A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Study says and experts say, more predictions of doom and gloom heat, most of the time for northern Australia. They never stop. All the predictions I listened to in the 90s failed, dismally. So what do you do? Make new predictions. I’ll never forget my green geography teacher in 1986 telling us we won’t see snow by 2000. He was quite forward thinking, that was pretty radical in the mid 80s. Thing is, it fooled me. So it makes sense to keep making predictions.
I am re reading Prof Ian Plimers book ” Climate change delusion and the great electricity rip-off “. This was written back in 2017…before Covid of course, and when the LNP were busy committing political suicide by going all woke and becoming a climate change cheer squad. Everything that Ian Plimer predicted in this book has come true.
I just read on Car Expert ( on line car enthusiasts site ) that California is going to ban the sale of ICE cars from 2035…all EV’s for new sales. It took about 30 seconds to find this article..
Has the entire World gone mad…grids being ruined by the expansion of unreliables, but both here and in the US , our idiot governments are pushing EV’s…whilst destroying the grid.
I agree…the predictions of people with a good scientific brain are true…the predictions of the leftist idiots are the stuff of fairy tales…but the damage that is going to be done is a nightmare.
I believe that we are reaping the results of 1970s introduction of Marxism into education and the students of those years now adults and behaving accordingly.
They know not what they are doing.
Southern California will run out of fresh water before electricity. No wonder Northern California wants to separate from the south. What will likely happen is that the San Andreas Fault will make the split for them………………
Ian Plimer is a wonderful mind.
I am away from my home at present travelling and cannot access Sky News so I have been watching ABC News.
The references to climate change and warming is like a broken record, this afternoon about unbearable heat by the turn of the century. I was not aware that weather forecasting was that good, the BoM must have new computers.
I too was listening (briefly) to ABC radio news. I gave up with the claim that ?? had doubled the cost of their in-house coffee due to “climate change”.
The brief explanation was that Brazilian crops (of coffee beans) were badly hit by “Climate Change”.
As I knew that the reduction (not quantified of course) in yield was due to COLDER WEATHER in that region of Brazil; not for the first time recently, and that the cost of the ingredients in coffee was more affected by the cost of electricity, I hit the OFF button.
You are too well informed for the ABC.
Was listening to a report on the ABC re rising cost of coffee. The woman being interviewed blamed the main problem with climate change saying it caused poor crops in Brazil. Of course she didn’t mention the extreme FROSTS that caused the problem but kept mentioning warming.
…and still base it on the same failed computer modelling – just with a few more tweaks… When will these idiots figure out that the models are not science but politics?
Just means that they get the wrong answers faster so can get more of them
Just like Tim Tam Flam Flatulence the ‘No Rain Man’. Rubbish science and the ‘Man’ does not even have the courage of his convictions. Bought a house adjacent to the Hawkesbury in NSW just like Mr O’Bumm*r in the USA buying a Mansion adjacent to the Ocean.
The word HYPOCRITE comes immediately to mind.
Just follow the Moneeeeeeeey.
I see. Are predictions for sea level rise likely to affect those two properties in the lifetimes of the purchasers?
Not in the case of Obama. I believe on the occasion of his turn to rule, he declared that was the day the seas stopped rising.
So in fact, he’s an Egyptian (King Farouk) & not a Hawaiian / Kenyan American.
GA,Is 70 years a “lifetime” to you? If so I can assure you the house I lived in 70 yrs ago that spring tides used to come up the gutter out front, is still dry today so they’ll be OK.
They are still hypocrites for buying properties that they tell others are in imminent danger of being flooded.
That wouldn’t matter to GAye. Evidence that the education system fails most. There be no doubt.
Depends on which climate change Guru you make the mistake of listening to.
Unless those predictions are for 200 years from now, he will take a hit on resale.
Di Caprio’s “resort”×807/smart/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/blackadore-caye-1.jpg
Didn’t one of the climate gurus same 10m sea level rise??
Gee Aye:
The rising sea level is big news in the UK. (I hear it was debunked around 985 A.D. by some boke called Canute, but it still get sprouted by the BBC and The Guardian etc).
Harlech & Beaumaris castles in Wales were built originally having sea access. Also Caerlaverock in Scotland. None of these has a harbour or sea access now.
“Excellent points in your article. I had forgotten about Beaumaris. But there are examples all over. Chester was a sea port in Roman times. But by medieval times the Dee estuary had silted and the sea port moved to Parkgate nearly 10 miles away. It is from that port on the Dee that Handel travelled to Dublin to conduct a performance of his Messaiah. That was in the 1700s. Nowadays only the very highest tides even reach Parkgate and mostly it looks out over salt marsh. All this despite rising sea levels”
From personal experience I noticed that ‘Traitor’s Gate’ (or the watergate) in the Tower of London – built in 1285 A.D. – is NOT accessible at low tide from The Thames. The tide rise/fall about the Tower is about 4 metres. The staff there wear rubber boots at low tide when they get into the water and sweep up the coins thrown into the water.
And if you like check Youtube for aerial videos of Pevensey Castle built by the Romans in the 300’s A.D. On a peninsula so only vulnerable to assault from one side. HINT the road around the castle and the car park must be “an optical illusion” as some believe that the SA of England is sinking.
Hi G3, could that part of the world be slowly rising and have been doing so since the Ice Age melted? Maybe the weight of ice having gone the plastic crust rises slowly. I’ve heard this said of Norway/Sweden.
There has been maps produced showing isostatic rebound for some locations, with other locations going the other way.
‘So it makes sense to keep making predictions.’
