A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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So Boris hasn’t left yet; we’ve to wait until September.
The Prime Minister of the UK was Carrie Symonds
do keep up
Oh, how disappointing, and after Carrie just finished redecorating No. 11 too.
That’s £112,549 down the gurgler.
The next occupant mightn’t want the £3,675 drinks trolley or the two £7,560 sofas with the extra £2,880 fabric to re-cover them, or the £8,500 lamp — that includes a shade of course, otherwise the price might have been a bit over the top. The next occupant might also have far better taste in wallpaper.
The cheapest item on the renovation bill was a £500 kitchen table cloth, after all, what kitchen is complete without a £500 tablecloth?
A partial quote appears below, but not all of the items on the quote were eventually purchased. They pruned it down from 200K to 112K. Boris being frugal — like with his comb purchases — after he was told to pay for some of it himself.
Good riddance Carrie, to you, your Green Dream and your uncombed husband. Your grip on him will no longer mis-govern an entire nation.
Let’s just hope the replacement is an improvement.
They just do not have a clue of the hypocrisy
It takes several months for a US president to be replaced by his successor. I think continuity is useful when there is a leadership contest during which no one is in charge.
In Oz we can change a PM almost overnight with a vote of the ruling party.
Recent changes included Rudd/Gillard/Rudd, Abbott/Turnbull/Morrison.
With POTUS, or more accurately in this case, POTATUS, it would be cosmetic only.
The only issue is embarrassment.
Continuity would not be an issue because the unseen ‘leadership’ will not change at all.
POTATUS went full Ron Burgundy just today.
They’re not embarrassed by his career corruption, just by his acting.
35 seconds … hysterical, in a Titanic joke kinda way.
But the US has 2 months “changeover” with no concept of “caretaker mode”.
Obama signed the US into a “refugee” agreement with his pal Turnbull that Trump hated but honoured, under sufferance.
‘President Joe Biden recently signed a law mandating (persondating?) that all new vehicles sold after 2026 must be equipped with electronic “kill switches.”‘
‘The “kill switch law” would potentially allow law enforcement to shut one’s car off remotely, and also to track the car’s metrics, location, and possibly even passenger load.’
It may include a breathalyser.
‘The system required under the legislation could “passively monitor the performance of a driver of a motor vehicle to accurately identify whether that driver may be impaired” and “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation if an impairment is detected.” Alternatively, it could “passively and accurately detect” whether the blood alcohol concentration of a driver exceeds the legal limit, then “prevent or limit motor vehicle operation if a blood alcohol concentration above the legal limit is detected.”’
‘all new vehicles sold in the EU will have mandatory black boxes fitted that record technical data and will be accessible by authorities, greasing the skids for surveillance-powered speed limiting technology.’
‘All new UK models introduced from now will have to be fitted with Intelligent Speed Assistant and from July 2024, all new cars will have to engage the ISA once the engine is turned on.’
The future
They want to stop your vehicle remotely as they’re own vehicles can’t recharge quick enough…
New cycle of the ‘foot chase’or the police will be back to using bicycles as their own transportation is unreliable.
Surely ‘Plod’ would use EVs for administrative duties only and leave the serious stuff to the BMW V8s & diesels.
Modern cars are far too clever for their own good without having the elite trying to micro control us All good reasons to buy second hand cars
I already bought an older car for the power that is no longer available. Now I hope it lasts my lifetime.
Mercedes From Hell – Last I’ll Ever Buy
I’ve been a happy Mercedes Benz driver for about 40 years now. A couple of the old mechanical diesels (built like a tank and many going 1/2 million to 1 million miles); a couple of gas wagons, a “baby benz”. The latest is the newest, a 2008 ML320 Diesel (CDI) bought to be a Tow Vehicle (there was a long mulling over in prior postings).
Between the turbo fix and the sporadic misfiring, there was the day the car just did NOT want to unlock or open up at all. The Battery was DEAD. How, after driving 3000 miles, did it die when parked for a couple of days? Well… At the Mercedes (st|d)ealer I was informed that if left for a single month, most new Mercedes will kill the battery (partly it depends on how many Mercedes key fobs walk by and need interrogation / partly on if ANY of a few dozen things get stuck on sucking juice). I got a nice new battery installed and that was “only” about $400. See, it is under the passenger seat. It has piping to bring it cooling air. You get to cut the carpet under the passenger seat to get to it. Oh, and you get to re-train things like windows and such after a battery swap. To jump start it, I had to discover there’s a “Special” set of connectors under the hood. But I digress.
It is POSSIBLE that the battery drained from the rear hatch closing motor / relay thing sporadically trying to latch the rear hatch. Sometime after the dealer visit (and perhaps during it…) this latch failed. The Benz Forum says they fail all the time. Getting a couple of years on one is about what to expect. Dealer wants $1000 for the part… I found one on-line for “only” $280. It’s about an hour of DIY labor or about $300 at the dealer shop to have it installed. So that might be it. Or not.
