A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Insatiable demand for cannabis has created a giant carbon footprint
by Colorado State University
Its the cost of prohibition.
There is likely a corresponding increase in demand for food delivery as a result of the munchies caused by the increasing cannabis demand.
This additional carbon footprint must be studied immediately and thoroughly.
No sausage or pepperoni on in home pizza delivery should be permitted.
Someone inform John Kerry right away.
I see another footprint.
‘Mexico’s lower house of Congress on Thursday (AEDT) approved a bill that would decriminalise cannabis for recreational, medical and scientific uses, bringing it a step closer to creating one of the world’s largest markets for the plant.’ ABC
A maligned plant with useful properties. Historically cannabis was seen in a good light, but demonised in the 20th century. I support its recreational and medical use despite some minor health concerns. Anyway it suits my libertarian bent – if you do no harm to others shall be way.
Not as bad as alcohol but still has its demons
Certainly not something for young developing brains, as Chris has sadly mentioned.
Unfortunately if you are susceptible ( and who knows they are) to schizophrenia , cannabis will tip you over the edge and send you on your way to a life time of misery. I speak from experience as a full time carer of an adult son.
I had one very unpleasant experience in 1971 on the weed purportedly Durban poison variety. Quite disorienting with strong anxiety but it was the only episode in another 30 years of smoking. I gave it up along with tobacco in 1985 as a health choice and did a clean break from both with no problems. Should be decriminilised for personal use, particularly in the privacy of your home.
1985 should be 2005.
Those 20 years, lost in the mists of time. Cannabis will do that.
If we put all the intoxicants on the table, legal and illicit, cannabis would definitely come out as the most benign. It has a quality, when used in moderation, to open the doors of perception.
On the issue of schizophrenia, those who are susceptible will be drawn to it more readily and earlier, causing consternation and angst from parents who hoped their son might become a doctor one day. The young should be informed that its a psychotropic drug which can cause hallucinations and panic attacks, but in moderation its harmless and inspirational.
The tooth fairy from the land of the long white cloud wants to decriminalise, so its only a matter of time.
There are two primary don’ts;
1. Women who are pregnant should avoid alcohol entirely.
2. Young people shouldn’t smoke marihuana because of the possible developmental damage that may result.
If society is so badly structured that people need to resort to 1 and 2 then we need to push our politicians to improve things.
Maybe drink and marihuana should be left to the elderly-retired who have nothing else to do.
Drug law reform is inevitable, its already happening in the US and presumably will continue. Its a tricky issue politically, the law of unintended consequences always lurks, the federal government introduced a draconian tax on tobacco and now its twice the price of the best quality street cannabis.
One of the greatest dangers of smoking marijuana is that it leads to cigarette smoking. I can attest to this from being in a large cohort of uni students right through the 1970s.
Having poked the amoeba the finger came out here
“Insatiable demand for cannabis has created a giant carbon footprint”
Study: Global Warming is Raising the Tropical Wet Bulb Maximum Temperature
Guest essay by Eric Worrall
yeah… look in the comments for the bold and all caps. I do so miss ignoring AndyG.
One things for sure when it came to science and CO2 he had your measure every time .
I’m sure he did.
It was the Sanskrit paradigm; don’t be so self deprecating.
Your area of work; biology, his Physics.
I think not.
You don’t speak or write Sanskrit?
Maybe I assumed that since you saw your Biology PhD as giving you competence in Global Warming science, it would also extend to Sanskrit.
I should not assume because,,,,,
Gee. Eh?
Do you know the story of Mulligan’s pup?
Only a lurker here, but where did AndyG go? He was good value.
Sadly he passed.
Did he?
I’ve sent you an email el gordo. That was not my understanding. But I’d like to know. Hope he is OK.
He is very much alive. Either that or he cloned someone to live in the same locality and shout about climate and some sort of gravity column.
Originally I ignored that, but after Jo’s comment a quick search didn’t show anything.
I’m certainly not going to send an email and ask him.
He was put off by the excess of “contributors” who had no idea about CAGW but wanted to present material that had no scientific reasoning to it.
It’s O.K. to have a bit of fun occasionally but these people were just Blog Cloggers and simply wanted to counter everything said here to push the Global Warming and death by incineration due to CO2 game.
If we really wanted that sort of silly biz we could just go to Skeptical Skience.
It’s been said that these people were “debating” but debate would occasionally include some science or sound reasoning that was completely absent with the blogg cloggers.
A few recent threads seem to be getting there again with nearly one third of comments being from blogg clogger activists.
Andy was certainly entertaining and his knowledge of the dark arts of CAGW was informative and yes I mis his contributions. However there is still a wealth of collective knowledge here to counter the ideologues.
Ah yes – the stepwise temperature increase
You mean the escalator.
Every time NASA GISS or the BOM revise history.
Who are these people? I want their names on my desk first thing in the morning.
This bloke defends them, try here;
More discussion by some on the blog;
‘Any “contributor” who indicates that they follow the patterns of these two, and others, should be permanently blocked.’
I support free speech and contrarians of all persuasions, its a debating club. A robust discussion is healthy because if you are open minded there is an opportunity to pull apart your beliefs or reinforce them.
“there is an opportunity to pull apart your beliefs or reinforce them.”
Not really.
It’s almost 97% a chance to waste your time.
I don’t know what you go on about and why at all you bother.
Thanks for sharing
Claim: Antarctic Peninsula warming up due to heat in Tasman sea
The crux of the matter.
‘Rossby waves, also known as planetary waves, are a type of inertial wave naturally occurring in rotating fluids. They were first identified by Carl-Gustaf Arvid Rossby.
‘They are observed in the atmospheres and oceans of planets owing to the rotation of the planet. Atmospheric Rossby waves on Earth are giant meanders in high-altitude winds that have a major influence on weather.
‘These waves are associated with pressure systems and the jet stream. Oceanic Rossby waves move along the thermocline: the boundary between the warm upper layer and the cold deeper part of the ocean.’ (wiki)
Compensation between cloud feedback + ECS and aerosol-cloud forcing in CMIP6 models
Reposted from Dr. Judith Curry’s Climate Etc.
Posted on March 5, 2021 by niclewis |
By Nic Lewis
As as you see ECS you know anything that follows is a steaming pile of poo. It is simply not worth the effort to read anything that follows.
A good summary.
Cuba is a Leninist.Marxist state.
