A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Sometimes you wonder if the people who push renewables so much can actually read numbers.
This is not the complex maths of power generation, the plus minus multiply and divide, you know, the really hard stuff.(/sarc) but the simple task of just reading some numbers.
Nameplate for the four Renewables.
Hydro – 7800MW
Wind – 8200MW
Solar Power Plants – 5400MW
Rooftop Solar Power – 12600MW
So here we have a total Nameplate for the four renewable power sources of 34,000MW. Yeah, I know, that’s a really complex adding up.
Coincidentally, this is the same Nameplate for all the fossil fuelled power sources in the same AEMO coverage area.
The total power consumption/generation for all Australia over the last rolling 12 Months is 202TWH, and that’s the same as 202,000GWH. (GigaWattHours)
Those four renewables in total generated 56,150GWH or 27.8% of all the power being generated/consumed.
Fossil fuels did the rest, 71.3%.
So, for the same Nameplate, fossil fuels delivered 2.6 times the power. They delivered that power when it was actually needed, could actually ramp up and down as required across the day to meet that demand, as they have done every day since ….. blink, they started generating electrical power, and regularly cover for renewable power when it has its daily problems.
Just the coal fired part of that fossil fuels has a Nameplate of 23,000MW, and of that 71.3% of fossil fuelled power, coal fired delivers 65.4% of it, with all the gas fired plants making up the remaining 5.9%.
So coal fired power with a Nameplate of less than those four renewables, only 67.7% of it in fact, delivers 2.36 times the power of those four renewables combined.
Now, when it comes to the delivery of that coal fired power, well it ramps up and down on that daily basis also, as it always has done, following the load, contrary to what you are being told, that coal fired power is inflexible.
The Natural Gas fired element of the fossil fuelled source is mainly around the evening peaks when extra power is needed.
There is a little extra gas fired power in Sth Australia, but hey, that State only consumes 6.2% of all the Australian power, so the gas fired component of that means that it adds pretty close to minute really to that gas fired overall.
When it comes to power consumption, Melbourne consumes 2.5 times the power of SthAus. Brisbane 3 times as much as SthAus, and Sydney around 3.5 times as much as SthAus, and it’s most probably more than that actually. The big three States, NSW, Queensland, and Victoria consume almost 89% of all generated power.
So SthAus can claim to be the, what is it, the renewables power engine of Australia, more like a glow at the bottom of a Campbells soup can really.
Fossil fuelled power, well, coal fired power really, take it away and Australia goes black. Watch the weasel words come thick and fast when that realisation suddenly hits home. I told you so will be the most utterly redundant thing to say then.
“Sometimes you wonder if the people who push renewables so much can actually read numbers.”
Remember, 12 out of every 10 people have trouble with math.
‘Decarbonization’ is a aspiration of virtue.
Like trying to be pious.
It is also a neurotic reaction to modern life.
A faux problem to provide meaning.
Under the mistaken belief that there is such a thing.
Just being ain’t enough.
How did solar help NSW during those rainy days last week?
On good sunny days, solar in NSW contributes about 3GW for a few hours during the day, but last week that dropped below 1GW. And it was also lower in Vic and Qld. Lucky there are still some reliable generators around to keep the economy going 24×7.
Its funny how people who have their heads in the clouds about saving the planet and look down on realists for not understanding the big picture, seem to be incapable or unwilling to see the big picture in the smaller domain of the electricity grid. There is probably no single reason, I would guess a mixture of green dogma, fear of loosing jobs a sprinkling of corruption and cronyism and of course virtue signalling and stupidity.
I expect we will see some crash and burns in the coming years and the application of massive band aids as SA had to do.
I’d be inclined to re-work your argument by putting Hydro in a class of its own and not bundled in with the other three ruinables. This would show up the case against the latter even more clearly.
Well placed and well designed hydro is a good part of the energy mix and can often be associated with water conservation for general consumption and irrigation. Even some pumped hydro is good within the system, provided it is not on the ridiculous scale proposed for Snowy 2.0.
Some of the many arguments against the three ruinables include their vulnerability, their life span, their dispersal away from the established grid and the enormous area that they dominate. These do not apply to hydro, as they don’t to coal and gas plants.
Aww! C’mon, surely there’s someone?
Hint – Nearly all of it is those monster great pumps used to pump the water back ‘up the hill’, and for the life of me I don’t know why that does not get counted as ….. power consumption, along with the little bit left to charge the World’s biggest battery.
Incidentally power used to charge the battery was 118GWH, and the battery delivered 96GWH, so 19% losses.
Oh, and from looking at those Load Curves for power consumption each day, it’s plain to see that the pumps used to pump the water back up to the upper water holding dam are being used at the cheapest power generation cost of the day, after Midnight, and sometimes on weekends, when almost all generated power is coal fired power, with the water then flowing back down the hill through the turbines at peak power time, when the cost is highest, hence making money.
And a similar thing is happening with the battery. They charge it up using the cheapest coal fired power at the same times, and then discharge it (deliver power to the grid) at the daily peak when power is at its costliest, proving that the battery is just there for one thing only ….. as a money making artifice.
Oh, and please don’t even begin to try and tell me that excess rooftop solar power generated anywhere other than on the block of land immediately beside the battery is being used to charge the battery.
Some time, when you get a chance, could you give us a link to the information you study so thoroughly.
I have a look at nemwatch every now and then, but I suspect it’s put together by a very pro-ruinables group and I wonder if the wool is not being pulled over my eyes.
the site is Aneroid.
The man who runs it is Andrew Miskelly, and when you visit the site it gives you no real idea of the real genius he must be to work out this program for showing ALL power generation, and then doing that in real time. To demonstrate that, here is the link to the AEMO’s NEM web site. At that page. look closely at each entry. They are spaced five minutes apart, so there is around two days worth of links on each page, so 576 links for each page, and archived back to the day dot.
Okay, got that?
Now scroll to the bottom, the most recent five minute ‘take’ on power generation. Click on the link, and you will be asked to save the page. It is a spreadsheet, so my program for that is Windows Excel. It’s a Zip file I think, so once you have saved it, then open the file.
What you see there is every single operational power plant, and each unit at each plant, in the vast AEMO coverage area, and the power it generated in those last five minutes.
Every five minutes a new file is put up at that site, so it updates in real time.
Okay, so now you see the scale of it all, so back to the original Aneroid site I mentioned above.
What Andrew has done is to show each and every one of those power plants and give a single across the page showing of the power they generate.
Here is the link to his main home page.
Now, I could spend the next fifty lines explaining what to do here, because it is just so complex, while looking so seemingly simple. So, first thing, save the link to the site. Then spend time, a lot of it, navigating around, and seeing just what is there.
Scroll down to the second image, and that’s the multicoloured load curve showing the power generating sources. Under the image, you can isolate out any of the ticked boxes for those sources.
