A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Hi there everyone! Have a good day.
We are enjoying beautiful Tasmania for a few days. We love it here. 🙂
Tasmania is great. The rain here not so much.
We’ve had little rain so far! Give it time?! Anyway, like England, you need rain for a green and pleasant land. Not too much though, like parts of Queensland and NSW atm.
Hobart is the second most dry Aus state capital.
Although prob 60% of the state gets 1m – 2m or rain annually.
BOM says it is third
Surprised by Perth.
Was easy to win bets when comparing Perth to Melbourne, as very few folks knew that Perth has a higher rainfall. Just mainly over winter, and very dry here in summer. Lost a lot of trees in Perth this year.
I knew about Melbourne’s status. The assumption is that Melbourne rains a lot – which it sort of does time-wise but not in the amount of rain.
Latitude of Sydney and Perth catches people too. The thing there is that people use the distance they are from the bottom (or southern tip as some people insist on calling it) of the continent which creates the illusion that Sydney is further north.
When looking at heatwaves, the hottest to coolest hot 3-day waves rank Melbourne 39.8C, Sydney 36.2C, Brisbane 35.8C.
In other words, the 40 hottest 3-day heatwaves each year average out as getting rather cooler as you near the Equator.
Perth is about 33.5C, cooler again.
All of these are above the 30C or so that is the max ocean temperature(Ric Willoughby), so the heat is generated over land. Looks like Melbourne cops it from a warm-up near Alice Springs then a dominant wind blowing it to the S-E over Melbourne, more often than ESE over Sydney, less often again Easterly over Brisbane. Geoff S
Perth sure had more than our fair share of over-40 temps this summer Geoff.
As at April 30 2021 Channel 9 ranked wettest to driest cities as
BOM says it is third. As most here don’t trust the BoM I chose Channel Nine’s assessment
Darwin 1723.1 mm.
Sydney 1213.4 mm.
Brisbane 1148.8 mm.
Perth 730.9 mm.
Melbourne 648.3 mm.
Canberra 615.4 mm.
Hobart 612.2 mm.
Adelaide 526.7 mm.
When we moved from Sydney to Melbourne the difference in rainfall was noticeable, especially torrential rain.
The other most notable thing was the lack humidity after living in Sydney
Channel 9’s assessment is simply using the BOM’s true annual average. Putting Hobart as the second most dry, per my original comment.
The BOM chart Gee Aye posted is not a true annual average. It’s simply a chart of monthly averages with the annual figure the sum of each monthly average. A false annual average.
Hi Gee Aye,
The BOM doesn’t say Hobart is third.
The BOM average annual rainfall for each capital has Hobart as second most dry.
The chart you posted of averages is the monthly average, with each months average added up to make a false annual average. That’s not how annual averages work. An annual average is the average of annual rainfall recorded.
That’s an incredibly poor chart for a scientific organisation.
e.g. Melbourne’s annual average in BOM records is 648.
The total average produced by adding to all the monthly averages is just 518mm. A huge misrepresentation.
Hobart sits on the lee-side of the west Tasmanian ranges.
The ranges get all the rain. That’s where all the main dams are.
ps, because Tasmania sits in the “roaring 40s” very little rain comes to Hobart from the East so it relies many on rain making it over the western ranges.
How much rain has there been in Tas this year? They have been running a lot of water through the turbines lately.
Any chance they may get into a pickle later having to cut back because of low dam levels?
I looked once but they have a lot of dams with one or two turbines a casual search does not reveal overall storage.
“Rain is always welcome here but seldom is convenient”
People I know had a base in London and a farm house in Normandy. Came back here and moved to Tasmania.
I conversation one day I asked “Tasmania doesn’t happen to look like Normandy does it”?.
There was a chuckle and the answer “It does you know”.
We like Normandy too.
Russia Looking Forward To Picking Up $40 Billion In New Equipment After US Abandons Ukraine
May 11th, 2022 –
We’re more divided than ever. I said this to my son and he looked blank. I said “It’s OK, it’s babylonbee”. He has never heard of it.
If the left and right NEVER get the same news/satire, how can we unite?
How do the two poles on a magnet unite? I personally don’t want to unite with the left, I have standards that don’t blow in the wind.
RicDre, this is not about weapons of war.
The ultimate weapon for the Global Elite is to destroy the US Constitution and its ‘We the People’. The only ‘nuclear’ option is the total destruction of the savings and credit status of the American People. The idea is they will be so busy trying to feed themselves they will forget about their freedoms.
The interesting battle of this war is between the American Moms and the installed useful idiots controlling the institutions and the media. Will the Moms make it to the November half term elections before the Global Elite seize control to protect the world from the climate change, racism, transphobia and flucorona.
“Joe Biden Labels Donald Trump “The Great MAGA King”
May 11, 2022 | Sundance | 134 Comments”
With added videos
Its going to an extreme, possibly impossible, task for anyone to “MAGA” after Biden and his crew of morons have finished with it. !
Hate to admit, I actually thought Biden would tone down the rhetoric.
Well. at least who, or whatever has their hand up nether his regions moving his mouth (with great difficulty).
Oh well.
MAGA, seems like the rough equivalent of ‘go team’.
Build Back Better, MAGA … a battle to the death of sloganeering.
Can’t tell if ‘they’ are smart rhetoricians, or grasping at straws.
I’m guessing it’s going to be a summer of peak pink hair crazy here in the US.
Chickens must live.
Human babies are disposable.
From Deplorable to Ultra-Maga in just a few short years. Wow!
Small fortunes are about to be made in hats, T-shits, and flags.
