h/t To David Archibald
When we last looked at Indonesia their massive wave in Covid cases had just peaked after ivermectin was approved again on July 15th. Since then the cases have dropped from 50,000 a day to about 900. On a per capita basis today Indonesia is managing Covid about ten times better than Australia. Think about that.
Remember the reason for the Indonesian surge. In June, they had a controlled rolling caseload of 5,000 a day. It was not rising thanks to a philanthropist called Haryoseno who had been arranging for ivermectin supplies at low cost to help people. But in a fit of modern-medicine, in line with the deadly WHO recommendations, the Indonesian government banned ivermectin on June 12th. Cases took off. Mayhem ensued. And about 90,000 people died in the following surge.
By early July the anti-parasitic drug ivermectin was hot property in Indonesia, even if it was banned. A number of high-ranking politicians championed it, and people were flocking to buy it.
“ Indonesians have ignored health warnings to stock up on a “miracle cure” for COVID-19 backed by leading politicians and social media influencers, as an out-of-control virus surge sweeps the country.”
By July 15th the Indonesian government relented, and BPOM approved Ivermectin as Covid-19 Therapeutic Drug. By July 18th new daily cases peaked across Indonesia and now they are lower than they were before. During the surge, at least two million Indonesians were infected.
Perhaps Governments shouldn’t run around banning a wonder drug so safe that researchers in Australia feed it to small children to kill head lice.

All bell curves look the same, but some are bigger than others. Timing is everything. OWID
Google Trends show Indonesians were searching for ivermectin in early July. The average Indonesian apparently knows more about treating Covid than our Minister of Health. More even than our Chief Medical Officer.

There was one popular search in Indonesia as cases rocketed.
Greg Hunt could have managed the Covid debacle so much better if he’d just phoned up a pharmacist in Bali.
Compare the Rich-mans Vax plan
Australia, on the other hand, decided to vaccinate 15 million people or 70% of the entire population and still has twice as many cases as Indonesia does — even though Indonesia has ten times as many people and only on third of the government revenue.
The Australian TGA committee banned ivermectin on Sept 11th, by the way, possibly to make sure we didn’t accidentally eliminate Covid, or Pfizer’s third quarter profits. Who can tell?
That lockdown-and-vax plan and the roadmap to freedom doesn’t seem to be working too well. In Australia billions of dollars were burnt at the stake, not to mention the health risks of using experimental prophylactics, while Indonesia reduced Covid cases by 98% for about point-one percent of the cost and the main side effects were the deaths of worms, lice and bed bugs.
If Gladys had just dished out the Ivermectin — Uttar Pradesh style — on July 5th, the outbreak would have been over in a few weeks.

Australia vaccinated 70% of the population and locked down its two largest states to control Covid and still hasn’t succeeded. Source: OWID
Since July 18th when Indonesia cases peaked, Australian cases have grown from 31,000 to 150,000.
The only thing more scary than the Ministry of Health’s incompetence is that politicians and philanthropists in the third world have more freedom than Australian ones do. The Indonesian media is more worth watching than the Australian ABC.
At this point people are still dying who could be saved.
As David Archibald says “It means that Australia could end its covid problem anytime it wanted to at hardly any expense at all. Our government would be aware of what the Indonesians have achieved. It also means that any covid deaths from here on are state-sanctioned murder. “
The wonder drug that disappeared
My summary of Ivermectin
If you only email friends one link — make it this story. It’s the biggest medical scandal since 1850— Why is a cheap safe drug being ignored? Could it be that there would be no medical emergency and no need to rush out other riskier new treatments which are still classed as “experimental” if there was a safe alternative? There are billions of reasons to ask this question but newspapers wouldn’t publish the story. In desperation, some Americans are going to court to get rulings to order doctors to use Ivermectin on their loved ones. Even if they win, sometimes hospitals still refuse to use it on patients with few options left. One family hired a helicopter to take their mother away from intensive care in a hospital that refused to give Ivermectin (and had a happy ending). The debate is so suppressed, there are rumours the US President was treated with it in secret last year.
For peer reviewed studies read: The BIG Ivermectin Review: It may prevent 86% of Covid cases.
Ivermectin has also been used, with apparent success in India, Peru and Mexico (and so many other places). Covid cases fell in the states of India that approved Ivermectin use but rose in Tamil Nadu where it wasn’t permitted. Despite the success, India’s Health dept suddenly stopped Ivermectin use again and people in India are suing the WHO in disgust. In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks.
The FDA and others will say there is little evidence of success so far, but that’s a scandal in itself. Why are there no large trials? And why are other drugs like Remdesivir approved with only one trial? Ivermectin is so safe some 3.7 billion doses have already been used around the world. The inventors won a Nobel Prize for its discovery in 2015. We’ve known it might be useful since April last year, when an Australian group searched through many cheap safe drugs looking for any that might help against Covid. The news then was “Another possible cure for coronavirus, found in sheep dip: Ivermectin”. This was just a lab study, and it suggested doses would need to be too high. Even so, successes keep turning up in the real world? By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. Why were large trials not started then? The UK trial is hobbled from the start.
The decline in Indonesian cases is due to seroprevalence and vaccination. Ivermectin is not a miracle cure, the higher quality trials suggest that it is little better than a placebo.
Here is the full list of high quality trials: https://ivmmeta.com/#top
Groan, not again…
But you are able to recognize what’s right and what’s not, I suspect 😀
Nebraska gets it right on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
As a former Nebraska attorney general, I have generally declined to comment on legal opinions issued by my successors. However, the recent opinion concerning ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine as off-label medicines for the treatment of COVID-19 is extraordinary. Moreover, it addresses an issue that potentially affects every Nebraskan who becomes infected with COVID-19, so that it deserves to be highlighted.
The issue, as stated by the current attorney general, is “whether it would be deemed unlawful or otherwise subject to discipline … for an appropriately licensed health care provider, once informed patient consent has been appropriately obtained, to prescribe ivermectin [or] hydroxychloroquine … for the treatment or prevention of Covid-19.”
Citing Nebraska case law and regulations, the attorney general states the legal standard as follows: “healthcare providers do not violate the standard of care when they select between two reasonable approaches to … medicine.”
What makes the opinion extraordinary is the extremely detailed review of the medical literature concerning ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. Well over 275 of the opinion’s 304 footnotes refer to medical studies, medical journals, FDA statements, and similar medical authorities.
A brief summary from the attorney general’s opinion concerning ivermectin will illustrate the point.
Don Stenberg is an honors graduate of Harvard Law School, served for twelve years as Nebraska’s attorney general, and has argued several constitutional law cases in the Supreme Court of the United States
Nebraska AG Issues Opinion on Doctors Prescribing HCQ and Ivermectin for COVID Treatment Will Not Face Punishment
I wonder attoneries write such paper, respect, something Simon and other should read completely.
Oh double groan, your information is out of date, meta analysis published in peer reviewed journal:
Moderate-certainty evidence finds that large reductions in COVID-19 deaths are possible using ivermectin. Using ivermectin early in the clinical course may reduce numbers progressing to severe disease. The apparent safety and low cost suggest that ivermectin is likely to have a significant impact on the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic globally.
Groan back at you. Please explain your fuzzy logic. Ivermectin is highly affective against covid both as an early treatment and as a prophylactic.
How did Indonesia solve its covid problem, if the explanation is not the scientific…… Covid is highly contagious. Indonesia is not isolating like Australia.
Indonesia has a population of 277 million people cramped in small islands and had less than 1000 new cases of covid.
As the quote says “This is usually a problem when performing meta-analyses which are not based in rigorous systematic reviews, often leading to spread spurious or fallacious findings.”
Such a statement would also apply to all the meta-analyses about CO2 and climate change
Groan, Sigh and Spew!!!!! Watch a real English gentleman demolish your propaganda Simon.
I guess you do have some value, as an irritant.
Funny how a “meta-analysis” is gospel when it’s about climate change and the mythical “97% of scientists”, yet, when the same principle is applied to another topic, suddenly, it’s not trustworthy.
You appear to be clueless about how Ivermectin works and how effective it is against covid.
The hiding of Ivermectin… Should result in criminal charges.
At this point the charges should be criminal negligence resulting in death based on the evidence.
This is a link to news release of highly successful in-vitro test of a soluble form of Ivermectin against live covid, in a level 4 lab, by an independent test. Ivermectin stops viruses that must connect to our cells ACE-2 connector to replicate, That is covid’s weakness. It cannot adapt to stop Ivermectin from connecting to the covid spike.
TORONTO, ON – May 18, 2021 – Mountain Valley MD Holdings Inc. (the “Company” or “MVMD”) (CSE: MVMD) (FRA:20MP) is pleased to announce it has received its thirdparty Bio Safety Level 4 (“BSL-4”) lab study results from its recent COVID-19 viral clearance study conducted with its solubilized Ivermectin technology – Ivectosol™. Study Results
• A single dose of 2.5 milligrams per kilogram of Ivectosol™ was effective at interfering with viral replication and driving viral clearance of the B.1.1.7 COVID19 variant.
• Tests done in vitro showed the same antiviral effect at 5uM Ivectosol™ concentration after 24 hours and again after 48 hours against all three COVID-19 variants tested – the original B.1.1.7 variant, the South African B.1.351 variant, and the P.1 Brazil variant.
“This is the validation of our Ivectosol™ technology that we were looking for in its direct application to stop the replication of the targeted COVID-19 variants,” stated Dennis Hancock, President and CEO of Mountain Valley MD. “Knowing that Ivectosol™ has viral clearance effect on the three targeted variants we tested in the strictest lab environment in the world provides us with the confidence to pursue immediate human applications.
We plan to progress quickly into phase one human trials to support our vision for broad adoption and to also provide necessary and urgent support for the most disadvantaged communities globally.” The BSL-4 study was the first of its kind ever conducted with human grade solubilized Ivermectin anywhere in the world.
This was also the world’s first to study to conduct in vitro replication on all three COVID-19 variants studied. The study was conducted in a Bio Safety Level 4 facility where laboratories are designed for diagnostic work and research on easily acquired respiratory viruses that can of
If the placebo works so well maybe we should be mandating it.
