How many unnecessary deaths does it take til people get angry? Angry that the Chief Medical Officers and Health Ministers didn’t ask for studies to be done. Angry that most academics sat by and said nothing. And angry that the media just parroted the institutions.
One good antiviral changes everything. If the world had a safe cheap drug, we could not only reduce deaths and disability, but also slow the rate of mutation down and probably slow the appearance of new mutations down.
The Chamie-Quintero study from Peru shows the West could be only weeks away from reducing the Covid death toll if we used the safe cheap sheep-dip, lice-killing Ivermectin like less wealthy countries do.
A study across the states of Peru found that after Ivermectin was introduced, deaths started to fall about 11 days later, and within a month after that, deaths were down around 75%.
Ivermectin is a drug so useful early researchers got a Nobel Prize in Medicine for work on it. It’s so well known that in the last thirty years more than 3.7 billion doses of Ivermectin have been given out. It’s so safe we can use it on cats and dogs and even toddlers. It’s dirt cheap and its use in Ag-science is measured in tonnes. The cost of Ivermectin is around 15c in the third world, and $50 for one round for a human in New York. (It’s a lot cheaper than a $5000 a day ICU bed.)
Ivermectin first showed promise against Covid in a lab dish back in April. It wasn’t clear if it would work as well in people, but it was so cheap and safe that the rich world …o, pretended it didn’t exist and tested expensive drugs instead. (Big-Pharma don’t make big profits from old cheap drugs that are out of patent.) Meanwhile less wealthy countries were desperate enough to try it en masse. And Ivermectin has had remarkable success.
Something like 3 out of 4 people who were on the road to dying appear to have been saved.
“… excess deaths at +30 days dropped by a population-weighted mean of 74%.
But this is not a neatly controlled experiment. The mortality curves may have declined anyway for other reasons. But then there is this:
…each drop beginning within 11 day after MOT start” (MOT stands for Mega-Operación Tayta.)
Bear in mind that this doesn’t mean Ivermectin will save 74% of people who are already sick. The lags in this study suggest it partly works to limit the spread of the disease. People with less virus, may shed less, die less and not infect so many other people.
It shows what doctors can do: Ivermectin was already nationally approved in Peru by May 8th and it was rolled out across the nation between April to August. As is the way, the last people in Peru to get easy access were the unfortunates in the the Capital city Lima. Things were delayed there by four months by some strange practices like “restrictive measures on IVM distribution, including police raids on pharmacies.” Thank Big Gov.
Such was the severity of the pandemic that in May excess deaths in Peru were running at twice the mortality they ran in January and February (in winter, doh, summer).
Each line below is a state of Peru and they are all lined up at day 0 – which was the peak day of deaths — the day the inexorable rise suddenly ended. The only state without a rapid decline was Lima (red) which didn’t get Ivermectin til four to five months after most other states. By which time people had quite possibly been smuggling Ivermectin into Lima, smoothing the curve out.
The tell-tale lag pattern
The pattern keeps repeating. Death are rising. Ivermectin starts and within 11 days deaths start to fall.

I. D) Excess deaths for nine states having mass IVM
distributions in a short period through national operation “MOT” (see results section for sources). ● MOT start date; ▲peak deaths; ■ day of peak deaths + 30 days. Junin (yellow) distributed IVM to health centers beginning on July 22, 13 days before MOT start. Population-weighted mean deaths for these nine states dropped sharply, -74% at +30 days, beginning (except for Junin) 1 to 11 days after MOT start. All y values are 7-day moving averages, ages ≥ 60.
At a higher dose Ivermectin may be 90% effective:
Doses in Peru were quite low, and Ivermectin may save even more lives at a higher dose.Get a load of these numbers:
Since the May 8 authorization in Peru, 11 clinical trials of IVM for COVID-19 treatment,12,16-25 three of these with randomized controls,17,19,20 have shown major reductions in mortality and severity. Mortality rates for IVM treatment at higher doses, totaling at least 400 μg/kg over two consecutive days, were about one-tenth those of controls, with statistically significant improvement in other case parameters.17-19 In a randomized controlled trial for IVM prophylaxis, a group of 203 household contacts of COVID-19 cases given IVM had one-eighth the COVID-19 incidence (7.4% vs. 58.4%) and one-fourteenth the severe case incidence (0.5% vs. 6.9%) of the control group.26
Only the late Lima (red) has a different pattern to the other states. The excess deaths pattern suggests Lima’s first outbreak was the worst, especially when the testing was so inadequate.
