It’s a shock. More than half the states in the US are considering legislation to allow doctors and sometimes even nurses and pharmacists too, to prescribe early treatment drugs “off label”.
Let’s not forget that doctors were able to do that for decades and it’s largely the medical boards who have become the defacto Praetorian Guards of Big-Pharma — taking away the rights of doctors via threats to destroy their career if they step out of line.
Many of the proposed bills simply aim to stop medical boards from evicting doctors who use drugs like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. North Dakota, Kansas, Oklahoma, and Tennessee appear to have largely succeeded. The rest are working on it. In Tennessee, people may even be able to buy a drug that’s been given to a billion other humans, right over-the-counter. Golly, that’s almost as free as El Salvador?!
Meanwhile people in America are providing the drug “off-label” and “off-prescription” anyway, sneaking it into hospitals and handing it out at churches. It would be better for everyone if they could ask their doctors. But this response from state legislators in the US seems remarkable to this Australian — almost like Democracy still has a chance.

US States considering legislation for ivermectin use. | Federation of State Medical Boards
North Dakota was the first state to pass legislation last November:
The new laws “Prohibit the Boards of Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy from disciplining a licensee solely on their dispensing of ivermectin for off-label treatments such as Covid-19.” The main aim apparently was to stop some doctors and pharmacists from using the excuse that the medical boards will punish them if they prescribe or supply ivermectin. But presumably some professionals were genuinely afraid of being punished.
In Kansas the legislation was approved on March 23:
Senator Mark Steffen championed the bill and also happens to be an anesthesiologist who has prescribed ivermectin.
Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine off-label prescription bill passes Kansas Senate in late-night vote
“Thousands of Kansans and hundreds of thousands of Americans have died because of this propaganda that shut down early treatment,” said Sen. Mark Steffen, R-Hutchinson. “I fully believe that this passage of this bill through the Senate will gain national attention and help be a very important part of getting the care to the people who need it.”
The bill would allow doctors to prescribe ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and any other FDA-approved drug that isn’t a controlled substance for an off-label use to prevent or treat COVID-19.
“Studies overwhelmingly show that ivermectin has up to an 85% chance of reducing hospitalizations and death when given early for COVID,” he said in caucus. “This is about decreasing suffering and death of the individual patient.”
“To a large degree, [ivermectin’s] been driven underground,” he said. “In my Reno County area, I have an 80-year-old Mennonite pastor and his wife, who is a retired nurse, they’re doling it out behind the scenes to all their church members. I have other people who have gone to the veterinary for ivermectin and dole that out to their friends. They know what they’re doing and they do a great job with it.”
Senator Steffen went on to write to 250 hospitals in Kansas to point out that they may face legal action if they don’t pay attention to early treatment:
In consultation with the legal community, indications are that “failure to treat” will now be considered “wanton disregard”.
Some precious doctors immediately complained that they were being threatened. Nevermind about all the other doctors who were told they’d be struck off if they dared suggest an early treatment that had already worked in 157 studies on 129,000 patients.
Oklahoma found a different way — the Attorney General simply said there’s no legal reason to punish doctors:
Oklahoma Attorney General John O’Connor says his office does not plan to discipline doctors for prescribing certain medications, including ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, to treat covid.
O’Connor said in a news release that his office finds no legal basis for a state medical licensure board to discipline a licensed physician for prescribing a drug for the off-label purpose of treating a patient with COVID-19.
The Oklahoma attorney general said he stands behind doctors who believe ivermectin is in their patients’ best interest.
“I stand behind doctors who believe it is in their patients’ best interests to receive ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine,” O’Connor said in a statement. “Our health care professionals should have every tool available to combat COVID-19. Public safety demands this. Physicians who prescribe medications and follow the law should not fear disciplinary action for prescribing such drugs.”
In Tennessee soon even Pharmacists will be able to prescribe ivermectin while being protected from liability:
The bill HB2746/SB2188 has just passed the Senate and is headed for the Governors desk. The original bill aimed to make ivermectin available over the counter, like aspirin. But the amended bill requires a bit of paperwork of some sort: “a non-patient-specific prescriptive order, developed and executed by one or more authorized prescribers.” But some still argue that it is effectively now an Over-the-Counter (OTC) medicine in Tennessee now.
The source of the problem was that the Tennessee Medical Board put up a warning on their website last year that doctors risked their medical licenses if they spread misinformation about the COVID-19 vaccine. Many doctors naturally assumed that even mentioning that there was an early treatment alternative would be classed as misinformation.
Incredibly, that sparked a debate about free speech (hallelujah.) It all looks so sensible.
“I had several doctors contact me last summer and into the fall about what they were seeing and hearing from the Board of Medical Examiners, that would potentially punish them for prescribing treatment for COVID that they felt was in the best interest of their patients,” Tennessee Republican state Rep. Chris Todd told Stateline. “That hit me, because they have a perfectly valid license and have practiced for years, and there’s no reason to issue a statement carte blanche.”
The medical boards were intimidating doctors. A bit like saying “Nice Practice you have there…”
Tennessee lawmakers say doctors complained to them about receiving emailed warnings. At its meeting in September, the board discussed sending a warning to all physicians in the state. But Bill Christian, spokesperson for the Tennessee Health Department, which oversees the medical board, said in an email that if doctors received any emails, they came from professional organizations, not the board.
In any case, the board in December deleted the warning from its website, although Christian said that the policy behind it remains in effect.
Rep Chris Todd blamed a “CDC that’s gone beserk”. Nicely said.
South Dakota, on the other hand, tried to pass legislation approving the drug for use which passed the House in Feb, but was killed by a Senate committee with seven members in March. So much for “democracy”. Who picked the committee members?
The reach of medical boards in the US is nothing like the monopoly we have here in Australia with AHPRA:
There is legal pushback against the overreach of the boards, and only 8 doctors have been penalized. The situation in Australia is far more oppressive:
Politico reported Feb. 1 that medical boards have penalized eight physicians in one year for furthering COVID-19, vaccine and therapeutic misinformation.
The ABC fact-checked Clive Palmer, and brag that he’s wrong — it’s not 100 or 200 doctors that have been struck off but some number less than 61 which they won’t tell us.
Fact checkers at AAP examined that claim and found that since July 2019, 61 medical practitioners had been disqualified by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) for any reason — not just related to COVID-19 vaccination.
Naturally, other doctors have struck themselves off, seeing what was coming. And so have young candidates for medical school. How demoralizing for the whole profession to find they are nothing but robots performing for an unaudited committee.
Eight doctors struck off in the US is still eight doctors too many. But Australia has about 8% of the population of the US, so it’s “far ahead” in Communist Medicine. Damn.
The best resource to keep up with the legislation in so many US states is the Federation of State Medical Boards.
hat tip to Colin A.
Photo: The Statue of Liberty by Dominique James
Ivermectin: thuocdantoc
Great news!
At last, early therapeutics will be investigated!
The end of medical madness, though, is not near. Industry power overwhelms professional consciousness.
Why do I have to hear about this from Jo in Australia? Oh, right, it doesn’t fit our narrative for the MSM … so maybe some progress.
William ,
Forward the whole article to your MP © the PM.
I will certainly be doing just that!
“Why do I have to hear about this from Jo in Australia? Oh, right, it doesn’t fit our narrative for the MSM … so maybe some progress.”
