A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Willie Soon (astrophysicist) is at it again. Predicting that the world will be colder for the next thirty years, which will be an interesting twist as the IPCC pivots to allege CO2 causes warming which causes cooling.
Of course this agrees with everyone else (see 8:43 and 15:20) because the entire system is so obviously driven by the sun activity and modified by the huge amount of heat stored in the giant oceans and their cycles. And that air temperature varies very quickly because as our former Prime Minister Tony Abbott said, it is weightless. Most people outside the tropics experience that every day as the temperature on land rockets up and down with the sun, most noticeably in desert climates with little water for moderation.
Of course Tony Abbott was wrong about weightless but in the great scheme of things, not much. The oceans at an average depth of 3.4km weigh 340x as much as the air and with higher specific heat have 1400x the heat. And solar intensity oscillations and induced ocean oscillations (up and down as well as around) map perfectly with our long term weather.
It will not be long now before the entire fantasy collapses. Which is why Germany is reverting to brown coal and Russian gas. As will the rest of the world.
This is confirmed by all the infallible computer model pushers. Because when they are wrong, they always blame the ocean. La Nina, El Nino, the Indian Dipole, the Gulf Stream. Except they cannot predict them, cannot predict the overwhelming effect of the oceans on our weather even though the solar and ocean cycles are very well known. And they ignore the solar cycles and the ocean cycles and even the cloud cover. No wonder they cannot get anything right.
The media pushers of man made Global Warming aka Climate Change have given up pretending they can predict anything. But every weather event is now the dreaded (man made) Climate Change, which is wearing very thin as an excuse for the utter failure of models to predict anything. And the Polar bears are fine. They like it cold, supposedly. But I wonder. Their first cousins the Brown bears seem happier.
Breathless urgency will be the theme in the run up to COP 26. But I am watching how the IPCC handles the hot model problem. ScienceMag says IPCC AR6 reporting begins next month. Says things are getting worse but the models are too hot! Balanced on the knife edge. Here is URL
Even some of the modelers agree the CMIP6 models are running too hot.
Two things. Firstly, it is an absurd suggestion that they are running too hot. This is not some sort of tuning problem. They are obviously wrong. But in the world of climate models, none are wrong. They just vary wildly.
Secondly, the Lake Oroville rang a bell. The Oroville dam was the earthworks dam which was the subject of a mass evacuation as it threatened catastrophic collapse in 2017 I assume they dropped the water levels dramatically and quickly. Now they are short of water? Really? Climate Change?
And as Australia and California, the coast of South America tend to be mirror images in climate, our dams are full so theirs might well be empty. And the cycle time is around 11 years for the PDO. This is well known but I think when dams empty, the climate scientists start talking up CO2. As we were told by our Chief Climate Scientist at the time, “even the rains which fall will not fill the dams”. Which was wrong, of course.
But in this case they are actually saying the hot models are wrong. A first!
Why did they not say “ All the models run to hot ( troposphere as measured by UHA) and we are sorry for all our predictions of catastrophe were being based on the model mean, or higher, and we’re sorry forgot to tell you about all the CO2 benefits.”
Well spotted.
The dam.
And as just reported in the Australian by Graham Lloyd, environment editor, NASA admits the computer models are ‘running too hot’. Some are predicting +5C. And the feeling is that models need to be ‘tempered’ with reality say for the last 30 years. This is all just laughably silly but the delayed IPCC report is due out in August.
We wait excitedly for the predictions of even more doom, more than the last 32 years. Just look at those Climate Change bushfires in California! As if 1.5C in 150 years was not bad enough! And rapid sea rises and drowning cities. Again.
“not enough attention has been paid to natural cycles in the earth’s climate.”
There is also the suggestion that just perhaps they could include sun and oceans effects as well as man made CO2? But that would be admitting defeat. Man made CO2 controls the planet, even if it is tiny. I mean look at those floods in Europe caused by Climate Change (but not the same floods in 2002).
The biggest failure of climate models is they’ve NEVER factored in cloud coverage which hugely effects heat reaching our planet surface.
The tree ring theories collapsed as water/rain was not included in their conclusions.
Claim: Global Cooling – Because of Climate Change Driven Wildfires
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
That is the original article, I do not expect you to understand it, given you have referenced WUWT
Ads hominems, eh? That really strengthens your case (not).
Of course, and you posting a link to an opinion site does? Hahaha
What’s it to be Fitzroy, indigenous stewardship, green laissez-faire, intensive agriculture or Koala rescue teams?
Too much fuel too little fuel, too hot too cold. It all burns, is buried and rots in the end regardless of human intervention, regardless of how much grows
I’ve closed the box for you. It is a well formulated description of the problem
Good move.Sick of the inane comments from Peter. Hard-wired stupid who just comes here to shinkick.
Tell Jo.
We tried before.
And he’s still here.
WUWT is a science site. It presents “science” and discusses it
It is no wonder you can’t understand or appreciate it.
The antithesis of your very existence.
‘ ,,, new clues on the potential scale and intensity of this increasingly extreme fire-weather phenomenon in a warming climate.’
Hmmm … they even had the audacity to mention a ‘nuclear winter’.
We discussed the cause of that horrendous bushfire season, a blocking high pressure out of place for that time of year. From my reading this is a natural phenomenon and in a warming or cooling world its of no consequence.
‘ … it is logical to expect a higher frequency and larger magnitude of pyroCb outbreaks, reflecting increased coupling of the mixed layer with surface conditions (e.g., more blow-up fires).’
There is no reason to expect a higher frequency in Australia as our climate has changed to cool/wet for a decade or more.
Peter ha ha.You mean giggle giggle don’t you?
Ad hominems are a standard Leftist firm of attack.
“Ad hominems are a standard Leftist firm of attack.”
True enough, probably because they have nothing useful to contribute to a discussion.
Correct. Marx himself was actually paid to write an anti- human manifesto.
What the Left haven’t worked out yet is they are useful idiots.
Here is how it works – the elite need an opposing force to “fight” against, so communism was built and funded. Having a fight allows through war etc to drive society in a direction they want.
Now the critical bit – in wartime, rights are suspended and emergency powers used that could otherwise be tolerated.
You can see how it works.
Create a “war on covid” with a weapon that you created…and off you go….trashing society and rebuilding it into a Godless hell hole.
You forgot the sarc tag.
No sarc…..
Beijing didn’t want this outcome, the release of Covid was either by accident or lone wolf.
You may have missed my earlier lecture where I explained that we are dealing with a Fascist dictatorship, they are Communist in name only.
Marx must be rolling in his grave, China has four economic classes the same as the West. The elites in all societies are unorganised, mainly concerned with the bottom line, forget this conspiracy theory. I fully support the authorities on Covid, but won’t be getting vexed.
In a brave new world we can reinvent ourselves, for the most part a godless lot, yet respectful of those who have faith.
EG, you forgot the sarc tag for the sarc tag.
I believe you are wrong about Novavax. It doesn’t make your cells produce spike proteins, it is more of a traditional vaccine approach.
The spike proteins are first generated in a moth, then they are injected into the person. None are produced in your body.
Before humans, there were wildfires with dangerouslly high fuel loads which burned unchecked.. Draw a closed box around a square kilometer of land. Vegetation grows. Vegetation dies. Vegetation burns. Vegetation rots.
What humans do to this parcel of land changes nothing. The arguments concerning fires and rot are nonsense. It’s carbon neutral unless you are laying down fossil fuel beds or transporting out carbon … to burn rot or lay down fossil fuel beds
Repeat: carbon neutral, independent of temperature. Capture and dispose is mainly neutral too
So it come down to smoke reflection, dust nucleation, ice albedo
Who saved the koalas before humans arrived on the scene? Poor things
One theory as to how humans arrived in Australia was smoke plumes from the south indicated a land mass that was out of site over the horizon. Travel by water towards the smoke would eventually result in landfall.
Good grief;
climate change is forty thousand years old?
They were on Timor, which was at the time only 50 kilometres from mainland Australia, so they would have seen smoke from bushfires.
“These forests are notorious for extremely rapid fire spread, reflecting eucalypt leaf litter build-up, shrub layer flammability, and dense spotting over a range of distances”
PF, no, we don’t expect you to understand anything !
Your comment, yet again, has zero merit.
Australia used to allow cattle to graze in state and national forests, this kept the fuel load down. Most grasses now are the introduced types, high sugars so faster and hotter burn.
The retarded greens literally write the laws for their unintended consequences as they go.
Where were the fires this year, PF?
Isn’t it meant to be getting warmer?
Or is one year of very dry conditions, in Australia, now counted as “climate change” ?
You know, its like dry years and fires have never happened in Australia before !
Too much for you to comprehend?
That’s right, allegedly climate change is still with us, so where are the fires caused by climate change, what’s that, there are none, oh dear.
You should be expecting everybody to understand it considering that you get your pants pulled down so often.
The US had twice, or more, acreage of forests burn every year for 10 years around 1930.
At least the same acreage of forests burnt, in just the US burnt every year from 1920 to 1940 and the global temperature rose 0.4° C with no help from human emissions (even according to the IPCC).
That is just from a quick glance at the paper.
Peter, same challenge I gave Simon; please list all the assertions in the WUWT post, and explain why they are wrong.
Simon has not responded.
As you have not either.
I’m sick to death apocliptic predictions by so called climate scientists
They have a 99% failure rate in their fcast And the keep getting Grant money to produce ever more dire predictions for nAtural evdnts
(US) Video by Dinesh D’Souza about how the Biden regime cancelled the Keystone Pipeline but allowed Putin’s pipeline.
6 minutes.
“California Importing More Foreign Oil… Because Climate Change!”
Californian Gamers Being Starved of High End Computers Because of Green Energy Regulations
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
I have long predicted Californian support for the green revolution would evaporate the moment it interfered with coffee deliveries to Starbucks. But I never dreamed California would mess with the gamers.
Interesting to see how this applies to EV charging.
This is actually extraordinary. All of what we call modern is absolutely grounded in those ‘nerds’ trying and succeeding in getting more processing power from their computers (even if they had to build their own) – that may or may not have required more electricity. To limit the electrons to engineers is like limiting water to crops; nothing left but weeds… Actual deliberate progressive policies actually deliberately hindering progress.
Oh to read a history book written in the year 2150; “and then everyone just went completely nuts…”
Cases in Britain continue to fall like a stone perplexing the experts who had expected a huge surge when most restrictions ended last week
Vaccinated visitors from the US and the EU will be allowed to enter without quarantine
Canadians will be excluded without quarantine.

Does that mean that the vaccines are working?
It depends on who massages the figures….