The falling death rates were not due to changes in the virus, herd immunity or population density:
Researchers wondered if the virus might have rvolved to have been nastier in Lima, but genetic studies showed there were similar strains. Researchers thought herd immunity might have been responsible but the antibodies studies suggested only 20% of the population had immunity. And the reduction in fatalities was just as large in areas with more immunity. And population density didn’t explain it either. Lima is the most densely populated but other places still have 80 – 90% of the density. One researcher though that people who had survived dengue fever had some protection from Covid, because that pattern looked real in Brazil. In Peru, that was not the case.
Herd immunity was probably not the reason the deaths reduced:
The possibility that the development of herd immunity was responsible for the observed reductions in mortality in the 24 states with early IVM treatment but not Lima is discounted by consideration of stateby-state seropositivity rates for November 2020 (Table S6). Although a high seropositivity rate for Loreto, which had reached 75% even by September, 99 could explain reduced pandemic impacts there, several other IVM-treated states with low seropositivity rates had sharp drops in COVID-19 mortality. For Cajamarca, Cusco, Huancavelica and Tacna for example, all having IVM distributions through operation MOT, seropositivity rates even with increases through November were only 20%, 18%, 18%, and 15%, respectively. But within 1 to 8 days after MOT start, excess deaths peaked and then dropped over 30 days, respectively, by 63%, 86%, 75% and 81%. For Arequipa, Amazonas and Ucayali, to cite other examples of states deploying IVM treatment, seropositivity rates in November were 20%, 26% and 40%, but reductions in excess deaths 30 days after peak deaths were 65%, 84%, and 87%.
Ivermectin is a prescription drug in most countries. As with all drugs there are risks. Other infections, parasites and unlucky gene combinations can be deadly. Doctors have a very good idea of who is at risk.
h.t David Archibald. Old Ozzie, Hanrahan, David Maddison. Furiously Curious. Gregg, Lance, Craig Kelly MP!
Chamie-Quintero, Juan and Hibberd, Jennifer and Scheim, David, Sharp Reductions in COVID-19 Case Fatalities and Excess Deaths in Peru in Close Time Conjunction, State-By-State, with Ivermectin Treatments (January 12, 2021). Available at SSRN: or
Between the mis-information concerning HCQ and Ivermectin and certain Democratic governors of certain states moving sick elderly into elder care facilities, could you screw up a pandemic response any more……and for why….mere incompetency….or it was worth it to get rid of orange man bad???
I have not been able to re-locate the source i read – it described how there must be an absence of any treatment for a disease/virus before the trigger can be pulled on the legislation that allows a pandemic to be labeled an “emergency” which in turn has consequences for vaccination.
So – by removing the two drugs (treatment) via bans on the grounds of “safety”, this enabled the emergency conditions to be declared that lower the criteria for vaccine testing, approval and release.
Without an “emergency” these vaccines would not be released (as previously this type of vaccine has never passed “normal” approval)
without the banning of other treatments – there is no emergency.
[I will keep searching for the source…..]
The denunciation of these therapeutics certainly seemed related to vaccine development from the start….but if that’s so the decision will create huge scepticism and mistrust of ‘authorities’ for the future IMO.
If the authorities’ decision to declare HCQ and Ivermectin unsafe and ineffective was something they decided in secret and en masse had to be done in order to have the ‘emergency’ conditions that would allow fast-track development of a vaccine…then that was a decision with massive and IMO unacceptable consequences…because it entailed …as they would have known…. the needless deaths of many thousands of people across the United States and around the world….ongoing even now ….because there was no certainty…and not much confidence …in fact much sneering scepticism and ridicule at that time at the idea that an effective vaccine would ever be developed ….and if it could be…the prevailing opinion was that its deployment would be years away.
Instead…the humane thing to have done would be to have fast-tracked emergency legislation to allow for both the vaccine and the therapeutics.
From 2010 – Canberra school uses oral does of Ivemectin for head lice treatment
“Clinical Trial Pediatr Dermatol
“Nov-Dec 2010;27(6):595-9. doi: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2010.01317.x.
“A pilot study of the use of oral ivermectin to treat head lice in primary school students in Australia
“Marian J Currie 1, Graham J Reynolds, Nicholas J Glasgow, Francis J Bowden
“Affiliations expand
“PMID: 21138467 DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-1470.2010.01317.x
“We aimed to determine the feasibility of an ivermectin intervention program. Consenting students in two schools were screened for head lice. Infested students and siblings at one school were offered a head lice fact sheet and two doses of oral ivermectin, 7 days apart.
“Subsequently 93.6% of children in the intervention school were treated with oral ivermectin. No adverse events were reported.
• US Department of Health and Human services: re Public Health Emergency
•Question: Is a PHE required for the Secretary to authorize emergency use of medical countermeasures against pandemic, epidemic, or biological, chemical, radiological, nuclear, or chemical threats?