As even The Australian, that bastion of Australian Conservatism, makes no mention of this awe-inspiring news, it maybe that the MSM puts a lot less importance on Ivermectin than you do.
Ivermectin is the catalyst here; the main issue is the power of Big Pharma to cow the medical/political establishment into banning a safe substance on the spurious grounds that it might impact vaccination rates. That our MSM ignores such a story is no surprise given that they – without exception – are part of the oppressive authoritarianism that now pervades Australia.
“That our MSM ignores such a story is no surprise given that they – without exception – are cv
Presumably then, you consider Morrison’s Conservative government also to be part of the oppressive authoritarianism that now pervades Australia.
“That our MSM ignores such a story is no surprise given that they – without exception – are part of the oppressive authoritarianism that now pervades Australia.”
Presumably then, you consider Morrison’s Conservative government also to be part of the oppressive authoritarianism that now pervades Australia.
Ian, Labor and the Greens are worse. Much, much worse.
Give the agitprop a rest for a day or two.
Ian. The Morrison govt decided that deaths, funerals, loss of income etc etc are so common in the vaxed that they would create a whole new platform/payment regime…….to somehow compensate the citizenry for what has been done to them by vax mandates etc= there is no further debate possible when it comes to the horrendous harm done by the gene jabs.
No-one has any idea why you still deny this. Evil is evil, and that’s all that needs be said or written.
BTW: Germany accepted long ago that their earlier actions against humanity were wrong, and paid compensation just like Scomo and co are doing to the Big Pharma victims today. Were Willy Brandt and Helmut Schmidt wrong to fess up? Never again!
That’s a widely held opinion here that even I, a defender, can’t wholeheartedly deny.
Where I differ is that I believe all pollies in Oz favour the nanny state, not just the liberals. Hanson a possible exception.
Fair go there!
Morrison had a bunch of cats to herd with the states in their “National Cabinet”.
It was the NSW Medical Council, not Morrison or his government, which suspended Dr Oosterhuis. And which should pay him compensation when the truth comes out.
“may be” may be more appropriate, meebe.
I engaged with Adam Creighton, journalist at the Australian early on in covid, and expressed my concerns about the completely idiotic policies related to covid, including Ivermectin. He initially replied and seemed keen to learn more. I would add that I put together, at the request of a QLD Senator, a review of the academic papers on Ivermectin and covid, a report that made it to Greg Hunts desk.
Greg Hunt saw and read the report, and at the same time had Professor Borody also advise him of the benefits of Ivermectin. His response a week later was to ban Ivermectin – an utterly unsupported and wrong reaction as I and Professor Borody had shown very clearly that Ivermectin works and could be of large benefit here.
Back to Adam Creighton. I relayed all of this to Adam and suddenly everything went dead and for over 6 months there was no further response or correspondence. I believe that Adam wanted to highlight the philistine attitude to Ivermectin, and also over issues raised by the other data and papers that I shared with him, but his Editor silenced him.
The so called bastion of conservatism had all the information, they got the report and other info besides but, just like Hunt, sat on it and denied many Australians a life saving treatment that would have had many of those who passed alive today. I personally used Ivermectin (prescribed by my doctor befoer the ridiculous bans came in) as has my wife and several other friends and our experience with covid was very short and without serious issues.
Its quite disgusting that our govt and press have colluded to deny a medication with clear proof of efficacy, which is more than I can say of the useless vaxxes, and people have died because of it.
Your Adam Creighton comments (and time-line) seem to tie in well with the sudden c19 pro-vax attitude that all Sky News Australia employees adopted.
Thank you for all of that p o b.
It was clear from the sudden change of policy at The Oz and The Daily Telegraph regarding publication of comments that a directive had come from somebody higher up to ignore Ivermectin. No doubt about it.
Did that directive come from News Ltd management? I’ll read Lachlan Murdoch’s recently published speech again, but don’t recall anything in it to suggest that it might have.
Did that directive come from Australian government?
Did that directive come from some privateer big enough to bluff News Ltd?
Minister Greg Hunt is departing the scene, or at least planning to. He should be called on to answer a few questions before he goes too far.
Greg Hunt stood against the Royal Commission into the BOM.
He has also stood against Ivermectin and has presided over reckless actions like AHPRA silencing doctors, vaxxing etc.
He is a dyed in the wool WEF supporter and has no allegiance at all to the people of this country.
Both ScoMo and Greg hunt are disciples of Klaus Schwab and the WEF.
have signed on to the” Trusted News Initiative,” which was initially formed to ensure the facts during the 2016 US elections. You remember, facts like Trump lying about being wire tapped by the FBI, and all that terrible Trump/Russia collusion? Well, during a world meeting in 2020 on Safety of Reporters in War Zones, there was a quiet little update to the TNI, which was to ensure that any Anti-Vaxxer message was to be killed, and with the happy (for the DNC) advent of covid, any early treatment of covid was seen to be anti-vax. Unless it was under patent and seriously expensive
, Sorry, should read “The MSM have signed on……
Jo, this is very good news. Some sanity might prevail after all.
If only that sanity could reach into China!
Surely the cure is worse than the disease!!
It seems to me that the CCP is doing its part towards the establishment of the NWO by using “zero Covid” as an excuse to shut down a major supply chain link.
Perhaps they will push their people too far and bring the roof down on the CCP.
The CCP may have bitten off more than they can chew with the extended lockdown in Shanghai … the people in Shanghai seem to hold allegiance to capitalism more than communism
Gosh, Their ABC really has it in for Clive Palmer given they have a whole page devoted to “fact” checking him.
I haven’t seen similar pages they have about Anthony Alba-sleazy, Adam Bandit or their heroes like Che Guevara.
Surely they are breaching their charter of impartiality, yet again?
If the ABC are “fact checking” him…
..he must be pretty much correct on basically everything he says.
“..he must be pretty much correct on basically everything he says.”
Yes. He is!! He is!! He is a veritable prophet!!!
Amidst your sarcasm you lost the chance to be amusing by saying “profit.” At least then your post might have had some merit.
“At least then your post might have had some merit.”
Very unlikely. !
So you can’t argue his points either.
OK !
Or do you need the faux-fact-check of the ABC to tell you what to think ?
“So you can’t argue his points either”
Why would I want to argue his points? And surely it is OK to be positive about Clive Palmer. Isn’t it? Or is that only allowed for those in his inner circle?
Or do you need the faux-fact-check of the ABC to tell you what to think ?
Why would I want to be told what to think by “their ABC”?
Yawn ! Backing out or doubling down? Your comments are so dissonant and pointless
Yes; they’re being Piled higher and Deeper which is sometimes the case with PhDs.
“Yawn ! Backing out or doubling down?” Neither.
“Your comments are so dissonant and pointless” Don’t read them then and especially don’t reply
Poor Ian. !
You can’t take being criticised for your inadequacies, can you.
“and especially don’t reply”
If you don’t want replies, why do you persist in writing pointless comments ?
Yes; they’re being Piled higher and Deeper which is sometimes the case with PhDs.”
I haven’t heard that for a while KK but it still makes me smile. Many PhDs, myself definitely included, frequently use it about themselves.
“You can’t take being criticised for your inadequacies, can you.”
I don’t mind criticism at all but I can seer my response could well give the impression that I do. I actually meant why waste your time on comments that you don’t like or disagree with. I should have been clearer in my response
see not seer I have no pretensions whatsoever of being able to forecast the future
You were the one who replied to me, with an empty incoherent comment.
