A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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More good news. In France, Le Pen wants to not only end wind subsidies but to dismantle the wind farms. I doubt she could do that but the thought counts. She has a chance of winning because she and the other “far right” candidate together got over 45% of the round one votes. Woohoo!
Yes, that would be real change in the EU. For other reasons, too: she is rather more multilateralist than globalist, for instance. Also, her stress on the long French tradition of independence (ideological and political); on the French identity and sovereignty. That would be real change.
Macron is trying to appeal to the supporters of Left wing Melenchon -who got 22% odf the vote- and is using Le Pens scepticism to warn them she will pull the climate project apart.
Funny how the media always trot out the ‘far right’ nonsense but no one is ever ‘far left’.
In reality, the media’s “far right” are actually center, rational moderates
And for many newspapers, there are not many that would be “left” of their ideology.
To those permanently fixed to the left aileron, even those seated in 1A are “far-right”.
Irrelevant anyway, since they’re blinded to what is inside and beyond the fuselage.
Jordan Peterson might describe them as “low-resolution thinkers”.
Given time, the wind farms will dismantle themselves. Even the concrete ones will fall over eventually as the steel inside the concrete corrodes.
So dismantling is not the issue – will they be rebuilt? That it becoming more remote day-by-day.
My wife was telling me about a UK blog where the blogger advised her electricity price trip[pled in April. They have set their heater to start at 6pm rather than on temperature control – hoping they are done with winter. They cook their weekly meals in one session to avoid the heat losses in rewarming oven and cooktop.
“My wife was telling me about a UK blog where the blogger advised her electricity price trip[pled in April. ”
That’s something you never hear about on the news.
One of the things that the current confluence of horribles has brought into focus for those of us who habitually look 45 degrees away from what is being discussed to se what is really important is the catastrophe perpetrated on our economy’s supply side over the last four decades. The decrement of growth from the 4% many of us though possible to the 1.8% or so we’ve managed, compounded, is a tragedy for humanity, and is almost wholly a problem of governance & policy. The energy folks are at east honest in that they want to stop today’s growth, powered by fossil fuels, in favor of future growth powered, it appears, by their imaginations. Each success they have, slowing today with a promise of a a future not immediately realized, adds to the compounding of supply side failure. Secondly, we have offshored much, and in favor of “cheap” fiat dollar denominated imports allowed real investment in our supply side to atrophy; education of our work force, construction and modernization of our physical plant, infrastructure deterioration, and a resulting cultural malaise are all compounded costs.
One senses in the new perception of ‘supply chain risks’ a growing understanding of the hazards of the primrose path the Harvard Business types have led us down. “growing” an economy with massive stimulus and artificially low interest rates whilst importing hard goods and sacrificing to Gaia is now an experiment that has been tried and found wanting. Both the template, and the residual physical reality of a healthy market economy exist in much of the anglo world; along with some experience that working for a living in a robust economy can provide a pretty good life for all strata of society; and local suppliers and modest inventories are not necessarily excess costs, they can be modestly priced insurance policies.
Public safety, locally and globally, seems a useful precondition to avoidance of the worst disruptions. Each generation seems to need to relearn this lesson for themselves. Perhaps now they have.
“in favor of future growth powered, it appears, by their imaginations. “
How I wish I had said that ! Its just so true !
The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative (TNI). A Global version of the BBC’s “Ministry of Truth”. The BBC’s shadowy global censorship & propaganda network with a mandate to identify non-authorised news stories for suppression, and to show a BBC approved version of events.
In July 2019, the UK and Canadian governments hosted the Foreign & Commonwealth Office Global Conference on Media Freedom, where then BBC Director-General Tony Hall announced: “Last month I convened, behind closed doors, a Trusted News Summit at the BBC, which brought together global tech platforms and publishers. The goal was to arrive at a practical set of actions we can take together, right now, to tackle the rise of misinformation and bias….I’m determined that we use that unique reach and trusted voice to lead the way – to create a global alliance for integrity in news”. The Conference website states that “It is supported by Luminate,” ( which in turn was founded by the Omidyar Group (
A global media-wide Early Warning System lead by the BBC and including Google, Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft & Reuters, etc. The TNI rapidly alerts members to dangerous misinformation & disinformation.
Where did the idea come from?
The BBC wants Censorship with “algorithmic interventions” to block “Misinformation” and “Disinformation”
The BBC and its partners in the Trusted News Initiative will alert each other to Lies, Misinformation, Disinformation, Fake News, Hate Speech and Misleading and Dangerous Information. So for instance if someone says “I saw a UFO” or “I saw a Ghost” and its not censored by the TNI, then it must be true. But if someone said “It was a Lab Leak” or “Eric Clapton almost died from the Jab”, and its censored by the TNI, then its not true.
This is why the BBC thinks that the online “information ecosystem” is “polluted” and that the size of the problem is “unprecedented.” The BBC and other organisations would be looking at interventions “to address misinformation across the media landscape”.
The BBC wants a vast repressive intervention to censor information that is not “True”.
This is because everything you read, see and hear on the BBC is “Trustworthy & True” and authorised by the Trusted News Initiative.
This is how the BBC’s “Ministry of Truth” censors Dr. Tess Lawrie, Ivermectin and Vaccine deaths, etc:
The BBC’s Trusted News Initiative is responsible for the suppression of these seven issues:
Suppression #1: The Source of SARS-2
Suppression #2: Denial of Early Treatments for Covid
Suppression #3: The Voices of Dissenting Health Professionals
Suppression #4: The Record Number of Serious Post-Vaccine Side Effects and Deaths
Suppression #5: Natural Immunity Stronger than Vaccinated Immunity
Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
Suppression #7: The Central Role of Co-Morbidities in Serious Covid Disease
Even the language is now politically polarized. The terms misinformation and disinformation, when used by the left (including BBC) simply mean stuff the left disagrees with.
If you press a lefty for examples this political definition quickly becomes apparent. I recently had a protracted email group debate on this very topic. My opponent insisted that misinformation and disinformation were rampant (and he wanted the group to become active fighting it). I pressed him for examples and every one he gave I pointed out was just part of a scientific debate between left and right. His ultimate defense was to claim that the right was anti-science. At that point I rested my case.
Hey David.
Big fan of your research and calculations.
Now something else to contemplate is our politicians have no engineering conception to reality.
What they are really trying to incorporate is DC concept into an AC infrastructure.
The transformers aren’t structured for this and improper wiring will turn them into heating elements.
Not to mention the additional safety from electrocution.
Agree completely:
The power engineers are being silenced so management can make a fortune playing chicken with the grid.
That’s very much on target, David.
In Virginia, Dominion Power is the Energy big player. As a Public Utility, they are guaranteed 9% RoR on Capital Investment. Fine. What isn’t fine, is the Virginia Legislature made Dominion the “Prime Contractor” for that unholy offshore wind project. The entire cost of the project guarantees them 9% RoR on total costs, even if they subcontract the entire job. This boosts their 20 year profits by 29 Billion dollars, whether or not the project ever works at all.
Just the 27 mile long extension cord out to the windmills is 100 Million USD.
Those towers are directly in the path of shipping, so interfere with navigation, also affecting the US Navy at Virginia Beach, and also will absolutely get hit by a Cat 3 Hurricane within a 5 year window.
But Dominion doesn’t care, because the Legislature told them to build it and where to build it, so the liability effectiveness and viability is not theirs to bear. The Engineers know all of this. The People of Virginia do not.
Very true! That deceptive project is my main focus these days.
DOM is getting some serious pushback. We shall see.
Great outline of the Virginia situation.
There is a tremendous amount of shipping. To the north are the great ports from Baltimore to Boston then Canada. To the south the southern US, Gulf and South America. The traffic between these two groups is huge and it all wants to stay close in to minimize travel.
