A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Reds under the bed.
Under the rostrum I think
Heard last night of an active 10 year old boy who was taken to hospital and diagnosed with pericarditis.
The doctor said it was mild and not caused by the ubiquitous CV19 VaXXine.
The person reporting this said that this was the fourth such instance of heart trouble in group.
Permanent damage for life.
Can it get any uglier?
The statement from the doctor is at best incomplete and at worst bizarre.
It would have been helpful for the doctor to state:
1. what it was caused by; and
2. what factual information was behind the diagnosis that it was NOT the injection.
given that respiratory orgut infections often precede then that is a clue. Why would the doctor give details of an individual case? Why was this on the news?
Perhaps the Doctor told the patient or guardian and they repeated what the doctor said. Don’t think KK said it was on the news. “Person reporting” and “group” sounds more like a social circle. But I speculate.
My wife’s daughter (28 years old) has had some heart concerns since her booster. She feels her heart beating and hears it when trying to sleep. Can’t lie on her side because of discomfort and feeling the heart beating at the back of her throat. Sounds a bit odd and could dismiss as coincidence, but she caught up with a friend a few days ago (same age) who remarked she’d just been to the doctor about her heart. My wife’s daughter asked about some symptoms and they were very similar. She then asked her friend if she could sleep on her side and the answer was also no. Both had these very soon after booster.
She’s now getting herself checked out and I await to hear the result.
They were teenage gymnasts together. One won a junior world champ on the trampoline, the other 3rd in Aus. So we can speculate bouncing and physical activity is no good for the heart. Or the booster isn’t. Any guesses which it is?
Anecdotal evidence I know, but in 32 years of medicine leading up to the Covid “pandemic” I had never seen a child with myocarditis or pericarditis.
I now practice in a branch of medicine where I don’t see many children, and none with infectious diseases, but I hear periodically of children with both conditions from colleagues.
Any doctor seeing these conditions and not questioning whether the “vaccine” may be responsible is not worthy of the honorary title “doctor”.
Thank you for your candid observations, in view of the fact that you still practice. Even though this blog ensures anonymity, I have yet to hear of many GPs (outside the well known identities) who will even express such opinions to non medical friends.
Indeed, a retired GP friend is quite scandalised that we should suppose that vaccines could be released to the public that are unsafe and relatively untested. He simply won’t listen to the simple facts of the release of the vaccines. Safety seems to come from some sort of ethereal process. What do you do or say?
I agree.
I feel it is important as a practicing doctor to present facts and allow these to present a story. Being deregistered doesn’t benefit anyone.
A retired GP colleague, who was always an inspiration to me, has refused the “vaccine”, though is in his mid 80’s.
I suspect we’re in a very small minority.
About 18 months ago I asked my doctor about Covid vaccines. He said he & his mother were jabbed, but his wife, also a doctor, & his kids weren’t. He would not recommend what I should do, but said I should definitely get the flew shot.
When asked again recently he said that perhaps with my history of heart attacks & shortness of breath, it might be wise to avoid the jab.
And if they do ask any questions, they will very soon find themself unable to practice as a doctor, after the Commonwealth yanks their registration … despite the Commonwealth having no such power under the Australian Constitution.
The V4X is the leading cause of coincidence.
Da-uhm … I’m totally stealing that one.
Please see me raising my visor and lance good lady.
That’s it Strop.
A group with common thread being their sons were into gymnastics.
The incident I described was a parent reporting to my acquaintance.
Holy crap. Just like my anecdote, gymnastics is the common link.
Vaccine safe, fit healthy kids doing gymnastics bad.
Basically any hard athletic sport seems to be a problem !
Yes, interesting coincidence.
Probably VaXXine plus hard exertion shows up the damage.
Kids who don’t put any load on their system probably have the damage but don’t know it.
Not Given!
Where does this assumption come from? My experience has been a perfectly healthy person receives ‘Clot shot’ and in some cases, admittedly a minority, all hell can breaks loose and due to the experimental nature of the therapy we have no idea what the long term effects will be. The Therapeutic Goods Administrations adverse reaction site (DAEN) rarely lists any other medication other than the selected ‘Clot shot’. I have yet to see Codral Cold & Flu as ‘suspected’ or Gaviscon.
Why would it be on the News? That is unless it was a setup to have the Producer and Presenter sacked for subverting the dominant paradigm.
historically Broadie.
Likely true historically,
Just now it seems to be happening a lot more frequently.
Gee Peter, this would all make sense if there viral infections were higher recently. Nah…
Hysterically GA!
Sorry Red tick on this one, no substance.
What’s an ‘orgut’.
Your Diagnosis:
The symptom you refer to:
My prognosis of the outcome of the Doctor’s statement:
My brother in law had a stroke, been in hospital for a month or more now.
When in hospital he is tested every day for the Rona, finally tested positive a week ago, (no symptoms and no second test and nobody else in the ward got it) put in Quarentine and never tested again until yesterday, 7 days latter.
