Welcome to a world where El Salvador leads the way in medical care
As early as July 2020 El Salvador was trialling kits to treat Covid that included Ivermectin. Cases were starting to rise, so on August 9, 2020 the President Nayib Bukele made a national announcement that treatment kits and tests were available. Anyone with symptoms could call up the helpline and a box would be delivered to their home. The treatment kits included ivermectin, azithromycin, zinc, Vitamin D, Panadol, and an antihistamine.
By January 2021 cases were on the rise again and so Ivermectin was made available over the counter without a prescription for anyone to buy at pharmacies. Meanwhile the vaccine rollout began in February 2021. But by April 9 only 2.8% of the population was vaccinated. The rate of delivery increased from there.
By January 2022, El Salvador became possibly the first country in the world to tell people to “get fit” to beat Covid. Imagine suggesting that?
Lucky El Salvador didn’t wait for the random controlled trials to develop a treatment kit. Wow.

The first Covid peak was the day after the President announced home deliveries of treatment kits. The second peak was day after the news was announced that Ivermectin would be available without a prescription.
Here’s El Salvador compared to the rich nations of the world:
On a cases per million basis, the “big” surges in El Salvador were … tiny. Especially when compared to the West.

Per capita cases of Covid. El Salvador managed the pandemic better than nearly anywhere.
The kits were described by one doctor as like a take away food delivery. Here’s a lady delivering some, as seen on a WHO video which praises El Salvador . It mentions masses of treatment kits (at 2:30) but does not list a single ingredient. Just like magic, getting a cardboard box will save you?

Vans were sent to homes of infected people to deliver treatment kits. (WHO Video)
By February 2021 El Salvador had delivered 200,000 treatment kits. But at this stage people were also buying itself for themselves from the local pharmacy too.

200,000 kits were delivered to homes by Feb 2021 | WHO Video
El Salvador kits for treating Covid
TrialsiteNews listed the ingredients:
Called the “Outpatient Treatment for COVID-19, the protocol includes the following:
Medicines Dose / Duration
- Acetaminophen 500 MG 1 Tab VO C /6 hours
- Loratadine 10 MG 1 Tab V C /12 hours
- Zinc 50 MG 1 Tab VO / day
- Ivermectin 6 MG 1 Tab VO C /12 day
- Vitamin C 500 MG 1 Tab VO C /day
- Vitamin D 2000 MG 1 Tab VO C /day
- Azithromycin 1 Tab VO C/day
So who is this President of El Salvador and how did he get the idea to use anti-virals?
It seems that back in May 2020 he was already onto the potential of other drugs.
Salvadoran leader says he takes drug touted by Trump for coronavirus
SAN SALVADOR (Reuters) – Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele said on Tuesday he takes hydroxychloroquine, an antimalarial drug that U.S. President Donald Trump has promoted as a way to ward off the novel coronavirus, though experts have warned about its safety.
Bukele told reporters that El Salvador was not promoting it anymore as a treatment, following the recommendation of the World Health Organization, though patients would still be able to take it as a preventative measure if they wished.
“I use it as a prophylaxis, President Trump uses it as a prophylaxis, most of the world’s leaders use it as a prophylaxis,” Bukele said.
On a cumulative basis El Salvador has done exceptionally well
Only New Zealand has lower cases:

Few have done better than El Salvador. | Source: OWID
It’s fair to ask if El Salvador has done enough testing, but the test positivity rate varied from 3% – 15% which is on par with many countries. And in terms of total death rates per million from Covid — El Salvador at 587 per million was worse than New Zealand (10) and Australia(95) but lower than Canada (820), the UK (2,200), and the US (2,500).
How many of us would have predicted two years ago that we’d have more freedom and more competent medical treatment in El Salvador than we could get at home? Send these figures around the world. People need to know.
* * *
All studies on ivermectin are here. There are 20 known mechanisms of action: It’s so safe doctors fed it to primary school children to treat lice in Canberra. It has been used to virtually eliminate Covid in Japan,Uttar Pradesh, and in Indonesia where it cut Covid by 98% at the same time cases in Australia grew 500% with Lock-n-Vax. There are also success stories from Peru,Brazil, and Mexico.
For the record, El Salvador.com reported on Jan 12 2021 that the Medicines Directorate authorized free sale of Ivermectin.
[Translated] The drug Ivermectin, whose name has become popular because there are doctors who use it as part of the treatment against COVID-19, is [now] sold in pharmacies without the need to present a medical prescription. The sale of the drug was restricted, but according to different sources consulted, the National Directorate of Medicines (DNM) removed the requirement.