Getting it right is the tricky bit, but I’ll have a go.
The sun has been getting progressively warmer over the past few decades and if it continues then all the doomsday predictions may come true.
The oceanic oscillations should save us, as they change phase to produce a cooler combo of effects. I predict a predominance of La Nina like conditions over the next couple of decades and Australia will be cool and wet.
Climate is cyclic, not linear, so making a forecast beyond 30 years is dodgy.
What Would the Devil Have to Do Today to Destroy America?
In 1965, columnist and commentator Paul Harvey wrote an interesting piece titled, “If I were the Devil.” This was basically a commentary on what Harvey would do if he were Satan and wanted to destroy America.
Nearly 60 years later, most of what Harvey predicted has come to pass. While America has not been completely destroyed, our nation is clearly in decline. In 2022, here’s what I would do if I wanted to finish the job.
– I’d Devalue the Currency
– I’d Develop Hyper-Inflation
– I’d Diminish Energy Independence
– I’d Defund the Police
– I’d Disarm the Citizens
– I’d Demolish the Voting System
– I’d Destroy the Education System
– I’d Destabilize the Mind
Why Would Anyone Want to Destroy America?
Why destroy this once great nation? In a word, globalism. Many of those in power, from politicians to organizations such as the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, are pushing us toward a globalist system. The globalists aren’t even trying to hide their agenda any longer. Klaus Schwab writes about the Great Reset at the World Economic Forum, while Joe Biden talks about how we’re going through an incredible transition in the push to radically change how we support our energy needs.
Unfortunately, by the time the globalist system is fully in place, many Americans will welcome it with open arms. They will gladly trade all their privacy and freedom for social justice and a monthly pittance in the form of guaranteed income from the government. Freedom of speech, religious liberty, property rights, and gun rights will be greatly diminished or gone.
The US deep state is more powerful than ever.
If you live in the tropics and want to comment on this ludicrous study you are likely to get banned if you simply say it like it is.
supposed to be a reply to Philip at #1
Migration, farming and language development across the Southern Arc revealed in vast paleogenetic study
University of Vienna
In a trio of papers, published simultaneously in the journal Science, Ron Pinhasi from the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology and Human Evolution and Archaeological Sciences (HEAS) at the University of Vienna and Songül Alpaslan-Roodenberg from the University of Vienna and Harvard University, Iosif Lazaridis and David Reich at Harvard University — together with 202 co-authors — report a massive effort of genome-wide sequencing from 727 distinct ancient individuals with which it was possible to test longstanding archaeological, genetic and linguistic hypotheses. They present a systematic picture of the interlinked histories of peoples across the Southern Arc Region from the origins of agriculture, to late medieval times.
In the first paper the international team investigated the homeland and the spread of Anatolian and Indo-European languages. The genetic results suggest that the homeland of the Indo-Anatolian language family was in West Asia, with only secondary dispersals of non-Anatolian Indo-Europeans from the Eurasian steppe. At the first stage, around 7,000-5,000 years ago, people with ancestry from the Caucasus moved west into Anatolia and north into the steppe. Some of these people may have spoken ancestral forms of Anatolian and Indo-European Languages.
All spoken Indo-European languages (e.g., Greek, Armenian and Sanskrit) can be traced back to Yamnaya steppe herders, with Caucasus hunter-gatherer and Eastern hunter-gatherer ancestry, who ~5,000 years ago initiated a chain of migrations across Eurasia. Their southern expansions into the Balkans and Greece and east across the Caucasus into Armenia left a trace in the DNA of the Bronze Age people of the region.
As they expanded, descendants of the Yamnaya herders admixed differentially with the local populations. The emergence of Greek, Paleo-Balkan, and Albanian (Indo-European) languages in Southeastern Europe and the Armenian language in West Asia, formed out of Indo-European speaking migrants from the steppe interacting with local people, and can be traced by different forms of genetic evidence. In Southeastern Europe, the Yamnaya impact was profound and people of practically full Yamnaya ancestry came just after the beginning of the Yamnaya migrations.
Some of the most striking results are found in the core region of the Southern Arc, Anatolia, where the large-scale data paints a rich picture of change — and lack of change — over time. The results show that in contrast to the Balkans and the Caucasus, Anatolia was hardly impacted by the Yamnaya migrations. No link to the steppe can be established for the speakers of Anatolian languages (e.g. Hittite, Luwian) due to the absence of Eastern hunter-gatherer ancestry in Anatolia, contrasting with all other regions where Indo-European languages were spoken.
– First farming societies and their interactions
– The historic period
Medieval monks were riddled with intestinal parasites but still lived longer than general population – study
A new analysis of remains from medieval Cambridge shows that local Augustinian friars were almost twice as likely as the city’s general population to be infected by intestinal parasites.
This is despite most Augustinian monasteries of the period having latrine blocks and hand-washing facilities, unlike the houses of ordinary working people.
The friars should have friard their food better…
Chip monks.
Ah, but the Japanese monks ate mushrooms with Ivermectin!
Coincidences are quite funny. I am currently reading a book called “A History of the Ancient World” author is Chester G. Starr and first published in 1968 with many references to much earlier works back to the very early 1900’s and it seems that Mr Starr somehow got it right. One could almost think that the authors and 202 co authors must have read this very book. Amazing.
Well maybe NOT the very book that I have, mine was purchased from the second hand book shop in Euroa for the princely sum of $4.00. My copy printed in 1974 as the 4th edition, like so many books that can be purchased from the second hand book shops, had never been read. Spine as stiff as the day it was bound, pages unmarked, cover in pristine condition. I would guess just one of those presents that people give and then just cast aside.