I wouldn’t trust any “official” figures as its likely they are being manipulated to suit the gumint pro vax agenda.
People who work in ERs would give a more reliable picture, although you have no idea if the Vax Commissars havent leant on them already….
” In a time of universal deception, telling the truth was a revolutionary act”
– “1984”
But wait, theres more…..
“Speaking to Insider, Christopher Murray, the director of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, said that not testing vaccinated people — as the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends — may be overlooking some transmission.
“”We actually have states where hospitalizations are going up more than cases,” Murray said, adding that “we’re probably missing a bunch of transmission in vaccinated individuals.”
“National data notes that more than 30 states continue to see rises in the number of COVID-19 infections. Experts attribute this to gaps in vaccinations and the rise of the contagious delta variant.
“Dr. Peter McCullough, Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine in Dallas, TX, referred to the COVID vaccine jabs as “propagandized bioterrorism by injection” which resulted in the deaths of more than 50,000 people in the United States.
“In a recorded interview mentioned in a report from World View Weekend (WVW), Dr. McCullough was quoted as saying that “every single thing that was done in public health in response to the pandemic made it worse.”
“He claimed that COVID was a bioweapon, and that the vaccinations were “phase two” of that bioweapon’s development.
“He asserted that a “multi-drug treatment administered in the early to mid-point” of the virus might have averted 85 % of the more than 600,000 deaths that hit the United States.
“”We have now a whistleblower inside the CMS, and we have two whistleblowers in the CDC. We think we have 50,000 dead Americans. Fifty thousand deaths. So we actually have more deaths due to the vaccine per day than certainly the viral illness by far. It’s basically propagandized bioterrorism by injection,” he said.
Original Steve, you seem to be about as accurate as a climate change forecaster.
And as far off-track as you can get.
Tonyb wrote: “Cases in Britain continue to fall like a stone perplexing the experts who had expected a huge surge when most restrictions ended last week”.
Were you one of those experts?
Are the numbers falling in Britain or not?
He said nothing about why they might be falling. Why do you seek to distract with your proselytizing?
I guess you could prove me wrong by actually posting verifyable info…..
I dont suppose you actually watched the video in the second article?
Thought not. You have homework to do……
Here’s your verifiable info:
“Between 22 July 2021 and 28 July 2021, 213,458 people had a confirmed positive test result. This shows a decrease of -36.1% compared to the previous 7 days.”
Excellent….given the gumint has been driving the whole thing, and we know that the vaccines dont actually stop transmission ( as they arent actually vaccines ) and we know that “vaccinated” people transmit the virus quite well, ergo, the figures are being fixed.
Logically, if vaccinated people leak the virus, and there are a lot of them, how , logically can the figures drop if they arent being fudged.
We also know that the gumint is desperately trying to get more people jabbed. As I said months ago, they would stage manage a massive push to panic people to take th evaccine. Right on cue, what do we have now? Allegedly ( as we have zero way of knowing if the figures are fixed – they likely are ) that “soaring” infections and painful lockdowns are trashing the economy , agian, and causing huge levels of pain, by design.
So logically, if a gumint is a sufficient mongrel enough to inflict this level of pain upon its population a la China style, its also bent enough to make up any figures it damn well likes to create enough panic to make people ( wrongly ) think if they bend over and take it up the…er….arm…that it will all go awya…well it will, when enough people are trashed by the vaccine to “protect” them. This is how the ruthless globalists work.
Anyway, thats how it will go.
“”We actually have states where hospitalizations are going up more than cases,” Murray said, adding that “we’re probably missing a bunch of transmission in vaccinated individuals.”
So without knowing how many tests, how many cycles they were run at, the mean cycle number of the positive finding, etc… we know little. I suppose our governments are inadequately funded to give us the simple necessary statistics on a pandemic.
Enjoy this Sam….
CDC appears to admit vaccines spread Covid
“CDC says fully vaccinated people spread the Delta variant and should wear masks: ‘This new science is worrisome’
Hey Sam, check this out – a Tucker Carlson video clip with a seriously stunning “ad” at the end, which is pro-vaccine.
Right toward the end, was a mocking “In ya face, ya loser” condescending video “promo” for the vaccine.
And you wonder why the US population at 50% vaccinated woke up, and went “No, no and hell no….”
“Brought to you by people who are smarter than we are”
And one of them literally gives the population the finger.
Are they medical people or actors?
My comment was not about the vaccine OS. It’s you who seeks to distract from Tonyb’s comment.
And, this post of yours, above, is just more of the same.
The facts are that Britain is experiencing a big fall in cases, and the so-called experts are “perplexed”.
Now, what it doesn’t say is whether they are “perplexed” at being wrong (again) or in being made to look like fools – again.
CDC says 74% of cases are among the vaccinated…but hang on , dont vaccines work?
Apprently not….
“During July 2021, 469 cases of COVID-19 associated with multiple summer events and large public gatherings in a town in Barnstable County, Massachusetts, were identified among Massachusetts residents; vaccination coverage among eligible Massachusetts residents was 69%. Approximately three quarters (346; 74%) of cases occurred in fully vaccinated persons (those who had completed a 2-dose course of mRNA vaccine [Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna] or had received a single dose of Janssen [Johnson & Johnson] vaccine ≥14 days before exposure).
Give us all the benefit of your incisive analysis on deaths rates for the vaccinated, if you don’t mind taking the time to check the data.
The compare it to that for the unvaccinated.
There are three possible factors. Vaccines are working. The dominant delta strain is more infectious but less deadly. There are natural peaks to virus strains which vary in different parts of the country but they all reach a peak at some point as cases in ALL UK areas are now falling.
Possibly a bit of all the factors. Cases peaked and troughed last year without the vaccines but presumably more people now have anti bodies.
Yes, and as alluded to above, we lack the statistics one must have; how many tested, at what cycle, at what cycle identified as positive, symptomatic or asymptomatic, hospitalized deceased and recovered, one for the vaccinated, one for the unvaccinated, and a line for adverse vaccine events. All of the above, preferably in one week periods, along with the percent of the population vaccinated in each week period, and separated by demographics of the tested and infected.
All of this could fit on one spreadsheet, maybe two with the demographics separated.
They have all this information.
Is it suspicious that it is impossible to get? ( Hell yes!)
Analysis Finds Counties with Above-Average Vaccination Rates Reporting Higher Coronavirus Case Rates
by Hannah Bleau – 28 July 2021
Yeah, people have to break out of the mental “box” to realize the “vaccines” arent vaccines, but rather symptom suppressors…..
The term being used by some is non-vaccines. It’s very appropriate.
No, OS, not “symptom suppressors”. Look at the data again, objectively.
On the data available across all countries, the vaccines are “death suppressors”. Look at the data.
It’s possible, PeterS, that the vaccines don’t meet the definition proposed by some for “vaccines”. Perhaps the term “inoculations” would better meet their need for pedantic purity. Either way, it’s a barren argument.
When you are able to show that the vaccines (inoculations) don’t suppress death at a rate greater than that of the non-vaccinated (and those with immunity due to surviving the virus), then you might have an argument.
When you do that, I’ll change my mind. For now, the evidence is against both of you.
Where’s the evidence you speak of that’s against us? Show us. We welcome the truth, not just diatribe.
Do you give no stock to the argument that the leaky vaccines are likely vaccine resistant wuflu generators?
Do you discount the adverse vaccine incident reports?
Do you discount the studies that suggest these systems catch no more the ten percent of adverse incidents?
Do you discount that vaccine adverse events are full of negative reactions that were predicted by experts to be possible?
Do you discount that the adverse incidents are full of horrible outcomes that the patients often had no prior history of, and that are also rare.
Do you acknowledge that the adverse event reporting system were set up to find flaws in vaccines, and in the past they have caught problems and have been utilized to stop the administration of vaccines?
Do you acknowledge that the wuflu reports are far more numerous at a far higher percentage then any previous vaccines?
Do you discount the possibility of far worse outcomes.
Are you aware that the vaccine induced spike protein is harmful and goes systemic?
Do you support giving a leaky vaccine to a large percentage of the population that has very little threat from the virus?
Just questions worth considering…
David A
Again all we see is a list of statements devoid of data or links.
Many of your statements have their genesis in the comments made by publicity seeking crackpots – the Anti-vaxxer equivalent to Tim Flannery in the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming stupidity.
The fact is, on the data a available across many countries, the vaccine lowers Covid-19 mortality rates, and provides a level of protection to the broader society.
There is extensive backing to the cogency of all my questions.
Zero of them deny that the vaccine initially produces a drop in cases and wuflu mortality, making your statement a straw man.
I could take the time to find multiple links to support every question, but do you really need one to prove the existence of the adverse reaction systems and the multiple questions about those systems?
That the vaccine is leaky is also not controversial.
That the spike protein goes systemic, is not controversial.
That the adverse reactions systems exist and for a real reason, is not controversial.
That the harms found within them vastly outnumber any other vaccine is not controversial.
That the nature of the adverse reactions was predicted is established.
That you answered zero of the questions is telling, and is just a false marginalizing dismissal. A insulting dismissal of PHD scientists with stellar backgrounds and no prior dismissal of being “ crack pots.”
Which of my statements ORIGINATED in “publicity seeking crack pots” ?
Publicity seeking crack pots may quote any well published PHD scientist, but that does not marginalize the PHD scientist.
This author is a PHD virologist, vaccine expert, former employee of the Gates foundation. ( not a crack pot) Here is his take on the leaky vaccine in an open letter to WHO.
Gates foundation, you say.
That figures.
Just like Prof Tim Flannery PhD, is a former employee of the previous green/left Labor Federal Government.
It reeks of politics. Money talks.
That he formerly worked for the Gates foundation, and speaks strongly against the vaccine should give you consideration to listen.
You again avoid any real conversation.
There is a large bias there if you know the counties.
Large urban poor versus other. For example, Del Norte County borders Oregon and has under 30,000 people. Almada County has over 1.5M people. People per square mile: Almada = 710/km2; Del Norte = 9/km2
Such comparisons mean little.
It would be intersting to see a model that could take all those factors into account ( popn density, income, climate etc etc ) …surely they must exist?
I just posted a more detailed version of that above, about 8 posts ago. What we should be asking, what we should know, what we know the government knows, why aren’t they sharing?
Because keeping people with limited information stops them avoiding the vaccine…..when the only option allowed, is the vaccine.
If you were an evil group of people and your whole plan hinged on makeing sure the planet was depopulated by medicating people with a spiked medical product, you would do whatever it took to ensure people had no option but to take your thing.
But thats all fiction, right?
I suspect groups of people thought the Na*ies were somebody elses propblem, until they got dragged into cattle cars…..
