A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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La Nina Hat Trick
We really DON’T need any more rain, thank you very much !
If our leaders were truly green they would have built many dams fitted with generators to make use of this abundance of oxygen dihydride.
Australia doesn’t have the rainfall or terrain to make that a worthwhile proposition.
Dams for water storage.. sure.. we need more of those…. but don’t waste it when we have perfectly good coal.
I was just dreaming.
Australia does have the rainfall b.nice and as for terrain if we did a big Bradbury scheme we could harvest the excess from up north and send it inland .
b b b … but but, many countries build / install wind NILLS for when there’s no wind: is that a viable proposition? Talking to the Heron today, although it was quite blustery at the time, yet it had NOT invited any friends to come to the Nill Fish Pond …. what does that tell us ?
I understand the preferred compound name is dihydrogen monoxide. This dangerous compound kills thousands of people every year – as many as 50 Australians succumbed to the dangers of DHMO in 2021 and 2022 is shaping up to be even deadlier.
Lismorites have been the hardest hit group of Australians in 2022. DHMO has infiltrated their houses causing extensive damage and a number of deaths.
It is about time that this dangerous compound be heavily regulated so people have reduced access and exposure to its dangers.
Thanks Rick, that association with CO2’s little brother, Carbie Mono is important to retain.
Do you recall the funny video where an interviewer went to a cultural event and interviewed folks on the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Many of them agreed that it was dangerous and its use should be banned…
And they vote.
Usually for LibLabs or Greens but there some even more stupid parties as well.
On bbc scotlanshire tv tonight: interview with someone who said: ‘ 1st Green, 2nd Councillor, 3rd Tran. ..’ THumped the red button. what are we as a nation becoming ?
Don’t tell me! C’mon dogs, walkies!
Sounds similar to Sir Humphrey explaining how to rig polls. Geoff S
Penn and Teller Sign the petition to ban Dihydrogen Monoxide.
And just think: Dihydrogen Monoxide can rust a mighty steel bridge. Imagine what it must do to your stomach! I never touch anything stronger than whiskey.
H/O\H Mumm Good.
We do, it hasnt been raining everywhere
Good for the Great Artesian Basin though….
I doubt seasonal rain recharges the GAB.
It IS a valuable resource and much money has been spent capping open bores.
Note: I have no idea how, or if, it is being recharged.
Speak for yourself. Our “wet season” went AWOL. This late rain is a godsend, without it we would be pumping water from the Burdekin at great [electricity] cost later on.
And in WA, although plenty of folks love it, I’m getting a bit annoyed at the constant warm-hot weather. Given up trying to put the shorts and T-shirts away.
Michael Mann discovered the AMO and now says he has definitive proof that it doesn’t exist.
you mean he wishes it didn’t exist. ! 🙂
“you mean he wishes it didn’t exist. !”
What ridiculous comment. He is the person who named it the AMO in the first place. If he “wishes it didn’t exist” why would he have drawn attention to it? And why if he wishes it didn’t exist, would he now draw attention to his later opinion that his original assessment was flawed?
Poor petty one.
Lack of comprehension yet again.
Little Mickey has obviously realised that a cooling spell, related to the AMO, is coming..
He knows the AMO exist, just like everyone else does.
But is trying to “fake it away” to cover his assets….
… just like he faked the hockey stick.
Do try to keep up.. if you can.
Apologies should read “what a ridiculous opinion”£
Apology accepted.
‘Mann’s quest to cancel the Medieval Warm Period and now the AMO, in the interests of showing that recent warming is 100% anthropogenic, is not at all convincing to scientists who understand anything about climate dynamics and global climate models.’ (Judith Curry)
I too read that article as I have a lot of respect for Judith Curry. I was particularly impressed by this summation of the rationale for Mann’s actions
“Wow. In one fell swoop, the pesky problems of the ‘grand hiatus’ in the mid 20th century, debates over the attribution of 20th century warming and the role of multidecadal internal variability, and the difficulty of attributing the recent increase in Atlantic hurricane activity to AGW, all go away. Brilliant! Almost as ‘brilliant’ as the Hockey Stick.”