For Carlos Ortega, a specialist in virology at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of El Salvador, Ivermectin has not actually gone through phases of study to be an antiviral against COVID-19 and does not have international certifications for it; however, in light of the emergency and the data that the laboratory studies have produced, he does not see its use as bad.
Also for the record — the Vaccine rollout in El Salvador:

… Source: OWID
Thanks Jo.
But here in QLD our Premier and in NSW Health Hazzard claim that those who do not take the useless vaxxes which promote infection are “selfish” and “have not done the right thing”. How about they “do the right thing” and allow access to Ivermectin and HCQ plus zinc and allow us to take action ourselves. Action which will result in less cases, less people in hospital and less deaths. Exactly as you have shown in El Salvador .
This is nothing less than criminal misinformation. Oh and did I mention that based on information released by Pfizer their vaccine causes a host of issues and more deaths than if one did not take their treatment. And Anna and Health Hazzard say we should take such treatments and do not publicise the warnings on these treatments – this is utterly wrong
Some interesting info from https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/covid-19-surveillance-report-20220113.pdf
This is a weekly surveillnace report for NSW for covid19
“COVID-19 WEEKLY SURVEILLANCE IN NSW Epidemiological week 52, ending 1 January 2022”
Page 29
“Hospitalisations, ICU admissions and deaths among cases diagnosed with COVID-19, by vaccination status, NSW, from 1
January 2020 to 25 November 2021”
“Vaccination status……………….Hospitalised (% of total cases)
“Fully vaccinated…………………567 (8.3%)
“Partially vaccinated……………..585 (8.6%)
“No effective dose………………..5,103 (13.5%)
“Under investigation………………1,263 (14.4%)
“Not eligible for vaccination………336 (2.2%)
(aged 0-11 years)
Note that “no effective dose” is either vaccinated less than 21 days prior, or is unvaxxed. They dont seem to provide a split between the 2 states.
Its worth noting that if we assume “no effective dose” = unvaxxed, its still 20% less than the combined value of vaxxed + partially vaxxed.
And on Page 26 of the same document :
“Total COVID-19 cases by vaccination status and week reported, NSW, 16 June to 1 January 2022”
Week ending 1 Jan 2022
“Fully vaccinated…………………72,042 (71%)
“Partially vaccinated……………..671 (1%)
“No effective dose………………..634 (1%)
“Under investigation………………19,616 (19%)
“Not eligible for vaccination………7,874 (8%)
(aged 0-11 years)
“Total…………………………..100,837 (100%)
An interesting document OS. No wonder the authorities buried this analysis under 40 pages of word salad.
My favourite so far is table 5 which shows for confirmed Omicron cases that
80% were “fully vaccinated”,
14% were “under investigation”,
3% not eligible,
2% were “no effective dose”, and
1% “partialy vaccinated”
Quite the “vaccine” they’re pushing. No wonder Djokovic became the first professional sportsman deported for not taking drugs.
This is a crucial point. That 3 week window allows a massive skew of the results towards the unvaccinated by adding in all those cases where the “vaccine” was
not yet effectivesuppressing the immune system more than providing protection.The same delay in the definition of “boosted” produces at least some portion of the negative efficacy for infection of the “fully vaccinated” vs unvaccinated and the stated efficacy of boosting overall
See the following article on how this skew can occur, even with a placebo shot – the delay period for efficacy is 2 weeks so the NSW figures are even more prone to this distortion.
While I disagree with mandatory vaccination, the figures on page 8 of the NSW report clearly show that the fully vaccinated are much less likely to be hospitalised (1.2% vs 9.1%), in ICU (0.1% vs 1.5%) or dead (<0.1% vs 0.3%) compared with those with no effective dose. This is because "Among cases since 26 November 2021, although the number of hospitalisations, admissions to ICU and deaths is greater among the fully vaccinated than those with no effective dose, the proportion of cases with these outcomes is still much higher among those with no effective dose.” Only about 7% of the NSW population are not vaccinated. You can still get Covid if vaccinated but the risk of severe illness is much less.
It is a flu. If I get it I’ll stay home for a week; if I get really sick I’ll go to hospital. They can test me there.
See Anataliks comment related to the delay which has a dramatic skewing impact on the results here. I had already read the link previously, and the UK Professor Fenton (as Jo has previously posted on) also highlights the skewing that goes on here which calls into serious question whether the vaxxes actually do prevent hospitalisation.