I never owned a MAGA hat.
An ULTRA MAGA hat is just too cool to pass up.
Too funny.
Biden just (sort of) called Trump “the Ultra MAGA King’.
So great.
Trump needs come out at a rally wearing a crown.
It is our solemn duty to mercilessly troll the Democrats
You would think that by now people would be wary of denigrating their opposition with a T shirt slogan.
Desert Rats didn’t work. I suspect even “diggers” may have once been a disparaging comment but don’t know.
Thursday, a corruption of Thor’sday; Thor being the God of thunder and lightning.
Woden’t you know it !
I gotta pay that.
A reference site worth looking at.Asked the SAME questions of ALL candidates in all electorates and note their responses.
I wonder if the Stand Up and Vote people regret choosing Teal type colour for their web page and T-shirt themes.
Having checked a number of electorates on that page, the common theme is the two major parties and “left” type candidates generally haven’t answered the questions and the “right” leaning candidates consistently do and seemingly are unanimous in their “no” answers.
Few countries are as fanatically committed to unreliables as Australia. The competition may have been Germany and Once Great Britain but even they are starting to see (un)common sense. There is no sign of that in Australia.
one possible explanation.
Joe was upset…
Joe lives in Melbourne, he was sick of the World, of Covid-19, Chinese belligerence, global warming, species extinction, racial tension,
and all the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy the media headlines.
Joe drove his car into his garage at home, carefully sealed up around the windows and doorways of his garage,
selected his favourite radio station and left his car at a slow idle.
Two days later, his neighbour realising she had seen no sign of Joe for a while, peered through the garage window to see Joe at the wheel of his car. Immediately she phoned emergency services. Police, fire and the ambulance arrived promptly.
After pulling Joe from his car and giving him a sip of water, he seemed as good as gold.
Joe drives a Tesla. It now has a flat battery.
He also votes Green…which explains his non-understanding of the real world.
Last Tuesday May 3, Jo asked possibly the most consequential question of our era: Is Australia a sovereign nation? Are we self-responsible or have we in effect handed our self-responsibilities to various supra-national authorities to administer as they deem purposeful and without the normal rigours of domestic accountability.?
As we all know Jo’s question was posed in the middle of an election campaign, an ordinary vacuous wack-a-mole election campaign after two of the most tumultuous destructive years of our history.
May 21: election.
May 22: WHO governing body the World health Assembly will commence voting procedure to amend WHO’s International Health regulations to empower WHO to unilaterally usurp Health authority over signatory states.
The clearest and most cogent covering I have found is this from Peter Breggin:
Breggin specifically identifies Australia as a willing signatory. Substitute “America” etc with “Australia” and the picture becomes very clear.
Do see Tess Lawrie also:
Yet here we are, in the midst of a national discussion and has anyone heard from a politician expressing any degree of concern? Has there been any word of substance in the commentariat? Is the electing public at all meaningfully advised?
Time is running out for the country we thought we knew.
Who is Peter Breggin and why have you created a dodgy link instead of linking to the original. Looks like fear mongering anyway but I’m not clicking that link.
That dodgy link is an article by Peter Breggin?
Read it, instead of using a lame dodgy excuse.
“a lame dodgy excuse.”
Hey, its Gee.. Its all he/she knows.
“a lame dodgy excuse.”
Hey, its Gee.. Its all he/she knows.
You seem not to recall that a few days you and KK were discussing a strange link appearing on your emails that directed you to a particular site. As far as I recall both of you were very leery about it. So why criticise Gee Aye for also being cautious?
What a weird comment !
Sorry you are ignorant of “PrintFriendly”. It is not a dodgy link.
Since you need educating.
“What is PrintFriendly?
PrintFriendly cleans and formats web pages for perfect print experience. PrintFriendly removes ads, navigation and web page junk, so you save paper and ink when you print. It’s free and easy to use. Perfect to use at home, the office, or whenever you need to print a web page.”
Has extensions available for most browsers.
Try to sometime, very useful.
Gee – run it in a sandboxed browser if you’re that paranoid…
One could explain to Gee Aye who Dr. Peter Breggin is …but then I am sure he could easily find out through Google.
Remember to play the man and not the ball GA.
Your smear:
can be useful tool when discussing facts compromising your agenda with an informed audience.
Fear Mongering. Sounds really scary.
So the evil Tigray revolutionary Tedros Ad Hominem will be absolute ruler of all the WHO treaty’s signatory nations if Tess Lawrie’s speculation is correct; to think of all those times I have cheated death only to end up in this world of enforced submission to arbitrary authority.
Yes in the sense that elected politicians can control their own states but also no because the entirety of Australian land is owned by The Queen and technically she could boot everyone out as we’re all leaseholders. Same in the UK,NZ,PNG, Canada and a bunch more which she also owns.
Does sovereignty even matter given the power of the WEF, WHO & WW2 legacy NATO?
The whole planet are just pawns in reality and democracy an ineffective concept.
” because the entirety of Australian land is owned by The Queen and technically she could boot everyone out as we’re all leaseholders.” I’m not sure that we would go though John.
It’s only a nominal ownership but a few years ago it kept the would be President MalcolmX Trumble from acquiring total ownership.
Despite that he did use AUD$444 million dollars of future tax money to buy a small Kingdom on The Great Big Barrier Reef for his wife and other Climate Concernees: Long may they rain.
This link has an interesting paper on how trees contribute to deep convection over the Amazon, increasing the length of the wet season:
Deep convection is the reason ocean surface temperature is limited to 30C and why the water does not just boil off. The process is the reason water remains on the surface to support abundant life.