They probably would if the patients agreed to a Covid passport with a shiny new QR code on it. You know, like the ones they use in Communist China. China is a pioneer in controlling society with QRs.
if it’s a placebo, then it wont do any harm either…
All too true Simon, and like in India the facts point in a different direction . Form the article – actual sales of ivermectin did not increase to the level to have the impact claimed.
But it is snake oil, and it is promoted by Murdoch so it must be the good stuff
Oh dear, link is to Healthfeedback, comrade site to Climatefeedback
Same far-left agenda of mis-information.
You want snake-oil, Healthfeedback and Climatefeedback (Mann, Dessler, Gleick, Hughes, Sherwood,, Scmidt, Rahmsdoof are all there)…
… are the go-to source.
Branding more than 99% of considered scientific opinion “leftist” must make you pretty far right. In this country you will crash into incoming traffic 🙂
Wrong conclusion, there is not only black and whithe, but a lot of grey nuances. Ok, not for you of course, because it’s Simple 😀
Very, very, simple,(and easily impressed and confused by bigger words like “rigorous systematic reviews” and “spreading spurious and fallacious findings”……. Thanks for you excellent comments, Krishna.
99% is the leftist fabrication.
Reality is far nearer the center.
And the real science, which you have none of, clearly shows that AGW is a farce.
Not just a farce. A scam!
Thanks for the comment, Comrade!!
You know Indias production data ? 😀
Or didn’t you know, India produce IVM ?
Earth to Peter and Simon!!! Please read at least a few pages of data on IVMMETA.COM. The facts are that poor country (Bangladesh) cannot afford western vaccinations , so uses ivermectin from June 2000, resulting in 49 covid deaths per million of population. Please compare with rich country (Germany) which has a covid death rate of 536 per million of population
I just realised to have read over your claim about “pointing fact” but I can’t find any.
Tell us more, pleas 😀
Whom said anything about ivermectin sales PF. The Govt. provided it along with other zinc, which you would know about if you actually read the posts on this site.
Your logic is faulty. Likely it is because you do not understand the meaning of the word ‘Seroprevalence’. You are using it inappropriately. i.e. Your statement is logically incorrect. The lower rate of covid in Indonesia has a cause. You are saving the rate of getting covid in the very populous cramped Indonesia can be explained by it having a lower rate. Come on. That is nonsense statement which is hidden by your use of word which most people are not familiar with.
It is a fact that there is lower incidence of getting covid in Indonesia and dying of covid because the people are self treating with Ivermectin.
The physical/logical reason for that is…..
The incidence of covid in Indonesia is less than in Australia because of the use of Ivermectin as a cure and as prophylactic for covid.
Seroprevalence is the number of persons in a population who test positive for a specific disease based on serology specimens; often presented as a percent of the total specimens tested or as a proportion per 100,000 persons tested.
Its on the NIH approved for Covid treatment list.
Oh Simon, you forget about something called statistics. Indonesia: 23% fully vaccinated. Australia 58%
As for Seroprevalence: the number of persons in a population who test positive for a specific disease based on serology specimens; (wikipedia)
Wouldn’t they have to get it to test positive? i.e. natural immunity? (not a redundant question)
And where’s your proof about ivermectin.
“the higher quality trials suggest…” Show me!
So Simon, seroprevalence and vaccination had a sudden impact in three days …Btw when did Indonesia begin vaccinations ?
You might have trouble proving that as as the fully vaxxed rate was 5% at the time the curve turned down.
A question if I may Simon: Do you self administer ANY unproven or unprescribed nutrient, micronutriient, vitamin, mineral or exercise with the aim of improving your health?
If the answer is “No” you are an idiot, a leech on the system. Let Dr Google be your friend. It is an excellent, free second opinion.
If “Yes”, who gave you the authority to arbitrate on what is, and what isn’t “acceptable” over the counter medicine?
Simon you’re sounding like an agent for pharma.
Consider 1; In January Mexico 140m was hit with a surge. Action taken was to issue anyone testing positive with 4 x 3mg Ivemectin tablets plus instructions to take 2 tabs today then 2 tomorrow. Not only were new infection plus death numbers driven thru the floor, incidence of ‘long Covid’ also disappeared.
2: From August 2020 the same situation in Utter Pradesh 240m. Similar action, similar result.
The Head of Australia’s TGA warrants being sacked for gross incompetence.
In March I wrote to my federal member, Ben Morten, highlighting he and our prime Minister could become international hero’s revealing the effectiveness of Ivemectin and it being a fraction of the cost of vaccines.
The central issues is it’s being off patent.
One can only wonder if pharma have been highly effective at muddying the waters to keep regulatory authorities from recognizing the potential of massive cost savings plus vastly better control outcomes.
And BBC says ivermectin is bad too:
Dr John Campbell debunked the BBC. See my link below of his video.
That is his video David
Ok. Oops!
Can’t find more than an opinion.
No evidence of causal link etc. Except there has been a massive distribution throughout the country. I don’t know how many islands were affected but it seems a fair rollout. Factcheck on Factcheck: FAIL.
No there wasn’t, ivermectin consumption did not increase all that much.
Of course not, It was just handed out as part of all the treatment kits…
“Each home kit contained the following: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter.”
It really is difficult for you to argue against actual facts, isn’t it. 😉
How lucky were they! What a great kit, what a sensible move…….& good luck to the Indonesians.
Australian deaths – both as a result of COVID & vaccines ? An appalling tragedy which could have been minimised & which will stain this country forever.
And , what does Aus. do ?
Crystal ball lecture ? 😀
You should have a look at Dr. John Campbells video, that may help 😀
Prove it Peter
Healthfeedback… lol
…. A comrade site to Climatefeedback.
Just there to support the lies and disinformation of the AGW scam and the Covid scam.
The reputation of the site is one thing, the sense (or non-sense) of the paper is another.
I looked at that paper, it is real bad.
That’s fine Simon Health Feedback is connected to Soros and the elite rich [Snip]AD who want to control you – practice your Kow Tow old buddy, ignorance you seem to have down pat already!!!
Clinic trials do support Ivermectin. (See my link to a highly effective Ivermectin test. A level 4 lab test of Ivermectin against live covid done by an independent Canadian government regulated lab.)
The article you link to appears to have an agenda to hide Ivermectin. Why? That fact logically is evidence to support Ivermectin. Why not?
Indonesia did not isolate. It is not possible that, Indonesia suddenly vaccinated their 277 million population. There must be a scientific explanation. Your quote does not explain the facts. It denies the facts.
Something physical stopped the Indonesian covid outbreak. Indonesia had 54,000 new daily, covid cases, at its peak.
Indonesians self treated with Ivermectin. Which is amazing. As Indonesia is a poor country. Good for Indonesia.
We need more heroes. We need more wins against covid.
This is the only words your ‘quote’ said to support their claim that the Ivermectin abrupt stopping of a major covid epidemic is not evidence for Ivermectin’s effectiveness against covid. Shame on your quote.
“Unsupported: Clinical trials didn’t show a clear benefit of ivermectin in reducing COVID-19 severity, hospitalization rate, or mortality.
Epidemiological evidence also doesn’t indicate that ivermectin helped curb the number of COVID-19 cases and deaths in Indonesia or in other countries. However, these countries implemented other measures that have proven effective in limiting the spread of the virus, including vaccination and restrictions, which likely contributed to the decline in COVID-19 cases.
The glaring paradox in all this is that authority’s contribution to the problem has been and is to prevent treatment, not to promote treatment.
The manner in which they are doing this smacks of corruption.
Did you read the article? Author claims 35% vaccination rate and restrictions stopped CoVid cold.
From the article (emphasis mine):
“However, these countries implemented other measures that have proven effective in limiting the spread of the virus, including vaccination and restrictions, which likely contributed to the decline in COVID-19 cases.
“Likely”, one of my 2 favorite words/phrases in the English language (“might have” is the other)
If this author’s premise were valid then Australia would be CoVid free times 10.
“claims 35% vaccination rate and restrictions stopped Covid cold.”
How’s that working out in Vicdanistan… where IVM is banned because it is known to be effective.
Totalitarians cannot allow anything cheap and effective to ruin their dictatorship.
The Healthfeedback wankfest states 22% of Indonesians are fully vaccinated as of Oct 14th. That is the only figure that counts, the semi-vaccinated and sero-positive are non-events, as Western Govts have dictated!
The peak was well-passed by then, the vax had little if any effect.
I do note he left the marker for Oct 14th off his diagram, hoping a fuzzy sort-of ‘this is Oct 14th here at the end of the peak’ would convince the gullible.
All this link does is add more evidence that we are being consistently lied to, and that what the authorities are doing with regard to covid19 and the vaccinations is hiding something really sinister. The evidence for HCQ+Zn and Ivermectin+Zn being remarkably effective in the treatment of covid19 if used in the early stages, is uncontestable.
Irrespective of how much “bovine faeces” Simon and PF put in their comments, nothing changes that fact.
Simon, do you have shares in Big Pharma? It sure sounds as though you do!
Your and Peter Fitzroys (wrong) claim is, IVM doesn’t be the reason for the decreasing numbers of cases and respective deaths in several countries. What in your eyes may be the resaon, as the way IVM works eliminating virus load is well known and published in several scientific papers. Why can’t you explain your knowledge in a way people could follow your claims ?
Go ahead, show us your reasons !
RickWill may answer too, as he is part of the anti-IVM team here.
No ivermectin here in my country. Thanks, big pharma.
I bought a bottle from tractor supply
Even Tucker has FINALLY come around .
Another from VoxDay at the bottom…
“A lot of naive people assume that if there were serious problems with the vaxxes, they’d hear about it. But that’s a false assumption, because there is tremendous pressure being put on those who suffer adverse reactions in addition to an organized campaign to gaslight them about the cause of their suffering:”
“The lesson is this: do not submit to the shots under ANY circumstances. It doesn’t matter if they threaten your job, your career, or anything else. If what they were doing was right, if what they were doing was safe, they wouldn’t need to threaten you.”
