let’s say I’m wrong.
Should I, a simple honker, be held to a higher standard than politicians, public health officials, and journalists?
(Didn’t list Scientists, climate ‘Scientists’ seem to have no standards at all. Just my honking opinion.)
Most likely a bioweapon. Just because we don’t get overt symptoms doesn’t mean it isn’t real and isn’t having an effect. We sure hope it’s nothing now.
Natural selection appears to have filtered out the immediate and serious short term effects, but if there are gain-of-function genes, with long term effects, they won’t necessarily be selected against. Do the CCP know something we don’t?
See Mouseover and click on all the dots.
I would hope all commenters aim higher than NIH. CDC. TGA and “Chief medical officers”.
Moded of course, for pointing at the big ugly monster that no one wants to see.
Citation for moded fibbing allegation.
If ‘vaccines’ do not protect against infection they are not vaccines,
No matter what Wikipedia says.
My husband had stable heart failure, and with 3 years of treatment recovered nearly normal ejection fraction. He had one injection early in the game when the “vulnerable” were getting the first shots. His BP dropped in the weeks following until he was getting angina from the low diastolic (the heart is perfused during the diastolic). He has had to drop his beta blocker to 1/3 to get back to operating range and seems stable again. We will not find out about the ejection fraction until fall.
Was it the vaccine? Would his cardiologist say if she had been seeing an increase in peculiar changes?
More Covid “Safe and Effective®”
Links to
“Science- Elevated risk of infection with SARS-CoV-2 Beta, Gamma, and Delta variant compared to Alpha variant in vaccinated individuals”
“Reuters-New Zealand COVID death rate at record levels”
I keep on asking this question to the climate change alarmists but they don’t answer, fingers in their ears sing la la la.
“Where will all the trillions of tons of extra minerals come from to build your renewables energy revolution?”
Then I ask, ” so you are all willing to dig up the earth to save it, because that’s what it will take to cover the planet in renewables.”
The Silence is deafening.
Why hasn’t any so called journalist asked Albo, Bowen and Bandt those questions.
Especially the Green blob Bandt, will the Greens allow mining in sensitive areas for rare earths?
No chance in hell.
Bandt would look out his window in inner Melbourne and say “what mines”?
Same old lefty magical thinking. “Renewables” without mining(or child labour), food without farming, reliable energy supply with no baseload generators, helicopter money with no consequences, 100% renewables in the ACT. Never mind though if the stupidity gets called out you just change definitions, I mean after all what is a vaccine, or a recession or a woman even?
With a bit of luck, that scenario will kneecap the whole shebang.
Exorbitant gas prices in Germany has already shut down the mill that forges the huge steel rings that windmills pivot on, so good news there.
Used to be that “you cant manufacture solar and wind without coal and gas power” was just a debating point. Seems its becoming real at least in some areas. I guess this just means more business for China.
It looks like US insurance companies may be getting ready to sue the vax companies for losses caused by the vaccines.
The Pfizer CEO’s explaination is very interesting.
Bourla appears to be laying the groundwork for some serious arse covering.
If successful the precedent this would set would be catastrophic to Pfizer. The torrent of individual and class action claims that followed would be epic.
Certainly make a mockery of the Aus Gummint indemnity of the vax companies……
A bit of Sunday humour (link found on Retraction Watch):
Top scientist admits ‘space telescope image’ was actually a slice of chorizo.
“UK Environmental Activist Urges ‘Shutting Down Animal Farming Altogether’ Because ‘It’s One of The Greatest Causes of Climate Breakdown’”
All animals are edible, but some animals are more edible than others.
Climate Breakdown is a new one to me. I guess Climate Emergency wasn’t scary-sounding enough.
The “Search for the Holy Grail of Titles”?
UK on brink of energy disaster as Norway could cut power to Britain over ‘lack of rain’ (6 Aug)
NORWAY could slash the amount of energy it sends to Britain over a “lack of rain” amid the UK’s energy crisis.
Terje Aasland said Norway plans to limit electricity exports because the hydropower reservoirs used to generate 90 per cent of its supplies are low.
He told energy news site Montel: “We are looking at how to limit exports in situations where reservoir filling becomes critically low.
“Then we must secure enough power for our national consumption.”
Tasmania suffering the same lack of rain, the ‘Battery Of Australia’ is going flat.
The long and the short of ephemeral energy –
“The Flannery and the Flattery”
“Then we must secure enough power for our national consumption.”
Clearly hasn’t read the memo from Victoria where we contiune to supply overseas customers and and the local population that actually pays the polies wages gets ignored “for our own good” of course
We live in the era of peak gaslighting. Recession? What recession? Inflation? The price of gas is falling! The border? We’re plugging the gaps in the wall! Hundreds of billions of dollars in more deficit spending? We’re fighting inflation! Foreign policy? It’s going swimmingly!
I guess in November we will find out whether voters believe the Democrats, or their lying eyes.
Interesting dashboard for the UK grid for those who havent found it already
This is a slightly refined version of my Ocean Surface Temperature response to Solar EMR that was published at WUWT.
For those living in the Northern Hemisphere thinking they can stop the present spring/summer warming by reducing CO2, their grandchildren will realise how foolish they were.
This might be of interest.
Did Nancy Pelosi Travel to Taiwan to Increase Her Family Fortune? It Appears Her Son Paul Was With Her in Asia
If Paul Pelosi Jr. did accompany his mother on her August 2-3, 2022 trip to Taiwan, is he playing the same role for Nancy Pelosi as Hunter Biden played for Joe Biden, enriching the family through influence peddling?
Like Hunter Biden, Paul Pelosi Jr. has been linked to many shady business dealings but has never been prosecuted.
Paul Pelosi also was involved in Ukraine (and therefore so was his mother).
Paul Pelosi Jr. Quid-Pro-Joe and his son Hunter are not the only Democrat family members cashing in on their prominent positions. Nancy Pelosi’s son Paul is also on the board of an energy company. Paul Pelosi Jr. also traveled to Ukraine. AND — Better Yet — Speaker Nancy Pelosi even appears in the company’s video
So, the question is, what was the true purpose of Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan that has risked war with China?
My guess is that it is about computer chips and the family fortune, not diplomacy.
Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is retired U.S. Army Reserve colonel and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. He had a civilian career in international business and medical research.
The Seekers – When the Stars begin to Fall (HQ Stereo, 1966/’68)
Been trying to find the version of we are Australian that they did with a guest indigenous singer who sung the first few lines .
Vale Judith Durham –
Indeed what a beautiful, crisp and clear voice we’ve lost. We’ll never find another you. Here’s a clip of Judith singing “Oh Danny Boy” with every word like crystal.
Interesting also, given The Voice referendum approaching, the chorus to Bruce Woodley’s “We are Australian”, the third line seems particularly pertinent. ONE voice.
We are one, but we are many
And from all the lands on earth we come
We’ll share a dream and sing with one voice
“I am, you are, we are Australian”
I prefer this one. If you scroll to the bottom of the page you can click on the various links to get a breakdown of each generation type.
PS, that was a reply to Yarpos comment 18.
random Tesla “full self driving news”
and …. may actually have more impact than the inert Feds
Re covid origins and vaccines. This video is worth a look, if it is still available
Dr Flemming interview re covid
I suppose the powers to be will call Dr Flemming a conspiracy theorist
This follows the speach by senator gerard rennick in the senate this week were he disclosed how little testing the TGA did on covid vaccines.
What Phizer and the TGA didnt tell you
However I be you dont see either in the main stream media
Re covid origins and vaccines. This video is worth a look, if it is still available
Sorry I didnt put the link
Dr Flemming Interview
Dr Flemming interview re covid
Link doesn’t work for me.
Doing my tax return a couple of weeks ago I noted that the ” Low and Middle Income Tax Offset ” or LMITO which was raised to $1500 for all taxpayers under $126k for the 2022 fiscal year is set to expire this year unless Chump Change Chalmers and Super Albo decide to extend it. That’s a nice $30 a week extra tax grab for Labor. Wonder if the voters will be pleased with that. But I guess they need to balance the books somehow after clueless Morisson spent $300 billion or whatever on Covid handouts.
Labor giving a rats about balancing the books? that’s funny stuff
Here is an interesting video about the mathematics of creating electoral districts with more or less similar populations plus gerrymandering thereof. It is a US video but the principles would apply to Australia or elsewhere.
