UPDATE: Judges decision is final. Djokovic to be deported. He faces a three year ban potentially. “An embarassing farce”.
No one looks good in the Novak Djokovic Deportation saga, but ponder what it says about the vaccines. We’re deporting the best tennis player in the world — not because of the germs he might spread, but to because of the ideas he might spread.
“It’s in the public interest” says the Immigration Minister
While some are cheering One Rule for All, ponder that we’re punishing someone because of what other people might do?
Djokovic is a political prisoner:
Immigration minister Alex Hawke didn’t dispute Djokovic’s claim of a medical exemption… [he] said allowing the player to stay could sway some Australians against getting vaccinated.
“Mr. Djokovic’s presence in Australia may pose a health risk to the Australian community in that his presence in Australia may foster antivaccination sentiment,” Hawke said in a document detailing his decision.
“His presence in Australia, given his well-known stance on vaccination, creates a risk of strengthening the antivaccination sentiment of a minority of the Australian community,” Hawke said in the cancellation notice.
It’s a free speech battle. And yet Djokovic didn’t come here to make a political point. He wasn’t brandishing his state of unvaccination. He has steadfastly refused to discuss his medical choices.
If Australia can’t guarantee players in a Grand Slam will be free of political interference we don’t deserve to host one. Two other players with medical exemptions arrived in Australia and were moving around freely, but turned around and left after Djokovic was detained. It’s all so sordid. Renata Voracova was deported after being ordered to strip in a six-hour interrogation. Others like Frenchman Jeremy Chardy chose not to even come after having an adverse reaction to his first dose and deciding not to have the second.
If the border rule about vaccination was about health and not politics, it would have allowed people to use alternatives like testing, or quarantine, or effective antivirals.
It’s become a farce — a global advertising campaign that says “Don’t visit Australia”. Tourism Australia must be cringing.
It’s not “one law for all” when it’s selectively enforced
Some say deporting Djokovic is a victory for “one rule for all”. But only the unvaxxed will be given a legal visa, allowed to fly in, detained, and post hoc have all their details scrutinized by teams of lawyers and be turned into a media circus and a “lesson” for the public.
How many vaccinated tennis players got things wrong on their forms? Who knows? Apparently no one verified the details of Novak’s forms before he was given a visa, so presumably no one checked any other ones either. Will the Australian government go through all the vaccinated players applications now and arrest them on court if any got things wrong?
The unvaccinated are being punished and singled out.
Why did they issue him a visa in the first place?
What sacrifice exactly are we protecting?
Prime Minister Scott Morrison:
“Australians have made many sacrifices during this pandemic, and they rightly expect the result of those sacrifices to be protected,” he said Friday evening.
Because we are certainly not protecting the hard border any more. Australia has had 1.5 million cases of Covid (that we know of) in the last four weeks. All of whom ultimately caught it in a chain from double-vaccinated travellers.
Perhaps Scott Morrison is afraid that people who had been forced into getting a vaccine they really didn’t want would realize they were bullied into it, and should have had a choice too?
As Alexandra Marshall @ellymelly says:
#Scomo said that #covid19 vaccination is NOT mandatory.
#Scomo had Alex Hawke throw #Novak out of the country for ‘inciting’ antivaxx sentiment.
How can you be deported for ‘inciting’ sentiment against a health order that ISN’T mandatory?
In the latest news a judge (or three) will decide Sunday if Djokovic can stay.
Seen on Twitter from @TennisSerbia

The donations don’t excuse people breaking the rules, but in the PR game of Australia versus Novak, Australia looks embarrassing. Novak wants to play tennis. We are not being good sports.
After the government lost in court, they waited days til 5:50pm Friday night to announce they were revoking his visa for a competition that starts Monday. Presumably they figured they had a weak case and didn’t want him to have more time to appeal.
Australians justifiably hate the hypocrisy of the rich and famous getting exemptions, so this has lit a fire among fed-up Australians. But the real target of that anger should be spread a lot wider. If the rules really mattered, the government would have investigated all the visa applicants before they gave them visas. If it was about health then we can hardly block the unvaccinated when the vaccinated have the same viral loads. If we were trying to stop Covid on planes we’d ask people to take ivermectin.
Novak thought he had a legal visa. Read how it was a mess from the start. The rules about exemptions appear to have been shifting sand. The Minister for Health said there were no exceptions. But Tennis Australia advised players and said they were following the rules on the Health Dept’s Website which has now changed. Apparently 26 players applied for exemptions but only a handful were given, so it does seem a tad suspiciously convenient that the tournament’s major drawcard got one, which must have suited Tennis Australia, ka-ching ka-ching, as well as Novak. Tennis Australia don’t issue visas, but it all reeks.
For many years Australia has enjoyed a splendid reputation around the world, especially in the USA (think Crocodile Dundee, kitsch, but great for tourism, and a high Q rating as testified by many product endorsements).
It is amazing how a single incident can come to identify a country for a decade or more. Think Tienamin Square. It’s a tennis match, for God’s sake. You’ve established he doesn’t have Covid. The only other thing you can establish now is a new reputation.
You guyz’n’girlz have an election this year. Your pollies are at their most sensitive — they will pay attention to you, The People.
Make up your mind which side of the ‘fence’ you favour, why you favour it, then attack your pollies — you know how.
I’m not an Ozzy citizen, nor am I resident in Oz, so I can’t tell any more except to urge you to use your Democracy and exercise your Democratic Rights — make your position clear and bury your pollies in mail expressing your opinion(s) both paper and electronic. This is the Perfect Time to be heard.
Here is an interesting wrinkle: A French court agrees with an insurance company which did not want to pay for a vaccination caused death. Taking the shot was the same as committing suicide, it said.
“The court allegedly justified its ruling as follows: “The side effects of the experimental vaccine are published and the deceased could not claim to have known nothing about it when he voluntarily took the vaccine. There is no law or mandate in France that compelled him to be vaccinated. Hence his death is essentially suicide.” Since suicide is not covered by the policy from the outset, the insurance refuses to budge.”….
“The refusal to pay for a vaccine-related death may not be surprising since globally the life insurance industry has been hit with reported claims of $5,5 billion in the first nine months of 2021 versus $3,5 billion for the whole of 2020, according to insurance broker Howden.”
I can’t wait for them to apply the same reasoning to all known risks.
“You knew there was a risk but you drove to work anyway. Suicide by car.”
Thanks for that Don B. It raises some very interesting extra wrinkles.
There is an upside for the insured/vaccinated where vaccine mandates exist, and it’s a downside for the government which enacted the mandate(s). What a massive shift in liability.
Vaccination becomes “deliberate bodily harm.”
It’s going to have to shift to:
“He died because his government shot him.”
That shift in liabilily is going to be interesting to watch and useful to use. It gives us all a big stick to bludgeon our governments with. Jacinders is going to be so happy!
To ghl above @;
That’s why you have regulation/law and limits.
You will have to become used to driving under the speed limits from now on. Exceeding them by any amount may just endanger your insurance …
Driving at or under the speed limit has very little to with preventing accidents on the road. Most people DO obey the limits and still we have the road toll.
It’s a well known fact that speed doesn’t actually kill. It’s that screech of brakes and the sudden stop at the end…
No mandate in France but vaccination in Australia is effectively compulsory if you want to work, trade, travel etc..
I guess that’s why the Government is paying for free funerals if the vax kills you.
Curiously, a coffin manufacturer in Au is complaining of slow business in ’21.
Come on mow, we all know that insurance companies are not in the business of taking risks!
Electorally, right now you are looking at Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
More accurately I would say it’s between Tweedledum and Tweedledumer.
Those who still operate under the old view of politics – that if a government fails to deliver it will be “punished at the ballot box” – will find themselves out of the frying pan into the fire under a Labor Government.
do you actually know the legal meaning of mandate= is a consenting contract between to parties by mutual agreement, no consent no contract, might explain why when the fines are challenged to go to court, they are either withdrawn or thrown out.
Electorally, right now I’d rather vote for Tweedledum and Tweedledee.
Put Labor in and watch us head even faster into a totalitarian communist state – we’d out-pace the USA in arriving in the Police State from which nobody will escape, thanks to massive increases int tech and surveillance sine the last ‘socialist-into-communist’ experiment went so badly.
You can vote yourself INTO socialism and communism but you have to shoot your way out – and Little Johnny took our guns in a false-flag event.
I see NO reason to vote for either Lib/Nats or for Leibor/Greens.Only a dumb-ass would do that.There are plenty of candidates to vote for.All you have to do is make sure that those you are voting for have YOUR best interest at heart.Simples…..
So you enjoyed Rudd/Gillard/Rudd so much you will waste your vote and allow Albo in by default.
I think I’d describe it more as Mr Malice.
Minister Hawke’s submissions to Fed Court & live video link to Djokovic hearing
Sunday, 16 January 2022
There is a stark difference in Morrisons’s snivelling words and the comments by Djokovic after the verdict was announced
““I respect the court’s ruling and I will cooperate with the relevant authorities in relation to my departure from the country,” he said.
“I am uncomfortable that the focus of the past weeks has been on me and I hope that we can all now focus on the game and tournament I love.
“I would like to wish the players, tournament officials, staff, volunteers and fans all the best for the tournament.”
If the other players had even a shred of self-respect they would all leave.
THEN perhaps the man-in-the-street would see what is happening to their country.
Because currently it looks like almost none of them give a shit that we are the butt of jokes and sad comments around the world for how fast a country can fall into totalitaria…
I have been reading some of the German online newspapers Der Spiegel [left leaning] and Die Welt [Conservative] you will find that there is great support for Australia and that our reputation has been enhanced. The journalists have focused on ND’s inconsistencies with the truth, the over-reaction in Serbia and the known facts about Australia’s immigration system. Compared to the sometimes radical and extreme views I have seen in the English-speaking media, particularly the US, it has been a breath of fresh air to read the German reports and comments. Its all about telling the truth when you fill out your entry visa requirements and he lied, repeatedly, which ironically we found out after he challenged the first decision.
Read the ABC’s account of the Jan 6th arrest. He’d been given a visa. Everyone in Australia was blaming someone else. At that point what had he done wrong that we knew of to detain him?
What message does this send to travellers to Australia? Get a Visa, fly 36 hours, get arrested?
He was given a visa which was provisional on satisfying Border Force by confirming any conditions of entry to their satisfaction. The facts are he wasn’t vaccinated and effectively bullshitted about his travel to Spain (who buys ‘my staff screwed up’ thing – that’s down there with the dog ate my homewrok BS). To Border Force that was a lay down misere except they stuffed up on the ‘procedural fairness’ part. I doubt they have to deal with multi-millionaire narcissistic princelings every day of the week so that might explain it but basically they had the technical grounds to send Novax packing.
Tennis Australia have some explaining to do as to the basis they fed the BS about having COVID constituted a ‘medical exemption’. It might be their criterion for the tournament but they don’t write the rules for the country. Nadal and co all knew the rules about vaccination so what was Novax’x excuse? This guy travels for a living, knows the score and understands the downside.
My points remain.
1. Why was he detained on Jan 6th? He wouldn’t have flown here if he thought he would be arrested.
2. Did any other tennis player / traveller tick the wrong box on their application or do we only care to check if they are Unvaxxed AND famous?
3. Is there or isn’t there a medical exemption available to someone who had Covid in the last six months? Why does Tennis Australia say the Govt Smart Traveller Website said there was an exemption in late November, but now its gone.
4. Who advised Novak? As you say he travels all the time. He gets through every other border just fine. Only Australia has an ever changing quasimodo border rule which may or may not apply depending on opinion polls mid-flight?
1. Either because he told BF staff he was not double vaxxed and/or they picked up he had travelled to Spain either if which would be a red light. I think he flew here, as did the other handful of unvaccinated players, on the basis of his COVID infection and encouraged by Tennis AUstrlia to give it a go in the name of both their self interests. TA wanted the top seed star chasing the record for grand slam titles and he wanted same plus the $$$ for even turning up let alone winning. IMO it was a bit of a cooked up schem of arrangeet with TA to try and bluff his way in.
2. Don’t know but a handful of others who were unvaxxed were sent home after first getting in.
3. No there is no exemption for that egarding entry into Australia just into the AUs Open and Victoria. Thats up to the Feds. In late november Hunt wrote to TA and told them as much. I think it is TA who has been playing games for reasons of self interest re the tournament.
4. I gather it was TA who advised Novax (and the handful of others) re the ‘exemption’ because they thought they could pull a swifty on the Feds and make them either look like the baddies or look the other way. I accept that having had COVID does mitigate one’s infectiousness but I don’t accept that multi millionaire, international sports stars have any real basis for not being vaccinated since they are constantly travelling to other countries for what is for them business, many of whom have similar vaccination rules, eg. USA, UK and now France and Spain I gather.
Perhaps Novax Djerkovic might just grow up and behave like an adult, international, professional sports star. He has the right to go ‘no vax’ but can also just take the consequences like an adult.
1. So you don’t know. “Just guessing”. Why would anyone of his fame and cachet fly to “give it a go” knowing that getting it wrong means detention or deportation. The guy is worth $200m or so, he would have staff to find out the answers and fill in the forms. He was misled then used and abused because of his choice to have medical freedom.
2. Most of the unvaxxed left Australia by themselves once they realized they were being treated like lepers.
3. TA say they saw the rules for a medical exemption. And indeed, ATAGI is still telling Australian GP’s that grounds for exemptions are “PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection, where vaccination can be deferred until 6 months after the infection.” Nov 26th.
Novak met the reasons for a medical exemption. He should not have been detained at all on Jan 6th. End of story.
You have nothing. Novak was no medical threat to anyone. He just threatened Pfizer profits.
What’s in the Secret Contracts?
Yes Jo, I have been reading the Australian media from the start and as I understand it ND was issued a visa on the basis that he could fulfill the requirements, ie double vax or exemption. He signed a document that had false information and it turned out he had lied about other things as well, ie he actually didn’t meet the entry requirements or was trying to circumvent them. It is not about him being a matyr, a sacrificial lamb, a hero, a victim, Jesus, our elections or any of the other reasons floating around. He tried to flout the rules and got busted. Anyone with a sense of humility would apologise to Australians and disappear and let us deal with the real problems we face.
They didn’t know he misled anyone on Jan 6th. He was stopped by Border Force because, what, there is ? No Medical Exemption at all allowed for being Uninjected with experimental drugs? Or is there? Someone cocked it up in Australia. Who? Novak thought there was an exemption and thought he had met it, and the government is not suggesting he didn’t have Covid on Dec 16th.
Selective enforcement is selective enforcement.
Did anyone check the forms of all the vaxxed players, or we don’t care? Get Vaxxed and you can lie on forms?
This is not about One Rule for All. It’s about a show trial to punish someone who disagrees with an agenda.
Of Course,
In so far as this will get any proper perspective in the Lugenpresse, there is not much chance that the stupidity of the Australian Marxists will be exposed.