Scam the whole thing is a scam.
They err on the side of “caution” to an utterly absurd degree.
I was about to say I have never seen anything like it – but I have. Many years ago I was about to get on a plane to Italy, but was concerned that a mild persistent cough I had (after a mild virus) would annoy fellow passengers & went to GP for a temporary cough suppressant.
A “temp” at the practice – an officious type in her 60s – insisted I probably had pertussis (whooping cough), despite the fact that I absolutely did not have the characteristic cough, nor had she performed any test or assay. I refused to have the vaccination for pertussis that she wanted to give me, and she then threatened to report me – with implications that she would stop me boarding a plane. After getting a distinctly angry response from me, with words to the effect that a white coat does not confer godlike status, I left very promptly.
I can assure readers that the cough disappeared in a day or so later after I arrived at my destination, and I would not have travelled had it been anything more severe than the final throes of a mild cold.
It’s weird the way they attempt to use vaccination as a cure for something after they believe you are already infected. There’s some really anti-scientific fetishism happening.
For the record, I do recommend the vaccine against whooping cough, approx every 10 years … it’s very well tested … but it’s pointless unless you get it before being exposed.
Official Aus government literature has never reccommended general adult coverage in terms of pertussis vaccination, and obviously there’s plenty of different things that can give you a nagging cough.
Seems to be a lot of cold symptoms going around recently … that’s the most likely explanation.
Especially when reading that a can of coca cola was tested for the virus with a RAT and the response came back as “positive”. As I jokingly said, “Well, if they had put the opened can of coca cola into isolation for 7 days, then I bet that the coca cola would have ended up ‘dead’ flat”……………….
It is becoming clearer that the vaccines have resulted in many problems and, for young men and boys, they seem to be doing more harm than good. It is worth watching the video of ‘The Global COVID Summit’ Press conference with the declaration to ‘Restore Scientific Integrity’.
Gateway just reported a young woman’s death from vaccine, only 36.
Wow. Gateway. And they just reported it.
Why do you always act a douche?
I don’t think it’s an act.
Nothing better to do, is my guess.
And nothing better to say.
And no-one better to say it to?
Poor little boy.
Are you lonely tonight ?
Beautiful clear, calm starry night here in the Rocky Mountains. You might even like it GA.
(Intended to add to KK#2 and missed)
50th Anniversary today (May 19).
Well done Mountain. Wishing you all the best to you and your wife/husband. Hope you have many more.
Many more anniversaries that is, not wives or husbands 🙂
We’re done with COVID, but COVID is not done with us’: Doctors warn of new sub omicron variant wave
Dr. Peter Hotez, the Dean at Baylor College National School of Tropical Science, says new sub omicron variants are identified. He says the BA 2.12 variant is considered the most infectious variant yet.
“Looks to me like we’re heading towards a full-blown wave that could be almost as significant as omicron in terms of the number of new cases,” Hotez said during an interview from home after recently testing positive for COVID. “BA 2.12 is the mother of all variants in terms of transmissibility. It’s getting up there with measles. Have respect for it because it can come and get you.”
Like Geert said then…
But they don’t need any more sub-sub-variants.
They have monkeypox now!
And monkeypox gives scary looking pustules.
And it either has a 1% mortality rate or 10% depending on strain.
Husband just getting over mild dose of (probably) Omicron after testing positive (RAT + PCR) to CV19. First three days of feeling crook, much better by Day 5 & tested negative the following day 6.
Throughout this period, despite close proximity, I failed to test positive at any stage. This I put down to regular gargle with Betadine and use of new Vicks nasal spray from Germany.
We also followed the basic protocol of the FLCCC re vitamins, aspirin, anti-histamines, Quercetin as well as our usual daily morning blender fruits/veges & Vit C, D3, zinc etc.
Look – we may have been lucky & I am hope I am not jinxing us by passing on this good result. He still has a slight cough from a clear post nasal drip & is still slightly fatigued.
Why are you testing, what is the point. There is nothing they will do for you.
Can’t you see you are becomming part of the problem. Its a cold, get over it.
I seriously don’t care about you or your husbands sniffles, why do you people advertise your fears.
Save your woa is me for Face Book and Instagram virtue signaling platforms.
Like, Suscribe and share.
I had Covid three weeks ago, it was mild and it was over in 3 days. I am not vaxxed.
I waited two years for that nothing burger? Really?
So after I wrote that you interpreted it as a call to arms and felt compelled to announce your historical runny nose?
Why did you test Klem, what action did you take, main line yourself with Remdesivir or did you do nothing like the millions before and after you.
aaww you poor thing, hope you feel better XXXX
Just let you know, I didn’t test for Covid, there was no need to. Three other people in my house tested positive and they all got the same three day flu before I did. They are all fully vaxxed.
So why did they test, did the government send around a chef to make chicken noodle soup.
Its a pointless exercise that benifits nobody but effects everybody. Stop testing.
