A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Good Morning All.
Thanks GA.
We have had astonishing numbers of cabbage white butterflies lately, like a snowstorm! Just the thing when I finally managed to vrow some red cabbages 🙁
Do you find throwing red cabbages at the cabbage whites effective?
Have you tried growing Land Cress?
If you’re tired of hungry little caterpillars eating through your brassica plants faster than you can harvest them you’ll love Land Cress!
The University of Queensland has found Barbarea (Land Cress) to be a great companion herb to help control Cabbage Moth Caterpillars. Cabbage Moths find Landcress more attractive than cabbage or any other brassica plants and choose to lay their eggs in it’s foliage. When the caterpillars hatch they eat the leaves of the Landcress and die, breaking the moth’s lifecycle.
Thanks for that useful tip Graeme , You wouldn’t happen know if Eden Seeds sells these seeds?
Yes they do. Also a multitude of others including (surprisingly) Kogan and Bunnings – presumably the Mr. Fothergill’s brand.
you can eat it or feed it to the chooks/rabbits/guinea pigs etc. Don’t overdo it but use it like watercress.
The way it is supposed to work is to attract the white moths to lay their eggs on the leaves and the worm stage eats the leaves and is ‘poisoned’ and doesn’t breed a new generation.
I cannot say if this is true but I grew it for 2-3 years (in raised beds mostly under cover of other leafy types) and there were less white moths flying around. Incidentally the “white moth on a stick” supposed to scare them off (as they are supposed to be territorial) is a waste of money.
I made white plastic butterfly cutouts to put around the brassicas in England. They were supposed to discourage the real ones. Ha ha! They didn’t work.
Years ago we lived in Hampshire, near a watercress farm. They used to ship masses of the stuff around England. There were streams locally where we found it growing naturally. Watercress is delicious in bread and butter.
It is easy to root pieces if it in a jar of water.
That’s interesting G No.3.
I used to grow landcress but it started to go out of control, like a weed, so I worked to get rid of it. I now have a small pot of watercress and that has been attacked by something lately. Will check to see if there are any sad caterpillars.
A couple of days ago there was a beautiful butterfly around, a type of swallowtail. It was on a small dahlia. We also have lots of very small blue butterflies hovering around what passes for lawn at our place.
Seems to be an increase in butterfly numbers in a few places.
Reports from QLD, Vic, and Canterbury NZ.
Those links are interesting Strop. The caper whites are very pretty, seen occasionally here. Cabbage whites are a nuisance, we used to do battle with them in England. We have seen great masses of brown butterflies here one year.
My absolutely favourite butterfly is the Peacock in England; they are very photogenic too!
What is wrong with you people. Br grateful for the extra protein provided by the grubs.
Those butterflies will be born in New Zealand, ready to migrate to Australia. Any reports of a plague at Bondi? Geoff S
Plenty of those white ones in northeast Victoriastan Annie and yes at times it’s like a snow storm sometimes .
Temperature trends from the longest recorded series of monthly observations in existence. Central England, beginning January 1659.
From Friends of Science
Interesting. Several period when warming trend was similar to 1980-1997 period
Absolutely zero indication of CO2 warming.
CET is fairly stable urban-wise, so not much indication of UHI effects either.
To be precise, 1585 was the last time perihelion occurred before the austral summer solstice. Since then the northern land masses have been getting more sunlight. Specifically, the boreal summers more but boreal winters less however more averaged over all months.
As the orbital precession moves perihelion closer to the boreal summer solstice, snow will again accumulate on northern land masses. Warm dry summers followed by very cold winters with increasing snow fall.
The chart displays that long-term upward trend with plenty of decadal variability – some caused by orbital wobbles but mostly due to solar variation that is more than the decadal orbital wobbles. However long term the orbit dominates. On millennial scale, precession dominates Earth’s climate. We are currently 400 years into the present cycle of glaciation – essentially just past the driest boreal winters. The snow has only just started.
Not much change will occur this millennium but in 2000 years from now, the northern land masses will get 100,000.000,000 tonne more precipitation than now with most increase during the boreal winter. In 5,000 years it will be 1,000,000,000,000 tonne more than now. It peaks in 9.000 years at 1,800,000,000,000 tonnes more than now.
The orbital changes are now observable in these long records. The ocean expansion due to heat retention is a good indicator for the net water cycle from ocean to freshwater runoff from land. It is still declining so oceans are retaining more heat but the decline will reverse in the next 1,000 years.
The CET graph shows a warm spike, but on the ground it was a different matter, the winter of 1740 was ‘the most severe and protracted winter in 350 years of weather records.’
The graph is depicting a rate of change based on annual average temperature. It’s not going to precisely align with any particular cold season. Although it does show that around 1740 the cooling rate of change is significant.
The Central England temperature chart does show 1740 to be the coldest winter. (chart of each season) The recorded temps do match the ‘on the ground’ observation.×470.png
My bad, CET does show a sharp drop around 1740.
By my calculations, 1740 had the highest global land net precipitation in the last 400 years; 48Gt more than 2020, which is the lowest I have found so far since 1600.
2030 will have 22Gt more than 2020. There is a gradual decline to the end of the century but 2100 is still 13Gt more than 2020.
1000 years ago there was 136Gt more than 2020. The lowest occurs some time in the next 2000 years with year 3000 having 10Gt less than 2020 but then it turns around and is up by 98Gt by the year 4000.
Net precipitin over land is the consequence of ocean evaporation and difference between solar input to oceans relative to land. Oceans are always warmer than land over an annual cycle so net land precipitation is good indicator of land temperature. Also the higher the net evaporation from oceans, the cooler the oceans because more heat is being transferred to be released over land and the increased upwelling cools the oceans.
Earth has not yet bottomed in terms of net evaporation of oceans but 2020 was a standout low, meaning warm land, due solely to orbital mechanics. 2025 will have 12Gt more precipitation than 2020.
I am looking for long term climate trends not the decadal changes that occur due to solar changes in output and ocean oscillations.
I’ve read a lot of good things about climate but this is the first analysis of this kind. I know about precession, eccentricity and obliquity but only in the most general sense..
A new area to dig into. Fascinating. Thanks.
Man Who Hasn’t Attended Live Meeting In Two Years Loses All Ability To Mask Facial Expressions When Idiots Are Speaking
February 1st, 2022 –
Fell out of chair.
NASA says to the BOM … “Anything you can do, we can do better”.
From Friends of Science.
If measurements do not agree with models, the measurements are wrong. We now live in the age of the metaverse where make-believe trumps all else.
I fear Trump was the last unwoke soul to point out the obvious – the emperor has no clothes or CO2 induced climate change is just ridiculous.
Children are no longer educated to be independent thinkers. They are indoctrinated into the world of make-believe where woke rules. It started when my kids were in school with football cards and fashion labels like Reebok. The modern woke symbol is a Tesla or, better still, a Bored Ape Yacht Club NFT.
Ah, so you have kids, someone to pass the knowledge you have accumulated about the Earth onto!
I have a terrible feeling we are, as a race, continually re-inventing the wheel as some genius realises what does what, like the sun drives the climate, only to have that knowledge not become mainstream and it sinks within decades. A few hundred years later someone works the same thing out and spends a lifetime refining it again, and if it doesn’t catch on then once again it is gone.
Currently people who do long-range weather like Ken Ring & Kevin Long must be accumulating a lot of valuable knowledge, which I hope will be continued.
My single, 30-ish, high-powered-career daughter has just said “No, she’s not having children, couldn’t give a shit about the climate as she can’t alter it, and has better things to spend her fucks on”
Which, as far as I can see, sums up the following generation!
So how do they get away with altering reality?
It becomes a crime against humanity to be unwoke. Whatever is the fashion of the day is “in” with the crowd and everyone needs to conform to the woke beliefs.
People think electric power comes from a wall socket.
People think global oceans can be warmed by radiant heat applied at the surface.
People think there is a “greenhouse effect” that actually influences Earth’s energy balance.
People think that climate scientists have a clue.
Different people believe in different gods and that is woke. [Since when has religion been woke?]AD
But it is UNWOKE to challenge the unscientific drivel that comes out of climate models.
NASA now writes the laws of physics. Anything is possible in this woke world. Climate models can create matter out nothing. Climate models show open ocean surfaces getting warmer than 30C. These unphysical constructs are all possible when you live in an unreal world where the laws of physics are what you deem them to be.
Accountability has never been high on Government priorities. Come to think of it, it’s never even been low on Government priorities.
I have been watching the battle between Wuhan Flu Delta and Omicron. Oceania/Australia are currently at 82% Omicron and North America at 90%. Keeping Delta at bay for another few weeks will make allow everyone to normal quickly without releasing Delta as everyone is innoculated with a virus which will give immunity and more importantly starve the far more deadly Delta straing out of existence.
As a note, you can select and deselect the variants and the countries on the graphs.
Except it is now known that omicron does not give immunity and that, so far, there are people who have been infected two or three times by omicron. NSW Health says it gives immunity for 28 days. OK, NSW Health is not exactly trusted by all, but that is what they are on record as announcing. Omicron is not mild for all people, just like WuFlu and Delta were not mild for all people. Omicron can result in Long Covid, just like the others can.
citation needed
And you believe to understand it ?? 😀 😀
That’s what they tried to tell us here in Germany too, multiple infections, but, in a second article they had to admit not to know, if the earlier infection, the second infection were Omicron or not. These people like to guess in the desired direction not to open to early and to go to be vaxxed. That’s all.
That’s btw. the reason they reduced the status “recovered” from 6 to 3 month, while other countries like Switzerland f.e. increased from 6 to 12 month. That isn’t science, it’s BS
Dr Ryan Cole on ‘The Epoch Times Interviews’ stated “Omicron is not related to the Alpha strain in anyway, it is a completely different virus “. So it’s reasonable to assume that it cannot provide any immunity for the Alpha or Delta variants and the vaccines produced for the Alpha variant are obsolete . Pfizer will have its NEW vaccine for Omicron ready and available in March ……who would have guessed that. !
It is not reasonable to assume that.
The data proves totally that the pseudo-vaccines have very little effect stopping Omicron
I know of one very self-important Canadian who has been jabbed 3 times, and still caught Covid.
Effectiveness against Omicron.. basically zero!