Apologies. RoR = Rate of Return, aka, ROI = Return on Investment. A rate of profit.
I should know better than to be obscure.
Saudis making mockery of Joe Biden
The question is reasonably asked as to where all the comedians mocking Trump have suddenly got to as Biden should be centre stage yo their routines.
Biden was never that alert and was fortunate in being able to hide in his basement because of covid in the run up to the Elections. He looks worse now.
Notice how absent Jill Biden is these days now his condition is more obvious.
I hope you are all aware of the Orwellian “disinformation” laws that Australia’s Federal Liberal (pretend conservative) Government intends to impose on us in the unlikely event they win the next election.
Naturally, whatever Green Labor imposes on us will be even worse…
Who decides what’s “disinformation” or “harmful”?
For example, much of the information on this site would be considered to fall into this category for the sick, totalitarian Leftist “mind”.
It’s all straight from Nineteen Eighty Four.
For more details see: The West Needs WWIII – Martin Armstrong
Putin is certainly no angel but for those who desire that Putin be taken down, just note that people behind him are far more dangerous and consider Putin to be too soft. In effect those who hate Putin to such an extreme are in effect supporting for a world war just as the leftists and neocons want, not world peace.
We still have a long road ahead of us that’s made almost impossible by the loss of our legal system.
Any corruption and misuse of public funds is no longer a worry for our “betters” because they have the courts under control and are untouchable.
The two major “dodgy bits” of recent time are the CAGW meme and COVID19 control mechanism.
The truth is out there on both issues but the public cannot take it to court to seek justice.
The first step in the re-establishment of our democracy will be the cleaning out of the entire legal system.
Unfortunately, the example of America suggests we don’t have any easy way out of current slavery and subjugation.
We’re a couple of decades past the point where such calm couth intervention may have been a solution; as things stand further tinkering serves only to increase the damage with a prime example being the replacement of reliable technology with inadequate renewables which would I daresay be world’s best practice now that policies devised by certifiable lunatics is become compulsory.
As a general rule, free speech and opinion are allowed but if it contains ‘harmful content’ then they’ll pounce.
We could debate the beauty of coal or Ivermectin and the Ministry of Truth wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow.
So when does the eyebrow get raised?
Upon criticism of the Ministry?
Have I failed to recognize sarc?
I’m losing my edge.
‘harmful content’
Let them place those words in your mouth.
Allow them to force you to defund ‘harmful content’.
No serious, educated, and polite person would defend ‘harmful content’.
Allow the adversary to select the field.
It’s the one with your last hill.
defend – defund likely works too
The BBC’s six laws of persuasion:
(1) Any information that lowers profits for Big Pharma is harmful disinformation
(2) Any information critical of globalist policy on Covid is dangerous misinformation
(3) 2+2=5 is misleading information helpful to left-wing educators
(4) War is Peace is government policy for NATO
(5) Ignorance is strength for the BBC’s Trusted News Initiative
(6) Freedom is slavery is the government policy of President Biden
I would highly recommend the non-fiction book: The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health.
It is well written (concise, clear writing, zero name calling, written by someone who cares about people) and it is non-political. It makes a case that the US is losing its democracy. It is well researched and it includes links to all sources to support the assertions made in the book. It explains how the US health care agencies have been taken over by Big Pharma which explains why so many of the US health agency decisions made concerning covid, were not in the public’s best interest. It explains Fauci’s and others’ role in those decisions. It includes an explanation of past US healthcare decisions which were not in the public’s best interest, in addition to the covid decisions which were not justified by the ‘science’.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is the nephew of late US president Robert F. Kennedy. Kennedy Jr. is a Democrat.
Agreed. Additionally, Peter Breggin’s “Covid-19 and the Global Predators: We are the prey” is crucial. It’s fully developed timeline and copies references tell most of what we were never told.
William, I’m sorry to be picky and I know its only a typo, but Robert Kennedy is the son of Robert Kennedy and the nephew of John Kennedy ( President).
Thanks Chris. Robert was campaigning for president when he was assassinated. I must admit that I do not care about past US presidents.
Kennedy Jr makes a case that we cannot trust US agency medical decisions: Big Pharma funds 40% of the FDA and has control of the system. Fauci is 80 years old. An 80 year old man is still in charge because he is on the side of Big Pharma.
Covid is how we found out about the failure of the US healthcare system. We all know the US is spending more money per person on healthcare in the world and yet their health ‘outcome’ is getting worse and worse. The entire US population is severely Vit D deficient and the general population deficiency is not treated when we faced a pandemic.
The US healthcare system is out of control. For example, the UK have stop allowing the subscription of anti-depression drugs for mild and medium level depression because the drugs do not work and cause damage to the brain which causes chemical induced depression withdrawal symptoms. The chemical induced depression is a new medical problem. No rational informed person would if they knew the chemicals damaged their brains and do not work take the chemicals. These brain damaging chemicals are given to a patient that tells their doctor that they are depressed and have no other medical condition (except for deficiencies which are not treated). The poor innocent people assume the chemical will help make them feel better, not cause chemically induced depression. This same game led to the class of chemicals statins. No evidence those chemicals help people and the chemicals cause brain damage and damage to other organs.
The UK was forced to stop giving the dangerous drugs that do not work, because patient groups pressured the UK government by taking their personal stories of suffering to the UK press. The UK continues to copy the US in other healthcare decisions which are just for profit and hurt the patient.
In the US those same brain damaging and body damaging chemicals are prescribed to children. There is no drug that can treat depression or cure depression. The damaging of the children’s brains and lives is just for profit. There is no scientific reason to hurt children. It is sort of unbelievable that a US organization could do such an evil thing and that the media is complicit.
Latest Pointman
Summarised quite well
There are some other military fictions you’ve been fed by western propaganda who only seem to regurgitate handouts from the Ukrainian war ministry. There was never an attempt by the Russians to assault and capture the city of Kiev. They merely surrounded it to prevent it sending any help to the 60 thousand troops trapped in the Donbass enclave. Any “retreat” from around Kiev was merely Russia rotating in fresh troops to replace those who’d sliced through Ukrainian forces supposed to defend the capital.
In case you haven’t realised it, the performance by the Ukrainian army has been p@ss poor. They’ve been badly generalled and promised help that never appeared by their leaders who were lying through their teeth. Courtesy of a lying western press, the Ukrainians appear to be winning on all fronts but the truth is exactly the bloody opposite, with bloody being the operative word. The fantasy of a small plucky army heroically throwing back a massive flood of Red Army forces is even starting to crumble. What the western press were touting as an invasion force of 150,000 Russians now looks to be about 60,000 men, a fraction of what the Russians can call on but enough to do the job.
What you have to get through your head is that despite an avalanche of anti-Russian propaganda in the western media, the Russian people are very happy at how their boss man is conducting this war, hence the 83% approval rating he currently enjoys. That’s a number the western leaders trying to kick off a real shooting war against Russia can only dream of.
When the Donbass pocket is eliminated, the Russians may start winding down their war machine but my feeling is that ending the war might make for some determined efforts by the West rather than Russia. The Minsk 1 & 2 agreements were supposed to settle things after the 2014 war but since the Ukrainians abetted by the West totally ignored the concords and kept creeping NATO eastwards, my feeling is Russia will not be interested in a Minsk 3 accord that’ll just turn out to be yet another pause before the necessary next invasion of the Ukraine in ten years time.
The Russian strategic goals were always well defined and stated, legitimising the annexation of the Crimea, setting up the two Donbass republics, de-n@zification and securing the Mariupal port city, but with the way the Ukrainian clown leadership is p@ssing around with peace talks in Turkey, it might just be easier to take over the Ukraine completely, throwing some western bits to the Poles and some southern bits to the Hungarians. Historically, those bits are theirs anyway. The other alternative is to adopt the western style of war – simply build a north/south border chopping off eastern Ukraine and then use remote missile technology to bomb the Ukraine infrastructure back into the stone age.
