A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Latest from YouTuber Danger Dan about Chairman Dan of Afdanistan.
“NSW cases have dropped below 600 for the first time in weeks as vaccination rates continue to rise. Victoria has recorded 1420 new Covid cases and 11 deaths as ‘dozens’ linked to CFMEU protest.”
So how did that work out? Put 300,000 builders out of work on a whim, to reduce the number of infections. People who work outside, solo. And the resultant peaceful and justified protests are now being blamed for an increase in infections? Well it’s a bit better than blaming the VFL Grand Final which was actually held in another state for the first time in history.
How many deaths were linked to his decision to hand virus security to his friends with no qualifications or staff? Or his decision to allow a BLM march through Melbourne at the height of the crisis, but not the quiet ANZAC day march.
How many disasters does it take? Today Andrews, unlike Berejiklian, refuses to stand down in the IBAC Forestry probe. Yes, we have a psychopath who takes his orders from the CCP. And he loves the power it gives him to spend our money on his friends and close down the State of Victoria. Power stations, coal mining, forestry, gas exploration, fracking, fishing, car manufacture and construction. For our own good and now using the Chinese killer virus as his excuse.
Melbourne under Dictator Dan, now the world’s most unlivable city.
IBAC is Victoria’s Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission, the parallel to NSW’s ICAC. And Andrews refuses to stand down. Of course.
The Victorian premier may have to nobble IBAC to judge by the odd defensive parry he offered today in respect of the secrecy afforded names of persons under investigation.
His arrogance alone is bad enough but now that he is under investigation for corruption, he must go.
Why should he? He is not named for corrupt behaviour, or anything leading to personal gain. I think your bias is showing.
Sometimes TT you can be really funny. Fancy accusing someone of bias.
Let she who is without sin cast the first stone.
The Vic under-chairman has a poor memory, cannot recall many things, and cannot say whether he is or is not being investigated for corruption.
The CFMEU are trying to blame “dozens” of covid cases on the protestors that fronted their office.
What a joke.
The CFMEU officials should not have been in the CFMEU office due to CHO work from home orders. What is so different about union office work to other offices that those not on the tools have to be in the CFMEU office.
It was clear the CFMEU officials in the building were not wearing masks or distancing. Those few that did have a mask were not wearing it properly. The effectiveness of masks is arguable but it shows they had no interest in covid protocols.
The spread amongst those in the office and amongst their other contacts also indicates a lack of protocol.
The CFMEU have always thought the rules don’t apply to them and now they wish to deflect to blame others.
It’s also, apart from Daniel Andrew’s B*tches in the building illegally, about 300,000 families in Victoria who will not be voting for Daniel Andrews. Thousands of workers dressed as usual, could not go to work as they had done thoughout this crisis and so drove to the CFMEU office to protest and found that Setka and friends were behind it all.
The absurd idea is that they were extreme right wing Fascist (a contradiction) Anti Vaxxers with fake hi-vis vests exciting impressionable people to riot is beyond belief. But not for Daniel Andrews’ media friends.
The illogical part is that if the virus spreads on open building sites, putting tens of thousands of these people in the street made it far worse. In fact neither was true. Andrews was just flexing his power, punitively, impetuously. For what purpose is unknown, but you have to think he really wanted a fracas. To deflect blame? To distract the press? To impress his friends in Beijing? He seems to use his position with infinite money to buy people like Setka. Its getting past teflon Dan to Dan the Despot, Xi’s man in Melbourne.
Um, it’s the AFL Grand Final and it’s the second time in history!
Time was AFL was coined by the journalist Keith Dunstan and stood for Anti Football League his shtick being that the VFL, as it was then pre-metastasis, was a hideous quasi totalitarian excrescence on society which needed lancing.
LOL, we had the South Australian branch of that in the 1960s when a disc jockey at 5AD, Bob Francis formed his version of the anti-football league with female co-commentator Andy Thorpe. I believe knitting circles were part of members’ Saturday afternoons.
How to phrase this – the figures are I suspect made up and kept artificially high so con people into getting the shot.
Mysteriously, the figures come down as more people are vaxxed. Nothing to do with the vaccine…..
Unrelated to the vaccine, NSW cases started turning around as soon as the weather got warmer.
Maybe so. But my worry is that, now we have such a high rate of vaccination, we may some time in the near future suffer another surge as has happened in Israel. The possibility of ADE development was always on the cards.
Just hope that, as many believe, the virus is undergoing the dissipation that occurs eventually in all pandemics.
Isn’t that the point of the booster, to top up the community reservoir?
Forget Delta. Watch out for Banal-52+.
“So far, the closest naturally occurring virus to Sars-CoV-2 is a strain called Banal-52, which was found in Laos last month and shares 96.8 per cent of the genome. Scientists expect a direct ancestor to be about a 99.98 per cent match, and none has been found so far.”
Wuhan and US team planned to engineer new virus
Sarah Knapton
Oct 6, 2021 – 6.36pm
London | Wuhan and US scientists were planning to create entirely new coronaviruses that did not exist in nature by combining the genetic code of other viruses, proposals show.
Documents leaked last month of a grant application submitted to the US Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), reveal the international team of scientists was planning to mix genetic data of closely related strains, and grow new viruses.
Gain-of-function activities that occurred at the Wuhan Institute of Virology – and their alleged links to the origins of the Sars-Cov-2 outbreak – have come under growing scrutiny. AP
Even though this is an advertisement, it does illustrate the dangers of damaged solar panel arrays.
Thanks – I have solar on my roof and thats an eye opener.
another good reason to go the micro invertor route and avoid high voltage/current DC cabling. If you get it to 240V AC ASAP it cant be protected via standards means. Damaged panels are still a risk however the potential (pardon the pun) impact is less.
But fear not….coal is still king… much as the green weenies try and deny it….
“Energy stocks have zoomed ahead of all other sectors in the past month, shaking off a decline for the broader market as a spike in demand from Europe and China sends prices of oil, gas and coal soaring.
“The Australian energy sector has jumped 19.3 per cent since the start of September, spurred on by a rally in locally listed energy giants that has partly clawed back a dismal run through the pandemic for one of the most unloved corners of the equity market.
Was wondering whether the gent spraying water onto live solar panels was wearing insulated gloves and footwear.
Apparently the firies cant help you much if your house goes up if it has solar, as there is no way to safely isolate the panels in some situations and it might be unsafe to use water on the fire.
And some councils mandate solar panel installations on new builds or is it that the developers smooth their own way by throwing in a sustainability fetish; let’s implore our respective deities, if any, for a massive failure at COP26 to arrest progress of the ESG menace.
Clintel proposes a new way to analyze climate data:
It is all about looking at the details. What is changing where, how and when? Global averages are information killers.
“Global averages are information killers.”
Probably one of the most important truisms in the climate debate.
I am the first to post something that is not youtube.
Click on the link on my name and vote for a bird
Voted. Thanks GeeAye.
There is a regular cull (bad choice of words) so you can vote again with a reduced field. All my previous birds dropped out. I don’t think that powerful owl is going to make the finals.
Very bad choice because some birds are culled for various reasons .
Can’t work out why the Bin chicken didn’t make it ? I think it’s rigged but voted for the Blue fairy wren .
So did I.
And by various means:
Blender chickens !
Can you identify this fella please, GA?
That’s a Noisy Friar Bird. Cackling call, very much a summer and autumn bird around my neck of the woods.
Be my guess but there are a number of species and I wouldn’t be able to distinguish if there was a similar one.
Noisy friar would be my guess Clarence try googling that name .
Not a wattlebird? Those bushes attract a lot of wattlebirds in WA.
Need to be more specific. Western wattlebird, but this species only exists in SW of WA.
Wattle birds have that fold of skin hanging down the side of the head .
Here is the Friar with sound and close ups .