At the right of the page you’ll see a synoptic chart, the most recent from the BOM, and that comes in handy as I watch what wind power generation is doing, so now I can forecast pretty accurately what wind generation will be doing in the next few hours up to a day or two into the future.
Under that synoptic chart a little further down you’ll see the heading About the Australian Electricity Grid. Starting at the third paragraph down, you’ll see links to each of those power generating sources, and when you click on the link, it then shows the power load curve, (again in five minute real time as well) for that source, and under each of those images you’ll see the individual power plants for each of those sources, and again, each plant can be individually isolate out, by plant, and also by State as well. Under that is the details of each of those plants also by State.
At the top right of each image is the date, and if you click on that, you can visit any day of the year you like, and the program goes back to March (I think) of 2014, and that’s as far back as Andrew has gone, because I’m certain I used his basic original site earlier than this, but that’s as far back as he has gone with all the current details.
Now perhaps you can see the scope and the magnitude of his site.
I also use the nemwatch site, but 95% of what I do comes from the Aneroid site.
Look around, and each time you look, you’ll find something new.
It’s without doubt the single best electrical power generation data site in the Country.
And yes, often that nemwatch site does not tell the whole story.
Thank you Tony,
That’s fantastic information!
I’ll have a go at following up on it as soon as I can.
Climate Dynamics: The True Control Knob of Climate Change
by Jim Steele
We should learn what lessons from Fukushima?
Dr. Kelvin Kemm?
An interesting comment made Dr. Sama Bilbao y León:
“… There are risks involved in all human activities, not just nuclear power generation. Actions taken to mitigate a situation should not result in worse impacts than the original events ….”
should be applied to other things like a pandemic or the “Climate Crisis”™
And Germany are shutting down their nuclear power plants because of it. We all know that Germany is in an earthquake and tsunami region – not. It was just an excuse to turn to unreliable power generation to help shut down German industry.
More life in the oceans
Thanks Zoe,
Interesting. The seasonal change Jan/July was also interesting. I was expecting to see even more chlorophyll (?phytoplankton) in the southern ocean in summer. The Antarctic waters are said to be very prolific.
Sorry Peter, I think you misunderstand, but those Jan/Jul maps are just places (pixels) WHERE there is data for all 18 years, it’s not the data itself.
You can browse the data here:
Economically destructive cap and trade for HFCs is here
(My latest research, with a touch of humor)
Kigali by the back door so allowances are based on decade old data, if that. A massive train wreck just starting.
I’m skeptical CFC depleted ozone.
Me too. I was there and studied the scare pretty carefully. The usual modis, speculation hyped to a frenzy. How those monster CFC molecules from Europe and America got to the Antarctic stratosphere was never explained. But Molina got the Nobel for the conjecture.
Interestingly, what got the Montreal Protocol thru was a thick report claiming to be the science. Worked so well it became the model for the IPCC. Robert Watson engineered both, as he has recently done for the biodiversity scare.
The data was wonky too. The “hole” was arbitrarily defined as anything less than 350 Dobson units. There were very few stations and as I recall measurements were only taken once a week. They would bounce up and down so there was no sustained hole over any station. I suspect the persistent hole shown graphically to the public was a statistical artifact, like a lot of global warming.
The arguments for CFC Ozone depletion and the ‘hole’ are wearing a bit thin by now.
Kerry thunks he already saved the planet – once…
May 2018, NASA: Hole in Earth’s Ozone Layer Finally Closing Up Because Humans Did Something About It
“Just two years after the hole was discovered, the world jumped quickly to solve the problem.
Several nations signed the Montreal Protocol, which would ultimately ban CFCs, the chemicals responsible for destroying the ozone.
Fast-forward decades later, and the ozone hole was measured at the smallest since 1988, NASA announced last November.”
photo: Former Secretary of State John Kerry gestures as he delivers a speech during the 28th Meeting of the Parties to the Montreal Protocol in Kigali, Rwanda on October 14, 2016.
John Kerry. 2009:” It is already upon us and its effects are being felt worldwide, right now.
Scientists project that the Arctic will be ice-free in the summer of 2013.
Not in 2050, but four years from now.”
Nice ‘science’ you got there, John.
David, excellent article
Comment on your Article sums it up for me – And this comes from a heating engineer
Comments from a heating engineer…….
In 4 years’ time (2025) new build will no longer have gas heating. All electric. Expensive and difficult to sufficiently supply
Ground source and air source heating systems frequently fail and require constant attention – impractical
We do not have sufficient electricity generating stations for our burgeoning needs – let alone when gas is forbidden by the likes of Boris’ government
Solar panels have a limited lifespan. They are unrecyclable and will shortly pile up in the landfill
Wind farms are unreliable. No wind situations, they often fail, are dangerous to wildlife, are navigational hazards at sea, noisy, blot the scenic landscape and will never cope with electricity demands – even if the Earth were covered with them. They too are unrecyclable and are beginning to fill landfill with broken blades etc.
We are not building either coal or nuclear power stations but blindly think life is OK. Yet China is building coal fired power stations as fast as she can.
Boris determines to have all electric cars after 2030 (9 years’ time).
BUT electric cars are unrealistic. The necessary battery numbers are heavy, unrecyclable and inefficient, they have to recharge (from power stations – collectively massive power demands), car-charging times are impractical and charging points are insufficient, blocked for hours and cause queues
But Boris determines to put the UK back in the dark ages because he listens to the Greenies (all men should stay indoors after 6pm), the UN and such people as Greta who is merely a Green script reader.
THE UK’S FUTURE IS COLD AND DARK. Electricity will be very expensive, unaffordable for many and punctuated with frequent black-outs as demand WILL far outstrip generating ability – especially with electric vehicles
Gas and coal are plentiful and considerably cheaper and will power our needs for centuries.
If you start from the position that AGW is the “great moral challenge of our generation”, and that the situation is getting worse, accellerating, and reaching points of no return, then the ECO AGENDA of the UK Government is seen as very important.
And while I accept the global warming realities, I remain very sceptical of many of the solutions proposed and approved. For example, when Boris Johnson says all UK vehicles will be electric by 2030, he is talking unrealistic horseradish – and what do the media do to challenge such statements?
Who will build all those cars? What will be the price at the budget end? Where will the batteries come from? When will the system of charging stations roll out? How will generate additional electricity to replace all the gasoline energy not being used?
CFCs as refrigerants were invented by Thomas Midgley, Jr. in the 1930s.[29] They were used in air conditioning and cooling units, as aerosol spray propellants prior to the 1970s, and in the cleaning processes of delicate electronic equipment. They also occur as by-products of some chemical processes. No significant natural sources have ever been identified for these compounds—their presence in the atmosphere is due almost entirely to human manufacture.
As mentioned above, when such ozone-depleting chemicals reach the stratosphere, they are dissociated by ultraviolet light to release chlorine atoms. The chlorine atoms act as a catalyst, and each can break down tens of thousands of ozone molecules before being removed from the stratosphere. Given the longevity of CFC molecules, recovery times are measured in decades. It is calculated that a CFC molecule takes an average of about five to seven years to go from the ground level up to the upper atmosphere, and it can stay there for about a century, destroying up to one hundred thousand ozone molecules during that time. (From Wiki)
Is this description controversial? It concurs with my understanding of the catalytic process.