But one hospitalisation which is never discussed or added in, but should be, are all those who were hospitalised DUE TO the vaxx. I have 3 relatives who had this unfortunate circumstance with one taking over 6 weeks to rehabilitate. My mother in law was in the ambulance within hours and to this day is livid that her doctor and the hospital would not pass on her details to the TGA for recording with all the other injuries/hospitalisations. Deliberate under reporting – a consequence of AHPRAs bid to silence health care workers, and no doubt those attending my mother in law and others have found every possible reason why her situation and others have nothing to do with the vaxx..
Small town of Aramac in central Qld 110 people attended the vac roll out at the local hall ….. 43 ended up in hospital. None serious that I know of but people were literally passing out in the street. One thing is for sure is, if 40% of a small town had been hospitalised for COVID it would have been international headlines
All Expletives completely Undeleted!
It’s readers like you who must make Jo wonder why she writes some articles and why she feels the need to repeat them three or more times. Are you trying to tell us you haven’t heard of Vitamin D 3 and/or you don’t know how to use it?
I guess your life is yours to waste …
If you are using it properly, you shouldn’t get flu of any sort — including the Wuhan variety.
That means you need to maintain a blood level of vitamin D 3 of 50ng/nml plus (or 125nm/L) to keep the keep Covids away.
I’m unvaxxed. I maintain a proper vitamin D 3 level and don’t need those dangerous medications.
(I know there are others on this blog who do similarly but it’s up to them to tell you).
Get yourself sorted out!
Catching a flu bug? Really!
Spending a week in bed? Really!
“… the fully vaccinated are much less likely to be hospitalised …”
If vaccinated people are being hospitalized, all I can say is that it proves that the vaccines DON’T WORK. Nothing else can be concluded from this. The government says that unvaccinated people, even supremely fit people like tennis players, are a risk to the vaccinated. That simply proves that the government also knows that the vaccines DON’T WORK.
Hivemind said:
I’ve still not been able to work that one out satisfactorily. If you’re “jabbed” you can easily become a ‘superinfector,’ so I regard the so-called “vaccinated” as potentially dangerous.
I take care of my own immune system and won’t allow one of those dangerous medications near it.
So far, my care and attention has kept me healthy and resistant. I regard my Government as a supreme liar.
NSW does have the best reports, however I am curious about the hospitalisations – earlier they were about 2/3 unvax and 1/3 vax, which struck me as odd given the NSW death data shows deaths about 1/3 unvax and 2/3 vaxxed (in some form).
My suspicion is that the profiles of the unvaxxed hospitalisations will show high age/obesity/illnesses that for risk reasons were not vaxxed.
Can anyone confirm that? Or have any idea who these large groups were, why they were there (with vs from), and how long did they stay?
Interesting, well written and a good overview without going overboard with the techs spiky stuff.
What you link to is interesting. It appears that the RNA vaccines chemically do not produce long lasting T-cell response.
So if Omicron did not appear jumping out of benign lab.
Delta covid would have evolved and we would have continued to be vaccinated with vaccines that only work biochemically for four months. This vaccination hell and isolation would have gone until Ivermectin has used.
“There are two reasons that the transition from pandemic to endemic didn’t happen until Omicron:
1) all the widely used vaccines are based on the spike protein, which doesn’t induce a protective long-lasting T cell response, and 2) natural immunity wasn’t widespread.
The Nature paper disclosed that protective (IL-2 secreting) T cells are induced by SARS-CoV-2 infection. Accordingly, we could foresee that a wider spread of Omicron infection would induce a wider range of cross-reactive T cell immunity, subsequently offering more widespread protection against potential future SARS-CoV-2 variants. As a result, we are likely very close to being able to say goodbye to the pandemic.”
The data from India shows that Omicron has stopped Delta in India. The daily covid death rate in India is now independent of the newly Omicron daily cases.
Omicron is acting like a very effective universal free vaccine.
1) Omicron self extinguishes, quickly. Omicron spreads so rapidly through an entire population that it stops re-infection, as everyone will have been exposed to it.
2) Unlike the RNA first release covid vaccines. Omicron invokes an T-cell immune response that will provide long lasting multiyear protection from all covid viruses.
I’m not sure that I’m buying this story. If it were true I’m sure Saint Tony Fauci would have mentioned it by now, right?
