11 convoys are converging across Canada. One convoy was claimed to be over 70 kilometers long* last night and growing. US truckers are joining in, and they can’t come over the border they are going to block it.
This is not a union organized thing. It’s grassroots and it’s come out of nowhere. People are coming out and standing in minus 20 degree weather just to cheer the trucks on. The fundraising started last Friday and has reached $5m. It has grown so fast that GoFundMe is holding funds til the organisers present a clear plan. Truckdrivers are even coming from Alaska. There’s an ocean of cars in support in Acheson Alberta.
UPDATE#2: The Empire fights back. Snezhana reports: Facebook shut down the #FreedomConvoy2022 page and Social media is starting to shut down pages supporting #TruckersForFreedom to censor what’s happening in #Canada!
The Facebook Group had grown to 545,000 members before it was shut down.
If news of this convoy spread freely and was supported like the BLM rallies imagine how fast it could grow. Spread the word. We’re in an information war. Share the news any way you can. Never give in. The Establishment is very afraid of what Truckers and the people who support them can do.
“Truck Fudeau”
From Comments at Small Dead Animals
January 25, 2022 at 11:47 pm
Think about this. From a standing start, this ‘army’ was mobilized, organized, financed, and shipped out in 3 days. In another 2 days it’s covered over 1,500 miles heading East, and additional columns have headed West, not sure how far they’ve traveled at this point.
It’d take the Cdn. Forces weeks to accomplish the same thing, with the same size force.
I’m not knocking the Cdn Forces; I’m just pointing out how incredible this enterprise is. The organizers are a folklore in the making.
This is going down in History no matter how it turns out.
Tireroaster below shows lots of small gatherings waiting in the middle of nowhere to see one small part of the convoy. At 7:45 he joins one of the big convoys in Moose Jaw. So many cars lined up beside the roads, Canadian flag waving and finally overpasses loaded with trucks.
Last three minutes here is a compilation that includes a song that must have been made for this event.
Last night in the -20 something of a January evening, several hundred people gathered on the side of the highway in a small Saskatchewan village, just as 1,000’s of others have done before us, and many more will continue to do. I expected only a fraction of that!
This is not just a trucker thing, it’s not just a vax thing, it’s way bigger than any of that. People can see that there’s something wrong, and are looking for an answer. Our legal, normally accepted political process has been hijacked by those who want an unaccountable system of government that transfers the power of the people into the hands of a few. The ones we elected to speak for us are, for a number of reasons, are unable/ unwilling to exercise their obligations to us as the check and balance against a move towards tyranny.
We are left dangling and frustrated as we don’t have a voice, and we absolutely to almost the last soul out here, know in our hearts that something must change, or we will lose most of what we, and our ancestors have worked our whole lives for. Freedom to live, work, and enjoy the amazing country we live in! Freedom to make choices that affect us and our communities. Freedom to take risks that we determine are right for our circumstances, not what some pencil neck somewhere has determined what is best for us. The evidence has been piling up for decades here, no unaccountable bureaucrat will ever be able to serve you and the best interests of your country better than an honest, community minded, unselfish individual. They almost always spend our capital building their own little empires, giving themselves raises and pensions, making themselves more visible and comfortable while the taxpayer works to support them! They aren’t accountable any more, our country cannot support this, and we all know it!
We need hope! We need a voice, and that’s why we left our warm homes last night, to go and see if this might be a voice that we can trust! We stood there,in the cold, vaccinated beside unvaccinated, farmers beside professors, kids beside seniors, men and women, waiting to see a glimpse of hope. A hope that these people who are spending their own resources, leaving their homes and businesses behind, to drive to Ottawa to try make a difference in our lives. It remains to be seen if they will succeed in convincing the elites in power that they are out of bounds, but I can tell you from simply looking around at what I see happening, they have started something bigger than any of us could have imagined! It’s time!
See it unfold (until Twitter censors it) #TruckersForFreedom and #ConvoyforFreedom and #TruckersConvoy2022. Please save or copy your favourite videos. They will be invaluable to redpill friends who think the news services are reporting honestly.
h/t Another Ian
- Rebel News has Convoy Reports
- An alternate donation site: Adopt a Trucker. (Does anyone have information on GiveSendGo?)
- One rumor of an Australian Truck Protest sighted on Twitter. (I have my doubts)
- And a message seen on Twitter from a nurse:
*Headline of 150km changed to 70km while we wait for confirmation. One video report said 150km, but most are saying 70km.
God Bless and protect them.
Hardy folks. Hard to imagine sparkly boy standing out in the cold.
Only -26 F here this morning.
This is the lead story on the BBC and every main stream paper has been running this on the front page for days.