BBC report from Egypt suggesting the stuck container ship in the Suiez Canal could have been caused by Climate Change (Global Warming) !!!
Reasoning ?,,,,very strong winds may have caused the ship to run aground..
Strong winds caused by AGW !
Yes a desert dust storm, like they never had those before in the Suez. This is now the core hoax –> all extreme weather is climate change.
No dust/sandstorms in the past? I must have dreamed of those leg-stinging sandstorms back in 1953/1954!
Right. And yes I think it was a sandstorm.
Accidental touch on red David, I meant green.
Back in 2014 there was a huge dust storm that went through the town of Bedourie (QLD) , at the time the likes of the ABC were spruiking the “unprecedented “ line and had interviewed locals saying that they had never had a dust storm before blah blah .
Wasn’t long before someone looked up the meaning of the word “Bedourie” and low and behold it means place of dust storms , I was just looking up reports of the storm and noted the ABC have changed their original report to a slightly less embarrassing version.
That’s hilarious RR…there should have been some red faces at the ABC.
There is just so much wrong with this crap …
… and is relevant to the next thread on UNSW, where Mann was stationed …
Michael Mann, 24 March, 2021:
It’s not too late for Australia to forestall a dystopian future that alternates between Mad Max and Waterworld
Whoa. Wait. What?
Dystopian future of Mad Max?
“Unlike the first three Mad Max films, which were filmed in various locations around Australia, Fury Road’s shoot happened in the southern African country of Namibia.
Originally planned to be filmed around Broken Hill, unusual(?) rainfall saw the normally barren landscape bloom into life – not a great look for a post-apocalyptic wasteland.
The production moved as a result.”
Oh dear. Is there anything carbon (sic) can’t do, Michael?
Australian floods of 2010 and 2011 caused global sea level to drop
Puzzled oceanographers who wondered where the sea level rise went for 18 months now have their answer – it went to Australia
And how did Michael travel to, and around Australia?
” As I flew to Canberra to participate in a special “bushfires” episode of the ABC show Q+A, I witnessed mountains ablaze with fire.”
I blame Michael Mann for setting Australia on fire one year, and floods next with his fossil fuelled flying …
Study Finds the Wealthy & Celebrities Aren’t Changing Their Flying Habits to Reduce CO2 Emissions
And what about the cold weather, Michael?
When can we expect that? In winter only?
World-renowned climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains why the bitter cold and snowy conditions gripping the US are “an example of precisely the sort of extreme winter weather we expect because of [global warming].”
I’m gonna need a bigger comment square and larger link limit.
Michael Mann must be shivering in his boots, this is a sign of global cooling.
‘The 2020–21 North American winter was one of the most impactful winters in North America in several years. Several significant winter weather events occurred, including a crippling early-season ice storm in the Southern Plains, a powerful nor’easter which impacted the Mid-Atlantic and New England states in December, another major nor’easter in early February, a historic outbreak of bitterly cold temperatures across much of the country in mid-February, and a barrage of major winter storms impacting areas from the Deep South to the Northeast. A developing La Niña pattern was expected to influence the majority of the winter in North America.’ wiki
Georgia’s governor signed ‘Jim Crow’ voting bill under painting of a slave plantation
Handing out food and drink to people waiting in line is now illegal
This is how democracy dies
Democracy dies when people who have no understanding of history make stupid claims like that. Jim Crow laws were created by Democrats and slave plantations were run by Democrats and Democrats are to this day determined to keep minorities on the the metaphorical plantation, just ask any of them in the US who doesn’t vote in lock step with any the Democrat’s policies.
Did I mention a party? In the USA voter suppression is not limited by party or state, but instead is focused on those who oppose the governing party. Mostly the effects disenfranchise the poor and non whites.
So I’m assuming that you totally agree, Democracy is dying in America
Peter, since you were regurgitating the the Democrat’s party line, you didn’t have to mention the party. I would certainly agree that they are doing their best to kill Democracy given their penchant for telling everyone how much they admire China’s President Xi Jinping’s ability to get things done.
Peter, did you read the bill? In fact it is the fairest legislation so far and so far from putting anyone down.
By saying it is a ‘Jim Crow’ bill is the same as saying that the blacks and hispanics are incapable of using an ID card and filling out a voting form which is total rubbish as well as very degrading to those peoples.
ivan, well said.
People opposed to this bill do seem to feel that voters are incapable of filling out a voting form without their “help” to make sure it gets filled out “correctly”.
Apparently 100s of millions of people living on a couple of dollars a day are still able to manage a voter ID card … but then Indians don’t see themselves as perpetual victims.
Come on Peter.
Ignoring the obvious, solution which is voters will bring a water bottle with them to vote.
And of course, if there was an real issue (which there is not) where US voters would not vote if they could not get free water bottles in line, the Democrats could set up a stand, that sold water and food to any person who walked up to their stand and asked for the water.
The point or real issue is, the Democrat ‘supporters’ or BLM cannot however walk through the voter line… giving water bottles and telling/pressuring people how to vote.
It is a fact, the Democrat party uses force/break laws/uses thugs to ‘influence’ people. Force has no place in a democratic election. The issue is not water bottle handouts.
The Democrats have stated it is evil to vote for the other party in the US.
In other countries this would be hate speech. In many democratic countries… The Democrats would have lost their ‘right’ to be a party… Because they have directly interfered in the Legal system of their country to attack their opponent. In Canada that would have been a crime and those involved would have been instantly fired… And then prosecuted.
Democrat party is making the US evil/dangerous.
In Canada for example….. Joe Biden would have been fired for letting his son take bribes from a Chinese State founded company and would not have been able to run for reelection.
In fact, in Canada unlike in the US…. Being a politician is not a lifelong career. Why in the US… brain damaged politicians who are a step away from nursing homes is common.
The US Democrat party has become like the Soviet party…. Biden, old half dead guy, is the best choice for the corrupt guys/gals and CCP who want a weak leader who is a step away from a nursing home.
There are now 20,000 unaccompanied children at the US border… The children are at the border because of Democrats.
Many of the children have walked from their countries to the border. Some die. Many disappear. And when they get to the US… what is going to happen? All of the manufacturing jobs have gone to China where electricity is cheap.
Is this the Hunger Games? What is the Democrats plan. A vast shanty town around every US city?
The US 2020 election was stinking corrupt. Spikes of pure Biden votes.. which are impossible.
The corrupt Democratic party does not want voter id. The Democrats want to ‘win’ US election by cheating, when necessary… Like to defeat the Orange guy. The Democratic party…. Is planning to spend the US to death on sun and wind gathering.