Hang on a minnit’ is Morrison supposed to be conservative – like our idiot in Downing Street?
Ah well – carry on you Lucky Country.
I was blackmailed by a big company and the commi government in WA , no vax no job.
Why should a tennis player be any different.
Not sure what everyone else thinks but I’ve had a gut full of the elites thinking they’re better than everybody else and have one set of rules for them and one set for us peasants.
So because you were coerced, we should segregate perfectly healthy people who don’t even have covid, whilst the super spreading double jabbed are free to roam whilst infected? Careful what you wish for, you will only ever be a few months away from being classed as unvaxxinated…
So you are in favour of attacking and oppressing everybody around you because your useless government is oppressing you? Did you vote for them?
What’s good for one is good for the other and no I didn’t vote for them
Brett, and it’s disgusting that you were not given the choice.
But if Australia made vaccines mandatory for everyone, Novak wouldn’t have even come and his absence at The Australian Open would have made a huge point about how draconian the rules are.
Instead he was misled into thinking we don’t have a mandate, then turned into a media spectacle with an investigation that applies to no one else.
Scott Morrison said there was no mandate but acts in every way like a mandate is in force and it’s a good thing. He didn’t slow any of the states down, or do anything other than mouth a few fake words in defense of free choice.
If we don’t have an official mandate, just the illusion of freedom — that slows the protests down. A national mandate would unite people. But if we have an effective “hidden” mandate, people have the illusion of choice, but like you, one by one, the mandate-we-dont-see takes away their freedom.
Mark McGowan has just made it compulsory for you to get whatever booster he declares. Did you realize? You too will be considered unvaxxed soon, and not allowed to drive through a bottle-shop, go to a gym, eat at a restaurant etc etc.
Exactly right Jo, they’ve hand balled it to the company’s and made them police it by threatening big fines for non compliance. Morrison is as bad as the locals
Here is the sequence of events
“However, on the day of his claimed positive test in Serbia, he is known to have attended a ceremony to honour him with stamps bearing his image. The next day he attended a youth tennis event, not wearing a mask at either event. He has also admitted to a mistake on his Australian travel declaration, in which a box was ticked indicating that he had not, or would not, travel in the 14 days before flying to Melbourne. Social media posts and reports show him flying from Serbia to Spain during that period.”
So are we saying that there can be serial misrepresentation and inappropriate behaviour, but because because he is a celebrity, or we admire his ant vaxx stand (And I have been thinking covid has been wildly exaggerated and vaccines are useful but have serious problems for many months) therefore his celebrity means he should be allowed to do what he wants?
Its one rule for the elite and one for everyone else. We are seeing that playing out in the UK with Partygate. Hopefully it means that in Future the British sheep that wanted to be locked down further and faster will realise they have been conned and most of the restrictions came straight out of the Monty Python playbook and should have been ignored or laughed at.
Let us hope that attitude will then translate itself to climate change, whereby the public currently believe unbelievable models and want ACTION! whilst the elite jet round the planet wringing their hands saying ‘do as I say not do as I do”.
So, as far as I am concerned we are seeing a sceptical attitude emerging, whilst celebrities are being exposed for what they are-arrogant hypocrites. I know I will get lots of red thumbs but is hypocritical Tennis Novak any different to hypocritical Leonardo Di Caprio and many others?
Ooh, he didn’t wear a mask at a photo shoot or a youth tennis event and he made a mistake on a form.
Tony I hear you. It reeks from end to end. I just don’t think Novak deserves all the flak.
I’ve re-edited and added more to the last few paragraphs because I wasn’t entirely comfortable with the “donations” image. I left it there because while the government is using this to score domestic political points, it comes at the price of international goodwill. And I think the rest of the world is seeing a first class player being hung out to dry over a rule which is palpably stupid.
It suited several parties to bend the rules, Tennis Australia were going to make more money, and the Australian government may have been happy, til the media picked it up. Then they tried to milk it for their own political benefit.
They were all feathering their nests, but Novak is is paying the biggest price and as an international PR campaign it’s a disaster.
I worry that Australians are a bit naive about the “One Rule For All” cry. It’s not one law for everyone if the law is selectively enforced or only created to punish wrongthink in the first place. And the vaccination-on-flights rule was there to coerce people to get vaxxed.
“They were all feathering their nests, but Novak is is paying the biggest price and as an international PR campaign it’s a disaster.”
With respect, I think the continual Aussie lockdowns and the actions of the police over the last 20 months or so has caused far more harm to your international reputation than the Novak affair.
Seems the court case is Saturday 10.30 pm our time . Its now getting on for 8PM over here. Anyone care to speculate what the verdict will be?
If Novak is allowed to play and wins the open it says a great deal for his mental strength although presumably he will be very short of match practice. I wonder what the other players are thinking?
Cannot see the government case is strong enough. They are just playing politics with an election coming up.
The Australian Federal Court is not probe to support Liberal government shenanigans!
And yet they WILL win in the end. That’s the current state of ‘Western democracy’.
Even if, a super-slim probability notwithstanding, the Government loses this case, they have succeeded in using lawfare to scare anybody else away from trying the same thing, and sending a very clear message about how determined they are to get the sheeple vaccinated. Only Novak’s huge wealth has allowed him to get this far; two other less-wealthy players who couldn’t afford to fight just went home.
Whether Novak wins or loses, what do you reckon unvaccinated competitors thinking of heading here for any of the other big competitions will do?
In the first court decision which favoured Novak Djokovic, the judge said that the Immigration Minister does have the authority to cancel the visa. I suspect that is all the minister needs to win against any court challenge now.
Yes, it’s a big mess of the government’s making, but that does not make it in any way reasonable for a very heavily flawed visa application to be upheld. Tennis Australia thought they could slide their star player in with false statements. They were wrong.
Here is a cool head that reflects the majority view in Australia:
From the most respected tennis player of modern era.
And the real story behind what Australia has achieved with regard covid:
And the economy:
Who would not want to live in Australia!
The player speaking in that first clip is fully Vaxxinated; you don’t have to look closely to see that he has developed a severe twitch.
The VaXXine?
Exactly right, the Novak thing is just one more story of tyrannical lunacy coming out of Oz.
For me, the first outrage was when the police invaded a home and arrested a pregnant lady in her pajamas for something she wrote on Facebook. The next one was of a police officer throttling a woman against a brick wall for not wearing a mask, he was twice her size, it looked like he was strangling a child. Since then it’s been a parade of outrages, one after another, almost on a weekly basis.
This Novak thing is entirely routine now, it’s a yawner compared to the things we’ve seen over the past two years.
What has happened to Oz?
I think I remember that one. Didn’t it take place the middle of last year when Oz had barely seen any cases?
The litany of police outrages has been astonishing. I don’t know what effect that will have on their relationship to the public once this is over, or did the public who seemed to want more lockdowns , perhaps think it was necessary to contain what was being portrayed as akin to the black death?
Also: some poor guy who was simply talking to police officers in a railway station was body-slammed.
Also: an elderly lady was pinned to the ground and pepper-sprayed in the face by TWO police officers.
Also: protesters RUNNING AWAY from police in Melbourne were shot at with rubber bullets.
And what are you Aussies going to do about it?
Judging from the reports in several well known (to us) US on line media we have become something only slightly better than North Korea. We have become a laughing stock and even more so as the reports state how they always thought Aussies were straight shooters and strong individuals. We have been reduced to dribbling sooks although the younger generation might already be dribbling sooks having been denied a toughening in their childhood.
92+% in the polls are dead set blinkered poppy loppers!
Can this be my Australia?
Can this last?
Surely not.
No, you’re in Lilliput where Gulliver’s just been expelled for urinating on a government fired-up about vaccination heretics.
The vaccine does not prevent you from getting COVID, nor from spreading it. But it is officially required. We must keep bureaucrats busy. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
tonyb: Hawke says Novak is out because, as one of the healthiest people on earth, he is a health risk to a country where 60% of the population is overweight to obese. Hawke also says he is out because he may encourage people BY HIS MERE PRESENCE to not get the gene-jab.
My main beef with Novak is that he wears ASICS shoes = as triflingly petty as your reasons for ‘disliking’ him.
BTW; Any idea what role Tennis Australia plays in PREPARING the visas applications? Look into this, and report back. Hint: think “in a similar fashion” to Cricket, Rugby, Swimming, golf…and all the rest. Get Googling!
Meanwhile, in breaking news, the swarms of envious unfit Karens so against these darned tennis ELITES, have zero to say about the NSW Govt opening it’s art gallery after-hours for a private visit by Nicole Kidman’s mum. Nor about the actual elites running the entire un-deadly pandemic.
I don’t dislike the guy at all. He has tried to circumvent they system and I fully accept the system is Pythonesque. However we have far too much of this belief that the rules don’t apply to them. If this had been Di Caprio or Harry flying off somewhere while telling the rest of us to do the opposite, then we would be merciless. There were far too many linked things for this to have been all a mistake, Novak deliberately tried to circumvent the rules, thinking he was above them.
As I say above, I think that the highly compliant who allowed themselves to be hamstrung by silly rules and wanted more, are now hopefully seeing the scales fall from their eyes which might benefit us all as the ‘Climate emergency takes central stage again and we are nudged to change our lifestyle to save a planet that doesn’t need saving.
Wrong Tonyb. Djokovic made an application for a visa based on an exemption. He was legally (under the govt’s rules applicable to everyone) entitled to apply for this visa and was granted the visa. If it was illegal, he would not have been granted the visa in the first place. This nonsense that different rules apply to him is a media beat up.
Where was the media outrage when footballer’s wives were given exemptions to cross state borders while families were prevented from attending interstate funerals of loved ones?
People died from being unable to access vital medical procedure interstate.
How many of these ‘Healthiest People on Earth’ are dying soon after their jabs (Vaccinations)?
Look at the sporting communities’ death rates — it’s almost become commonplace for an athlete to fall down and die!
Go back a week or so and look at Jo’s graphs of the deaths
This is the healthiest season in the Southern Hemisphere, when the Sun is shining and killing all those viruses and making oodles of Vitamin D 3 in everyone’s skins to protect from those viruses. If my memory serves me, this Tennis Open is run outdoors, in the Sun Shine!
No virus can make it from Novak to a Spectator and survive.
“Give up your rights for just a while and we’ll protect you from the disease,” they said.
It didn’t work out that way. Human rights are mostly gone and the disease is rampant.
Reminds me of ” those who exchange freedom for safety end up with neither” . I don’t know about you , but I will not be getting a booster if I can avoid it. I have a friend who has just had covid and his symptoms were mild . Most of the people on this blog have had their BS detector in the red for a long time now…..
Just as an aside. Three players in the tennis have complained about chest pain whilst having a warm up practise. Hmmm.
Apparently, that’s proof of the boosters working.
Surely they should be deported as this will boost the argument of anti-vaxxers. Isn’t this the new Govt rule?
Live to air coverage of a match featuring a heart attack from a 20s something superbly fit tennis player could put a dent in future booster numbers.
There has been a total of 318 soccer players suffer heart attacks since the vaxxes were rolled out.
To be safe with its vaccine message I think the Government should cancel this year’s Open.
There has also been American baseball players and just days ago, a Swiss Olympic marathon runner collapsed, and is now in hospital with myocarditis.
If you admit that the situation is “Pythonesque”, then merely standing in line with other Australians saying rules are rules makes no sense. I am confused as to why you don’t question the basis for having the rules in place. Omigod is endemic in Victoria – look at the daily case loads. It is widely acknowledged that he represents no health threat to the Victorian public. In fact the risk is that he will become infected simply by being in the vicinity of the public at large. A positive PCR test is meaningless in that it cannot determine if that person is infectious – it cannot measure the viral load, merely that a scrap of a virus was discovered and was able to be identified as something after being amplified. And when it comes to requesting he get the jab, that is the bleating of a public who have been conned into mass participation in a medical trial and are annoyed that he is somehow exempt. It is the first vaccine in history that somehow protects others when you take it yourself. Ridiculous in the extreme. Your frustrations should be directed at the single digit IQ politicians who have played people for fools.
For the sake of accuracy: PCR tests with a Ct under 30 are very useful indicators of viral loads. It’s only those over 30 that don’t correlate as well. A Ct over 30 is unlikely to be infectious. We can cross check the PCR results with plaque assays to figure out exactly how many live infectious particles there are per ml. So path labs dilute those samples down across trays to figure out the last point where at least one “dot” patch of susceptible cells die when exposed.
At a patient’s most infectious point the Ct numbers are as low as 18-22ish. These are the superspreaders, though the peak may not last that long — maybe even measured in hours?. Viral load curves in asymptomatic people are largely the same as symptomatic people. Peak loads are the same with vaccinated and unvacced. Though viral loads appear to decline faster in the vaccinated, at least during the honeymoon period. So for a couple of months (at least with Delta) the double vaxxed clear the virus faster.
Scientifically I can’t see how anyone can justify the segregation of the vaxxed and unvaxxed.
” indicating that he had not, or would not, travel in the 14 days ”
I regularly travel from the front door to the lounge.
Anyone know how “travel ” was defined in the travel declaration that the man ticked?
In my 20s I once ticked a box on a US immigration form to say I had not been involved in acts of “moral turpitude” I had no idea what it meant, but it sounded bad , so I ticked the NO box and looked it up after landing.
I dont know what a plan load of people with English as a 2nd or 3rd language make of “moral turpitude”
Yes, I looked it up! I may have seen it before, but didn’t have a handle on it.
It’s what our government is accusing Novak Djokovic of.
Also what the Victorian government was accusing that woman they arrested in her home of.
TonyB said:
It depends on which of the ‘elites’ we are talking about:
Yes, I know that these are different matters. I’m drawing attention to it simply to highlight the contrast in the way that the Djokovic situation has been handled.
Nicole Kidman has revealed her beloved mother Janelle is unwell, with the Oscar-winning actress currently in Australia to care for her.
She said they’d managed to visit the Art Gallery of New South Wales after-hours, where they took in the Matisse: Life & Spirit exhibition, describing it as ‘soothing balm’.
‘So luckily yesterday, even though Omicron is raging through this country, we were able to take her into the gallery after hours and show her the Matisse exhibit, which coming from a mother who’s raised me in the arts, it was soothing balm. Matisse was soothing balm last night.’
Later in the interview, Nicole said she felt privileged to be able to see the world through her mother’s eyes, describing it as ‘so beneficial’.
Lucky them. Talk about one law for thee and another for me. It stinks.
It’s perfectly fine. No one will complain about her having special privileges. Social misleadia tells the sheep that Kidman is good. Novak is bad. That’s all they need to know.
Immigration Control: Federal Social Engineering
Gary North – December 22, 2014
A sign of freedom prior to World War I was this: there were no passports anywhere in the West.
“Your papers, please!” World War I brought us that grim phrase.
Conservatives love to see customs houses. They love to see customs agents. They love to see immigration control officials. They trust Congress. They trust the bureaucracy. But only at national borders. In other areas of life, they insist that they believe in the principles of limited government. But show a conservative a national border, and he abandons his principles. He substitutes trust in the federal government as soon as he sees a national border.
