Bless Craig Kelly for saying the obvious that hardly anyone else will say*

The faster Australia gets to Net Zero the more we surrender to China. | Photo by Christels
China is too poor to rush to Net Zero but it cheers us on. It calls itself a developing nation while it develops a nuclear fusion plant, launches hypersonic weapons, runs a shadow war in space “every day”, and landed a rover on the far side of the moon (which has been cruising around now for a full year).
It’s too poor to do Net Zero, but it’s rich enough to buy off our Pacific neighbors, while we close factories so we can keep the lights on. China buys a belt and road while we buy off the Weather Gods with sacrificial Green electrons and try to to stop storms 100 years from now.
China is digging up more coal than any nation on Earth, but it didn’t even turn up to Glasgow. One year ago China suddenly cut its wind and solar subsidies, and reduced it’s carbon trading scheme back by two thirds. Yet Australia is going double gangbusters to install more renewable watts per capita than anywhere on Earth.
On Saturday Australia has an election where both major parties have Net Zero policies. But anything that Australia supposedly achieves with Net Zero, China wipes out in a couple of weeks. And everything Australia loses, like manufacturing, China gains.
China plans to dig up 4300 million tons of coal this year and use it all. Australia extracts about 500 million tons and exports most of it. With coal at phenomenal prices and a global energy crisis, Australia is looking at earning $100 billion dollars just from coal exports this year, which would pay for all the hospitals, schools and public housing we could want. We could be ramping up production but no one is even talking about that.
We are the most sparsely spread population living on the remotest continent, but none of our major political parties are bothering to even check the UN committee diktats that tell us to cancel our own coal industry and turn our electricity grid into a weather changing Voodoo machine.
President Xi is very happy about that!
Craig Kelly slams net zero target as ‘surrendering’ to China
“We see the idea that we go to net zero by 2050, when the communist Chinese say they will do nothing at all until 2030 and then maybe by 2060 they’ll do something,” [Craig Kelly] said.
“A policy of net zero, which we reject, will otherwise surrender an economic, political and military advantage to the communist Chinese and I as a member of parliament I am not going to stand by and let that happen and be silent about it.”
Net-Zero Will See Australia Surrender ‘Economic, Military’ Advantage to China: UAP Leader
The Epoch Times
Kelly, however, said that coal exports brought $100 billion of revenue into the country each year, and the wealth from Australia’s resources provided room for debate on social services like the health system and National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Do slaves lives matter? Not to the Greens
An investigative report from The Epoch Times has revealed that around six out of 10 Australian solar farms were sourcing panels from Chinese manufacturers likely to be using Uyghur forced labour in their production chain.
The Fake Green “independents” sponsored by a renewable billionaire investor, defend China all the way:
Meanwhile, Monique Ryan, the teal independent for Kooyong in east Melbourne, said Australia had handled its relationship with the CCP badly.
“China is our biggest trade partner, and the relationship with our biggest trade partner should be treated with respect and sensitivity, not with macho, breast-beating belligerence,” she said during a Sky News Australia-organised debate.
Yet China currently controls around 90 percent of the world’s supply chains for the precious resource, a situation that governments are pushing to change by establishing their own independent production chains.
*And David Archibald of course, long time skeptic, polymath, and running in Curtin in Western Australia. UPDATE: Apparently not running. Though still warning of these dangers, of course.
It’s not just Australian politicians that have fallen for the climate change wealth redistribution scam, but those in all of the countries classified as the ‘developed’ nations who have been manipulated into guilt about using fossil fuels to advance, while the developing world can not or else the planet is doomed. Of course, to supply the ‘developed’ world with the green infrastructure demanded by the alarmists, China is more than happy to sell us our future hazardous waste problem that they will manufacture with coal powered electricity and if CO2 was a real problem, we are all doomed anyway.
What is making everything more difficult is that China is currently closed.
The high cost of fossil fuels makes trying to generate any type of infrastructure production impossible as it can’t afford to ship products.
Something has to change drastically and that has to be the collapse of the US Dollar as Russia gets more countries on board or they too face economic collapse due to lack of fossil fuels.