But you can tbuild a concentration camp big enough, so now you take the camp to the people….
Now we see troops on the street in NSW. Play time is over, this may morph into survival soon….
May God protect us.
From Tuesday Thread just to remind of Cost to Taxpayers in NSW alone.
Meanwhile Pathology Companies screw Australian Taxpayers
Taxpayers spend more than $580 million on COVID-19 testing in NSW
Rapid antigen tests will be used to bring Year 12 students back into classrooms, with the NSW government considering deploying the fast-turnaround tests in other essential workplaces to help stop cases turning into outbreaks.
Premier Gladys Berejiklian will on Wednesday announce the new regime for HSC students, the first time the testing technology will be used in schools.
The use of inexpensive rapid antigen tests has faced resistance from pathology companies that perform the gold standard, laboratory-based tests that have cost taxpayers more than half a billion dollars.
Laboratories have performed 2.2 million COVID-19 tests since the Sydney outbreak began six weeks ago and more than 8.6 million tests since the pandemic started last year. Private pathology companies receive a Medicare subsidy of $85 per test and public laboratories receive a benefit of $42.50.
NSW Health Laboratories have performed 3.4 million tests and private providers have carried out 5.2 million tests up to July 25, running up a Medicare bill of $587 million.
But the NSW government is concerned the state has reached its testing capacity and approached industry experts for advice on the value of rapid antigen tests.
One private laboratory — Laverty Pathology — is shipping swabs interstate and shopping around other companies to process them as waiting times balloon to five days. The company was not able to be reached on Tuesday.
Rapid antigen testing costs about $10 per test and turns around results in 10 to 15 minutes, but it is less sensitive than the PCR [polymerase chain reaction] tests that are performed in laboratories.
NSW Chief Health Officer Kerry Chant said testing capacity was beginning to “max out” when more than 82,000 people were tested on Friday, since which time the daily rate has increased to around 100,000. On Tuesday, her deputy Dr Jeremy McAnulty said the state was actively reviewing the use of rapid antigen tests.
“The technology changes all the time and there has been a rapid surge of new technology in terms of diagnostics in the past year,” Dr McAnulty said. “We are working closely to work out where rapid antigen tests may be most useful – for example in businesses or various industries.”
Rapid antigen testing has been used by film and television production companies and Opera Australia to screen employees for COVID-19. It is widely used in Germany, Singapore and the United Kingdom. At-home rapid antigen tests are currently prohibited under therapeutic goods legislation.
The Royal College of Pathologists of Australasia is opposed to its widespread use due to the higher incidence of false negatives.
Henning Liljeqvist, an epidemiologist and public health consultant, said officials had sought his advice on the value of rapid antigen tests following speculation the government had chosen not to use them as a result of lobbying by pathology companies.
Dr Liljeqvist said it had a place in surveillance testing because it picked up positive cases almost immediately so people did not go home and infect their families. It could be rolled out widely in workplaces and its speed compensated for the slight reduction in sensitivity compared to PCR.
“less sensitive than the PCR [polymerase chain reaction] tests”
they might rightly ask what they are paying for.
PCR tests are not a gold standard test:
per Tania Bernoff
Chilean chemist and pharmacist
Medical treatments specialist
PCR tests have no gold standard. it is gauged against itself
PCR tests sequence of 200 nucleotides
but virus has more than 30,000 nucleotides
so 200 is very small sample
don’t know if it is specific to this virus and not to other life forms
tests was created to find tumor markers which are much smaller gene sequences.
for something as big as a virus we don’t have the specifics involved.
“PCR tests have no gold standard. it is gauged against itself”
According to this paper, the problem with the RTPCR test is the way it was set up and used:
so much for the official narrative:
“The first and major issue is that the novel Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2… is based on in silico (theoretical) sequences, supplied by a laboratory in China [1], because at the time neither control material of infectious (“live”) or inactivated SARS-CoV-2 nor isolated genomic RNA of the virus was available to the authors. To date no validation has been performed by the authorship based on isolated SARS-CoV-2 viruses or full length RNA thereof.”
oh dear
That paper is not the basis of any of the current tests. It resembles them and it provided a proof of concept but it was superceded almost immediatly and various companies developed their own kits/techniques and these are 100% of the market.
Yes. No need to provide links Gee Aye when bland assertion and a misspelling serve equally well.
Well let’s see how that legal challenge goes to a early 2020 paper about something that no one took up.
Just on my “proof of concept comment”. The methods used are of a type that is a decade old and have been applied to all sorts of scenarios – medical/environmetal/animal/plant etc – it is hardly surprising that within a month everyone had made their own version and that an early quick paper is quickly irrelevant.
This must be the 10th time at least that this zombie link has appear in the last year. I look forward to seeing it and all the regular zombie next week.
“… various companies developed their own kits/techniques …”
And that is one of the problems mentioned in the article…no SOP [see 6. Standard Operational Procedure (SOP) is not available]
they are on the company web sites.
And going by your previous comment, “… [they] developed their own kits/technique …”, they are all different, so as I said no SOP.
sorry? Can’t they all have an SOP? Every biomed kit ever has an SOP that ships with the kit. Also, SOP’s that deal with particular in house systems and circumstances will exist within labs.
How do you think this industry has operated for the last few decades? People just taking a guess?
Ah, now I understand, you have a flexible definition of the word “Standard”: the tests can use various different combinations of parameters but they can all be “Standard”
The outcome is the same smh
“The outcome is the same smh”
Except they are not (You need to go back and review CORMAN-DROSTEN REVIEW REPORT)
No I don’t because it is a crock and an irrelevance.
from comment 69 at RicDre’s link:
1. SARS-Cov2 effectively does not exist except as a theoretical construction in a computer
2. It is part of the pandemic simulation called “Event 201” which aims at traumatizing and controlling the population and enabling public-private partnerships to plunder cash and resources on a massive scale
3. There is no preparation of the virus available in any lab worldwide in amounts sufficient to perform independent determinations of its identity, defined as a complete elucidation of the viral structure and characterization of its biological activity
4. There is no preparation of the virus available in any lab worldwide in amounts sufficient for use as a laboratory standard
5. No such virus has been isolated from any human dead or alive in sufficient quantities to perform a complete determination of identity (structure and biological activity) in order to compare it with a standard
6. Therefore the current PCR test is “detecting” RNA fragments from common corona viruses that have been around for years
7. Even if the test is substantially improved, it will be chasing a phantom however many sequences may be simultanously targeted
8. There is no indication of the clinical utility of the PCR test except to tyrannize the population by enforcing quarantine and other punishment
9. The clinical utility of the PCR test for the tested persons is zero, otherwise such tests would have been in use for at least a decade to support diagnosis and therapy of influenza or heavy cold cases.”
If the conspiracy is that large, then they’ve already won.
1.Hey – you know that I can buy this computer code, infect human cells – which exhibit particular pathology – and recover more of the code. And when I look at this code under an EM it even has the ability to look like a coronavirus. Clever code.
Or actually maybe it is just on a computer. Great news because that means that the Chinese didn’t bioengineer anything at all.
Gene say “ news because that means that the Chinese didn’t bioengineer anything at all.”
Except that the novel characteristics of the Wuflu all have patents? Hard to say how the bats took out patents, but we should not judge them.
Below here her engages in straw man troll behavior.
“ So is the conspiracy no virus with fake PCR or a Chinese bioweopon that does exist?”
He conflates disparate individuals arguments, and assumes everyone that does not accept his viewpoint, must all think the same, so he tries to refute one perspective, with a counter perspective held by a DIFFERENT person, by showing them as not orthogonal.
Troll like gee, everyone that disagrees with you, does not think alike.
Well, it’s clear to me at least they have won this time around. That’s doesn’t mean though the war is over – it’s hardly begun.
So is the conspiracy no virus with fake PCR or a Chinese bioweopon that does exist?
Not a “fake” RTPCR test, an unreliable RTPCR test.
for this to be true it has to be faked.
edit 1- through to 9 suggest this.
What conspiracy?
PCR test is faulty – that has been confirmed.
The virus is real – that has been confirmed.
The pandemic is not anywhere near as serious as past pandemics – that has been confirmed.
Some deaths are due to the virus – that has been confirmed.
The others deaths are not due to the virus – that has been confirmed.
The vaccines are experiential – that has been confirmed.
The vaccines can lead to serious illness or death – that has been confirmed.
The vaccines have shown not to stop the spread of the virus – that has been confirmed.
The vaccines have been show not to stop people getting the virus – that has been confirmed.
v. says there is no virus. Please read
what the evidence seems to be suggesting is that there is no clearly identified novel coronavirus.
that does not mean there is not a virus (novel or otherwise).
So what did the CHinese do? This is complicated. Did the Chinese drirect all health authorities to start making multiple fake PCR and other tests? How did they do that? Geez these conspiracies are Yewg.
V. continues to assert that there is no SARS-CoV-2 virus to EVERTHING is faked – virus, tests, vaccines, hospitalisations…
This is the tinfoil hat nonsense that gives Gee Aye ammunition to then divert discussion about overly sensitive PCR tests producing IRRELEVANT positives into futile discussions about the specificity of the PCR tests being exempt from FALSE positives.
It gives conservatives a bad name to go wildly into conspiracy theories without basis.
Can you guys sort this out somewhere else and come back with the correct story?
PeterS says:
Keep going PeterS. You’ve left out the most important one: the “vaccines” have been shown to decrease the death rate resulting from the virus over that of the unvaccinated.
Why leave that one out?
I thought we all agreed a long time ago that correlation is not necessarily causation? The decrease in deaths can be due to a number of factors, not the least of which would be herd immunity, just as it is in Sweden, and in past pandemics.
not my quote (although i agree with it by the by).
complete nonsense and not what i have said.
straw man fallacy.
straw man fallacy.
So why do you keep saying that there is no proof the virus exists beyond some computer sequences supplied by the CCP?
Six hours later, crickets.
because i’ve answered this nonsense multiple times.
Beyond my pay grade but – –
oh dear.
the sequences of some oligos used in a kit have a match somewhere in the genome but are not placed anti-parallel at the spacing required to amplify a product.
By your logic all PCR CoViD tests results would be positive (or at the very least, individuals would always test positive if they had the matching gene sequences)
See this video to show your logic is flawed. He uses the example of blood alcohol tests to prove or otherwise a person is driving under the influence, and discusses the fallacy of the PCR test and how it’s very likely a fraud.
Lab science whistleblower: The only real pandemic is a pandemic of quack science PCR testing fraud
So what makes the case numbers change?