Omicron has 45 point mutations not found on the B.1.1 lineage and none of the mutations that occurred in the subsequent B.1.1 strains.
The implication is that Omicron diverged from a B.1.1 precursor some time before the beginning of the pandemic- between 3 and 4 years ago assuming the same point mutation rates for the two lineages from the common precursor.
Yes, interesting isn’t it. Plotting the divergence of different strains puts the emergence of Covid 19 back well before Christmas 2019. There have been a few papers touch on this.
Enough to make you wonder where Omicron has been hiding all these years, how it become so much more infectious to humans over that time, and how it acquired those adaptions to infect mice.
This is total balderdash. All the analyses point to this divergence falling well within mutation rates.
Only if you accept that the Omicron mutation rate is much faster than the other SARS-CoV2 variants and any other infectious respiratory virus. A competent analyst would assume that the mutation rates would be comparable.
The rate has been measured; it is an observation. There is no “if you accept”
So, whereabouts in the world have they got TRUE isolates of
these things?
You know, so they can compare them and have something
to check test results against?
all around the world as it happens, thousands of times, independently.
According to our local guru Kerry Chant(aka NSW chief medical officer) Twice vaxxed plus contract with virus is not good enough; go BOOSTER. Yeah sure. Aren’t you just sick of these morons.
No not those morons, the ones that believe her/him/it.
I just laugh at them now….its become a huge joke.
Wirebird, it doesn’t seem plausible that for a person with a healthy immune system that they can suffer multiple reinfections with the same pathogen within what I presume is a short period of time that omicron has been around. That sounds like propaganda.
However, I think the report referred to is one with the principal investigator of Neil Ferguson. But it’s all “modelling”.
It wouldn’t be the first time Ferguson made a big mistake with modelling:
“That sounds like propaganda.” certainly does David.
And in the last week Oceania has gone from 79.8% to 85.9% Omicron. The end of February should see the near elimination of Delta.
The price of oil companies has been going. I see there is now discussion of what would happen if China would invade Taiwan. The problem is Taiwan supplies 60% of the world’s semiconductors. Anyway… It appears something is up.
The US and the EU have just woke up and discovered if Russia cuts off the Russian natural gas supply to the EU… It is physically impossible for the other natural gas suppliers to make up the difference. And it would take years to fix the problem.
Countries run on energy. The EU have thoughtlessly destroyed their coal fired plants and have absolutely killed fracking for natural gas in the EU.
And it appears the EU, UK, and the US have not worked out a scenario in which Russia invades Ukraine and then cuts supply of natural gas to the EU in response to sanctions.
If Russia cuts off supply of natural gas to the EU…. There will be immediate forced rationing of natural gas and electricity for the UK and the EU.
The forced rationing of electricity and natural gas would result in large scale shutting down of factories in the EU. There is no alternative. As there is no plan as to how to force ration electricity among countries in the EU… There will be weekly brownouts and ‘brownouts’ that would last for weeks, as the countries fight for insufficient natural gas. And there will be political fights as to which regions and industries get electricity and which that do not.
People and governments are clueless as to what life is with weekly brownouts. Think of traffic lights. Electric trains. Supper Markets. Refrigeration.
The natural gas shortage and electricity shortage will effect every country that does not have local natural gas production.
Question from idiots in US WH.
Answer from Qatar Oil minister
“The volume of gas needed by the EU cannot be replaced by anyone unilaterally, without disturbing supplies to other regions around the world,” the minister, Saad Sherida Al-Kaabi, said in a statement.
Russia has form. Ukraine refused to pay the gas bill a few years ago and Russia replied by cutting off
the gas to Ukraine in the middle of winter. You would have thought that Ukraine’s experience would make Europe wary of relying on Russian gas and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline , but no idiocy, expediency and nefarious behaviour prevail.
Well at least Germany pays its bills. Seems to most Germans to be a fine commercial arrangement and one that they are committed to. Geopolitical considerations taken in as well.
Everybody will suffer. There will be no escaping the effect of it.
Yes, the American’s Colour Revolution in Syria has failed, so their gas pipeline from Qatar to Europe hasn’t eventuated. That was meant to cut the legs out from under Russia & cripple their economy.
The Yanks will stop at nothing to crush Russia. Its a picture of Danistan writ large, anyone who disagrees and fails to submit is crushed with maximum force.
Except that the EU bureaucracy is trying – apparently with the USA cheering them on – to shut down those pipelines anyway. They won’t allow Nordstream2 to start, apparently in the belief that Putin will then shut down the one through The Ukraine and completely wreck their economy, and they’ve threatened to shut that one as sanctions for Russia.
And could anyone tell me why Russia would spend months running exercises near (40 km. at the closest) the Ukraine to alert people that they were about to invaded The Ukraine in the middle of winter?
Russia wants Nordstream2 to start up, gas flowing to Germany (and much of the EU) and money flowing back to Russia. Also they don’t want NATO at their borders (refer to the USA behaviour when the USSR put missiles into Cuba).
And, by the way, Norway cut its supplies to the EU helping the price rise (so they have plenty at home this winter at no reduction in income). It must be a Putin plot!?
No it’s not a Putin plot even though he’s just another despot. It’s a leftist plot to crash and burn the whole world. It all makes so much sense. A half decent US President would not be prodding Russia to the point of Russia having no other option but to snap back in retaliation and shutting down EU after shutting off the much needed gas supply. The follow on effect would be catastrophic for much of the rest of the world.
So, this is how you bring countries to their knees.
And there I was, thinking you needed a scare campaign
about a “virus”.
How silly of me.
I didnt know this, but you can make your own quinine (natures hcq) from citrus peels:
That’s very interesting RobB. We have plenty of grapefruit here. I just wonder if it would be safe for those who are on certain HBP tablets that cannot be mixed with grapefruit.
It did specifically mention grapefruit peels. What about other citrus?
The same information was offered to me two days ago in relation to hydroxychloroquine with the same formula. The inference is that it will kill covid-19.
A quick search to satisfy my bs detector found a number of articles. This one pretty much sums up the rest.
The recipe says to use grapefruit, however those on certain medications will know to steer clear of grapefruit as it can have dangerous interactions.
Personally, I’m not against home brews and natural remedies, because they do help some people, but some claims are are unfounded.
My wife and I are both double-vaxed and both got covid 10 days ago. I got over mine in 3 days, wife still has breathlessness and tiredness.
I don’t think boiled fruit peel is going to help her breathing.
If someone can convince me otherwise, I’ll give it a try.
Sceptical from Tanjil, thanks to KP in Tuesday Open Thread, if you watch this link you’ll see the strong reference to the eighth day syndrome referring to breathlessness and giving antihistamines. The clip is about an hour and well worth watching. With luck it may help your wife. ToM
I think that maybe “small footprint” Aka, “the Kraken” Aka, “PF”
Thanks ToM,
I looked at that video on Tuesday and was aware of the 8th day warning and the drop in (oxygen)saturation. My wife’s breathlessness started on day two, so a little different. Her sat was checked and found to be 100%.
Go figure. Rapid test shows still +ve after 8 days.
She has been improving each day. I have spoken to others in my town who said their breathing returned to normal in a week or two but other reading advises that it could take longer.
Anyway, it’s the world we live in, we go with the flow.
She is hoping to get back to work next week, tough woman.
Reuters is partnered with facebook fact checkers, they claim their facts are opinion, protected opinion.
If facebook can’t help you than all hope is lost, here is a picture of a meal I prepared and posted last night.
Like, share and leave a comment.
What a poor piece of work that is.
For a start its Quercetin from fruit.
Hydroxychloroquine is a synthetic drug copying the Natural Quinine which is also native to Australia.
What is hydroxychloroquine, and where does it come from?
The short answer is that hydroxychloroquine is a modification of an earlier drug called chloroquine, which in turn is a synthetic version of a natural drug derived from tree bark that many of us have heard of, called quinine. Quinine has a veeery long history as an antimalarial drug. Still, it is also commonly known as an additive in tonic water (as in gin and tonic), giving it its characteristic bitter taste. Quinine is a plant alkaloid. Alkaloids can be toxic and are known for their bitterness. Think of caffeine — a classic alkaloid.
Additionally, improving quinine treatment outcomes by combining it with antibiotics, such as tetracycline or clindamycin [49-51], could be investigated and promoted. More recently, combinations of quinine and newer antibiotics with shorter treatment regimens that would improve adherence to therapy as well as minimize related adverse events have been evaluated. One such combination is that with azithromycin which is of particular interest, as the drugs act synergistically [52]. This combination offers promise for use especially in pregnant women and children < 8 years, since, unlike tetracyclines, both drugs are safe in these groups. A study in Thailand showed comparable efficacy in the treatment of multidrug resistant malaria, with cure rates of 100%, for a seven-day course of quinine+doxycycline and a three-day course of quinine+azithromycin [49]. These drug combinations will need further evaluation to confirm these findings and may offer a solution to the compliance problems associated with seven-day courses of quinine.
The main issue with extended use of Quinine is developing Equine syndrome, (Symptoms, extended face, galloping) and you guessed it, the cure is horse paste.
Trust the science.
Did you even read the links.
Come on, you’re taking the piss..
“Acute onset is marked by a rapid development of symptoms that often includes severe low back pain and significant loss of bladder function”
Gin & tonic became the classic British drink when the Empire expanded into the malarial areas of the world didn’t it? The only way to keep malaria & the heat at bay…
Sceptical, give it a try! It can’t hurt and it may help. Everyone I know who has caught Covid has been double-vaxxed, 3 families that don’t know each other, and everyone has got over it OK. Seeing I don’t know anyone else un-vaxxed locally, I don’t have a very good set of statistics for comparison!
Don’t want to go breaking a leg if you get that little nasty.
There are 2 aperitifs that contain quinine—Dubonnet and Lillet. I use Lillet medicinally. I sometimes feel an ulcer-like pain directly beneath my sternum. A glass of Lillet on the rocks usually sorts it out. Funny! First time I discovered that, shortly afterwards, I picked up a book in a bookstore, opened it up randomly and read about the Greek guy who first treated ulcers with an antibiotic regimen that included a couple of ‘cousins’ of quinine:
… Lykoudis’s treatment, apparently developed by trial and error, consisted of 3 antibiotics (2 quinolines and streptomycin, for you microbiology/infectious disease enthusiasts out there) and vitamin A, taken orally. He patented this regimen in a pill that he named Elgaco, “from the Greek word for ulcer (= elkos), gastritis and colitis” (for which he also asserted that his treatment was effective). He eventually claimed to have treated 30,000 patients with nearly perfect results and no toxicity. …
It’s not HCQ but NAR found in grapefruits.