Biden’s controllers are doing their best….
They haven’t “fallen for the scam” the are rewarded for participating in it. No one who can reach that level of power could be so naive and/or stupid to believe in and continue to invest in something which has produced no product in 50 years.
The clowns think they will be a part of some global elite and will sell their countrymen down the river to attain their goal. But,they will eventually be destroyed because their grifting and traitorous behavior makes them a threat to the real elite. No one can trust them – destroying zealous supporters has always been the rage with authoritarians
China and The People’s Liberation Army Navy made sure to remind Australia of their regional dominance when globalist Scott Morrison bizarrely invited them to visit Australia. It was also virtue signaling by Morison that he is a true friend of the Chicomms and accepts their agenda that they are a “poor” country.
Politicians spend vast amounts of our tax money on “fact finding” tours but none of them have ever noticed the huge wealth of China and some of the most advanced cities in the world, more so than most Western cities?
They must immediately sign up for the same economy-destroying unreliables targets the West are now committed to.
China must severely curtail and then strictly control its shocking pollution.
The West must abandon the economy-destroying “unreliables” we’re importing from China. (signalling our green virtue by exporting our manufacturing to a place where pollution controls are non-existent, using polluting transport to export raw materials and import the finished product. The hypocrisy of the left).
You can forget the CO2.
Not long to go to voice our approval to the many truths pointed out on this topic, truths that are being deliberately smothered by the net zero emissions policies pushed by both major parties. Let’s see if enough voters have woken up to the lies and do something about it instead of just talking about it. It’s not often we get the opportunity to elect our representatives in government to act according to our wishes. So, vote wisely not stupidly.
Craig Kelly of the United Australia Party (UAP), Malcolm Roberts of Pauline Hanson’s One Nation (PHON) and the Liberal Democratic Party (formerly Liberal Democrats before the Liberal Party, pretend conservative party, complained and forced them to change their name) are about the only politicians and political parties in Australia that have a clue (about energy or anything else).
Which is why we all should vote for them over and above the major parties and the Greens. To do otherwise is to be a vote for the net zero emissions scam and hoax, whether one realises it or not. It’s our right to choose who to represent us in both houses of parliament. Choose wisely.
I would add Alex Antic and George Christensen to a list of politicians who would seem to have some understanding of what is going on.
With days to go to the election who amongst the our governing classes has yet alerted the electorate to the the consequences surrounding the W.H.O take over of our health governance and the extra danger that the pending update to the International Health Regulations (2005) could well be utilised as a Trojan horse to fold other issues into the same governmental agenda. Does Australian sovereignty as we all thought we understood it mean nothing anymore?
The silence of the political establishment on fundamental threats to our sovereignty and self responsibility is a clear signal of their indifference, complicity and fundamental dishonesty. This election is too much like a theatre of distraction for comfort.
P.S: The W.H.O regulation update process begins in earnest on May 22, one day after the election. Somebody is representing Australia. I’m sure we all know who and what their ‘brief’ is? An informed electorate knows the consequences?
Net Zero is one impact upon AU Sovereignty. An “exit clause” would be a valuable addendum to have in place.
Other Elements necessary to an independent, Sovereign, nation include:
1. Food Security
2. Energy Security
3. Pharmaceutical security
4. Border and immigration Security
5. Critical mineral, weapons, end asset, manufacturing, repair, chemical synthesis, refining, distribution, infrastructure.
6. Resilient communications in-country, essentially an operable independent AU only, internet hub. with controlled external linkage.
If there isn’t a plan to own or control these elements within the span of control of the nation, there will ultimately be no nation because external actors can constrain any of them at any time. There may need to be prioritization, stockpile instead of organic manufacture, etc, but without a plan in place, there isn’t much except blind luck holding things together.
Not every international agency offering AU “help” has AU’s best interests at heart. Trust but Verify.
“3. Pharmaceutical security”
We will get all the “3. Pharmaceutical security” we need, and far far more, from the WHO !
This is the UAP who wants to tax iron ore exports, but not coal exports, as Clive Palmer owns coal mines.
Have you looked at Clive’s interests in magnetite?
