A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Good morning All. I just turned to Jo’s blog after looking at The Speccie.
Good move Annie. Lots of smart, good looking, brave, inventive, honest, hard working people here.
And unlike the ABC, and just like the Spectator, you only pay if you want to.
Next year — 2022 — seemed to be full of exciting promise: sometime during the northern hemisphere summer there would be a Red Nova in the constellation Cygnus. This was interesting because the southern-most tail (head, actually) of Cygnus just makes it over my northern horizon during our winter. As long as it’s not cloudy.
Two stars were about to collide, explode and the result would be visible to the naked eye. Exciting stuff.
( This is just too exciting to be true …
So it was out with my star atlas and into some research. Darwin looked like a good possibility for a warm, pleasant winter holiday to see this Red Nova … Darwin looked to be far enough North for Cygnus to be fully above the horizon for good visibility and there must be star-gazers in this blog to check with.
B****r. It was too exciting to be true:
… one result of this scuttle/scrabble was that I discovered my passport needed renewing … ah, no need, now …
so it went back into that desk drawer …
Darwin in the dry is a great escape from the cold every year.
I thought so, so thanks for your concurrence 😀
Yes, thats why all the Snakes, Crocks, stingers, etc,… it there !😱🤫
Leftist morons in action:
“Fully Vaccinated” Canadian Family Imprisoned as Medical Tyranny Hits Ludicrous Speed Over Omicron Scariant
Leftist morons in action:
Researchers are constructing a ‘black box’ in Australia, a device that they say is meant to survive climate change disasters and warn future survivors about humanity’s mistakes.
Someone’s got money to waste.
Don’t laugh: it will be a valuable addition to the case for how easily mankind can be sucked in by BS, despite all the other evidence.
It will help to put a price on each opinion.
From the article:
Where are the future survivors going to get a computer? You know…because civilization as we know it will be gone.
It’s stupidity like this that makes me feel that my playing Farmville is time well spent.
What climate change disasters?
The only disasters is the slide into tyranny and rule by the global elite
Apart from the tyrannical pond scum and their endless coups d’etat –
Hawaii’s Big Island summits have been under a BLIZZARD WARNING the past day or two: snow, ice, freezing temps, access road CLOSED (it is winter after all); our Southern Alps had a decent overnight dusting and the BoM is calling for freezing snow for Thredbo, NSW this Thur/Fri (it is summer after all) while Perth hits the high 30s thanks to a desert wind (standard fare) before a cool change later this week.
The UK Met Office had a lovely graphic of snow falling from the Midlands to the Scottish Highands today; Morocco and Algeria received a decent dump last week (North Africa); the Euro Alps are resembling Christmas postcard scenes while parts of Alaska and Canada are getting snotted on (buried under snow, which shouldn’t exist in these fiery endtimes).
Humanity’s mistakes? Puh-leeeze! (rant over ‘n’ out). Let it snow!
Well now…. My son-in-law (a confirmed hard core leftist) is behind this project which I only found output about yesterday. It is apparently going to store huge amounts of data, including newspaper stories, parliamentary affairs and goodness knows what else. It will, of course, keep records of temperature, sea level, bush fires, ocean ‘acidification’ and so on.
I will be catching up with him on Christmas Day and I am looking forward to discussing with him how the Black Box will be very useful at keeping the record of falling temperatures due to the Grand Solar Minimum while tracking the continuing increase in CO2 levels.
That should be a hoot, as he usually refuses to discuss “climate change” with a “committed climate denier”.
Geez, “ found out about “
Jacinda Ardern saying “vaccine passports” are to keep the unvaccinated safe from the vaccinated
It is always interesting to see who rises to power in countries around the world. Almost without exception my reaction is to ask what the hell the citizenry were thinking.
And, right on cue:
I think it was that paragon of liberal democracy, Josef Stalin who observed;
“It’s not who votes that counts:
It’s who counts the votes”.
Or was that Donald Trump
Germany being a case in point.
Intrresting how Ardern’s net worth jumped to $25M in less than a year…
I’m sure “incentives” for totalitarianism and vaxxes didn’t play a part…
Someone just made that up. Why repeat unverified tweets? How does this serve any purpose?
So you showed falsehoods that were corrected . My list has zero evidence despite the desperate efforts.
The high figure appears to be based mostly on her high salary and the estimated undiscounted net present value of her indexed pension. It’s not a “made up” figure based on “unverified tweets” but nor is it a realistic estimate.