He quotes an Aussie Police Officer at length. In Western Australia (of course) on forced vaxxxes.
Murder, He Suspected
Posted on October 16, 2021 by VD
An English funeral director suspects the number of excess deaths due to the vaxxes in the UK are not an accident:
“John O’Looney and his colleagues noticed that for the first year, there were no surplus deaths at all and if anything, fewer deaths. Those who died supposedly from the coronavirus, O’Looney asserts, appear to have succumbed to a drug called Midazolam given to nursing home residents.
The funeral home director is not alone in his suspicion.
But after the vaccine was introduced to his area in January, O’Looney said that the calls made to his funeral home soared, going up “300 percent”. “I’ve never seen a death rate like it in 15 years,” he said. “Initially, [the deaths were] all exclusively care homes,” O’Looney said. But after the roll out of the mRNA injection, the deaths were no longer exclusively from nursing homes, and the ages of the dead varied significantly.
“I’ve got a 32-year-old, a 33-year-old and a 28-year-old in my care at the moment,” O’Looney explained as an example. “They’re all jab recipients and they all died unexpectedly and suddenly,” he continued.
My sister sent me a link to O’Looney’s story a few weeks ago and he is 100% believable.
It’s impossible to have any sort of conversation with people about the vaccination scandal or climate fiasco without the words “conspiracy theory” being uttered by them in the first ten seconds. People ask me about my vaccination status and I say I’m not going to be and they suddenly go funny. But so far they are happy to keep talking to me.
“But what about your children being worried about you?” they ask. “They know me well” I say!
It’s the Titanic era all over again. Can’t possibly go against the custom!
Ah yes, the dismissive ‘conspiracy theorist’ label. It is used in the same way as ‘denier’ by climate change disciples, or heretic by the Inquisition.
But look back at 2020, when some of the forecasts that were dismissed as ‘conspiracy theories’ were: vaccine passports (tick), vaccine mandates (tick) and vaccinating small children (tick).
What’s the difference between “conspiracy theory” and “accepted fact”? About 4 months 🙂
Another name for “conspiracy theory” is “spoiler alert” 🙂
I’m an old phart but still with business to complete before I shuffle off this mortal coil. Naturally I’m not putting up my hand to volunteer but asked if someone else’s son/daughter should put up their hand to risk health/life with an experimental drug to give me, maybe, an extra year or two I could not expect that. I would prefer to have a choice re IVM to look after my own health.
I expect no one to sacrifice on my behalf.
COVID cases in Indian Uttar Pradesh drops by 97.1 percent because of Ivermectin use
“In June, five weeks after health officials in Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, launched an aggressive program to fight COVID and the Delta variant, new cases dropped by a staggering 97.1 percent.
“According to ZeeNews of India, “The strategy of trace, test & treat yields results.”
“The health officials went door-to-door in the state of 230 million residents, providing a test and treat program with medicine kits.”
“On Sept. 22, Dr. John Campbell broke India’s Ivermectin blackout wide open on YouTube by revealing the formula of the Uttar Pradesh kits, “much to the dismay of Big Pharma, the WHO, and the CDC,” Dr. Hope noted. “Readers will want to watch this before it is taken down. See mark 2:22.”
“Each home kit contained the following: Paracetamol tablets [tylenol], Vitamin C, Multivitamin, Zinc, Vitamin D3, Ivermectin 12 mg [quantity #10 tablets], Doxycycline 100 mg [quantity #10 tablets]. Other non-medication components included face masks, sanitizer, gloves and alcohol wipes, a digital thermometer, and a pulse oximeter.”
And here is his video:
Jo Nova wrote about that story four days before that.
And I found out from DesertReview. (See the link).
is why Tamil Nadu , which refused to legalise, let alone promote the use of Ivermectin, is India’s latest black hole.
Isn’t this a gold standard trial, 234 million in the test group and Tamil Nadu as the control?
This is a form of corruption that bodies like ICAC take no interest in. The combination of dodgy politicians, complicit media and big business on the make is proving to be the end game for western democracies.
And the academy.
Why are the Left and Big Pharma so keen to ban IVM or run a full major clinical trial to supplement the 60 or so other studies?
And what about “my body my choice”?
If it doesn’t work as Leftists/Big Pharma claim, then fine, but why stop people taking an otherwise harmless drug?
Leftists wouldn’t hesitate to make a drug like marijuana legal which has far worse potential side effects than IVM (or even aspirin for that matter) so why not IVM?
And there are a vast number of ineffective drugs that doctors are allowed to prescribe anyway. Big Pharma and the Left don’t protest against those.
I think Australia is the only country stupid enough and Nanny State enough to fully ban IVM for covid management, even to the point of deregistering doctors who follow now-abandoned medical ethics principles and try and heal their patients as they used to do, back in the day.
Sadly DM, here is a link …
Another man dies at Providence after hospital refuses repeated requests for Ivermectin
He even had the ivermectin with him as prescribed by his own doctor.
This is Dy John Campbell’s latest video on IVM from two days ago. He has A number of vids on IVM.
He is a big supporter of both covid vaccination (properly administered with aspiration which no one does, hence accounting for a lot of vaccination injuries and deaths) AND Ivermectin.
The beauty about using the Left as one’s propaganda agents is that Big Pharma doesn’t even have to pay them. They work as slaves, for free.
To note the pathetic obsequiousness that has pervaded the population has one despairing. Some responses I have seen have been borderline panic with some people refusing to open their doors lest the plague claim them. We are ripe for manipulation and takeover as we have become too soft and lack resilience.
In the end we trust authority too much and many judge the media as as experts. The media make them feel safe by scaring them..
It’s frightening how most Australians have so readily rolled over and accepted dictatorship plus the willingness of police to perform acts of violence against peaceful protestors, mostly in Vicdanistan and NSW. Police were “just following orders”. If they can do that they can commit greater atrocities.
It so turns our that two of the major “debunkings” of IVM were from the once-reputable journal Nature and Their BBC.
The lead author was a student and the studies cited couldn’t be found.
It was a complete fabrication in other words.
One highlight from that excellent video stood out, right near the end.
Merck was offered a chance to participate with the Nobel-Prize-winning developer of Ivermectin, Dr Satoshi Ohmura, in a proper clinical trial of IVM for Covid.
Merck declined. Huh.
Only cynical explanations come to mind, but I would love to hear an altruistic one.
Qantas announced today that flights to Delhi will commence “before Christmas”. What reaction will Customs have to any Indian traveller bringing a personal supply of Ivermectin into Australia?
Their supply of IVM will be confiscated and it will be explained to them that only expensive and poorly-effective Big Pharma approved medications are allowed in Nanny State Australia.
Australian citizens need to get used to being ‘vaccinated’ with Covid ‘vaccinations’ for the future … it will be a regular cycle ‘vaccination’ and revaccination …
NSW Chief Health Officer, Kerry Chant, Aug. 30, 2021
How Australians will need to get regular Covid ‘vaccines’ for years to come – as NSW’s top doctor warns the virus may be with us forever
“top doctor”?
Vaccinations for Covid may be dangerous to your health:
Notice how politicians could still get haircuts during lockdown but the untermenschen couldn’t?
Heh – just looking at photo of one of my Grandsons in Melbourne going back to school finally – Huge Bird’s Nest on top of head – My daughter said they had an appointment for a haircut the day after lockdown and first available appointment 9 November 21
So it’s the Orwellian sounding “Freedom Day” in Vicdanistan.
They take away 100% of our freedoms, give back 1% and then expect us to be grateful.
It’s a classic brainwashing technique.
After shock and bore, it’s time for Daniel Andrews to deliver
John Ferguson
Daniel Andrews’s shock and bore campaign to suppress the virus is all but over.
With it will go the world’s longest cumulative lockdown for any city, a record no one wants. It’s one that will hang sadly around the neck of Melbourne for years.
It’s easy sometimes to forget how significant Friday, October 22 is; arguably one of the biggest days in Melbourne’s modern history.
Billed as freedom day, it’s really more get-me-the-hell-out-of-my-house day.
While the pedants will argue that many restrictions will remain in place until 80 per cent double vaccination, they will be missing the symbolism of a curfew binned and substantially greater freedoms returned.
It might be said that 2020 was the year of shock and 2021 the year to bore, with months more of shutdowns and isolation. The increasingly polarised media world has created a view of two Dans. One a demon, the other a saint. He’s neither, the government having done a lot of good things at the same time as making some very big mistakes.
Partisan barrackers on either side need sensibly to be ignored, the vaccination rates celebrated.
The main game is whether the Victorian Premier has the capacity to flick the switch to vaudeville and do what Jeff Kennett managed in 1992.
The Andrews government’s first task is not to cock-up again as it did in 2020, not to send the joint backwards into another virus fog. In the short term, the high daily case load in Victoria is sustainable on the understanding that hospitalisation numbers don’t become extreme.
Any forced return to lockdown would be politically diabolical for Andrews, having pulled the lockdown lever six times.
If the health system fails then the Andrews government will be held responsible, as it should.
While the experience in key parts of the northern hemisphere suggests that 2022 will be rockier with the virus than most would like, framing an optimistic political narrative will be crucial for the state.
It’s an unknown whether Andrews has the capacity to sell a relentlessly positive message, which will have to go much deeper than simply opening up a few roads and train stations.
The government’s so-called big build has been timed to coincide with the November 26 election next year, but as Kennett proved in the 1990s, quick recovery is built on several pillars.
The overall economy, the health of the state budget, population growth, infrastructure and a diversified events calendar.
Andrews has significant political skills but seems to prosper politically when placed in the role of oppositionist.
This might help his attempts to combat the deepening opposition among large parts of the business community, bewildered by the complexity of the road map and the many quirks in the system.
The level of confusion in the hospitality and events sectors about vaccinations just highlights the angst that will continue for many months.
Thankfully, the worst seems to be over for those employed and not hostage, like health workers, to another explosion in case numbers.