From your comment I can see that you read the report she is writing as indeed did I. Certainly a read others here might like as it is very informative and does Mann, for whom I have no respect whatsoever, no favours.
other quotes from Curry’s article.
The Thames froze in the winter 1900-01 and 1962-63, so theoretically we are looking at a 60 year cycle.
Could it happen again with world temperatures much higher and are we there yet?
like a lot of natural climate cycles, I suspect the length could be rather variable as could the intensity.
Not long enough real data to say for sure.. except that it most definitely exist.
They have tried to do proxy reconstructions back to around 1600, but the LIA probably makes things problematic.
Other reconstructions apart from the one in the link exist, all showing a similar oscillating pattern, but the sizes of peaks and troughs don’t always coincide particularly well with each other.
Outlived its usefulness to him eh.
Yep the NH upward leg of the AMO started around 1979..
perfect timing for the AGW scam..
But now its starting to turn back downwards.
Michael Mann is a very funny guy.
He says in his article that he was wrong and that his being proven wrong through science is science working how it’s supposed to. (as if he suddenly cares about how science works) But he also tries to justify his “hockey stick” (which he himself calls “iconic” rather than infamous) through fear of his admitting he was was wrong on AMO means it will be assumed he might also be wrong about his hockey stick. Surely he realises the horse has well and truly bolted on that one.
If anyone had any doubt that he lacks a true science approach, the defamation case he filed but refused to furnish the court with the required proof should alleviate that doubt.
His admitting he was wrong about AMO seems like some weird attempt to claw back credibility.
Time for him to stop digging. It’s only getting deeper.
” seems like some weird attempt to claw back credibility.”
And will have exactly the opposite effect.
How to go from zero credibility to negative credibility, in one easy step.!
AMO is evidence in the NH for centuries, even during the LIA.
b.nice. You, and others, might find the link in my comment at # both interesting and relevant to your comments.
Great to see you now agree with my “you mean he wishes it didn’t exist” comment
See what happens when you open your eyes.
Fair enough b.nice. You are make your point
Apologies that should read Fair enough b.nice. You make your point.
accepted. 🙂
What happens when ‘settled’ science becomes unsettled?
Is there a commission?
I like panels.
And certainly a report must be issued.
Does information become disinformation, or does disinformation become information?
We need a commission and a panel.
A governance board too.
Preferably declaring the new ‘science’ with altered lyrics to famous show tunes.
Michael Mann would be great at this.
‘I Am the Very Model of a Modern Major Scientist”
In Aus we could also have a Royal Commission. [Who said the Royals were useless?]
I am the very model of a modern climate scientist
I’ve no talents but lots of ambition,
I know nothing of ethics or anything practical,
but my belief in renewables is quite categorical.
I am the very model of a modern climate scientist,
I’ve no knowledge but plenty of ambition.
I don’t know the workings of the climate nor changes historical,
and my ideas are hysterical and not at all methodical
I am the very model of a modern climate scientist,
though I’m talking nonsense I brook no opposition.
And when it comes to records — Hey Diddle
you’ll find how well I can fiddle
I am the very model of a modern climate scientist,
I want nothing more than the highest praise.
First in line for all the publicity.
And anyone who objects will be called a denier.
Fortunately G&S have moved on to greener pastures.
Another problem he has is that there are now literally thousands, maybe 10’s of thousands, of papers analysing the AMO scientifically.
Here is a Met Office version.
Michael Mann suggested the name to Richard Kerr, decades after it was identified, in an attempt to
His ability to notice something useful in understanding climates is minimal.
“any recent warming could just as well be natural rather than anthropogenic”
As a carbon based anthro, I resent the implication that I am ‘unnatural’.
I want an apology.
Jokes aside, ‘natural’ is stupid word. There is no rigorous definition.
Any ‘science’ attempting to distinguish natural from unnatural is a religion.
Clown World.
Real scientists new about the “several decades” change in 1978.. I’m sure older reference could be found
Also “Evidence for a multidecadal climate oscillation centered in the North Atlantic began to emerge in 1980s work by Folland and colleagues,”
Inventing a name, seems to be about all Mickey did. !
His attempt to dis the AMO was because it didn’t show up in climate models .. Now that is seriously funny !