Remove the trees and the land will become increasingly desolate. It will be the same as the depth of glaciation when the CO2 is so low that the land turns to dust. Thankfully, the dust contributes to the rapid melting of the ice.
“Remove the trees and the land will become increasingly desolate. It will be the same as the depth of glaciation when the CO2 is so low that the land turns to dust. Thankfully, the dust contributes to the rapid melting of the ice.”
Has this logic been applied to the long term grasslands of the world which have been present for a considerable time without disappearing in a cloud of dust?
Don’t try to make sense of it, another jumble.
Students Say ‘My Body My Choice’… Until it Comes to Vaccine Mandates
Maybe we should be correcting them: my body, my cloaca – to allow for the expectant ex-men too?
It has been confirmed; allegedly the US can win a nuclear war. The West has gone insanely dangerous. Wall St. Journal Urges U.S. To Force Nuclear War.
Done with the expertise that gives you IPCC “Climategedon”
Chiefio poses some questions
I have been doing letterboxing for one of the pro-freedom parties, i.e. not LibLabs or Greens and never cease to be surprised seeing some of the houses with big posters for Labor or Greens. In my area the Labor and Green cultists are typically living in $1.5 to $2.5 million houses.
They must be senior union officials, owners or shareholders of unreliable power generators, senior public serpents or senior ABC/SBS “journalists”. Nice work if you can get it. They are certainly not the ordinary people those parties pretend to represent…
These “greenies” are the ones that will squeal loudest when the electricity start to have regular outages.
These are the ones, like Ian, Gee, PF, Simon, whose existence revolves totally around fossil fuels and the energy derived from them… while ranting and raving against them.
Did you notice what sort of cars were in any driveways ? Big SUVs, no doubt !
You really are amusing
“These “greenies” are the ones that will squeal loudest when the electricity start to have regular outages.
These are the ones, like Ian, Gee, PF, Simon, whose existence revolves totally around fossil fuels and the energy derived from them… while ranting and raving against them.”
My existence, your existence and for that matter the existence of virtually every other Australians revolves around fossil fuels. You of, course, exaggerate and say “totally around” ignoring the fact that the grid receives energy from non-fossil fuel sources but their totally replacing fossil fuels is, as yet, is a long way off.
I can speak only for myself but I don’t rant or rave about fossil fuels as I am well aware their use will continue for many years. They’re an integral part of my existence
But here’s the rub for you and those like you who predominate on this site. Although personally I have no problem with using fossil fuels, the majority of those who live in the Western World want their use reduced. You may rant and rave and excoriate me but I ain’t stupid enough not to work out that eventually the majority view will prevail.
Perhaps you should unblock your ears, stop saying “nah nah nan nah nah” and recognise reality.
Poor triggered Ian. !
There you go thinking the majority want fossil fuels reduced..
That might “say” that, but it is based on hypocrisy and ignorance and virtue-signalling… just like your opinions.
… you want reality.. look at their actions.
Look at your own actions. You can’t even do that, you are so blind to your own virtue-signalling.
No way you or anyone else in you “majority” really want to get rid of fossil fuels and all the massive benefits they bring to society.
In my area the Labor and Green cultists are typically living in $1.5 to $2.5 million houses.
They must be senior union officials, owners or shareholders of unreliable power power generators, senior public serpents or senior ABC/SBS “journalists”.
Not knowing where you live it is difficult to comment on house prices in your area but currently in the major capitals $1.5-42.5 million isn’t too outrageous.
Perhaps they are small business owners who have worked very hard to succeed Journalists from the commercial stations certainly earn more than those at the ABC and SBS although perhaps not at Sky as its ratings are so poor it couldn’t afford them
Small business owners, entrepreneurs who risk their own monies and other assets to operate a business for profit, that a young university student voter described after the not so great debate last night as wealthy people ScoMo wants to make wealthier, so she chose Albo. And commented that Labor have far better climate change policies.
Excuse me: It’s the economy stupid!
Without a strong economy with successful private sector businesses contributing tax revenue her university fee subsidy would not be possible to provide, or student allowances.
“The wealthy” taxpayers do not have money tree plantations.
Not too many small business owners would have Labour or Greens posters up Ian. I know a few and none of them would touch those parties.
Reference please.
My understanding is that ABC and SBS employees are the most highly paid of all apart from a very select few in the private sector.
However, it must be considered that ABC and SBS are fully funded from private sector tax revenue and they have no requirement to be profitable and pay tax.
It amused me when driving in Canberra weekend before last to see a bumper sticker “ABC The Only Independent Broadcaster”.
I believe that should be changed to “the only dependent broadcaster”?
Myocarditis Up 2800%: Army Veteran Pam Long Lists Alarming Numbers From the DMED Data Base
Myocarditis – Up 2800%
Cancers – Up 300% to 900%
Infertility (Both Genders) – Up 500%
Miscarriages – Up 300%
Neurological Disorders – Up 1000%
Demyelinating Disorders – Up 1000%
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) – Up 600%
Guillain-Barré Syndrome – Up 500%
HIV – Up 500%
Pulmonary Embolisms – Up 400%
“Infertility (both genders)” 😉
It’ll have to be a cyberwar because conventional troops are becoming in short supply.
I’m pretty sure all of those diseases are caused by climate change, because science.