From the Comments
– What relativist nonsense…Andrews needs to be held accountable for.the extra damage his government inflicted.He has spent years dodging and weaving …the viciousness in the government was appalling…refusing people attending their sick..refusing a mother attending her sons funeral…the mental health of perpetually lockdown..the awful state debt we now confront.
On any metric you like to put up ..Andrews government has been woeful…except the level crossings!
– Andrews is all about himself. Does not care about the people whose lives have been destroyed by this maniac.
– The best think Andrews can do for the state is resign and go away, we will not recover as a whole until this person is gone and out of our lives.
– And what about Andrews ‘Emergency Powers’ ? When will they lift ? When can we stop looking over our shoulders ? Andrews doesn’t deserve nor has earned our respect. He should go.
Victoria records 2189 cases, 16 deaths
Victoria has recorded 2189 local cases in the 24 hours to midnight on Thursday, with 16 people losing their lives.
NSW records 345 cases, five deaths
Cases in NSW have dropped by about two dozen overnight, with the state recording 345 new cases in the 24 hours to 8pm Thursday.
The Stupidity of Dictator Dan VictoriaStan and the Victorian People who support him
Lockdown on 12 cases – Open on 2189 cases
On the simple basis that Ivermectin appears to be very safe, where is the harm in using it, placebo or not?
The harm is to wallets and egos.
Talk about a beat up. This is a fantasy piece. The real situation in Indonesia is best summed up by the rapid increase in vaccinations. Now 110M people vaccinated and no sign of slowing down:
If Indonesians felt they had it all sorted with Ivermectin would they still be putting jabs in arms as fast as supply allows? Also worth noting that tolder people in the population centres were given priority for vaccinations.
Indonesia did not really defeat the delta variant. Rather delta defeated Indonesia. They paid a high price to achieve a level of natural immunity with 474k excess deaths deaths:
They also introduced selective lockdowns that saw mobility dive to levels lower than in Australia at overall 33% below pre-Covid:
Australia has never had more than a 30% reduction in mobility:
Indonesia had similar issues to India during the delta surge with hospitals running short of oxygen:
Ivermectin was available for use in Indonesia in 2020!
Anyone who knows anything about disease control (in any field) understands you cannot rely solely on only 1 main control agent. You need many varied treatments to suit each situation and to avoid the spectre of resistance occurring. Some many of our other human diseases and adverse conditions require a multi faceted control approach. COVID should be no different. Relying on vaccines only, particularly if they are “leaky” vaccines, is a recipe for disaster. Hence, I welcome all the new early anti – viral treatments that are now appearing. But, I think it is a dreadful shame that the likes of hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, quercetin and the many other candidate treatments have been censored or effectively cancelled. Having worked for multinational chemical companies( who also had pharmaceutical divisions) I know the reason is simply money. Off patent chemical/ pharmaceutical products produce no profit or margin. Hence the widespread use of any of those early anti- virals was a major threat to the rollout of COVID vaccines. The funding model by these companies is to develop new active ingredients and market them as hard as you can at the largest possible price. That way you recoup all the immense R& D investment. For the last 16 months I have read multiple reports, stories and articles about the efficacy of IVM from many sources. There is little doubt that IVM will provide good ( if not excellent) efficacy vs COVID, particularly when used in a cocktail with Zinc, Vitamin D and possibly the antibiotics. There’s no reason why we cant have both vaccines and early anti-virals to treat COVID.
Yes and provide people with ready access to self-administered rapid flow antigen tests.
Ross wrote:
But how complicated is all that crap being taken on a regular basis compared to just getting two jabs and a booster down the track. Why would anyone bother with such complex alternatives when vaccines are so simple and free and WAAAAY more effective.
In any case the storey here is about the wonder of Ivermectin in Indonesia, which is outright nonsense as the actual data shows. Literally hundreds of thousands of excess deaths and people scrambling to get the vaccine that is available to them. If Ivermectin was the wonder solution then Indonesians would not be showing such great interest in getting vaccinated.
In Victoria today with more than 70% fully vaccinated, ICU has only 6% of patients fully vaccinated and you can bet they will be the oldest. That underlines the tremendous efficacy of the vaccines. You can just front at a pharmacy or school or GP or public clinic and get a free jab. Two jabs and you are close to bullet proof from Covid.
“Why would anyone bother with such complex alternatives when vaccines are so simple and free and WAAAAY more effective.”
1) Because you save peoples lives while you wait for the “simple” and “free” vaccine to arrive.
2) Because then you dont need terribly expensive and economically ruinous lockdowns while you wait for the “simple” and “free” vaccines.
3) Because the “simple” mRNA vaccines lose their efficacy after only 4 months. Why would you want to get jabbed every 4 months?
4) Because current Covid vaccines have WAAAY more side effects than the common flu vaccines. The risk/health benefit already doesnt make sense for younger age groups. What are the long term effects?
5) Becuase if there are multiple alternatives to treating/preventing Covid, surely the choice of what is convenient, or not, can be left to the individual? My body, my choice right? You can take as many vaccines as you like, if thats what you want.
And riddle me this, why has every alternative to the “
free” expensive vaccines been disparaged by Western governments, except for those that, , cost a lot of money?200
“Two jabs and you are close to bullet proof ..”.
Then why do I have to get jabed to keep you safe ?
I’ll bet there is lots more than 300,000 doses getting about. Doesn’t need much horse paste and probably get HCQ over the counter. Once the word is out there would be plenty of options and all off the record.
Your comment doesn’t worth any answer, as it is full of errors and false claims.
It’s Stockholm Syndrome.
There’s a connection to the belief.
“If Indonesians thought they had it sorted with ivermectin would they still be putting jabs in arms as fast as supplies allow?”
You could change the word Indonesians to Australians and the answer is the same.
It’s not about saving lives.
What a foolish statement. I got the jabs to give me the best possible chance of surviving a Covid infection. My bet is that the vast majority of the other 90+% of Australians who have been vaccinated have done it for the exact same reasons as are Indonesians lining up in their millions for the jab. I knew there was a risk taking the vaccination but the benefit outweighed the risk by orders of magnitude.
There is no way that Ivermectin made any appreciable impact on the Covid situation in Indonesia. How long do you think pharmacy shelves would last if everyone in Indonesia was buying Ivermectin. This was the big announcement on Ivermectin release:
How far will 600k care packages get a nation of 273M – give me a break. How many people actually got their hands on Ivermectin? A google search is a meaningless statistic. How many doses of Ivermectin were actually taken? Indofarma did not start producing Ivermectin until late June with plans to produce 13.8M pills by the end of August. Cases peaked on 18 July, three weeks after Jakarta and other population centres were locked down:
It is quite clear that INDONESIANS do not believe that Ivermectin is the wonder Covid drug touted here. If a few odd Australians want to believe that Ivermectin worked wonders in Indonesia then they will believe any fairy tale and need a dose of skepticism rather than Ivermectin.
I find it fascinating that your posts seem to have completely silenced the usual coterie of Ivermectin supporting, anti-BigPharm rabid right wing conspiracy theorists.
Ian, strange that neither you nor Rick read the earlier comments pointing out how low and inadequate Indonesia’s vaccination rate was and still is.
Why is Indonesia still vaccinating? Think of the leverage the WHO And Pfizer and the rest of the industry has. Why did Indonesia bother banning a safe cheap drug in the first place? Why did cases rise and fall in timing with ivermectin approval.
Why has the same drug worked all over the world — must be a coincidence of millions of people. Uttar Pradesh. Delhi. Japan, Mexico. Peru. Indonesia. How many more real life experiments do we need.
If Ivermectin didn’t work, they wouldn’t need to ban it.
Jo I didn’t comment on the efficacy or otherwise of Ivermectin. I commented on the fact that the response to RickWill’s comments was negligible possibly because of the points he raised.
I have a problem putting a meaning to “negligible”, a word I am familiar with, in the context it was used.
Also possible “ignored with a large “ig” ”
From the family of “scrutenised with a very intense “scrut”” etc
The comment doesn’t raise anything not commented earlier above.
The claims ss you call it are not based on any evidence.
Can’t help but notice the vax hyperventilating.
People must get vaxxed to protect the vaxxed.
If not, you will be locked out and up.
Mass hysteria.
Fascinating but terrifying to experience, and to see how the educated are the most susceptible and curiously the least informed.
Unpleasant to watch Science and Academia evolve into the New Medieval Church.
The New Reformation will longer and uglier than the last one.
well said Jo 😉
“rabid right wing conspiracy theorists.”
None of those here. !
“anti-BigPharm(a) rabid right wing conspiracy theorists”
Gosh, seems like only yesterday, being anti-Big Pharma was a left wing sentiment.
Vax to protect the vaxxed.
Warming causes cooling.
Anti-Big Pharma RIGHT wing conspiracy.
Up is Down. Left is right. Men are women.
I blame the Hadron super collider.
Science must be stopped.
Ian, ‘right wing conspiracy theorists’? See comment #5.1.1.
Rick, I think if you care to ask around, you will find that the VAST majority of Australians took the injection because they were coerced into believing it was the only way to keep their livelihoods, feed their families, pay mortgages and be released from soul-destroying, poorly thought through restrictions. NOT for the good of their health or that of anyone else.
Graphene oxide-AlO(OH) nanocomplexes described herein https://balance10.blogspot.com/2021/10/graphene-oxide-alooh-nanocomplexes.html
We have a situation brewing here in Australia where COVID will eventually break out of Vic and NSW and spread to the rest of the states. More importantly it is going to spread to some of the Aboriginal communities. There is a significant level of vaccine hesitancy amongst our fellow aboriginal Australians. There are predictions due to poorer health outcomes in those communities that COVID could be devastating. But, I have long ago learned to ignore any predictions by so called “experts”. So, handing out those Ziverdo kits or at least having a supply available would seem to be a reasonable contingency plan for those susceptible communities. That Mc Gowan bloke in WA certainly has an ” up yours east coast” sort of attitude. Imagine if he quietly imported some IVM or Ziverdo kits for that purpose.