See demonstration motion gif at
See video at:
Just spent a couple of days with extended family and they all think that the current Govt strategy is correct. What makes it worse is that they will not look at data. How sad.
Anyhow, missed the previous 43% discussion so will repeat here what needs to be done to achieve the target, in terms of MtCO2e reductions:
A further 142.7 MtCO2e needs to be trimmed from the following official numbers for 2021:
Waste ……..13.8
I haven’t yet found out how they plan to achieve it. I guess No.1 on their minds is to shut down all coal/gas power generation – that should do it.
Plus we’re not living in caves or other primitive shelters yet.
There is yet plenty more for them to trim.
The ultimate objective is to return us to the indigenous Australian lifestyle pre-1770.
Former PM Scott Morrison has his own page on the World Economic Forum website.
It only has his picture and no other information.
Watch this space.
“The covid vaccine should be tested on politicians first. If they survive, the vaccine is safe. If they don’t, then the country is safe.”
– Monika Wisniewska, Polish Author.
“Court Sides with GAO over UCLA, Awards $225,000 in Legal Fees Over Records Fight”
“So, GAO is pleased to announce that, although it took two years of litigation for the public to learn about this, despite UCLA’s apparent willingness to do and spend anything to keep this under wraps, the public now better understands the climate litigation industry and even its genesis: Hollywood bigwigs taking tax deductions to launch a legal tsunami.”
That sunlight disinfectant?
As a young mile school record holder in the days of
The Landy legacy: the beginning of a tradition
UP TO and including the 1952 Helsinki Olympics, Australia had no tradition in distance running. Six years later, on the day that Herb Elliott broke the world mile record in Dublin, five of the world’s eight fastest milers were Australian. Two years later, Elliott won the Olympic 1500 metres gold medal in world-record time in Rome, the peak of a career in which he remained unbeaten in 42 races at a mile or 1500 metres.
“It was a wonderful era for track and field in Australia, especially in Victoria,” writes Ron Clarke, another serial record-breaker of the time, in a foreword to a new book. “And it really started that December day in 1952 when the great John Landy discovered his destiny.”
It was great to watch – Men 1500m finals | Commonwealth Games Athletics 2022
Ollie Hoare ‘the new Herb Elliott’ wins in a race for the ages
Ollie Hoare rounded the final bend three wide. He had three men ahead of him, two former world champions, ahead of him. The man in the lead, a Scotsman who was the reigning world champion and had the screaming local crowd behind him. Yet Hoare knew he would win.
Without a hint of hyperbole, Ollie Hoare won one of the greatest races in Australia’s running history and etched his name as a great of the sport.
Herb Elliott, John Landy, Ron Clarke, Craig Mottram and now Ollie Hoare.
Roger Bannister looking down from the heavens would likely agree and say that the Poms have had a few good runners as well.
John Landy was to be admired. Apart from business meetings, I met him socially at an evening when some new Aussie postage stamps were released. Later I made some proper first day covers for sale to philatelists. There are still a half dozen left if there are any philatelists remaining. The stamps show the 1956 Olympics in Melbourne. sherro01 at outlook dot com Geoff S
LGBQT…Z This nonsense must be exposed. It is a rercuiting project of a small minority of people whose privacy we respected. Now their projects in schools, showbusiness, politics and the media have become child abuse.
Divide and conquer. There is intense emotions between various groups of the letters. Especially the T and the L. Lesbians are angered by T (biological males) attending their functions and most females do not accept T in their dressing rooms. T in female sport is ridiculous. These small minorities are rarely tolerant and project their intolerance as typical of all people. It was better when they kept their views private.
Let’s encourage their disagreements and hasten the end of this unrealistic stupidity.
I love it when the Left start eating each other.
The ultimate objective of the Left is to return non-Elites to indigenous-style lifestyles.
You think I’m joking?
Indigenous Peoples in the Amazon manage their territories and natural resources in ingenious ways, sustaining generations on the same lands and territories with their unique social fabric, political structure, and economic systems.
Indigenous people world wide managed their natural resources in much the same way.
1/When times got hard, invade your neighbours place and steal their resources
2/ practice infanticide
3/forced migration to hopefully better pastures
4/ When the above failed, simply starve to death
Yep all the answers for all the problems and of course dont mention the relatively short lifespans of hunter gatherers.
Having been to the upper Amazon, it’s surprising how infertile the land is, given their heavy and regular rainfall. And the rapid growth of the Ceiba trees, which they were selling for around US$30 a tree.
Don’t worry David.
According to Bruce Pascoe, if we return to an indigenous lifestyle (pre-colonisation / invasion), nothing much will change. We’ll be living in houses and practicing intensive agriculture while living in a civilised society.
I can’t remember if they had nuclear power though. Probably.
I am increasingly amazed at how many people push Climate Change. The biggest problem in world history.
But no one can tell me what it is. Or more importantly, why they believe it?
And no one has any evidence of whatever it is supposed to be.
Certainly no personal experience of this great disaster, a disaster so great it threatens all humanity with extinction? Really?
The world is not hotter. The seas have not risen. The Polar bears are fine. And the windmills and solar panels and the Wuhan flu world disaster and Nett Zero have had no effect at all on CO2 levels.
And since the world population has increased x9 in the same time, why hasn’t CO2 gone up x9? 50% is a bit weak for man made CO2.
So why do they believe what they cannot even explain?
TdeF, I keep saying to conservatives and other rational thinkers to not make the mistake of assuming your opponent believes in logic or even objective reality. It just leads to frustration.
They are post-modernists. The only thing that matters to them is what they “believe”.
The above refers to the “useful idiots”.
The Elites know precisely what they are doing.
I doubt they do “believe”. Their conviction is that they are entitled to lie and obfuscate in some so-called good cause.
It is the latest thing, and people like to get along. How it became the latest thing was where the problem lay. Too late now. Though people could always drop it if dropping it becomes the latest thing.
The delusion is even more than you think.
Why so so many vote green, yet less than 1% of the population choose to offset carbon when flying?
Why do so many people believe in climate change, yet the polls regularly show almost 0% are willing to spend $50/wk to address climate change.
The answer is that not only to they believe in climate change, they believe it’s grand conspiracy of the fossil fuel companies that is keeping the cheap renewable energy out of the market.
So they shouldn’t have to pay out make any sacrifices, all that is needed is the political will to fight the bad guys.
This is why so many now believe the global warming – because they have been told they will get richer by supporting it all while saving the planet.
Labor’s entire 43% plan is based on ridiculous joke that power prices will drop under renewables, and we will have hundreds of thousands of new jobs.
It should be TRUMP in 2024 – and DeSantis should wait until 2028 because he’s still young and needs to make Florida a red state for generations: CPAC attendees reveal who they want to be on the ticket to face the Democrats
. CPAC attendees want DeSantis to continue the work he is doing in Florida
. Then, they believe, he should take up the MAGA torch for the race in 2028
. Shane Trejo, of Republicans for Renewal, said both men were the sort of leaders that the grassroots party should be trying to emulate
. ‘DeSantis is a young man… that seems to be best for the for the party and to keep the movement from fracturing’, he added
Yes, DeSantis has time. He is 43 years young. Trump must run now, in 2024-2028 he’ll be 78-82.
Just thinking that Greg Hunt may have sponsored Scomo. Greg Hunt stopped the audit on BOM and ushered in the Covid vaxs and banned Ivermectin and Hydroxichloroquine. Greg was an official at the WEF. The Lefties in the Victorian Liberal Party want to make Greg Hunt president of the state Branch. 🙁
Ive been watching some Paul Ehrlich recently and he is still going on about the same environmentalist 101 talking points he was 40 years ago. It is astonishing for his ideas not to have progressed in anyway. Shows how weak their minds are imo. He’s all old and grey but sounds like a teenager so shallow are his concepts.
There is a theory that many people remain stuck in a kind of decision/analytical loop based on their experience of the world and personal context. I think they guys name is Kelly who proposed it. People failed to adapt and take in broader contexts and to some extent in does seem to describe why some people keep making the same bad decisions and recommendations despite being apparently intelligent people (at least in terms of their observable “success”) Think of people like Ehrlich, Mann, Flannery, Biden, Krugman, most of the woke CEOs.
Erdogan’s diplomacy with Russia alarms West – FT
Western officials are “increasingly alarmed” that Turkey, a NATO ally and prospective EU member, is deepening its cooperation with Russia, the Financial Times has reported. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan recently returned from Sochi vowing to boost trade after talks with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Six unnamed Western officials told the newspaper that they were “concerned” about the plans of Russia and Turkey to cooperate on trade and energy. One EU official said that Brussels was monitoring relations between Ankara and Moscow “more and more closely,” given how Turkey seems to be “increasingly” becoming a platform for trade with Russia.