Despite U.S. bluff and bluster, Pentagon’s bioweapon threat to Russia and China is serious
Russian President Vladimir Putin said this week that his country had “no choice” but to intervene militarily in Ukraine to halt a genocide against the Russian-speaking people of the Donbass and neutralize the growing national security threat to Russia stemming from Ukrainian territory.
Eight years of military assaults on the breakaway Donbass region by the NATO-backed Kiev regime – causing 14,000 deaths – are exhibit A. The documented Nazi ideology of the Kiev military regiments and their explicit aspiration to kill Russian people is exhibit B. The NATO training and weaponizing of the regime despite its N@zi affiliation is exhibit C.
And fourthly, exhibit D, we must take into account the Pentagon’s threat to Russia from its undeniable bioweapons program in Ukraine. That threat also extends to China which is faced with expanding Pentagon laboratories near its borders.
When Russia launched its intervention in Ukraine on February 24, the Kiev regime promptly ordered a network of 30 laboratories funded and managed by the Pentagon to destroy samples of pathogens. That these laboratories were engaged in biological weapons development was later admitted on March 8 by U.S. State Department official Victoria Nuland during hearings before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.
Nuland’s admission has been corroborated by documents published by the Russians which were obtained during operations in Ukraine.
Those documents show and name U.S. officials who were working for the Pentagon and private American firms involved in the development of the laboratories. It is also clear from the documents that the programs were purposed for the development of biological weapons using pathogens such as anthrax and coronaviruses.
The head of the Pentagon’s Orwellian-sounding Defense Threat Reduction Agency is named as Joanna Wintrol whose work in Ukraine was coordinated with the U.S. embassy in Kiev.
Historically, the Pentagon took over laboratories in Ukraine and other post-Soviet republics in the name of decommissioning bioweapons facilities. But what happened instead was that the Pentagon upgraded and expanded the pathogen programs. This is consistent with the history of the U.S. coopting the biological warfare techniques and personnel of former enemies. Following the Second World War, the Americans redeployed Japanese and N@zi bioweapon programs at its then newly established Fort Detrick facility in Maryland.
The trove of documents discovered by the Russians in Ukraine also shows that the Pentagon programs were looking at ways to weaponize the pathogens through aerial delivery from drones. It was also being assessed how deadly diseases could be spread by using bird migration from Ukraine to Russia.
Yet another persons view of the situation..
Why should i believe this ?
I just do not know where to look for the truth anymore !
I just do not know where to look for the truth anymore !
Chad I feel the same way, but having watched the Corruption of the FBI, US Dept of Justice and the Mainstream Media in taking down President Donald Trump and US activities by CIA over many years, I now always try and look at both sides with open eyes
Sundance sums it up well in the following
Rule One, Economic Security Is National Security
April 16, 2022 – Sundance
…Rule two, there is no bigger rule than the first rule.
“It must be remembered that there is nothing more difficult to plan, more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to manage than a new system. For the initiator has the enmity of all who would profit by the preservation of the old institution and merely lukewarm defenders in those who gain by the new ones.”
~ Niccolo Machiavelli
Never has that Machiavelli quote been more apropos than when considering the MAGA movement and the rise of Donald Trump.
Thankfully, we are now in an era when the largest coalition of American voters have awakened to the reality that, to quote the former president: “Economic Security is National Security.”
As we live through the economic mess of a Biden administration hell bent on eroding the middle class of the United States, there are numerous pundits contemplating 2024 Republican presidential candidates other than Donald Trump; consider this group the lukewarm defenders Machiavelli noted.
Now, look around and ask yourself this question: “What separated Donald J. Trump from the remaining field of 17 GOP candidates in 2016?” An honest top-line answer would be immigration (border control), and his views on American economic policy. In essence, what set Donald Trump apart from all other candidates was his view on the U.S. economy, and that was the driving factor behind ‘Make America Great Again’, MAGA.
Now, look around. Look at every other potential candidate for political office. Is there another person in the field of your political view who comes from the starting point that economic security is national security?
We don’t have to guess at whether Donald Trump can put together a program to ensure Economic Security is National Security. We don’t have to guess at whether Donald Trump can deliver on economic policy. We don’t have guess if Trump’s policy platform, proposals and initiatives would be successful. We have the experience of it. We have the results of it. We have felt the success of it.
We also don’t need to guess at who is the best candidate to lead Making America Great Again, we already know who that is.
There is no other 2024 Presidential Candidate, who I am aware of, who could possibly achieve what Donald John Trump has achieved, or who could even fathom contemplating how to achieve a quarter of what President Trump achieved.
Look at what Donald J. Trump was able to achieve while he was under constant political attack. Just imagine what Trump 2.0 would deliver.
They, the leftist Democrats and Wall Street Republicans, are yet again absolutely petrified of that.
Agreed Chad. The best place to look for truth is from sources you trust.
One good criterion for assessing people’s views is to look at how much of what they say is objectively testable and how much is inference.
The mind readers go straight to the bottom of the trustworthiness rankings.
Operation Mincemeat: The Greatest Deception
Deception is the act of trying to persuade people to believe information that is not true, through lies or trickery. As entertainment, the magician and performer Harry Houdini illustrated tricks of the mind and sleights of hand that deceived witnesses. In military matters, the objective is to mislead the enemy through disinformation, psychological operations, and visual deceptions. Sun Tzu asserted in The Art of War that all warfare is based on deception when a party that is able to attack pretends to be weak, or ignorant when it is informed.
History, as well as fiction, resounds with examples of deception. Homer tells us of the Trojan Horse used by the Greeks to enter Troy and win the war. Hannibal, the Carthaginian general, mastered the art when he trapped and defeated a larger Roman army in Cannae in 216 B.C. One of the great historical deceptions was that in World War II, the deceit of timing and location of the Allied D Day landings in Normandy in June 1944 to convince the Germans that the main Allied landings would be in the Pas de Calais, not Normandy.
A new film, Operation Mincemeat, starring Colin Firth, tells the true, if seemingly highly improbable, story of a British plot to deceive the Germans by planting false documents on a dead body dressed as a Royal Marine officer. The success of the plot depended largely on acceptance by the enemy that the falsified documents had come from a senior British military official. Not all senior military officials approved the plot, but Winston Churchill, who wanted the German military not to be able to anticipate the 1943 Allied landing in Sicily, did
The story of the British deception is now told in the film Operation Mincemeat. It is one of the best examples in history of military deception.
According to German documents, the information on Major Martin was seen by Hitler himself, who then decided to divert German troops to Sardinia, Corsica, and Greece. The result was that the Sicily landing led to fewer British and Allied casualties than it might otherwise have done.
And it makes one think more highly of the 007 stories.
Behind new film ‘Operation Mincemeat,’ the true story of WWII’s greatest deception
Out Friday, the movie tells how Britain used the body of a dead vagrant to trick Hitler into dropping N@zi defenses in Sicily, enabling its capture and turning the tide of the war
See: The Man Who Never Was.
I look at Donald Trump and consider him to have faults but he has proven right on many fronts. The most compelling insight is that the “swamp” needs draining.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Today I was reminded that 71% of US senators are over 70. They have generations of graft and corruption to protect.
The USA has held a privileged position in the world since 1945. The swamp is abusing that position like never before. Look at the money creation they are imposing on the global economy. No other country has that privilege. USA current account was minus USD821bn in 2021 and is continuing to rise. That is huge impost on other nations. USA is the only country that does not need to pay its international debt – it is all denominated in their currency. The international bill has now tipped USD15tr. That is a huge impost on the rest of the world to keep the swamp functioning. HUGELY INFLATIONARY!