By this point I’m about $2500 of “repairs”. Call it about $1 / mile. BUT, there’s a lot more to come..
Looking into all this, it seems the car has 3 (or maybe more?) SAM Modules. Signal Acquisition Module. Near as I can tell, these are the tiny little brains that decide to allow things to work when you make requests via the nobs, switches, levers, etc. When they fail, all hell breaks loose. It seems they fail often. But don’t worry, usually it’s under $1000 for one of them. They have been using them since “the mid 90’s” so be warned.
A long Saga of woe – worth a read especially list of Here are a few problems caused by a bad SAM unit:
That’s why I still have my 1984 Toyota Landcruiser Series 80 GXL 4WD and 2006 Honda Jazz – both drive as new
Oops – That’s why I still have my 1994 Toyota Landcruiser Series 80 GXL 4WD
They had a name based on solid functionality.
Then they woked it.
And that was twenty years ago.
What about the large portion of the population that knows not to drive when they have had enough alcohol? It’s like punishing the whole class because of one student.
The left always wrap up their evil intentions with pretending to do good. It’s all about giving the government more power and control.
Certainly they would never think of putting such a switch in people.
Say like, with mandates.
One of Schwab’s Puppets fails? Boris got caught telling one lie too many. He just had to go and now he should leave Parliament forever. Boris can now get a proper job. Somewhere in the UN? ……………
“Japan’s former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has been assassinated in a rare violent attack in Japan. He was shot while delivering a speech in Nara. He was pronounced dead at 5:03 p.m. local time at the hospital. The assassin was captured, Tetsuya Yamagami, 41, who may have served in the Maritime Self-Defense Force back in the 2000s. He apparently used a homemade gun, which shows that in a country with some of the strictest gun laws in the entire world, it still does not prevent such acts.”
As with many political assassinations, the ‘perp” is usually only the seen perp. Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, James Earl Ray, Sirhan Sirhan etc etc can as easily slip through “security” as the January 6 crowd slipped through the thousands of cops in Washington DC, while others are crash tackled to the ground long before they can get anywhere close. Why is that I wonder…
What we know is; Abe refused to bow to Big Pharma: behind the scenes following his resignation as PM, he pushed hard (and succeeded) against vax mandates in Japan, and was still the main driver of the ruling Japanese Lib Dem Party rejecting the globalist agenda; refusing the influx of WEF carpetbaggers etc etc. Until yesterday…
Now, as Albo’s French mates put it, Shinzo has been made an example of…Pour encourager les autres = to deter the others who might prefer truth and liberty to Pharmocracy and Pharmacide.
The only question remaining; Are we deterred?
Are you seriously suggesting that abe was killed, indirectly or otherwise, by big pharma.? If so, That is absurd.
Tonyb. It’s early days yet, so I won’t give you the definitive answer just now. Treat ’em mean to keep ’em kean, eh what?
Meanwhile, for a little brain-muscle workout; Almost 59 years on now, and are you, or is anyone else, seriously suggesting Oswald got JFK all on his lonesome….and that Jack Ruby got HIM all on HIS lonesome?
As my old great great grandpappy…..back when he was a Roman judge under Aurelius Caeser….always used to ask at murder trials “cui bono?” (= who benefits?), which leads to: who’s got the motivation and who’s got access to the right strings to pull it off?
If you honestly think it’s a forklift driver with a home-made pistol, as claimed by the MSM, then all i can say is…hmmmmmmmm.
Why not!!
Tony, coincidentally four presidents/prime ministers who opposed the covid vaccines and preferred to stick with traditional medicines died within a few weeks of each other. Two were murdered: the Haitian prime minister and the Madagascan minister. Two others from Africa unexpectantly dropped dead. In all cases the governments reversed their decision on the vaccines.
Judy Mikovits who was a research scientist, in her book ‘Plague of Corruption’ mentions research scientists who spoke out against big Pharma being killed . She herself had to run for her life ( literally escape in her husbands boat on the river behind their house).
The idea that Abe was murdered as an example for others to not disobey big pharma is not absurd.
Chris. Geez…you must be as whacky a conspiracy theory nut as I am…
Next you’ll be telling me that Jeffrey Epstein….being held in solitary with all dangerous knick-knacks removed, and with CCTV and armed guards watching him 24/7…did NOT commit suicide at all. Or that the other 57 people connected to the Clintons (Jeffrey was the 58th) who killed themselves also did NOT commit suicide.
It’s like this Chris: Julius Caeser was out for a stroll when he got it into his head to stab HIMSELF in the back 28 times…..and he did. Just ask Brutus for confirmation if ya can’t handle the truth!….
