A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Quote from “The Parasitic Mind” by Dr. Gad Saad.
Intelligentsia indeed. Twitter suspended a Spanish MP for saying men couldn’t get pregnant.
We’re all aware that Twitter isn’t intelligent.
Pauses can be pregnant … 😀
To understand why many companies are going “woke”, many are pursuing a high “ESG” score. Some are reasonable and rational but there is plenty of opportunity to pursue the Leftist agenda.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social and Governance.
Examples of items scored are:
-Preservation of our natural world
-Climate change
-Carbon emission reduction
-Water pollution and water scarcity
-Air pollution
-Consideration of humans and our interdependencies
-Customer success
-Data hygiene and security
-Gender and diversity inclusion
-Community relations
-Mental health
-Logistics and defined process for running a business or organization
-Board of directors and its makeup
-Executive compensation guidelines
-Political contributions and lobbying
-Venture partner compensation
-Hiring and onboarding best practices
David – another reason to go woke – the “green economy”.
In 2019, installed nameplate coal-fired generation capacity was 2,045GW. You would need 409,000 5MW nameplate wind turbines to replace that installed capacity, or about 5.8 billion 350kW solar panels.
When capacity factors are brought into play together with all the ancillary gear needed to run it, you begin to envisage the enormous profits that can be made in those “green hills”. A compelling reason to go woke.
One should ask the so-called spruikers of renewables if they have any investment in the industry. -I read and hear many commentators and politicians apparently self- serving on subsidies and promoting the renewable industry, whilst denigrating the stable fossil fuel generators.
“Preservation of our natural world”
This means undoing or preventing many of the actions of the human lifeforms.
Which requires the human lifeforms to engage in more actions.
I’m glad nature allowed us human lifeforms to evolve to the point where we figured out that nature was “ours”.
I’m not sure why you call ESG “leftist”. Many companies supporting ESG recommend the pricing of externalities and then letting the market determine outcomes. Since when is belief in the utility of free and fair markets “leftist”?
Because the looney idea of pricing externalities (by government) is leftist.
Ouch! Double touch down!
Stuxhexenhammer talks about why President Trump should run in 2024.
And another on why he shouldnt
Ron DeSantis is the common factor in the two posts; some talk of reluctance to abandon Florida for the presidency.
Trump got attacked and opposed non-stop, I suggest because he had money so could not be bought.
Choosing the right person for the job is usually a strength, but Trump made the wrong choice on a few but important, the worst I’d say were Fauci and Pence. I do like the American Thinker idea- the pres should have a good knowledge, and intellect, to both choose the right person and know what needs to be done.
How long is it that a US President had those qualities? Not since Eisenhower.
David, perhaps what is needed is a competing anti-woke scoring system. Maybe we could use the acronym C.S.P. – common sense and pragmatism. Under this system, we would consider all the above items on your list based on their actual merits and benefits to a free thinking society which would be truly progressive as we would be unencumbered by policies which are really holding progress back by constant hand wringing and inertia. Instead of fretting over giving imagined offence to those who seek to be perpetually offended, we could bypass those useless agendas and finally move on. If in doubt, throw it out.
Sorry, meant to be a reply to David Maddison at #2.
This is strange. Their ABC reported on an extremely cold day in Queensland but managed not to blame “global warming”.
See link for rest.
David, Get with the program. Don’t you know that extreme cooling is just weather, and extreme warming is climate change caused by the debil debil coal.
Craig Kelly and George Christensen are presenting a petition to parliament to ban Covid Vaccination Passports . You can sign the petition on George Christensen’s website. It’s disturbing that the only place I have seen anything about this petition is on The Epoch Times – nothing in the Australian media.
As far as the Australian media are concerned, Craig Kelly doesn’t exist, or only exists to be slagged off.
I’ll look for it, but do you have a link?
Good for Craig Kelly and George Christensen.
Thanks Beowulf.
Thanks beowulf. Signed, also forwarded to family.
Sadly they have been unpersoned by the legacy lamestream media and legacy social(ist) media.
The Left are just following their instruction manual, Orwell’s 1984.