“The US Democrat party has become like the Soviet party…. Biden, old half dead guy”
I would add the even Leonid Brezhnev, in his final years, was more coherent than Joe Biden. Brezhnev’s successor, Yuri Andropov only lasted 15 months; it will be interesting see if Mr. Biden lasts that long before the 25 amendment is invoked.
To be replaced by a maniacally grinning, laughing ‘pantsuit’ woman? Oh dear.
Look, it is simple. Make voting independent from political interference. Ensure all voters have equal access for registration and voting.
Here is a list of common legal and illegal measures of suppression
Now, before you talk about the vanishingly small number of illegitimate for fraudulent votes, concentrate on the greatest good on the greatest number.
For example waiting in line for 10 hours, as documented in Georgia – is a way of suppressing voting, fining people for offering food and drink to those waiting in line – is more stupid than I can conceptualize. If you want to support it, it says more about you and your ethics than anything else. (bet you like western gulags like Manus, or the Border jails for children in the USA, or Guantanamo)
Look, its simple, its the government’s duty to ensure that any vote submitted in an election is legally cast. That is what the Georgia bill is trying to accomplish and that is why the Democrats (and other assorted leftists) hate it so much.
by making illegal to give someone a drink?
Fitz, time you posted the ACTUAL legislation so we can see what you are on about.
look it up Hanrahan, I’ve seen enough to make up my mind
Rubbish, you are just repeating democrat talking points.
If you object to something it behoves you you detail it. Simply saying “You can’t get a drink of water” is a gross oversimplification. The Governor makes the point that access to polling booths is expanded so there will be no requirement to stand in line long. Did you read that bit or did you only read the talking points?
“… I’ve seen enough to make up my mind”
Clearly seeing the Democrat’s talking points was enough for you to make up your mind; your focus on the same trivial point as the Democrats proves it.
He focuses on one silly aspect (which nearly any bit of legislation has) and calls it voter suppression when what they seek to do is voter validation , just making sure voters are qualified to vote (you know not dead, not a non citizen, not a ballot stuffer) only vote once and only have their vote counted once. But yeah, catering is the big issue.
This is a quote from your BBC link.
Now let’s use logic to see what your quote means. The average waiting time according to the MIT survey of US voters (I would assume 2020 US election).
The MIT survey found that the average wait time for US ‘black’ voters was 16 minutes while the average waiting time for ‘white’ voters was 10 minutes. How is that even possible? White and black people live in the same cities and regions in the US. Have you ever visited the US? Travelled in the US?
And no one is going to die of thirst, if they must wait 16 minutes to vote.
For all that we know, the MIT survey asked the voters how long they waited to vote. The Black voters ‘felt’ as if they waited 16 minutes while the white voter ‘felt’ as if they waited 10 minutes.
People do not wear watches and people do not worry if they must wait say 5 to 20 minutes to vote. The MIT survey would only have ‘felt’ time…. not hard measured time. The ‘cultural’ difference in perceived time, would likely explain the discrepancy.
Voting in the US is every two years which is not that frequent. It is a fact that almost US companies give time off to vote for salary workers, so they can vote at a time when it is less busy or come into work a little late, because they stopped to vote.
There is absolutely no evidence of suppression of voting rights. The 10 hour wait is not consistent with the MIT survey. It does not make logical sense that that happened in the US for no reason. That specific issue should be investigated and resolved.
I hope you do not support the Democratic Party of America’s efforts to stop checks of voter ID and voter citizenship. It is interesting that Democrats would not let Trump’s lawyers examine the actual ballots to look for fraud. It is interesting that in the US there is evidence of third world type election fraud by the Democrats in the 2020 US election. That really is the issue, now, not water bottles.
“A survey conducted by Massachusetts Institute of Technology found that black voters waited, on average, 16 minutes in line during the 2016 election, while white voters only waited 10 minutes. Other studies backed that up. And long queues disproportionately affect wage workers, who don’t get paid time off to vote.”
What are you talking about, the cities and counties of the usa are as racially segregated as they always were. “felt” wait times, because no one has watches? no evidence, you must be, by that statement, white and privileged. In fact every statement (alleged fact) is wrong.
The average time waiting in line to vote for a black person in the US according to a MIT survey was 16 minutes as compared to 10 minutes for white voters. As I noted, the survey asked people how long they waited, they did not come out and measure the waiting time. There is no evidence of a problem in access to vote.
Your US is segregated comment requires a response.
The US is not segregated. I am interested where you go your US is segregated ‘idea’. Please provide a link or an apology. Do you know what the word ‘segregated’ means? Is there any state or city in the US that allows any form of segregation?
The only problem I know… is San Francesco where $500 a month is planned to be given to below poverty line ‘black’ or hispanic people and ‘white’ poor people do not qualify. That is discrimination based on skin color.
Your knowledge of the US appears to be limited to what is shown in movies or CNN or ideas you picked up as child.
You are confusing the fact that people who have good jobs do not want to live in high crime area. ‘Black’ people when they get a good job, move out high crime areas. The problem is that ‘black’ people in the US, in the UK, and in other northern countries are not advancing.
The real problem is why so few ‘black’ people make it to middle class, is a medical problem. What is the reason why ‘blacks’ are the only skin color group, where the children of those who have made it to middle class, do not make it to middle class. The reason for this fact is medical. 80% of the US ‘blacks’ in the US are severely Vitamin D deficient as opposed to only 26% of the ‘white’ people.
Vitamin D is used by every cell in our body to protect and operate the body. People who are Vitamin D deficient for life, are handicapped for life and will have chronic diseases like obesity, depression, diabetes (type 1 and 2), common cancers, and so on.
Young Vitamin D deficient men, in particular are prone to violence and do not well in school.
This is information as to what the US is doing to help mix young people up.
The US buses students in every state to ensure students attend a ‘mixed’ school.
In the US students are bused to ensure there are no schools in the US in which there are all black, all white, or all Latino.
This is the average is the ‘racial’ makeup of all U.S. school
The average ‘white’ student in the US attends a school that is 69% ‘white’’
The average ‘black’ student in the US attends a school that is 48.6% ‘black’.
The average Latino student in the US attends a school that is 26% Latino.
It is true that there are more black people in prison than those of other races. It is also true that they are 8 times more likely to be a perpetrator of a crime, but at the same time, they are 6 times more likely to be the victim in a criminal case.
If you count forwards from 1980 and calculate all murder rates by race, then black people account for 52.5% of all murders, with those of a white and hispanic background accounting for 45.3%. (See our Black Serial Killers article for a more in depth look).
Recent studies suggest that close to 50% of all young gang members are hispanic, as opposed to just 35% black. These numbers have grown considerably in recent years, which may signal a future shift in the murder rates by race..
We gave you our reason for focusing on the United States. But that begs the question, Is this a cultural problem? Is this more to do with the previous oppression, the current state of police-on-black crime and the tension that has existed between blacks and whites for decades, than any kind of racial issue?