Because some people have a vulnerability. Like my 94 year old father and 88 year old mother do. So I do a RAT before visiting them.
It’s not just a covid thing. Pre-covid I didn’t visit them if I felt flu type symptoms. It’s obvious when you do have it. But with covid, you don’t necessarily have symptoms so a test is necessary if you want to take that precaution.
No. I don’t see that trying to avoid giving covid to my elderly parents is part of the problem and covid is not just a cold.
I also do a test if I feel symptoms rather than just going to work and risking giving it to work colleagues. It really does knock some people around and we don’t want a bunch of people absent from work at the same time. Before covid we encouraged people with flu type symptoms who were feeling very unwell to stay home. Rather than battle through it and come in to work. The odd sick day here or there is easier to handle than losing a bunch of people. It’s not a sudden covid reaction.
Not sure fear is the right word because I don’t fear covid for myself. But I am concerned my parents wouldn’t survive a dose of covid or flu with their other factors. The statistical risk for that age is notable.
So did you test for the flu, common cold or any of the 1000 other transmisable diseases?
Thats my point, if you don’t have symptoms you are not sick. When did people start believing they are only sick if they test positive, thats right 2020.
What did you test yourself for in 2019.
If you have symptoms stay home, you testaholics are prolonging the misery. What if its a false negative, apparently its common, you are still a danger to society.
Do you report these tests to the government, citizen, its your duty for the common good?
Going on two and a half years, I know of nobody who has died, those that tested positive had no symptoms of anything, pandemic, where, in your mind.
Why do people think spruiking about a positive test or a runny nose is news worthy, what makes you think anyone cares (not you in particlular, I know how your easly offended).
What is the point, sympathy. Most on this site are self medicating anyway, if they get a positive do they change their self medication, no, they do nothing except get on here and cry about it.
Covid is not just a cold, except it has the same symptoms. You test if you have symptoms, you test if you don’t have symptoms, its just one more scotch, i’m not an alcoholic.
If you had symptoms and tested negitive, would you still go to work, no. Your point is pointless.
So, who is Baylor College National School of Tropical Science?
Jacinta Ardern – not even trying to hide it any more
Another happy ending for Schwab 😉
She’s certainly a “true believer”.
And our present PM is not much better. If elected, Alba-sleazy will be as bad as Ardern.
The good news is that people are waking up to the fact that the WEF is a cult, and having the WEF on your resume is becoming a social and political liability.
I’ll bet the old geezer Klaus didn’t see that coming.
Theres nothing more pathetic than a Marxist.
Are you now or have you ever been associated with the WEF? soon to be the mantra in halls of power.
From Maria Zeee, about 1 hour 20 minutes but well worth the time IMO.
Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche joins us again to give another stark warning, following the world experiencing exactly what he warned would happen including ADE and excess deaths.
We also discuss the alarming power grab of the World Health Organization.
Western Australia hits new Covid-19 record and more deaths
A woman aged in her 40s is among the new Covid-related deaths in Western Australia as the state hit a new unwanted record.
Western Australia has hit a new record number of daily Covid-19 infections and six more deaths, including a woman aged in her 40s.
WA Health reported 17,105 new infections overnight, taking the total number of active cases to 88,781.
There are now 300 people with Covid-19 in hospital, including 10 in intensive care.
The five other historical deaths are two women and a man aged in their 90s, a woman aged in her 80s, and a man aged in his 70s.
“Due to confidentiality, no further information will be released by the department,” a statement read.
WA has a third-dose vaccination rate of 81.1 per cent for people aged 16 and over.
Chief health officer Andy Robertson last Friday said he expected WA to endure a new peak of up to 25,000 cases per day within weeks.
The Australian Medical Association has been calling for some restrictions to be reintroduced as hospital numbers hover around 300.
But Premier Mark McGowan has so far been reluctant to reimpose restrictions.
Many people still appear to be wearing masks in the community.
WA has the same pattern as NZ. Both were locked down hard over an extended period of time and when the borders were loosened they got this result. Effectively both places kicked the can down the road, hoping for a miracle, which was never going to happen.
Nth Korea is looking even worse than NZ for using the lockdown method. NK are not vaccinated except for elites. Will be tragic.
If there has been a gain for NK, it is that they missed the savage Wuhan, Alpha and Delta strains and went straight to less virulent Omicron.
Countries are sad when they experiment with their people to pick winners and losers for treatments. Seems to me that most national medical services did not know enough and still do not, about how to handle an epidemic. Could be why they rush for WHO umbrella cover, to get further from personal blame.
At age 80, I cannot remember seeing the world in a worse state, mainly from power crazy people who know little, getting into positions of influence, there to find they cannot cope, so resort to uttering bullshit excuses. Geoff S
For the high risk elderly North Koreans it may be bad, but for everyone else I suspect they will be better off with Omicron than with an mRNA vaccine.
Though I have little real data I trust to go on. In terms of all cause mortality in most age groups I don’t see a reduction from vaccination.