So according to you Leo, it did not suddenly jump so my comment stands.
Also you clearly don’t know about the particular tweet he is referencing, which has no verification (ie it is unverified) and which, unlike you, believes it jumped within a year.
You mean Gee made up the bit about it being made up? gosh
nope it is concocted to sound like she suddenly acquired money from her position. It is fabricated nonsense.
NZ fought apartheid hard last century and Jacinders has made the unforgivable mistake of reintroducing it.
Now its the “Uncaccinated” vs the “Vaccinated.”
The unvaccinated must be kept away from the vaccinated.
It will be interesting to see if Omicron is caught mostly by the Vaccinated …
I think it probably will be caught and transmitted by the injected. It will be interesting to observe how their mRNA weakened immune system reacts especially when the third mRNA booster injection is widely rolled out.
l dont think it will be till China takes an asset from NZ for not being able to pay back a debt and it effects NZ that the couzy bro’s will understand what has happened?
there are a hell of a lot of sheeple there no different to the “l stand with Dans” in Victoria
the thing that Jacinda and Dan have in common is their relationship with China
some people are just happy in their little hole with nanny looking after them
“I toadally reject that!” 🙂
If the vaccine works then why do the vaccinated need protecting from the unvaccinated?
If vaccinated can spread the virus similarly to unvaccinated then why do the vaccinated need protecting from the unvaccinated?
This is why vacs apartheid does not make sense.
Exactly why the ACT Labor/Green government followed the advice of the human rights commission to not have an apartheid.
Didn’t you know that, if you have a headache and take paracetamol, it will only work if everybody in the room takes it too?
mRNA Vaccine Anthem Goes Viral…
With my voice I won’t do a solo, but I might join a choir.
Dave B
Electronic Weapons: Slide Rules And Sextants Survive In The Sky
December 6, 2021: In late 2021, Russian video appeared that showed a heavy bomber in flight with one of the crew using s slide rule, apparently to calculate course and/or fuel consumption rate. Most pilot training, especially for the crews of long-range aircraft, includes instruction on how to use special slide rules for such calculations in the event of problems with the electronic navigation and flight management instruments that do this automatically. For generations, ever since long-range flight became possible, manual tools were used for these calculations, along with a special bubble sextant to obtain the location of an aircraft. On the surface the original sextant is used for this but in the air, there is no fixed horizon to base these calculations. The bubble-sextant creates an artificial horizon that enables aerial navigation that shows position within ten kilometers or less. Surface sextant navigation is even more accurate and electronic navigation, especially using GPS, is accurate enough for landing aircraft.
The U.S. Air Force holds exercises periodically to test flight personnel on their ability to handle this. For example, in late 2018 the U.S. Air Force turned off GPS (satellite-based navigation) over a portion of Montana where the recently expanded Powder River training area allowed warplanes to use airspace up to 16,000 meters (51,000 feet). Ten heavy bombers (B-52, B-1B and B-2) flew in while the GPS was off and tested their skills at navigating without GPS. That means going old school via maps, manual calculations, dead reckoning, maps, radar, and visual clues on the ground. The last item gets tricky from 15,000 meters up and is especially difficult when clouds are present. Not mentioned were the use of the bubble-sextant and slide rules, but they are also part of the backup plan, especially if you are over open water.
While most warplanes still have the pre-GPS INS (inertial navigation system) equipment, long-range flights require the unjammable INS to be updated periodically to adjust for the inherent “drift” in any INS system. This can be done by returning to World War II methods of navigating over water in long-distance aircraft. That would mean using a sextant to get the current (approximate by GPS standards) position. That does not help large aircraft using INS as a backup but INS is adequate for giving an aircraft time (an hour or more) to make an emergency landing. Long range bombers do not have that option because INS becomes less accurate the longer you use it. That’s because the gyroscopes and accelerometers used have a tiny inaccuracy (drift) built in which grows over time since the last accurate update.
The Ruskies sensibly plan for an EMP, manual gear negates this.
The story I heard back in the 70s concerned a Russian pilot who defected in his mig to an allied air base in europe. The yanks were surprised when they inspected the cockpit and found a valve radio and concluded that the Ruskies were so far behind in technology they could not possibly pose a threat. Then someone mentioned the effect of EMP and the yanks took a thoughtful step back.
Airborne valves have high failure rates. It’s the vibration.