There is no such thing as a National Border if it is not guarded. Witness what is happening in Mexico and Arizona now. The US has no national southern border now and illegal immigrants are, literally, flooding in. With 2,000,000 of them last year this has to change the demographics of a country.
I wonder if La Manche (or as the English call it The English Channel) can be described as a border?
Perhaps not, as it is easily traversed by small rubber dingies.
Whether you are pleased or annoyed by Novaks deportation we can all enjoy these numerous humorous memes attacking both Novak and the Australian govt
I thought Rafa at the airport watching Novak depart was especially good.
Oh come on Tony,
I have respected you for years, but where in hell did you dig up that perspective?
You should be using this diabolical charade of your stupid Aussie dictators to scapegoat this Vexine realist as you so learnedly castigate the global warming fraudsters
Australia is an international laughing stock among us grown ups.
As the squatter in the White House is wont to say – Come on man!
Bit bemused by your comment. The link was to a number of humouris memes, nothing more.. I am British not Australian so they are not my dictators. I have been castigating their actions since the pandemic started.
Hi Tony,
Look at the ticks.
Maybe the context is confusing.
This link has about 20 pictures and public notices that one can see by using the arrows.
This happened about 100 years ago.
BTW The Flu is also referred to as Grip in the Chicago notice.
In case nobody has posted this before.
Australia,you are one sorry bunch.
Alexb. The problem is our system of government, since, even if elections are legit (??), there is no way to keep control over “our” government once election day passes. They’ve now gone rogue, with there being no real way to bring them to heel.
YOU know that about a million Aussies have been marching against the elites doing these evil things. YOU also know these elites to be willing to bash old ladies, pepper-spray pregnant women etc etc etc when they speak up. And so on, yet it’s all Australians who are the sorry bunch?….
In, say, a relationship where one ‘partner’ uses endless abuse, threats of violence, intimidation etc to subdue the other (or others), do you consider both the abused AND the abused to be “sorry”?
BTW: The alleged “umpires”; Governors and Governors-General, have been turned into mere lick-spittles of and by these A-hat born-to-rule elites.See Qld for 100% proof. We really need someone near-the-top to act decently.
System of Government has got NOTHING to do with it. Here in NZ, we still haven’t forgotten ‘The Great Underarm Bowling Incident’ in a cricket test in 1981 … but that was only a mere 41 years ago.
I am pretty sure the England cricket team came to Oz on false visas. I think they need to be deported and the test series declared null and void. Perhaps it can be rescheduled for next year when things have calmed down a bit and our team have had the chance to practice a bit more…
Good idea.
You get it organised and I’ll cheer from the sidelines!
But.. but…
“We are not being good sports.”
(Sorry Jo, but that incident springs to my mind too when anyone mentions Australians and good sports in the same sentence!)
And Stryne 3x world surfeeng champ, Meek Fanneeng, punched a great white shark on the nose TWICE in South Africa a few years back: these feesh are not only an endangered species, they are protected by international law. Fair suck o’ the sav, maaate.
But, but but…. that was the Chappells. Rodney Marsh who was wicket keeper at the time was opposed and disgusted, we all stood with Rodney. It still stinks.
You have forgotten. It was a one-dayer.
No, I didn’t forget. It was the last ball of the match, NZ was batting, the two scores were almost tied and “The Great Underarm Bowling Incident ” ensured the last ball couldn’t possibly be swatted to the boundary giving NZ the possibility of winning the match.
Really Sporting.
I haven’t forgotten. And I humbly apologise for that most unAustralian act.
Well, it used to be unAustralian, anyway. For me it was an awful disappointment. A very low act.
41 years ago, a Kiwi batsman showed poor sportsmanship by throwing his bat after failing to hit the winning runs…
major missing piece in Sars2/vax puzle surfaces https://balance10.blogspot.com/2022/01/major-missing-piece-in-sars2vax-puzle.html
dinn, bob. A good read, but it would be nice to know, say, Fauci’s mRNA patent numbers; the evidence that Fauci gets a royalty or a licence fee or whatever for the use of those patents etc etc. And so on…..
Dr. Anthony Fauci’s financial disclosure shows $10.4M in investments
creates a risk of strengthening the antivaccination sentiment of a minority of the Australian community,
ROFLMAO…. And what effect do you think deporting him will have…
This Hawke guy is an absolute fool.
All this carrying-on has been massive advertising for no jabs….
I would point out the delay while they worked up an excuse to get him. From the time taken and the quality of the reason I say we have people of very limited intellectual ability in the Government and bureaucracy. Either that or they were waiting for the opinion polls (about his staying or going) before acting.
Alex Hawke is a Photios pick along with Zimmerman and other left wing LINOs. Photios was trying to undermine Craig Kelly but maybe, just maybe Craig could get in as a United Australia Party member. He was right about Ivermectin so they forced him out along with help from the MSM. The big expose must come one day and there are many to share the blame and shame.
Don’t know why the ‘Health’ minister is even involved in this fiasco, as it is most definitely not a ‘Health’ issue.
He intervened to maintain the health of the “vaccines are the only way out of the pandemic” meme.
Novak might be accused of wrongthink and not seeing that 2+2=5.]
This sorry saga is more terrifying in that the saturation of media
coverage targeting Novak as the poster child for “2 minutes of hate”
whilst the obvious inefficacy of Jabs is ignored. I will be noting
the ATO tournament for athletes or spectators collapsing.
It is kinda interesting that the Federal circuit court has been cranked
up to warp speed. A tribunal of Judges will give us a ruling on whether
our cynical government can get away with scapegoating an athlete.
“his presence in Australia may foster antivaccination sentiment”
I guess the fact that the ‘vaccines’ don’t function as vaccines has nothing to do with fostering ‘hesitancy’.
Nor does heavy handed coercion.
Or that one may have natural immunity.
Or medical conditions that may make vaccination risky.
Or just a plain old belief in personal body autonomy.
Australia is a pure land where the presence of anti-science ruffians should not be tolerated.
“It’s not one law for everyone if the law is selectively enforced or only created to punish wrongthink in the first place.”
Since this started I’ve jumped from one side to the other with each new bit of info released.
Finally I’ve arrived: Djokovic is simply dealing with the matter with the same level of integrity that’s being displayed by all those involved at the official level.
In the past two years our Elite Leaders have torn the guts out of our society on the basis of a “Medical Emergency” which presents primarily, in my experience, as an extraordinary number of deaths, maimings and incapacitations from The VaXXines which were supposed to save the Planet, part 2.
Our leadership has behaved in a manner that invites the contempt of all Australians, not just Djokovic.
Australians are overwhelmingly in favour of throwing Djokovic out and the leadership is aware that elections are coming up.
They’ve got it the wrong way round.. Throw the Govt out of the country forever and put Djokovic in charge!
A charismatic leader, he ticks all the boxes.
Which just goes to show the effectiveness of the mass formation that has captured most of the population.
The MSM has a lot to answer for.
It appears to be all about “the Agenda”.
Bottom line – the vaccine appears to be the cause, having a high profile person as a rallying point for those who can see how blatant the Agenda is, is a danger to any regeime.
Now, ponder what would happen to anyone who is ” little people” if they do this to a sporting demi-god…
What we are seeing today in Australia is fairly standard at the early stages of all dictatorships.
If conservatives continue to remain silent, full dictatorship is inevitable and not too far away.
And disturbingly, many of the Australian Sheeple agree with the dictatorial policies.
Daisy Cousens discussed this: https://youtu.be/aydKLv66608
The only part I disagree with is the “early stages”. We are well into the middle stage. The early stages started a long time ago. We are on the same page though in terms of where we are heading. The sooner people wake up to try and stop it at the ballot box the better, but I fear it won’t happen soon enough.
‘ … full dictatorship is inevitable and not too far away.’
Strongly disagree, the ballot box is still operating normally and we should get an idea of public sentiment this year.
Good, vote them back in and they will complete the process.
We are living in a one party state, spoil your ballot if there is nobody else to vote for.
Fair enough, but wait!
Liberal Democrats, PHON, Australia One and UAP.
Rule No 1- Never vote for an incumbent!
Rule No 2- Vote for someone who has never been in Parliament before.
So we turn the whole lot in both parties out on their heads and start afresh!
KP,I agree.There are plenty of candidates to vote for.Spoiling your vote only helps Sco Mo and the Uni-party to get back in.
is it not what happened in Germany during the 1930s?
Vaccinated french tennis star Benoit Paire tests positive to Covid-19 for ‘250th time’
What are the consequences for Djokovic’s ranking in world tennis if he loses his second appeal and is deported?
And will he get a multi-year ban from coming to Australia as additional punishment for his “crime” of exercising independent thought and action?
If hes wealthy enough, he may not care.
Bucking any authoritarian regieme has its dangers. One comparison is the olympics in europe just prior to WW2, which was an opportunity to display the “Newthink” of regeime of the day.
Nope: it was an attempt to defraud Australia. He wouldn’t use up two Pfizer Clot Shots which you guyz’n’girlz had paid for…
“My Australian government has been killing all newborn boys for over five months now. A rich traveler delivered a new baby boy today here in Australia, and the government didn’t kill it! I hate this rich traveler! She is evil!”
Sheep. Poorly aimed sheep, in fact.
We can also see from this how little difference there is between the two main political parties, Labor (socialist) and Liberal (very slightly less socialist). The Federal Labor opposition supports Government policy on this and the State Liberal opposition also support state Labor’s extreme covid policies (e.g. restrictions on the unvaxxed against attending restaurants, public events, hairdressers, beauty salons etc.).
That was meant to be a new comment, not a reply to bobby b.
I do wish you would concentrate on Australian politics and stop describing our Westminster setup.
Oh sorry my wrong!
Katie Hopkins highlights what might happen next:
Novak to be deported. Here’s what happens next.
I am now embarrassed to be an Australian.
Katie herself has also been deported from Australia for thought crimes.
If it comes to pass the likes of people like me are also deported for thought crimes then it would be a plus. I would hate to live in a country where thought crime became the “norm”. It would not be worth living in such a state. The choice is whether one desires to have the freedom to express ones opinions that happen to be against the state, or just existing in a police state where free thought is a crime, which isn’t really living in the normal sense. I suppose most people would accept the latter due to laziness, ignorance, etc..
Have we all already forgotten the Victorian pregnant woman who was arrested for her thought crime? Reality bites.
Omicron was first discovered infecting “fully vaccinated” South African diplomats.
From that point it was already inside Australia in about one week … straight past our border controls, and now hitting in the ballpark of 100,000 new positive test results in Australia per day … most of those being vaccinated people (although the slippery definition of “fully vaccinated” keeps changing).
They can have fun arguing about exactly how to best close that stable door … but the horse is long gone and it ain’t coming back. The mRNA never did prevent outbreaks, and at this stage it’s not even a controversial call.
This isn’t about health, it’s about compliance. Why are they going nuts over an ineffective treatment? I have no idea.
As you say, its about compliance.
It appears it was more about cajoling people into taking the shot, the added benefit of extra bods removed from circulation is just an added bonus for the Elite.
If I’m right, the agenda is financial – you get a data passport when you get the s***, kids too. If the data passport ( vax passport ) is the real agenda, if you ask yourself, how would they convince people to take an identity card under threat of being removed from society?
Easy….declare a form of “war”, suspend rights, shove a shot into people like cattle under emergency powers, “brand” them electronically and shove them down the race….most farmers manage their livestock similar…
Well put and succinct. As to why they are going nuts over it, it has a lot to do with the hunger for authoritative control and power of the people because they don’t trust us to behave ourselves, and so the “Sphinx knows best” (from CODE 46) – a computer program that controls and manages travel restrictions.
It’s about political credibility. The government committed completely to vaccination as the only solution to dealing with Covid and is (rightfully) petrified of being seen as making a colossal mistake – medically, economically and socially.
They HAVE to double down on this imbecile strategy because there would (will) be an electoral backlash if (when) the general public escapes the mass formation and understands the damage that has been/is being caused.
Even though the left have actually pushed further for isolation, vaccination, discrimination, they aren’t the ones who have implemented federal policies so the coalition will still pay the price for this stupidity. This is why Greg Hunt is bailing from his seemingly secure political career since he is the prime instigator of these policies as one of the globalist confederation (Davos) pushing this agenda.
Omicron is the death knell of the pandemic meme – I’ve been saying this since late November when the South African retrospective analysis showed that the variant was highly infectious, (vaccine) immune evasive and not causing serious illnesses. At some point, even Jo will acknowledge this.
The government is fighting a desperate last ditch battle to convince people that MORE vaccination is required so they can claim that the low mortality is due to their policies. Greg Hunt can see this is doomed to fail but he hasn’t informed his boss and colleagues to give himself time to secure a position elsewhere when it implodes.
There is no need to close the stable door. Less than 10% of Australian adults are unvaccinated and they are the ones ending up in ICU with covid. The risk of hospitalisation for vaccinated people is minutely low:
So 50% of ICU taken by people representing 7% of the population. People can choose to take the risk of hospitalisation or not by getting vaccinated.
This is how Australia compares with some other countries with lower rates of vaccination:
Nothing short of impressive result
Most of Australia’s vaccinations occurred in the second half of 2020 onwards. Just give it a couple more months for the vaccination “protection” to fade as it has everywhere overseas.
The frantic messaging on getting a booster is the tell that the protection is waning and that the hospital statistics are about to take a turn for the worse since many who “did their bit” by getting vaccinated are now wondering about the wisdom of continually triggering antibody responses. It’s becoming obvious that the gene therapy spike protein vaccines are not like the ones people have previously had.
All people overseas that I know, plus all overseas conservative commentators I have spoken to or seen all ask one question:
What the hell is going on in Australia?
It’s what happens when you have a PM who is a pretend conservative leading a pretend conservative party. In fact, I see SloMo as “Turnbull’s man”.
And what of Greg Hunt who is behind Australia’s covid mismanagement and banning of possible treatments? He’s the same guy who who contributed to the demise of conservative PM Abbott when he opposed an inquiry into data fraud at the Bureau of Meterology.
See https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-09-24/environment-minister-greg-hunt-killed-idea-of-bom-review/6803572
so SloMo’s Government is a True PC Govt, then?
… where PC == Pretend Conservative and not any other meaning 😀
Pretend conservative is perhaps only part of the issue. He makes all the appearances of a pretend Christian. I expect a real Christian to be jumping up and down mad at even the idea of vaccination children when they don’t need it in the first place, especially given the evidence is becoming clearer that the vaccines do more harm than good to the children.
Vaccines have an intimate relationship with HEK 279 . Human Embryonic Kidney – abortion number 279. I can’t see how a devout Christian would sleep easy with that knowledge.
Trumble Rulz Australia from central New York.
Go Slomo, go GHunt.
Below is a list of all the Australian state premiers that I trust;
Is Greg Hunt the one who answers to Schwab?