‘A lot of people have turned their houses into homestays because it allows them to make a Cuban doctor’s monthly wage in a single night. This has changed not only day-to-day life in Cuba, but also has caused skilled workers such as nurses, doctors and teachers to leave their professions to pick up tourism. Some work two jobs. Don’t be surprised if your taxi driver turns out to be a doctor.’ (Biz Evde Yokuz)
Gotta love socialism dont you……like you’d love a noisy possum on the roof at 3am….
The free enterprise model works best.
Our possums wear football boots with studs.
I notice Victoriastan is taking a leaf out of Californias book and shuting down a chunk of its reliable power in 2028. That should be great for destroying the economy a bit more and lurching forward into the communist nightmare a bit further…..
If only those reliable old powerstartions that never wear coz they are replacing bits all the time were “green”…
Not sure whats going on in Victoriastan, El Prez apparenlty bounced off a few stairs recently, so presumbly a conversation didnt go so well with his handlers….presumably after maybe developing a conscience and since been “encouraged” to get back to the Una-Party agenda? If so , were entering a new, much nastier phase of things….
the wave of concern and empathy in the community has been amazing, amazingly absent.
Joe Biden mumbled through a prepared COVID speech on Wednesday from the White House.
Only 1,049 people watched his speech live on the White House Channel.
After Joe Biden’s low-energy speech he shuffled away as reporters shouted questions.
After having held zero press conferences since taking office, Joe Biden fled the podium and ignored questions about when he will hold a press conference.
Joe Biden Mumbles Through COVID Talk — Only 1,049 People Watch the Speech Live, Only 1.4K Retweets! — But Joe had 81 Million Votes? What a Crock!
I expect he will have 150m votes at 2024
Rising faster than the CO2 curve then?
Interesting link, Ozzie.
Look at the 34 second video. This is pathetic.
Biden shuffle steps…. with his body leaning in the direction he is going….. It looks as if he is trying to make his body walk. He has no confidence or energy. He is suddenly an old man with dementia.
Biden’s dementia is starting to affect, his lower brain and the functions in the body that the lower brain controls. Biden’s bowels will not work as well as internal muscle contraction will not work correctly.
Biden is not capable of doing any job/task that requires concentration (driving), learning new things, concentration, and walking.
The lower brain controls the complex set of internal muscles which must change to maintain a person’s balance, the curve in the spine, and to do repetitive motions such as walking. And internal muscle control to maintain bowel and urine control.
Biden is a step away/months from an old age home. Old people need walkers because of lower brain deterioration.
Biden is obviously having problems walking. i.e. This poor fellow is going to need a walker
Biden has refused to take a cognitive test.
The Donks as we call them didn’t expect him to fade so fast. They need some graceful way to remove him from office so they don’t have to admit to perpetrating an election fraud. I watched two aunts and my mother succumb to Alzheimers so I recognized his growing problems last summer and autumn. This two month old Administration is a mess I think — a totally out of control feeding frenzy, a concerted effort to get hold of election laws and redistricting to effect a one-party state, and endless drama that our elected fools are in perpetual danger from the electorate.
What’s the real science on the effectiveness of masks in preventing transmission of viral disease? My reasoning is that (1) depends on type of mask. (2) how the mask is deployed. N95 masks are advertised as being effective against the SARS virus but there are strict guidelines for their effective use. Well worth a look is 3M’s Technical Data Sheet for their N95 Disposable mask. Given this advisory data from 3M on the effective use of their M95 masks I assert that most mask use by the general public is pretty poor at preventing transmission of viruses. Some of the reasons for this are lack of education on effective deployment of masks and mask quality, lack of education about viruses and their transmission and lack of common sense.
I conclude, that at best, most kinds of mask, if properly deployed, will stop a relatively small amount of viral transmission via spit and coalesced aerosols but not much more. The scary question to ponder is how to reconcile the misinformation and disinformation about masks to the real science of their use and efficacy in preventing viral transmission.
Watch the Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich explain the covid pandemic is all lies. There really was transmission last March and April, but since then the one and only test for Covid19 is by PCR which was never designed for and cannot diagnose any disease.
We have been tricked into living in fear of an organism that has never even been isolated (scientifically described).
Good material, hope for the future.
“but since then the one and only test for Covid19 is by PCR which was never designed for and cannot diagnose any disease.”
PCR was originally developed to amplify DNA to a level sufficient for its analysis using other techniques. Most commonly PCR is used to amplify specific tracts of DNA or RNA that are defined by primers and amplified by polymerases. The significance of PCR in the diagnosis of disease was rapidly recognised and is now widely used
PCR methods detect viral nucleic acids directly, and can identify recently infected individuals who have not yet produced antibodies. PCR detects viral presence about 1-2 weeks after infection whereas antibody detection takes about 5-8 weeks.
Two statements:
“PCR detects viral presence ..”
“The significance of PCR in the diagnosis of disease …”
The first statement is correct, and the second statement is not, unless ‘significance’ means ‘insignificance’. . The presence of “specific tracts of DNA or RNA” does not indicate that the patient is suffering from the disease, or will suffer, or will pass on the disease. The test result does not quantify viral load, the amount of DNA or RNA detected. Some good comments on this were made here by Gee Aye a few months ago.
Some indication of viral load would be provided by CT, the amount of amplification used, this important measure is not provided.
“The presence of “specific tracts of DNA or RNA” does not indicate that the patient is suffering from the disease, or will suffer, or will pass on the disease. The test result does not quantify viral load, the amount of DNA or RNA detected”
The literature does not support your argument
The use of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) in infectious disease diagnosis, has resulted in an ability to diagnose early and treat appropriately diseases due to fastidious pathogens, determine the antimicrobial susceptibility of slow growing organisms, and ascertain the quantum of infection.
Scrub typhus, murine typhus, and leptospirosis are diagnosed as acute undifferentiated febrile illness. Diagnostic tests for these diseases depend on antibody detection. However, antibody detection is still limited by its tendency to return negative results during the early phase of aforementioned diseases. In this study, a novel multiplex PCR has been developed for detecting Orientia tsutsugamushi, Rickettsia typhi, and Leptospira interrogans that are simultaneously amplified in a single tube. The results have shown that multiplex PCR could be used as a diagnostic tool for detecting bacteria during the early phase of scrub typhus, murine typhus, and leptospirosis, allowing for administration of appropriate treatment.
In Australia, a PCR test is generally used to detect whether you are currently infected with COVID-19. It can spot the presence of genetic material from the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus from a swab, usually done at the back of your nose and throat. A positive test result indicates that you currently have COVID-19.