It’s in the west, about 100km south of Karratha. Hard to miss on a map or satellite view.
Hey [Snip]AD look at a company called Minerology !
sorry AD !
PF your motivated amateur mind reading makes for exceptionally weak propaganda.
The majority of the media covering the election appear unworried by this, and if anything would like the even worse Labor/Green coalition to win government and continue to wreck the nation’s power system and then the nation.
We’ve had several PMs all being from the LNP since 2013. Yet we are in a worse situation than ever before on a number of fronts. Having ALP+Greens in power will only accelerate the decline.
A little bit OT, but still related to the climate scam.
Keep an eye on the Arctic Sea over the next few days.. It could reach a 15 year high extent
But you know the “warmists” will argue that it is ice “mass” rather than “area” ,…they are concerned about !
Notice that Chad has solved his “link” problem.
‘Never mind the length, feel the width’. !
As the Actress said to the Bishop.
Thickness now is similar to what it was in the 1950’s
The late 1970s was the anomaly… very high levels, not dis-similar to those during the LIA.
Arctic has only partially recovered toward the much lower levels of most of the last 10,000 years.
Still a lot of sea ice up there. !
“UN committee diktats” pale into insignificance compared to the WHO diktat that Australia is about to sign on to. This one is a real doozie even for the Australian Bureaucrats that advise Government. It will allow WHO total control over when and how pandemics will be declared. No local decisions are allowed! WHO says jump we say how high!!
This is interesting because when the States declared their Covid emergency, the UN treaty on human rights was temporarily voided. It is against the treaty to prevent any citizen from leaving the country. However unvaccinated could not leave without medical exemption up to 17 April 2022.
I also believe that house arrest is against the treaty on human rights but that was common globally.
I expect that countries can declare an emergency to avoid complying with any UN treaty. Countries remain sovereign but do not get to play if they are bad boys like Russia at present. Disconnecting in a connected world is not easy.
Rick here is another link to information on this.
The meeting is May 22- 28 and from what I have read WHO will be able to apply sanctions against any Country that does not comply.
If it sees Climate Change as a health issue it will also be able to order a Country to take whatever action WHO deems necessary to prevent Climate Change.
Scott Morrison has already folded on this: Link
Albanese beats about the bush to avoid telling the truth but it sounds pretty clear he’s also already folded: Link
Up at #1, “CO2” introduces this bit of stark reality:
“our future hazardous waste problem”.
Nails it.
Net Zero is the average IQ of all of Australia’s Politicians including the States and Territories………………..
John, you seem to have a partial gmail link attached to your name.
Check that the “website” section below the entry box is clear next time you post.
Thanks for that.
Dangerous like the earlier Andy.
What’s going on?
I DON’T want my open email coming up when I click on links on this blog.
It just opens gmail. On your browser.
Yes, can it access my email?
Of course it can while you’re distracted by its hands probing inside your foundation garments.
John, could you check the link to your name?
It is time the Coalition used some of the billions given to the Clean Energy Corporation to run information ads telling the truth about the climate, electric cars and the grid. The fact they do not says a lot about where their money comes from. No one not on the take would allow the lies that are rife from the Teals, Greens and Labor.
I can’t believe the libs haven’t hit back at the ‘ not my job’ ads by labor, and where’s the truth about the ‘Teals’, come on guys.
The green liberals are barely distinguishable from the others with their net zero jobs, big govt, big debt agenda. The uniparty is marching as one, destroying this nation to appease nwo globalists, whilst lining their own pockets to extents never seen before in this country. Sellouts.
Aussies are already net zero because we live in the SH and even the CSIRO supports our case.
Our former chief scientist Dr Finkel also told the Senate hearing that stopping all our co2 emissions today would change nothing about the climate.
And here’s the Wiki graph again that shows co2 emissions from all countries since 1970 and obviously China, India plus “other developing countries'” co2 emissions are the only positive increase in the last 52 years.
Aussies’ flea bite only follows our population increase but is irrelevant because our co2 emissions don’t add to the global co2 levels anyway.