Malcolm Roberts posted a picture to Facebook on 18th Nov 2021 showing how Hunt had a picture of Klaus Schwab’s book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” on his parliamentary bookshelf.
Also he said that Hunt was Director of Strategy at the World Economic Forum in Geneva 2000-2001.
That tells you everything you were looking for…..
If Grog Unt is a WEF dude, you appear to have found ground zero.
You can see his biography here.
It was his last job before he was elected. I guess they programmed him for the job he is doing now.
So he’ll only get decommissioned when the next programmable unit ships out from the WEF workshop.
They play the long game, the folks at the WEF.
Mad keen to get the rest of us living as serfs (“you’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy”)… but they’ll own and control everything and have all the say … welcome (back) to the days of Masters and Serfs… we missed you these past 500 years. 🙁
Just send them this link with the smug assurance you are living in a country that has managed the covid risk extremely well:
You can add this one as well:
Japan and Indonesia are stopping covid with Ivermectin. Not with isolation and a RNA vaccination that does not work.
Indonesia has 864 new daily covid cases and a population of 222 million. Australia has 86,000 new daily covid cases and a population of 22 million.
There’s another issue here & I just noticed it in this thread. It’s the quality – or lack of it – in the Australian mainstream media.
This is the most incisive analysis of the issues I have seen in the last few days. If the government is indeed arguing Djokovic is promoting anti vaccination then the court must find against the government. Djokovic’s famous “no comment” on his vax status is a powerful argument against their claim.
It is interesting that the government is not raising the acquired immunity issue directly. I have always thought this is the central issue and their Achilles heel.
Another top article in the Oz today by Steve Waterson with his monthly takedown contribution:
There were cynics who doubted the clowns who run this country could maintain their high standards of idiocy into this third year of pandemonium, but here they come again, tripping over their giant shoes as they enter the ring. Buffoons of that pedigree were never going to let us down.
True to their vision, we’re trapped in a miasma of bumbling incompetence, leavened with spiteful, vindictive meddling in our private lives. Polka-dotted bowler hats off to them, I say.
What a wacky week these crazy kids have delivered us. But before we luxuriate in the comic masterpiece of the Australian Open and the government’s removal of reigning champion Novak Djokovic late on Friday, we should pause to applaud the latest jewel in the crown of our leaders’ stupidity
With their inept, confused and torturous mishandling of what looked, no matter what side you favour, to be a simple visa decision, the PM and his ministers have turned the modest success of his “Where the bloody hell are you?” campaign to attract overseas tourists into a triumphant “What the bloody hell are you doing here?” drive to dissuade them from coming.
In a proper big top, the clowns appear between performers of genuine talent: tightrope walkers, lion tamers, trapeze artists, jugglers; but our cavalcade of stupidity looks set to go on and on, with no relief and no skills on display. If we’ve learned one thing from our politicians during the pandemic, it’s that a circus composed of clowns and nothing else is no laughing matter.
Johannes leak Cartton in top left of this reference – How Johannes Leak saw the Djokovic saga this week – sums up the Clown Shiw
Old Aussie,
Yes great article from Waterson as far as it goes. You failed to show his distain and digs at the world’s number one player. It reminds me of so called republicans praising the rightful US President – “despite his alleged failings”
RINO’s in other words.
They avoided the subject and made it all about technicalities precisely because the acquired immunity issue is the central issue and their Achilles heel on Covid management. Any comparison of acquired immunity vs vaccination in terms of durability, prevention of infection & transmission and mitigation of symptoms shows how woefully inadequate the vaccines are in all areas.
Don’t look at the distraction and look at the source, Morrison talks about sacrifices when he and all of his ILK haven’t made a single one, have they been…
– Forced to shut down their businesses due to covid lock downs, NO.
– Forced to take a pay cut or loose income due to lock downs, NO.
– Forced to endure the stress and cost of fighting crazy covid fines, NO.
– Forced to endure travel restrictions and curfews anytime anywhere, NO.
– Forced to stay away from spending the last moments with a loved one, NO.
– Forced to face the irrational police and their violent illegal actions, NO.
– Forced to QR code or wear masks everywhere they go without discrimination, NO.
– Forced to take an experimental medicine to keep their job and lifestyle, NO.
– Forced to take more experimental medicine to enter places and keep jobs, NO.
– Forced to experience losing friendships, family contact over covid fears, NO.
– Forced to watch your Commonwealth rights eroded and overridden by illegal state laws and mandates, NO.
Is Novak’s stance on covid and vaccines his personal views, yes.
Is the handling of covid and continued destruction of our country by Federal and State governments disgraceful and worrying, yes.
Are you awake yet Australia?
Are Australians awake yet? NO.
Will they be awake one day? YES, but perhaps too late by which time we will have full tilt tyranny. Time will tell.
Yes, yes, yes and yes.
But to the last question about Australia,,,, No!
And it is the same in all ‘democratic’ countries. When will does it end?
Just as the National Socialists excluded “non-Aryans” from their own national Olympic team in 1936, so too Australia today excludes the “non-vaxxed” from their sporting events.
In both cases athletes were excluded because they were considered “impure”.
Yeah although once the governing bodies of these sports have buried most of their teams, wins might be a bit thin on the ground….
The administration MUST go on…..and on……and on…….
Competition and individuality – these are the two foundation stones of Western Civilization.
And no one embodies these principles more than the world’s number one tennis champion, Novak Djokovic.
The New World Order is Totalitarian and demands an end to both these principles.
Djokovic represents everything that the hive-mind totalitarians must destroy to prevail.
Rockefeller said competition is a sin.
So Novak gets booted out over some “technicalities” but the authorities were happy to bend all the rules to allow football grand final players to cross boarders etc.
Who is talking about double standards?
Lets not pretend he is some kind of golden boy. He lied to us and lied to other countries and did and said whatever it took to feather his own nest. There is plenty of smear to go around.
The Age reports that 71% of Aussies want him out:
There’s an obvious answer to that.
The Age.
That would be 70% of The Age readers.
100% of readers of the Epoch times want him to stay.
If 29% of the compliant sheep that read the Age disagree with deportation then it’s like that Morrison has backed the wrong horse.
Here’s one lifelong conservative who won’t be letting even my preferences go anywhere near this faux conservative government.
Which just goes to show the effectiveness of the mass formation that has captured most of the population
Totally disgusted by this whole saga. We have a Prime Minister who handed power to tin pot dictators to rule the place like Nero. We have no early intervention treatment that I have heard of, working and effective antivirals used in “backward” countries like Japan but they are vilified here. We are lied to constantly, we are kept in the dark over vaccine deaths and injuries, yet other “backward” countries like the UK, Scotland open display their information. We have lost our freedoms in this yet many people support the disgraceful behaviour of our overlords. If we are already vaxxed to the max as the MSM and emperors say how would a tennis player stir up antivax????
Not yet.
The Australian Government has purchased enough doses for nearly 11 injections for every Australian aged zero+….
I assume that you mean Premiers, the Commonwealth of Australia and Federal Government were created by the former Colonies when they formed the Federation of States.
The States retained many or most of their colonial government powers and responsibility and handed over areas of responsibility that are national and international affairs and therefore Premiers and Cabinets of State Governments cannot be controlled by Prime Ministers and Cabinets unless a State infringes Federal-Commonwealth areas of responsibility and then Federal law takes precedence. And example was the recent legislation that stopped the State of Victoria from continuing with the Belt&Road Agreement with China, and by the way gave the Federal Government the power to overturn leasing of ports to foreigners by States and Territories, example Port of Darwin.
Late last year the Commonwealth Health Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Coatsworth, explained on Sky News to Peta Credlin that patients admitted into hospitals are given anti-viral treatment prescribed by doctors. That those drugs are treatment.
My very limited understanding is that anti-virals work best in the very early stages of the Wuflu. So when someone becomes aware that they have Covid they should be placed on anti-virals immediately.
If your being admitted to hospital you have to be feeling pretty rough. Maybe by then the anti-virals aren’t as effective. The horse has ‘bolted’ so to speak.
Anyone who is unvaxxed now has withstood abuse and threats from premiers and medical bureaucrats. Been ostracised from their local community functions and had to withstand the emotional pressure placed on them by family and friends. Djokovic’s stance will not influence anyone.
That is true and the legal argument for deportation seems shallow indeed.
I had my own little experience of what being unvaxed in a vaxed World is like late last week. I went to a local eye specialist for a follow up check on an eye problem. Mid last December ( pre the 17th when the tin pot dictator of Queensland introduced yet more draconian lunacy against the unvaccinated ) I simply walked in, no mask, and was attended to in due course. Last week I arrived to find the front door plastered with warnings about masks and vaccination proof.
I went to the Admin desk to announce my arrival, and all went well till the question.. ” Can you please show me your proof of vaccination “. I said ” No, I’m not vaccinated “. Well, that really got the attention of the three office girls and the patient to my right, also checking in.
I then provided my vaccination exemption certificate, as I am enrolled in a vaccination trial, yet to commence. This was read, and then re read, and finally accepted. But it then dawned on me that I would have been refused medical attention because I had not had a leaky, dangerous clot shot, that has nasty side effects…one being death. The CEO of Pfizer has come out and said , on the record, that the present vaccine they manufacture, has little to no effectiveness against Omicron, but I would presumably have been refused treatment had I not been vaccinated with this muck.
We really have lost the plot.
I’m interested in your thinking about being involved in a vaccine trial but not wanting a “leaky, dangerous clot shot”.
How do you know what you’re about to be trialled with is not similarly a problem?
Simple really…the vaccine has been developed and trialled overseas ( 2 million shots with no adverse effects ) and it is a protein based vaccine ( old school design ). The developer gave himself the first trial shots over a year ago. So the vaccine has been used in large inoculations, and the trial here is to satisfy the TGA, who have made every effort to prevent competition against ” Big Pharma “, presumably as agreed to in the contracts between our Government and the present vaccines in use.
There is always risk involved, but the way the clot shots were rolled out, with no public release of the trial documents, indemnity asked for,the secret contracts and being the first ” experiment ” of mRNA technology…Nope, you have to be kidding.
I am in no way an anti vaxer, having had 27 years of flu shots and a host of other vaccines that we all had growing up. The rollout of Pfizer, AstaZeneca and Moderna was botched in my opinion with poor trial testing before release and as we now know, bad side effects ( including death ) and no idea of long term side effects and a recent admission that Pfizer is next to useless against Omicron.
The trial that I am enrolled in is looking at an Omicron specific vaccine if that looks to be needed, but it may be a moot point if the Omicron wave has passed, but I don’t know if that avenue is worth pursuing from a development/marketing viewpoint.
Good of you to volunteer. Hope it gets approval. I know people who are not vaccinated and are waiting for Novavax approval in Aus. You’re doing them a favour.
Not that your trial is necessarily Novavax. But it at least gives them an alternate choice to mRNA types and/or AZ.
My thinking was along the lines of what we tried first up against Covid appears to be of poor efficacy ( ignoring all the political nonsense ) and that we should strive to find something that really works, or works better than what we presently have.
Trials require human volunteers after the initial trials using mice etc are complete, and Vaxine ( Covax-19 ) are now at Phase 3b trials, with it already approved in Iran for use, where it has had 2 million or so doses injected with excellent success.
As Covid is going to be with us for the foreseeable future, we need to forget the politicking and get cracking on vaccines that really work, and an interesting and positive side note is the discovery of anti virals that may also be the answer to the long term problem of Covid.
Now the CEO of Pfizer is saying that two doses of the vaccine offers very limited protection against Omicron if any to justify getting a third dose. Apart from myself, does anyone see how this flies in the face of any logic and reason, and actually blows the lid off the COVID-19 vaccination scam? If two doses is not enough to tackle Omicron then why would three be enough? Is it because the two doses have already worn off and so one must have a third dose to remain effective for yet another short period of say 2-4 months? Does this mean people need to receive more and more shots, ad infinitum? The valid argument now is taking the third dose might provide some very short protection but a more severely damaged immune system soon after thus making matters worse not better. See the pattern here?
Had exactly same experience – must be something with Eye specialists – except I’m not vaxed.
Made to go and sit outside in FNQ hot sun till a lady in blue came out and said “no chance of me being seen, now, or anytime in the near future” then pointed out that I wasn’t that much in need of an examination as she could see that my problem was my glasses just needed replacement.
Wow she saved my hundreds of dollars , now if only I could see..
Perhaps if our overpaid and underworked protected public servants actually did the work they have been employed to do none of this would have got off the starters blocks. The leg work is carried out by public servants not governments so blaming Morrison is ridiculous. The courts seem to want to thwart the Liberal government at every opportunity. Why hasn’t the court declared all of what has gone on in all states in the past 2 years as unlawful especially the viscous attacks upon citizens by armed thugs. Throw the tennis player out.
Maybe try “barbarous” rather than trusting the keyboard predictive technology to render “vicious”.
That’s not a solid comment.
This is a case the Government simply cannot afford to lose.
If Djokovic wins, it blows wide open the lies of the Government, Big Pharma and the Left’s narrative.
If that happens, people might demand …gasp… freedom.
This has ceased to be about a certain tennis player. It has now become full frontal assault on those who exercise their right to remain “purebloods”
The stuff up here lies with Tennis Australia. They sought advice from the Australian Govt and received a letter from ATAGI and a letter from the Health Minister with both letters clearly and unambiguously stating the border entry requirements. Must be vaccinated or have a vaccine contraindication exemption.
Tennis Australia subsequently incorrectly advised the players differently to the federal govt advice. Was this deliberate or incompetence? Given they run arguably the best run tournament in the world it’s unlikely incompetence. My suspicion is it was deliberate so the star (Djokovic) could be here and bluff his way through border control with a Vic State and Aus Open exemption. A plan that likely would have worked, as it did for the other earlier tennis arrivals with a similar vacs status, until Djokovic foolishly publicised his vaccination exemption on social media. Read the room idiot.
Djokovic claims to have a letter from home affairs stating he satisfied the entry requirements. It must be understood that this was preliminary advice generated online based on responses Djokovic provided to questions. No doubt he answered he had a vaccination exemption and the advice back was that his responses “indicated” he satisfied the entry requirements. When he got here border forced correctly advised him that his exemption was not a contraindication exemption. It was a state of Victoria vaccination status exemption from having had covid in the last 6 months.
We can argue the merit of the border rules (vacs exemption vs contraindication exemption and whether either or both are stupid or valid, and/or whether vacs status at all is fair or not) but the fact is the border rule is the border rule. Djokovic is only here now because the border officer enforcing the rule made the decision to enforce the rule earlier than his first promised timing of 8:30am. The court judge decided the first process was unfair. The court didn’t make a finding that Djokovic had a legitimate exemption to the contraindication rule. The court was basically saying go through the border process again or just simply let him stay.
