A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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FIRST IN with the best news;
with a high density population of 240 million and a vaccine rate of 6%, yes 6%, how did they do it?? I am not interested in ‘hopefully’ I am wondering why FACTS and actual real life DATA is being actively suppressed in Australia and other 1st world countries leading to unnecessary misery and death!
Hmm … on further reading that 6% appears low there might have been a misprint and 65% might be closer God It could have been a climate report! Only they would not have admitted a mistake ‘I thought I was wrong once but I was actually mistaken!!’
CoIA, as of the end of July the times of India stated
“ This means that 31.3% of the eligible population in state
state has taken at least one dose of vaccine while 5.8% are double vaccinated. My understanding is this number went to 15 percent. 65% if the doses went to rural communities.
( So I think you were closer to correct then you realize.)
Read more at:
At any rate it matters not. Nation after nation shows the vaccine to be ineffective, or worse-after initial immunity wears off.
Actual as of Sept 15th, today is 10 percent double vaccinated.
Ha, you were only wrong when you thought you were wrong.
The click through says:
“This means that 31.3% of the eligible population in the state has taken at least one dose of vaccine while 5.8% are fully vaccinated.”
What’s not clear about that?
Yep, I went to a source in India updated to today. So as noted many times, with Ivermectin and other antivirals and vitamins, ZERO need to approve experimental vaccines.
Natural immunity is superior to vaccines. Literally millions of people died in UP as a result of Covid. There are no useful official figures for UP but excess deaths recorded were up to 5 times the 2014-2019 average for districts in UP.
Then the actual counted deaths is also not a true reflection of the toll. Bodies were just being dumped in the river:
Natural immunity to Covid comes at a very high price in terms of human life but it ultimatelymately works to achieve herd immunity.
Also there is no vaccine hesitancy in UP, vaccines are supply constrained:
Dead bodies on the roadside and rivers provides strong incentive to get vaccinated even if you are likely carrying antibodies.
Is it an Ivermectin led recovery.
Sorry Rick but your link shows very confused data.
“ Documents this reporter obtained for Article 14 under the Right to Information Act, 2005, revealed that during the no-pandemic period between 1 July 2019 and 31 March 2020 these 24 districts registered around 178,000 deaths. Over the same period in 2020-2021, deaths increased by 110% to 375,000, an excess of 197,000. ”. (from your link).
So the total is nowhere close to 43 times over, it was barely two, and as your article says, other factors are involved
Additionally their data ends in March. Despite what some say India’s tracking improved going into the last wave.
There is one decent way to gage the stage of infection, and that is testing and percentage of positive. Hindustan times reports, “ Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent.”!!!
RICK Your argument is DOA! ( never raise it again) Testing positive rate. Strange how your sources ignored the 500 pound gorilla. If anything India does more testing then they initially did for the period of excess deaths.
To deny Ivermectin works after seeing real world proof on millions, and dozens of positive peer reviewed studies, is willful ignorance. ( and bad karma)
“ There are no active cases of the coronavirus disease (Covid-19) in 33 districts of Uttar Pradesh, the state government informed on Friday. About 67 districts have not reported a single new case of the viral infection in the last 24 hours, the government said, noting the steady improvement of the Covid-19 situation in the state.”
Done, finished, no more debate.
Thanks for your service!
The numbers and studies supporting Ivermectin are so strong. The world has suffered horribly and needlessly because of statist desiring power and control over others. The truth must be affirmed and the distortions shown.
Uttar Pradesh India
“ Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, ( Wow, population of 240 million) while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent. ( WOW) The recovery rate, meanwhile, has improved to 98.7 per cent. As per the state’s health bulletin, Uttar Pradesh reported only 11 new Covid-19 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. The fresh cases came out of 2.26 lakh samples that were tested in the last 24 hours. As of Friday, the state government has conducted 7.42 crore tests, according to the data published by Uttar Pradesh’s health department.”
2.25 lakh is 225,000 people.
US positive rate…
“ The 7-day average of percent positivity from NAATs is now 9.1%. The 7-day average number of tests reported for August 27-September 02, 2021, was 1,539,747, up 6.3% from 1,448,837 for the prior 7 days.”
And only 10 percent double vaccinated. Hard proof that the Vaccine was completely unnecessary and failed
Democrats Reject Plan to Mandate Coronavirus Vaccines for Immigrants
House Democrats rejected a plan this week that would have required immigrants to the United States to take one of three available Chinese coronavirus vaccines despite mandates on American citizens from President Joe Biden’s administration.
Last week, Biden ordered that the Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) develop a rule requiring all private companies with 100 or more employees to mandate the vaccine or be subjected to weekly coronavirus tests.
Biden also ordered the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) to require vaccines for all health care workers who work at facilities receiving federal Medicare or Medicaid funding.
As Breitbart News reported, Biden has seemingly not imposed any such vaccine requirements on border crossers, illegal aliens, legal immigrants, or Afghan refugees who are arriving in the U.S.
During a hearing for the Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget reconciliation, Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) proposed an amendment that would require the vaccine for foreign nationals in the U.S. who are seeking to adjust their immigration status to remain in the U.S.
Every Democrat on the House Judiciary Committee opposed the vaccine mandate for immigrants while every Republican supported the measure.
Those Democrats include:
It’s OK to Be Pro-Vaccine and Anti-Mandate—in Fact, It’s a Winning Message
For Peter C
I did a bit more digging on the USA presidential voting with regard to Covid ahead of the 2020 election. The 5 states that swung to Biden all experienced high Covid incidence ahead of the elections. The death rate per 100k population for those states to November were:
Arizona 81
Michigan 77
Georgia 75
Pensylvania 68
Wisconsin 34 – but rising fast in October
At that stage, all but Wisconsin were in the top 10 death rate.
Another interesting item I found was an analysis of voting preference by counties in the 2020 election and their death rate since July 2021:
I recall hearing a recent Trump speech when he was booed for suggesting people needed to get vaccinated.
I wonder what the correlation is? The cause and effect.
The polls were showing Biden having a steady lead in those states for some months prior to 3 November, so perhaps that is simply how they were going to vote, and it’s not related to Covid rates during those months.
I think Democrats and non-Trump independents were pretty motivated to vote to unseat Trump. Meanwhile, Republican voters didn’t show up in big enough numbers, and were dissuaded (by Trump, mainly) not to use mail-in ballots.
Whatever – Republicans didn’t run their campaign very well.
The polls were wrong in 2016 – they had Hillary winning easily.
I only know a few people in the USA who I discuss their politics with. I only discussed the 2020 election with two of them. One in Texas voted for Trump in 2016 but he was financially ruined by the trade war with China and he would now skewer Trump if ever had the chance. The other was in Missouri and he just felt Trump did not provide leadership on Covid. He did not vote for Trump – not sure if he normally votes or even if he voted in 2020.
The news feed on the vote counting that I analysed in detail in the Staes that changed to Biden had some really odd goings on days after the date of the election. Like the number of votes falling. It could be that mail-in ballots just kept being found and there were corrections from time-to-time. And it would be likely that people in locations having tough times with Covid would not want to go to election booths so mail-in would be popular. That fits with what I have above on the Covid experience.
As far as I know, there are no election fraud cases that have been pursued. Newsmax had to apologise for its story on Dominion machines being manipulated:
Rick you ignore all the dead vaccinated. You ignore all the injured vaccinated. Your numbers are , as always suspect. ( like your first post in this thread) My initial guess is they checked into republican counties and did a narrow limited testing to some other specific areas. You know, like when the government claimed 97 percent of the people in hospitals were not vaccinated. ( It turned out that they were counting from a period that started with 100 percent were not vaccinated because they JUST STARTED vaccines, in the downward cycle of a wave so to reduced total numbers, and just using a few selected stars that were the last to begin vaccines. ( they lied)
You ignore the Government refusal to give Ivermectin which reduces the positive rate from testing to .01%. You ignore the hundreds of virologist and medical professionals warning about VACCINE harms they are seeing which ARE NOT being reported as adverse events.
You believe these idjits…
* Ivermectin – Safe and effective. Proven in numerous third world countries and DOZENS of Peer Reviewed studies as an effective covid killer. – CENSORED
* Falsely portray one of the safest drugs in history used on 3.5 billion humans as unsafe horse medicine. POLICY
* Hydroxychloroquine – Proven Effective at early stage COVID and as a preventative. Used worldwide for the off label use of fighting arthritis. – CENSORED
* Various effective vitamin regimens (including zinc) – CENSORED
* Use of steroids and anti-inflammatory to treat bad cases – CENSORED
* Ignore thousands of Doctors and successful PHD immunological and viral specialist warning of observed and potential harms. POLICY
* Punish, debase or marginalize said scientists and Doctors. POLICY
Approved treatments:
* Remdimsivere – Causes slow heart rate and kidney failure in up to 10% of patients. – PROMOTED.
* Sending infected home with ZERO treatment plan and telling them to call you back when you have trouble breathing. POLICY
* Ventilators – Statistically more likely to kill you than not being on it – PROMOTED
* Not allowing you visitors while you waste away in a hospital without a valid treatment – PROMOTED
* Taking the most deadly vaccines created in history and then vaccinating groups that have a higher risk of dying from myocarditis CAUSED by the vaccine than from the actual disease – PROMOTED
* Approving novel experimental vaccines while giving blanket immunity from all vaccine caused harms. POLICY
* Ignore that the 4O percent a month drop in antibodies from the leaky failed vaccine, given to billions, is guaranteed to produce vaccine resistant mutations. POLICY
* Ignore that the vaccinated are MORE likely to become asymptomatic disease spreaders and stop or reduce testing them. POLICY
* DIVIDE society and blame the unvaccinated despite overwhelming evidence of failed vaccines and deadly vaccine harms. POLICY
* Continuing flights from Infections source, China. PROMOTED
* Approval of experimental novel vaccine without verifying ADE or OAS potential. POLICY
* Ignoring negative health, LONG TERM extreme economic and happiness consequences of lockdowns. POLICY
* Ignoring natural immunity and giving hundreds of millions of people unnecessary unhelpful proven harmful experimental vaccines despite the fact that they already have longer lasted broader and true immunity. POLICY.
* Ignoring fresh air, deep breathing and Sunshine as an effective preventative to Covid. POLICY
* Set up Bill Gates as a figure head to support vaccines for all despite the fact that he promoted vaccines as a path to Eugenics. POLICY
* Give ILLEGAL vaccine mandate exemptions to postal workers, the NBA, Congress and Judges. POLICY ( why, how is this justified)
More than 96% of US doctors have had vaccination. They are science-based people.
[96% according to who? – jo]
” . . . over the past month, people living in the most staunchly Republican counties have been three times more likely to die of Covid than those living in Democratic strongholds . . .”
1. Many many more deaths in blue states during the period before “over the last month.” Many.
2. Number of deaths “over the past month” is low.
As a Redstater, I don’t even know anyone who has died of Covid. But all of my Bluestate friends know of several each. Draw your own conclusions. “Over the past month . . .” Whoopee.
It is an even split in terms of the current top 10 with Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Arkansas and Arizona (red pre 2020) all now in the top 10 for death rate. And the first 4 are the only ones in the top 10 with rapidly rising deaths:
It seems that GOP states are far more prone to Covid now. One way to gain an electoral advantage; just ensure the opposition are a dying breed.
Thanks Rick,
if the Covid is so deadly why are not the homeless people, who are over running the streets in California, laying dead everywhere? They have horrible hygiene and they haven’t been “vaccinated” yet they are still all over the place.
Bugger you beat me to it However have a good peruse of this site…. The Idiot Bloomfield is not recommending !vermect1n but Remedesevir …. and
and rightly so. Dr Bloomfield is guided by experts as New Zealand has taken a science-based approach to tackling COVID-19.
‘Science’ by Lysenko?
Science that rates a drug (Remedesevir) that has been proven to cause kidney failure in a large percentage of patients, and has basically zero efficacy against Covid, actually exacerbating the symptoms of fluid in the lungs…..
…VS a medicine(IWM)that has been proven both safe and effective against covid.
Only a [SNIP. No namecalling] would choose the former.
oops scrolling!
I feel like a real [SNIP] now.
Simon, from the Hindustan times…
“ Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent. The recovery rate, meanwhile, has improved to 98.7 per cent. As per the state’s health bulletin, Uttar Pradesh reported only 11 new Covid-19 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. The fresh cases came out of 2.26 lakh samples that were tested in the last 24 hours. As of Friday, the state government has conducted 7.42 crore tests, according to the data published by Uttar Pradesh’s health department.”
2.25 laKH is 225,000 tests. Covid is done there.
You ignore science. Same results in Africa by the way.
“ There are 5 published review papers from independent panels across the globe demonstrating the effectiveness of ivermectin, 27 randomly controlled trials that show large statistically significant benefits in reducing mortality. Numerous computer modeling studies have found ivermectin to have one of the highest binding affinities to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
As of August 8, 2021, the results from 31 observational controlled trials, including over 6,800 patients, found that treatment with Ivermectin reduced time to recovery, rates of hospitalization, and mortality- the latter finding best reported in the sophisticated propensity-matched study of Rajter et al. published in the major medical journal “Chest”.
Numerous cases series, most notably one published from the Dominican Republic in June 2020 where over 3,000 consecutive patients presented to the ER, were treated with ivermectin, and only 16 were hospitalized and only 1 died.
Probably most relevant to a doctor such as yourself, are the national and regional health ministries that employed either distribution or “test and treat” programs with Ivermectin: MEXICO CITY- The IMSSS Health Agency compared over 50,000 patients treated early with Ivermectin to over 70,000 not treated and found up to a 75% reduction in need for hospitalization;
PERU- A nationwide mass-distribution program called “Mega-Operación Tayta” (MOT), initiated at various times across 25 states of Peru in May 2020, led to a 74% drop in regional excess deaths within a month, with each drop beginning 11 days after each MOT region’s varied start times;
LA PAMPAS, ARGENTINA – Health Ministry compared over 2,000 patients they treated early with Ivermectin to over 12,000 without treatment and found a 40% reduction in hospitalization and 35% less ICU or death in older patients;
LA MISIONES, ARGENTINA – Health Ministry just analyzed the first 800 of 4,000 ivermectin treated patients and compared to the rest of the population over the same time period, they found a 75% reduction in need for hospital and an 88% reduction in death.