Plus the cathodes stop emitting after a while. And they generate a lot of heat. Thank goodness for their demise.
‘Absolute liars’: Ex-D.C. Guard official says generals lied to Congress about Jan. 6\
In a 36-page memo to the Capitol riot committee, Col. Earl Matthews also slams the Pentagon’s inspector general for what he calls an error-ridden report.
Matthews’ memo levels major accusations: that Flynn and Piatt lied to Congress about their response to pleas for the D.C. Guard to quickly be deployed on Jan. 6; that the Pentagon inspector general’s November report on Army leadership’s response to the attack was “replete with factual inaccuracies”; and that the Army has created its own closely held revisionist document about the Capitol riot that’s “worthy of the best Stalinist or North Korea propagandist.”
The memo follows Walker’s own public call for the inspector general to retract its detailed report on the events of Jan. 6, as first reported by The Washington Post. Walker told the Post he objected to specific allegations by the Pentagon watchdog that Matthews’ memo also criticizes, calling the inspector general’s report “inaccurate” and “sloppy work.”
Four minutes later, Flynn again “advised D.C. National Guard to standby until the request has been routed” to then-Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy as well as then-acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller.
Matthews says everyone on the call was “astounded.”
Piatt and Flynn then lied to Congress – denying that they had said the Guard shouldn’t deploy to the Capitol.
According to Matthews, they committed “outright perjury.”
Read the rest of the report here, and Matthews’ memo below:
Biden Surgeon General: Even Tripled Vaxxed Still Have To Wear Masks Indoors
The Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy declared Sunday that even those who are tripled jabbed will still have to wear masks indoors while around their families at Christmas.
If vaccines work, why are the vaccinated still wearing masks?
If masks work, why do we need vaccines?
… so they don’t/can’t catch Covid from the Unvaccinated?
Welcome to the new Apartheid.
Went to the barber yesterday, bit like going to confession, its been a year since my last haircut.
The place was empty but we both wore masks until he said take it off or ties will get cut. No worries, I’m double vaxed, he said nothing further on that so I kept my mouth shut.
on this side of the Tas, the barbers were desperate to get back to work …
Your guy sounds sensible
I do my own so I don’t care
I went to a barber who’s working from home. He cut my hair outside on his deck. No masks, cash payment. Jacinda has created a large black market.
How have things changed? Are you implying that previously he had no deck or had no ability to cut hair outdoors?
I just had a thought. You mean that previously he never took cash for some reason to do with being indoors?
“Black” market??
Someone will be offended
Leaf the idea of renting a shop and paying taxes is more a thing of the past. Small business has taken a battering and there has been a reappraisal of their situation. A fellow I know is quitting his small business to work in a factory because they pay ten times more than he earns now.
El G… there was nothing stopping the barber being in the “black market” before covid. Mawms comment is absurd.
Gee starting to sound like that train wreck interviewer with that so you are saying dialogue with self
Professor, the pandemic turned the world upside down, very small business was making more money from government largesse than when they were operating normally.
Its hard going back to working for a pittance when all around you see increased disparity in wealth.
It’s to keep populations obedient and subservient to their political “masters” as the Dictators take over.
Some solid evidence of cardiac damage, its not “just a coincidence” that young athletes are suffering cardiac events.
Abstract 10712: Mrna COVID Vaccines Dramatically Increase Endothelial Inflammatory Markers and ACS Risk as Measured by the PULS Cardiac Test: a Warning
.The score has been measured every 3-6 months in our patient population for 8 years. Recently, with the advent of the mRNA COVID 19 vaccines (vac) by Moderna and Pfizer, dramatic changes in the PULS score became apparent in most patients.This report summarizes those results.
We conclude that the mRNA vacs dramatically increase inflammation on the endothelium and T cell infiltration of cardiac muscle and may account for the observations of increased thrombosis, cardiomyopathy, and other vascular events following vaccination.
How much evidence do they need to stop these injections ?
To stop the injections would require simple and widely available testing and simple and widely available anti-viral medication.
It would also require a hypersonic level of political spin. Maybe something along the lines that the injections have now done the job they were invented for and the new (it will have to be new) anti-virals can handle the next stage of saving mankind.
Oh, but you’ll still need masks and multiple injections.
Christine Anderson from EU parliament offers support and advice for Australia.
The more they seek to destroy our natural freedoms the closer the economic meltdown is.