The NSW “Health” Minister, Brad Hazzard, calls those who reject the vaxx “unbelievers”, in a video on YouTube entitled:
‘Wake up to yourselves’: Hazzard berates ‘disbelievers’ who won’t get COVID jab
Belief belongs to religion, not science.
But perhaps he is referring to a religion – the religion of Statism, where the individual is swallowed by the State and becomes a mere cypher.
Another video on YouTube is entitled: Is Government the New God: The Religion of Totalitarianism.
Believers in this religion would, of course, readily accept the sacrament of “vaccination.”
Hazzard can stick his jabs, many times, in his right buttock !!
That stuff is not coming near me. !
.. et tu Clarence.t?
A well informed media would ask why the “vaccinated” group were 40 times more likely to catch Omicron than the “no effective dose” group.
Table 5 https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Documents/covid-19-surveillance-report-20220113.pdf
Hazzard’s latest news on F/tel station600 today is the threat of banning unvaxxed from so many sites that they will be unable to take be present in ‘normal’ society. This, of course, as I said recently, is the same thing McGowan is threatening on enforcing in WA when he thinks he will open up WA like all the other States are currently seeming to do.
One can just hope that the pressures coming from a free flowing omicron infectious state, with the pressure on a hospital system already limited in its ability to handle ‘normal’ demands as shown by ramping ambulances as the usual state of affairs, will force the Health Departments to reconsider their blackouts around Australia on the therapeutics. If the media is forced to separate at last from the politics it favours by public demands that the governments ‘do something’ about the expected big kick-up in infection rate, the politicians are forced to listen. Additionally, if I was Morrison I would nip this in the bud very fast, with the election coming quickly, and get stuck into freeing up the therapeutics that we know work. With omicron, they probably do the whole job a lot better than the ‘vaccine’ therapies, result in better resistance and get past the deficiencies (risks) that come with the jab itself. The key: Getting the press interested in the survival and protection of its own journalists.
Good one Doc.
Brad Minister, Health Hazzard.
This whole business is beyond belief.
“threat of banning unvaxxed from so many sites that they will be unable to take be present in ‘normal’ society. ”
We will need to organise ourselves and make our own society. 5% of 25million people is still 1,250,000 folk, and the first thing we have in common to chat about is how we are mandated-segregated-subjugated.
300,000 people meeting up in Sydney would fill a big hall. 5% of the population is quite a voting block too.
My general impression is that most people are clueless about biology.
My local (Australian) MP admits to being scientifically illiterate (tho’ she’s a lovely person).
Politicians generally: -vague about science. Only a few science degrees amongst the lot of them.
Disease symptoms : -identical to a range of viral illnesses.
Testing regieme : -not employed at consistent Cycle Thresholds.
Population of Au : -limited science understanding.
Journalists: – too thick to comment.
Doctors: – frightened to speak up against the stupidity of Government edicts.
Our Au. situation is ripe for tyrants to exploit for their own ends. I wonder how long President Bukele will be allowed to hold office in the face of such obvious COVID success.
Well in the now famous words “Why are we not surprised!” Just maybe the El Salvador leader cares for his people enough to actually help them. In Australia I would challenge anyone to show me any PM, health minister, Premier, or their associates who show a gram of concern for the people. I recently posted about no early intervention in Australia especially with tried and proven antivirals and had someone tell me that when you are hospitalised you get them. Hardly early intervention as the power mad leaders only want control and vaccines. It will be very, very interesting to read Pfizer’s reports now the Supreme Court in the USA demands they publish unredacted ones.
We have Jane Halton telling the CHOs what to do.There is always the compromised politician factor at work
Medical board suspends license of doc, asks for psych evaluation for prescribing ivermectin and HCQ for COVID and for public dissent from orthodoxy
Shades of the darkest days of the Stalinist Soviet Union, where dissent from the lethal incorrect pseudo-scientific doctrines of Lysenkoism could result in imprisonment in a psychiatric hospital! Julia Marnin reports in the Miami Herald:
A doctor with decades of experience can’t practice medicine after her license was temporarily suspended over complaints that she shared coronavirus misinformation, according to a Maine licensing board. The board has ordered her to undergo a neuropsychological evaluation, it said. Dr. Meryl J. Nass, who got a license to practice medicine in Maine in 1997, had her license “immediately” suspended for 30 days after a board investigation and review of complaints against her on Jan. 12, according to a suspension order from the Maine Board of Licensure in Medicine.
Nass, who’s an internist in Ellsworth, must “submit” to an evaluation by a “Board-selected psychologist” on Feb. 1, the board’s evaluation order issued Jan. 11 said.
