A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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If this link works, a very relevant article:
Point #9 is especially relevant.
V t I
Thanks Vlad,
Wish I’d known of his work much earlier.
Dave B
“Point #9 is especially relevant.”
Thanks for the link. Fortunately I was able to see “Cosmo: a personal voyage” presented by Sagan on the ABC. His Cosmic Calendar was particularly memorable.
I thought point 1 especially relevant as it is so often neglected.
Interesting that four cowards (as of the time stamp of this posting) gave a thumbs-down to an article by a recognized Physicist (Astrophysicist), who succinctly states in his Point #9 about a lack of falsifiability in scientific endeavors.
If you’re taking flak, you must be over the target, eh?
V. t. I.
Hi Vlad, his written list of points is good but I have only a vague recollection of his T.V. shows and material presented.
I do recall that I only watched a bit of his T.V. work; there was something about his shows that I found difficult to relate to.
Maybe the red ticks we’re a result of people recalling his TV series and showing they didn’t find him believable.
Point #9 is highly relevant but I haven’t ticked one way or the other.
Does anybody else recall the T.V. shows?
Carl Sagans Cosmos was a very popular series 8n the 1970s. Can’t remember exactly.Saw some episodes.
1980 in the US and bit later here in Oz. Only remember due to a major life event at the time. Cosmos was the start of the “billion, trillion, zillion” phrase in our house after listening to Carl talking in big numbers. My wife then converted this to a simpler Eno_million whenever she means “lots”
Cosmos was a very decent, ‘middle-school’ (what we Yanks call 8th grade; students are about 13 – 14 years of age) level science program, designed to bring much of scientific inquiry to the level that almost anyone was able to understand.
In some circles, Sagan was lampooned for ‘dumbing-down’ science, and I suppose that there were times/places that he simplified stuff too much. Then again, I recall him doing some segments that fringed on Ph. D. (or DSc, in your parlance) level thinking. His goal was to make Science popular, or ‘kool’ for kids, and even adults. I cannot judge the success or lack thereof, I only know that he deserved credit for trying.
On a personal note, you should know that Sagan and I were at opposite ends of the political spectrum; that did not, and does not, diminish my admiration for the man, and his work. If you’ve ever seen the movie Contact (Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey, Tom Skerrit), in the ending scene, Jodie Foster is sitting near a desert cliff (ostensibly near the VLA), and the scene fades out; then appears the words, “For Carl”. It is always at this point, I lose my composure, and shed a real tear. For the beautiful story. For the wise author who wrote it. For the important life taken from us too soon. For the lifework dedicated to Science.
So, if you do not like Sagan’s points in the article, then have the courage of your convictions to write a rebuttal, and sign your handle to it.
Otherwise, get stuffed (and yes, as a Yank, I do know what that the means on your side of the Pond).
V. t. I.
I used to subscribe to a publication called ” OMNI ” sometime around then. Generally easy to read science fr9m the same stable as ” Penthouse ” – same format without the pics.( girl₩
Was also a subscriber. Issues are online now if you feel like a blast from the past.
“Does anybody else recall the T.V. shows?”
Yes indeed very strange. Carl Sagan is one of my scientific heroes, and his Cosmos series was one of the most influential programs I saw as a young person.
Every nutter and conspiracy peddler should take heed of his lessons on science, facts, and evidence … let alone logical thinking.
The Ascent of Man by Jacob Bronowski – from about the same era – was also very influential.
I don’t care at all about the red thumbs. When I get a bunch – which is fairly frequent – I generally know I’m right on the money.
[ Snip – LVA ]
Mr./Ms. Tilba^squared:
It seems to me that you missed both #2 and #9. CAGW proponents have shut down any possibility of debate/discourse on the subject by stating flatly, ‘the science is settled’, thereby making the hypothesis of human-caused climate change something which cannot be falsified in any way.
Your own hero [“Carl Sagan is one of my scientific heros, … “] is telling you that you’re on the wrong side of the issue, yet I see post after post after post extolling the “scientific” viewpoint that humans are causing whatever climate change is taking place. The geological record is clear: there is no relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide and Earth climate, on any time scale. There once was a chart produced by Bill Illis at Anthony’s (link has since gone dead); I once sent a copy to Jo and the mods, and understandably, she was reluctant to post it, not being able to verify the original source material (that material is largely based on Zachos, Royer, and the Berner & Kothavala data). While I have it on my own computer, I do not know how to insert such a chart into a post.
Mods, e-mail coming your way.
V. t. I.
Surely you’re not suggesting that TT is being self contradictory?
Hard to believe.
Reply to Tonyb
Keeps trying to make pointless points, in this case only highlighting his/her own cognitive dissonance and malfunction.
“Every nutter and conspiracy peddler should take heed of his lessons on science, facts, and evidence “
And yet there you are , hanging onto the AGW meme, despite knowing that you are totally incapable of producing any actual real science, facts or evidence
Just the same rancid unquestioning non-science “belief” in a cover-all meme that apparently causes all climate.
You get red thumbs because you have drifted so far to the left of reality that there is no hope of you ever returning to a rational viewpoint.
“his Cosmos series was one of the most influential programs I saw as a young person.”
It might be damaging to Mr Sagan’s image to be assessed on the basis of your comments.
Ah, ha…
Trying to stay sane here.
A political sense of proportion.
## 2,866 people died from suicide in Australia in 2016.
## Diabetes : Australian deaths in 2018; 16,700.
## 2019 there were 1,195 road crash deaths.
But the only one that requires vaXXination is;
CV19 deaths approximately 1,000 in one and a half years.
So ignore the rest, especially the horrifying diabetes problem and drive the country into the most horrific social, business and educational crash imaginable to give the appearance of “fighting and crushing” CV19.
For the survivors of this WHO, U.N. war on Australia, the mental health ramifications are going to be massive.
Our politicians, or PoliMeds, are tragically All in this Together.
Are they kidding.
I’ve just been told that very few people die of Covid who have been fully vaccinated, while anyone who says very few children die from Covid gets debunked (and banned from social media and publicly shamed) by a single example of a child dying. Pretty sure that being under 18 is much more effective at protecting you than being fully vaccinated.
The USA has had 131 children under 5 died from it for the whole pandemic (until 8/8) and 292 5-18 year olds. I can only find stats from mid July where it was reported that 750 fully vaccinated people have died from Covid.
And reports of individual states having 50-100 deaths despite fully vaccinated. There must be a few thousand.
Not saying that vaccines are completely ineffective (there are 500 deaths a day in the US, so a smaller percent are fully vaccinated than the the percentage of adults fully vaccinated in the US) but don’t get conned into thinking that the media are guided by facts rather than an echo chamber.
399 patients currently on ventilatiors in Louisiana (see 3.3)
For a state of only 4.6 m people that is high
`but don’t get conned into thinking that the media are guided by facts rather than an echo chamber.”
The media are far from alone in being guided by an echo chamber rather than facts
However those that have views different from those of a particular echo-chamber are very often vilified by the denizens of that echo-chamber because those different views challenge their ingrained prejudices.
Well, as predicted, we may see a second “pandemic” which like this one, is orimarily designed to get a DNA altering drug into people.
Could the globalists “solution” be a binary agent?
Vax 1 and vax 2 reasonably non lethal separately, but both combined?
“Introducing… the MARBURG VIRUS.
“Earlier this week, as police fanned out across the streets of Paris going table-to-table in cafes to check people’s Covid papers, and as the Australian military deployed to the streets of Sydney to enforce extended lockdowns, the World Health Organization announced a brand new outbreak of the “Marburg Virus” in West Africa.
“Marburg is yet another highly infectious virus, and one that the WHO has classified as the highest level biological threat– “Risk Group 4”.
“(By comparison, SARS-Cov-2 is a lower, “Risk Group 3” biological agent.)
“Marburg comes from the same virus family as Ebola. And, while Covid-1984 has a roughly 1.7% fatality rate according to CDC data, the limited data from the past 20 years of Marburg cases shows a fatality rate of 85%.
“One person died from the Marburg virus in Guinea last week, and authorities there estimate that 145 people may have been in contact with him and potentially exposed to the virus.
All the (under-reported) vaxx data you could ever want …
4.6 m people in Louisiana
COVID-19 live updates: Louisiana ‘close to the breaking point,’ governor warns
The governor said 399 patients in the state are on ventilators.
And schools are fighting for the imposition of masks in Florida against DeSantis’s declaration that masks won’t be mandated. If Iceland’s chief epidemiologist is correct we’re up for five to fifteen years of this turmoil.
Unionized school staff are fighting for the mandate, not school parents nor the kids.
Do you have a reference to back up your claim as I haven’t been able to confirm what you state?
Tri harder.
You know you can doo it.
You obviously don’t know unionized teachers very well.
Just look for the protests by parent groups. But you know that.
At a glance that comparason looks convincing……
UNTIL… you accept that the 1000 deaths were INSPITE OF all the preventitive measures deployed to minimise the effects of the virus..
International isolation.
Mass testing
Good, medical resources, and fast response.
So, what we do not know , is what that death tally might have been without those measures ?
…Oh !, but wait… we can get a good idea from some of those other countries who didnt take such effective steps…
mmm yep select whatever layer of propaganda that suits. It seems that whenever someone scratches one layer deep they find games played or perhaps more kindly inconsistent practices with assignment of cause of death.
The analogy (or comparison) isn’t a good one, because diabetes is not infectious (nor indeed are suicide and road deaths). If public health measures were not put in place, then the numbers infected would skyrocket, and medical services would be overwhelmed – there would be more serious cases and more deaths.
I agree that the whole thing sometimes looks like overkill (and I can get a little weary of state premiers and chief medical officers preaching to me, even though that is their role) – but as Jo has discussed a few times, one limo driver in Sydney ferrying international flight crew has led to three-quarters of the nation’s people being locked down, and significant cases everywhere. It is not like other causes of death and illness.
The social and economic cost of lockdowns is appalling – and as a self-funded retiree well past my nightclub days, it doesn’t impact on me hardly at all (other than the ban on travel) – for young people whose income is slashed and social life constrained, it must be a nightmare. They are losing years and experiences they can never get back.
KK,.. are you just trying to convince yourself ?
Because that kind of data doesnt fool me or anyone with half a brain.
What would have that figure looked like if Australia had not shut down International travel, had hard lockdowns, mandated masks, done mass testing, and had good medical resources available, etc etc.
We dont know for sure , but we can get a fair idea from other countries who were not so responsive,….most of which seem to average 1000-2000 deaths per million !
So in reality , we could have expected 25,000 – 50,000 deaths.
…..Not such a irrelavent figure , is it ?
I sure dont like the ongoing effects of lockdowns and population restrictions etc, but i suspect the shouting would be at a different level if we experienced anything like those death rates seen elseware.
Yes I agree … if tough measures are effective they are condemned for being unnecessary – medical authorities have a hard time winning the argument! How quickly people forget the mayhem, and huge numbers of deaths around the world, in the early days of the pandemic.
Same thing happened with Y2K – it was a non-event because it was fixed, not because it was a beat-up that fizzed.
Chad – We may have less deaths now but covid isnt going away anytime soon and as NSW is discovering its hard to stop . As a victorian I have seen lockdowns work in the short term , but in the longer term they are likely to be a lot less effective. We are likely to have waves of progressively vaccine resistant covid outbreaks in the future unless we use all the options available . The longer you leave a problem usually the worse it gets.
Old Goat,
Not if we learn to shut the border properly, and run a fool proof quarantine system. It isnt rocket science, I could easily do the job myself. There is no reason the virus has to become endemic. Only lack of will by clueless administrators and politicians. Gladys is clearly way out of her depth.
So easy to say, “run a fool proof quarantine system” then say other people are incompetent. Doesnt really offer a practical alternative.
Very little in the Universe is foolproof or perfect, especially if it is controlled by the public service.
You’re assuming that humans are the only reservoir of the virus, when it has already been identified in deer and mink overseas.
Pandora’s box has been well and truly opened, the barbarians are inside the gates. There is a fair chance that the virus is in your horse or moggy or pup, or whatever. If not, it soon will be. We can consider the virus endemic now and even if wiped out in the human population once, it will reappear episodically from wild animal transmission. There is also a fair chance that when it does cross back over it will be a new mutation. Putting aside any of the vaccines’ own lethal effects, vaccines that are fairly useless against the virus now will be worse than useless then.