South Park: A Whole Lot Worse
Tesla, Nio EV Charging Stations Go Dark As China Rations Power
The sprawling municipality of Chengdu in Sichuan province and nearby Chongqing (all located in southwestern China) — where scorching heatwaves and lack of rainfall slashed hydropower generation, resulting in weeks of power rationings at some of the largest factories in the country, have reportedly spread to EV charging stations.
Bloomberg reported that some Tesla Inc. and Nio Inc. charging stations in Chengdu and Chongqing (both metro areas have a combined +46 million people) had been turned off because of power conservation measures, leaving drivers unable to charge their EVs.
So charge ’em from solar! 😁
You Looking at Me? Aussie Nightclub Bans Staring ‘Without Verbal Consent’
Call the woke police. A nightclub in Sydney, Australia, has banned patrons from staring at each other unless the person gazing on another has been granted specific, prior verbal consent.
Failure to comply can result in ejection from the newly declared “safe space” and local law enforcement being called.
The venue has also discouraged people visiting if their “sole purpose” was to meet someone to “pick up.”
Club 77 is in the very heart of Australia’s biggest city and used staring as an example of an action that would be in contravention of its new safety and harassment policy.
The policy was made public earlier this month in an Instagram post with the club adding “safety officers” in pink vests would patrol the venue to strictly enforce the no-staring mandate.
WokeyBrokey time..
Just do what Biden does and wear ‘sunnies’…………..
I can’t remember if the UK has introduced a specific law, but there was a police awareness campaign a few months back, starers on public transport will be arrested for harassment.
It’s the UK, no one ever makes eye contact on public transport!
I think the next progressive step is Pick Up Equity.
Each bar crawl customer will be required to present a PUE status history, assuring that they have scored with the correct proportion of BIPOC and LGBTQ2SpiritsAIMultiSpirut+ hookups, in an equitable reflection of the demographics of their locale.
This could easily be added to the Vax Status card.
Teachers that didn’t maintain inclusive PUE histories could have their pay docked.
If your gonna have social engineering, you’ve got to socially engineer.
You could also have mask and bodysuit requirements so that the unattractive are protected from marginalization.
Mask and suit removal only allowed after hook up is complete in compliance with government regulations.
I think Canada, NZ, and Scotland may already have these improvements in the works.
Resistance is futile.
I’m hoping to be 6 or 8 of 9.
‘The policy was made public earlier this month in an Instagram post with the club adding “safety officers” in pink vests would patrol the venue to strictly enforce the no-staring mandate.’
Do the ‘woke police’ need permission from patrons to stare at them to see if they are staring at someone else?
Man tests positive for monkeypox, HIV and COVID-19 after returning home from a five-day holiday in Spain
A 36-year-old man, who reported having intercourse with men during a five-day Spanish holiday, has simultaneously tested positive for monkeypox, HIV and COVID-19.
THIS is why the curve is so slow to drop off.
Hydrogen-powered trains enter passenger service in Germany.
HGH part whatever.
Four years after embarking on a two-year operational trial run in Germany, a bunch of Coradia iLint hydrogen fuel-cell trains have entered passenger service along a 100% hydrogen route in Lower Saxony.
Now the project has officially entered public service, and expanded to 14 trains designed by Alstom engineers at the regional trains facility in Salzgitter, Germany, and the traction systems center in Tarbes, France.
Emitting only steam and condensed water, and with a range of 1,000 km (~620 miles), each train is expected to operate on a single tank of hydrogen for a full day’s service along the route between Cuxhaven, Bremerhave, Bremervörde and Buxtehude. Travel speeds on the EVB network are reported to run between 80 and 120 km/h (50 – 74.5 mph), but the trains can get up to 140 km/h (87 mph).
The trains, the tracks, and the H2 are all from wind machines – Right?
Looks like a great target for an anti tank weapon. BOOM !!!!!!!
Rechargeable aluminum: The cheap solution to seasonal energy storage?
Aluminum has an energy density more than 50 times higher than lithium ion, if you treat it as an energy storage medium in a redox cycle battery. Swiss scientists are developing the technology as a renewable energy stash for the European winter.
As a 2020 report from the SPF team states, a single, one cubic meter (35.3 cu ft) block of aluminum can chemically store a remarkable amount of energy – some 23.5 megawatt-hours, more than 50 times what a good lithium-ion setup can do, or roughly enough to power the average US home for 2.2 years, on 2020 figures. That’s by volume – going by weight, aluminum holds a specific energy of 8.7 kWh per kilogram, or about 33 times more than the batteries Tesla uses in its Model 3.
Big fat blocks like that aren’t exactly practical to work with, though, so the Reveal team proposes using 1-mm (0.04 in)-diameter balls of aluminum instead. Naturally, you lose some volumetric density here, but you’re still coming out over 15 MWh per cubic meter.
The high temperatures needed are the killer…
Public Notice
The nation is running out of people qualified to be appointed royal commissioners, if you believe you have what it takes please contact me.
I’m well in as I have a degree Centigrade, Celsius and Kelvin. I would have had one other however I could not spell Faren Height………..
Scientists Grow “Synthetic” Mouse Embryo – With Brain and Beating Heart – From Stem Cells
Scientists have created model mouse embryos from stem cells that have beating hearts, as well as the foundations for a brain and all of the other organs in the mouse body. Stem cells are the body’s master cells, which can develop into almost any cell type in the body. The work was done by researchers from the University of Cambridge and the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
The results are the culmination of more than 10 years of research, and they could help scientists understand why some embryos fail while others go on to develop into a fetus as part of a healthy pregnancy. In addition, the results could be used to guide the repair and development of synthetic human organs for transplantation.