PCR from swabs in a car park DON’T measure viral load. They might indicate possible high or low but they are not properly quantitative. That is not entirley true – they give good quant accuracy for the amount of virus the swab picks up but that is not the same thing (“might indicate”)
You may find this of interest
The nasopharyngeal swab had the highest nucleic acid positivity rate at 54.05% (20/37), followed by the anal swab at 24.32% (9/37), and the saliva, blood, and urine were at 16.22% (6/37), 10.81% (4/37), and 5.41% (2/37), respectively.
The mean viral loads of nasopharyngeal swabs, anal swabs, saliva, blood, and urine specimens were 16,224 ± 67,507, 20 ± 26, 5677 ± 13,647, 16 ± 9, and 5.1 ± 0 copies/test, respectively.
This study collected multiple types of specimens from COVID-19 patients with a disease course of 7–69 days, including nasopharyngeal swabs, anal swabs, saliva, blood, and urine specimens. ddPCR was used for nucleic acid detection and absolute quantification of these specimens. ELISA was used to detect the anti-N IgM/IgG and the anti-S-RBD IgG in the serum samples of these patients.
The results of nucleic acid testing of specimens showed that the positive detection rate of nasopharyngeal swabs was the highest, and the average viral load of nasopharyngeal swabs was also the highest. This finding is consistent with the results of existing reports
We find that nasal swab samples reliably detect patients with viral loads ≥1,000 copies/mL but miss many patients who have lower viral loads, the majority in our study6. A complete biological explanation will require further study; however, one possibility is that in cases of high viral load, replicating virus may be more likely to spread to respiratory epithelium bordering and/or in the deeper portions of the anterior nares, where it can be recovered by nasal swab.
Isn. That’s hardly a refutation of what I wriote. It’s just saying you can get a correlation. It is not saying that you get one.
Frost Giant Rebellion replied to my post on Tuesday open thread with this explanation by a Dr, as to how dangerous mRNA ‘vaccines’ are (they are not vaccines)
I watched the video from Dr Andrew Wakefield.
He is notorious for having published a now-infamous and retracted paper in The Lancet, following which, in 2010, Wakefield was struck off the UK medical register for misconduct by the country’s General Medical Council. The fraudulent work on 12 children promoted a non-existent connection between autism and the MMR vaccine, used against measles, mumps and rubella. It propelled Wakefield to notoriety and turbocharged the anti-vaccine movement.
You might find this link focussing on Dr Wakefield informative.
In his video Dr Wakefield said a mRNA vaccine is not a vaccine as it does not produce an antibody response itself which is perfectly true. Vaccines work by generating antibody response to what the body recognises as a foreign agent such as Covid-19 virus.
The end product of the mRNA vaccine that Dr Wakefield says is not a vaccine is an antibody response. He is wrong. It is a vaccine. The antibody response is generated in a different way from other vaccines.
To trigger an immune response, many vaccines put a weakened or inactivated germ into our bodies. Not mRNA vaccines. Instead, they induce our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies. That immune response, which produces antibodies, is what protects us from getting infected if the real virus enters our bodies.
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make a harmless piece of what is called the “spike protein.” The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.
COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are given in the upper arm muscle. Once the instructions (mRNA) are inside the immune cells, the cells use them to make the protein piece. After the protein piece is made, the cell breaks down the instructions and gets rid of them.
Next, the cell displays the protein piece on its surface. Our immune systems recognize that the protein doesn’t belong there and begin building an immune response and making antibodies, like what happens in natural infection against COVID-19.
Dr Wakefield states that the mRNA is incorporated into our cell in perpetuity. He states
“Once you get this COVID-19 vaccine, and this little bit of genetic material, it becomes part of you. And those cells in your body will start multiplying and you will have parts of the genetic material of a foreign entity in your body for the rest of your life, there’s nothing that you can do about it. It now becomes part of you. You have been genetically engineered. Your DNA is now different from what it was prior to getting the vaccine.”
He is wrong. mRNA is cytoplasmic so will not be incorporated into our DNA which is in the nucleus and also is rapidly broken down.
This link gives further information on that statement
Can you see the problem you now face?
In the past you have made comments on aspects of the Global Warming issue that have been flawed and shown that you are liable to say stuff without being sure of your case.
I could not in all honesty offer a critique of your current post because, at that level, it is outside my area of knowledge.
Unfortunately, all I have to work on is your previous flawed history of comments and that leads me to doubt this post.
You’ve shot yourself in the foot.
That word again?
That’s a new one.
I resemble that remark!
On the other hand there is- credentialism.
That word, untracrepidarian has an interesting etymology.
I think Antal E Fekete describes it nicely.
“In the past you have made comments on aspects of the Global Warming issue that have been flawed and shown that you are liable to say stuff without being sure of your case.”
Your problem is easily solved KK just look at the links I provided. They should provide you with the information you seem to doubt.
And as we have formerly discussed, I’m not a climate scientist but I did a PhD in Biology specialising in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology.
I taught Biochem and Mol Biol to third year undergrad and post-grad science students and devised and supervised PhD and honours projects in both Biochem and Mol Biol. I also published in those fields,
Not sure of your scientific credentials to be honest. I don’t recall any evidence that you are or were a climate scientist or indeed even a scientist at all. Of c course that doesn’t mean there isn’t any evidence, just that I don’t recall it.
Yes, you’re right, you don’t recall.
As stated previously I have two degrees, the first being the ultimate in qualifying to examine and dismember the CAGW monster.
As exemplified by the Climate Science degree of that American fellow at the UNSW, climate degrees are a joke.
My degree was heavy on science basics plus an extraordinary insight into process analysis and modeling.
To be honest your PhD does not qualify you all that well for the task we have.
I noticed someone posted a comment on CPMI6, the latest climate model. They are a joke.
Things are often not what the authorities make them out to be, especially with the false CO2 scapegoat.
“To be honest your PhD does not qualify you all that well for the task we have.”
You’re quite correct it doesn’t and I don’t claim and have never have claimed or suggested that it does . But it does provide a scientific background that helps one’s understanding when reading claims by those on both sides of the CAGW.
Your statements.
“As stated previously I have two degrees, the first being the ultimate in qualifying to examine and dismember the CAGW monster.
As exemplified by the Climate Science degree of that American fellow at the UNSW, climate degrees are a joke.
My degree was heavy on science basics plus an extraordinary insight into process analysis and modeling.
provide little in explaining either what your two degrees were in or what level they were at. In fact your use of the term “My degree” suggests you have only one degree.
I note you made no comments on the material in the links I provided.I was hoping you would as you’d have seen that what I wrote was backed up by the facts. But there again perhaps that’s why you didn’t.
They were bachelor level. He has no research background. He is a scientist by degree not by profession.