A streamed copy of 2000 Mules is available at:
YouTuber “Mr Reagan” reviews Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary “2000 Mules” about US election fraud except due to Leftist YouTube censorship policies the names have been changed to protect the guilty and he calls it “2000 Donkeys”.
Is that where Dinesh becomes Delilah?
Must watch.
WA introducing an EV road tax ot 2.5 c/km from 2025
I think that’s fair enough because they don’t pay petrol tax which otherwise theoretically contributes to road maintenance and building.
It’s still far less than the huge petrol tax. For an average driver of 10,000km per year it’s still only $250. The average petrol driver probably pays $1500 or more in fuel taxes per year.
They even have such a tax in the Maoist utopia of Vicdanistan.
Yes, fuel tax is more like 6c per km based on my rough calcs.
Nominal average annual distance per car 20,000km
Nominal average economy of 10 L per 100km. = consumption of 2,000 litres per annum
Fuel excise 43c per litre (2000 litres x $0.43 per litre) $860
GST 10% (2,000 litres x $1.60 per litre) $320 (typical price before the recent hikes and excise reduction)
Tax paid on fuel $1,180 for 20,000km
2.5c per km on 20,000km = $500
Bearing in mind that Germany is the perfect place for EVs to be successful: multiple local leading-edge car manufacturers, small distances and lotsa people with big incomes…..have a look at how EVs are faring. Keep in mind there are about 50 million passenger vehicles registered in Germany….
“The German Federal Government. Under its National Platform for Electric Mobility, Chancellor Angela Merkel set an initial goal in 2010 to deploy one million electric vehicles on German roads by 2020,[12][13] which was achieved with a six months delay in July 2021…..The stock of plug-in electric cars in Germany is the largest in Europe,”
OK, so I won’t go on, but multiple billions in all manner of subsidies for the cars. and for the charging stations, etc etc has lead…in 11 years…to TWO PERCENT of cars being EVs. And that is the LARGEST stock of any European country!
Duds duds duds. Every advantage Germany has is the complete opposite to what Australia has:. Here it’s big distances and few people: here it’s all cars imported: here it’s declining supplies of electricity as white elephants like Snowy Hydro 2.0 cut into any “off-peak excess” which might have one day existed to help charge EVs.
Just another Cluster-F thanks to idiot politicians and carpet-baggers. Sheesh!
“And that is the LARGEST stock of any European country!”
And the longer they remain as “stock” the more and more useless and undesirable they become.
And of course, second hand value…. basically nothing !!
Who wants a used EV with a clapped-out battery that will cost nearly a new car to replace.
Nobody !….
But a used car in good condition of any type , EV or ICE, in high demand currently.
To the extent that some less common types ,..such as EVs,..are actually selling for more than their original sale price, and even some selling for above new MRRP !
Thatt id due to lack of supply for both used and new cars , some dealers quoting many months delivery time .
Whilst used cars are available immediately !
Search a few used Tesla model 3 or Ys for good examples.
There are still plenty of gulible fools around. !
Search on new/used Nissan Leafs in Aus. With 20 ks on the clock they are available at a big discount.
The discount is not much less than the depreciation I have incurred on my 12 yr old Camry.
Try buying a Rav4. lol
Well, they have something in common with Australia – declining supplies of electricity
The miners will lobby the government for exemption from this tax on the grounds that they don’t drive EVs on the roads. The greens will scream that such an exemption is just another subsidy to the fossil industry.
Do you recall the funny video where an interviewer went to a cultural event and interviewed folks on the dangers of dihydrogen monoxide? Many of them agreed that it was dangerous and its use should be banned…
Sorry… appears to be a repeat.
First ever double-blind randomised trial of Vitamin D for the prevention of Covid infections.
The double-blind study was conducted in late 2020, thus removing vaccination as a possible confounding factor.
Participants received either 4000 IU of Vit D or placebo, and were all health care workers.
The results are quite extraordinary, demonstrating a highly statistically-significant 78% reduction in becoming infected if a member of the Vit D prophylaxis group; 6 out of 94 Vit D recipients caught Covid, compared to 24 out of 98 on placebo.