Pay attention to what you are doing !!
Over the target….. more flak.
Forget Clive.
I heard him say on the video the other day that he would prefer to see the Greens in power rather than Labor.
I dont know about that but if you are referring to his press club comment….
that was said “tongue-in-cheek “. They were trying gotcha interview techniques and he said ” at leasr the Greens havent run up huge debts in this country” . I suggest you watch for yourself. Press club last Thursday.
You must have a vivid imagination.
The first thing I do when at the polling booth is to fill out the last three places Libl, Layba, then absolute last, Greens.
Then up to the top for the main choices and the long fill in to Libl.
I only hope that the counters process it correctly.
Just putting the coalition 1 reduces that possibility.
KK, best to vote below the line for the senate. There is a need to number 12 boxes. There is no need to select any communist (socialist), Greens or ALP. I suggest that senator Canavan (National) should be in first or second place. At the last senate election ON came in 4th. Many say a certain red head may again make 4th place. I suggest that Senator Stoker (3rd on LNP ticket) should be numbered in either 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. I personally care nothing of Senator McGarth (top listed Lib) and he will not be in my top 12 picks.
For me there is no point in voting above the line for the senate where it is necessary to number 6 boxes. That will result in some deadhead from a major party or the Greens getting elected.
Yes for lower house (green paper) put the Greens last, any socialist/climate scammers second last, and the ALP third last. You could put a true conservative independent near the top and above any Liberal wanker (eg Morrison, Zimmerman etc) but remember you need to number every box
The Greens may not have been in government, but they have frequently had the power to prevent the coalition from applying their policy.
And they were virtually in government with Gillard.
Our abc needs an australian orange man and he’ll do.
Our ABC? You must belong to a different “us”.
In Australia the ban on Ivermectin for covid treatment will be difficult to get out of because authorities would have to reverse their prior false claims that 1) it is “dangerous”, 2) it is “Just a horse dewormer”, 3) it is only advocated by “tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorists” or “conservatives” and 4) most serious of all, that it works.
I would think that proof that point 4) was true, would result in some very upset people and law suits about why loved ones were allowed to die, when there were options such as IVM and HCQ available, even before other treatments became available, and even before “vaccines” were released.
Correction. Point 4) above, it is obvious what I meant but it should read that it doesn’t work. I.e. the false claim by authorities is that it doesn’t work.
The vaccine isn’t so good either. It nearly killed me!
Nearly killed my wifes friend too. A fit healthy woman under 40 yrs old prior to second fizzer shot. Very serious immune system issues now. What was her risk from covid?
The mainstream are finally starting to question the heart issues with fit young sportsmen. Interestingly, one of the panelists Matthew Lloyd has been diagnosed with bells palsy. As has his mother in law and a former team mate. I’m sure its just a coincidence lol.
Further to this, I know someone in ambulance vic who has said ‘hospitals are filling with people with myocarditis/pericarditis, mainly younger males’.
My cousin a blackbelt, early 40s was rushed to hospital by ambulance day after 2nd fizzer shot, thinking he was having a heart attack. Dismissed by hospital as not related to the faux vaxx…Never had heart problems before – very fit individual.
Where is the MSM on all these ‘rare’ occurrences? Several professional soccer players in europe mysteriously dying from heart attacks and and even top players in the world having to retire (Sergio Aguero) with heart issues – but the media is silent. I can’t believe what is going on.
The Australian Government wouldn’t be paying for covid vaccine-related funeral expenses if the lethal occurrences were extremely rare….
Shane Warne???
It killed my friend’s sister due to cardiac arrest, an extremely fit medical doctor and swimmer with no history of heart problems, shortly after the second injection.
Dr Ryan Cole is seeing a 40% increase in endometrial cancer. My neighbour was diagnosed 3 weeks ago and has just died. Most aggressive ever seen by the oncologist.
This is very worrying if it was vax induced.
I think that is a twenty fold increase in endometrial cancer, and a 40% increase in certain other cancers Brenda. You can check that on his interviews on Rumble. I checked and that’s what I get.
Thanks, I stand corrected.
No way I can be sure but I think I had a bad reaction.
The 4th vAx or 2nd booster actually gave me Covid which then I passed onto my daughter and grandkids who had been double vaxed. A GP has told us that there should be 12 months been the 1st booster and the second, similar to flu vaxes. Calls for a second booster is an admission that the 1st does not work. I know two GPs who have caught Covid sometime after the first booster. NO booster is working and may give you Covid.
“In Australia the ban on Ivermectin for covid treatment will be difficult to get out of because authorities would have to reverse their prior false claims” I totally agree.
What we need now are some heroes to change the covid paradigm and the corrupt health boards. Getting caught hiding a life saving cheap cure for covid will and should have consequence. Ivermectin is a hidden miracle drug. It is interesting and pathetic that Ivermectin is the only drug that reverses triple negative breast cancer. Big Pharma does not want a cure for cancer and is currently doing everything possible to stop Ivermectin research.
We known Ivermectin works. What is needed are multiple state/countries where Ivermectin is used to prevent covid and to prevent serious covid cases to get the word out.d
The medical response to Covid was very strange. People were told to just go home and wait until it got worse.
No treatment offered, nothing.. not even basic anti-biotics to ward off secondary infections.
Pretty much a first, particularly when other countries seemed to be having good effects with basic safe drugs like IWM.
“Just wait while we rush in an untested, experimental pseudo-vaxxine.”
That is what made me very suspicious right from the start.
“No treatment offered, nothing.. not even basic antibiotics to ward off secondary infections. Pretty much a first, particularly when other countries seemed to be having good effects with basic safe drugs like IWM.”
What would cause these secondary infections that could be treated this way? Not viruses obviously as antibiotics are not effective against viruses.
Bacteria? Could be but what “basic antibiotics” do you suggest would be used to ward off a bacterial infection you haven’t yet got? Pretty difficult to see how that would work in practice. But possible with the use of broad spectrum antibiotics. However their use can bring and have brought, problems that are worse than the disease
Have you heard of antibiotic resistance?
It is when the overuse of antibiotics results in the development of strains of bacteria that are resistant to the antibiotics being used. It is a major problem that using your approach, would be dangerously exacerbated
Poor Ian has never heard of secondary infection, when the immune system is under stress. D’OH !
Come on Ian, What “medical help” were Covid patients offered, apart from “go home and isolate until you get too sick and end up in hospital” ?
Do you really think that is how a responsible doctor/health system should manage patients?
Exactly not how it should be done.
It is bizarre beyond belief that the first response of health authorities would be to prevent treatment.
Ian – prophylactic antibiotic use is common in medicine. In a disease of the lower respiratory tract such as this was initially you’d probably find that opinion is divided.
The point is that any attempt at medical intervention in early stages, was essentially banned by the TGA and similar groups around the world.. !
An “unprecedented” action.
Several protocol were issued by highly reputable established doctors, that were proven to help with Covid.
Those protocols all contained an antibiotic.
Why were these protocols not adopted ?
Doxycycline from memory. It also has anti viral properties.
“Could be but what “basic antibiotics” do you suggest would be used to ward off a bacterial infection you haven’t yet got? ”
Hospital started me on antibiotics while I waited for a operation a couple of weeks back, then continued them 10days afterwards. They figure prevention is better than cure.