No. Only joking obviously. Other than here and at Chiefio I don’t think I have heard it mentioned, let alone as the huge event that is unfolding.
Our attention is focused elsewhere on partygate, where if found guilty there would be a fixed rate fine, nothing done has been a criminal jailable offence but akin to the fine for dropping litter. The Hysteria though!
The other big story being the dropping of all covid restrictions tomorrow. Our local supermarket will be asking customers to keep wearing them but we intend to go in maskless tomorrow and dare them to do anything.
Mind you we could be in France, Austria, Italy or Greece where you need a covid passport to function, otherwise you can not enter shops restaurants trains etc.All power to the truckers.
In response to state mask mandates in America, more and more people are becoming fed up with silly anti-science government mandates and no longer comply, unless they are in the minority who ignorantly think that the current administration knows what it’s doing. Masks have become a talisman of far left lunacy much like a burka is one of religious lunacy.
If they were serious about public health, they would shut down the Southern border to prevent Covid positive illegal immigrants from entering the country and more importantly, stop the flow of fentanyl since fentanyl poisonings are the #1 cause of death for people from 18 to 45 years old.
Masks are OK. If a mask did no more than catch 90% of the spittle that flies when people are talking that would justify their use. It would greatly reduce the quantity of infectious material in the air.
About publicity and history.
In 1986 the National Farmers’ Federation called a rally in Canberra. My wife and I went. It was BIG. The organisers said 50,000 were there.
At the end of the rally they did a “march” through the city. My wife said: “I don’t want to do this”. It just so happened that we were near the front, so she waited and I ducked to the front and, using the same technique I use to count large numbers of livestock I counted 37,500 marching, plus or minus 10%. A lot of people didn’t march. They were harder to count, but I estimated at least 5,000. A lot had already left for the bus stops.
That night ALL the media reported 20,000. This was, however, embarrassing for leading lefty journalist Richard Carleton. He said: “And how many did they say there were? 20,000? Well I can tell you this: It was the biggest rally Canberra has ever seen. (And still is BTW).
Now, wonder of wonders! In recent months I saw that rally reported as 45,000. Which fits my count!
We were rallying against foreign government intervention in our markets, (tariffs and subsidies), and 14.5% interest rates. Foreign government intervention is still a leading feature in our markets, and interest rates went to 20%, but there were no more rallies. I think the organisers when they saw the crowd were terrified that somebody might do something silly.
Ted1- if you think masks are ok, that’s fine. Wear a mask wherever you like, wear 3 of them for all I care. Just DONT mandate them. They should always be voluntary.
As a medicated asthmatic, I sometimes find some masks claustrophobic. Other types are OK.
Expect time to improve designs.
Masks are great.
Convoy featured prominantly on GBNews – Mark Steyn at 8pm cheered it on.
The name of the city is Moose Jaw by the way. Not Mousejaw, although it is plausible given there is an Eyebrow and an Elbow in that province.
The dismissive narratives on the Canadian evening news stand in contrast to the large numbers of cheering onlookers freezing on the roadsides.
[I will fix. Apologies! Thank you – Jo]
Two Updates added already. The censorship and pushback have begun. If we had a free and honest press this Convoy could end the mandates, and the movement would spread to other nations too. Truckies have the power to capture and inspire a country, and also to stop it. Politicians fear movements like this. So spread the word. We’re in an information war and we need new lines of communication.
Trucks cost big money. To rally with trucks costs big.
It still reads Mouse Jaw. Should be Moose Jaw according to DoT.
Crikey! How did that rodent get there?
[Fixed, Ta@!]
One of ScoMo’s Random RAT’s?
“If we had a free and honest press this Convoy could end the mandates, and the movement would spread to other nations too.”
Let’s be honest about this, or at least honest about Canada.
If there was a national referendum tomorrow, Canada would vote overwhelmingly for masks, closures, border restrictions, fines and jail for the unvaxxed, and an end to carbon dioxide.
We can talk about unresponsive leadership, but the fact is that Canada’s leadership is following what its people want.
They’re all going to have to be cold, hungry, and unemployed before they change. Canada is woke. These truckers and their fans are a distinct minority.
You might well be right, but how exactly do you know this? I suspect it’s the same way everybody knew that the British would never vote to leave the EU. The loudest voice, or the most vehement, doesn’t mean the majority. Maybe that’s just a nitpick. There were only 24,000 Bolsheviks when the 1917 revolution happened, but they grabbed the megaphone and that was enough for them to take control of a population larger than 150 million. A lot of those people probably thought these new Bolshevik leaders of Russia were “following what its people want”.