The Israelis have identified the virus in horses. It is now termed E-Cov .
Thankyou Chris.
Heres the thing…a lot of my relatives asked why no vaccine for me.
My answer was someone has to do the burying…..
Didnt go down well, but could well be the reality.
Sometimes the harsh truth is just that.
I understand that there’s a new strain of the virus designated as CV19.
Apparently it enters the human body via the ears and has become adapted to warm nutrient rich ear wax. It multiplies and then moves down to the nasal passages.
Very concerning.
There are also more people killed by coconuts falling on their head than shark attacks, but I’m a bit more concerned about Sharks tbh. I’ll just avoid sitting under or even walking under coconut trees, easy, but sharks, well if im in the water its a different matter. The important factor is control.
I fear rising shark numbers and attacks, so I quit surfing. I took control.
Suicide, I have control of that. Same with diabetes, and car crashes. Of course not total control of the latter too, but for the most I do.
With a virus getting about I’m not in control. It’s more like surfing at dusk at the river mouth.
Yes we have low deaths, because we shut the border.
Going by the Netherlands total death rate, roughly 0.001 of the population, we could expect about 25000 dead by now if we’d done what those countries did, i.e left their borders open and got swamped by Covid.
25000 is a bit more of a dramatic figure on that list is it not ?
* two of course, not too. I should learn to proof read.
But to my credit Im one of the few people who use there/their/ they’re correctly. The majority don’t I notice. And your / you’re
But many of those that do incorrectly use those homophones are critical of the current standards of education.
“your”, as being short for “you are”, seems to be an American thing !
I cringe when I see it on hats and t-shirts. !
thought for t-shirt slogan…..
“this is not you’re T-shirt” 😉
Your is a possessive pronoun.
You’re is a contraction of You Are.
Example: “You’re mistaken to think that this is your T-shirt”.
(You’re Welcome)
I know, Lance.. That was the point. 😉
Phillip – life as you pointed out is about risk management . It is important to assess this rationally and make your own decisions . If you are young and have no health issues the risk from covid is very low . Those with co-morbidities and are in the older age groups have a much larger risk and they feature in the statistics for fatalities and long covid. I have not seen any studies regarding fatalities caused by the lockdowns but there must be some due to medical proceedures being delayed and mental heath issues . The media is ignoring many issues including anti virals and sometimes my BS filter is overloaded – and yes , I have had one dose of astra zenica and will get the second because at my age it makes sense.
Agreed. Im not saying I’m pro vax or don’t recognize the age differential. Just that the idea the virus is insignificant supported by statistics like that is misleading. Also that if we are to keep the virus’ vector under control – which is jets flying it in – and shut the borders, there is no need to have any debate at all.
But rather we are choosing just to live with it, based by the idea its harmless or get vaccinated. Two terrible choices if you ask me.
There is a third option: follow one of the currently available preventative protocols which are based around vitamin D3 and zinc. It’s called looking after yourself.
Dave B
There are more variables than the medical bureaucrats and the statistics reveal, much like CC. Such as population density per, amount of sunshine hours per day + Vitamin D levels, cultural behaviours and diet. So comparisons are never apples with apples. The reality is we are not “all in this together” it is everyman for himself and we choose our own level of risk.
25000 in itself isnt a dramatic number one way or another. Context and timing give it meaning.
Lots of people are dying all the time.
Funny that you bring up some relevant stats KK. I was at the doctor to have a cortisone shot but got a full on about covid in the conversation. I pointed out that 15,000 died from diabetic complications every year. One 5hing I noticed is the propensity of people to announce that they have had “both shots” – a badge of virtue signaling compliance.
No – it is a rationale decision by a thinking person, taking appropriate steps in a public health emergency. It has nothing to do with “virtue signalling” – normal sensible people do not need such ersatz props in their lives.
Compliance? Of course it is … every rational, thinking, intelligent, and responsible person understands they are a member of a complex society or community.
[ Snip – LVA ]
Cape Grim on the northern tip of Tasmania monitors ‘Greenhouse Gases’ as a joint responsibility of the BOM & CSIRO and began measuring in April 1976 and originated from a commitment by the Australian Government to the United Nations Environment Program.
Seasonal variation
Carbon dioxide concentrations show seasonal variations (annual cycles) that vary according to global location and altitude. Several processes contribute to carbon dioxide annual cycles: for example, uptake and release of carbon dioxide by terrestrial plants and the oceans, and the transport of carbon dioxide around the globe from source regions (the Northern Hemisphere is a net source of carbon dioxide, the Southern Hemisphere a net sink).
Australia has already achieved Net-zero, so we’re done here, I think.
Whoever is last out, please turn the lights off. 😉
But the levels are similar in both hemisperes, despite 88% of the population living, and emitting, in the northern one. the inescapable conclusion is that emissions from the north is coming south, and being absorbed.
There is an opportunity for Australia; we should issue Green Certificates for this reduction. After all, if burning wood in the EU and the UK doesn’t count as emitting CO2 and indeed gets subsidies for reducing emissions, then we have an even stronger case. No need to sell these Green Certificates but we could use them to offset any emissions from coal fired generation. Indeed, thanks to the wonders of GREEN ACCOUNTING, we could be NET ZERO overnight.
Perhaps Henry’s Law works in both hemispheres, do you think? Equally?
Of course, but about 90% of carbon dioxide emissions are in the northern hemisphere.
Certainly we (southerners) have far more ocean surface, but who wants to allow for that? The EU and the UK run nonsense on emissions. Wood burning in Drax in Yorkshire increases emissions over coal by 32-33% yet they avoid carbon tax and get a subsidy for being green. Burning wood in unccupied barns in Northern Ireland is very profitable as it is classified GREEN. Germany burns household rubbish for heating (hot water circulated)
and claims that those emissions don’t count.
Denmark’s ‘success’ in reducing power station emissions comes from imported wood chip. The Netherlands ‘reduced’ the emissions from its coal-fired plants from 60% to 14% by buying GREEN Certificates from Hydro in Norway – a great lurk, generate electricity as usual but get paid twice.
We should play them at their own game.
Graeme #3 – I made the following comment at WUWT yesterday – – and have been making similar comments on Jo’s threads over the last couple of weeks.
We have always been a net CO2 sink in Australia since Europeans reduced fire incidence after displacing the indigenous peoples as land managers – assuming one followed normal accounting rules by taking into account all emissions and withdrawals from the atmosphere.
However this was not how we compiled the books when Australia assembled its Kyoto Protocol accounts. Then our green bureaucracy saw it as an opportunity to ban tree clearing on land assigned by government for agricultural purposes. So they insisted that emissions from tree clearing must be included in the GHG budget, while withdrawals from the atmosphere by growing vegetation etc were by and large ignored.
But now we need all the sinks we can find to meet the “net zero by 2050 nirvana”. So all the sinks ignored for Kyoto Protocol accounting are now flavour of the month for the Paris Agreement (See the first link in my WUWT comment). “Oh what a tangled web we weave————-“.
“So they insisted that emissions from tree clearing must be included in the GHG budget”
Presumably except for tree clearing for the purposes of installation of solar panels and windmills, and connections to the grid.
I reckon ScoMo should wait until after the Glasgow climate jamboree and simply announce Australia has already achieved Net-zero.
Let’s sit back and watch the Greens heads explode.
We’ve surely earned some entertainment and a visible ‘win’.
He has often pointed this out, in fact Australia was one of the very few signatory nations that achieved Kyoto, Japan emissions reduction targets and exceeded the targets. And now Australia is on track to achieve Paris, France emissions targets.
So why should Australia do better as foreigners keep demanding when most of their nations have failed to meet any targets so far?
And then consider that China increases their emissions every year by more than Australia’s total emissions a year.
If there was a need, if climate change was not natural Earth Cycles influenced by the Sun, including hotter periods than present day in the distant past, if there was a need to reduce emissions Australia cannot be faulted.
Six months ago I started a small project to measure co2 here in the UK and in France. It is subject to large degrees of error as only cheap hand held co2 monitors are used.
Levels are very commonly 500 to 600ppm and highly variable.
With a thermometer you just look at the scale and you will be close to half a degree or so depending on the quality of the instrument.
However to turn co2 readings into an official one requires the most extraordinary convolutions which in effect means virtually completely drying the input air.
The end result is therefore measuring something that doesn’t really exist in the real world in arriving at 420ppm
Why they go through this extravagant process and what relevance it has to co2 levels as they really appear to be I am trying to find out.
Tony A speaker at a meeting had a hand held CO2 meter. He quoted 3 readings 2 from outside, both different, and the 1 in the hall was about 600. He then took a breath and breathed out 1700. CPR must kill people!
He said the 600 in the hall would increase with people breathing throughout the lecture.
1200 makes plants thrive with less water and people working in greenhouses seem energetic and healthy.
The air in submarines wasn’t mentioned? 20000 is not unusual; US strives to keep below 8000.
Consider that on nuclear boats there is “unlimited” energy to scrub the air to reduce the CO2 if they felt a need. Seems they don’t.
RE: CO2 on submarines:
“Signs of intoxication have been produced by a 30-minute exposure at 50,000 ppm [Aero 1953], and a few minutes exposure at 70,000 to 100,000 ppm produces unconsciousness [Flury and Zernik 1931]. It has been reported that submarine personnel exposed continuously at 30,000 ppm were only slightly affected, provided the oxygen content of the air was maintained at normal levels”
“Data collected on nine nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines indicate an average CO 2 concentration of 3,500 ppm with a range of 0-10,600 ppm, and data collected on 10 nuclear-powered attack submarines indicate an average CO 2 concentration of 4,100 ppm with a range of 300-11,300 ppm (Hagar 2003).”
Hang on, isn’t 100,000 ppm a 10% concentration?
A quick search says the normal O2 concentration in air is 20.9%. Dilute that by 10% you get 18.8% but the same article says: The minimum oxygen concentration in the air required for human breathing is 19.5 percent. so it seems to me that when you say a few minutes exposure at 70,000 to 100,000 ppm produces unconsciousness [Flury and Zernik 1931] it would be the reduction of O2 causing ill effects rather than the increase in CO2.
Your quote did say that O2 levels were maintained in a sub, but it is not clear Flury and Zernik did so.
A little off topic but CO2 levels weren’t all submariners had to tolerate. On the Q. Why were submarines called pig boats? one answer was:
Yet another theory on the name came about due to the extremely poor living conditions on the early submarines where there was little fresh water, poor ventilation, accumulated smells of petrol or diesel, mold and mildew, body odor from lack of sanitation, together with the smell of human waste, all combined in the stifling heat and humidity within the sealed hull. Little wonder the boats came to be known as pigboats from the pig stye like conditions the crew had to endure.
Apparently they stank to high heaven when they first opened the hatches in port.
all very interesting but thats not what they are contesting, is it a greenhouse gas or not? do we significantly control its level? and is there a greenhouse effect dominated by CO2 at all?/
My understanding is No, No and No.
Dave B
G’day Yarpos,
My understanding is No, No and No.
Dave B
1. CO2 is a radiatively active gas. It is used in greenhouses to enhance plant growth.
2. Latest Ed Berry paper shows we are possibly responsible for about 25% of the CO2 rise out of the dangerously low levels of atmospheric CO2 before the Industrial Revolution.
3. No, there is no measured or measurable atmospheric greenhouse effect from atmospheric CO2.
I think the 25% figure is far more believable than the IPCC 100%+
The global concentration as measured from Cape Grimm is close to that from Mauna Loa. What I found strange is the SD of the differences improves 40 fold after 12 month moving mean is applied to both.
This whole farce hasn’t ended because it wasn’t dreamt up by water melons. They just hijacked it.
Today I managed to get 488ppm in the morning and 620ppm in the afternoon.
Here is the phd paper from someone who built their own device. As you can see it is very convoluted and how mixing all the numbers and processes up in a giant blender and then interpreting the results according to a mathematical formula can result in a real world reading I do not know. (see especially page 40 onwards)
To believe that the average CO2 reading is 415ppm is like insisting that the average temperature of the earth at 6pm yesterday was 17degrees Centigrade . It is meaningless as very few places would be reading 17 degrees.
BY drying the air and putting co2 through hoops how can we end up with a representative or meaningful real world reading?
Tony, i seriously doubt there is any means to simply “count” the molecules of CO2 in a fixed quantity of air to give a simple “ppm” figure.
You cannot believe your hand held meter magicaly does that ?