But we have no idea really of long term effects of infection with Omicron. We are just finding out some of the potential long term effects of earlier Covid variants. I hope that Omicron infections are much kinder, but we don’t have the data on long term lung, mitochondrial, CD8 cells, gut infection, fertility, or cognitive scores.
And we never will.
Looking at the prime ministers of Canada and NZ and the president of the USA… the downside to lower cognitive scores isn’t all that obvious.
Herald Sun 19/5/2002
Article about one of the Labor candidates in the Aus election. This is a candidate in the party that’s betting odds favourite to form government.
If you think 2017 and was a long time ago and that she’s likely come to her senses since then. She avoided asnwering the question when asked if she still held the opinion.
The Nationals have accused Google of interfering with the federal election by suspending their YouTube account just days before polling.
Herald Sun 19/5/2022
What’s the significance of a youtube account ban? In Australia, election rules put a TV and radio ban on party election advertising two days prior to an election. However, the ban doesn’t apply to online advertising. One party not having it’s youtube channel for that last couple of days could have an impact.
Monkeypox –
the good,the bad and the curiousFirst one case in the UK being a traveller to the Congo region.
Then 4 more unrelated to that patient.
Ok – I saw those…
Currently it’s suddenly jumped to:
UK: 9 confirmed
Portugal: 14 confirmed, 6 suspected
Spain: 7 confirmed, 40 suspected
Canada: 0 confirmed, 13 suspected
USA: 1 confirmed, 6 suspected
This is potentially very serious due to it’s incredibly fast rise.
Even caught me by surprise and I’m days or weeks ahead of the game. 😨
Australia is on alert following the EU outbreaks:
Australian health authorities on high alert after deadly monkeypox detected in the UK, US and Europe
Latest UK government announcement:
WHO has released a detailed update on the monkeypox cases in the UK, advising authorities to take “intensive public health measures”
It’s likely Monkeypox can remain in aerosol form for days and remain infectious for that time, with an incubation time of 12 days:
Of particular importance is the fact that Monkeypox is more lethal to those with, you guessed it, impaired immune systems, HIV & AIDS. We all know what that means.
The curious:
Isn’t it more than coincidental that this outbreak happens days before 194 countries look to surrender their health rights to the WHO…
And just coincidental that there’s a G7 smallpox pandemic exercise in Germany.
The CDC recommends that people exposed to the monkeypox virus and who haven’t had a Smallpox shot should get one.
(That’s almost everyone!)
But then the CDC had a Monkeypox vaxx waiting in the wings in 2019 before Covid.
FDA approves first live, non-replicating vaccine to prevent smallpox and monkeypox
Then there’s this reminder:
Vials With Smallpox Labels Found at Vaccine Lab
Several frozen vials that were labeled “smallpox” have been discovered in a vaccine research facility in Pennsylvania, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.
Should we forget that AstraZeneca used genetically modified chimpanzee virus for the Covid vaxx?
So…at this stage it looks very suspicious…
BUT…it gets worse!
13 Million Freeze-Dried Monkeypox – Smallpox Vaccines Ordered
Finally don’t forget that having a Smallpox shot if you’ve been Covid vaxxed is a VERY bad idea.
Are there links to previous vaxxes, Covid vaxxes or zoonotic transfer from rodents perhaps?
Expecting (planning) a global pandemic FOR REAL this time are we? 😈
Like I’ve said before – it’s not Covid you have to fear but what comes after it.
No doubt more data to come..
Smallpox vaccination gives you some immunity to monkeypox but it hasn’t been administered since the 1970’s and the disease was declared extinct in 1979.
The Australian Department of “Health”, lead by Klaus Schwab student Greg Hunt evidently has stockpiles of the smallpox vaccine. I wonder if they’d allow it to be used for monkeypox or they’d wait 18 months for a Big Pharma offering letting people die in the interim?
Had Smallpox vaccination in 1970 as did Wife
Get a cow, emulate the milk maid. Keep away from Shwab and Hunt alarmist programs. )
Sorry for the duplicate comment.
Get a cow, emulate the milk maid. Keep away from Shwab and Hunt alarmist programs. )
And really … what’s the chance of that ever happening?
We haven’t been warned about Long Monkeypox yet … that’ll be timed for later in the year.
Or the Delta variant.
But seriously it is a DNA virus not an RNA one so V unlikely to mutate.
Well just you wait till the Gorilla variant is spreading around !
Kong flu will mutate into………son of Kong flu.
“Man charged with bestiality after allegedly breaking into school”
Wasn’t HiV associated with monkeys as a mis-direction in the early days? Then some problem with Simian virus in vaccines..
The charges won’t stick, I got a good solicitor.
Sounds like Monkeypox ia another BS media campaign.
Marty A just posted this too:
We have war, but on top of that, we have climate change that is heading to colder – not warmer periods. That is when crops fail and that results in malnutrition and this disease rises. These mandatory COVID vaccines are probably the catalyst for a sharp rise in disease. Viruses mutate. That is their function in this world. The more you vaccinate unnecessarily, the more mutations will emerge from the viruses to survive. That means they will get worse there y defeating the vaccines. Those who were NOT vaccinated will stand a far better shot at surviving.
