As David Rose so aptly puts it, China was digging out record amounts of coal and Xi Jinping did not even turn up to Glasgow but green evangelistas were shaming the West and praising China.

Photo by Christels
Western Environmentalists are being used by the CCP:
‘Useful idiots’ who let China off the hook: Why is there such an apparent lack of concern over their determination to keep burning coal, asks DAVID ROSE
The Daily Mail
Some campaigners even heap praise on China. So why is there such an apparent lack of concern? One answer lies in a book called Hidden Hand: Exposing How The Chinese Communist Party Is Reshaping The World, by Clive Hamilton and Mareike Ohlberg. Serialised in the Mail last year, it argues that China has extended its influence over certain institutions in Britain and other democracies in order to blind them to Beijing’s drive for supremacy.
Xie Zhenhua, China’s chief climate envoy worked for a commission in China accused of torture, detention and forced confessions. Did the Green care?
They include Xie Zhenhua, China’s chief climate envoy. Until 2012, he was a member of the central commission for discipline inspection, which enforces state orthodoxy. According to Human Rights Watch, it has been responsible for illegal detention, torture and forced confessions.
Who knew, Lord Stern was so well connected with China?
Having taught in China since 1998, in 2009 he told a Chinese magazine he had ‘close contacts’ with CCP officials. In 2014, he wrote a paper for the World Economic Forum claiming China was ’emerging as a global leader in climate policy’. In 2016 he claimed China’s emissions ‘may already have peaked’. They hadn’t. The following year, he insisted there was ‘compelling evidence’ China’s coal use had also peaked.
Stern even praised president Xi’s ‘personal commitment to driving climate action’, concluding: ‘The world is looking for a climate champion. In China, it has one.’ But in March he sounded less optimistic, saying it is ‘crucial’ China stops building new coal-fired power plants and stops increasing its emissions by 2025.
Nevertheless, Bob Ward, Stern’s spokesman, told me China was taking ‘significant action’ and the rate of increase in its emissions had slowed enormously.
David Rose discusses how China hosts big conferences for environmental causes which people like Stern, the WWF and other leading crusaders all go to.
The CEO of the Childrens Investment Fund donates millions to group like Extinction Rebellion, but she also is on the board of the Belt and Road International Green Development Coalition run by the CCP. Her name is Kate Hampton and not surprisingly she supports the ‘Chinese leadership’.
It appears often these groups run branches in China and so must sell their souls to the CCP for the “privilege” of being allowed to operate there. Just as China buys off Big Tech, it buys Big Green.
Perhaps the green blob thinks it can play the game and get access to funds and space in China, but instead the CCP gets access to Western guilt and good-nature to help us cripple ourselves.
Or maybe Green Parasites just want the money.
It’s not that hard to understand. There are people who have an insatiable appetite for power and wealth. Such people have little or no regard to the rest of the world. Such people will trod on anyone who gets in their way, even children, and in some extreme cases especially children. They use dumb people like the Greens to try and achieve their goals. When people like the Greens have served their purpose as useful idiots, they are discarded.
Such power hungry people are sick and the worst of them are pure evil. Most of the people turn a blind eye to them because they don’t want to know – it’s too horrific to comprehend and it disturbs them even to think there are such people in the world let alone talk about it. That’s why such evil people get away with it. It’s a taboo topic in most conversations, partly because people fear such evil people. If people did talk about such evil people as much as they talk about Hollywood move starts or popular sports people, perhaps we wouldn’t be having such conversations about how the West is self-destructing.
AGW is about Western guilt and not a Chinese hoax.
One of my lessons in life is the pursuit of quality.
As a kid I was exposed to a lot of Japanese and Taiwan made toys. The were cheap and cheerful but generally short lived.
In my early career I had the opportunity to compare the performance of a large number of British made and Japanes made electric motors that ranged from 200kW to 1000kW. The British made units were junk by comparison with the Japanese made units. Over the period of 5 years that I was able to assess not a single unit out of 200+ plus motors failed. The Japanese Manufacturer sent an engineer out every year to check over the motors and to be updated on their performance. From my childhood to adulthood, the Japanese had learnt about quality. Apparently an American quality expert was instrumental in that transition. Toyota employees live and breathe quality.