No sperm or eggs were used in the development of the embryo model. Instead, by guiding the three different kinds of stem cells that are present in early mammalian development to the stage where they begin interacting, the researchers were able to mimic natural processes in the laboratory.
We don’t need you. We can create human slaves at will.
The future portrayed by “The Island” gets closer…
The Money Song – Monty Python’s Flying Circus
Why you don’t use Google for Searches
CDC Change of Vaccine Definition of 1 Sep 21
I saw a report yesterday on search engine censorship.
Google, DDG and Bing are next to useless at 2 or 3 out of 10.
My new fave Yandex gets 9 out of 10…
Zoophile Pride Marchers Demand LGBTQI+ Movement Add a Z
German zoophiles have taken to the streets in protest against laws that forbid sex with animals. According to the protesters, German citizens should have the right to engage in sexual relationships with animals including pet dogs.
Under animal protection laws that apply in every civilized country across the world, it is illegal to engage in sexual congress with an animal, however organizers of the Zoophilia Pride March say they are making headway in pressuring the German government to change the law by gaining the support of the mainstream majority.
How long before the LGB part gets sick of and dumps the TQIZ whatever part?
History teachers everywhere are having mental images of the Roman games and the sickness they engaged in.
Here we go again thanks to the WEF, Schwab and pedo-pollies around the world…
Was just a matter of time. And we are going the way of the Roman empire, with the same causes and the same eventual result.
Scientists Warn That Driving Is Suddenly Causing Spike in Heart Attacks
Scientists are now warning drivers that car fumes and braking too hard is causing a sudden spike in heart attacks.
I blame Asian student drivers, Volvo drivers and BMW drivers!
They all drive like Mr. Magoo 😆
Some people just can’t drive. I call these people “everyone but me”. 😁
Just Double Death 44 Mins 44 Secs
Watch: ‘My Son Hunter’ Full Theatrical Trailer Premiere and Truth Social Panel Discussion Hosted by Devin Nunes with Donald Trump Jr., Robert Davi, Peter Schweizer, and Alex Marlow
Watch the world premiere of the full theatrical trailer for the highly anticipated feature film My Son Hunter broadcast tonight on Truth Social at 9:00 p.m. ET.
Stay tuned after the trailer debut for an all-star panel discussion hosted by Truth Social CEO and former California congressman Devin Nunes.
The panelists are: Donald Trump Jr.; My Son Hunter director Robert Davi (Licensed to Kill, Die Hard, The Goonies); Government Accountability Institute President, Breitbart Senior Contributor, and bestselling author of Red Handed: How American Elites Get Rich Helping China Win Peter Schweizer; and Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow.
Good thing this Hunter creep’s father isn’t anyone important… Oh, wait! 😃
Creepy runs in that family. How do they say: Acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Trouble is the B family isn’t solid enough to be compared to oak.
Where are the solar panels?
Impermissible Notions
Or, Things That Will Not Be Tolerated On Twitter.
The thing in question this time is a cartoon, an illustration of an idea. It was shared, briefly, yesterday by biologist and Quillette contributor Colin Wright, and was promptly censored by Twitter’s moderators. Mr Wright has apparently been suspended from said platform until a confession of hateful wrongdoing – as yet unspecified hateful wrongdoing – has been extracted.
Given the cartoon’s scandalous properties, I’ll reproduce it below the fold. Do feel free to grip the arms of your chair.
This, apparently, is what’s verboten on Twitter. Note that no inflammatory commentary was added to the image. The image itself was deemed a basis for both indignation and speedy action. And so, the enormous list of things to which Twitter’s moderators take exception now includes the suggestion that strident activists often do harm to the cause they ostensibly champion. A phenomenon seen all but daily, and on many fronts.
The article that the illustration accompanies, by Eliza Mondegreen, can be found here.
Readers are welcome to comb through it in search of seething hatred or some great urge to oppress.
A Montage of Idiocy: Joe Biden Slurs, Mumbles, Loses His Train of Thought, Wanders from Podium, and Screams During MD Rally (VIDEO)
From the Comments
– Joe Biden looks more confused than Michelle Obama’s gynecologist.
China’s historic drought forces a return to coal
Tokyo – Faced with crippling power cuts and the worst drought in modern history, China is shelving plans to reduce its reliance on coal, as cities and factories around the country struggle to keep the lights on and stay open.
Record-high temperatures have dried up reservoirs and crippled the energy-generating capacity of giant hydropower schemes such as the Three Gorges Dam this week, throwing the focus back onto coal despite Beijing’s commitment to slash greenhouse gas emissions.
Images of mountain bushfires on the outskirts of the giant south-western city of Chongqing, dried-up riverbeds, parched crops and office workers using huge blocks of ice to stay cool have flooded Chinese social media this week. To add to the frustration, residents in many cities are still being forced to queue outside in searing heat for mandatory COVID-19 tests.
Yes but Coal Fired Electricity Generating Power Plants need these things called Cooling Towers. And how do they do the cooling? With water that’s how……
I should have said that steam turbines need the water first………………………
It was lovely and sunny an hour ago, now the sky is as grey as a ghost and looking like it’s about to drizzle.
Climate schlimate.