When I bought my Ziverdo kits they contained Doxycycline, they are what Prof Borody recommended.
b.nice – This was not a medical response, it was a political one! As one the liberal democracies abandoned well thought out pandemic plans that are part of governments’ preparedness plans and adopted what to me is a plan to increase the extent and severity of a pandemic. No self-respecting, thoughtful doctor would have acquiesced to sending untreated patients home until they turn blue without a threat.
“No self-respecting, thoughtful doctor”
Not sure there are too many of those still around… “just following orders”, from a doctor… hmmm !!
Still have HCQ available. if ever needed, in the meantime continuing 2 year antiviral approach
Ivermectin- with a well proven safety record and demonstrated efficacy in treating a number of viral and other infections- has been subjected to a Covid-specific Emergency Use Disqualification so that novel vaccines of dubious efficacy and high risk of serious side effects could be approved for use under Emergency Use Authorisation rules.
The EUA still applies even now that the serious risk from SARS-CoV-2 appears transient while the risk from the past use of the mRNA and similar vaccines is becoming more serious.
Now studies are showing that, for the vaccines to provide a consistent and reasonable level of protection against infection and against virulent illness from currently circulating variants of SARS-CoV-2, boosters may need to be taken every 8 weeks.
Surely, it’s the vaccines which should now be disqualified- and not just for emergency use. The emerging problem is the vaccines.
So those eleven doses set aside for each of us will be gone within two years; cripes as Boris is wont to say.
In 2017:
‘Nature’ :
Published: 15 February 2017
Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
‘Over the past decade, the global scientific community have begun to recognize the unmatched value of an extraordinary drug, ivermectin, that originates from a single microbe unearthed from soil in Japan.
Today, (in 2017) ivermectin is continuing to surprise and excite scientists, offering more and more promise to help improve global public health by treating a diverse range of diseases, with its unexpected potential as an antibacterial, antiviral and anti-cancer agent being particularly extraordinary.
The future: new potential/new target diseases
Ivermectin is already deployed to treat a variety of infections and diseases, most of which primarily afflict the world’s poor.
But it is the new opportunities with respect to ivermectin usage, or re-purposing it to control a completely new range of diseases, that is generating interest and excitement in the scientific and global health research communities.
Neurological disease
Antiviral (e.g. HIV, dengue, encephalitis)
Antibacterial (tuberculosis and Buruli ulcer)
‘In March 2020, when the Covid-19 epidemic was already in full swing, another epidemic, of scabies, occurred in a nursing home in Seine-et-Marne, in France. To treat this parasitic disease, doctors have been prescribing for decades a well-known and effective drug: ivermectin (IVM). This is how Dr. Charlotte Bernigaud, dermatologist at the AP-HP Henri Mondor Hospital, treated all 121 residents (69) and employees (52) of the establishment.
The rest is less commonplace: in this retirement home where the average age of residents is 90 years, with 98% of people with a comorbidity at risk, the Covid-19 virus has done virtually no damage. Only 1.4% of the occupants (including staff) had the virus, with moderate symptoms (no oxygen or hospitalization) and no deaths were to be deplored.’
If my parents would have been in a retirement home in Victoria, I would have agreed on the use of Ivermectin.
It is a safe drug.
‘As of Tuesday 28 July, there were Covid-19 outbreaks in about 80 of Victoria’s approximately 400 private residential aged care facilities, with 764 active cases among aged care residents and staff. The infection ratio of staff to residents is about 50:50.
It took just over a fortnight for the infections to spread throughout the sector.
As a result, aged care providers are struggling to maintain staffing levels and basic standards of care, the Victorian government has said.’
In 2021
Twitter: 21 Augustus 2021
Ivermectin: ‘You are not a horse’: FDA tells Americans stop taking dewormer for Covid
This was kind of misleading on purpose….intendend to make fun of sometimes anxious people and discredit Ivermectin.
of course:
‘However, the FDA has received multiple reports of patients who have required medical attention, including hospitalization, after self-medicating with ivermectin intended for livestock’
multiple… I wonder how many…
Anyhow,this could have been prevented…
In 2021
‘JP’ :
August 2, 2021
Israeli scientist says COVID-19 could be treated for under $1/day
Ivermectin, a drug used to fight parasites in third-world countries, could help reduce the length of infection for people who contract coronavirus for less than a $1 a day, according to recent research by Sheba Medical Center in Tel Hashomer.
Over the years, it has been used for other indications, including scabies and head lice. Moreover, in the last decade, several clinical studies have started to show its antiviral activity against viruses ranging from HIV and the flu to Zika and West Nile.
“Our study shows first and foremost that ivermectin has antiviral activity,” Schwartz said. “It also shows that there is almost a 100% chance that a person will be noninfectious in four to six days, which could lead to shortening isolation time for these people. This could have a huge economic and social impact.”
The drug is also extremely economical. A study published in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Therapeutics showed that the cost of ivermectin for other treatments in Bangladesh is around $0.60 to $1.80 for a five-day course. It costs up to $10 a day in Israel, Schwartz said.
In contrast, Schwartz said he was very disappointed that the WHO did not support any trial to determine whether the drug could be viable.
Schwartz said he became interested in exploring ivermectin about a year ago, “when everyone was looking for a new drug” to treat COVID-19, and a lot of effort was being put into evaluating hydroxychloroquine, so he decided to join the effort.
“Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
Maybe because? :
– Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 mRNA vaccine:
‘Phase 2/3 efficacy schema – started 27 July, 2020’
– EUA: What is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)?
An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met,
including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.
What happened with this? Have Pfizer, Moderna, …, FDA… listened to this? Have the pieces of this puzzle been worked out? I really hope so. Is this truly a concern? or isn’t it anymore? :
8 December 2020
U.S. Food and Drug Administration Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee
RE: Notice of Meeting; Establishment of a Public Docket;
Request for Comments related to consideration of vaccines against SARS-CoV-2
UCLA Pediatric Rheumatology Los Angeles CA 90095
Dear Colleagues,
I am a pediatric specialist caring for children with the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). I am concerned about the possibility that the new vaccines aimed at creating immunity against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein (including the mRNA vaccines of Moderna and Pfizer) have the potential to cause microvascular injury to the brain, heart, liver, and kidneys in a way that is not currently being assessed in safety trials of these potential drugs.
The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine (BNT162b2) is composed of an mRNA that produces a membrane-anchored full-length spike protein.
The mouse studies suggest that an untruncated form of the S1 protein like this may cause a microvasculopathy in tissues that express much ACE2 receptor. A truncated form of S1 was much less damaging in mice. While there are pieces to this puzzle that have yet to be worked out, it appears that the viral spike protein that is the target of the major SARS-CoV-2 vaccines is also one of the key agents causing the damage to distant organs that may include the brain, heart, lung, and kidney.
Before any of these vaccines are approved for widespread use in humans, it is important to assess in vaccinated subjects the effects of vaccination on the heart (perhaps using cardiac MRI, as Puntmann et al. did).
Vaccinated patients could also be tested for distant tissue damage in deltoid area skin biopsies, as employed by Magro et al. As important as it is to quickly arrest the spread of the virus by immunizing the population, it would be vastly worse if hundreds of millions of people were to suffer long-lasting or even permanent damage to their brain or heart microvasculature as a result of failing to appreciate in the short-term an unintended effect of full-length spike protein-based vaccines on these other organs.