BTW: Conspiracy loons: can’t live with ’em, and can’t live without ’em I tell’s ya!
They had a name based on solid functionality.
Then they woked it.
And that was twenty years ago.
Also , a minimally discreet message to Boris Johnson.
“No funny tricks now Boris , we all know the mask -wearing thing is pure nonsense , and subjugation.
You just go quietly, and nothing nasty , like that which just happened to Abe, will befall you.
And get that mask mandate happening again .
There’s a good boy.”
Sounds like the Japanese police are asking the same question:
” Police in the Japanese city of Nara, where former prime minister Shinzo Abe was assassinated on Friday, have said they are investigating whether a man arrested at the scene acted alone and if security at the campaign event was sufficient. ”
“The suspect said he bore a grudge against a “specific organisation” and believed Mr Abe was part of it, and that his grudge was not about politics, the police said, adding it was not clear if the unnamed organisation actually existed. ”
Dave B
What is the matter with Mary Jane ( ie Rafa Nadal)
He has a stomach injury. Is it a pain?
Clearly he is suffering from Vaccine related abdominal lymph node inflammation. I can’t think of any other explanation…
Go Djokovic.
Should have been stand alone comment.
See below.
YouTubers Claim Experiment with Electric Truck Ends After Mere 85 Miles
RicDre. As with many American articles, it’s often best to translate a little when posting…so’s a non-Biden-lover can maybe get the drift…
For those who speak and read English: a “truck’ is a large ute; not a Prime Mover such as a Mack or Kenworth etc, and ‘gas” is petrol; not that stuff delivered in an 80 litre cylinder to your holiday house once a year. I think!
Anyhow. EVs are duds, and will always be duds. If you really want the ‘sustainable” driving experience so badly then take up golf and buy yourself an electric cart FFS….so’s you’ll fit in with the other old codgers in their checked-pants and crumpled hats doing 20Kph all day going round in circles!
Just checking back in to see how quickly the EV crowd got into “Thumbs-Down Mode’….and not disappointed. one already in support of Big Wind and big solar, eh what? Meanwhile….
Whoever it is shilling for them, there’s no way you’ll see ME walking down on the side of the road in knee-deep snow with a couple of Duracell Double-As in hand looking to get the Tesla golf-buggy up and running.
Looky here for YOUR future…
Unlike most here it seems,.. i do not associate EV tecnology uptake with the Wind/Solar fantasie !
Electric traction drive is sensible, practical, proven technology that is only being restricted in everyday cars by battery technology and costs. Mechanically EV drive technology is far superior to ICEs.
In Australia we are ignorant of what is happening with EVs in other countries.
Visit London an see the fleets of EV black cabs, and numbers of EVs in common use.
I am currently in Lisbon , and amazedat the effectiveness of Electric “Tuk Tuk” taxis hurtling around with 6-8 passengers on board, up hills that most cannot walk up ! Trams also, most near 100 yrs old (electric also) delivery trucks, vans, and a large % of private cars.
EVs are never going to be 100% of transport, but for many applications they are a huge step forward in simplicity and operating costs.
So try to keep your “generation” debate separate from a logical approach to transport improvements.
“… a ‘truck’ is a large ute; not a Prime Mover …”
Which brings to mind an even more fun comparison I wish some one would do; compare an Electric Prime Mover (usually called a Semi in the US) to a Diesel-powered Prime Mover, that should be good for barrels of fun.
Oops, I meant Semi (not Simi)
(What is a Semi:
Ric Dre. I’ll see your Semi link and raise you a Simi. I lived there a long long time ago…I can still remember how the music made me smile, etc….
As the article says; “can be transliterated as Simi”…which we did.
Ric, a semi is not a semi in the USA, it is a tractor, semi is Australian.
Does anyone know why NOAA would change/adjust the CO2 annual growth data published on their website?
I downloaded the text file in 2020 because I am interested in the movement of CO2 into and out of the oceans.
Imagine my surprise when I noticed that the numbers published now are different.
Below are two text files. One from 2020. The other from 2022.
There may be a legitimate reason to make these changes, but I thought it was strange.
They say they may make minor changes to earlier years, but what reason could there be to data from the 1960s?
Don’t know if the change log might help, most recent change seems to be something to do with the co2 scale.
More from Geert “Vanden Bossche”, on a new paper in “Science Magazine”
Don’t read this if you are vaccinated.
Being ‘unjabbed’, I read the Article. Confirms my initial skepticism and reasons for not getting ‘jabbed’ in the first place. My immune system rules (me) OK.
This morning’s edition of
“Safe and Effective®”
Paper says
““We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection.” ”
But read the comments – where the double negative is noted
“Get me a bucket – I’m going to be sick.”