Well done bobby and Robert; both offering good perspectives that lead to a better understanding of the situation.
The concept of the “small number” of baddies is very useful in helping us see how to fix things that result from the inertia of most of the population voting like their parents.
Great debate.
“You might well be right, but how exactly do you know this?”
They’re my neighbors and co-workers and friends. My house is in Minnesota, which is up by the border. In all my time until fairly recently, it’s always been more of a theoretical border then anything else, and we’ve all always passed back and forth freely, like crossing streets. You can drive way over to the official crossing and talk to grim agents and show papers, or . . . not.
So I’ve mixed with and worked with and partied with Canucks for five decades or so. I read their papers and websites, listen to their complaints, and have watched them slowly become consumed with USA-envy and resentment as a nation.
And the ones with whom I share some political sentiments make sure those sentiments are normally hidden, because cancel culture is alive and well up there. But their polls and elections bear out what I said above.
(Don’t try to cross the border going North with a “Don’t Tread On Me” flag in your vehicle. You can spend all afternoon explaining that you’re not a far-right terrorist. 😉 )
bobby, I don’t doubt your knowledge far exceeds mine, but I suspect Omicron has tossed a spanner in the works of the vaccine religion.
Surely it has dented the faith…?
“Surely it has dented the faith…?”
Nope. Not even a little bit.
My home state of Minnesota is one of the most liberal states in the U.S. It is on par with our next-door neighbor, Canada.
The concept that Omicron represents some change isn’t even acknowledged by most. It’s merely “Covid!!” That there might be some different level of danger in a different strain doesn’t give them pause. The unvaxxed remain unclean and ignorant, and the cause of all social unrest and death. If we last few holdouts would simply embrace science and get jabbed, it would all be okay. Only then will people be safe.
In ten years, in my state and in Canada, the rising instances of heart and vascular ailments will be ignored. Fetal deformities will be attributed to some far-right evil. The huge spike in death rates among the vaxxed will be “misinformation.”
This is partially why I now spend 5-6 months of the year down on the Mexican border instead. (Well, that, and the fact that our dogs keep freezing to the porch back home.) There are vast areas in the US where sanity still prevails, unlike in Minnesota, and unlike in Canada. Canada is simply lost.
bobby b,
I don’t fault you for relying on impressions and hunches — what more does anyone have to work with — but you’d have had little bother finding people who had formed similar opinions about Brexit prior to the vote (especially a leaver living in London), so make sure you are sceptical about your own opinions.
I’m glad you are with me on the point about the Bolsheviks. I’d reword one of your statements a little:
It’s not by bamboozling people (fooling them into thinking they themselves want a thing), it’s by exploiting their generosity: It’s not what I want, but I’ll go for it because it’s what they want, and I’m a generous person.
That falls apart if it’s not so clear that they want that thing. The more dissident voices there are, the better chance that people won’t just go with the flow. I wasn’t keen on the defeatist tone in your message above. It’s not that all those people are stupid, they are misinformed. The good news is that they can get informed if they hear enough dissident voices. The bad news is that that can be quite uncomfortable for the first few dissidents. Small price to pay to avoid the next Bolshevik revolution.
“I wasn’t keen on the defeatist tone in your message above. It’s not that all those people are stupid, they are misinformed.”
I do appreciate the distinctions you’re making concerning “what I want” and “what others want”, but I would throw in that people tend to get altruistic specifically in order to foster their own self-image. (It’s the old “everything we do is self-serving in some way” argument.) In the end, there’s not much difference. Very few people are going to violate their own desires to satisfy others.
And, I’m not defeatist at all. I’m pessimistic about the future of my own state, and of Canada, but I’ve managed to remove myself from the woke areas (I’m now in Arizona, USA for the winter) and am quite positive about what I see (from here) in and for my country. Canada and Minnesota, not so much.
And, they’re just misinformed? I see and read and hear the same information that they do. I allow for disquieting and displeasing information, which they do not do. So, “misinformed” is too passive a word for people who knowingly decide to limit their own inputs. It’s not a matter of just getting the info to them. They won’t accept it, or even admit that science might possibly have contradictory answers.
But I think we prevail in the end, and my kids are left in a livable world.
Agree on the self image thing; it’s what I was driving at by appending and I’m a generous person to their reasoning.
I’d question your implication that there’s no difference between the information you see and what the average Canadian sees, but I’d agree that the same information is available.
Revisiting the Russian Revolution: Russia was well due for a revolution of some sort and there were many possible outcomes. How did the Bolsheviks manage to win out? What might have stopped them? I believe there are similarities in today’s situation and it’s a dangerous mistake to think that the number of “baddies” is large. The vast majority, even in Canada, are passives who can be swayed.