I mailed this to a friend and the message was blocked.
Contacted friend and she had not blocked anything.
“Message Blocked”
There was a friendly icon of a stoplight on red.
So I guess I’ll turn right on red.
Warp drive pioneer and former NASA warp drive specialist Dr. Harold G “Sonny” White has reported the successful manifestation of an actual, real-world “Warp Bubble.” And, according to White, this first of its kind breakthrough by his Limitless Space Institute (LSI) team sets a new starting point for those trying to manufacture a full-sized, warp-capable spacecraft.
Bags me (and a couple of golden retrievers) the first warp ship off this crazy clown world 😊
Just 5 words for you Rod.. “Get out of my way!!”. 😄
If I don’t get vaxxed then I’m 100% protected against vaxx side effects and 99.8% protected from Covid. Sounds like a good deal.
BTW – as for those “rare” events in athletes, see this:
Yes, but bear in mind that you may well be exposed to the infected injected who are clueless about their infections.
I will be avoiding crowds and people who tend to frequent crowds indefinitely.
Sounds fair to me Rod.
Labour’s plan for a 43% reduction in emissions will see renewable power generation grow from 20% to 82% of the market by 2030 !
They claim that this will be achieved with NO ADDITIONAL reduction in coal power beyond that already scheduled and used in the LNPs plan which leaves 19GW of coal generation in operation still in 2030. ??
So, Labour is suggesting ( Albo said as much) , that the electricity demand will grow such that 82% Renewables would effectively be in addition to that 19GW of coal,..or 80+ GW of RE energy being supplied !!
In other words they think in 8 yrs time the Au grid capacity will be 100+ GW ..or 2-3 times more than we have now !
Tell them they are dreamin’. ….and lying !
I read it as 82% as taken from the nameplate, which doesn’t mean much.
Well, Albo clearly doesnt understand his own plan.
If they say there will be 26 GW of Renewables, representing 82% of capacity ,..there cannot be 19 GW of coal generation also as suggested by Albo.
That 82% would imply a total grid capacity of 32 GW ( LESS than now !) ….and only 6 GW of coal & Gas .?
Oh, and there is still no mention of how that wind and solar grid will maintain supply during still evenings ….batteries, batteries, batteries, batteries ??
Maybe they know something we don’t, like a massive population collapse.
It is also worth noting that according to Anero , we currently have 23 GW of Wind, Solar, and Hydro connected to the grid !…..even without 13GW of RT solar
So they wont have to do much to reach that 26GW “capacity” target !
more like a combination of being innumerate and not understanding what they are talking about re the grid. Which also means 97% of journalists are not equipped to form a question even if they were motivated to do so.
Politicians are narcissistic psychopaths who’s only goal is self serving their own interests.
The WHO whistleblower – it’s all fake.
Shocking revelation, if proven to be correct then its a crime against humanity.
Everything John writes is 100% accurate.
Re WHO whistleblower:
Sounded like conspiracy theory to me. You cannot be serious
correct, it is plainly ridiculous. At least he is consistent.
Looks credible.
“looks credible”. Code for “I like what it says and I therefore wont check”.
I should have spelled it out for you … she looks credible. I went to pages about her to find out.
The professor needs things explained to him.
Gee is forever putting words into other peoples mouths
anyone with eye can see its all faked
A message from the United Australia Party via Clive Palmer,
I know where my vote will be going !!
PLEASE….give your second pref to the coalition.
Liberal wimps get no votes from me. !
Morrison has let Australia down in so many areas, because he couldn’t be bothered..
He just wants to be a sheep, a cow-tow, a fence sitter…… never a people’s leader.
What have he and the Liberals done, that is worth voting for?
Lib, Lab, Green ,,,, last.
Then fill in back up to One.
Tough crowd Hanrahan , looks like many of us have had enough of Scomo .
My votes will put the minor conservative parties first and the Libs last, even below the Greens. I am doing this in order to send a very clear message that the Liberal party has lost its way and cannot simply rely on rusted-on voters to support them no matter what they do. The Liberals have shown, since ousting pretty much all the real conservatives, that they are now a left-of-centre party, at best.
I hate the idea of Labor getting in, which might happen in this scenario, but I will accept some short-term pain for (I hope) long-term gain.
once you dont put them 2nd I doubt your message goes very far
Sorry, the whole preferences thing baffles me, being an import. Why do you say that?
This theory appears rational.