Clarence, assuming you’re around the Hunter, that is definitely a Noisy Friar Bird feeding in your Grevillea. The two other Friar Bird contenders have different distinguishing features: one has only a naked face with a beige feathered crown; the other has a pale crown stripe right down to its beak. The completely bald, completely black head on your bird is the defining diagnostic feature compared to the others, besides which Noisy Friar Birds are relatively common around the Hunter.
They appeared spasmodically at my place, from about a month ago, a little after the first Koels migrated in from up north.
You should also frequently see Red Wattlebirds (large, streaky plumage, 2 red wattles hanging off their jowls like a chook), Yellow Faced Honeyeaters (small – about sparrow sized, grey with yellow cheeks), Blue Faced Honeyeaters (large, loud, VERY aggressive, olive green back and tail, with bright blue cheeks) and beautiful little Eastern Spinebills (long curved bill for getting into tubular flowers, complex white, black and rust colouring and the ability to hover for short periods — the closest thing Australia has to a Hummingbird). They are all more common in the Hunter than Friar Birds.
Had to go for the magpie. I have had a few magpies as close family friends.!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNgjYOwocoanv2NMyt
They recognised me and would wait for me during my lunch time walk. Then land just in front of me to get an almond for their lunch.
We had a peregrine falcon enjoy lunch in a backyard tree about this time last year but it has not been back.
This year in SE Melbourne we are seeing a noticeable increase in red wattlebirds:
It may be that the garden is thriving with the good rain. Their plumage is subtle but distinctive. Their tails are longer than other birds of similar size.
I think (a data free thought) that the wattle birds expand their range quite quickly in response to favourable habitat. Be interesting if you get koels that parasitise their nests. Koel and other cuckoos are expanding their range south as host numbers are increasing (likely improvements in urban plantings and recovered cleared land)
The Gouldian finch is rather beautiful.
and have plumage polymorphism
Voted – This time Kookaburra – it’s early morning laugh symbol of Australia
Done, I’m a Carnabys fan. They never look neat and tidy, more like bikers that have just got out of bed and they have screech that could raise the dead . They hang around in gangs and trash your trees; but I would hate to lose them.
Excellent summary of Carnaby’s Chris. I had one drop a pine cone through the window in the hatch of my Ford Festiva.
On a semi-related topic. The Aussie Backyard Bird Count is on 18-24 Oct.
Help out with the survey if you can.
Re – the vote. I went against my Essendon instincts and voted for the Magpie.
that is something an Essendon supporter should not do.
Used to participate but when they started sending me emails about CAGW making birds extinct I deleted all their info from my system except for the sort of handy bird identification app.
I participate in the survey but then unsubscribe from the emailing.
Classic virtue signalling
I learnt that from you leaf !
No, not virtue-signalling… that is a leftist trait.
Just deleting and avoiding unnecessary anti-science political propaganda.
Since the bin chicken is gone, I went for the Kookaburra. Still remember one patiently waiting by the campfire for the breakfast to be cooked. Took a sausage, smacked it about a bit to kill it and had breakfast with us.
A few years ago while visiting the Daintree region of North Queensland I was walking with a friend heading for a walking track and came across two “back packers” at the rear of a hired camper van, a male looking bewildered and a female somewhat amused but also wary of another “attack” from a Kookaburra that had just swooped down from a tree and stole a sandwich from the male just as he placed it near his mouth to eat.
His comment was that the experience had given him a whole new perspective on birds.
At home there is a lakeside cafe and a Kookaburra warning sign is on the wall because of swooping to steal sausages, bacon and other items from the plates of people dining outside.
That happened to my daughter when she was about 5 – traumatized her for days….we tried hard not to laugh….
Voted for the blue wren but the kookaburra is an equal favourite. Also love the flame robin on the rare occasions we see it. We have a love/hate relationship with the king parrot; they are brutal with some of our fruit trees but their colours are amazing.
I went for the turkey because it’s looking a bit of an underdog!
Wot? No budgie to vote for?
Interesting two part video from India about building a one wheel electric scooter. Not in English but you get the idea.
Captain Kirk’s next mission:
Shatner will need to loose a few pounds first.
To boldly go where – ahh forget it .
——- man has never gone before——-
Jacinda is certifiable. Truly unhinged.
NZ Abandons Covid Zero. With lots of useless restrictions.
I, for one, welcome our new oversized ladybird overlords …
Oct 06, 2021: Cockroaches and ants big winners of [global warming]
“Creepy crawlies we love to hate are marching south as [global warming] warms temperatures and lengthens breeding seasons.
Cockroaches, Argentine ants, and oversized ladybirds were among bugs getting a foothold in regions where they were previously rare.”
Whoa! Wait … What?
Feb 13, 2019: Climate change is killing off Earth’s insects
“Bugs are suffering in the heat.” (has photo of cockroaches)
Sometimes you have to bend over to pick the low-hanging fruit.
Stuff*ed was/is/always will be a [certifiable] joke. The owner, who purchased it for $1.00, is a [certifiable] Jacindaphile, even before receiving $millions in ‘media payouts’ from the goobermint. Young, green, naive, ideal cannon fodder for the CC Crusade. Who’ll save the cockroaches!?
“Jacinda is certifiable. Truly unhinged.”
In other words, she’s a Communist.
Must wear masks, stay apart, one household per day. Too easy! People should be mandated to walk backwards when approaching others. That way the virions won’t know whether they’re comming or going. Nonesense for sure, but it’s a safe bet that some would acquiesce.
something about lefty loonies like her and Andrews, they love layers of intricate controls that make no sense, are never explained and kill eventually their credibility
Australia has purchased a large number of doses of the yet-to-be-approved “wonder” covid drug molnupiravir. (
However, there are concerns of its mutagenic potential for the cells of the host.
In other words it might cure you of covid but then it might go on to kill you.
Australia, you’ve done it again.
Why not go for Ivermectin, instead? It has been tested on humans for almost 40 years with nearly 4 billion doses.
“Dr. Pierre Kory, who has testified of ivermectin’s effectiveness against COVID-19 in Senate testimony, said Friday that while Merck says molnupiravir reduces hospitalization and death by 47%, studies show ivermectin’s rate is [up to] 88%.”
And, Ivermectin is less expensive. A treatment of molnupiravir will reportedly cost $700, but Ivermectin costs at least 90% less.
More effective, less expensive, proven safe – I am sold.
From the Comments
I had a look at the WHO’s adverse events database for IVM,, which shows 5000 adds since 1992 and 20 deaths for Ivermectin.
Whereas the counts for the covid-19 vaccine are truly something to behold (in a bad way) – over 2 million adverse events and over 10,000 deaths … and this is just for 2021
ivermectin contains the active ingredient(s): Ivermectin.
Result is presented for the active ingredient(s).
Total number of records retrieved: 5693.
Comirnaty contains the active ingredient(s): Covid-19 vaccine.
Result is presented for the active ingredient(s).
Total number of records retrieved: 2183912
AstraZeneca ChAdOx1-S 27 August 2021 On 18 August 2021, the TGA approved the name change of Australia’s COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca to Vaxzevria to bring it in alignment with its global identity.
Vaxzevria contains the active ingredient(s): Covid-19 vaccine.
Result is presented for the active ingredient(s).