This is saying that the test is not sensitive. Every swab will be covered, in fact dominated by human DNA so every swab should be positive. If not it must have poor sensitivity
funny how you keep telling me what ‘my logic’ is.
read the other comments at link
summary from around 16 minutes:
in order to have accurate answers from instruments you have to have a standard.
to do that you have to have isolated it.
there are no lab samples of isolated covid19.
they don’t exit
it hasn’t been isolated.
tried to purchase isolated viral samples to use
there are no samples available.
they do not exist.
they have never created standards.
that means instruments purporting to test for covid19 cannot be calibrated.
[but of course it’s all just a ‘conspiracy theory’]
there’s also a long note by E.M.Smith at link which is worth reading.
And preceding all that, he has the honesty to state
and what do you think ‘scenario’ means?
“scenario: a postulated sequence or development of events”.
Of course. A scenario is postulated so involves some level of speculation
reference genbank for all these
We can not know them all.
True but we likely do for human biota
The rate of mutations and evolution exceeds our ability to monitor it.
Not for conserved regions.
How many benign unknown viruses and bacteria contain fragments that the PCR test will call a positive test?
Nobody knows.
yes we do
Gee, respectfully post that at musings. Mr Smith will take you down a real conversation. He will answer your assertion / rebuttals, and acknowledge any validly he finds.
( I dare you)
It becomes yet more curious when an Australian-made home testing kit is prohibited in its country of origin. Not only that but the TGA is itself, apparently, prohibited from considering the same product that the US military and airlines have ordered to a value exceeding $300m. See here.
This situation begs the question of ministerial responsibility.
Compare with Taiwan, where the Centres for Disease Control strongly recommends home testing (towards the bottom of the page). Taiwan is remarkable in the ability not only of authorities but also the general public to bring the incidence of this disease under control (per Worldofmeter).
At the very least home testing would surely shorten the enormous lines of people wishing to be tested and so make laboratory testing quicker and more to the point.
The Australian intellectual failure does seem to be deepening.
American Spectator – How the Left Has Used COVID-19 to Bankrupt the United States
All of this will add $20 trillion of new debt spending over a decade.
The Congressional Budget Office calculates all of this will add $20 trillion of new debt spending over a decade — and that is with a massive tax increase.
COVID-19 has somehow given a new license to even the nuttiest leftist ideas. So, we have Democrats speeding forward with a plan to raise tax rates to more than 50 percent and implement welfare benefits that can pay families more than $100,000 in annualized wage equivalent benefits. The government could hit and remain above 50 percent of GDP, matching the European socialist nations.
Spending programs that were once scoffed at with price tags in the billions of dollars are now sailing through with trillion-dollar budgets. Moreover, COVID-19 has unleashed Modern Monetary Theory, meaning that the federal government apparently has a no-limit credit card.
COVID-19 is all but over, and the toll has been awful. Life expectancy fell in 2020 for the first time since World War II. Tragically, the “cure” — or should I say, the carnage — of the Biden post-COVID-19 progressive experiment might, in the end, be far more devastating and long-lasting than the terrible disease itself.
Turning off the Canadian pipeline was bad to start with.
The rest is in the same theme of frustrate, destroy and dominate.
The U.S., after less than a year of Bidenism is indisputably heading for a designed crash with only the swamp surviving.
Australia is now at a point where Sydney is facing months of additional lockdown.
This is serious; there’s evil afoot.
The enemy of the pipe line is the train line, the enemy of the train line is the pipe line.
Buffet and Gates like playing with trains.
Into the buffet car and through the boom gates aye MP?
You were doing so well all the way to here and that’s all you have for me, a missing t.
You may want to reread some of your comments up stream.
No MP.
I score him a 10/10 for showing you how to take the piss.
Gold medal ridicule. And, there I was thinking the green/left didn’t know how to do it.
We’d better up out learning.
And spelling.
GA excels in sarcasm, that was a piss poor effort from her.
That you like it…….small things I guess.
The Irony of your spelling mistake.
Only thing turning off the pipeline will do is boost the transport of oil by truck and rail.
More Co2 emissions. More oil spills. More burnt houses to rebuild
It will turn indigenous people into stewards of undevelopable, unranchable, unfarmable, undamable unfishable unhuntable protected reserves. That is just the way they want it :/
Conersely it will allow indigenous people to build farms of PVC and forests of windmills with the help of government aid. Happy time
There are no indigeous people in China
I am seriously confused by you, I used to want to throw you off a bridge.
We are all against the same thing/people, guess we have different roads to travel to the same conclusion.
I suspect you wanted to throw lots of people of that bridge.
However, your memory has let you down again.
You sold it.
What the hell are you ranting about.
Is this yet another renewed lockdown in Sydney or does it reference an old one?
Sorry, wrong link about the drop in UK cases. This is the right one
Another great blog and detailed statistics regarding vaccinations
Interesting. Even if the truth is somewhere in between those figures and the officially published ones, it does show that our governments and health officials are telling lies with gay abandon (BTW it that PC these days?).
PC is a choice that reveals the moral compass which in itself is a choice.
If this is for real…wow….
Worth a watch.
So he says most of us here are unintelligent and weird. Same story is being pushed by our politicians. When the MSM and politicians start saying that we know we are right and they are telling lies and desire to become the new fascists of the 21st Century and try and out do the Naz1s of old, come hell or high water. I can see why Martin Armstrong is predicting a huge rise in tyranny and hence civil violence if not civil war hitting all of the West.
Australian Police Commissioner Mick Fuller Violates International Human Rights
Civil War is Coming – GLOBALLY
climate change models predict events like this
Please note, it not a single event but the frequency which is what is predicted. Not that I expect any of you to have that basic level of understanding
Another ad hominem attack…
Glad to see you in such a cheerful mood today
Careful Peter, quoting the Murdoch news?
Your WOKE Certificate could be cancelled. You are Certified aren’t you?
There is No such thing as a Climate Model based on atmospheric CO2 levels.
What you are thinking of, if that’s at all within reach, is what might be incorrectly called Weather Models.
In fact there are no weather models because weather predictions are built primarily on the observation of annual patterns induced in the oceans and atmosphere by variations in solar input.
Models must confidently link the driver, the Sun, to the final result, the weather and when all you get is SWAS that’s just a joke.
OMG … a ‘never ending cycle’ … of weather.
Pixels died for me to read that.
I may click back to the toenail fungus ad.
As an expert in “basic understanding” you are pretty much on your own.
Maybe you would be more at home with the very basic example; Skeptical Skience bloggg.
Not sure PF has got anywhere near the level of “basic understanding” yet.
More a sort of anti-comprehension.
Yes, but shorely he can understand SWAS.
Playing the short game? Climate change is the long game. It’s about what happens 100 years from now
As soon as you say ‘Look at the sky falling. It’s already happening NOW !!’, you are conflating future outcomes with current variability. The odds are that you are misrepresenting the situation notwithstanding the veracity of a changed future climate
Yes it is difficult to point to the emergence of future trend. Yet the rush to sensationalize prematurely is apt to be a cheap and erroneous shot. Wrong time. Out of context
What utter fantasy. Pure conjecture without a single data point. When will the alarmists try to do science. It appears never. Their religion of original sin is too strong.
Encouraging news. The one concern is that deaths are still increasing in the third wave but they always follow the case trend by at least 2 weeks.
NSW will need to get serious as their infection rate is still above 1 and they have low level of vaccination compared with UK.
WRONG yet again, PF
Climate models predict everything.
A wide gammut of anti-scientific crystal ball gazing.
Occasionally something within their huge spread of possibilities, comes true.
But the actual “skill” is essentially equivalent to zero or below..
…. Just like your comments.
PF, the more you rant and shout about things you obviously don’t comprehend and cannot support with anything approaching actual real science….
… the more you show that your level of understanding of basically everything, is less than that of Junior High school dropout..
The very fact that you think these weather patterns are anything out of the ordinary, points to you living a padded basement most of your life…
…. never having experienced anything that is actually real or normal.
‘ … its not a single event but the frequency which is what is predicted.’
Actually its a return to old weather, similar to the 1950’s and 60’s. Its not what they predicted would happen under a global warming regime, so its must be global cooling.
We must adapt to this new reality, as the PDO slips into negative gear and slowly tows the AMO to neutral, it’ll pull down the AGW facade.
Well that is right. For older Perthians (perthites) th3se wetter times are a return to those days. I know there is an underlying agenda in all this, but it is augmented by ignorance and stupidity with absolutely clueless people making all sorts of weird claims. This is profoundly exemplified by the utterances of the academic class.
It has been very dry in SWWA for at least a couple of decades and a year ago it looked very grim, but naturally a wet cycle has returned for the foreseeable future.
‘Annual rainfall has declined over the last 60 years along the west coast, and particularly in the far south-west, where a decline of up to 20% occurred.
‘Declining rainfall in the grainbelt has effectively resulted in a westward shift in rainfall zones by up to 100 kilometres in some areas, with relatively little change along the south-east coast.’ (Agric WA gov)
The 60 year cycle is found in ice cores and shallow sea cores, the climate is changing.
Yes, it was wetter previously. The West Aust SW caves such as Lake Cave had water in them, but mostly dry now. However, the runoff in the Perth hills has decreased much more that the rainfall decrease, no doubt due to the increase in undergrowth. Certainly making up for this loss right now -it’s been raining every day for over three weeks now with no end in sight. I’m a little worried about the possibility of flooding when all the water finds its way down river.
I’ve been quite struck by how the weather reports coming from the UK now remind me of my far off youth in the 50s and 60s!
I wonder who “you” is given its a new post. I guess its a general spray. Bit if a lost soul i think.
A prediction made July 28 2021?
How about one in April
High end PC’s to be banned in certain US states due to “energy efficiency” issues.
And besides, when your Democrat run state is rapidly heading to the Stone Age, you don’t need PC’s anyway.
See link for rest.
Hair dryers also are really an extravagance and should be banned.
Ah KK the ubiquitous hair dryer, A Welsh lady friend of my parents, told the story, that her widowed mother of three girls some how managed to buy a hair drier just after the first world war. The man from the Government was inspecting the family belongings to appraise how much support would be offered, on finding the luxury item the family allocation was immediately cut by several shilling. If you could afford such luxuries you certainly didn’t need government assistance.
Tough stuff.
Hair dryers were a later arrival here in Australia but the U.K. is certainly colder and I can understand why they’d be used there.
In my old age I use a dryer for the finishing touches after a shower. Luxury.

“In my old age I use a dryer for the finishing touches after a shower.”
I use my hair dryer on shrink-wrap tubing to seal a wire splice. It also works well on shrink-plastic used to weatherize an old (leaky) window for the winter.