I can’t think why they are against the vaccine. It has been rushed into use without normal testing. There is evidence of adverse reactions (usually dismissed as minor) and no evidence that it would prove effective against various strains of rapidly mutating CoVid. On top of this there are claims that it MAY HAVE long term serious consequences.
Meanwhile early treatment with known safe medicines is forbidden.
Pfizer is on track to make $26B this financial year, they have pulled in $ 3.5B in the first three months of 2021.
And the vaccines do not prevent you from being, at a minimum, a carrier for WuFlu, just ask Bill Maher:
‘Real Time With Bill Maher’ Production Halts After Fully Vaccinated Host Tests Positive for COVID-19
Virtually every flu vaccinne starts with a 98% efficacy, but after 6 months or so of real world experience it ends up with 60% effectiveness. This cvd-19 vaccine will follow the same path.
So if you get the injection but you can still get cvd-19 or spread it, what exactly is the point of getting the shot?
Because it reduces the chance of you ever being exposed as well as the chance of you getting it if you are and the severity of the disease if you do.
If say the chance of getting it is 50% if exposed when everyone is innoculated, there is no explosive growth and the infection can die out in a community. Without innoculation each infected person infects two more people and each then infects two more people etc. With a 50% resistance that explosive growth stops. That is herd immunity, removing access to the vulnerable. A virus has to mutate or die and it does not have the population for rapid mutation.
And 98% immunity stops it dead.
‘And 98% immunity stops it dead.’
At the moment a third of Australians are ‘hesitant’ and probably won’t get the jab. With tight border controls it should be enough to keep us safe and herd immunity is not required.
Our Canadian media is pushing that you still may get this virus but it will be less severe and won’t kill you if you don’t get vaccinated.
As they know that fully vaccinated are still getting this virus.
And manufacturers say if you cross vaccination with a different company can have severe side effects.
And if you dare to question the cvd-19 vaccines, you are villified.
Every day I read in the papers that questioning the vaccines means you are a science denier. Can you imagine the stupidity?
Our premier called those who question vaccines part of the alt-right. Wow! What a maroon. Haha!
(The sadest part is that he will win the next election in a few months time)
This is also interesting:
9 vaccinated Yankees team and staff tested positive for Covid — here’s how that happens
The article says that:
It also says:
The problem for the silent majority is they are basically getting their news from the same old sources, mainstream media and they are riddled with politically correct activists. If they don’t repudiate what is being put in front of them in greater numbers then the speed dial activists will call their mates with a lunatic idea or phrase everyday and some definitely permeate the pysche of normally rational people. The table above even shows that. As d some of the wishy washy policies put out by Boris Johnson and Scott Morrison in Australia.
Read about the MSM handbook for propaganda covering Global Warming/ Climate Change.
Fifth up is to avoid “doom and gloom”.
Sixth is to “go easy on the jargon”.
I agree with those sentiments.
“The first is “to say yes to the science”, which is a “matter of overwhelming global consensus”. ”
So no actual science, just a belief that others believe and how could so many be wrong? It does not even say what they believe, just to not question and that unbelievers are denialists. That is the definition of a cult.
All weather is climate and subject to Climate Change. All hail, climate change. And death to carbon, the sixth element of the periodic table.
And the current vogue is “All hail Hydrogen”, the first element of the periodic table. Hydrogen will create jobs, make billions and save the world from Climate Change. You just have to believe.
People of senior years that I know, still think that the ABC is the same ABC of 50 years ago, and watch/listen to nothing else, if that’s all you use to get your news, you will get the same leftist guff all the time, diversity is the key folks.
I’m of “senior years” and when I got broadband I twigged that the ABC that I once believed is and always was f@ke news. They have not changed, I have.
I consider my reading of the ABC’s “Just In” a reconnoitring of the enemy’s position, and gave up watching ABC TV some time back.
Thanks everyone for your pointers.
Dave B
I also gave up watching ABC – news in particular. (still watch Hard Quiz)
They’ve really ramped up the Climate Change™ thing over the last couple of years. I actually started counting the times Climate Change™ was named (call me paranoid) and it was roughly four or five times a week.
I’ve since changed to Channel 7 news and Climate Change™ gets a mention perhaps once every two months.