All these “measured figures” are the result of complex electronic processes and preset comparasons……… a few more external processes are nothing dramatic !
my hand held meter gives particulate reading for pollution. also other readings. I have previously said i do not believe it can be that accurate but on the other hand a thermometer is. My question remains why do we need to jump through hoops-especially the extreme drying-which means the conditions as measured do not reflect any real world circumstances?
Interesting. So people read: the north hemisphere is positive, the south negative and correlate that to explaining the warming of the Arctic and no warming or cooling of Antarctica. (Been some very low temperatures down there this year btw.) An unintended consequence of the argument perhaps?
This follows on from various posts I have made over the last few weeks
Covid is not the plague and we have wildly over reacted. Nevertheless it is very serious to some of the population who need protecting. Unfortunately we decided to quarantine everyone instead of just those that needed it.
This all precipitated the rapid development of a variety of vaccines. It increasingly appears that being double jabbed may be somewhat helpful in preventing you catching it, it will likely not stop you transmitting it but will likely prevent serious illness and hospitalisation.
Therefore the concept of a covid passport for the double vaccinated seems redundant as it will give false reassurance.
One notable factor we have seen in the UK is that the double vaccinated are over confident and put themselves into indoor situations that otherwise they might not, believing they are fully protected. So a number have caught the virus again but not too seriously.
To date we have not seen the dire consequences of the jab that many talk of on this board. The often elderly population here like nothing more than to discuss serious illness or deaths or hospitalisation caused by any number of ailments and no one is talking at all about dire side effects to their covid jabs.
The concern is around the quick introduction and rapid rollout of a new vaccine that appears to have not gone through the various protocols that similar vaccines and drugs have gone through in the past. We all have experienced the cautions of the medical researches over the years telling us that new medicines and vaccines take many years of testing in staged trials before being released to the general public so it is only natural to question the medium and long term effects. No conspiracy theories or alarmism just common sense.
In the UK the process was greatly sped up by govt money and a big focus on the need for a vaccine. It was tested very widely. The reason we managed to approve it relatively quickly is that until 2019 we had been the centre for testing medicines throughout the EU. We therefore had an awful lot of expertise in a variety of medical fields and most of the scientists had not moved with the new drugs agency to Amsterdam ( I think) but stayed here, knowing the UK govt would have to set up its own drugs approval agency. Each adverse reaction is logged and the vaccine is undoubtedly useful to older people ,lets say over 50, and the vulnerable.
If it wasn’t for the vaccine passport issue I think it becomes much more debatable for the young . Only some 1500 people under 50 have died of Covid in the UK out of some 130,000, most of those had existing issues.
We simply have seen no sign of the numerous adverse reactions often referenced on this blog.
As you say the longer term is more uncertain, but in the shorter term it has saved many lives as the govt pursued policies that would make things worse, such as lockdowns and decanting people from hospitals into care homes. .
Thanks Tonyb for your considered reply. I think another factor for vaccination hesitancy is the failure of the MSM to convey balanced fact based information. They have increasingly adopted an alarmist narrative over such important issues as climate and covid that I believe much of any credibility that they had is gone.
‘In the UK the proces was greatly sped up by govt money’…. the thing is that time taken cannot be sped up no matter how much money is thrown at a trial or experiment.
Time lapsed is a most important factor otherwise long term effects cannot be known . That’s the reason vaccines take years. I believe the trials on animals were skipped as well as the control group removed. Still experimental in my book!
Point of clarification: The jabs are Not vaccines. They are gene therapies.
Jabs do not confer decadal or lifetime immunity. Their efficacy is mutation specific and wanes after 2 to 6 months. That is why Moderna/Pfizer et al are talking about 2nd through 5th “booster” requirements for as long as they can foresee.
Covid has animal kingdom reservoirs and animal induced variants. It is therefore impossible to ever eliminate covid from the biosphere. It is endemic. Like the annual flu. A never ending series of variants.
Absolutely Nobody, has any idea what the longer term effects of the current gene therapy jabs incur. Anyone who says otherwise is lying because no 10 yr Phase II or III study has happened and the jabs have only been in use for 8 months or less.
We know that some therapeutic drugs have efficacy. Also, the risks from covid for those below 65 yrs are minimal barring comorbidities. It is demonstrably unwise to jab anyone under 25 yrs from a risk/benefit calculus absent unusual circumstances.
Let the Doctors be Doctors and get the Politics and Power/Control/Greed out of this situation. Unless the Pollies have education in immunology/virology/epidemiology, they are unfit to have an opinion. Odd how nobody is responsible for the side effects, but clueless crowds know with such certainty without benefit of knowledge, education or experience, precisely what everyone else ought to do.
Excellent summary. Thanks.
In essence both Dr. Andrew Pollard (Director of the U.K. Oxford Vaccine Group) and Dr. Malone state that variants of the COVID-19 virus will continue to spread throughout the population regardless of vaccine status; and the virus will continue to evolve into more infectious but less deadly or pathogenic strains.
There simply is no way to vaccinate the population and stop the spread of COVID variants because the vaccinated will contract and spread the virus just like the non-vaccinated. The vaccine approach should be targeted to the elderly and those most at risk.
[NOTE: – One aspect of the scientific concurrence between Dr. Malone and Dr. Pollard is to contemplate just how futile it is for the Australian government to continue their current lock-down approach. Every time a single person contracts covid they lock-down the entire community, but there is no way to ever stop the virus completely. The Australian government is trying to collect water in a sieve.]
Specific to the position of Dr. Malone – Given the untested nature of the vaccine itself; no-one knows the long-term side-effects; the benefit of the vaccine should be weighed against the individual’s current health status. Elderly populations with lower immune responses should be the target for vaccination; they are the most at risk. However, younger -less at risk- individuals will likely benefit more from therapeutic treatment after exposure *if* they experience any symptoms at all.
The problem is…. This commonsense approach is less favorable to the interests of the pharmaceutical industry and the healthcare systems that are controlled by the financial mechanisms inside the business of healthcare. Big Pharma would obviously make less money from a smaller target population for vaccination; ergo the therapeutic approach is a threat to the preferred approach of those who operate the business model. This is the overarching political battle.
There is a some very information in the rather long video.
1. Dr Robert Malone did not think there would be any issue with the mRNA vaccines (ADE, side effect)
2. He caught CoViD in early 2020 and recovered but developed long CoViD
3. He was then fully vaccinated and suffered from side effects plus the long CoViD effects persisted
4. He later took ivermectin and has found his condition improved almost immediately
5. His opposition to the general use of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines developed over time from observations and discussions with colleagues including Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche
Another very interesting tidbit from near the end of the Q&A session is that the SpikeVax (Moderna) dose is about 3x that of Comirnaty (Pfizer) (in terms of mRNA packages, I assume) which is why Comirnaty seems to produce slightly fewer reports of adverse effects, overseas, but also why Comirnaty’s immune response seems to be fading more quickly.
A thought for all those thinking the (preliminary/emergency) approval and upcoming availability of SpikeVax (Moderna) “vaccine” will be a godsend.
WSJ – Israel, Widely Vaccinated, Suffers Another Covid-19 Surge
Country delivers more booster shots, restores mask and quarantine mandates as Delta variant drives up hospitalizations
TEL AVIV—After becoming one of the first countries to open up thanks to a widespread Covid-19 vaccination campaign, Israel is again on guard, this time against the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus.
Mask mandates are back, including requirements to mask up for large outdoor gatherings. Many venues require people to show proof of vaccination, a negative Covid-19 test or proof of recovery from the virus. People returning from most countries have to quarantine for at least a week, even if they are fully vaccinated. [snip]
Health officials are warning that Israel could face a fourth lockdown during the Jewish holiday season in September [snip]
“That window when we weren’t concerned about things was so brief,” said Rena Magun,…[snip]
Other countries with similarly high vaccination rates, notably the U.K., have seen a wave of Delta infections, but hospital admissions have remained low ….
There has been a jump in Israel in cases of severe illness caused by the virus since the start of August, doubling to 400 in a population of 9 million, with 240 of those patients already having been vaccinated. Patients over 50 years old account for 90% of the severe cases, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said Tuesday.
[Please post short excerpts of copyright material. – Jo]
Not sure what you are basing “we havent seen” on.
in Australia
you have to drive that one by entering Covid in the medicines line and set the dates for this year to date
are you trying to convince yourself that the clot shot is safe?
l personally know plenty of people who have had the clot shot and had bad reactions and there is not a person on this earth who can say that there will be no adverse reactions in the future with this experimental clot shot
there is plenty of evidence far from this forum from all over the world stating problems with the shot
l still have not personally met anyone who has had covid? does that make it not true?
The adverse reactions are very likely understated, by a great amount. In Israel the vaccines have failed completely with a large (majority 95 percent)of hospitalized and serious are vaccinated.
The longer the vaccines have been out in a given population, the LESS effective they become, and there are real signs of the vaccinated doing worse in areas.
The UK currently has more infections and cases daily then one year ago after the first wave.
‘Just Like After 9/11’: New Zealand to Close Borders for the Rest of the Year
PAUL BOIS12 Aug 2021
Fog in the (brain) channel, NZ cut off.
And Covid will be back as soon as they reopen them. They haven’t got the message about vit-D and ivermectin at all at all at all.
Dr Murray Salby formerly chair of climate science UTS, in a nutshell explained the biosphere c02 levels have nothing to do with human emmisions. He was sacked.
Will, .. i assume this was a missplaced post ?
The Murray Salby situation, and links to his papers & video presentations have been well discussed here previously.
Checkout my post below at 30
Aussie Olympians Welcomed Home with Enforced Four-week Quarantine
SIMON KENT12 Aug 2021190 2:47
Imagine being sent to Central Australia in the depths of winter vs some locked down hysteria in a southern city.
Not as a surprise either.
To be clear Ric, it is the State governments (SA specificly) who have insisted on the additional 2 weeks quaratine, …not the Feds.
Stare Govnmts are ALL total A’holes ! …..and are far more destructive to this great country than any flavor of Fed Govmt !
Australia lawmaker blasts coronavirus overreactions: ‘We are locking down because someone sneezes’
Fox News StaffBy Fox News Staff
I do not agree with lockdowns but we need to expunge this soft wooly term and call it for what it is, house arrest or being confined in an open prison. People might then realise the huge over reaction which in Australia has been astonishing.
The Oz government got it into their head that Covid was manufactured in the Wuhan Lab and is truly novel, a danger to humanity. They may be proven wrong, but in the meantime they are taking no chances.
The Trans Tasman Bubble should be up and running by Xmas.
I had to look up “Trans Tasman Bubble”
Essentially its like being on an alien planet and outside the bubble is fraught with danger. The smaller islands of the South Pacific will eventually join the bubble.
More like “The Flat Earth” and outside?
More like Oceania.
Tony, the first action by our governments was to declare that they would “flatten the curve” on a six month plan. Why six months? I don’t know.
I wrote to our local bloke urging to make it six weeks, because six months was not affordable.
They did it in seven weeks. Then they abandoned their plan, working instead on elimination.
The mystery to me is why they ever thought six months was needed to flatten the curve. Six weeks gave two cycles. I think they were flying blind. Maybe they were arguing amongst themselves.
WE are about to discover what was affordable. I fear it will be painful.
There is no mystery. The two-year-olds are in charge. They are just doing the bidding of Bill Gates & co to curb population growth and introduce a NWO in the form of a fascist One World Government.
Succumb now and then the climate change lockdowns will follow from 2025.
[ Snip. -LVA ]
Totally agree. Lockdowns were an effective way, initially, to get a handle on what we were dealing with but now it seems to be a very blunt instrument. Apart from small business, tourism and other industry failing, spare a thought for single home dwellers in small high rise flats, mentally disabled who cant understand why they cant go to daycare, abused children who are at home all day with their abusers and the elderly for whom loneliness is a real problem.
All this is just so unnecessary! Get the antivirals out there! Let the information be released uncensored! Let doctors do their job of treating the sick! Wake up the govt!
Makes me so angry that all this pain is being inflicted and its costing billions.
I’m very angry too.
The costs will emerge over years. My grandfather lost his business in 1929. It was 1932 when he killed himself.
Unsure if this is “news” or not. Apparently, Ivermectin may be prescribed in AU.
August 13, 2021 The Centre for Digestive Diseases issued today a press release titled “Ivermectin Triple Therapy Protocol for COVID-19 Released to Australian GPs for Infected Elderly and Frontline Workers.”