One particularly notable observation from the data is that the effect was seen regardless of whether the baseline Vit D level indicated deficiency or not, possibly indicating that the optimal minimum for Vit D levels might be higher than currently thought.
you’ll enjoy this then… it is common knowledge
From the
CONversationmonolog……. yawn. !
from the AMA..
major sponsors include….. Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America®, Glaxo, Merke, Novartis, Pfizer,
If it’s in the Conversation you can be absolutely certain it is bunkum. Any site that touts its credentials such as Academic rigour with journalistic flair is talking trash.
you will note Glen that the article I linked to supports beowulf’s comment.
so does this rebut a well designed and conducted trial?
Out of curiosity (I should know better) I went and followed that link to “The Monologue” to see what they had to say.
That’s what they throw into an article about vitamins … a claim that has nothing whatsoever to do with vitamins. However, there’s a link embedded so I wondered what they were linking to. Sure enough, here’s the key sentence from the conclusion of the research article that they linked to as a source:
That’s right, the “strong evidence” cited is an article saying it has “limited protection”. Holy crap, their regular readers don’t even bother checking anything. In the slightly more detailed section it says this:
So after a fairly short amount of time it has either “no effect” or else 8.8% effective, depending on what you get jabbed with. Gosh, that’s comforting.
Says nothing about vitamins, but if “The Monologue” can’t even get that much right … I think just between you and me it’s safe to stop reading any further. I did try, I looked, and I wasn’t impressed.
You didn’t actually check the details on that one did you?
I predict that next week you will be tossing in more links that you didn’t check, in the belief that sooner of later people will shrug and stop tracking this stuff down.
Thing is, more and more readers are getting a bit suspicious they DO bother clicking though and tracking things down … then there are fewer and fewer people who even pay you any attention whatsoever. They simply write you off.
The link between vitamin D deficiency and covid has been known for and promoted by rational thinkers for a long time, throughout most of the pandemic.
But any claims of a link were laughed at by the usual suspects and never was there any public health advice to take supplements.
Vitamin D deficiency is extremely common even in sunny countries like Australia and Israel (where there was another study) and especially in nursing homes.
And it appears the standard dietary and serum level recommendations for vitamin D are way too low. The 4000 IU of the study is more along the lines sensible people had previously been promoting for covid prophylaxis.
Obviously this study was not designed to fail like some others.
Vitamin D at 4000IU oral per day appears far more effective than vaccination and countless lives were unnecessarily lost because it’s efficacy was denied by those who promoted poorly tested and ineffective vaccines.
Frankly, I was surprised Greg Hunt’s (Klaus Schwab student) Department of Health didn’t ban or restrict Vitamin D because his goons thought it was “dangerous”.
Think of the lives that would have been saved by a few humble Vitamin D pills daily.
What exactly do we pay Australia’s vast health bureaucracy for if they can’t even come up with a recommendation or suggestion like this?
Heads need to roll.
“Think of the lives that would have been saved by a few humble Vitamin D pills daily.”
You didn’t really believe that the world-wide Covid response had anything to do with the health of the population.
If health had been the priority we would have been told constantly to get more Vid D, rather thannhave the police chasing people off open beaches and parks and golf links, where the virus could never spread, and ordered instead to get back indoors where it could.
We would not have been locked down where our immune systems could atrophy.
We would have been given HQL and Ivermectin, if the response was health-oriented.
The Covid response was not a medical response, it was a disguised attack upon the people.
It was a deliberate attack upon healthy people with no disguise to it whatsoever; I still seethe with resentment and will be choughed when the legislative attempt by the Andrews government to shield the culpable bureaucrats and ministers from legal damages actions is voted down in the upper house.
Now that the truth is coming out both for non-vaccine prophylaxis and treatment as well as various dangers of the vaccine, expect to see the Left who supported Big Pharma and were opposed to anti-virals etc. and had them banned, sneakily try to claim they held the opposite position I.e. supported anti-virals and Vitamin D and were opposed to Big Pharma.
Thanks beowulf,
Well found. It’s certainly the first such trial I’ve seen or heard of, and I’ll read the full paper with great interest.
It’s great ammunition against the vitamin D naysayers, especially the so-called experts in our state and federal Health Departments, and may even filter through to some Ministers for Health, or the next generation of them.