It’s annoying though. 7:00PM suits me better and 6:00PM (Channel 7) is really too early for me. On the up-side, the Channel 7 presenters are cheerful and do some good news stories on occasion which I reckon helps with the balance.
I reckon journalism faded at the ABC when Kerry O’Brien left.
This is a very good short video from Dinesh D’Souza about the abandonment of the Labour Party by voters in Once Great Britain and he gives a warning for US Democrats.
As is more obvious now than ever before, the Left are not about helping the poor or helpless, rather keeping them that way for the benefit of the Elites.
I’m also of senior years and I haven’t watched the ABC for at least 10 years
I’ve seen the creep to the left and pushing their narratives particularly on global warming and climate change
As a retired engineer I could see it was all rubbish and not based on evidence or scientific method. Just purely political
Dinesh was fine until he got to Biden whose impossible election result (eighty million votes) he takes at face value.
As I have mentioned many times before, the UN Elites want us to eat insects instead of meat (presumably the Elites will be exempt and will still eat steak and fly private jets).
Tony Heller talks about it in a recent video:
How epidemiologists try to fool us with flawed statistical practices
by S. Stanley Young and Warren Kindzierski
Reminds me of the scornful response by John Newmann** to someone using 4 degrees of freedom in a graph.
“With 4 degrees of freedom I could draw an elephant, and with 5 degrees I could make him wriggle his trunk”.
**Mathematician and early computer pioneer.
My boo boo.
A recent video by Tony Heller.
Leftist “scientists” now say cold causes hot and vice versa.
Apologies, it’s not yet on a free speech video site and Leftist YouTube banned him again for two weeks for the crime of telling the truth.
Say, I remember the old days.
You know, when we lined up at school to receive the Polio Immunisation, the whooping cough immunisation, the MMR immunisation, the smallpox immunisation, the booster immunisations, etc etc.
Umm, note something here. They called them immunisations in those days.
You know, after you had them, you were, umm, immune.
Hmm! Why is this Coronavirus ‘shot’ called just a vaccination, and not an immunisation.
There’s been a very concerted effort to refer to it only as a vaccination, or a shot, or a jab ….. but never an immunisation.
Ever thought about that.
No thought in those days about ‘single shots’ and then throw away the needle. Nup! Perish the thought if you were last in your classes line to get it. The needle was all but blunt by then. No such thing as ….. just a little sting here.
Back in the day they actually did use proper vaccines which mostly made you immune, often for life.
Not even proponents of the C-19 mRNA “vaccine” claim it will confer immunity now or for life, will stop you getting sick (you might be less sick, supposedly), or will stop you spreading the virus. Even if you’ve had C-19 you are still expected to take the vaccine as it’s claimed that you won’t be immune. (Then if the actual infection won’t make you immune, why would the vaccine?)
Meanwhile, we know infection can be successfully treated with HCQ and Ivermectin and other cheap, common drugs according to appropriate protocols but this is not allowed in extreme Nanny States like Australia where politicians listen to self-proclaimed experts rather than actual science.
Follow the money trail.
“…or will stop you spreading the virus.”
It didn’t stop Bill Maher from testing positive for the virus (see #6.3.1 above)
The smallpox vaccine was so called because it used the similar cowpox virus ( Latin ‘vacca’ cow). Everthing else was immunisation so the term vaccine is incorrect for anything else. However, I suppose it became like ‘hoover’ for a vacuum-cleaner!
correct Annie… Vaccinia viruses were the origin of the word vaccine.
On to Tony’s “proper” immunisation comment – it is not possible for some viruses for a multitude of biochemical and immunological reasons. They would if they could.
Tony,”Vaccines” are immune from liability. As Bill Gates pointed out ,’I put $10 million into vaccines and got $200 million back, there’s no loss with vaccines’.
Also a vaccine cannot be registered if there is already a cure. So best to discredit hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin etc.
Good to see Tony stepping up to take the “What can I be wrong about today” challenge, although being wrong is far more entertaining when it’s in an area of knowledge that you actually have some training and experience in, which in Tony’s case obviously doesn’t include immunology – apparently he doesn’t even know what the words “immunisation” and “immunity” actually mean in the medical context.