As we previously covered, this early treatment protocol combines ivermectin with doxycycline and zinc.
Don’t understand why it isn’t more broadly available, but elderly and front line are obvious high risk persons.
That story is a year out of date. The Cairns News picked it up a year too late. Nothing has changed. Professor Borody has been ignored.
The original story it is based on was on August 19th 2020.
G’day RicDre,
I’m wondering what happens if I get exposed to the virus, my immune system stops it from advancing, and then I get tested. Does the test come back positive, in say the first week or two after exposure?
And similarly, if I went through the same experience a second time, would that test have the same result?
Dave B
The test cannot determine if the virus is dead or alive, just that there is protein matter there.
In WA, we had a FIFO worker who had the virus and recovered, then had the vaccination- two shots, then came into contact with a positive person. He was tested again and came back ” WEAK WEAK POSITIVE”. Mark McGowan made it very clear that he was being generous in not putting us under house arrest for our own good of course.
Energy Storage: An Estimate Using Actual Data
By Mike O’Ceirin
We know the concept of battery back up is rediculous, so no point in debating any of the details in that paper……but where on earth does he get $52m /GWh cost for battery storage ?
Even the cheapest recent Victorian 450MWh facility cost over $160m..
….. IE, current battery cost is $350m/GWh. !
That would make his final figure more than $400 billion ..!
Hi Jo (et al)
Thank you for a fact based narrative. I gave up watching MSM about 15 years ago and started browsing the internet for news and opinion. Eventually I learned to create my own synthesis / narrative of the world. Over time I discovered that many people shared it, most of them conservative, leave-me-alone liberals, Christian-culture atheists and agnostics and non-churchy-religious, with a reasonable education in science, mathematics, and history, (that are grateful for the Reformation and Enlightenment that led to where we were not so long ago). There are a lot of us. Few speak for us or to us. You do.
Thank you. Martin
An explanation as to why covid is rampant in some parts of Sydney
We had exactly the same problem in many of our ethnic areas in the UK
The epicentre of the outbreak is in the Canterbury/Bankstown community: Lebanese 15.1%, Australian 14.2%, English 12.3%, Chinese 11.3% and Vietnamese 7.3%. I grew up there and over the years it has changed quite markedly.
One of these ethnic groups is behaving badly, larrikinism and gangsterism are the right of passage, they have no respect for authority.
‘The pop-up vaccination hub has come at a cost for the LMA and the Lakemba Mosque.
‘When they posted photos from the site on their Facebook pages, some community members labelled them as “sell outs” and “sheep” who were “bowing down to the government”. (ABC)
Surely that doctor will be cancelled. What a racist. How can you get away with blaming a minority group. Surely he meant to say that it was groups of older white men causing the problem because of their privilege?
Referenced from the Daily Mail Article
As also seen in the UK
Beyond the Data: Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on BAME Communities
The PHE review of disparities in the risk and outcomes of COVID-19 shows that there
is an association between belonging to some ethnic groups and the likelihood of testing
positive and dying with COVID-19. Genetics were not included in the scope of the
This review found that the highest age standardised diagnosis rates of COVID-19 per
100,000 population were in people of Black ethnic groups (486 in females and 649 in
males) and the lowest were in people of White ethnic groups (220 in females and 224
in males).
An analysis of survival among confirmed COVID-19 cases showed that, after
accounting for the effect of sex, age, deprivation and region, people of Bangladeshi
ethnicity had around twice the risk of death when compared to people of White British
ethnicity. People of Chinese, Indian, Pakistani, Other Asian, Caribbean and Other
Black ethnicity had between 10 and 50% higher risk of death when compared to White
Death rates from COVID-19 were higher for Black and Asian ethnic groups when
compared to White ethnic groups. This is the opposite of what is seen in previous
years, when the all-cause mortality rates are lower in Asian and Black ethnic groups.
Comparing to previous years, all-cause mortality was almost 4 times higher than
expected among Black males for this period, almost 3 times higher in Asian males and
almost 2 times higher in White males. Among females, deaths were almost 3 times
higher in this period in Black, Mixed and Other females, and 2.4 times higher in Asian
females compared with 1.6 times in White females.
Presumably this is jo’s premier?
He sounds a totalitarian piece of work. Let’s hope covid does not visit WA as I hate to think what measures he will take.
The article says those from WA are famously parochial.
Covid has been in WA. They were one of the first to have a cruise ship with Covid on board. It stayed anchored offshore and sick were brought ashore to hospital.
The second time there was a suspected roaming spreader they locked down for 3 days until it was confirmed there were no spreaders.
Mark McGowan is notionally a left leaning politician and his opposition was annihilated in the March 2021 state election. The then opposition leader did not even win his seat.
All true and the reasons for the wipeout seem reasonably clear.
However it is time to come up with better strategies for managing Covid.
McGowans first attempt at shipboard quarantine might point to a way forward
I posted this in unthreaded a week ago: probably just too many posts then, etc etc. to get noticed(?) and I have been quite busy at work within accordion Weather windows ( so much for UK Forecaastsbeing completely wrong for us ) but look what I stumbled upon: Been given a job to check out and repair a Customer’s Hoist a DEMAG PK2L 3-phase Chain hoists. on doing some quick research on these models, Look what I fell over.. just what’s in a name? do they do it on purpose? looking for the DEMAG PK2L I find results like this: which led me to
Rabbit anti-Human …… WTF ‘ Anti Human’ ???
Anti Human:-
I’m repairing a MACHINE – anyone like to spend time on this Anti Human thingy, please?
‘An anti-antibody is an antibody that binds to other antibodies! Weird. Usually antibodies bind to antigens (little amino acid sequences in a bigger molecule, for example). But they can bind to anything, really – including other antibodies. Sometimes this can cause problems. For example, patients with rheumatoid arthritis make something called rheumatoid factor, which is an antibody (happens to be IgM) that binds to the patient’s own IgG. This binding can cause the formation of immune complexes (just a bunch of antibodies bound together, floating around) which can lodge in the joint space and cause inflammation.
One good use for anti-antibodies is in the test called the direct antiglobulin test (or Coombs’ test). This test is used to see if a patient’s red cells are coated with antibody. You take the patient’s red cells and add a little Coombs’ reagent (an antibody that will bind to basically any human immunoglobulin. It’s made by injecting human Ig into another animal, like a mouse.). If the patient’s red cells are coated with antibody, the Coombs’ reagent will attach to those antibodies, linking red cells together into a big clump that you can see with your naked eye. Pretty ingenious test. Anti-antibodies are also used in a lot of other immunologic tests, like immunofluorescence, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and western blots.
So: anti-antibodies are cool when you use them in tests, not cool when they form on their own in your body.’
Maybe a virus could be engineered to stimulate the body to produce anti-antibodies to neutralise other virus antibodies that would make people more susceptible to other viruses. They’re probably trying to create it already.
Very good information on the covid19 vaccinations. Give it some thought.
Dr Mike Yeardon
Dr. Ryan Cole
Youtube will probably take down Ryan Cole. This is an alternative source.
Thanks Fran, watched the first 11 minutes.
An extraordinarily believable and important comment.
He does speak quickly, but the ultimate message is a reinforcement of basic concepts we may already have, coupled to his obvious expertise and sound logic.
Two things that stood out were the presence of America’s obesity problem and the analysis of the situation in Israel.
A very real and relevant talk.
Alternative source for Ryan Cole.
Gain of Function goes worldwide in a torrent
Dr. Bridle, Canadian virologist/immunologist: what is specifically wrong with the RNA vaccine design (video)
another really informative video. These need to be shared around.
8-13-21 South Africa 10.3% increase/day
USA 148/6332= 2.3% increase/day
Malaysia 21/212= 9.9% increase/day
India 43/351= 12.3% increase/day
Brazil 34/543= 6.3% increase/day
Russia 22/518= 4.2% increase/day
Turkey 21/391= 5.4% increase/day
France 26/420= 6.2% increase/day
Australia comes up pretty well, especially if you take out the Dictator Dan Elderly Killing Fields Deaths last year.
By the way to put it into perspective the 4 Deaths today were in NSW
There were also four deaths confirmed overnight including a man in his 70s, a man in his 80s, a woman in her 40s and a woman in her 70s. The woman in her 40s was in palliative care and unvaccinated.
It’s actually a problem with ALL of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines (ie all non-Chinese) and the upcoming Novavax as well. The mRNA capsules and adenoviruses can migrate from the injection site plus the (toxic) spike proteins they make cells express can spread rather than staying fixed on the cell outer in the injection site region. The spike proteins that make up Novavax can also migrate from the injection site.
Plus they all use the same spike protein genomic sequence from the early analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 virus to present copies of these to the immune system.
This means all antibodies from those vaccinated are formed to react to this protein so mutations produce variants that increasingly differ from the original form and get better at evading the vaccines.
Says a fair bit
It has been truly astonishing to me to observe how quickly and thoroughly Australians (a people among whom, until not too long ago, I still used to dream of spending my retirement years when the time came) have succumbed to what could be called the Soft Tyranny of Safetyism, such that this illustration of the current state of affairs there is spot-on:×900
Yep. Who’d have thought a country built on anti-authoritarianism would so quickly become a land of meek, drooling lemmings.
Still waiting for all those wonderful benefits multiculturalism was going to bring us. I assume there is something other than inner city enclaves and cowardice.
all seems to be a bit of an Aussie myth framed around a selective view of ourselves and a couple of movies.
another view might be that we have readily lined up (sheeple like) multiple times to fight other peoples wars and have readily submitted at home to the various whims of the political class with hardly a murmur. Now we line up sheeple like for our “jab” of a substance called a “vaccine” which isnt.
Personally I think the anti authority larrikin Aussie is a bit of myth we like the sound off.
We are probably among the most compliant people in the 1st world.
Larrikins infested the Rocks area in the late 19th century, but WW1 cleaned up that lot.
Without the Soft Tyranny of Safetyism the global warming ruse would not exist so it is hardly unique to Australia.
Even our politicians could understand that.
Poor old Tassie ignored again. Perhaps the map could show it formally as “solitary confinement”. Would be rude to call it “the hole”.
Come to cell block A Gabriel, we’re as free as a breeze over here.
Just last month, a visitor to your “free as a breeze” cell block was sentenced to a month in jail (in addition to the month he had already served while awaiting sentencing), so I’m afraid I’ll have to decline your kind invitation.
Oh dear. Was he a naughty boy Gabriel.
I’m grateful the ACT government put restrictions in place at the first infection. Hopefully we can nip it in the bud before we get to the stage NSW is at as they near 500 per day. If people would just be sensible and stay home it won’t go to lockdown extremes
Whole of NSW now locked down. A month ago it only needed Sydney to be locked down and the rest of NSW would have no need now.
Someone suggested, quite accurately, that NSW Government has been playing whack-a-mole the way they have been trying to lock down local government areas. Not very effective because it just pops up in the next LGA.
Printed my 5km Radius Map here in NSW Stasi Land – useful tool
For Tony b and others. I wonder if Boris understands their so called EXISTENTIAL threat and anyway would he be interested or even understand the data?
My best argument against their so called EXISTENTIAL threat is our poorest continents’ progress over the last 50 years.
In 1970 African ( 53 countries) life exp was about 46 and the population 363 million.
Today their life exp is about 63 and the population is 1360 million or an increase of one billion people in the last 50 years.
And that massive pop increase requires a lower percentage of farmers and rural workers. IOW the percentage of urban pop has increased over a very short period of time.
So how can we have a so called EXISTENTIAL threat or APOCALYPSE etc? In fact the reverse is true and of course the very low percentage of Farmers and rural workers in wealthy OECD countries and reducing over the last 100 years also proves the Malthusians’ arguments are ridiculous.
In fact the percentage of urban pop in the OECD countries is now over 80%. NZ is about 86% and Australia about 84% of TOTAL pop.
And YET the crops continue to grow in size and very little hunger in today’s world. See Matt Ridley’s GWPF talk below about all this data at the Royal Society in 2016. OH and we have a GREENING planet as an extra co2 BONUS.
Here’s the latest BOM IOD update and probably negative IOD until the end of NOV this year.
And Neutral ENSO so far but a chance to change to La nina according to the various models. Who knows?
Another update in a few days from the BOM.
‘Who knows?’
Back to back La Nina is a certainty, BoM is so cautious it drives me mad.