You can’t make HCQ at home and certainly not from citrus peels.
If you want to make it, the original method is disclosed in the relevant 1951 US Patent 2,546,658 at
7-chloro-4-[5-(n-ethyl-n-2-hydroxyethylamino)-2-pentyl] aminoquinoline, its acid addition salts, and method of preparation
It is absolutely not a task for the amateur chemist and even a lot of professionals would struggle with the synthesis.
If we (in Australia) lived in a free country we would be able to buy it.
Quite right David, we are extracting quinine, not hydroxychloroquinine, but what is the ingredient that is the zinc ionophore? Here is a paper suggesting that quinine works:
Anyway it is a good excuse to enjoy a gin and tonic… cheers
You can’t extract quinine from grapefruit, as there isn’t.
Naringine is the bittering agent in grapefruits, but it’s nevertheless an interesting part of a drug, see my earlier link above.
If your going to go to all that trouble, may as well cook Meth. Worth far more and probably serve less jail time if caught.
Ukraine update 2-2-22
Siberian troops counterattacked the Germans outside of Moscow in December 1941. Frightfully cold then with temperatures below -30C on occasions. They would be useful against Ukraine from a Russian perspective.
In case you missed it.
UAH January comes in at scarily warm +0.03ºC
Not scary. Exactly the same as January 1983, 40 years ago. Just as 2021 was the same as 1980 and even lower.
The short peak of warming is over, as predicted by real scientists and that excludes most self appointed “Climate Scientists” of whom Tim Flannery stands out as giving real rational science a bad name.
And when it all fails with a rapidly cooling planet they will blame the ocean currents and they will be right because the oceans control our short and long term weather, not CO2.
The mantra that Climate is not weather is one of the most tortured sophisms ever presented as fact. What is climate without weather?
Climate and weather are the same thing viewed in different time frames.
I felt every bit of that 0.03 degrees too. UAH is the only reliable measure in my view.
Here it was -2.2 avmax and +1.2 avmin.
With a highest max of 33.5 it has been surely one of the mildest summers I ever saw.
It is interesting to ponder how the Earth’s orbital mechanics impact on climate. The total sunshine to Earth is is in long term decline due to reducing eccentricity. But perihelion is now 10 days later than the austral summer solstice and that is reducing summer sunlight in the SH but increasing sunlight during the NH summer.
The increased summer sunlight over northern land masses basically shut down net precipitation from ocean to land. That means land temperature rises rapidly in summer – think Sahara as the best example. However the northern land masses get less sunlight in winter and that drags in more moisture from the oceans to moderate the temperature fall. So more water over land to moderate the low temperature but an increasing portion arrives as snow.
This process has only just started. The globe is not yet at the minimum net water cycle. Not much changes this millennium but it gets noticed in 2,000 years and peaks 9.000 years from now with around 4% more global annual precipitation than now but the vast majority occurring during the boreal winter.
Some of the good weather records are now able to show these long-term changes. Oceans have retained more heat and expanded because the net water cycle has slowed down. It is about to reverse.
But Oz was hot, apparently.
With all this cloud about, it defies belief.
Strange that I’ve been living in SE Qld for 26 years and I can’t remember a cooler summer. Barely a day over 30 degrees. Must have been really hot on those places where there are no people.
Weather is local. I am experienced with tropical summers and while I doubt any [real] records have been broken this summer and in spite of BOM predictions re cyclones, this summer has been consistently but unremarkably on the high side of normal.
In a sentence: The monsoon rains have not appeared. That said, it is great to see REAL rain falling in the centre.
I hope there aren’t too many graziers looking over their neighbours fence waiting for THEIR allotment of rain.
Yep, sitting here in the Central West of NSW with a pullover on in February!! It has been a MUCH colder spring/summer than any I can remember.
Makes a lovely change from the usual intense heat, lots of cloudy days, just enough rain to keep the lawns growing faster than ever, and the fruit trees have given up on fruit and are piling on foliage.
Back to drought and heat in two years… Not that BOM would know, I’d fire them all and just keep the rain radar going, its as much use as any of their predictions!
I remember distinctly BoM saying this summer was going to be cool in south east Australia.
‘Back to drought and heat in two years…’
Strongly disagree, this decade is going to remain cool and wet.
Yep. 30hyears here.There has not been a summer when our pool has been so little used, Or when I have not only needed a shirt, but a jacket most nights.
dont forget the BOMs ongoing effort to continually cool the past and with it historic averages
Temps should bounce along the line over the coming decade, proving beyond reasonable doubt that CO2 is not the temperature control knob.
I’ve stated this many times.
Going green and transitioning away from fossil fuels was a suicide note for western civilisation.
Chickens now coming home to roost, all foreseable.
The West cannot think strategically or rationally any longer.
Putin is simply applying one of the oldest strategies in the world; not sure who might have said it first, but the principle is, ‘when your enemy is making a mistake, do not interfere with it.’
Ascribed to the Corsican. A bit like there is no such thing as good or bad soldiers; only good or bad generals.
Lock downs had little to no positive effect according to John Hopkins study:
I tried to find the actual study but it seemed I was being directed away from it.
It is a preprint, not that it matters.
There are many locations where lockdowns were highly effective in flattening the curve. Australia an excellent example:
Australian cases rose 50-fold after lockdowns were eased.
Didn’t read the article did you, Rick? Actually you didn’t even read the title of the link. It says “little to limit covid deaths.” Nothing to do with case numbers.
You are starting to run out of straws to clutch at RickWill.
I just wrote on the ‘major win’ thread, about reading ‘the Real Anthony Fauci,’ and ordering books for kindle, as a way of speeding up releases to Aus. I mentioned DRs Fareed and Tyson’s ‘Overcoming the Darkness….'( the guys who cured 1700 covid patients in SoCal, without a single death!) , and how it had disappeared. On going back onto amazonau, I found they had a couple of paperbacks, and 1 hardcover. There you go. Easy. Arrives in a few days!
ACT policing advising the community to stay away
All road entrances to Parliament Drive that circles PH are now barricaded with access restricted (e.g. to staff with passes) and PH is closed to the public
Except for the upcoming B LM march.
Except what?
Basic Lunch Matters … SAY IT you LUNCHIST!
On Monday, the total power consumption for the AEMO coverage area was 676GWH. Now while that averages out to an hourly requirement of 28,166MW, (and read that again, that’s twenty eight thousand MegaWatts each and every hour) the low point around 3AM to 4AM was around 19,500MW (average Base Load is 18,000MW) and the high point for the day was a staggering 36,350MW just before 4PM. At the evening Peak, it was still 32,130MW, when virtually all Solar power had ceased for the day at 7.15PM, and here they can be thankful that Queensland does not have daylight savings time, so instead of adding to the peak, it spreads it out over an hour.
I looked back through all my own data collected across the last almost five years now, and I couldn’t find a day when there was higher power consumption for a full day.
The following day, Tuesday, almost reached that same total for the day, a little lower at just 661GWH, and that’s the second highest it has been.
Now the thing here is that they know hand on heart that each year, power consumption increases, and despite electrically operated ‘things’ becoming infinitely more electrically efficient, consuming less electrical power, total power consumption STILL keeps rising. (and that is a known fact)
Knowing that it still rises, you would think that those in power would cover this by building new power plants to cover the increases. Now it’s not just the odd day here and there that needs to be covered, as electrical power supply is now becoming stressed across the board, mainly in those two Seasons of high consumption, Winter and Summer. Even when one or two large Units go off line for routine maintenance, there’s a huge juggling act, that in the days of rolling reserve just didn’t exist. The fact that power supply ….. IS stressed, well that should be a blindingly obvious thing that the renewables of choice just cannot deliver those huge amounts of power ….. no matter how many of them they construct.
So, the answer is ….. well, blame the people themselves, just turn it all the way around. It’s their fault. The call from Government is for people to conserve electricity, you know, turn things off, don’t use the things that provide you with a NORMAL daily life at home, and at work.
And with power consumption of 676GWH for a full day, and then 661GWH the next day, you can see just how well the people are listening to that plea from government. Oh, tut tut tut, there will be rolling brownouts and load shedding if you don’t stop using electricity.
Yeah! NO ONE is doing that, conserving electricity.
Oh but it’s only a few days a year though.
Maybe so, but that power consumption still HAS TO BE COVERED.
“Now the thing here is that they know hand on heart that each year, power consumption increases, and despite electrically operated ‘things’ becoming infinitely more electrically efficient, consuming less electrical power, total power consumption STILL keeps rising. (and that is a known fact)
Knowing that it still rises, you would think that those in power would cover this by building new power plants to cover the increases.”
But ‘they’ are building new power sources, it’s just that they are not dispatchable ones, they are the kind that just shoves generation capacity onto the grid in an uncontrolled fashion when it isn’t needed, then ‘disappear’ when it IS needed.
I find it ‘convenient’ that large amounts of generation goes missing on the hottest days of the year.
We all know it’s in the generators best interests to not have a surplus of capability available as it inhibits earnings, such as the $15,000 per MWH earned on Monday and Tuesday evening this week.
This is the epitome of bad management to not have all equipment available for the summer peaks.
Hot humid weather, more AC in use. Who’d a thunk it?!
During that period, the overflow from our smallish reverse cycle upstairs, only on a gentle fan setting, was virtually pouring out, not just dripping, it was so humid.
I collect it in a bucket to water pot plants!
Today feels positively chilly and fresh, no AC.
Annie, and everybody really, this is not aimed at any one person in general.
See how the thinking here is personal use, in other words, what you might consume in your own home, exacerbated by the guilt thrown on them by politicians ….. tut tut tut, you need to consume less power ….. aimed specifically at the individual person.
Look again at that Peak for Monday, that 36,350MW. Now, here of most importance about that figure is ….. the time it happened, between 3PM and 4PM.