Doktor ‘Death’ Fauxi was interviewed by fawning acolyte, Kim Hill, on RadioNZ this morning. My B.S. detector was maxing-out on eleven from start to finish: 100% PR bollockspin nonsense. Great advertising for pharmalunatics and profiteers however – shoot and boost and keep on boosting…
If only ‘the medicine’ was safe and effective… and worked.
A clear, very still morning in the Canberra bubble. Still -2℃ at 8:30 am. The air is so clean that heat loss at night feels like desert conditions. Where are the contrails and human-induced particulates needed to keep the night time planet temperatures warmer. Oh, I forgot – CO₂ is doing that.
/s of course
It would appear you guys are on the wrong side (the left / cold side) of these never-ending Tasman lows: here at the top of the North Island we’re basking in semi-tropical warmth & humidity (20C & 90%). As usual, it’s snowing & freezing down in the South Island.
That old devil, carbon dioxide, can do anything… scientists say.
No. It’s due to your lorious Leader visiting Australia which means her backside is towards the north island of NZ.
The south island must be in line with Dan Andrews of Victoria.
Damn the auto spelling. I didn’t try to say odious as the Mod would cancel that.
Musk walks away from Twitter
Now read this
“And Here We Go (Musk)”
“Needless to say I’m reasonably-sure this won’t be an uncontested divorce, particularly given the presence of a very large break fee in the agreement.
Oh, and the really nasty part of it? In a lawsuit you get to take depositions and subpoena documents which will include the material that Twitter does not want to disclose.
And you thought fireworks were a 4th of July thing eh?”
I can’t imagine what he ever saw in the PC woke lefty garbage platform in the first place. Like I said – he could have bought a small country for the same money, and should have!
Ditch jumping Kiwis to be enfranchised by Oz goverment.
Great for NZ from financial point of view. The NZ government “superannuation” pension, which is not means tested, must be costing them a fortune and to be able to cut off all the NZers living over here – who plow the money into the Australian economy not the NZ one – would be a huge saving.
Currently when “young” Kiwis who left to work and live over here finally reach pension age they can apply for NZ Super and depending on how long they lived in NZ before they turned their lights out and left they can get all or a portion of the payout. Aussie Centrelink have the application forms and so when you apply for the Aussie pension they are happy to liaise with NZGovt on your behalf to get it sorted. This means they know how much you getting etc. In fact the NZ govt “ties” their payout to the Aussie pension and this helps NZ fluctuate their (not means tested ha ha) payment.
Fluctuation example: I know of one guy on Aussie pension with NZ super payment (organised by Centrelink) whose wife (Aussie and not of pension age) got let go because she refused to disclose her covid inoculation status. As a contractor she got a single payout of a couple of thousand (contract was nearly up anyway) which impacted the husband’s Aussie pension and he got considerably less for a period. By the time the news of the Aussie pension change reached NZ they had, as far as they (NZ) were concerned, “over paid” the super and so the Kiwi had to refund this “debt”. Not to worry the kind NZ super people arranged to just take a little bit out of future payments which meant the “debt” would be paid off by August of this year.
What a load of bureaucratic Te Ara Ahunga Ora BS. Surely if you qualify for something and that something is NOT MEANS-TESTED then you get that something for as long as you qualify.
So consider the NZ argument: You left us, you are living in another country but still have NZ citizenship hence we are paying you BUT really, you live there and you (now) vote there and really you are more a defacto Aussie than pure blood Kiwi and so rather than muck around every month sending you money the kind (socialist) government there has offered to take on your pension. The big question is what will Aussie get back for their “generosity” to NZ?
And the other question, which no-one will ask, doesn’t this highlight another weakness of socialism where the concept of universal payment to citizens (read serfs) does not work in practice unless carefully manipulated, suitably structured and ruthlessly applied? Almost sounds like communism, but no can’t be after all it is a socialist government(s) doing the (re)structuring. You will own nothing (be paid nothing) and be happy. Go the All Blecks..
Borrowed from another blog
“Per my wife,
deerkangaroos are the original suicide terrorists.”20
Garry ? commenting on a Chris Kenny article in today’s The Weekend Australian.
“Australia has not quite achieved peak stupidity but, our parliamentary representatives are certainly keeping us on track.”
Success! Climate Protesters Block Traffic Causing Cars To Idle Extra 3 Hours
Babylon Bee, JUL 8, 2022
The Rogers outage is disrupting services across Canada. A list of what is affected
Nothing like a good rogering is there, old boy. Beats your cluster f any day and given its winter consider: one good screw gets all the blankets.
America’s a nation that can be defined in a single word and 16 secs … Joe Biden
Sydney going for the record of the wettest year in history.
