Entrapment on Capitol Hill: Did the FBI infiltrate and even lead the riot?
A very strange pattern
Many people are still being held in jail, without bail, five months later, but some of the people who appeared to be the most aggressive activists at Capitol Hill didn’t even get indicted. Were these people legally protected because they were undercover operatives or informants working with the FBI? If so, how much did these actors instigate events and thus entrap genuine protesters?
And if the FBI knew this event was going to happen, on “the most important day ever in Congress”, why didn’t they stop it and let Congress debate the question of whether the election was stolen? Seven US states had sent in dual electors, effectively choosing both Biden and Trump, and a growing number of Senators in five of those states had upped the ante by calling for an official decertification. All that Donald Trump, Rudy Guiliani and 88 State Senators were asking for, was a ten day delay so those key states could consider the new evidence and vote again and choose one set of electors.
Look who benefited from the Capitol Storming?
As reader Chris says:
The last thing genuine Trump supporters, or Republican constitutionalists wanted was to disrupt this critical sitting and the tabling of election fraud evidence.
But, the last thing the SWAMP wanted was the tabling of election fraud evidence.
Revolver takes a close look at the two different types of protestors at Capitol Hill:
Unindicted Co-Conspirators in 1/6 Cases Raise Disturbing Questions of Federal Foreknowledge
The first category is the group of mostly harmless tourists who walked through already opened doors and already-removed barricades, and at most were guilty of minor trespassing charges and light property offenses. The second group consists of those who were violent with police officers, broke down barricades, smashed windows, belonged to a “militia” group engaged in military-style planning prior to the event, discussed transporting heavy weaponry, and so forth.
What’s at stake in these investigations:
If it turns out that an extraordinary percentage of the members of these groups involved in planning and executing the Capitol Siege were federal informants or undercover operatives, the implications would be nothing short of staggering. This would be far worse than the already bad situation of the government knowing about the possibility of violence and doing nothing.
Instead, this would imply that elements of the federal government were active instigators in the most egregious and spectacular aspects of 1/6, amounting to a monumental entrapment scheme used as a pretext to imprison otherwise harmless protestors at the Capitol — and in a much larger sense used to frame the entire MAGA movement as potential domestic terrorists.
Must see TV: Tucker Carlson
Meanwhile the ABC News said nothing, and SBS News told Australians tonight that “White Supremacy” is the single greatest threat the US faces.
There was a practice run three months earlier in Michigan led by the FBI
Remember the strange “Governor Whitmer Kidnapping Plot?” One third of those that Stormed Michigans Capitol turned out to be FBI agents or informants, and many of the people at that storming also came to Capitol Hill on Jan 6th.
…what if we told you that scarcely three months before the 1/6 Capitol Siege, the FBI arrested 14 people for planning to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer and overthrow the State Government — and that the alleged conspiracy to overthrow the State government involved storming of the State Capitol?
And what if we told you that of the 14 individuals who allegedly plotted the “kidnapping” and overthrow of the state government, at least five were undercover agents and federal informants? And as if that’s not enough, many of the individuals allegedly involved in this plot appear to belong to the “Three Percenters,” one of the very same militia groups now blamed for storming January 6.
And, as the cherry on top, what if we told you that the director of the Detroit FBI Field Office, who oversaw the infiltration operation of the Michigan Plot, was subsequently granted a highly coincidental promotion to the D.C. office, where he is now the lead FBI agent for all 1/6 cases?
As crazy as it sounds, all of this is true…
What did the FBI know, when did they know it, and were they involved?
- Did the FBI infiltrate the militia groups and protesters at Capitol Hill and how many agents were there?
- Why are some people who were there being kept in solitary confinement five months later, while others, who appeared to be leaders on the day, are able to go free? Is it because these people were FBI agents?
- Why are federal agencies hiding 10,000 or more hours of security camera footage of what happened on January 6th at Capitol Hill? Including, probably detailed footage of the pipe bomber the FBI supposedly want to catch.
- Who killed Ashli Babbit?
January 6 became the reason the Biden government claim they need to use law enforcement to crush anyone who opposes the Biden government.
Read the whole Revolver account, and watch Tucker Carlson.
h/t David, Bill in AZ, and Chris D
When I saw the footage of the first group to breech the Capitol building were all black blocked weedy looking vegan types it was very clear these were not Trump supporters.
wern’t they just the fastest therefore first. The burger eaters eventually lumbered on site.
You love your scams, don’t you Gee Aye?
This was a well organized deadly conspiracy to overthrow the government. There will be a Congress committee to investigate; the FBI can not be trusted. They will look at why it was deadly, when it killed nobody. They’ll look at the only fire-arm used, a fire extinguisher. They’ll propose a ban on sale of fire extinguishers.