Some 30 years ago, we bought a small hatchback made in Korea. The manual gearbox got noisy after a few years. On inspection it was found =d the gearbox bearings had failed due to false brinelling. That is the result of the way the bearing is handled before it gets regular use. Probably due to a long transport chain. I swore I would never buy another Korean made car. Likewise I had bad experience with Korean made electronics. However I have since relented I still have an original flatscreen TV made in Korea that is almost 20 years old.
Later in my working career I went to a mining expo in Australia and had discussions with a Chinese mining equipment salesman selling large drilling machines. It would be unkind to call it junk but it was not far from it. For example, the unit had been painted without weld slag being removed. The edged of plate were rough cut with no attempt to smooth to a round edge. These days just about everything is made in China. No doubt western countries are supervising for quality but that will eventually be embedded in the Chinese manufacturing culture as observed in Japan, Taiwan and Korea. For example, China has joint venture motor vehicle manufacture with the big three German car makers. China is developing through technology initially developed in the west. China is building on the hard won lessons in more developed countries.
The guilt about the west having far higher per capita carbon footprint should be balanced by the lessons in quality along with the other technology that China is gaining from more developed countries.
In the mid term, fossil fuels will undergo price increases. It appears that nuclear is the only option that does not condemn humans to doing nothing else than fulfilling their energy needs.
Apparently an American quality expert was instrumental in that transition
William Edwards Deming – He went to Japan after WWII and was responsible for the massive quality improvements – fascinating fellow, I studied his work when I did my MBA.
I didn’t say it was a Chinese hoax. It’s a Western hoax (and scam) expressively developed by Western interests that hate traditional Christian values and desire to replace it with their megalomaniac evil dictatorship. It’s part and parcel of many other fronts currently in play, such as CRT, lgbtqia+, etc..
You state “Western interests that hate traditional Christian values and desire to replace it with their megalomaniac evil dictatorship, It’s part and parcel of many other fronts currently in play, such as CRT, lgbtqia+, etc..”
Which Western interests are these? Now that Trump is no longer president which other “Western “megalomaniacs are there?
As for CRT and lgbtqia,they are accepted by true Christians
Many Christians seem to have no understanding that Jesus was an activist which is, of course, why the Jews wanted the Romans to kill him But he was also accepting of societies outcasts such as prostitutes an attitude many “Christians” don’t share
‘I didn’t say it was a Chinese hoax.’
True, it was Donald, but he was only joking.
Absolutely, they probably figure if they cosy up to China then the regime will give them their private fiefdom full of yes men saying you are the saviour while they continue to do whatever they feel like. Ultimate power!
We have seen China’s influence at work in Victoria and a senator resign over cash matters – it’s no surprise that the UK has been penetrated like the USA.
Green non-activism is the Chinese shell game! Quick hand deceives the eye.
China understands that having cheaper energy and fewer regulatory burdens is a significant competitive advantage and is why so much of the world now depends on imports from China, so much so that many are even willing to give them a pass on real pollution and even slavery.
There can be no doubt that China will say whatever they need to so that those helping their cause are not pissed off unnecessarily. They do have one big advantage, which is that those helping their cause are more easily swayed by repeated lies than by actions.
“why so much of the world now depends on imports from China,”
And, Trump showed that it was possible to reverse that imbalance.
And China then showed how easy it was to reverse Trump’s renewed America.
btw, does anyone know where I can get one of those paintings cheap; the ones signed by O’Biden Jr?
It was the Biden administration, not China, that showed how easy it was to reverse success. China is just gleefully watching from the sidelines as their biggest economic and military rival self destructs under inept leadership.
As for a cheap painting, I’ll bet the prices are already crashing along with his father’s approval rating. Besides, old Joe doesn’t seem to have much influence to peddle anyway…
I think KK might be talking about COVID as a means to reverse a renewed America. Biden is the 2nd stage.
True, but who has their whole arm up the O’Biden control system?
B. Hussein O’Bama 😉
Biden’s connections to the Chicoms has a long history.