Following a four-hour meeting with Putin on Friday, Erdogan welcomed Russia’s role in building a nuclear power plant in Turkey. The two nations aim for bilateral trade turnover of $100 billion, and are cooperating against terrorism and toward peace in Libya and Syria.
Putin pledged that Russia would supply Turkey with oil, gas and coal “without any interruptions,” after the two leaders agreed that Ankara would pay for some of this gas in rubles.
Another official told the newspaper that Erdogan’s behavior is “very opportunistic,” adding that “we are trying to make the Turks pay attention to our concerns.”
Although a NATO member since 1952 and an EU applicant since 1987, Turkey has broken with both blocs on several occasions, most recently over the conflict in Ukraine.
Erdogan has described his diplomacy with Kiev and Moscow as “balanced,” and has refused to sanction Russia over its military operation. Turkey is the only NATO country not to impose such penalties.
Ultimately, Turkey holds enough leverage to break with its Western allies on occasion. Its role in hosting some 3.7 million migrants since 2015 who would otherwise have traveled on to Europe has allowed it to extract concessions from the EU, while its strategically vital location – Incirlik Air Base in Adana is within striking distance of all of the US’ most recent theaters of war in the Middle East – grants it influence over its NATO allies.
Turkey unveils Russia trade plans
The two countries are set to boost yearly turnover to $100 billion
Turkey and Russia have also agreed to introduce the Russian ruble as a currency for bilateral trade, Erdogan said.
“We agreed on the ruble as a [monetary] unit in trade. Since we will conduct our trade in rubles, this will of course be a serious source of income for both Turkey and Russia. In addition, there is the ‘Mir’ card [Russian analogue of Visa]. Five of our banks currently accept it. There is very serious progress in this issue, which will ultimately improve conditions for tourists coming from Russia. They will be able to do shopping and pay for hotels,” Erdogan said.
Turkey has always had one foot in each camp,it would be foolish for the West to think they could monopolise Turkey’s future. They are a very handy buffer zone and meeting place for enemies. I think back to them buying American aircraft and Russian anti-aircraft missiles and the angst that caused the Yanks. There is no co-existence with America, you’re a vassal or an enemy.
Just when I thought I could start taking life a little easier.
Labor goes out and makes their
si11y,st00pid,unobtainable,ridicul0u$,imp0$$ible, quite reasonable really target for 82% all power from renewables by 2030.I mean, I’m not going to live long enough to be around for the nett zero target, but hey, no one currently alive will be anyway, but 2030, maybe I can make that, you know stick around lomg enough to have the most monumental laugh of my life.
All it means is that I have to keep walking for daily exercise, and maybe cut back a little on the Cardhu single malt.
And hey, where DO they get their numbers from, I mean 82%. Nyah Nyah Nyah! We can do better federally than you up there in Queensland with your puny 50% target.
82%. Just WHERE does that come from. It’s currently 33.5%, and there is NO WAY KNOWN they can even get close to that 82%.
They would have had to have started on half that gap five years ago, and there’s not enough money in Australia to build that much renewable power ….. EVER, let alone between now and 2030!
What an absolute joke.
As Australia signed the Paris Agreement in April 2016 and in November 2016 ratified the Paris Agreement there is no need for Albanese Labor and Greens to legislate their increased emissions target into law, all they had to do was announce the increase and register it.
Obviously they have another agenda and I believe that is a cunning way to ignore the election promises to coal mining electorates to support coal mines. The new law hands the activists another excuse to use in appeals courts to oppose mining and other emissions sources when they received planning approval.
And note that already the Clive Palmer group of companies has received news that their latest coal mining project is cancelled.
It is an invention by AEMO, described in their Integrated System Plan released June-July 2020.
The plan is predicated by their interpretation of the political consequences of Australia signing the Paris agreement.
No significant generation other than W&S was considered.
There was no modelling of costs that included intermittency.
There was no proper cost comparision with fossil fuels, only artificial constructs like LCOE.
Geoff S,term%20interests%20of%20electricity%20consumers.
Despite Strict Gun Control, California Had The Most Active Shooter Incidents In 2021: FBI
In a report issued by the FBI – 30 pages, California ranked first for the most active shooter incidents in 2021. The state has been in the top spot in three of the past five years.
According to the study, a total of 61 active shooter incidents occurred across 30 states last year with 103 people killed and 140 wounded. This is up from 40 incidents and 38 killed in 2020.
California had 6 incidents that claimed the lives of 19 people with 9 wounded. Texas and Georgia each had 5.
California, which has some of the strictest gun laws, saw 0.015 shootings per 100,000 people. Texas, which has very unrestrictive state gun laws, had nearly the same at 0.0167 per 100,000 people. Georgia had 0.045 per 100,000 people.
Simple. California has the most psychos and mentally unbalanced people in the US. Which is not surprising, since it is also the most populous state by far. California has the most of everything – good, bad, and in-between.
California is its own universe.
Next topic, please.
Probably a result of all the drugs done since the ’60’s hippy era up to now.
High homicide rate because of East LA gangs shooting each other in turf wars to protect their drug markets.
California also high high use of illicit drugs and formerly illicit drugs. Geoff S
Res ipsa loquitur – The thing itself speaks
“We Regret Any Pain”: CUNY Apologizes and Deletes Article On Depp Lawyer
For many who watched the Johnny Depp-Amber Heard trial, some of the most outstanding moments involved his defense counsel Yarelyn Mena. It was an extraordinary opportunity for the 29-year old graduated from CUNY (2015) and she was praised for her tough examination of Heard. It was considered the turning point of one of the most famous trials in modern history. It is something that should be a matter of great pride for the CUNY community and, not surprisingly, the website did an article on their graduate. However, it has now been deleted with an apology after people objected that they were upset or traumatized by the recognition due to Heard’s allegations of abuse.
The now deleted article told the intriguing story of how a young associate out of CUNY became a global sensation as a key member of the defense team. Yarelyn explain “I am a third year associate and am fortunate to have worked a trial so early in my career. Most cases don’t go to trial.” It is an extraordinary story for a woman who came with her family from the Dominican Republic. She proceeded to graduate from CUNY and then received her law degree from Fordham University. That is a quintessential American story of achievement that any institution should relish and highlight. She noted in the interview that “(Law) was the first career that I knew of before I even really understood what it was.”
The school acknowledged the objections raised to “our newsletter featuring a recent CUNY graduate who worked on Johnny Depp’s legal team.” It then apologized:
“We understand the strong negative emotions this article elicited and apologize for publishing the item. We have removed it from our CUNYverse blog. The article was not meant to convey support for Mr. Depp, implicitly or otherwise, or to call into question any allegations that were made by Amber Heard. Domestic violence is a serious issue in our society and we regret any pain this article may have caused.”
Looking behind the curtain
“A Curious Case of Transferred Battery Technology
August 6, 2022 | sundance | 111 Comments”
“The issue surrounds a new product technology called a vanadium redox flow battery. ”
And likely more to come
Not a new technology. Has been around for years and still has significant problems.
“The Elites Know PRECISELY What They’re Doing”
On digital ID
The success of a democracy is the discourse over the center ground. When there is political extremism such as socialism, communism, wokism or fascism that massively works against the democracy working successfully. Further it produces a strong reaction to stand up against the extremism. So all of a sudden a pendulum making moderate swings and through those swings producing progress is replaced by very large swings neither of which produces progress. The challenge of the West is to get rid of the extreme politics and to get back the center ground with its discourse.
A Curious Case of Transferred Battery Technology
August 6, 2022 – sundance
Every once in a while, you come across an article that seems like one thing but is actually another thing entirely. The NPR story of how “The U.S. made a breakthrough battery discovery — then gave the technology to China“, is one such article.
Several people sent this to us for opinion and review; however, the background of the article reveals something quite different. Then again, perhaps that’s exactly why NPR wrote it.
Shocking. More technology stolen by the Chicomms. This time with the aid of an enemy agent working within the US.
You probably know about what has happened in Sri Lanka, where the government’s attempt to impose organic farming led to food shortages, impoverishment, and a revolt that caused that country’s prime minister to flee. Also the Netherlands, where the government’s attempt to drastically reduce fertilizer use has led to massive protests by farmers that continue to this day.