Dr. Nass’s purported “misconduct” includes both prescribing hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and talking and writing about them in public.
O.O., same Stalinesque / Ardernista crackdown/purge here, a public naming and shaming of doctors who go against the grain (offering any alternative other than the jab-jab-jab mindset) before the said doctors even have a chance of airing, or explaining, their reasons.
NZDSOS, NZ Doctors Speaking Out (with) Science, have organised themselves into a group to challenge the orthodoxy, the so-called settled science of Jabberwocky, and to assist any de-registered doctors and/or health practitioners.
Meanwhile, the official child-jabbing pogrom kicked off yesterday, with the toady misleadia pushing vox pop of parents claiming how pleased and relieved they are little Jack and Jemima are now ‘safe’…
When I asked my doctor to give me an exemption for the”Clotshot”he said he wasn’t qualified to do so.My specialist told me the same.So,that tells me that OUR betters are threatening doctors if they exempt ANYONE from the”Clotshot”Since when are politicians and public serpents more qualified than doctors and specialists?????????????
The same sentiment was quoted by my recently resigned hospital doc friend. He wonders why Admin bother employing doctors if they think they know better than him how to treat patients.
Perhaps I’ll retire to El Salvador where at least the Govt might be on my side. I’ll need a few fire-arms tho’. “Clot-shots” could be the least of my worries.
Something is askew with Peru as it leads all counties in deaths/million, slightly over 6000.
Its been very low since a peak in May last year, maybe this is Omicron getting going. Comparable to NSW, yesterday recorded 25700 new cases and 86 deaths.
You need extremely good lungs to live away from the coast/jungles, the Sacred Valley & the high country is over 10,000ft and people walk from there up the mountains to their crops. I don’t know if that makes them more resistant or more susceptible to lung problems.
Lovely people and a great place to visit, but definitely not first world.
Also, watch this video released by the El Salvador government on public health to minimise severe Covid risk. Nothing like this from our government – just jab, jab, jab
On the subject of Covid videos by our govenment, the Victorian government is funding propaganda encouraging kids to get vaccinated if their parents oppose it through a video on the premise of a “vax date”
Here is the video produced by this initiative, the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria
From the video
H/t TheCovidWorld.com
Next thing you know, they’ll be building camps to house the impure unvaxxed.
Oh, wait.
They already are.
Isn’t that entrance grand?
All it’s missing is a sign saying “Impfen macht frei”, “Vaccination sets you free”.
Via the DOB on the certificate, the age of the older female character is in her 40s..
Yeah TIP, I thought the same.
Are they sending more than one message in this video?
Like it’s ok for an older female to have an intimate relationship with an underage girl?
– the dialogue
– the clothing
– the lighting
– the backdrops
– the characters race
– the characters gender
– the characters religion
– the characters sexuality
– the characters ages
Every detail discussed and decided upon for affect and meaning.
Looks like “normalising the agenda” at every possible opportunity.
Associated with allowing children to get this medical procedure without parental consent will be other medical procedures on the Leftist agenda which they are pushing hard such as transgender procedures among children.
This is just disgusting, taking over and damaging the children.
And undermining the family unit is the side benefit
Meanwhile in a Victoria our “health” experts in government have banned IVF treatments for 90 days to stop omicron infections and babies being conceived as a result no doubt.
Cruelty to women for their own good is science now.
In one sense the pandemic has destroyed humanity.
On that note, you also have to love the ads telling women not to drink alcohol while pregnant to prevent abnormalities.
Meanwhile, they are encouraged to get 3 shots of an experimental gene therapy course that was never tested for early pregnancy effects with animals let alone humans.
For some women, that will mean the loss of an opportunity to ever have a baby.
But the Left love cruelty.
The holy words “my body, my choice” are now blasphemy.
How about making the comparison with smart countries:
El Salvador deaths 59.1/100k
Australia deaths 10.5/100k
And a couple of countries that actually managed better than Australia.
And we know Covid has greater impact on old people compared with young. Median age in El Salvador is 23.4 years. Median age in Australia is 37 years.
Sorry, I don’t see any smart countries in your list apart from El Salvador.
You never will learn it, allwas the eyes closed, unbelievable…..
Your correct sceptical sense in causa CC only for an hour directed to the COV-19 scam…..
You should put the cost of treatment per head in there Rick, you are certainly not comparing apples with apples using a broke 3rd world country V. a 2nd world country.