When will we wake up and start to build new BASE-LOAD, RELIABLE Coal power stations again? And the sooner the better.
Surely we shouldn’t be wasting endless billions $ on a guaranteed ZERO return, FOREVER?
But we will certainly wreck our electricity grids and at a cost to our industries and jobs for decades ahead.
Net zero isn’t about science or the climate, it’s about politics, it’s about Marxism against Capitalism, it’s about globalism and social control.
After reading the intro by Craig Kelley, the first thing Australia needs to do is declare ourselves a developing country, after all we don’t have any nuclear power, or nuclear weapons, no space industry, our major interstate highways are but goat tracks,our rail system is still 19 century standard, our fastest trains travel not much faster than a kid on a ten speed, we can’t afford healthcare, our rundown hospitals can’t keep un with the demand, we are running out of electricity, we have no oil industry to speak of, we have next to no heavy industry.
In short, we declare ourselves a ‘developing country’, we get off the net zero bandwagon, we can use coal to our hearts content, we let the wealthy and smart folk look after the CO2 question for us.
Let’s do it.
Great Post Ronin.. wish I could give lots of :thumbsup:
Thanks b.n, how did we ever get classified as a ‘developed ‘ country, travel just outside any of our cities and have a look at the standard of things, barely existing internet coverage, scant phone coverage, no public transport, poor roads, barely anywhere for long distance transport to take a mandated rest, expensive and poor airline connections, and the list goes on, it’s a joke, and it’s on us.
But our education system is wonderful. Any Aussie school kid will be able to name all 57 supposed genders, tell you “men” can have babies and that we are heading for climate catastrophe. Maths, science and English literacy are not regarded as so important. They are inventions of “old white men” so they say.
This is why Australia cannot be regarded as a developing nation. Only people that live in advanced nations are smart enough to realize that men can have babies.
It is ancient writ that the messiah will be born of a man.
agreed and I would add that the (formerly) safest Liberal seat in SA went to an independent by a noticable margin, slightly more than 3 to 1 over the Liberal candidate when preferences were distributed. Suddenly the new government wants roads repaired and a new hospital (and extra ambulance & emergency aid) for the area.
Kavel is the heart of the formerly safest Federal seat for the Liberals, but no longer. The only question about the coming result is by how much the independent wins by.
” barely anywhere for long distance transport to take a mandated rest”
Careful of advertising that “feature” – it puts right up there with California. Chiefio pointed out that, due to traffic, laws, unloading/loading delays etc, that it is not possible for a truckie to get to the port and back to the border before he has to have his mandated rest. And they got rid of the truck rest areas as unsightly.
Great post Ronin.
Can’t argue with any of that.
Maybe there should be a new category of Third World country for former First World countries like Australia that became Third World due to mismanagement and fanatical following of the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
Craig Kelly should title his speech.
At the heart of the matter, why doesn’t any “scientist, “journalist” or politician who is an advocate for the anthropogenic global warming fraud seem to understand or admit that the primary driver of climate is our sun, which is classified as a variable star.
Because there’s no grant money in it?
And repeated statements that the sun’s solar output doesn’t vary more than 0.1%. Solar wind, magnetism and space currents aren’t considered. And all climate variation is “explained” by Milankovitch cycles with very little explanation.
ENSO is solar forced, clearly visible in the Hale cycle.
*And David Archibald of course, long time skeptic, polymath, and running in Curtin in Western Australia.
David is not on the ballot paper for Curtin.
I believe he ran in 2017?
But as you say.. I can see no sign of him on any WA ballot papers for either HOR or Senate
Updated. Thanks!
Dr Thomas Sowell said a few relevant things towards Net Zero and its supplicants:
“The most basic question is not what is best, but who shall decide what is best.”
“Only in government is any benefit, however small, considered to be worth any cost, however large.”
“It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong.”
“Much of the social history of the Western world over the past three decades has involved replacing what worked with what sounded good.”
“If politicians stopped meddling with things they don’t understand, there would be a more drastic reduction in the size of government than anyone in either party advocates.
Thomas Sowell is great. He has many videos on YouTube including some excellent interviews with the Hoover Institution. Surprisingly, YT haven’t cancelled him yet because we know how the Left are terrified of alternative opinions.