Just look at the antibiotics. The overuse of these drugs has led to superbugs evolving that are not incurable. The CDC has even stated that the overuse of antibiotics has led to superbugs. Interestingly, even the World Economic Forum (WEF) report published in 2014 warned that ‘The world will run out of effective antibiotics.” The WEF stated the link between the overuse of antibiotics was causing antibiotic resistance and superbugs in hospitals. This has increased the death rates of many people. They concluded that antibiotic-resistant bacteria posed the greatest risk to human health. Others have noted that bacteria are growing stronger and acquiring resistance to multiple drugs. (Spellberg, Bartlett, & Gilbert, 2013).
To me, it is hard to imagine that this demand for 100% vaccinations for COVID is a risk to humanity for the COVID-19 virus will mutate to defeat all possible vaccines as what is already taking place with antibiotics.
Update: CDC now investigating 180 cases of kids with acute hepatitis of unknown cause
Going crazy in the USA…
but no one will look to see how many of the kids had the vax.
Australia has been averaging 46,000 new Covid cases per day and averaging 369,000 active cases for all of 2022 with 40 deaths per day, yet government health departments are saying nothing.
On average, nearly 400 people a day die in Australia with the number one killer being heart related issues. Number 2 is a stroke. In 2020 and 2021, the number of virus related deaths were way, way down the list.
38th I recall, trips and falls come in at 18th?
now half of those heart and stroke related deaths are from the vax, but covered up in the numbers natural causes and no one can prove otherwise.
Where are they getting these numbers from? There are no drive-through testing facilities any more are there? And are people dying with or of covid or are authorities just making up the numbers?
Those in hospital are being tested every day, once they test positve they are a covid addmission even if they were admitted for a stroke 3 weeks prior. They are not tested after the positive for 7 days but will remain a covid addmission for a further 28 days after the neg or until released.
If they die of the stroke, its a covid death.
Its gamed, rigged
Five years ago when all the hue and cry about section 44 was afoot was the time for Albo to rectify this circumstance:
Barnaby Joyce had to seek reelection; my understanding was that a person who did not act at that time risked prosecution and harsh treatment when eventually discovered.
I’ve been waiting for this; let’s sit back and watch the antics when it goes on foot and Albo’s seat is recounted or whatever the procedure be.
This is along read but worth the time. It is an extremely good summary of what has happened during the plandemic. The most startling aspect is that it was published PubMed. I would have though PubMed would have well entrenched in MSM control of the narrative.
Yes. I’d call retired neurosurgeon Russell L. Blaylock’s article a long read. I’m not half way yet, but need to start commenting already before I forget. And yes, it is heartening to find this in publication.
This coming Saturday we have in Australia a federal election. The signs say that the leftist liars are winning. And yes, that is happening because much of our media are held captive one way or another.
But, whoever wins, it is politicians that we have to deal with. And politicians don’t have the time to read long articles like this one. They have staff to do that, and a lot of staff would probably bin it after page one.
If the ALP win on Saturday, The Media will have achieved their long term goal, and will need a new bogeyman. We should try to get this one high on their list.
If the Coalition win, everybody will be breathless.
The story needs to be condensed to get the maximum quantity of information into the first two pages. I suggest leading with readily verifiable data to get the reader engaged.
Back to bed now. I’ll tackle this again tomorrow.
By the way. I wonder how many retired medico mates Russell L. Blaylock might have ready to build a pile-on? We get retired engineers here, why not medics? We already have a few by my observation.
Thanks for that link.
The first paras alone are something.
So the smoke and dust begin to clear, and the AARs start to come in.
I can only hope Fauci lives to see the destruction of his reputation.
As opposed to a more appropriate punishment, all of which have fallen into disfavor since Medieval times.
It’s on a NIH website?
Is there rebellion afoot?
Health Ministry: Malaysia records 31,661 HFMD cases, 15 times higher compared to last year
KUALA LUMPUR, May 17 — Malaysia has recorded 31,661 cases of hand, foot and mouth disease (HFMD) — 15 times the amount that was recorded within the same period last year.
Last year, the country only recorded 2,121 in the same epidemiology week report.
Health director-general Tan Sri Dr Noor Hisham in a statement today said 1,676 HFMD cases were recorded in the previous epidemiology week report compared to this week’s staggering 7,526 cases which is a 349 per cent increase.
Not just Malaysia – HFMD rising in Asia generally along with Foot & Mouth.
The global disease cycle is ramping up markedly.
It is episodic. That’s it. It goes around and you get lots of cases and other years none at all.
Good to be aware though.
The new release from the Office for National Statistics U.K.
(covers January 2021 to March 31, 2022).