14.1C here in Sydney – Cold/Grey/Wet
Sounds like me working in the scrub, glad the fire was going when I got home
US Student Loan Write Offs –
“While many are praising Biden for maintaining his campaign promise to cancel student debt, others are furious that the costs will be passed on to the taxpayers. Even Mitt Romney accused Biden of bribing voters before the midterms. “Biden’s student loan forgiveness plan may win Democrats some votes, but it fuels inflation, foots taxpayers with other people’s financial obligations, is unfair to those who paid their own way & creates irresponsible expectations,” the perhaps most liberal Republican senator wrote on Twitter.
Under the plan, borrowers earning under $125,000 annually will receive a $10,000 debt cancelation, while Pell Grant recipients will see a $20,000 reduction. The Penn Wharton School conducted a study in which they believe this program will cost the average taxpayer $2,000.”
Friday funny
My new favourite pickup line:
Hey girl. Is your name Pfizer because you just made my heart stop.
This Is All From Borrowed Money – Electronically Made –
“President Biden agreed to waste billions on the Democrat-supported Inflation Reduction Act. According to a survey of 1,500 Americans as presented by the Epoch Times, neither Democratic nor Republican citizens believe this expensive act will combat rising prices.
Respondents were asked if they believed that the bulk of the package, the $369 billion set aside for climate change initiatives, would reduce inflation. Only 13% said they believed fighting climate change would combat inflation, while 26% admitted they had no clue. Yet, 38% replied by saying it will increase inflation, and an additional 22% think it will have no impact.
Only 8% of Republicans polled agreed with the act (no voting Republican lawmakers supported the measure), while 23% of Democrats were in favor. Around 68% of Republicans warned that the bill would increase inflation; 40% of Independents agreed, as did 17% of Democrats.
This leads one to believe that the measure would never have passed if the taxpayers had the opportunity to vote on how their money was spent. The Congressional Budget Office admitted that the measure would have a negligible effect on inflation. Currently, American households are paying an additional $717 per month due to inflation. This act will only cause Americans to be treated as criminals by the growing and armed IRS, which is training to use lethal force against civilians. Audits will soar, small and medium businesses will suffer, and no one besides those supporting the Green agenda will benefit from the Inflation [Expansion] Act.”
Add that to the rest of the US Government Debt (Taxpayer Debt). Along with the Student Debt Write Offs. Along with……..Lots and lots of debt that will never be repaid. At least Home Mortgages and Business Debt have Assets to support the Debt. Not with Guv’ment Debt though. It is a noose around the neck of Taxpayers who have yet to be born.
Welcome to the New Nightmare.
France launches climate change police force.
Much like Canada, France has begun recruitment efforts to launch a new climate change police force to enforce strict climate laws.
As reported by Breitbart, French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin is hiring 3,000 “green police” officers to go after those who violate “green-related criminal issues” to safeguard the country from disasters supposedly caused by human-related climate change.
He continued, saying that the climate change police force “will be a revolution.”
The announcement comes after the EU crisis management tsar Janez Lenarcic called for the rapid creation of a Europe-wide “Civil Protection Force” to enforce climate laws across the EU.
Trudeau installing weapons armouries, interrogation rooms for Ministry of Climate Change
The Ministry of Environment & Climate Change Canada (ECCC) is building a new facility in Winnipeg that will be home to a firearms armoury, interrogation rooms, biological labs, media relations offices, “controlled quiet rooms,” and intelligence facilities.
The plans, which were drawn up by a firm in Winnipeg, open a window into Trudeau’s future plans for Climate Enforcement.
According to a recently posted ad, the Ministry is searching to recruit a battalion of Climate “Pollution” Officers, a unit within the coldly named “Environmental Enforcement Directorate.”
If you emit too much carbon or use too much fertilizer, you may just be on the Climate Communists’ hit list.
The entire facility that was leaked to The Counter Signal is sketched to be over 50,000 square feet, will house hundreds of ECCC staff, and will also be home to weather forecasting staff.
Covid is old news. Now we start the climate lockdowns.
Bbq tomorrow! 😉
The man who married a hologram in Japan can no longer communicate with his virtual wife because the software is no longer supported.
The man who married a hologram in Japan can no longer communicate with his virtual wife. The software that allowed the interaction is no longer supported and the man can no longer interact with the hologram with which he had a relationship for years.
Fictosexuality is the term used to describe those people who are sexually attracted to fictional characters and in Japan little by little it becomes a trend, to the extent that there are companies that develop technology to offer users holographic couples.
Akihiko Kondo took his love for a fictional character one step further by holding a “getting married” ceremony with Hatsune Miku , a virtual singer who has starred in several video games and has even accompanied Lady Gaga on her world tours.
The ceremony took place in 2019, after the man was able to communicate with the hologram via Gatebox, a company that develops devices to holographically show characters that do not exist.
install Wife 2.0 or Bit-on-the-side 6.9
There was an SF book ‘Idoru’ on such a creatioon of fantasy….
Russia has contrived a way to attrit and degrade western militaries without directly fighting them. They’ve turned the Ukrainian proxy into a gravity well that sucks in military hardware so it can be sold off or blown up.
Your link is a pic of Sydney weather.
Anyway! I think this IS WWIII. So little high cost, high tech weaponry can be built today, at least at a pace that sustains a global war, that like a boxing match or football game, the war is held in an arena – Ukraine.
That does not mean the rest of the world gets to sit in comfortable chairs eating pop corn, there will be great pain and suffering in the NH, and we in the south will get the backwash. Britain and US understand this, I think, and are very serious.
My $ is on the allies, not the Russia/China axis.
Sorry –
“My $ is on the allies, not the Russia/China axis.”
Long odds H!