‘Omicron variant likely born of HIV patient, says South African scientist who discovered it.
‘The variant probably incubated in a person with an immune-compromising condition, according to Centre for Epidemic Response and Innovation’s Tulio de Oliveira.
‘Researchers have already seen coronaviruses with frightening mutations arise in Covid-19 patients whose natural defences have been suppressed.’ (SCMP)
Either that or they were fully vaccinated foreign nationals visiting Botswana
I see our grubbiment has appointed a bureaucrat heavy task force to deal with the lack of Adblue, this is great, it means things will progress unabated to a fullblown crisis early next year.
Adblue is basically just urea. It’s simple and cheap to manufacture. How can there be a shortage?
Back in the horse carriage days of Merry old England it was lawful for the coachman to spend a penny in public, while waiting for his passengers, so long as he performed the task on the right rear wheel of his carriage and he kept one hand on the side of the carriage while performing the task.
Seems this law could be about to come back in fashion and apply to the orifice adjacent to the wheel.
Seems it was also allowable for a rider in need to do so in the vicinity of the near side front leg of his horse.
A friend was sprung by the law and his lawyer got him off by arguing the equivalency of the lhs front wheel of his car.
Making urea is a piece of pi$$……….
The basic ingredient of urea is natural gas. NG has become very expensive. Countries are making a choice between staying warm, keeping lights on or operating clean diesels.
Oh but it is ‘special’ urea, not just that agricultural stuff.
Another moronic gesture to Gaia, every time there’s a thunder storm, tons of nitrogen oxides rain down all over, the green stuff just loves it.
Inside Australia’s covid internment camps.
Leigh Sales made Turtle look the numpty he is by asking him FIVE times, ‘when could Australians buy an electric car for $25,000.’
She’s so left wing.
Flaps in circles then?
didnt realise that could be determined from a single question
If you want to watch the interview:
The question on electric cars starts around 5 minutes.
Under the Labor policy, government officials will get first use of electric vehicles then they will be released for the plebs after the batteries are fried but at an affordable price.
This fruitcake needs to get out of Canberra and listen to himself. I doubt Labor can win an election as long as Bowen keeps flapping his jaws
I wonder when we will see the first head of state bulletproof limousine EV?
“Impactful Video Showcases Hollywood Vaccine Propaganda as Contrast Against Adverse Vaccine Outcomes
December 6, 2021 | Sundance | 117 Comments”
Links at
Albanese and Bowen are the best assets the Libs have got.
Plibs, Shorten and whiney man Burke are pretty handy also
“The Big Tech Empire Worried About The Rise of the Alternative Media Platforms and The Rebel Alliance
December 6, 2021 | Sundance | 197 Comments”
Courier Mail online headline
“Mapping revealed: 55 Qld hotspots and suburbs set to disappear underwater”
Anyone checking the retail market for sales by notables?
Another dodgy modelling effort.. ???
Fifty yrs ago my parents sold their house on a block barely above high water. Look at this neighbouring home:
The concrete gutter you see would fill with salt water during spring tides. $300k is NOT fire-sale price for such an old home in Townsville.
Dr John Christy did a 2021 update testing the climate change claims and he certainly convinced me again that he is the real deal.
No BS and fra-d just data and he covers just about everything and this webinar was for the Irish folks and I’m sure they’d be very impressed.
Plenty of easily understood graphs etc and is about 46 minutes of your time.
“All-cause mortality tells the story”
“Slowly but surely, evidence is emerging that the COVID vaccines are not fit for purpose. Once you focus on all-cause mortality rather than COVID deaths alone, the picture changes remarkably.”
Child mortality in the UK has increased by 62% since the rollout of the mRNA vaccines. Worse in vulnerable children.
Why do they let this keep happening?
even regardless of who you think “they” might be
lack of trusted information maybe
In Queensland, people waiting for organ transplants will be denied transplants unless double vaxxed.
I wonder if they’ll refuse organ donations from the “filthy unvaxxed”?
Patients Waiting for Life-Saving Organ Transplant to Be Denied Treatment Unless Vaccinated
In Queensland, Australia, patients will have to be vaccinated against the coronavirus in order to receive vital organ transplants.
Queensland Health confirmed that a patient seeking to receive a kidney, lung or heart transplant must have “a minimum requirement of two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccine,” 7News reported Monday. The policy will be reviewed in February.
The other big question relates to whether the transplant can “take” the added load of dealing with the VaXXinated body.
