Will the Greens give up their love of Apple when they hear how it effectively sold out its principles, tech secrets, and jobs to the Chinese Communist Party? Apple is the world’s biggest company, a $3 Trillion giant. Yet in order to get into the worlds biggest new market, it looks like Apple sold out the nation and the civilization that bore it.
A week ago The Information reported on the secret $275 b deal with the CCP in 2016.
Apple Gives $275 Billion to China
Anders Corr, The Epoch Times
Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook inked a $275 billion giveaway in 2016 that explains the tech company’s success in China, according to secret documents reportedly seen by
To sweeten the negotiations, Cook apparently agreed to a $1 billion investment in Didi Global, Uber’s Chinese competitor, at a critical time in the fight between the two companies for ride-hailing market shares in China. A few days later, Apple agreed to spend $275 billion in China over five years, including on what should be considered forced technology development and transfer.
According to The Information’s Wayne Ma, the deal “committed Apple to aiding roughly a dozen causes favored by China,” including “a pledge to help Chinese manufacturers develop ‘the most advanced manufacturing technologies’ and ‘support the training of high-quality Chinese talents.’”
The pattern repeats
China took Manufacturing, then Tech and the West gave them away. Now it’s come for biotech…

Image by AngMoKio
China siphons off Western intellectual property, often with the help of the West.
First China hauled (and we gave) the factories, then it was the hi tech industry, now it’s biomedical ingenuity. The pattern repeats. China offered cheap labor for manufacturers and the tech industry with few annoying environmental burdens. Now China offers money and freedom from ethical quandaries for researchers who want to clone, create bioweapons, or hybrid human-animal cells.
As ZMan said about the biotech theft:
Most important, what we are seeing is what happens when a society decides that the value of everything is what someone will pay for it. In America, everything has a price, so nothing has value. The elites are happy to trade technology to China, because the only thing that matters is short term profit. From the Chinese perspective, the American empire is not a competitor. It is just a big candy store that she can systematically pick clean until it finally collapses. This is the war China knows it can win.
What would stop it?
If companies like Apple worried (before they sold out) that their entire brand-name would evaporate in all their current markets. If patriotism meant that all the hipster Gen Z’ers and lost corporate Millennials reacted in horror and abandoned their iphones, or the soft greens recoiled from the thought of owning a item made by a company that helped to hide Uygher slave camps?
Yet where is the media? Where are the righteous, indignant fashionistas? Is Greenpeace protesting?
Apple, Nike and Coke are all lobbying to prevent the US congress from making laws that would make it harder to get goods from Xinjiang unless companies can prove they did not use forced labor.
So Apple may think it bought a market in China, but really it paid to become a wing of the Communist Government.
According to a 2020 report from the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI), Apple is a beneficiary of Xinjiang’s forced labor transfer programs through Apple suppliers O-Film Technology and Foxconn.
We need a real media. But since we don’t have one, spread the word about Apple
And tell people about The Epoch Times.
Thanks for this article, Jo.
A timely and succinct analysis.
I heard several years ago that “tech transfer” was a standard requirement for doing business in China. This includes sharing all your patents. That the world’s biggest company should make a really big deal is sadly not surprising. The rapidly growing Chinese consumer population is a huge lever and the CCP knows how to use it.
Yes agree. It would seem that is the price of doing business in China for any company. So, it’s not surprising that Apple have paid so much. This is one of those subjects, that again, Trump was so right about. It’s not only big business making money from these China deals, its obviously a lot of politicians and probably media as well. Hence, the reason no intense media exposure on these matters and the suppression of all things COVID relating to China. The Wuhan lab saga being the prime example.
Odd news to choose. Also odd to claim that greens love Apple. All I see is them complaining about Apple’s use of dodgy labour and poor recycling and repairibility.
True, I love it when the Left eats their own. It makes my day.
How is standing up for offshore workers rights a thing of the left? Who is their own?
odd comment to make
Yes very odd.
I think Jo probably means the champaign socialists who regard Green politics as a fashion accessory and would be mortified if their iPhone was 12 months out of date. You will find an excellent overlap between this social group and Apple products.
Yeah… those are the people who buy apple phones (eye rolling emoji)
I’ve noticed this too. Apple is a bit of a cult for the tragic fans. I have used a few Apple Macs at work and I honestly can’t see what all the fuss is about, but I’m more of a machine tool man anyway. Don’t get me started on how beautiful Deckel and Aciera milling machines are or I’ll bore you to tears with exaggerated descriptions of how you can feel the craftsmanship oozing through the slides.
By the way, you never get anything like this feeling when using Chinese rubbish. They don’t get it.