US, allies warn of nation-state attacks against MSPs
“The UK, Australian, Canadian, New Zealand, and U.S. cybersecurity authorities expect malicious cyber actors — including state-sponsored advanced persistent threat (APT) groups — to step up their targeting of MSPs in their efforts to exploit provider-customer network trust relationships,” it read. “For example, threat actors successfully compromising an MSP could enable follow-on activity — such as ransomware and cyber espionage — against the MSP as well as across the MSP’s customer base.”
Cash on hand, cash on hand, cash on hand…
Elite Banker Shapeshifts Into Genderless Reptilian Via Surgery To Deal With ‘Spiritual Pain’ of Being Human
A former banker who served as Vice President at one of the nation’s leading financial institutions has given up their elite career and transformed into a genderless reptilian to deal with the “spiritual pain of being human.”
“Having been to hell and back, having endured so much cruelty at the hands of humans, making myself into something from another species is my own way of dealing with the spiritual, emotional, psychological pain and anguish that continues to torment me through my life today.
I wonder how he’d do on a grasshopper diet? 😈
Odd, I would have thought he would have had to be part reptile already to get a job as VP at a major financial institution.
Seems a natural progression to me. 🙂
Not sure how the genderless part comes in though. Reptiles have gender.
He kept the sausage but lost the 2 veg so somewhat ambivalent as to “gender” perhaps.😉
“Reptiles have gender” – b.nice
There are those that don’t, or can switch.
Note that some other animals are able to, as well.
Wow; the world has moved on from the days when, in Australia, it was pretty much illegal to tattoo your body.
The Fair Work Commission (Fair Work Australia industrial relations legislation) decides on adjustments to the Award Wage system in Australia based on submissions from unions and private sector employers, not the Federal Government.
And wages/remuneration is determined for public service employees, including elected MPs, by another independent Commission, and noting that the number of politicians are tiny when compared with the public service total number of employees.
Albo appears to be confused about wages.
Surprise findings suggest anti-inflammatories increase chronic pain risk
A new study led by researchers at McGill University challenges current notions of how acute pain is treated. The findings suggest treating some forms of acute pain with anti-inflammatory drugs may actually increase the risk of that pain developing into a chronic condition.
Scientists just found mountains of sugar hidden beneath the ocean
Many coastal areas around the world are home to lush green meadows — all thanks to seagrasses.
As the only flowering plants growing in marine environments, these meadows are magic: One square kilometer of seagrass stores nearly twice as much carbon as land-based forests, and it does so 35 times faster. This makes seagrasses one of the most efficient global sinks of carbon dioxide on Earth.
And this isn’t the only remarkable thing about them, a new study has revealed. Submerged beneath the waves, seagrass ecosystems hold colossal reserves of sugar we never knew existed before, with roughly 32 billion cans of Coca-Cola’s worth of sweet stuff hiding in the seabed.
Naturally, this holds major implications for mitigating climate change and carbon storage.
Scientists from the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology in Bremen, Germany, reported in a study published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution that seagrasses release colossal amounts of sugar into their soils, which is also known as the rhizosphere. Under the seagrass, sugar concentrations were unexpectedly at least 80 times higher than previously measured in marine environments.
Do you have any comments on the safety or efficacy of Novavax?
ATAGI is supportive. TGA has given provisional approval, same as the other “vaccines”
Very high rate o adverse events (>50%)!
Three Cases of Myocarditis in a study group of 34,000 seems like a lot to me!
I am not lining up for it just yet.
Have you considered the adverse reaction reports for the mRNA vaccines?
I really cannot understand the attraction of having the spike protein injected into oneself. Sure it is traditional technology, but it is, in and of itself, toxic. In addition, what is the use of vaccinating with a spike protein engineered for the virus of two years ago.
The whooping cough vaccine uses similar technology, but it contains more than one epitope, and they are not toxic in the way the spike protein is. However, Christine Staben-Bell has found that subunit vaccines in children do not reduce all cause mortality, while attenuated viral vector vaccines do. This (with admittedly iffy data) seems to also hold true for the adenoviral vector vaccines (AstraZ & J7J). However, they also suffer from the fact that side effects are due to synthesis of spike proteins (blood clots).
And a very interesting interview on her work in children’s vaccines.
Novavax has not been approved as a booster.
My feeling is that Novavax is like the Liberal Party….slightly less bad than the opposition.
It is approved as a booster if:
That’s because Novavax doesnt need a booster, and to use it as a booster for mRNA vax is pointless and the effects are still unknown so it is not approved. I waited and tolerated the disdain and outright hatred from family and friends for not complying and getting the vaxx, I had Novavax when it became available, no issues, and I dont need no stinking booster.
I’m starting to speculate on what’s causing the relentless wet we’re having. I can’t slash or mow, the horses heve to be treated for anaerobic bacterial hoof infections, my boots are rotting off my feet. When’s it going to get dry?
My speculation is that the prolonged wet is due to the coincidence of moist air from the Indian Ocean dipole and cloud seeding due to atmospheric dust from the Fijian Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcanic eruption. It’s not all whinge though. On the plus side there are those magnificent sunsets nearly every day.
Why do so many Leftists wear Che Guevara t-shirts?
He was a psychopath, mass murderer, racist, torturer of humans and animals and homophobe.
And that’s according to the far Left Huffington Post. They sanitise their own. Just imagine how much worse he really was.
(They didn’t say he was a psychopath but said his love of torturing animals was a trait of serial killers but I would say all serial killers are psychopaths.)
“He was a psychopath, mass murderer, racist, torturer of humans and animals and homophobe.”
You just answered your own question… Almost a perfect fit to be one of their heroes.
Perhaps the new “Andy” has gone on holidays, but it’s strange that he only posted once, Jo apparently saw two but I couldn’t find it.