‘Sydney only needs to see another 55 mm of rain to make this month its wettest July on record, while another 365.3 mm before the end of 2022 would make this the city’s wettest year on record. Sydney’s long-term average rainfall between July 8th and December 31st is around 450mm, so 2022 is in with a fair chance of becoming the city’s wettest year in history.’ (Weatherzone)
Nonsensical headline in the Weekend Oz biz section: Report Details Climate Progress. What does a term such as ” climate progress ” even mean?
Are the Murdochs in the news business or in the birdcage liner business?
This story by Steve Turton is worth a read, its all about blocking.
Couldn’t get past the first sentence, starting with: “Climate change is causing…”.
Apologies, I tend to ignore propaganda, but this caught my eye.
‘The jury is out regarding the effects of global warming on high-pressure blocking systems.
‘Currently, climate models tend to underestimate both the frequency and duration of blocking events. Scientists continue to grapple with this problem in their models, and it forms the basis of ongoing research.’
He doesn’t connect the dots, blocking is related to global cooling.
“continue to grapple with… their models” –
Isn’t that a criminal offence in these virtuously fluid moral times?
** chuckle **
Man Loses 6 Feet of Small Intestine Following COVID Jab
A Canadian man lost over six feet of his small intestine due to severe blood clots caused by the AstraZeneca Covid jab.
Horrific photos released by British Columbia resident Shaun Mulldoon, 43, earlier this week show the extent of his vaccine injury, which required several brutal surgeries just 10 days after his first dose.
Warning – cupcake distressing content
“Safe and effective”…
Dutch journalist explains farmer rebellion – YouTube
Mosquitoes Testing Positive to Rare, Deadly Viruses in US Months After Bill Gates Released Millions in The Wild
Months after a Bill Gates tech start-up released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes in to the wild, mosquitoes across the US are testing positive to extremely rare and deadly viruses, some of which have never before been reported in the United States.
Various states across the country have reported a sharp increase in mosquito-borne viruses. In the Midwest, cases of the mosquito-borne Jamestown Canyon Virus are on the rise. Jamestown Canyon virus can cause severe disease, including infection of the brain (encephalitis) or the membranes around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis).
Well I have warned about the massive rise and spread of Dengue as well as the stupidity of Gates’s mosquito experiment.
Now we see the consequences of playing with nature.
While MP is central in the news Dengue is the real news and its making MP and Covid look trivial.
It’s quite possible (likely) we’ll see a major outbreak of mozzie borne diseases in Oz before too long.
Maybe we can ship the US our cane toads to eat their mozzies😆
Hanoi (ALONE)for example has around 95,000 cases of Dengue and the GLOBAL MP count is just 10% of that at 9,000.
As I have mentioned a few times, FMD and HFMD are major events in our northern neighbour countries and there’s a serious risk of tourists bringing them back here.
Oz has been a clean slate disease wise but my gut instinct says that’s about to end.
It’s not Covid you have to fear but what comes after it…
But if Covid spikes do cause longer term immune dysfunction what we may be seeing is not the rise of newly infected mosquitoes but the rise of a large cohort of people who are more susceptible to diseases like Dengue. Though, uncontrolled immigration will also bring in things that the US doesn’t normally have to deal with. There is that experiment too.
PS: Be wary of certainty on long term study results on bioweapon effects before they are done.
I agree. We don’t know but we (or I at least) do know that Dengue cases everywhere have risen massively in the past year or so (yoy) with no real explanation.
Maybe it’s better breeding conditions, weaker human immune systems and/or attractiveness to mozzies, mozzie evolution or pathogen evolution or combinations of those.
We do know that the disease cycle is kicking into high gear, right on schedule.
P.S. I made no claim on the bioweapon front nor do I even think that’s the case. If anything the GM mozzies was an display of stupidity and ignorance on Gates’s part so probably just “misguided science”.
I’m definitely not to defend Gates either.
But be wary of assuming that just because Covid appears to be like a common cold in the short term that there are no long term consequences. There are quite a few researchers pointing at some rather hair-raising possibilities, and most of those researchers are critics of Fauci, not fans of vaccines.
… as Malaria returned to parts of Europe with the wave of Iraqi refugees after the first Gulf war.
Revised NZ Ministry of Health Covid Figures Reveal the Extent of Immune Deficiencies
Yesterday, the Ministry of Health completely revised its presentation of Covid-19 statistics in order to “better inform the New Zealand public.”
This initially caused a bit of consternation, but on close examination some laughter among statistically competent people. It seems that Ministry of Health is, by accident rather than intention, making the case for the unvaccinated. The statistics bear close examination.
The most recent 7 day average reveals that the vaccinated make up a larger percentage of hospitalisations than their percentage of the population. In other words, they are more vulnerable to Covid than the unvaccinated who make up a smaller percentage of the hospital admissions than their relative population size.