Total number of records retrieved: 2183912
And Thugs Goons Administration say Ivermectin is dangerous? – They are Criminals
Note Total number of records retrieved: 2183912 refers to All Covid-19 Vaccines
Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) Covid-19 Vaccines
Blood and lymphatic system disorders (88123)
Cardiac disorders (107441)
Congenital, familial and genetic disorders (1188)
Ear and labyrinth disorders (72880)
Endocrine disorders (2967)
Eye disorders (80478)
Gastrointestinal disorders (452265)
General disorders and administration site conditions (1333876)
Hepatobiliary disorders (4356)
Immune system disorders (30771)
Infections and infestations (146156)
Injury, poisoning and procedural complications (106796)
Investigations (298364)
Metabolism and nutrition disorders (50000)
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders (643099)
Neoplasms benign, malignant and unspecified (incl cysts and polyps) (3233)
Nervous system disorders (946519)
Pregnancy, puerperium and perinatal conditions (4922)
Product issues (3653)
Psychiatric disorders (103711)
Renal and urinary disorders (17621)
Reproductive system and breast disorders (84169)
Respiratory, thoracic and mediastinal disorders (231914)
Skin and subcutaneous tissue disorders (301917)
Social circumstances (15353)
Surgical and medical procedures (19548)
Vascular disorders (118763)
Bridgerton’s Marc Pilcher, Who Was ‘Double Vaccinated,’ Dies of COVID Weeks After Winning Emmy
Marc Pilcher, who at the Creative Arts Emmys last month won the award for Outstanding Period and/or Character Hairstyling from his work on the Netflix series “Bridgerton,” died this past Sunday from COVID-19. Pilcher was 53.
Pilcher, who was an Oscar nominee in 2018 for his work on “Mary Queen of Scots,” attended the Creative Arts Emmys two-day event on September 11th and 12th of this year in Hollywood. All attendees were required to provide a negative COVID test and proof of vaccination.
Pilcher’s agent, in a statement to The Hollywood Reporter, said that Pilcher was “double vaccinated” and had no underlying health conditions. A statement provided to Variety from Pilcher’s family and friend via a spokesperson said, “Glamorous and extravagant, he brought his flair and style to every design. Never limited in his thought process for his creations, he pushed boundaries and created work never realized before.”
Pilcher’s death highlights the oft-ignored complaint by so many regarding the furor over the different COVID vaccines, that being they are proving alarmingly ineffective in preventing the disease. While much is made of the claim that the unvaccinated are deliberately endangering those who have been vaccinated, simple logic dictates that if the vaccines were doing their job the unvaccinated would be a danger only unto themselves.
Different dose regimens of a SARS-CoV-2 recombinant spike protein vaccine (Novavax – NVX-CoV2373) in younger and older adults: A phase 2 randomized placebo-controlled trial
Published: October 1, 2021
The phase 2 component of our randomized, placebo-controlled, phase 1 to 2 trial was designed to identify which dosing regimen of NVX-CoV2373 should move forward into late-phase studies and was based on immunogenicity and safety data through Day 35 (14 days after the second dose). The trial was conducted at 9 sites in Australia and 8 sites in the United States. Participants in 2 age groups (aged 18 to 59 and 60 to 84 years) were randomly assigned to receive either 1 or 2 intramuscular doses of 5-μg or 25-μg NVX-CoV2373 or placebo, 21 days apart. Primary endpoints were immunoglobulin G (IgG) anti-spike protein response, 7-day solicited reactogenicity, and unsolicited adverse events. A key secondary endpoint was wild-type virus neutralizing antibody response. After enrollment, 1,288 participants were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 vaccine groups or placebo, with 1,283 participants administered at least 1 study treatment. Of these, 45% were older participants 60 to 84 years.
The study confirmed the phase 1 findings that the 2-dose regimen of 5-μg NVX-CoV2373 is highly immunogenic and well tolerated in younger adults. In addition, in older adults, the 2-dose regimen of 5 μg was also well tolerated and showed sufficient immunogenicity to support its use in late-phase efficacy studies.
It’s like complaining that you are getting sunburned because the person next to you isn’t using their sunscreen.
Here is super-Bob !
Um, maybe you mis-spelled MoneyPiravir? / sarc off
Who instructs the government to pick this winner? Someone the ilk of the distinguished Adjunct Professor Skerritt no doubt.
PETA Credlin who I like and has a good grasp of federal politics said last night that the feds don’t need an anti corruption watchdog because there is little chance of a federal politician being involved in anything illegal because it’s public servants who do the requisitioning at arms length from the ministers etc . Yet when they retire they are soon off to this or the other boondoggle or million dollar speaking tour , I think pollies should have to declare their income for 15 years after they leave office .
I’m more an ex than a fan of Dr John Campbell but he seems to have done a good job here:
There is no convincing reason to go for the A$1,000 treatment over the cheap as chips one we know.
If you have to be persuaded, and reminded, and pressured, and lied to, and incentivised, and coerced, and bullied, and socially shamed, and guilt tripped, and threatened, and punished and criminalised – if all of this is considered necessary to gain your compliance – you can be absolutely certain that what is being promoted is not in your best interest.
2 hours ago – Low-vaxxed ‘pockets’ to be targeted
The head of the nation’s vaccine taskforce says Covid-19 will eventually make its way across the country, and those reluctant to get the shot will be left behind.
While more than 80 per cent of Australian adults have now received at least one dose of the Covid-19 vaccine, authorities are still scratching their heads as to why some people have not received the jab and have suggested new incentives could be considered.
The ACT and NSW are leading the country with their first dose rates (94 per cent and 87 per cent respectively), but Queensland, Western Australia and the Northern Territory are lagging behind (68 per cent, 67 per cent and 67 per cent respectively).
Lieutenant-General John Frewen, pictured above, says authorities are working with states with low-rate “pockets” closely to drive vaccination rates higher, with international rollouts showing knocking off the last few percentage points will be “hard work”.
“We’re working with the state and territory authorities to try to figure out the best way to keep people coming forward,” General Frewen told Today.
“We think at the moment it’s still choice and convenience and understanding that gets us to the freedoms that we want.
“There’s certainly an element of complacency (in Queensland, WA and NT) because they haven’t had the major outbreaks.
“Brisbane’s had a couple of scares, so I think people have a better understanding there, but for WA … it’s just been life as normal for many people there.”
General Frewen said states so far relatively unscathed by Delta needed to “make the assumption” that the virus would eventually find its way “across the entire land”.
“Now is the time to get vaccinated … I’d say to people think really hard about that choice,” he said.
“There’s so many ways to get vaccinated now. It just doesn’t make sense to me to wait.”
With countries like the US and the UK now moving into the next phase of their vaccine rollouts – booster shots – General Frewen said Australia was still a few months behind that step.
There’s a million dollar lottery already; surely that’s incentive enough.
With a million to one chance of winning, making the value of the ticket approx one buck … about the same value as a shopping bag these days.
With that chemical lottery, what stick out is the whizzing noise the chamber makes as it spins around…..
“authorities are still scratching their heads as to why some people have not received the jab”
Coz some people are smart and wont touch it…..
and still asked t sign something that says it was totally voluntary
Woulden’t that be being “Jim Jonesed?”
There is the other argument to consider … there is so much social media mis-information and dis-information pumped out by the anti-vax crowd, that governments and others have to do ten times the work to correct it and overcome it.
There is a niece in our family who has gone full-tilt anti-covid-vax, and drives everyone crazy with her obsession. It’s like she’s in a cult, or been captured by the body-snatchw\ers.
Clearly this political polarisation suits the bureaucrats. Shutting down sites and censoring debate only feeds the polarisation. The Cult Behaviour started with the “believers/Pharma Industry/Minions”
Hi Jo
If they want to put kids at even slight risk, two points.
1/ Ask parents.
2/ Sample say 20 large schools, 50 kids each, for antibodies. May be no need for vaccines.
I was watching a movie on Disney+ with my daughter the other day. Movie was called StarGirl. There was a scene showing the students sitting in the classroom and to the right of the screen there was a TV which showed revolving pictures and text all about the impacts of climate change. This wasn’t part of the class, just running in the background, indoctrinating the students much? I’d hope this is not a reflection of whats happening in US schools right now, or was just something added to the movie to “discreetly” push an agenda.
Reminded me of 1984 as well as Them, all those screens, with subliminal messaging.
But now a Nobel Prize in Physics.