Will the Left’s war on agriculture succeed? I don’t know. The Sri Lankan government pushed it until mobs invaded the prime minister’s residence. The government of the Netherlands isn’t giving an inch, despite massive and prolonged civil disobedience by farmers. Justin Trudeau apparently likes what he sees in those countries. And consider the Left’s war on energy: I never would have imagined that it could get as far as it has.
I think many liberals are essentially s@dists. They love to boss the rest of us around and make us miserable. If you didn’t know better, you might think they spend their days dreaming up ways to humiliate their fellow citizens. “Here’s an idea–let’s screw up the grid to produce blackouts, so that people turn on the lights and nothing happens!” “They’ll never stand for that.” “We’ll make them stand for that, and like it, too!” “Here’s another idea: let’s tell people they can no longer eat hamburgers and bacon, they have to eat crickets and vegetables!” “What? No one is crazy enough to go along with that.” “Sure they will–all we have to do is tell them it’s necessary to save the planet.”
LOL. Save the Planet?
The Planet has been here for around 4 billion years and is still going strong. In comparison, humans have been around for only a few nano seconds. My bet is that the Planet will outlive humans.
Reference for the Future Under Labor Overseasy 43%
Generac 20kVA Three Phase Gas Standby Generator – $10,299
. Built in the USA – Generac generators and engines are engineered and built in the USA*
. 5 Year Limited Warranty – Included with all home standby generators.
We are excited to announce that Generac Guardian Home Standby Gas Generators have now been officially approved as a Type A appliance.
The Generac Guardian 8, 10, 13 & 20 kVA Gas models can be easily installed like a simple gas appliance using only a Type A gas fitter for installation & certification.
NOTE: These Generac Gas Generator TYPE A is approved in all Australian states.
Interesting. You’ll have to have a supply of LPG to run them and most insurance companies have a limit to how much LPG (propane) and petrol (gasoline) you can store at home or impose special conditions for storage.
I think all Australians should invest in off-grid generators however.
The following I didn’t know – I wonder if they will have to do the same for hydrogen – H₂S comes to mind…
What are your views on “long covid” and what causes it and if it can be cured?
Years ago an endocrinologist colleague who was one of the few doctors following chronic fatigue patients told me that the condition tends to remit spontaneously in about 10-12 years. I believe that “long covid” (LC) is a version of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) when it it real.
It should also be noted that post-viral syndromes are not uncommon, so that some chronic symptoms would be expected. However, usually a severe illness or stressor precedes CFS. My skepticism about LC is increased by the claim that it can occur after mild illness.
Most LC papers only concern people who are still feeling dragged out 1-3 months after illness in the context of all sorts of restrictions – eg, having to wear a mask all day if you return to work; abnormal social life; vaccine side effects. CFS can only be diagnosed if the condition persists for 6 months.
After having the first two Astra Zeneca vaccinations and no apparent problems, sore arm for a short period, I noticed that my blood pressure was rising despite taking the prescription drugs prescribed and taken for about fifteen years to date. I had not checked BP for a couple of months so the rise was a surprise. BP continued to rise and went from normal 130-140 fluctuating systolic pressure to 140-160 so I made an appointment to see a GP who prescribed a stronger amount for one prescription drug. That did slightly lower my BP but not a return to my normal. When my usual GP returned from leave he added a new drug and referred me for tests, the last an echo cardiogram.
My BP monitor had been warning me of an intermittent irregular heartbeat (atrial fibrillation) and this was confirmed by the tests and diagnosed as “non valvular atrial fibrillation” and I was sent to a heart specialist who was not concerned and told me to live normally and come back for another echo cardiogram and consultation in twelve months.
I have no symptoms that I am aware of from the AF but my monitor continues to warn of intermittent irregular heartbeat.
I asked the doctors if the AF was related to Covid-19 vaccination but they did not make any comment. However, a pharmacist I am related to told me about a client of similar age to me and gender who had the same experience.
Any comments would be appreciated.
All I can offer is my mother has had high blood pressure and now and irregular heartbeat at times since the AZ double dose. Anecdotal, that’s all. But definitely has occurred. Her BP went through the roof straight after the first shot and they wouldn’t let her drive home. The heart flutters came about 3 months ago.
I later had a third vaccination booster in March 2022 and my medical condition did not change, no BP change, but the AF remains intermittently.
I was also prescribed a blood thinner drug to reduce the potential for blood clotting leading to a stroke.
Troponin test … ASAP! Unless they already did one, but you didn’t mention it.
That’s the most direct method of measuring whether you have had some damage to the heart muscle, and over time, the Troponin in the blood will fade away and you might never get a reading … get it done at the first possible opportunity.
I have resisted but there are ways to make you comply so I had the first jab some time ago. About a month later my PB went crazy.
I had only received my new wrist type tester that day and did my test with the machine on the outer wrist. I now know to put it inside the wrist. Most tests came up as “err” but when I got a reading it was over 200. It didn’t come down so after I put Mrs H to bed I called an ambulance. I’m sure it was still over 180 in the ambulance and in ER but I had dozens of readings taken. This gets a little hazy.
It was odd, this was the height of the panic but no one in ER was masked and they didn’t ask my vaxx status. I insisted I had to go home, my Lady would panic if I wasn’t there in the morning so they let me out.
It took some time for readings to normalise. I accept a higher reading as “normal” than GPs do. My theory is that it is something they can write prescriptions for without thinking, so they do.
You need a D-dimere test to look look for mikro clots f.e. in your lung, the so called pulmonary hypertension some docs warned about because of vaxxes.
Same problem with BP control in my son in law after vaccination.
Yes Dennis – same thing happened to me. Fit and healthy but my work requires the vaccines – they say it’s voluntary but if you don’t have you are removed from all frontline roles and lose all associated allowances and shift penalties- difficult when paying a mortgage. Anyway after I had the booster shot my annual work medical occurred 6 days later and apparently I have AF as well but has had never ever been found in the military or my current role until after the booster. The kicker I was forced to pay almost $1000 to get an ECG and echo stress test and cardiologist report to continue in my current role – radiologist would not give a definitive answer of what caused it and hedged Argonne the vaccine. I have now prepared paperwork to submit to work WHE – unlikely they will do anything but at least it will be recorded.
The ruling class are looking to exempt their private jets from the EU jet fuel tax:
Corporate jets to escape EU’s ‘green’ aviation fuel tax
More on this here:
EU draft exempts private jets, cargo from jet fuel tax
But don’t despair. When they impose ‘carbon dioxide credits’ on us, we proles will be able to sell our allowances to our betters, so that they can continue to enjoy their holidays. In exchange we might be able to run our heaters for one or two nights. Or maybe not … let me just check to see if I have sufficient ‘carbon dioxide credits’ to do so.
Who will put a stop to this? Forget about our so-called conservatives. The pushback has to come from a country that can bully the bullies, meaning the United States, and that will happen only with a Trump win in 2024. The Left know this and they will pull out all stops to try to prevent it.
Watch this Steyn/Vlaardingerbroek (~4 min) clip on digital IDs and carbon dioxide credits.
Vanadium Redox Flow Batteries
VRFBs have a lifespan of 20+ years
VRFBs offer immediate energy release
VRFBs are suitable for grid connection or off-grid settings – ideal for renewable energy
VRFBs can discharge 100%, without any damage to the battery
VRFBs are non-flammable
Power and energy can be scaled independently
Vanadium electrolyte can be re-used and does not need to be disposed of
The batteries can be cycled more than once per day
They use only one element in electrolyte – V2O5
VRFB energy storage guarantees uninterrupted power supply
Anyone had any practical experience wuth them?
The technology is dominated by…..
The rest of the world does not appear to be in a rush to battery-up to grid scale as yet, and that is easy to see – 200 MW for 4 hours – wow – that sounds big. A whole 4 hours at 200 MW, then recharge for maybe another 4 hours. Meanwhile, Bayswater No.3 unit idling at 450 MW has produced 3,600 MWh over the same 8 hours.
The quest for the “43% Albo Grail” will continue anyhow – collateral damage while pursuing it means nothing. The quest is everything.
They were put into Flinders Island (or King?) and failed badly, so were withdrawn. Rud Istvan had a bit to say about the problems with flow batteries on WUWT.
Can’t wait to hear how Ian and Simon spin that this is a justifiable decision and a perfectly logical way to save the planet. If proposals like this don’t wake up the useful idiots nothing will.