I expect COVID will hit Aboriginal communities very badly because of the reasons you state plus:
A) 4 in 10 Aboriginals are Vit D deficient. Unbelievable for people who spend so much time outdoors (but have an appropriate skin colour for the environment) but true.
https://www.abs.gov.au/ausstats/[email protected]/Lookup/by%20Subject/4727.0.55.003~2012-13~Main%20Features~Vitamin%20D~133#:~:text=In%202012%E2%80%9313%2C%20Vitamin%20D,%2Dremote%20areas%20(23.0%25).
B) Zinc deficiency is common in alcoholics with liver disease and there is a high incidence of alcoholism in Aboriginal communities.
C) Leftist do-gooders will refuse them access to prescription medicines such as HCQ and IVM and non-prescription supplements such as Vit D, Zinc and the zinc ionophore quercetin.
Which ethnic community in Australia is likely to have the highest need for the elimination of intestinal worms? And routinely handed by existing medicines and medical staff?
Clive Palmer bought enough hydroxychloroquine for every resident in Australia over a year ago and the experts said no thanks.
It must be stashed somewhere. What a difference that would have made to everyones lives and the economy .
Recently it was published that a portion was destroyed because of a dispute over who was to pay for its storage but I was unable to find reference to that on his palmerfoundation.com website.
This was the link I gave a couple of weeks ago. The Guardian had the story.
McGowan is on par with Dan Andrews so would never do something that would actually work.
Actually – fascinating results from the Wilcannia outbreak. News item the other night claimed that there are now ZERO cases in Wilcannia. Quite frankly, I expected there to be disastrous consequences for the community there. Of course, they did separate the familes, giving them individual Winnebago accommodation.
Even so, I am delighted that the result has been so good. Now – that cannot be the result of vaccination. The record of vax up till the outbreak was very low, and, in any case, any vax following the outbreak cannot have provided such immediate results.
Thanks Vicki,
Maybe someone had horses?
Dave B
Indigenous Australians in Covid-hit Wilcannia targeted by ivermectin spruiker
“It said a prominent Sydney doctor wanted to help the town’s largely Aboriginal population by treating them with a drug that, the sender promised, would “get rid of Covid and prevent them from contracting it again.
The drug was ivermectin.”
Ha! Didn’t see this post. I have my answer!
Physicians and the Vaccine Tyranny
By Blaise Edwards, M.D.
I find myself in the position that I must use an alias for fear of reprisal. Those days may be quickly coming to an end, as hospitals are denying requests for vaccine exemptions with impunity. I will likely soon be out the door, with nothing to lose. Even if I survive this round, if the “pandemic” continues, it won’t be long before I am shelved like a can of spam.
Doctors need to be called out. From early in the pandemic, it was like a mass hypnosis or forgetfulness of everything we had learned in medical school. Immune system knowledge was shelved and replaced by government dictates. The thought of early outpatient treatment with “off label” drugs that could modulate the immune system was forbidden. We essentially told patients that they had to go home and wait until they were sick enough to be hospitalized, then treatment would begin. Imagine telling all diabetics that there is no metformin, Glucophage, or insulin. Would we really wait until patients are in diabetic ketoacidosis, and then treat them only at the hospital? It is medical malfeasance of a grand scale.
We physicians gave up our training and our reasonable medical thought process. The reasons are multiple. First, it was the easy way out. Second, many of us are employed and fear reprisal. Third, despite what the public thinks, we physicians are not bold leaders, we tend to be sheep, and are afraid of having an entire institution ostracize us or our colleagues to think us crazy.
As we got to the point of vaccine rollout, doctors were not using the scientific method, questioning and challenging prevailing hypotheses. They kept their heads down, closed clinics, converted to telemedicine, and pushed only the jab.
I had conversations with doctors who are supposed experts in virology and immunology denying the lasting immunity of natural infection. Conversations about natural immunity:
“I have antibodies.”
“But they will wane.”
“But I have memory cells.”
Dumbfounded look.
Really, are these the leaders we want?
Other conversations about the safety of vaccines:
“The vaccine is safe.”
“No, we would have shut down any trial in the past after even 100 deaths.”
“This is more serious.”
“But the survival rate is about 99.6%.”
“It’s killing people.”
“So is the vaccine”
“You can’t believe VAERS.”
“It was set up to help protect the public, and if anything, it is underreporting side effects.”
“You’re a conspiracy theorist.”
Or conversations about early treatment
“You must get the vaccine, it is the only “proven” treatment, there are no other treatments.”
“Really, ivermectin has eradicated COVID in India, parts of Mexico, Japan….”
“It is a horse dewormer.”
“It won a Nobel Prize in medicine, is a WHO essential drug, and has been around for decades with a great safety profile.”
“No, only the vaccine works.”
“But it is failing”
“You are a denier and a conspiracy theorist.”
As for physicians, those who are blindly following the government edicts are culpable in a moral atrocity. Bullying and deriding patients who chose to refrain from this still experimental therapy is an abomination. (You will say it isn’t experimental anymore, to which I would say that just because the government broke its own rules regarding approval, doesn’t make it legal or right). Patients have sincere beliefs for making their choice. Respect their thoughts. Do you yell as much at smokers, drinkers, fornicators, drug abusers, etc? No, I think not. I think you chose to fit in because it gives you a sense of righteousness.
And going so far as to encourage vaccination in children and pregnant women is crazy. There is blood on the hands of any physician who does this. With children, there is no benefit to the vaccine, only harm. They would serve themselves and society better with natural immunity. The vaccine hasn’t been studied on women and their babies. It is pregnancy category X (unknown) but being pushed wholesale on these poor women without proper studies. Shame on you, doctors who are doing this. I certainly have lots to answer for when I meet my maker, but this is on another level.
I beg physicians to get back to basics, remember all the epidemiology and immunology that bored us to tears in school. Investigate the real literature and take a stand. Society needs us to do this. Even if you have been vaccinated, help those who are fighting for their lives. Stand up against this forced vaccine tyranny. Support those who have legitimate reasons for declining the jab. If you don’t stand up now, who will stand up for you when you are faced with your choice of yet another booster or your job.
This is by far one of the most important posts I have read on this issue. It answers my constant puzzlement re why the medical profession is not entering the debate about the efficacy and viability of the current vaccines.
It surprises and terrifies me.
Not Indonesia but -“Safe And Effective ®”
“34% of new Covid-19 cases in Saskatchewan reported today were double vaccinated.”
More at
“Approved or Under Evaluation?”
“People have noticed that back in July the NIH website added Ivermectin to its list of “Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19”. No word on which it is, approved or under evaluation. It does link to a list of clinical trails but it doesn’t look like the most comprehensive list there is.
Some discussion of this finding in a video here.”
A timely article Jo.
And the anti-information campaign from Fitzroy, Simon and RickWill continues. The blog software could really be improved by introducing an ignore function.
No, let them speak it is their right, you can ignore it, don’t need a button whatever the hell that is.
Japan has also used ivermectin to reduce covid cases by 98% since mid August. Daily cases sown from 25000 to less than 500. Active cases down from 250,000 to less than 7,000. Our politicians are murderers, our bureaucrats are murders and our media are murderers.
[Paul we love facts (thanks) but be wary of strong rhetoric.]AD
Was referred to this site and found this comment by a U.S. Doctor on the situation.
I can’t provide a link, but this is the detail.
October 21, 2021
Physicians and the Vaccine Tyranny
By Blaise Edwards, M.D.
I find myself in the position that I must use an alias
See 21 above
That’s it, good.
It’s in American Thinker.
So when do the lawyers get involved in the biggest class action lawsuit in Australian history for the attempted mass murder of Australians?
Bring it on right now! We deserve it. The pollies/”health experts”/TGA deserve it.
Stop these mRNA trials and start the legal trials!
On a sidenote, there’s an update on the natural immunity issue:
Patrick Carlyon: ‘Health advice’ lockdown mantra must finally be explained
Melburnians have suffered more than any other state through lockdowns and idiotic incursions upon the simplest pleasures. Now it’s time to know why.
The “health advice” is the lockdown mantra of Victoria. It’s been invoked as a wonderfully convenient abdication of political responsibility. And it has been shrouded in secrecy.
That the health advice in this state was often extreme – and frankly, random, petty and sometimes shown to be misplaced – needs to be understood.
We have had the longest lockdown, as we all know, and been sentenced to idiotic incursions upon the simplest pleasures, such as letting the kids go to the playground. It’s no surprise that our renewed version of freedom in the coming days is more limited than comparable cities and states.
We have suffered more than any other state and we need to know why, not only for what has happened, but for what could still happen if case numbers rise after opening up.
The Office of the Victorian Information Commissioner has found that the health briefings relating to the February lockdown must be released in the public interest.
The decision, which may be contested by authorities, ought to be just a start.
The advice leading to all six Melbourne lockdowns has to be scrutinised and assessed, lest we surrender to absolute and unaccountable processes of power.
The “health advice” was bucked by Gladys Berejiklian in NSW, and cynically deployed for tin-pot motives and electoral advantage elsewhere.
Victorians have endured the most cosseted (or oppressed) approach. Individual stories of languishing grandparents and grandchildren who could not say goodbye are the lasting theme of the pandemic.
They paid for a misplaced strategy of elimination. We all did.
For the “health advice” here was enacted in ways it was not elsewhere. Subjective judgments dictated the most intimate and precious relationships of every Victorian.
If London or Sydney did this, we added that, just to be sure. More masks. Less exercise. It was carrot and stick, just without the carrot.
The only relief was the apparent Victoria Police decision to soften its enforcement vigour of the early pandemic days.
Almost every Melburnian has broken the law at times, some out of frustration or the inability to cope anymore. Armed with cover stories, ordinary people went to the beach or visited their mother or watched the footy with friends.
The restrictions have been selectively followed in recent months, partly because they became onerous and unhealthy in ways the “health advice” never seemed to address.
The need for the unyielding harshness of Melbourne’s lockdown needs to be queried, given that Victoria’s infection rates have superseded those places where fewer restrictions were enforced.
The fairer-minded could argue that every crisis exacts mistakes, and that caution trumps carelessness. But being told what is good for you is different to knowing why we were served all that horrible medicine, often administered with the hectoring disapproval of a grumpy school principal.