If the average for the day was that 28000MW, then that High was 8000MW higher. The ‘average’ home consumes 6KW at any one point in time. For home use to make up that extra 8000MW, then that’s an extra 4.7 million homes consuming the average, or 9.4 million PLUS homes consuming excess power. Now, note the time of that Peak. Everyone (well nearly everyone anyway) is still at work.
So, that extra power consumption is NOT in the Residential sector.
It’s Industry and Commerce, where people work, their workplaces, and also those mammothly huge high rises in every city, those glass structures which are now impossibly hot inside, and need to be cooled otherwise no one could exist inside them.
HVAC – Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning.
Not just in high rises, but every workplace, every school, every shopping centre, and the list goes on.
THAT ….. THAT is what needs to be covered, not asking people to consume less ….. individually. That’s useless, the amount of power you can personally save.
We’re talking thousands of MegaWatts.
And note here that when it comes to brownouts, and load shedding, it’s very carefully planned ….. RESIDENTIAL areas. Imagine no power in the CBD with thousands of people trapped inside those high rises. Imagine turning off hospitals, industry, shutting down the road system etc etc.
The guilt ridden mindset of the green supporters, (those mindless goldfish) is that Me ….. I personally need to cut back my use of power. So they do, or they try to. Any personal power saving would not even manage one KiloWatt, when we are talking thousands of MegaWatts. That thinking is now effectively pointed directly at every individual to instill personal guilt.
There is NOTHING we can do at the individual person level ….. (thousands of MegaWatts) as this is far and away a failure to cover that extra power consumption that rises every year, and in fact, with real power plants just bl0wn up, and no plants constructed, then that yearly rise now effectively more than doubles, and then again the following year as well added to that. It just keeps on going up.
Then they replace …… Nameplate for Nameplate, again effectively reducing the REAL available power.
And there’s nothing we can do about it. It will take blackouts to wake people up, and even then, there will be a way for politicians and their supporters to point at the individual and say that ….. It’s all your own fault you know. You need to consume less.
Large thermal mass buildings ( concrete high rise buildings ) have a thermal time constant of about 2 hrs per Deg C. Low mass buildings ( residential structures, wood frame, light weight mass ) have a thermal time constant of about 1/2 hr per deg C.
Solar noon is 1200 hrs. Large mass buildings can “swing” at about 0.5 C / Hr. So, by 1500 to 1600 hrs, they are showing the effects of peak solar load some 4 hrs previous. Those buildings are moving from 1C off setpoint, towards 2 to 3 C away from setpoint. So the 1 MW chiller systems (per each) are at full load, trying to swing that mass back to setpoint an hour or two before everyone leaves to go home.
The proper answer is to let the commercial/govt/industrial buildings of heavy mass, “swing” a degree or so away from desired temperature if the occupants are leaving anyway in an hour or two. That huge peak load for the buildings isn’t necessary if the occupants will leave soon. Large mass buildings ought to have a constant setpoint and variable airflow according to operating hours. The fans alone in a high rise building can be 1 MW. The chiller systems can be 3 or 4 MW at peak. Shave the peak by letting the building temp swing an extra degree at the end of the workday. Multiply this by a few hundred buildings, and it becomes a huge amount of energy.
And where this is most noticeable is comparing Summer and Winter Load Curves for total power generation for the whole of grid AEMO.
Those huge HVAC Units on the roof of each high rise cannot be turned off at all. They run all the time. They are also set at around the same temp all year round. On one day of the year, they switch the operation across from Summer to Winter, Cooling (the AC in HVAC) and Heating. (The H in HVAC) So, in Summer, it ‘feels’ cool. and in Winter, it ‘feels’ warm, even though the temperature is basically the same all year round.
In Summer, in the early morning, those high rise buildings are at ambient, inside temp close to outside, with just the fans going for the V part of HVAC (ventilation) As the people arrive for work, and turn ‘stuff’ on, the inside heats up. Then as the Sun gets on the glass, that acts as a magnifier, further heating up the inside of the building, and now the Compressor running the AC in the Unit on the roof is running flat out, ALL day long, trying to lower the temp inside the building.
Okay then, in Winter, it’s on heat, so the only time the compressor works is when its colder INSIDE the building than the ambient. Again, people arrive for work and turn ‘stuff’ on. Then, the Sun gets on the glass and acts as the same magnifier, but a lot colder than in Summer, but it warms up the inside ‘enough’ so that the Heater Compressor does not need to run as much, if at all.
So, that’s why the Winter Load Curve for total AEMO coverage area power consumption/generation has that decided dip after the morning peak, before rising again to the Evening Peak around 6.30PM. In Summer, after that morning peak, that same Load Curve for consumption/generation just keeps rising to the mid afternoon peak and then slowly falls away.
The difference between Summer/Winter power consumption at around 3PM is an average of 9000MW, and on Monday, it was 16000MW.
That’s nearly all of it HVAC.
That’s also why the Base Load at 4AM is 18000MW, as those high rise buildings still need to be ventilated all the time, so the air is circulated through those building via just the ventilation fans.
Oh, and Lance, thanks for the extra on the times and temperature ranges.
You are making some big assumptions here. First is that people actually go to work through the day. Half of the population live off government subsidies. A huge proportion of people in Australia are working from home; an increasing number permanently from home. I worked from home in the last 10 years of paid employment. My neighbour started working from home with her bank when covid started but the savings on office costs and gains in productivity caused the bank to encourage them to keep working from home. She used to take time off at lunch outside when she first started working from home but now she just eats in the home office and keeps taking calls. She mostly lives alone with occasional overnight with youngest son. I do not think it is good for her mental health to just stay indoors most of the time.
Then there are shift workers. For example, hospitals are staffed around the clock as are many other operations.
There are still full-time mothers and fathers; some are part-time workers but do not work regular hours.
A good number of hospitality workers start their day at 5 or 6pm.
Most building trades in Victoria start by 7am and finish around 3pm, before it gets really warm in the southern states.
Finally how many people operate their air-conditioners remotely or on a timer and have the house cool for them to greet them in the afternoong or simply leave it running through the day. Kids that went to school on Monday would be coming through the door between 3 and 4pm.
Broadly, I do not think the average person in Australia now heads off to work for 9am start and get home by 6pm leaving the house unoccupied for that time.
Something I did note on Monday was that rooftops and grid solar were supplying 10GW of the 37GW demand when it peaked. It would be a humid day across the country. Wind was doing 800MW so relatively calm as well.
This shows how the grid generating sources are changing:
At this stage the easy part of getting rid of coal is done. It is very much up hill from here. Most other places are hitting their economic wall at lower levels of intermittent penetration than Australia.
I don’t feel any guilt Tony!
Annie, as I mentioned, this was not aimed at you at all.
When they say that ….. ‘WE’ need to consume less power, guilt is the one thing I do not feel at all. However, I do feel angry that politicians, who have the control to provide the correct remedy, either do not even know what is happening, or more importantly, they do not seek advice from people (Engineers) who will tell them what is happening and what they need to do to remedy the problem.
What we get is that it’s all our fault.
It isn’t!
That’s right, we are not responsible for managing the grid, there are highly paid people who do that.
Someone is not performing in their job.
I did take note of that Tony! I just couldn’t help commentng that I felt no guilt. Guilt is a useless waste of time and energy. 🙂
The Australian today reported that “Twiggy” Forest wants Australia to become the “green hydrogen” hub of the world, but commented that at present it is more expensive than natural gas, but give it time and the price will go down.
That comment reminded me about unreliable energy sources, in time the cost will go down, as electricity prices continue to rise years later.
And now EV is very expensive, but the prices will go down.
I doubt most of us will still be around to see it.
“Green hydrogen hub of the world” is about as likely as “food bowl of Asia” or “the battery of the nation”. Just marketing buzzwords.
Many countries are leaping on the hydrogen bandwagon. Australia will be one of many either to compete in this emerging market or to spiral into the well worn path of green project failure as reality sets in.
Boris, Boris and Party, Party………………..
Some swearing…………
From thread below
Video comparing Russian army to US army ad goes viral – 52 Secs
The Russian ad focuses on military life, buzz-cut muscly men looking into the camera intimidatingly, stomping boots, shooting guns, talking of forgetting who you were before ‘cause you’re in the military now, etc., etc.’ Meanwhile, the US ad features the upbringing of a California girl with two moms, who ‘took ballet, played violin,’ but ‘also marched for equality’ – and how all that made her the soldier she is today.
The stark contrast of the US’ colorful animation and romantic theme tune to the dark and dramatic tone of the Russian ad has not gone unnoticed. Americans, apparently nostalgic for the hypermasculine military days of yore, seem to be feeling a little bit threatened.
Even Republican Senator Ted Cruz tweeted, ‘Holy cr@p. Perhaps a woke, emasculated military is not the best idea…’
He was then called out by Democratic Senator Tammy Duckworth for suggesting the US Army was inferior to Russia’s.
The US has so much more invested in the military than the Russians. In a war it is morale, training and logistics that counts – as well as technology. Mass armies full of conscripts may no longer be necessary in modern warfare,but left to elite shock forces. Still I would prefer my troops would not by preoccupied by wokeness.
Comparison of microtechnology found by researchers from New Zealand and those taken by La Quinta Columna
Like La Quinta Columna and other researchers, a team of New Zealand scientists also found microtechnology in Pfizer vials.
Maybe I should do a debunk post on this nanotech/5G BS that’s about as truthful as a tv vaxx ad and as easily eviscerated.
Maybe I should do posts on why the laws of physics are wrong, the almost unknown energy field of Earth, & why all temporal paradoxes aren’t. I’ve already destroyed chemtrails & flatearthers on other blogs. Repeatedly. But they keep reappearing like internet trolls.
you did what? Why are you posting this nonsense?
Thank you for your comment.
Says it all…
Criticise without understanding, trying to or providing anything resembling valid counter arguments..
Counter argument to what?
The earth’s not flat?
Used to be, its now got a dent in it.
I find smart dust technology a fascinating subject. It’s been around for at least 3 decades. There are some interesting scientific papers on it and suggestions that DARPA was heavily involved in its development. Here is a pre pandemic piece in Forbes.
Not that I trust Big Pharma or their collaborators of the Left AT ALL, those images look like crystals to me. They are just some sort of precipitate or contamination from somewhere.
They do not look anything like a MEMS device which is plausible technology in the form of “smart dust” (see
I don’t believe the present covid “vaccines” on offer contain anything more than the defective content that they are claimed to have.