In response to David Maddison’s mathematical problem earlier today the answer is two rotations of the inner smaller circle.
I went for a walk this morning with our two kelpies and I realized the answer was right in front of me. One rotation per dog.
The three rotations expected are reduced to two by one counter-rotation created by rolling the small circle around the inside of the three times larger circle. Or if the circles are represented by analogue clock faces and we start with the two 12s touching and then roll the small clock, its number 12 touches the outer clock rim at 4 o’clock. This is 1/3 of the way around but the small clock has only completed 2/3 of a rotation. If this continues on to 8 o’clock and then 12 o’clock we’re back at the start with 3×2/3=2 rotations of the small clock.
This is my first post anywhere so I hope it’s correct.
What are your views on “long covid” and what causes it and if it can be cured?
David, many commentators seem to think it is a form of post viral syndrome that has been seen following viruses of different types for many years. Doctors were traditionally sceptical about the condition and were generally unhelpful. My poor mother suffered PVS for many many years following a bout of Ross River Fever and was told by a very eminent rheumatologist that there was nothing wrong with her muscles. Nevertheless she could not walk for any long distance and had to give up her passion for her magnificent gardens.
I notice that they are now taking this syndrome seriously now that it is associated with Covid.
As for treatment, I am not a GP, but I note that many sufferers are saying that a Keto Diet has been extremely helpful. Good luck.
As Australians are systematically starved of energy you will notice the heat being turned down in places like pubs and restaurants. Someone pointed this out in a recent post.
I am sitting in a pub now (Melbournistan) which is uncomfortably cool for that reason.
Not often mentioned are businesses being ordered to close down when electricity supply is low and they are paid compensation for their loss of business activities with taxpayer’s monies.
Are you sure it’s not the power utility paying them, such as AGL?
Victorian government is running media ads saying ” Stay Ahead of Covid This Winter “. Er, what does that even mean? How do you ” stay ahead ” of a virus that may not even exist? 😷
It’s a bioweapon. To get ahead, study virology and genetics so it’s easier to figure out which things are total lies and which have some truth. What we really need to stay ahead of are the CCP, the NIH, and Big Pharma.
See Mouseover and click on all the dots.
Remember at the beginning of all this when the mere mention of such an idea was met with scorn.
Some dared to differ…
I’m keeping Covid in the rear view mirror. So far the virus is no match for the awesome power of a Subaru Outback 2.5i! 😃
Jo I tried and got
“The dataset “” doesn’t exist.”
[I tried and got a screen full of information. Check to see if somehow your system security is blocking that site or some functional part of it. – LVA]
I tried it just now and it works. First time I got to the site and got a message like “page/6m does not exist”
The link works for me. But try the main entrance:
Click on “See All Resources” for SARS 2.
Then on either of the top two: Latest global SARS-CoV-2 analysis (GISAID data)
See also: CoVariants (mutations and variants of interest)
Scroll down. Click on the dots. Mouseover the graphs. Explore. This data comes from millions of samples in thousands of labs.
It is so much easier to bioengineer a virus than to fake a pandemic.
One lab cheats OR 1,000s do, along with 10,000s of doctors, patients, nurses, researchers.
We can’t win a Biotech War if we don’t understand biotech.
What needs to be changed, Australians who have Australian Aborigine ancestors are now Members of Parliament, Federal and State and there have been others elected in decades past.
“In May 1967, after 10 years of campaigning, a referendum on Indigenous recognition in the Australian constitution was held. The lead-up to the poll focused public attention on the fact that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders were treated as second-class citizens. Nearly 91 per cent of the electorate voted to amend the constitution. This change meant that Aboriginal people would be counted as part of the population and acknowledged as equal citizens, and that the Commonwealth would be able to make laws on their behalf. This was seen to reflect public recognition of Aboriginal people as full Australian citizens.”
The Only Systems That Seem to Lift People Out of Absolute Poverty Are Free Market Capitalist Systems
Yes it is, and even Communist nations like China and Russia realised a long time ago that “Capitalism” or free enterprise, free markets system was the reason for the United States of America becoming as powerful as it is, coupled with democracy of course, as compared to totalitarian government and capitalism based on selected party members controlled and managed.
Biggest breakthrough since hot rocks coming soon to Wodonga.
Follow the money trail.
Your taxes are paying for this….
It seems to use “Larkden technology”. The business model seems to be selling licenses to woke companies to use it.
Graphite or sand? The storage medium doesn’t appear to be well-defined.
There was a discussion on WUWT recently about using sand as the heat storage medium. Turns out that to be effective, it has to be shifted around a lot, and the Alberta tar sands experts had a bit to say about the mechanical wear problems of shifting large volumes of sands.
Graphite in this case but uses the same principle as sand , either way relying on excess renewable energy to heat the graphite . In other words just another parasitic load on the system that is struggling now , I’m not aware of any wind or solar subsidiy farms near Wodonga and thinking the nearest solar farm is near me about 90 kilometres away . Unless they intend to use it as a sink for rooftop solar excess when the weather is perfect for solar and consumption is down but that’s something far and few in between .
Obviously they are getting a huge grant plus subsidies to install it all or seeking the virtue signalling side of it for advertising their product .
“Revolution Has Begun”: 75,000 Brits To Stop Paying Power Bills Amid Inflation Storm
The resistance is growing as more than 75,000 irritated people in the UK have pledged not to pay their electricity bill this fall when prices jump again.
“75,000 people have pledged to strike on October 1st! If the government & energy companies refuse to act then ordinary people will! Together we can enforce a fair price and affordable energy for all,” tweeted “Don’t Pay UK,” an anonymous group spearheading the effort to have more than one million Brits boycott paying their power bill by Oct. 1.
Wadya think this is? China? 😄
You don’t pay, you get cut off – except in Quebec where “Hydro” is not allowed to cut off during winter. Bet the UK does not have such a regulation.
I was town last night at the local bottle shop and noticed two police in an unmarked car sitting opposite the pub. Didnt think much of it , thought they may be having donuts.
Cue the load exhaust from down the street and a large super bogan 4wd tray truck loaded with swags and p plates pulls up the stop signs (main town intersection) He decides to put on a show and lays a burnout across the intersection and past the parked police. It stopped pretty quickly when the red and blues came on. They stopped for a chat. It was probably expensive.
Steve Bannon at CPAC
Latest estimates have UK energy bill price cap at £4700 by April next year, remember it was about £1200 hardly 2 years before then.
There is a campaign of payment disobedience brewing, but that’ll just make it worse.
Crazy times, and little to do with Putin, this is the renewables scam coming home to roost.
Several years ago when Trump was still in office and life seemed dandy, I guestimated that the true cost of renewables would force UK energy bills to one third to a half of minimum wage earners pay.
Great News!
Dr Michael Yeadon previously served as the chief scientist and vice-president of the allergy and respiratory research division of the drug company Pfizer,
dr. mike yeadon concludes: “there are no respiratory viruses!”
dr. mike yeadon concludes: “there are no respiratory viruses!”
are viruses even a scientific theory? – dr. sam bailey – english subtitles
We have redone many variations of questions about viruses. For readers who are interested, read this long exchange on viruses.
See another exchange the day before that:
And previous answers to Kevin.
And another five replies in this previous answer to Kevin.
It is a lot easier for the Chinese-NIH to create a new virus than it is for them to fake a pandemic. Think about that. ***
Kevin — please follow the links. I go to a lot of work to answer these comments. Do you read my replies?
Thanks for the reply and the links to previous posts, But? you need to look at the complete data and dr. mike yeadon concludes: “there are no respiratory viruses!” Dr. mike yeadon has 40 years experience in the field has now changed his mind after looking at ” All” of the data.
[Argument from Authority. I could quote 1,000:1 experts that disagree with him. Means nothing. — Jo]
My points would be:
If we cannot find a “complete” Virus or a “complete” Virus genome of a virus or any of its variants directly from an infectious persons Lungs or Blood then it does not exist, to the best of my understanding?
[If you read my past replies you’d already know my answer to this. There are at least five independent methods used in millions of instances around the world. They independently cross check on every level. without understanding the science of plaque assays, PCR, antigen test, RNA sequencing, d-dimer blood tests, electron micrographs, etc etc etc, you can’t possibly explain how all the data could be faked or where the real corruption lies, or the real future threats. We’re in a cold Biotech War and it’s time to learn. – Jo]
How do we prove “causation” if we cannot isolated and purify the complete “causative” agent directly from an infected lung?