Well, in the UK, there are actually many similar statistics. In the UK, a black person is 26 times more likely to be be stopped and searched by a police officer than a white person. 26 times!
But again, they are also more likely to be the victim of a crime and the perpetrator of a crime. In fact, despite the black population of the capital being just 12%, they account for more than half of all crimes in the city and for nearly 6 out of every 10 gun crimes.
People can take their own food and drink. It is meant to avoid having the water boys pressure voters while they stand in line. You are stunningly easy to manipulate.
you miss the point Kevin, why are the waiting for 10 hours to vote? that is what supression is
OK. So why are they waiting for 10 hours to vote?
And does this happen in Georgia? If not it is a spurious argument.
Simple, there only limited places open, and with the way registration works it take time to process each voter. It is not just Georgia, it is common in poor neighbourhoods all over the USA
And yet the biggest delays were in Downtown Atlanta (run by Democrats) and Downtown Marieta (run by Democrats). Only these places exceeded 2 hour wait times.
Why are Democrats so bad at setting up equipment? Or maybe it takes longer to configure cheating ….
While these areas certainly contain poor people, they are not poor areas. They literally have the 1st and 3rd highest GDP in the state. If they can afford to have people sit on welfare but not have enough booths for voting, that’s all on them.
You can vote from 7 AM the 4th Monday of October to 5PM 1st Tuesday of November. A minimum of 8 days. Not enough?
10 hours to vote? lol. I voted in person in 15 minutes.
There’s 400 voting facilities in GA’s largest county: Fulton. That’s one place for every 1300 registered voters. Since every place has at least 8 booths (mine had like 20), that leaves 163 voters for every booth for a minimum of 8 days. At worst, there’s 163 voters for 600 minutes on election day. Research shows the average voter takes 3.5 minutes to vote in a booth. You get 3.68 minutes.
The longest time I spent voting was 50 minutes. And that was in the financial district of NYC during lunch. The line had well over 100 people. 50 minutes.
Don’t repeat self-serving talking points from people who 94+% of convicted felons vote for.
So you selectively quote statistic, and then say because, I, a white person, did not have a problem, the problem does not exist. Logic not your strong point is it
I wasn’t stupid enough to try to vote on the first possible day in October when there were technical problems with new voting equipment. I went on election day. I always went on election day. I’m traditional like that.
If people were willing to wait so long on the first of 28 voting days … that kinda disproves the idea that someone was disenfranchised, doesn’t it? There were little problems day 2 through 28. You have evidence otherwise?
They have weeks in advance to vote. The have absentee and mail in votes. You miss the point, sir. Having people approach you with “water” and some political advice is one way that the polling place is made uncomfortable — it is an old Jim Crow tactic from back when JIm Crow was real and run in the old South. It is the reason there can be no political proselitizing within a certain distance of polling places. And I seriously doubt anyone stands in line for 10 hours. Please show some evidence of this. In the U.S. Democrats concoct all sorts of sob stories to gain sympathy from people with weak critical thinking skills.
You didn’t read the bill. Poll workers can give you water if a REQUIRED water fountain is not working. 3rd party peddlers can’t sell you warez because people complained they tend to be intimidating Democrat operatives.
Here is the painting:
That house was built in 1869 … you know after slaves were freed and given the right to vote by … Republicans
You miss the point Zoe, 10 hours, that is the suppression than is occuring, bet it does not happen for you though, otherwise you would not question it.
If you are going to wait 10 hours in line, I’m sure you would be considering alternatives, independent of the scary ‘democrats’ if they really exist. in america, you could shoot them if you wanted to I suppose
The latest Democrat made-up number is 32 hours, not 10. You’re still using the old talking point number.
And you also have to complete a military-style obstacle course, complete with land mines and air strikes.
Here’s Governor Kemp explaining how he is expanding access, not suppressing it.
Can you still sell food and drink to people waiting in line?
The more I see of the US system the more I appreciate ours.
Here it is simple and works:
The “how to vote cards” and the spruikers are OUTSIDE the gate.
You can buy your “democracy sausage” inside the gate.
There are enough polling places and workers that waits are never too long anyway.
If we can do that without complaint why can’t The Greatest Nation On Earth? (sic)
The more I
seeread of the US system the more I appreciate ours.40
I once tripped over a reference to a connection between the US electoral system and ours. In astonishment I tracked it down and found that they had copied some of ours.
Looks like not enough
The US is hubristic about is “greatest” claims. Democracy, justice system, medical system you name it. It rarely stand up to an objective assessment or sometimes even basic observation. It doesnt get questioned because USA No1 and stuff, but those halcyon days are long past and the US seems to have gone over the crest. The more interesting is if the rest of the western world follows.
I dislike your mandatory voting, as that will lead to new forms of abuse here, but if I could command an alternative to what we have here in the U.S. I would choose to vote like Canada.
Myanmar is about to become a war zone.
‘After weeks of silence as Myanmar’s military cracked down on civilians protesting against the February 1 coup, the Arakan Army (AA), a major player among the country’s more than two dozen ethnic armed groups, this week announced it was on the side of the people.
“The current actions by the Burmese army and police are very cruel and unacceptable,” AA spokesman Khine Thu Khahe said on Tuesday, adding that “the oppressed ethnic people as a whole will continue to fight for their freedom from oppression”. (SCMP)
Could that be phrased as “Situation normal, Headlines changed”?
So the Dems can no longer truck in all those well-informed homeless people from all over the state on the promise of a free feed if they vote the right way. … on multiple occasions. They’re going to have to pay actual cash from here on which will hurt the coffers a little more. I can see why you’d be against the law Peter.
UK temperatures remain flat since the turn of the century.
Nevertheless, the next couple of weeks temperatures should be above average in Britain.
if you thinks that is flat, then you have been driving on mid north coast roads. Take a 30 year running mean on the same series and you get a slow but steady increase (remember 30 years is the baseline for climate, not 10)
Why 30 years? You aren’t cherrypicking a start point are you?
Way back in BC there was a saying that
“A statistician under protest will fit a curve through three points
An engineer through two
And an “”ecofadist through one” -(“ecofadist” now including the “wobal glormers” IMO)
Yeah OK, there has been a slow increase in UK temps over 30 years, no hockey stick. Note how the 1995-96 moderate La Nina and the 2010-12 strong La Nina had an impact on the CET.
Now imagine the next five years without El Nino, what do you think will happen?
NSW Climate Floods? Greens Now Furiously Opposing Flood Control Efforts
This was published 15 years ago
By Miranda Devine
February 12, 2006
When Warragamba was built in 1960, Sydney had half the population of today and the catchment designers always envisaged expansion to keep up with the needs of a growing city. For 40 years successive state governments bought up land near Braidwood for the planned Welcome Reef Dam on the Shoalhaven River. By 1997 about half the land needed had been bought – 87 properties or more than 20,000 hectares.