David – those images look like contamination probably from the equipment used to manufacture and bottle the vaccines.
Your link mentions medical uses in monitoring intracranial functions but does not mention drug delivery or monitoring blood concentrations of for example sugar. Nanotechnology has the possibility of endless uses in medicine.
I see on the Aus TGA website, they have a disclaimer which states information offered on this site is in no way meant to replace professional advice and guidance, in other words, do your homework before submitting to any and all medications.
Isn’t this what the ‘hesitant’ are saying.
Daily tracking report update.
‘Strange’ disease rages in Kyotera, Uganda, 10 dead
Laborotary tests have ruled out Ebola, Marburg, Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever (CCHF), and Rift Valley Fever (RVF).
The death toll from a raging ‘strange’ disease outbreak in Kyotera district has reached 10. The latest victim is Francis Mugema, a Kijonjo parish councilor, who passed away on Friday last week.
The rare disease was first reported in Nakatoke B village, Kijonjo parish, Kasasa sub-county where it killed a 45-year-old farmer within five days after developing painful swellings on the neck, face, chest, skin, and hypothermia.
Readers in Qld should take appropriate preventative measures.
Local case of Canine Ehrlichiosis confirmed in Qld
A new detection of Canine Ehrlichiosis has been confirmed in Queensland, and the first in a dog that has not travelled outside the State, putting dog owners on notice to be alert for signs of the deadly dog disease.
Hey, hang on a minute here.
How come we can call these diseases by where they originated, and the Wuhan Coronavirus has to be referred to by …… “Hey look over there.”
And Hendra virus which killed horse trainer Vic Rail.
Please, don’t try and tell me we are still living in Australia.
Western Australian government have banned unvaccinated parents from visiting their sick children in hospital… The main stream media are laughing on air about it and saying that they hope it’s the last straw to change these parents “philosophy”. The world needs to see this…
What IS now upsetting the parents in WA is schools immediately shutting down when one teacher tests positive. There is growing support for an urgent change in the isolation regime, but McClown won’t budge, and now has support from Morrison…
In 1970s there was a US Senator named Frank Church.
He was a Democrat.
He held famous hearings that bear his name.
Democrats are different now.
As in night and day.
“Ottawa Police Chief Opens Possibility of Using Canadian Military to Remove Freedom Convoy Protest Group
February 2, 2022 | Sundance | 45 Comments”
“seizing the memes of production”
But, but food comes from Amazon … I have an ap.
Thanks, another ian, those ‘memes of production’ were hilarious (if they weren’t so ominously true). Humour and satire beats clubs and sticks any day.
Isn’t the military for external threats to a country. Are the external threats in Ottawa right now or in hiding?
A quote from a recent ‘Extreme Weather Archive.’ I’d just been thinking about a previous dogma, that we would get more snow, because a warmer atmosphere can hold more moisture. The problem at the moment is, more snow is happening, with record low temperatures.
“Global warming originally meant linearly rising temperatures, and the end of snow. This was the doctrine laid down by ‘experts’ from the 1980s – 2010s, and only very recently, after real world observations consistently failed to match the prophesies, has it been claimed that man’s CO2 emissions cause an increase in ALL types of weather extremes, including Arctic outbreaks.
They have constructed a theory which cannot be disproved: All climatic phenomena, whether it be drought/flooding, heatwaves/freezes, or snow/no-snow now ALL fall under the umbrella of ‘The Climate Crisis’–the biggest existential threat to ever besiege mankind. And their proposed fix to this looming catastrophe? A complete overhaul of the way us peasants live our lives.
Also note how the catastrophe is always ‘looming’. Notice how the final paragraph of those MSM doomsday reports often contain the same contrived message of hope: ‘If you follow orders (reduce CO2 emissions) then disaster can still be averted’.”
‘They have constructed a theory which cannot be disproved.’
Global cooling for a couple of decades will falsify AGW. The Pacific Decadal Oscillation is negative and its dragging the AMO very slowly into neutral.
Warmer air holds more moisture, take the tropics as an example, but in the midlatitudes its open to debate.
Warmer air can potentially hold more water vapor. Whether it does or not is a matter of circumstances.
Its a complex system. Clouds are difficult to model, which is unfortunate because its a major driver of climate change.
Children ‘screamed at’ in waters off private Chinese island in Australia
A family is outraged after claiming staff at a nearby privately owned Chinese resort screamed at their children in waters in Queensland.
The Queensland Government’s Department of Resources and Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority told the Whitsunday Times the family were well within their right to swim in the waters.
“Most beaches in Queensland are state land to the highest tide mark and the Queensland Government is the only entity able to restrict access,” a Department of Resources spokeswoman said.
“Sunset Bay beach and waters are available for public use.
“Visitors can contact the local Department of Resources office if they are asked to leave this area.”
Just ignore them, what are they gonna do.
The Treachery of VP Mike Pence Explained
Who fired General Flynn and started the Russia Hoax in the first place?
Finally, President Donald Trump chose to lob a verbal grenade in the general direction of his old VP Mike Pence last Sunday night — regarding Pence’s ability to formally contest the results of the stolen 2020 election. This was, for many Trump supporters, long overdue. Here is Trump’s statement on the matter:
The reason that Mike Pence did not exercise the power to lawfully contest the election is because Mike Pence was never a Trump loyalist. He’s a GOP establishment loyalist. There were plenty of problems inside the Trump Administration, and Vice President Mike Pence was at the center of many of those problems. In fact, it’s always been obvious that Pence and his staff were deeply involved in trying to remove President Trump from office.
Whenever the subject of Mike Pence comes up in casual conversation, I always ask the same question: “Do you know Olivia Troye? Do you know Jennifer Williams? Do you know Katherine Seaman and Josh Pitcock?”
1) Who Fired General Michael Flynn?
It’s likely that Strzok was the one who pushed for VP Pence to fire Flynn because we know that Peter Strozk’s assistant was Katherine Seaman — the wife of Mike Pence’s chief of staff Josh Pitcock.
2)The Ukraine Impeachment – Did you know that one of main accusers was a national security official on Vice President Mike Pence’s staff?
A State Department official named Jennifer Williams was placed on Pence’s staff in April of 2019 — which was just in time to get involved in the Ukraine call and the subsequent impeachment. (What a coincidence that she arrived mere weeks before the call!)Just imagine being a few months into your new job in the White House only to volunteer to testify against the President in an impeachment trial over phone calls you didn’t like.
Again, obvious questions should be asked. Did Williams ask permission from Pence to testify against Trump? What did Pence know about Williams and her sudden interest in testifying at an impeachment trial against President Trump? Why did Pence not dissuade her from testifying in the first place?
This is the second time that Mike Pence and his office were involved in plots against President Trump manufactured by national security officials. Do you see a pattern forming yet?
3) Olivia Troye And The COVID Vaccines
because Pence turned it over to his chief of staff Marc Short and Marc Short turned it over to a little known national security official with no medical expertise. If you want to know the name of the person most responsible for unleashing the Dr. Fauci vaccine nightmare on America then remember the name of Mike Pence’s “COVID advisor”: Olivia Troye.
Perhaps because Pence picked a national security official to advise him on COVID who regularly appears on TV now with a framed picture of Dr. Fauci hanging prominently behind her in her house.
4) Pence’s Chief of Staff Gets Locked Out of White House by Trump
On January 6th, Short found himself locked out of the White House with his car still in the parking lot. When a reporter asked Short why this had happened, Short’s reply was surprisingly honest: “He’s blaming me for advice to VP.” The he in this case, of course, is Trump.
My own sources in the White House told me that Pence’s chief of staff Marc Short was literally the first person to call for Trump to accept the results of the stolen election and concede to Biden. Like I said at the beginning: there’s a lot of evidence of Pence’s treachery.
Thanks OldOzzie ….I’m sure if a mindmap connecting miscreants in Washington during the Trump years was made up there would be links amongst a surprisingly small number of people and the central figure would be Obama, who seems to be the central figure still. His narcissism could only survive out of the limelight if he was controlling the swamp. And the thread that links all the policies Biden has vomited onto the US population is “undo Trump” who “undid Obama”.
As we know, Covid is so deadly that whole states are locked down because one single case emerges. Serious stuff. Keeping us safe. Etc.
This, apparently, is a proportionate and necessary response to the Covid plague, as is wiping out hundreds of small businesses, sacking people for not getting the jab and putting experimental medications into the bodies of tiny children. When faced with a deadly threat, hard and inflexible measures are called for, no negotiation.
So imagine my surprise when I read that, despite building and maintaining a ‘Covid bubble’ around the olympic games in Beijing this week, no fewer than THIRTY-TWO cases have been discovered, ELEVEN of whom are apparently sick enough to require hospitalisation. Sound the sirens! Call in the decontamination team! Halt the games!
Of course, because the games are big business and there is just too much money sloshing around, plus the TV rights are already sold, none of this has happened. The games must and WILL go on. Covid has no power over wealth. That’s for the little people.
Thanks goodness all of this has been justified by The Science, otherwise we might think we’re being conned.
Same as the Australian Open and the Melbourne Cup in Victoria. For the AO, the government gradually increased the % seating as the event progressed. We couldn’t have international coverage showing stands only half full. could we? Was there science involved – nup. Melbourne Cup – same. Being broadcast worldwide, so the state Labor government only allowed double vaxxed supporters of them to attend. So, it looked like there were normal crowds there. But then, one of the first big infection events arose from that meeting. It was one of the first real confirmations in Australia that the vaccines have low efficacy. How ironic?
Moronic Omicronic Olympic [MOO] events are primarily being staged on artificial snow, and we all know the power source used to create such man-made pseudo-snow… The Show Must Go On.
Hmmm, storm in a teacup Melbourne International Airport affair …
Federal Health Minister Greg Hunt has responded to reports that Novak Djokovic has changed his mind and is planning on getting vaccinated following Rafa Nadal’s Australian Open title.
The unvaccinated Djokovic was deported from the country on the eve of the Australian Open after having his visa cancelled.
Djokovic then moved to clarify a number of reports surrounding his medical exemption, which he was under the impression would grant him access to Australia.
The World No.1 came under heavy scrutiny after it was revealed that he had tested positive in December, particularly after he attended an interview with French sports outlet L’Equipe while knowingly infectious, without telling the reporter or photographer.