[See *** in my reply below. -jo]
Why are we wearing masks if we cannot detect a complete virus in the air of a supposed infectious person?
If some one wears a mask all day we cannot find a complete genome of a virus or a complete virus or any of it’s variants directly from that mask?
Now Complete “models” of “In silico models” of viruses no not and have not been found in Nature.
A Complete virus has never been found in a sick person so how can a Model of a variant exist? If we do not have the complete original we cannot find “variation”.
“because they need a host cell, that’s what makes them a virus.”.. But we cannot find a complete Virus in a sick person?
“As I understand it, no one lab did a complete RNA analysis of those 29000 base pairs, bits were done here and there and a computer model stuck them into the “most likely” places in a standard sort of coronavirus library.”..
So Viruses are “In silico models” ?
The technology exists to find complete viruses in a sick person but we cannot find them? We have to find Human viruses in a dying Monkey kidney? And then we can only find a fraction of the virus and the software and a committee makes up the rest.
The Final Virus “In silico model “is decided on by a committee, funded by who?
*** Can a virus be isolated?
I’ve already answered all this too, maybe 30 times.. Is there any point? Read my past replies!
You are being led up the garden path about a 130 year old archaic demand that applied to bacteria but can’t be used with viruses. Viruses are only made in cells — unlike bacteria we cant put them in a sugar solution and watch them grow. It’s difficult to produce “pure” viruses with biological machines made of the same chemicals that are 100 times bigger and 10000 times more complex, and then filter out 99.9% of the machinery — which viruses are designed to stick to, and “isolate” them to produce a pure box of viruses.
Change the way you think. We have isolated viruses with genomic sequencing! We have taken photos of them. We have shown human bodies produce very specific proteins — lock and key exact repetition — in response to this sequence. We have shown that the same sequence pops up all over the world, and the people with that sequence either get sick, or are capable of spreading the sequence to make others sick. WE have documented and followed a single infection repeatedly across the world, through hospitals and airports and we can track the string of infections in long chains with independent testing from different doctors and labs and university researchers. Are they all liars or blindly religious? You have 100 billion observations to explain…
The virus is a cloud of mutant versions that are all almost the same but not exactly. They are a unique 29,000 sequence of code with a tiny percent of variation. A virus is a code, not a life form.
Think of it this way: It’s like asking for someone to prove computer viruses exist by demanding a box of pure ones and zeros. You will never get a pure box of 0s or 1s but your computer will be wrecked just the same. Do computer viruses exist?
By the early 19th century, smallpox vaccination was commonplace in Europe, though doctors were unaware of how it worked or how to extend the principle to other diseases. A transitional period began in the late 1850s with the work of Louis Pasteur. This work was later extended by Robert Koch in the 1880s. (Wiki)
The 150 year old method Bad. The 170 year old theory good!
“You are being led up the garden path about a 130 year old archaic demand that applied to bacteria but can’t be used with viruses.” (You have provided these sources yourself.)
Yet every single lab has isolated, purified and cultured the virus, according to them. All bar one could only culture it on monkey cells as it would not culture on human cell lines. The exception being Australia’s own Doherty Institute, whom did culture it on Human cells. Sadly all forms of communication where down and they could not inform all the other labs how to pull that rabbit out of the hat.
So did they isolate, purify and culture as they all claim, or are they all lying. Two bob each way.
Nextstrain 🙂
Im with Kev.
Who to believe, someone with a life times experience or someone with 12 months and a twitter account?
Follow the money in every case including this blog.
A real doctor on germ theory. Sam Bailey.
Did post this before but it would have to be the video of the decade.
dr. mike yeadon concludes: “there are no respiratory viruses!”
Kevin, maybe it gives you everything you are looking for, but beware of confirmation bias. There are no insights of microbiology or chemistry there, just demands for micromanaged largely irrelevant conditions on experiments that have mostly been done and hundreds of thousands of times already, which are fully published and independently carried out. Should we demand a box of purified ones and zeros to prove computer viruses exist? Can we get a box of gravity? Viruses are not bacteria.
Perhaps people are linking to the wrong Yeadon video but he offers no evidence in the last video someone linked here (perhaps someone edited out the part that matters?). Sam Bailey uses all the right jargon, but ignores millions of data points, and doesn’t even mention the thousands of studies that demonstrate the existence of the nucleocapsid and spike proteins which were predicted from the 29,000 base code. We understand the chemistry of these reactions so well now that “in silico” experiments — on computers, can predict the proteins formed from RNA code. So we stay skeptical of all models, but these same in silico models have been cross tested so many ways. We use the same models to predict that ivermectin would bind to both ACE2, the spike, and TMPRSS2, and about 17 other enzymes and transport molecules and it does. This is confirmed in both in vitro lab tests and in vivo in the real world. We predict many different proteins from the RNA code of SARS Cov 2 and we find those proteins, and we also find antibodies made in people after infection that bind to those same proteins. Furthermore (on and on) we find that as the code mutates, the antibodies change, and the binding decreases, and we find increased rates of infection blah etc blah. The evidence of the virus capsid and spike is all through published articles in minutae.
We know sick people with a certain pattern of distinguishable symptoms (Eg low blood O2 levels never seen before and high D-Dimer results) and they will test positive, and we know some people (close contacts) of theirs will not coincidentally test positive at the same time or within a couple of weeks. They may not have symptoms, but those close contacts can pass on whatever “agent” causes the same pattern of symptoms. We know that people can take samples and post them around the world. As far as I can see Yeadon and Bailey offer nothing by way of alternate better hypothesis to explain the 10 million observations we have.
Some parts of the government are probably very happy to “help” Bailey and other by ignoring their requests, thus giving them 15 seconds of fame, even though they could supply the studies and the samples. The extreme idea that viruses don’t exist is one the forces of darkness would be happy to feed. Anyone who copies their arguments and visits or writes to a doctor or professor will be quietly ignored or dismissed as a crank. This helps to sabotage vaccine and Big Pharma skeptics by rendering some of them impotent — the real and valuable critics who want debate on how dangerous the vaccines are and on the suppression of early treatment will find it that much harder to get attention. The ABC etc can bundle all the critics together. Profs can repeat the stories in tea-rooms to much mirth.
Sam Bailey appears to think all PCR tests are only partial code. She doesn’t realize that millions of samples have been sequenced in full, all 29,000 bases. See Nextstrain for the open data. Australia, for example, was sequencing as many as 20% of all PCR sample in full in 2020 and if I remember rightly, a lot of 2021. We had a high sample rate, because we had so few infections.
Look Kevin, we need every voice we can get to push back against the extraordinary crimes going on. I want you to be heard, and to be effective in the resistance. Please do your own research. Learn the methods of virology before you write the entire field off — plaque assays, antibody tests, ELIZA, in silico, RNA sequencing, PCR tests, d-dimer, O2 saturation, symptomology, case studies, contact tracing etc, and the difference between influenza ARDS and SARS. Read the papers. There are dead ends and rabbit holes and we need the discipline to avoid them.
Great video and a must watch, have watched a lot of her videos and it looks like the tide is turning.
Have you seen this one?
203 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever
There are millions of samples of this virus, in people and labs, but none for sale without also having the cells that make the virus. So what?
See the plaque assay tests… explain those observations some better way.
OK. So it’s argument from authority for you (albeit 140 year old authority from a time when people didn’t even know what a virus or RNA was). I’ll stick with Occams razor, consistent explanations, and 10 million observations. Neither you nor Kevin even try to understand the data, observations or microbiological methods I put forward. Apparently it doesn’t matter what I say…
You still haven’t looked up plaque assays / Eliza tests. You still can’t explain how Nextstrain could be faked without a 24/7 central command control conspiracy involving a million trained professionals. Whatever. You are not even trying.
If it’s important for you to believe viruses don’t exist, that’s fine, but don’t expect me to endorse it. I’m just replying (again x 10) for the silent onlookers.
“Follow the money in every case including this blog.”
If you are going to toss any “follow the money” slurs against me, man up and state them outright and exactly, or explain what you really meant to say. Was it something else?.
As for Sam Bailey, see my earlier reply (sigh) people must have (ahem) missed (again).
Who is this aimed at?
“Who to believe, someone with a life times experience or someone with 12 months and a twitter account?”
I wouldn’t use either. Sounds like argument from authority, not science.