I was surprised, and pleased, at the low intake of the vitamin D they used, but I’m keeping my 12,000 IU per day, plus zinc and quercetin to enhance my immunity.
And thanks again to Jo for her posting of early evidence a couple of years ago.
Dave B
Many people are using quercetin since other zinc ionophores like HCQ and IVM are banned in Australia (and they are also antivirals). I’ve noticed availability of quercetin is sporadic and also the price has gone up significantly.
We have also been using Quercetin . But a very experienced friend with years of work in pharmaceuticals said don’t take Quercetin on a daily basis – only when needed when exposed to Covid or for treatment.
David-of-Cooyal, how do you take the 12,000 IU of D? Twelve pills or do you have extra large dose pills?
G’day D M,
I’ve not been able to get anything larger that 1000 IUs here, so have to take 12 of those each day, but I take them in two lots, one after breakfast and one in the evening. That’s with other things I have to take for other reasons.
I find I can count to 6 fairly easily. I use a long handled coffee spoon to extract them, and usually only take two jabs to get the six.
Have you found a source of 5000 or 10,000 IUs? I believe they are available in USA, but haven’t tried there or anywhere else outside Australia so far.
Dave B
I get 5,000IU D3 from iHerb in California. They have multiple lines to choose from. If you make up an order of over $60??? you get “free” postage to Oz.
They are very efficient and even with all the supply issues over there, the stuff arrives in Oz within about a week.
I looked up my last D3 order and I got 720 X 5,000IU capsules for $25.50AU.
The rotten fruit falls close to the tree. What’s worse than Klaus Schwab? Two Schwabs. One family’s thirst for unelected, inter-generational domination.
Nicole Schwab: politicians and businesses have the opportunity to redesign the economies of the world with nature and “regenerative agriculture” in mind before pivoting into a discussion about “engaging youth” with climate change propaganda to create a “restoration generation” (i.e., indoctrinating an entire generation).
““restoration generation””
Its going to take more than one generation to fix the destruction people like Schwab and his cronies have done to the world.
The dictator of the Northern Territory has resigned.
“‘Thank you for giving me a go”
I can do that..
GO, just GO.. and don’t ever come back !!
A pity the dopey bas..rd wasn’t drop kicked some time ago. Don’t ya love it when they grimace and purse their lips when offering their resignations.
I’m on the other side of the world and that guy creeps me out.
Not far enough.
Media parrots exposed.
6 corporations own 9000 radio stations, 1500 tv stations, 1500 newspapers, 1100 magazines and 2400 publishers.
No impartiality or journalistic integrity to be seen…the dinosaur MSM is living on borrowed time.
Stephen Petty – On the effectiveness of masks
During a 15-min presentation before the New Hampshire Senate Health and Human Services Committee in March, Stephen Petty, a certified industrial hygienist, certified safety professional, professional engineer, and court expert witness of 400 cases/trials, and with 45 years of experience in the field – explained there was never any control group testing to verify masks actually do work
Indian Surgeon Planning First Womb Implant Into Trans-Identified Male
A doctor in New Delhi, India has announced he is preparing a surgical plan to implant a womb in a biological male who identifies as transgender.
Good old India again..
Amazing what we can do these days.
Just implant a womb and it’ll work as if by magic.. just like it DIDN’T last time.
I supposed they’d use a pig’s womb but on perusing the article found they’re going with human donation; this is one of those things we’re doing because we can irrespective of any value inhering in the activity and one could be excused for sensing the presence of evil.
Bill Gates wants to create a 3,000 person social media unit to quash
vaccine truths“vaccine misinformation”.Gates wants to put out “good messages.”
Billionaire Bill Gates has announced that he plans to create a new unit, hiring 3,000 people to take to social media, put out messaging, and “help propagate accurate vaccine information in the future.”
The upside is that Elon is apparently sacking only a couple of thousand woke folk from Twitter, so there will be plenty of jobs going for fact-checkers and censors over at Bill’s.
In a just world Gates would be before the courts at The Hague.
The guy worked out how to make far more money as a philanthropist than as a software mogul.