Putin is forcing reality back on the agenda – if you want Russian energy then pay for it in Russian currency not the useless USD. No Russian is able to spend USD they hold in bank deposits or other US financial paper.
The world needs the swamp drained; not just the majority of the US citizens who suffer under its intolerable hypocrisy and privilege.
I expect Elno Musk is heading for a lesson from the swamp despite being one of the beneficiaries of the largesse it dispenses.
CIA Notes Confirm US Intelligence Officials Targeted Trump After He Was Elected — Ran a Coup on President Trump While in Office
CIA notes of the Sussman meeting confirm that the intel community and Democrats were targeting and spying on President Trump after he was in office.
CIA Bombshell: The Sussmann data was “user created”
Also: Confirmation of a frame-job against President-Elect Trump
My late Friday night involved hitting refresh on PACER every so often, incurring the $0.10 charge for each search result as I waited on Special Counsel John Durham’s latest filing in the Michael Sussmann case. (Exciting, I know.)
The motion exceeded expectations, discussing CIA conclusions that Sussmann was providing implausible data to federal authorities, providing CIA notes regarding their meeting with Sussmann, and confirmation that they essentially spied on President-Elect Trump.
The motion can be found here. It was filed as part of the government’s efforts to convince the court that the evidence it seeks to admit in Sussmann’s trial is relevant and admissible.
Let’s go through the most important parts.
– The CIA Notes Part 1: January 31, 2017.
– The CIA Notes Part 2: Sussmann’s February 9, 2017 meeting with the CIA
– Back to the Durham Filing – and the CIA’s analysis of the Sussmann/Joffe data.
Finally, I leave you with some questions to consider. Start asking why Sussmann and Joffe were so desperate to provide the FBI and CIA with dirt purportedly linking Trump and Russia. Sussmann himself provided false statements to federal officials, and it’s becoming more and more likely that someone potentially fabricated this evidence. Sussmann and Joffe risked charges – and thus jeopardized their lucrative careers – to tie Trump to Russia.
Considering the personal costs to both men, are we to believe that this was only about politics?
Or maybe this all leads back to the DNC hack…
An Alternative View – Latest Durham Filing Indicates Special Counsel Thesis of Sussmann Prosecution – FBI Was Duped While CIA Tried to Save Country From Clinton Schemes
April 16, 2022 – Sundance
The prosecutorial approach by John Durham positions all of the corruption outside the institutions of government, thereby protecting them.
The bad guys, the corrupt lawbreakers, are the people directly connected to the Clinton Campaign and all of the political and legal agents in/around the Clinton political machine.
As the prosecutorial narrative is unfolding, the institutions of government were victims to the horrible, terrible activity by the Clinton outsiders.
Pay no attention to the aligned politics and weaponization of the White House, DOJ, DOJ-NSD, FBI main, FBI-CoIntel, CIA, Senate Intelligence Committee, or memberships therein. The entire apparatus of the most robust, capable, excellent and diligent intelligence apparatus in the history of all mankind, along with all the oversight mechanisms that exist to support that apparatus, was duped by Hillary Clinton’s team.
That’s John Durham’s investigative thesis, and the court filings show he’s sticking to it.
I luv it when someone says “Everything you think you know is propaganda, listen to me I’m the Ministry of Truth”.
Pointman’s past threads are there for the checking
As a sceptic I have a duty to be sceptical.
Oddly, some of the best commentary on the war is from bloggers on other topics. A group of train spotters took it upon themselves to examine the pics of destroyed tanks to determine duplicates and tank types. The result was that “a lot” had been destroyed. Another interesting group are gamers. They are arm-chair Generals who analyse without ideology.
If you have a spare hour check out Perun, the last especially:
its actually quite insulting to insinuate that anyone with half a brain would take any notice of a group of gamer’s having an opinion
its no different to having an opinion of their opinion LOL
just like the ghost of Kiev story that the Ukrainian propaganda machine was pedalling that used video game imagery to prove the point that the ghost of Kiev existed, fooled many people into thinking the Ukrainians were hero’s and not pawns in a proxy war for Nato
Sounds like St Jaci of Mordor
Summarised well – except for the rather inconvenient fact that Ukraine was expected to fold in a few days and didn’t. Methinks that makes a mockery of the whole summary.
On the other hand, the equally good summary that most of the European leadership were happy to let Ukraine go under in order to preserve Europe’s energy supply but then when Ukraine didn’t go under quickly were forced to pretend they had been supporting Ukraine all along – that summary is standing up pretty well. As usual, the English speaking world stood up for freedom and for Ukraine, while the Europeans, with the very notable exception of some of Ukraine’s loyal friends and neighbours, showed themselves to be self-serving venal hypocrites.
Ukraine’s efforts have been breath-taking, although without massive equipment and technical support from others I don’t think they could have done it. The whole situation has a way to go, it seems, and neither side seems on a clear path to a win.
The standout performance, to my mind, has been by Volodymyr Zelensky. He deserves total western support.
Macron explains refusal to speak of Ukraine ‘genocide’
The country’s president has called for semantic caution in describing purported atrocities.
French President Emmanuel Macron has doubled down on his refusal to characterize Russia’s conduct in Ukraine as “genocide.” He articulated his unwillingness to invoke the fraught term during a Thursday interview on the France Bleu radio network.
“Words have a meaning and we must be very careful. The word ‘genocide’ must be qualified by jurists, not by politicians.”
His reasoning echoed remarks by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres the day before, when he was asked about US President Joe Biden’s use of the term:
“Genocide is strictly defined in international law. And for the UN, we rely on the final legal determination by the appropriate judicial bodies.”
“Not What We Are Seeing” – US Intel Officials Reject Biden’s “Genocide” Claims
Earlier this week, President Biden appeared to veer off script in the middle of his ‘blame Putin, not our idiotic policies, for your collapsing cost of living’ speech, when he dropped the ‘g’ word…
“Your family budget, your ability to fill up your tank, none of it should hinge on whether a dictator declares war and commits genocide half a world away.”
As the world waited for another rapid walk-back by White House staffers of another Biden gaffe, the 79-year-old doubled-down…
“Yes, I called it genocide. Because it has become clearer and clearer that Putin is just trying to wipe out the idea of being able to be Ukrainian.”
The comments sparked reactions from around the diplomatic world.
French President Emmanuel Macron was the most outspoken, refusing to back Biden’s claim that Russia is committing “genocide” in Ukraine. The French leader instead warned that an escalation of rhetoric wouldn’t bring peace.
On the same day Biden accused Russia of genocide, Newsweek published an article quoting a senior official from the Pentagon’s Defense Intelligence Agency who said the civilian casualties in Ukraine are typical of modern warfare and “hardly” amount to genocide.
The DIA official: said “I am not for a second excusing Russia’s war crimes, nor forgetting that Russia invaded the country.”
“But the number of actual deaths is hardly genocide. If Russia had that objective or was intentionally killing civilians, we’d see a lot more than less than .01 percent in places like Bucha,” the official emphasized.
As expected, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov responded, according to Reuters, emphasizing the hypocrisy of a US military machine which has committed “well-known crimes” in the recent past.
“This is hardly acceptable from a president of the United States, a country that has committed well-known crimes in recent times,” Peskov described.
All of which leads to the weekend and a rather shocking report from no lessor mainstream media outlet than NBC News.
NBC News reported on Friday, citing senior government officials, that President Biden’s accusation made earlier this week that Moscow was committing “genocide” in Ukraine has raised concerns among officials in the White House and has not been confirmed by US intelligence agencies.
Biden gaffe sounds like one of those German words where they string together several shorter words.