A Knob’s Prize for getting everything back-to-front and upside-down – perfect. There was a link (not that I looked) to an article about the WHO being nominated for the Peace Prize… knobs internationale.
Here’s another Nobel Peace Prize contender. See if you can guess who:
Wisdom in tranquillity, like courage under pressure, is admirable, but not unknown. But wisdom and courage, both, being displayed in a situation of unprecedented tension, are exceptional. If a Nobel Prize for Peace could be given to a spontaneous statement for wisdom and courage, rather [than] to a person, XXXXXXX deserves it.
I’ll bet you guessed Jacinda Adern, didn’t you. Those noble sentiments are from a petition supporting her choice for the Peace Prize. Her edicts on COVID lockdowns are not draconian idiocy — they are wisdom in tranquillity and courage under pressure. So there!
I thought it was Dear Leader Xi
My latest paper on Earth’s climate system:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhEjCGNSVmdejW0s1
There are two important insights:
When the ocean surface temperature is at its MINIMUM, the ocean and atmosphere above are absorbing the MAXIMUM radiation. If thermal inertia played a key role in the energy absorption, then the heat input and surface temperature would be 90 degrees out of phase NOT 180 degrees.
The atmospheric water level is at its MINIMUM when the ocean heat input is at its MAXIMUM.
Very interesting! I gave up following ocean temp after NOAA changed their map scale to make them all look hotter. It seems they are a lot more complex than believed.
This is over a period of solar cycle minimum, 2019-2020, so as cycle 25 gets going can we expect a more active sun to give a multi-year blip in ocean insolation. Do you expect that to happen? Somewhere around 2026?
I wonder if Kevin Long factors the seasonality into his long-range predictions?
Apologies if this has been posted before, but I think it’s better to be posted twice than nunce. A US doctor tested patient’s blood after first shot and then again after second shot, all with patient’s permission not only to do test, but to report on it. He found the results very disturbing. Video embedded. ToM
Thanks for posting.
It’s interesting but…. He ain’t a doctor, he’s a chiropractor. Seemingly a successful one. But not a doctor. We need to see longer term whether the immune system settles? It shouldn’t be hard to have later AIDS tests?.
G’day F C,
At least he’s done the tests, and reported on them. I thought, and still do, that he’s done some valuable work which deserves follow up. I don’t hear of any of our “official” doctors doing similar work, at any level. Do you?
Dave B
No…they are too scared of being excommunicated and publically humiliated if they dare question the clot shot.
Clearly the clot shot is so great, you have to be bullied, harassed, cajoled and threatened into having it.
click …
A lot of Chiropractors and physicians seem to be against these experimental vaccines. So many in fact that governments are forcing them to get the jab on pain of firing, fines and potential imprisonment. They aren’t lining up for the shot voluntarily that’s for sure. In response, many are faking the shot so they can be rewarded with the fax passport, and the political safety that it provides.
As a matter of fact, I know no one currently who is getting the vaccine for their health, they are getting the shot out of fear of retribution from friends, neighbours and the government. Neat huh?
Incorrect fact found at;
The material was incorrectly designated as “humour” and should properly be categorized as tragedy.
Mel Brooks once suggested the difference between tragedy and comedy is like: Tragedy is when I cut my finger. Comedy is when you fall into an open sewer and die.
It could be dependent upon whether you live in Victoria or elsewhere as to the perspective of tragedy or comedy.
Last week I mentioned how the m-i-l was being threatened with a loss of friendship from “friends” that make up her elderly group because they were vaxed and she was holding out. I mentioned how karma had come calling and one of the most vocal as far as the “you can’t be my friend” cliche went had gone into hospital with heart issues. Last night we got an sms from the daughter of another of the group advising that her mother had been taken to hospital after taking a heart related turn and could we pass this on to the m-i-l who doesn’t have a mobile. Totally out of the blue this poor woman who had never had heart issues in the past is now in hospital. I’m not saying this lady was one to say she couldn’t be in contact with the m-i-l in future but she is one of the vaxed in the group.
Now the interesting other aspect to this is that this lady has been shunted off down to a private hospital on the south side of Brizzie. Apparently there are no beds on the north side…. so what information is possibly being kept quiet? Where have all the north side hospital beds gone? According to QLD Health site we have 15 hospitalisations with none in ICU statewide. Things that make you go mmmm.
Sorry, 15 Covid hospitalisations that is, of course there are “other” patients and seemingly there is a peak across all other hospital case injuries hence no beds.
‘ … with a loss of friendship from “friends” …’
Par for the course in these tumultuous times.
One of the interesting things that came up in the now disappeared nurses blogy thing (can anyone find it?), was maybe a couple of them mentioning personality changes among the vaxed. Not for the better.
Here is a different one but same characteristics
The official cause of death is pancreatic cancer. Mr. Garson also displayed the same nasty, vitriolic behavior as many of the most infamous virtual signalers covered on this blog have displayed. It’s becoming clear, based on our data, that mRNA and viral vector DNA injections change people’s personalities or enhance already-rancorous personalities. They become acrimonious, irrational vaxx zealots that are 100% loyal to the Cult of COVID. We’ve even covered cases of dementia shortly after the injections. It’s clear Mr. Garson was operating “under the influence” of mRNA, if you will.
Well it seems to have the equivalent of the Toxoplasma gondii, in mRNA form….
But given the vax does seem to have some sort of neurological impact, it is entirely possible it creates an induced form of senility perhaps? Add that to the list of reasons not to touch the damn thing. I have noticed its hard to argue with the vaxxed, I did wonder if something changes? I dont rule out a supernatural angle too, namely that there is a demonic curse attached to the vaccines. It sounds outrageous but I have seen some seriously weird stuff in my life and I’m not ruling it out given whats gone with it all.
Someone asked the other day why no vax, my primary concern is that in the R & D phase of the mRNA vaccines, they used aborted foetal cells, which from my Christian perspective is an absolute no go.
Then add in all the other bad stuff and its like trying to market bits of the exploded Chernobyl reactor as a paperweight…you could do it, but logic says you just shouldnt.
The reason its hard to argue with the vaxxed is that they are committed to this thing being good for them as they can’t get unvaccinated, and so don’t want to hear anything that might be bad about what they’ve done. No going back for them so you won’t change their mind.
Government secretly orders Google to track anyone searching certain names, addresses, and phone numbers
The U.S. government is reportedly secretly issuing warrants for Google to provide user data on anyone typing in certain search terms, raising fears that innocent online users could get caught up in serious crime investigations at a greater frequency than previously thought.
In an attempt to track down criminals, federal investigators have started using new “keyword warrants”
“Trawling through Google’s search history database enables police to identify people merely based on what they might have been thinking about, for whatever reason, at some point in the past,” Jennifer Granick, surveillance and cybersecurity counsel at the American Civil Liberties Union, told Forbes.
“This never-before-possible technique threatens First Amendment interests and will inevitably sweep up innocent people, especially if the keyword terms are not unique and the time frame not precise. To make matters worse, police are currently doing this in secret, which insulates the practice from public debate and regulation,” she added.
It seems there are no US Constitutional Rights that the Biden Maladministration are not prepared to openly violate.
The minority of Americans who actually did vote for Biden ought to be ashamed of themselves (the extra votes putting Biden over the line were, of course, fraudulent). This was entirely predictable.
Do you have support for this? Over 60 court jurisdictions were not presented with credible evidence. Then Trump attempted a coup d’état … and the scary thing is that it was nearly successful – a dress rehearsal for the future, if and when Republicans control the House of Reps, and the electoral machinery in a majority of states.
They are aiming for impregnable one-party rule, backed by deep dark money, and have been working on it for forty years.
As I said, if Tilba were being paid by the CCP, his comments would look like this.
This explains so much about the behaviour we are seeing in the populace …
Why do so many buy into the narrative?