Well there are a legion of people ready to jump on them when they get it wrong.
ENSO is a major driver of temperature and precipitation, so BoMs reluctance to take this seriously is a clear indication of why they get their seasonal forecasts wrong.
Anyone noticing how the term mis-information is being used as a club to shut down conversation? It has become the new “look, rascist!”
I’m seeing friends and families turn on each other because of different views around covid and it’s treatments and seeing this term too often.
I’m particularly worried about how many people are onboard with the Governments requests that we inform on each other for breaking lockdown. We’ve seen the societies where neighbours are informants, we don’t want to go there. We all like to imagine ourselves as Anne Frank’s in the face of totalitarianism but look how easy we turn on each other.
Had to get that off my chest, thanks guys.
Graeme. P.
Miss Information v Mr Information
Lockdown v Locked Up
Moving forward v moving backward
Warming v Cooling…
It’s a battle of language.
mmmm those racist Trump loving conspiracy theorists, spreading misinformation and questioning the certainty of unprecedented catastrophic tipping point man made climate change and apocalyptic accelerated sea level rise with burning ice bergs.
So, you’ve spoken to a particular niece of mine I see.
Who is best friend’s with my daughter.
And must know my youngest daughter
National Cabinet ..or.. Central Committee????? Shades of despots in times not so far distant.A copralite is still a hunk of s–t with a fancy name.
Nice work, but in times of war its perfectly understandable get the states and territories onboard, inclusivity has its pitfalls. It was a collegial gathering to confirm our commitment to freedom and democracy in the new world order.
War?????? the last one was finished in a few days with “Fat Boy and Little Boy” We have Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquin, to name just two weapons that can end the “war” in a matter of weeks , instead we have a “National Cabinet” that doggedly refuses to allow them to be unleashed on the “enemy” I offer the information at (An analysis of 63 ivermectin studies) for your enlightenment.
Excellent Site – (An analysis of 63 ivermectin studies) for your enlightenment.
Suggest Jo’s followers send to Contact Your PM
Use this form to email the Prime Minister. Alternatively, correspondence can be posted to the Prime Minister via Australia Post at the address below:
The Hon Scott Morrison MP
Prime Minister
Parliament House
It does appear, at first glance and reading between the lines, they are pulling the wool over our eyes.
BTW the Worldometers site now shows 2021 African population to be 1378+ million people and soon to be above China and India.
OH and even the WEF now think that Africa’s pop will massively increase AGAIN by 2050 and 2100, but the Urban population will also blowout as well.
So where is their EXISTENTIAL THREAT or APOACALYPSE? And the UN data also supports the WEF data as well. DUH?
Maybe it is worth recommending that all UN population projections incorporate the SSPs that AR6 uses.
The silly part about all these projections is that they go out to 2100. Then they claim that we are all doomed by 2030 – or is it 2035?
RickWill, yippee you’ve got it at last. But to be fair the UN data for future world pop forecasts has been very accurate for a very long time.
But then how can we have their APOCALYPSE or donkey Biden’s EXISTENTIAL threat by 2030 or 2050 or whatever? You’re one of the few who question the soon to be APOCALYPSE etc with a much larger population by 2100 etc.
And Lomborg’s expert group tell us ( using UN Data) we’ll be much healthier and wealthier by 2050 and 2100 and their UN so called EXISTENTIAL threat garbage just doesn’t make sense AGAIN.
Some may see the existential threat, as migration from an overpopulated Africa. It seems to have done wonders for Europe in short order.
Sydney to issue travel permits after ACT goes into lockdown. You can bet the discussion between ScoMo and Gladys was brief; probably a sentence with expletives included and then the phone slammed down.
Dan has been sniping for the last month over the slack Covid controls in NSW. He predicted, with some certainty, the current situation.
There appears to be considerable tension between Gladys and Kerry. Gladys always says she acts on health advice. But, she has previously said she will not limit Sydney residences from travel to other parts of the State. Kerry Chant has not fronted the media in the past two days.
Gladys has less than 2 years to erase the memory of the current mess in Sydney.
There is more than just tension between Gladys and Kerry.
There is big trouble in COVID Land with health workers siding with “offenders” and refusing to give details to police. The Police and NSW Health bosses have been having regular dust-ups at their meetings, with the police wanting to get more authoritarian with the public.
Yep – NSW is out of control. Infection rate is now around 1.3 – way too high.
The only way for Sydney now to get rapid control is curfews. That dramatically improves the ability of police to limit movement. As Dan pointed out last year, if people are supposed to be staying at home why is there any need to be moving around after 9pm. Curfews make the thieves, drug dealers, paid thugs, sex workers and other marginal practices much more obvious.
So the majority of the Sydney spread is through “thieves, drug dealers, paid thugs, sex workers and other marginal practices”?
No, but curfews reduce all those marginal practices as well stopping the spread of the infection. Property and retail crime also dropped. Family violence and Covid breaches increased. Curfew provided the police the opportunity to stop the few cars that were on the road during the curfew; no work permit produced meant a fine ensued.
Still no curfew in Sydney but fines ramped up and work permits required by next Saturday. Daily cases now exceed 400.
Kerry appears to be an example of the Peter Principle, or maybe the Peta Principle.
Going by the way Hazzard insisted being present during her evidence at the NSW Senate hearing and constantly talking over her, I do not believe the NSW Government is following her health advice.
I think ScoMo gave Gladys a good dose of health advice on Friday after ACT went into lockdown. All of NSW now in lockdown. Work permits start Monday and $5,000 fines for breaching restrictions – makes chasing them up worth the cost of sending the sheriff to extract the money.
Victoria required mandatory masks and curfew to get the infection rate solidly below 1. NSW may benefit from the number already vaccinated.
Is the infection rate in Vic below 1? We seem to have the same numbers every day.
Treatment at home packs and prophylaxis for other house members could change that dramatically.
Masks but no curfews yet. It is very close to 1. They hope that Jereon can get his arms around it. If the roaming spreaders end up in double digits then curfew may be re-introduced. No one in Victoria wants to claim curfews but it was very effective.
Tony Abbott had a new podcast yesterday with the IPA – Australia’s Heartland.
He was urging Morrison to go for more government clarity on mandating vaccination for employees — ie. don’t leave it up to the courts — whilst Morrison is still vacillating slightly on the side of freedom of choice, informed consent and all those quaint, antiquated concepts.
The Fair Work Ombuds-Person has already come out in favour of compulsion based on work categories, but coyly states that it is up to individual employers and the courts to decide what is “reasonable” when forcing employees to have the Spike-Jab for pie-in-the-sky reasons that have been shown to be totally erroneous. These are non-sterilising vaccines — how many times do we have to say it?
The FWO declared it was “more likely” to be reasonable to require vaccination for tier 1 work, where staff are in contact with people at risk from coronavirus, such as airline workers, or in tier 2, where they work with vulnerable people, such as aged care.
Tier 3 work, where there is interaction with the public, may allow employers to require vaccination, but this is more likely if there is community transmission.
On Friday the Australian Council of Trade Unions and Business Council of Australia issued a joint statement that for the “overwhelming majority of Australians [their] work or workplace should not fundamentally alter the voluntary nature of vaccination”.
For once I agree with the ACTU, but who needs informed consent when there is power to be seized and money to be made by brushing consent aside under the guise of “public interest”?
I might add that the INFORMED part is sorely missing from most of the consent that has already been given.
Trying To See If California’s Energy Plans Add Up
August 10, 2021/ Francis Menton
Low wind speeds hurt profits at two of Europe’s major energy firms
Anmar Frangoul
Its onshore-solar segment also took a knock, reporting a loss in adjusted EBITDA of 42 million euros.
Referencing this part of its business, RWE said: “The extreme cold snap in Texas led to an earnings shortfall of around €400 million.”
“Additional burdens resulted from below-average wind conditions at onshore wind farm locations in Northern and Central Europe,” it added.
Look, I know that all of this is pretty much totally meaningless in these Coronavirus Times.
What actually DOES nett zero mean, when it pertains to electrical power generation?
6.45PM yesterday evening, Friday 13 August, the daily Peak for power consumption.
Total Power Consumption – 27220MW
All Fossil Fuels – 21800MW (That’s 80.1% of all the total power being consumed)
Coal Fired Power – 17580MW (of that total for all fossil Fuels, so that’s 64.6% of the total power being consumed)
The FOUR renewables (Hydro, Wind, Solar Power Plants (zero) and Rooftop Solar (Zero)) – 5420MW (19.9% of all the total power being consumed)
Will someone please tell me where that 80% of Non Fossil Nett Zero power is going to come from ….. by whatever year they hope to get it by.
G’say Tony, I heard a few weeks ago that the third gen set at Callide was back on line. Have you heard anything more on the one that destroyed itself, will it be repaired?
I also notice that there is little or no hydro being generated in Qld. I can’t find water levels for Koombooloomba Dam but there has been zero rainfall in Aug.
No idea on Callide 4. Unit 3 (the other SuperCritical Unit has been back on line for a couple of weeks)
There’s very little hydro in Queensland in totality. At last night’s peak, and this is typical for Queensland, one of the two pumped hydro units at Wivenhoe came on line for a couple of hours (285MW) and that’s pretty much the normal really. Seldom will both be on line for longer than those two hours during the peak.
The only other hydro are six Units at two run of river plants near Cairns. Barron (2 Units of 30MW each) and Kareeya (4 Units of 21MW each) and more often than not, just those two Barron Units are operational, but only for a couple of hours each at the morning and evening peaks.
At that evening Peak for Queensland yesterday, Hydro in Queensland was delivering 4.8% of all the generated power, and across the whole day, Hydro in Queensland delivered just 0.8% of all the generated power from every source.
And that’s all the Hydro in Queensland, a grand Nameplate total of 714MW, and at the peak, hydro in Queensland was delivering a total of 352MW out of a Peak of 7600MW, and 92% of that total was from fossil fuelled sources.
Nett zero that Ms Palaszczuk.
I think Hydro in mainland (maybe big island would be more polite) Australia, is more about peaking/alternate supply than contributing to baseload.
“Will someone please tell me where that 80% of Non Fossil Nett Zero power is going to come from ….. by whatever year they hope to get it by.”
If Australia is like California, then it is coming from the hope that new longer-duration energy storage systems … are in the development phase and may be deployed within the next decade”
(see #25 above, “Trying To See If California’s Energy Plans Add Up”)
Tony/Ric – Isn’t the whole point of this new exercise to get ‘net zero CO2 emissions’ on a country wide basis? [And I think what is meant here is anthropogenic emissions e.g. here is France’s (host of the Paris Agreement negotiations) take on it]:
France aims to accelerate the implementation of this Agreement by setting “a national inventory target of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050 within French territories, this being understood as achieving a balance between anthropogenic emissions and anthropogenic absorption of greenhouse gas, i.e. that which is absorbed by the natural environment managed by man (forest land, grassland, agricultural soils, wetlands, etc.) and certain industrial procedures (carbon capture, storage and reuse)”. In a nutshell this means France, a major EU economy, will utilise sinks from its LULUC&F sector to balance emissions generated by unavoidable consumption of fossil fuels. {See: p.2; Fig.1 p.3}.
My comment 3.1.2 (above) should also be germane. In a nutshell if Australia is already achieving ‘net zero emissions’ by the Paris Agreement rules why should we be concerned about where our energy comes from? Although I must confess I prefer electrical energy that is available 24/7 throughout the year and is delivered to me from the least expensive source that can achieve that.
At the moment renewables and gas is where they are heading to reach net zero. Is our carbon sink worthless?
yep, in virtue signalling terms it is worthless and will be ignored.
No El Gordo/Yarpos – Our carbon sink is not ‘worthless’. The very fact that – Australia has adopted the position that “for the Paris Agreement ALL net emissions from ALL lands (in Australia) will be accounted for – without restriction – using the independent monitoring systems of the national inventory. — (So) through the national inventory there is COMPLETE COVERAGE OF THE LAND SECTOR in the Government’s target acquittal” speaks mountains. [Emphases added]. {See: #588, p.13}.
This is such a massive change to what we included in our Kyoto Protocol accounts (c.1% of the land mass) that it telegraphs that someone in the bureaucracy has finally discovered that there is a huge advantage to this country in being honest about the true nature of our ‘carbon accounts’. But we have not reached the end game yet. We still have to convince the world to accept our ‘new’ C budget. {Over to you Angus Taylor}.