“A lot of those people probably thought these new Bolshevik leaders of Russia were “following what its people want”.”
As a secondary point, I agree with you entirely. I think that every far-leftist incursion is enabled because the mass of people become convinced that “this is what we want.”
But there’s always some bait-and-switch that somehow creeps in . . . Right now, the mass of Canadians feel that “this is what we want.” Them getting their way is the democratic path, but I don’t have to respect their choices or their judgment.
When the shelves are empty we’ll see. Trudeau will blame the truckers but the people will blame Trudeau.
It says “Mouse Jaw” now, Jo.
Just needs a little more tweaking to get it to Moose Jaw. 🙂
I found this
but it is the first I’ve heard of it so I can not see it being organised for the end of January and it would have to be as big as Canadas’ to make anyone take notice.
Shouldn’t that be Moose Jaw instead of Mouse Jaw. I am a CanAusie. I have heard of Moose Jaw but not Mouse Jaw.
[Indeed. I should cut the pay of both the proof reader and the editor, but since that’s me I’ll confess that I thought I wrote Moose and the mistake was the space. I did not read “Mouse” at least 5 times in a row. — Jo]
“[I will fix. Apologies! Thank you – Jo]”
Sort of funny. I once started a bar fight right over the Canada border by ordering a Mousehead beer. (It’s Moosehead. I was drunk and tired of Canadians at that point.)
So by saying Mousehead you didn’t give a rats a$$?
As a Canadian climate refugee, love to hear about it.
And yes, the bought and paid for media will spin that this is an EXTREME right wing violent demonstration, yes our own Jan 6, with planted left wing demonstrators to help justify there narrative
Yesterday the CBC brushed it off as a protest against poor roads and bad driving conditions.
I know lots of Candians who believe every word the CBC says.
You called it Lance.
From the CBC (govt funded media source).
<a href="https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/ottawa-police-city-officials-prepare-convoy-protests-1.6328355
But check out the comment section.
There is at least as much support for the convoy as against. And for the CBC readers (mostly left-wing) this is significant.
If Facebook is censoring a protest, then the protest must be about something sensible.
An alternative to saving websites or screenshots, is to use an archiving site like https://archive.ph/.
it’s also a good way to deny advertisement revenue to those organisations which you feel do not deserve it.
Agreed. Styxhexenhammer is a conservative YouTuber (with most of his material on other uncensored platforms) who strongly advocates the use of archive.ph and for the same reasons.
I am not afraid to admit that I stole this piece of wisdom from him, and as far as I can tell it’s not a bad site.
Curious name. Styx, the river to Hades and hexenhammer – which literally means witches hammer. Anyway sounds ominous enough.
Here’s the problem with the archive — the Wayback Machine used to be the GoTo for copies but now even it has done the unthinkable and is rewriting or just deleting history.
How sure are we that the Archive will survive?
I recommend keeping your own copies of important pages. Please!
I heard that the Poles have a saying from the time of the Warsaw Pact (paraphrased).
The future is certain, it is only the past that keeps changing.
Perhaps if these protests were ‘mostly peaceful’ as opposed to peaceful, the press would cover it, like Antifa and BLM.
They would do as they did for the events in Washington DC on January 6 2021 – turn it into an excuse to go after anyone daring to oppose the regime.
They may still do that. If food shortages really do eventuate, instead of blaming the vaccine mandate, they will blame the truckers — many of whom couldn’t have delivered the goods anyhow.
My favorite “mostly peaceful” meme.
Ocean Liner’s first voyage mostly successful.
<a href="https://pjmedia.com/instapundit/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cnn_parody_titanic_mostly_successful_08-27-2020.jpg
According to the National Post (Canadian: paywalled) Trudeau is already “concerned” that the trucker convoys will be a “magnet for the far right”.
There is an awful lot of political space to the right of Trudeau, and that’s before hitting the centre line.
“They don’t believe in science/progress and are very often misogynistic and racist. It’s a very small group of people, but that doesn’t shy away from the fact that they take up some space. This leads us, as a leader and as a country, to make a choice: Do we tolerate these people?
– Justin Trudeau December 2021
Trudeau along with all the left are the ones who do not believe the “science”. He thinks the world is going to cook because the “scientists” have removed the entire climate history of the planet. The BoM here is madly cooling the past so as the small warming we did have looks bad. The plateau in heating for the past two decades is giving them conniptions.
That old chestnut. Sounds a bit like we’re booting Novak J out of Australia because he might influence people to not get vaccinated. In a country with 95% vax rate- WTF!!!
Is it possible that there might have been a misspelling?