Finally, a published Meta-analysis entitled “Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19” was recently published in the American Journal of Therapeutics. The article included randomized and observational trial meta-analyses on the efficacy of Ivermectin for the prophylaxis and treatment of COVID-19. Recently, a study conducted by Elgazzar has come under scrutiny with accusations of scientific misconduct. While he has yet to have the opportunity to defend himself against these claims, these serious claims, his, the summary point estimates were largely unaffected when Elgazzar’s study was removed.
There is a now very well-established body of evidence for Ivermectin’s effectiveness from countless independent sources, so I struggle to see how you can claim this has been debunked. Who debunked it? Is it the same sources claiming Ivermectin is only a horse dewormer who’s human abuse has overflowed hospitals in Oklahoma? Is it the same sources claiming that Ivermectin isn’t safe, despite winning a Nobel Prize in 2015 as a human anti-parasitic drug, and who’s safety is rated higher than aspirin? Is it the same sources who are pushing for a booster vaccination shot, causing key FDA employees to resign b/c they feel it’s not empirically justifiable? Is it the same sources insisting children wear masks at school despite empirical evidence from other countries not enforcing masks at schools that show no proof of reducing the spread of the virus? Is it the same sources that said it was ridiculous to suggest we would have a vaccine by November? Is it the same sources that are silent when asked why someone with natural immunity should be vaccinated when the evidence shows their resistance to COVID is stronger than those who’ve been vaccinated? ”
Looks like another serial fail for Dr. Bloomfield.
The Irish Times – Covid: 54% of hospital patients with virus are fully vaccinated
Rising proportion of vaccinated people in hospital reflects greater numbers in population getting vaccines
About half of all Covid-19 patients in hospital and in intensive care are fully vaccinated against the disease, new figures show.
One-sixth of deaths of people with the virus since April have been categorised as breakthrough infections of fully vaccinated patients, according to Health Service Executive data.
More than one-quarter of ICU admissions since July were also breakthrough infections of fully vaccinated people.
The proportion of vaccinated people requiring treatment in hospital has been increasing over recent months, as the number of vaccinated people in the wider population has risen.
Vaccination has drastically reduced the overall number of infections and reduced the severity of infections where they occur. However, the number of breakthrough infections has increased as the population of vaccinated people has grown.
At the end of August, 54 per cent of Covid-19 patients – or 168 patients – were fully vaccinated. Some 44 per cent were not fully vaccinated, and in 2 per cent of cases, the vaccination status was unknown.
So according to the article in the Irish Times, nearly everyone in hospital has been injected though some are more injected then others.
The other interesting spin is that there is a large number of young people turning up in hospital but they are considered un-vaccinated and by this definition therefore only recently having a clot shot 1 or clot shot 2.
Maybe they caught Covid19 in the queue for the shot?
Oh well as the article says nothing un-expected here and old people die anyway.
Here is another thought! Most of these people who are sick in hospital are actually un-jabbed but have taken advantage of a black market in vaccine certificates. There, an explanation our Alinski Alumni can get their teeth into.
Uttar Pradesh in India is Covid free why ?
Your Dr Bloomfield talks BS ^100
The problem is the ‘experts’ are cogs in machine that is tightly controlled by the Medical ‘Industry’. The Medical Industry, controls its cogs, to maximize profit.
Medical Industry Profit is maximized when/because the general population is severe Vit D deficiency. All of the body’s protection systems and operating systems at a cellular level require Vit D to operate. This explains why cancer has never been beaten and more than one in ten Americans is suffering from organ failure. The solution, to chronic ‘illness’ like Metabolic Syndrome, which are never cured… is to correct the population’s Vit D deficiency.
The Medical Industry is also hiding the fact that Ivermectin is a one of the safest drugs every used and Ivermectin has been shown to reduce covid death rates by 86% (with the correct dosage) when given to patient early in the virus progression through the patient’s body.
The standard version of Ivermectin is not water soluble which reduces Ivermectin’s effectiveness. There is a new version of Ivermectin that has been modified to solve the insolubility problem. This makes Ivermectin 8 times more bioactive. Standard Ivermectin reduces the covid death rate by 86%. This optimized Ivermectin should be able to reduce the covid death rate to almost zero.
The same ‘experts’ are hiding the fact the general population of every country is severely Vit D deficient.
For example, 80% of the dark skin people in the US and in the UK., are severely Vit D deficient. Vit D blood serum less than 20 ng/ml. Optimum Vit D is a blood serum level of greater than 60 ng/ml.
Correcting the population’s Vit D deficiency would reduce the covid death rate by a factor of 3 to 5, and would reduce the general population’s ‘chance’ of getting most common cancers by more than 60%. It also would reduce the general population’s ‘chance’ of getting type 2 diabetes. In the US, 1 in 10 people, are diabetic or pre-diabetic.
Incidence rate of type 2 diabetes is >50% lower in Grassroots Health cohort with median serum 25–hydroxy vitamin D of 41 ng/ml than in NHANES cohort with median of 22 ng/ml.
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations ≥40 ng/ml Are Associated with >65% Lower Cancer Risk: Pooled Analysis of Randomized Trial and Prospective Cohort Study
Vitamin D Insufficiency is Prevalent in Severe COVID-19
Interestingly, Vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 share prevalence patterns for hypertension, diabetes, obesity, advanced age, and male sex (Table 3).
Vitamin D deficiency can contribute to our understanding of COVID-19 health disparities: is highly prevalent in dark-skinned persons (82.1% of African Americans vs. 41.6% overall).
In contrast, although U.S. homeless persons are generally considered to have poor health and decreased access to micronutrients that confer immune benefits, they usually have more exposure to sunlight, a key source of vitamin D production.
In Europe, COVID-19 has been severe in Italy, Spain and Greece, but much less so in Scandinavian countries – this precisely recapitulates Vitamin D deficiency data showing that Italy, Spain and Greece have Vitamin D deficiency rates of 70-90%, vs. Vitamin D deficiency rates of only 15-30% in Norway and Denmark.
Further, increasing antiinflammatory and immuno-modulating effects are being identified Our comprehensive narrative review of the “totality of the evidence” supporting ivermectin was published in The American Journal of Therapeutics in April, 2021 where we reviewed data on efficacy from a diverse array of scientific sources beyond just the randomized controlled trial evidence as illustrated in the diagram below.
25-Hydroxyvitamin D and Risk of Myocardial Infarction in Men
The proportion with breast cancer was 78% lower for >60 ng/ml vs <20 ng/ml (P = 0.02). Third, multivariate Cox regression revealed that women with 25(OH)D concentrations 60 ng/ml had an 80% lower risk of breast cancer than women with concentrations <20 ng/ml (HR = 0.20, P = 0.03), adjusting for age, BMI, smoking status, calcium supplement intake, and study of origin.
This Vit D deficiency ‘problem’ is worldwide.
Odd that the WHO does not ‘know’ about the world’s Vit D deficiency which is the most important factor plus their Zinc deficiency in determining covid outcome and ‘chance’ of getting ‘chronic’ illness like cancer. It is odd that the WHO does not ‘know’ what Vit D does in the body. Truly strange. Unreal.
It is not a ‘theory’ that our cells require Vit D, to protect the cell and organ using a biochemical immune response. Vit D is only used once by a cell and is then destroyed. Vit D is used by the cell to access the cell’s copy of our genome. Ten thousand genes have been identified that are ‘activated’ by our cells using Vit D. The cell only uses the Vit D when there is a stimulus like a virus attack or the detection of inflammation. When that condition happens our cells access their copy of the our genome to respond. The genome contains the ‘blue prints’ to construct the biochemical response.
It is amazing/tragic/weird. Vit D is and should be our primary health care system.
The Medical Industry has genetically altered mice to produce a genetically altered mouse that does not and cannot produce Vit D because those mice cannot activate their immune response. A mouse that does not and cannot produce Vit D … has no immune response and is used in experiments with drugs which require access to cells like viruses. The mice that cannot produce Vit D lose all of their hair and die early and get arthritis. The mice also shrink and because their internal muscle system is weak and lacks muscle. This makes the mice wrinkled. The mice that cannot produce Vit D, look sick, like old people.
It is a fact that Vit D is required by our body for all cellular protective operations. Every one of cells has a copy of our genome in it. Our cells access this DNA using Vit D to get the blue prints to build biochemical producing modules which for instance stop inflammation in the body which stops most common cancers.
The Vit D deficiency theory explains why covid is killing pregnant women who are severely Vit D deficient as gestating woman, must share their Vit D with their baby.
The Vit D deficiency ‘theory’ explains why covid is killing more than three times as many dark skin people as white skin people… In the UK. And all of those dying, are dying with hospital ‘treatment’ for covid.
Coronavirus Black African deaths three times higher than white
Coronavirus patients from black African backgrounds in England and Wales are dying at more than triple the rate of white Britons, a study suggests.
The Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) said a higher proportion of people from ethnic minority backgrounds live in areas hit harder by Covid-19.
However, they tend to be younger on average, so should be less vulnerable.
But the report found various black, Asian and minority ethnic groups were experiencing higher per capita deaths.
And after accounting for differences in age, sex and geography, the study estimated that the death rate for people of black African heritage was 3.5 times higher than for white Britons.
It added that for people of black Caribbean heritage, per capita deaths were 1.7 times higher, rising to 2.7 times higher for those with Pakistani heritage.
Worldwide vitamin D status
Europe Vitamin D status in Europe varies according to latitude, season and skin pigmentation. The serum 25(OH)D level as observed in different studies14–28 is shown in Fig. 1.
As visible in this Figure, serum 25(OH)D is higher in Northern Europe than in Southern Europe and higher in Western than in Eastern Europe.
The higher levels in Northern Europe were also observed in some multicenter studies in which one laboratory facility was used.1,6,8,29 The high serum 25(OH)D levels in Norway and Sweden are probably due to a high intake of fatty fish and cod liver oil.
The low serum 25(OH)D in Spain and Italy and Greece may be due to more skin pigmentation and sunshine avoiding behavior.
Risk groups This chapter shows that serum 25(OH)D levels are suboptimal in adults in many countries. Vitamin D deficiency is even more common in specific risk groups. Vitamin D deficiency is prevalent in pregnant women and their newborns.46,73–75
The highest risk was observed in black women and their newborns. Low vitamin D levels were also reported in children,76 esp. obese children,77 and in adolescents.5
Low vitamin D status in children and adolescents may be due to reduced intake or synthesis of vitamin D3 (e.g. being born to a vitamin D deficient mother, dark skin color), abnormal intestinal function or malabsorption (e.g. small-bowel disorders), or reduced synthesis or increased degradation of 25(OH)D or 1,25(OH)2D (e.g. chronic liver or renal disease).78
Older people have lower dermal synthesis, and especially older people living in homes for the elderly or nursing homes who do not come outside frequently, are at high risk of poor vitamin D status.53,79–81 Non-Western immigrants migrating to countries at higher latitudes with limited UV-B irradiation are at high risk because of more pigmented skin, the habit to stay out of the sun, the wearing of well-covering clothes, and a diet low in fish and dairy products.14,82–85
Non-western pregnant women show very low or sometimes undetectable levels.86 Large ethnic differences in vitamin D levels were reported in the United States, esp. between non-Hispanic white and non-Hispanic black people.68
William Astley. Good argument but can you explain how evolution has allowed vit D level to be low worldwide?
Just thinking…. Growing up we were taught sunshine is to be avoided. Sunscreens became very common. So, sunshine, which is the best vitamin D possible and has many other benefits, became avoided, to avoided. Yes, to much is bad. Yet 15 to 30 minutes is plenty.
Diet is alluded to in the post.
Mobility is another factor. In India indigenous population were progressively darker as you moved south. People move and live everywhere now. Far more people live very far from the equator in high incidence angle locations.
The fundamental flaw in our reasoning is that California, or any other jurisdiction, needs a good economy,
needs to grow, or needs to provide a good life for any but those holding power.
California can continue to flush fresh water to the sea to protect small fishies, leave unmanaged forests to
bur catastrophically, let some sections of cities become dystipoian as a paen to the looney tribal left, eliminate its agriculture,
and enjoy life as a feudal society. If a few million more middle class workers have to leave, ok the stress of caring for the welfare clients in the working poor is reduced. The iron triangle of the elite, the civic unions, and the subsidised can continue until the money
and goodies run out. The end has been well delayed by being attached to the rest of the US.
Leak Mead, at Hoover dam, provides a lot of energy and water to Ca. Soon it won’t. They have been lucky that the fires have been manageable, one year they may not. So far, neighbor states have been willing and able to make up grid shortfalls. History tells us one year weather will intervene. A quake won’t have to be “the big one” if it hits a fragile infrastructure in the wrong place.
Wealthy strong societies, like wealthy strong companies, when mismanagement takes hold, have large resources to sustain damage over
time and still show pretty; in fact you can build some triumphs amidst the ruins. An Olympic village in a poor country is a prime example.
But then a “knee” in the curve is hit, the slope of decline increases, and decay that has been happening for years and papered over
seem like a sudden collapse.
The California left is basking in a loss disguised as a win; they have recertfitied “more of the same”. They are spending nickels (five emergency gas plants for power) to patch generational problems (The Colorado river compact is failing; there are too many people upstream on the watershed to support a 100 year old deal).
This morning they are talking about finishing the bullet train; the Parkinson law of an organization in the throes of failure building its ultimate edifice as it dies.
Regarding the smelt.
Low water flow meant little to them as they are a brackish fish.
Their demise was caused by state policy. First the state brought in extensive game fish, and they ate the Smelt.
So the State, in their infinite stupidity, brought in Asian Smelt. Asian Smelt are more aggressive and proceeded to eat the dwindling numbers of native Smelt. They are not even certain if any Smelt are left, yet flushing water to the ocean continues.