Ukraine, Ukrainian shooting missiles faster than US can build them
There’s a major problem brewing in Ukraine’s war effort against Russia. Although they’re making headway, they need one thing from the US to win.
The United States has an ammunition problem. It has given Ukraine 7000 Javelin antitank missiles. It has 14,000 left. And it will take a year to replace those already used.
It’s even worse when it comes to Stinger anti-aircraft missiles. According to a Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) report, 2000 have been donated to the Ukraine war effort. The US has about 6000 remaining. And building 2000 replacements will take about five years.
“The United States is approaching the point where it must reduce transfers to maintain sufficient stockpiles for its own war plans,” warns senior CSIS Adviser Mark Cancian. “Will Ukrainian antitank weapons inflict enough Russian combat losses to produce a battlefield stalemate before Ukraine runs out of its most effective antitank weapons?”
Ukraine, Ukrainian shooting missiles faster than US can build them
Of course they are, the war has passed from the “immediate” phase and is entering the “replenishment” phase for both sides.
But if you consider that most USSR arms were manufactured in Ukraine and those factories are now the enemy’s, I think Russia has the bigger problem.
Frankly H, I’d prefer a world where the protagonists have nothing more powerful than rocks to throw at each other.
The stone age has no attraction to me.
For what it’s worth, by rumour, Einstein remarked if we fought WW III with nukes, WW IV would be fought using sticks and stones.
At the risk of boring those who comment here, just a short note on my personal post covid recovery. Today is my tenth day out of isolation. Up until yesterday I had experienced extreme lethargy. Yesterday was a bit better, not sure about today so far. My Chiropractor who I saw last Thursday told me that a number of young people known to him were experiencing the same post covid symptom that I am.
Just wondering what others who comment here may have experienced.
Wishing you a speedy recovery TedM.
You might want to look at the I-RECOVER protocol from the FLCCC Alliance.
If you are in Australia it will be illegal for your doctor to prescribe Ivermectin as per the protocol but you may be able to source veterinary product but make sure you adjust the dose, you are not a 300kg-1200kg horse!
You will also need to have a doctor who has a clue as some of those drugs in the protocol require a prescription.
Thanks David M.
TedM, my double vaccinated daughter ( had to be to retain job) is struggling with low energy issues about 10 days after isolation and still tests positive to a RATS test while the grand daughters who are unvaccinated (17 and 15 ) both tested positive, both “felt crook” for 48 hours and are back to normal and do not test positve on RATS. Just more of the great unexplained.
The advice to us is Do Not do any more RATS for eight weeks after you’ve had a positve result because it will pick up the dead viral fragments during that time.
There’s an article in today’s Australian newspaper about a former Australian Commonwealth Games fencing competitor who is still severely limited by covid two years after contracting it in the UK. She’s in her early 20’s.
Several of my work colleagues have had it this year and seem fully recovered reasonably quickly. All vaccinated. Diverse age ranges.
My neighbours have had Covid in two waves . Wife and Son first and Husband and Daughter second (months apart). All recovered well . Being in Victoria all vaccinated . Notably Wife and Son didn’t get it the second time around .
I hope you all recover completely, and soon. I regard it as inevitable that everyone will get the virus at some time, and when it’s my turn I hope it’s not too bad. Being the good compliant person that I am, I’ve had two vaccine shots and a booster. It’s nearly 4 months after the booster and I’m now nearly back to normal after a rather unpleasant reaction. So the virus is not the only danger, and in my view the Pfizer and Moderna mRna vaccines should not have been approved.
The way governments cover everything up nowadays, I doubt we will ever know the full story.
Not boring. And pleased to hear you are recovering.
Australia, the desperately “Good Global Citizen) as Mathias Cormann grovelingly called it – in a reply to Malcolm Roberts -has outsourced so much of its sovereign authority that it is scarcely sovereign any more, and the sedated population has scarcely an inkling of what is at stake in in this election cycle. We are not going to know the place in twelve months. Take, as just one example , the implications of the upcoming WHO global pandemic agreement, the implications of which are virtually totally unsuspected by the nation’s citizens.
This pending agreement builds off from the foundation of the 2005 International Health Agreement (which surfaced in the discussion last week after Jo’s post on travel restrictions imposed on Austalians rights to leave the country).
There is an entire front of Digital Identity issues that are not being discussed, which should be central to the political dialogue, and urgently so in an election cycle, which will have global implications and have been subject to development since at least 2017 when global health ministers met in Berlin.
There numerous things Australian governments could do which do not require binding agreements or surrender of governmental sovereignty. The hour is late and we are dulled into sleep.
I find it remarkable that the fact that Australians need an exit visa to leave the country, practically unobtainable by the unvaxxed, is not under discussion by any major political party.
There is a few million votes there, going for the asking.
Never Forget: For 2 years, tyrants locked us down, forcibly medicated us and destroyed our livelihoods
This also describes Australia
We must never forget that politicians — all claiming to “follow the science” — locked us down, destroyed the economy, decimated the middle class through inflation, forcibly medicated us, and muzzled our children over the last 2 years.
We constantly reminded that if you don’t follow “The Science,” you are a science denying buffoon who wants grandma to die, doesn’t care about the children, were an alt-right N@zi, a white supremacist, extremist, and most likely a domestic terrorist.
Those who stood against unconstitutional vaccine mandates were scorned by the mainstream, labeled as “antivaxxers” and had people wishing for their deaths. Even people who took the jab but stood against mandates were labelled antivaxxers as definitions were altered to fit the narrative.
We the people were pitted against each other in one of the most divisive propaganda campaigns in human history. The middle ground was eliminated and logic and reason burned to the ground alongside the economy.
Where is the accountability for the folks who advocated for these things? Are we to forget about the two weeks to flatten the curve that turned into rampant police brutality for non-compliance, tens of thousands of closed businesses, vaccine passports, and record child suicides?
Most people have short memories, which is one the major stumbling blocks for people to make well informed decisions when voting and in other pursuits to improve our lives. Never mind, the lockdowns will come back in some shape or form. Next time though they will be even more draconian. Those who are awake will know why.
First infection of new Covid variant detected in Australia
Australia’s first case of a new and highly transmissible Covid variant has been detected in a recently returned overseas traveller.
A new Covid variant has been detected in Australia for the first time as leading experts warn of more to come.
NSW has reported a case of Omicron XE infection brought in by an overseas traveller.
The state was also the first to report a case of another recombinant strain dubbed Deltacron, with that variant spreading two Queensland within 24 hours of being detected.
There are fears a further relaxing rules for international arrivals will see more – and potentially deadlier – variants enter the country.
XE is a combination of the two Omicron variant subtypes BA.1 and BA.2.
NSW recorded 17,856 positive cases of Covid on Thursday, with a total 1582 Covid cases admitted to hospital, including 71 people in intensive care, 23 of whom require ventilation.
The state also recorded 21 Covid-linked deaths on Thursday, including one person who was over 100-year-old.
Of those that died, three people were not vaccinated.
The COVID Cultists have certainly been listening to their marketing department.
Endless variations and new releases of slightly altered and “improved” products…designed to keep the “excitement” and scare going indefinitely….
NEW – Fauci: “You use lockdowns to get people vaccinated.”
Where I live 150 people have supposedly died from Covid since December, more people have died since December than in the previous 2 years. And 75% of them were fully vaccinated, almost half of those had the booster.
I love the way our journalists ignore these statistics. ‘Nothing to see here, move along’
David, as from today, 18/4, if unvaccinated, you no longer require a visa to leave the country.
Qantas seems to still require a vaccination for international passengers
Another problem is that a vast majority of politicians do not even bother reading the legislation they vote upon, and would not likely comprehend it if they did. It’s mostly written by public serpents with their own personal globalist Leftist agendas.