Just came across this one . . . . .
The fire extinguisher story was a media furphy. The officer was never hit or blasted – he died from a naturally occurring stroke the next day.
Oh no. The media got it from Nancy Pelosi’s Articles of Impeachment.
“This was a well organized deadly conspiracy to overthrow the government.”
The conspiracy started when HRC and her comrades feared loosing control after Trump threw his hat in the ring and it went into overdrive once Trump won despite all the flack they sent his way will full support of the MSM. It eventually worked because our government has been overthrown by Marxist sympathizers led by a President with a calcified brain, a VP who’s in way over her head and a bevy of incompetent high level officials who fail to understand that there’s no middle ground between America first and America last and that any country whose leadership doesn’t put it’s own citizens first is destined to fail.
You know how much power the swamp has when there’s so little effort in conducting a psy-op but the majority of people believe it.
Indeed. It’s the main reason why Trump had no hope of draining the swamp; it’s just too big and powerful. If he ever becomes POTUS again, he will have to come out hard on everyone and anyone to do with the left side of politics. He will also have to come out with his own law enforcement agency to combat the corrupts ones. He might even have to suspend elections until further notice until he gets the job done as it will take a lot more than 4 years. Of course he will probably still fail for one obvious reason as the evil forces once again resort to the highest crime of the land and knock off yet another POTUS.
We need a good purge since the government bureaucracy has become too bloated. Kind of like what needs to happen when you’re constipated, although in this case, it will be more like explosive diarrhea.
I agree with your comment about Trump. The normal US election is not helping. We are losing in every country. Why? What has changed? Is there any other tactic that we could use?
I think you are missing the key issue, however. We need to get citizens to wake up and defend our country/democracy/freedom/honesty/truth/science/economies. We are running out of time. Next up will be currency collapses and high unemployment.
Trump’s ‘problem’ is the US/UK/Aussie/Canadian/Spanish/German/and so on citizens do not ‘understand’ what is happening and has happened. There has been a very successful propaganda campaign (worldwide and each year it has gotten stronger) and take over of companies and institutions.
The word ‘Swamp’ is obsolete. There has been an obvious, in your face, paradigm change. The world we live in/our governments/institutions/media companies and so on have changed. We are at the end of a process/cold war.
The Democratic Party of America is not a ‘swamp’. It is organized and spent a billion dollars on the last US election and is busy destroying the US economy and creating strife in the US. There is a lack of urgency/clarity/honesty/understanding in the word ‘Swamp’. The word ‘Swamp’ has been used for generations.
The term ‘Swamp’ described the old Washington DC which has controlled by special interest groups who controlled the two parties. The special interest groups all want money and favours from the US government. They pay full time lobbyists who ‘help’ write legislation and make campaign contributions to buy influence from the US government.
There has been a not so sneaky successful organized attack on the US which started with the Obama administration. The objective of the attack was to get control of US institutions like the CDC, FBI, CIA, PBS, and so on. The organized sneaky attack took over the swamp, the media companies, the Democratic party, and introduced weaponized ideas to kill our economy and create strive/fights/riots/political unrest/inflation/unemployment/….
Trump was the excuse for the start of worldwide censorship and was the start of official world organized lying… Like the Covid Origins lies, the capital ‘riots’ lies, the 2020 US election lies, Green scam lies, CAGW lies, Zero Emissions lies, China coal consumption lies, and so on. The end of comment sections at the BBC, NYT, Washington Post, PBS, and most other ‘left’ wing media blogs.
Comment sections do not work when the objective is to spread and push propaganda like the covid origin question and spend the US to death.
The Democratic party is sort of a special type of organized Zombie fascism, led by a super weak ‘leader’ who suffers from dementia. The takeover of the FBI and CIA and the use of those institution to hide illegal actions by the Democratic party is not a swamp action.
Yes, but, the
“super weak ‘leader’ who suffers from dementia”
is a sort of figurehead, cannot be called a leader.
Who is/are the leadership?
The word swamp is wrong, agreed, the word
“Deepstate” is a better descriptor.
Anyone with respect for the rule of law were horrified by the events of Jan 6th. The instigator was Donald Trump. Democracy teetered but it did not fail.
Simon’s comment. Not related in any way to any point of evidence or fact.
As is usual.
Simon your assertion is far too simple! Clearly, The FBI are the instigators! BLM and other nefarious groups were willing and paid agitators
Oh clearly.
If that were true then Trump would be behind bars by now. Given he is not your deluded explanation of the events is very silly and childish.