It makes sense that the Andrews government wants to bury evidence of errors and misjudgments. The dreadful decision to employ private security firms for hotel quarantine still goes unexplained.
The most galling aspect of that scandal was not the error itself, but the cover-up. All governments conceal unpalatable truths, but the apparent scarcity of cultural integrity of this government matters more than at any other time. No democratic government has ever wielded such wholesale power.
It might be that the key decisions made in Victoria will stand as cautious, if occasionally panicked, testaments to an approach which saved many from lonely, sad deaths. The numbers here have been tiny relative to international tolls. Scrutiny of the “health advice” might in some cases lead to vindication.
Yet the precautions in Victoria have also dwarfed all other approaches. We got the full chemo, even when targeted radiation might have sufficed, and we don’t know why unelected bureaucrats recommended us for the radical treatment.
The balance between preservation and freedom tipped into dogma. Every death had to be avoided at any cost. As others have pointed out, if the same approach was applied to road safety, no one would drive a car.
As pleasing as opening up feels, it brings challenges already faced by places months ahead of us. Take London, where deaths again mount.
The levers for restrictions remain active, and there’s a good chance we will once again be bathed in the catastrophising rhetoric which is so uniquely Victorian.
We need to know why Victoria has lost almost double the people of any other state. And why singles and the young and the elderly wilted because the “health advice” proved to be cruel.
Anything less would be a lesson unlearned. And an unprecedented scandal.
Why bother getting Vaccinated?
UK warned ‘pandemic not over’
More coronavirus restrictions will be needed if people do not have a booster jab and get serious about face masks, the British government has warned, with predictions of 100,000 Covid cases a day.
Health Minister Sajid Javid insisted that “life is not back to normal” and urged people to take precautions such as meeting outdoors and regular lateral flow testing.
In a downbeat Downing Street briefing warning of darker months and new variants ahead, Mr Javid sought to shock people into more cautious behaviour by reminding them that “this pandemic is not over” and urging a “national mission” to speed up vaccination.
Former prime minister Tony Blair is calling for compulsory face masks and vaccine passports as medical leaders urge ministers to introduce their plan B. This involves the return of compulsory face masks and working from home as well as the introduction of vaccine passports. Ministers earlier ruled out another lockdown.
The government has faced repeated criticism for reacting too slowly at key stages of the pandemic since early last year. Britain’s death toll exceeds 139,000, second only to Russia in Europe.
Mr Javid held firm against calls for immediate restrictions, insisting: “We don’t believe that the pressures currently faced by the NHS are unsustainable.”
However, he put the nation on notice that the plan B would be implemented if the recent rise in cases and admissions continued, saying he “won’t hesitate to act” if the National Health Service was under threat.
There were 49,139 cases reported across Britain on Wednesday, a rise of 17 per cent in a week. Hospital admissions, at 869, are up 11 per cent. Although this is still lower than scientists predicted in the middle of the year, Mr Javid said that “everyone is right to be concerned”.
He warned that the numbers “could yet go as high as 100,000 a day”, a level predicted and one it is understood the government considers bearable without more restrictions.
British Medical Association chief Chaand Nagpaul called for an immediate plan B, saying that it was “wilfully negligent” of ministers not to introduce measures such as “mandatory mask wearing, physical distancing and ventilation requirements in high-risk settings”.
After a summer in which the nation has relaxed about Covid-19, Mr Javid stressed that “we cannot be complacent”.
“We’ve always known that the winter months would pose the greatest threat to our road to recovery. The darker skies, the colder weather provide perfect conditions not just for Covid-19 to thrive but for other seasonal viruses too,” he said.
“With winter ahead, we can’t blow it now, so we’re going to do everything we can to maintain our lead by strengthening our vaccination program as our primary line of defence.”
There are five million unvaccinated Britons and Mr Javid urged people to “nudge” their relatives to come forward.
Older people are asked to have a booster jab at six months after their second dose. All over-50s and younger people with chronic conditions are eligible.
Calling for a “Blitz spirit” on vaccination, Mr Javid said: “We need to sustain the progress that we’ve made. We really could lose that progress if people don’t take their vaccination offers.”
Everyone is encouraged to test themselves twice a week if they have no symptoms but take-up of the free rapid tests is thought to be low.
Mr Javid said that a quarter of cases were being picked up through such asymptomatic tests, many of them in schools, and urged people to take one “as a precaution, especially if they’re about to go to meet a loved one, perhaps a grandparent or another vulnerable person”.
Upbraiding Tory MPs who have not been wearing masks in the Commons, he called on people in prominent roles to “set an example”.
In a paper being published on Thursday, Mr Blair urges the government to do more, warning of the risk of further lockdowns. “From an abundance of caution, a sensible sentiment given the history of Covid-19, we believe the government should rapidly and decisively accelerate measures to give us the best possible chance of avoiding the disease spiralling again,” he says.
The Times
From the Comments
“Test yourself even if you have no symptoms.”…sums it up nicely
“Here we go again. New and improved Delta+ variant.
https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/1509289/covid-variant-delta-plus-uk-lockdown-christmas-coronavirus-latest/amp ”
Too many black immigrants, too little sunshine in winter, and a “Former”..
“Formers” should be left in peace in their retirement and never heard from again. There is nothing worse that the media trotting out some old fart that the public got rid of years before and ascribing some weight to their personal opinions!
Dems’ vaccine mandates for police are bound to backfire
By Glenn H. Reynolds
In the media narrative, those resisting the vaccine mandates are all Trump-supporting snake handlers from Appalachia, or something like that. But real life, as happens so often, doesn’t track the media narrative.
In fact, much of the resistance comes from people like airline pilots, health professionals and air-traffic controllers, none of whom can fit the stereotype of uneducated rubes.
But perhaps the most interesting and determined resistance to vaccine mandates comes from those who are usually tasked with enforcing government mandates: police. Across the country, officers are refusing the shot and daring their bosses to make them take it. There are several lessons in this, about class, about democracy and about the authorities’ competence.
First, class: As Bridget Phetasy writes: “These days, the men and women who worked through the whole pandemic are being shamed and patronized by the very people whose cushy existences they facilitated for a year and a half. The liberal elites who holed up in the Hamptons and didn’t have contact with the outside world for a year are ready to get back to their SoulCycle classes, even if it means firing a few people they once called ‘frontline heroes.’ . . . Apparently, it’s difficult to comprehend that the people who never stopped working while you were in your bubble, who bore the greatest risk throughout the whole pandemic, are making their own calculated decisions about getting a vaccine.”
Japan has used ivermectin since mid August to cut covid infections by 98%. Daily cases down from 25,000 to less than 500. Active cases down from 250,000 to less than 7,000.
A song for Daniel Andrews to the tune of (you guessed it) “Oh Danny Boy”ToM
Oh Danny Boy, your Covid plan’s not working.
Locking us up, just helps it spread with fear.
You love the power, of keeping us imprisoned
But it will turn on you and bite you on the rear.
Come election day when we all get to show you,
Just what we think of your draconian ways.
So pack your bags, And find a set of stairs to climb,
And we will happily return to glory days.
Hey Rickwill, after looking at the graphs, are you saying that Indonesia, by vaccinating 25 mill people between mid July and Sept 1, in a nation of 280 mill, they caused their case rate to precipitously drop by 80%. Now that is a miracle. Maybe the vaccines are infectious?
Indonesia is defeating covid19 with a fully vaccinated rate of 19% as of 21 /10. Please. What is your problem?
I also notice you are attributing Indonesia’s success to vaccines, so maybe we should be using the Sinovac shot, like they are? Are you advocating that?
Your not supposed to look at his fear porn links, he doesn’t.
You need to read what I write not make stuff up.
Three points:
1. If Ivermectin was the magic bullet in Indonesia then someone needs to tell the Indonesians because they have been lining up in their millions for the vaccination – so the question is why would those “silly” soles do that when they have already found the magic bullet that no other country could find other than vaccines of course.
2. The reduction in cases dropped three weeks after dramatic reductions in mobility in the population centres such as Jakarta. That simply shows that lockdowns are effective, particularly when the hospitals are overrun.
3. Ivermectin cannot be very effective given that excess deaths reached over 400k.
Rick, I am sure you have noticed the difficulty with being overly certain about anything to do with pandemics. We are dealing with an incredible amount of variables. This is why modelling is so fraught with dangers, yet the medical bureaucracy ignores the complexity.
A small example is the political influence so obvious in all domains. We know that the Indonesian government interfered at at one stage in the philanthropic support of one citizen in financing the Distribution of Ivermectin. It is not a difficult stretch to expect that the government would similarly use either fear or incentive (as our government has) to accelerate vaccination numbers.
Let us all examine these issues with common sense and critical thinking. So much depends upon it.
Washington state suspends a physician assistant for prescribing ivermectin
A lot of people are angry that more doctors aren’t prescribing ivermectin when they first get diagnosed with COVID. However, a Washington State physician assistant lost his license because he prescribed ivermectin. Most doctors, having invested upwards of seven years of their lives in preparing to be a physician, don’t want to destroy that career over a politically incorrect prescription.
Andrea Salcedo, who to my great surprise has degrees in journalism, is a terrible writer. Nevertheless, she has a job at the Washington Post, from which platform she wrote a barely comprehensible article about a physician assistant named Scott C. Miller whose license the Washington Medical Commission suspended. The article is framed to make it appear as though ivermectin will kill people.
All told, Miller had “more than a dozen complaints” made against him for prescribing ivermectin to people. Some of the complaints revolved around the fact that he prescribed the medicine after speaking with people over the phone rather than examining them. Of course, nowadays, that’s become a standard of care.
If you read the Washington Medical Commission’s press release about its decision to suspend Miller, the real anger seems to be that he dared to promote ivermectin at all — and that he was kind of aggressive and jerk-like about doing it.
Certainly, Miller sees himself as an apostle of ivermectin. Back to the WaPo article:
At that same meeting, Miller said he had treated 350 covid patients with ivermectin, vitamin C and vitamin D. “It actually cures, if anybody cared to look at the data,” Miller said, according to the commission’s report.