The hair dryer is employed at our place to get the wood fired pizza oven up and pumping. Works a treat
All good news. What a wonderful world we live in.Thank you gentlemen.
On an early visit to family in Perth, we were informed that they had two hair dryers. One was electrical, stored in a bathroom drawer. The other was preferred and operated by a short period on the verandah to catch the Fremantle Doctor!
All the more reason to buy a Tesla! High end computing on an EV platform gets a free ride.
Not so good news for the state Cannabis industry. Maybe they will be next for the energy naughty list
Down With the BBQ. Long live sous vide! Soon to be the law
California culture is changing
“All the more reason to buy a Tesla! … Down With the BBQ”
Another advantage of buying a Telsa is that it will occasionally double as a BBQ (A Chevy Bolt may also work if a Telsa is unavailable).
Question for the Crowd.
Why isn’t the Jannsen Vaccine being used in Australia when it appears to have been approved for use and is easier to distribute and administer?
My reading of the fact sheets is once the language and warnings were challenged and brought into line by comparison with the havoc being wrecked by the other vector technology is that it is probably best suited for the current demand for the ‘Jab’ and conceptually less ‘experimental‘.
Same question for Novavax, a superior vaccine which has also been approved and actually purchased by the Government but keeps getting delayed.
No, the Jannsen (J&J) vaccine is actually approved by the TGA but our govermnent has not contracted them for supply. NovaVax is yet to be granted emergency/provisional approval as testing is delayed, even for the short term studies used for the applications.
But why do you think it is any better than the AstraZenica vaccine? It is also an adenovirus vector gene therapy vaccine that makes your cells produce spike proteins (as do the mRNA vaccines through a different delivery mechanism). The reported side effects for the Jannsen vaccine are consistent with those of AstraZenica.
The Jannsen vaccine was approved to allow overseas recipients to be classed as “vaccinated” if they fly (or sail) in. Prior to this, there was at least one businessman who had the J&J to attend an event while in the USA and wasn’t deemed “vaccinated” when he returned.
I believe the Jannsen Vaccine and the Novavax Vaccine have never gotten formal approval by the FDA here in the US and are still being used on an Emergence Use Authorization. Is that true in Australia also?
My understanding is they are all Emergency use only, hence the continuous emergency. The proponents of the GM technology as a prevention for the Sars-COV2 pandemic have possibly fallen foul of their own law in that they have approved emergency use in the US despite the existence of an alternative approved treatment, Remedesvir. Forget the Budesonide/ Ivermectin/ Hydroxyquinone studies.
US code relating to emergency use. H/t to John Cullen
Should be an interesting class action for those who relied on or care for those being killed and maimed.
Besides all that why isn’t the TGA making smoke and getting these other vaccines approved when they were equally effective in trials and appear less dangerous?
Which are these?
Jannsen (J&J) is equivalent to AstraZenica in ease of handling (normal refrigeration for storage), reported efficacy and side effects (notably clotting). Which is to be expected since both use an adenovirus vector to deliver the gene therapy that makes your cells produce the spike proteins. By all reports, Sputnik is in the same boat.
Moderna is equivalent to Pfizer in difficulty of handling (cryogenric refrigeration for storage), reported efficacy and side effects (notably heart issues – myocarditis and pericarditis). Which is to be expected since both use a lipd stabilised mRNA to deliver the gene therapy that makes your cells produce the spike proteins.
SinoVac is a killed virus vaccine (so the only true vaccine) but appears even more leaky than the others
NovaVax contains spike proteins rather than making your cells produce them but hasn’t got to the approval stage for the emergency or preliminary approval.
Which are the other vaccines you are thinking of?
I should have looked.
TGA approved for emergency use.
As Scotty from marketing would say,”Where Do Ya Get It?”
Again, what makes you think it’s very different to AstraZenica?
A good question Analitik, to which there isn’t a reasoned answer nor has there been a rational debate.
When you have to wear a mask outside by yourself, yet can sit at a restaurant without one, amongst a group of people, happily receiving and exchanging objects, food and drink. You are not being ruled by rational leaders.
That is unless the Rulers are demanding your submission through coercion and division.
So I do not know why Jannsen is one injection and Astra Zeneca two, yet you feel they are the similar.
That is the only real world difference and may be why Astra Zeneca is given slightly higher efficacy. The basic technology is identical and only small details vary in all reported usage for both side effects and efficacy.
Among the latest insanity from the Left in the US is the name change of the Cleveland Indians to the Guardians.
And yet they changed their name to Indians in 1915 in honour of the former player Louis Sockalexis who was the first Native American professional baseball player.
So, the Left have written another fact out of history.
Yes, it is truly sad we lost our major league baseball team here in Northeastern Ohio. At least we still have our minor league team, the Lake County Captains.
US Democrats, the Party for the wealthy (no surprise).
Excellent short article by Victor Davis Hanson.
The two parties are switching class constituents. Some 65 percent of the Americans making more than $500,000 a year are Democrats, and 74 percent of those who earn less than $100,000 a year are Republicans, according to IRS statistics. Gone are the days of working people automatically voting Democratic or Republicans being caricatured as a party of stockbrokers on golf courses.
By 2018, Democratic representatives were in control of all 20 of the wealthiest congressional districts. In the recent presidential primaries and general election, 17 of the 20 wealthiest ZIP codes gave more money to Democratic candidates than to Republicans.
Increasingly, the Democrats are a bicoastal party of elites from corporate America, Wall Street, Silicon Valley, the media, universities, entertainment and professional sports. All have made out like bandits from globalization.
Democrats have lost much of their support from working-class whites, especially in the interior of the country. But they are also fast forfeiting the Hispanic middle class and beginning to lose solidarity among middle-class African Americans.
The Democratic Party does not wish to admit it has become the party of wealth. All too often its stale revolutionary speechifying sounds more like penance arising from guilt than genuine advocacy for middle-class citizens of all races.
The wealthy leftist elite has mastered the rhetoric of ridicule for the lower-middle classes, especially struggling whites. Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden wrote off their political opponents as supposedly crude, superstitious and racist, smearing them as “clingers,” “deplorables,” irredeemables” and “chumps.”
See link for rest.
The Left have written “pygmy” Aboriginals out of history. There are even people alive today that would remember them.
Even Manning Clark wrote about them.
See Quadrant:
I only heard about this a few years ago from a friend who gets out in the wilds as a geophysicist.
It does seem real.
All to suppress any notion that the current aborigines were not the original “landowners” so that european settlers “stole” the lands that was theirs by being the first occupants.
Even if the indigenous pygmies were “mythical”, there is still the case of the Tasmanian aboriginals who were quite distinct from those on mainland Australia. The complete displacement could only have been through violence between the distinct waves of settlers.
So even if there was no “first wave” of the pigmy predecessors, the current “landowners” stole their lands from the earlier Tasmanians.
And it’s very likely there were multiple waves of human migration to Australia apart from the Tasmanians and mainlanders. There were distinct groups of mainland Aborigines as well, not to mention Mungo Man and whomever did the Bradshaw Paintings.
It would be extremely strange and unusual in human history if there was only one wave of migration to Australia.
Absolutely – your article states that there are almost certainly sub waves within the 3 major ones.
The thing with the Tasmanian aboriginals however, is that there existence cannot be denied except for some ridiculous theories about them evolving their distinctive differences due to being isolated from the presumed “parent” population on the mainland.
It’s all junk science to justify imposing the junk sociology of colonial guilt with political flow on to treaties, land exclusions, renamings and repatriations.
When I was young we were instructed that the Tasmanian aborigines possessed only a subset of the tools in use on the mainland; searching for this I came upon a clear exposition in and have accordingly modified my understanding.
Careful Analitik, you will have the Tasmanian aborigines making a land rights claim on the mainland. Oh. I forgot, we nasty white invaders committed genocide and wiped them out (apart from the 30,000 or so getting Federal money). I wonder if they would settle for Canberra?
I notice that the spread of Denisovan genotypes is heavily skewed to Cape York and Arnhem land, and seemingly absent in SW WA.
“Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”
-Orwell, 1984
ScienceMag says IPCC AR6 reporting begins next month. Says things are getting worse but the models are too hot! Balanced on the knife edge.
Here is URL
Even the some of the modelers agree the CMIP6 models are running too hot.
Good news,
Well, at least the article got this right:
International priesthood for the cult of climatology is a joke. Nothing they predict comes true except by an accidental correlation
Might as well use tarot cards, in fact probably get a better result
Time to stop funding these clowns and exit the UN, it’s not working in our interests
Another interesting story from the US’ Fearless Leader:
Biden raises eyebrows with claim he ‘used to drive’ 18-wheeler truck
By Houston Keene | Fox News
President Imposter Biden has had a lot of experience.
1) He has been in the Senate 180 years.
2) Or was it 120 years?
Tragically funny geriatric, but that’s what the swamp wanted.
On another blog there is an illustration of how this really happened –
It was a Lego one
Gotta love the 50 years of their so called disasters to come. GO AEI.
“Below are the 41 failed doomsday, eco-pocalyptic predictions (with links):
“1. 1967: Dire Famine Forecast By 1975
2. 1969: Everyone Will Disappear In a Cloud Of Blue Steam By 1989 (1969)
3. 1970: Ice Age By 2000
4. 1970: America Subject to Water Rationing By 1974 and Food Rationing By 1980
5. 1971: New Ice Age Coming By 2020 or 2030
6. 1972: New Ice Age By 2070
7. 1974: Space Satellites Show New Ice Age Coming Fast
8. 1974: Another Ice Age?
9. 1974: Ozone Depletion a ‘Great Peril to Life (data and graph)
10. 1976: Scientific Consensus Planet Cooling, Famines imminent
11. 1980: Acid Rain Kills Life In Lakes (additional link)
12. 1978: No End in Sight to 30-Year Cooling Trend (additional link)
13. 1988: Regional Droughts (that never happened) in 1990s
14. 1988: Temperatures in DC Will Hit Record Highs
15. 1988: Maldive Islands will Be Underwater by 2018 (they’re not)
16. 1989: Rising Sea Levels will Obliterate Nations if Nothing Done by 2000
17. 1989: New York City’s West Side Highway Underwater by 2019 (it’s not)
18. 2000: Children Won’t Know what Snow Is
19. 2002: Famine In 10 Years If We Don’t Give Up Eating Fish, Meat, and Dairy
20. 2004: Britain will Be Siberia by 2024
21. 2008: Arctic will Be Ice Free by 2018
22. 2008: Climate Genius Al Gore Predicts Ice-Free Arctic by 2013
23. 2009: Climate Genius Prince Charles Says we Have 96 Months to Save World
24. 2009: UK Prime Minister Says 50 Days to ‘Save The Planet From Catastrophe’
25. 2009: Climate Genius Al Gore Moves 2013 Prediction of Ice-Free Arctic to 2014
26. 2013: Arctic Ice-Free by 2015 (additional link)
27. 2014: Only 500 Days Before ‘Climate Chaos’
28. 1968: Overpopulation Will Spread Worldwide
29. 1970: World Will Use Up All its Natural Resources
30. 1966: Oil Gone in Ten Years
31. 1972: Oil Depleted in 20 Years
32. 1977: Department of Energy Says Oil will Peak in 1990s
33. 1980: Peak Oil In 2000
34. 1996: Peak Oil in 2020
35. 2002: Peak Oil in 2010
36. 2006: Super Hurricanes!