‘Propagate’ is what you do with propaganda…
Senator Malcolm Roberts from Queensland threatens government and the Select Committee on COVID 19
Under the excuse of a “pandemic” Government’s gotten away with things that people would have overthrown them for before. Here’s a reminder of just a few of the firsts we’ve seen over the past two years.
Long overdue to bring back gallows and start lining up pollies, experts and bureaurocrats.
I volunteer to be the lever operator 😈
I’ll fix the rope. No worries.
Premier Dan Andrews is passing a bill that prohibits people from growing their own food.
VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA: Premier Dan Andrews is passing a bill that prohibits people from growing their own food.
The Agriculture Legislation Amendment Bill 2022 has had its second reading in parliament. Biosecurity is stated as the reason for changes.
And of course totalitarian control and powers over the agricultural sector…
Control the food and you control the people.
It’s almost elect-an-idiot time again.
Maybe Albanese – Australia’s answer to Biden?
Or The Greens – safe secure jobs. Bwaaahaaa..
ScudMo again – “it’s not a race”..for a supposed pandemic emergency. It IS a race if real.
Or uncle Clive – I doubt he could even define metadata.
Oh please stop – I can only laugh so much.
Clowns to the left of me, clowns to the right, stuck in the middle…
I’m starting to warm up to the reptilian thing,
If you live in Vicdanistan Dictator Dan takes taxes (or government borrowings) from you and then “gives” them back as a “gift”.
So everyone should claim their $250 of “free stuff”. Make sure you spend the proceeds on some fun CO2 generating activity!
Note there seems to be two schemes. One for concession card holders, the other is for everyone and applies from July 1.
$250 – that will fund about 10 cans of home brew makings for a CO2 contribution
McGowan has purportedly extended state of emergency to Jan 4, 2023 and is pushing thru additional covid legislation today. It’s surprising how on the one hand labor is making a big thing of Morrison calling WA cave people while McGowan and labor actually are treating us as cave people.
McClown is obsessed.
” “Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit” ”
Oops! For Mod saving I’ll try
” “Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig S h i t” ”
Models noticed again
“Claim: Timing Of Ocean Plankton Blooms to Shift with Global Warming”
““Climate models have not ‘exaggerated’ global warming” except when they do…”
Distilled from comments – if you want to be realistic use the two Russian models.
But that would be cherry picking
This post about conduct more than politics. BUT IIRC a few “equals” that seem to be missing here
“What a gentleman with his umbrella. He’s dry, she’s not.”
Led me to a new headline story
Ray Hadley today (well I was driving and the alternative was the ABC) and a caller mentioned an email from a supplier in (IIRC) southern NSW which mentioned electricity price rises of up to 200%+ to hit 2 days before election day
Doubt spreading
“WSJ: Power Grid Operators Warn Renewable Energy Could Cause Blackouts”
If you saw 2000 Mules, you know this was the open. Before it can get ‘disappeared’, could someone archive it so we can bring it out any time we get the, ” … there’s no evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election … ” meme. I’m not tech-savvy enough to know how to do that (I’m really, really, old).
I found Let’s Go Brandon’s honesty, for once, very refreshing. Probably the first time in his life he said something honest.
I suspect it’s too much to expect a second honest statement from Mr. Dementia,
Don’t worry Vlad. Denish has put the video on sources that (hopefully) can’t be ‘got at’. See post #3 above.
They Want You To Be Poor (Here’s Why)
Here us an under 10min evidence-based video about all those mysterious cases of hepatitis without the traditional hepatitis virus but seemingly associated with the spike protein from either the covid vaccine or covid itself.
Tony Heller of releases an impressive new climate visualization tool:
I happened upon this fascinating video about energy usage:
Of particular interest is TerraPower’s nuclear research:
Apologies to Kim #23. Your comment is where I ‘happened upon’ the video.
Best story!!! It’s working!
I hope she is right. We have a little over a week to find out if Australia has woken up to change course away from self-destruction. Let’s rise up to the challenge and make Australia better not worse:
The Epoch Times is reporting an independent watchdog have uncovered secret payments to Fauci , Collins and others at the NIH worth $350million .Behind paywall.
An estimated $350 million in undisclosed royalties were paid to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and hundreds of its scientists, including the agency’s recently departed director, Dr. Francis Collins, and Dr. Anthony Fauci, according to a nonprofit government watchdog.