In describing ivermectin, the WaPo article says only that it’s a drug “long used to kill parasites in animals and humans” and is something that the FDA “and other public health agencies have urged people to refrain from taking the unproven treatment, warning it could be ‘dangerous’ and potentially fatal.”
However, whether because Salcedo is uninformed, incurious, or biased (or all three), the article makes no mention of ivermectin’s success in India.
However, in America, the order is “no ivermectin” (and no hydroxychloroquine). Moreover, no one has studied early intervention. Instead, the minimal “studies” or anecdotal cases concern people who have already become extremely ill.
Americans pay the price for this because doctors are too afraid to prescribe early treatment that both the patients and the doctors believe might work.
From the SDS for Ausmectin 0.08% IVM Sheep drench (drench here is internal by mouth as in Oz terminology – not saturated on skin)
“First Aid Measures, Ingestion.
Immediately give a glass of water.
First aid is not generally required. If in doubt contact a Poisons Information Centre or a doctor”
Deadly stuff, wot? (/s)
On reflection – is it the water you have to worry about?
IIRC IVM dose to LG50 is something like 1000 times, water around 100
Canada is doing mass murder the same way as Australia. No therapeutics and only a poorly functioning vaccine. The people holding back Ivermectin should be charged with crimes against humanity and hung.
Pierre Kory of FLCCC Alliance discussed disinformation campaign on HCQ and IVM.
This is an excellent summary of the multi country use of Ivermectin to stop covid. It provides background details for cases.
It also summarizes the world media propaganda anti Ivermectin response which is sad, puppet repeating of propaganda. The country evidence which the above includes for multiple countries, is unequivocal. Ivermectin cures covid.
Fake news and the medical industry is trying to hide the fact that Ivermectin cures covid.
Ivermectin will always cure covid. We are going to win because there are heroes in our world.
“We are going to win because there are heroes in our world”. I love this, because it gives me hope. What worries me is the fact that so many people – powerful people- have dug themselves such a huge hole that they will do anything to get themselves out.
History will show how a combination of incredibly dangerous and careless decisions in respect to bat virus virology research unleashed a pandemic on the world. A combination, then, of avarice, ambition, a complete lack of morality together with (from other quarters) naievty and scientific ignorance resulted in a perverse refusal to consider all options in dealing with the apparent emergency.
But in the meantime, tragedies will heap upon tragedies in one of the great failures in the higher order of thinking of our species.
In older times that lead to outbreaks of the “tar and feathers virus”
Does anyone here have a link to COVID numbers on recent deaths in Australia split into 3 groups, being who died after having 2 or more jabs, then 1 jab, then unvaccinated?
We hear that for CASES, some 87% were unvaccinated, but I have failed to find the split for DEATHS.
I am over 80 with complications, seeking comfort about survival being better if vaxxed, as I am. Geoff S
Well, the fact that you’re still here means you passed the first test – you didn’t suffer post-jab complications. Well done. Does that mean you’ll survive boosters however, or is every jab a new roll of the dice?
Also, at your age, the increasingly-common issues of cardiac inflammation shouldn’t be a problem because they apparently show up 10 years or so after vaccination and so far, mostly affect young men.
The concerns that some of us have about other, unknown, long-term side effects is similarly moot in your case. Sorry to be so blunt! I’m ‘only’ 65 but with a dicky ticker, so I think we’re in the same boat there.
As for your question, official figures show that the jab does indeed provide significant (but not guaranteed) protection from severe illness. Note my first point regarding subsequent boosters though.
I’m nearly there with you Geoff and I put my trust primarily on, but not limited to, quercetin, D3 and Zn.
I wish I knew about quercetin decades ago when I was battling chronic fatigue. It is a flavonoid, antioxidant, antihistamine. Check it out.
Thanks. The chemist in me studied quercetins, flavones, anthocyanins in the 1980s when we were breeding new colours in Rhodo and Camellia flowers. Even went to west China several times to collect very rare yellow flowered Camellia species, to find Nature had put roadblocks on transferring the yellow flavone precursors.
As for medical, we were served deep fried camellia flowers with chips and salad at one banquet there. These novel yellow camellia flowers were already being touted by some Chinese quacks as curative for 20 conditions, including thirst. Geoff S
quercetin is basically pineapple or very green apples.
Green tea too
You probably know that traditional green tea is made from new growth leaves of the natural plant Camellia sinensis. Geoff S
NSW does a reasonably thorough report that likely has the answers to your questions:
Figure 4 is interesting because it shows younger people are over represented in Covid cases while older people under represented. This shows the benefit of giving older people vaccination priority.
Table 9 shows that 10.8% of the deaths have been fully vaccinated 40 out of 372 in the delta outbreak.
Tables 12 & 13 give some insight into deaths over 80. 15% of cases in that age group did not survive but the vast majority are in age care, which I figure gives an indication of their state of health.
I do not know if you will find the specific answer. What I do know is that vaccines have dramatically reduced the risk of older people dying from Covid. On the other hand I expect there would not be a large number of 80+yo claiming to be bullet proof.
Rick, Thank you for the guide. I have not found a similar one for Victoria, yet.
I know a person who has just taken a syringe of the Pfizer anti-Covid, having had 2 prior AstraZeneca shots. So, one can say that the booster phase has started in Australia. Sad that it had to be done because of required, long term prior medication that lowered the natural immune response. All the people I know and have discussed Covid vaccines (bar one)* are strongly in favour of vaccination being the main logical treatment, especially because the vaccines, though rushed into duty, are performing so well. In my immediate family, we have mostly been early adopters, with some decisions yet to be made about young grandchildren.
Was interesting that both the medicos I saw giving shots were routine doing the brief needle aspiration that can detect if the needle was in muscle or a vein, the latter increasingly being implicated as a possible, even likely cause of some of those early numbers of blood clot etc side effects.
The more I read (as a chemist, not a medico) the more appeal I see in Novavax. Sad it is not available right now, esp for those immuno-compromised people now facing boosters.
Geoff S
*That one person resisting all Covid vaccination is using the principle that the individual has to preserve the right to say no about her/his body. It is easy to understand that theoretical point of view, but it is rather selfish when the history of epidemic diseases has many times demonstrated that they can be effectively beaten by the cooperation of people, who can opt to put concern for others alongside concern for self.
Jo, I would like to show this on my Facebook page but I would get another strike for breaching ‘Facebook Community Standards.’
BTW, US meteorologist, Joe Bastardi linked your post on his Twitter account.
In the USA, Ivermectin seems to have gotten a bad start because of the Donald Trump Syndrome (DTS). Next it is known as a between the Tropics thing, and also as a antiparasitic drug – – not an anti-viral. Also, apparently, some in the USA used the available “horse wormer” in unmeasured amounts and did have adverse effects.
Finally, in the USA, doctors (in my case a Physician’s Assistant) are not supposed to be prescribing drugs for an illness unless serious (and costly) studies indicate that it is a good idea.
I have in the past written something like this about Vitamin D3. However, because D3 is known to be useful in many ways, and I guess not promoted by Trump, a medico can say go ahead and take some. [They might say stay under 5,000 units a day). Still the appropriate tests regarding Covid have not been done (and it is a simple counter choice and cheap) so it is not given much attention.
I have not seen definitive studies about how Ivermectin helps in the case of Covid, but it may be because it is highly effective against many microorganisms including some viruses. Some people with Covid may need all the help they can find.
Some early studies have been reported.
I would jettison the DTS and make it widely available. [Not the tube paste for a 1250 pound horse, that btw I do have.]
How apt. The virus is in my district’s major town now, today, for the first time. And also the kids have nits. And they always do because the parents of the hippy kid refuse to control it. I’d suggest they do take Ivermectin to control their lice.
I went to the doctor yesterday and they quizzed me on vaccination of course. He was fine with my decision to sit it out for a while, but still recommended taking it as the release of the virus upon the citizen is imminent.
But I said Im a low risk case, Im not anti-vax as such but Im watching it and Ill see what happens, I may get it if things get bad, but Im in with a chance of going under the radar.
He reckons everyone will end up getting it at some stage but who knows how long that time is.
Im banking on a Spanish Flu pattern where it will die out. Hopefully the unvaccinated droves in the USA will see it burn out as it rips through them. But who knows.
Everyone I know is vaccinated and they’re all fine but I’d rather stay off the machine if I can and I can. Im going to sacrifice a bit of work in Sydney I do annually but that’s ok, just a few grand, won’t kill me.
See what happens, but here we go, it’s on, getting closer to me by the day, with no Ivermectin in the cupboard. Illegal.
Phillip go with Quercetin, Zinc, NAC, Vitamin D, Cartia as antiviral approach
” I’d suggest they do take Ivermectin to control their lice. ”
I figured dosing the whole of Wilcannia with it could only do them good. Its a pity that idea wasn’t taken up on, they are the most vulnerable to new diseases and a nice isolated petri dish.
I’m with you, can’t get me hands on I’mectin so I’m relying on a healthy immune system and some Vit D.
Red onions + D3 + potatoes + beef
I have been doing this since March (maybe April) of last year — 2020.
There was much discussion on this site (Thanks Jo) and others.
I also got the first Vaxx shot back then.
I’ve not had any reactions (yet) to the shots. YMMV
Very interesting take on providing your vaccination status. Legal Advice from RDA’s Inhouse Legal Team. Hope this gets to the courts.
Collecting COVID-19 vaccination certificates from customers or employees poses a serious legal and cyber security risk to businesses that expose them to lawsuits, hefty fines and even executive jail sentences if the data isn’t handled properly, experts warn.
This is off topic but it was news to me today.
President Trump’s new social media platform is now taking early registrations:
And some early explaining to do regarding breaking open source rules (see Mastodon)
Gee Eh!
Well I got some nice pictures of animals with tusks – did you have something more specific in mind there?
Something about links IIRC
“Trump’s SPAC Company Soars 900% In Two Days Amid Meme Stock Mania”
Singapore record deaths and 80% Vax? Wow how could this be?