So a person with a life threatening illness, must first submit to preventive care for a condition they do currently have before their lives can be saved?
This is a good new standard.
Population dental health could be greatly improved
Alcoholics and the obese are irresponsible people that obviously lack concern for the burden they place on the collective.
Show you deserve medical care if you expect to receive it.
(Needing medical care is evidence of irresponsibility in most cases.)
If you show up to emergency unconscious make sure you have your medical history card.
(This is why implanted chips are a good idea. Tattoos could work. The tattoo or implant must be near the heart and head in case you show up missing a limb, or two, or four.)
Arriving unconscious in the first place is poor planning.
And that you like Trump.
Going outside and interacting with others presents a potential risk to all of us.
The existence of hospitals is a clear indicator of an impure society.
Australia must lead the way.
I’ve got it …
The unvaxxed can be allowed to beg for food if they wear a hair shirt.
Under a garment with UNV in large letters on the back.
Government can demonstrate humanitarianism and piety at the same time.
Hope Dan and Gunny read Jonova.
WUNV is more appropriate in 2021.
“I wonder if they’ll refuse organ donations from the “filthy unvaxxed”?”
They have to kill you first-
“Mike Ganim was told his polycystic kidney disease was so advanced that he needed a new kidney around two years ago and, following months of preparation, transplant surgery was scheduled to take place on Wednesday.
But his wife Debi Ganim told WKYC that they were informed on Friday that it would not be going ahead because of the clinic’s new policy that requires COVID-19 vaccinations for both transplant recipients and living donors.
Although Mike Ganim is fully vaccinated against COVID-19, his donor is not.”
After all, the medical fraternity have shown very clearly that they can’t give a shit if their patients live or die, so long as they are always seen as ‘right’.
Yup … all the proof you need that they are not really interested in saving lives.
It sure as heck looks like a pure power trip to me.
Styxhexenhammer talks about covid m management and endless dictatorship.
I find it gob-smacking that the abc airs a Pearl Harbour doco tonight like they understand history and wars – yet they peddle propaganda and lies day after day, thinking it will not lead to similar atrocities.
John+R+Smith…keep your Sociopathic rants to yourself. the world would be better off
Denying life saving organ transplants to people that refuse a vaccine that is marginally effective, produced by an industry that has been relived all liability is sane to you?
And for a pathogen that has shown to have low mortality.
This is a situation that has been created actual sociopaths.
sounds a bit like projection
Wind makes no meaningful contribution to the grid: The Ciccone/Lehr rule of thumb
PCR Tests and the Rise of Disease Panic
Misuse of PCR testing, lack of calibration standards, non-reproducible results, political spin, all take the happy glow off of PCR testing.
That story is a great example of how futile the protests of experts who aren’t in thrall of Big Pharma and our power-crazy leaders have been. The use of PCR to diagnose Covid-19, especially when corrupted by excessive cycles far beyond what used be deemed acceptable, has been criticised for more than a year, yet here we are, still closing down businesses, putting millions of people under house arrest and damaging our economies, based on those flawed tests.
But, and I’ve said this before, governments in the west have been ignoring their citizens for many years, ploughing on with policies they have no mandate for and which a majority oppose.
Democracy is an illusion.
This is a short (6 1/2 minute) recent (yesterday) interview that summarizes how the Omicron symptoms for those who come into South African public hospitals, are different than the Delta covid variation. (Same story as earlier… Except the person making the statements seems confident/honest/sincere … I would assume because there has been sufficient number of South African Omicron patients to validate the earlier comments.)
The interview is with Dr. Angelique Coetzee. Dr Coetzee is the chair of the South African medical association. (It appears the South African medical association is different than the US medical association.)
The Omicron covid patients have symptoms that are identical to standard flu. A headache and body pain are the principal symptoms. No cough and unlike Delta covid, no mucous in the nose. I do not understand how this variant spreads if the patient does not have a cough and runny nose. Interesting.
The majority of those coming into the hospital for Omicron treatment are unvaccinated.
Those who are vaccinated (The Johnson and Johnson vaccine is the only vaccine that was administered in South Africa), and came into the South African public hospitals, have a less sever headaches. It appears the J & J vaccine reduces Omicron’s ability/success at replicating and hence reduce the symptoms. Those who did come into the public hospital with Omicron for treatment, were released in one or two days. i.e. No deaths. No ventilators.