Here’s the government advertising aimed at getting us to be aware of our vaccine options.
(You’ll notice all them talk of “shots”, “vaccines” and “vaccination”.)
My son in the UK has suffered an outbreak of shingles following his Pfizer Covid shot – a first time experience. Apparently he is not alone:
I’ve had shingles, and don’t recommend it.
There is a shot(s) for it now, and I’ve gone that route.
Two doses of the Pfizer shot – – not even a sore arm.
Vaccines cause temporary (and not so temporary) immune suppression, so latent viruses can be activated.
‘Ever thought about that.’
Covid is like the flu, a new jab every year because of the new strains.
Quite possible but the evidence is not there yet.
The precautionary principle needs to be applied until we know more.
I just heard through a local businessman that a new strain from India is ferocious and kills children, he has a contact in Singapore who is keen to get out, but there is nothing in the MSM about it.
because it aint true
OK… good to know. It doesn’t look like anyone is pushing the “its ferocious and kills children” button.
Is ABC not mainstream any more?
Aunty is always my last port of call, but I had a look at the SCMP and found nought.
I have just been reading The Australian. My latest comments have been rejected because I dared to suggest that these Covid19 ‘vaccines’ are still experimental and I do not wish to be a guinea-pig for the testing. Censorship! You are not permitted to have any opinion that doesn’t bow and scrape before ‘the jab’ and having to have a ‘passport’ in order to travel within Australia, let alone outside. This naive talk about ‘the jab’ really irritates me.
Others can test the ‘vaccines’ if they so wish; their choice, but don’t bully me!
I held out for a long time purchasing online “The Australian” but pulled the pin before Xmas last year. A bit like the Curate’s egg rather. Miss Ergas and some others. John Durie is a nong – others are plain hacks. Lost me too Annie.
There are some very good contributors to The Australian but I am now edging nearer to pulling the pin on it.
Annie, I was appalled by the garbage written in The Australian around the time of the presidential elections, censorship was rife and I decided to tell them to keep it. The very nice lady at the other end of the phone asked me my reasons for closing my subscription, offered me 3 months free and said she would call me in 3 months. I didn’t bother with it as I have a subscription with the Epoch Times now. Unfortunately after the 3 months to the day, they took money out of my account and I was sucked in. I found I missed the comments section , but you are right it is shallow, woke and censorious.
Annie… it is not censorship. Your comment is factually incorrect and not a matter of opinion.
The testing of the “vaccines’ will not completed until around the middle of 2023. At this stage they have been given emergency authority to sell the “vaccines’ which have not been authorised. Therefore they are still experimental. The question is – who will be liable for damage? The pharmaceutical companies were given a pardon in 1995 so they are not liable. The government that offered the vaccine to the populous ? Or the boss who coerces a worker with its a jab or your job?
Annie is correct.
Incorrect. Get off facebook and look at sources.
I don’t do Facebook, and I do look at sources. I have a science degree and can read scientific papers.
but not this time evidently
Annie… it is not censorship. Your comment is factually incorrect and not a matter of opinion.
It sounds like censorship to me.
The the C-19 mRNA agents were approved by the FDA in the United States under exemptions from the normal testing requirements provided by “Emergency Use Authorisation”. Essentially it means that the agents could be released while more complete testing is done simultaneously with the release of the agents rather than prior to full scale release as per the normal protocol.
Most other national government agencies, including ours, follow the advice of the FDA whilst notionally putting on their own stamp of approval.
If the drugs aren’t fully tested in the manner of normal drugs, and they are released under Emergency Use Authorisation, then I think it is fair to say and factually correct that they are “experimental”.
You are correct, Annie.
In the second link:
COVID-19 Vaccines Authorized for Emergency Use
Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine
Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine
The AstraZeneca agent is not currently approved in the US, even under Emergency Use Authorisation, but the manufacturer is seeking full authorisation which takes longer due to more testing.
So Annie’s comment is factually correct. Vaccine ius still experimental.