‘October 25, 2021 VIA ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION FDA-2021-N-1088 Members, Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Food and Drug Administration Re: Emergency Use’ Authorization for Pfizer/BioNTech’s COVID-19 Vaccine in Children Ages 5-11
‘Dear Sir or Madam,
On behalf of our clients, we are submitting two letters for your careful review prior to the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (“VRBPAC”) meeting scheduled for October 26, 2021, where VRBPAC will discuss granting emergency use authorization (“EUA”) for the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for use in children ages 5-11.
The list of “post-vaccination symptoms” that her mother has detailed and tracked in an effort to help her daughter is over 23 pages long (through only August 2021) and is heartbreaking to read. It tells the story of a 12-year-old girl’s life being drastically altered by worsening symptoms that, at times, had her saying she “couldn’t do this anymore” and that she “wanted to give up.”
Pfizer, on the other hand, reported this in its trial documents to the FDA as follows: “One participant experienced an SAE reported as generalized neuralgia, and also reported 3 concurrent nonserious AEs (abdominal pain, abscess, gastritis) and 1 concurrent SAE (constipation) within the same week. The participant was eventually diagnosed with functional abdominal pain. The event was reported as ongoing at the time of the cutoff date.”
The juxtaposition of Ms. de Garay’s careful and tragic recording of her child’s experience postvaccination and Pfizer’s description of same is shocking to the conscience.
To equate Maddie’s life-altering ailments that leave her unable to eat by mouth or to walk herself to the kitchen as “functional abdominal pain” is at best dishonest.
To regulators, it should be criminal. In fact, at least one doctor at the National Institutes of Health, Dr. Avindra Nath, is aware of Maddie’s experience. When learning of her post-vaccination adverse events, he replied to Mrs. de Garay,
“We have certainly heard of a lot of cases of neurological complications from [sic] the vaccine and will be glad to share our experience with them.’ …..
I don’t know how Maddie is for the moment. I hope the family has gotten help at least.
FDA: Janet Woodcock, Peter Marks CDC: Rochelle Walensky, Jay Butler, Daniel Jernigan
The White House May 24, 2021
To Whom It May Concern:
We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States).
We are pro-vaccine, pro-science and were excited for the opportunity to be vaccinated and to do our part in helping to end the pandemic. Our search for much needed medical care after suffering these vaccine injuries has been largely fruitless.
The majority of us have been dismissed by the medical community and have been told that the vaccine could not have caused these reactions. Doctors tell us over and over again that if this is happening, they would have been informed of these reactions by the FDA and drug companies.
After months of suffering alone without adequate medical care, answers or acknowledgement, a few of us have found each other online. Our numbers are growing more than we ever would have expected. The initial group membership consisted largely of physicians and other medical professionals.
As the vaccines have become available to the general public, our membership has swelled. We have searched far and wide for help from any medical or scientific research entity. We have consistently received the same message back…that this isn’t really happening.
We have reported our injuries to VAERS, the FDA, CDC and the vaccine manufacturers with very few of us receiving follow-up or even acknowledgement. This lack of acknowledgement has left us as further collateral damage from the pandemic.
We have all shared very similar adverse reactions to these vaccines. We were previously healthy individuals. Our reactions occurred within minutes to a few short days after receiving the vaccines. There is no doubt that the vaccines caused our reactions.
As mentioned above, none of us had any of these symptoms prior to receiving the COVID vaccines. In our search for medical care, various diagnoses including small fiber neuropathy, other types of neuropathy, dysautonomia and mast cell activation syndrome have been made.
So far, treatment is lacking and we are not receiving the care to improve our condition or cure us. These illnesses are not just impacting our lives as a mere annoyance. They are leaving the majority of us disabled and unable to return to our jobs as medical and other healthcare professionals, parents, teachers, scientists, etc.
We have been pulled away from every aspect of life to advocate for our own health.
Enduring now for weeks and months, we are tirelessly spending more time on our computers, looking for answers, having many days robbed away for appointments, tests, and pharmacy lines.
Not only have we been impacted physically, but mentally and financially as well. Most of us are unable to work or are on a reduced work schedule. This is continuing for us without any end in sight. WE NEED HELP.
The constant messaging that the vaccines are safe and with zero acknowledgement of these adverse neurological reactions has made it impossible for us to obtain medical treatment.
We are “collateral damage” in the effort to stop the pandemic. We are all honest, hard-working Americans who genuinely believed we were doing our part by getting this vaccine. We are suffering, we are alone, we have been silenced and brushed aside by our medical providers, many of whom are our own colleagues in the medical fields.
Time and time again, we are being sent home from ERs and hospital stays with no answers or guidance whatsoever.
“I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,” said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.’
I suppose there have been some changes now.
EMA (European Medicine Agency) November 2021
-Missing Information: Use in frail patients with co-morbidities (e.g. chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, chronic neurological disease, cardiovascular disorders)
Risk-benefit impact There is limited information on the safety of the vaccine in frail patients with co-morbidities who are potentially at higher risk of severe COVID-19.
– Missing Information: Use in patients with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders
Risk-benefit impact There is limited information on the safety of the vaccine in individuals with autoimmune or inflammatory disorders and a theoretical concern that the vaccine may exacerbate their underlying disease.
– Missing Information: Interaction with other vaccines
Risk-benefit impact COVID-19 mRNA vaccine will be used in individuals who also may receive other vaccines. Studies to determine if co-administration of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine with other vaccines may affect the efficacy or safety of either vaccine have not been performed. One protocol study (C4591030 – Co-administration study with seasonal influenza vaccine) is planned.
(‘is planned’… people are getting their flu vaccine now???)
-Missing Information: Long term safety data
Risk-benefit impact The long-term safety of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine is unknown at present,
however further safety data are being collected in ongoing Study C4591001 for up to 2 years following administration of dose 2 of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and 2 non-interventional studies (C4591036 and C4591038) are planned.
‘Frequent Boosters Spur Warning on Immune Response’ January 2022
‘European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune response and may not be feasible.
Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune response and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency.’
politicians, media, doctors etc : “The vaccines are safe” I really, really hope so!
“What happened with this? ”
Russia!!PUTIN!! Hate hate hate…
Petrol price up!! Hate Putin!
Food prices up! Hate Putin!!
Supermarket shelves empty.. Putin’s fault!!
Covid what? Putin’s fault!! Go hate Putin!!
Nothing at all will come of the deliberate mistakes the Govts made in Covid, it will be ignored and buried by the latest sparkly things. They’ll probably start WW3 if it looks as though people would rather talk about Covid treatment and vaccines rather than how horrible Putin is! If that doesn’t work they will release the aliens from Area 51 or something like that…
Some people who comment on this site (not contributors though) refer to ivermectin as just a horse de-wormer. Warfarin is often prescribed as a blood thinner. Using the same logic as the horse de-wormer reason for banning the use of ivermectin as treatment for COVID, warfarin should also be banned because it’s just a rat poison
Said as much to my doctor. He hesitated for a moment, then declared there is no comparison. I suggested he failed logic at uni.
Yes, but there is a legal reason to punish doctors for failing outright their job descriptions and thus allowing people to die unnecessarily. That’s called malpractice.