Answer: No, a PHE declaration is not needed for the Secretary to authorize emergency use of medical countermeasures.
The Secretary must issue a different declaration to authorize the Federal Food and Drug Administration to issue an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for an unapproved drug, biological product, or device or unapproved use of a drug, biological product, or device.
The Secretary must declare that the emergency circumstances justify such authorization based on one of the following:
• A determination by the Secretary of Homeland Security that there is an actual or significant potential for a domestic emergency involving a heightened risk of attack with a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent(s);
• His own determination that there is a public health emergency, or a significant potential for a public health emergency that affects, or has significant potential to affect, national security or the health and security of U.S. citizens living abroad and involves a biological, chemical, radiological, or nuclear agent(s) or a disease or condition that may be attributable to such agent(s).
Like HCQ
Don’t forget the influence of big pharma and lots of $$$$$$ profits at stake for all the rich investors and bribe money for politicians!!
The greatest lurk in business is to persuade a government to:
1. Mandate the use of your product, or
2. Prohibit the use of your competitor’s product, or
3. Prohibit the use of your less profitable product, thereby mandating the use of your more profitable product.
It looks likely. that this lurk is at play in this “pandemic”.
Hi Ted1. I have in my drawer a bag of Nigrospora oryzae (Paratrooper) which is a very effective, naturally occurring, single application treatment for giant Parramatta grass. The spores attack the crown of the PG and kill it. Sprayed on ridge lines and upslope it percolates through the soil and remains there forever. Naturally the chemical companies demanded that it should undergo the same extensive and expensive approval process that a chemical is subject to. They didn’t like a cheap product competing with their dear and annual spray. Nearly succeeded too but Barnaby Joyce was the Ag Minister and allowed Paratrooper to be sold. If he had not there were a few ways it could be “given away” at a subscribed field day.
Bottom line is it works. We still have patches but they will die in time.
I guess the Fascist Cabal …sociopaths as they seem to be….thought it well worth it …because it’s the only issue that would work for them in turning enough 2016 Trump voters into Democrat voters.
The polls said COVID was a votechanger for some former Trump supporters… was raised in interviews and Frank Lunz sessions.
Trump was right on almost every other issue he was demonized on …as he was of course on this one…more right than any other sneering ‘leaders’ around the world….but when the journalists are partisan and dishonest anything and everything is possible for their side…the malevolent Left.
The media is the key …IMO…so conservatives either need more conservative media…or smarter ways of bypassing and neutralizing the lies of the piranhas of the Left.
The media! The MEDIA!! THE MEDIA!!!!
Our government now is:
Of the Media
By the Media
For the Media
I don’t remember electing the media to run my life for me.
Now I know why, traditionally, actors have been held in low repute. We need to return to that opinion as a culture.
I have been a lifelong reader of the state newspaper. I just cancelled it. The straw that broke the camel’s back was the discovery that they charged me more than $1300 last year (2020) for my subscription. Before that, it had been around $200 a year.
Before that, I was growing more and more annoyed that, for 8 years they had printed next to nothing negative about BO. And in the past 4 years, they had printed next to nothing positive about DJT.
I’ve been a non-watcher of TV news for longer than that. The only time I tune into my former favorite station NOW is when there is storm chasing going on that might come near my county.
In fact, I went for 10 years without owning a TV at all. Those 10 years were a lot more peaceful!
Now my TVs are used for watching mainly my collection of DVDs and VHS tapes.
More connected to the previous poster’s point — I blame the media for the sky-high level of fear that so many people operate in now.
Even though I watched almost no news, the little bit I did see was “All Fear All The Time!!”
Glen Livingston Are you suggesting every States with Republican governors acted rapidly and decisively/ A very unlikely scenario given en the exgtrent of infection and deaths in the USA.
That said there have been a number of studies that have shown Invermectin to be a drug of considerable interest regardng its use in Covid-19. An Australian study from Monash in April 2020 showed Invermectin inhibited SARS-Cov-2 in vitro but does not seem to have been followed up in Australia.
Not suggesting anything about any other Governors. It was known early on that this virus was very tough on the elderly. Even a dumb ole pump kicker like me knows you do not send infected people into nursing homes. I am not looking for clairvoyance from the government, but a little common sense and concern for the people they choose to lead. If you look at a string of behaviors that seem to be illogical from “scientists” and leaders, it does beg the question-WHY? Why is it called a pandemic? —- because once the cat is out of the Wuhan bag, no-one can control it. If you could control it, we would call it something else. The world is going to live with covid19 from this day forward till the end of time. My guess is we have not seen the last wave of covid19 yet. Then it will likely become one more of dozens of viruses to make the rounds periodically. Then how should the government respond? Allocate resources to locations and sectors that are hardest hit to make sure they are not overwhelmed especially front line healthcare. Temporary lockdowns are OK, but we are now a year out and still mandates and shutdowns, not good.