You’d have to believe in the Easter Bunny to take the clot shot now. 😉
With the caveat that without adjusting for the different ages and confounders of vaxed and unvaxed, or splitting them into smaller demographic groups, the data is not much use.
Older people are more likely to end up in hospital. Older people are more likely to get vaxed. There may be a real trend under that and I’m very interested in the data, but I fear we can’t say anything at all from “whole population” numbers.
The one thing we do know is that if the data showed the vaccinated were protected, or healthier, they would be opening the books and they would be doing the proper studies, and their data adjustments wouldnt be so hard to explain.
If they have just taken out all the “non-Covid” hospitalization from the vaxxed and unvaxxed categories and found that a lot more of vaxxed were going to hospital for “other reasons” that might be quite important. But again, demographics and confounders. Sigh.
Quite so but getting comprehensive data from the government is like getting a coherent sentence out of Biden.
I doubt a subpoena would be of use, or just blocked by lawyers endlessly.
Maybe when enough people with access to all the data can’t live with their complicity any more or a loved one dies needlessly, they’ll become whistleblowers and do us all a huge favour…
In the interim, augment your shots with the Zelenko (RIP) protocols for both prophylaxis and treatment.
The irish DARE to question the narrative!
I’m shocked. Shocked I say 😅
The “safe and effective” narrative is falling apart. Steve Kirsch
Here is my list of over 25 leading indicators that the momentum is moving in our favor. I’d be surprised if the narrative doesn’t fall apart soon. It’s now unravelling quickly in the UK.
Maybe that’s why all those ministers resigned… Abandon ship before it hits the vaxx rocks. Let a new crew bear the fury of an awakened informed public…
And another one’s gone, and another one bite’s the dust.
Trust the experts?
EV manufacturers have worked out a deal for travellers who tow caravans, an electric caravan.
Both the tow vehicle and the caravan have batteries and electric motors so range remains higher when towing. The problem seems to be recharging two battery packs, waiting time and what if the country area charger is a single point recharger?
Of course the electric caravan would be much more expensive than a standard towed caravan, just as the electric tow vehicle is very expensive compared to internal combustion engine tow vehicles.
And then grid capacity is another point for discussion, including the more remote areas including main highways are dependent of diesel generators for electricity in Australia.
Caravans always have wasted space that designers have not yet thought how to use gainfully.
not yet thought how to use to make more profits?
Oh dear, you don’t have a sense of humour/irony do you.
Under Section 44 of The Australian Constitution no candidate for election to parliament can be a citizen of a foreign nation. But PM Albo has indicated that the Labor Federal Government is considering allowing citizens of New Zealand living in Australia to vote in our elections.
Closer Economic Relations (CER) was signed during the 1980s between Australia and New Zealand providing for free trade and other cooperation including freedom of travel between our two nations for citizens who do not need to apply for a visa and who can stay as long as they choose to stay. And to work and of course pay taxes.
What’s next? Citizens of other Pacific nations who live in Australia be given the privilege of voting here?
I realise that Labor far left faction member Albo along with many of his Labor comrades are opposed to international borders and border control, acknowledging that so far since forming Federal Government they have supported Border Force and blocking illegal immigration, however they have ditched the deterrent of Temporary Protection Visa against the advice of former Coalition Government members who were involved in establishing Operation Sovereign Borders that effectively stopped people smuggling activities, but now becoming a problem again since Labor formed government.
So what is the hidden agenda considering that the announcement was made with the NZ Labour PM visiting Australia?
New Zealand was part of the Colony of New South Wales before the Federation of States formed the Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand decided to split and form a separate nation.
NZ went early, founded in 1840 and not long after came the New Zealand Wars 1845-1864.
Australia was involved.
‘The New Zealand wars were a result of disputes over land sovereignty between the British and colonial forces and Māori tribes. Around 2,500 Australian men enlisted for the irregular New Zealand militia units.’
Yes, almost 700,000 of them. Too many Kiwis voting could change Australia forever… We’ve already raised the average IQ.
New’s out of China, believe it or not.
Probably climate change!
No Evidence Nick Nemeroff Died From Vaccine SADS!
This is yet another example of FAKE NEWS created and propagated by anti-vaccination activists, and here are the reasons why… and the current facts that we know so far.
Fact #1 : Nick Nemeroff’s Cause Of Death Is Unknown
“No Evidence Nick Nemeroff Died From Vaccine SADS!” (he died suddenly, Sudden adult death syndrome, hmm seems to fit)
No evidence he didn’t going by your own wording. Brain fog, did you read what you wrote.
You miss understand us or at least me. I am all for you getting as many as you can fit in you. The more the merrier, the more you get the merrier I am!
Number four awaits, roll up, roll up, for the magical mystery tour.
I am pro-vax.
There will never be evidence until someone compiles it.