But in 2000 the deep-green former Premier Bob Carr announced that the dam, tipped then to cost $400 million, was on “indefinite deferral”. He then locked up the land that had been set aside, stealthily transferring 6000 crucial hectares into a nature reserve, thus destroying any prospect the plan could be revived.
So last week our dams were 44.2 per cent full after hitting an all-time low on June 29 last year when Warragamba fell to 34.7 per cent. If more people are drawing water out of a dam, it is obvious it will empty faster. It’s not global warming but simple maths.
Sydney hasn’t built a new dam since Tallowa in 1976, yet projections are for an extra 1 million people living in Sydney by 2021.
OldOzzie, thanks for that additional information.
The Neville Bonner Oration 2018
By Alan Jones AO
Our water problem: what governments have chosen to ignore!
We virtually have had nothing since the Snowy Mountains Scheme of national significance and in New South Wales only the Warragamba Dam, which was completed in 1960.
Indeed dams fell out of fashion.
Remember the Goss Government in Queensland when Kevin Rudd, I might add, was a senior adviser, decided in 1989 not to proceed with a new dam at Wolffdene.And the Carr Government cancelled plans that had been on the books for years for a new dam on the Shoalhaven River.
So it’s a double whammy.
Halve the spending on capital works and allow the greenies to run you out of town on the issue of dams.
I’m simply saying, where is the energy and enthusiasm to do something equivalent to the Snowy Mountains Hydro Electric Scheme.
I have said more times than I could count that Jack Beale was a Minister in the New South Wales Askin government in the 1940s.
He was also a chartered engineer and a chairman of the Water Research Foundation of Australia.
Over 40 years ago, he proposed the development of the Clarence Basin in northern New South Wales to create a giant water and power project that would dwarf the Snowy Mountains Scheme.
Under the plan, 14 storage dams linked by cuttings, tunnels and pipelines would divert inland some of the five million megalitres of water or ten Sydney Harbours that flow out to the sea from the Clarence each year.
Beale wrote, “Surplus coastal water is the logical future source for arid inland development and electricity generation”.
He said the water captured under the scheme could be diverted to Queensland and into the Murray Darling, doubling the flow of the latter and minimising its salinity.
He said “A nation can’t afford to let resources remain idle, even if it has to build pyramids.”
Beale argued that with sufficient will, all this could be under way by 1988 and completed by 2001, the centenary of Federation.
Well it’s now 2018 and not one syllable of that proposal has been addressed.
In 1983 the Fraser Government approved four million dollars to investigate Beale’s idea.
The incoming Hawke Government cancelled that approval.
Good one.
Of course they now chose to ignore it, because when crisis via low water occurs, its climate change and we need more worlds biggest batteries to make it rain more, but if it rains too much its climate change again.
Why would a politician do anything about water storage and throw that political weapon out the window ? Liberal and Labor, they’re both the same on these issues
If one Premier has the authority to “lock land into a Nature reserve,….why doesnt another subsequent Premier have authority to reverse/ unlock it.
I wonder why Warragamba wasnt allowed to spill earlier in a controlled way? preserving water because permanent drought?
Probably because they rely on accurate forecasts of rainfall from the BOM !
And maybe it was not very accurate ?
Remember this?
“According to NASA, we have the following exciting news about a new study.
Direct Observations Confirm that Humans are Throwing Earth’s Energy Budget off Balance
Earth is on a budget – an energy budget. Our planet is constantly trying to balance the flow of energy in and out of Earth’s system. But human activities are throwing that off balance, causing our planet to warm in response.
“Off Balance” … sounds scary, huh? Plus according to NASA, this isn’t some computer model output, it’s “direct observations” …”
Willis E has a look behind the curtain
“They claim far greater accuracy and far smaller uncertainty than they can demonstrate.”
Good article featuring Zoe Phin data analysis:
Scientific American just ran a piece saying greening stopped 20 years ago. The study used a dozen different models to get that false result. Naturally it was published in Science (actually their open access clone Science Advances, or in this case goes backward).
I’m still embarassed by this. I made a mistake and it went viral. I fixed it, here:
It’s 5% not 10%.
“America Humiliated”
Joe Biden’s presidency is a reality TV series in a care home
The President’s first press conference was nerve-wracking and enervating to watch
The United States no longer looks like itself either. The sorry theatrical display of Biden’s first press conference is an accurate image of what has happened to American democracy. A carefully limited number of carefully selected journalists asked carefully vetted questions. A carefully chosen president read carefully written answers off his cue cards, and carefully avoided taking any questions from Fox or Newsmax.
The White House is no longer the home of democracy. It’s a reality TV series in a care home. Biden mused about how the country has lost its way, about how it used to be so much better, but he seemed fatalistically feeble, as if it was all too much and all too late, and he has already given up. As if the nation is in its twilight years.
‘We’ve got so much more to do,’ he said, as he continually does. But he also ad-libbed, ‘I’ve never been able to plan three-and-a-half, four years ahead.’
How funny. How sadly reflective of the senility of American democracy that he thought that was a smart answer. How shamefully embarrassing for the compliant, complicit media that not one of his questioners bothered to ask whether an inability to plan for the future was what the American people need in their president — especially a 78-year-old who says he expects to run, if that is really the word, in 2024, when he will be 82.
It’s true, Biden managed not to fall off the dais, or go completely blank, or fall over his dog. It’s true, he matched the topics on his cue cards to the subjects of the questions. But this press conference was nerve-wracking and enervating to watch. It’s obvious that Biden’s mind often has no idea what his mouth is saying
When Joe Biden said “Oh God, I miss him” (referring to Donald Trump), I am sure that was an honest comment as he and the Democrat party now have no one to blame their mistakes on.
I dunno – I think Mitch McConnell and the filibuster still have some way to run as “egregious opposition events”.
“I think Mitch McConnell and the filibuster still have some way to run as “egregious opposition events”.”
Funny how the Democrats now say the filibuster is racist
but had no problem using it when it suited their purpose.
Yeah – you get that in politics!
We Had to Wait 64 Days for This Sickening Spectacle?
Biden lies, and the media doesn’t question it: Goodwin
Three big things stood out in President Biden’s first press conference.
1. The leader of the free world is often lost at sea and says many things that are blatantly false.
2. The media is in the tank and cannot be trusted to hold him accountable.
3. Because of Nos. 1 and 2, America is headed for serious trouble.
For this sickening spectacle we had to wait 64 days?
Still, the event was meaningful in one distressing way. Now we know beyond all doubt there is no way to deny the terrifying truth.
This was Biden’s coming out party, and the nation faces a mess that will only grow worse with time. The man who campaigned on unity is hell-bent on permanent polarization, meaning cancel culture and the supercharged racial climate are here to stay.
Biden gave license to the worst instincts on the left with his repeated sneering references to all Republicans and especially Donald Trump. At one point, he actually accused Trump of letting immigrant children “starve to death on the other side” of the Mexican border.
He said it in a room full of 30 supposed journalists and not a single one challenged him or even asked whether he meant it literally. In fact, not a single one challenged him on any of his falsehoods.