Not correct and it shows ignorance of what experimental means. Clearly someone at The Oz has some scientific literacy
Short summary – they have completed trials. All OK. Emergency authorization is an admin shortcut to get them on the market.
And here is the ever unreliable “The Lancet” commenting with full references to the trial results agrees with me.
They did find that Chinese and Russian vaccines were released prior to accepted amount of trialing.
Experimental can mean a lot of things. But we will go with this:
A Vaccine can be considered an experiment each time it is injected into some one’s arm.
The AstraZeneca and other vaccines have no doubt been subject to clinical trials. None the less unexpected results are being observed clinically; eg, cerebral vein thrombosis, skin exfoliation on the arms and the legs (Greg Hunt), unexpected deaths following injection, peripheral neuropathy (Eric Clapton), repeat infections after vaccination, the list goes on with new and unexpected results being reported each day.
These vaccines are novel, ie a new type, with very limited clinical data and no long term follow up.
Still testing:-
And is it approved for use on pregnant women? sheesh and duh
James Lindsay gives his “principled reasons” for not taking the vaccine:
I suspect a lot of thinking along the same lines.
The AER Q1 report is out:
Wholesale prices in Victoria benefitted from mild summer conditions. Some consider there was no summer in Victoria and I expect I will need to release some CO2 to warm me up later today.
The total cost of FCAS was only $33M. Probably impacts most on South Australia.
Demand was down considerably:
For first time ever, the NEM had to order distributors to knock out rooftop solar:
Clearly this will become much more frequent and will push rooftop owners to take up battery offers.
Overall, I expect it will be tough for generators to be profitable under the conditions that prevailed in Q1 2021. No doubt they will be hoping for a cold winter and a much warmer summer in 2021/22.
Thanks Rick,
I am wondering about the potential to go Off Grid?
My north facing roof area is not very large, unfortunately. Generators are coming down in price but still look futile while the grid holds up and at current prices.
Hello Peter – a short time ago, I looked into 6kW solar panels with a 10kWH battery, both from Korea – my Govt offered generous subsidies for doing this but the cost after accounting for subsidies was still $22K! Admittedly it was for top-shelf gear that should last 10-15 years, but still made no sense at the time.
All too true
Ok … that is funny,
behold the correlation of truth and humor.
Which could only be a function of so many not able to recognize the truth.
Presuming I laughed because I recognize the truth, I would say in my case it has not been helpful at all.
Another strange moderation.
Starting to feel like the great machine considers my mere existence offensive.
[Have approved it John and as to why the auto mod grabbed it is anyone’s guess, using multiple characters such as … may have tripped it.]AD
All lined up for inspection
That certainly demonstrates the civilisational decline of the United States under the Harris Administration plus an expression of China’s quest for world domination which they achieving thanks to the useful idiots of the West.
Oh, good grief.
Comment under the video on utube
‘”A great civilization is not conquered from without until it has destroyed itself from within.” – Ariel Durant’
Hmmm…very interesting summary.
Ah those wonderful ruinable electricity generators in SA.
Yesterday at 6.30pm according to OpenNEM, to meet the SA demand of 1913 MW, solar deliverd 1 MW, wind 71 MW, the big battery 43 MW, while those emergency diesel generators supplied 123 MW.
The balance was supplied by gas. Spot price $931/MWhr, average price for the day $248.
Hey look….it appears an excuse to vaccinate people forever……
with whatever they want, how often they want.
Permenant medical monstering of the population?
The 4 Horses of the Apocalypse approach….?
Is this the pale horse?
“Slavery is Freedom
“Ignorance is Strength
– 1984
“”Vaccination is key to our freedom’: NSW Premier
“NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says Australia has “a big job ahead of us in getting most of our community vaccinated” against COVID-19 and until that point any conversation about reopening international borders is premature.
““There is no doubt that the vaccination program is key to our freedom,” Ms Berejiklian said at a press conference in Sydney this morning.
Do you think that is why the troops shown on Sky News’ never-ending repeated clips of Ch1nese miltary parades look like fully coordinated zombies?