“Just as China buys off Big Tech, it buys Big Green.” – and sometimes it doesn’t even have to pay, it just controls. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation is fully funded by Aussie taxpayers (which include coal miners and cattle farmers) yet the CCP calls the shots. We have to fund an organisation to tell us how ashamed of ourselves we should be as they support foreign unfriendly dictatorships.
It’s like a romance scam except even cheekier…and not very romantic either!
Green on the outside, red on the inside.
The SRC – or Students Representative Council at our university in the early 1970s used to be a factional warground between Trotskyists, Maoists and Leninists. There was an incident when the Maoist faction occupied a common room in support of Pol Pot. A group of fellows of different politics broke them up. Come see the violence inherent in the system!
That story reminds of the People’s Liberation Front in Monty Python’s Life of Brian deciding that “The time for talking is over and the time for action is NOW!”…..except they’ve no idea what they actually want to do.
“What has the Industrial Revolution ever done for us?”
This post has Focus on the heart and core of the problem with western democracies; Money and Corruption and lax governance.
The beginning of the solution to removing China’s influence is to have uncorrupted investigative tax squads checking on unexplained personal assets and wealth of the individuals and organizations involved.
This process may even be self funding as the confiscation of dodgy assets could be applied to the Tax Office in a Build Back Better program.
Money, corruption and lax governance is what made western democracies rise to power in the first place.
If a small to midsized business is corrupt, they end up only hurting themselves, their customers and their shareholders … the business goes bankrupt, another takes it’s place. That’s the cleansing process of the free market.
What we have now is money, corruption, and big business working hand in glove with bloated and oppressive governance. This allows one business to use the power of the regulators to block their competition, and then funnel both the tax money and the newly printed central bank money into propping up failures. Inefficiency is not cleansed from the system, it is enshrined as “too big to fail” and therefore to be protected at all costs.
Tel your replay to Kalm Keith: Money, corruption and lax governance is what made western democracies rise to power in the first place.
well if you read history of North America between 1600-1775 you are going to find all 3 are not true. only truth was that central government was lax — that is true federalism –self government, family government, church government, local government were strict and harsh.
Good point.
Nothing can be built with corruption present.
The old 80:20 rule has always applied though, and in the formative years of nations the corruption was only 20% of activity.
Here in Australia that 80% of good input post WW11 has been replaced over the last 50 years with 80% corruption: we’ve moved backwards.
The clean out needed to fix this is mind boggling, and don’t ask Ita Buttrose for help, she seems to have been ABCCC’d.
You mean the colonies ruled from London? There was no federalism, they existed under British law, with the limitation that for the most part laws could not be enforced, but the Westminster Parliament only cared to the extent that taxes continued to flow.
All manner of lawless activity went on … regular wars against the Indian tribes, squabbles with the French, intermittent treaties which were often broken soon after signing. There were crazy commercial schemes: the South Sea Bubble and the Mississippi Bubble. Some were schemes were partly successful but ruled as corporate ventures in rather dodgy ways, such as the Virginia Company, or the Hudson Bay Company and various smaller fur traders. Then there was the plantations of the Somers Isles Company and their unscrupulous sourcing of indentured labour, some genuine immigrants, some Irish convicts sent there as a penalty, some simply captured by raiding privateers and dragged to the island … they didn’t agonize over consent in those days.
At various times the early colonies would issue paper money, and even solemnly promise to redeem the paper, usually for silver coin … they would encourage other colonies to exchange notes at par, but inevitably time and again the temptation to issue a few extra notes would be irresistible and inflation set in. Read Rothbard “A History of Money and Banking in the United States”, they had regular collapse of these paper money systems and return back to silver coin.
There were the smugglers, sometimes known as “Freebooters” which is just another name for free trader. The European powers (mostly England) imposed monopoly charters on various bits of land and wanted to tax the imports and exports … unfortunately not everyone agreed to pay those taxes, not everyone agreed to respect the monopoly charter, and many shipments were imported and exported unofficially. It’s been a long standing argument about what is a border, and who gets to cross than border, under what circumstances. In British America the answer was simple: if you could get away with it, you could do it, but if you got caught you were in trouble.