Nor did anyone ask him why he read from prepared talking points during answers to three questions on foreign policy. No recent president has felt the need to do that.
There also were moments when he talked himself into dead ends, yet there were no questions about when he would release the health reports he’s been hiding.
Regarding his agenda, a report that Biden sees himself as the new FDR gives credence to the idea that he’s all in for every big, crazy idea left-wing Dems can cook up.
The Green New Deal, open borders, removing voting safeguards, endless tax hikes, statehood for DC — they’re all on track and bound for glory. The only obstacle is the Senate filibuster, which requires 60 votes to pass legislation, but Biden left no doubt he would be willing to do away with it.
“I want to get things done,” he said.
Each piece of his party’s planned utopia is unprecedentedly radical in its own way, but not nearly radical enough for the media. Their performance was pathetic not just in what questions they asked and didn’t ask, but how they asked them. The dominant theme was that Biden and his team are not moving fast enough to turn America upside down and inside out.
I watched this spectacle while in the dentist’s waiting room. The reason the journalists could not hold him accountable, even if they had wished to do so, is they had to submit their questions in advance; and Biden had a list with photographs of the journalists to call upon. Photographs, I tell you! So he wouldn’t get mixed up with names, which occurs with him nowadays. Appalling.
Yeah well … the New York Post has always been very pro-Trump and anti-Biden … so they were always going to take this line. It was not a brilliant performance, but competent and controlled. Much of the NYP story is just an editorial diatribe against the Democrat agenda.
Flood Plains are for Floods
by Viv Forbes
Build on a flood plain if you will. There are benefits in being close to the water supply and the rich soils (due to previous flood deposits) but don’t bellyache when the inevitable flood comes along says Viv Forbes.
Also the 1 in a 100 year flood does not mean what I thought it meant. ABC explains here.
Apparently a 1 in a 100 year flood means that the risk of a flood at that location is 1% in any given year. Likewise 1 in in 20 year flood means a 5% risk. That partly explains why the flooding seems to be more frequent than expected.
I would also suggest that the probability of flooding is underestimated. Observations in most parts of Australia go back less than 200 years.
Fauci is caught out in an interview he thought would be easy by someone who had done their homework.
Many moments to note. Here are a couple …
24.00 minutes: “the main purpose of getting the vaccine …”
27.30: “Herd immunity …”
28.20: “Vaccinated become asymptomatic … don’t show symptoms, but can can be contagious …”
28.40: “Derbez: “Moderna and phizer are both MRNA vaccines, has this kind of MRNA technology ever been injected into humans before?
Fauci: “We, this is the first time … blah blah blah”
For those interested: Understanding mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines
25 March, 2021: Masks, social distancing may be part of ‘new normal’ for a while, experts say
“We’re not out of the woods yet, so even those who have been vaccinated need to continue to wear a mask in public and practice social distancing,” she (Keri Althoff, an associate professor of epidemiology at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore)said.
How did a UK variant of The Chinese Virus even get into Australia ? Why are the borders not shut properly? For the compulsory transfer of those who must return to australia, why is there not a impenetrable bubble they must enter via ? I dont think its rocket science.
Those who run us are simply incompetent fools.
stay under your bed, you will be safe.
Health Minister Greg Hunt, (go to 12:50 mark) states the world is conducting the largest trial of a vaccine ever. It is a trial, he has stated this in many interviews. The vaccine is not approved for use, it is authorised for emergency use, big difference.
The Nuremberg code article 6 states it is a crime against humanity to force trials on people without their consent, this is why consent must be given prior to the injection, they just don’t tell you it’s a trial yet you just heard it from your own governments mouth. Informed consent. We can starve them into consent though, through our stake holders in private corporations.
In the first graph (link below) you will note they do not separate the Covid deaths from the all cause/respiratory deaths and the trend has an uptick on the 17th of March to the 28th of April, this was caused by 83 covid deaths yet the graph shows an increase of 252 deaths to the peak from all causes, but is highlighted by the covid cases trend line to look like covid deaths.
The deaths from respiratory illness where below 2015-19 average for this period, were did those numbers come from, (click on table for some data) why not separate the covid deaths as they did with covid tests. Smoke and mirrors?
This ABS doc only goes to the 24th of November and shows 830 deaths yet our total is stated at 909 the link below that, shows only 3 more deaths to the end of year, (note that almost all deaths in Australia came from aged/end of life care) no one has died from covid in 2021 so where did the extra 76 deaths occur and when?
In the US system is it POSSIBLE to dismiss a government? I am not asking about impeachment, as an Aussie I know more about that than I should have need, but I mean forcing another election. Ridding themselves of Joe would achieve nothing. Kamala is even less popular, if that is possible.
No one, no matter how far out, has discussed this so I assume it is impossible. Clearly the US has a flawed system, it should never be impossible to correct an error. The saying is “You can vote your way into communism but you must shoot your way out”.
In the Westminster System it can be done. Not easy, but not impossible either. Individual leaders can be toppled in a party room coup and the government can be toppled by losing a no-confidence vote on the floor or by denial of supply in the Senate.
I flicked your question. Here is one answer
“I believe the only way that would be possible inside the present rule of law would be to have the Supreme Court rule that the election was a fraud therefor the POTUS et. al. were illegitimate and no oath of office was valid.
As the SCOTUS has already done “duck and cover” on anything related to the fraud that is this election, that isn’t going to happen unless Stumblin’ Usurper Joe and Weasel Kamel-ah manage to do such horrible things that even the DNC (and their owners in the Globalist Class) realize it’s worse with them than without them. As the CCP & Globalists want the destruction of the stable USA and our slide into socialism, I don’t see that happening (“creative destruction” being their thing and all…emphasis on destruction…)
Essentially there is no official mechanism for removal so you must show that the original installation was invalid and unlawful. Absent that, the Framers supplied us with the 2A solution…
There’s also the potential for a Convention Of The States. When “enough” States vote for it (2/3 of State Legislatures) then they can assemble and change the Constitution or do whatever they want.
Whether the 2A option or the Convention Of The States (where they can do ANYTHING…) is worse is left as an exercise for the student…). But it’s pretty clear both are in the land of potential catastrophic outcomes.”
“I believe the only way that would be possible inside the present rule of law would be to have the Supreme Court rule that the election was a fraud therefor the POTUS et. al. were illegitimate and no oath of office was valid.
This view is contentious … there are legal authorities that state that the three branches of the Federal Government are separate and equal – and none of them can be dismissed by the other two – with the single exception of Impeachment, as noted above.
And even if a truly hostile Supreme Court attempted to usurp the Biden Presidency, Biden could (a) ignore it, and he has the guns, or (b) appoint10 addition judges to the Court, and vote the Repub justices down.
But in general the US system is based on fixed terms, and that’s it. The only other option is for the Repubs to win the 2922 Midterms and Impeach him (for what?), or at least totally block his legislative agenda.