We have a pandemic of a potentially serious respiratory disease that is highly infectious through the most fleeting contact. That is the issue that health authorities around the world are trying to deal with – and it has included the restriction of movement and crowds, that the overwhelming majority of the population accept as necessary and effective.
That is the narrative – no mystery why it’s supported.
“The forest kept shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe. For the axe was clever and convinced them that since his handle was wood, he was one of them” – – West Asian Fable
China’s Belt and Road Initiative loaded with hidden debt for those gullible enough to participate.
Thanks for pulling Victoria back from the edge of the cliff, ScoMo.
America’s Climate Change tsar, former Democratic Presidential candidate John Kerry is apologizing to the French!
Amazingly “During an interview with France’s BFMTV released on Monday, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry stated that President Joe Biden “literally had not been aware of what had transpired” with the submarine deal between the U.S. and Australia.
Kerry stated, “President Biden asked me about it, and I told him and expressed..
Interviewer Ulysse Gosset then cut in to ask, “You told Joe Biden that it was not the right –?”
Kerry cut in to respond, “He asked me. He said, what’s the situation? And I explained exactly. He was — he had not been aware of that. He literally had not been aware of what had transpired. ”
Joe Biden is not at home at all. The military are in charge. This is not what President Xi expected.
And Kerry is covering for Biden by saying publicly that Biden has no idea what is going on. You would have to add Kerry and Biden together to get an Irishman. You might just get a Kerryman.
No. The Military are not in charge.
The “4th Estate” is in charge. The “Intelligence Community”, FBI, CIA, NSA.
Regardless of who is elected to any office, the “IC” always holds the real power.
Nobody is immune to what the IC can wield as power. Somewhere, sometime, anyone, has committed a “crime” and the IC has the digital evidence to “prove” it. A web browser query, a phone call, a text message, a webjack, whatever. It doesn’t matter. Evidence.
Elections mean little if the intimidation and extortion of the IC takes precedence over actual law.
Biden is a “front man” or a “puppet”. He exists to promulgate talking points from his handlers. A clown/puppet.
He doesn’t know who/where/when he is. A dementia ridden clown.
Kerry is Maneuvering for power, position, and control.
There is no way Biden* is lawfully occupying the position he illegally holds.
All good points. And Kerry is so vain his hair travels separately in first class.
Gerard Baker noted in Monday’s Wall Street Journal,
Every word is true and to the point.
You have to be Joking?
High-profile real estate agent is SACKED and ‘seeks legal advice’ after posting a ‘racist’ comment about gym equipment on Facebook – but was his question fair enough?
. Matthew Scafidi questioned if piece of gym equipment had been made in China
. Agent said he wanted to ‘avoid’ Chinese products if he could, sparking outrage
. Mr Scafidi has been stood down from his role at Jellis Craig Agency in Mitcham
But supporters say there was nothing wrong in his push to ‘buy Australian’
No one would want to imply cheap Chinese products might be substandard. That’s racist. Xenophobic. Please explain? You can be sure they were safe as all the corners have been cut off. They cut every corner.
Mitcham is hardly the right suburb to be making vocal anti-Chinese commentary – particularly if you want to sell real estate. Little wonder Jellis Craig dropped him pretty quickly.
The comment is incorrect anyway … lots of stuff out of China is excellent quality, and value for money.
If Tilba were paid to write pro-China comments they would look exactly like this.
Why you would not want to buy Chinese Made – forgetting Chinese Baby Formula – have a good read of the following.
Rigby v LDV Automotive Pty Ltd & Anor [2021] QCAT 316
(first respondent)
(second respondent)
Motor vehicle matters
15 September 2021
14 September 2021
Member Cranwell
Timothy Rigby is required to return the motor vehicle the subject of these proceedings to Von Bibra Ferry Rd Pty Ltd as trustee for the Von Birba Auto Village Trust within 14 days of the date of these orders.
Von Bibra Ferry Rd Pty Ltd as trustee for the Von Birba Auto Village Trust is required to pay to Timothy Rigby the amount of $38,415 within 28 days of the date of these orders.
A real estate agent in Mitcham (Melbourne) was recently fired for saying on social media (or some public forum) that he didnt want to buy Chinese made.
Apparently it’s racist to do so.
“If you want to know who truly rules over you, find out who you aren’t allowed to criticize”
In this instance I think the real estate group involved is ruled by the dollar. A sizeable Chinese community in that Municipality.
I wonder if Marburg virus will be the next pandemic? It has everything going for it…
-It is endemic in certain bats.
-It can be spread human to human.
-It has an 88% fatality rate even without genetic modification.
-Highly infectious via direct contact, even outside of its native Africa.
-Up to 21 days incubation period.
All the features needed for those of the Left who believe in “depopulation”.
Note covers Australia – fruit bats of Pteropodidae Family
Didn’t our beloved Tedros warn about it some months ago? I think this reference to an outbreak in Guinea must be it although I had thought it was further back in time but Guinea was the place:
This morning Tetris announced “new” vaccine for Malaria! Says WHO proposes to start with children in Africa. They are on a roll.
Is anyone going to stop them?
they have to “vaccinate” the people of Africa that take Invermectin and therefore dont need the covid jab
AstraZeneca have announced their version of the Covid pill .
Their ABC hard at it again , this one is about a link between tree harvesting and fires being found. It reminds me of the Choice magazine article from years ago that shock horror found that nylon tents were flammable.
Interesting new non-mRNA vaccine from Israel made with inert live virus.
TV: Israeli-made COVID vaccine at least 80% effective, initial results show Israel Institute for Biological Research indicates over 4 out of 5 volunteers in ongoing clinical trials developed antibodies, Channel 12 reports
By TOI STAFF2 October 2021, 11:45 am
The latest results from the clinical trials of Israel’s homegrown COVID-19 vaccine, BriLife, show that it is at least 80 percent effective at preventing severe disease and may provide longer-lasting protection.
Channel 12 reported on Friday that the government-run Israel Institute for Biological Research (IIBR) in Ness Ziona indicated that, so far, over 80% of volunteers who received the two-shot Israeli vaccine at its highest doses during clinical trials developed antibodies, suggesting an efficacy rate of 80%.
These high doses were trialed in Israel and are being applied in Georgia and Ukraine where the jab is being tested in Phase IIb/III trials with unvaccinated volunteers over the age of 18.
The institute hopes that additional results will show the vaccine to be up to 85% effective, according to the report.
This would make BriLife, pending results from Phase III studies, one of the most effective non-mRNA vaccine, with the AstraZeneca jab demonstrating approximately 74% efficacy and the Johnson & Johnson Janssen shot showing 85.4% efficacy against severe disease and 93.1 % against hospitalization.
Of the mRNA ((messenger RNA) vaccines, a type of jab that teaches our cells how to make a protein that triggers an immune response, both Pfizer/BioNtech and Moderna have shown over 90% efficacy against severe infection and at preventing hospitalization.
The BriLife vaccine is a live-virus inoculation in which the spike protein of the vaccine appears to evolve in a manner consistent with the evolution of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19 in nature. The vaccine is based on a previous, FDA-approved vaccine platform that was further optimized by IIBR.
A small, separate study with BriLife also suggested the vaccine may provide protection that lasts longer. In August, Channel 12 reported that some 200 volunteers who were inoculated with BriLife were notified that they did not need a third dose of the vaccine, as their protection remained high six months after getting a second dose.
Israel began administering “booster” shots — third doses — of the Pfizer/BioNtech vaccine in late July as the level of antibodies in those vaccinated began declining in the months after receiving the initial two doses, and a new more contagious variant emerged.
Some more detailed information.
Without reading the details, bet that they have engineered a spike protein on a completely unrelated virus like the attenuated one used for chickenpox innoculation. If so, it will also be toxic.