Correcting for grammar and transcription errors, might it rather be : “Turd d’eau”?
Thanks for this post Jo.
Thanks to the Truckers, their supporters, the roadside cheer squads, the sites which have led the charge in reporting this and thanks to those who are bothering to read this.
It’s inspiring.
Jo the convoy is well covered in US and Canadian news, six pages of links from a google search of Canadian Truckers for Freedom and the Facebook Page is still live. You’re right about MSM though. Noting in WSJ that I can find.
Good to hear. Do feel free to add some links.
I am fully expecting the news to turn sour, if there is any, and paint these Truckers as selfish showstoppers.
“I am fully expecting the news to turn sour, if there is any, and paint these Truckers as selfish showstoppers.”
Already happening. In Minnesota news tonight – “food shortages in Canada because of truckers’ strike.”
Canadian Truckers for Freedom
Aerial view, near Moosomin Saskatchewan: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/a/AVvXsEgquUypuQaxbBzB-JZ-dKxj8M7Nu-c7GBwYbjHUPMQEruEryAUIdY2C3I8KaxTSkdBx_uxx-5wQtpM3NLIYC8kVaUpxF8HH-mrsaifxuh_U3GVVP0_qXMbqhMJSmdcPk66vVCJFbmq6WoX1Adh6iOnnqL_7FE0hWbxFmJK3IJ8DgmImVzWBZ1ecdF1yyA=s524
Another Aerial view: https://www.blogger.com/video.g?token=AD6v5dxyuHq5Sv8AiwFvqglq_GJk4OaHmD9XQWdME0vWuXqUngcIifNvtnMQntYg7JN2yQ9WjwL6Q542X46Q3iPI-xM1AMtvkKcrkqAgIt3SZCnMuJqsD4OWvGNFr0QyycFlHirtD0oz
Near Warmington Canada. 70 km long line of trucks.
Twit feed, lots of videos: https://twitter.com/hashtag/TruckerConvoy2022
Line of trucks took over 2 hrs to pass through a town along the motorway.
So, 500K+ people just got it demonstrated that Facebook is not operating in their interests.
Alternative social media beckons.
This is how FB and other corporate fascist platforms will fail – by over-reach destroying their popularity and sending people to other non-co-opted platforms.
Good luck to them. Great to see.
Shame on the media for failing to cover this and other protests. I attended one in Brisbane where we had well over 50 000, with some estimates up to 80 000 and the News journalist Riannon Down said “hundreds” attended.
Riannon and her lying counterparts will hopefully one day find themselves accountable for their reckless support of an awful fraudulent agenda that is destroying Australia, Canada and many other countries.
For somebody with the time to do it, it should not be difficult to call this fake news out.
A few months back there were big demonstrations in Melbourne. I saw aerial footage of real crowds, multiple thousands, maybe tens of thousands.
Get a photo and a fine point marker, and mark the people off as you count them in the photo. Then call your Riannon Downs to account for their lies.
Truth does not matter. In 1985 a coal train hit a school bus at the level crossing 150 metres from my house. There were deaths and multiple injured. It was a hot, clear February morning but the press said it was foggy. I rang them later after the injured were treated and the ambulances had left to say it was not foggy. Channel 3 (NBN) said it was too late to correct the story. The MSM could not be trusted then and and it has become worse. Better to get your news from Avi and the other alternate news sources.
There is nothing more certain to educate about the quelity of news media than seeing them report on something where you know the facts.
Exactly Forrest.
There is the protest article I called out. But then some years back when I lived in Bathurst NSW I worked for Mars Petcare. We had a series of strikes and the reporting of events was completely false. The editor of the Western Advocate, the local paper, was a Leftist and preferred to let his personnel write according to ideology rather than reality.
Then there was a disaster which I cannot name but occurring here in Australia. My late father was on the expert review committee. They found the relevant state govt completely liable but the committee was served with NDAs and told that if they breathed a word then the govt would make their lives v difficult. My father said that any journalist with reasonable investigation skills could have come to the same conclusion – but instead the scribblers just trotted out the govts false reporting on it. No effort made – which aligns with no effort made on the Canadian convoys, only mindless references to “far right”…if any references at all.
Our journalists and press need [snip “be held to account”]
Re: the snip — To ensure there is free speech the question of “how” we hold journalists to account is live, but not always simple. For example, Avi Yemini has just been told he may face two years in prison if he does not delete a video he did as part of his journalism. The letter of arrest says he published footage from a police body cam.
I’m just saying, journalists who do a terrible job should be exposed in the public sphere — once they lose their reputation, they have nothing. Journalists who work for the ABC or public broadcasters might be a different story, wherein lies the responsibility? Is it the journalist, the editor, or the managing director?