Of course we do have one very large elephant in the room to help us out from what should really be a very embarrassing position. This is simply that no modern society can completely do away with the products of fossil fuels in one form or another. [Personally I’m not prepared to fly on an electric plane or be cremated on a wood funeral pyre].
So to reach net zero CO2 emissions carbon sinks have an important role to play. And whether the country is the USA, Australia. France, the UK or South Korea etc you will find that ‘carbon sinks” are quite a significant component of their Paris Agreement budgets.
And for the ‘Lucky Country’? Well as I have previously pointed out all the hard published evidence so far says that our C sink well exceeds our fossil fuel emissions, whether assessed in La Niña or El Niño years.
Thanks Bill, we are Net Zero until the next El Nino, which is at least five years away.
El Gordo re #– If you read the last sentence of my comment again you will see that I stated that “our C sink well exceeds our fossil fuel emissions, WHETHER assessed in La Niña OR El Niño years”.
Admittedly you would have to trace back up my comment path to find the relative source. So here is the paper that indicates that Australia was a net sink in 2017 (the year immediately following the 2015-16 super El Niño) – Chevallier et al. (2019) Link:
These authors identified a natural flux of c.697 Mt CO2/yr (net sink c.282 Mt CO2 after subtracting emissions from fossil fuel sources to the atmosphere in 2017). [The inferred natural flux for 2017 is scaled from the OCO-2 inversion for Australia in Chevallier et al. Fig. 3].
Okay, but the record-breaking 2011 La Niña event illustrated that ENSO controls much of the variability of the global land carbon sink. When Australia is lush the world breathes a sigh of relief.
Sure el g [@] – when it rains over our dry continent most vegetation goes on a growth spurt.
The inversion procedure used by Chevallier et al. 2019 was also utilized to monitor responses to the 2011 super La Niña. See: Detmers et al. (2015 – updated 23 Jan 2017) This revealed a natural (“managed land”) flux in Australia of 770 ± 110 M t CO2/yr (net sink c.366 Mt CO2 after subtracting fossil fuel sources in 2011). It is in fact not greatly different to the net sink recorded for 2017 by Chevallier et al. 2019, when Australia was emerging from the severe 2015-16 El Niño (see my previous comments above). So “the world can breathe a sigh of relief” every year El G!
My head hurts as I continue to absorb these data. But if ScoMo is going to the COP26 party he should be fortified by having a copy of DISER’s advice on what we include in our GHG inventory (simply following current UNFCCC and IPCC guidelines by the way), as well as the results of these cited inversion studies – based on satellite retrievals of the column averaged dry air mole fraction of CO2 (XCO2) measured from the top of the Earth’s atmosphere to its surface. I’m not sure of Australia’s share but the OCO-2 satellite provides c. 65,000 worldwide observations per day that pass quality screening.
The key to this outcome is simply that we have a huge continental land mass supporting largely perennial vegetation that is still responding, in the main, to past changes in burning regimes that previously operated for millennia under indigenous management. Coupled with the fact that our human population is lower than in an individual world mega city. By way of contrast, in 2019 the LULUC&F sector of the USA GHG budget was a net sink of c. 800 M t CO2 – but due to its large population and industrial base this was only equivalent to 12% of total USA GHG emissions.
There are obviously factors very much in our favour that contribute to Australia already being a ‘net zero CO2 emitter’. We would be mugs not to highlight them at home and abroad. (And in the meantime tell the agenda driven zealots to go elsewhere in the world to ply their mistaken doomsday personas – Australia is doing its bit already).
‘We would be mugs not to highlight them at home and abroad.’
You have a scoop, mind blowing in its implications, the MSM needs to be informed before the COP26 party leaves our shores.
It is not a scoop El G – I don’t do journalism. Currently my information and conclusions have been, or are being, evaluated by scientists I respect and trust and who are well grounded in GHG accounting issues and this country’s NGGI.
If the data and arguments pass muster (so far, so good) rest assured I will be trying to get this info/perspective to our masters on all sides of the political fence well before COP26. But getting past the pollies minders is a huge task too (apart from the entrenched bureaucracy who sadly today tend to be devotees of Sir Humphrey Appleby’s version of the Westminster system of government).
There is a thread above that explains the context (taking co2 readings on a hand held meter) but here is my last response. Perhaps you have an answer?
“Today I managed to get 488ppm in the morning and 620ppm in the afternoon.
Here is the phd paper from someone who built their own device. As you can see it is very convoluted and how mixing all the numbers and processes up in a giant blender and then interpreting the results according to a mathematical formula can result in a real world reading I do not know. (see especially page 40 onwards)
To believe that the average CO2 reading is 415ppm is like insisting that the average temperature of the earth at 6pm yesterday was 17degrees Centigrade . It is meaningless as very few places would be reading 17 degrees.
BY drying the air and putting co2 through hoops how can we end up with a representative or meaningful real world reading?”
Sorry Tony – instrumentation for detecting gases is above my pay grade. However I am sympathetic with your concerns that CO2 concentrations are highly variable within the urban, domestic and rural environment depending on the setting and time of day etc. Such concerns obviously influenced the placement of sampling stations at Mauna Loa (NH) and Cape Grim (SH). Both sites are in the path of reliable trade winds that have covered 1000s of kms over oceans before samples are obtained. While there are questions raised from time to time about nearby volcanic activity with Mauna Loa, I don’t think the overall trend in concentration at both these recording stations is in serious dispute.
Of course the problem you are dealing with has close analogies with claims about temperature trends also. My intuitive belief is that measurements based on satellite platforms are far & away the best means of solving these questions. But accuracy and precision will always remain the elephant in the room. Good luck in your quest.
Thanks for this. The point is that for a figure of 400ppm to be the norm, when it appears 500ppm and above are very common then large areas of the world need to have 300ppm in order to create the 400ppm average. I am not aware this happens anywhere. It is the extreme drying of the air that baffles me and unfortunately the several atmospheric scientists I have asked just take the official figures and the mechanism for obtaining them as correct.
Mauna Loa CO2 readings show a distinct sawtooth annual pattern caused by the autumn drop and subsequent decay of leaves in the deciduous forests. Don’t imagine that shows in the south.
“longer-duration energy storage systems”
You still have to generate the electricity !
Tony from OZ asks….
“Will someone please tell me where that 80% of Non Fossil Nett Zero power is going to come from ….. by whatever year they hope to get it by”.
Of course Tony they haven’t got a clue and there are much longer periods of cloudy very still weather to come in our very uncertain future.
That’s if we abandon Coal etc and are stupid enough to waste billions $ on even more TOXIC, UNRELIABLE S&W. What a disaster and what a curse we are delivering for the future Aussies and jobs , businesses etc in the near future.
Obama Variant: Martha’s Vineyard Hit with Coronavirus Spike After Superspreader Birthday Party
This is EXACTLY what I was anticipating and should be a wake up call to those expecting vaccination to be the cure all for dealing with CoViD since all those attending the party were supposedly fully vaccinated
and sophisticated too, by some reports.
Viva Frei: “Vaccine Passports” and Why Tyranny Requires Social Division – Totalitarianism
If you are sick of the climate alarmism go to and view preprint 3. Eds worked on this for some years, you will not be disappointed.
Typhoons have been tracking down since the middle of last century.
Tropical cyclones are also trending down, global warming has a lot to answer for. Nothing on this in AR6.
That well known modelling principle at work –
“If in doubt leave it out”
Does anyone have a graph showing rates of infection for July, August. I’d like to check for evidence of the protest a few weeks back being a super spreader event as widely reported.
Cheers, Graeme.
for anywhere in particular?
if you mean positive tests , then may help
cheers bud, yeah I should have mentioned that I was thinking of Sydney Greater and maybe NSW
The fallout from the recent blackouts in New Zealand continues
But why they are they bothering since the issue of a demand spike from the cold will go away with global warming?
As I suspected, Genesis and Contact Energy gamed their energy market by not bringing more baseload thermal units online in the lead up, knowing that conditions unfavorable for renewables was coming.
Reads like the expect it all to work out due to that good old Kiwi spirit rather than actually driving the system.
It’s funny how they don’t question the inability of renewables to provide power add required and expect that thermal plants should always be able to plug the bike.
“But why they are they bothering since the issue of a demand spike from the cold will go away with global warming?”
As Len Dighton observed in “Fighter” on “The bomber will always get through” – came the realisation that “bombing would kill voters. Accurate bombing might kill politicians.”
A German pathologist who performed 40 autopsies on people dying shortly after being vaccinated (within 2 weeks) is convinced that 30-40% (12-16/40) of the deaths were caused by the vaccine.
This is a pathologist who has himself been vaccinated against CoViD and has performed numerous autopsies on CoViD deaths to help develop better treatment regimes.
Have ANY autopsies for deaths in these circumstances been performed in Australia, yet?
There was talk about an autopsy for Genene Norris who died after receiving the AstraZenica vaccine back in April but no news of this since.
Some homework reading for the National Cabinet and all State Chief Medical Officers.
They refer to sources that cooperate with the blackout or help enforce it. The same with the vast majority of our doctors
as predicted:
“The worst case scenario. We have it BECAUSE of the vaccine.”
That’s handy.
If anyone needed a fine example of :understatement”!
Ah well, the worldwide rollout will continue without breaking step. What was that figure doing the rounds in Israel, within five years forty percent of the vaccinated cohort will have died?
“within five years forty percent of the vaccinated cohort will have died?”
If those doctors and researchers are correct in their understanding of what the spike protein production in many parts of the body is capable of doing…
… there is a world of hurt ahead!
I really hope they are wrong. My brothers and my daughter have each had at least one “shot” 🙁
Mum’s 94, and is not bothering.. her immune system would be tough as nails anyway !
A high percentage of the vaccinated will have died within 5 years because they are over 75 or are vulnerable.
the words were “five years forty percent of the vaccinated cohort “
That would include many of those not over 75.
The military in the US are out arresting people:
(this one is going to Gitmo)
(been told to behave or go to Gitmo)
and don’t, if you can, get vaxxed:
What is that stuff 🙂 “
Three more meaty fantasies to pursue as compensation for yesterday’s news that Gina Haspel is at large and thriving, bless you sophocles.
They’re Junk.
Sheer rubbish.
I got sucked in. I usually spend time validating items before posting links to them. My Rule of Thumb for a new site is to find at least two confirmations from other trusted sites. If it works, then the website may be trustworthy. If there are no problems over time, I eventually adopt the site as trustworthy.
I was in a hurry and didn’t check … for the first time in twelve years. How embarrassing.
And I am embarrassed. I’m not going to hide from it … just go back to being careful 😀
initially too…. then posted this
Even if it’s not true- it’s still heartening news that makes you think , what if.
That would be one of the more conservative estimates out there.
One cardio thoracic specialist I read the other day predicts that a majority of those who have been spike-vaccinated will be dead in about 3 years. He gives them that long for the mass of micro-clots in the lungs to build up to the extent where they place enough back-pressure on the heart to make the right ventricle fail under the constant strain of trying to pump blood through all the blockages. He bases his 3 year timeframe on similar effects known from other causes. Age becomes largely irrelevant when clots are the cause.
Sorry I don’t have the link for that but I have read so many reports lately that I’ve lost track of who said what.
The D-Dimer blood tests conducted so far have shown about 60% of the vaccinated to be suffering from micro-clots not detectable on scans. The more shots, the more clots.
This is the doctor, but I think a different interview?
Sorry, hit the wrong button.
Yes FC, I think it might have been Dr Hoffe. I found this in my collection of vaccine docs once you gave me the name as a clue. I’m not sure if it is the one I had in mind though.
I truly hope that people like Dr Hoffe are wrong.
Otherwise, what will happen all over the world over the next few years will be truly horrifying !
Yep Clarence. Like living amongst the plague pits in the middle ages, and the breakdown in society would be even worse — the loss of skilled people and everyday things we take for granted. Like post-apocalyptic fiction. I am become death, the destroyer of worlds, as the Mahabharata says.
My sister, nephew and brother in law fell to the needle early on. My niece is a clot-shot nurse. Spends 11 hours a day 6 days a week giving needles. My mum is 87 and was going to get hers under pressure from my sister, but hasn’t yet. I’m the rebel; the unclean.