Ya, build a train to nowhere when you have neglected water needs for decades.
It is incomprehensibly dark and mindless.
Is that Uncle Joe Biden’s favourite fish ?
observe who need to wear mask, keep distance and be forcibly medicated:
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi addresses rich maskless donors
Summed by the NY Post – Masks for waiters and servants — but not for AOC and the rest
Lost in all the marveling at AOC’s cheek and/or cheeks was that the peons at the event (which required vaccinations) were wearing masks, but the celebrities got to schmooze and kiss and hug and clink glasses without ever smearing their makeup on face masks. Does the Delta variant care if you were once on the cover of Vogue or had a hit song?
The Party of the People just can’t stop parading through places where the working stiffs Katie Couric dubbed “the great unwashed” are literally forced to hide their faces lest they exhale upon the primped and anointed.
Bolshevik Barbie — the Radical Chick, that humble Tesla-driving architect’s daughter from Westchester County who enjoys parking illegally behind the Jeff Bezos-owned Whole Foods in D.C. — cares only about the optics of whatever she’s doing. Which is another way of saying that, like Rihanna and J.Lo, she just wants to look good. However, to everyone but AOC’s fans, the optics were: Why do fancy people get to go maskless while the rest of us have to Pampers-strap our faces?
At the Met, suffering proletarian Morlocks in masks served Champagne to the elegant Eloi, took pictures wearing masks, pulled security wearing masks, even stumbled behind the royalty wearing masks so they could do things like hold up AOC’s train to keep it from getting dusty.
A sign posted at the museum entrance states plainly, “Face coverings for all visitors age two and older are required, even if you are vaccinated.” And everyone age 12 and up has to be vaccinated to get in. Party or no party, middle-class people and their two-year-olds have to mask up at the Met, but AOC does not, because a mask would spoil her look. All socialists are equal, but some are more equal than others.
The Masking of the Servant Class: Ugly COVID Images From the Met Gala Are Now Commonplace
While AOC’s revolutionary and subversive socialist gown generated buzz, the normalization of maskless elites attended to by faceless servants is grotesque.
The slated popn reduction for the USA ( presumably via vaccine ) drops its population to about 90 million, which is about the figure of those who are likely to refuse the clot makers.
WATCH: Masked Attendants Carry Unmasked AOC’s ‘Tax The Rich’ Dress As She Leaves Met Gala
Woman of the people: The cost of AOC’s Met Gala shoes could have fed an American family for a month
Even as a fellow social democrat, I found AOC’s dress was neither socialist nor subversive. The wealthy Democrats at the Gala would her found it amusing and in a perverse way, affirmative.
Reminded me of the 1960s and 1970s, when the wealthy 1% (especially in New York) would invite Black Panthers and others to upscale events. Radical Chic indeed.
AOC started off as a sassy and different rep from a little-known NY congressional district. She’s looking rather coopted and groomed these days – and one could suspect that she’s now firmly in the Democratic Party structure, because she needs them and their donors to continue her career path.
But I did like her frock, even though it didn’t shake up the establishment.
Did you like her covid mask , though ?
A paper bag would be better
I think AOC was raking in the donations, I wonder if it’s the democrats that need her for her donors, not the other way around…
Kary Banks Mullis discusses the PCR Test
“PCR is seperate from that, it is just a process that’s used to make a whole lot of something out of something. That’s what it is. It doesn’t tell you that you are sick and it doesn’t tell you that the thing you ended up with really was going to hurt you or anything like that.”
Like with all diagnostic tests, the clinician interprets the meaning.
Tilting at windmills Max.
So its based on someones interpretation?
MP… you ever been to a doctor?
Not for a PCR sample.
The people I know get the results from the lab. Thought the pos/neg came from detection by the ct. What’s to interpret?
The PCR test does what it does. It detects the presence of genetic material. Nothing else.
The test doesn’t send you a notification and make you isolate, that task is done by health authorities who act on the advice of clinicians. The test is just a lab procedure.
I know this. So it is open to interpretation, what’s to interpret, it is or it isn’t.
What ct would you consider a bit over the top. Honestly?
Every test ever done on anything is open to interpretation. All I see here is people attacking the test without any basis because they dislike the interpretation by the clinicians . The test does what it does very well.
What ct would you consider a bit over the top. Honestly?
No not any test I’ve done, AAS, ICP, XRF for minerals they are solid numbers. Any error is generally contamination in either sampling or preparation, this happens a lot due to poor sterilisation of the equipment. Numbers that are out from expectations are rerun as we do calculations, (in, out, in the middle) generally the rerun will be the same numbers, 99% of the time.
I trust my labs, not so much your PCR as I don’t understand how you could calibrate without the virus as the standard, how do you do this. The standards we use are known quantities and are for the range expected, (high low end) if the results are out side that range, recalibrate that range or adjust the sample dilution.
I ask you these questions, as you know your stuff, and I have faith in your honesty.
Was PCR used in the human genome project?
Sorry but all those tests produce estimates using a particular technique. The operator decides how to interpret the meaning. You interpret the numbers as being solid. You not the instrument.
ct, as discussed repeatedly is taken into account in interpretation.
PCR was used in the human genome project. It is kind of a silly question since PCR was also not integral (or at least not the main technique) to the project and elements of PCR were also used. The cycle sequencing methods of the time are pretty much PCR with modifications. Genomic sequencing uses a variety of non PCR methods now but PCR can be part of the process depending on what they are doing.
The human genome project would be proof of PCR function, we are seeing that Frankenstein reality emerging now.
What is this other means and why won’t we use this now, its better then PCR it appears as the hgp found the PCR less reliable. I mean the hgp would of definitely used the gold standard, DNA is DNA after all.
I understand ct, got a problem with the way it is abused.
The question GA, What ct would you consider a bit over the top. Honestly?
I get a number in ppm or whatever, based on dilution you use maths not interpretation. One solid number is not open to interpretation, it just is. The result is the result, but yes I do interpret if its relevant, but that does not change the result. Its a blip in the line. Actually nowadays it is uploaded directly to a model and the little people inside the computer tell me its bad.
Do you work with crispr as this came about with the hgp I suspect. May I ask what you did before forced isolation if it won’t let the cat out of the bag.
Simply a poor analogy. Even your Saint Fauci admitted they are useless if a positive result comes in at above 30 cycles. You appear to specialize in FALSE analogies.
What are you on?
“ What are you on?”
Horse paste.
Your argument, “ like with all diagnostic…”. is irrelevant tautology.
Each diagnostic tool stands on its own, it’s accuracy and results. At high cycles PCR tests are KNOWN to be NOT accurate, yet they keep running them at 35 to 40 cycles, and they ignored the normal methodology of determining what accurate diagnostic to use.
What I am is fed up with defending the indefensible. Ivermectin works! Vitamin D works! A host of other antivirals work. And the GOVERNMENTS denial has literally been cause to millions dead. So I will be neither gentle or overly polite. I am on a search for truth, even if it means people get prosecuted, because they should be.
TGA instructions are to run 35 to 45 cycles, so we know that means up to 45 cycles every time. Yes GA I know the detection can be at any point below 45, but the point is they will run it to 45 to get a detection.
This is backed up by the CDC’s moving the goal post for vaccinated being reduced to 28 ct.
To much dodgy manipulation.
You are in solitary confinement based on the ct only now, not symptoms.
This is false and I’m tired of debunking it.
I have both those papers on my laptop, which did not recover after the last blackout, but have put them up on this site a few times.
There is nothing to debunk.
Strange days indeed. People have survived 18 months of the most contagious, most lethal virus in history and know of no one who has died, then join the worlds largest vaccine trial and after a couple of months of surviving the vaccine, declare it a miracle drug. None of them have a clue what’s in it, yet signed a consent form stating they were informed?
Yet they have all stocked up on horse paste cause the vaxx is so effective, logic left this debate in March 2020.
How many more boosters. When will people wake up, the vaccination is not working….
The problem in Israel is the inequality between Israelis and Palestinians. Israel will not achieve herd immunity until they stop importing Covid with Palestinian workers:
Israel has not yet achieved herd immunity. They do not even rank in the top 25 vaccinated countries:
Palestine has very low level of vaccinations.
Singapore has a similar problem due to its high level of migrant workers (dormitory workers). They will keep importing Covid until the countries sourcing migrant workers have reached herd immunity.
The globe has achieved an infection rate under 1 mainly due to India and China with contribution from Europe and the Americas so Covid is on the way out but it will not be gone until all countries have eradicated it.
Report: 14 Israelis infected with COVID despite 3rd vaccine dose
9 days after Israel kicked off campaign for third vaccine dose, Health Ministry statistics reveal 2 people hospitalized despite booster shot
“2 people hospitalised despite the booster shot”
Why do I keep getting this thought? Maybe they were hospitalised because of the booster shot?
You cant achieve herd immunity with leaky vaccines!
No vaccine is perfect. Polio vaccine has similar efficacy to the current Covid vaccines and I think there are three boosters of a number of years.
All countries with vaccination rates above 80% of the population have achieved an infection rate under 1 against the delta strain with mobility similar to pre-Covid days:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhEcTDicpNALb40dJ
The link does not affirm your assertion. Heavily vaccinated nations are doing poorly, especially before the NH fall. The US has 100 percent more cases then one year ago.
All the early vaccinated are no longer protected.
The polio vaccines are nothing like the Covid vaccines and they combine fir immunity, something the Covid vaccine absolutely fail to do. What’s worse the potential for OAS is very high in a mutating Coronavirus
BTW, the positivity rate from testing in India using Ivermectin is .01 % ( only 10 percent vaccinated) verses 9 percent in heavily vaccinated US.
Rick, when the majority of the infected are vaccinated ( yes, after percentages and demographics are factored) your “ Palestinian people are preventing herd immunity “ does not factor hunt.
But isn’t the vaccine supposed to stop that?
Rick says, “ The problem in Israel is the inequality…”
I should have stopped reading then!
” the vaccination is not working….” Well certainly not working as planned or as Health Depts. claim. It certainly appears to give protection for the first four months, but after 5 or six months is either ineffective or possibly having a negative impact. The next twelve months may see more people expressing vaccination remorse. We wait and see.
“Guests will be permitted to enter with one dose of a COVID-19 vaccination for the Sept. 26 and October 3rd games.
“Starting on the Oct. 31 game, guests must be fully vaccinated for entry. Guests are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after their second dose in a two-dose series, such as the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines, or two weeks after a single dose vaccine, such as Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine,” a statement from the team read.
Interestingly, notable low vaccination rates in sydneys wealthy, well educated eastern suburbs….funny that…
Medical staff like drs etc appear to know what the score is.
From Friends of Science
Minnesota Appeals Court Holds Natural Gas Power More Environmentally Friendly than Solar and Wind
Minnesota Power and a Wisconsin firm, South Shore Energy, LLC, propose to build a 525 MW natural gas-combined cycle power plant in Superior, Wisconsin (at the far west end of Lake Superior, across the St. Louis River from Duluth, Minnesota). The two companies intend to buy for re-sale half the plant’s power output. The Minnesota Public Utility Commission issued a permit under a process governed by a “public interest” standard.
Environmental opponents of the plant challenged the permit application on grounds that investment in renewable energy sources would better serve the public interest than would this fossil fuel project. The Commission then conducted hearings and ruled in favour of Minnesota Power. The environmentalists appealed to the Minnesota Court of Appeals, which, on August 23, denied that appeal, stating that generation of power by natural gas provides “a more reliable and lower cost (including environmental costs) source of energy than the equivalent renewable resources.”
China warning a breach of duty – Trump has good reason to demand Milley be charged with Treason
The Australian Editorial
It would be hard to conceive of a more egregious act of treachery than for America’s top soldier wilfully to undermine a sitting US president and commander-in-chief with Chinese military leaders. Yet that, according to a new book co-written by veteran Washington Post investigative journalist Bob Woodward, is what US Joint Chiefs of Staff chairman Mark Milley did to Donald Trump. Not once but twice. Woodward and Washington Post national political reporter Robert Costa say in Peril, due out next week, that General Milley, appointed by Mr Trump, went behind his back to call his Chinese counterpart, General Li Zuocheng, who is also a member of the Chinese Communist Party’s central committee. The context, the authors say, was General Milley’s concern about Mr Trump’s mental state, which he feared could start a war or provoke a coup. The first call, they say, was made in October last year, shortly before the November
election in which Mr Trump was defeated. The second was on January 8 this year amid the crisis following the January 6 assault by Trump supporters on the US Capitol.
Dating back to the 1972 Watergate scandal surrounding Richard Nixon, Woodward has a solid reputation as an investigative reporter specialising in exposing presidential secrets. Mr Trump has good reason to demand that, if true, General Milley be charged with treason. Whatever view the chairman of the Joint Chiefs took of his president and commander-in-chief (he certainly was not alone in being concerned about some of Mr Trump’s actions), he had no business contacting Chinese or any other foreign leaders effectively to denigrate and subvert him. The oath General Milley took when he enlisted 41 years ago included not only a pledge to “defend the US constitution against all enemies” but also to “obey the orders of the president of the US”. If Woodward and Costa’s book is not the “fake news” fabrication Mr Trump initially said he thought it might be, General Milley’s actions are an outrageous breach of the US Code of Military Justice. The US law on treason defines those guilty of it as being “Whoever, owing allegiance to the US, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort”.
In rejecting as “totally ridiculous” the notion that he unilaterally would have attacked China, Mr Trump said he found it “hard to believe” General Milley would have called China “and was willing to advise them of an attack or in advance of an attack … that’s treason”. Mr Trump has a point, just as he has a point in demanding Joe Biden sack General Milley. If he is serious about the oath he took to defend the US constitution when he entered the White House, Mr Biden should do so. A freewheeling top soldier who thinks he is superior to the elected president and commander-in-chief and has the right to undermine the White House with China should have no place in the military hierarchy.