There’s a new perspective on the data — Table 9:
The Unjabbed aren’t even in the picture, the data is just concerned with vaccinated persons: how many died in the first week after becoming “vaccinated”, or the second week, etc… right up to week 11.
(BTW it’s not clear when the timer for being “a vaccinated person” starts: is it from the moment the first Jab goes in, or is it 21 days after the second Jab — or something else?)
Maybe this is noteworthy: In most age groups, the death count rises rapidly until about week 4 or 5, then it basically continues as a flat line.
Why were the vaccinated less inclined to die from non-COVID causes, in the first weeks after their jab?
Am I reading that right?
Did people wrap themselves in “cotton wool” for a few weeks until they resumed normal life?
N.B. Table 9 counts are for all of England, not just limited to the population in the Public Health Data Asset (40 million people).
Australian Prime Minister Now Admits That People Are Largely Dying With, Not Because of COVID
So it’s WITH now, not FROM….
With = at end of life with comorbidities
From = no autopsy to prove it 😉
The official cause of death was changed from “from covid” to ” with covid” about six months ago.
Which makes sense because people who die with covid have an average of about 3.8 comorbidities.
It just took the official narrative about 18 months to change, the lies became unsustainable.
Brain-altering parasite makes infected people MORE attractive to others, study says
A sexually-transmitted parasite that up to 50 percent of the population carries may actually make people look more attractive to the opposite sex. Researchers in Finland say Toxoplasma gondii may be responsible for a number of different neurological disorders, including schizophrenia and psychotic episodes. However, its strangest effect may be altering the way others view people carrying the infection.
Study authors found that both men and women infected with T. gondii were rated as being more attractive and healthier-looking than uninfected individuals. The team says this strange connection could have its roots in evolution, theorizing that changes which benefit the host (an animal or human) also benefit the parasite. This symbiotic relationship would help the parasite spread through carriers having more sex.
50% of the population?
No wonder so many relationships fail.😉
There are a large number of parasites that alter behaviour, many in extremely complex ways.
Cordyceps fungi parasitise ants and wasps. An example is Ophiocordyceps unilateralis which parastises carpenter ants, makes them climb a stalk to almost exactly 25cm off the ground on the
north side of the plant with around 95% humidity and temperatures of 20-30C, causes them to lock their mandibles and then the fungus fruiting body grows out of the ant and drops its spores onto the foraging trails of the ant colony from which the parasitised ant came, starting the cycle again.
Brain-altering parasite makes infected people MORE attractive to others, study says
So it isn`t just beer goggles.. 😄
I’m with you KevJ. The research findings from way back in the 60/70s regarding the difference between a dog and a fox – 3 schooners.
Hugs from partners reduce stress levels in women — but not men
BOCHUM, Germany —Women who hug their partner reduce their stress levels, new research reveals. However, a team in Germany finds hugging a lover does not have the same positive outcome for men.
Men probably see hugging as wrestling prior to their being strangled for doing something wrong. 😅
Its true and females also like holding hands.
The headline in the link says it all.
Bearing in mind our expert classes have produced so many reports of the dire effects of warming, I am sure they will have produced just as many on the even more dire effects of cooling. However I seem to have mislaid them. Can someone link me to half a dozen colling impact reports emanation from our much admired expert classes?
Would be interesting to compare with UAH satellite data.
Might see what I can do about getting hold of the final data. 😉
Fact is that apart from the 2015/16 El Nino, there has been no warming this century.
UAH is basically zero trend from 2000-2015
Train vs windmill blade.
That blade will have an even shorter life than the already short life these things have.
Love it!
What about the train drivers?
Diesel power 1, wind power 0. LOL
Are you aware that many turbine blades are made from illegally gathered Balsa wood
This has environmental considerations and often sets the big harvesters against the small land owners where the balsa is stolen
I had meant to add that it looked to me as if the blade had bent on impact which is a characteristic of balsa-within limits-
An all fiber-glass blade would do the same….. as would basically any sort of blade. 🙂
I don’t think we can say anything about its construction from watching that impact.
Blade construction is well known and documented.
Generally balsa spars, CF reinforcement, Fibre Glass , lay up with Epoxy resin, in a mould, etc etc
No big secrets, and not especially sophisticated.
The NZ government has spent $100 BILLION on the pandemic in addition to normal expenditure
Gonzalo Lira said Australia could be the next Ukraine. I am asking if New Zealand could be the next Sri Lanka (if we are no longer under the protection of our “friends and allies”.
“So far the government has spent on the order of 100 billion dollars on the pandemic in addition to normal expenditure. To put this in stark perspective, that is equal to the total annual government budget prior to the pandemic—more than $20,000 for every man, woman, and child This is borrowed money which will have to be repaid through increased taxation of an already struggling population. “
Actually NO – all governments are broke and there’s no intention of EVER repaying the debt, which would take many decades anyway.
The planned Great Reset will simply erase the debt and your savings and everything else.
Oz & NZ the next Sri Lanka?
Yep. Along with most other countries.
Thank your sell-out pollies for that.