I assume everyone is up to date with Prof Borody patenting his Ziverdox system for Covid. I’m just amazed at the cost they are looking at for trials.
$US25million plus.. That’s a lot of money for calling in a few hundred volunteers, giving half of them his treatment and saying “Go home and enjoy yourself, just turn up for a Covid test every two days.”
Very much the cabal who are in there making it as hard as possible for anyone else to get in, the usual industry standard involving big companies and Govt regulators.
After offering it for free initially, I hope he gets mega-rich if he can get it off the ground.
Where did you get the $25M cost from? I’m interested because a scientific instrument company I was involved with many years ago went bust because we couldn’t afford to buy FDA approval that was withheld (in my opinion) to protect American drug companies, so I’m interested to hear of other barriers to small, innovative enterprise.
The FDA has a reputation.
Hmmm. I didn’t know he had now patented it – presumably in the US, where I recall he was going to have a “blister pack” manufactured.
I reckon he just couldn’t get it going in the USA where he initially went to try to get the project off the ground. From what I understand $25 million is actually a small amount for such a project.
I wish him Godspeed, but I am doubtful – unless he gets rich Asian benefactors.
Hey Rickwill, I’m just reading the links you’ve put up. They’ve been lining up in millions, because there are 280 million of them. I’m sure they are getting the same narrative as the rest of the world. I don’t know about the 400 000 excess deaths? Maybe you’re using the same BS people who came up with BS excess deaths in India? Indonesia is claiming 140 000 covid19 deaths.
Have you been to Jakarta? You reckon you can lock that down , and enforce social distancing? I see in the last couple of days they had a zero covid19 death day. We’re talking about the world’s 2nd most populous urban area, with 34 million living in a swamp.
This is a bit off topic, however people in Perth will be interested.
Our neighbour, friend and local real estate agent had a stroke 2 weeks after his second jab. He was completely paralysed down his right side. He collapsed on the floor at home unable to call out, his wife found him, rang the ambulance and he was taken to Charlie Gairdners hospital. He was there for 24 hours. He was then taken to St John of God; the new public/private hospital in Midland. The second level which four months ago had wards for elderly people and children, is now a complete floor of stroke cases. Our friend was in a room of eight men, five were in their mid thirties, all had strokes.
He said he ‘had never realised that strokes in young people were so common.’ He is in his early 60’s. At NO stage did anyone ask him or his family his vaccination status; not at Charlie Gairdners nor at Midland. Apparently Midland has the best stroke specialists in Perth.
* I had a sick relative in St John’s for 6 weeks and went daily, riding up and down in the lift – so I know what was on level 2.
Thanks Chris.. quite interesting..
It’s jus amazing how this stuff does not make the mainstream news.
I am generally wary of conspiracy theories – but hell – where is there a reasonable explanation? The only other thing I can think of – is that people are just plain scared to depart from “the narrative” of the government & the bureaucracies.
I emailed most of my friends regarding the current legislation permitting Facial recognition technology that is currently at Stage 3 in the National Parliament (having passed States 1 &2 with no publicity) ……and I only received ONE reply expressing concern.
And these are generally conservative voters. I thought that a few of the “lefties” might comment (with approval!) – but even they remained silent.
Topelia Australia raising $US25m for COVID-19 therapy
Anthony Macdonald, Yolanda Redrup and Kanika Sood
Oct 13, 2021 – 9.32pm
As the world transitions to living with COVID-19, there’s an Aussie biotech hitting up domestic and offshore family offices to support its first local clinical trial into a new drug combination named Ziverdox.
In December 2020 Borody filed a patent in the US for therapeutic combinations of drugs, including a combination of ivermectin, an antibiotic and zinc. Patenting a treatment means the owner of the patent is allowed to exclusively manufacture, market and profit from the drug until the patent expires, usually after 20 years…..
Borody has been lobbying the federal government for more than a year to support the treatment, both before and after the filing of the patent….
Neither the treatment protocol nor the pre-print paper attached to the email declared that Borody had filed an application for a patent for the treatment in the US, and another one in France….
does make clear that Borody is “a principal in Topelia Therapeutics (Ventura, California), which seeks to commercialize cost-effective treatments for COVID-19, including IVM [ivermectin]”…
They were having a go at him over promoting its use while having money invested in it. That’ll be why the TGA had a go at him a couple of times too.
Who cares if Borody makes a fortune? I would prefer being about to purchase Ivermectin without hindrance, even if it is at an inflated level compared to Stromectol. At least you could GET it.
However, given the circumstances Ziverdox is unlikely to be available for at least a year.
Merck & Co are to release a new anti viral for the treatment of Covid, “our government has already showed interest in this new drug” as they are the same company that developed Ivermectin I wonder how close the formula for the new drug resembles Ivermectin?
I understand that the new drug has problems and won’t be adopted.
It certainly does not seem to be “Ivermectin- Light”, as was expected. A shame – because, quite frankly, I would have accepted it without a problem, it it had have been.
It doesn’t resemble.
But that new drug explains the reasoon they may think, it should be better to claim, IVM (for COV-19 only, why ever) is dangerous.
What are the options for the Victorian government? Especially if the daily new cases continues above 2,000. I very much hope it falls. Yet, is another lockdown feasible? Which leaves . . . ?
A government with that level of control of parliament, the State Governor, the police, and the media, and a compliant Federal cabinet, does not need any clever options, just speech writers.
Australia’s role in creating hype around ivermectin as a Covid ‘cure’
Australia will likely be ‘embarrased’ by its role in hyping up a controversial drug as a treatment for Covid, one expert says.
October 22, 2021 – 11:30AM
(Maybe we should be ’embarrased’ because we didn’t have a further look into it …)
– I got the AstraZeneca vaccine and I support the FLCCC alliance.
– https://www.nature.com/articles/ja201711
Published: 15 February 2017
Ivermectin: enigmatic multifaceted ‘wonder’ drug continues to surprise and exceed expectations
-“By July last year there were already signs Ivermectin could save as many as 50%. WHY, why were large trials not started then?” :
– https://www.jpost.com/health-science/israeli-scientist-says-covid-19-could-be-treated-for-under-1day-675612
Schwartz said he became interested in exploring ivermectin about a year ago, “when everyone was looking for a new drug” to treat COVID-19, and a lot of effort was being put into evaluating hydroxychloroquine, so he decided to join the effort.
“Since ivermectin was on my shelf, since we are using it for tropical diseases, and there were hints it might work, I decided to go for it,” he said.
Researchers in other places worldwide began looking into the drug at around the same time. But when they started to see positive results, no one wanted to publish them, Schwartz said.
“There is a lot of opposition,” he said. “We tried to publish it, and it was kicked away by three journals. No one even wanted to hear about it. You have to ask how come when the world is suffering.”
“This drug will not bring any big economic profits,” he said.
SOME OF the loudest opposition to ivermectin has come from Merck Co., which manufactured the drug in the 1980s. In a public statement about ivermectin on its website in February, it said: “Company scientists continue to carefully examine the findings of all available and emerging studies of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 for evidence of efficacy and safety. It is important to note that, to date, our analysis has identified no scientific basis for a potential therapeutic effect against COVID-19 from pre-clinical studies; no meaningful evidence for clinical activity or clinical efficacy in patients with COVID-19 disease, and a concerning lack of safety data in the majority of studies.”
But Merck has not launched any studies of its own on ivermectin.
“You would think Merck would be happy to hear that ivermectin might be helpful to corona patients and try to study it, but they are most loudly declaring the drug should not be used,” Schwartz said. “A billion people took it. They gave it to them. It’s a real shame.”
And not moving forward with ivermectin could potentially extend the time it takes for the world to be able to live alongside the virus, he said.
– https://edition.cnn.com/2021/01/25/health/merck-covid-19-vaccine-stop/index.html
Merck stopping development of its Covid-19 vaccine candidates
Jamie Gumbrecht-Profile-Image
By Jamie Gumbrecht, CNN
Updated 1326 GMT (2126 HKT) January 25, 2021
Merck said on Monday it is continuing to study and scale-up manufacturing for two potential coronavirus treatments, MK-7110, which may help control the inflammatory response to the virus, and molnupiravir, known as MK-4482, an oral antiviral developed with Ridgeback Bio.
– https://www.businessinsider.com.au/how-merck-is-pricing-its-covid-19-pill-molnupiravir-globally-2021-10
Merck is set to make billions off a COVID-19 pill that could change the pandemic. Here’s why some countries will pay more than others.
Andrew Dunn
Oct. 13, 2021, 12:00 PM
Merck’s COVID-19 pill holds tremendous promise in fighting the pandemic.
Industry analysts expect Merck to make billions off the not-yet-authorized drug.
Some countries will be paying $US12 ($AU16) per pill, while the US agreed to pay $US712 ($AU968) per treatment course.
[ Please consider several shorter posts. This is good info, but far too much for a single post. Thanks. -LVA]
“[ Please consider several shorter posts. This is good info, but far too much for a single post. Thanks. -LVA]”
Ok, no problem, I will make several shorter posts.
In Canada, people who test positive for COVID are told to go home and quarantine for 14 days. They are given no treatment options, no advice whatsoever. If you get sick, take Tylenol and muddle through. They are not even told about oximeters, which are vital in measuring oxygen levels in the blood.
There is no attempt at all to mitigate the disease in the early stages. Treatment doesn’t start until someone winds up in the hospital. Now you’re forbidding me from using ivermectin. And the treatment option you give me is NOTHING!!!
Vaccines and ivermectin are not mutually exclusive options, but governments across the globe have made it that way. I don’t know if ivermectin works. It certainly sounds promising. But it is absolutely better than NOTHING!!!
[…] Here is the full article: Indonesia cut Covid by 98% with Ivermectin while Australia grew cases 500% with Lock-n-Vax « JoNova… […]
So many good posts. All I have to add is this one.
(I hope it isn’t a duplicate.)
[…] has not just saved lives, but virtually eliminated Covid-19 from Uttar Pradesh, and Indonesia. Some 3.8 billion doses of what’s been called a “wonder drug” have been used around the […]