Then there was the gambling … lotteries were incredibly popular as they had been in Europe, and generally local authorities could be encouraged to support these as a way or raising revenue (i.e. the government would be cut in on the deal). Religious groups of course opposed gambling, but in British America there were always plenty of places to move just out of reach. That’s liberty for you … everyone has a different idea of what it means. The Puritan religious wowsers vs the free market gamblers … the same argument continues today in the regulatory state.
All manner of corruption abounded in those early colonies, and it only grew after the USA did become federated. George Washington was a well known land speculator … not that there’s anything wrong with speculative investments, but President Washington had a bit of a conflict of interests now and again separating the official decisions he made “for the public good” from what might benefit his private position.
Well said.
You have been conditioned (brainwashed) to accept the word “democracy” as a synonym for freedom, and thus to believe that democracy is unquestionably good. The problem is that democracy is not freedom. Democracy is simply majoritarianism, which is inherently incompatible with real freedom.
Erik Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn:
“preference based on merit” is conspicuously absent in a process which, in our society, has a deep and wide influence as a sanctified example-political elections. Whether it is a genuinely democratic election in the West or a plebiscitarian comedy in the East, the one-man-one-vote principle is now taken for granted. The knowledge, the experience, the merits, the standing in the community, the sex, the wealth, the taxes, the military record of the voter do not count, only the vegetable principle of age-he must be 18, 21, 24 years old and still “on the hoof.” The 21-year-old semiliterate prostitute and the 65-year-old professor of political science who has lost an arm in the war, has a large family, carries a consider- able tax burden, and has a real understanding of the political problems on which he is expected to cast his ballot-they are politically equal as citizens. Compared with a 20-year-old student of political science our friendly little prostitute actually rates higher as a voter.
Interesting position
Am reminded of things such a ‘compromise’ … of holding 2 ideas in the mind at the same time
… and such
The UK has stepped away from an over close involvement with China mostly promoted by the Cameron govt.
There are still plenty in Parliament and in academia who admire the Chinese and support them, but the tide has definitely turned.
I hope you are right but I have grave doubts. Meanwhile we are heading towards a federal labor government which will drive Australia strongly in the opposite direction. Victoria is currently in the final throes of imposing a totalitarian dictatorship, will the rest of Australia follow? Meanwhile most of the 4th estate has now morphed into a 5th column, doing their best to help drive Australia into totalitarian dictatorship.
Maybe we should be encouraging One Nation to field candidates in every federal electorate. Pauline Hanson may be brash but at least she voices the concerns real australians are thinking but to intimidated to admit. Is that kind of like an Australian Donald Trump?
Michael the trouble is the Conservative vote will further fragment and like 2019 Clive Palmer will again outspend every other party.
His return on his investment in 2019 was lousy but I’m sure he had an impact on the Labor vote.
He has started very early this time and seems to be all over Youtube etc, but only time will tell.
But I think that we may soon have the Albanese donkey as PM, unless our polling is seriously wrong this time. Who knows?
It is concerning that Western countries have a Fifth Column among us actively destroying the West in favour of China.
Mostly they are not even paid and don’t need to be because they are the “useful idiots”. We even see them on this blog.
Beyond that, we have politicians in Western countries that love China to the extent they sign secret “Belt and Road Initiative” deals with them such as Daniel Andrews of Vicdanisan did until being over-ruled by the Feds. There are other pro-China ex-politician advocates such as Bob Carr, Paul Keating and Sam Dastyari. Of course there are many others.
In this video US Democrats and Republicans in a Government Committee hearing discuss the threat of China, among these, “influence operations” as well as theft of intellectual property. Similar issues would apply in Australia.
As usual, Trump was right.
OT post in lieu of new unthreaded
New SARS-CoV-2 sub variant B117_S+ of Alpha requires 3.2 times the antibodies produced from Pfizer vaccine to be neutralized and sweeping through Europe.
Now dominant for Alpha strain infections in Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria
h/t Peak Prosperity
The good news is that this sub variant shows “decreased replication fitness” vs other Alpha sub variants so without vaccination selection pressure, it shouldn’t propagate further
“Without vaccination selection pressure…”.
But isn’t that what we will have in countries like Australia with compulsory covid “vaccination”?
Once a variant survives the non-sterilising approved “vaccines, it will spread.