“Meanwhile, Monique Ryan, the teal independent for Kooyong in east Melbourne, said Australia had handled its relationship with the CCP badly.
“China is our biggest trade partner, and the relationship with our biggest trade partner should be treated with respect and sensitivity, not with macho, breast-beating belligerence,” she said during a Sky News Australia-organised debate.”
Yeah, well Imperial Japan was our best customer for scrap iron in the days leading up to December 7th 1941, so you’re saying this will end as well as that did in the late ’30’s.
Perhaps it’s time for Oz to drum up some business in India.
“A Net Zero Test Drive”
“Utopia is finally within reach;
Sri Lanka’s new prime minister said on Monday the crisis-hit nation was down to its last day of petrol, as the country’s power minister told citizens not to join the lengthy fuel queues that have galvanised weeks of anti-government protests.”
Get woke, go broke.
‘It will be hard to find a farmer left’: Sri Lanka reels from rash fertiliser ban
Harvests have collapsed, and the way President Rajapaksa introduced the policy angered even organic farmers
Sri Lanka is grappling with the worst economic crisis since its independence in 1948, and foreign currency reserves sit at their lowest level on record due to what many see as gross economic mismanagement by the government. There is barely a citizen of this south Asian island who hasn’t felt the bite of catastrophic inflation and fuel, food and medicine shortages in recent weeks.
For the farmers of Sri Lanka, their problems began in April last year when President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, who now stands accused of pushing the country into financial ruin, implemented a sudden ban on chemical fertilisers.
Just getting worse day by day. The latest update that I read this morning is that mobs are now roaming the streets of one municipality in Sri Lanka and robbing “rich” peoples homes. Now, I don’t necessarily believe 1st reports of anything, but it seems the situation in that country is getting gradually worse after election of a “socialist” government there. Certainly food shortages and associated costs of living appear real, but now we have some active fightback from the people. Or is it just more of the unrest that was always present in that country? Forcing all 1 million farmers in that country to go organic was idiotic, but that’s socialism for you.
So stock up if you like Sri Lancan tea.
IT’s fascinating. This is the direct result of environmentalism being actually implemented. And we see the result withing 12 or so months.
I do have a fantasy that Greens take total control of Australia, elected with a majority to government, and we would see a Sri Lankan like collapse very quickly. You only have to wait a short time for things to take effect and the quick result would end their political power forever, people would never accept them again.
I read further into the SL situation a few months back. There is a lot more to it. Underlying it was I think a dependency on China for fertilizer that they wanted to end. But they mandated it and too suddenly, and without thinking it through.
So some green zealousy, but international politics is driving this too…
odd how the largest country in the world by population has the largest appetite for coal. Note: America is up there two and it is a developed nation.
Not odd at all.. Coal is fundamental to developing and sustaining a country’s prosperity
(unless you have the terrain, rainfall and/or geology to use reliable alternate sources like hydro or geo)
China’s use of coal
Chinese population Trends
Probably from the graphs the coal usage may correlate with some other factor other than population.
Best off to head to your ‘Mann’ to find some sort of correlation to support your statement.
Why is it odd?
Inexpensive and reliable energy from coal, gas, nuclear or proper hydro (not SH2) is the lifeblood of civilisation.
Your beloved solar, wind and Big Batteries are destroyers of civilisation.
Australia actually leads on a per capita basis:
Japan also ahead of USA on per capita coal consumption.
Australia also leads the world on the race to random electrical energy:
Australia could stop China’s economy in two months and save the world population from hell on Earth simply by prohibiting the export of iron ore. It is that simple! It is within Australia’s control to save the planet – at least till China decides to come and take it.
Then there would be no one to build the wind turbines to save the planet.
Net-Zero is the policy that is the eternal gift to all miners. It is wonderful for Australia.
China’s climate models run 2C cooler than the rest so there is no climate problem in China. China will run out of coal before their climate model predicts hell on Earth. By then they will be in a position to take whatever they want from anywhere.
‘It is that simple!’