It’s not anti vaccination at all. It’s anti being jabbed with an experimental emergency approved drug. And that makes a huge difference.
Weekend funny – if Joe Biden was a dog
Jim Steele gives in depth looks at blocking systems causing both heat waves and flooding, in reply to #19 ‘conversation’ article ——heat —–flooding
Santana hits the floor, forgot to eat and drink, as we all do!
Poison canceled its Thursday Nashville show when Michaels was hospitalized due to an ‘unforeseen medical complication’
ooh the irony.
Whats Celine Dion’s song. My heart will go on, maybe, but the rest of you may take a break.
Justine Bieber
Hailey Bieber
It’s affecting celebrities.
Finally something will be done.
Naa, just a shortage of clowns in the circus. The show must go on.
As of June the 22nd, that was so long ago.
Uruguay Halts COVID-19 Vaccine for Kids Under 13, Judge Demands Officials Turn Over Pfizer Contracts
Uruguay suspended COVID-19 vaccines for children under 13 after a judge on Thursday issued an injunction halting vaccinations in that age group until government officials turn over its contracts with Pfizer.
Uruguayan government officials and Pfizer were ordered on Wednesday to appear in court after judge Alejandro Recarey gave them 48 hours to present detailed information on Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine while the court considered an injunction request to halt COVID-19 vaccinations for children 5 and older.
If it’s all about health and saving lives then let’s see these contracts.
Unless you have something to hide…
Wow. Great news.
Hope their justice systems are strong enough and the Pfizer immunity sections are declared unconscionable.
Dave B
No one spends more on “health” than the US, no one has done worse handling the WuFlu.
Their pride blinds them to the possibility others may be doing it better. We are no better, just luckier.
Superb writing, taking the mickey in top Australian style, do read Christopher Akehurst’s latest at Quadrant Online.
If you do not laugh you can send me a dollar as a fine for being a grump. Geoff S
One dollar on the way.
He missed this possibility
Yummo! Grasshopper pizza. This is your future 😱
No thanks. I’m sitting here with my gourmet sweet chilli prawn pizza with liquid refreshment for my Sat night movie festival starting with Obi-Wan Kenobi parts 1-4, followed by The Undeclared War parts 1-3.
Ahhh…kickback time…
My son is promising us to bring his vegan GF and a couple of pizzas around one night.
Please tell me GRASShoppers aren’t vegan!
grasshoppers are ANIMALs
Not being a biologist I would still say they are not vegan
Tucker Carlson: This may have been the greatest crime in history
What is the matter with Mary Jane (ie Rafa Nadal)
He has a stomach injury. Is it a pain?
Clearly he is suffering from Vaccine related abdominal lymph node inflammation. I can’t think of any other explanation…
Go Djokovic.
He pulled out of the Miami open with breathing difficulties as well.
Might put him on my list as TBA.
Cricket pizza is more to my liking (yummm).
And in other news –
Sri Lanka: President Rajapaksa to resign after palace stormed
BBC very misleading as usual-
No mention of the crackpot green policies on agriculture that banned fertilizer, thus very low food production, thus hunger at home, no exports of agricultural produce, no money for essential imports such as fuel.
Boris Johnson is alleged to have said – ‘As Saudi Arabia is to oil, the UK is to wind.’
Well, the wind has most most certainly been taken out of his sails.
Meanwhile, the UK keeps erecting those Windmill towers on land and in the sea.
CO2’s role summed up
Reply to
David Middleton
July 9, 2022 10:22 am
Allow me to finish Dr. Karoly’s thought.
“Science has established that’s it’s virtually certain…” perhaps definitely, most likely the case that CO2 might cause climate change that may have adverse impacts in the future, if we don’t do something immediately, or at least in the next 10 years, 20 years at the latest, but definitely by 2050… perhaps.”
In comments at
It’s a definite maybe.
A look at another EV
“Wow, CNN claims, you can have all the power of a gas mower with electric and its easier and better!
That’s a damned lie and the people who wrote it should go to prison. NOW.”
More at
as EVs move out of the fanboy class and wealthier consumers who expect them to do car stuff start buying them, reality starts to bite and people notice:
Why do they write this rubbish?
EVs do worse than advertised on the highway for a number of reasons. For starters, electric motors are far more efficient in stop-and-go driving conditions than during highway driving, partially because of regenerative braking; EVs use the friction caused when you slow your car down to recharge the battery. Braking doesn’t happen much during highway driving, however, which is why the advertised range drops precipitously.
This is a half truth at best. ALL vehicles do best at a steady 60 kph. A hybrid might even switch off its ICE at these speeds. The half truth is that an EV doesn’t suffer AS MUCH in city traffic as an ICE, but range is reduced.
Hmm ?.. can you proove that ?