Slightly off topic but still about Covid :
Omicron might not be quite so ‘mild’ as touted by our experts !
The linked article speaks of ” … a large percentage of the ignorant masses …” which suggests a certain orientation.
As the boosters begin to fail a new narrative will be required to place the blame on “the deadly Omicron”.
Is it showing up in South Africa? They should lead cases for any late effects since they were about a month ahead of the rest of the world for the Omicron variant becoming widespread.
BTW, I have seen anecdotal reports on clotting after recovery from an Omicron variant infection but all the reports were for people who had been vaccinated/boosted. This is anecdotal so take it as you wish.
Also have a look at the links at the bottom of the article to others from the same site – they are all hysterical warnings about the Omicron variant posing massive dangers to the human race.
There is a definite agenda on that site – if the Omicron variant had such likely potential to wreak havoc, the German researchers that performed the study quoted would be blaring the warnings out, given their government’s highly pro-vaccination stance.
Thailand Medical News have some very strange views.
The site has argued that a belief about viral infections- ie initial mild symptoms means things are good- just means that the believer is a moron.
It also describes the people of South Africa as “the ignorant masses”.
TMN’s method of operation appears to involve searching preprint servers for papers that can be sensationalised.
The mentioned Max Planck Institute in Germany, MPI, mentioned in the article, found out and published a study, that FFP2 masks protect better against Omicroin than against Delta.
How well masks protect
A detailed study shows the maximum risks of being infected by the coronavirus for different scenarios with and without masks
These kits are for treatment once you have the virus, they have no effect on the number of cases. Testing and case reporting in El Salvador is likely to be an underestimate.
NZ has effectively reduced Delta case numbers to near zero by 90% double vaccination rates and effective contact tracing with isolation. This approach will not work with Omicron though.
Cases are not infected, but may be infected…
Simon, it won’t work with obesity neither…
Spent yesterday morning at Main Beach at Mount Maunganui watching ex-cyclone Cody’s swells explode along the shore. The majority of holiday makers and families, all gobbling down fries and burgers and pizzas and assorted ‘branded’ takeaways, reminded me of the extra-large wombles seen wobbling along New Jersey’s boardwalk during their silly season summer-break.
A vaccine for !gnorant stup!d!ty may help, though I believe there would still be ‘breakthrough cases’ popping out all over the show.
NZ is also effectively a police state.
Just what the far-left look forward to.
Ivermectin as an early treatment has been shown to shorten recovery time and reduce the spread. It therefore can have an effect on the number of cases even if only used to treat existing cases.
We know that vaccination doesn’t prevent people getting the virus and has negligible effect on viral loads. It just reduces the severity of the virus if Alpha or Delta. Therefore it does not reduce the number of cases. Tracing and Isolation is what works, so you can leave “90% double vaccination” out of that claim.
You’ve got it the wrong way around. Vaccination shortens recovery time and helps reduce the spread.
Studies that suggest that Ivermectin are beneficial are limited and are not high quality.
Simon, almost at the same time another meta study comes up with a positive result – go figure!
Thanks Mark
A great post, and now I can get my mind away from that new thing, “Mass Formation Psychosis” that doesn’t do anything for me.
The concept of “Totalitarian Statism” describes the mess perfectly.
They took a “dangerous” “horse dewormer”?
Won’t that make them turn into horses?
Have to ban that – they might get “horse sense”
Just in case –
It’s for the Horsemen
She was the stablehand’s daughter, but all the horse manure………….
Stamp out dangerous horseworming parties.
My money is on the guy sneaking up from the rear.
How effective is Ivermectin without supplemental zinc?
Probably less, given the ionophoric action is part of its benefits, especially in terms of prevention of infection (and hence transmission).
But there are other actions, including protease inhibition and inflammation reduction, ivermectin should still be somewhat (if less) effective in treating CoVid. Of course a trial could be constructed to make ivermectin look totally ineffectual without zinc through (in)appropriate dosage, timing and duration.
G’day to you both,
I think you may not need supplemental zinc if the IVM is used early enough, that is if it’s used as a preventative, or for a pre-symptomatic infection, before the virus gets inside the cells. Even in the latter case your natural zinc levels may be adequate to control its spread.
If you became symptomatic, I’d suggest it’d be worth assuming you were short on zinc, and so take a supplement.
You’re testing my memory for sources, but I think Drs Sehault and Sayed produced videos in 2020 (?) explaining how both HCQ and IVM had multiple anti-viral actions as well as being a zinc ionophore.