There are no shortage of indictable offences. Giuliani will likely be the first to be charged.
Please Simon enlighten us to these indictable offences.
Trump did ask people to march peacefully. Put the man in jail.
No doubt Pelosi and Xi could have locked up Trump years ago but are just being nice. They’re just like that…
Simple Simon says…..
Why are anti-police and pro violent protestors now so much pro FBI and anti-protest?
Remember that history tells you that these people become the worst totalitarian.
And why are the law enforcement agencies allowing those very same anti-police and pro violent protesters off the hook so many times, yet Biden is now saying that the greatest threat are the white supremacists? Clearly Biden is just acting out the fool as usual. Of course if the far right do eventually come out and start retaliating against the anti-police and pro violent protesters, all hell will break loose and then Biden will say “I told you so” giving him the excuse to tighten the noose around the nation. When we have clowns like Biden in control all we can hope for is a peaceful exit at the next election. The worry though is that’s a long time from now and so a lot can happen in the meantime, a civil war not excluded.
There are no principles to it beyond simple tribalism, and the plan is to take every possible advantage, tell any possible untruth.
The guy leading a violent mob that set fire to a police station got only a couple of years in prison … these guys do what they want to do then make excuses afterwards. It isn’t about any rules, they laugh at rules.
Remember how Maxine Waters deliberately intimidated a jury? It’s about getting the desired outcome by any means necessary.
Anyone with a respect for the rule of law would not have certified a cleary fraduelent election. Just ask the Georgia Secretary of State clown:https://mobile.twitter.com/GaSecofState/status/1404520022844788737?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Etweet
You are a victim of a Deocrates conspiracy theory, not more, not less.
Democrates….. sorry for typo…
Why “moderation” ?
You had so long and you still got the spelling wrong.
As the Democrats are no democrats why spell them right ?

My spelling was German and French based, my first and my second languages, English isn’t as the third, right, but that doesn’t change the meaning of what I said
I hope you are happy with your finding, if there is nothing else, go along, nothing to see anymore
you’re bienvenue
Democrats who think they’re deities. Oh that’s all of them!
Your arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance. There were NO WEAPONS anywhere near the 1/6 marches other than police/security, Ashli Babbit was the only real casualty and 5 months latter they still will not admit who pulled the trigger or release the security videos, the FBI and DHS were openly recruiting people to spy on the MAGA groups, there were very valid reasons why the Dumbocraps and the swamp would want the rally to go bad and the MSM followed that up by blowing it all out of proportion with grossely bias half truths.
But don’t wory the real shitzer is about to hit the fan in a BIG way!!
There is a lot of selective quoting going on there by simply choosing one agencies report and ignoring the facts reported elsewhere.
from other sources:
I was here a few days ago warning about the awesome power of Muphry’s Law. Even commie leftie pinkos aren’t immune. Just an hour after you criticise Krishna’s spelling and see what happens.
yeah “agency’s”… but I didn’t rewrite it only to get it wrong again.
Sure Gee Aye, the “insurrectionists” were going to overthrow the worlds greatest military power with tomahawks and a fire extinguisher.
And how many of those armed with crowbars were FBI agents? Why won’t they release the full 14,000 hours of video footage? Obviously they don’t want us to see who really created the mayhem. Even in footage taken on phones we see MAGA supporters doing their utmost to stop the vandals breaking windows.
you want video of a crime scene to be released pre trial?
The Democrats were happy to release the worst footage they could find to convict Trump supporters in the national news and to “justify” thousands of troops / fencing around Capitol Hill / investigations and purges of the military.
But hokey dokey we can’t have them releasing footage showing the pipe bomber they don’t want to catch, or who opened the doors first, or who scouted out the grounds. We can’t release footage showing Trump supporters stopping the violence, acting legally eh?
And we wouldn’t want to expose FBI informants who knew what was going to happen because they were going to make it happen.
“And how many of those armed with crowbars were FBI agents? “
Well that was convincing. What is your point?
That’s a doozy, even from you GAGA.
Many of the arrested have been locked up for months now. No bail.
A trial would be nice. Sooner the better.
But the FBI is in a quandary, if they go to trial the pictures and vids will come out showing the FBI agents inciting the peaceful protesters.
Then the chase will be on to find the culprits in the FBI who authorized the engagement of the FBI informants, under-cover operatives and agents-provocateur.
No wonder they’re delaying the trial. They’ve a hell of a lot of evidence to destroy and phones to bleach-bit.
It all takes time you know. After all they’re public servants and they don’t work very fast, and then only in an iron-lung.