37. 2005 : Manhattan Underwater by 2015
38. 1970: Urban Citizens Will Require Gas Masks by 1985
39. 1970: Nitrogen buildup Will Make All Land Unusable
40. 1970: Decaying Pollution Will Kill all the Fish
41. 1970s: Killer Bees!
Update: I’ve added 9 additional failed predictions (via Real Climate Science) below to make it an even 50 for the number of failed eco-pocalyptic doomsday predictions over the last 50 years.
42. 1975: The Cooling World and a Drastic Decline in Food Production
43. 1969: Worldwide Plague, Overwhelming Pollution, Ecological Catastrophe, Virtual Collapse of UK by End of 20th Century
44. 1972: Pending Depletion and Shortages of Gold, Tin, Oil, Natural Gas, Copper, Aluminum
45. 1970: Oceans Dead in a Decade, US Water Rationing by 1974, Food Rationing by 1980
46. 1988: World’s Leading Climate Expert Predicts Lower Manhattan Underwater by 2018
47. 2005: Fifty Million Climate Refugees by the Year 2020
48. 2000: Snowfalls Are Now a Thing of the Past
49.1989: UN Warns That Entire Nations Wiped Off the Face of the Earth by 2000 From Global Warming
50. 2011: Washington Post Predicted Cherry Blossoms Blooming in Winter
“But somehow this time will be different, and the ‘experts’ and 16-year olds of today will suddenly be correct in their new predictions of eco-doom and eco-disaster? Not.”
Related: Bonus video below from Tony Heller .
a few more
1978: CO2 levels to double from 1978 to 2020 ——- Reality: CO2 only ~23% from 1978 to 2020
1986: EPA predicts 2 feet of sea level rise for Florida by 2020.—–4 inches
1987: NASA’s James Hansen predicts world 3C warmer by 2020.—-0.4℃
2004: Pentagon says climate change-caused resources shortages to cause global war by 2020.
2008: Snow on Kilimanjaro to vanish by 2020.——-2020 Reality: Snow still there
2009: China to cut emissions 40-45% below 2005 level by 2020; India to cut 20-25%.——2020 Reality: China ~85% HIGHER; India ~150% HIGHER.
And those ‘killer bees’ got to SW USA but it turns out that they are rather placid. Michael Caine probably doesn’t mention his part in one of the two films Hollywood made on the subject.
Do Leftists Believe What They Say?
February 19, 2019 6:30 AM
On the left, truth is subservient to two higher values: doctrine and emotion.
Truth is not a left-wing value.
I first discovered this as a graduate student studying the Soviet Union and left-wing ideologies at the Russian Institute of Columbia University School of International Affairs. Everything I have learned since has confirmed this view.
Individuals on both the left and right lie. Individuals on both the left and right tell the truth. And liberalism, unlike leftism, does value truth. But the further left one goes, the more one enters the world of the lie.
Why does the left lie? There are two main reasons.
One is that leftists deem their goals more important than telling the truth. For example, every honest economist knows women do not earn 20 percent less money than men for the same work done for the same amount of hours under the same conditions. Yet leftists repeat the lie that women earn 78 cents for every dollar men earn. Why any employers would hire men when they could hire women and get the same amount of work done at the same level of excellence for the same number of hours while saving 20 cents on the dollar is a question only God or the sphinx could answer.
So, when New York Times columnists write this nonsense, do they believe it? The answer is they don’t ask themselves, “Is it true?” They ask themselves, “Does the claim help promote the left-wing doctrine that women are oppressed?” Whatever serves that end is morally justified.
The second reason is leftism is rooted in feelings, not reason or truth. From Karl Marx to Bernie Sanders, left-wing preference for socialism over capitalism is entirely rooted in emotion. Only capitalism creates wealth. Socialism merely spends what capitalism creates. Do leftists not know this? Even if they know it, the emotional pull of socialism prevails.
Do leftists believe there are more than two sexes? Of course not. That’s why they renamed “sex” “gender” — and then redefined “gender” to mean whatever one wants it to mean.
So then, on the left, truth is subservient to two higher values: doctrine and emotion.
This leads to the question of this column: Do those on the left believe their lies?
Do leftists believe global warming will destroy the world as we know it in twelve years, as recently suggested by Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez? I don’t know. They seem to talk themselves into believing their hysterias. But they don’t act on them. Here’s a simple proof that the left is lying about the imminent threat of global warming to civilization: Leftists don’t support nuclear power. It is simply not possible to believe fossil-fuel emissions will destroy the world and, at the same time, oppose nuclear power. Nuclear power is clean and safe. Sweden, a model country for leftists, meets 40 percent of its energy needs with nuclear power. If you were certain you were terminally ill yet declined a medicine that is guaranteed to cure you, the rest of us would have every reason to assume you didn’t really believe you were terminally ill.
Here’s more evidence the left doesn’t believe its global-warming hysteria: How many leftists with beachfront property anywhere in the world have sold it? If leftists really believe global warming will cause the oceans to rise and soon inundate the world’s coastal areas, why would any leftist not sell his beachfront home while he could not only make all his money back but make a profit as well?
See link for rest.
Dr. Robert Malone inventor of mRNA process says that the data suggests that Pfizer vaccine may be leading to serious issues. This is well worth a listen and may be material for another post by Jo.
Start listening at the 15 minute mark.
Here’s Dr. Robert Malone again on intellectual people podcast.
Interesting post from “BeachMilk” on GAB
The UK government are budgeting (funding) the COVID/Vaxx campaign to the tune of 317 million pounds this financial year, the Aus gov will be the same.
A virus so lethal so infectious you need to market it so people know it exists.
The leaky nature of the gene therapy spike protein vaccines has been confirmed by the CDC
Robert Malone (mRNA vaccine inventer) tweeted this is precisely the antibody dependent enhancement that he was concerned about which can lead to deadly mutations to those without antibodies (which includes those “vaccinated” where the immunity has tailed off)
California Importing More Foreign Oil… Because Climate Change!
Guest “Too fracking funny!” by David Middleton
I especially like the picture at the end of the article supporting BLM (Blank Looks Matter).
A disease so deadly so contagious no person is safe, everyone needs the injection. Except those that don’t.
The UK Parliament are going to honour the paid injection testers whom where lucky enough to get the placebo side of the trial, with a vaccine passport. Yep they are so concerned about your health and the un-injected spreaders of the Delta scampaign, that they are going to give thousands of people certification for not getting it, endangering the lives of the entire flock.
Is all this still making sense to you.
Oh, I didn’t know they were dishing out placebo shots; it’s a pity the minister didn’t speak at further length and elucidate this point.
Probably find the whole session on the UK Parliament web site, I won’t be bothered.
He does say trial participants, so I interpret that as the AZ trial, placebo group.
I’ve decided to be a member of the control group here in Aus for the experimental vaccine. I sure hope I get a vaccine passport to!
I think they are setting up camps across Aus now for the placebo group, probably going to have waterslides and the worlds biggest sauna. Yeah sauna, lets call it that.
They can’t tell you you’re in the placebo group.
If they do then it’s not a placebo.
They don’t have to tell me, I will tell them. Hope I get water views.
OK lets call it the App hesitant.
A breakthrough in Covid treatment from Thailand?
BANGKOK (NNT) – Thailand’s Cabinet has approved the use of Fah Talai Jone (green chiretta or Andrographis paniculate) to treat asymptomatic cases of COVID-19, after a successful trial of the herbal remedy in prisons.
Deputy government spokesperson Ratchada Thanadirek said treatment with the herb will help relieve pressure on the public health system, with more than 14,000 new cases being reported daily.
She said the trial on infected prison inmates showed Fah Talai Jone can prevent the virus from entering cells while reducing viral replication. The Corrections Department gave the herbal remedy to 11,800 inmates with mild symptoms and 99.02% of them recovered.
But here in Wallyville is there any mention or attempt to use Ivermectin even when we have peer-reviewed PROOF of its efficacy. Nope.
Agenda 2030 in full swing. Lockdowns until xmas? You can kiss the economy bye-bye and the jobkeeper payments will soon morph into UBI, at which point the government owns you and you will obey any edict or starve.
History dictates what will follow.
Fearsome vision Rod but isn’t it the case that the horror outcome generally exceeds imagination and something even worse happens?
Not fearsome but based on demonstrated realities and historical parallels.
The world will not end and mankind will not be wiped out but as escapees from totalitarian regimes like NK and China have said when arriving in western countries – you people just can’t see what’s happening. It’s worse than what we fled from.
Every country WILL move to crypto as every country is effectively broke. The UK is considering government based control over what people can spend on when crypto is started. Remember that here in Oz the govt wanted to control what Newstart could be spent on.
Australia is broke too – it’s just not common knowledge. The socialist structure is collapsing and the govt wants control over the masses before it happens. It was never about the virus.
That herb combined with other herbs will no doubt prevent wuflu from killing people.
A bit of humor and wit: CDC Recommends Drivers wear Seat Belts even when outside of the automobile.
(Babylon Bee, Sarcasm, not to be taken as fact)
The article does illustrate the insanity of bureaucrats.
It’s more like satire than just humour. Don’t make the mistake it’s just humour otherwise you will fall into the trap of sliding into the swamp and begin to believe the lies being sprouted out by our politicians.
I tend to forget about Babylon Bee. It is good. I notice (don’t ask me how) that you a sitting in a chair typing this whilst not wearing a chair belt. There are versions available for office and kitchen chairs. I hope to introducer them for lounge chairs and sofas.
Presumably you already have them fitted for your garden chairs?
The end of Cats!
Consistency? What consistency?
“Biden Administration and Democrats Promote New Mask Mandate, Then This Happens
July 28, 2021 | Sundance | 159 Comments ‘
I hope Jo posts that picture for everyone to see.
Show just what a total scam the whole thing is.
heading could be..