The other problem for the Repubs is that Biden is pretty popular (about 58%) – and if the Repubs tried anything funny, there might be serious blowback from the voters for years.
Biden IS popular. They had to hold back the crowds on the campaign…
No one turned up, but they love the guy.
Just keep telling yourself “the polls were true this time”. The Democrats in Fulton County did not have to kick out all observers just so they could find the votes Joe needed under the table.
The disgrace that was the Biden press conference
President Biden called on 10 reporters to answer 30-some questions during his long-awaited first formal press conference on Thursday. But the hour-plus event was a disgrace for some in the press and a dubious performance by the president.
The questions for the president were meek and vague, failing to extract any specific information about policies or solutions to the myriad problems faced by the administration. Take, for example, this activism disguised as a question from PBS’s Yamiche Alcindor on why the president needs to abolish the filibuster in the name of racial equality while combating evil Republicans in their efforts to prevent minorities from voting. Or something like that.
“When it comes to the filibuster, immigration is a big issue, of course, related to the filibuster, but there’s also Republicans who are passing bill after bill trying to restrict voting rights. [Senate Majority Leader] Chuck Schumer’s calling it in an existential threat to democracy,” Alcindor, who plays an objective journalist on TV, said to the president after being the second reporter chosen by Biden’s handlers for him to call upon. “Why not back a filibuster rule that at least gets around issues, including voting rights or immigration? [South Carolina Congressman] Jim Clyburn, someone, of course, who you know very well, has backed the idea of a filibuster rule when it comes to civil rights and voting rights.”
That’s not even bias in broad daylight. That’s outright activism in pressing the president on national television to move forward with abolishing the filibuster to advance an agenda she supports. Alcindor also failed to quote Biden’s own words back to him from a speech he called, at the time, one of the most important of his career: “It is not only a bad idea, it upsets the constitutional design and it disservices the country,” Biden argued in 2005 against eliminating the Senate filibuster. “No longer would the Senate be that ‘different kind of legislative body’ that the Founders intended. No longer would the Senate be the ‘saucer’ to cool the passions of the immediate majority.”
Tucker Carlson: US military has gone full woke, waging war on those who disagree with them
The Pentagon has turned into the Yale faculty lounge with cruise missiles
Special Operations Command is very significant in the U.S. military, and in our country. It oversees Delta Force, the SEAL teams and the rest of our most-celebrated, best-trained and most lethal war-fighters. The tweet announced that a man called Richard Torres-Estrada is now the, “Chief of Diversity & Inclusion” of America’s Special Forces.
They included his picture with the announcement. Then, at the very top of its website, the Special Operations Command included a link to its extensive new “diversity and inclusion strategic plan.” The one thing we know about that plan is it will result in the dramatic lowering of standards within our elite ranks. It probably already has. How will that make America safer? The generals never said. You couldn’t find that on the website. Instead, they explained that “all of us understand that diversity and inclusion are operational imperatives.” They didn’t say how, they just said they’re imperatives. This is the operation that Richard Torres-Estrada will be running.
The question is: wWho exactly is Richard Torres-Estrada? His Facebook page gives us some indication of who he is. On it, you’ll find an attack on the police, you’ll find crude BLM propaganda, you’ll find a picture of Donald Trump holding a Bible in front of a church. Next to Trump is a photograph of Adolf Hitler. The point is, they’re the same. So, this is the guy who now oversees hiring for the SEALs.
If you’re wondering whether our military leadership has gone woke, consider that question settled for good. The Pentagon is now the Yale faculty lounge, but with cruise missiles. That should concern you.
Meanwhile, the rest of the world rolls on and gets more menacing by the day. Tonight, the Suez Canal, one of the busiest shipping lanes in the world, is blocked by a stranded container ship. Was it an accident? Maybe. Maybe not. We don’t know. What we do know is the Suez Canal is vital to the world’s economy. That’s not an overstatement. The Suez Canal is one of about a dozen strategic choke points that control virtually all global trade. Now it’s closed.
This is a challenge to America’s critical national interests. How is the Pentagon responding to this challenge to critical American interests? They’re occupied with other things right now. For the last month, the entire U.S. military has been operating under a so-called “stand-down” order issued by the new Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, the defense contractor who is now running the military.
Lloyd Austin believes the real threat to America is not the Chinese government or paralyzed global trade. The real threat is people who didn’t vote for Joe Biden.
Waiting for the EV owners clubs to realise
“Biden’s Transport Secretary Buttigieg considers mileage tax on US motorists”
“The butcher’s bill for getting Trump”
“How C.S. Lewis Predicted the Woke Nightmare”
Willis E has a look at those subsidies that fossil fuel supposedly gets
“Whenever I hear about “implicit subsidies”, “social costs”, or any accounting of “externalities”, my bad number detector starts ringing like crazy. The problem is that just about anything can qualify as an “implicit subsidy” or one of its equally vague cousins.”
” am compelled to add, however, that the amount of bumwad that passes peer-review and is published in “scientific” journals these days is a crime against science …”
“Effects of rising CO2 levels on carbon sequestration are coordinated above and below ground”
‘Turnbull set to head new climate board
‘NSW Energy and Environment Minister Matt Kean to recommend former PM chair NSW climate policy board.’ Oz
What a terrifying combination.
It beggars belief.
My original is in moderation, probably because I included the whole article. Here’s the link I should have used, together with my original words and a couple of paragraphs.
Turnbull named head of NSW government’s climate advisory board
It’s worse than I thought. It’s happened. And Turnbull’s appointment is for five (!!!!) years.
From SMH Tuesday , March 30, 2021:
” Former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has been appointed to head a new board to advise the NSW government’s long-term climate policy in his first major political post since leaving Parliament almost three years ago.
The role, as chairman of the NSW Net-Zero Emissions and Clean Economy Board, was approved by cabinet yesterday, Energy and Environment Minister Matt Kean told The Sydney Morning Herald.
Support for Mr Turnbull’s role, set for up to five years, was secured between senior NSW government figures last month. ”
Dave B
“One Flu Out Of The Wuhan Nest”
Ex Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has been nominated to Chair the “Net Zero Emissions and Clean Economy Board”.
From a sky news report by Andrew Clennell.
Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will be put forward as a nominee to chair the Net Zero Emissions and Clean Economy Board this afternoon.
NSW Energy and Environment Minister Matt Kean has backed Mr Turnbull’s bid for the position saying he “welcomed” Mr Turnbull’s “intervention in the public debate”.
“I have a great relationship with Malcolm. I think he’s one of the outstanding thinkers in Australian public life,” he said.
“Malcolm’s certainly been a great friend to me.”
end quote
Re Mr Turnbulls son and renewable investments.
Malcolm is playing the long game and wants to be president of the republic.
There ya go. If Kean wants Turnbull on the Board, why not include Tim Flannery (AKA Tom Foolery)? Then you would have the Trifecta of ignoramuses predicting climate catastrophe by Xmas this year (where’s the Xanax?)