Covid, so far, seems to infect people with well less than optimum levels of Vitamin D. It’s dangerous for those with Vit-D blood levels in the Deficient or lower levels (so-called co-morbidities => Deficient and Extremely Deficient levels of vit D.)
Spanish teaching hospitals seem to be acutely aware of this and give Vit-D to admitted patients to bring those levels up.
Meanwhile, the rest of the Western world chants “Vaccines – Kumbaya” and overlooks one of Nature’s better medications and preventatives.
Israel is intensely researching covid management and treatement with some very promising advances.
I do not share that view about C19 advances in Israel.
Last year there was a big statement about a vax but it has disappeared from view.
There are, yes, several very interesting treatments and cures in the research stage.
But the public policy implementation has been bad.
Initially HCQ was allowed, then banned, cases and deaths followed. There is no, from what I have seen, revival of HCQ use, no push for the safe treatments, eg Ivermectin, or publicity about vitamin D3 deficiency, all we hear about is the mass vaccination campaign and resultant casualties.
The exciting combination of screwing up a non-BigPharma drug and making Orange-man-bad look as if he’s not in the C19 game has been too much for the left to resist.
Their enthusiasm for lockdowns, destroying peoples lives, prosperity, social life, income, independence, is also too exciting for the lefties to resist. They are sick people.
1. It’s a more virulent strain of the common cold.
2. There were many treatments quickly identified early on which reduced the risk and effects.
3. The original lock-down measures were a reaction to the lack of information. Now there is no excuse to impose a lockdown at all.
4. It’s contagious, but it’s not even dangerous. Not even slightly, any more. We can treat it.
They maintain their totalitarian edicts as much for their own ego as their enjoyment at forcing the little people to obey them against their wishes.
Agree Greg. Here in QLD Dr Young , well, from what she says you would have to conclude she is incapable of reading about HCQ, Ivermectin or any other basic research on Covid.
Instead its as if the whole world stopped at March 2020 and she is still acting as if hundreds of thousands will be dying here and we can do nothing except don masks and lockdown.
The story is actually quite positive. With Ivermectin, vitamin D, HCQ & zinc and even vitamin C showing great efficacy we should be ensuring supplies and opening up our country rather than hiding under the doona and jumping at shadows. The Great Barrington Declaration remains the way forward rather than the stupidity of the lockdowns. I still cannot believe that any thinking person can even countenance lockdowns – they are so horrible. I agree that the Left is totally sick, advocating measures which will permanently damage our country, and which will kill many in the process. But they are politically correct and at those cocktail nights and dinner parties its so good to be able to nod feverishly and giggle when the resident Leftist attacks the “deniers” on covid and spouts on about Donald Trumps stupid HCQ idea – total unreality…
the entire story is a disgrace and as yet unresolved.
Consider the Vit D3 as an overarching benefit for all infections and the Ivermectin as a low dose protection for the biggest vector the Medical staff and the world would now be out of this madness and 1 million less dead at the least.
A disgrace to a whole cluster of interest groups many may come under scrutiny in the future.
My line to all is, “why is India one fifteenth of the death rate of the UK” and they all come back with the denigration of their stats etc. I say, “I’m surprised that you are a racist”. It bites.
In India you can buy HCQ at the corner store. You can get it online from India, just search, loads of suppliers.
Oh doctor I’m in trouble.
Goodness gracious me.
That would be the Ziverdo kit, I believe. USD 2.65
(zinc + ivermectin + doxycycline ) = Z iver do
Lance et al,
Easy enough to get Ziverdo meds out of India but a risk of the blister packs setting off contraband pharmaceuticals red flag whilst passing routine X-ray tech on entry to Australia via customs.
Alternately you could try the legal approach via the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) Personal Importation Scheme.
In desperation you could pick up a dose of worms from somewhere equine in order to qualify for a script for Ivermectin (Stromectol)
But this kind of furtive stuff induced by health bureaucrats turns Aussies into criminals for lack of viable alternatives.
In any event the Government wallahs should smarten up and sensibly avoid the ‘vaccination’ only pathway to the panic-plan-demic and give people a valid alternative via HCQ / IVM + Zn, D3, & antibiotic regimes. Offering the populace a valid choice gets more people on board to solve the problem. People will be happier and more cooperative when they can partake in INformed consent via valid choice rather than the ‘vaccine’ only CONformed consent model.