The issue for me is that we have a Victorian State govt who has locked down a community for a long time and imposed restrictions with many being solely for compliance and not grounded in purely health considerations, and enforced them in many cases unreasonably. They have put people out of work and ended their ability to work based on vaccination status. To have that same state govt then grant a multi-millionaire sports star an exemption to come and work in the state for a tennis match really irks me. I don’t blame Djokovic for that. That’s a decision of the State Govt, as a favour to Tennis Australia.
This is what really makes me want to say to hell with compliance with any govt controls. I didn’t like them before but dutifully and begrudgingly complied. So I have some understanding as to why Alex Hawke says that if Djokovic is allowed to stay it can affect community attitudes.
You could say that would be a good thing. Have people be inspired to stand up to govt and see Djokovic as a beacon for that.
But really, I think that it’s important that the federal govt at least tries to enforce the border rule. If the reason is ultimately too flimsy then so be it.
It’s the state govt treating its own citizens one way in real everyday life matters (preventing then from making a living) and then treating a sports star another way (who doesn’t need the money and is just chasing tennis records) that cheeses me off.
The point really is that if a person was stopped by highway patrol police for exceeding the legal speed limit and that person explained that because he disagreed with the legal speed limit he should therefore be excused?
Very poor analogy.
A better one is that a driver was booked for parking in a ‘No Parking’ zone. The driver told the officer that he had a permit but the official fined him anyway. After winning in court, the Govt agreed the driver had a permit but then decided to again fine the driver, because otherwise this would encourage other drivers to appeal their parking tickets.
Your analogy is worse than Dennis’. Dennis’ gets to the point of it which is simply clear cut non-compliance with the rules.
Your parking analogy is incorrect because Djokovic doesn’t have a valid parking permit issued by the jurisdiction policing the parking zone.
We don’t need to talk on analogies because it’s clear cut that Victoria offered Djokovic an exemption to vaccination. But Victoria doesn’t control Australia’s border. Australia’s border rule is that you must be vaccinated and the only exception is for vaccine contraindication. Having had covid in the last 6 months is not a valid exemption for Aus Border purposes. (Might be dumb rule but that’s the rule).
If you do want a parking analogy.
Djokovic, on his way to Melbourne, has to travel through Gotham City and tried parking in Gotham City no standing zone. A Gotham City parking inspector says you can’t park there. Djokovic argues with the parking inspector saying I have a parking permit. Gotham City says it’s not valid for our parking. Move the car by 8:30am or you’ll get a fine. The inspector does away but returns earlier than 8:30am and issues a fine at 7:42am because his shift was about to end.
Djokovic takes his fine to court and the judge says the parking inspector acted too quickly and issued the ticket before the driver could consult his lawyer. The judge doesn’t rule that Gotham City can’t fine Djokovic. Just that they have to run a fairer process before doing so.
Gotham agrees that Djokovic has a City of Melbourne permit but says we’re not letting him use it because then everyone won’t obey the parking rules if we let other city permits apply in Gotham.
Strop, so why isn’t the Govt case in the court today that Djokovic did not comply with the law? In your example case why doesn’t the council simply say that Melbourne permits are not valid in Gotham?
Oh, you haven’t thought I it through, have you?
I have thought about that. I don’t know why his false declaration and non-compliance with the border rules isn’t part of today’s argument.
The govt could have sent Djoko packing after the first court case under the same rules border force had applied the first time. They had 4 hours in which to do so after that case. There was an article in the paper that said it was better tactically to move to the immigration Minister’s powers because they’re harder to challenge legally because it’s hard to argue against the Minister’s opinion rather than law.
Maybe the govt thinks it’s easier for Djoko to argue against the distinction between exemptions, so they’ve gone with the Immigration Minister’s concerns.
Or, maybe they’re happy to lose but be able to say at least we tried to keep him out.
Whatever the government’s reason or tactics. Your analogy did not fit the circumstance.
“I don’t know what’s going on … but I know that you’re wrong.”
I suppose you would also say “I don’t know why the vaccines don’t prevent people catching of transmitting covid like the scientists said they would … but anyone who questions the science about multiple boosters is wrong?”
Another wrong analogy. You’re on a roll.
because its an appeal by his lawyers, not the government they dont want to talk about the actual visa or validity of it, they want to talk about technicalities. The previous case was thrown out on a technicality, they want to fudge their way through this. Bottom line is he lied and was caught out and the visa although granted is subject to meeting all entry requirements at the time of arrival. He didnt meet all requirements so he is not granted entry. He managed to get in because he has lawyers on speed dial and millions of dollars. The minister had to have the final say and his decision is final.
ATAGI states that vaccination can be deferred if a person has proof of recovery from infection within the last 6 months. It is not a Victorian government policy.
Djokovic had a valid medical exemption else he would never have been granted his visa in the first place.
Frankly, I hope the tournament is permanently removed from Australia.
It’s the only way people can be made to recognise the stupidity of this.
Plus, it’s impossible to run any type of international sporting event unless all players can be guaranteed the chance to compete. Clearly, Australia can’t do that. So, the tournament should be moved to a free country.
So how many international tennis players entered Australia recently with no problem because they complied with the requirements for entry into Australia?
And Dennis again misses the point. He was granted a visa by the Govt. The Govt is not arguing that his visa was granted erroneously. They have tacitly agreed that he complied with the law.
There basis for cancelling his visa is essentially “It will make us look bad.”
Please keep up.
“Despite a win in court on Monday, the 34-year-old Serbian still faces the prospect of deportation less than a week before the first grand slam of the new year.
There are fresh questions over his application to enter the country after documents released by Federal Circuit Court Judge Anthony Kelly reveal Djokovic told authorities he had not travelled in the 14 days before his flight to Australia.
Monte Carlo-based Djokovic touched down in Melbourne just before midnight on Wednesday, answering “no” to the question about previous travel on his Australian Travel Declaration form.
But the reigning Australian Open champ was filmed playing tennis in the streets of the Serbian capital Belgrade on Christmas Day, and training in Spain on December 31 – both within the 14-day window.
The declaration notes that giving false or misleading information is a serious offence, while civil penalties are also available.
Djokovic told immigration officers Tennis Australia completed the declaration on his behalf, but it was noted by the officer who cancelled his visa that the sporting body would have facilitated that “based on information the visa holder provided”.”
Canberra Times
Dennis, please read the actual submission made by the Minister as to why Djokovic has had his visa cancelled again. Rather than quoting media articles trying to smear Djokovic.
Here, I’ve made it easy for you to keep up:
Hawke said he accepted Djokovic’s recent Covid-19 infection meant he was a “negligible risk to those around him”, but that he was “perceived by some as a talisman of a community of anti-vaccine sentiment”.
“I consider that Mr Djokovic’s ongoing presence in Australia may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment generated in the Australian community, potentially leading to an increase in civil unrest of the kind previously experienced in Australia with rallies and protests which may themselves be a source of community transmission.
“Mr Djokovic is … a person of influence and status.
“Having regard to … Mr Djokovic’s conduct after receiving a positive Covid-19 result, his publicly stated views, as well as his unvaccinated status, I consider that his ongoing presence in Australia may encourage other people to disregard or act inconsistently with public health advice and policies in Australia.”
What sort of country is it that the Government is terrified of having an alternative opinion on something?
Liberty Victoria back on the money with this from President Mike Stanton
Sunday, 16 January 2022
Immigration Minister Hawke didn’t cancel Djokovic’s visa because Djokovic lied.
Nor was because of his vax exemption.
Nor was it on character grounds.
The explicit reason was because Djokovic ‘may foster anti-vaccination sentiment’.
That’s the issue before the Federal Court today.
Screen Shot 2022-01-15 at 10.12.54 pm
So really it appears that Dokavic by being in Australia, would provide an alternative visible alternative to the gumints draconian ( and basically ineffective ) “vaccination” policy.
So it appears they are labelling him in effect as an “undesirable” that would upset the agenda of the gumint.
People like Milo Yiannopoulos I believe were also barred from entry to Oz,possibly because being a conservative Christian, ex-gay and a notable conservative who is highly intelligent and speaks quite well, appears to pose a risk to the “fabric” of Australian society. When you add this into the picture, you start to wonder what the gumibt in fact is scared of, by not allowing robust alternate voices or opinions?
I should also point out while I may not necessarily agree with what Milo Yiannopoulos might say, in terms of free speech, while you may not like what someone has to say ( using some like Yiannopoulos as an example ) , within fairly broad limits, they at least should have a right to say thier piece, and let people decide for themselves.
My mate just flew back from Peru, neg RAT to enter the US transit but his connecting flight was two days away so had to camp over in The US and do another RAT. Lives in Tassie and had to 7 day home isolate. He is fully vaxxed returning Australian.
Did not matter where he came from. Peru is the epicentre according to the stats, 12 months and he has not seen a single body, in Lima or at the mine site. Pandemic of the world bank funding.
Ah, you’re forgetting about the “American World Championships” David, all sorts of sports over there have ‘world championships’ in games where only the Yanks compete.
We’ll have the ‘Australian Tennis World Championship’ where we pick and choose who we let play so we always win!
There could be be new spectator sports in Australia, like …
throwing the unvaccinated to the lions.
Harder to start that here in America, too many of us have swords and long years of service in Transoxiana.
The tragedy of Australia today, present company excepted, is that few people are capable of seeing the stupidity in just about anything, e.g. unreliable energy, mostly unused deal plants, badly conceived NBN, lack of proper irrigation infrastructure, lack of proper bushfire preparation, the list of government incompetence is endless.
While not disagreeing with you comment, government incompetence has been an issue for as long as I have been voting and earlier, but it is important to understand that government is really in two parts, the representatives we elect to oversee governance and the permanent government of public service employees. The first being a cabinet of ministers with a prime minister something like a public company board of non-executive directors and chairman elected by shareholders and the executives employed to manage the company operations.
Late last year on Sky News a couple of former government cabinet ministers were talking about the submarine contract history, a former Labor cabinet minister pointed out that cabinet ministers rely on advice from public service employees and other advisers to outline and explain what is being offered and to justify it. This is what happens when boards of directors discuss capital expenditure applications from the chief executive and other executives. The decision to proceed with purchase is based on the expertise of the people that presented the proposal to directors. Similarly, the board of directors does not get directly involved in operational matters and cabinet ministers do not, using the current controversial subject as an example, handle immigration at international airports.
Many would understand that the tennis player objected at Melbourne International Airport when told that his papers were not in order, two examples were the lack of a vaccination certificate and otherwise being compliant and failure to personally sign and acknowledge a declaration covering a number of other questions.
His appeal in court resulted in the decision that a procedural error had been made when he was being processed at the airport resulting in being denied entry. It was not based on his non-compliance with entry requirements that so many other international tennis players had complied with and were granted entry.
I don’t believe that the Minister’s (based on legal advice of course) decision now before the court should be interpreted as vaccination only based, for many years now Australia has had problems with people smuggler clients attempting to enter by boat illegally and then applying for asylum, and when they are rejected and then lose the appeal against rejection many choose to stay in detention centres (detainees not prisoners and free to leave if they choose) at taxpayer’s expense for years. There is also a problem with people who arrive legally and usually by air who are admitted and then disappear in breach of their visa conditions.
The point is that border security and enforcement of immigration laws is very important.
“The point is that border security and enforcement of immigration laws is very important.”
Above all else, the trains need to run on time!
I believe the majority of people see it.
But most people are too comfortable to do anything noteworthy about it, so far.
It’s not law at all if court outcomes are circumvented by a Minister’s discretion.
If you mean the tennis plater’s appeal court decision please understand that the decision was not based on his non-compliance with entry requirements, the decision was about a procedural error his lawyers relied on in court and was accepted, that the officers at the airport made a procedural error while processing him.
If you prefer, let off on a technicality.
Why has the Govt not cancelled his visa on the basis of the arguments you make? Instead the have cancelled it because not doing so might excite antivaxxers.
Meanwhile Djokovic is such an antivaxxer that he has tried to keep his vax status private. Unfortunately in today’s Australia, individuals health records and health decisions are public property.
Oh, unless you have any disease other than covid, in which case it is illegal to treat people differently. For example, a restaurant is not allowed to exclude a person JUST because they have full-blown pneumonia. But they can deny entry to a completely healthy person who can’t immediately validate their vax status.
You see nothing wrong with this?
Dennis’ summary of the court case a few days ago that allowed Djoko to stay is accurate.
As for Djokovic wanting to keep his vaccination status secret. He posted on social media that he has an exemption. That’s not keeping it secret. That’s saying I’m not vaccinated but I’m going to the Aus Open with an exemption.
He should have just shown up. He would have been through border control without a fuss. When the media asks questions about his vaccination status he would only have had to say “I have complied with the requirements of the Victorian Government to be here”.
But no. He had to brag about not being vaccinated.
Sorry, it is now obvious from other posts that Dennis takes a while to catch up. Good of you to defend him tho’.
Other posts are not relevant to the facts in his comment at #33.1
The Milo rule. Remember what they did to Milo Yianopolos?
Hmmm …
I ordered some lateral flow test kits a couple of weeks ago, because even if you have Ivermectin, you need to know when to start taking it (unless you want to use it as a prophylactic). I know they are not terribly accurate but, combined with vigilance, I’m hoping to know when we need to start dosing up.
The eBay listing was labelled ‘Removed by eBay’ shortly after I ordered, though I have been assured that they are on their way. The seller couldn’t explain why eBay removed his listing.
Looking this morning, it appears that nobody is selling kits any more. I know that the government doesn’t seem to have enough of them, and that demand is high, but is that all there is to it, or is this another example of our government’s interference? Could it be that they don’t want us self-testing? I suppose I should adopt the old rule saying the most likely explanation for everything is incompetence …
Either way, the Australian governments are shown up to be totalitarian incompetents. There doesn’t seem to be a single aspect of this pandemic that hasn’t been disgracefully mismanaged or corrupted – or both. From simply producing accurate stats to public education, from assessing and supplying early treatments to deploying a safe vaccine, from consistent and clear messaging to fair enforcement of restrictions, it has been an enormous cock-up from end to end.
Yet they still wonder why so many people won’t do as they are ordered! Trust them? You’d be a fool.
There are 100,000 people in NSW who will NOT receive the results from their PCR tests because their tests sat in a long queue waiting to be processed and had passed their “use by” dates .
Wasn’t that in Victoria?
Several things arise.. They don’t want to continue to spend billions they are borrowing on PCR tests, so they want you to pay for your own RATs.
But then they want to be in control of the answers, so they have to collect the data.. hence the $1000 fine if you don’t tell them.
This won’t work so the next step will be to register every RAT to your name/Drivers Licence when you buy it and enforce your giving them the answer. As a positive test result given to them will have ramifications, I expect people will not tell them about the tests to start with, and then lie when they register the tests.
The worst will be telling them the test was negative, but then having to go to hospital, the fine will be way over $1000!
Even a simple non-Govt website where you enter the test number & result would be better, once they are involved the “Man from the Govt” comes knocking on your door.