Yes, such a call would be treason. I cannot imagine General Eisenhower dealing directly and secretly with Field Marshal Rommel or General McArthur making a private call to Tojo, specifically to reassure them that the President will be ignored and they will get advance warning and time to make a preemptive strike.
And Trump is quite reasonable to say this is unlikely to be true. And would be treason if it is. However it will sell a lot of books.
We are not at war wi th China.
No, but we may very well will be if things keep going the way they are. The build of the Chinese military is not for some circus show. Neither is the renewed US, UK and Australia military alliance to counter China’s military build up and increasingly aggressive stance in the South Chinese Sea. These are not actions of peace but for war. Let’s hope cool heads prevail on both sides but if history is anything to go by, things don’t look so well at the moment and we are heading the way of war of some description. Recent Taiwanese anti-invasion drills are signs they will not give up without a fight if China decides to act. I’m hoping that China never does act on Taiwan but that’s increasingly looking like wishful thinking.
They won’t act on Taiwan, that is old world thinking, and Beijing is not surprised that the Alliance leader is going to upgrade its deputy in the South Pacific. This is the singular reason they pulled out of Afghanistan.
‘These are not actions of peace but for war.’
They only want back what the Europeans took from them, its not expansionary.
What did Europeans take?
My bad, it was that other mob.
So you ignore the civil war in China?
Taiping Rebellion?
You need to adjust your lagging version of reality. “Cool heads” failed to prevail the moment the CCP decided it would build reef fortresses festooned in long range strategic attack weapons, and unilaterally declared the annexation of the South China Sea, despite the very real and obvious possibility that would leading to escalating regional war, that can steadily expand into a world war. Or even faster.
That was the opposite of maintaining a cool head, stop falling for the CCP line, they’ve already massively over-stepped.
You are not at war with Australia either but your gov has one of ours in prison without trial for treason. Julian Assange is not American and never took an oath of allegiance, Milley is and did.
You sure about that David W?
Perhaps COVID is the first salvo? Or was that the ongoing trade war against Australia?
And what about their excursions into the South China Sea? Their lease of the port of Darwin?
Have you read Sun Tsu?
Dave B
“We are not at war with China.”
And never at war with Russia, but hanged traitors who passed secrets to the Russians. This is a cold war in which secrets are being stolen wholesale. And America was not at war with Japan or Germany until it was. Betraying your country does not require a prior declaration of war.
Since WW2 the US has been involved in quite a few spats, long and short wars of adventurism. Beijing has good reason to be concerned.
Evidence is mounting that Milley and others ought to be charged with treason.
Sebastian Gorka: Gen. Mark Milley must be arrested
Woke Milley’s Nuclear Coup
This is rapidly turning into a major crisis for the US. Even some Democrats are calling for Milley to be stood down. The proper course of action is the presumption of innocence while a thorough investigation is conducted into the insurrection allegations being placed upon him and Pelosi who have allegedly colluded with the CCP to bring down Trump prior to the election. Transcripts of the conversations between them and the CCP need to be examined for their accuracy. If such allegations are true then it’s a clear case of insurrection under the US Constitution. The consequences if true would very likely be prison time for both and possibly others.
No one elected Mark Milley
The general doesn’t belong anywhere near the levers of power that we the voters grant our elected officials
September 15, 2021
Milley reportedly held several phone calls shortly after January 6, with both Speaker Nancy Pelosi and with his counterpart in China. According to Woodward, the general gave assurances to Gen. Li Zuocheng that he would alert the Chinese to any possible coming attack, nuclear or otherwise.
There is no evidence President Trump was planning any kind of strike against China, or Iran, or Florida. No battle plans were being drawn. Miller supposedly took these actions after Trump signed an executive order removing US forces from Afghanistan. Woodward and Robert Costa write that Milley was concerned that Trump would ‘go rogue’ post election loss. Milley held meeting and phone calls without Trump’s knowledge and directed staff, ‘No matter what you are told, you do the procedure. You do the process. And I’m part of that procedure.’ Milley then went around the room to each general and demanded what the book is calling ‘an oath’.
The trouble is, Milley wasn’t legally granted any of these extraordinary powers. The chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff essentially usurped the chain of command and attempted to take civilian control of the United States military away from a duly elected president, simply because of his own gut feelings tinged with a bit of paranoia.
The larger problem at hand is that no one elected Gen. Milley to anything. It is not the job of the military state, or the intelligence state (James Comey) to override the governing authority granted to the president of the United States. We the people make those choices. If we the people decide to elect a brash gameshow host with a short fuse and no governing experience, then that is the choice we make, yes, even should the republic fall. Unelected bureaucrats and generals holding secret meetings with hostile foreign nations are the things that lead to actual banana republics and military juntas, not mean tweets and yelling at journalists.
Mendacity thy name be Woodward, though you’ve got to credit the jerk with knowing what sells.
What was this “January 6 assault by Trump supporters on the US Capitol”? I understood there were some protests, and that some people broke a few bits of furniture, and took some selfies after being waved into the buildings by security. The police or security guards killed an unarmed person, and a few people died from natural causes, with 120 plus injured in some way. Unless something serious happened that hasn’t been reported, to call it an assault is to belittle actual armed assaults on well defended positions.
how Kissinger’s network runs most US foreign policy
I saw Greg Sheridan on Andrew bolt’s show saying he basically supported Milley !!!
This announcement from Milley says Woodward’s book is correct. So Milley broke the law, but he must know no prosecution will occur.
This Colonel with Tucker Carlson clearly explains the role of Joint Chief of Staff and how Milley was breaking the law.
Greg Sheridan and Bolt are just another soft bread of Trump haters who refuse to admit there was significant fraud in the US election.
For example, when Greg said “Donald Trump finishes his astonishing term as president in utter ignominy. His behaviour since he lost the presidential election on November…” just goes to show he hates Trump.
They are of the old conservative guard who have very little imagination and even less sympathy towards true libertarianism. For example, both consider those who believe it’s their choice to refuse the COVID-19 vaccines as fools. No, those two are the fools for falling for the big con.
Abject lackeys mouthing the views of their paymasters? Bolt insists he’s his own man. I doubt Sheridan cares.
Regarding supporting Milley; Yes Trump was so dangerous that Middle East nations were lining up to recognize Israel. And the threatened terror attacks were greatly suppressed. And Korea was behaving. And China was making concessions. And Mexico was greatly reducing the illegal flow. And India deeply supported our President. And nations were lining up for bilateral and trilateral trade deals. And the shelves were full. And the US was energy independent.
The concept that ANYONE [including the President] could “press the button” in a fit of pique is absurd.
This is the only thing making us safe from Joe pressing it because he forgot what it does.
With Biden in charge, WWIII could be started because Joe wanted a coffee from ‘downstairs’.
I think maybe WWIII has already happened, right in front of us, like the gorilla in the basketball game.
The victors are pretty easy to see.
They control the information machine , so naming them will get you labeled … you know … a ‘theorist’.
The nice comfortable folk say, “oh they would never do anything like that”, and “who is they?”.
It helps if the casualties accumulate slowly.
“They” are good.
Forget nukes, their strategic weapon is their new super AI brains.
Long Live the Collective.
(We must first deal with those that are unwilling to assimilate, which will be a bit messy.)
Sorry, but have to say again, the vids I see of the Aussie police make think me think of the Borg drones or the robot cops in the movie ‘THX 1138’.
Professional, unemotional, banal enforcers.
You can walk right by them unnoticed unless the software is tripped.
Enforcing social distancing as they huddle in close groups.
Robots only get other kinds of viruses.
I heard an Aussie say, “you have to remember that Australians are descendants of prisoners, AND their jailers.”
I’m beginning to get it.
Its true that we were a convict colony in our formative years and it may have had an impact, but in reality its the waves of free settlers that have created the backbone.
It takes a generation to blend in, but most jump at the opportunity to be free and enterprising. The lockdowns should be over by Xmas and the whole world will cheer.
Police will then return to their normal duties post Covid and they’ll be relieved just like the rest of us.
Greg Sheridan never did due diligence on DJT or the Trump administration. He basically accepted what the MSM reported. I lost all respect for Sheridan.
My latest in the run up to COP26:
Carbon trading crunch time at COP26
By David Wojick
“The one big sticking point at COP26 is carbon trading. The trading scheme was supposed to be designed and adopted at COP24, as part of the Paris Accord rulebook. Did not happen. So it was the focal point of COP25. Still did not happen, in part because the radical alarmists despise trading as a cop out.
So now we have COP26. The other big issues are pretty fuzzy but trading is crystal clear. There either is or is not a formal system, so this fight will be fun to watch. In the meantime here is a brief look at why trading is so important and why it is a joke.”
Of course ships could go nuclear but the greens hate nukes as much as fossil fuels, if not more. That they have opted for chemical energy (batteries) is hilarious hypocrisy. Greens and toxic chemical batteries are strange bedfellows indeed.
But basically the huge amounts of fossil fuel burned by ships and planes have to be offset somehow. Welcome to the wacky world of carbon trading. This is the “net”in net zero.
Who needs the offsets is interesting. The rule is that ship and plane emissions are assigned to whichever country the trip originated from. Mind you that is just for one hop, as it were. If a plane lands or a ship docks then that country picks up the emissions for the next hop. I have no idea what happens if a ship offloads to another ship instead of docking. Note that the nationality of the airline or ship is irrelevant.
Given this complexity the bookkeeping is obviously wild. Plus in net zero world every ton of these ship and plane transport emissions has to be offset somehow, somewhere. A whole new well-populated field of accounting is born. So is a whole new field of fraud.
On the fraud side I here turn you over to my colleague Bryan Leyland, who is chairman of the economic panel of the New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. Here are some telling excerpts from a recent release of his:
So, to my knowledge, carbon trading is the only commodity trading where it is impossible to establish with reasonable accuracy how much is being bought and sold, where the commodity that is traded is invisible and can perform no useful purpose for the purchaser, and where both parties benefit if the quantities traded have been exaggerated. It is, therefore, an open invitation to fraud.”
Climate change: As Glasgow nears, get ready for the rush of hot air
Judith Sloan
Indeed, some non-government organisations recently called for the conference to be postponed – yet again; it was postponed last year – because delegates from “red zone” countries will be required to undertake hotel quarantine as well as be vaccinated. Alok Sharma, the British president of COP26, had to intervene to assure these delegates the British government would pick up the tab for the quarantining and would offer free vaccines.
The key question is: what can we expect from COP26? Will there be any breakthroughs or will it be a repeat of most of the previous 25 conferences that have taken place?
The British government even went so far as to declare 2020 a “Year of Climate Action”, while discovering one of the main measures it was proposing is unworkable. The strategy for gas boilers used to heat homes to be replaced by expensive heat pumps has been further delayed and there is now deep division within the British cabinet on the issue. (Home heating Britain accounts for about 15 per cent of its total emissions.) It also has encountered recent difficulties with its renewables-intensive electricity generation, with coal-fired plants being switched on and prices soaring.
When it comes to developing countries, a key disappointment has been the substantial shortfall in the Green Climate Fund established to fund them to tackle climate change. The amounts raised from developed countries – even from the US – have been small relative to the target of $US100bn ($136bn) a year.
But more fundamental than the failure of the fund is the fact developing countries don’t need to play by the same rules as the developed ones. China, which is deemed to be a developing country, a tag it won’t relinquish voluntarily, is the largest single emitter of greenhouse gases, accounting for nearly a third of global emissions. India is also a large emitter.
The distinction between developed and developing countries has also caused problems in relation to the integrity of carbon credits. In theory, carbon credits are an efficient way for countries (and companies) to offset their emissions; they can form the basis for workable market trading. The problem is there is little regulation and there are many dodgy offsets, mainly emanating from developing countries. One example is a menthol factory in India; others include funding green projects already funded.
The trouble is the developing countries don’t have any incentive to cancel these questionable credits, even though to do so would create a superior international market which participants could trust.
Going by the outcome of the Group of 20 meeting of energy and environment ministers in Naples earlier this year, there are strong reasons to think the outcome of COP26 will be disappointing relative to the objectives of the event.
Glasgow 2021
The endorsement for this event derives from vague linkage between events nominated as being “caused” by CO2 induced atmospheric disturbances and atmospheric CO2 levels.
There is unfortunately no scientific truth to the idea that human origin CO2 in the atmosphere can influence its temperature.
After the Sun has impregnated the earths surface with high energy UV radiation, at the end of the process there’s a small amount of remnant energy looking for a home.
Some parts of the radiation spectrum of this PW IR may be absorbed by CO2 and H2O in the first 30 metres or so above ground level but from there up to 11,000 metres or so the CO2 behaves strictly in accordance with the universal gas law, P.V=nR.T.
H2O has an additional mechanism not available to CO2 which cause rain and less frequently, hail.
It’s complicated but rest assured that the pinging you occasionally hear on your roof top is hail and Not the mythical photons that the UNIPCCC claims are being sent back to earth from the dreaded CO2.
The idea that human origin CO2 can cause Global Warming is a leg pull of exponential proportions, besides the associated get rich quick schemes attached to it, and will go down in history as one of the greatest scandals of all time.
But, we have all voted to continue to live in fantasy land, so that human progress can be delayed indefinitely and our “betters” can enjoy a fully paid holiday during which they can meet and discuss this topic without ever putting a foot wrong. There’s no truth to trip up on.
years ago I was talking with a retired farmer (now deceased) who commented on hard times in a drought. He struggled through but he was contemptuous of 2 neighbours who got into an EU Carbon Offset program. They went around planting gum tree seedlings and collecting money (via certificates). They were hundreds of miles from the nearest International Airport so “proof” was supplied by photographs.
No water was available so 2 years later they replanted saplings in the same holes and collected further payments.
When the drought broke they planted wheat in the same paddocks (it paid better with a good crop).
Here is another globalist think tank, (Chatham house) worth a look around and at their green plans. Heavily involved in cop26.
This is a 3D tour of the plan from 2021 to 2035, (& more) pay attention to the advertising and who is running the UK Gov, HG Wells makes an appearance
From Alex Berenson’s email feed:
“Britain has pursued a mass vaccination strategy as aggressively as any country. It approved Pfizer’s vaccine even before the FDA. More than 80% of Britons are now fully vaccinated.