Nadal doubtful 21 slams are enough to beat Federer and Djokovic
But after sitting at home and watching Nadal claim a historic 21st grand slam title, taking him one clear of Djokovic and Roger Federer, the World No.1 may have had a change of heart
On Wednesday, Djokovic’s official biographer Daniel Muksch claimed Nadal’s triumph has prompted Djokovic to change his anti-vaccination stance.
The news has made worldwide headlines and Australia’s Federal Health Minister Hunt has encouraged the idea, which would set an example for others unsure about getting vaccinated.
Meanwhile in the UK…
(and there’s more coming)
Fancy that. Sky news telling the truth.
PM Boris has cancelled his Australian state visit and address to the National Parliament in Canberra.
It has been said that maybe the real reason is no lockdowns here, so not party opportunities?
The new Omicron sub-variant is “more likely to infect the vaccinated.”
Once people realise that getting the booster is a fast-track way to continual re-infections it’s going to be hard to sell them.
Oh goody … ‘sub-variants’. Can’t wait for the ‘sub sub-variant’.
DON’T READ THIS COMMENT, I wasn’t wearing a mask when I typed it and I’m unboosted.
What is the difference between a variant and sub-variant?
Type of bread?
I hope I get the gluten free sub variant.
More nonsense from the Bureau which states that January is 1 degree warmer Australia wide. Our area was 1.7degrees below the January average and is coloured in the 1degree plus anomaly. Seems more shenanigans coming from the manipulators who continue to lie with impunity.
UAH, the only reliable and consistent comparison of temperatures,
…. gives Australia anomaly as +0.09ºC.
This puts January 2022 in 21st place in the last 44 Januarys.
This is somewhat cooler than January 1979 which had an anomaly of 0.92ºC
Yes and if they were scientific statistical nerds that they should be, they would publish that figure alongside the longterm Jan average with the range. Then you could actually see if that claimed increase was in fact -significant.
Yes, our average max was down 1.5deg for January this year.
Reading anything from the BOM you’d swear it was above average!
It was hot in WA, which sort of skewed the numbers, south east Oz has been cool. Its even snowing on our tallest mountain.
Revisiting Trudeau from last year…
Bragging about the media let him off the hook by paying them $600M
He got ripped off (ie. taxpayers were ripped off), Jacinda the Jabber only paid $55 million for total media compliance. The cracks, however, are starting to appear.
Does anyone know what might have happened to the mRNA technology that Dr. Robert Malone was instrumental in creating nearly 40 years ago and today when he is strongly advising people not to have their children injected with it. Back in the 80s was it a case of not having the long term effect knowledge of the technology or has it fallen into the wrong hands? It seems strange that Dr. Malone is always referred to as the inventor of the technology and yet he is very outspoken now about the dangers of it. ToM
Unfortunately the gatekeepers have reversed reality by accusing everyone and everything as perpetrators of misinformation and conspiracy theorists. Hope still lives though as I calmly try to reclaim sense and rationality amongst the blind and mislead.
Not strange at all. All those years ago it was an exciting technological discovery – but obviously the current circumstances were not foreseen.
Since that discovery, scientists have been endeavouring for some 25 years or more to refine a technique to develop a vaccine for corona viruses. The research has been with animals who have a similar genetic structure to humans. Before Covid, although advances were made, they had not been successful.
To be fair, my understanding is that the restructuring of the vaccines in response to the challenge of Covid has been spectacular in terms of science. BUT & it is a big but – it is normal for clinical trials to take up to 10 years to ascertain longitudinal responses to the vaccine. It is NOT normal for it to be rushed to medical application in under a year. It is also not normal for medical authorities to accept the number of adverse reactions that have occurred in the global vax programs.
So, it is unfair to judge Malone in relation to his involvement so many years ago in the development of gene technology. What I was surprised at – was his decision to have two Moderna inoculations after acquiring “Long Covid”. He thought the vax may alleviate his condition, but, in his words, the second dose nearly killed him – via myocarditis & tachycardia.
Thanks Vicki, your sentence above was an explanation I was seeking. I’m a great supporter of Malone and when promoting his writings to others, the question has been raised about his involvement in the creation of the technology for which he now has concerns, and I had no reasonable answer. Thanks. ToM
Alberta Blockade Becoming a Matter of Government Officials Positioning to Save Face as Trucker Pressure Has Winning Leverage
February 2, 2022 | Sundance | 122 Comments
The border crossing between Coutts, Alberta (CA) and Sweet Grass, Montana (USA) continues to be closed despite truckers opening a lane in either direction as a show of good faith. The dynamics in this regional part of the larger Freedom Convoy protests are very interesting. The Alberta protests are in support of the larger trucker protest taking place in Ottawa.”
More at
Small, unique antibody-like proteins known as VNARs — derived from the immune systems of sharks — can prevent the virus that causes COVID-19, its variants, and related coronaviruses from infecting human cells, according to a new study published Dec. 16.
The new VNARs will not be immediately available as a treatment in people, but they can help prepare for future coronavirus outbreaks. The shark VNARs were able to neutralize WIV1-CoV, a coronavirus that is capable of infecting human cells but currently circulates only in bats, where SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, likely originated.
Developing treatments for such animal-borne viruses ahead of time can prove useful if those viruses make the jump to people.
“The big issue is there are a number of coronaviruses that are poised for emergence in humans,” says Aaron LeBeau, a University of Wisconsin-Madison professor of pathology who helped lead the study.
Poor old sharks – must feel like they’re facing extinction…
If we don’t control Asian poachers cutting off the fin and dumping the rest of the stricken animal they may be.
It used to be prevalent but boats and catch were seized. Maybe it is still under control, maybe we have taken our eye off the ball.
“The big issue is there are a number of coronaviruses that are poised for emergence in humans,”
‘Poised for release’ would be more accurate. The new path to wealth will be “Find the disease, make the RNA vaccine, release the disease, blackmail the Govts”
Remember Victor Borge’s uncle “who invented the cure for which there was no disease”?
I’ve been debating starting a second regular Mid-Week in Pictures feature. I’m undecided about making it regular, in part because I don’t want to overdo a good thing, and also because the middle of many weeks I’m often traveling or insanely busy, unlike Friday nights when I can relax and assemble a gallery from a full week’s inventory. I may put up a reader poll on the question.
But this week is a special case: it is not enough that we have 1970s-style inflation again: it seems we have the long-awaited sequel to Convoy. Only up in Canada. I used to joke that if Captain Bligh had commanded a Canadian warship, the movie would have been Strong Disagreement on the Bounty. But I may have to rethink my views of our friends up in the Great White North. And how to you say “Let’s go Brandon” in Quebecois?
Time For A Mainstream Pivot On Ivermectin?
Reuters initially ran the headline:
“Japan’s Kowa says ivermectin effective against Omicron in phase III trial”.
That headline was incorrect, and Reuters was forced to retract it. They re-ran the story with a title congruent with the facts:
Ivermectin shows ‘antiviral effect’ against COVID, Japanese company says
Both ivermectin advocates and detractors claimed victory on the day.
The facts as put forth in the corrected version of the Reuters article still seemed to be a net positive:
But, let’s put aside the Kowa study for a second.
What most people don’t know is that this Japanese trial, whether successful or not – whether clinical or nonclinical – would only serve to supplement robust data already available about ivermectin’s effectiveness on Covid-19.
The website keeps a running tally of such studies, and aggregates the data as it comes in.
The website keeps a chronological log of studies, news, theories, of all types of information available about ivermectin that can be aggregated, including meta analyses, dating back to April of 2020. At most recent update, it includes 147 studies, 96 peer reviewed, 77 with results comparing treatment and control groups. (It currently includes the Kowa writeup, but has yet to correct the Reuters headline as of the time of this writing.)
[Copyright ownership concerns here]ED
Has The Red Carpet Been Rolled Out For A Mainstream Pivot On Ivermectin?
One picture that captures the utter insanity of COVID compliance.
Our grandchildren will think we’re not just simpletons, but insane too.
There are nine people in this picture.
Seven of them are athletes* in peak physical condition and under the age of 25.
One is a 62 year old, overweight, retired athlete who has had HIV for 31 years.
Who is the one not wearing a mask?
The one not wearing the mask is the one with the largest bank account.
Facebook Removes ‘Convoy to D.C. 2022’ Group, Claiming It Violated ‘Policies Around QAnon’
My cat’s litter smells better than Facebook’s explanation!
Facebook Stock Plunges After Closing — Far Left Tech Giant Loses One Million US and Canadian Users in One Quarter!
Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft
WOW! Facebook’s stock crashed 21% after hours after the far left social media platform lost one millions US and Canadian users.
Facebook lost ONE MILLION users in ONE QUARTER!
This is great news for freedom lovers everywhere!
C’mon people let’s keep this going!
Like California, Facebook is losing people. Wonder why
Facebook is going the way of California. It’s losing people.
The news for the social media behemoth was grim.
Facebook’s pals in Big Tech are going down, too. Seems no one is all-powerful anymore.
The elephant in the room of these analyses, though, is the same one that’s driving people out of California: that customers are disgusted with Facebook’s politicized behavior.
Get woke, go broke. It applies even to the big boys.
In Facebook’s case, that behavior has taken on approximately three pernicious forms.
Facebook suffers biggest one-day value drop of any US company in history
This would make a fantastic ‘Yes Minister’ episode. Queensland Govt spending our taxes to prove that healthy people are actually sick.
“Dr Gerrard commissioned a major survey of residents on the Gold Coast over the past two weekends, and it showed many had COVID-19 but did not know it.
The study, an Australian first, saw 117 homes randomly tested on January 22. Of those, 20 people returned positive PCR tests, but only four were displaying any symptoms, and only two knew they had COVID-19.”
This headline should read: “Covid 5 times less lethal than thought – as 80% of cases are asymptomatic and undiagnosed”
The Great Reset … started in Aus already?
Went into the Westpac branch in a Vic regional city yesterday for the purpose of making a direct deposit. I had internet purchased a product for $70 and had to pay for it. It was purchased from a subsidiary of D#L#X. Disliking the option of giving card details over the phone, I was offered the option of paying by direct bank deposit, and was emailed the necessary bank account details ex customer service dept. On receipt, I printed this advice off.