They are offering a payout for a positive test report. Same deal as PCR positive. More carrots. I wonder if the numbers will be artificially inflated?
How about when you have symptoms, you know like you did before March 2020.
Seriously, you people are terrified of your own imaginations.
Its a runny nose!
So Novak Djokovic is unwelcome in Australia because the Immigration Minister has denounced him as a health risk to Aussies because his stance on ‘vaccination’ could strengthen anti-vaccination sentiment. On the other hand, in clubs, pubs and other vax green tick establishments, the distinct possibility of a ‘fully vaccinated’ patron who has contracted Omicron but ‘soldiers on’ so as not to miss out on the fun would be welcomed.
Given that the jabs clearly don’t work against Omicron and that the jabbed are now the superspreaders, it would seem that anti-vaccination sentiment is a thing to be valued, Mr Immigration (Yes) Minister.
For the people that want Novac gone because “he has to follow the same rules as us”, I wonder what their position would be given the following scenario:-
If all levels of government immediately ceased this medical apartheid (that they created all by themselves), and subsequently the tennis tournament no longer discriminates against those who refuse and experimental injection, and nobody needs masks, and everybody becomes “equal” – would the “anti-Novac” sentiment disappear?
This is not about Novac and I’m no fan of his, however I have found some respect for him now.
The government has created this division with non-stop propaganda about an experimental injection which doesn’t work and the same government doesn’t know how to undo their massive stuff-up – so they just keep doubling down on stupid.
They need to cease this discrimination immediately and revert to the common sense approach. How about signs “Do not enter this establishment if you have any cold or flu like symptoms” – similar to what was being done before the rushed injections.
Kindly replace Novac with Novak in my comment above.
I notice lately that even lying government officials and politicians are increasingly saying people died “with covid” rather than “of covid” in their daily reports.
Fascinating, isn’t it? I can only assume that our pollies and medical bureaucrats take their cue from their compatriots overseas.
A leopard can’t change its spots.
“of Covid” means the vaccines don’t work.. Can’t have that, and using inflated numbers to scare people is now not needed.
“With Covid” means the vaccines work but the person died of something else completely unrelated to Covid, vaccines or Govt.
Has Australia gone off the rails,
With tyranny now tipping the scales,
Using lockdown control,
Like the prison hell-hole,
In the colony of New South Wales?
Making a bet here before the full bench rules…
Dear Minister Hawke “The Vibe” is not a valid reason. Release the man and pay his costs.
Love it, Jonesy! “The Vibe” – that’s it!
This is a live written summary of the arguments made by Djokovic’s lawyers.
Djokovic’s lawyers are asserting that the Media made up the idea/story that Djokovic was in some way ‘antivax’. The evidence is that Djokovic is not an Antivax activist and has never made a public statement about vaccination dangers.
Djokovic is keeping is knowledge about the dangers of the vaccines to himself, because he does not want the controversy. He just came to Australia to play in the Australia Open tennis tournament and hence asked and received a visa to play in that in the Australian Open tournament. His visa should have been granted because he is not a medical danger to Australians and his attendance is important for the Open and Australia.
“Djokovic makes last-ditch visa appeal in Australia”
“But Djokovic’s lawyers say “none of that is persuasive”, saying these arguments flow from a false characterisation of Djokovic as an anti-vaccine figure. And that’s there’s no evidence to back that up, they say.
Wood says Djokovic is just here to play tennis, and the government has accepted that he entered on a valid exemption. So this idea that he’s fostered anti-vaccine sentiment is “irrational” and “illogical”, he says.”
“Referencing articles from the Guardian, BBC and ABC News, he argues that there is no real evidence that his client encouraged anti-vaccine sentiment.
Wood says, once again, that the BBC article he quoted earlier shows that it was the government’s decision to cancel the visa that prompted a spike in anti-vaccine feeling.
“[This is] the only known evidence of anti-vax group anger, and agitation in response to the action by the state to cancel [Djokovic’s] visa,” he said.”
It is interesting the Australian Judges are doing their job. Acting like Judges, not Politicians.
The Law is based on logic and reason. When logic and reason are removed there can be no Legal system. This is the link to the written summary of arguments made and questions asked, at the live appeal.
“Judge interrupts government lawyer
Chief Justice Allsop has just interrupted the government’s barrister to question the argument he was putting forward that Djokovic’s presence in Australia stirs up anti-vaxxers and is a bad influence.
He essentially asks, wouldn’t cancelling Djokovic’s visa have a similar effect? This argument was put forward earlier by Djokovic’s team.
“It would be clear to anyone with common sense that cancelling the visa would cause overwhelming discord and risk of transmission through large gatherings.. one could see the counterfactual overwhelming the mere focus only on consequences of [Djokovic’s] presence…”, Chief Justice Allsop says.”
The regular Australian people on the street the MSM presented in opinion interviews on this issue, aired over here, did you no favors. I realize these people were selected to present a narrative, but what what a bunch sheep.
Sadly, Dave – they probably represent about 70% of the adult population. Australians are no longer the “knockabout”, neighbourly, courageous mob with a great common sense that they were a generation or so ago. They are primarily urban, poorly educated (in terms of quality education), conformist and most disappointingly, increasingly compliant.
Sadly, you hit the nail on the head. We get the government we so richly deserve. I wish I could be proven wrong and at the next federal election we see neither major party gain majority rule. I know it’s not necessarily going to fix the mess we are anyway, but at least we would stop rewarding the despots instead of giving them a mandate to continue their moves to greater authoritarian control. If the people of Australia really do care about how things are developing then it would be so easy to send them a clear message at the ballot box. Otherwise, we all might as well batten down the hatches and prepare for the storm.
Bit like the Youtube videos of Americans being asked world geography questions, they only show you the numpties.
The number of geography illiterate Americans probably exceeds 70%, sadly.
Dave, if I arrived by air at a US International Airport and my papers were not in order and/or the Immigration Officers suspected that I was not otherwise compliant with US Immigration conditions of entry would I not be detained, questioned and if my answers were unsatisfactory deport me back to where I came from on the first available flight?
that is not what happened Dennis
That is exactly what happened when the tennis player arrived and was being processed through Immigration.
And he was detained in a quarantine hotel, four star Park Hotel Melbourne until his legal advisors managed to get him released based on a procedural error or technicality at an appeal hearing in a Federal Court.
So he remained here until the decision this evening after the Sunday hearing.
In other words, government’s council knew it was going to lose the case if it continued to conclusion in the Federal Circuit and Family Court, so it sought the transfer of the proceeding to the Federal Court of Australia, where council could change tack and assert the Minister’s discretionary authority.
Most likely the case before Biden but a judge could probably look at the circumstances. Now it’s entirely arbitrary. If your a refuge from communism, no way are you getting in. If your a likely future Democrat voter or stooge, by all means, and bring all your friends too.
Or better yet just avoid any potential snag and come across the open border. Bring some Islamic terrorists with you and some synthetic opioids too.
Anti-vaccination views by any public figure are now regarded by the Australian Government as sufficient to class the person as a “dangerous subversive”.
“whose views and ideas could foster anti-vaccination amongst the general Australian population”
The actions of Hawke and the government have done far more in that regard than just letting Novax in without all the hullaballoo, could ever have done.
Surely the logical end point is that people must hold certain political or medical views to be allowed into the country. So if the Govt is in favour of abortion any high profile person with a contrary view must be kept out of the country … Surely we should demand any high profile socialist to be denied entry given the likelihood of stirring up socialists? Al Gore can never visit for fear of stirring up environmentalists… think of the protests that he stirs up.
Please show us evidence that the tennis player was denied entry from Melbourne International Airport and placed in quarantine detention until he was deported back to the destination he came from on the grounds that he held political or medical views.
And also show the evidence of a Federal Government Minister at Melbourne International Airport to process the tennis player.
Do catch up Dennis. The Minister is attempting to deport Djokovic for one reason and one reason only:The Minister believes that others may be incited to adopt or continue to hold a view not held by the government. Again, I encourage you to read the Minister’s submission to the court. It’s very clear and readily available.
Wrong again, read the judgement.
Poor Dennis. The judgement is the judges’ view. The submission is the document that states why the Minister believed Djokovic’s visa should be cancelled. Please do som reading to catch up.
Climate modellers moonlighting as pandemic modellers?
Data for models provided by Australian BOM.
“It’s become a farce — a global advertising campaign that says “Don’t visit Australia”. Tourism Australia must be cringing.”
Methinks this is but icing on the cake after all the police pile on videos and world leading dystopian lockdowns. If you have choices why would you? especially on top of the marathon plane flights to get here. In reality all the things they may have been coming for are still there, but the spell of what they thought Australia was has been broken and they see the reality of just another screwed up 1st world country.
Australia has spent decades and billions of dollars building up Australia as both a tourist destination and a good place to do business because it was supposedly free, stable and democratic and businesses inputs such as land and electricity were cheap and there was a “free and easy” attitude.
We now have few or none of those things. Why would you bother?
As a friend said to me yesterday, don’t these people defending the tennis player’s flawed entry attempt watch the television border security programmes from various countries including Australia?
Travellers not being admitted and being sent back, like from Canada to the US by road, or at international airports by air?
It happens regularly.
Yep. Can’t be both an island fortress AND absolutely dependant on international trade/ tourism/ education – at the same time.
If we are fortress Australia, fine but rebuild domestic manufacturing and re-introduce import tarrifs, etc. If we are global, fine but maybe stop molesting foreigners.
I know several vaxx-whores and Karens here in the USA who love and admire the way Australia is putting those damn dirty deplorable unvaxxed in their places.
I think tourism will do fine. But I bet you get a different kind of USA tourist than you’ve seen in the past. You’re not going to like them.
This is not the true Australia, a free loving country, its embarrassing, completely unnecessary. Your government has ended democracy, drunk on power. It’s time for a change.
The present LNP federal government in Australia were once considered centre right type politics. So, not unlike the present Conservative govt in the UK. But, on many issues they have now drifted to the left, which is how I perceive BoJo has also drifted. They have been easily captured by the COVID zero / vaccine only promoters and so this is the result. Rejecting an individual because he had the temerity to have a different view on vaccines. They think they will attract votes from the left due to policies such as climate change mitigation etc , but all that happens is that they lose votes from the other end of the political spectrum to smaller parties.
No, the points regarding him being opposed to vaccinations and being a high-profile influencer was background information presented to the court today, the reason he was questioned and detained at Melbourne International Airport related to having the wrong visa and not being compliant for vaccination requirements to enter Australia.
Public service employees questioned him at the airport which is not usual when people arriving pass through Immigration and have their travel documents checked, this had nothing whatsoever to do with any Cabinet Minister, of course they do not get involved in processing travellers. The tennis player’s appeal lawyers in court presenting legal arguments as to why their client should not be deported and should be released from quarantine detention argued about a procedural error made while their client was being processed by Border Force Officers, a technicality, not arguing that their client had complied with the conditions of entry because clearly he did not.
For what it’s worth the Premier of Victoria has commented today, properly refraining from discussing the court hearing underway, but said the solution that could have avoided the situation was for the tennis player to have been vaccinated.
It should be taken into consideration the international tennis players who are and who were admitted when they arrived without a fuss.
Despite some people trying to blame the Federal Government the airport processing and quarantine detention pending deportation had nothing to do with Cabinet Ministers, it was trained officers doing their jobs in accordance with the Immigration requirements.
“the solution that could have avoided the situation was for the tennis player to have been vaccinated.”
Yes, I hear that a lot these days… “Just get vaccinated and it won’t be a problem..” Especially from the wife! There won’t be peace in this house until one of us is dead from it!
What they really mean “Just do as we tell you and you wont be a problem..”
Stay in there KP.
Try the same circumstances at Heathrow International Airport UK and see what happens.
Bartender, I suggest you look at the colour of the governments in Victoria, Queensland and WA before you decide too quickly that we need a change at Federal level.
On the question of the Joker, I suggest you look at the opinions of the other players that overwhelmingly coped with the Federal requirements and have their own opinions on Djokovic’s antics. The Joker has been playing games trying to avoid exposing whatever his vaccination status is. In the end he tripped himself up and the Spanish government want to talk to him about his movements when he says he had had COVID-19. Why doesn’t professional tennis have big numbers of players baying for Australian blood? I would suggest most of them come from countries that have been much more badly hit by the virus than has Australia and welcome the allusion of relief they have had for a month or two.
AS far as the management of the virus around Australia is concerned, most of it has been at the hands of State governments that gripe against the Federal government when the going gets tough from their own errors. They abuse the Federal government as their whipping boy.
Furthermore, most people especially in WA think their State government is wonderful for ‘saving’ them. The government doesn’t know how to tell them this is over. Like Victoria (of all places)and Queensland, we will be facing open sesame on February 5th – if McGowan holds his nerve. That’s while the government mandates vaccination levels that readers of this blog know are becoming increasingly useless as a prime means for controlling the incidence of infections. If one hasn’t fulfilled those requirements it will become almost impossible to live in this community.
The freedom of speech argument used here is old hat. Most people in the community don’t involve themselves in these matters. That’s the real problem – social disinterest in what most regard as esoteric matters. That’s how one ends up with dictators and tyrants. Levelling that argument as a pro-Djokovic tirade is nonsense. It is an example of the problem the Democracies have, but using it in the Djokovic argument is spurious because most people aren’t interested in it. It doesn’t rate in a population that simply has tunnel vision around viral matters and
themselves. McGowan has just reintroduced masks for WA from tonight. Most are as useless as the proverbial, and I would suggest all are from the way they are used, reused, handled and abused.
To me, the Joker probably lost on this game by the way he played. If the best argument Hawke could put together as the reason to dice him, without reference to all the other matters around Djokovic rolling up, then one would have to agree it is a crazy decision. However, Hawke is treating the Australian people as idiots in his argument about leading some astray.
My argument then becomes, the Joker should go. He probably saw the Australian Grand Slam as an easy take to gain fame as the best ever. He played his cards wrongly, trying to game the system and avoid personal revelations by refusing to follow the way most other players managed to gain entry with no problems.
However, Hawke has placed the government management of the virus in the spotlight. He should now have to defend the vaccination process, and mandates applied by State governments and businesses in the light of overseas experiences in general; not just selectively pick national experiences that suit the totalitarian demands of the States and Federal government. The price the people are compelled to pay by the loss of freedoms of speech on the one hand and the inability of the people to directly force all governments and bureaucrats to defend their positions on the other, cannot stand.
In particular, it is now completely obvious that the only way to proceed is with the therapies/’vaccines along with the release of the use of all other known therapies that are effective in the fight against this virus. ALL governments and medical bureaucracies have to be forced to argue what seems their crazy positions on excluding medications found effective around the world. They must defend their decisions against the numbers of dead that have filled cemeteries around the world while they apparently simply turn a blind eye. Why are they fighting this virus with one hand tied behind their backs while the elderly and those at risk are told they have to take their government limited chances?