I think with a cocktail of possibly multiple who knows what mRNA nasties running around inside people, its entirely possible it could mess with core neurological function. If you can train an mRNA “vaccine” to look like brain proteins, you could trigger an autoimmune disease to waste away the brain or get the body to attack it…then you would have zombies eventually…..self inflicted mad cow disease of sorts…..
So if the chinese biological agents dont get us ( the chinese plan appears to have alwyays been to literally wipe out the entire population of north america and grab the land ) and the chinese have always allowed for a 50% loss of ther populaiton to win a nuclear war with the US. Logically it means to remove the Satanic CCP, you need to eithe rhave very good intel and target them with surgical precision, or remove the entore chinese population in one go to ensure you get the CCP.
Not appealling really…then you also have Russia with is pact with china for military assistance. The Russians will go for a first strike agains the US satellites, then north korea likely may launch an EMP on the US. Then with electrical grid down, the chinese will drop biological warefare agents on the US while its blind and incapacitated. At least it will remove the caustic left…..there is an up side.
I think the hilarious bit is that the lefties in the US will expect the chinese will spare them when they invade – nope, the whining left are happy to betray thier countrymen, the chinese figure they will do the same to them……bye bye….
I think we whole world is a bit unstable right now. We have lunatics like wealthy billionaires running around jabbing everything with experimental toxins ( they are even trying to reach aboriginal population in the middle of the country to make sure no one “escapes” that really doenst sit well with me….its a form of fanaticism hiding behind demented public “policy”….) , trying to blot out the sun to effectively kill food production ( is that wht the seed vault in the arctic he funded, exists ? ) and acting like its no big deal. It either pure evil or pure congnitive disconnect. G***s by the way came from a very wealthy and powerful family and apparenty is used to throwing chairs at people to get his own way. And this guy effectivey drives global vaccine policy via the WHO?
Yep, it’s the koolaid.
I think the “Hot mess” that is Gladys has been very fortunate regarding COVID 19. The NSW health dept certainly performs way way better than their useless DHSS (now DH) Victorian equivalents. I think she gets better advice from her bureaucrats. Some may even be fans of Anders Tegnell ( Swedish CHMO equivalent). with his low impact sensible COVID restrictions approach. But every now and then she reverts to ” lets keep everyone safe” mode to garner more votes. You watch, Scott Morrison will be doing the same soon as well.
Warming near Coal Plants
Good one.
Maybe the rising warm air from the power plant activity has drawn in cool air that heads towards the plant, over the thermometers and chills them.
Holy cr@p, that’s incredibly cool.
I may be in love with you.
If that’s not your real thumbnail photo, don’t tell me.
Well, that’s hardly creepy at all.
As is the natural course of pandemics, the viral or bacterial agent weakens and the pandemic fizzles out.
However, politicians and the Useful Idiots of the world will not recognise that natural course, and demand personal and national restrictions on an indefinite basis centred around endless rounds of covid vaccines as new variants are identified. The objective is unprecedented control of the Sheeple, more so than has existed in any previous pandemic.
I am certainly not anti-vax in general, I get vaccinated with all available fully tested vaccines and gave had more vaccinations than most people.
Ditto, David M. I’m not anti-vax but these C19 things are different.
David M;
Early on we had the Diamond Princess which was pushed from port to port because there was CoVid on board. Mostly elderly passengers in the 60-69 or 70-79 bracket..
83% of the people on the ship didn’t get it, despite perfect conditions for transmission. If you get it, you have about a 50/50 chance of showing no symptoms at all. And the fatality rate is lower than the earlier estimates of 2% or above. There were a total of 7 deaths out of 3700, all over 70, but even those over 80 only slightly less than 25% were infected.
La Nina conditions linger and the pause continues.
‘No new coal, gas or oil to hit net-zero by 2050.
‘Landmark report from the International Energy Agency also says there should be no new petrol cars sold by 2035.’ (Oz)
Top energy chief tells Australia to get to net zero emissions before 2050
I don’t remember voting for him to tell me what to do.
“The level of solar uptake needed to meet the agency’s plan is equivalent to installing the world’s largest solar park every day for the next ten years.”
Dear Europe Energy “Chief”
Get lost.
The Public who didnt vote for you. You are not our master.
A tribute from U.K. Weather Lass;
Annie likes it.