But Britain is in far worse shape than it was at this time last year, when no one was vaccinated. It is now averaging about 140 deaths a day, roughly 10 times as many as mid-September 2020. And hospitalizations and deaths continue to rise.
81.3% of Britons have been double vaxxed, but currently there are 8340 Covid patients in hospitals compared to 1066 this time a year ago.”
Not correct – that figure refers to population aged over 16. There are 44M double dosed of 66M in the UK. I make that 67%. There is significant number carrying antibodies acquired naturally but not enough to give the >80% needed for herd immunity.
The delta strain had not emerged last year. In the peak of the delta before vaccinations, the daily deaths in the UK reached 1500. That was with mobility 60% down on normal. Mobility is now back near normal and deaths are 10% of what they were before vaccinations when the mobility was 60% down. That is a dramatic improvement no matter how it is sliced and diced.
At the peak of delta in January there were 40,000 people in hospital with mobility down by 60%. So now down to 8,000 beds with mobility just 7% below pre-Covid levels:
Rick missed…
“ 81.3% of Britons have been double vaxxed, ( yes, kids not included) but currently there are 8340 Covid patients in hospitals compared to 1066 this time a year ago.”
Rick made the good point that the valid comparison is between Delta cases / hospitalisations / deaths before mass vaccination, with the situation now, also under Delta. Taking a point “a year ago” is not useful – we need to compare like with like.
Of course you are completely wrong. Comparing now, post failed vaccines, to a year ago pre ANY vaccines, is extremely cogent.
Besides, Delta was completely predictable. Coronavirus mutates. We knew that.
The vaccines are failed in more ways then government can grasp power.
Like an alarmist arguing about global warming with icicles hanging of his nose.
Vaccines Covid vaccines good…just believe. These are not the hospital patients you are looking for.
🙂 🙂
One of the side effects of this pandemic has been a massive loss of trust in the institutions.
I was already cynical about the wisdom and integrity of some doctors after 25 years associated with the medical profession but now I have faith in only a few. The latest decision by the TGA and the constant aggressive push to vaccinate by the AMA are just reinforcing my opinion. Politicians are just ignorant but doctors have no excuse. When the mRNA vaccines were rushed out after two months, I was suspicious and thought they were worth an investigation. Why dont they set up an autoimmune reaction? Where are the two and five year trials?
Why are so many doctors being censored? Why are alternatives to the vaccine being suppressed? People have died in US hospitals because they were denied antivirals, some have even been refused transfer to another hospital where treatment was available!
What has happened to our medical profession?
The Australian used to be the newspaper of choice but now it is seriously biased in one direction. One cannot get a comment accepted if it goes against its editorial direction. Gave up on them!
I dont watch the ABC for news and only have a casual eye on free to air news, they all push the same line .. get vaxed!
That the US election had considerable fraud and Trump was denied his rightful reappointment is obvious to most informed people but when will it be exposed. Even the the Supreme Court was unhelpful.
Just a few examples.
Others seem to be having the same problem with doctors.
If it wasnt for this blog I would not of known of the importance of Vit D or the existence of doctors who would prescribe the Borody protocol. I am very grateful for the contributions on these pages.
Here is an example of what has happened to the medical profession. They are hamstrung by “guidelines” and hollow ideas like “best practice”.
Those ideas are likened to the airline industry with its ongoing quest for safety. But people aren’t jet liners. You have a book for the A320 or the B767 or whatever, but there’s no book for Brenda Spence or Robert Swan, so the doctors are being “guided” by a vague collection of averages. It’s absurd, but it suits the bureaucrats who can consult the guidelines and quiz doctors if they step outside of them. And it opens the door for reporters to stand in judgement of an oncologist who they reckoned wasn’t giving his patients as much poison as he should. And he ended up being suspended.
Doctors used to be encouraged to think for themselves from first principles of physiology, anatomy, biochemistry. Now, thinking for themselves is strongly discouraged. Guidelines rule.
Hi Brenda, You might find this interesting and it may answer some of your questions.
This is Reiner Fullmich German/American lawyer, and his third update as to what is happening and why.
He refers to the group behind this tyranny as ‘Mr Global’ ( WEF).
Since 1971 “Mr Global’ has been training his puppets.
In 1992 the ” Young Global Leaders Program’ was initiated. In the first class to graduate was Merkel and Gates.
Macron, Ardern, Trudeau and Kurz( Austria) have also been through the program. Along with many others.
It is through, concise and easy to understand. Well worth the time taken to watch this video.
Yes they don’t do themselves any favours when caught out like the 20 year old that they told us died from COVID in Victoriastan only the parents protested that their son died from a heart attack not COVID and had suffered a previous heart attack . The obfuscation from Sutton when pushed from reporters was obvious .
I recall a few weeks ago someone here quoted the Victoria state Covid Commandant who responded to the question are curfews necessary with such low case numbers with something like “that’s why case numbers are so low”. At the time case numbers were just a couple a day and the curfew had only just started meaning his response was illogical.
Well, here we are many weeks later and our 7 day stay home lockdown is still going and the curfew is still in place. Case numbers are now over 500 per day in an upward trajectory.
Premier Dan Andrews had been so scathing of New South Wales’ handling of their covid outbreak and the Victoria Chief Health Officer had claimed earlier this year we’d never see cases above 300 per day again under his watch.
I wish they had been right but right now it’s hard to tell whether the arrogance they appeared to have all over their faces was really egg forming.
The big difference between NSW and Victoria in the current wave is that NSW were smart enough to shut down public transport to prevent a super spreader event.
Victoria has learnt the lesson so public transport will be shut down to prevent a recurrence of such events – simple.
The main community problem with the dills who attend “freedom” rallies is that they are then unwilling to present for testing when they have symptoms. They end up so ill that they present to a hospital emergency department before getting tested. They are infectious for days in the community because they do not believe in Covid. It is just some evil government plan to confine the hoi polloi to house arrest.
What evidence is there that the freedom rally people are presenting to emergency and havent been tested? And what sort of numbers are you referring to?
Is this just a theory you have now following my suggestion that rally attendees probably wouldn’t get tested when you tried to blame the rally for increasing numbers in the 4 days following the rally? A time-frame which was too short for the numbers for any rally infection to show up in the data.
What evidence is there that they don’t believe in Covid? Are you talking a handfull of attendees or are you labeling all of them? People I know who are anti lockdown totally believe the virus exists.
Evidence, you don’t need evidence when you have MSM & Government sources.
Just assertions Strop, because it suits.
Why doesn’t Dictator Dan from Victoriastan just have trains and trams available for vaccinated people?
I don’t know where this is going, but there is a pretty solid argument (it seems to me) that the numbers would be much worse without the restrictions that have been in place.
I think the infectiousness of the Delta Variant has basically beaten the restrictions, so they are putting all their faith in mass vaccination. The incentive is that mass vaccination will lead to the removal of lockdowns as their main strategy.
The other bug in all this is differences between states, and the opening up of travel Won’t happen any time soon, I suspect.
Yes, I expect the case numbers would have been higher without restrictions. They’ve basically put us into lockdown with no end in sight except for the hope of achieving an 80% vaccs rate in some months. Plus they were so smug about how well they would handle it and criticised NSW but their result is a greater case number trajectory than NSW despite greater and some basically nonsensical restrictions.
The Case for Ivermectin.
Recently the MSM, under the guidance of The Ministry of Health, the FDA and CDC have embarked on a relentless attack on anyone suggesting using Ivermectin as a possible cure, or prophylaxis against Covid 19. However, if one undertakes even a cursory investigation of that available literature, and takes into account the evidence supplied by various experts in the field on video, one must come to the conclusion that at the very least it should be trialled along side other drugs in an attempt to combat Covid.
Ivermectin has been around since its discovery in the 1970s, see here for more detail ( , ) and has been widely used in many parts of the world to effectively combat a host of parasitic diseases. It is estimated that between 3 and 4 Billion people have been treated with this drug, and that it virtually has no serious side effects, even if overdosed. A comprehensive study on adverse reactions is found here and on overdosing here: Generally it is well tolerated unless you have a specific parasitic infection “ Loa loa”, (
Ivermectin is in the news as a large number of doctors have started suggesting it be used to treat and prevent Covid 19. However, there has been push back by the authorities as they claim sufficient randomised trials have not been undertaken. However, a very comprehensive paper on this has recently been released which indicates that many successful trials have been undertaken.
The most convincing argument for the efficacy of Ivermectin is the real world data that clearly shows a strong link between Ivermectin usage and Covid recovery or prevention. These links show the effectiveness of various drugs and their use in various countries This article was recently published on India’s successes
There are countless interviews with doctors that argue that Ivermectin works or at least should be tried.
There a large number of sites with more information on this but this is a good place to start
I’d be keeping my eye on India for data and Israel for a pragmatic response.
Eventually even the most pig headed and authoritarian bureaucracy will notice.
Uttar Pradesh India. Population 240 million. Population density very very high
“ Overall, the state has a total of 199 active cases, ( WOW) while the positivity rate came down to less than 0.01 per cent. ( WOW) The recovery rate, meanwhile, has improved to 98.7 per cent. As per the state’s health bulletin, Uttar Pradesh reported only 11 new Covid-19 cases and zero deaths in the last 24 hours. ( WOW) The fresh cases came out of 2.26 lakh samples that were tested in the last 24 hours. As of Friday, the state government has conducted 7.42 crore tests, according to the data published by Uttar Pradesh’s health department.”
2.25 lakh is 225,000 people.
US positive rate…
“ The 7-day average of percent positivity from NAATs is now 9.1%. The 7-day average number of tests reported for August 27-September 02, 2021, was 1,539,747, up 6.3% from 1,448,837 for the prior 7 days.”
And only 10 percent double vaccinated. Hard proof that the Vaccine was completely unnecessary.
Isn’t the media coverage since the AZ and Pfizer rollout amazing? Every piece, regardless of whether it is about a Covid death, a Covid survivor, lockdown, curfew, has the underlying ‘everyone must get vaccinated’ message annexed. Can someone offer any explanation as to why this vaccine push has been so relentless in the media? Is it a cross-contamination of execs at the head of media companies also on the boards of big pharma? Where do the social media giants fit in? I want the inside info.
How about this mob?
Two weeks after WHO announced the Covid-19 pandemic on March 11, 2020, Canada’s CBC reported that the Trusted News Initiative had announced plans “to tackle harmful coronavirus disinformation.”
“Starting today, partners in the Trusted News Initiative will alert each other to disinformation about coronavirus, including ‘imposter content’ purporting to come from trusted sources. Such content will be reviewed promptly to ensure that disinformation is not republished.” [xiii]
The media partners had now expanded to include Twitter, Microsoft, Associated Press, Agence France-Presse, Reuters, and the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism.
Where did the idea come from?
The BBC had earlier responded[viii] to a call for evidence from the House of Lords’ Select Committee on Democracy and Digital Technology, citing in its first footnote a June 3, 2019 BBC blog entitled “Tackling Misinformation.”[ix]
The first point of that blog referred to a pre-pandemic March 3, 2019 BBC news report that anti-vaxxers were gaining traction on social media as part of a “fake news” movement spreading “misleading and dangerous information”.[x]
The initial Trusted News partners in attendance were the European Broadcasting Union (EBU), Facebook, Financial Times, First Draft, Google, The Hindu, and The Wall Street Journal.
I think there are three reasons:
(1) It’s correct, and the science-based position held by all authorities
(2) The Delta Variant is beating other strategies (long lockdowns)
(3) Governments face re-election, and they know they can’t crush economic and social activity forever
No media organisation – or even individual rogue commentator – is going to push an anti-vaccination argument, and which to leads to even more lockdowns and more cases. The mainstream view is mainstream for a good reason.
In other words, bullying and coercion stop people from discussing the wide range of opinions that we would expect to see with any new contentious complicated therapy.
Hey TT. Did you ever think that when you write things like that readers can quickly ascertain that the opposite of what you write must be true?
(1) It’s
correctdubious, and thesciencepolitically-based position held by all authorities(2) The Delta Variant is beating other strategies (long lockdowns).. they haven’t tried IVM, so they don’t know.
(3) Governments face re-election, and they know they can’t crush economic and social activity forever.. but they are sure going to try !
Im convinced Tilba is a bot, as nothing resembling common sense seems to permeate his scone, instead you get boiler plate pro vax nonsense while ignoring the massive ivermectin proof already presented in this topic.
FYI – the covid lie is almost been wrung dry, so a war is coming….
TT’s only purpose is counter-factual misinformation.
He knows it… and everyone else knows it.
Tilba, your number
1. Is manifestly wrong. About 20 percent of the planet now supports antivirals like Ivermectin.
2. Variants that beat the vaccines were entirely predictable and predicted.
3. Yet they are. “ four weeks to flatten the curve “. ( Here we are 1.5 years later, no end in site, ignoring the antivirals cure right in front of your nose. Economic activity is surviving on the heroins addiction to funny money stimulus shots, yet another booster doomed to fail.
No inside info but there is often three step reasoning.
1. We have to do something.
2. This is something.
3. Therefore we must do it.
If you wish to understand motivation you must take a detailed look at actions.
* Ivermectin – Safe and effective. Proven in numerous third world countries and DOZENS of Peer Reviewed studies as an effective covid killer. – CENSORED
* Falsely portray one of the safest drugs in history used on 3.5 billion humans as unsafe horse medicine. POLICY
* Hydroxychloroquine – Proven Effective at early stage COVID and as a preventative. Used worldwide for the off label use of fighting arthritis. – CENSORED
* Various effective vitamin regimens (including zinc) – CENSORED
* Use of steroids and anti-inflammatory to treat bad cases – CENSORED
* Ignore thousands of Doctors and successful PHD immunological and viral specialist warning of observed and potential harms. POLICY
* Punish, debase or marginalize said scientists and Doctors. POLICY
Approved treatments:
* Remdimsivere – Causes slow heart rate and kidney failure in up to 10% of patients. – PROMOTED.