If you look closely enough,you’ll find that the AMA has a lot to do with that(along with the Federal government)They threatened doctors with disbarment and loss of license if they didn’t comply.Both my doctor and 2 specialists said when I asked why I couldn’t get Invermectin or HCQ that they were not allowed to supply it and or it was above their pay grade.
Off-label prescribing has always been an accepted part of medical practice.
This is from the US FDA:
And this is from Australia’s Thugs and Goons Administration. They specifically refer to covid-19 treatments on this page but in contradiction of their own statements, make no mention of their ban on HCQ or IVM for covid treatment or prophylaxis.
In my total Democrat American city, the entire spectrum of illicit drugs are distributed by unsanctioned entrepreneurs without much impedance from controlling authorities.
Curious the drugs that authorities expend great effort to control.
Curious what the mods mod.
Don’t mention the war. I mentioned it once but I think I got away with it.
Yes, in the US the more Democrat a city is the easier it is to get illicit drugs and the harder it is to get legitimate drugs. It is the opposite in Republican cities.
In Australia, in the state of Victoria, lead by the Marxist control-freak Daniel Andrews, they even have government-provided “injecting rooms” for illicit drug addicts.
Needless to say, both HCQ and IVM for covid treatment have been banned in all states in Australia although I believe the HCQ ban has been removed in the state of Queensland (reference below).,-dispensing-or-supply-of-hydroxychloroquine-direction
Robert F Kennedy Jr’s book ‘The Real Anthony Fauci’ has a detailed,painstakingly documented, timeline on how the pharma cartel systematically suppressed ivermectin, hcq and and other successful early treatments. Kennedy also demonstrates that not only were vaccines aggressively promoted as the only way out of the pandemic — the campaign (led by Fauci) followed a script that had been used for decades. This includes epistemological warfare, such as studies that set a high bar for off-patent drugs or natural remedies; much looser standards for expensive patented vaccines/drugs.
I think it was Jo who published on this very website how to design a trial to fail.
Indeed. If you click the “Ivermectin” tag in the grey bar at the bottom of the post, it should turn up in recent postings.
Eg: How to design a study to fail, and create bad PR for Ivermectin: Plus a lesson in white lies from the Wall Street Journal
The two huge failures of government – energy and covid policies – remain uncorrected and stand as testimony to the flawed nature of democracy. The moves by states in the US to right one aspect is most welcome, but should have happened much sooner both here and there.
It is often said that politics is the art of the possible, but in this era it has become the art of pushing unreality.
One might argue that there are more than two
“So You’d Like A Functional Nation?”
On reflection – if that was a vintage car for restoration you’d need a good supply of cans of courage
Love questions like this-
“How in the Hell did Nancy Pelosi manage to acquire $120 million on a Congressional salary of just $220,000 while living in and maintaining at least one residence in two of the highest-cost areas of the United States? How did Mitch McConnell acquire $35 million on a Senator’s salary while also maintaining a place to live in that very-same high-cost DC area? How is it that Fauci can “recommend” (and basically force) various medical things on the American public and get paid royalties on that which he “recommends” or even manages to get mandated?
All of these people and more acquired that money the same way Zelinsky managed to amass over a billion dollars in four years as President of Ukraine. Oh, to be sure the exact mechanisms differ from here to there and from person to person but the essential character of the means of acquiring said wealth are the same.”
Corruption as far as the eye can see. Don’t tell me Aussie is any different!
We know how Mitch got his millions: Mitch McConnell’s rich connection with China
If ivermectin did not work – there would be no opposition to it.
Yup, like CRT.
Why would those that claim the presence of CRT in school curriculums is a right wing myth, be so upset about proposed rules to exclude it from school curriculums?
Can’t tell if the Left are brilliant manipulators, or just whacked.
Likely the brilliant manipulating the whacked.
I used to own a 36″ CRT TV.. great picture !
Geez, mine still is … picture not so great.
36 eh, that’s big, you must have lots of girlfriends.
Oh cr@p, making assumptions that are illegal in the EU … friends, you must have lots of ‘friends’.
“36 eh, that’s big”
When I moved house several years ago, the removalists were complaining about much it weighed !
They could barely lift it, even with lifting straps.
I now have a 65″ LED Tv 🙂
Part of the problem is that the plague is nearly over, the virus has mutated to a less harmful form, and so there won’t be the demand for life-saving treatments such as HCQ and IVM (administered according to published protocols).
As few people are now dying from covid, there may not be many lives to save with these treatments and there might not be a connection made with the unnecessary previous deaths where these treatments were denied.
As I have previously said and quoted a reference for, Japanese Encephalitis is already in Australia and is regarded as untreatable but IVM has been shown to be effective against that in vitro.
Will IVM be allowed to be used against that?
The fact that this is happening demonstrates that state rights still matter in the US.
I am not sure who first wrote this:
FOIA Request Unearths that Pfizer Planned to Hire 1,800 Employees to Deal with Reporting on Adverse Effects from COVID Vaccine
Pfizer hired 600 employees with a plan to hire a total of 1,800 employees when side effects from its COVID vaccine started showing up. The employees were hired to address the flood in adverse effects reporting.
Zerohedge shared a report Authored by Zachary Stieber via The Epoch Times:
In Australia, we have state health departments criminalising prescription of ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine; the TGA doing likewise; AHPRA only need to have the threat of deregistration hanging over doctors’ heads like a Damocles sword to minimise dissent. In addition, Australian doctors are unable to work without being jabbed twice or thrice. My sceptical colleagues either keep their opinions to themselves or have taken early retirement.
How do you think AHPRA and Florence Nightingale would have got on?
AHPRA would have burned her at the stake.
Or Fleming’s discovery of penicillin, or pretty well every other medical advance.
They are a triumph of bureaucratic groupthink over ingenuity.
IMO – if people hadn’t kicked over the traces of the medical orthodoxy of the time medicine wouldn’t have got to leaches yet
Whenever a politician, bureaucrat, member of the “medical” establishment or Leftist laughed at or mocked Ivermectin as “only a horse dewormer” it’s as though they placed a tattoo on their forehead saying “I’m an ignorant fool”.
This fellow had the right idea:
Putting big bad pharma back on trial in the COVID-19 era
After graduating from Columbia University with a chemical engineering degree, my grandfather went on to work for Pfizer for almost two decades, culminating his career as the company’s Global Director of New Products. I was rather proud of this fact growing up — it felt as if this father figure, who raised me for several years during my childhood, had somehow played a role in saving lives. But in recent years, my perspective on Pfizer — and other companies in its class — has shifted. Blame it on the insidious big pharma corruption laid bare by whistleblowers in recent years. Blame it on the endless string of big pharma lawsuits revealing fraud, deception, and cover-ups. Blame it on the fact that I witnessed some of their most profitable drugs ruin the lives of those I love most. All I know is, that pride I once felt has been overshadowed by a sticky skepticism I just can’t seem to shake.