This is what is being presented as news on the site OldOzzie links below…
“Could same-sex marriage soon be a reality in war-torn Ukraine?”
Are they REALLY fighting a war in that country?? Take away the massive propaganda presented in the West as “news” and “truth”, and really, Russia is slowly grinding forward with artillery shells against a weaker opponent with an army of people who don’t want to fight.
This is a war that America has pushed for in order to destroy or at least weaken Russia, and it is fascinating to see the unexpected consequences. NATO running out of arms and ammunition so quickly, pictures of soldiers from the front lines in their 40s and 50s, old men in uniform, the sudden importance of drones as tactical intelligence, the limitations of Americas satellite surveillance, American soldiers on the ground & being killed and captured as the Ukies can’t use the modern weaponry.
This coming winter will cripple Europe unless they talk nicely to Putin, and the Yanks won’t give a shite. They’ll offer Ukraine and Europe to Satan if it weakens Russia.
This may not be the end of the West and America as global bully, (sorry, ‘rules-based-order, only OUR rules) but it is certainly the beginning of the end. When the next UK Prime Minister says she will happily use nuclear missiles against Russia, it won’t be long before we are all ‘On the Beach’.
Hillary Clinton Thrashed in Legal Quiz by Kim Kardashian, Loses 11-4.
Just been watching watching the film “Back to the Future” again. Set in 1985.
A classic line from Michael J Fox was – “When can the Weather Man predict the weather let alone the Future”…….BOM take note…….LOL
Apparently BoM specialise in changing past weather event records and omissions, discarding data before 1910 for example.
Or losing the Lismore flood data.
‘…before 1910 for example.’ And after 2000 as well.
2001 and 2011 were below average mean temps.
‘The Australian area-averaged mean temperature in 2011 was 0.14 °C below the 1961 to 1990 average of 21.81 °C. This was the first time since 2001 (also a wet, La Niña year) that Australia’s mean annual temperature was below the 1961–90 average.’
Not any more they’re not.
Time series graph
No, Killing People Is Not A Humane Solution For The West’s Epidemic Of Despair
Medically assisted suicide, a pet project of many progressives, is increasingly popular in Western nations and must be resisted.
News surfaced earlier this month about the Canadian health care system’s planned expansion of medically assisted suicide and the shockingly low bar required for administering such procedures.
Soon, Canadians will be able to request permanent release if they are suffering from something as commonplace as “mental health issues.”
News surfaced earlier this month about the Canadian health care system’s planned expansion of medically assisted suicide and the shockingly low bar required for administering such procedures.
Soon, Canadians will be able to request permanent release if they are suffering from something as commonplace as “mental health issues.”
As medically assisted suicide becomes increasingly popular and easier to access, while rates of substance use, overdose, and depression also increase, people are turning to assisted suicide to escape their pain.
Despair has increasingly come to characterize Western civilization, and more and more people are seeking release. The widespread insistence on escaping pain regardless of the consequences, instead of learning to live with it and thriving despite it, presents an existential crisis for the West.
How can a civilization remain, let alone thrive, if it tacitly encourages people to opt out of life when faced with hardship?
– Canada’s Death Cult
– Embracing Decay
– Resisting Decay
Bring on the pandemic Royal Commission
By Pauline Hanson, One Nation Senator for QLD
Australians impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic must be able to tell their stories.
One Nation leader Senator Pauline Hanson said while the Prime Minister’s commitment to a Royal Commission into the pandemic was welcome, she saw no reason for a delay in starting the inquiry.
“I’m delighted the Prime Minister sees the logic in One Nation’s demand for a Royal Commission into the pandemic,” Senator Hanson said. “This is an unprecedented event which has disrupted the lives of everyone in Australia.
“We may still be dealing with COVID-19, but that’s not a legitimate reason for kicking the Royal Commission can down the road. After almost two and a half years of this wretched pandemic there is plenty of evidence for a Royal Commission to look at right now.
“One Nation was the only party which committed to a pandemic Royal Commission at the election, and we have not been idle in the meantime. We will offer a preliminary draft of the Royal Commission’s terms of reference on our website for comment in early September.
“These will focus on impacts on the economy, government accountability and transparency, systemic issues, legislation and policy, public trust, human rights, the role of the media, the role of international bodies and agencies, and the response of the private sector – all issues are on the table.
“The world will be watching, so this must be a comprehensive and completely public inquiry which examines every aspect of how the pandemic was managed. We must be able to review the expert advice which was used to justify pandemic measures which caused so much disruption and pain across the nation.
“It’s imperative Australians’ experiences of the pandemic are heard. This Royal Commission must give Australians the opportunity to tell their stories. It’s time for the truth.
“We should be under no illusions this will be a long and sometimes difficult process. It’s one of the reasons we should get started on it right now. The Prime Minister does no service to the Australian people by delaying it.”
Watch Senator Hanson’s discussion with Chris Kenny about the need for a pandemic Royal Commission
I haven’t listened to Their ABC (Australia) for years, but recently listened for a few hours.
I was horrified that it is far worse than it was even a few years ago.
It is an endless barrage of the hatred of Trump, love of O’Biden, love of Australian Greens and Labor, the promotion of gender and racial division, climate change propaganda, and everything else on the Left agenda.
In addition, nearly everything was either an outright lie or a gross misrepresentation of the truth.
Tragically, a sizeable proportion of the population actually believe the content of Their ABC.
I was once an avid listener of Radio National. I quit it in about 2012, as I couldn’t stand their increasing leftist agenda. At 10 pm going to bed one night in about 2014 I thought Id give Late Night Live with Philip Adams a listen for old times sake. He opened with the question to some Australia feminist, “what is the situation for women today?” The answer was “well Philip it is worse than ever”. I switched off. Never been back since.