Biden is without doubt the worst US President EVER! Even worse than Obama or Carter!
(Yes, I know he’s only a demented puppet but he is still technically the President and still technically responsible for what happens to America (if a person at his level of dementia can be considered legally responsible for their actions).)
Joe Biden promised to bring normality to the White House — instead, he’s been anything but
Joe Biden is falling down on his promise to bring normality back to the presidency for a basic reason — he’s not normal.
Biden’s long pedigree, conventional politics and contrast with Donald Trump suggested that he’d bring predictability and calm to the highest reaches of the nation’s politics.
The press touted this impending shift. A headline in The Financial Times announced, “Biden signals return to normality on first day as president.” The CNN political analyst Chris Cillizza opined, “The single most radical thing that Biden has done in his first 48 hours of being president is act totally and completely normally.”
Yeah, well, a funny thing happened on the way to renewed normality — President Biden has engaged in one bizarre escapade after another as he’s crashed his presidency into the rocks of incompetence, tone-deafness and stubbornly misplaced priorities.
It’s not normal for a president to say things flagrantly at odds with his own administration’s position, but there was Joe Biden the other day saying that Vladimir Putin is committing genocide in Ukraine.
The White House is now a dementia ward. The nurses wear suits rather than scrubs but the President needs constant care.
The issue will continue because the people empowered to do something to correct the situation are in the same boat:
I wouldn’t agree with age limits at all.
Performance varies enormously among different individuals. Some people have “lost it” by 60 or even earlier, others are “as sharp as a tack” at 90.
I know someone who simply gave up on life and went to a nursing home at about 58 and just rests on their bed all day. They have no physical disability preventing them from being active. They can’t even be bothered watching TV. Their mind has turned into mud.
President Trump is fully functional at 75 and is just 4 years younger than Dementia Joe.
If Trump is re-elected he will be 78-82 through his next term and I expect him to be fully capable throughout.
The US and world needs Trump. He shouldn’t be denied access to office on the basis of age.
Plus, I think part of the push for an age limit is to prevent Trump being re-elected after Biden has been removed and replaced with Harris (57) or some other blithering idiot.
There should be an age limit simply to limit their term. It has nothing to do with capacity to work. It is about generational graft. The Senators live a coddled existence in DC with support staff telling them what they want to hear. Less than 10% of the residents in DC supported Trump re-election. Their cushy jobs were threatened.
Trump was unique in being a businessman elected president. He was not a career politician. He was not protective of the swamp. In fact he was a clear and present threat that had to be dealt with.
A cognitive test could be done rather than an automatic age trigger. Would also need to be done when the person is young upon entering politics so we can tell the person has declined and wasn’t simply always stupid.
Perhaps that should apply in the legal system. Seems supreme court judges are there until they die of old age.
Bravo ! There should be accountability and cognitive testing for ALL public servants/bureaucrats. We can’t vote them out or get them removed and that’s a problem .
Guys, a cognition test bears no similarity with an IQ test or a logic test.
During the test you will be asked what day it is, what date [it isn’t cheating to check earlier], where are you?, draw a clock face with the hands at 20 past 3, remember four unrelated items, a few questions later you will be asked for them again. Compose a sentence [“The cat sat on the mat” passes] Nothing more demanding than that.
Uncle Joe would fail miserably and possibly Nancy but the root cause for her would be different. 🙂
When I turned 75 years old I had to do a test with a nurse at the local hospital. I had to answer the questions as indicated above. One was to count backwards from 30 or so from memory.
I usually only have a rough idea what day it is and even less so the date. Thats one of the few useful things my phone does (and we have one of those calendar things on the pantry door.
Two years running I had to draw a pentagon. Some of the questions were so basic the nurse and I fell about laughing! This year it was different.
I wasnt suggesting an IQ or logic test. A minimum IQ is not being suggested. Just wanting to check basic function and any signs of degredation.
I’ve had a cognitive test and they are a little more complicated than your examples. But yes, they are simple if your brain is functioning. That’s the idea.
Yarpos, if you were cognisant enough to check your phone that’s OK. The test is not knowledge based.
Annie, I sat beside my wife when she failed the test. It broke my heart.
In case anyone thinks you need to be out of your tree [a la Biden] to fail such a “simple” test, my Lady failed it 8 years ago. At the time she was driving, doing the household shopping, running the kitchen, everything was normal. Her GP who did this original cognition test Oked her licence with conditions. My point is you can fail such a test far sooner than anyone around you would suspect a problem.
Note: I grounded my wife when she was far more cognisant than Joe. She could drive, obey road rules and traffic lights but I knew that if anything untoward happened she would be unable to react appropriately.
Could Joe make a snap decision?
Understood Hanrahan. It’s very sad for you. I had an aunt with dementia, very horrible and her mother roamed the streets, having been very fastidious and ladylike before that.
A very intelligent good friend of ours in Melbourne went the same way.
I don’t take it lightly I assure you but just at that time the nurse and I could see the funny side in relation to me.
There is a better test done..!
Every voter has the oportunity to asses the capeabilities of the candidates from their pre election performances, and historic political activities.
…..but,..unfortunately, most dont bother !
And what should we do about the Bandts, Thorpes and Keneallys of the world?
What indeed?
I guess you would say that
“Putin is doing a Special Human Dismantling operation”
Rather than invading an independent country next door.
PS It was Biden who was elected President of the USA.
Not an ‘Administration”
So your comment is nonsense !
Neil Oliver Outlines The Great Pretending
April 16, 2022 – Sundance
Joe Biden is visibly and cognitively impaired. We can all see it, yet the powers in charge ignore it and pretend it doesn’t matter. The Hunter Biden laptop was real, despite 50 former and current intelligence officials attesting it was “Russian propaganda,” and they pretend it doesn’t matter. For two years we suffered under ridiculous COVID-19 rules and fiats decreed by western officials, none of it was science-based, and they pretend it doesn’t matter.
In his weekly monologue, Neil Oliver walks through examples of the many naked emperors, and how we can see them completely exposed, yet they pretend it doesn’t matter. Ultimately, Oliver asks if the feeble and cognitively impaired leader of the free world, while everyone pretends not to know it, is not representative of this 2022 we live in? It does matter, and something is coming. WATCH:
“Remember 2019? Cast your mind back to that year, that oh, so recent time when everything was different. 2019 was not a perfect time, or a perfect world, but it was very different from this one of 2022.
In 2019 the rights and freedoms we’d had for years – and shamefully taken for granted – were still broadly intact, or so it seemed. The idea that we might not be free to be with loved ones, to hold the hand of a dying parent, to earn a living, to leave our homes for more than an hour a day, that taking a holiday abroad would be, for a time, illegal, would surely have been unthinkable.
There are many other consequences of the advent of the disease, and those vaccines, but again, I don’t have the time now. I will note that there are widespread reports that young athletes, at the peak of their games and fitness, have died of heart attacks and blood clots in the last two years, and that youngsters from all walks of life have been diagnosed with myocarditis and other serious conditions during the same period. But as I say – no time to go into that now.
Among the most eye-catching revelations has been the rabid enthusiasm, displayed by governments from one side of the European continent to the other, and in Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many more places besides, for high-handed curtailing of citizens’ rights. The pressure to submit to the experimental vaccines, for example, was almost unbearable to resist.
In one country after another, the lives of the unvaccinated were made more and more uncomfortable, impossible. Unvaccinated Canadians still cannot travel within their own country, far less leave their country. The Australian government has only just relented and allowed – I say allowed as though such control was ever right and proper – allowed Australians to flee the prison island.
The nominal leader of the free world is President Joe Biden, a frail and infirm elderly man, visibly cognitively compromised. Some say Mr Biden has senile dementia, but I’m not in the business of medical diagnosis.