Good article about the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers in the right wing Australian from the right wing WSJ. Not all sunshine and bouquets from these groups on January 6. If the papers are criticising their own it looks as if they did play a more significant role than commenters here imagine
ColA you write
Your arrogance is only exceeded by your ignorance. ”
Yet you provide nothing except for posts from the gatewaypundit a far rightwing website known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories. Surely you do not believe the biased drivel from that utterly discredited source.
Facts you might ike to look up are tabulated at Wikipedia a source that provides listed information to support its comments
without knowing anything settled about the protest I would point out that calling everything you don’t like as far rightwing is a real giveaway of where you stand, and doesn’t improve your reputation nor justify your claims.
Richard Owen you write
without knowing anything settled about the protest I would point out that calling everything you don’t like as far rightwing is a real giveaway of where you stand, and doesn’t improve your reputation nor justify your claims.
Actually Richard I would point out that I was directly quoting Wikipedia that stated “The Gateway Pundit (TGP) is an American far-right[2] fake news website.[1] ”
A direct quote is not a “giveaway” of where I stand. it has no ibearing on my reputation and as I personally was making no claims, I don’t have to justify anything. However Wikipedia does provide sources to justify its claims
Perhaps you should take the matter up with Wikipedia and/or with the sources lists under (1) and (2)
and Wiki isn’t biased? you might be better quoting CNN or the Grunade
No he wouldn’t. Wiki backs up its entries with citations. Whether you think that is bias or not it uses evidence to support any statements.
Wiki does nothing of the sort. They just make things up. Pat Michaels tried to correct his own birth date and they kept changing it back to the wrong one.
Then they delete accurate information to hide it from the audience. Unless you check the “talk” page, you’d have no idea how much is hidden from you.
But all this discussion of “sources” is pure ad hom reasoning which tells us nothing at all about Capitol Hill.
Wiki is not a single entity. There is no “they”.
As with all sources, treat with caution and skepticism, unlike ColA and his sources.
Backpedaling noted.
I completely stand by both statements. If you ever catch me taking a source of information as being infallible feel free to call me out.
Weak excuse for backpedalling noted.
Wiki “always uses evidence” = “treat with caution.”
Of course there is a “they” at Wiki. “They” make the rules. You accept there are rules don’t you?
When climate-gate raged it became apparent that wiki had allowed U of East Anglia and friends unfettered editing rights, and they abused that privilege. I use and believe wiki for non-contentious questions such as a bio of a politician, but I will NOT accept their opinion of said poly’s policies and whether he was “extreme right wing” or not.
When I was at Uni, it was made very clear that anyone quoting Wikipedia as a source would lose marks. It is intellectual dishonesty to rely on it, and at the least, you should look at both the source documents cited and do a rigorous search for other information that supports those source documents or discredits it.
I did reply pointing out the differences in the moderation criteria but unsurprisingly my comment was not published but it seems that ad hom is OK if you are on the right side of there ledger but otherwise not. I was told a moderated comment of mine was off topic and ad hom The two comments to which I replied also were off topic and contained ad hom but they were allowed. Sure for the goose etc?. Not here.
[And I replied to him in moderation that he was right. I should not have let him post that first ad hom comment at #4.8.2. But short dumb comments are less likely to be axed than long dumb comments. Publish one ad hom, and look at the wasteland that follows? – Jo]
Ian, wipe your chin.
Jo- your comment makes it clear that you see everything as black/white. You can only cite something with full conviction or not at all.
Remember writing your honours thesis?
Simon – Vladimir Putin shows more intelligence than you in summing up America and Jan 6 2021
Putin Blames U.S. Government for ‘Assassination’ of Ashli Babbitt During Capitol Riot
Putin made the comments during an interview with NBC News, in which he argued that the United States and Russia are similar in how they handle dissent.
“We have a saying: ‘Don’t be mad at the mirror if you are ugly,’” Putin said regarding the arrests and persecution of Capitol rioters. “It has nothing to do with you personally. But if somebody blames us for something, what I say is, why don’t you look at yourselves? You will see yourselves in the mirror, not us.”
When asked about the assassinations of political rivals in his country, Putin responded by implying that the United States had assassinated Ashli Babbitt during the Capitol riot.
“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin asked. “Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. Four hundred and fifty people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that prosecution for political opinions?”
‘You don’t even get a chance to open your mouth and you’re shot dead’: Putin tears into US gun violence, says Biden is ‘very different’ from Trump and compares jailing his political opponents to arresting Capitol rioters
FBI Operatives Likely ‘Unindicted Co-Conspirators’, Organizers Of Capitol Riot: Report
Tucker Carlson dropped several bombshells on his show Tuesday night, chief among them was from a Revolver News report that the FBI was likely involved in organizing the Jan. 6 Capitol ‘insurrection,’ and were similarly involved in the kidnapping plot against Michigan Governor Gretchin Whitmer.