As Lucky implies;
Good one KK. Use a big word. So much easier than answering difficult questions. But judging from your earlier comments, you may not have the basics needed to resort to ultracredentialism
Sorry forgot to add could you provide some examples of these flawed comments?
That really floors me.
Floor; get it.
” Floor; get it.”
“It really wasn’t that difficult KK as it was a very weak attempt at humour. And “your previous flawed history of comments” is grammatically incorrect as it should be your pervious history of flawed comments However that is totally irrelevant as without any supporting evidence that either flawed history or flawed comments were ever made is very probably a figment of your imagination.
So Ian you’re a believer in CO2 is causing warming but you’re not a climate scientist and to me that’s not a big thing but what is a big thing is in your field of expertise you deal with pH , is any of this not correct so far ?
“So Ian you’re a believer in CO2 is causing warming but you’re not a climate scientist and to me that’s not a big thing but what is a big thing is in your field of expertise you deal with pH , is any of this not correct so far ?”
I’m not entirely sure I understand your comment but given that caveat, I’ll answer as best i can
COs is involved in causing warming as that is what provides the climate we live in and the very hot climate on Venus where atmospheric CO2 concentration is 96%. Without CO2 earth’s atmosphere would be around -18C instead of +15C so yes CO2 is causing warming . With regard to CAGW I think human production of CO2 from fossil fuels adds to warming but to what extent I don’t know.
As for pH it is necessary to use buffers that give the correct pH for chemical reactions and enzyme reactions to occur in vitro. Of course in vivo, pH is vital for human life and is maintained at around 7.4 due primarily to lungs and kidney.
Perfect so maybe you can explain how the oceans are becoming more acidic even though they are alkaline ?
Ian says CO2 is involved in Global Warming.
This link goes to a series of comments that conclude with the great summation by Will J .
The atmospheric composition is irrelevant.
🙂 KK
KK I just love hearing the CAGW ideologues trying to explain how a liquid that’s alkaline can be more acidic especially if they have a science background and should understand pH.
Will J was another great mind sadly missed but still remember that deer.
Apparently Ian has fallen silent on pH , seems his biology study was done by mail order from the University of Somalia !
What rate does Venus revolve?
What is the temerature on the dark side?
Venus is about two/thirds of Earth’s distance from the Sun.
That is lineal to convert it to area as it gets further from the centre the difference should be cubed.
That is radiating out (sguaring the spread) and widening (multiply by the distance again)
Make the sun’s radition comparable on both planets let’s compare 6 to 9 as the reative distances from the Sun.
Area warmed per ray of sunlight on Venus is 6x6x6= 216 Area. Heated by same ray on Earth 9x9x9= 729.
I agree CO2 is a greenhouse gas. At 400 parts per million on Earth the temperature on Venus shows no sense in the AGW debate.
This is a link to Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-192.
Official technical update of any adverse effects associated with the Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-192 vaccine. I like that the company specifically answers questions as to what was and was not tested for …. and their follow-up studies.
I think we have a responsibility to try to confirm critical comments have a basis in fact. There really is an issue …Critical comments need to provide evidence and logic to support assertions.
In this case the manufacture notes that this class of vaccines does not modify human DNA. The mRNA vaccines they state are not capable of changing human DNA.
2. Do mRNA vaccines change a person’s DNA?
No, mRNA is a transient carrier of information that does not integrate into human DNA.[ii],[iii],[iv],[v]
Unlike a traditional vaccine that uses inactivated, dead, or portions of actual virus to spur an immune response, mRNA delivers a message to your body’s cells via a lipid nanoparticle envelope that instructs the cells to generate the spike protein found on the surface of a coronavirus that initiates infection.[vi],[vii] Instructing cells to generate the spike protein spurs an immune response, including generation of antibodies specific to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
3.Does your vaccine cause infertility?
There are no data to suggest that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine causes infertility. It has been incorrectly suggested that COVID-19 vaccines will cause infertility because of a very short amino acid sequence in the spike protein of SARS-CoV-2 that is partly shared with a protein in the placenta called syncytin-1. From a scientific perspective, the differences between the two sequences are quite significant, making it very unlikely our vaccine could generate a response that would harm the placenta.[viii],[ix]
4. What about allergies and the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine?
In line with CDC recommendations, we did not test our vaccine in people with a history of severe adverse or allergic reactions to a vaccine or a vaccine ingredient. Overall, there were no safety signals of concern identified in our clinical trials, meaning there was no signal of any serious allergic reaction.[i]
Severe allergic reactions have been reported following the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine during mass vaccination outside of clinical trials. Pfizer is monitoring and reviewing all reports of severe allergic reaction in coordination with health authorities. The prescribing information has a clear warning/precaution that appropriate medical treatment and supervision should always be readily available in case of a rare anaphylactic event following the administration of the vaccine.[ii] You can also find the latest guidance from the CDC here.
Ian, have you followed up Wakefield’s work yourself or have you just relied on reports by others with a vested interest in destroying Wakefield’s work and reputation?
I think since his statements; I’m paraphrasing – that his paper doesn’t prove causation of autism by the MMR vaccine but should be investigated further to establish one way or the other.
The CDC in the US has already been caught falsifying their research into the very question of MMR and autism. Whistle-blower and lead researcher Thompson of the CDC has provided with Hooker and Wakefield with oruginal documents and altered documents which have revealed the fraud and even the details surrounding that.
Do some more reading…
The whole thing is a scandal but the more scandalous is that no one has been called to account yet, nor has Thompson been subpoenaed for his testimony.
Covid was designed to hurt people by cause autoimmune attacks in some people.
So it is not surprising that a covid vaccine might be have unintentional side effects.
Severe, Long-Lasting, and Bizarre Symptoms Explained: “COVID-19 Can Cause the Body to Attack Itself”
Imaging illustrates severity, long-term prognosis of COVID-19-related muscle, joint pain.
Muscle soreness and achy joints are common symptoms among COVID-19 patients. But for some people, symptoms are more severe, long-lasting, and even bizarre, including rheumatoid arthritis flares, autoimmune myositis or “COVID toes.”
Covid has been shown to anthesize the throat to hid the pain of the first attack.
Our body produces pain when our cells are being attacked by a virus to get us to isolate. Covid attacks first in the throat where it blocks pain sensors, so many covid carriers are not aware they have covid initially. Covid replicates in the throat and spreads and then attacks the other organs, in the body.
Can COVID-19 kill pain? That is the possibility raised by University of Arizona researchers who found SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, might function as a pain killer.
If that theory proves to be true, it might be one of the reasons so many infected people walk around unaware they have the disease.