* Sending infected home with ZERO treatment plan and telling them to call you back when you have trouble breathing. POLICY
* Ventilators – Statistically more likely to kill you than not being on it – PROMOTED
* Not allowing you visitors while you waste away in a hospital without a valid treatment – PROMOTED
* Taking the most deadly vaccines created in history and then vaccinating groups that have a higher risk of dying from myocarditis CAUSED by the vaccine than from the actual disease – PROMOTED
* Approving novel experimental vaccines while giving blanket immunity from all vaccine caused harms. POLICY
* Ignore that the 4O percent a month drop in antibodies from the leaky failed vaccine, given to billions, is guaranteed to produce vaccine resistant mutations. POLICY
* Ignore that the vaccinated are MORE likely to become asymptomatic disease spreaders and stop or reduce testing them. POLICY
* DIVIDE society and blame the unvaccinated despite overwhelming evidence of failed vaccines and deadly vaccine harms. POLICY
* Continuing flights from Infections source, China. PROMOTED
* Approval of experimental novel vaccine without verifying ADE or OAS potential. POLICY
* Ignoring negative health, LONG TERM extreme economic and happiness consequences of lockdowns. POLICY
* Ignoring natural immunity and giving hundreds of millions of people unnecessary unhelpful proven harmful experimental vaccines despite the fact that they already have longer lasted broader and true immunity. POLICY.
* Ignoring fresh air, deep breathing and Sunshine as an effective preventative to Covid. POLICY
* Set up Bill Gates as a figure head to support vaccines for all despite the fact that he promoted vaccines as a path to Eugenics. POLICY
* Give ILLEGAL vaccine mandate exemptions to postal workers, the NBA, Congress and Judges. POLICY ( why, how is this justified)
Rickwill’s link in 1:2 about India’s uncounted death rates is interesting. Looking at it I thought some of those normal death rates seemed a bit low? India’s average death rate per thousand people, pa, is 7.3. Precovid, Ghazipur district’s 7/2019 to 3/2020 death rate is listed as 1600, and I wondered how many people actually live there. There turns out to be about 3 500 000. So those 9 months should have had a death toll of about 19170?, so they must have had a really great year in 2019 to only lose 1600? They list deaths as 19700, so 18100 as covid19!
I doubt you will see many numbers out of India that reflect reality. The idea that reliable end to end processes and data recording exists widely there is wishful thinking. At best you might be able to see trends.
Which is why you go to positive Covid testing results. ( Also remember that numbers are relevant to each other, meaning if methods stay the same and numbers change, the change us real.) I researched Rucks comment and it was extreme exaggeration, highlighting a few select areas Deaths were not 41 times higher. Total excess mortality was about 190,000 and not all of that was Covid related. So back to Positive Covid Test results. They dropped extremely dramatically to .01 percent. And they are 10 percent vaccinated. And Rick is wrong, many in India do not trust western medicine, particularly vaccines, and for good reasons related to Bill Gates.
The ivermectin success story is very real and undeniable.
Not saying anything about Ivermectin, just saying if you think numbers out of India can be relied on you are most likely kidding yourself. If you find numbers you like, thats good.
So you are ignoring test positivity results but trusting governments that vaxed unaffected populations.
Bumped from Tuesday Open
More pro-IVM
And more CDC “data diddles” re flu
“The anomaly in the flu data is easy to explain. For decades the CDC has been padding the Flu death data by adding in the pneumonia deaths and calling them “flu related”. So for decades the Flu death numbers have been overstated by a lot. I used to have a link to the ONE CDC page that broke the numbers down, but they’ve moved it and made it much harder to find. So Instead of the 50,000 or so “flu” deaths that we were told about every year it has always been more like 1000. Since they had to use the pneumonia deaths to pad the covid deaths last year they had to remove them from the flu death count.”
recent chronology of the US pro-China faction (or why Milley went rogue)
You too can tweet to PRC armed forces chairman (Milley’s pal) on twitter
I checked Lucknow randomly. Graph gives 9 mth death toll pre covid, as about 6’5-7000. With their population of 3 765 000, the numbers should be around 20 600. It still gives excess deaths of 15 000, but 525% is fanciful.
A new series coming to your screens, sometime in the twenty first century.
Season 1 Little Ivi is found wrapped in swaddling cloths, on a golf course in Japan. She is taken home by a kindly old man, who cares for her as she begins to grow. But she is soon too much for him, and he has to adopt her out. She is taken in by Merck, who, when he recognizes her gifts, begins to train her to help care for his livestock. Ivi is soon proving to be so successful at wrestling with their animal’s assailants, that she is allowed to tackle human adversaries, and she shows such promise and strength, that it is decided to let her take on the third world’s evil, Worm Gang. She flies to Africa, and then South America, and in the deepest jungles battles the Worms…..CRASH!… BANG!…. KAPOW!… Ivi’s super strength, and precision techniques, leads to a decisive victory over the Worm Gang, and she is lifted high by adoring crowds, whose blighted lives she has saved, and to the world’s acclaim, she is draped with a Nobel Prize.
Season 2 Ivi has returned to Gotham City, and while resting from her exertions, does some extra- curricular courses, on the powerful Virus Gang, that has been in control of large parts of the city forever. Suddenly the Virus Gang makes a breakout, perhaps helped by the nefarious Medical Industrial Complex, threatening the lives and livelihoods of Gotham’s residents. Ivi steps forward, but the evil corporations have prepared, having corrupted all the news services, and they turn the city against her, with blanket falsehoods and lies. Ivi is soon covered in so much slime and sneers, that she can barely move, but some clear-sighted doctors manage to yank her into an abandoned building, and lovingly clean her soiled clothes. They introduce her to Zinc and Doxi, who will prove to be stalwart allies in the coming battles, and they begin fighting for the lives of the forgotten and desperate, in dark corners, and hopeless hovels. Meanwhile the dastardly Medical Industrial Complex celebrates with their crony Virus Gang, watching the riches rolling into their vaults, as they toast another never- ending chronic illness.
Season 3 Ivi and her friends are quietly toiling away, battling the Virus Gang, individual by individual, while wondering why the words, treatment, and cure, have been banished from the language. Slowly other allies come forward, and tiny cracks begin in the mainstream narrative. The clear-sighted doctors manage to slip cortical steroids into the system, and then Mono arrives, and he is surreptitiously rolled out under the radar, giving help to people suffering the disease’s ravages; who, rather than being treated, are only being used to whip up fear. In an attempt to clear her name, and to get some clear air, Ivi decides to try her hand against the deadliest gang man has faced – the Cancer Gang! She teams up with new allies, and in her first skirmishes proves a match for her loathsome foe. She has grown into the most dangerous drug the world has ever seen ………… …………………………………………………………………… the Medical Industrial Complex’s profits. A huge reward will be offered to anyone who can take her down.
To be continued…
Thanks Furiously+Curious,
have downloaded 1 page PDF for future reference with Oncologist
I wouldn’t mind if they took their crap technology with them as well instead of humans cleaning up the mess that these jackasses leave behind.
One of the spit upons.
Meanwhile Australia stumbles towards a supposedly coal-free future.
At 6.30pm last night, wind and solar delivered a whopping 4.3% of the peak demand of 27,000 MW, while coal delivered 63%.
Can someone “tell ’em they’re dreamin'”?
“A coal free future”,
And all for nothing when the atmospheric CO2 levels have no effect on the final temperature reached by the atmosphere at the end of each day, month or millennium.
If CO2 was totally absent from the atmosphere it would make absolutely no difference to the dreaded “atmospheric temperature”.
That’s the physics, thermodynamics and full integrated analysis of the matter: as far as temperature of the atmosphere is concerned, CO2 is Irrelevant.
The real question is why this fact has been heavily suppressed and misrepresented and now being wrongly linked to bushfires.
Think of the advances our society has missed by dancing around in circles to the tune played by the IPCCCCC.
Report: Young People Are Suffering ‘Climate Anxiety,’ Majority Think ‘Humanity Is Doomed’
A growing number of young people are combating “climate anxiety,” and a majority 56% think “humanity is doomed,” according to a study published in Lancet Planetary Health Tuesday.
According to the study, which authors claim is the most comprehensive study in the world analyzing “young people’s fear about the climate crisis,” 45 percent of 16-25-year-olds said, “climate-related anxiety and distress is affecting their daily lives and ability to function normally,” Vice News reported of the study.
Approximately 10,000 young people were surveyed across ten countries, 60 percent of which said national governments are “betraying” the present and future generations by not trying hard enough to save the planet.
Fifty-six percent of people surveyed said they agreed with the statement that “humanity is doomed, “and 75 percent said the future is frightening.
Here is the percentage broken down by country of young people who believe “humanity is doomed.” (Notably, some of the world’s top polluters, like Russia and China, were not included in the list.) :
Australia: 50 percent
Brazil: 67 percent
France: 48 percent
Finland: 43 percent
India: 74 percent
Nigeria: 42 percent
Phillippines: 73 percent
Portugal: 62 percent
UK: 51 percent
US: 46 percent
“Our children’s anxiety is a completely rational reaction given the inadequate responses to climate change they are seeing from governments. What more do governments need to hear to take action?”said Caroline Hickman, co-lead author on the study from the University of Bath.
Both the UK and the U.S. have very little faith in their governments compared to other countries to fend off the supposed ravages of climate change.
“Only 28 percent and 21 percent of young Brits and Americans thought the government could be trusted when it came to the planet – whereas 51 percent of Indians had faith in the authorities,” according to the report.
Co-founders of Climate Psychologists Megan Kennedy-Woodward and Dr Patrick Kennedy-Williams developed a list of recognizable climate anxiety symptoms — anxiety which the report’s authors called an “inescapable stressor.”
“Climate and eco anxiety blanket over a wide range of emotions that the climate crisis can provoke,” Kennedy-Woodward said. “Guilt, anger, grief, despair.”
“It can result in social withdrawal, sleep or concentration issues, to name a few. Clinically speaking, for younger children we aim to support parents to have meaningful and productive conversations with their kids,” Kennedy-Williams added.
In order to soothe apocalyptic fear, Kennedy Woodward suggested young people “lean into self-care” and “take social media and climate information breaks,” Vice reported.
According to the report, the authors of the study hope world governments realize how fragile climate change has made young people feel “rather than expecting young people to handle it alone.”
The study’s authors wrote:
This is what worries me!
“Suppression #6: Worrying Evidence of Pathogenic Priming/ADE
During early mRNA clinical trials, cats, ferrets, monkeys, and rabbits have experienced Antibody Dependent Enhancement (ADE), also known as pathogenic priming or a cytokine storm. This occurs when the immune system creates an overwhelming, uncontrolled inflammatory response upon being confronted with the virus in the real world, and then dies.
The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, has carried out over 40 autopsies on people who had died within two weeks of vaccination. Schirmacher was alarmed to cite on August 3, 2021, “rare, severe side effects of the vaccination – such as cerebral vein thrombosis or autoimmune diseases”.[liii]
On August 5, 2021, Israeli Dr. Kobi Haviv, at the Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, reported that “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated…85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people…We are opening more and more COVID wards…The effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out.”[liv]
Dr. Robert Malone, inventor of mRNA technology, has explained that the susceptibility to ADE is greatest precisely during the long phase in which the vaccine tapers off: “The vaccine in its waning phase is causing the virus to replicate more efficiently than it would otherwise, which is called Antibody Dependent Enhancement,” adding that all previous coronavirus vaccine development programs led to ADE.[lv]
It is essential that informed consent for Covid-19 vaccines include notification of the possibility of ADE, especially with regard to parents, whose children should be protected at all costs:
“The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent.”[lvi]
How many people receiving mRNA vaccines have been told this? Certainly their Trusted News Initiative has not told them. ”
From this article. Great summary.
And this
I sure hope and pray they are wrong but I doubt it.
Could be a good reason to choose a conventional vaccine like AZ rather than the new ones.
Why is AZ exempt from ADE, OAS, etc…
“conventional”? seriously?
AZ is not a conventional vaccine. Please look it up. It is a viral vector vaccine with an mRNA content.
Your new have been around longer then your old.
What’s the ingredients in your beloved clot shot, after all you signed the consent form.
It’s a tricky thing informed consent when one does not have a decade of previous use to work from.
Supposing the worst happens in respect of ADE then it will the the set of Australia’s Chief Health/Medicine Officers that goes in the dock; the premiers will emerge stinking but scot free.
I don’t believe so. Informed consent consists of two elements: to be informed and to consent.
The medical mafia have suppressed crucial information in full knowledge of the implications of that act, while the premiers and their cronies have overridden consent by overt coercion for their own reasons.
They are all as guilty as each other, and as far as I’m concerned are guilty of crimes against humanity and should be despatched accordingly.
If I can dream
Hi Peter. I see the link leads to youtube but what’s the video about?
Some info describing the content would be great. Thanks.
Just a small diversion from the current malaise of the climate change and pandemic alarmisms.
I also like the one below. Today with so much hatred, confusion, misdirections, divisions, and rumours of wars, one could learn a few things from this song: Empire Of The Sun – Alive (Official Video)
Haha, a “diversion” doesn’t really describe what it is.
At least with the 2nd one you’ve said it’s a song and I can see which one from the link name.
From that I can guess it’s a song called If I Can Dream
I noticed something interesting about a number of countries that have very high vaccination rates and have achieved herd immunity:
Can you work out the key common factor?
Hey Rick, can you please check the link? I get a 404 not found, page doesnt exist result.
Anyway, is there a prize for working it out or should you just disclose your observation?
I have placed the image on OneDrive, It should work now:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhEcTDicpNALb40dJ
We have no way of knowing what their treatment protocols are.
The common feature is that they are not English speaking so do not see all the anti-vaxx nonsense promoted in the anglophile. They have just got on with the job of jabs in arms with the obvious outcome of rapidly declining cases with business close to normal.