In terms of tech theft, patent and IP giveaway, I totally agree that its just a selfish despicable sellout.
NZ also giving away to CCP, herds of cattle and developed strains of fruit etc ?
When it comes to loss of factories and local manufacturing and production lines, I think there becomes a greater discussion ?
Some of the things we do (or allow, or have foisted upon us) are such strong drivers to move production (and profits ?) offshore, that we only have ourselves (and esp our greens, and many politicians) to blame.
Far too much of what we do now (micro AND macro) simply has no legitimate cost/benefit positive anymore. You can observe the obvious ones, the time and cost burdens imposed by more and more red-tape, documents, webforms that don’t work, duplication, documentation that will never ever be read (and can’t be searched or located), council staff that can arbitrarily delay work and add costly requirements, council policy that chokes up all transport movement within and to/from cities – and makes it impossible to get a vehicle near the door of anywhere that you have to drop off or pickup goods at, thickened viscous middle management layers – and when that hampers everything the solution is to add some more middle managers!, govt mandates with no clue as to the cost to economy (both direct and indirect – eg. what it really will cost in long run to push housing out of reach of 90% of the population, but still allow foreign buyers with loans from their homeland).
So frustrating and depressing to watch it sliding down the gurgler.
As Jo’s site says, a perfectly good civilization going to waste.
…now about that Kiwi fruit… lol
Chinese gooseberries??
Well the tranfer only relates to parts that Apple actually manufactures. So a lot of tech especially SoC lithography remains safe, with exception of apples M1 chip.
Chinese silicon is definitely catching up, you can see their chips being used in mid range devices, though some chip makers in China are still going bankrupt.
Fantastic outline. Punches all the right spots.
Describes orstralia to a T.
Australia; that once upon a time self activating, aware, business proud, manufacturing enterprise, is now a gutted, evacuated, scoured and bled country with a ruined education system.
Our only saving grace is that we are an island.
Our politicians have thought only of themselves and seek to follow in Julie Bishop’s footsteps at the prestigious United Bloody Nations.
“In terms of tech theft, patent and IP giveaway, I totally agree that its just a selfish despicable sellout.”
What happened? Apple was the one that drove down the price of touch-screens by ordering by the million. They already knew the had the market power to demand what they wanted, why did they give it up so easily?
In a capitalist society, companies act like psychopaths
No moral compass
Profit is their only god.
Why all the angst? This happened 5 years ago and hasn’t had much noticeable impact.
Apple is worth 3 trillion dollars so spending $275 billion or 9% of those 3 trillions, which ultimately benefit the shareholders, seems a sound commercial decision.
No, the impact is not meant to be noticeable. Think about ‘that which is hidden’.
China cant have raised to dominance without people in the west helping it.
When the reckoning comes for all those who have sold out the West for a few yuan to the CCP , and come it surely will, it will be a terrible thing to behold…..
All that have used Apple phones, the CCP knows everything about you with detailed files on every user….sheep.
yeah sure.
“All that have used Apple phones, the CCP knows everything about you with detailed files on every user….sheep.’
There are about 1 billion iPhones in use globally. I very much doubt China has the will or the resources to track the details of every user. Sounds like another conspiracy theory
“All that have used Apple phones, the CCP knows everything about you with detailed files on every user….sheep.’
There are about 1 billion iPhones in use globally. I very much doubt China has the will or the resources to track the details of every user.
Well well well. One lives and learns. it seem mentioning a particular theory is automatically moderated. I use the word particularly for if I use c…………y I’ll automatically get moderated
Sure, they won’t care less unless you run for government, or do something influential, or speak out as a doctor etc. Then they may well trawl through all those boring sms messages looking for hot keywords.
Would be mighty handy don’t you think, for extortion, blackmail, or maybe just “research” to negotiate with?
“All that have used Apple phones, the CCP knows everything about you with detailed files on every user….sheep.”
There are over one billion iPhones in use globally so it doubtful that all calls will be monitored and without monitoring details of each and every user will be nigh impossible to achieve.
I never let my politics get in the way of making money! Long AAPL since 2000! I couldn’t care less what Apple and China have “worked out.” If our representative government isn’t concerned, neither am I.
Note: not vaxed, and never taking the jab. Money vs health, ya know?
Any decent person would call that high treason. How true is the Bible
1 Timothy 6:10a
“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil,……”
Maybe citizens in western countries should start inviting delegations of Chinese officials over to “investigate opportunities to replace outdated ineffective current governments with Chinese politicians and systems”. To make a proper assessment they should of course be given full access to all classified Parliamentary files.
See how our ‘leaders’ like a dose of their own medicine.
Bruckner…an example of what is NOT right with our society.