No its not, a beggar thy neighbour policy will inevitably lead to WW3.
It’s coming anyway, maybe get a headstart.
A cold war with Beijing has already started, they play hard ball.
“Australia could stop China’s economy in two months and save the world population from hell on Earth simply by prohibiting the export of iron ore. It is that simple! It is within Australia’s control to save the planet – at least till China decides to come and take it.”
Then there would be no one to build the wind turbines.’
I agree, it’s just that we simply can’t afford to turn off the tap, how would we keep paying all the dole bludgers, politicians and other assorted leeches.
There is no problem paying dole bludgers. That just increases Federal debt in AUD – a non problem. No problem feeding them – some issue housing them because that requires made stuff.
The problem comes when Australia can no longer buy stuff from overseas. Australia needs USD to buy made stuff. Australia cannot create USDs. Only USA has that privilege.
Of course the US is quite different. They can create USDs from nothing and buy real made stuff from anyone with them. I wonder how long that can go on. China and Japan have to wake up one day and realise they are taking a promise to eventually pay in the form of USDs for all the stuff they make that is of ever diminishing value. US reliance on the rest of the world is getting worse:
US is a huge drain on global wealth. It started to turn under Trump but it has deteriorated badly since Covid and particularly under Biden:
Interesting point on the dole debt theory. Could the NDIS be a no problem as well given it’s just AUD debt ? Medicare ?
This appears to be incorrect
See #15.1
Green Tick GA!
The use of evidence to support an argument is to be celebrated!
Our government is completely nuts. Our only hope is for all non climate cultists to move to QLD, have a vote and declare we’ll manage our own “climate and land management policies thanks”
On a side note – who is taking the hit from electricity wholesale prices tripling ( retail prices are so far largely in-moved ) ?
Futures contracts for electricity months ahead and next year are well up. That’s when the retail pricing will have to shift.
And all because of those pesky old coal generators, letting us down again.
United Australia Party is for me much safer to vote for than Labor and Greens, but unfortunately the UAP advertisements and political positions are amateurish and even dangerous. For example the advertisement promising to bring Australian superannuation monies invested overseas back to Australia to spend on infrastructure. How?
Australians with superannuation investments rely on obtaining the best returns on investment to accumulate a decent amount for retirement, so why would they invest more in Australia for less attractive return on investment? After all, foreign shares have generally performed much better than Australian share returns. And how would UAP force private sector superannuation funds and members to invest only in Australia, let alone in usually lower yield government bonds?
UAP would save your home, fix interest at a low rate, how?
Unfortunately during election campaigns political advertisements are not held to the standard of advertising, deceptive advertisements are a political reality.
Doesn’t a hold a hose – obviously as the PM is not a fire fighter. Not my job – put in context with the questions that were answered it’s absolutely true, not his job. Went on a family holiday to Hawaii – he did, but bushfires (and floods) are State Govermment responsibility, State Emergency Service (SES), Rural Fire Service, etc. And the deputy PM was Acting Prime Minister while the PM was on leave and he visited bushfire areas with State officials and arranged for ADF assistance as requested by State Governments.
Many other misleading advertising examples but UAP are responsible for too many of them.
I agree. Palmer’s populism isn’t too polished.
Clive is a terrible strategist, which is strange because I think he was just that for the Qld Nats, something like that, and a good one. But if he hadn’t come along until now he could possibly win an election with a sensible alternative platform, the Aussie Trump. But people are spooked by his recent history, at least that is the common narrative, and then he carries on with radical ideas in an election campaign.
Climate data clearly shows that CO2 change occurs after temperature change so it is impossible for the later CO2 change to be the cause of the earlier temperature change.
Cow, mace rosed.
you had to be there
On the matter of China, I highly recommend all to buy/borrow
“Snake oil: How Xi Jinping shut down the world?” by Michael Senger, which details how China orchestrated Covid-19 and completely suckered the West. It seems nothing has changed other than that Western democracies are now heading at speed to the CCP model.
Been sayin’ it for years now. China will wait until we destroy our power of production before it shows its hand ( a polite way of putting it).
Two things win wars, resources and production.
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