I gave this advice to the teller along with the sum of money involved. He started entering the details into his computer, but then called for assistance from a staff officer. They both looked at the computer screen and appeared to indicate agreement. The teller then looked at me and said “ sorry, I can’t accept this cash deposit. There is an advice here from D#L#X stating that they are not accepting cash payments for sales made. Yeah!! ??
Love that sort of logic, ignoring tha fact that a/ Westpac accept the cash and then b/ everything else IS electronic.
The brave new world indeed. The completely stupid world as well.
Once in a lifetime event ’cause of global warming:
Sea Freezes In Greece In “Once In A Lifetime Phenomenon”
Johns Hopkins study determines lockdowns ineffective.
Dastardly anti-science Trumpians.
News headline.
“Johns Hopkins Institute study reveals Covid-19 lockdowns had ‘little to no effect’ on mortality rate”
“Johns Hopkins Institute study reveals Covid-19 lockdowns had ‘little to no effect’ on mortality rate”
It seems that the lockdown response was useless in all ways but one – it was highly destructive to every society which used them.
In hindsight, yes we can make that conclusion the lockdowns did far more harm than good. Many of us thought lockdowns was a good idea at the start, and they probably were but in a matter of months more and more realised their repeated use was self destructive in so many ways. Now, it’s becoming worse with the repeated use of other mandates as well. They all must stop for the sake of our economy and way of life. If our political “masters” realised the damage they have already caused and recognised most of it could have been avoided, they would not hesitate to stop all the mandates right now. Instead they are continuing on as though everything is OK. Either they are completely out of touch with reality or have a very sinister agenda in play. Either way they do not deserve to be in office for one more second, let alone beyond the next round of elections. It’s that simple.
Not so simple.
Did the Hopkins study mention Western Australia?
The rule on lockdowns is like everything else in medicine — a full spectrum bell curve of good and bad outcomes depending on many variables. The Binary “yes” “No” thing is a gross over-simplification.
Short lockdowns, with closed borders and antivirals will defeat almost any new CCP Bioweapon if done competently.
Long lockdowns with Open borders, no safe antivirals, and forced vaccination are criminal sabotage.
It’s the corruption of our medical institutions, media and government by Big Pharma that is the crime of the century. Fix that, and we end up with tool to beat the CCP but not a weapon to use against the people to coerce them to take a drug they don’t want to take, and to attack and reduce the power of small independent business.
To beat the enemy we have to have the discipline to be accurate and the wisdom to prepare ahead.
I was talking in generalities, you are talking with specifics, which I don’t necessarily disagree with. I believe we are on the same page wrt the COVID-19 issues. How we fix it is not going to be easy but it is simple. That’s where we disagree. Solutions to many problems are typically simple. They are just not easy for a variety of reasons.
In reply to:
Schweizer: NYT’s ‘Turn’ on Biden Family ‘an Important Development’
I totally agree. The Democratic party (insiders) and ‘who’ ever controls the fake media, have simultaneously cut Biden loose. Biden no longer has fake media protection. Biden is becoming a pariah. The fake media will loose what credibility they have if they tried to defend a pariah. Biden is a corrupt president, who sounds clueless and confused, at a time of US/world crises.
The NYT and the Dem insiders have accepted a future where the Republicans gain control of both houses in the Congress and then start to impeach Biden for crimes. Biden is very unpopular and the facts are appalling. If the US was not corrupt to the core (FBI, CIA, DOD, and so on), Biden would have been charged and convicted.
Biden is so corrupt it gives an opening for Trump to run on a clean-up Washington campaign. FBI, CIA, DOD, CDC, NIH.
This is a dangerous time because the WH is dysfunctional until 2024. The US is at its weakest and it is very likely Trump could and would win the 2024 election. Think of impeachment trials which present evidence that Biden is stinking corrupt and compromised. The evidence is nicely summarized in a book.
President of El Salvador asks if the destruction of American cities is a ‘deliberate plan’
“Is there a deliberate plan to destroy the United States from within?” Bukele tweeted on Monday. “…Why are they letting their beautiful cities rot?”
Yes, it’s possible. As I stated earlier in hindsight, we can make the definitive conclusion the lockdowns and other mandates did far more harm than good overall. Many of us thought they were a good idea at the start, and they probably were but in a matter of months more and more realised their repeated use was self destructive in so many ways. If our political “masters” realised the damage they have already caused and recognised most of it could have been avoided, they would not hesitate to stop all the mandates right now. Instead they are continuing on as though everything it’s the only way. Either they are completely out of touch with reality or have a very sinister agenda in play. Either way they do not deserve to be in office for one more second, let alone beyond the next round of elections. Also, we need true leadership nationally. It’s that simple. Anyone who still thinks we should place LNP or ALP/Greens at or near the top of the list when it comes to vote in any election must be a fool or actually is in favour of the self destruction and eventual downfall of Australia as a whole. How much more destruction does a government formed by one of the majors need to carry out for the people to wake up? Until it’s too late?
“Fauci Flip Flops”
Via Chiefio
“Freedom Convoy 2022 Press Conference”
Symbols of Shame
Two years ago when the news of COVID engulfed the nation we all donned whatever masky device we could rig and ventured forth to stock up on toilet paper. We heard, to our dismay, that some jobs were essential and some weren’t, but we bought into that. It all seemed otherworldly, 1984-ish, and scary. Then, after just a few weeks, the news of Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin started to surface and the crisis seemed manageable. Whew! I thought. Thank you, G@d, for providing such a timely discovery; we’ll be able to dodge this bullet. I had failed to realize what bullet was racing toward us.
For, despite evident cures, the lockdowns continued. The masks — soon shown to be useless — not only stayed on our faces but became religious icons, virtue-signaling devices. We stopped striking up conversations with strangers. Our kids sat, hour after hour, day after day, in front of computer screens that presented to them the bare minimum of an education — if that. We quit going to the movies. ”Out to eat” became just that — out in the cold on make-shift patios. No parties. No church. No jobs.
We built huge makeshift hospitals to handle the anticipated caseload. People were dying, but whether or not they were dying of COVID had yet to be established. No one asked why we weren’t using the cheap, available miracle drugs to save folks. My doctor told me that he wasn’t “allowed” to prescribe either HCQ or IVM. “Allowed?!?” Both drugs were FDA approved for other uses, so what’s the problem?
At some point, we are going to have to yank the ring out of our noses, stomp our collective feet and say, “No more.” We need to follow Canada’s lead (Never thought I say that!) and grind everything to a halt until:
1. We have removed all COVID restrictions.
2. We have sorted out our election mess so the elections can be secure.
3. We have removed Fauci, et. al., from office.
4. We have solved our presidential problem — not only removing Biden from the Oval Office but preventing Harris or Pelosi from moving in.
I’m an American. I’m just done with this nonsense.
I wish I had a truck.
“Military Grade Protest Suppression Devices”
What happens when the elites don’t give a f**k
Is your head ready to explode? Have your friends from the former USSR told you America now feels like the country from which they fled?
Are you asking yourself, repeatedly, what matters in fighting Covid: mask, or no mask, three jabs, or no jabs, in-person education or distance learning, party time, or isolation?
Have you flown wondering if the guy sitting next to you, who might have (unbelievably) slithered through TSA with an arrest warrant for an ID, is wanted for armed robbery, aggravated assault, r@pe, murder or, terrorism?
Are you still working while others have resigned or are vacationing on the government’s dime?
Are you worried where your next roll of paper towels is coming from?
Did you get infuriated when cities burned, stores were looted, and folks trying to protect their property and their lives were prosecuted while the looters weren’t?
Are you fed up with over-paid spoiled rotten Hollywood types and sports stars who, because they get paid megabucks for scant work or no work at all, think their beliefs are more important than yours?
Are you gagging at the censorship wrapped in the canard of ‘Covid misinformation”? Have you had it with the cancel culture?
Well, that’s the result when those in power — in government, in education, in entertainment and, in sports – just don’t give a f**k.*
Under Biden, invading the US is OK – but one foot in Ukraine and it’s war.
Police Turn on Aussie Truckies
Graham Hood recapping the events from the police.
For those who still think it’s OK to vote for LNP and not one of the minor parties then certain comments from Graham Hood should open your eyes.
What You Need To Know About Alex Vindman’s Lawsuit Against Trump Officials
Vindman’s lawsuit alleges the four defendants conspired to intimidate and retaliate against him, in violation of the Ku Klux Klan Act of 1871. Here’s what you need to know about Wednesday’s lawsuit.
Discovery Will Be Lit
While Vindman may achieve an early victory in this case, first with the positive PR he is garnering and second by fending off any attempt by the defendants to have the case immediately tossed as frivolous, he may soon regret his decision to sue.
Unlike the House proceedings in which Schiff and other defendants ran cover for Vindman, allowing him to refuse to respond to relevant questions, federal discovery will not be so limited. And there will be much the defendants will want to know, such as with whom Vindman discussed the telephone call.
Bad Timing
While it will be some time before discovery proceeds in this case, we are already discovering more details about the Biden-Ukrainian connection. And the timing of the release of that information couldn’t have been worse.
Just hours before USA Today hit the newsstands and Vindman’s attorneys filed his complaint, John Solomon reported that Just the News had just obtained a copy of a November 22, 2016, email sent by George Kent, the former U.S. embassy official in Kiev, to top State Department officials in the Obama-Biden administration. Kent is one of the two individuals Vindman discussed Trump’s telephone conversation.
In the email, Kent wrote, “The real issue to my mind was that someone in Washington needed to engage VP Biden quietly and say that his son Hunter’s presence on the Burisma board undercut the anti-corruption message the VP and we were advancing in Ukraine.”
Is Vindman so utterly clueless and poorly advised that he thinks his claim has some merit? Or is he doing this as part of some grand plan advised by those with ulterior motives even if it damages his interests? Or maybe somebody with deep pockets who wants to promote lawfare to cost the defendants a bucket load of cash they may not have?
In short what the hell is he thinking. And there in the absence of further developments I will just add this to the long and ever growing list of things I don’t understand.
Biden acts much more like Putin’s puppet than Trump ever did
Back in 2017, Walter Russell Mead wrote: If Donald Trump “were the Manchurian candidate that people keep wanting to believe that he is, here are some of the things he’d be doing:
– Limiting fracking as much as he possibly could
– Blocking oil and gas pipelines
– Opening negotiations for major nuclear arms reductions
– Cutting U.S. military spending
– Trying to tamp down tensions with Russia’s ally Iran.”