Think you may have a hard time collecting
Don’t let Dr Young know. She already fines doctors who prescribe it. Now she will go after any ordering it on the internet….total stupidity.
Evil, actually.
the whole thing appears to be to herd people into taking somehthing that I suspect is a well known quantity, but marketted as “experimental” when in fact its likely anything but. I also wonder if its to prime people so that on the “inevitable” next pandemic, that those with modified DNA when exposed to a next-phase designer virus, will suffer a massive feed-forward style cytokine storm which will cause them a-la 1918 flu to drown in thier own lungs.
The fact the elderly appear to have been targetted as silent guinea pigs, then followed by “high risk” people ( who may also be disabled ), should make anyone sit up wide-eyed and take notice. Is there a pattern here?
If many doctors and front line workers and military start becoming disabled and/or dying as a result of taking the DNA modifcation device, then they go after the vulnerable, what are we supposed to conclude is the aim of the whole process? If you were watching from a distance, you should be getting very uncomfortable.
Given the apparent deaths of the elderly and wanton use of what is in effect an experimental DNA modification device, you would have to wonder if its just a reboot of the infamous T4 eughenics program…..
Wow thanks for that.
And there’s the rub. The ‘madness’ is useful and is being used, quite deliberately and quite cynically, by those that were frustrated that Climate Calamity was not giving them the results they were promised. They don’t want the madness to be over, nor the power and control they derive from the fear said madness invokes (A fearful population is a grateful population and a grateful population votes for me). This revolution ain’t going to reset itself you know.
1 million dead? Chump change. A hundred times that (at least) have been sacrificed on the altar of the Great Socialist Utopia that you will receive and enjoy (under threat of death) for your own good. Your “betters” have spoken. Just like it.
The dictators, tyrants, bullies, and war criminals of the past have evolved. They’re much more subtle these days; often veiled in a sugary coating of “goodness”. Herd immunity against these truly evil pieces of human garbage seems a long way off (something about not learning the lessons of the past) – if only there were a cheap pill we could take instead (it would necessarily be coloured “red”, of course).
Dare I say, DARE I, “and 1 million less dead at the least.” equates to 1 MILLION less going hungry or poor …… I don’t like drawing such conclusions but I fear that that is what theBig Agenda is al about , and not finished yet. I’ve chewed it over. with a juicy bit of Cocksfoot, with the Cows, and listened to the tractor all day, spoke to the dog and Still I can’t think how to “Break” the Chain.
It needs to come from an under-the-radar projectile. Where is the soft underbelly ?
It appears they are actually quite happy for the deaths. I guess without a fake pandemic, they cant remove freedoms….
This seems to be the real game.
Think about if you’d said it would take 2 hours to cross the border into victoria and need a Nanny State permit to go into Victoriastan, or that women would be dragged out of cars by cops and sat on the side of the road like something out of a 3rd world country – 12 months ago you would have laughed at it.
These people are serious about subduing and controlling our population using covid as the excuse.
This is appears to be the chinese model of communist population control.
re: “It appears they are actually quite happy for the deaths.”
One must answer the question, why are they so enthusiastic about Planned Parenthood? There are so many better alternatives, but no, they want to dismember a living baby inside her mother.
If you try to answer the “why” of this; you can only come to one conclusion.
Or could it have just been all about money…that there had to be a massive return for Big Pharma[ and I’m not against them having large profits] …so they would have the incentive to pull out all stops to develop vaccines…and the authorities couldn’t have the preference many people around the world would have for these safe and cheap therapeutics over fast-tracked vaccines …..reducing the market for those vaccines IF and when they succeeded in developing them .
In any case they should have taken that risk…governments could have underwritten it…instead of sacrificing lives.
I thought we’ve underwritten them quite considerably, via our clever pollies, by indemnifying them against any adverse reactions, however severe, and, apparently, even against malfeasance.
Good business if you can get it.
Dave B
The money is just a by product of people doing what they appear to love…
Think about that for a moment…
Lets not ignore the banned treatment with HCQ. A long used and available arthritis treatment
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June 04, 2020
Plaquenil® Update
Home Our Products Plaquenil-Update
Important Information on Plaquenil® (hydroxychloroquine)
and COVID-19
Australia, 4 June 2020 – Australia, 4 June 2020 – There has been increased media coverage around the off-label use of hydroxychloroquine in the management of COVID-19. The situation is raising some questions from our different stakeholders.
Patient safety is the priority
To date there is insufficient clinical evidence to draw definite conclusions over the clinical efficacy or safety of hydroxychloroquine in the management of COVID-19.