By only using “leaky” vaccines and banning common anti-virals for covid treatment and prophylaxis, Australia has been set up for disaster as soon as the new strain gets here, or the Chicomms release the next version.
The recent lockdowns and massive violation of individual liberties in Australia will seem like a picnic compared to what’s coming. No wonder Victoriastan’s Dan Andrews is desperate to get his dictatorship-for-life legislation through.
Of course, the Left are loving all this.
Fortunately for S. Africa, they can only afford treatments that work, and in many cases have physicians who actually care about their patients.
What a novel concept!
South Africa can even afford treatments that dont work. Vaccines are being roled out in South Africa, its not about the money. Its about vaccine hesitancy and getting supply where needed. On the other hand ivermectin is legal in South Africa but not officially recommended – there is alot of propaganda against the ‘horse paste’. Its up to the individual doctor to prescribe it.
A very good summary Jo and China’s VERY USEFUL idiots are only too happy to forgive the evil CCP and help to bring down our Western countries ASAP.
Chief among them is Lord Stern who has heaped praise on China and has very close contacts with the CCP and always helps out when he can. Here’s a quote from the latest article from David Rose in the Daily Mail and the link.
‘I’m dismayed that some leading Western environmentalists are talking up the CCP as the saviour of the world,’ Hamilton says. Take, for example, Professor Lord Stern, chairman of the Grantham research institute on climate change at the London School of Economics, who advises government.
“Having taught in China since 1998, in 2009 he told a Chinese magazine he had ‘close contacts’ with CCP officials. In 2014, he wrote a paper for the World Economic Forum claiming China was ’emerging as a global leader in climate policy’. In 2016 he claimed China’s emissions ‘may already have peaked’. They hadn’t. The following year, he insisted there was ‘compelling evidence’ China’s coal use had also peaked.
Stern even praised president Xi’s ‘personal commitment to driving climate action’, concluding: ‘The world is looking for a climate champion. In China, it has one.’ But in March he sounded less optimistic, saying it is ‘crucial’ China stops building new coal-fired power plants and stops increasing its emissions by 2025.”
Nevertheless, Bob Ward, Stern’s spokesman, told me China was taking ‘significant action’ and the rate of increase in its emissions had slowed enormously. He said China was ‘keen to learn from the UK’s example of world-leading action on climate change’.”
“Bob Ward, Stern’s spokesman, told me China was taking ‘significant action’ and the rate of increase in its emissions had slowed enormously.”
The question is how did Bob Ward receive such information? Did CCP officials tell him or did the Chinese officials tell Lord Stern who told Bob Ward, and however Bob Ward got the information, did he do any research to verify such information or just release the information as told?
Best spin statement that I’ve seen for quite a while!
Would that be due to their difficulties with fuel supply? Temporary as they are taking strong actions to boost coal production and imports (from anywhere except Australia).
I thought they actually caved when the brownouts and rolling blackouts began and started offloading the Aussie coal from the carriers that were parked off their coast.
Anyway, all their emissions reduction talk is just an excuse for the CCP to try and dampen the financial bubble in China by choking the investments in ghost infrastructure. But the CCP has hit a growth limit and now finds an economy is far more difficult to manage without the tailwind of ever increasing exports.
Since Biden’s been in DC, there have been more brown outs in the Oval Office as well.
It’s the money . .
Another great coverage of all their FLOPS including the delusional Glasgow FLOP 26.
Their ongoing quotes are a joke and are listed from the various MSM over time at the end of the PDF.
The illustration at the head of the article is not, as many assume of, the Terracotta Army of Qin Shi Huang, first Emperor of China, but is actually of the assembled ‘Useful idiots’ for China and other Eco-Loons attending COP2.
LOL – Look at all those Chinese warriors wearing one eared pussy hats.
Last time they pick a fight with Mike Tyson.×417/de31b810970839efc59a1d66cedab291.jpg
People should be aware of (we have some that visit this Blog) (from Wikipedia):
50 Cent Party, 50 Cent Army and wumao (/ˈwuːmaʊ/) are terms for Internet commentators who are hired by the authorities of the People’s Republic of China to manipulate public opinion and disseminate disinformation to the benefit of the governing Chinese Communist Party (CCP). It was created during the early phases of the Internet’s rollout to the wider public in China.