“The Brilife (IIBR-100) vaccine candidate contains a recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), an animal virus that does not cause disease in humans. The spike protein was replaced with that of SARS-CoV-2 that “results in rapid and potent induction of neutralizing antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.”
I guessed right. Vesicular stomatitis virus affects a whole lot of different animals, but apparently not humans.
Absence of evidence eh.
Received Qld Health SMS this morning saying “Get your COVID-19 vaccine today. It is safe, effective and free.”
As I haven’t been to a Doctor in months how do QH know it’s “Safe” for me”? How do they know it will be effective for me? Unless they can answer that, who gives a darn if it is free.
Went to web site given it text – noted that under section titled “Disclaimer” there seems to be an indication that QH is not responsible for any claims made on their web site.
Do I have a case for false advertising/information?
I would add that it is not free.
Governments do not have their own money, they have our money (the taxpayer).
They have spent a great deal of our money on these “injections”, we have already paid whether we wanted them or not.
I would think no experimental drug could legally be advertised as “safe and effective” until multi-year data were collected on adverse effects.
However, the government has exempted vax manufacturers from the usual testing plus legal liability for any harm done by their product so no one would be responsible even if they weren’t safe and effective.
I feel exposed and will be glad when they approve a 3rd dose
Aren’t injections anthropogenic changes to the human body’s natural environment?
I’m getting my good and bad anthropogenics mixed up.
Can he say it? Canada’s Trudeau confuses internet with newest acronym for sexual minorities, 2SLGBTQQIA+
Canadian PM Justin Trudeau sparked an online storm after he used an obscure acronym, 2SLGBTQQIA+, while commemorating missing and murdered members of ethnic and sexual minorities, prompting a collective head scratching.
“People across the country are lighting candles to honour Indigenous women, girls, and 2SLGBTQQIA+ people who are missing or have been murdered,” Trudeau tweeted on Tuesday, urging an end to the “ongoing tragedy.”
The message, however, appeared to be lost on a sizeable portion of netizens who struggled to decipher the cumbersome and seldom-used acronym – which stands for: Two Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Intersex, and Asexual people, with a plus-sign added for good measure to cover any potentially overlooked groups.
Tony Abbott lands in under-threat Taiwan
Will Glasgow – North Asia correspondent
Former prime minister Tony Abbott has arrived in Taiwan as the island democracy works with partners to defend itself from a campaign of military intimidation by China.
Mr Abbott will give a keynote address on Friday at the Yushan Forum, an annual conference aimed at strengthening Taiwan’s relations in the increasingly contested region. He will also meet President Tsai Ing-wen, who has warned that a takeover of the island of 24 million people by China would be “catastrophic for regional peace and the democratic alliance system”.
“It would signal that in today’s global contest of values, authoritarianism has the upper hand over democracy,” Ms Tsai wrote in a new essay in Foreign Affairs.
A delegation of French senators – including former defence minister Alain Richard – flew to Taiwan on Wednesday, and will also meet with Ms Tsai and Foreign Minister Joseph Wu.
China’s foreign ministry expressed “serious concern” about the French visit, which is taking place during heightened concern across much of the global community about Beijing’s aggression. Beijing opposes Taiwan having diplomatic exchanges and threatens politicians against visiting the island, which it treats as a wayward province.
The joint visits come after China flew a record 56 fighter jets near Taiwan on Monday as Beijing’s propaganda machine warned war “may be triggered at any time”. Nearly 150 Chinese warplanes have breached Taiwan’s air defence identification zone since Friday, when China celebrated its National Day.
Monday’s wave of People’s Liberation Army aircraft included 12 nuclear-capable bombers.
Writing in Foreign Affairs, Ms Tsai said Taiwan’s democracy was not negotiable. “Amid almost daily intrusions by the People’s Liberation Army, our position on cross-strait relations remains constant: Taiwan will not bend to pressure, but nor will it turn adventurist, even when it accumulates support from the international community,” she wrote.
The US – Taiwan’s most important security partner – has long insisted that the future of Taiwan be determined by peaceful means.
US President Joe Biden on Tuesday said he had discussed Taiwan with China’s President Xi Jinping. “We made it clear that I don’t think he should be doing anything other than abiding by the agreement,” Mr Biden said.
Japanese Foreign Minister Toshimitsu Motegi said he hoped the situation would be “resolved peacefully between the two parties through direct talks … instead of simply monitoring the situation, we hope to weigh various possible scenarios that may arise to consider what options we have, as well as preparations we must make.”
Tokyo has spoken with increased directness about the consequences of Beijing using military force in the Taiwan Strait.
The Japan Maritime Self-Defence Force this weekend trained with Britain’s HMS Queen Elizabeth aircraft carrier and America’s USS Ronald Reagan and USS Carl Vinson for an exercise in waters southwest of Okinawa, along with warships from Canada, The Netherlands and New Zealand.
Mr Abbott has supported Taiwan’s application to join the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership, a giant trade pact. China has also applied to join the CPTPP.
New members need the support of all the group’s eight ratified members, which include Australia, Japan and Canada. He last week told a parliamentary inquiry that the only argument for opposing Taiwan’s entry would be that “it might upset China… but given that China is not a member … is unlikely to become a member … and is already in a state of high dudgeon against Australia and many other countries, I don’t see that China is going to be any more upset than it already is.”
Former Australian prime minister Malcolm Turnbull gave an online keynote address at last year’s Yushan Forum, at which he said “China’s unilateral actions in the South China Sea (were) becoming a nightmare for ASEAN”.
On Monday, China’s envoy to Malaysia was summoned in protest after Chinese vessels entered its maritime economic zone.
The response I received from the TGA about Novavax. It looks like a form letter response. E.g. they talk about the second half 2021 but we’re already into it. Plus they described to me that it was a protein subunit vaxx which I had already stated. Then they added a bunch of stuff about how I can get an mRNA vaccine now (deleted).
To whom it may concern,
Could you please advise if and when Novavax vaccine for SARS-CoV-2 will be available in Australia.
I note that having passed clinical trials, Novavax is preparing to submit their NVX-CoV2373 vaccine to the US FDA for emergency use authorization.
It is a protein subunit vaccine which is well established technology and will be far more acceptable to people who have concerns about the mRNA vaccines on offer and would thus solve the problem of “vaccine hesitancy” among such people.
Your urgent attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for contacting the Australian Government Department of Health.
The Therapeutic Goods Administration, or TGA, has granted the Novavax COVID-19 vaccine with provisional determination and is currently evaluating it.
Provisional determination means that the TGA has decided that US biotechnology company Novavax is eligible to apply for provisional registration for its vaccine. The Novavax COVID-19 vaccine is not yet approved for use in Australia or anywhere in the world.
The Novavax vaccine must pass the TGA’s rigorous assessment and approval processes before it can be approved for use in Australia. These processes include assessment of the vaccine’s safety, quality and effectiveness.
If the vaccine is proven to be safe and effective and the TGA approves it for use, it’s expected that the first of 51 million doses will be available for use in the second half of 2021.
The Novavax vaccine is an example of a protein-based vaccine. This uses a non-infectious component of COVID-19, usually the spike protein. This protein is found on the surface of the virus and can be manufactured in a laboratory. When the vaccine enters the body, immune cells recognise the spike protein as foreign and begin building an immune response against it.
Thanks David,
Novovax not here yet.
Will the TGA apply the same standards to approving Novovax that they did to the other vaccines?
I don’t know.
This could become very awkward if the mRNA vaccines prove to be not only ineffectual (I think that is clear already) but actually harmful!
“The Novavax vaccine must pass the TGA’s rigorous assessment and approval processes”
Why? The other pseudo vaccines didn’t !
They were just waved through as part of a political/money agenda.