– ALEC’s Off-the-Record Sway
– Big Pharma Funding Research
– Big Pharma Influence On Doctors
– Big Pharma Lawsuits, Scandals, and Cover-Ups
– Backing the Big Four: Big Pharma and the FDA, WHO, NIH, CDC
– Operation Warp Speed
– The Hypocrisy of “Misinformation”
Fauci, President Biden, and the CDC’s Rochelle Walensky all promised us with total confidence the vaccine would prevent us from getting or spreading COVID, something we now know is a myth. (In fact, the CDC recently had to change its very definition of “vaccine ” to promise “protection” from a disease rather than “immunity” — an important distinction). At one point, the New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) and former Governor Andrew Cuomo prepared a social media campaign with misleading messaging that the vaccine was “approved by the FDA” and “went through the same rigorous approval process that all vaccines go through,” when in reality the FDA only authorized the vaccines under an EUA, and the vaccines were still undergoing clinical trials.
The Left are masters at historical revisionism.
Rational thinkers must NOT let any of them get away with saying they “were never against it” (IVM, HCQ) or “they were following best available advice” (they weren’t) or “they were just following instructions” (never an excuse).
For years people have been spun junk science and beliefs
Ivermectin may indeed be a treatment for a bacterial condition but not a claimed viral ailment
To keep this post short and sweet, there is and has only ever been 1 single treatment for pathogens and parasites and that’s Iodine
Iodine is 100% harmless to you biome but totally lethal to pathogens.
This substance was all the rage 120 years ago making life and profits difficult for big pharma
Not only is iodine lethal to pathogens and parasites , it’s also a fantatic tonic for wellness. I urge all readers to explore this mineral which was smeared and soiled by Big Inc so they can profit from their useless products
Iodine treats fungus, warts, infections (all!!) and 100’s of other conditions. Begin with Dr Mark Sircus and expand from there.
[Suggested reading about anti viral properties of IVM – LVA]
i fully support the freedom to purchase these treatments being legislated in these states.
And in Australia, and everywhere else.. right, Peter.
Not clear Peter. Do you fully support the freedom to purchase or these treatments being legislated in these states.
Your posting history suggests a deliberate each way understanding.
Hanrahan, yes, fully support.
the treatments should be available for all
Tell Scot Morrison. We are in an election mode. His should be front and centre in the campaign. Note the ALP states made this non issue a huge problem. The Lib states were forced by MSM ignorance to do something. If Scot addresses this strongly and people see they should not have suffered crazy lockdowns or vaccine mandates ALP will get smashed.
Clive Palmer will promote this news.
I hate to tell you this but ScoMo is just as bad as the states and it’s all tied up with Klaus Schwab,the WeF and WHO.
If I didn’t know better I would think this”Plandemic”was,well…. planned.(Umm,hang on it WAS planned)
We’ve been hoodwinked by our betters(sic)
My mental health really needed to here this, thanks Jo.
Hear hear
Hear hear indeed. What was I thinking?
Maybe we’ll even get farm animal products with IVM back on the market?
If any politician wants to pick up the votes of ten percent of the adult population who are unvaxxed, they could abandon the unique and totalitarian Australian Government requirement for “exit visas” for such people.
I mean exit visas the unvaxxed have no possibility of getting outside of extremely limited exemptions.
How about this then? Hydroxychloroquine is back in Queensland!,-dispensing-or-supply-of-hydroxychloroquine-direction
I posted that above. I keep thinking what is the “angle” on this because it is so hard to believe that they’ve done something sensible.
A bunch of multiply injected US Dumb-o-crats have covid but not so many Republicans who probably have had fewer jabs.
NYC Mayor Adams
Nancy Pelosi
NJ Governor Phil Murphy
D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser
Sen. Susan Collins
Sen. Raphael Warnock
Jen Psaki
What’s going on?
I think the fact that there is an election in the offing and Fauci has started pushing for more ‘booster’ jabs means that the dims have to try and find a way of getting the ‘cheat by mail’ ball rolling again even if it means more fake positive tests.
The COVID response should have always been a multidiscipilinary approach. It’s always the best way to approach disease control in any sector. Australia (and the world) could have waited until relatively safer and more efficacious vaccines had been developed. Those early anti-virals could have been used judiciously by our GP’s and hospital doctors. Imagine back in January 2021 as the vaccine program was being rolled out in Australia. If the health authorities had said ” We’ve got these vaccines that have been hurriedly developed and one type has tech in them not fully long term tested. So, we could describe them as not being fully safe and only partially effective”. Because, that is where our understanding is right now, regarding the mRNA and viral vector vaccines mostly used. There’s a marketing slogan that would never work!! I doubt the % vax rates would have 95 % if the the truth had been told way back in early 2021. Was the truth know back then – I think so. The vaccine developers knew they were ” leaky” vaccines. When those breakthrough cases started appearing early on, there was no surprise.
Success with Ivermectin – Case report
Often the first symptom of Covid infection is a sore throat, described as like razor blades at the back of the throat.
Yesterday I attended a wedding and then had a few drinks of wine after coming home.
I awoke at 5 am with a sore throat and thought; This is It!
I got up and took an Ivermectin tablet (12mg), had a gargle with Betadine 0.5% and took a few squirts of Flo Travel nasal spray,then went back to bed.
When I next awoke at 8 am the sore throat was gone.
Pays to prepare. Well done.
It would be interesting to see what a rapid antigen test showed.
Next door neighbour, double or triple vaxxed (not sure which) had what was essentially a bad cold.
Four RAT tests came back negative for Covid, then doctor sent her to get a PCR test.. which came back positive.
What does that say about RAT tests !
RAT tests only pick up around 75% of cases with symptoms, but only 60% of asymptomatic or less. It varies from 40 – 80%.
RAT tests are useful for reducing mass spread, but miss far too many cases for the early days of a pandemic in a Zero Covid type of situation.
She definitely had symptoms, but had gone to work because of the negative RAT tests.
If she had not done the tests, she would have stayed home.
Seems an ineffective test could actually cause more spread?
“A little knowledge is a dangerous thing”
after having symptoms my wife and daughter had three negative RAT tests over three days then going for a PCR test my wife had a positive result but my daughter who had the exact same symptoms over the same period, “a bad head cold” had a negative result
Greg Hunt laughed at the suggestion of the use of RAT tests before the “emergency” was taken away from the PCR tests making them not a test anymore last December
they are only tests because you say they are LOL
yes. I have just done it. Result negative.
Not unexpected. I have heard plenty of stories about the RAT test becoming positive on day 2 of the illness.
I my case I was over it in a matter of hours.
Sometimes when I feel I have been exposed to a covid carrier or feel possible symptoms, I have taken double my usual dose of quercetin with bromelain plus zinc and, in addition, ivermectin, custom compounded as a 12mg dose and prescribed before it was banned.
The Australian Government even does not recommend the non-prescription supplement zinc as not safe!
“The Clinical Evidence Taskforce does not recommend the use of ivermectin, doxycycline or zinc outside of properly conducted clinical trials with appropriate ethical approval.”..
But is quite happy to recommend RNA gene treatment injections after mysteriously shortened in-house trials that were never completed!
What fking crap these people get away with!
The only thing that I will vote for when it comes to medicines ,big pharma, is when all wealthy countries buy out all pharmaceutical companies and run it not for profit so every human on this planet can have access to cheap lifesaving medicines. But all we have is the corrupted UN, IPCC. Those 2 are more concerned about renewables than free medicines for the poor.
Right on target there!
Governments, and I use that term with some reservation, have privatised just about everything: electricity, health, building certification and whatever.
It was done for a reason, and it wasn’t an improvement of the service, it was money for friends.
How can Australia consider itself to be a democracy when it is run by the UNIPCCC, the WHO, WallStreet et al and the current political puppets installed by those organisations.