Why are there so many factual matters that we don’t understand about that day?” asked Carlson.
“Why is the Biden administration preventing us from knowing? Why is the administration still hiding more than 10,000 hours of surveillance tape from the US capitol on January 6th? What could possibly be the reason for that – even as they call for more openness… they could release those tapes today, but they’re not. Why?”
The Columbia Bugle
.@DarrenJBeattie: “After seeing all of this you have to ask yourself: Does the national security apparatus do anything but conspire against the American people?”
Consider it done.
Tucker Carlson Outlines The Primary Threat to Our Nation, The Corrupt Intelligence Apparatus Which Includes The FBI
Unfortunately, and completely understandably due to the content being outlined, both Carlson and Beattie need to couch their words carefully. However, CTH does not.
Avoiding the pitfalls of exhaustive repetition for points that are, by now, brutally obvious; and considering the urgency in the matters being discussed; it’s worth just accepting a few baselines as we move forward.
In the bigger picture the intellectually honest will admit it is impossible for Antifa to exist if the institutions of the DOJ and FBI were functioning normally as part of the national law enforcement system.
A few dozen arrests for transparently obvious violence, combined with a few RICO cases against the financial systems that support Antifa, and the entire violent group and support network essentially disappears. Therefore, it is worth accepting the obvious…. The DOJ and FBI are part of the support structure that allows political violence to exist.
I would personally take it (confidently) a step further and say: Antifa simply could not exist without the explicit support of the DOJ/FBI.
Actual, real-life, Domestic Violent Extremists called Black Lives Matter and Antifa, tried to burn Washington DC in the summer of 2020. Not a single arrest. Not one. Not a single public FBI tweet about “help us find those arsonists who attempted to burn St. John’s church”. Nothing.
The DOJ and FBI willfully and purposefully turn a blind eye to literal acts of domestic violence, shootings, beatings, arson, murder, riots and chaos -even attacks on federal buildings- and do nothing. NOTHING.
Just like federal contractors purposefully given the keys to NSA/FBI databases to exploit and extract information for political targeting, so too is Antifa essentially operating as a federal contractor for domestic violence.
In essence, the FBI is Antifa…. and before that the FBI was Occupy…. and before that the FBI was supporting the 2007 SEIU/AFSCME political thugs. Go ahead and prove me wrong, but you better bring receipts; because there is a mountain of historical evidence to support my position.
Russia has a state police that CNN, the New York Times and Washington Post likes to talk about as a negative attribute to the former communist bloc. However, The United States has the FBI. Go ahead and tell me the difference between Russian “state police”, and the FBI as U.S. “state police“?
Does Antifa actually exist? Have you ever met anybody who claims to be affiliated with Antifa?
Maybe your theory that the FBI is Antifa is not totally nonsensical given their mutual goals of opposing fascist and racism.
“Maybe your theory that the FBI is Antifa is not totally nonsensical given their mutual goals of opposing fascist and racism.”
Sounds self destructive to me.
Yes Antifa actually exists.
Is that normal for you to do no research whatsoever before posting? I guess people need to keep that in mind with all your other comments.
Nah doesn’t exist despite your Lefty enyclopedia having an entry for its multiple international flavors https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antifa_(United_States) and several books about it plus numerous academic papers on the subject. Just made up stuff.
Yes, the Trumpster asking people to protest peacefully and then to go home peacefully when things started to get out of hand was clearly an attempt to overthrow the incoming government.
… and offered more security that Pelosi refused.
How do you explain the many videos showing Capitol Police officers politely opening barriers and WAVING people through? No attempt at all to stop people, in fact encouraging people to go through.
Trump offered National Guard to bolster security to Pelosi and co but they would have nothing of it. Convenient as they wanted to ensure that people entered (as per above) and they could then use it to their advantage.
The many many reports from people who would not get involved in damage and destruction, which was being attempted by BLM/Antifa operatives in the crowd.
Of course no proper attempt to actually investigate, only to use this like the Reichstag fire as a means to take over and hold govt forever.
The very minimal security at The White House on January 6 tells me they were either incredibly slack (highly unlikely) or almost inviting the crowd inside. The so-called riot did very little damage for what the media claimed was an attempt to overthrow the government. Usually, anyone seen within a mile of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue carrying anything that looks vaguely like a weapon is crash tackled or just plain shot!
The whole story as officially presented is thoroughly unconvincing.