“We estimate that up to $350 million in royalties from third parties were paid to NIH scientists during the fiscal years between 2010 and 2020,” Open the Books CEO Adam Andrzejewski told reporters in a telephone news conference on May 9.
“We draw that conclusion because, in the first five years, there has been $134 million that we have been able to quantify of top-line numbers that flowed from third-party payers, meaning pharmaceutical companies or other payers, to NIH scientists.”
The first five years, from 2010 to 2014, constitute 40 percent of the total, he said.
“We now know that there are 1,675 scientists that received payments during that period, at least one payment. In fiscal year 2014, for instance, $36 million was paid out and that is on average $21,100 per scientist,” Andrzejewski said.
“We also find that during this period, leadership at NIH was involved in receiving third-party payments. For instance, Francis Collins, the immediate past director of NIH, received 14 payments. Dr. Anthony Fauci received 23 payments and his deputy, Clifford Lane, received eight payments.”
Collins resigned as NIH director in December 2021 after 12 years of leading the world’s largest public health agency. Fauci is the longtime head of NIH’s National Institute for Allergies and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), as well as chief medical adviser to President Joe Biden. Lane is the deputy director of NIAID, under Fauci.
The top five NIH employees measured in terms of the number of royalty payments that they received while on the government payroll, according to a fact sheet published by Open the Books, include Robert Gallo, National Cancer Institute, 271 payments; Ira Pastan, National Cancer Institute, 250 payments; Mikulas Popovic, National Cancer Institute, 191 payments; Flossie Wong-Staal, National Cancer Institute, 190 payments; and Mangalasseril Sarngadharan, National Cancer Institute, 188 payments.
Only Pastan continues to be employed by NIH, according to Open the Books.
This information just came out today. It needs to be validated and investigated more.
Pfizer Vaccine Test date from Sites 1231 and 4444
The Pfizer RNA vaccine data from site 1231 appeared days before the deadline for test data to determine the Pfizer vaccine efficacy and the test patients were recruited in three weeks. Site 1231 test patients comprise 10% of the Pfizer test data. It appears site 4444 is data from the same physical site for a later test. The data is alleged to have come from 26 hospitals in Argentina that are funded by the Gates foundation and the US NIH, and so on.
If the info shown in the video link is real/correct, it appears most of the placebo group rapidly (day after day after day) caught covid and none of the vaccinated group caught covid. It appears if the data is real that it was quickly created with no effort to make it look natural. The number of people recruited for the very large study increases linearly with no change on weekends. The number of people who received the placebo and then got infected with covid increases linearly.
It the data is real and is evidence of fraud, that would explain why the Pfizer test data was to remain inaccessible for 50 years. If there is hard evidence of fraud the protect against lawsuits disappears. This would be a great election issue for 2022 and 2024.
FWIW – more covid
“They Told Me There Wouldn’t Be Any Math”
“Extreme Weather During the Maunder Minimum”
Quite a list
Elon Musk CONFIRMS Trump Will Be Brought Back To Twitter, Despite Trump’s Claim HE WILL Be Back
“Larry Correia’s recipe to fix government”
WW3 risk escalation. Pentagon is giving Ukraine high-precision laser-guided rockets.
On Monday The Washington Post is reporting that for the first time the Pentagon will provide Ukrainian forces “high-precision laser-guided weapons” as part of the recently approved mammoth arms package amid Russia’s invasion.
As expected, defense contractors will continue seeing a windfall of profits: “The Pentagon is expanding delivery of commercially available weapons and military equipment to Ukraine, detailing on Friday its $136 million in purchases of aerial drones, laser-guided rockets, binoculars and other items set for shipment soon.”
File image: Defence & Security Monitor
The WaPo details further that “The weapons and equipment, to be purchased from U.S. companies, represent a separate category of military assistance than the vast quantities of armaments that the United States already has provided Ukraine from existing Pentagon stocks.”
Pentagon undersecretary for acquisition and sustainment Bill LaPlante has vowed to utilize “all available tools to support Ukraine’s armed forces in the face of Russian aggression.”
Polish troops to enter Ukraine next?
BIG mistake if they do…
Gazprom has now cut 30% of supply to the EU.