Remember to vote Saturday to have a say in your future and shape the country 😅😅
June, July, August…not far off now 😉
SARS-CoV2 Spike protein is a toxin. Dr Robert Malone
First question – does spike S1 subunit get into the brain across the blood brain barrier?
Why yes, Virginia, thank you for asking.
Next question. Does Spike S1 do any damage to the brain when it hits nerve cells (neurons)? Oops. Looks like it does! Who would have guessed. Well, who among those scientists who are not misinformation spreaders?
The Arctic was warmer 6000 years ago.
The Holocene thermal max was of universal significance.
‘Our research released today conclusively shows what has long been suspected: 6,000 years ago, water levels in the Lower Murray River were so high that much of the system in South Australia comprised a huge lake.’ (
True, and the paper explains why. It also says:
Today, the direction of orbital forcing continues to favor GIC expansion; however, the rapid retreat of nearly all Arctic GICs underscores the current dominance of anthropogenic forcing on GIC mass balance. Our review finds that in the first half of the Holocene, most of the Arctic’s small GICs became significantly reduced or melted away completely in response to summer temperatures that, on average, were only moderately warmer than today. In comparison, future projections of temperature change in the Arctic far exceed estimated early Holocene values in most locations, portending the eventual loss of most of the Arctic’s small GICs.
“anthropogenic forcing”??
There is no anthropogenic forcing..
Please provide evidence of such a thing.
The “recent retreat” was from the highest levels of sea ice outside the Little Ice Age.
Then you can explain trees found underneath retreating glaciers.. How much warmer must it have been !!!
Arctic sea ice has not decreasing for some 15 or more years… and is above every year back to 2004 except 2008, 2009 , 2012 and 2013.
“future projections”
From un-validated non-science computer games…. ie unsubstantiated garbage…
They have ruined what could have been a perfectly good data-based paper showing that it was much warmer during most of the last 10,000 years..
.. with a mindless call to the anti-science of CO2 warming. !
“anthropogenic forcing” ??
There is no anthropogenic forcing..
Please provide evidence of such a thing.
The “recent retreat” was from the highest levels of sea ice outside the Little Ice Age.
Thank goodness for that retreat from the extreme high levels… it has allowed Arctic sea life to live and flourish up there again.
Then you can explain trees found underneath retreating glaciers.. How much warmer must it have been !
Arctic sea ice has not decreasing for some 15 or more years… and is above every year back to 2004 except 2008, 2009 , 2012 and 2013.
“future projections” LOL !!
From un-validated non-science computer games…. ie unsubstantiated garbage…
They have ruined what could have been a perfectly good data-based paper showing that it was much warmer during most of the last 10,000 years..
.. with a mindless call to the anti-science of CO2 warming. !
Sea level was two metres higher than present.
Simon its important to take in the big picture and throw out any theories that are obviously junk science.
By 2050 sea level rise will be 30.48 centimetres above present.
That would require a lot of acceleration, which hasn’t been happening.
6 cm at the very most, with no guarantee of any.
“By 2050 sea level rise will be 30.48 centimetres above present.”
What arrant nonsense is that ! ?? Sarchasm ?
28 years from now
Fort Denision about 1.08mm/year.. so you mean 30.48 millimeters.. right !
That is not long ago? Sea levels were higher also.
Does that mean we have been in a cooling phase for 6000yrs?
“Does that mean we have been in a cooling phase for 6000yrs?”
Yes.. Its called the Neoglaciation.
The final part of the Neoglaciation, through the Dark Ages, with a respite during the MWP, to the freezing of the LIA, and the slight recovery from that coldest of times…
.. that was when most NH glaciers were reformed.. Thank goodness it stopped, otherwise Canada and the NE of the USA would be under hundreds of metres of ice again.
Yes. Sea levels only drop when water can be locked up in the ice.
Finally some good news.
Moonbat from another planet?
“George Monbiot says farming should be ABOLISHED to save the planet: Climate change activist says meat can be replaced with lab-grown food like protein pancakes”
And these labs can be powered by some solar cells on the roof and moonlight cells keep the cultures alive o’night.
“Pictorial portrait of an environmentalist.”
Dr Moran talks about Paxlovid, a Pfizer covid antiviral treatment approved by the department headed by Klaus Schwab student, Greg Hunt.
It has Emergency Use Authorisation in the US.
It also interferes with a lot of common medications. See:
“Definition of the day”
“Religious Fanatic (n): “A person who does what God would do if only He understood the situation.”
Shilling votes for John Ruddick for the Lib Dems if you are in NSW, he is the best candidate for the senate. Read some of his journalism in the age if you are unaware of him. A smart man politically educated.
Disinformation Board Narrowly Outlasts CNN+
May 18th, 2022 –
IRAN: Digital Food Rationing rolls out using Biometric IDs amid food riots
Iran is set to be the first country to roll out a food rationing scheme based on new biometric IDs. Where vaccine passports failed, food passports will now be eagerly accepted by hungry people who can’t afford rapidly inflating food prices. This is the realization of a longstanding agenda by the Rockefeller/UN/WEF crowd to, as Kissinger put it, “control food, and control people.” Christian breaks it down in this Ice Age Farmer broadcast.