[1] I have asked you a few times previously if you were approached as part of the COVID response to push the narrative, whether you believe in it or not. You never replied yes or no. I asked this as the COVID crew had stated that social media was their best form of getting their message across, money well spent and you are the perfect front for this and also pushed their narrative. This question has been asked by others as well.
[2] This blog was founded on not believing the science of AGW, not believing the Universities, Scientists, not believing the Governments, millions of experiments, millions of experts, or so we are told.
[3] This fear that’s been installed into the public’s mind regarding the death of the planet is a fear campaign, well-funded and very well promoted, it’s an Agenda. I see your COVID as the exact same thing, same script different villain and being funded by the same people.
Next strain is computer generated, people are not joining the fragments together, a computer program does that. I see thousands (maybe as I am not counting) not millions
You state continuously it’s a Bio weapon, deliberately released, any evidence of this and is it even relevant either way, (accidental) locking down the world and hiding from this one will not prevent the next. Nobody is listening in either debate, those that speak out are removed, this is no accident it’s the agenda.
Repeat the lie often enough, eventually everyone will believe it.
[4] “It is a lot easier for the Chinese-NIH to create a new virus than it is for them to fake a pandemic. Think about that. ***” (Just scream fire in the theater, that’s how easy it is to fake a panicdemic, look at the climate panic, people don’t need facts, opinion is enough)
SONIC HEALTHCARE LIMITED SHL (Sullivan Nicolaides Pathology)
[5] Two and a half years, nobody I know has died, nobody I know has been hospitalized, and of the positives nobody has symptoms, that’s my reality, not what you see on your screens. I have done nothing to prevent me getting a runny nose, no mask, no distancing, no washing my hands, no Vaxx, I have stood monthly in tight groups of thousands at rallies, none masked or vaxxed, yet here I am, that’s my evidence.
You expect me to believe one science and not the other, because?
Same Governments same uni’s, same jackets, same paid shills pushing an agenda
[6] How do you take a fragment of genetic code and amplify it into the whole sequence. How do you only amplify that fragment and none of the millions of other fragments of genetic material?
Long COVID, rebound COVID, ninja COVID, BS stats pushed by BS people.
Plaque assays, I do these in my work, Bacteria and fungus, cooling water, and we use Bacteria in mineral processing, got to ckeck the bugs.
Numbers added to your comment so I can reply. *+*
[1] Wow? I’ve never seen that question before, perhaps because it’s so bizarre. So here, emphatically, I’ll state “NO”. Why would they pay me to tell the world about Vit D and ivermectin? And why would I sell out — after a decade that cost our family hundreds of thousands of dollars in lost income and opportunity, and many of my former friends, plus two careers, you think I would cheat my readers and lie and on a topic I love, knowing it would be so easily busted if I did? Wow, just wow? It’s like you think I had a personality change, and all my past values just went “phfft”?
[2] This blog was founded on me expressing my personal scientific opinion because my profession was an abject failure, I was a whistleblower, and a message needed to be shared on a topic albeit one that was not my primary interest. When the science fraud shifted to a topic that was my first passion, I did the bleeding obvious, I wrote exactly what I believed and I had a head start with university and research experience. I was also scientifically correct. Sorry if my analysis wasn’t what you wanted to hear. Bad luck.
[3] Seriously? So if Nextstrain comes off open-source computer data therefore it’s a lie, just no one on Earth has spotted the lies? Why do you believe satellite data? Isn’t that on a computer database too? I’m seeing a guy making up reasons to fuel his need to believe his own narrative. You don’t have data or even a theoretical mechanism that disagrees, nor an explanation of why the observations occur, just anecdotes, accusation, and slurs, and logical fallacies to justify your “skepticism”.
[4] Maybe read my site before you comment? See “Bioweapon” Especially the earliest ones. Why link to Malone as if it was news to me? You know I’ve posted on bad and scary vax data and support him. If only you read my posts eh?
[5] So one guy has an experience and all those papers and data sets mean nothing. Sure. Is “this” your science? C’mon. You can do better MP. That’s like all the climate believers who say “but look at the fires!”
[6] Your entire argument is throwing little rocks on topics you are sure are wrong but haven’t bothered to learn about. Given your track record, I guess I’m supplying links and reasons for the silent onlookers? PCR uses the same enzymes that life on Earth uses to amplify, replicate, check, and correct errors. One copy of your DNA was multiplied to 30 trillion copies to make you. How do you exist, and are you a product of your parents or random DNA? See also this link, look for words like “non specific amplification”, “Melt curves”, and “primer annealing”.
[7] Science is about predictions that get tested. I was right on the threat of Covid, Feb 1 2020. (I was right on the threat of the WHO and Tedros. Feb 3, 2020). I predicted the West would not accept the cost of this virus and the biggest problem was that it would overwhelm hospital ICU capacity. I predicted if we did not shut borders (feb 9) we would lockdown factories and schools in a month, and I said that on Feb 16th 2020. I tried to warn people. I said anti-virals would save us and vaccines would cause dangerous variants to arise. All the data on financial losses/deaths per capita/ days of lockdown show I was correct — see Western Australia, NT, Tas, NZ, see Taiwan. Call me the anti-lockdown girl…
You and I both want to stop lockdowns, the difference is I have a plan.
Just to pull out [6] as an example that I invested a lot of time into both with my own research (millions of individual PCR reactions) and responding to MPs repeated questions on the subject – mostly about 2 years ago. MP has moved zero in all that time.
You’ve put in a lot of effort there Jo but it wont get any appreciation and it wont be accepted.
1. I first asked this question in early 2020, we had a lengthy chat and you never answered the question. I think we kept it in moderation. Now you have and I take your word for that.
2. Those are good articles and I never questioned the abilities to copy the entire DNA strand, its the fragment, and what is in those articles talks about coping full DNA from my reading. As I understand it the virus RNA is disintegrated when killed (?) it’s the multiplication of a fragment into the full strand RNA/DNA I don’t understand.
3. Don’t believe the satellite data, never said I did. The whole CO2 thing is one big homogenized scam and dodgy models.
I work with models (JK SimMet for one) and I know how fraught with errors running a simulation can be and the multiple points at which error can occur, but metallurgy is very well understood and the error is easily found and can be fudged to balance the simulation out. I don’t know how you view open source as “the gold standard” as it means anyone can add or modify, not secure. (The term open source refers to something people can modify and share because its design is publicly accessible.)
4. The Malone thing was an error as I had copied it for an email to a friend who is a fan of the chap, I meant to paste one for the corruption in the medical insurance industry but for some reason I did not notice it had not replaced. I don’t listen to Yeadon or Malone, the man has said no human should inject the mRNA into themselves and went and got vaxxed, I stopped listening after that.
In April 2020 I commented on the Bio Weapon and the ties to, Fort Detrick, UNC Chapel Hill and the Wuhan lab (Dr Chi, I think her name was), so yes the virus was manipulated, but intentional release, I just do not know.
5. as above.
6. A copy of my DNA is a copy of my DNA, a copy of a fragment of my DNA is a copy of the fragment not my whole DNA sequence, that’s the bit I don’t understand and is not explained in those articles, but I have not followed all the links in those articles as yet.
What you and GA don’t understand is that this is literally a whole new language for me that you and GA have spent your life learning. I have to literally learn every second word on something I have no use for in my life. GA I read all your links and wandered off into the Human Genome project Sanger and NGS, (so many gold standards) this lead to CRISPR Cas9 and many rabbit holes you Frankenstein scientists are into. I have thanked you for those when posted, I do read, this does not mean I understand, so I question. Other than that I do not care what your opinion of me is, as you do not care what my opinion of you is.
I sort of understand primers as it is used in my industry and I guess paint primers is a simplified version.
I understand “nonspecific amplification”, “Melt curves”, and “primer annealing” I got that from GA’s links many moons ago, Base pairs and 8 base pairs in the sequence, it’s the fragment of those base pairs and amplification into full length DNA I don’t understand.
I cannot do better if I don’t understand, so I question. I work in a dangerous industry, I question a lot of things I am told, kept me alive to date, lots of dead and injured people whom did not question what they did not understand.
7. Science is about questioning things that are not understood. I am doing science.
Your plan? From what I gather is about tackling the result, (close the boarders, masks) the only plan that will work is fixing the cause. I see the virus as for the vaccine, you see it the other way around. I know of no industry that shut down, it was all private businesses, cafe’s, restaurants. Virtually every industry was massively funded and they all posted record profits for those years, the largest transfer of wealth in history occurred, not because of a virus, because of Government.