Nothing since that.
If you click on the name link Andy make sure that your email is switched off.
Unresolved. Gee Aye, any ideas.
nah… I’ve moved on. Let’s sit and wait for a reappearance.
What spooked me was the experience of clicking on his name? My open email came straight up and I later received a bogus email from someone in that screen shot. The return address was false.
Jo hasn’t offered any comment on the situation which seems dodgy.
I agree… site admin should keep an eye
Info on Novovax
Replying to Dave Maddison at #19.
Dr Fleming warns against Novovax.
Also apparently the Novovax was funded by Bill Gates.
Lab-grown ‘human milk’ may be just three years away
BIOMILQ. The North Carolina-based startup is working to create “human milk” outside of the body.
The idea first came to co-founder and chief science officer Leila Strickland in 2013, after she heard about the world’s first lab-grown burger. A cell biologist by training, Strickland wondered if similar technology could be used to culture human milk-producing cells, she tells CNN Business.
Strickland had struggled to produce enough breast milk for her first child. “A lot of women are grappling with this,” she says.
Women have problems producing enough milk?
What about the transitioned men ? 😄
Babies get more than just nutrition from breast feeding – antibodies, gut flora, skin populations.
The whole problem of breast feeding is that it is bloody hard work. You are up every 3-4 hours for 20-30 min without being able to have anyone else give respite. The new breast pumps help, but the system is designed so that it starts shutting down if you try to go 8 Hours+ without pumping. That is why “A lot of women are grappling with this,”
Gut microbiome composition and diversity are related to human personality traits
The gut microbiome has a measurable impact on the brain, influencing stress, anxiety, depressive symptoms and social behaviour. This microbiome–gut–brain axis may be mediated by various mechanisms including neural, immune and endocrine signalling. To date, the majority of research has been conducted in animal models, while the limited number of human studies has focused on psychiatric conditions. Here the composition and diversity of the gut microbiome is investigated with respect to human personality. Using regression models to control for possible confounding factors, the abundances of specific bacterial genera are shown to be significantly predicted by personality traits. Diversity analyses of the gut microbiome reveal that people with larger social networks tend to have a more diverse microbiome, suggesting that social interactions may shape the microbial community of the human gut. In contrast, anxiety and stress are linked to reduced diversity and an altered microbiome composition. Together, these results add a new dimension to our understanding of personality and reveal that the microbiome–gut–brain axis may also be relevant to behavioural variation in the general population as well as to cases of psychiatric disorders.
Could this be the cure for psycho-chicks? 😆
“Another Day–Another Warming Scare!”
Obviously the “Crying wolf” story was erased from education further back than we’ve realised so far
As often happens, the dystopian future many of us are living right now was predicted by fiction.
This is the trailer from the 2005 movie V for Vendetta. The dictatorship portrayed is much like Vicdanistan under lock down.
Gulf war syndrome solved….. Hmmmmmm.
That has been suspected for decades but it went against official doctrine that Saddam had no WMDs.
But suffering “BBC Believability Discount” as #26
MSM reporter goes into panic mode after Ukraine Russia truth bombs drop on air
the Ukrainian army are lazy and do not cover there tracks, being an open book with no line to cross the amount of video evidence against them that they have produced and aired themselves is unbelievable
The Ukraine was invaded by Russia, remember?
The skull and crossbones or “death’s head” is not a purely German – still less a specifically Nazi – symbol, but has been, and still is, used by many military units, including the British, Australian and Swedish armies and the US Marine Corps. The British Queen’s Royal Lancers use the skull and crossbones with the caption beneath “Or Glory” – the “Death or Glory boys”, and 100 Squadron RAF fly it on their flag. It would appear to be a sign of commitment to die fighting, rather than mere “baddassery”.
Maybe the red thumb people could do their own research and refrain from believing propaganda websites.
By the way, the sailing ship pirates also used the skull and crossbones symbol as a flag!!!
And watching the video link above surely it was not difficult to see through the spin?
Australian Federal Election:
Lots of MSM analysis on the latest polls suggesting a big win for the socialist labor party and the big fall of scomo’s LNP. This time I think the polls might be more accurate.
It’s quite simple – the two major parties are nearly the same. There’s no differentiation in policies. It’s almost like the “uniparty” in the USA. “Let’s support each other and keep out any discerning voices” – win win situation ($$$$ forever).
Unfortunately for patriotic Aussies, the LNP may be about to find out what happens when you desert your base (baked-on) conservative voters. They will desert you back, and you will wonder “what the hell went wrong?”. I suspect many deserters (like me) will put “freedom parties” as all of their top preferences.
Scomo has bent over (when he wasn’t busy sitting on the fence) to the pressure from the growing left of the party and has completely forgotten the conservative policies that helped them fall over the line last time – albeit with a huge helping hand from an imbecile leading the other mob to lose the “unlosable” election.
I don’t know how they (LNP) will survive if the new stuttering, dribbling, spitting imbecile wins this election, but I suggest they start by gathering conservative representatives with traditional values that are prepared to state their policies decisively and show no fear of being labelled as politically incorrect by the MSM and opposition.
“I suggest they start by gathering conservative representatives with traditional values that are prepared to state their policies decisively and show no fear of being labelled as politically incorrect by the MSM and opposition.”
Totally agree with that.
Fed up with having two woke, virtue-seeking, left-wing major parties.
Problem is, that the Libs are now too woke and bent over, to even realise why they will lose the election.
They will certainly have to figure it out by the next election if Australia is to have any chance of surviving as a nation.