Senator Ron Johnson Points Out No FDA Approved Vaccine is Currently Available in The United States, Pfizer Comirnaty Vaccine Not Being Used
On August 23, 2021, the FDA announced that Pfizer was granted Biologic License Application approval for their COVID-19 vaccine. [Press release Here] you can find the Approval Letter at the following LINK HERE. The approved Pfizer vaccine is not the same as the original COVID-19 vaccine from the same company. Pfizer named the new blend “Comirnaty”, and it was approved for individuals 16 years of age and older.
However, Senator Ron Johnson continues to point out that Pfizer’s FDA Approved “Comirnaty” vaccine is not available in the United States. The only nation currently known to be using Comirnaty is Israel who contracted exclusively with Pfizer to use their population as test subjects for the pharmaceutical company. There are no FDA approved vaccines available in the U.S. despite the media claims and despite vaccines being forcibly injected into the arms of unwilling U.S. test subjects.
Ron Johnson wants to know why, and the FDA is refusing to answer his questions. {Direct Rumble Link Here} WATCH:
The vaxxed people know they are test dummies ?
Check how the Vicstapo in Melbourne, Australia harass journalist Avi Yemeni and demand to see his “papers”.
Who’d have thought that 76 years after the defeat of the National Socialists we’d again be hearing the dreaded words “papiere, bitte”.
Dr John Campbell’s latest video, “Ivermectin or Molnupiravir”.
This is interesting
So what happens when your t cells plummet? You get breakthrough that’s what and well you can get sick from everything else of course, oh and you could die of cancer.
This could be the biggest event in human history
Archibald on the PDO, volcanoes and a quiet sun.
Trio of warmists win Nobel prize for physics.
What drivel. Models all the way down. Post modern science awards highest scientific honour to clowns trying to order chaos.
Manabe and Hasslmann aren’t real warmists.
Look here, not to compare with IPCC results
Klaus Hasselmann’s research while affiliated with Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and other places
McKitrick refers to Hasselmann
You know about that shipping and cargo distribution problem?
California to the rescue!
At last an explanation for the massive build up of ships crisis off the California coast and other places.
New, excessive and mindless government regulations, futile attempts to improve road safety and protect the environment. All for the benefit of the general population (it says here) but really to make more government jobs in compliance and inspection and the writing of useless rules.
Not one mention of ivermectin. It’s all due to vaccines that failed in other countries.
I went looking for the Japanese PM making an announcement on wide spread use of ivermectin and found he is resigning and the pro vaccine Health Minister will take over. Just other stories bagging ivermectin including
A secretive body is making questionable COVID-19 decisions in India
Incredible Covid trend in Japan baffles experts as cases suddenly plummet
Can’t find your problem
The Japanese PM said that there would be widespread use of ivermectin while it’s a mystery to the experts as to why the numbers went down. I can’t find confirmation that the Japanese did actual begin widespread use of ivermectin. Just anti-ivermectin propaganda.
If you google Japan use Ivermectin, you find only these idiotic factcheckers telling, Japan didn’t approuve Ivermectin a good sign for that they did. 😀
But duckduckgo find some other points
Worth a read, some of the wording is rather mirthful 🙂
eg … about the UK’s energy woes..
COVID was a hit job, and look who was involved in hatching the plot!
This video dates from late 2019.
Here is an article about it but no mention of IVM, just speculatiom, none if it particularly convincing.
That was a reply to R.B. above about the plunging covid case numbers in Japan.
Thomas Paine wrote “a body of men holding themselves accountable to nobody ought not to be trusted by anybody”.
He was referring to Parisian aristocrats before the French revolution but it equally applicable to most Australian Governments today of any political persuasion.
An interesting article, it looks like China’s growth may have hit a big problem.
So, China can only provide cheap solar panels while they have cheap coal so we are reaching peak solar. If dead and dying solar panels cannot be replaced [economically] and we are reaching peak wind because that too needs cheap energy to build, is Australia bound to remain the Lucky Country [or Pacific Saudi], in spite of the best efforts of our pollies?
Rita Panahi: Daniel Andrews’ lies on Covid-19 scaring Victorians into submission
One of the most shameful episodes of the pandemic has been the ease and regularity with which authorities have lied to the public.
And, one of the most preposterous lies is one that continues to be trotted out by the Dan Andrews government; that Covid does not discriminate.
The truth is that though anyone can catch Covid-19 the virus does discriminate; it disproportionately impacts the very old, very ill and very fat.
This is a fact we’ve known since the start of the pandemic and it’s been reinforced by every data set produced since.
The median age of Covid deaths in Australia remain around 85, above the average life expectancy.
As law professor James Allan wrote recently: “Government propaganda – because there is no other way to describe it – has deliberately tried to scare people senseless and hence to distort their relative-risk assessments.”
Professor Allan was also scathing of the wildly wrong modelling and members of the media who have been complicit in adding to the hysteria and hyperbole.
“Then add in a dollop of ‘take the worst imaginable outcome modelling’. Throw in a media and press corps that is either stupid or longs for the reincarnation of Pravda. Stir. And you have Australia, readers,” he wrote.
But even in Covid-crazy Victoria the people are finally waking up to the harms inflicted in the name of Covid-safety with less than a third of Victorians believing the risk of Covid is worse than the economic impact of lockdowns, according to the latest Bastion Insights survey.
The notion that you can defeat the virus via lockdowns comes directly from the Chinese Communist Party which claimed it had effectively eliminated coronavirus by locking down Wuhan.
For reasons that will be examined for decades to come, much of the world (but thankfully not all) abandoned their advanced pandemic response plans to follow the CCP model despite the implausibility of their claims.
The full global impact of locking down the young and healthy, along with the old and infirm, may prove to be more devastating than the pandemic.
I think that Australia, the stupid country, is now the only nation left that thinks it can fight the virus with brutal police tactics, the military, the world’s most extreme lockups and the world’s most extreme economic damage. We also have an unusually compliant population who, more or less (some notable exceptions on this blog), are dumb enough to accept it.
About the only specific action we didn’t do that came from Xi Jinping is to weld people inside their homes, but we did the next best thing and fined them leaving their homes by a few meters after curfew to put their garbage bins out.
In proper countries they have come to accept the virus as endemic, like influenza.
We understand that it is a pandemic of a highly infectious respiratory disease. And while no-one likes the lockdowns, the figures for Australia – and the figures even for the NSW-ACT-Vic trio – are way better than any comparable Western country.
Lockdowns, masks, and social distancing work, and in the long run there will be better economic & social outcomes that had there been no lockdown strategies.
But being incompetent at borders has cost thousands of lives and billions of dollars.
Likewise having a medical Swamp that bans cheap safe drugs.
Let’s remember the actual policy failures that matter the most.
While it is true that Covid-19 hit the oldest hardest, in the newer vaccination environment, the average age of those who are catching Covid-19 severely enough to require hospitalisation has been dropping dramatically. Many more younger and fitter people – where vaccination rates have been slower – are still very much susceptible to Covid-19, and severe cases too.
A similar strategy was applied to the HIV epidemic. While it was gay men in the hyper-commercialised sexual environment that was part of that culture who were far more at risk than any other cohort, HIV spread from there to many other areas, including the heterosexual world (along with drug users and those requiring blood transfusion).
There is no vaccine for HIV, and it has required pretty dramatic behavioural change, but with the aerosol infectiousness of Covid-19, it has required restrictions of movement and crowds.
It is definitely not like the flu – and strategies that aim for as close to elimination as possible are still the best ones. A small outbreak can become a huge one, and right across the community, not just the old.
So many distortions & omissions in this comment.
The numbers of minors hospitalised are very, very small. That this virus is not a danger to the young is accepted even by the Epidemiologists employed by the government, it is not contested. Sure, they point out the occasional unfortunate youngster afflicted badly, but these are the exception to the rule.
I am also old enough to vividly recall the HIV epidemic & again, the infections outside gay circles did occur, but were rare.