What I see is a mafia run organization of government and stake holders, that do not have the peoples interest in mind, but rather their own self-interest.
Anyway thanks for the time to both you and the serial pest, I am sure you did not get to where you are without asking questions. I may not follow the links in your articles, but that is because your analysis is good enough. I may pass up some that are of little interest to me (I am well over the Trump saga).
You believed all the propaganda out of China, people just dropping dead in the streets, I did not.
Sorry about the delay.
[2] “As I understand it the virus RNA is disintegrated when killed (?) it’s the multiplication of a fragment into the full strand RNA/DNA I don’t understand.” ANSWER: Depends what you kill a virus with, and how much the RNA is degraded. Overlapping segments build the whole sequence. Besides the virus is only 29,000 bases, and the longest continuous sequences read (if I read this correctly?) are now are 2 million bases. Though most sequencing is much shorter. In your own cells, the largest single piece of continuous DNA is Chromosome 1 which is 220 million bases long yet your body has replicated it in full many times. Clever enzymes eh?
[7] Science is about testing predictions against observations. Repeatedly asking questions while ignoring observations is not science, it’s confirmation bias. Sorry to be blunt.
My plan (which I’ve said consistently for 2.5 years) is the same: 1. Close the borders (see WA). 2. Use anti-virals and nutrients. 3. If it’s a potential bioweapon, Zero-Virus is the cheapest and best option to keep us free from long lockdowns, forced vaccines, economic loss, masks, school closures, and unknowable morbidity (fertility loss, dementia, cancer, long covid, cognitive loss, AIDS type immune damage etc) unless there are long term studies on the virus proving it is not doing long term damage (which will take years to do by definition). So if and when it leaks through borders, see points 2 and 3 immediately and lockdown if necessary for the shortest possible time to get back to zero. Lockdowns purely for “vaccination” without using antivirals, and without closed borders is sabotage and a crime. I’m sure you agree. I lived in the state that largely (coincidentally) did what I prefer and had more freedom and less lockdown than anywhere else on Earth. My predictions were tested and shown to be correct (and democratically popular).
[8] I see the same Mafioso cabal of Big Pharma and Big Gov as you do. The solution is to hunt for the truth so we find the real lies, not declare everything they say 100% wrong without evidence.
[9] You say I believed the China story but I questioned the numbers at every step and waited until the Diamond Princess / Japan to call for the flights to be closed. And then Iran and Italy confirmed Covid was novel, deadly, and airborne. Perhaps Chinese people didn’t collapse in the street, maybe that was faked, but the chinese still died en masse and the aerosols from funeral pyres were recorded by satellites.
A Great video, says it all.
drs. thomas cowan and andrew kaufman interviewed by mike adams: why the “virus” pandemic is a farce
Not time well spent. My reply is the same as for all the other people still claiming that there should be these idealized purified isolates, which is an anachronistic requirement of bacterial studies. Like Kochs postulate. Sorry to see Mike Adams getting caught on this. A virus is a code, not a bacterial cell, it has been isolated millions of times (and I’m referring to Covid SARS 2). All 29,000 bases exactly. We know how much each one of the 29,000 base pairs varies on average. See Nextstrain. See Nextstrain. See Nextstrain. We can follow infections from one person to the next. We can follow infections in a single person over 140 days (they were immunocompromised). Sigh. We can photograph it – electron microscopes. We can detect it with plaque assays and calculate the exact active viral load per ml. People get sick. Doctors can do blood tests. Antigen tests. D Dimer tests. O2 saturation. Etc Etc. A billion datapoints from millions of people. PCR tests were used for 35 years in forensics, anthropology, history, legal cases, millions of patients all over the world for viruses, for cancer. The code is unique. If I send you the words of a book through a computer, is it still a real book? All you have is a simulation, just a bunch of letters on a computer, is there a real story there, does the book truly exist? Can the book still change lives when there is no paper isolate of it. Not one single paper copy? Can I send you a box of ones and zeros? Is that computer virus real? Can you buy a box of gravity?
Does it matter what I say… am I just writing for the silent onlookers. :- )
I really hope Mike Adams doesn’t waste too much time on this. We need him to stay on target. Vaccines are high risk, antivirals and basic nutrition are being suppressed. We’re in the fight of our lives. Don’t wast time and lose credibility on an idea that is not well thought out. viruses are not tiny bacteria.
“Magic Juice+Magic Pills”
“Robert Malone- Paxlovid Escape Mutations?
President Biden’s two and a half-week Covid-19 marathon
President Biden continues to harbor the COVID-19 virus (SARS-CoV-2) in his body. He first contracted COVID-19 on July 21, two and a half weeks before the present. Is this because of immunosuppression – due to his heavily boosted status, or for some other reason? That being said, the single antiviral drug regime of Paxlovid may also be causing the virus to stay in his body for a long time, an effect otherwise referred to as “the rebound” effect:
Rair Foundation- Germany’s Largest Health Insurer Reveals 1 in 25 Clients Underwent Medical Treatment in 2021 for Covid ‘Vaccine’ Side Effects
Dr. Peter McCullough- 96% of doctors took them and then later on they learned about the risks of neurological damage, blood clots, myocarditis. So they feel since they took the risk, their patients should bear that risk too. Its a form of fear-driven disordered thinking. Patients should probe them.
CBS- New York Health Department says hundreds of people may be infected with polio virus ”
Links at
On job shedding in the Canadian economy
“Avoiding the obvious”
And the comments
Billionaires, Hollywood Celebrities Join Call to End Public Plane Tracking After ‘Climate Criminal’ Backlash
Disable that hypocrisy detector! and do it now!!
“Putting It Into Reverse”
Willis E looks at radiation in climatology
“Pacific Typhoons Defy Climate Experts’ Dire Forecasts…Trending Downward 70 Years!”
The comments are fun.
Typhoons and cyclones are both trending down, which proves that global warming is not so bad after all.
“The 43 percent law spells the end of new fossil fuel developments”
“This gotta be such an anthem, this song is special” – American singer reacts to Judith Durham & The Seekers.”
The long covid, and chronic fatigue syndrome conversation is a furfie. CFS was invented by US insurance companies to get out of paying people to lie around for years, until ME symptoms eased up. It was taken up by bureaucracies, once again as a way to save money. CFS was a jumble of fatigue symptoms taken from numerous illnesses, and is not a diagnosis. I knew someone who should have been Australian of the Year for the work she did, publicising a horrendous illness, while being often totally debilitated herself. ME is an infectious disease, originally known as post polio syndrome, that turns the brain stem into swiss cheese, causing any of 80 symptoms in any of the body’s systems(and brain). She died 5 years ago from a rare breast melanoma, after 20 years of hell. Vale Jodi.
Read #LongCovid.
Scroll past the videos of experts and scientific papers, and read what people are going through.
And think of this as possibly a bioweapon. How useful would it be to not kill, but wound, disable, and slowly grind productivity down.
Is that not the definition of a successful weapon?
“wound, disable, and slowly grind productivity down.”
Sounds very much like the overeating inactivity Australian lifestyle >>>>>> Diabetes >>> Electrified wheel chairs and government sponsored “carers” progressing around shopping centres.
Same as in warfare a case of VD is a viable way of tying up military resources
Interesting video?
what you need to know about polio (poliomyelitis)
A comparison of things
“A billion here and a billion there and pretty soon that is real money”
Andy May and Javier produced this post, which I highly recommend to serious students of climate change.
A work in progress by Chiefio
“For a couple of years now I’ve been of the mindset that Hanlon’s Razor needed an addendum:'s_razor
I’ve tried a few different formulations. Best I’ve got so far is something like “Smith’s Addendum to Hanlon’s Razor”: To rise to high office requires some skill and intelligence along with social connections, in the party, staff or candidate; therefore “stupidity” is not sufficient to explain their actions: they are evil and it is “malice”. ”
A new chapter in the covid saga
“Pfizer Spends $5.4 Billion Cash to Purchase Company That Specializes in Treatment of Blood Disorders
August 8, 2022 | Sundance | 186 Comments”
CO2 shortage causing craft brewers to close , no not Babylon bee .
Thanks for the link but half of the link is a tracking cookie “All the stufff after the question “?” make is a tracking type cookie”
All this is just tracking junk “fbclid=IwAR1wrHg4xGpz3HYTGNzMKzh6plnJj8FsPt-37xiKH3ZL1gG_pcB_psMFouQ”