I won’t be the least surprised if Australia’s next LibLab/Green government does the same.
A majority of Australians have already demonstrated their acceptance of totalitarian rule during the covid lockups.
As long as we’re not made to wear those ear tags cattle do people will accept it.
Mayday, mayday, mayday.
At 8.340 pm local time, Western Australias Wind Power
Production from their 16 “farms” was a staggering 3 Mega Watts.
Don’t use it all at once.
Nothing like having lots of reliable, dependable “ruinable” power to use, eh.
Move over South Australia.
How are you following that, and do you know the total MW “capacity?” Just curious…
Perhaps by using the AEMO WA website? That’s my go-to site for checks of what’s happening in WA.
A quick check of WA wind shows only 7MW or only 0.6% for the last 48 hours. Currently it’s increased to 15MW.
The calm before the storm.
Remember that WA already has the gas powered generators installed and as a result of the domestic reservation policy, the cost is “somewhat reasonable”. Whether they can continue to ramp the Collie coal fired plants is a different question.
In any case, more wind means less gas/coal is burned, which at least financially is good in the long term.
4th and 5th of May wind was 38% of the daily generation.
Remember WA DOES have the backups that the eastern states do NOT
Quoting figures such as 38% is a bit cherry-picking, as the average annual WA wind is just 9.7%, and doesn’t really add anything to WA power, considering gas and coal supply around 80%. And of course WA has cheaper gas and a domestic gas reservation policy.
US Government orders 13 million doses of monkeypox vaccine for delivery 2024-25.
Interesting that most media is failing to give appropriate advice to contain transmission, that is to treat it as if it were an std associated with the gay/bi community, not to say that it won’t be passed on through normal contact and into the straight community, but not currently chiefly in the current outbreak.
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz once asked about the universe, “why is there something rather than nothing”.
A deep question.
And why is it this?
Ask the new telescope.
“They Will Eat Each Oother” A Grim Warning from Ex-Greenpeace Director Patrick Moore
Leibniz claimed to have invented Calculus, which is doubtful. So if we integrate the Universe as an area under the curve, does that give us a definitive answer?
Brane theory has merit.
Apparently some vegans eat oysters because they don’t have a central nervous system and are thought not to feel pain….
Where does Australia’s future lie?
*Agriculture is being shut down because the government prefers to empty irrigation water into the sea. And Greens and other leftards want to shut down animal production.
*Industry is being shut down due to expensive gas, electricity and feral unions.
*Rocks (minerals) can be sourced cheaper in Africa from the numerous Chinese colonies there. And Greens want to shut down the coal industry.
*Tourism for overseas visitors is very expensive as it is for locals. It is cheaper for locals to holiday overseas.
*Tertiary education is currently a good export earner but comes at the cost of extremely dumbed down degrees which are impossible to fail thus damaging Australia’s reputation long term.
*Commercial fishing has been made difficult or impossible by excessive regulations hence large fisheries imports, many from disgusting fish farms in Third World countries or polluted waters.
*There are severe restrictions on exploring for oil and gas.
* Nuclear electricity production and nuclear submarines are prohibited.
*We have some of the most expensive real estate prices in the world due to lack of policies conducive to decentralisation.
*The welfare system is unsustainable and may choose a life on welfare, especially new immigrants who will never work as they have no employable skill.
*High levels of immigration from people who will never assimilate or work and contribute nothing but violence or other trouble.
*Foreign borrowings by government are massive and it’s difficult to see how they can be repaid.
*There are more and more regulations affecting every aspect of economic and other activity and Nanny Statism is out of control.
*The government has a fanatical commitment to implementing virtually every decree from a corrupt and incompetent and Third World oriented UN which actively works to destroy Western Civilisation.
*I’m sure I have missed many issues in this short list…
In reference to item 10 of your list: “How to Choose Better Immigrants”, Quadrant online.
“When we came to Australia, we learned two simple rules Australians apply to all newcomers.
The first rule: Welcome. Have a beer, mate. But leave your troubles where you came from, don’t bring them here.
The second rule: You say you can do it. We believe you. Now show us. “
Remember some migrants believe that consuming alcohol is EVIL
Global Warming Explained. 🙂
Truth slipped out about the Iraq invasion by the US?
S’Ok Jo,
Thought it was funny – perhaps I am an easy mark – I like it and have bookmarked to get one in the future
“Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) – is this the cause?”
Via Bayou Renaissanceman
“Cattle industry’s environmental impacts spark academics’ call to eat less beef”
Like academics call for more wind and solar power
Tony Heller has released an amazing new climate “visualization’ tool. Incredible what talented people can do with a very large database of numbers.
Climate change is a sight for sore eyes, La Nina like conditions to persist, David Evans got it right.