This is a link to CNN’s article about the AstraZeneca vaccine which caused blood clotting and one death in a small group of people.
Covid itself was designed to attack people by taking advantage of weakness in the human immune system.
For example….
More European nations pause AstraZeneca vaccine use as blood clot reports investigated
Denmark announced a two-week suspension on Thursday following a number of reports of clotting in the country, including one fatal case. Iceland and Norway followed suit, but did not say how long their suspensions would last.
“It is important to emphasize that we have not opted out of the AstraZeneca vaccine, but that we are putting it on hold.
There is good evidence that the vaccine is both safe and effective. But both we and the Danish Medicines Agency have to react to reports of possible serious side effects, both from Denmark and other European countries.
It shows that the monitoring system works. “
Susan F, It’s clear there’s a trick going on. Just as climate ‘science’ is captured for a political agenda, so too is this so called [non]-pandemic.
Where have we seen this sort of thing before?
I think the lies we’ve been told all come from the same motive: to control us absolutely
Thanks for that very good link, a new site telling the truth.
Let’s remember to enjoy our close people, neighbours and the world around us and fight back by living our lives joyfully.
Seems you have pretty well answered your own question. What has surprised me is how few clinical trials have been run to assess mask efficacy. One pretty solid series of studies were done by an Australian group in China and Vietnam pre-2015. Cloth masks not effective and very permeable to particle infiltration, especially in health care settings; medical masks no significant effect, but some showed a surprising level of infiltration by 1-3 micrometer particles. N95 are best for attenuation, but still as their standard is to attenuate only 95% of 0.3-0.5 micrometer particles, and coronaviruses can be as small as 0.05 micrometers or larger (they are pleomorphic), quite a few virions might pass through; and a group at U.Minnesota suggest the lower limit of infectivity is like 500 virions.
A researcher interviewd in the Asahi Shimbun last July, making attenuation measurements on all sort of face coverings, corroborated all this. It very well explains why no mask mandates of any severity or duration appear to have any measurable effect on obsered epicurves. The best advice is to simply maintain reasonable distance, i think.
CDC just released another study last week suggesting significant efficacy of masks, but I have read it over carefully and it appears to me to have serious flaws, one of which is no explanation how they assessed significance, and i suspect another is their statistic is not sufficient for task as it appears to be almost guaranteed by the form of typical epicurves. Even so they are pointing to only about a 0.5% month to month average log ratio decline of cases.
The experimental results on mask effectiveness I have read agree with that.
As for maintaining reasonable distance, what distance is reasonable depends on your view of how the virus travels in air. Wet or dry? In what size clumps? In wet drops like a sneeze, or as aerosol? If the latter then a cluster will not drop to the ground in an arm’s length, I have seen reasonable distance for this assumption put at 10, 15 or more meters.
I see reports again today of government plans to ban woodstoves in built up urban areas.
Most unhappy with this idea . .
First the Left claim modern wood stoves are “clean and green” but now they claim they are harmful.
The basic objective of the Left is to lower everyone’s standard of living and take away the pleasures of life, except for the Elites, of course.
We will just need to convert fuel to biomass.
Just seen the headline then , what scares me is the term “urban” and just what changes they will make to the definition.
NSW Liberals have been taken over by the greens and I now wonder if Liberal in Australia now means the same thing as Liberal in America , be it state or federal the libs have lost their way and now cater more to the minority.
It used to be that the Liberals were slightly less bad than Labor or Greens but now there’s not much difference.
I can’t in all conscience vote for either party – Liberal or Labour – whether they are small “l” or big “L” liberals or labour. Both represent interests other than the Australian electorate.
We have become one of the “captured nations”.
Fortunately I can vote for the Nationals, they support coal mining. The NSW government has lost the plot on climate change and Premier Gladys must tale full responsibility for the Renewable Zones.
NZ are way ahead on this one.
Friends in Timaru (mid South Island) have a wood burning stove which did not fit the guidelines for the new council rules (about 2 years ago). The local council employs smoke inspectors (new green jobs!) at night to check for chimney smoke. Once identified ‘engineer’ inspectors visit (more new green jobs) and fines are given if the burners do not fit the strict guidelines. To avoid paying regular fines my friends had their excellent reliable old heater replaced at considerable cost – with a new, expensive model that is so insulated that it produces only a fraction of the heat, uses twice as much wood and is difficult to keep alight.
Is that the UN world government or some other real government?
Has anyone ever seen any accounting of the $440 million of our hard-earned taxes that Turnbull gave to to this six member body of no consequence? Even they were surprised to receive the cash.
It wasn’t even to an accredited “academic” institution.
It was to the Great Barrier Reef Foundation. A tiny, insignificant body.
Even Their ABC was surprised.
The most interesting thing about this is no one seems to be interested!
No Brian,
Interested, but convinced that any attempt to discover the truth will be ignored or obfuscated. Or perhaps an ABC “Fact Check” might give an answer, do you think?
Dave B
Didn’t Ghislaine Maxwell have a marine biology philanthropic fund going with some connections to an Australian marine foundation? My memory fails me now.
Total boondoggle
What a waste
I posted this on the previous thread but it only got one comment, perhaps because it was posted late.
Care to comment?
Why do some liberals (Leftists) deny the existence of objective truth?
Leftism has now taken over in both state and federal David , with the majority now seemingly leaning that way .
Leftists/Progressives reject objective truth because it contradicts subjective truth ( childish thinking, unicorn farts, pixie dust, modern monetary theory, etc)
Objective truth means there are standards, benchmarks, solid reference points, immutable realities.
Objective truth destroys the essence of leftist/prog thinking, plans, objectives, methods, and constraints.
You can’t live in a fantasy world if you have to explain how those fantasies comport with objective reality.
The purpose of the leftist is to detach reality from all relationship to objective reality. That way, anything can be “true” and nothing can be true, depending on the politics driving the goals.
Kind of like letting 6 yr olds manage national health care, or an electrical grid, or a national economy.
Here’s an example of why the destruction of objective truth was destroyed.
Here’s an example of why the destruction of objective truth was [desired].
One may ignore reality.
But, one may not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.
Examples abound.
Try standing in front of a train and see what reality is.
Try substituting fantasy economics and see what happens.
Try deconstructing law and order, social structures, dispatchable energy generation, and see what happens.
Subjective reality is utter nonsense. Reality exists whether one likes it or not.
You’ll get no argument from me on that post, Lance.
I’m glad my father is not alive to see what the world has become. May he RIP.
In fact the maddening thing is how many smart people are into self deception in order not to see this.