These matters demand an investigation into the Government-Media-Bureaucrat-Big Business conglomerate that these days is what governs us and is not controllable by the people and elections. All people and powers we have standing over us, the citizens of Australia, must be made answerable to us! That’s how Democracy and pure science works!
Another theory?
[5 Dec 2021] Novak Djokovic backs the growing protests in Serbia over the Rio Tinto mining
[17 Dec 2021] Rio Tinto plans for Serbia lithium mine suspended after protests
John Kunkel was Rio Tinto’s Chief Adviser, Government Relations (May 2016–Apr 2018) before being appointed Scott Morrison’s Chief of Staff (June 2018). It says so on his LinkedIn profile. Interesting.
I am wondering what potential infectious horrors will be carried back to Australia when the Olympians return from the China Olympics?
There’s absolutely nothing to worry about because they are all vaccinated. This means that, while they can still catch, carry, suffer from and spread the virus, they can’t catch, carry, suffer from or spread the virus.
Science. Keeping you safe.
The problem is that your comment sounds so real here in 2022 that no one would notice.
Wonderful bit of SarChasm.
Sometimes things aren’t always as they seem. https://www.mining.com/thousands-protest-against-rio-tintos-lithium-project-in-serbia/
Verdict is in.
Basically the minister can cancel Djokovic’s visa for any reason and the Court will not review the reasons nor reverse the ministers actions.
I know he is going but were the courts and governments worried that a precedent would be set if an unvaxxed person was allowed to stay here. Surely all those mandates rules and lockdowns would be left open to challenge.Best we don’t mention his VAX state and worry about the anti vaxxers hey.
Absolutely spot on I would say.
‘The Federal Court decision was unanimous and the tennis star was ordered to pay the legal costs of the government.’ (SMH)
A win for socialists another nail in the coffin for democracy.
Even an ex-ABC journo can see this for what it is:
Journalist Monica Attard (OAM) tweeted: “What an appalling state of affairs that the government can have and use blanket, god-like power to evict someone with whose views it disagrees.
wow. That is a surprise.
The ‘journalist’ is only acting in the time-honoured fashion of the ABC in disagreeing with any and all decisions made by a LNP government. She must have had an agonising choice to make, however, between supporting the rights of such a rabid anti-vaxxer and upholding the traditional view of her employer that all such non-compliers must be excommunicated.
If one could get around the gov-media-big bus triumvirate our free to air radio, TV and print would now be full of articles arguing the case over everything to do with the current vaccination process and its limitations. Normally this is what a case like Djokovic’s would stimulate from what is a strongly controversial issue. The fact it hasn’t demonstrates just what a straitjacket we are held in by the powers that be with their personal abuse, destruction of anyone offering ‘controversial’ comment and use of cancellation. The right (Federal government) and the left (State Labor govs.) are almost bedmates in all these matters and it seems enforced compliance in both cases overwhelms any chance of breaking into that compliance by preventing public discourse on what for some is a life and death matter.
Where is the discussion on therapeutics?
It is all very well to have blogs like this to give vent to alternative views but unfortunately this is a matter of preaching to the converted and cannot break into the public domain. I thank Jo and everyone behind this blog for their tireless presentation of alternative facts. The management of this epidemic suffers from the same intolerance of debate by the powers that be as does climate change. It seems impossible to break through the barriers imposed by the extensive resources behind the official dialogue and get into a public discussion. There in lies our first experiences of our future if somehow we cannot present the alternative arguments in these most important and economically and personally destructive debates.
All I can say is thank you for the efforts made here and offer a few pence to try to keep the mission running.
Stunned at the Djokovic decision. Then again, I was also stunned at so many doctors taking the stance they do on vaccines and the virus – until a doctor said to me that doctors are no different from anyone else when it comes to mass formation syndrome. Maybe judges are just the same.
The judges were probably correct in Law.
We have the separation of powers but activist Judges making Law is not the best approach. There has been too much of that already.
The Court decided that the Law allows the Minister to make a Visa decision for any reason whatsoever, even if the reason is nonsensical. That part was not open to interpretation.
The good part of the Court decision is that the Minister and the Government must own their decision. The Court of Public Opinion decides at the next election.
Three-quarters of the population support the court’s decision.
That doesn’t make it right. Just aa mass opinion doesn’t decide scientific truth, neither does it decode morality.
And so do I. It is not the role of the Courts to rule on Government decisions. That is the role of the voters (we the people).
There are still many months to the next Federal Election. The Government has been in crisis for almost a year. The Libs have a lot of work to do to retain government and I will not be helping them unless they find their BELIEFS again.
The crowd is usually wrong.
The judges were unanimous on the legality and the government thinks they have a responsibility to protect the population from dissident voices in their midst.
My mate is working with a Serbian anti-vaxxer who refused to wear his mask in a closed environment and he was abusing people for wearing them. It got out of control and he began swearing at the boss, so he was ordered to take a month off work.
This gives him a chance to consider his future free of the Djokovic affair.
Dr. Jerome Groopman holds a chair at Harvard Medical School. He wrote a book called “How Doctors Think”.
more at the links above
Banned for three years eh.
I think Serbia just banned Australia for three years.
Wonder if Serbia might boycott the Brisbane olympics…..
Novak will be vindicated- just watch. Perhaps they will stop making this fiasco 1/3 of all news content now.
I am curious to see if they can play for 2 weeks without a fatality at the ATO.
BTW One of the beaks sported the lamest comb over in existence!
I predict the Australian Open will become a “super spreader” event. At least they won’t be able to blame Djokovic.
Djokovic joins a substantial list of visitors either deported from Australia or refused entry just because of their peaceful and mostly conservative political opinions (which includes Novak’s belief in personal bodily integrity).
That is one blessing from this awful affair. Djokovic would have been blamed for everything!
I think that Omicron is already starting to wane. We may see a slight uptick from the Tennis, mainly among players and their assistants.
One player is out already with shortness of breath. Lets see how many others.
International sporting bodies need to decide if they can continue to have competition in Australia because, obviously, not all athletes are allowed to attend.
They should be held in free countries.
Seriously, how pathetic.
David, find me one! For heaven’s sake, don’t say the USA. Think Dr Fauci and then consider what a US citizen/bureaucrat helped fund, in part, and what that has brought down on THE WORLD! Then look around the world at what that has done to the life of free citizens as their governments try to contend with an epidemic. That includes US States.
World sport is doomed.
Sport is one of the strongest cultural glues ever invented – it binds us all together in the spirit of competition.
The totalitarian Left despise sport for this reason – and will do all they can to destroy it.
The ultimate reason the Government wanted Djokovic out is very simple.
They admit they were concerned that his presence may have influenced others against the vaccine.
What is the Government so terrified of? If the vaccine is so wonderful, there is not a problem as people will want it and won’t need to be coerced. If the vaccine is possibly harmful, not taking it would be a good idea.
Let the issues be openly debated.
IMHO l see it as a propaganda stunt
it is all about politics to show the purebloods they are not welcome in the new world order
get yourself Jabbed or else
really it shows the involvement Scomo has with the jab mandates and Jab madness
this whole entire charade was orchestrated to prop up the idea that the unjabbed are bad people
it was not about inciting the unjabbed it was about inciting the pro vaxxed
Novak was not the only legit Victorian government exempted with an Australian government visa tennis player to be attacked once hitting the country
none of the exemptions were ever getting through
it is just an absurd farce, an embarrassing façade
Why did Djokovic have problems when the bulk of international players could handle the paperwork without problems.? Additionally, many of those players have no time for Djokovic’s carry on at all.
Novaks paperwork was not a problem until after he won the first visa court case DOC
none of that information came out until after when they were looking for reasons to Cancel him
it has nothing to do with right or wrong
its all about even the top tennis player in the world will be cancel cultured if he does not join the new religion
I agree with you Marksman, BUT, I understand the government’s defence of the last action before the three Justices was tightly limited to reduce the chances of a further Court challenge.
That is the source of the embarrassing part of this entire episode. It implies Australians are children incapable of avoiding being influenced by an antivax argument. To an extent, that implication is indeed correct, much as one finds when talking to one’s friends. Try watching Fox News that has addressed this action in Australia ad nauseum, and be embarrassed as the presenters laugh at the flimsy argument without understanding the legal use of it. They actually have their own source of embarrassment if one was to challenge them on the actions of the blue States and in particular, Fauci!
It’s not that they are mentally incapable of logical debate. IMO its because they don’t have exposure to alternative open debate and they also don’t investigate it. They depend on print, radio and TV news for their information. Those sources are very compliant, following the government line based on the idea that the medical experts making the running are the ones advising the government and they ARE EXPERTS – are they not?
Readers of this blog are aware of the controversies from much of the ‘information’ presented as gospel truth. Follow-the-science type truth! As I have said before, the government-media-big business conglomerate has been successful on the same basis that most people ie that most people take their word as truth, live in fear of the virus and believe the conglomerate is saving them. They would accept the legal argument they read and they have little time for antivaxers whom they have been taught to dread as vampires placing them at risk. The truth is that currently the risk is entirely the reverse based on the numbers vaxed and omicron being capable of walking through the vaccination doorway.
Yes Doc this shows what type of government we have that is so afraid of someone displaying independent thought that they have to cancel their visa and kick them out of the country just in case it spurs someone on to not joining the club LOL
just an embarrassment
Scrolling through the comments above it is a very worrying situation that so many comment but based on so obviously little or no knowledge of the subject matter.
They blame elected government MPs and ignore that they are not processing international airport arrivals and enforcing immigration laws and regulations, that is done by permanent public service employees trained for those positions. They obviously do not understand how the system works, and why. And cannot even understand court procedures and decisions.
And if anyone dares to try to explain the response is rebuke and thumbs down.
In a dark humour sort of way it is somewhat amusing but at the same time worrying.
From the man who was commenting all day with no understanding of Hawke’s reason for cancelling the visa. Hilarious.
Dear not very smart Alec, you have been trying to put my comments down over and over here, so scroll back and read the comments explaining to you why you were wrong from at least one other astute commentator.
And you did note the final Court decision I trust?
In tatters is the Liberal Party claim to being the party of individual rights and freedoms; the fig leaf has fallen.
and the naked truth about PM Morrison is now exposed. Anyone who votes for his party is a vote for more of the same draconian nonsense. Of course a vote for the ALP/Greens would be no different if not worse. If you still don’t know what to do at the next election then you must be a supporter of draconian mandates and all the evil procedures that go along with them.
A reminder about the reasons behind Djokovic’s deportation as posted by Harves above and stated by the Minister.
Mr Djokovic hasn’t even advocated against vaccination. It is his personal opinion only.
That statement is hilarious.
We must do more of what’s causing civil unrest to stop civil unrest.
No community, no transmission.
Seriously, where did ya’ll get these people?
I’m guessing the discount section in Davos and Beijing.
I don’t know how the tennis rankings work.
Does Djokovic’s absence from the Australian Open effect his world’s no.1 ranking now or in the 3 years he has been banned for Australia?
Probably advances the rankings of those who now don’t have to play him though
It affects his ranking to the extent he loses all the points he gained at last years AO and doesn’t earn any points at this years AO to replace them.
He will drop 2000 points.
If Medvedev wins the AO he will replace Djoko as No.1
If Medvedev finishes runner-up or lower Djoko will retain No.1
I don’t think rankings worry DJOKOVIC. He stands to become there ‘best player of all time’ based on the number of Grand Slams he has won. My understanding is, he would probably have won the Australian Grand Slam and taken that crown. He will no doubt succeed in that elsewhere this year.. It’s the same thing that was driving Serena to keep on until she got just one more Slam and took the crown from Margaret Smith of Australia.
“… may lead to an increase in anti-vaccination sentiment …”
Deported for a perceived view by the minister (and his behind the scenes puppet-string pullers) that the public “might” think twice about submitting themselves to an experimental non-compulsory covid19 injection.
Mmmm. Our once great country is in big, big trouble.
I hope Novak decides never to return, and I hope other international players also do the same when they snap out of their trance.
Now what if there is a spectacular high profile fully vax qualified retirement?
No doubt that will rally the subjects to flock the “jabbatoirs”
Yes, that’s the real point here, the government wants you to think in a certain way, other ways of thinking are verboten. The government is now admitting to thought control. It is deciding what you can think, and what you cant think. Asutralia has slipped into totalitarianism without even realizing it.
Djokovic lied to us in order to enter our country with false information – the least he could do is to say sorry to the the tennis world and to the Australian people.
I didn’t use to like Djokovic but now he is top of my list. If he really does end up barred from competing for the next 3 years then the Australian Open should be downgraded and no longer considered to be a Grand Slam event.
And now that we know all players have been jabbed, when a player collapses on court or struggles for breath there is no doubt as to the cause.
I may be wrong, but in WA, amongst my associates, most have no idea of the questions that we see put in this blog. They believe the vac will save them. They have no idea about therapeutics the government forbids. They think of these ‘vaccines’ like a flu vaccine, that they have been saved by all the measures imposed by government. Nor are they even aware of what will happen if McGowan sticks to the planned opening up of WA on 5th February. McGowan is so nervous that today he had a few cases of omicron in the community and immediately reimposed masks indoors in public. He has also mandated restrictions for opening that would making living unvaxxed in WA almost impossible.
The people just leave it to the government and dislike the unvaxxed, yet the vaccinated by numbers are a greater risk tothe unvaxxed than very.
Amnesty International suggests that allowing unvaccinated people to go to work is a fundamental right. Such a shame many Australians including the Govt don’t share this view.
A recent decree by Italian prime minister Mario Draghi made vaccination compulsory for people over 50, and for anyone to be able to use public transport and some other services.
The human rights charity asked for alternatives to be considered, including mask wearing and Covid testing to allow unvaccinated people to go to work and use public transport.
Current rules are in place until 15 June.
“The government must continue to ensure that the entire population can enjoy its fundamental rights, such as the right to education, work and medial treatment, with particular regard to non-Covid patients who need urgent surgery,” it said, according to Reuters.
Two interessant links, maybe even posted earlier here:
Another one:
A forth
Mike Yeadon, ex-Pfizer
We know about Djokovic because he is a high profile sportsman.
But Australia must also be losing out on visitation of all sorts of other eminent people, who are experts in their field, due to their vaccination status.
That’s apart from people, mostly those with non-violent conservative political views who are deported early or not allowed to come because of their political opinions e.g. Katie Hopkins, Milo Yiannapolous, Geert Wilders etc.. (Wilders’ visa was eventually granted with extreme difficulty.)
Also, look how conservative reporter Avi Yemeni was treated by police until he started suing them.
There is no way Australia can any longer be considered a free democratic country.
We didn’t have a F1 race last TWO years. How many $s would THAT circus be worth?
Our tennis and golf Opens have status that is mainly historical. Best be careful.
This is a live discussion of the Djokovic case from Europe.
Needless to say, the commentators are perplexed and less than impressed.
Can you imagine Djokovic being deported from USA, UK or France where the other tennis tournaments are?
What an embarrassment for Australia. What a mess!