Last week there was a sad and worrying clip of him – there are endless sad and worrying clips of President Biden – finishing a speech and turning to leave the podium.
From 2019 to 2022 – such a brief blink of time, and yet so great a void has been created between the world of then and the world of now. Back then we still trusted that our opinions mattered.
Nigel Farage Asks Why US Hasn’t Used 25th Amendment to Remove ‘Senile’ Biden
And the 25th Amendment? Farage observed — before then dropping the dreaded S-word on Biden.
Nobody is daring to say the 25th should be called when it’s clear that America has a president who [is] … senile. He’s not up to the job.
“Even if Biden were to go to Europe to try and help mend relations, he would not help the situation,” Farage said. Truth is, Biden would no doubt hurt the situation. To what degree is anyone’s scary guess. Farage agreed:
It is so obvious this man cannot hold the responsibilities of leading America, let alone the free world.
Farage then compared how the left went after Trump with the 25th Amendment at the drop of a hat.
I don’t get it. Whenever Trump said something on the world stage people thought was stupid there were cries in D.C. for the 25th Amendment to be called.
Aaand Farage nailed it again. Moreover, the options facing the Democrat Party could hardly be worse.
On one hand, a senile, steadily declining man who tries to shake hands with thin air, bizarrely claims we cut down all of our forests, and lies his head off at a gun-control event — all of it just this week. On the other hand, we have a vice president who cannot get out of her own way, and makes ridiculous nonsensical comment after ridiculous nonsensical comment. The lights might be on in Cackles Kamala’s head, but clearly, nobody’s home.
So, what are the Democrats going to do? Dunno, but I do know Democrats are shrewd and cunning — and dangerous as hell when backed into a corner.
While I’m confident wheels are in motion behind the scenes to craft and implement a plan to remove Biden from the White House while also denying the presidency to another disaster in the person of Kamala Harris, I don’t foresee a straight-up 25th Amendment play by the Democrats, nor do I think that many — if any — Democrats would climb aboard a Republican effort to launch the amendment.
White House Report Card: Biden has put America in reverse
by Paul Bedard, Washington Secrets Columnist
This week’s White House Report Card finds that President Joe Biden, in just over a year, has changed the direction of the nation, shifting it into reverse.
Ignoring his Republican critics, Democrats are now wincing at crushing inflation and high interest rates that are erasing wage gains, putting homeownership and retirement further away for many, and making it harder for some to fill kitchen cupboards.
And even Democrats are rapping his no-border immigration policies that have seen the president let in over 1.5 million illegal migrants. Just this week, his administration resumed flying illegal immigrants into communities under the cover of darkness.
Polls show his policies are unpopular. The Quinnipiac University National Poll put his approval rating at 33% this week. And the scandal involving son Hunter Biden is starting to splatter on the president’s shoes.
Both of our graders gave the president a “D” for the week. Conservative analyst Jed Babbin said: “Even Democrats are worried now about the November midterm congressional elections. They know that ‘improving their messaging’ isn’t going to change the price at the gas pump or the grocery checkout line.” And Democratic pollster John Zogby said, “Biden desperately needs some wins.”
How Feminism Got Hijacked
The movement that once declared “I am woman, hear me roar” can no longer define what a woman is. What happened?
“Pregnant people at much higher risk of breakthrough Covid,” The Washington Post recently declared. This was in keeping with the newspaper’s official new language policy: “If we say pregnant women, we exclude those who are transgender and nonbinary.”
“I’m not a biologist,” Ketanji Brown Jackson, the next Supreme Court justice and a formerly pregnant person herself, told her Senate inquisitors while trying to explain why she couldn’t define “woman.”
“It’s a very contested space at the moment,” explained Australian Health Secretary Brendan Murphy—a nephrologist, a doctor of medicine—when he was asked the same question at a hearing in Melbourne. “We’re happy to provide our working definition.”
I never tire of noting how the same ideology that goes on about the “rights of nature” goes on in the very next breath to deny human nature, or even to argue that invoking human nature is hate speech. You know, like suggesting that it is possible to know what a woman is without a degree in biology.
And then there are stories like this, from Politico, that send me to my popcorn stash:
‘Rights of nature’ law clinic faces transphobia allegations
Accusations of transphobia are roiling a law clinic that spearheads campaigns to establish legal rights for lakes and rivers.
The Remorseless Tide of Reality
Ideology, unlike philosophy, seeks to remake human nature.
In what seems like a lifetime ago, a friend explained to me his thumbnail distinction between philosophy and ideology. Philosophy requires one to fit one’s mind to the world; ideology compels one to fit the world to one’s mind. The crux was how each viewed human nature: philosophy accepted the imperfectability of human nature; ideology demanded its perfection.
Within this admittedly narrow limning, one can see how philosophy and ideology respond when confronted by reality. By accepting the imperfectability of human nature, a philosophic attitude encourages intellectual, emotional, spiritual, and societal growth. By rejecting the imperfectability of human nature and recognizing instead only the capricious whims of untrammeled will, the horrific consequences of the ideologues’ effort to fit the world to their minds can be seen from Paris during the 18th-century Reign of Terror and Stalin’s purges to Mao’s “Great Leap Forward” and the killing fields of Cambodia.
Because it believes it already has correctly answered all the great questions of human existence (or at least the ones its adherents care about), ideology requires compelling the less enlightened to conform perfectly with its dictates; thus, ideology’s fundamental purpose is not contemplative but coercive.
What the Left Has Done to Women’s Desires
As I’ve documented on a number of occasions, the left ruins everything it touches.
There is no exception. From universities to high schools and now including even elementary schools, to late-night TV, to sports, to the arts and, increasingly, science, the left is a destruction machine.
And nowhere is this damage more evident or tragic than with regard to women.
In fact, nothing demonstrates the power of left-wing ideology as much as what this ideology has done to women. So powerful is leftist ideology, it is more powerful than women’s nature.
Here are five examples:
1) Desire to Bond With a Man
2) Desire to Marry
3) Desire to Have Children
4) Desire to Have S@x With Commitment
5) Desire to Protect Children’s Innocence
Good thing I re-read the headline. For a moment there I thought it read that women ruin everything they touch.
I’ll resume my spot in the naughty corner.
Ready access to porn for boys and girls will do nothing to bring out these instincts either. I often wonder what the classic first date would be like now.
My generation had “Wonder woman”
This generation has “wonder if it’s a woman” 😅
A question for anyone in the UK. Have you been given notice of recent gas and electricity price rises. If so, how much?
54% rise in price cap for dual fuel, already introduced, another big rise due in autumn.
Why Elon Musk has rattled them
His attempted takeover of Twitter has revealed just how terrified the liberal elites are of freedom of speech.
MSNBC Blast From The Past: It’s Our Job To Control How People Think… Not Elon Musk’s
On Saturday, Musk made the point that the Twitter board owns very little stock, so they have no real skin in the game — that they aren’t hurt if they make bad decisions that hurt the shareholders — like not accepting Musk’s offer for more than the shares are currently worth. He wrote on Twitter in reply to
Elon Musk is in for a bad time.
I’m not sure he’s prepared to take on a couple PhDs, a few MBAs, and a Baroness who use Twitter once a year (to reset their passwords) and collectively own 77 shares of the company.
Elon Musk
Replying to
Wow, with Jack departing, the Twitter board collectively owns almost no shares! Objectively, their economic interests are simply not aligned with shareholders.
Globalist Never-Trump Board Member for Twitter Has Never Used His Account and Elon Musk Noticed
Robert Zoellick is one of those really bad dudes that most Americans do not recognize. It’s not for a lack of conspicuously bad affiliations, but most Americans tend to pick the targets of their hatred based on who their favorite corporate media talking head attacks on any given day. Few have gone after Zoellick so he’s a bad guy in the shadows.