The name is derived from the allegation that such commentators are paid RMB¥0.50 for every post. These commentators create comments or articles on popular Chinese social media networks that are intended to derail discussions which are critical of the CCP, promoting narratives that serve the government’s interests and insulting or spreading misinformation about political opponents of the Chinese government, both domestic and abroad.
How to Spot a State-Funded Chinese Internet TrollPersonal attacks, appeals to communal loyalty, and pleas for patience are some telltale signs.
By Anonymous, translated by David Wertime
JUNE 17, 2015, 9:43 AM
They are “obsessed with online games.” They are “convinced their viewpoint is the right one.” They are “fiercely ignorant.” And they may — just may — be paid Chinese government flacks.
That’s how one aggrieved web user described one of China’s least-liked groups of people: the wumao. It means “fifty cents” in Chinese and began as shorthand for Internet users on the Chinese government’s payroll. (Their ranks are unknown, although estimates peg them between tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands nationwide. Pay appears to vary.) It’s since become slang for web users who reliably take the government’s side in any online debate or comment forum, or at least pounce on anyone who doesn’t.
In a rare leak in December 2014, one anonymous wumao shared his or her secrets with a Chinese blogger. The leaked documents indicate some wumao are lazy, preferring to pump out government-suggested posts verbatim. But some wumao are harder working and take the time to respond to users directly.
Victorian labor MPs including ministers clocked up 25+ visits to communist China, including the commissar himself who was building relationships with communist party officials prior to becoming premier.
-Merlino met with chinese ministry of education to discuss memorandum of understanding between Vic dept of education and training.
-Mikakos was linked to communist party members who were paid to be ‘covid community ambassadors’ for Vic ALP.
-Top secret belt and road deal.
This is a hostile communist country for goodness sake who have recently threatened us with annihilation over Taiwan.
Look where we are now…Chinese jackboot style response adopted overnight for a virus barely worse than usual influenza.
Yep, and when China restricted Australian ( mostly Victorian) barley imports into their country as a punitive action there was not a peep of protest from the Victorian Labor government. I had heard the Federal government had somehow blocked the Belt and Road funding into Victoria but I am still sceptical.
WA produces double Victoria’s barley. Vic is the same production as SA and shares second place.
Depends on the destination market – malting , quality etc. Sometimes it would be WA barley, other times it might be SA or Vic barley. Depends where the ship originates from. For China I thought it was mostly Vic barley.
I don’t watch the lamestream media anymore but by accident of circumstances I did see Australian 60 mins on the weekend.
It was about war with China.
For the short 52 sec preview version see:
Also see from one month ago another different 60 minutes feature (42 mins), also about war with China.
I hope Australia doesn’t go slow with the nuclear submarines because years have already been wasted on indecision and false starts on diesel subs.
And with Bejing Biden in power (or at least being a puppet for those in power), the US will likely allow China to do as it pleases until President Trump returns. And with Biden in the White House we can’t rely on US support.
Useful idiot, specimen #1:
Greta, the green goblin of doom, who turns 19 in 1.5 months, reveals that she is in her second year of high school, and still has one more year of high school left (@36.50) …
Perhaps when Greta finishes school, she might learn where China is, or even how to find the closest Chinese embassy, and take herself and her merry band of failed protesting catastrophists there and protest.
Lord Stern, Daniel Andrews and Le Bron James – all in the same China fanboy club. Lately, I’m thinking the Premier of WA might also be in that club. Soon to be renamed the Chinese Sucker club.
And Ardern in NZ, she was one of tye few Western leaders stupid enough to sign up for Belt and Road, along with Dan Andrews of Vicdanistan and Canada is well on the way to signing.
Maybe the reason the Chicomms mine 10.6 million tonnes of coal per DAY, not counting imports is that they believe the nonsense that CO2 controls the climate?
They are terrified of global COOLING as historically China has never done well with cooling episodes as they have caused famine, war and disease for the last 1800 years as the following graph shows.
In other words, the Chicomms are trying to terraform the planet, just like the West but in the opposite way.
And the Chi-comm attempt at terraforming by burning lots of coal only benefits them while the cessation of coal burning harms the West.