It is the opposite of the current trends in the high GOP voting States in the USA. Can you find a Blue state in the current top 10 weekly death rate in USA States?
Thanks for solving the link issue.
Nice theory but it doesn’t fit with Iceland because they speak English better than the Scots and Irish 😉
Back to the drawing board.
They might be able to speak English as most Europeans are but they are not part of the anglophile that is exposed to the rabid anti-vaxxers that infest that domain.
Rick – “rabid” is another way of impolitely describing people with a definite view.
“Rabid” implies uncontrolled and insane, but as has been amply demonstrated, the smart ones are the unvaccinated ones because they understand the vaccines are dangerous. Unless of course not committing slow suicide by vax is “insanity”?
Rick Will bloviates, “ Reply
The common feature is that they are not English speaking…”.
Wow, amazing WRONG assumptions! At least 25 percent of the NON ENGLISH speaking population now supports Ivermectin and now KNOW that the antivirals are superior to a deeply flawed failed vaccine. Yep, India, Japan, parts of Indonesia, 1/2 of Africa, mouth of Mexico, etc…
The fact that you trust ANYTHING from the current US government speaks to gullibility.
You could name a boat –
Page doesnt exist!
Why God Created Dogs
Pets are a reminder to balance joy and grief. A fond farewell to the world’s greatest dog.
By Karl Rove
Sept. 15, 2021
Just after 10 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 4, Little Bit Rove, the world’s greatest dog, passed from this life to the next. She apparently had an arrhythmia from birth and despite the best efforts of Dr. Julie Page of Palisade, Colo., and her Valley Emergency Pet Care colleagues in Basalt, Little Bit’s loving heart gave out. She’d have been three in November.
My wife Karen and I had been without a dog since our border collie Nan died in August 2015. On Christmas 2019, Karen decided it was time. Her gift was a promise: I could pick out a dog from a nearby hunting preserve.
So Little Bit traded up, moving from a crowded kennel and the converted barrel in which she slept to a giant suburban home with doting parents. It was February 2020, just before we were all locked down and separated from family and friends. Little Bit’s arrival was fortuitous. Who knows what our mental health during Covid would have been like without her?
A great traveler, Little Bit loved riding in cars—any car, actually, which proved to be a challenge. Every open car door was an invitation to jump in. While riding in the back seat, she did two things with equal delight: observe the scenery and then fall asleep until delivered to her destination.
For 18 months this loving, joyous spirit was a big part of our family. On vacation the Saturday before last, we slept in, Little Bit wedged right up against me for warmth. We went for her morning business, then she ran cheerfully through the hotel to report to Karen and snuggle more, rising after a while for breakfast. A few minutes later, she went into convulsions. She recovered somewhat on the frantic ride to the vet’s but was gone within the hour.
I’m no theologian, but believe God grants us pets to encourage us to give and receive unconditional love—to see loyalty personified and to remind us that we must balance joy and delight with loss and grief in this transitory life.
Karen and I are so grateful Little Bit was part of our family, even for a short while. She’ll always be in our hearts. RIP, LB.
C.S.Lewis said something along the lines of (not an exact quote because I can’t remember it) if Love is eternal, then a loved pet who has shown love lives on despite death. I believe that to be true and why one feels such grief at the loss of a loved companion pet. RIP your Little Bit. May you meet again.
At the sadness of our last dog’s death we vowed “Not again”.
When the kids grow up a pet fills a void so we eventually we drove 300 km to pick up a “rescued” dog. It sat unmoving on the Lady’s lap coming home, terrified it had been so mistreated, and has been inseparable from her since.
As my Lady fades I thank that little dog every day.
And the bloody electricity reader won’t enter the property.
Message to Karl Rove if he sees this.
Old Ozzie, one thousand thumbs up to your sweet heartfelt post. We had a 10 pound package of unconditional love for 18 years. She kept with her head on my heart daily. She gave up the ghost in November 2020. A short poem…
My Lorelei Die
Semper Fi – Lorelei
David A,
Having grown up with dogs and had 2 lots of Beagles when the kids were growing up, losing my dogs always hit hard and had resisted getting another dog
But live-in Daughter rescued a Female Beagle Puppy – now 5 months, bit schizophrenic and typical Beagle escape artist and food eater, but gorgeous, has settled in well with the 7 of us and is pure joy.
Karl Rove’s article in the WSJ struck a Chord
From the Comments
Is it by chance that “dog” is “god” spelled backwards? Dogs are truly God’s gift to man.
Relative humidity is the major driver of temperature and not carbon dioxide.
The story seems to be more CO2 increases plant conversion efficiency so they produce less water and that is causing reduced humidity causing increased temperature!
Isn’t the less convoluted way of stating that is increasing atmospheric CO2 causes increased surface temperature?
I still have grave doubts that any global temperature set is showing a trend outside its error margin. The only reliable temperature measurement comes from the tropical moored buoys and they show now trend since they were commissioned.
who gave 8 red thumbs to that quite eloquent comment?
Again, I haven’t jabbed that one, but the middle paragraph may be attracting people’s attention.
More CO2 doesn’t raise atmospheric temperature.
Peter, despite my propensity to naysay Rick, I did not red thumb it. However it is never wise to conflate Luke warm warming by whatever means, with CAGW. So I give the CAGW crowd very little, as they will take far more then a mile.
Yeabut increased green coverage [fact] increases total transpiration.
G’day H,
But the net growth of plants suggests that there is more photosynthesis by them than transpiration. Hence a net uptake of water??
Dave B
If you have the same amount of water vapour in the atmosphere, and the temperature rises, then the relative humidity drops
The writer has thing bass-ackwards.
The author Motes defends his hypothesis in comments and is not wholly convincing.
Has anyone tried importing IVM from, say, India though customs? The first price I found was $3.50 ea.
There is no shortage of exporters that I can see.
The TGA seems to be advising against it without saying it is banned:
Risks of importing Ivermectin for treatment of COVID-19
23 August 2021
The Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA), part of the Department of Health, has detected increased importation and prescribing of Ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. Ivermectin is a prescription medicine that is not approved in Australia (or in other OECD countries) to prevent or treat COVID-19 disease, and should not be imported for this indication.
The TGA strongly discourages self-medication and self-dosing with Ivermectin for COVID-19 as it may be dangerous to your health. There is insufficient evidence to validate the use of Ivermectin in patients with COVID-19.
Ivermectin is indicated in the management and treatment of infections caused by parasites, such as mites and worms. In Australia, Ivermectin has been approved for the treatment of roundworm infections, scabies and inflammatory rosacea.
Antiviral efficacy against COVID-19 and improvement to clinical outcomes from Ivermectin have not been proven.
I has decided you don’t need it, based on the liars at Rollingstone and social media, listen to the science. They make it up as they go.
Oral ivermectin also has the potential to cause severe adverse events in persons, particularly when taken in high doses that have recently been described in social media and other sources for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 infection. These include, for example, severe skin reactions accompanied by fever, chills and aching muscles, severe blisters and bleeding in the lips, eyes, mouth, nose and genitals, worsening asthma and swelling of the face, legs, ankles and feet.
I have drunk two litres of water today, I better lay off before my d!ck starts bleeding.
That’s for oral ivermectin, could try a pour on 1ml per 10kg down your back line, you need to wait 42 days before presenting for slaughter. (think that means before going to the doctor)
I use ausmectin, I think its alcohol bases as opposed to oil based, you could mix it with orange juice.
I am not a doctor and the above is not medical advise.
Have Noramectin for the cattle. Here ready & waiting – for the cows if they get any sign of COVID, of course!
G’day Vicki,
I’m sure you’ve got it under control, but for newcomers I suggest they they recall that a cow is a bit heaver than a human, and recommended dosages are on a per kilogram basis.
The recent local case of overdosing experienced unpleasant symptoms, was hospitalised, but was discharged within 24 hours.
Dave B
I think she knows that, and can read the instructions on the bottle.
Be nice if cattle were born full grown, (not so much for mum) I do my calves at a week, paralysis tick is an issue for me, and the little buggers spend most of their day hunkered down in the grass.
Per kilo is per kilo.
And still the TGA doesn’t say whether ivermectin is effective or ineffective against the virus.
We’re told by the MSM that the mail is being examined and ivermectin seized; I’ve further been advised that the authorities would be keen to take a sledgehammer importation charge to a suitable patsy, you know make an example of somebody to put the frighteners on the public at large. Wonderful country Australia.
They missed mine. As far as I can tell ,the “posession”of this is not illegal.It is the supply without a prescription that is the defining event.They have not mentioned any diffentiation between veterinary and theraputic supplies either.
That’s what I suspected.
CO2 is death? Ocean acidifcation. Pollution. Death to Phytoplankton?
Then you read this in the Australian/
“Smoke from the 2019-20 bushfires in Australia caused an explosion of life in the Southern Ocean that was equivalent to turning the entire Sahara desert green.
Research published on Thursday in Nature journal has found that total carbon dioxide emissions from the bushfires was 715 million tonnes, twice as much as previously thought.”
And while they talk in terms of the phytoplankton dying so ‘capturing’ the evil carbon, the reality is the complete opposite of the doom scenarios. Massive growth in chlorophyll organisms in the oceans, the primary source of food for all ocean creatures. And the source of half the world’s oxygen which has to be continually replenished.
So the take away message? Massively more CO2 is fantastic for life on earth! More CO2 means a greener planet, more food for everyone including the fish, prawns, crabs, krill, whales, tuna, people.
And the other message? CO2 is rapidly, immediately absorbed by the vast deep oceans. To get to the phytoplankton which live from just below the surface to 200 feet deep, the CO2 has to enter the water. We are told CO2 absorption is a very slow process and impossible for fossil fuel CO2, which is nasty stuff. But highly soluble, highly compressible CO2 knows better than ‘scientists’. You can see a vast forest of green phytoplankton and the Pacific ocean which covers half our planet is having a party. Now watch for the explosion in fish.
Finally, extra CO2 not only does not kill the phytoplankton but feeds a whole ecosystem which is utterly dependent on sunlight, water and CO2. But every scientist knows that. Surely?
And when you consider the ‘massive’ bushfires and the shutdown of all cars and planes has not even shows as a blip on the CO2 graph, clearly that is because it is all absorbed so quickly by a system in rapid balance which seeks equilibrium. Exactly why mankind cannot change the amount of CO2 in the air for long or ever. If CO2 goes up steadily, that is because the ocean surfaces are slightly warmer. Simple physics of dissolved gases.
Good news and its great to see the original inhabitants inadvertently assisted in the practice. Ice cores tell a remarkable story.
“The computer simulations of fire show that the atmosphere of the Southern Hemisphere could have been very smoky in the century before the Industrial Revolution. Soot concentrations in the atmosphere were up to four times greater than previous studies suggested. Most of this was caused by widespread and regular burning practiced by indigenous peoples in the pre-colonial period,” said Jed Kaplan, Associate Professor at the University of Hong Kong and co-author of the study.
Seems the early Portuguese explorers referred to Southern Africa as Terra dos Fumos
Stunning video. Thought-provoking insights.
German lawyer Dr Reiner Fullmich, goes into the findings of The Corona Investigative Committee 15th Sept.
Great summary of the covid scam but you need 40mins.
After watching this……I think we have all been conned!
I know they have all been conned. We are immune.
Let’s see if I have it right:
The protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn’t protect the protected.
You must have been trained by Sir Humphrey Appleby!
A positively powerful procurement of provocatively powerful prose!
Back at cha:
A lovely lilting alliterative line.
It’s not the responsibility of the un-vaccinated to protect the vaccinated.
That is the vaccines job!
Kristine Keneally: sailed in from an isle, and foisted on Fowler
The Mocker
Scotland Island, where federal Labor frontbencher and senator Kristina Keneally resides, is about as far away as you can get from the electorate of Fowler while remaining within Greater Sydney. That she is willing to leave her affluent and idyllic retreat to serve as its local member is testament to her devotion to public duty.
The shift both in distance and demographic is significant. In fact, the degree is such Keneally should for her campaign use a modified version of a song from ‘The Proclaimers’ to illustrate the effort on her behalf. “And I would sail from Scotland Isle / And I would walk from the North Shore / If it means I save my tush I’ll push that Fowler girl right out the door.”
The local woman in question is 30-year-old Tu Le, migration lawyer, community worker, and Labor Party member. The child of Vietnamese immigrants, she grew up in southwest Sydney, living in a flat. As she said this week, it took her years before she was open about her humble origins. Earlier this year she decided to run for preselection in Fowler. She has the support of the incumbent, Chris Hayes.
But evidently that means naught given Keneally’s determination to secure the Labor’s endorsement for that seat. Unkind and ignorant commentators have criticised this decision, saying she has nothing in common with her would-be constituents. This is incorrect. For example, Keneally, like many of Fowler’s immigrants, comes from a very dangerous and strife-torn place, in her case the NSW Labor’s right faction. If she does not make the move to the lower house, she will be relegated to third spot on Labor’s NSW Senate ticket, which would render her unelectable.
But surely Le must appreciate that to earn preselection one’s resume must reflect a history of serving the community in leadership positions. For example, Keneally herself did not gain preselection for the state seat of Heffron until she was 33, having joined the Labor Party three years before. Furthermore, she spent six and half years in parliament before being handed the premiership of NSW, her entire ministerial experience at that stage consisting of two and a half years’ service. It’s called doing the hard yards, you see.
When announcing her intentions on Friday, Keneally declared: “I have always made the choice to step up and fight”. Always? That is one questionable adverb. In March 2011, on the eve of the NSW election which resulted in her government’s massive defeat, she scornfully referred to “blokes who … want to curl up in a ball in the Australian Labor Party”. She would not fold, she maintained. “But if I’m elected again as the Member for Heffron … I will serve them for the next term of government,” she said. Having given this undertaking to her constituents and being duly returned to her seat, she gave Heffron the heave-ho only a year later.
and this is hotel quarantine
shows the reaction from the cop threatening to gas the guy that was apparently edited out from the MSM
pure madness, where is the empathy
Afternoon all,
In today’s Daily Telegraph, on page 71 in the hard copy, Tony Shepherd, Chair of Venues NSW has authored an article “Let’s get on with the job”. It seems to me that it’s following a theme common to many “vaccine” supporters.