I’m taking a supplement as I don’t have access to wither HCQ or IVM, but am taking quercetin, and my 10,000 IU per day of vitamin D3.
Dave B
“Study, Fourth Shot of COVID Vaccine Ineffective at Preventing Omicron Infection
January 17, 2022 | sundance | 140 Comments
A study out of Israel is showing the fourth shot, second booster of COVID vaccine, provides no benefit in the prevention of the Omicron variant.”
And the cartoon!
Sorry, another ian. I should have added my comment #18 here instead of as a separate comment
No need for “sorry” – the “sorry industry” wouldn’t like it.
Call it “added emphasis”
I truly hope people go to jail for knowingly suppressing cheap, effective and safe treatments for covid in favor of an untested “vaccine” that is making CEOs and politicians wealthy. I don’t have high hopes unfortunately.
I can’t tell you how much faith and respect I have lost for the medical profession where I live (Canada). They have proven themselves to be spineless cowards.
I guarantee that the only people going to jail, now or in the future, will be doctors and scientists who went against the agenda, and unvaccinated people.
We have every chance of bringing these politicians to trial when we boot them all out of Canberra at the next election.There are plenty of GOOD people who have OUR best interests at heart that we can vote for.Voting for Sco Mo and the lib/nats or leibor/greens is not going to improve our chances of surviving this”Plandemic”that’s for sure.
Slightly OT – Israel’s trial has shown that the Pfizer second boost/4th shot is ineffective against the Omicron variant, contrary to the statements by the Pfizer CEO, Albert Bourla
We need a combination of all available treatments that includes both early anti-virals and good vaccines for URI’s and COVID. The most disappointing thing for me is that we have been supplied with poor quality vaccines and those developing them knew this. The results for El Salvador are where we should have been in Australia. That is a combination of treatments with the avoidance of Lock downs etc.
It took around 20 years to develop a safe and effective polio vaccine. Granted that medical science has improved considerably since then, but who on earth thought we could do the same thing in 6 months for covid? By normal medical standards the current covid vaccines would still be considered experimental. It is borderline criminal that we are basically forcing people to take it, particularly young people and children. It should only be used for the elderly and immunocompromised, and even still there are much safer and more effective treatments available.
“but who on earth thought we could do the same thing in 6 months for covid?”
Almost seems they knew what to expect… If there were patents on Covid virus genome in 2017, I expect there will be vaccine patents then too.
The amazing thing is how fast they could produce so much. Seems like they had syringe production on fast-track too.
Regardless of people who think Ivermectin is ineffective when used for covid treatment or prophylaxis when used according to published protocols, why should the option be taken away from willing patients?
At the very worse, it’s harmless and one of the world’s safest drugs.
It is extremely immoral and dangerous for Australia, one of the world’s most comprehensive Nanny States and most fantical follower of UN/WHO decrees to ban this drug.
Yes, the thought process that leads to drugs with well established safety profiles suddenly being a threat to public health when used for treating/preventing CoVid makes zero sense EXCEPT in context of only allowing new, expensive (on patent) drugs/treatments that necessarily have totally unknown long term safety profiles.
If, back in the history of medicine, some brave folk hadn’t “kicked over the traces” of the time the medical profession wouldn’t have arrived at leaches yet.
And the likes of AHPRA, TGA et al had nothing to do with getting the likes of Florence Nightingale into the historical record
The banning of Ivermectin is genocidal. That’s not hyperbole. That’s fact.
I suppose one check that can be done is to compare a country with its neighbours.
El Salvadore – Population 6.5m, cases 123,577, deaths 3,834, deaths per mil 587
Honduras – Population 10.1m, cases 384,077, deaths 10,452, death per mil 1030
Guatemala – Population 18.4m, cases 653,171, deaths 16,176, death per mil 878
El Salvadore has done well in comparison.
But go one country further south and we have Nicaragua.
Nicaragua – Population 6.7m, cases 17,563, deaths 214, deaths per mil 32
So what did Nicaraguas do? Not test much? Attribute deaths to their real cause? Lockdowns? Or use a similar method to El Salvador?
Other factors/correlations : quality of health care, GDP, reporting differences. Conclusion – nothing to see here.
I agree.
The “data” from one country to the next is so varied that comparisons are pointless or at least, need to be read with caution.
That’s why I didn’t make any claim or conclusion from the data. I asked a question …. what do we know that could make some use of the data differences?