Today in Australia, Plaquenil® (hydroxychloroquine) is registered in rheumatoid arthritis, mild systemic and discoid lupus erythematosus and the suppression and treatment of malaria..
Any use of this medicine in the management of COVID-19 is considered an off-label use (i.e. in absence of a marketing authorisation for the indication of COVID-19).
On 24 March 2020 the Therapeutic Goods Administration made changes that support on label prescribing of this product in Australia. These changes mean that:
• Initiation of hydroxychloroquine is now restricted to the following medical specialties as per the Medical Board list: dermatology; intensive care medicine; paediatrics and child health; physician; dental, and emergency medicine.
• General practitioners and other medical practitioners (e.g. hospital Resident Medical Officers (RMOs) and doctors in training) can continue to prescribe repeats for hydroxychloroquine to patients in line with the registered indications for patients in whom the medication was prescribed prior to 24 March 2020.
• General practitioners and doctors in training can prescribe these medicines for continued treatment of patients where treatment was previously initiated by one of the specialists.
On 1 May 2020, Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listings for all hydroxychloroquine brands, including Plaquenil, were amended to restrict prescribing for the treatment of the TGA approved indications. The initial prescription was also restricted to medical specialists in dermatology, intensive care medicine, paediatrics and child health physician, or emergency medicine.
Several updates to Section 4.5 Interactions with other medicines and other forms of interactions of the Australian Product Information (PI) have also recently been implemented.
Ensure supply continuity
One of our top priorities is to ensure supply continuity for use of Plaquenil® in the current indications.
For medical information or questions: Please contact the Sanofi Australia’s Medical Information Helpline from 8am – 6pm AEST Monday – Friday: 1800 818 806
In Australia, Plaquenil® (hydroxychloroquine) is registered in rheumatoid arthritis, mild systemic and discoid lupus erythematosus and the suppression and treatment of malaria.
The main side effects of hydroxychloroquine are described in the product information. At the recommended daily dose for approved indications, ranging from 200 to 400 mg (without exceeding 600 mg at treatment onset) daily in adults for chronic treatment of autoimmune indications, or based on body weight (and without exceeding 1550 mg base in adults) in acute treatment of malaria, the most serious side effects of hydroxychloroquine are eye disorders following long term use, including retinopathy, with changes in pigmentation and visual field defects and severe hypoglycemia including loss of consciousness (in patients treated with and without antidiabetic medications). Cardiotoxic effects are rare but serious complications of hydroxychloroquine, which include acute cardiac conduction disorders (QT prolongation, ventricular arrhythmia) have also been observed. Neurological, psychiatric, hepatic, severe skin disorders, allergic reactions, hypoglycemia have also been described.
Hydroxychloroquine should be used with caution in patients receiving drugs known to prolong the QT interval such as some anti-infectives, e.g. macrolides including azithromycin, due to an increased risk of ventricular arrhythmia.
The risk and severity of side-effects may increase with a higher posology (dosage) of hydroxychloroquine.
Healthcare professionals should consult the current Product Information for the most up to date safety information. Patients taking hydroxychloroquine-containing medicines, like any other medicines, should follow the instructions provided in the Consumer Medicine Information.
Patients must not take Plaquenil® without medical prescription or advice. They should always consult with their healthcare professionals.
Sanofi is asking local Health Authorities to communicate a clear position regarding current lack of robust clinical data for the use of Plaquenil®, in the management of COVID-19, emphasizing that such use will be off-label, and to communicate the known serious adverse reactions associated with Plaquenil®, namely the contraindications in patients with known hypersensitivity to 4-aminoquinoline compounds; with pre-existing maculopathy of the eye; below 6 years of age (200mg tablets not adapted for weight <35 kg) and the risk of retinal toxicity, hypoglycemia and cardiac toxicity as well as the known risk of interactions.
Sanofi also requests that all off-label use is communicated to the Sanofi Australia Pharmacovigilance Team at [email protected] or on (02) 8666 2123, or directly to the TGA at
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Some of that stuff is puffery- long tech words aimed at suppression of dissent.
Some of it plain wrong.
Seldom are things so simple. COVID-19 cases and deaths bottomed for a while, never approaching zero, and then began rising significantly higher in early January.
The fact that COVID-19 was not eradicated and in fact came back strongly indicates that there is more to this. Perhaps much of the new rise in cases and deaths is due to incorrect attribution of flu cases as COVID-19, but more data analysis is in order.
Also the northern winter.
Peru is in the Southern Hemisphere.
The curfew, the mask mandate, also tell the same story for Peru.
Latest figures show that the death rate is back where it was before the Ivermectin trials, so this is not the magic bullet you are looking for.