“Subjective reality is utter nonsense. Reality exists whether one likes it or not.”
I’m out with a friend walking . I say “wow it’s hot today.” My friend responds ” Really I thought it was on the cold side”
Subjective reality? Or not?
We both saw an oil painting in a shop window. I loved it my friend loathed it.
Subjective reality? Or not?
We stopped for a beer. I sad “This is a good drop” My friend said “It’s appallingly bad”
Subjective reality? Or not?
Reality often can be dependent upon one’s post of view and therefore can bee v erysubjective need
Apologies that last sentence really is appalling and that’s incontrovertible reality
“Reality often can be dependent upon one’s point of view and therefore can be very subjective indeed
These doors of perception do not lead to the face of god but reflect what is in the tortured imagination.
Feelings and beliefs are valid, (it is hot or cold), they depend on many factors but truth as temperature is what the thermometer designer wants to measure.
I am of the left and reject the notion that CO2 causes global warming, in a free and open democratic society I have been socially silenced. Its frustrating knowing reality and unable to speak, so in my milieu when any discussion comes up on renewables or climate change politics I leave the table without saying a word.
They are nice people but unfortunately, through the power of propaganda, everyone around me is brain dead.
Victoria leads – again
“Stairs ban. Makes as much sense as the seasonal Coronavirus lockdowns.”
(It is a silent /s)
It’s a step or two in the right direction. I wonder if it really was stairs? Perfectly plausible of course. Anything else would be unthinkable.
Was Jenny Mikakos anywhere in the vicinity?
No she is on the Gold Coast !
Global cooling signal detected in Greenland.
Bye Bye Yallourn you will not be missed
Agreed. It is not until the Sheeple experience grid failure on a massive level will they miss a major clean, reliable, cheap source of electricity.
Neither will you.
They are going to replace it with a big battery, how does that work?
An hour or two, maybe, depending on prior usage and recharging cycles.
Yallourn generates 22 per cent of the Victoria baseload electricity grid, Hazlewood generated 25 per cent of the Victoria baseload electricity grid.
Loss = 47 per cent of generating capacity.
Beyond belief.
Will they make up the loss by the secret installation of diesel generators like South Australia and Tasmania have done?
Or will they just let the Sheeple freeze in the dark, which will only serve to make Sheeple angry?
Fitz won’t be missing Yallourn but it doesn’t power his place although other coal does , if you hate coal so much Fitz disconnect from the grid or is this just your hypocrisy talking again ?
To understand just how stupid the P Fitzroy’s of this world are the ever reliable ABC was interviewing some nutter about what they will replace Yallourn with, they said they will replace it with the worlds biggest battery (350MWH or something) anyway the point is batteries do not generate electricty ergo they will not be replacing Yallourn.
A 350 mw battery that would last four hours at full charge. Real helpful when the suns not shining and the winds not blowing. Batteries do not make power, they only store it. The ABC made some comment on their web site about the “battery generating power” Of course I can’t find that now – someone must have corrected them on that nonsense.
Yallourn produces 1450MW. It will be replaced with the world’s biggest battery with 350MWh of capacity. If it was possible to discharge it at 1450MW (which it won’t be, but just for the sake of argument) it would last 14.5mins.
Of course, the Big Battery would have to be charged from somewhere, it’s not obvious where all this power would come from. How many more thousands of windmills will they build?
I’m guessing that you will not have any wind or solar electrons in your residence, how do you filter them?
Ah. But how do you filter out those from coal? It is YOU insisting on change.
most of mine come from the battery I installed 2 years ago
“Most” , given the weather lately in your area if it wasn’t for coal you wouldn’t be commenting here most of the time if relying on your batteries and solar but hey how about showing us that you’re no hypocrite and flip the switch for grid power to off .
After one month you will have my full respect .
That would be a no then because you know you would be without power most of the time , see some would call you a hypocrite for relying on coal to keep your soy latte frothy .
Fitz there are no coal electrons powering my place but then I’m not the hypocrite pushing renewables but relying on coal then am I ?
“Bye Bye Yallourn you will not be missed”
I agree Fitz.
When Yallourn is decommissioned in 2028, It will do nothing to change the worlds CO2 emissions.
Presently, Ch1na has 1032 coal fired plants in operation, with 126 in construction and 76 in preconstruction.
Australia has 20 plants in operation, with 0 in construction.
You are correct that Yallourn will not be missed in reducing carbon emissions..
I believe that the output of Co2, from that single plant, will probably be replaced by the extra 203 coal fired plants that will be commissioned in ch1na.
I am not sure tho Fitz. This is just a wild guess on my behalf….. What do you think my friend?
Can not fault your numbers, will question your estimate of C02 impact
You will question it but won’t let us know your own “expert” estimate !
Due to the fact that i live in the Yallourn valley, i can say with some authority that most opportunity shops in the latrobe valley shops have overalls and protective clothing with Yallourn power insignia. I myself have numerous overalls with the Yallourn power insignia. Opportunity shops will have coal power station attire available to the general public for many years to come.
Some of my Yallourn era overalls are in like new condition. Some are not so new looking, but still should get many years of use beyond batteries of any size. In my case, i am quite satisfied with the quality of the coal power station overalls.
Some of my Yallourn era overalls are in like new condition. Some are not so new looking, but still should get many years of use beyond batteries of any size. In my case, i am quite satisfied with the quality of the coal power station overalls.
Very happy with coal power station attire and its longevity.
Highly recommend 🙂
A glowing example of fantasy ignoring objective reality as discussed up thread.
The contemptible Oprah /Sussex circus
It told us nothing about the Royal Family and much more about Meghan, Harry and America
Melanie Phillips
The Mocker: Meghan Markle has a firm grip on Harry’s two prized possessions
To Harry and Meghan, or should I say Meghan and Harry, but first – does anyone else remember a hilarious beer ad screened about 15 years ago featuring the “woman whisperer”, a mysterious character who hypnotises an overbearing wife into allowing her timid husband to stay with his mates for another round?
This came to mind when seeing the Sussexes’ so-called tell-all interview with television host Oprah Winfrey. This time the bar is Britain, the timid husband is Harry, and Meghan the demanding wife. Sadly for Harry, there is no woman whisperer to come to his rescue. It confirmed the duchess well and truly has custody of the duke’s two most-prized possessions, and I am not talking about the kids.
Harry’s actions in this matter range from the regrettable to the unconscionable. At some point he must have realised the woman he married is inherently self-centred. A man in this situation has two options, the first of which involves considerably less humiliation and angst. He can admit to himself he has been a fool and end the marriage.