It’s a great tribute to Jo and very well said. Well done KK for putting up the link to that lovely comment.
It is disgraceful that there is a concerted push by some to undermine humanity and our place on the earth and our ‘leaders’ are too weak, stupid or devious to oppose it.
‘Covid is a tool, like a psychological crowbar used to leverage compliance, because the presumption is that it is a threat to everyone. And, if everyone is threatened by the same bogeyman, then everyone is part of the same monolith, the same collective. And if everyone is part of the same collective, then everyone must fight that bogeyman together in unity. If you do not work with the collective, that means you are working against the collective.’
I don’t know whether this has been posted before, but this is a Tucker Carlson interview with Dr. Peter McCullough,internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist, and Clinical Professor of Medicine at Texas A & M College of Medicine, about Covid. Enlightening. ToM
Thanks Tides,
A fascinating 45 minutes. Dr McCullough surprised Tucker with some information which is old hat to regulars here, and also had some new insights. I took a couple of time stamps as memory prompts. (I think it will be interesting to see what Tucker does as follow up.)
Might be useful:
### Tucker Carlson interviews Dr McCullough
Recorded May 13, 2021
45 mins
Australia gets an adverse comment at 21 mins (Qld; TGA)
At 22:30 something is going on – worldwide
At 23:25 his qualifications and experience
At 25:25 Ivermectin
At 29:05 NIH guidelines p 8: recommendations only
At 29:50 Nuremberg code quoted
At 34:00 Covid recovered people showing huge freedom from re-infection
At 37:30 Mandatory vaccination??
Dave B
600000 now dead in the USA, still number 1 despite the best efforts of India and Brazil – but China!!!!!!
What did they die of.
WILFUL negligence, mainly in the blue states.
A study of COVID-19 diagnoses and deaths from March to December 2020 finds that a greater number occurred in states led by Republican governors.
The study suggests that the less stringent remediation measures taken by Republican governors have likely led to the imbalance.
The study provides statistical evidence about the danger of political polarization (Medical News Today)
Do you ever tell the truth?
Without a link how do we know you are telling the truth?
(Medical News Today) at the end of the quote. Of course you could have copy pasted the quote itself which would have worked as well. But you didn’t
So besides outright falsehoods you can add lack of comprehension to your resume
His nowhere nearly matches yours … pf.
Pretty sure Californistan would have to be among the highest death rate of any US state , putting COVID patients in nursing homes was not a good idea.
You are absolutely correct Robert, the state with the biggest population, California, has the most deaths. But you are more likely to die of COVID in New Jersey.
So in other words you were wrong with red states having the greater number ?
New York and New Jersey is right up there as well!
I have no idea which study you refer to, but the one I do know something about very carefully chose their starting and ending points to avoid high death rate states like NY and NJ from tilting the death toll award to blue states. One of these studies actually had Wyoming in the list of high death toll states when in fact our rate per 100,000 is about one-half the national average. I am pretty certain that whatever study you are quoting didn’t start the study in March, but rather during the summer.
Nullius in verba.
“Roadrunner Condemned For Disproportionate Use Of Force Against Coyote”
Oh dear, nothing is sacred:
Mining News
Australia’s Newcrest pledges to become carbon free by 2050
Why do they do it?
Activists have realised that as long as they own any shares in a company, they can attend AGMs and make proposals to effectively shut down the company, as happened last year with Beach Energy.
A group of shareholders insisted that the company define a timeline and a process to get out of oil and gas, and shut itself down. Funnily enough, the board said no, and advised shareholders to vote against it (which is what happened), but I imagine this tactic will work eventually.
SA electricity grid is leaning hard on the Gas and the Diesel as well as max Vic imports , to keep the lights on.
I’m sure a fact check would reveal some way of twisting reality to say that “renewables” are in the majority. It might break a few laws of physics, but that’s a small price to pay to ensure no one questions the eco-religious doctrine!
“Mostly renewable”, just like the “mostly peaceful protests” that killed many, and destroyed millions in property and assets…
In the UK
‘The Data Suggest We Achieved Herd Immunity Before the Vaccines Were Rolled Out’
‘The level of population immunity achieved at the end of December 2020 by virtue of natural infection exceeded the herd immunity threshold, and thereby began suppressing further spread of the virus.’