Peter you forgot to add the face shield mandate, the first in the world. Peru has been wrecked by the politically correct response to the virus with the worlds worst lockdown and the worlds worst virus death rate. If they looked at all those studies they would have worked out that the worst death rate is caused by the lockdown…
worst death rate, according to Worldometers goes to Gibraltar, with the UK at 5, and the USA at 9 – Peru is at 9.
But your comment is really supporting my point – Ivermectin does not work.
I stand corrected, until recently Peru held the dubious record for the worst death rate. Perhaps Ivermectin has ameliorated things? You have no basis to claim Ivermectin does not work . East Virginia Medical Centre have a study showing it does work, and we have other studies coming forward confirming this.
For the vaccine addicted press they want Ivermectin and HCQ + zinc to fail, they appear to be more keen on the river of money from the vaccine shots rather than actually using simple effective remedies. The vaccine is not an end in itself – it does reduce symptoms but it does not confer immunity. We will see the vaccine rolled out but little change to restrictions….
No, that study does not show that. At best it shows that extra care will lower death rate. And the patients did not suffer from nits
Look at the countries like peru where Ivermectin has been used – it does not add up to support the use of that drug
Its not actually a vaccine…its a device to permenantly modify your DNA and does *not* actually protect you.
They have called it a vaccine so people will go for it….which appears to be the plan. Covid is the “marketing plan” for the ” vaccine”. I have no idea why people cant see this…..
If you think about it, you weaken the foundations of something to make it easier to bring down. My theory is that this DNA modifyer is like a binary agent…its waiting for the 2nd component to really activate the whole nasty process…use your imagination what tgat might be, given the Rlites ling stated desire to massively depopulate the planet.
Stay away from the “vaccine”.
I keep wondering when it will become evident that the so-called “vaccine” (really a genetic modification) and its future “updates” are just like the Microsoft Windows operating system. You have to keep taking the “patches” and “updates” to supposedly defend your computer for some hack or other. If you try to stop taking them, what will the consequences be?
In the case of old versions of Windows, you can avoid the patches if you don’t connect your computer to the internet. I wonder what would happen if you try that with the Moderna “operating system” (as they themselves describe it)?
meaning? Anyway, it is a vaccine no matter what you meant.
There is a good chance they’ll need to modify/update the vaccine depending on how the virus evolves. Are you saying this is part of a conspiracy rather than trying to have good health outcomes?
19 for Peru
Explain Lima vs the rest of the country, Peter Fitzroy.
What are you babbling about? Can you not use the internet? do you actually understand facts? Your lack of acumen is on full display here
Keep dodging.
Why is the profile of infection different in Lima where ivermectin was available later yet the masking and curfews would have been identical to the rest of the country?
Cobblers – you are talking about City vs Country – you know touchpoints, infection pathways and all that. I can see why you chose that handle, it is the opposite of your approach
So there is only one city in Peru. Thanks for your input.
You do this all the time. If you have these “latest figures” link them. If not refrain from making meaningless statements.
do you not understand how to use the internet? lookup worldometers, that is if you have any idea how to search
You know the vax has killed a qtr million people so far don’t you?
Note: This is for Fitz to search on only.
That doesn’t follow at all. Since we already know this is biowarfare, and biowarfare is not a set and forget strategy, it’s only reasonable to expect that the terrorists must MUST put a turd in the punch bowl. They have to do it. They have no choice but to reverse the Ivermectin gain. Your theory does not explain the six week Ivermectin success. So your theory has to be judged second best for the time being. You cannot explain the data.
After 11 months of observing our “public Health ” officialdom expose themselves as totally incompetent,self contradictory and “above” the rules and restrictions imposed on us lesser mortals.
I not longer accept anything they spout.
I will accept one more “communication” from them.
Their resignations.
For the silver lining of this mass hysteria has been the revelation of just how dangerous our governments are.
They forgot about controlling a flu virus and when straight to controlling the peons.
More money has been spent on supervising the citizens obedience,than on correcting the shortages of the healthcare system.
Fire them all.
For government has demonstrated no comprehension of civil rights nor productivity.
And we are living it.
The number of people in power who truly don’t care if they cause suffering and deaths. Cuomo et al.Total self-interest.Most people refuse to see this. They think you are mad if you discuss the possibility. I have never seen any evidence that 9/11 was an inside job, but you know it could have been.
It isn’t that Some people in power don’t care if they cause suffering and death; some people in power, possibly many, love to cause suffering and death. Hillary Clinton, for example.