If he chooses to remain, he must unceasingly parrot her narrative. There is no middle ground. It is only by acceding entirely to her demands, no matter how ludicrous, that the marriage will survive. As Harry has demonstrated, a man will even trash his heritage and sever his ties with his blood relatives if it means placating such a wife.
Admittedly what Markle has done is not unique. Another American divorcee, Wallis Simpson – a proto-Yoko Ono if you like – was the original commoner-come-homewrecker, Edward VIII abdicating the throne in 1936 to marry her. Give both women their due, for at least their egotistical obsessions ensured the departure of weak men from the Windsor household.
Have you met that US term that includes “whipped” and starts with “p”?
How do you know this? Sounds very unlikely to me … Harry has an immensely attractive, smart, and articulate partner, who’s happy to live in California and get away from all the palace intrigue.
Far better than some boring braying daughter of the aristocracy, whose idea of fun is a fox hunt or polo match in Shropshire.
Woo … a lot of racist negativity there … how sad is that? Are we not above that?
We, royal or otherwise, inclusive of Woo, will enjoy our negativity however sad or amusing.
I notice we are still getting Coon cheese in the stores
Has there been a woke back down?
Yep and the ads are back on telly for Kuhn mowers and bailers .
old stock?
Not mouldy
Yes – in Coles Neutral Bay
The stupid Leftists were unable to understand that the cheese was named after its inventor Edward William Coon (1871–1934).
Apparently the name change is still scheduled for later in the year, perhaps May.
I won’t be buying it. I avoid doing business with woke companies.
Sleepwalking to Green Austerity
[The Climate Change Act’s] real purpose is not to cut global greenhouse gas emissions. Rather it is to demonstrate British climate leadership. While politicians flatter themselves as climate saviours, the costs are borne in worsened business competitiveness and squeezed household budgets that weigh most heavily on the poorest in society. In one regard though, the CCA has succeeded in its aim as a demonstration project. No other serious country will do anything quite so foolish in the name of saving the climate.’ However it appears that under Joe Biden and the ‘Green New Deal’ proposed by the Democrats America does indeed intend to follow Britain’s example, with its new commitment to achieve net zero by 2050 at the latest, this being estimated to achieve about a 0.10C reduction in man-made global warming by 2100 (and a correspondingly trivial reduction in climate change risks).
Since carbon dioxide-emitting coal, oil and gas still account for more than half of Britain’s total electricity consumption and 80% of its primary energy needs, with wind and solar only meeting 3.5% of those needs (according to the UK’s Office for National Statistics) achieving the net zero target would be, to say the least, challenging in the extreme and have a hugely adverse impact on Britain’s economy and the lifestyles and standards of living of its population. Achieving net zero by 2050 would also require
– estimated to require building new nuclear capability at the rate of 1.2GW per year for the next 30 years, equivalent to a major nuclear power plant every three years (yet by 2030 Britain will be left with only one functioning nuclear power plant, based on current plans), and/or
– radically switching to non-nuclear renewable energy, covering the country and coast with wind farms, solar farms and tidal barrages (which would be extremely politically challenging and which provides only intermittent energy and so requires non-renewable backup anyway), and/or
– radically increasing electricity imports from Europe, this creating a huge energy security problem and anyway just exporting the carbon dioxide emissions elsewhere in the world, and/or
– radically deploying Carbon Capture and Storage technology (technology that has yet to be proved to work on a commercial scale and is ruinously expensive).
Basically, how a net zero Britain will keep the lights on is currently a mystery.
I have breaking news – actually it is old information but has not seen the light of day before.
The CSIRO climate models COOLED 0.8C over a 4 year period from when CMIP3 came out in 2010 to 2014 when the CMIP5 model runs were carried out.
The chart highlights how they cool the past to sustain a ridiculous warming trend in the face of real measurements that show the temperature is stable. This chart shows two CSIRO models , 4 years apart compared with the NCEP sea surface temperature for the Nino34 region:!Aq1iAj8Yo7jNhCWygFiy4nC1ICxg
The rate of predicted temperature increase dropped from 2.8C per century to 2.5C per century but the story is in the cooling that occurred between the two predictions. Both predictions are roughly right at the time of release but they need to cool the past to get anything that correlates to CO2. That would simply be rewriting history if we did not have a reasonable understanding that El Ninos and La Ninas have, are and will be occurring at regular intervals. So the hindcast and predictions are just nonsense. The region has had a stable temperature for the last 4 decades. Over those 4 decades, Australia has experienced droughts and floods much the same as it has experienced at least since records have been kept.
It appears the science is not settled at all. The only certainties are that the models produce warming correlated to rising CO2 and historical temperatures get cooled to fit the correlation. I wonder when it will dawn on these clowns that their models are WRONG because their understanding of how eArth’s energy balance is controlled is flawed.
Changing the subjects…who loves Space exploration?
Spacex is launching soon to deliver 60 more Starlink satellites into our skies
At 3.13am EST
Can be watched live via the link
This caught my eye from that link. ‘The prototype Falcon Hypersonic Technology Vehicle 2 (HTV-2), billed as the fastest aircraft ever built, splashed down in the Pacific earlier than planned on Aug. 11 shortly after launching from California’s Vandenberg Air Force Base on its second-ever test flight.’
It can fly 20 times the speed of sound, but still no match for the galactic brotherhood’s classic saucer with antigravity.
This might stretch you imagination and a few other things
“Hear my prayer: California’s proposed ethnic studies curriculum urges students to chant to the Aztec deity of human sacrifice.”
Compulsory vaccination would be on theme.
Curious thing happened in the Canberra Bubble and surrounds today 11 March – the 1 MW Mt Majura Community Solar Farm was switched on this morning, co-incidentally at around the same time as an unplanned outage of nearly an hour in the adjacent suburbs and locales of Beard, Canberra Airport, Fyshwick, Jerrabomberra, Kowen, Majura, Oaks Estate, Pialligo, Queanbeyan and Symonston.
Hope that this will not be a continuing issue.
IF there was a link it would likely be an over voltage, which really shows as a frequency error and would be a one off.
My latest talk withTom Harris (he interviews me):
From my take on the Texas grid collapse to Happer’s revolutionary CO2 & H2O saturation findings. Tom excels at getting to the heart of complex issues.
Oh dear … another Internet wannabe who believes that the Texas outage was caused by renewables … what a mess.
Oh dear another internet wannabe who believes the Texas blackouts had nothing to do with renewables !
I didn’t say they had “nothing” to do with the blackouts – the turbines were not winterised so they failed in extreme cold.