“Biden at anti-mask protest!”
When are Australian politicians going to understand that they are our servants, not our masters?
Only after we give them the fright of their lives.
But how can we do that?
Macron seems to be frightened of yellow vests.
Yes. Craig Kelly’s suggestion that all the freeloading bureaucrats and freeloading elected representatives undergo an income freeze whenever lockdowns obtain won’t be adopted.
Don’t forget the public “servants”. Sir Humphrey Appleby has many, many successors.
When are the people going to understand they are the slaves not the masters?
WhiteHouse Press Secretary, Jen P
sakisnarky fails to provide an answer to why masks are still needed if the vaccines work
She really is a sorry piece of work
Biden Administration and Democrats Promote New Mask Mandate, Then This Happens
The Biden Administration, Nancy Pelosi, the CDC and scientific establishment along with the Democrat machine writ large, have re-instituted a new indoor national mask mandate that everyone is expected to abide by. However, check out Joe Biden today in Pennsylvania…. notice anything missing?
Not a mask in sight; which highlights the reality – Democrats do not even believe their own message. It’s not really hypocrisy because they know the mask narrative is a fraud. They know their mask narrative is a purposeful ruse. Their actual behavior is a physical representation of the lie they know they are selling.
As Donald Trump Jr rightly said, the mask mandate has nothing to do with science, it is “actually all about protecting the political power of left-wing Democrats who want to use COVID as an excuse to fundamentally transform America forever.” Democrats need COVID in order to advance their objectives.
And now this:..
Top House Physician Busted Without Mask During Briefing For Members On Pelosi’s New Mandatory Mask Rules
“At times, Monahan was getting yelled at by Members for failing to explain the science behind the decision to reimpose mask mandates in the House of Representatives,” said a Republican official who attended the briefing. “He just couldn’t give a scientific reason as to why vaccinated Members should wear masks in one of the most vaccinated areas in the country.”
“It was pathetic,” the official added.
Per a source in the room, Monahan also claimed that the coronavirus might be around for another 20 years. Members of Congress were allegedly livid at his complete inability to cite or explain any science or evidence supporting the latest arbitrary mask mandate. The source also said Monahan had his mask off for at least 45 minutes.
Monahan made the decision to reintroduce mask mandates this week, which GOP Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy slammed soon after. “Make no mistake—The threat of bringing masks back is not a decision based on science, but a decision conjured up by liberal government officials who want to continue to live in a perpetual pandemic state,” McCarthy tweeted.
She’s perfect considering her bosses, never hirer up.
To be expected from Bined and Malaka leadership
Especially since masks are next to useless anyway, and that off camera they have often been caught not wear them, which in itself proves they tell lies about the need for us to wear them.
That would an interesting spreadsheet
Wow, they are beyond shame.
Truth; 280 ppm CO2 VS 410 ppm; at 410 ppm every crop on the planet grows about 18 percent more food , on the SAME amount of land, with the SAME amount of water, and will suffer fewer frost nights and handle droughts better.
Lab science whistleblower: The only real pandemic is a pandemic of quack science PCR testing fraud
I can’t fault what this guy is saying. So, our political leaders and health spokespeople need to explain how and why this guy is wrong, and if they don’t or can’t then their lockdowns and coercions to vaccinate everyone should be determined in say the High Court to be illegal.
So… because you can’t fault him, that becomes the basis for political leaders to respond to you.
Good luck in the High Court.
Where’s your counter-evidence? In other words you know s….t
Gee Aye can’t fault him either.
LOL. Of course Gee Aye can’t fault him, otherwise we would see the counter-evidence. I’m happy for anyone to present some to review things. I’m still waiting.
Everyone knows that the High Court won’t touch it.
That’s what “should” happen, just like the pending action over the MalEx444 behaviour.
Accountability is a very fickle animal and seems to avoid the Elites.
First I heard of “pending action over the MalEx444 behaviour”.
That’s the point, there should be accountability when $444 million dollars of Australian taxpayers money is redirected somewhere.
There’s No action pending, but there should be.
Every day here in NSW there’s a CV19 testing bill of at least $2 million dollars to assess whether someone has a pos reaction to the PCT.
It’s not got a good reputation and even if it actually identified CV19 it’s basically useless information.
Why is this junk management of voters needs allowed to continue.
I’m not sure that one does a quantitative test for bacteria or viruses in the body. I know we do them in water samples to estimate contamination by faecal bacteria etc but in my day (years ago!) as a hospital microbiologist, we isolated the bug and the only quantitative values were light, moderate or heavy growth for bacteria or fungi. Didnt do virology.
What he is saying makes a great deal of sense in this case though. Strange how no-one has grown covid-19, I’ve read that before but can’t get my head around it!
Very interesting contribution, would like to hear Jo’s take on it. Thanks Peter.
You must be in a hell of a bubble if you cannot fault a dingbat.
USA recorded 572,000 excess deaths in 2020 compared with the average of the previous 5 years. Covid related deaths in USA to end of 2020 was recorded as 366,000. It appears some Covid related deaths were probably not recorded as such.
UK recorded 75K excess deaths in 2020 over the average of the previous 5 years. There were 73,600 deaths in the UK related to Covid in 2020. So very high match between recorded Covid deaths and excess deaths.
2014: 2,626,418
2015: 2,712,630 : Increase – 86,212 – 3.28%
2016 : 2,744,248 : Increase – 31,618 – 1.16%
2017 : 2,813,503 : Increase – 69,255 – 2.52%
2018 : 2,839,206 : Increase – 25,703 – 1%
2019: 2,855,000 : Increase – 15,794- 0.55%
2020: 2,913,144 : Increase – 58,144 – 2% (as at 31 of December 2020)
CDC death rates for 2020 now reads much higher at 3,358,814.
Meaning they were out by a mere 445,670.
Then one also has to factor in the role of democratic governors:
Not sure what point you are making about excess deaths in the USA. I got my number form this link:
My son is a physician in a Melbourne hospital group and was assigned to Covid wards in two of Melbourne’s large hospitals; the first that went from three Covid patients to three wards will 100 beds in three weeks. He was assigned to the second hospital after they ran short of Covid-free staff. I have it from a very reliable source that Covid is a serious disease. The only effective response is to stop it at the borders. If there are roaming spreaders then lock everything down that is not essential to survival.
the plague is even more deadly, but they have a treatment.
what a shame they aren’t allowed to treat patients early and prophylactically with hcq, ivermectin, vitamin d, etc.
instead the establishment goes with: “The world is now 18 months into the COVID-19 pandemic and we’ve yet to find a single drug that can stop the virus. At best, we can treat the effects of the virus through oxygen therapy for those who can’t breathe, and with drugs that reduce the inflammation associated with the infection.” [‘The conversation’, 18 May 2021]
Get promoted from nurse.
The one that got the Covaxx and developed the potentially fatal shingles, for which he will carry for the rest of his life and the cost of medication.
You bragged about this previously. Like no father I know.
A Pandemic that has less people die is not a pandemic, its a cure.
Rick says “ The only effective response is to stop it at the borders. If there are roaming spreaders then lock everything down that is not essential to survival“
Nonsense. Dozens of studies have shown that we have extremely effective anti virals which are very inexpensive.
Closing borders for most nations is a non starter and would break many weakened economies. Broken national economies often lead to war.
Have to say, I don’t trust any ‘official’ numbers.
Which leaves me in the wilderness to fend from my own observation.
I live in a dense population area, lots of internationals due to large uni, also nearby.
There is a large grocery chain walking distance open 24hrs.
No one wore masks during early weeks and hysterical peak of alleged pandemic.
The working class staff worked straight through being exposed to dozens throughout 7 days a week.
Touching multiple touched surfaces.
Breathing enclosed air
Semi trucks from the from Gaia knows where, delivering contamination all day.
No outbreaks.
I know multiple people, with alleged positive test, that never got ill.
Only one person that I’ve personally met, is reputed to have died from IT, and he was 88.
I know fewer people that got the flu during this flu season than I can remember.
of course, how do you go from 2,913,144 in December 2020 to 3,358,814 a few months into 2021?
that kind of data change needs explication, which i have not seen.
We’re on a climate blog.
Educating myself about climate altered my life.
Climate data, particularly historical temp, is trash.
Climate data being a different discipline than Meteorology,
The corruption of science by politics and activism is complete.
I must say, I greatly fear the consequences of this corruption is on the verge hitting us all very hard.
(As I was writing this, I had to get up and cut off the radio news ABC (America), because it was disgusting, moronic, obvious propaganda that Pravda would be embarrassed to produce.)
V, I would have to see the excess deaths chart monthly. I know it takes some time to get all the reports, yet anything over 30 days should be 99 percent accurate , and a great explanation for the much higher later numbers has not been communicated. At least I have not heard one.
In early 2021 ( I think) I wrote the US nation association of funeral directors and received a number of all funeral services, burials cremations, etc. As I recall they were about 150 k below the claimed excess death numbers. Both numbers were supposedly delayed.
On the other hand, when I looked at the US excess death numbers In October of 2020 they were on track to record the later larger number, so not certain where your lower excess death number comes from.
Does anyone know anyone that just got the flu this year?
given (1) they have never clearly isolated a novel corona virus; (2) PCR tests are highly unreliable, i think we can say that there would be some serous flu cases that were treated (or not treated, rather) as covid19.
then there are those who died with covid19 as being treated as dying of covid19 (including in one remarkable instance, a motorcycle accident).
then there are cases which may be novel or may be some other generally circulating coronavirus, but which are diagnosed as covid19: we don’t know.
all in all, a highly manufactured crisis made far worse by (deliberate?) overreaction and fearmongering by politicians and msm.
Hi Jo,
Some time ago I posted telling you about an experiment a friend and I were doing. My post disappeared like you thought I was a nut or something at the moment we have two American patents and a scientist on board looking for a way to extract free electricity. This is the same electricity source that Tesla was playing with. Fingers crossed.
Free electricity exists (eg, static electricity) but it’s like free solar energy from the sun. It still will cost a bundle to extract it and offer it to the consumers.
Hello Peter, Tesla invented our three phase electricity you run your house on. He demonstrated to the chief of G.E. his new electricity. On trumped up charges he was thrown in prison and died there mysteriously a day later. We have a scientist now working with us whom has a little device that shows the magnetic field we create is as large as the water table it is connected to.
This scientist with a device he made himself has shown that this magnetic field pulsates in three different directions. This magnetic field is created without electricity which according to main stream science is not possible?
Patent number?
As for the nutter, welcome aboard.
I look forward to this perpetual motion machine
Good luck.