Or is it The Australian Government for knowing wasting money on an institution that has no accountability and no purpose anymore — other than being covert government propaganda.
I have one in moderation in the unthreaded, I should of put it here.
A good expose of the Media, police games.
I wish them all the best in their goal to force the government to drop all the draconian mandates. If the succeed I hope it spreads across the Western world. If it fails then sadly we’ve lost the battle and very likely the war unless the people en mass take over the baton from the truckers.
“if it fails we’ve lost the battle “
Surrender now. Surrender fast? Whatever you do, give up easily and make sure the psychopaths know in advance where you draw the line. Demotivate your team. Trudeau thanks you.
Prophesies of doom might make some of us feel better about doing nothing, but they lose the war.
I have just finished reading “The War of the Running Dogs” by Noel Barber about The Malaysian Emergency
Pivotal to that success was
“General Templer, Malaya 1952. The answer lies not in pouring more troops into the jungle, but in the hearts and minds of the people”.
One might compare and contrast a few other disasters,
For anyone in Qld it is in the State Library system and I
m about to return the copy I got
Seems to me totally ignoring that message will totally destroy various current grand plans.
And around the pomp and splendour of Independence Day
“And it was left to this very pro-British American to pay tribute to an absent – and perhaps forgotten – friend. As the last drum roll faded, as the VIP’s prepared to leave, Cleaveland looked at the photos of the Tunku smiling down from every corner, and turning to Templer said, simply in his direct American way, “Pity no one thought of putting up s photo of Churchill. This country owes him a hell of a lot”.
For “Why” you’ll have to read the book – I’m not doing a precis.
In case you haven’t noticed Jo, we have already surrendered. One must be blind not to see it. It’s now time to wake people up and change tactics. We must convince people to stop consenting the the mandates. I look forward to seeing it happen but I won’t believe it until I see it. Take off your rose coloured glasses.
You have surrendered. The rest of us have not.
President Xi thanks you.
I have surrendered to Jesus. I think you have confused Him with Satan.
PeterS “We must convince people to stop consenting the the mandates. I look forward to seeing it happen but I won’t believe it until I see it. Take off your rose coloured glasses.”
So what exactly are you doing Peter — perhaps just hoping someone else will solve it for you, while pouring gloom on all their efforts?
Maybe God sent me to tell you to get off your backside and do something.
Now you are getting personal and deriding my Christian belief. Very revealing.
Not at all. I spoke sincerely.
What are *you* doing to solve the problems you repeat x 100?
You don’t answer the question.
The old ones are the best ones:-
No thanks. Jesus saves 😅 while the Government robs him with inflation. 🤣🤣🤣
It doesn’t matter one iota what you say or think about me. What natters if what I am doing and my relationship with our Lord. I don’t boast. It’s a sinful nature to boast. I try to be as humble as I can in the name of the Lord.
Exactly. “What matters is what I am doing.”
What are *you* doing? You won’t answer…
Have you written letters, made phone calls, sent messages to friends, arranged protests, printed t-Shirts, set up a website, made a facebook group, or do you hope everyone else will solve the problems for you while you throw cynical rocks and nasty accusations from the sidelines?
Husband insists on watching news on morning TV. It has now deteriorated into “panic reports” -and not just about Covid.
The weather, imminent wars OS, food shortages in the supermarkets ……….on& on it goes. No wonder mental health is a problem in all age groups.
Aussies used to be resilient and sceptical…….time to turn our back on mainstream media.
I don’t call it “the news” but rather “The Lies”.
In fact, The Lies being told are so blatant now, the liars often don’t even attempt to hide them.
Not that many people are cognisant enough to question them in any case.
Too many people are captured by the so called ‘news’ – a sanitised and tendentious/selected reporting of trash. A bit like feeding chooks a scattering of seed really.
I haven’t watched morning TV news in about 10 years. My life has improved dramatically ever since. What can I say? Its crap.
I cannot beat your record but I have seen mainstream TV maybe 6 times since the start of covid, and in each case rang the station (usually Channel 9) to complain. But like so many I realised that there is no point in watching shows where one simply cannot tell what is true and what is not. So stopped.
A large proportion of my friends, far higher than the general population (if one believes the govt figures, which I believe are overstated) are unvaxxed, and nearly all have “seen the light” and do not bother with mainstream news. This blog and others like it, and several sources I use provide large nos of research papers and educated commentary. We get our news from the source itself and know what crap and delusion spews out of the MSM.
And yes, we are actually quite content with most things in life, except the incompetent and immoral govt we have.