In the UK
‘The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.’
In The Australian today: PM steps in to keep power prices down and the lights on
“Scott Morrison will intervene in the energy market by backing a 660 Megawatt gas power plant in the Hunter Valley to offset the closure of the Liddell coal-fired power station in 2023 and avoid a 30 per cent power price hike for consumers.
The government-owned Snowy Hydro will build the open cycle gas turbine, underwritten by a $600m equity investment from the commonwealth, in a bid to ensure 1000MW can be pumped into the National Electricity Market by the summer of 2023-24.”
And yesterday: NSW’s biggest coal plant, Origin’s Eraring, starts closure from 2030
“Origin Energy’s 2880 megawatt Eraring plant, which supplies 20 per cent of NSW’s daily power needs, will switch off the first of its four units in 2030.The move follows EnergyAustralia’s decision to shutter Victoria’s Yallourn coal power plant four years early in 2028 while AGL Energy’s Liddell coal plant will close in the 2022-23 summer, sparking a demand for generators to build new supply to avoid a spike in power prices.” And then some “green washing” from writer Perry Williams:
“But the relentless surge of cheap and plentiful renewables – solar, wind and hydro and battery storage – is sparking a shift among the big baseload coal producers that supply 70 per cent of the grid‘s needs and threatening the viability of the fossil fuel.”
What are our electricity planners going to do to replace generation from Liddell 2,000 MW; Yallourn 1,400 MW; Eraring 2,880 MW?
These big GE turbines are pretty good. I read a couple of years ago that they maintain efficiency down to 30% power. GE claim 38.5% efficiency from their LM2500 engine. 😀
Gas, a fossil fuel underwritten by government because the private sector said there was no money in it.
Thank the gods the taxpayers are finally getting a slice of the energy pie, when the wind doesn’t blow and sun doesn’t shine.
Let’s pray the green nutters don’t sabotage its pipeline after this incomprehensibly gutless decision was made when it’s obvious the commonwealth should build a USC coal fired power station that has its fuel on hand.
‘Widespread polar’ snap to hang around. ‘A ‘polar’ cold snap sweeping across the nation’s eastern states bringing freezing nights and frosty mornings is set to hang around this week.’ (Oz)
Global cooling signal in the North Atlantic.
Cool wet conditions to continue in UK.
Speed Bumps on The Road to Decarbonization
From Friends of Science
Link to live event
Link to the JP Morgan report
Can someone point me to data re the Great Barrier Reef – how much it has grown/shrunk over the last few decades. Kids are getting brainwashed at school…
The GBR is recovering after its horrible bleaching and over the coming five years it should return to its pristine beauty.
The children need to know that strong El Nino causes coral bleaching and not warm water. It gets sun stroke when sea level momentarily falls.
So the crown of thorns has been eradicated. That’s good to know.
Divers are culling to prevent an outbreak.
‘Crown-of-thorns starfish remain at outbreak or potential outbreak levels in parts of the northern, central and (particularly) southern regions of the Reef. The Crown-of-thorns Starfish Control Program continues to work in all three regions to cull starfish down to non-outbreak levels.’
So Scomo wants Vaccine passports between the states to force people into getting a jab , no jab no travelling interstate so I’m guessing each state will now have armed police at the borders checking these passports off and refusing entry to anyone who hasn’t had a voluntary/ mandatory jab.
If I didn’t hear it from his own mouth I would have thought it was BS .
That’s it.
It’s War.
They aren’t going to give up.
I now identity as a female vaccinated against Covid ! Let’s see their science and cops get around that one.
They couldn’t touch you.
Even the ABC will be on my side !
If push comes to shove …
‘Give us free movement, vaccine or no vaccine’
‘NSW Premier Gladys Berejiklian says there is no basis for state-based borders closures, putting her at odds with PM’s plan for domestic vaccination passports.’ (Oz)
Just one more argument to abolish the States…which I have always supported. This country is far too over-represented, especially considering the brain-dead Upper Houses of some States.