But they were a small slice of the overall grid, and the FF generators failed at a much higher rate – both because of load and weather-related system failures.
Texas regulator warns lawmakers against rollback in storm power prices
Governor Greg Abbott named Arthur D’Andrea as chair of the Public Utility Commission on March 3, 2021. Chairman D’Andrea was first appointed to the Commission on November 14, 2017, for a term set to expire on September 1, 2023.
This “regulator” has been on the job for only a week..
Can you imagine what would happen if they were overcharging for covid masks?
New take on an old Katy Perry song “I sniffed a girl” and yes it’s Biden and hilarious but creepy.
Creepy is just a start in describing that behaviour.
Ultra? Super? Creeeepy
Nothing makes sense anymore. Trump made a bawdy remark in the company of men that “groupies” allow the rich and famous to take liberties. That’s the definition of “groupies” but it is assumed that such ladies are adult and acting in free will. He was pilloried and the woke believe he should have been impeached.
Joe is caught on camera, multiple times, with juveniles whose PARENTS must have felt intimidated. Jeff Sessions is the only person seen to react in any to these interactions. The only uptick Jeff ever got from me.
This doesn’t happen very often Hanrahan, but I totally agree with you.
All those woman who are outstandingly beautiful, and aspire to money and fame either in movies, or on the catwalk, or at beauty pageants, do all sorts of things to further their careers and fortunes.
It’s not pretty, and woman have to debase themselves to really gross and unattractive older men (like Trump) – but they have the choice not to do it. Young women working in offices all over the country do not have the same prize, and they should REALLY be protected. Especially when gross politicians like Andrew Cuomo hit on them.
Jennifer Hawkins might have shagged the sleazebag Trump to win Miss Universe – I don’t care. That stuff isn’t the real issue.
Oops this version shows a swear word at the end I missed so warning .
“Does anyone not think, that Meaghan’s own mother and father may have wondered, what color her skin might be? Are Meaghan’s own parents racist?”
“As Harry is a member of the last minority one is allowed to persecute on the basis of immutable characteristics ie gingers, I wonder if he did not express the hope his sprog might inherit a colouring more suitable to California sunshine than his”
And I see that the Arizona legislature is now saying the quiet bits out loud:
On social media, Rep. John Kavanaugh (R-Ariz.), who also chairs Arizona’s Government and Elections Committee is also facing backlash for his remarks about voting as he insisted that “everybody” should not be voting.
“There’s a fundamental difference between Democrats and Republicans,” Kavanagh said. “Democrats value as many people as possible voting and they’re willing to risk fraud. Republicans are more concerned about fraud, so we don’t mind putting security measures in that won’t let everybody vote — but everybody shouldn’t be voting.”
Kavanaugh added, “Not everybody wants to vote, and if somebody is uninterested in voting, that probably means that they’re totally uninformed on the issues. Quantity is important, but we have to look at the quality of votes, as well.”
Stand by for laws preventing blacks from voting, or women from voting, or those without property from voting.
I have no love of the Democratic Party, but at least they don’t blatantly try to stop people having a vote. What is next from the GOP – a proposal that black-brown people shall count as three-fifths?
Amazing stuff.
Your interpretation is ridiculous. Kavanaugh was not stopping a single person who wants to vote from voting. Voter rolls should be fixed and clean weeks in advance. Absentee ballots should be applied and received and signed and posted back.
Every fraudulent fake vote steals a vote from a legitimate voter. Should we do nothing to prevent that?
It’s like saying that shops shouldn’t have rules to limit shop lifting because it makes it harder for 1 person in 1000 to shop.
Not sure what other interpretation of this is possible … and I’m not being flippant.
Using the cover of fraud to stop “everybody” from voting. And who is this everybody who shouldn’t be voting? Every registered citizen is entitled to vote, and government should encourage everybody to do it, and make it as easy as possible to do it.
Using “fraud” as a cover for suppressing Democrat votes has been going on for decades. Keeping the rolls clean and up-to-date at least a month prior to election day is of course a no-brainer, and I do NOT agree with same-day registration – but that’s not what these Republican bills are about.
And “quality” v “quantity” also seems pretty outrageous … is this code for Republicans believing their votes have more intrinsic value than Democrat ones? Hard-working farmers versus the teeming masses in cities?
I remember the head Republican guy in Wisconsin saying in 2018 that “We would have won the state except for Milwaukee and Madison!”
What the coup taught us is a number of things. Though in theory compulsory voting is a put-upon and unjust compulsion, by now we should realise that this was real genius when it came to the people that set up our system. It neutralises so much voter shenanigans. We also found out that mail in votes are not any good for democracy. They are completely unacceptable. If there is one exception it should be for soldiers stationed overseas. But I would not make the exception even for the soldiers now that I was witness to this coup. After all the Americans stationing so many soldiers overseas is itself anti-democratic. Its also anti-Republican. Its Imperial. A republic needs to make its military action BIG AND SHORT and then get their boys back to Mum quickly and get back to the job of building a good community.
So mail-ins are out Tilba. They are out. Computers are out. And compulsory voting, which seems such a hassle. Turns out to be a good thing. And you really need to stop lying about the election. Because there can never be a voting spike in a fair election.
Three-fifths! Now this is a good comment, documents showing vote allocation after machine processing show only two thirds of a Trump vote would pass, one third went to Biden.
What documents would they be, and why were they not presented to a court of proper jurisdiction?
Dominion is suing a whole bunch of people for libel … perhaps those cases will “settle” the issue of dodgy software after all.
Ummm….wrt to Meaghan and Harry…WHO CARES???? I certainly don’t; the Royals are absolutely right to cut off these pair of morons. I’m more concerned about the creeping Republican cockroaches, who try and use this Harry VS Royals match as an excuse to push their sickly Republican agenda (a la Turnbull and other associated trash).
Don’t know whether you’re just trolling, but I’m certainly one of the associated trash – and proud!
As soon as Betty Windsor pops her clogs I would love us to move to being a proper, grown-up, independent nation … free of the yoke of that dysfunctional, entitled bunch of inbred brats. Can you imagine Chuck & Cams being K&Q of Australia … it doesn’t bear thinking about.
Harry & Meghan had the guts and initiative to get out – good luck to them!
“There Are Models And There Are Models”
Maybe within the comprehension span of some who post here
Well well Tilba…glad to see you support Tyranny. I see that you support politicians having all the power in a “Republic”. Good for you. Maybe in the New World Order you could become Minister of Propaganda. Do you really think that in an Australian “Republic”, the President will have any power at all? LOL LOL LOL