Now where have I heard this: “The individual is not greater than the game”. This applies to ALL sports, not just tennis. As far as I’m concerned, Novax can take his arrogance and return to his native country (which, unfortunately, still exists).
When did you last watch a closed tennis tournament? Australian Tennis may have that as a future if they insist that the individual player has no rights.
Good point. This guy broke the rules in Serbia, then again in Spain and then had a third go at Australia…but his “team member” filled the form incorrectly…three strikes and then you are out. Australia got it right. Serbia and Spain let us take the flak generated by our removal of this master of arrogance. One positive sign is that Macron says France would do the same as Australia. Probably does not matter as much as Australia because Nadal is more likely to win in Paris. Anyway Rod Laver was a master on all surfaces…not just racking up big numbers on a favourite surface…a genuine master. Poor old Novaxx is chasing a second order goal!!
So do those 70% of Australians who (supposedly) supported the deportation of Djokovic based upon his political views feel safer now?
This all reminds me of the case of Aaron Rodgers. Rodgers is a superstar quarterback in American football. His skill and talent are astonishing, and he is at the peak of his powers right now. But he didn’t get vaccinated and went on to have an MVP year. He is the best player this year by a wide margin. He actually contracted covid but overcame in a few days with very mild symptoms. He then went on to explain the logic of having natural immunity and why should he possibly place his health in danger now by submitting to the jabs needlessly? He has created a huge problem for the meme. Moreover, it was a slap in the face to the NFL and the sports writers who are all in for Biden.
Of course he can’t be deported. But there were calls to have him sidelined or stripped of his income, and otherwise made an example of. Once the Darling of the sports media he is now a villain. Now he is vilified for being arrogant and selfish. For placing the rights of the individual above the good of the collective…. wait…..
I’m a Lions fan and would normally root against Rogers, but in this case I love how he tells them all RELAX. There are still a few sports stars who don’t drink the kool aid.
Another stellar year by my team. Although, there is always the high draft pick. 😀
It’s in the DNA, fix or repair daily.
I just read, that in Germany the status of “healed” has been shorten to 3 month from 6 before. Swizzerland extended to 12 month. Reason should be newest scienific data so the RKI had to act. ?!?
It’s well known, that an infection protects longer than vaxxes, and vaxxes don’t protect against long covid. So, I can’t follow the new intervention of the RKI
Covid Tests Don’t Do What You Think They Do, Dr. Fauci Explains
“Useless Test?”
And the “vaccines”?
“Oh Look, MORE BS!”
He faces a three year ban potentially.
{He should not go when next allowed.}
Now we have a situation known as the Streisand effect. For those few that did not know of this person, all will become aware because of the Novak Djokovic Deportation saga.
This might even enhance his endorsement earnings potential because the target age audience is somewhat rebellious.
Let us set asside the documented fact that these “vaccines” (gene therapies, actually) have quite a low efficiency (not EFFICACY that Pfizer et al tout – see the difference e.g. here https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/7a01/c08bed2a7dc9d56be9b6b7f5a756b2adb746.pdf). Let us for the sake of argument assume that Australian government’s vaccine mandate is actually based on science.
Then Hawke’s decision is a case of bumbling political incompetence. The fact that immigration officials deferred the final decision to him clearly indicates that border line cases are expected and many are not clarified by legislation. Furthermore, this piece of legislation was enacted by the government that Mr. Hawke is a part of and he was certainly the legislative process – has he ever mentioned “What if a person cannot be vaccinated for medical reasons?” There is no record of it.
So, Mr. Hawke was faced with a relevant decision on a borderline case. He could have challenged Đoković’s medical exemption, e.g., that it is not recognized by Australian legislation; but we know he did not do that. He could have had the intelligence to recognize that this is a borderline case which requires a responsible solution and decreed that Đoković in to be tested, and admitted if he proved negative. Both would have been smarter moves.
No, Mr. Hawke will not resign. Nor will Morisson dismiss him – both would have been clear admissin that government policy is wrong. But tae my word for it, Mr. Hawke’s political career is dead because he embarassed his government by his stupidity.
What has happened is the government now has a new policy. All unvaccinated high profile people are a danger to our society, not for any health reason but because such high profile people send a message to the people that the government doesn’t like them to hear.
The final decision to cancel his visa and deport him has now been proven to be purely political, not based on any logic or reason, medical or otherwise. Australia might live to regret this disgusting act by our government. So, is the government going to evict the thousands of illegal entrants who have overstated their visas because they too are not vaccinated? Hypocrisy is too kind a word.
Ministerial discretion trumped an acknowledgement of the ‘science” that is promoted as the source of all decisions. The government refused to allow acquired immunity to be raised in the public arena.
Says it all about the integrity of this government.
If one could get around the gov-media-big bus triumvirate our free to air radio, TV and print would now be full of articles arguing the case over everything to do with the current vaccination process and its limitations. Normally this is what a case like Djokovic’s would stimulate from what is a strongly controversial issue. The fact it hasn’t demonstrates just what a straitjacket we are held in by the powers that be with their personal abuse, destruction of anyone offering ‘controversial’ comment and use of cancellation. The right (Federal government) and the left (State Labor govs.) are almost bedmates in all these matters and it seems enforced compliance in both cases overwhelms any chance of breaking into that compliance by preventing public discourse on what for some is a life and death matter.
Where is the discussion on therapeutics?
It is all very well to have blogs like this to give vent to alternative views but unfortunately this is a matter of preaching to the converted and cannot break into the public domain. I thank Jo and everyone behind this blog for their tireless presentation of alternative facts. The management of this epidemic suffers from the same intolerance of debate by the powers that be as does climate change. It seems impossible to break through the barriers imposed by the extensive resources behind the official dialogue and get into a public discussion. There in lies our first experiences of our future if somehow we cannot present the alternative arguments in these most important and economically and personally destructive debates.
All I can say is thank you for the efforts made here and offer a few pence to try to keep the mission running.
Sorry. Doubled up. Was trying to reply to another entry but this one was still sitting in the reply box. (Blush)
Explosive – Doctor Panel – ”What about mRNA vaccines?”
Australia & Has COVID Vaccines Made us Vulnerable to Other Diseases?
The Australian court has demonstrated to the entire world that the legal system in Australia is simply engaging in tyranny
Another day, Djokovic has left Australia without needing to be pushed, and now background facts are being reported, Tennis Australia misled him.
Craig Tiley has become the official scapegoat.
He deserves to be frankly but Djokovic knew what the game was. Double vax is not unique to Australia. Not mentioning travel to Spain on his application was a black ball item in itself and hardly down to Craig Tiley. Blaming his staff is risible, ‘dog ate my homework’ level BS.
Well contrary to the obviously poorly informed but very vocal critics the Prime Minister and Cabinet are not to blame for the debacle, Tennis Australia apparently misled Djokovic, but no others?
And Victoria Health advised Tennis Australia it is claimed. I was not aware that after a person gets Immigration approval for entry they are then assessed by State Health to determine entry conditions to apply, like being placed in a quarantine hotel for a couple of weeks. And without that taking place the person has nowhere to go outside the arrival area of an airport.
So Federal Immigration and Border Force Officers are in charge of assessing an international arrival visitor or citizen for entry into Australia at an airport or sea port, but State or Territory authorities decide on the conditions of entry thereafter.
Far too often people are prepared to blame the PM and/or Federal Government and haven’t got a clue where the area of responsibility and power is held.
Power stations are another example, Federal can offer finance but cannot issue building approval or the many other red tape requirements including Environment Protection Agency approval.
[…] A Vaccine so Good, Australia has to Punish the World’s Best Tennis Player? […]
The unjabbed are no more a threat to public health than the fully jabbed. But thay are a threat to ostensible, bungling authority.
How we’re doing and what we did – Spain and Israel
From New Catallaxy Blog Commemts –
MatrixTransform says:
January 17, 2022 at 10:01 am
buried in comments under ZeroHedge article:
Do you come from a land down under
Where women hide and men knuckle under
Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the covid thunder
You better run, you better take cover
Buying a mask from a man in Brussels
He had an issue with his heart muscles
I said, “Do you speak-a my language?”
He just smiled and gave me a Vaccine sandwich
And he said:
I come from a land down under
Where pfizer flows and men knuckle under
Can’t you hear, can’t you hear the covid thunder
You better run, you better take cover.
Once it was a war cry… But now a sad ode to what was..
There are many Djokoviks in Australia except they don’t have his world fame. With his admirable track record in Australia for many years, he is now deemed a danger to the country. Australia is being trashed around the world.
Therefore, what do tehy do with the domestic unvaxxers?
Remember that he was stopped by Immigration and Border Force Officers because his Visa was not the right one and there were other problems like no vaccination certificate, nothing to do with elected Federal Government and Ministers.
The reasons for the deportation order that on his appeal was judged to be a procedural error in processing by the Officers at Melbourne Airport, a technicality his lawyers successfully exploited in court to get him into Australia. The Federal Government appeal against that court decision added the concern of the case and player becoming a anti-vaccination cult focus for protests and the Judges agreed that deportation in the first instance was legitimate but subject to the procedural error. And they accepted that if the player was permitted to stay and get away with being in breach of border entry requirements the anti-vaccination argument was valid.
Unfortunately too many people do not understand the legal system, courts and international border entry requirements.
Like the “refugees” the advocates protest about being held in detention after they lost their asylum application and appeal, illegal immigrants because they did not meet requirements for entry.
And worse, “refugees” who were allowed in by Rudd and Gillard Labor (50,000 plus) who are under deportation orders but remain here because advocate lawyers are using the court system to delay the orders being carried out. I read it’s the Federal Government’s fault and/or incompetence, but that is wrong, its legal delaying tactics via the courts which are subject to the separation of powers and out of the control of governments.
By the way, only one international tennis player has been in the news fighting against deportation, all the others are here and ready to play in the tournament.
Thank you Dennis for pointing out the legal details of how it all happened.
“The Federal Government appeal against that court decision added the concern of the case and player becoming a anti-vaccination cult focus for protests…”
Well, well, well, isn’t having a needle pushed into one’s body a private choice? and not the government’s? And, aren’t the people (not cultists) who have done their research other than listen to the fake media, FREE to protest against the vaccination which has proved to be causing deaths and adverse reactions?
It’s a bit rich to be arguing legal mumbo jumbo to protect the ongoing use of a vaccine that kills and maims people and now children but that is EXACTLY what the powers that be in the government want.
We have to assume that Minister Hawke made the Government’s best arguments to the Court for deporting Djokovic. Read this summary of the argument, and weep.
What is most interesting is the arguments the Government felt it could not use.
it could not argue Djokovic was wrong to believe he had a valid visa
it could not argue that he should get vaccinated (because ATAGI advice against it within 6 months of a positive PCR test, inter alia)
it could not argue he carried a risk to infect us, or clog up our hospitals by getting sick himself
it could not endorse the evidence that learned immunity is a valid path to Covid resistance for those at low risk (eg the young and fit), and on the balance of evidence is more robust, more durable and more versatile than the available vaccines
it could not concede that vaccination carries (small) risks
it could not concede that for some people (eg those with learned immunity), vaccination is of no benefit but still carries (small) risks, with the risks most worrying if you are a young male (myocarditis)
it could not concede that for an elite athlete like Djokovic, myocarditis (a small risk) would be career-ending
it could not acknowledge that informed consent and bodily autonomy were key principles civilised countries formalised in the wake of Nuremberg, and that Australia should support them.
Next stop for the ‘Liberals’: mandated booster shots 3, and 4 …….
IF only Australians could deport all non vaccinated, they would.
Well they are a very small percentage of the population now, but why deport them, they made their own decision and fair enough.
But regardless of whether a law is supported or not it is the law and when we choose to travel and ask for admittance/entry to foreign countries they all require visitors to obey their laws.
It reminds me of the noisy minority who in the past have demanded that “the government” saves Australians who have been arrested and maybe given a gaol term overseas, and have no understanding that our government has no jurisdiction in other sovereign nations, and that we are expected to behave and respect the laws elsewhere when we are a guest.
[…] A Vaccine so Good, Australia has to Punish the World’s Best Tennis Player? […]
The Victorian government is funding propaganda encouraging kids to get vaccinated if their parents oppose it through the premise of a “vax date”
Here is the video produced by this initiative, the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria
From the video
H/t TheCovidWorld.com
Notes from a call earlier with Edward Ryan MD, Director of International Infectious Disease Service at Massachusetts General Hospital:
1. Close to 100% of the positive cases in MA are Omicron. Delta is almost completely gone from New England.
2. This surge will peak sometime between 1/10 and 1/21 and then begin a quick downhill journey of two to four weeks.
3. We will end up with a 20-50% positivity rate.
4. February will be clean up mode, March will begin to return to “normal”!
5. Omicron lives in your nose and upper respiratory area which is what makes it so contagious. It isn’t able to bond with your lungs like the other variants.
6. The increased hospitalizations should be taken with a grain of salt as most of them are secondary admissions (i.e. people coming in for surgery, broken bones, etc. who are tested for COVID).
7. We won’t need a booster for omicron because they wouldn’t be able to develop one before it’s completely gone and we’re all going to get it which will give us the immunity we need to get through it.
8. COVID will join the 4 other coronaviruses we deal with that cause the common cold, upper respiratory infections, RSV, etc. It will become a pediatric disease mainly affecting young children with no immunity.
9. About 40% of those infected will be asymptomatic
10. Rapid tests are 50-80% sensitive to those with symptoms, only 30-60% sensitive to those without symptoms.
11. Contact tracing is worthless because we’re all going to get it and there’s no way we could keep up with it.
12. We are fighting the last war with COVID and should be pivoting back to normal life, but society isn’t quite ready for it yet.
13. There is no need to stay home from work or to be a hermit unless you’re immunocompromised or 85 or older, but he does recommend staying away from large gatherings for the next six weeks.
14. Spring/Summer will be really nice!
Lots of good news!!!
Dr. Ryan is also professor of medicine at the Harvard Medical School and professor of immunology and infectious diseases at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He also directs the Tropical and Geographic Medicine Center and Travelers’ Advice and Immunization Center, which is supported by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Of course the narrative had to be defended so some bureaucrat at the hospital later stated “ These notes lack context, details, and nuance. ”
h/t Dr Pierre Kory’s substack which linked to this article by Mary Beth Pfeiffer
Hey mods! What’s so controversial about my comment #96.
It is your turn
Neighbour informed today that 7 days ago he and his whole family tested positive. Said he was not well then a friend supplied him with Ivermectin from USA.4 days later no fever no headaches no aches and pains all gone and his energy is back. He is double vaxxed.
Without realising it PM Morrison spilled the beans and has shown his true ugly colours over the issues with Novak Djokovic:
Australian Government Deports Unvaccinated Tennis Player Novak Djokovic Citing His Threat to Social Cohesion
Nothing worse than having an extra player for the other team on the field – in the guise of a referee.
If you can’t beat them on court, beat them in court.