We never, never watch the news on free to air TV. We subscribe to Sky and watch Peta Credlin and, occasionally, The Outsiders. We get our news from sites like this (wonderful site – thanks Jo) and other news sites that are providing uncensored information.
The following 12 min video is excellent and directly relevant to the protest. It is about authoritarianism and rejecting it.
It is so pleasing that there are still small sparks of pro-freedom sentiment left in the world, whilst most people blindly accept tyranny and control.
I used to wonder how the totalitarian movements of National Socialism and International Socialism got into power. Now, thanks to covid, I can see how easily it happens.
“Why are Most People Cowards? Obedience and the Ruse of Authoritarianism”
And a quote by Ayn Rand from the video:
Born in 1944, I grew up in a society which set a very high value on personal freedom. This was the world I stepped out into in 1961.
Only a single generation later I began to see a society which was not so much concerned that I be free as concerned that nobody should be more free than I. That is now the prevailing sentiment.
This is essentially what its all about, freedom of choice.
“We’re fighting for our human rights that our forefathers fought for and we want to make sure that we still have our freedoms and rights,” said Trevor Gatchell, who helped organize the pit stop at the Flying J where he expected the convoy to stop. “They’re not anti-vax, they’re not pro-vax it’s just about freedom of choice, freedom of rights that we’ve had.”
(CTV News)
Enjoy this little creation of mine:
This is the only news media in Australia that has anything on the Canadian convoy.
As I was watching all those trucks and thinking of the distances travelled I started to wonder how such a convoy would work with battery trucks.
Then think how supply chains could possibly work with battery trucks.
They wouldn’t. !
The world totally relies on fossil fuels for its very existence. !
Read starvation into that – unless you are in the back end of “flyover country”
Well, the “empire” doesn’t seem to be able to stop the u-tube videos, and, even if they did, there are alternatives:
For some reason, lots of Canadians seem to be fed up.
Give them time. Big Tech is dangling hapless souls who think it won’t happen to them.
Just sayin’.
Irresistible Force meets Immovable Object
Anyone remember this?
They should be using it!
A big Kenworth certainly has a bigger impact than a single person holding a banner. What they should probably attempt to do now is drive some of the trucks to Ottawa and do laps around the Canadian government building (s). With blaring horns as well. Sound and movement together always works.
“It’s not “Insignificant” ”
Check the photo
As a sandgroper, Jo might remember this. Probably about 30 years ago (at least) farmers had a gripe with the then WA government. Perth was (is?) an easy city to blockade. There are a small number of strategic bridges which you can block and the whole centre of town is isolated. These angry farmers drove trucks to those bridges early morning and straddled them, both ways. Then removed the keys etc and walked away. Instant chaos for a whole morning in Perth until the authorities found a way to tow away the offending vehicles. These Canadian truckies could potentially do the same if provoked too much.
I did not know Ross. Funny how no one mentions that…
Thirty years ago I spent time on the East Coast.
Any links?
Jo, you would probably have better luck finding links to that event than me. Possibly try any online archives in your WA newspapers? Think it was late 1980’s/early 1990’s. Farmers stroppy about some government limitations. But definitely happened. My techo equivalent at the time in Perth related the story. Possibly something that got censored at the time- wouldn’t want the idea to catch on, would we?. 🙂
At the time it was sort of thing French farmers were very good at. Generally, in support of more lavish subsidies for farming. They were quite notorious for blocking off the boulevard where the Arch de Triumph is. Dumping tanker loads of manure slurry at the local MP’s office if they didn’t support subsidies, etc, etc. The WA farmers just copied them.
1991 sound about right.
Great work MP. My memory of the reasons for the farmer’s action were a little off. Seems like it was a general gripe about prices. Possibly didn’t get much sympathy from the cityites. But the protest was quite effective forcing the WA premier to at least make a promise.
Ross you pinned it to within a couple of years and it was a side comment, hats off to that.
In the U.S., in the new “infrastructure” bill that Biden and crew passed a few weeks ago, there’s a little provision tucked away where no one really noticed that says that, as of 2026, all new vehicles sold in the US must include a mechanism that allows for the police to, among other things, shut down the vehicle remotely.
No discussion. No notice. No one really knows yet what the rest of the bill says, because it’s too long and unwieldy to read.
Imagine how easy it will be to shut down activities like this convoy then.
I care for a ““`grandson and on Tuesday he goes into Year 1. I have just received the Covid Protocol letter. He has to wear a mask in the classroom. He has to have a RA test on Monday and Wednesday before he goes to school. I just rang my State member and got his office and told them what I think of the BS. The madness has to end. It is the flu and it is time those mongrels in parliament took their foot off our throats.