Supppse the pro-freedom parties get the balance of power.
Then we will find the LibLabs will vote with each other against the freedom parties so the LibLabs will remain in power.
There is a real possibility that the Nats will desert the Coalition after the election.
Better before the election.
In the light of the daily news the polls are insane! How could any intelligent body vote for what the ALP are putting on show?
It reminds me of the “republic” referendum 20+ years ago. Kim Beazeley declared that it would take another 10 years to get the electorate educated to accept the change.
Understand that he meant exactly, literally what he said. It would take another ten years to get 50% + 1 of the electorate brainwashed through our education system.
Well, it didn’t take 10 years, it took 20+, but that is where we are at now.
Only this time the Liberals are on board, and the Nationals have given up the fight.
The Labor and Liberal Parties have the same problem. As the cities soaked up more and more people and the countryside became more and more remote in general experience, their generally more centrist devotees became increasingly captured by the prophets-of-doom leftist propaganda on everything. These people moved further left and the Parties were losing membership.
The Labor Party has been forced to chase the Greens with policy and the Liberals have to chase their left of centre members for numbers by also changing policy. The problem lies with the candidate selection system for the Liberals and that is driven seemingly by left of centre minded chiefs. I see it as the ‘march of the left through the institutions’ this time the conservative political Party. Those ‘wet’ selections have been excessive, too many, and that has irrevocably changed the attraction of the Liberal Party. The required policies to keep the Party together have made much of the Liberal Party the equivalent of a left of centre Labor Party. Those leftist have been given Ministries and hence policies that get up the nose of conservative members. The national curriculum is said to be a disgrace, virtually changing nothing of the wokism on history, race and values.
It may be that conservatives have to have a loss in this election to have the Liberal Party lick its wounds, cast off its progressives as a damaging tail and gather some courage to defend free speech and permit open debate on AGW science thereby forcing the road open for true science to regain its rightful place in our so called modern society. It currently functions like a 15th century witches brew of pre Reformation times.
Science by open debate is the only way to devastate the Green movement now and bring back the reality of not destroying basic, fully functioning energy systems. If you want change, prove that it works better than what you have before you destroy it in the name of an unproven, politically charged theory.
This is simply my opinion based on personal observation.
The bottom line is the EU can’t afford to stop funding Russia fighting the war in Ukraine. Reason? Pretty simple really: Gravitas: European Union states block sanctions on Russia oil
But Russia is no no position to increase oil production, in fact it is in decline. They can only sell a bbl once.
Truth is sometimes stranger than fiction. This is one example.
Zelensky Fights Alongside Nazis
What of the genocide there 90 years ago?
This is Unthreaded so heres a tip I just found.
I brought a green Scotch scour pad to my desk and while there I put my old mouse with the slippy pads worn, that bogs in the condensation of my cool beverage glass, and it is a perfect mouse pad. Too small but they made glue for a purpose. 🙂
I hope no one is invested in bitcoin. All asset classes are suffering but it is the worst.
I find this odd because it is the anti-fiat play but it has been on the skids for six months when doubts are widespread. Gold is suffering but it is still above where it was for most of last year.
No advice, I don’t know either. 😀
Bitcoins have zero book value. Bitcoins have lost 37% of their ‘value’ from the start of this year. The value of that ‘asset’ only exists in people minds. When the price of Bitcoin increased those owning Bitcoin were only richer if they sold their bitcoins.
No one will buy Bitcoins or over priced stocks if the ‘asset’ in question continues to fall in price. The expression on Wall Street is do not try to catch a knife.
Bitcoin and ‘tech’ stocks (like Apple, Netflix, Disney, Google, Facebook, and so on) and most of the world stocks became overpriced in the last 10 years. When everyone tries to sell their overpriced stocks, at the same time, that creates a paradigm shift in beliefs. The price of many stocks falls to the book value of the company or lower.,total%20assets%20and%20total%20liabilities.
Book Value
The book value of a stock is theoretically the amount of money that would be paid to shareholders if the company was liquidated and paid off all of its liabilities. As a result, the book value equals the difference between a company’s total assets and total liabilities.
Morning email from a friend on things economic
“Arguably, no sector lavished in monetary excess with such flagrance as the indomitable tech sector. More evidence this week of serious leakage from a historic Bubble. Get ready for one brutal and protracted bear market. Losses will be unprecedented.”
And a nice downward set of graphs on Bitcoin
Summed up by Ben Garrison Cartoon – Tulip Mania 1637 – Crypto Mania 2022
Comment on Michael Smith News – Tony Abbott’s video message on Katherine Deves
seeker of truth said…
Further info on Trevor Sofield, the man who tried to speak to ScoMo He also advised Fiji as to how better to attract Chinese tourists –
“…On the flipside, things that received the biggest amount of negative feedbacks and were deemed to be the greatest barriers in Fiji for Chinese tourists were food and the language barrier.
After making his recommendations and analyses on the Chinese visitor market, Australian tourism professor Trevor Sofield on Thursday revealed the results of his snapshot exit survey which he conducted on a total of 115 mainland tourists.
Seventy-six per cent of those surveyed said the lack of Chinese language was the worst part of their trip to Fiji, followed closely by no Chinese food (72 per cent).
Other complaints around the 50 per cent mark were no or expensive internet/wifi access, lack of items in room and hotel/resort/restaurant service too slow.
Other negativities included not enough activities at night, airport procedures too slow, shopping not good, having the same food at the hotel everyday, inadequate car hire and local transport.
Un-metered taxis, too many mosquitoes and too soft beds also made the list.
