Presentations from Ian Plimer and Jo Nova — “Net Zero and the The Great Regret”

I’m delighted to announce that Friends of Science in Calgary Canada have organized speeches and online panel sessions from Ian Plimer tomorrow today Monday evening in Canada/USA and Tuesday 3rd morning in Australia, and myself the following week Monday May 9th in Canada, and Tuesday May 10th in Australia.
Friends of Science, Event, May 2022, Ian Plimer, Jo Nova.
9.8 out of 10 based on 45 ratings

36 comments to Presentations from Ian Plimer and Jo Nova — “Net Zero and the The Great Regret”

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    I presume the leaders of the two major parties won’t be there. Oh well, at least we know whose side they have taken.


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    Just think Joanne, if you had have been ….. on the other side, you could have had a flight over and back on a fuel guzzling private jet, been put up for a week or so in a luxury hotel, eat and drink like there was no tomorrow, and been feted by all and sundry, all at someone else’s expense.



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    Kalm Keith

    It would be hard to spread the message any further.

    Canada, miles away and deeply enmeshed in the Wobal Glorming nightmare.

    Only good can come of this enterprise.


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    In my opinion the biggest problem or issue is global politics and the influence of the UN and fellow travellers (crony capitalists) spanning decades to date.

    For example, Australia’s Prime Minister attended COP26 in Glasgow and refused to cooperate by banning coal mines or increasing the Paris Agreement emissions target and date changed from 2030 to 2025. Only a few other member nations supported Australia.

    Australia refused to commit by signing an agreement on net zero emissions target by 2050, instead the Prime Minister said Australia has “an aspirational goal” subject to development of new technology, and without damaging the economy. Australia was urged to commit by our main allies, UK and US leaders.

    And since then the UN has again alluded to declaring the Great Barrier Reef to be endangered, threatening tourism to Queensland and accordingly the national economy. It is tantamount to blackmail. But Australia has resisted the pressure applied, but cannot defiantly refuse to cooperate at all. Export trade and defence support are just two of the implied threats and of course bad publicity to sway voter’s perceptions and noting that the Opposition are willing to do just about anything to secure votes, but also noting that the far left are climate hoaxers too.

    I have no suggestion to make about how we the people can break free of this economic vandalism impacting on national prosperity apart from choosing the side with the least damaging policies.

    Christopher Monckton warned Australians that Prime Minister Abbott was being threatened because he and the government he led were not fully cooperating with the international climate based politics, and that the Prime Ministers of Canada and New Zealand were also marked as targets.


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      David Maddison

      Christopher Monckton warned Australians that Prime Minister Abbott was being threatened because he and the government he led were not fully cooperating with the international climate based politics, and that the Prime Ministers of Canada and New Zealand were also marked as targets.

      I was going to post the video of that. It used to be easy to find on YouTube but it looks like they’ve either shadow banned it or deleted it.


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        There was link posted here recently iirc.


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          David Maddison

          I found the link in an old email.

          YouTube have made it impossible to find in a search for terms like Monckton Abbott.

          They make items impossible to find with their search engine but can’t be accused of deleting them. Unless you have the link you won’t find the item.


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      Thinking about the global politics squeeze that Australia faces consider the UN IPCC Kyoto Japan Conference and Agreement signed by the Howard Coalition Government and later ratified by the Rudd Labor Government, ratified long after the Agreement was signed and the emissions (greenhouse gases at that time) target well on track to be achieved. In fact the target was exceeded and Australia is one of the very few signatory nations that achieved, let alone exceeded target.

      The UN still refuses to allow Australia to apply credits for Kyoto target to the Paris Agreement target. But again, Australia is on track to at least achieve the Paris target by target date 2030.

      Australia’s emissions are tiny by global emission levels, China alone increases emissions every year by more than Australia’s yearly emissions.

      Yet at COP26 in 2021 the UN demanded that Australia stop coal mining and increase the Paris emissions target bringing the date back from 2030 to 2025?

      As I posted before, global politics is our biggest problem. And representing less than 2 per cent of the global economy with a 26 million population Australia is obviously considered to be a soft target to set an example with by the UN.


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    James Murphy

    Ian Plimer recently held a talk at Arkaroola, discussing the geology of the area.
    Photos of his talk at the bar were posted on Facebook, and, of course, people lost their minds…probably a lot of people who had never heard of the place, and how it is a wilderness sanctuary, has been protected from mining, and is incredibly interesting place for geologists to wander around.


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      I would recommend his book ‘Green Murder’ – a long read , but well referenced and detailing the whole scam of AGW.


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      And a good steak – but that might be due to bias from a few days of hiking food.


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    Go get ’em Girl.


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    Friends Of Science has a youtube channel that will stream the event, probably the easiest way to see it.

    Just subscribe to the channel and hit the notification bell and you will be notified when it’s live.


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      Why are they using YouTube?

      Surely Bitchute, Odysee or Rumble would be better platforms where they would be less likely to be buried/hidden/censored?


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      Peter C

      I would rather watch it afterwards.
      Could someone post a link to watch on catchup


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      I hope the events will also be recorded for later broadcast. The live events are in the early hours here in the UK.



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        Here’s the Plimer talk recording (the streaming link takes you to the recorded event)

        You can fast forward the first 6 mins. It’s just a slide awaiting the presentation to begin.


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        Yes, the events are recorded.

        Here’s the Plimer talk recording (the streaming link takes you to the recorded event)

        You can fast forward the first 6 mins. It’s just a slide awaiting the presentation to begin.


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    utube channel bookmarked

    would it be appropriate to say “break a leg” 😉


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    What times in other places? I used to work out …

    6 PM MDT (Mountain Daylight Time) is 10:00 AM Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

    * Other people might like to help build up a list here


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    Dave in Calgary

    Just in case anybody reads the opening line of this article and not the poster, the Plimer presentation is today, Monday Mar 2/22, not Tuesday Mar 3.


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      Crikey Dave! Fixed that! Thank you.


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      Kalm Keith

      Depends where you are: it’s the 3rd here and the sun’s only been up for an hour. Are you still in the 2nd ? 🙂


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      Peter C

      Actually we are now into the month of May (not March).
      I know because I went to admire the autumn leaves over the past 2 days at Harrietville, Bright and Myrtleford in the Victoria NE.


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    I’m beginning to think that “Net Zero” is actually the average IQ of all of Australia’s “Pollies”.


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      Certainly seems to be heading towards Net Zero.

      Could go negative if Albo and the greens are elected.


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        Kalm Keith

        C’mon man, be nice.

        They’re human, just like us, the only difference is that little WEF microchip that been inserted carefully under the skin behind the Left ear.


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          Greg in NZ

          The WEF’s show pony, PM Cindy ‘Crusading Comrade’ Ardern, is not only pushing for ‘Zero IQ’ but also Road To Zero (reducing deaths via cars/trucks) as well as sumpfink™ called Carbon Zero – which to me signifies total annihilation… of everything.

          Herr government’s latest fear factor show was the announcement yesterday that ‘a new study by scientists’ projects sea levels around NZ rising ‘twice as fast as predicted’ – inadvertently admitting they’d got it wrong the first time. Amateurs, the lot of ’em.

          PS. Jo, give it heaps next week 🙂


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    Dave in Calgary

    My mind is going; did I say May or Mar? May it is, of course…


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    Early evening in Canada is morning of the next day here in Aus! Of course, there are differences between parts of Canada and parts of Aus. Google can be your friend when you need to make ‘phone calls!