To my eternal shame I may have been an ABC snob. The 6 o’clock news on the commercials was for the non-thinkers. 🙁
I was in small business, neither party spoke for me so I voted labor. Kevin 07 and broadband cured me. I could never vote labor, or a proxy, as long as I’m on the green side of the grass.
G’day David,
I’ve not watched ABC news or opinion pieces for years, but I do read their on line news “Just In”, as it’s easy to ignore stories that don’t interest me, I get something about current news and I get a feel for what the enemy is saying. For example today I found out they’d used their Fact Checkers to debunk some on line naysayers who claimed a Victorian had described the vaxxine as ineffective, a rather significant about face. I read it, in some wonderment, as I thought said Victorian had said that, or words that effect.
The story is worth reading as it’s quite clever obfuscation from a Victorian University which used to have a good reputation:
My better half remembered the words, the man, and the source and sent me the link. The video is about 7 minutes in total and the words are at about 5 mins 38. (With thanks to Another Ian last Sunday.)
But who am I to fact check the official ABC Fact Ckeckers?
Dave B
Early afternoon yesterday on NSW ABC radio, neither the presenter nor the (young) reporter he was interviewing could define what is a mammal! Someone off-air looked it up for them. Talk about bog ignorance, their ABC has it in spades.
Yesterday I heard a comment on a radio news item (not Their ABC) that there is a legal case starting in Australia of people suing a doctor or medical clinic (or both) for “transitioning” their child, thus permanently mutilating and sterilising them under the false pretext that they would be changed into the opposite sex and be happy.
The reporter falsely said that it was an extremely rare case of regret of transgender surgery.
That is simply not true. There are very large numbers of cases of regret for these procedures, and increasing numbers of legal cases suing for damages (e.g. Tavistock, UK). In most cases social(ist) media will censor discussion of transgender regret so it is not getting the attention it deserves.
Surgery for mental illness went out of fashion and also became mostly illegal in the 1950’s but apparently it’s back again.
Even our delightful Anne, mother/grandmother, admits to having been a tomboy as a girl.
Today would she be at risk of being sterilised behind her parents’ backs?
In Vicdanistan the Teals have decided to target the few remaining seats of sitting Liberals.
Even without the Teal contribution the Vicdanistan Libs would be further wiped out in the next state election but with the Teals, it will be a complete disaster.
Vic Libs have decided to have higher emissions targets than even Federal Labor. They are almost as bad as Labor on all counts.
The Libs will soon learn the lesson, which apparently they didn’t learn at the last Federal Election, of “GET WOKE, GO BROKE”.
Australia’s most left wing and highest debt state is set to become much more so on both counts in the next election which will see a sick ruling coalition of Labor, Green and Teal.
“The Libs will soon learn the lesson”. Too optimistic I fear.
Can’t even tell you a lib candidate or opposition minister , only reason I know the lobster with the mobster guys name is because he only sticks his head up two minutes before an election. I can’t see a change of government with dissatisfaction with both majors at an all time high .
Royal commission into robo debt is going to be interesting considering it was the brain child of Shorten and Plibersek during the Rudd Gillard Rudd years .
To put it bluntly – looks like more turds rising
“Is Something Else Going On In Wuhan?”
New study confirms CO2 is only a bit player.
A new paper shows spike toxicity in Zebrafish. A study on spike run-off into our environment.
This article entitled “Toxicity of spike fragments SARS-CoV-2 S protein for zebrafish: A tool to study its hazardous for human health?” was published in March, 2022 in the journal Science of the Total Environment. The authors use a model for studying the effects of spike on humans ‘using Zebrafish as a tool to assess the harmful effects of SARS-CoV-2 in the aquatic environment’. They found that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2 is highly toxic to Zebrafish.
The reason every single person on Earth needs to be concerned about this (and should have been years ago) is because of conserved homologies between humans and other species. For example, genetic homology between zebrafish and humans is highly conserved whereby ~70% of human genes can be found in our stripy little friends.4 Our respective ACE-2 receptors are 72% sequence similar.
With respect to the reproductive tissue, female zebrafish injected with rSpike displayed severe damage in the ovary (follicular atresia, cellular infiltration, and disorganized extracellular matrix) after 7 days of protein inoculation.
They found evidence that their spike bit induced inflammatory processes in the brain.
There are predictions of 70% of UK pubs shutting up shop because of high energy prices – and, ironically, the lack of CO2.
Russia has probably been flaring off most if not all of the gas it is denying Europe since June. Burnt in the dirtiest way with the soot polluting and darkening the Arctic.
Can anything more demonstrate the futility of imposing economically suicidal net zero policies on ourselves whilst pretending pernicious regimes like China and Russia will ever really join in.
Why is it necessary to flare the gas?
Why can’t the extraction just be shut down or reduced?
Closing off wells does permanent damage. Mismanagement has REDUCED Venezuela’s reserves, not merely delayed oil extraction.
Even beforethe current crisis (Ukraine etc), Russia continuously flates off $70+ bn worth ofgas every year !
The current Nordstream site flare is <1.0% of russias total flare amount !
They are the biggest gas flare burners in the world.
Latest UK average domestic energy use price cap peak expected April next year. Gulp.
Its looking bad for the poor.
‘Britons could die this winter due to surging energy prices, Martin Lewis warned today after Ofgem confirmed an 80 per cent rise in the price cap – sending the average household’s yearly bill from £1,971 to £3,549 from October.