Trump, of course, did none of those things, and indeed the entire “Russian collusion” narrative that the press pushed for his entire presidency has been thoroughly exploded.
But someone is doing these things, right now. I’m talking, of course, about Joseph Robinette Biden Jr., who at his shambolic Wednesday press conference gave Russia the go-ahead to invade Ukraine, though it was quickly walked back by backwalker-in-chief Jen Psaki, his press secretary.
Mark Levin Says Dems Knew ‘Damn Well’ Biden Was Unfit for Presidency
“You, Democrats, you people in the media, you people in academia. You brought us Joe Biden. You knew damn well, he was incapable of doing what a President needs to do, for a whole variety of reasons,” Levin said. “You knew that he was not mentally fit to be President of the United States. You knew that experientially, he has been a disaster when it comes to foreign policy. You are responsible for the man who sits in the Oval Office today. You.”
“You are responsible for the man who sits in the Oval Office today,” he continued, “you never-Trumpers, who have a hate on him, an obsession that requires deep psychological treatments. You are responsible for the man who is in Oval Office today.”
Watch the entire thing below.
America is done with the ro
A new poll shows 70 percent of Americans have moved on; too bad the rest work in the media. Support for vaccine mandates is plunging too.
It’s time that we accept that Covid is here to stay and we just need to get on with our lives.
7 out of 10 Americans now agree with that statement, according to a poll released Monday from Monmouth University.
The problem for Joe Biden, of course, is that the remaining 30 percent of the country is pretty much definitionally his base. The bluechecks and teachers unions have eaten their own cooking. They are hoping to “work from home” until the end of time, leaving their Brooklyn apartments only to get booster shots. Hey, maybe Amazon can deliver those too.
Never get high on your own supply.
Too late now.
The non-woke (sleepy?) majority of the country has also registered the failure of the vaccines. Support for mandates is melting as quickly as Uncle Joe’s approval rating (surely no coincidence). Only 43 percent of Americans support requiring proof of vaccination to work in an office, down from 53 percent in September.
Graham Hood’s message to PM Morrison: “If you keep going down the road you are going, you’re gone!”.
We Need More Suave Conservatives Who Can And Will Call Out Corrupt Media’s B.S.
The corporate press needs to be held accountable for its lack of transparency and integrity and conservative politicians should do just that.
When an ABC reporter asked Kari Lake, a Republican running for governor in Arizona, if she believed that Joe Biden is the president of the United States, the Republican knew just what to say.
“Well, he’s obviously sitting in the White House,” she responded calmly before asking the reporter, “Do you think he’s the president?”
The female reporter had no comment but that didn’t stop Lake from politely yet firmly asking whether she and ABC News thought the 2020 election was fair.
“The problem is that the American people don’t have all the answers because the media is part of the problem,” Lake said. “Media is not reporting it. Media has never reported our forensic audit fairly. They’re not reporting what’s happening in Georgia. They’re not reporting on these ballot traffickers that are being paid to drop off ballots. Media is doing a huge disservice to this country and the people aren’t getting the full story.”
Lake noted that this isn’t an isolated problem, it’s an orchestrated one.
“ABC News, CNN, MSNBC, spent more than three years lying to the American people saying that Russia colluded with Donald J. Trump to steal an election in 2016. And they knew that was false. They knew they were peddling lies and they did nothing to stop it. It was a complete hoax and it was a lie. And now they’re doing the opposite,” she said. “We have evidence of corruption in our election and they refuse to cover it. They refuse to be honest with the people of this country. It is disgusting what the media has done. And I think their days are numbered when it comes to surviving all of this. A business — when you’re lying to the people and you’re in media, it’s a bad business model.”
Lake called out the corporate media for what they are: p@rverted, prejudiced leftists who don’t care about Americans. As history shows, the corrupt press exists to serve Democrats, coastal elites, and their agendas. They are propagandists who aren’t afraid to lie through their teeth to get to the top.
Standard Operating Procedure (S.O.P.) for the left is to always accuse your enemy of the thing that you, yourself, are doing. There’s enough evidence that DemoncRats were attempting to defraud the 2016 election; they just didn’t do enough of it to make a difference, Trump’s support was so strong.
By 2020, they had perfected and expanded the techniques they would use; they used them wisely and widely enough to insure Let’s Go Brandon would win. I’ve just finished Rigged by Mollie Hemingway. Of course, the usual gang of idiots will chime in here, and request/demand ‘citation needed’ or other corroborating evidence. About one-third of the book is the references to the evidence Ms. Hemingway cites, including the lame-stream media’s own reports that document widespread cheating, vote stealing, and fraud, including illegal changes to election laws.
It took me several months to wade through the text, partially because I would look up some of the references, a few of which had to be accessed through the Way Bac machine, having been ‘disappeared’ by the originating co-conspiritors; and because reading about how the DemoncRat Communistas stole the election out from under a basically decent, hard-working man, caused me to become sufficiently angry that I had to put it down and walk away from the book.
It is very hard-hitting, and fully referenced. If, and only if, you are able through your own research and original sources, to refute what Ms. Hemingway has stated, then I will accept that Let’s Go Brandon, the Senile and Incompetent, legitimately won 2020.
I shan’t hold my breath waiting for you to come up with your own sources or refutations. Every disaster that has taken place since 20 Jan 2021 speaks to the illegitimacy of this nightmare, Let’s Go Brandon.
Isn’t that what the left accuse the right of? 😉
Guest Post: Speedbox – Saudi Arabia, the Houthi and the UAE
The conflict between Saudi Arabia and the Houthi rebels in Yemen has been going on since 2015. It has simmered away with various clashes between 2015-2020 but 2021 saw a dramatic escalation in strikes by the Houthi and strikes/retaliation by the Saudis.
For background, Saudi Arabia and Yemen sharing a land border on the Arabian Peninsula and Yemen holding a highly strategic position facing the Gulf of Aden and the Red Sea. This conflict has serious implications for trade through the narrow Bab el-Mandeb Strait that stretches only 30 kilometres between Yemen and Djibouti in North Africa. At worst, aggressive control of the Strait could prevent all vessels (and notably oil tankers originating in the Persian Gulf) from transiting directly to the Indian Ocean forcing them to exit the region via the Suez Canal and then around the southern tip of Africa. That is an immense journey adding weeks and substantial cost to the shipping lines and global supply.
The Houthi rebels are primarily supported by Iran who provide weapons with North Korea also providing some support.
Further, shortly after taking office US President Joe Biden ended US support to Saudi Arabia for offensive operations against the Houthi and reversed former President Donald Trump’s listing of the Houthi as a terrorist organisation.
Corporate America Loves Virtue-Signaling About ‘Human Rights’ Until It’s Payday From G@nocidal China’s 2022 Olympics
Shut Up and Play!
Pelosi: U.S. Athletes Risk Angering CCP if They ‘Speak Out’ Against China’s Genocide
Truckers are starting a working-class revolution — and the left hates it
So we’re finally seeing a genuine, bottom-up, working-class revolution. In Canada, and increasingly in the United States, truckers and others are refusing to follow government orders, telling the powerful that, in a popular lefty formulation, if there’s no justice, there’s no peace.
Naturally, the left hates it.
For more than a century, lefties have talked about such a revolt. But if you really paid attention, the actual role of the working class in their working-class revolution was not to call the shots — it was to do what it was told by the “intellectual vanguard” of the left.
A working-class revolution led by the working class is the left’s worst nightmare because the working class doesn’t want what the left wants. The working class wants jobs, a stable economy, safe streets, low inflation, schools that teach things and a conservative, non-adventurous foreign policy that won’t get a lot of working-class people killed. It’s not excited about gender fluidity, critical race theory, “modern monetary theory,” foreign adventures and defunding police.
Worse yet, a huge part of the lefty self-image revolves around feeling superior to the working class and openly expressing disdain for it. One need spend only a few minutes tuning into left media like NPR, CNN or MSNBC to hear the disdain for working-class Americans, inhabitants of “flyover country,” people who live in the middle of nowhere.
So naturally, the idea that those people might be staging a revolution is intolerable.
That’s why, even as they legitimize and valorize outright rioting and violence by leftist groups, lefties vilify every working-class protest movement, going back before the Tea Party. In Canada, the press even tried to pretend that the thousands of truckers driving to the capital city of Ottawa were actually Russian agents. When that failed, it fell back on its old standard, calling them fascists, Nazi sympathizers and white supremacists.
Latest name update
The capital of “Truckistan” is now “Dieselburg”
“Dieselburg” – Sponsored By VW?
More CNN
And CNN Re-employed him – what a Bunch of Total Sleezebags at CNN – led from the Top
Claudia Tenney
It’s looking increasingly like the only employee at CNN who keeps his hands to himself is Jeffrey Toobin.
More reading
No nation on earth has been more pro-vaxx than Israel, now going for their fourth jab – and what did they get for all this effort?
The highest rates of death and infection in the world.
So please, everyone, go and get your booster now!
The way things are going here with constant reminders to get a booster shot, and the fact that we have ordered over 200 millions doses, we could end up being the most vaccinated nation on earth unless the people wake up. We can place all of the blame on PM Morrison for that as the buck stops with him.
And Albo is out of sync with Dan and will welcome FREEDOM!
Dream on, pitiful soul.
Switzerland Abolishes COVID Restrictions
Quebec Scraps Unvaccinated Tax
Let’s hope that’s true, especially here in Australia. Time for Australians to wake up!
Latest Pointman
“Must Watch, AP Journalist Matt Lee Questions State Dept About Claims of Russian Aggression
February 3, 2022 | Sundance | 411 Comments”
False flag? How convenient. If true though then it gives the police the excuse they need to close down the whole protest.
Man with rifle arrested as police clear campsite set up by Convoy to Canberra protesters opposing vaccine mandates
URGENT: Police raid protest camp and discover “firearms”. False flag?
Zucker didn’t kill himself…….
Martin Armstrong – Economist Says The Great Reset is FAILING!
I hope he’s right. He usually is.
Putin warns the neocons to stop destabilising nations:
Putin: No More Color Revolutions