According to Dr Sofield, Chinese sensitivities have to be paid attention to and understood to begin with, to be able to have a better hold of such situations and avoid disappointments.
He said the language barrier was an obvious hiccup in the plan and if not addressed, could potentially lead to disappointing outcomes.
“The lack of signage, instructions and mandarin-speaking personnel, while inconvenient for the traveller, could also be seen in a more insulting light, to the individual and even more grave, to China,” he said.
Dr Sofield gave the example of Maldives, which began targeting the Chinese traveller after their tourism industry began feeling the effects of the global financial crisis.
From less than 2000 visitors from China in 2008 to 64,000 the following year, and in September this year, had passed the 130,000 mark, expecting to cross 180,000 visitors by the year’s end….”
I’d say Mr Sofield is a bit of a suck up to China.
Slow service in Fiji? Who’d a thunk it.
Any competent entrepreneur would salivate at the prospect of connecting Pacific Islands with Chinese tourism.
Pay attention!
Not only is Mr Sofield right! It is only by hastening to take advantage of our current influence that we can delay China’s dominance in the region.
Our problem is that China’s government is seeking to dominate the world by military force.
WE should immediately call on China to recognise Taiwan’s independence.
And keep hammering that call.
“Brilliant Satire Contrasts National Priorities of Joe Biden
May 12, 2022 | Sundance | 70 Comments”
Knowing Hiding where the bodies are buried
Moving to a “post pandemic world,” two Australian states – Queensland and Western Australia – have made two of their most senior pandemic response public servants – QLD’s former CHO Jeanette Young and W.A.’s Commissioner of Police, State Emergency Co-ordinator and previously its Vaccine Commander, Chris Dawson – their respective state’s new vice-regal appointees. In doing so it would seem both governments have created an insurmountable obstacle against these previous “servants of the people” being required to give evidence at any future, formal inquiry into the pandemic.
Will some of the other States move also to stymie the airing of what really happened over these last two and a bit years and utilise as well a “vice regal strategy”? In the case of Victoria, the sidelining of certain minions must be tempting for Daniel Andrews, given the debasing of individual liberty and the abuse of citizens’ rights, including the shooting in the back with plastic bullets of innocent people at The Shrine.
In Victoria, Linda Dessau, the current governor, has been in place since July 2015, while in NSW Margaret Beazley has held the vice regal position since May 2019. It would not be inconceivable therefore for either Premier soon to announce a change to their state’s vice-regal position.
So will we see Victoria’s CHO, Brett Sutton, or their Police Commissioner, Shane Patton, get elbowed upwards? Rather than giving evidence before a Royal Commission, what are the odds for Kerry Chant becoming the next NSW Governor? At the federal level, could we expect Dr Brendan Murphy, our previous CMO and now head of the Federal Department of Health, or Adjunct Professor Skerritt, the current head of the TGA, being re-moved up and away to a “safe haven” in the not too distant future?
But any hope for a formal inquiry will be up against it and what would be examined should one actually be announced. Reported yesterday by the ABC was changes to the W. A. State’s Emergency Management Act (2005), which enables the government to declare an emergency, thereby enabling the government access to the emergency powers, including the declaring of a pandemic, which first requires the State’s Emergency Coordinator, currently Police Commissioner Dawson, provide that advice to the Emergency Services Minister who then makes a declaration every two weeks. In moving to extend W.A.’s pandemic powers until January 2023 in State Parliament on Tuesday, the Emergency Services Minister, Stephen Dawson (no relation to Chris Dawson it would seem) revealed that the fortnightly advice from the Emergency Coordinator was given verbally at each fortnightly meeting. With no formal written advice to examine, evidence taken under oath from W.A.’s Emergency Coordinator (Police Commissioner Dawson) would be central to an examination of how decisions were made in that State during these two long years.
One thing is clear: no one at any level of government is even slightly interested in examining formally how Australia came almost within a hair’s breadth of dictatorial government and the mandating of vaccinations despite our constitutional limitations, if Scott Morrison is to be relied on to announce such an investigation. When asked on the campaign trail about a Royal Commission into the pandemic, Morrison responded that “the pandemic was not over” so an examination of the last two years, he said, could not be had. Yet some days earlier in relation to the Reserve Bank increasing interest rates, his spin was that this move amounted to the “strengthening of the economy,” because we were “through the pandemic.”
Throughout this election campaign there have been few questions from any quarter on what the government did or allowed to be done to citizens during the pandemic, apart from whether the vaccine roll-out was too slow. In fact, the PM has only really conceded on that one point, saying at the leaders debate on Nine last Sunday night, and in response to a question from the Opposition Leader, that “it really was a race.” Thus showing that neither the media or the Opposition is really interested in what happened.
So we sit and we wait for the truth to be revealed, which will happen, sooner or later. And as we wait, our level of trust in government is at an all-time low, which is why the right-of-centre minor parties it would seem have gained momentum.
“So we sit and we wait for the truth to be revealed, which will happen, sooner or later.”
Not so, said Scott Morrisson. He wishes! They wish!
And I find it very hard to believe that he personally believes it.
So, whose barrow is he pushing?
Did I or did I not see Brett Sutton decrying the use of masks? And Anthony Fauci. Somebody in high places did, and they were lying! Apparently trying to avoid a repeat of the toilet paper fiasco. That liie created endless confusion and distrust down the track Note the St Basil’s inquiry..
Masks will never score ten out of ten, but if they just caught 90% of the spittle that flies when people are talking that would score 6 and warrant their use.
There has to be a full scale inquiry! And soon!