‘The cap announced today will come into effect for around 24million households in England, Scotland and Wales on default energy tariffs on October 1, and will remain in place until December 31, when it will be adjusted again.’ (UK Mail)
“I’m Afraid” – Czech President Blames “Green Madness” For Energy Crisis
Czech President Miloš Zeman has blamed “green madness” for the energy crisis and warned that the abolition of cars with internal combustion engines will only prolong the agony.
Zeman said the primary cause of the crisis was not the Ukraine war, but “green fanaticism” that has left European countries dependent on energy sources that cannot meet demand.
“Whether it’s called the Green Deal or whatever, I’m afraid. However, I won’t be here anymore when we find out where the green madness will take us,” said Zeman.
“The abolition of cars with internal combustion engines will lead to the advent of far more demanding electromobility. The biggest consumers of electricity will be electric cars with a short range and a high price,” he added.
Spectacular EV fire at charging station, 8 May 2020.
Regardless of how it happened, this is why EVs ought not be allowed in underground parking, or charged inside a building.
Battery made of aluminum, sulfur and salt proves fast, safe and low-cost
“The team says that this battery design would be best suited to the scale of a few dozen kilowatt-hours, like powering an individual home from renewable sources. They could also be useful as charging stations for electric vehicles, thanks to their rapid charging.”
“topped off with an electrolyte of molten chloro-aluminate salt. ”
It has to be >200 oC. So how much power is needed to heat it so it will work?
I have a request for Tony from Oz if he is listening. I recently attended a ballot to select our Branch of the National Party candidate for preselection to replace Steve Bromhead, an excellent representative who is retiring. Candidates were good and those I was able to quiz committed to coal and nuclear power. I know they seem genuine but they do lack knowledge so I set out to give them some ammunition. I took the example of the replacement of the Liddell power station with Wind turbines and batteries. I’d like someone to check my broad calculations before I send it to them.
Liddell is a 1800 MW power station. It would require 1800 3MW turbines operating at 33% capacity factor to generate the same electricity. Cost about $5.4 billion
Life of turbines about 20 years so need to replace them twice. Cost $11 billion
Extra transmission to connect 1800 turbines. Cost $2 billion Total for 60 year operation (Liddell has been operating for 60 years) $18.4 billion.
Battery backup. To replace Liddell for one hour would need 14 Hornesdale batteries at $100 million each Cost $1.4 billion.
For 24 hours of no wind Cost $34 billion
Over 60 years batteries would need replacing every 12 years or so Cost $136 billion
Total cost to replace Liddell power station with wind and batteries about $200 billion.
Bowen says this is cheaper than a new coal power station at $4 billion with all the infrastructure in place or 9 x 200MW nukes similar to the ones in the Virginia class subs at less than $10 billion. A Virginia sub was launched a week ago with a price tag of USD 1.5 billion.
Let me know if I am close.
1. According to Tony, average wind CF in Oz is 30%, not 33%. And latest wind turbine data suggests turbines need to be derated after only 12-15 years by 30-50% to protect against turbine blade failure.
2. Think your transmission line cost is too much – at $2bn, this is over 800 kms of line.
3. Battery backup is too cheap. Battery materials have risen significantly in cost, with lithium aline increasing by 750%. I don’t believe Hornsdale was built for $100m – believe it was, or should have been without discounts, a lot more.
4. Tony’s wind dropout info, plus recent wind dropout data, indicates that you need around 4 day’s backup minimum, not 24 hours.
5. No maintenance costs? Perhaps look at the cost analysis from SMR Nuclear for this info.
G#4, Lawrie,..
Battery cost…
Tesla have recently announced their latest grid storage battery system using LiFePo4 cell technology.
Called the Megapack XL it comprises a base module of 3.9 MWh capacity, costing us$2.4 million.
So, to provide a “Liddell level “ of 1800 MW for 1 hour,..would cost us$461 million. (Au$660 million)
..and 24 hours of similar would be Au$16.0 billion.
Still redivulously expensive and futile, but factual, rather than guesses !
Thanks to you both.
Thanks Chad. A very useful battery cost reference.
Graeme. There is a new 500kV line being constructed between Wagga Wagga and Menagle, a distance of 120 km, at a cost of $3.3 billion. Yes it is rough terrain and it is bigger capacity but to connect up 1800 turbines spread over the dispersed hills of the Hunter Valley will cost a bomb. Besides cost does not matter since the consumer will be paying for it.
I was using the cost of the long-distance EnergyConnect transmission line. If Snowy 2 is any guide, this cost may blow out further.
European drought relaxing its grip.
‘Last week the wet weather pattern was impressive across Central and especially East/Southeast Europe. Rainfall was sufficient to turn-around the Rhine River level forecast which is still critically low but substantially improved from a week ago and additional improvement is expected!’ (Climate Impact Company)
Sydney is getting its wettest year on record, thanks to La Nina.
It boggles the mind.
‘Italian man diagnosed with Covid, monkeypox and HIV in a single day.
‘In the world’s first such case, a coronavirus patient broke out in a rash, leading to further tests that revealed the other 2 infections.’ (SCMP)
Back at #8,, John Connor II has posted another instance of this troika of infection; interesting trend eh.
Going back to a time long forgot, old ice to reveal the origin of ice ages.
Very big losses from offshore wind turbines even 10km apart !
“ArcVera is suggesting that new wind farms could experience losses of as much as 25% at a distance of 10 km(!).”
10 km downstream from the turbine? If that’s correct, that surely would wreck current wind farm designs.