So 7 states had sent in dual electors. What were the other 40 plus doing? Would those seven states have been the difference between a trump win and a trump defeat?
So, Biden gave Putin a list of targets ‘off-limits’ to cyber attack.
Did Swampy Joe also draw targets on the vital infrastructure for Putin too?
And is every thing not on the list okay to target?
Via @junkscience
I heard Putin gave Biden a list of people that absolutely cannot be arkancided.
Just what I thought.
Totally incompetent.
Either a well organised trap was set for Trump and he fell for it, or it was all just coincidences and Trump was unlucky. I don’t much believe in luck nor coincidences.
The FBI has been a corrupt organisation since its founding by J Edgar Hoover! Hoover used his formidable resources blackmailing his contemporaries and Law Makers. Eliot Ness destroyed Alcapones power during prohibition but only with Hoover’s approval.
The FBI did a good job to get rid of much of the organised crime only to become a far more sophisticated one at the political level.
I thought it was Elliot Ness that cleaned up organized crime and he was not FBI I think he was a Prohibition Agent in Chicago.
He was a special agent of the DoJ. I was referring to the vast work that the FBI did to combat organised crime.
Hoover was a cross dresser and that signifies for that time that there was corruption, as well he had a ‘dirt file’ on all his enemies, particularly the Kennedys.
I can clearly recall him saying ‘there is no organised crime in America”, at a time when the mafia were running rampant.
So when your boss is a crook, what does that say about the organisation.
The FBI?, wasn’t it leftists. I believe it was the Chinese, trying to draw attention away from the Texas lab leak theory
Trolling comedian.
Ok what about this: an American dog, a Polish dog and a Soviet dog sit together. The American dog says “In my country if you bark long enough, you will be heard and given some meat”. The Polish dog replies “What is ‘meat’?” The Soviet dog says “What is ‘bark’?”
I love the way you miss the point. Next week it will be another group. The fact is that no one on the right will take responsibility for anything.
Yeah great Jo. There’s ample evidence that the FBI and DOJ have been corrupted, so their involvement is not just believable (and here’s the sad part), it’s quite unsurprising. The who and why of all this is very easy to see; look at what happened at the G7 meeting. Boris is using the WEF’s talking points. There is so much evidence over the last 30-40 years of the direction “they” want it to go, and who “they” are, and now that’s all mainstream. So much for the “conspiracy theory”, hey?
Our friends in Australia well understand living under a government, but in a sort of anarchy;
for much of history the distance from Britain and difficulty of travel; and later the essential
nature of the population lead to a country that has historically charted it’s own course quite
independent of political affiliation. Our red States are getting more difficult to govern
by a liberal,urban-centric, and tone deaf federal see. Mayoralities, governors, school boards,
and plain old grass roots groups are resisting; in a system that has always depended on consent.
That there was no “insurrection” in DC on JAN 6 is common knowledge here; we saw cities burn all summer
with hundreds of millions of dollars of damage, and we can still see the scars in all of them. And we can
see that the scars are from the riots in the city, but not at the capitol. There are many other things that are common
Here are a couple of important ones that are seldom reported.
Union leaders have sold out union members in blue collar industries.
A majority of hispanics don’t consider themselves “generic people of color”.
A majority of hispanics do not support open borders.
The elites in our cities wouldn’t be caught dead sending their kids to public schools.
The next version of Donald Trump; an effective person who does not come from politics nor academia and speaks to the disaffected
population, may conclude that one cannot work with the existing structure, but only outside it. DT resisted the temptation to simply dump information (if it exists) that might totally destroy the system, as opposed to trusting a few individuals and hoping that the institutions could be reformed. He could have, in retroepct, destroyed a large number of people in his executive branch in full information about their activities were known. I suspect, as a patriot, he bought notions of national security that the next version will know better than to believe; why would one start again with a Shiff, for example. The need to play offence rather than defence will likely be on the table.
Circling back to the “insurrection” …. every f######ing bit of information; the camera footage, the officers reports, the interviews,
everything is already in the hands of the government. That they are withholding most and demanding show trials is a sign of guilt.
From the Russia probe to the Ukraine to Hunters laptop to this mess, one has to asses the character, Not of Democrats, but of the 10,000 or so political and media types who are the liberal government and academic and media establishment.
I think they are scared. The left’s infighting is between political realists and a suicide cult. They know the productive public has stopped listening; and their bought votes are demanding more.
‘There is no happiness in life, only a mirage of it on the horizon’: Vladimir Putin quotes Tolstoy as he reveals his dark philosophy on life and inspires more Bond villain comparisons after summit with Joe Biden
The Russian leader was asked if there was growing trust and happiness with US
He responded with a quotation attributed to Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy
Many on social media joked he was channelling his inner Bond or Marvel villain
President Joe Biden said he would be using a pre-approved list of reporters to call on Wednesday at a press conference following his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.