The use of graphine oxide in the vaccines has been raised by Spanish researchers. This made a few on here uncomfortable –ie. it had to be a big conspiracy theory.
Here is an ex Pfizer analyst talking about it. Take what you like out of the interview but she seems to know what she is talking about to me.
Walking past the radio y’day I heard that the last of the remaining turbines at Callide is back on line.
But this was small change compared to
Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station accident …
Search on that for the pictures of death and destruction.
A new instruction from the The Energy Security Board (ESB) going to cabinet.
Basically it’s a a “capacity mechanism” to ensure supply of electricity.
So basically a large Solar Wind Generator has to maintain a CAPACITY MECHANISM” which is:
Pay Coal & Gas to fill in their total unreliable ability to supply electricity in the Australian market.
The Greedy Green companies are spitting chips.
They are not interested in paying out to anyone, not even if it for reliability to the Australian public.
They are parasites and the fight coming will be interesting.
Wait until Mike Cannon-Brookes has to pay for diesel genset operators in Darwin when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun isn’t shining!
Ah, capacity payments! A practical admission of defeat with publicly admitting it.
All this “free” renewable energy only seems to power regulations and subsidies.
This is how repression starts. In effect compulsory vaccination in France or you can’t even access your local cafe
Oz has had some draconian restrictions already with some people calling for even harsher lockdowns. It seems as though the OZ elite will be viewing this development with interest.
It may also be how mass disregard for law begins.
The elites have lost their minds.
Two go together I guess.
France has a history of elites losing their mind containers.
Fully vaccinated Australian spreads CoViD during parties while presymptomatic and then comes down with strong symptoms.
So what are these vaccines supposed to be doing, again?
This from that link:
No surprise there – Hess appears to be a moron.
The Irish data demonstrated that vaccinations do not stop the spread. UK has sufficient level of vaccination at 88% that it is beginning to reduce the rate of spread and hospitalisation. Israel also has high level of vaccination but cases have increased while death rate remains very low.
Highly potent, stable nanobodies stop Sars-CoV-2
Thanks for keeping us up to date. I wonder are we to undergo a recovery led by “global demand for Covid-19 therapeutics”; wouldn’t be dead for quids what with Gladys moving towards nailing peoples’ doors shut.
I’ not sure if therapeutics are requested, as the hysterical “vaccination” program will be followed to it’s possible bad end.
The most dangerous gas in the world; Oxygen?
And; CO2 keeps us breathing.
From last year but I can only hope the majority of the police will not repeat history. “We were just following orders” and already breaking international laws on freedom. Is that what they signed up to do?
Thanks for that, so well articulated all the things I’ve been thinking.
The public got behind the Victorian police in 2020 as it became apparent that there were a minority of dingbats who did not understand the consequence of their activities. Some eventually got the message when their aged parents or grand parents passed away.
NSW is going through the same learning curve this year as Victoria did last year. It is clear the infection rate remains above 1. That means exponential growth until the rate gets below 1. Then exponential decay with a long tail. A week of decreasing cases will be proof that the infection rate is under control.
Kerry Chant’s currency is rising strongly with a 70% approval for her advice. Gladys has dropped from 57 to 55%. Hopefully that will encourage Chant to recommend the sort of actions that got Victoria out of the mire in 2020, work permits, mask indoors and outdoors, night curfew, 5km travel restrictions, Sydney ring-fenced from the rest of the State.
If Gladys cannot get Covid under control in NSW then she will suffer badly in the next election.
The peanut who wrote that letter should do some maths. By his own numbers death rate for Covid is 27 times that of flu. Sweden has the worst record of all Scandinavian countries by a long margin. Taiwan is a highly homogenous society and did have effective border controls until they didn’t. Taiwan and Australia’s death rate of 33 and 36 per million respectively are line ball with each other. Without very effective policing in NSW, the State will head into a Covid nightmare that could have easily been avoided. It is time for NSW police to get serious. The vast majority of the population understand it is the only way out in Australia where the country has so many first generation immigrants.
You speak on behalf of the majority.
2019 4,124 Influenza and pneumonia deaths ranked 9th in all cause deaths.
2020 909 deaths from the Rona. Pandemic.
Down, Down prices are down.
Thanks Rod for posting that and thanks to the officer and colleagues who wrote and endorsed it.
That is a very well informed police officer!
Latest load of anti-scientific nonsense.
How idling cars outside schools are harming children
The school pick-up could be about to change in a bid to protect children from pollution.
A parliamentary inquiry into air pollution has been told parents picking up their kids from school or daycare should be banned from leaving their car engines running.
Experts say idling cars are causing unnecessary pollution, shrinking children’s lungs and leading to health conditions like asthma in kids.
Member of the Lung Health Research Centre at the University of Melbourne, Clare Walter, says banning idling outside schools won’t completely solve the problem, but it’s an “easy fix” that’ll have a noticeable impact.
“This is one easy step we can do to reduce children’s exposure to these emissions,” she told Ross and Russel.
“It’s completely unnecessary. You wouldn’t blow smoke in children’s faces. Why is it ok to leave the engine running?”
I think there perhaps are more snouts in the trough to do with covid than the anthropogenic global warming fraud.
It’s scary that this fraud nearly went ahead and was only found out at the US side. The NSW government would have paid up.
Texas man pleads guilty over scam to sell NSW government masks he didn’t have for $317m
Prosecutors in Houston say Arael Doolittle, along with Paschal Eleanya, tried to sell Australian state 50m masks at five times the list price
Thu 29 Jul 2021 01.49 EDT
A Texas man has pleaded guilty to involvement in a scheme to fraudulently sell 50 million N95 respirator masks he did not have for $317.6m to the New South Wales government, US prosecutors said.
Arael Doolittle entered his plea to a wire fraud conspiracy charge on Tuesday before US district judge Lynn Hughes in Houston.
Prosecutors said Doolittle and co-defendant Paschal Eleanya tried to sell 3M-branded masks at five times the list price to representatives of the New South Wales government, hoping to collect up to $275m, with the rest going to their “broker”.
The US Secret Service broke up the transaction before it was completed, an indictment last November said.
Doolittle, of Houston, faces up to five years in prison at his scheduled 25 October sentencing and will remain in custody until then.
Kevin Cobb, a federal public defender representing Doolittle, declined to comment on Wednesday.
Charges remain pending against Eleanya. In an email his lawyer, Ali Fazel, called Eleanya a “middleman” who tried to ensure the parties got what they were negotiating for.
“We are working hard to demonstrate his conduct was above board and hope the government will dismiss his charges,” Fazel said.
Doolittle separately pleaded guilty in June to wire fraud in connection with an alleged scheme to defraud investors in oil and gas transactions.
Prosecutors in that case agreed to recommend he spend four years in prison in addition to his sentence in the mask case.
3M Co, the world’s largest maker of N95 masks, has tried since the Covid-19 pandemic began to stop price-gouging and other improper sales for its masks, including by filing 36 lawsuits and seizing more than 41 million counterfeit masks.
In a statement, the Minnesota-based company said it was pleased with the guilty plea, and appreciated US Department of Justice efforts to stop people from illegally exploiting demand for its masks.
The new theme song: William & Laporte – With All Due Respect.
Aunty Pravda’s rolling news feed of unacceptable articles for the 29th July – #freepointy
Brazil having a cold snap. Frost and snow in 13 cities.—photos-videos/
8.2 Earthquake in Alaska
French politicians set olympic record for speed masking once they realise the cameras are on.
Proves the masks are next to useless and they are all telling lies.
Senator Malcolm Roberts, Senate committee.
He asks good questions.
Yes he does, and he gets some dodgy answers.
Like the contract with vaccine manufactures, government partners?
Who is running this country.
“Who is running this country”
big business, as usual.
the people are just ‘feeders’
The government has commercial partnerships. This is not news.
Nothing to hide, why hide it.
Jane Halton, Adviser to the PM, WEF and all things vaccine.
Retaking College Hill
A novel coming out this September deals with taking back a university from postmodernism.
If you want to read an advance copy of this literary philosophical thriller, impassioned, intellectual, and intense, and you are willing to post a review on the book’s Amazon page, contact the author, see the facebook page.
Heroes of today- the graduate after three years in the navy, his prof, a sexually uninhibited woman, against the destructive forces of postmodernism. wokism. political correctness. victimology. diversity. quotos. bullying.
—- —-
Is, Truth Stranger Than Fiction?
I have just noticed an article in The Spectator. 17July2021. p11.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. LSHTM
-Has decided to decolonize its curriculum, staff and students. Subjects taught will be re-worked to avoid racism. Staff told, if white, ‘cis’, heterosexual, they are privileged, so making people feel bad about the race they were born into.
The ‘white saviour myth’ must be avoided. The article elaborates on this by listing advances in medicine over two centuries, conditions and ailments for which cures, palliatives, vaccines have been found and which group was responsible.
The current thesis of non-sequiteurs and flagrant denials of reality is that white supremacy and capitalism are to blame for all world evils. In short- an example of ‘The long march through the institutions’.
LSHTM has created eight positions to find racism and stamp on it.
Sounds very interesting.
they finally found something more lucrative and more useless than ‘renewable’ energy:
PCR testing.
V is right. Apart from water and wood, there is no such thing as “RENEWABLE ENERGY”, at least in relation to current technologies. Anyone who thinks that Solar, Wind and Battery technology is “renewable”, is on another planet. I laugh when I hear the Green Slime talk about pollution, when you have discarded windmills and solar panels ruining the landscape (ie: Napa Valley in California).
Looks like Catallaxy Files is finishing up, sad if it does there’s not many if any places online that offers that amount of free speech.
Yes it was a good site with many great contributors. Always worth a read.
A US company has turned a former coal plant into a gas-fired Bitcoin mine
Maybe they will ship this powerplant to Asia
Beijing propaganda on Covid, truth and lies mixed together.
Some pertinent questions on the outbreak.
Crews battle Tesla battery fire at Moorabool, near Geelong
morrison and his band of traitors have just announced vaccine passports
Recognise and adopt the existing digital Medicare
Vaccination Certificate (automatically generated for every
vaccination registered on AIR
Establish digital vaccination authentication at international
Prepare vaccine booster programme;
Ease restrictions on vaccinated residents – such
as lock downs and border controls;
Exempt vaccinated residents from all domestic
of course, no mention of any actual treatments (ivermectin etc)
they are going to rely completely on their leaky vaxxes.
which means they will be having to deal with side effects and
recurrent outbreaks, plus ADE.
in other words: this ‘plan’ will not work.
Morrison has just destroyed his career and his party.
(of course the ‘plan’ is probably never to have another real election)
nuremberg 2.0 incoming.