He also happens to be one of the board members for Twitter who voted to try to block Elon Musk from buying the social media giant.
His Wikipedia page can shine some light on his various affiliations, but here are some highlights:
. President of the World Bank until 2012
. Deputy Secretary of State for George W. Bush
. Deputy Chief of Staff for George H.W. Bush
. Top Foreign Affairs Advisor to Mitt Romney’s 2012 Presidential Campaign
. Board Member, Council on Foreign Relations
. Senior International Advisor to Goldman Sachs
. Board Member for Temasek Holdings, Singapore’s Sovereign Wealth Fund
. Recipient of Knight Commander’s Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany
Zoellick was among a group of RINOs who wrote a letter saying they would not support a Trump presidency.
Oh, and he’s never actually used Twitter. Elon Musk noticed and gave a one-character reply:
Both Alba-sleazy and SloMo are reported to be at church services today.
I find it difficult to believe that either of them have any authentic beliefs in the religions they purport to belong to.
They are both doing it for show, and to disguise the fact that they are both allies of evil.
Conspicuous professions of faith are indeed a sign of hypocrisy. I’ll judge the political leaders by the distance they maintain between their attendance and the media cameras.
With “climate scientists” gluing themselves to buildings, might be the only time anyone sceptical can debate them in public.
I looked up ecologist Dr Aaron Thierry, out of curiosity of what exactly he has been warning us about, and what he thinks the Boris Johnson government should have done differently.
All I found is hand wringing over “tipping points” which are not backed by any of the IPCC reports, and only Michael Mann once again predicting that global thermohaline circulation is going to slow down and either stop or else take a different route. The are no real world measurements to prove that this is happening, it’s entirely hypothetical … what’s more it’s an illogical hypothesis when the same people who say that more warming puts additional energy in the system (i.e. bigger storms, cyclones, etc) also tell you that ocean currents will slow down which is the opposite of what you would expect from a more energetic system.
Of course he dresses in a white lab coat, because then the public will know he’s a “scientist” … about the same calibre as those guys in white coats selling laundry liquid on the TV.
Hmmm, perhaps I should apologize for the people who make laundry liquid.
These days with a white coal he could be identified as a “jab administrator”
Court Brief: Biden Releases 756K Border Crossers, Population Larger than Boston, into American Communities Since Taking Office
President Joe Biden’s administration has released more than 750,000 border crossers and illegal aliens, a foreign population larger than the population of Boston, Massachusetts, into the United States since taking office in January 2021, a court brief confirms.
The brief, dated April 14 and filed in the Supreme Court by Stephen Miller’s America First Legal Foundation, details the extent to which Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has put its Catch and Release network into overdrive in just a little over 12 months.
Specifically, DHS has released more than 756,109 border crossers and illegal aliens into American communities from January 21, 2021, to February 28, 2022, the brief states. This is larger than the resident population of Boston, about equal to the size of Denver, Colorado, and larger than the population of Detroit, Michigan.
Releases by month are as follows:
“Leonard Lim’s Exquisite Photography of John Brewer Reef”
“Yet the New York Times is reporting a sixth massive coral bleaching event and The Guardian is explaining that John Brewer Reef is at the centre of it all.”
Reckon they’d fact check any better on, say, Ukraine?
Make of it what you will but JB Reef is one of three close reefs to Townsville, AIMS and JCU so it will have more human interaction/intervention than the rest of the GBR.
Of course there is Green Is but it is so “plastic” I don’t think of it as part of the reef proper.
Don’t shoot!
“The University Professor gave a very political reply.
‘Not really. There are 29 World Heritage Sites that have coral reefs. Four of them are in Australia. But other countries that are responsible for those World Heritage properties have much better climate policies [not necessarily better reefs] than Australia does. Australia is still refusing to sign up to a net zero target by 2050, which makes it a complete outlier. And I think this draft decision from UNESCO is pointing the finger at Australia and saying, If you’re serious about saving the Great Barrier Reef, you need to do something about your climate policies.’”
Net zero … hardly ever acknowledged: “an aspirational goal based on development of new technology and without damaging the economy”.
A little bit of country & western, a solution to the problem.
Not bad actually
A Linux update from Chiefio –
“The amount of non-deterministic behaviour and “doesn’t work out of the box” that has arrived since Pottering and SystemD is just way too large. It’s almost enough to send me off to Walmart to buy a Chromebook or (GASP!) even a Windoz Laptop…”
I knew there was a good reason I havent updated for two years.
The transgender suicide epidemic: is accepting their confusion really the answer?
Over 41 percent of active ‘transgender’ people try to kill themselves. That’s ten times the average 4.6 percent suicide attempt rate.
But studies repeatedly show that “transgender” people who seek to become the opposite sex are in fact not happy or fulfilled. In fact, a life-or-death internal war is continually going on within, to the degree that many, if not most, seek to end their lives.
This is not new. There are studies going back decades into trans suicide.
What’s new is this insane push to drive young children into becoming “objects” meeting the needs and delusions of influential adults like parents and “teachers”.
Even though, in reality, the “trans” movement and numbers are around 2% of the population that’s still untold thousands of children forced into biologically & psychologically unnatural roles that will in all likelihood result in mental health issues, irreversible surgeries and ruined lives, and for what?
If they genuinely have issues then they should go through approved and impartial counselling to confirm a valid medical basis for treatment.
Just like a vegan cat, we all know who’s making the choices.
Bottomless depravity masquerading as virtue. It has to stop.
Institutionalising paedophilia!
It has to stop!
Saturday Cartoon: Bidens Release Their Tax Returns – It’s the Tip of the ‘Big Guy’s’ Iceberg
In reality, the Bidens’ tax return is an iceberg. We can see their ‘reported’ income. Mobster Al Capone was brought down because he didn’t report his “Big Guy” income. The water-carriers in the media will point to the Bidens’ reported income as a “breath of fresh air.” But below the surface lies the real Biden syndicate income, with the titular head of the Hunter money-machine being Joe, hiding 90 percent of what was made. Somewhere in the inky depths, the Chinese can see it–all of it. They know everything. How much was in the bags of money for “the Big Guy”?
Hunter Biden’s Laptops Scandal Exposes How Communist Influence Operations Work
One lesson from the ongoing scandal is that it lifted the curtain of foreign governments’ covert influence campaigns in the United States.
Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop revealed much information, including Hunter’s shady business dealings in Ukraine and China, raising questions about the extent to which President Biden was involved in his son’s business activities. This ongoing scandal lifted the curtain of foreign governments’ covert influence campaigns in the United States. No government has conducted such influence campaigns more effectively than Communist China.
To understand China’s influence campaigns on foreign soil, one has to get familiar with a secretive Chinese government agency, the United Front Work Department (UFWD), or United Front. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) established UFWD in the 1930s, aiming to recruit famous intellectuals, writers, teachers, students, publishers, and business leaders who were not necessarily Communists.
These recruits promoted the CCP’s agenda, influenced public opinion in favor of the CCP in territory ruled by the Nationalist Party, and helped the CCP secure the weapons, medicine, and other resources to overthrow the Nationalist-led government. Then-CCP leader Mao Zedong called the United Front a “magic weapon” for the CCP.
– Influencing the Influencers
– John Kerry and Henry Kissinger Connections
– Wall Street Influence
– Mutually Beneficial Influence Peddling
It took Jimmy Carter three years for his popularity among the wildlife community to sink to the point that a hissing swamp rabbit defied the Secret Service cordon and assailed Carter, but here we are, not yet 18 months into Biden’s reign, and pigeons are pooping on him.
“You’ve Been Misinformed”
Around Musk and Twitter
Adjust to access
A third consecutive La Nina looking promising and failure to forecast ENSO through smart algorithms.