As one bloke said to a visitor to the outback, that’s a?
Roo Ted.
Actually the federal government has taken ever increasing control of these functions. Medicare sets the price of every medical procedure – hardly free enterprise at play. The federal governments set the mechanism for the amount of money electricity consumers pay to intermittent generators. Federal government has increasing control on building requirements through the Building Code of Australia.
These heavy handed controls are hardly the essence of free enterprise.
States corporatised electricity in the early 1990s. Prices fell for an entire decade before Howard introduced the RET. Rudd then increased the RET and Gillard introduced a carbon tax. This is when electricity prices started to take off.
Governments have infiltrated every aspect of life in Australia. They pay huge sums to administrators to make life difficult for everyone else. Australia would do well to eliminate Canberra.
Lang Hancock’s application for two atomic bombs to assist with mining was rejected in case he used one on Canberra.
“Australia would do well to eliminate Canberra.”
Absolutely! Canberra should only be allowed to talk to Govts overseas, not make laws, and shouldn’t be allowed to collect taxes. They should go cap-in-hand to the States for the money to run Canberra as a representative of Australia for international matters.
That way we only have city councils and then a state govt to prop up, a shorter chain of corruption and fewer bums to support. It was a disastrous decision made by those in charge of Federation who thought THEY would all be in charge and making ten times as much money!
“Lang Hancock’s application for two atomic bombs to assist with mining was rejected in case he used one on Canberra.”
Love it! Mind you, I wouldn’t want to live anywhere near a Five-Eyes spy base these days, or in Darwin… and I’m sure the Russians can spare another for Canberra just as a lesson.
Off topic but is climate related.
Can anyone here connect to the GRDC web application for freshwater fluxes:
here is a tiktok showing channel nine reporting early on that a cure for covid 19 had been found in a head lice treatment, “Ivermectin”
Qld Health has revoked the ban on HCQ. I posted on that a week ago but at the end of a stale thread,
I posted before as well but it is so difficult to believe they did something sensible, I wonder what the angle is? I mean, it is clear what it says, it’s just so difficult to believe it could be true.
In Washington State: House Bill 2065 was introduced by Republican Vicki Kraft and then sent to the Health Care & Wellness committee, chaired by a Democrat, Eileen Cody.
By law the legislative session began January 10th and ended on March 10th. Kiss this bill goodbye.
A major accomplishment for the Democrat controlled Left coast State was the enactment of Pickleball as the official state sport.
Video: Ezra Levant of Rebel News Canada talks about the outrageous expenditure on business class air travel and luxury hotels of Canadian bureaucrats and also Canadian Government expenditure on propaganda during the time when the “deplorables” were locked up.
Video is 7 mins.
Australia’s future under Dictator Dan and Albasleezy
Ongoing COVID Dystopian Madness in Shanghai Now Endangering US Marines at Consulate
I reported the other day about the horrific situation unfolding in Shanghai, and the Chinese government’s insane desire to get to zero-COVID with severe lockdowns — not allowing anyone out of their homes. Many people are desperate for food, medicine, and medical attention. Children are being separated from their parents if they or the parents catch the virus. People who get sick are being taken off to quarantine camps. The elderly and the sick are dying because some can’t get medical care in the hospitals. People are even rioting because they’re reaching their breaking point with what the government has been doing.
If you wanted to see the dystopian nightmare of what lockdowns result in, Shanghai is there right now. In the videos below, people can be heard screaming out their windows after a week of lockdown, with the sense that something terrible was going to happen because “no one knows when this is going to end.”
“Please comply w covid restrictions. Control your soul’s desire for freedom. Do not open the window or sing,” the drones command.
The robot dogs are out during the day as well, to reinforce the lockdown. This is truly “through the looking-glass” stuff.
But those robot dogs might be the only dogs you’d see, because it’s not a good time for dogs and cats if the owners come down with COVID. The government is reportedly euthanizing them. That’s another thing infuriating the people.
There’s a lot of madness there, but some of it is also endangering U.S Marines at the U.S. Consulate. A Consulate employee had to put out word on WeChat, asking if anyone could spare food for seven of the Marines.
Population reduction… Mao would be proud! So would Ghengis !
My somewhat limited thoughts are, if the ROW is content with “living with covid”, well the omicron version anyway, why is China so obsessed with shutting down Shanghai? I assume they are dealing with the omicron variant and not some other nasty derivative..?
“‘What we are dealing with here is a biological warfare work that was conducted at the bio-warfare laboratories set up by the USA on the west coast of Africa. And if you look at a map produced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) you can see where these laboratories are located. And they are across the heart of the Ebola epidemic, at the west coast of Africa. So, I think these laboratories, one or more of them, are the origins of the Ebola epidemic. They did the same in Nicaragua and Cuba,’ Professor Francis A. Boyle revealed.
He went on: ‘I have absolute proof from a Pentagon document that the Centers for Disease Control were doing bio-warfare work for the Pentagon in Sierra Leone, the heart of the outbreak, as early as 1988. And indeed it was probably before then because they would have had to construct the lab and that would have taken some time. So we know that Fort Detrick and the Centers for Disease Control are over there, Tulane University, which is a well-known bio-warfare center here in USA—I would say notorious for it—is there. They all have been over there.
‘In addition, the US government made sure that Liberia, a former colony of the USA, never became a party to the Biological Weapons Convention, so they were able to do bio-warfare work over there — going back to 1980s — the USA government, in order to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention. Likewise, Guinea, the third state affected here — and there is an increase now — didn’t even sign the Biological Weapons Convention. So, it seems to me that the different agencies of the US government have always been there to try to circumvent the Biological Weapons Convention and engage in bio-warfare work. Indeed, we had one of these two lab bio-warriors admit in the New York Times that they were not over there for the purpose of either screening or treating people. That’s not what these labs are about. These labs are there in my opinion to do bio-warfare work for different agencies of the US government. Indeed, many of them were set up by USAID. And everyone knows that USAID is penetrated all up and down by the CIA and the CIA has been involved in bio-warfare work as well.’”
Well, anyone surprised??
Obfuscation, another big word above my pay grade.
Are policies that hinder treatments, or those policies that ‘mandate’ treatments that harm, counted as iatrogenic?
(There, I used it in a sentence. How’d I do?)
The point is not Ivermectin, but that the states retain the possibility of independent action. In the now-usual case under the Democrats, should some of these states actually legislate, either a Federal District court will enjoin the behavior, or a regulatory agency will rule against; in both cases setting up a constitutional question. As our Supreme Court hears a tiny fraction of such cases, in most federal overreach is permitted to stand.
We need a governor to assert (and a medical case might be a good start) that the health and safety of his of her constituents requires state action under the state constitution, and, absent specific legislation, the federal government can go pound sand; followed by the High Court reaffirming the constitutional primacy of the states in all areas not specifically delegated to the swamp.
This would be a very good thing.
Why aren’t you reporting that as of 07/04/22, the QLD CHO has OK’ed GP’s to prescribe Hydroxychloroquine for C19 use? Early with Zinc is just as good as Ivermectin. Craig Kelly in his Telegram account last week, linked to this QLD Health site.,-dispensing-or-supply-of-hydroxychloroquine-direction
[Caught in the spam filter. Sorry! – Jo]
Mainly because we are still trying to make sense of it. Why?