All is not totally lost for the spiked if they act. Ivermectin will bind to their spike proteins as it does to the natural virus’s and neutralise them; D3, C and Zn are still vital (IVM acts as the ionophore for the Zn and is also an anti-inflammatory), some good old wonder drug aspirin to thin the clots (also anti-inflammatory), and autophagy (via fasting) to remove the folded proteins created by spike protein damage that will lead to premature dementia etc. It may buy some extra years and some quality of life for the spike-afflicted.
I checked up on Charles Hoffe. Principia Scientfc is not exactly the most reliabl;e odf sources whether covid or climate change.
The Doctor is a highly religious man who talks of the mark of the beast the comping apocalypse and that this is all gods design. He sounds as if he belongs in the 17th century not the 21st. Here are some of his biblical rantings.
red thumb me all you like but this conspiracy theory and half the world will die theory is over the top. I speak as someone who believes we have had a vast over reaction to covid but that it remains serious to the elderly and vulnerable.
The vaccine probably doesnt stop you catching it or spreading it but has a marked effect on serious illness and deaths. It would be good to see anti virals giving a bigger role
Correction: it would be good to see anti-virals given the ONLY role.
While ever vaccines are forced upon us as the only way back to normality, people will keep dying like flies — as they did in India when IVM was suddenly banned and “vaccines” pushed in its place — their COVID death rate went from negligible to through the roof. When some states rebelled and re-instigated the use of IVM, THEIR death rates fell to negligible again. What a surprise. Not.
While ever a so-called “vaccine” exists and has official approval, vital anti-virals will be withheld from the people. That alone is reason to ban these vaccines. Murder by collusion.
“. . . has a marked effect on serious illness and deaths” — yeah it causes them, directly and indirectly. For goodness sake man, open your eyes and your mind. Look at the big picture and look behind the curtain.
If Hoffe’s was a lone voice or one of a few you might have a valid point, but he is far from a lone voice. When a considerable number of prominent physicians and specialists are putting their careers on the line to warn us of what is already happening, quite apart from what might happen, then we should sit up and take notice, and no, I’m not going to list them all for you. You can do your own homework. You won’t find their articles in the Times or their interviews on YouTube because they have been banned for “breaching community standards”. Truth is not amongst the community standards of YouTube or Facebook.
If you haven’t seen other dissenting views it is because you haven’t read widely enough or you have selective pro-vaccine vision. I’m not just talking about fringe web sites, I’m talking about medical papers too.
As a researcher i have been following this all very closely since february 2020, have read numerous links mainstream and dissenting, followed them up and have Laura Dodsworth’s book ‘State of fear’ in which she looks at the manner in which the state has deliberately terrified us into submission. As part of a community that has just about the highest level of vaccination in the world-due to their age and vulnerabilities- i have seen none of these huge number of side effects constantly claimed here. I don’t know the future but there are certainly lots of conspiracy theories.
my estimation is that the vaccine (currently) has a big role in preventing serious illness or death. it does not stop you passing it on (hence vaccine passports are pointless) or catching it-other than there might be a small amount of protection but that is completely negated by the vaccinated believing they are now totally immune. I saw it after the first jab when people then said they were going straight out to see their grandchildren.
I do think there is a big role for anti virals and would like to see some rapid scientific tests that demonstrated their efficacy one way or the other. That has not really been done and neglects also that some anti virals need to be given immediately whilst others may be more effective in the later stages of the disease.
Simple things like Vitamin D also need to be more widely promoted.
The lockdowns OZ currently has are draconian and as our own govt has now switched to the mantra stay outdoors rather than stay inside I do wonder what the point of Oz house arrest is.
Hi Tony,
I’ve always gone to your comments and found them interesting.
Just finished looking at your post to Beowulf and it has some reinforcement of the points that most accept, for example the use of Ivermectin.
Up till recent times I had trusted Government to look after the population in making sure that the vaccines we were given were the best possible, i.e. they had been produced and tested thoroughly.
In recent decades I’ve been concerned at reports of adverse reactions to government endorsed vaccines.
The annual Flu vax was worrying from the start with the “annual” shot.
From my own intuition it seemed to be such a rapid offering: to create, produce, test and distribute this thing in 12 months that for a while I declined it.
Then I had a couple and while the reactions that followed weren’t life threatening they were the worst I’d had in my long life. Then one year there were reports of serious reactions to the flu vaccine; one was a child and the other a woman in western Australia who died, I think. I stopped there.
Then, twelve months ago, facing the oncoming CV19 I decided to update with shingles, the annual flu vac and hep a or b. I wasn’t going to get a CV19 vac immediately and decided to make sure I didn’t get flu or shingles at the same time.
Two weeks later, after an unpleasant few hours after the flu vac I was in hospital for three days with extensive clots on the lungs.
As to the current CV19 vaxx, there are two acquaintances that I’ve previously mentioned who had terrifying after effects from the Covid19 vax. That shouldn’t happen: there’s something extreme about the CV19 vax.
Yesterday someone put up a link to a doctor in Indiana USA who spoke very logically and coherently about “the vaccine”.
My trust in publicly sponsored “science” and government evaporated with the appalling, ongoing climate change via human origin CO2 imposition on the western world.
I understand it thoroughly and see the background which allows it to continue in a supposedly educated society; that we are still debating aspects of Klimate Science is indicative of a great evil at work.
The government action on CV19 in shutting down our society should not be underestimated.
Schools have been disrupted for over a year, universities the same, small, medium businesses have been trashed: just a couple of areas where lives have been torn apart.
I could go on but am concerned about Stockholm Syndrome where people who are too close to things just see what they are being pointed to.
Just what is truth and what is manipulation.
Kalm Keith
Thanks for your comment. Will there be reactions to any vaccine! Yes? Is the vaccine sometimes worth the risk? Yes, but that depends a lot on your likely vulnerability to whatever you are supposedly being protected from.
I thought your last sentence especially insightful.
We are being nudged to do things that the authorities believe are good for us. Two prime examples are climate change and covid.
The original nudge unit was set up in London
There is also a nudge unit in Sydney.
We should not of got into a situation where vaccines for the virus have become so vital, but govts everywhere panicked and carried out unsuitable responses, whether it was decanting old people from hospital to care homes without testing, allowing hospitals to become infected and locking people up in their own homes allowing the virus to spread.
So to cover it all up the govt needed a get out of jail card which by now can only be in the form of a vaccine.
The vaccine may be imperfect, tt may not fit all the ideal parameters but it is better than the alternatives once the genie was out of the bottle and case rates were escalating.
Now western govts have seen how compliant their populations are the nudge unit will have a simple job to convince people to accept carbon restrictions to prevent their grandchildren supposedly frying to death in the coming heat.
With your extremely low case rates I am not sure I would have taken the vaccine if i were over there.
The over reaction in Oz has I am afraid been of epic proportions but I suspect that now you have set out on this path, that the end result will be huge pressure to get the vaccine
We have a niece-in-law – teacher, bright, intelligent – and she has gone over to the dark side as well, and is now a crazed anti-vaxxer. She talks and posts of nothing else – she’ll wreck her marriage and her kids if she keeps it up. She’s already been “banned” from the family WhatsApp group – driving us all mad.
I trust you don’t wind up like thousands of others beowulf … gasping for breath through a ventilator, wishing you’d had the vaccine.
And horse dewormer doesn’t work for those with Covid-19.
Oh dear … another “medical expert” jumping on the vaccine-is-death bandwagon.
Half the conspiracists say the vaccines don’t work, half say they are a death sentence, and the third half says they fade in six months. LOL
Other reports on that page would suggest so. Not a reliable source.
it’s a summary and inference from an article in the Journal of Infection:
Infection-enhancing antibodies have been detected in symptomatic Covid-19
Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE) is a potential concern for vaccines
Enhancing antibodies recognize both the Wuhan strain and Delta variants
ADE of Delta variants is a potential risk for current vaccines
Vaccine formulations lacking ADE epitope are suggested
The constitutional (il)legality of forced vaccinations and the issues of coercion and restrictions on the unvaxxed.
Full article here:
For those who gaven’t seen it yet:
Where is Gina Haspel?
Alive and well apparently after being reported dead.
Gina joins former Obama era deputy AG Sally Yates at the law firm.
Also Rod Rosenstein!
They all seem to have a safety net.
The numbats, travelling to regional New South Wales, have forced a statewide lockdown. Regional businesses salute you,idiots
We ain’t happy, guess we are all in it together.
Oh teary me… are you now having to suffer what Melbourne and Sydney residents have to go through.
Peter, no woe for the ACT? I thought you’d have lots of mates there.
I guess “regional NSW” does not receive any goods transported from Sydney? Blaming the spread on travellers is not rational. To really have been safe, you needed to stop all deliveries of everything from diapers to petrol – oh, and beer.
The North coast area involved could have its beer rations supplied by boat.
“Inflation is being “manufactured” by companies as well as governments”
Scary messages in there
Greed as a word seems to be an all-purpose cause of all evil.
Maybe the author is warning about Cronyism, the system whereby the big corporations together with the big unions ally with government to form ‘the corporate state’ against independent business and individuals.
Does that mean “inflationary expectations” fuel inflation? I think so.
I don’t keep a diary so the time eludes me but I think it was the ’70s when my suppliers put out a new price list almost weekly. Not everything went up every week of course but enough that they printed a new price list. At the time I thought many of those increases were predictive rather than reactive,
Dr Geert Vaden Bossche has a new blog post continuing with his warning about the leakiness of the vaccines promoting greater infectiousness and resistance to the vaccines
He discusses how the Delta variant has greater infectiousness but the Lambda variant has greater resistance to the vaccines. His nightmare scenario is that the Lambda variant becomes more infectious with greater vaccination rates due to the selection pressure. This would lead to the following result
Is there a blog from Israel that is open…?
I ask as I hear Israel is going into lockdown September rolling out third vaccine, and curious as to vaccine side affects.
The Idiot’s Answer To Global Warming: Hydrogen
August 12, 2021/ Francis Menton
“Can people really be fooled by this?”
Politicians seem to be. ! or they think the people can be..
As Willis E put it
“The problem with hydrogen is that it is pre-burnt – you can’t just go and open a hydrogen mine”
Fascinating how colour-coding hydrogen manifested and I was thinking how long it would take to start the same with CO2.
Well, what do ya know
..Obviously F Menton was fooled by it..!
Anyone with a passing interest in energy systems knows that Hydrogen from Steam Reforming is not “clean” energy in the CO2 sense.
Only an idiot would accept that suggestion….its a contrived, false, suggestion posted simply to generate debate.!🙄
1000 illegal immigrants tried to cross the English Channel in 1 day, 60% made it. Why is the UK government so utterly incompetent/impotent?
Squaring The Circle: The UN’s Climate “Code Red” Versus The Real World
From Forbes
Tilak Doshi Contributor
In the very recent past, the USA was pretty much self-dependent on oil and was actually exporting products.
I wonder what went wrong ! 😉
I’ve think I’ve found the perfect theme song for Mr. Biden:
Funeral March of a Marionette – Gounod
(Old timers like me remember this as the theme song for Alfred Hitchcock presents)
“Dept of Homeland Security Makes Official U.S. Government Announcement, If You Question Govt COVID Response You are Considered A Domestic Violent Extremist
August 14, 2021 | Sundance | 209 Comments”
“Yes, Snopes Has Been Forced To Retract 54 Articles”
Could someone “fact check” that please 😉
“Eye on Israel”
And check the bit on Oz!
“Your covid’s in the very best of hands, the best of hands”
Dr Haviv further specified that: “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated,” adding “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people” and the hospital is “opening more and more COVID wards.” This has led him to conclude that “the effectiveness of the vaccine is fading out.”
Data from the Israeli Minister of Health released on July 22 declared that the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at preventing COVID-19 has plummeted from 90 percent to only 39 percent, coinciding with the spread of the Delta variant in the country.
and Aussies have some questions
Boy what a Question!!
It just occurred to me that the high leakiness and the fast fading effects of the gene therapy spike protein “vaccines” may be very good things. These may well keep the selection pressure low enough to prevent the deadly scenario feared by Dr Geert Vanden Bossche of a highly resistant strain (Lambda) becoming dominant and then further mutating to become more infectious.
The “vaccines” would then remain useful for the truly vulnerable while the their uselessness for controlling outbreaks would eventually be acknowledged.
Of course, there is still the prospect of unacknowledged and long term side effects for those who chose to subject themselves to experimentation and the costs of these will not be known for a while
Graph here as a reminder
Some very gripping comments there which just adds to the concept of uncaring, out of control government at work.