From the Comments
Pre-approved reporters asking pre-approved questions, so Biden can answer with a pre-approved script, and the “journalists” can write their pre-approved stories. I don’t think even Orwell saw this coming.
Fact Check: Joe Biden Falsely Claims Trump Supporters ‘Killed a Police Officer’ During Capitol Riot
CLAIM: President Joe Biden said supporters of former President Donald Trump “killed a police officer” after they stormed the Capitol on January 6th to protest the certification of the election.
VERDICT: FALSE. Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick died of natural causes a day after defending the Capitol during the January 6 assault according to the medical examiner report released in April. The medical report said that Sicknick suffered two strokes at the base of his brainstem as a result of a blood clot in an artery.
Biden made the assertion during a press conference after a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, rejecting the comparison the Russian president made between the imprisonment of Alexei Navalny to the United States government persecuting January 6th rioters.
“It’s one thing for literally criminals to break through, cordon, go into the capitol, and kill a police officer and be held unaccountable, than it is for people objecting and marching on the Capitol and saying, ‘You are not allowing me to speak freely … they’re very different criteria,” Biden said.
Perhaps some of the unindicted co-conspirators are not FBI assets, but rather persons guilty of mere trespassing, whom it would be overkill to indict; or persons who have agreed to provide information about the involvement and offenses of others to the government after the fact.
But of course probably some of them were agents provocateurs, as Revolver suggests. How many were there and far over the line did they go?—those are the questions.
Oops, I left out a word: “How many were there and HOW far over the line did they go?”
Tucker Carlson: Government agents may have helped organize the Jan. 6 Capitol riot
“The government is hiding the identity of many law enforcement officers who were present at the Capitol on Jan. 6”
“Who did shoot Ashli Babbit? Why don’t we know? Are anonymous federal agents now allowed to kill unarmed women who protest the regime?”
“And speaking of January 6th, why are there still so many things, basic factual matters, we don’t know about that day? Why is the Biden administration preventing us from knowing? Why is the administration hiding more than 10,000 hours of surveillance tape from the U.S. Capitol?”
“But, strangely, some people who participated in the riot haven’t been charged. Look at the documents. The government calls these people “unindicted co-conspirators.” What does that mean? It means that in potentially every case, they’re FBI operatives.
But wait. Here’s the interesting thing. “Person Two” and “Person Three” were organizers of the riot. The government knows who they are, but the government has not charged them. Why is that? You know why. They were almost certainly working for the FBI. So FBI operatives were organizing the attack on the Capitol on January 6, according to government documents. And those two are not alone. “
Excellent article by Fox News and as Vladimir Putin has pointed out
“Secondly, I want to ask you: Did you order the assassination of the woman who walked into the Congress and who was shot and killed by a policeman?” Putin asked. “Do you know that 450 individuals were arrested after entering Congress? And they didn’t go there to steal a laptop. They came with political demands. Four hundred and fifty people have been detained. They’re facing jail time, from 15 to 20 years. And they came to Congress with political demands. Isn’t that prosecution for political opinions?”
His statement is supported by the link from the Fox News Article to
Levin questions standard of justice as Capitol rioters held under strict confinement, while Antifa roams free
It’s bad when Putin can legitimately accuse the US of human rights abuse and political persecution.
What a good example of the law of untended consequences: The left had O’Reilly sacked from Fox because he supported Trump. I have no idea if he was guilty as charged but that doesn’t matter – he had to go.
O’Reilly’s exit allowed Tucker, an even more effective conservative, to fill the vacuum and it seems Tucker is clean. If there were damning tweets, photos or harassment charges they would have been rolled out by now.
Better the devil you know, haters. lol
The left controls HR at Fox?
As I said, Tucker is clean.
There is a website that provides in depth analysis of what goes on behind American politics. It’s called Theconservativetreehouse and the link is:
It lays bear to the corruption that is on going in America.
Climate Heretic
I’ll second that but I sometimes wonder at the American psyche when I read of gun rights and God’s will. And I wonder sometimes about some of the conclusions reached.
thegatewaypundit.com is often interesting too although they are more into breaking news rather than analysis.
Disappointingly breitbart.com is barely worth reading these days. If you want to read about the election controversy you won’t find it there.
What abouts and how comes don’t amount to an argument for anything.
You must be so much fun at a party
So why do you do it?
“What abouts and how comes don’t amount to an argument for anything.”