Pauline Hanson’s Please Explain “Political Ads” – Episode 26 – 2 min 26 secs
Sorry if you are sick of politicians flooding the commercial during prime time or in between youtube videos but I have some bad news.
With just over one week left before this election is over the worst is yet to come.
So what better way to ready yourself for the oncoming attack ad overdrive and relentless promises for “a better future” than joining us to learn all about political ads.
‘This is what America Last looks like!’ GOP Rep. fumes at ‘pallets’ of baby formula being sent to border centers for illegal migrants while American babies go without amid nationwide shortage
. GOP Representative Kat Cammack posted an image of fully stocked baby food shelves in migrant centers at the border
. She juxtaposed this with an image of empty shelves where baby formula was supposed to be at American grocery stores
. ‘This is what America last looks like,’ the congresswoman lamented
Freedom rally tomorrow Saturday, it has been rebadged as “Sack Them All”.
The flier above has 12.00 as the starting time but as always it is different in every city so check the for your city times on the listed cities.
An observer quite close to politics for many decades it never ceases to amaze me how alternatives come and go but the two major (two party preferred unofficial indicator) sides remain the largest by far and the best organised and equipped for governing our nation and states, regardless of both sides being far from perfect.
The Greens are one small party that has survived but are too far left, in Australia described as being to the left of the international greens movement. The only other party that managed to rival the Greens was the Australian Democrats (“keep the b’s honest”) but they collapsed and disappeared. PHON is still trying hard but attract less than half the votes the Greens attract.
Freedom rally tomorrow, another tiny group of voices from the wilderness who are not capable of forming government, a waste of a vote, an exercise in futility which indicates political nativity. But of course with a democratic right to protest.
We vote for candidates in electorates and for Senators to represent our State, unless we live in the Prime Minister or Opposition Leader electorate we do not vote for them.
And that should be our focus, who is the best local candidate to become or to remain our Local Member.
Whatcha gunna do Denis after your man Smirko is turfed.
Show circuit is on the move, may be able to get yourself a job spruiking in sideshow ally, different clown show but of equal value.
Sack them all.
I will would move on MP, as I did when Whitlam Union Labor formed government and provided circus entertainment until the constitutional crisis over illegally attempting to borrow foreign monies resulted in a landslide defeat. And the last circus was of course Rudd Union Labor, Gillard and back to Rudd again, not so amusing chaotic, dysfunctional and incompetent government that also ended in a landslide defeat at the ballot box.
I am also amused by commentators who don’t realise how silly their comments are.
You seem to of moved on continuously, but keep floating back to the surface.
You clowns forget that 50% of the vaccinated were coerced and threatened and know who is to blame. Its payback time!
Step right up.
I would recommend grow up.
We Believe:
In the inalienable rights and freedoms of all peoples;
I would recommend you practice what you preach.
8 days Dennis, start shredding.
By the way MP, I recommend that you research Commonwealth and State areas of responsibility and powers, public health and public hospitals are State Government funded responsibilities. The Commonwealth contributes funding and has various responsibilities like supply of pharmaceutical drugs, shared age care responsibilities with States, etc,
The lockdowns, restrictions and vaccine mandates are State Government imposed, State Parliament legislation, State Health Departments, State Police, etc.
So from you comments you really do need to be better informed before being rude to me or others.
I would recommend you lot uphold our constitution and our rights.
Buck stops at the top.
Hurt your feelings did I sweetie
Oh dearie me…. Califoolnia.. Reaps what it sows.
California energy officials on Friday issued a sober forecast for the state’s electrical grid, saying it lacks sufficient capacity to keep the lights on this summer and beyond if heatwaves, wildfires or other extreme events take their toll.
Maybe Australia could send California technical details to build road train fuel tankers to keep the lights on with diesel in generators?
Got to have the diesel as well as tankers, that is becoming a problem.
The Yanks [and POTUS] think 18 wheelers a re big rigs. Here they are delivery vehicles.
Toyota Warns About Electrification Of All Vehicles
If I were a hedge fund manager I would be long TSLA [OK not in this downturn] and short GM.
Tesla are 100% EV but do it well and will survive. GM has been falling behind with ICEs so thinks the EVs can save them. Sorry their EVs are the same junk as their ICEs. Doomed!
Has anyone caught up with report a day or two ago that the GBR is again showing signs of major bleaching? Seems a very convenient time to throw in that zinger! Is that aiming to make sure those voters thinking AGW is a third issue matter keep their eyes glued to the ‘bad news’ and keep the anti coal movement energised for the election of a Labor-Green government. Where’s Peter Ridd when I need his comment?
Flybys in action again
..and you thought the unexplained liver hepatitis in kids was bad and has now spread to Indonesia, Canada, Iraq, Sweden.
Now the whole game changed it’s unexplained kidney failures.
What is going on???
Maybe an entirely new disease we haven’t seen before.
To be fair, this is not in an age group commonly dosed with Fauci juice.
‘La Nina 2020-22 is most likely to hang on in 2022 and last into early 2023. La Nina should weaken but last into a third year for only the 5th time since 1950.’ (Climate Impact Company)
Hackers, sparky cars and their chargers
“Monster trains and the risks they entail”
Hanrahan must eat a little crow.
I have said often that iOS upgrades are seamless, that you never have to change the way you are used to doing things.
If you have a Mac, especially with the intel chipset, give Monterey a miss, at least for a while. I had trouble loading it [first time for that] and now if left to idle for a while it shuts down in an uncontrolled manner. I assume that means any changes are lost.
I did a search and there are many angry people.