Prime Minister Trudeau: “Small, fringe minority on their way to Ottawa…”
Small fringe minority eh. LOL…
He is rattled. I do hope the military are not going to blindly follower orders on what happens next.
Did anyone see the bumper sticker that some of the truckers have?
It’s a photo of Justin Fidel with …
“Does this @$$ make my truck look big?”
[…] Konvojerna kommer från alla provinser i Kanada. Landet är mycket stort. Dessutom kommer några ända från Alaska och även från övriga USA. De skall testa restriktionerna för att passera in i Kanada. Konvojerna skall mötas i Ottawa den 29:e januari. […]
Nothing will happen
If Liberals can away with blackface – they can get away with anything
Blackface was in the past before in office. It’s behaviour now that’s being called out which, paving the way for WEF takeover, is possibly treasonous.
Thank you so much for this story! Very encouraging.
I’ve just lost most of my work. Taking long service leave from the two days teaching that pays my mortgage. I play piano for a choir – which pays – mostly retired people – their committee unanimously decided only double jabbed please – that rules me out from that job as I refuse to bow to this government that is breaking the Nuremberg code. Then it looks as though I’ve lost the computer IT work I do at the school where I teach as no one is allowed on the school grounds unless double jabbed after Monday.
I am quite disgusted with many peoples cowardice, lack of curiosity and lack of knowledge in Western Australia.
& If I hear another person say “I’m a scientist I should know” who hasn’t even taken a cursory glance at any evidence I don’t know what I’m going to do.
Panda, it is appalling, I commiserate indeed. So pointless and unneccessary. If it is any consolation I think (see the latest post on Europe) that McGowan will back down sooner rather than later.
Spread the word, the more people that know other nations are ending mandates, the better.
A positive thing though – I have some work with some parents doing a home schooling network in Mount Lawley/ Bayswater area
National Post (paywalled)
Rex Murphy: Reopen Parliament early for Freedom Convoy’s arrival in Ottawa
The nation’s leaders should meet with leaders of the truckers’ protest to hear them out in full
Truckers scheduled to arrive in Ottawa in 2 days (Saturday). Trudeau now isolating for 5 days due to exposure to covid https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/trudeau-isolation-covid-1.6329476
There are 1 M of Ukrainian descent in Canada yet Trudeau is adamant about only sending diplomatic aid
Going to be an interesting weekend in Ottawa
From the CBC
Truckers’ convoy needs to lose extreme rhetoric, says private trucking head as protest reaches Toronto
Complaints because the convoy has wide spread support
CBC: NDP’s Jagmeet Singh denounces trucker convoy, disagrees with brother-in-law’s donation to the cause
The NDP are the labor/union party in Canada
The NDP once was the party of the average working person and labour unions. The modern NDP party has morphed into the woke eco-lunatic party favoured by left wing academics and would blithely sacrifice the hoi poloi to “build back better”.
Watch live … https://www.cp24.com/now
CTV news …
Sergeant-at-Arms sends warning to MPs about security risks related to trucker convoy
Let’s see if Australia has the courage to follow the Canadian example, or are we mostly a nation of cowards and sleepers?
2022 Official Convoy to Canberra
Oz to Canberra Convoy Official
A great message.
But people are still using fcbk!
That is great to see. These things take a sh!tload of organizing and some real powerhouse behind it to make them happen.
Freedom Convoy 2022 Live Audio
Oz to Canberra Convoy Official
Jo, this thing is huge. The AP even had a news piece on it.
Here’s Steyn: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xhRoL5vP40
Another report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjTxirxR9MI
And another: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9kH995_nNLM
And a live stream from Ottawa: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWXuYSUUBJI
I am a Canadian in BC, usually listen to NPR on the way home. Was listening to CBC today, the 28th, the day before the truckers rally in Ottawa, our capital. CBC is the national radio station. I never heard so much bs in one half hour in my life. First a provincial health minister admitted that they are counting deaths from other causes as a covid death, if the person has covid, because it may have been a factor.Next up was the BC health minister, Bonnie Henry, was complaining that people were “othering” her, while her policies clearly “other” the unvaccinated, as the unvaxed are not allowed in restaurants, gyms, theatres etc.Then they went on to talk about the trucker rally in Ottawa. Do they talk about forcing isolated truckers to take experimental injections? NO, they talk about “Anti-vaxer fringe groups” and get an expert on white supremacists to come on. Of course he fuels the hatred. No talking about the issue, giving a fair discussion of both sides. It was total propaganda. I knew CBC was brainwashing people but boy did I get an ear full.
Great to hear from people in BC
The globalist WEF overplayed their hand with novices like Trudeau in Canada & Desperate Dan in Melbourne.