That’s a diversion; What abouts? and how comes? are questions that are in effect demanding answers from the authorities and/or an investigation. If the questions go unanswered, then the silence of the authorities becomes grounds for a higher level of suspicion.
There is blind hatred of anything Trump and the haters will believe anything that fits their hate filled narrative regardless how implausible.
Early this week the stupidity was that Trump had his trousers on backwards, based on a pic. Even snopes debunked the story but when this was pointed out to the haters the reply was “So now you believe snopes?”
Half a second’s thought, particularly by blokes, would convince one that a man could not put his pants on backwards, that he would need someone else to do up the fly, button and belt. Discomfort of the crown jewels could not be overlooked either. The aim, of course, was to prove Trump is mentally worse than Biden.
If they believe that rubbish what chance of getting GA to believe that there is something rotten about the Jan, 6 narrative?
I think a lot of the stupidity is simply baiting for a reaction. There’s no brain power involved to realize it’s a stupid statement.
Why do you need to get me to believe something?
Give me evidence and I’ll consider it.
There has been a mountain of evidence documented here and elsewhere. You choose to believe it is all a giant right wing conspiracy. You lie when you say you would consider anything that doesn’t fit your preconceived view.
no. There is a mountain of nothing much. You assume this means I ignore it. My observation is that there is a mountain of rehashing too. There is only so many times I will endure a rant on youtube accompanied by an opinion interpreting a fuzzy photo of a van or a document.
Hmm. But the sharp photos of unarmed woman being shot while guy with theatrical horns and a spear disguised as a flagpole was let in to the Senate to be photographed?
If only Ashli had worn something comic and extreme they would have let her in too maybe? But she was the wrong photo-op.
And they knew all this was coming, but didn’t put extra staff on for the most important day in Congress in 200 years.
Consider it done.
Wow. The resident trolls are really fired up today.
Yup. They sure are.
That means Jo and many others hit a nerve.
BTW, what ever happened to cardinal rule about trolls?
Dozens of violent riots burning building and cars, taking over federal building, killing people, raping women, over and over, city after city, all defended repeatedly by the left, and you state that the right cannot admit responsibility? That’s is inane.
There are exactly zero instances of any conservative people infiltrating BLM or ANTIFA, and pretending to be from those bigoted biased leftist groups.
Yet In one conservative gathering, after dozens of large peaceful rallies involving millions of people, a number of known leftists became moderately violent and destructive impersonators of right wing voters. There is no reason for the right to take responsibility for violence they did not condone or instigate. There is great reason for the left to apologize for their support of BLM and ANTIFA!
The support of BLM and Antifa by the left is not just joining in, but political as in this thread, and arranging bail money for the rare arrests. Not to be forgotten are the religious groups claiming to be non-political but giving money, then claiming they have no knowledge of the violence, a claim that looking at any TV or any newspaper would destroy.
Many questions there, including;
Buffalo Man is apparently in custody without bail. Who’s side was he on?
John Sullivan (BLM and film maker of the Capitol invasion) not charged as far as I know.
Was Ashli Babbitt even killed?
As the Swamp’s control of literally everything tightens, yet the number of citizens who disagree with the Swamp’s agenda increase, it is obvious that pretty soon democracy will be lost. With their voices ignored or silenced and their votes cancelled, there will eventually be only one way out of the corner they have been herded into – unrest and violence.
The Swamp knows this and of course hopes to stamp out any such resistance before it spreads. Step one might be to declare, without evidence and contrary to what our eyes tell us, that ‘domestic terrorism’ is the West’s No. 1 threat. Step 2 is to declare that those ‘domestic terrorists’ are essentially right-wingers and Trump followers.
Wait. What? Already?
“a multicultural country can only survive if it de-emphasizes race” says Tucker.
That is true, but that is not possible. If anything the liberal left has done effectively, is show us this to be the case.
Right as Rain!
It only takes one side to start a war. And the Left in my country has done just that.
It also takes one side to win one.
And that side is armed to the teeth. And that side is also armed with the truth.
(BTW, if you guys in OZ can even get it, check out my State of Arizona’s recount updates. You can get abbreviated news on that from the Epoch Times’ updates on the hated Toob.)
QANON, ANTIFA, BLM… Tribalism in all its glory. Personally, I’m sick and tired of who’s who in the Berlin Zoo. Get down to reality…HUMAN BEINGS ARE TRIBAL, and this is where any sort of “debate” should start.
[…] for arson and looting. The January 6 invasion of the Capitol building by Trump fans and FBI undercover agents is never described as “mainly […]
[…] for arson and looting. The January 6 invasion of the Capitol building by Trump fans and FBI undercover agents is neverdescribed as “mainly […]