Any speed Over a “steady “ 25-30 km/h , most energy is used against wind resistance and rolling resistance, both of which increase dramatically with speed and are more than doubled at 60 km/h..
..want proof ? ….. Try riding a bike at 60 kp/h compared to 30 kp/h ..!
But yes,.. EV range estimates are very optomistic !
Around town, with stop/start low speed driving, most of the energy is consumed overcoming inertia in accellerating between stops, Regeneration does not provide a dramatic recovery of energy .
I have both petrol and battery line trimmers – the petrol is lighter.
I have been converting established weeds to established lawn for a few years now once I sunk my bore. I have done this almost exclusively with my petrol trimmer, mowing the grass and digging the weeds. I haven’t timed the battery one but it doesn’t last long. I have fitted a steel blade on it which digs tufted weeds easier so I use them both.
“Mater’s Musing #50: NAIDOC Lies, I’ve had enough”
He says while there isn’t an Omicron-specific vaccine available yet, the existing vaccines still offer a good level of protection.
“There’s going to be a lot of transmission over winter and there’s going to be a lot of hospitalisation, so I would say, on balance, get vaccinated now if you’re concerned,” Dr Trauer said.
“As we head towards an endemic state, we need to protect people from infection rather than trying to control transmission.”
Dr Trauer said all vaccines and medications can cause side effects.
But he said the COVID vaccines were “generally safe and generally have retained their effectiveness”.
He said he believed that over the next year or two, we would no longer talk in dose numbers.
“The question is going to become ‘how long is it since your last dose?'”
Bruce Willett from the Royal Australian College of GPs said there was no doubt general practitioners were in high demand.
“Normally, influenza peaks as a late winter phenomenon,” Dr Willett said.
“On top of that, we’re seeing record numbers of COVID and we’re seeing a whole raft of other viruses like RSV.
“We are seeing a perfect storm of a whole range of issues coming together.”
The situation is likely to get worse.
And the people will march willingly to their own demise.
Canadian soldiers to have face tattoos, hoop earrings and green hair
Face tattoos, hoop earrings and green hair could become part of military life thanks to a package of sweeping dress code reforms intended to drive more young people into the Canadian Armed Forces.
There will be no restrictions whatsoever on hair length, including for beards (recruits will also be spared the existing policy of having their heads shaved at basic training). Face tattoos will have the okay, provided they’re not racist or gang-related.
Hoop earrings, ear spacers and eyelash extensions are fine, provided they’re not getting in the way of “operational requirements.”
And the whole dress code will be “gender neutral,” meaning that men can now be issued “traditionally gendered items” such as skirts, nylons and purses.
The new regulations are even set to repeal specific prohibitions against slouching, chewing gum or resting hands in pockets.
This is not The Babylon Bee I swear, but it will be in a few days and about everywhere else 😅😅😅
Well that’s the end of Canada.
I’d emigrate out of sheer embarassment…
President Putin Activates Giant “Doomsday” Sub with Nukes Capable of Creating ‘Radioactive Tsunamis’
Russian President Vladimir Putin has activated Russia’s “doomsday” submarine, armed with underwater nuclear drones which are capable of creating “radioactive tsunamis” over a 1/3rd of a mile (500 m) high.
The Belgorod, the first Project 09852 special purpose nuclear-powered submarine, was commissioned in the northern Russian city of Severodvinsk, according to U.S. Naval Institute News. It is capable of launching the Poseidon, an “Intercontinental Nuclear-Powered Nuclear-Armed Autonomous Torpedo,” the largest torpedo ever created, according to naval expert H. I. Sutton.
Don’t poke the bear!!
Launching this sub marks a potential escalation on the war front.
First strike wipes out the target minutes before the target wipes out the source of the first strike.
No winner.
Weekend funny – liberals at Yale hold a hunger strike so…
Burgers, bacon, onion – the libs will drown in their own saliva 😅
News shorts:
Sri Lanka – protesters burn down prine minister’s house.
Albania – national protests. Government collapsed the economy and demanded to resign.
Buenis Aires, Argentina – massive protests demanding the resignation of president Fernandez.
When you’ve lost everything and have nothing left to lose, you lose it.
Coming to a country near you soon. 😉
Blocking in the Tasman produces a chill in Queensland.
In the “Interesting” link
Holland – the junior tractor protest
And the farmers have commandeered the Prime Ministers jet – towed it out of the hangar with a tractor!
In here – along with other things of interest
““Climate Change is not a financial risk”: HSBC Responsible Banking Head Resigns”
“China has helped spread four epidemics — and COVID’s not the last”
Oh Gawd!
“Conservatives for Rampant Vaxxing”
And with all this lately woke accenting???
Or. as seems fashionable, do they think that they can cheat their way through?
Has anyone seen or heard from Flannery? Or has he been swept away in a flash flood that he said would never happen.