One useful thing in comparing neighbouring countries is you can have similar demographic/genetics, similar climate and at the same time, similar lifestyles, …. all of which need to be verified. But they are variables that are more likely to be similar at a glance so when you see differences in figures you can say “what’s going on there?” and look into it more.
Yes; even within nations there are variations in lifestyle. Some areas will be coastal perhaps with a lot of sea food and fifty miles away you’re up in the mountains with many contrasting factors.
Yes. Lots of factors. But until you can quantify all the factors you can’t claim “nothing to see here”. You can say “nothing conclusive to see here”.
El Salvadore has a lower GDP (per capita and total) compared to Honduras & Guatemala.
Nicaragua has the lowest GDP (per capita and total) out of the group and has far lower cases and deaths.
So does GDP reflect health care (high GDP = better care) or does a low GDP just mean less reporting?
Do you know if Nicaragua has better health care, reporting differences, isolation protocols, use of malaria drugs or natural malaria immunity ….
was just making a suggestion re gdp. Possibly a dozen others if you sit down and think about it. Anyway I agree that, “nothing conclusive to see here”, is better than my flippant comment.
El Dorado, the city of untold riches, never existed. But, here the President of El Salvador does exist, in the way of fabulous riches treating his population with covid kits including ivermectin. While in the UK we are continue been lied to by Parliament every other week…We are just easy to ‘Red meat’
More news on treatments in India:
The endless comparison between countries regarding COVID is sort of meaningless really. Too many variables and confidence in the data quality is not good. Australia has a big dose of CDS ( Covid Derangement Syndrome) compared to a helluva lot of other countries. We need a total Public health / quality of life rating for each country considering all aspects of life since, say, January 2020. Education outcomes, work disruptions, other health considerations , lifestyle changes, family activities etc etc. Rating on a 1-10 scale ( 10 = excellent, 1 = poor). El Salvador residents would probably rate their country an “8”. For Australia I’m giving our country a “4” or in other words a fail. The response to COVID has been almost totally disproportionate to the risk attributed to the infection.
Sorry , that was a general comment, not a reply to DD. My bad 🙁
I thought (but I may have misfiring synapses) that some or all of those South American countries utilized data from Caly et al, of Monash.
I’ve looked but can’t find a graph comparing the composite non-IVM v IVM use for all countries : for cases per Mill and deaths per Mill over time
great graphs
For those who don’t already know “acetaminophen” is the weird American name for paracetamol.
But I see that El Salvador is handing out the vaccines, and getting the consequent increase in cases.
Will it be enough to stave off a US invasion to protect Salvadorian democracy?
This is the con they have perpetuated on the world – millions dead unnecessarily through restriction of HCQ and Ivermectin to force this VAX strategy on each nation:
Hi Jo,
I’ve just been watching Dr John Campbell’s discussion of Omicron now becoming endemic in the UK. Endemic meaning one of the suite of respiratory viral diseases we see in most countries. And thus one that most of us have immunity whether from the actual disease or from being vaccinated. Do you have any thoughts on this ?
Here is the link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3W84wb5jKo&t=1464s
“And thus one that most of us have immunity whether from the actual disease or from being vaccinated.”
..or from coming into contact with antigens from people around us who have it or have had it. When I was working at Ak Uni Tech in the microbiology labs we taught kids who were working in the Path Labs. They would test positive for viral hepatitis without having been sick, working in the labs would expose them to enough antigens to form antibodies.
I wonder how many asymptomatic Covid cases are from ‘broken’ viruses being shed by some infected person. You get infected with a non-reproducing virus and that gives you immunity.
I agree with Ross. This Omicron nonsense is just a sideshow to the real question: Will humans survive? Of course they will! The plague killed 50% of the world’s population… but we’re still here!! Move on!
I notice they say 6mg Ivermectin per day. That is not nearly enough. For an average size person it should be at least 18 mg per day for treatment.
Sorry computer problem. Re Ivermectin dosage – reckon you are best advised by the protocol of the FLCCC frontline Covid physicians.
El Salvador ….
… actually treating people that are sick.!
What a bizarre concept !
Aussies were just sent home to either live or die.
I understand that there are ailments for which Ivermectin is a legal treatment. May I have a list of such ailments, please? I may then select one that I have, or may get at some future time, then apply for a dosage (“just in case”, of course)!
The Cincona tree is on the national flag of Peru. It is there because it is the lifesaving source of Quinine — as in HydroxychloroQUINE. I wonder why they are not doing what El Salvador is doing ?