Andrew Bolt recently told us that China is really “a country run by gangsters” and he shows us why he would make such a claim.
This video makes a good case for his quote and how the evil CCP works hard to spread fear with the help of our traitors and their other useful idiots.
Only China? As usual Bolt ignores other elephants in the room. China does not hold a monopoly over gangster style behaviour behind the scenes.
..ain’t that the truth!! America has been the biggest gangster on the planet since WW2, and we only through all this “hate China” drivel up because of that. The UK was the worst before that.
Australia is the USA’s biggest bumboy, yet you may expect to be sent in to fight first in whatever war they get involved in, only to be treated like dirt when they fail. If you ride with the biggest thugs, you’ll go down with them when they fall.
Aussie should give up on the USA AND the UN and forge the widest trading system it can. If you want defence, arm every Australian and teach them the responsibility of having an assault rifle at home.
It’s debatable as to who takes the cake; Russia or the US. It’s really of no consequence; no leader on earth is to be trusted.
In the US Democrats are too chicken shit to call themseleves Fascists so they call themselves Communists
In the rest of the Western World, the Left is too chicken shit to call themselves Communists so they call themselves Environmentalists.
Methinks the Chinese leadership is so disparaging of the West that it doesn’t even bother to hide its fifth columnists any longer. Now, who’d have thought there’s a link between the CCP, Greenist groups and the laughably named useful idiots in the Extinction Rebellion.
Yet almost none of our politicians are up for the ‘politics of ideas’ contest that is needed to face off the CCP. It’s all about tampering by the feckless to make life cosy for the fearful.
I was in high school in the 80’s. Teachers – especially of history and english – openly hated and taught hatred of the USA, and so did the kids of leftist hippy based parents who hated America and loved the USSR. These people now run the place. It’s as simple as that.
When the mind exists in a state of abundance free of challenge and danger, it begins to loathe itself and lose touch with what keeps it’s very existence. Vegetarianism is a first sign and a classic example. The mind begins to question the morality of itself and so rejects what is responsible for it’s own survival. Survival itself becomes amoral.
An authentic moral vegetarian must consider even growing crops kills fauna, actively and passively, so even eating crops can’t be done. Every environmentalist who bases their beliefs that man is amoral, that their existence over others is unacceptable, should commit suicide to solve the problem, but they don’t, they live on.
People are ultimately selfish and so choose to survive rather than literally starve. They find excuses to survive. and they placate their moral failure with thoughts such as, “I’ll do as least damage as I can”, but they survive with out the benefits of animal proteins. You may survive, even thrive, but most vegetarians I have known lack vigor. In the 90s they survived on cigarettes and chips, convinced they were doing just fine and most definitely moral.
This is what we will do, to live morally we must do what the vegetarian does. So we shall hand power to the Chinese and live a lesser existence at the costs of it, justifying our way into it and through it, some but not many will thrive.
This is a bit of a worry as China extends its influence in the Pacific. But what do China care about coral reefs?
And, where are the Greens on this?
LoL! ” It is 1,600 nautical miles southwest of Hawaii and uncomfortably close to US military interests in the Pacific. ”
It is 8000Km away from Los Angeles in the WESTERN Pacific ocean, nothing to do with the Yanks at all. Its time America gave Hawaii back to the people they stole it from and stuck to their mainland.
Don’t worry about the Chinese, bring them here, educate them and send them home as our 5th column, or breed with them and make them Australians. All politicians are the same, power-hungry parasites not to be trusted by any sane person. Don’t believe in your own Govt any more than the CCP.
The Greens will always find a way to let China off the hook in the “Climate Change” game, because China is ALREADY a Communist nation, so no need to pressure it like Western nations.
They are communist in name only, China has four economic classes. There is a dictator at the helm and he basically has the job for life.
The global warming scare was invented in the West and Beijing was encouraged to join the club, which it was happy to do because they could sell lots of solar panels and wind farms, but now the party is over as China and India recognise it would be economic madness to phase out coal based on dodgy science.
The Greens will always be a minor party
The UN classes China as a “developing nation”, which suits them when it comes to CO2 emissions. When countries which produce over 40% of CO2 emissions laugh at the rest of us, then you know that CAGW is a big fat joke.