This comment was in response to blog clogging incident No I6969a
If users of this blog don’t challenge attempts by individuals to misdirect, confuse, redirect attention and or dilute real discussion then we can give up on changing the larger political environment which is currently stifling society.
Many variations of technique are noted and some sound almost true. Are these people paid shills?
Bigg contributions.
“Do you have a reference for that”
“Show me your link”
Big Board wouldn’t like this
“Biden Sends 1,000 Emergency Evacuation Troops to Kabul as Intel Agencies Now Say Afghan Capital Will Fall Within 72 Hours”
August 14, 2021 | Sundance | 64 Comments”
Read what will be left behind! Helicopters already in use.
I wonder how this withdrawal will compare with the one from the British First Afghan War?
“The Decline And Fall Of The American Empire”
“Bad news for a Biden White House making plans to pull their staff from the roof of the American Embassy — the Taliban are in the air.”
“Related: The Taliban are now in possession of more Blackhawk helicopters than 166 other nations around the globe.”
Biden last month on Afghanistan:
Today he blames Trump for his incompetence.
At least Biden’s PC military generals won’t have the burden of installing a third toilet at their Afghan military bases.
Where’s all the outrage from women’s rights groups, Metoo etc? Too busy protesting to get more pay for sportswomen, to worry about child brides and mediaeval treatment of women.
And here we go again!
“Covid Vaccine “Black Box” Warning For Heart Injury”
From the Irony can be pretty ironic sometimes department:
Melee Breaks Out in California Between Antifa and Anti-Vaccine-Mandate Protesters
AntiFa….. the ultra-leftist, facist thuggies.
In that vein
“(When the anti-GMO people show up to protest the vegans, you don’t pick a side…)”
Germans discover enough lithium in the Rhine River Valley to build 400 million EVs
enough for 4 years of global vehicle production at 100% EV
Now they just have to get the greenies to let them mine it 😉
Plus the NATO new fleet. LOL
HYDROGEN STORAGE…. Solid state ??
A new player going commercial with a technology claimed to store Hydrogen without compression or cyrogenics .
I’ve seen claims Dr Borody is promoting a triple drug covid19 protocol for Australian doctors, and it is legal! It is legal, that is true, but there is still no official blessing. The 3 meds can all be proscribed, but convincing doctors without official backing is a struggle..
It is not only academia’s ‘ladder’ that has been taken over – and it is not as recent as many think.
It could have been in the 1980’s when I observed the takeover of the Y.W.C.A. that set the alarm bells ringing for me.
Next I noted the set up of groups eager to bring charities into the loop and make them more businesslike in their approach.
And just recently I became aware of a movement in the UK quietly rebelling against the “centre of gravity in church affairs – as well as the funding – shifting from the local parish towards an increasingly bureaucratic and centralised church structure”.
The church folk who are rebelling liken it to “an aggressive corporate takeover” (Save the Parish movement, UK).
As you say Jo, the support of your readers keeps you writing. You are free to write what you think important – BUT NOT EVERYONE ELSE IS FREE.
We live in a MONEY ECONOMY and are governed by that system, which reminds me of an important biblical quote (paraphrased):
“The love of money, that is, the preference for money in terms of personal advancement, above all other considerations, is the root of all kinds of evil”.
Yes, we are engaged in a culture war: that means the cultivation of the values upon which all human associations – whether of two people or two million – are based, and upon which they prosper.
A money system is a political weapon in a modern money economy and is most certainly being used in this ‘aggressive corporate takeover’!
Yep, money, the root of all evil.
Small correction: ‘The LOVE of money is the root of all evil.”
Add to it the love of power.
Money and power are today interchangeable. Those with the money control the dissemination of news and with that control comes power.
The Orwellian Push For Vaccine Passports (Not what you think they are)
July 2021 is the hottest month ever recorded.
Manifestly it wasn’t. The proclamation says more about the level of fraud at NOAA than it does about climate change.
Another “weorta ‘av” got the year when the source was available.
My father talked about one winter here in western Qld where the first frost was November. Might have given July a nudge too.
Why am I not surprised by your response? NOAA-denial seems to be a common theme.
Facts and data are meaningless to yo, aren’t they Tilba.
Your denial of reality is obvious in every post you make..
A total detachment.
NOAA’s surface data is totally unfit for anything except propaganda.
It is made from sparsely and irregularly spaced heavily urban affected data, collected and smeared over vast areas it should never be applied to. Then subjected to manifestly un-scientific mal-adjustments to try to make it align to unscientific, unvalidated low-end computer game models.
Good summary.
UAH has July 2021 in 6th place in 43 years.
On a year to day basis, 2021 is in 12th place of 43years
So it is not the warmest July by far,
… and nowhere near the warmest year so far.
There is no evidence that human released CO2 causes atmospheric warming
Increased CO2 does not retain energy in the atmosphere.
Data proves that while there is a decrease of OLR in the narrow CO2 band, as expected, it is more than compensated by an increase in a much wider band of OLR in the atmospheric window.
The absorbed energy in the CO2 band is being thermalised to the rest of the atmosphere and rejected at a different frequency, exactly as atmospheric physics controlled by the gravity based lapse rate would dictate.
OLR is increasing, in line with atmospheric temperatures
The only way this can happen is if the energy causing the mild but highly beneficial warming is from an exterior source.
This is actually that big hot shiny object in the sky, which we call The Sun, modulated by a decrease in cloud cover over the tropical oceans.
Also if we look at Solar intensity, we see that we have just had a period of the highest solar activity in a very long time.
‘Climatologically, July is the warmest month of the year. With July 2021 the warmest July on record, at least nominally, this resulted in the warmest month on record for the globe.’ (NOAA)
Climatologically, a case can be made that the next NH winter, with a negative NAO, should break a few records.
Tilba, the whole concept of a global temperature is pure folly.
It is a mathematical nonsense.
You obviously don’t have the education to grasp that fact.
You have been totally unable to counter the reality of the total inadequacies of surface data.
You are still totally incapable of backing up any of your little belief system with anything remotely resembling science.
All that you think is real, is just a product of brain-washed mantra that you don’t have the intelligence to overcome.
“that has some wrinkles in it”
lol.. craters and abysses more like it.
NOAA’s surface data is totally unfit for anything except propaganda.
It is made from sparsely and irregularly spaced heavily urban affected data, collected and smeared over vast areas it should never be applied to. Then subjected to manifestly un-scientific mal-adjustments to try to make it align to unscientific, unvalidated low-end computer game models.
Read #62.4 above.. and respond with actual science.
Or remain looking like a brain-absent AGW sicko-phant.
Where? On Venus or Mercury?
Another La Niña is coming up.
A large drop in the temperature of the Peruvian Current.
La Nina is a certainty.,-6.60,2105/loc=-82.575,-12.498
Jennifer Marohasy takes a swipe at AR6.
Ice core fudging, not all they are cracked up to be.
‘Ice cores from the East Antarctic Plateau, Dome C and Vostok, do not capture the full magnitude of Antarctic CO2 variability. They are the lowest temporal resolution datasets for CO2 measurements and represent the minimum CO2 values as well as reduced variability over the Holocene.
‘Yet they are the key past CO2 records used when comparing to modern CO2 data. Recent CO2 increases appear rapid and radical. If the recent CO2 increase over the past 100 years is attenuated to replicate ice core measurements and then resampled to ice core data intervals it will only represent a mere data point or two within the Holocene ice core record.’ Renee Hannon (wuwt)
Well Tilba…woopeee!! So July 2021 is the hottest on record…SO WHAT?? And what record is that? since 1850, 170 years? BIG DEAL!! 170 years out of 4 billion years of climate is…let’s say…IRRELEVANT. And what about the other 11 months of the year? GET REAL, BOYO!
Thank goodness those Victorian sailors documented the entire global ocean surface temperatures as accurately as satellites etc. – else how would we know. NOAA would have just had to essentially make all the ocean data up all the way from 1850 to 1980/2000!
For those wondering whether “Stockholm Syndrome” continues after you’ve left Stockholm, here’s the answer;
Australia’s academic mandate; do not think outside of the approved message or you will be “Murray Salby’d”.
“In his latest Substack article, Alex Berenson explains how those in charge of the vaccine rollouts have absolutely no idea what they’re doing.”
An interesting recent comment from Roger Pielke Snr at Judith Curry’s blog and his link. He is referring to IPCC AR6 and he provides a link .
The period he refers to is 3.5 decades ( 1979 to 2014) and that would be an extra warming of 0.35 c ( at least ) over that time. Or perhaps another 1.0 c of “make believe warming” in the next 100 years?
So is Dr Pielke correct? Over to Dr Pielke Snr.
“Roger Pielke Sr | August 10, 2021 at 9:55 am | Reply
“we assess with medium confidence that CMIP5 and CMIP6 models continue to overestimate observed warming in the upper tropical troposphere over the 1979-2014 period by at least 0.1°C per decade, in part because of an overestimate of the tropical SST trend pattern over this period.”
“If SSTs are overestimated, global sfc air T would be overestimated by this amount”.
NSW Enviro minister Matt Kean thinks this bloke is a genius.
A nice summary by Eric Worrell of this unbelievable nonsense. Just more super toxic, DILUTE energy that wrecks our landscapes NOW and subsurface every 20 years. THEN FOREVER.
“By his calculations Australia can reduce emissions by more than 50 per cent by the end of the decade by replacing gas and coal-fired power with renewables and helping households, small business and light-manufacturing deploy solar and battery technology to replace internal combustion vehicles as well as gas-burning water and space heating appliances.”
So where does mine and 1000s of other solar powered hot water heaters fit into Griffith’s calculations. My solar hot water heater has the solar panel to heat water when the sun shines, plus an electricity connection to circulate water through the solar system when the weather is near freezing, plus a gas instant hot water heater for when the sun doesn’t shine (which is more often than not), with an electricity connection presumably to provide the spark when the gas heating is needed. So if the bloke is such a genius how does he plan to have such a system work with no gas.
Well the obvious answer is simply to swap out the gas heater unit for an electrical equivalent , ……..powered of course from your EV battery !
“Sunday morning music”
CNN Praises Taliban For Wearing Masks During Attack
August 14th, 2021 –
‘Sea ice at the South Pole has rebounded over the past two years to levels seen 30 years ago. In June, 2021, Antarctic sea ice was even well above normal. The doomsday scenario has disappeared, and not the ice.
‘The Antarctic sea ice rebound shows that there’s still a lot about natural drivers that remains unknown, says Die kalte Sonne. It appears that oceanic cycles, such as ENSO, SAM or the Indian Ocean play major roles on Antarctic sea ice variability.’ (Notrickszone)
And depending what happens in the next few weeks, the Arctic could bottom out around 5 Mkm², although, probably a bit below that.
I thought it was all meant to have disappear many years ago 😉
there wasn’t much there in the 1950s when the US and USSR seemed to be in a competition to show their subs surfacing at the North Pole. Yet today its presented as Armageddon, rather than history repeating.
No-one has ever said that. There are predictions that there will be no summer sea ice by 2050 – which is more than bad enough. No ice and a dark sea worsen the albedo, leading to further warmth absorption. Plus permafrost melting and methane release.
“No one has ever said that.”
You sure ’bout that?
“No-one has ever said that.”
BS… Stop displaying your complete and utter ignorance… or is it denial.
There have been many predictions of “disappearing” sea ice over many decades.
A classic is Peter Wadhams, but there are many other, that were all proven wrong by history.
Here’s a god compendium of all those erroneous farcical predictions
Educate yourself, .. don’t be part of the dumber and dumbest crowd all your life.
I note with sadness that Mr./Ms. Tilba^squared does not possess the cajones to reply to either you or myself.
Typical leftie: hates having to admit that they/he/she/him/her might be wrong (see # above).
V. t. I.
“Instructions if you are an American in Afghanistan and would like help leaving:”
This youtube was created 4/8/21. So it’s quite new, and uses current references abundant.
Mass Psychosis.
That was brilliant, share and watch as many times you can for all our sake’s.
The pictorial graph at 11:14 showing waves of fear, calm, fear, calm, and more fear and more calm until the mind is completely captured is quite brilliant!
An interesting short speech from 2011, showing on Tony Hellers channel. The speaker seems to have seen Afghanistan coming quite clearly.
Does the US top general get the nickname of “Elphie” for comparison?
Never realized it was so much …