German supermarket shelves emptied of flour and oil. People eating cold food in Germany and the UK rather than spending money to heat it. voted for these politicians. Look where it’s led you…
Oh the irony – Bill Gates has Covid
Fully vaxxed and boosted, yet…
Please don’t die Bill 😈
“BillGates #Pandemic #Covid
Is He Serious?!”
Seems he’s following that famous book on giving advice called
“How to do it and not get it”
Written by
“One who did it, got it and can’t get rid of it”
Thanks Jo – I’m still a researcher prepared to test the envelope
Germany Begins Banning Jewish People From Flying: “They Are Non Compliant”
A group of Orthodox Jewish travelers was expelled from a Lufthansa airliner during a stop in Frankfurt after some were accused of flouting its masking requirements. Some passengers insist they complied with the rule and were removed solely for their religious identity, while non-Jewish travelers were allowed to go on their way.
What? No history books in German libraries any more? 😈
1001 Athlete Cardiac Arrests, Serious Issues, 649 Dead, After COVID Shot
Probably way more given the “disinformation” purging going on…
probably not. Have they come up with a similarly researched data set from pre 2019 yet or are they still comparing it with nothing?
If this level of athletes collapsing on the field was normal pre-covid you must have a number of these events on video.
Personally I don’t recall ever seeing one.
your personal recollections are not data
If you don’t want to read the article at least look at this chart.
your chart says nothing about how the data was collected.
If you look at the article there is some comparisons from the Olympic committee, and the US.
Again, Gee tries a meaningless, non-data based distraction..
No Data.. just farcical innuendo.
“BBC Climate Editor Made False Claims on Global Warming–Mail”
Things that seem to link
AGL – Mike Cannon-Brookes
Mike Cannon-Brookes – WEF
M C B is just a rich guy indulging his personal ideas and boosting his ego.
If he was half as intelligent as he thinks he is, he would leave critical infrastructure to those thar really understand what is needed.
Australia ranked 86th of 133 countries for “industrial complexity” !?!?
Many Australians ‘not aware’ of ‘disastrous energy crisis’ in Europe
Thx Kim, a must see. Energy Security or back to the dark Ages…
Hi Kim,
The price of natural gas in Europe is roughly 4.7 times higher than in the US now because of EU policies. Interest rates in every country are now uncontrollably increasing which is causing stock markets worldwide to crash and will cause a world recession. Interest rates have been ridiculously low for a decade (hiding country and company mismanagement) to allow brainless spending and borrowing. The we are so rich because stocks/bitcoin have gone up for a decade party is over and ends with a hangover.
This new news is going to further reduce the EU natural gas supply.
“Natural gas prices in Europe jump after Ukraine blocks Russian flows”
The EU CO2 zero CO2 emissions ‘plan’ was madness. The EU is now almost 100% dependent on imported energy. The EU have started an economic war with Russia and are busy provide arms to Ukraine to kill more Russian soldiers.
“Henry Hub Natural Gas Spot Price”
6.78 USD/MMBtu for May 10 2022
European Union Natural Gas Import Price
32.20 USD/MMBtu for Apr 2022
Natural Gas Price USD/MMBtu
April 30, 2022 32.20
March 31, 2022 42.39
February 28, 2022 27.23
January 31, 2022 28.26
December 31, 2021 38.03
November 30, 2021 27.62
October 31, 2021 31.05
September 30, 2021 22.84
August 31, 2021 15.43
July 31, 2021 12.51
June 30, 2021 10.30
May 31, 2021 8.909
April 30, 2021 7.147
March 31, 2021 6.127
William see the new post on coal too. Just up;
All over the place like a mad woman’s #$%^
Week 17
Renamed again and the deck shuffled to hide the bluff.
As compared to the previous week 16 of
Good luck to the poor people dealing with a relative who has had a stroke due to the ‘long covid’ needle and good luck to those sitting under a tent with their children and babies waiting for the one Doctor on duty at the Emergency Department. A wait of at least 3 hours in the wind and rain, both vaccinated and un-vaccinated due to a cough or runny nose or whatever the the soup d’jour for the current covid scare.
Civilization Anyone???
More lies ?
“The Recent Decline”