As for the treatment – yes, no vaccine was ever developed ( & that is instructive for our current use of vaccines for CV) but you fail to mention the triple drug therapy finally developed which effectively allows, to this day, many many of those with AIDS to live out their lives. It is a tragedy that recourse was not made to experimental treatment with available drugs, rather than experimental gene editing vaccines which had adverse effects in animal trials.
Wigner Crystals
“For the first time, scientists have managed to create and take images of a Wigner crystal; a bizarre material, made entirely out of electrons, that was first theorised 90 years ago.
The ability to tame them – which scientist accomplished by exploiting the tiniest differences in the atomic structures of the two tungsten layers – marks an incredible experimental achievement that has, until now, eluded the most accomplished labs in physics.”
Thanks for posting.
So how do the totalitarians explain how in Vicdanistan there is a high and increasing number of positive PCR test results despite the world’s most extreme lockup and economic and social destruction?
The better question is, “How many more cases – and hospitalisations and deaths – would there have been if there had not been the lockdowns and restriction of movement and crowds?”
t is a highly infectious and potentially very serious respiratory disease … and it is spread so easily via aerosol and minimal contact.
How many more.. if...
This is a question that can only be answered by the great Prof Pantsdown, fly him in immediately.
I still want to know how many claimed covid cases, which by government definition is anyone with a positive PCR test result, are actually a) sick with symptoms and b) if asymptomatic how many have been proven to be shedding virus such as they could infect others?
That has always been the issue totally ignored by the media. Instead, they have just repeated the Health Dept mantra about “cases” said with dread. Yet, these same “cases” confined to their homes with NO prescribed medications. What does that tell a thinking person?
Difference between Orwell and Huxley
“What Orwell feared were those who would ban books. What Huxley feared was that there would be no reason to ban a book, for there would be no one who wanted to read one. Orwell feared those who would deprive us of information. Huxley feared those who would give us so much that we would be reduced to passivity and egoism. Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance. Orwell feared we would become a captive culture. Huxley feared we would become a trivial culture….”
From “Amusing Ourselves to Death: Public Discourse in the Age of Show Business” by Neil Postman
From this I’d say Huxley nailed it.
That is exactly where we are right now.
“And… Here We Go”
“Scandinavians Halt COVID Vaccine For Young People Due to Mounting Side Effects
October 6, 2021 | Sundance | 65 Comments”
I tried to make the point Tuesday night [but was moderated] that if the rona doesn’t kill you it will pass [that which doesn’t kill you makes you stronger] but if the jab doesn’t kill you there is a shopping list of serious, life changing, health destroying “side” effects that could make it the worst decision of your life.
Black and white film clip from an old movie that seems not so fictional after all given current events in Australia.
Flightradar 24 tweeted
It had a graphic of the flight path over Antarctica.
A guy called Micah Grimes replied “Could probably cut down a few miles flying straight there”.
So I googled him.
Atmosphere Taps Micah Grimes To Lead News Initiative
Broadcast and Digital News Veteran Joins Former Newsy CEO Blake Sabatinelli in Building Out News Division of Industry’s Fastest-Growing Streaming TV Start-Up (PRNewsfoto/Atmosphere)
Jun 14, 2021, 12:05 ET
AUSTIN, Texas, June 14, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — Atmosphere, the worldwide leader in streaming TV for businesses, announced today it has named Micah Grimes as Vice President, News. Grimes brings broad local, national and international news industry experience to the role, most recently serving as Head of Social Media for NBC News and MSNBC where he and his team provided breaking, 24-hour coverage across 70 social accounts.
Grimes is the second TV and digital news veteran to join Atmosphere this year following the March appointment of former Newsy CEO Blake Sabatinelli as the company’s Chief Operating Officer. At Atmosphere, Grimes will oversee the company’s newly formed news division and the upcoming launch of its Atmosphere News channel. This will include developing the editorial roadmap, managing the newsroom and building a storytelling language for presenting the news in Atmosphere’s unique, audio-optional format”
Tweets seem to suggest someone who loves The Science rather than science.
It is very unusual for commercial flights to fly over Antarctica except for sight seeing. There are no scheduled flights from one place to another that take the polar route even though they could for certain routes.
Are you intending to research and relay the bio of every nutter on Twittalk ?
If so you have a job for life, but please keep it to yourself !
This stuff doesnt advance our knowledge base !
He doesn’t seem to know about the Great Circle!
The Circle Route doesn’t explain that track, so far south. They were looking for, or avoiding high winds.
So now we know that most energies are still fossil fuels by 2050. So how much will that change by 2100 or 2150??
And what does the EU IEA projection show and is it really any different than the US based EIA??
Clearly this all proves AGAIN that COP 26 is just more delusional BS and FRA_D and co2 will continue to increase for the rest of the century.
Certainly China, India and developing countries will be building many hundreds of coal + gas power stns etc for a very long time. They won’t be caught out AGAIN, like this year in 2021.
BUT will the OECD countries EVER WAKE UP to the Biden, Boris etc lunacy?
New Zealand
” For those concerned about the amendments to the covid public health
response amendment bill which is in the process at the moment and allows them to.
-forcibly remove from their homes and detention in a Facility of the Governments choice.
-forcible invasive nasal swabbing
-forcible vaccinations
We have 6 days to make a submission against the amendment bill.
You can put a submission in at the link below. Click the white speech bubble that says make a submission
COVID-19 Public Health Response Amendment Bill (No 2) – New Zealand
It’s a race to the bottom between Australia and NZ.
Amazing and terrifying – whether you have been vaccinated or not. An incredible development if it goes through.
“”Gradually, then suddenly”. It applies to nations as well as people”
“Our government not only won’t help us, they can’t help us, because they don’t know what they’re doing. They don’t care what happens – they only care that, whatever it is, it should lead to greater control for them over us.
Therefore, disbelieve any politician, from any party or ideology, who promises to fix things. They can’t, and they won’t.
We’re on our own. Plan accordingly.”
James Howard Kunstler has a very similar essay in his twice-weekly blog.
Slowly, Then All At Once
He makes a similar point to the position that I would hold: the Trumpified Republican Party is all about strong-man rule from the top (autocracy), while the Democratic Party is about a huge machine – a mix of vast bureaucracy and interlinked private sector power (an oligarchy).
But both parties are far more similar than they are different – they agree on almost all of the big-picture stuff, about how power operates for the benefit of a small group, and includes the dominance of corporations who basically pay no tax, the unlimited funding of the military, the militarisation of police forces, and the support of huge rackets in education, health, finance, insurance, and much else. And genuine democracy is crushed methodically and systemically.
It is not a battle between capitalism and socialism – it’s a million miles from that. Like in Australia there are no genuine popular socialist movements, and even “liberals” and “progressives” are very thin on the ground. Very little power is held by those outside the club.
[Corporations pay no tax? WTF are you smoking anyway?! Corporations pay payroll taxes, property taxes, taxes on gains, motor vehicle licenses (that IS a tax), sales taxes to name a few. After all that when they return a dividend to shareholders that too is taxed.]ED
Green tick given by me for the excellent comment from ED.
“A Compilation Video – Following the Vaccine Science Can Be Troublesome When the Vaccine Scientists Have an Independent Agenda
October 6, 2021 | Sundance | 66 Comments”
A cartoon emailed re the UK lorry drivers shortage – no link so described
Boris on the phone to Queen Elizabeth. She saying
“Yes, I did drive a truck during the war. Why do you ask?”
“WHO reports 2.2M adverse reactions for Covid vaccines, v 1.1K for Ivermectim”
Has anyone else noticed all the recent ads for seeing a doctor if you get shingles? I’ve never, ever seen public notices about this being a health concern before and now there are prime time television ads about it.
Coincidentally, shingles is caused by the dormant chickenpox virus flaring up when your immune system is depressed and has been associated with getting CoViD vaccinated….