His rather strong position is apparently based on an unstated quartet of false assumptions:
#1 That the “vaccines” are safe;
#2 That they are effective in stopping individuals from being infected;
#3 That they cannot pass on the infection to others; and
#4 That there is no alternative solution available.
But he doesn’t raise any of them when he says, rather terrifyingly:
“The recovery plan is not that complicated.The primary goal is rightly universal vaccination of the population including children with the exception of the few with medical exemptions. ”
Dave B
Spooky indeed.
It goes further Mark. When the protected and the protected mingle, they need the protection of a mask to stop the transmission of the virus that they are protected from. Furthermore, the protection is only effective when five or less of the protected are practicing protective measures together in an outdoor setting. Oddly though, the protected are perfectly safe in indoor environs as long as they are eating, drinking, or seated. Once the protected stand or stop consuming, the protection is gone and the mask is required as a further layer of protection from both the protected and the unprotected.
It’s really quite simple.
Afternoon again all,
There’s another story of interest, this time in “Today’s Paper” in SMH today, Thursday, September 16:
Daniella White
A doctor infected with COVID-19 visited three nursing homes in Sydney’s west while potentially infectious .
A Nepean Blue Mountains Local Health District spokesman said the fully vaccinated doctor attended …”, naming the 3 institutions.
In case you miss it, the words “fully vaccinated” appear.
And they’re basing a “Vaccine passport” on this? And mandatory jabs to get a meal or a coffee at a table?
Dave B
More Spin,
The Doctor was POTENTIALLY INFECTIOUS. He/She was apparently fully vaccinated. In what was was he/she sick?
Peter, the same way everyone else was dangerous, a positive PCR test.
Could be a false positive. If not, he contracted CV even though fully vaccinated.
Two top NDA scientists resign and publish letter in “The Lancet” advising against Covid vaccine booster shots.
Following the link by BruceL to an earlier source, this gives a more complete story of the 2 FDA vaccine bosses who have just resigned and dumped on the whole vaccine scam before they left. The rats are leaving the ship before it goes down.
It’s starting to crumble.
If they KNOW of great wrongs, and are simply leaving without whistleblowing, they are also libel.
Reason 40 men were caught brawling with swords, axes and knives at night in a suburban street is finally revealed – after a man’s hand was almost SEVERED during the attack
– The brawl started at 10.30pm Monday in the south Brisbane suburb of Runcorn
– Forty men wielding poles, bats and clubs were allegedly involved in the melee
– Eight men required hospital treatment – including one with serious injuries
– Police will allege the motive was a ‘power struggle’ between two groups
Fifteen men linked to a 40-person Brisbane brawl where bamboo, swords, axes and knives were used as weapons have been arrested by Queensland Police.
The fight, which took place on the city’s southside, erupted on Daw Road, Runcorn, about 10.30pm on Monday, police say.
Police allege the cause of the brawl stems from a ‘power struggle’ between two groups from the same area of worship.
Their investigations will address the behaviour of the Indian Sikh community and how the situation escalated to all-out conflict.
At no point is it acceptable to meet in an open street with the level of weaponry that they had to solve whatever their issues were,’ Act Spt Tayler said.
‘We are actively engaging with senior members of that community to ensure that we understand what was behind it, but also to make sure that nothing progresses from this point forward.
‘The tensions and the issues that are within that community, we will do our very best to assist (with).
‘However, some of those issues are very much for them to resolve. For us it’s about ensuring that none of that then escalates to criminal behaviour.’
Witness Craig Merwood said one man appeared to have had his hand almost severed in the wild melee.
‘They were here to kill each other,’ he told The Courier Mail.
‘They had big metal rods or poles, they had crowbars, they had those big swords with hooks on them.
Oh come on, its not all that unusual. Australian suburbs have always been awash with pitched battles , especially with those big swords with hooks on them. Not a problem , after all diversity is our greatest strength. I wonder how that ex footballer and his family in Brisbane are going after they got vibrantly diversified at home.
Australia has cancelled the French submarines. Now planning to acquire 8 nuclear power submarines – fuelled for life. A new AUKUS alliance:
ScoMo has to deliver the bad news to Marcon. I guess it will be an expensive – no thanks.
One thing for certain, the new vessels will never be welcome in NZ.
Stuff NZ,
They are our close cousins but NZ was not threatened in WW2 as Australia was. When the New Zealand Prime Minister, David Longey said the US Warships could not visit NZ ports ANZUS became AUS. AUKUS should be ANZUKUS, but it can’t happen while Jacinta is the PM. Maybe down the track.
Anyway good news about the Subs. Maybe also the start for a Nuclear Power Industry in Australia.
Please.. They could sail into Auckland Harbour and no one would know…. Too busy doing Haka’s and renaming stuff to notice a submarine lurking about…..
Message to State Premiers and Territory Chief Ministers.
End the Lockdowns Now.
Unlock Australia.
Having had the AZ Wu Flu jab and currently having ongoing bad reactions I wish I hadn’t got it. Will be cancelling the booster. People have to be able to make the decision individually.
What reactions?
Anti Covid treatment might be helpful against the vaccine.
Vit D, Vit C, Zinc, Quercetin, maybe Melatonin and low dose aspirin ( be careful with the aspirin)
low dose aspirin ( be careful with the aspirin) – Cartia is OK
Or Spren.
Is Melatonin available in Australia? I thought it wasn’t.
Melatonin is available and legal over the counter for those over 55 since June 1. For now anyway.
If you can’t find it in a local chemist, check out online sellers. eg.
(I think iherb might even ship from a NSW warehouse, at least my order did.)
I have purchased Melatonin from
China property bubble is a test for CCP members (property hides their wealth), so will they let the free market dictate the outcome?
‘An overheating property market represents a significant threat to economic and social stability in China. To avert a crisis, Xi must prevent the nation’s property bubble from popping and subsequently wiping out the wealth of ordinary Chinese citizens. How Xi responds at this critical juncture will impact his legacy for decades to come.’ (The Diplomat)
Variously described as the world’s biggest property developer or China’s second biggest company I accept that it is BIG. Moodys and Fitch are downgrading them to junk.
China developer Evergrande suffers second downgrade in two days
Search domain
September 7, 2021, 9:19 PM · 2 min read. Embattled Chinese property giant Evergrande on Wednesday suffered a second credit rating downgrade in two days, raising …
But showing up on that search is this:
China is cracking down on some of its largest companies with regulatory stings wiping hundreds of billions of dollars off their market value.
From technology, to education and property – it seems no sector is safe from Beijing’s far reaching tentacles.
In true fascism one always knows who works for whom.
China is communist in name only, our biggest trading partner is a fascist regime. Our iron ore price is falling like a rock as Xi tries to fix the problem before his reputation is profoundly damaged by free market forces.
One thing that has NOT been discussed…
Will the internet crash?
With the massive supply chain disruptions and shortages, parts are scarce or not available.
Now think about everything that is running off of this platform.
I’m more concerned about food shortages. If you haven’t already stocked up then now is a good time to do so just in case.
Cook Strait doesn’t look too friendly for sailors:,172.050,7,i:pressure,m:cxUakZd
I worked with AirSea Rescue near Wellington (Mana Island) for a while. I can attest to how windy Cook Strait used to get.
And at Wellington Airport they had steel ropes – they tied the planes down when it got breezy. It was 108 knots there one day (1975 or 1976). They also put up steel bars on the footpaths, to stop the punters being blown into the streets.
I think the communist Ardern has just resigned her country from the ANZUS Alliance.
Jacinda Ardern bans Australia’s nuclear submarines from NZ waters after being left out of AUKUS
Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said New Zealand would not change its nuclear-free stance in the wake of the AUKUS pact.
It will be a very long time before we get the first new sub. So a lot can happen between now and then. So, her stance is irrelevant.
The time scale is irrelevant NZ has had a free ride on defence. They’re with us or agin us.
They have a TOTAL of 49 aircraft the bulk of which are choppers or trainers. I knew they were bludging but this is ridiculous:
Little changes in 50 years. I went on exercise with 10 Sqn to a base out of Aukland [I am not going to attempt to spell] and on the rest day the RNZAF flew us visitors to Rotorua in a clapped out Bristol Frightener and a Dak. Their busses were wartime. I have never seen such a Mickey Mouse outfit outside of Disneyland.
But I liked the Kiwis, they were cheerful. 😀
I had a similar experience when we went to Rotorua on a work trip. The people in general are friendly, the politics stink a lot worse than Rotorua.
Hanrahan was asking if anyone had imported Ivermectin from India. When it became obvious that our Health Bureaucrats were controlled by “Big Pharma” and Queensland’s Jeannette Young banned doctors from using Hydroxychloroquine to treat Covid-19 I acquired Chloroquine tablets from Singapore having taken them successfully for malaria prophylaxis for over 25 years on engineering projects in Papua Niugini.
When Professor Borody showed that Ivermectin was a better treatment I imported 12 Ziverdo kits from India for $85. They use Borody’s protocol of Ivermectin, Doxycycline and Zinc. So far I haven’t had to use them but when the virus gets into Queensland I will do so. I have had both AstraZeneca jabs because it is obvious that they will be necessary for overseas travel. As they only have a 76% success rate it is only a matter of time before the Ziverdo becomes necessary.
I am enjoying the TGA threat of legal action against MP Craig Kelly because it is exactly what he wants to publicize the fact that the TGA evidence that Ivermectin doesn’t work is badly flawed and used his Twitter account to highlight Professor Robert Clancy’s Quadrant article “A Sad and Shameful Day for Australian Medicine”
Interesting I have tried to order received the following as I had checked PayPal as payment method
Thanks you for placing valuable Order with us.
We will send you the payment Instruction in the mail within 24 hours.
Thanks for your order. It’s on-hold until we confirm that payment has been received. Here’s a reminder of what you ordered:
Strange – that was 11 September – do they mean postal mail rather than email?
I await if I ever hear further – and if successful, would Thugs & Goons Administration have them confiscated
‘An ABC (America) news fishing expedition on Facebook took a startling turn over the weekend, after a reporter asked readers to share stories of loved ones who died of Covid after refusing or delaying to get the vaccine.
Instead, thousands of readers reported of loved ones who died after vaccination and, even worse, dying from adverse reactions to the vaccine.’
Good riddance to NZ…I hope they Kow Tow to the CCP, and then see how long they last as an independent country
Rhetorical Multiple Choice:
Which answer is correct …
A. Biden, 2021: Ten Years Left For Planet Earth
B. Prince Charles, 2019: Climate change: 12 years to save the planet? Make that 18 months
C. Worst, most fraudulent apocalypse. Ever.
Bonus Question:
If the planet only has 10 years left, does that mean The Obama/ Biden presidency failed to slow the rise of the oceans?
A. Yes
B. No
Another agricultural chemical for the TGA to bugger up?
Seems monensin (rumensin) is under investigation as an anti-covid
Cattle and chook fodder this time
Covid19 vaccine name changes
General Milley Rides Through Streets Of Beijing Shouting ‘The Americans Are Coming!’
BEIJING—General Mark Milley was heard last night riding through the streets of Beijing, desperately warning the Chinese with the clarion call, “The Americans are coming! The Americans are coming!!”
“Hey look, those Chinese generals are my buddies, they deserve fair warning—I’ve known them for ten years now, and they are always so nice to me. They were super supportive about that whole Afghanistan withdrawal thing—those friendships are more important than some job,” explained General Milley, America’s highest-ranking military officer.
“I mean—they aren’t close friends, we don’t get together for poker or anything. But we do sometimes exchange funny memes and nuclear codes. We also play that game ‘Battleship’, but I use the actual coordinates of the 7th fleet, which adds that element of realism which makes it more fun.”
How accurate is this!
This is at genius level. Meanwhile, on the front page of The Oz today are these.
How to deter China from invading Taiwan
‘Irresponsible’: China blasts nuclear subs deal in Australia, UK, US ‘forever partnership’
It’s a dangerous world out there and it’s not getting any safer.
Wow! So much the lying puppet media painting the unvaxxed as the cause of the vaxxed peoples woes..
I went through the first 5,000 or so and yep…
I saw some of those horror stories, I can’t believe that these are ignored by everyone.
Tony Heller posted this in today’s mailout. BabylonBee inspired?
There’s a song by ZZ Top to go with that link:
Channel 7 news will tell us all about ivermectin. “Reputed” to treat covid, tonight.
Clive Sinclair, he of the Spectrum ZX home computer has died at only eighty-one years of age.
The nuclear-powered sub strategy (AUKUS) is pretty close to the absolute worst thing that the idiot Scotty could have done. And the absolute worst Australian treaty arrangement for a century.
Firstly, there is nothing about the geophysical position of the Australian continent that means that nuclear-powered submarines are the slightest bit useful.
But mostly it is a more deeply philosophical one.
We are inextricably tied – for our entire long-term future – with nations like Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Vietnam, and China. This is our long-term future – for both peace and prosperity.
To hook up with the “White Team” idiot lunatics (Johnson-Biden) in London and Washington is absolute lunacy … we have no visceral links with those white guys. None at all.
Scotty from Marketing is sending our country into poverty – and there was absolutely no reason to do it – unless you’re a completely stupid happy clappin’ bible bashing white racist. As he is.
What a tragedy.
Thank you Tilba. Since President Xi is so grumpy about this (as I can see in your comment) obviously this was a winning move by Australia.
“Big Trouble In Big China”
As the collapse of Evergrande reverberates throughout the Chinese economy, pissed off retail investors have gone from storming the company’s headquarters to taking management hostage, according to the Straits Times, citing posts ‘making the rounds’ on social media.”
More at
If you’re stupid enough to buy a Chevy Volt you’d better have a large open area to charge the clueless piece of crap.
GM is recommending you stay away from any other cars or buildings or garages or …..
And when it does burst into flames you’ll have to wait hours before it can be extinguished.