Hillary Clinton “We came , we saw, he died”
The pandemic is being used as an excuse to introduce more and more draconian measures to control the population and convince us that the CAGW story is real. Previous pandemics, which by the way most were far worse, we never used in such a way to control the population for some ideological agenda. This is the first. Now that Biden in the POTUS, some are proposing to send drone strikes against strong Trump supporters because they are now considered to be domestic terrorists for allegedly inciting violence on Jan 20. Before writing this off as some sort of lunatic comment, which it might be and I hope it is, let’s just wait and see. Already patriots in the US are being considered as domestic terrorists by the new administration, who some are now suggesting ought to be rounded up and place in re-education camps. They are now call for “de-radicalisation” programs to re-program Trump supporters. The link between the pandemic and climate change is not a coincidence. So I wonder what will happen to people outside of the US who are supporters of Trump and reject the climate change agenda? Are we going to be targeted by the CIA and treated as terrorists? We live in interesting times.
“The link between the pandemic and climate change is not a coincidence.”
Too true.
Al Gore and David Blood formed Generation Investment Management in 2004.
GenerationIM web site from March 28 2009
Browse the above pages, follow some links for the full effect. Note the references to Global Warming, water and pandemics.
Also remember who planned our Murray Darling water trading regime, that the farmers are so unhappy with, under a merchant banker as Minister for the Environment. Well it was not designed to keep the farmers happy. Markets are created for people to make money.
Check out who planned our water market. Some familiar faces.
And so to the Corona Virus.
Secret models, hidden code. Sound familiar?
Worldometer shows another wave well underway in Peru.
First peak in June 7,500 new daily cases, Aug, 10,000 new cases per day, 3rd peak currently 8,500.
Daily deaths 300 in June, currently 215.
Interesting. Does that mean a single dose has a half life of just a few months? Jo’s post seems to imply a single application. A follow-up dose, at or about the end of its half life sounds desirable to me.
But, I still prefer the Zelenko protocol of zinc, HCQ and vitamin D as all the ingredients can be self administered with non-prescription drugs.
(Apart from the immoral ban on HCQ of course. I use Quercetin instead.) And used as a preventative.
Dave B
Thanks David. It would appear that if you have Rheumatoid Arthritis your local GP can prescribe HCQ, assuming that the TGA hasn’t globally banned its use. I wonder what other diseases people may have that would qualify for this drug.
Thanks for the tip on Quercetin, a reference: it is the most abundant dietary flavonoid in the human diet and is sufficiently bioavailable to exert wide-ranging physiological effects in humans. It is widely known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties1.
Looks interesting for any who might need to travel overseas. They suggest a minimum of 1,000 – 2,000 mg per day.
Have just read that HCQ is prescribed for Lupus also.
Quercetin is about 75% as effective as HCQ as a zinc ionophore.
So, adjust accordingly. And enjoy being Free. 🙂
G’day Lance,
Apart from HCQ, do you know any better ionophore for zinc? And available as a supplement?
I only found things which were dietarily unattractive or a bit like Vitamin C – found in oranges but in inadequate amounts.
Dave B
No, Sir, not aware of any other ionophore alternatives.
HCQ or Quercetin or “trust the government” .
I like beer. Quercetin. Gin. Tonic. etc. But I don’t trust Govt.
David Quinine can be helpful. And if you were at a loss for a commercial form of Quinine you could cut up a lot of grapefruit with the skins still on and boil them. The quinine will come out from the grapefruit skins. It tastes like tonic water because tonic water has quinine in it.
The other zinc ionophore that you might look into apart from Quercetin is a green tea extract called EGCG. I use the extract when I want to absorb zinc. Conceivably you could do the whole thing from food. Before the meal having some green tea. Then you have your oysters (zinc and copper) with purple onions (quercetin) followed by a red wine that was so red it looks black in the bottle (more quercetin) followed by more green tea. But the EGCG is pretty effective I think from the photos I saw once, that I hope aren’t misleading.
But man if you are gasping for air in the middle of the night you really want that HCQ. I hear that Ivermectin is a bit less harsh and about as effective as HCQ early on, and probably more effective if you’ve left things too late. But I don’t have that direct experience with Ivermectin. Because when my friends got sick, we couldn’t get hold of any and Ivermectin is still out of stock where they are.
Also, Quercetin slightly differs to HCQ/ IVM in that it definitely needs Vitamin C as a co- factor. (as well as all the other goodies) 1000 mg Vitamin C/day helps to activate the Quercetin.
Right but the reality is that while we may not need a great deal of vitamin C day to day, as soon as we get sick or stressed our vitamin C needs go sky high. So I don’t really go in for the great chemists advocacy of vitamin C all the time. But people need extra vitamin C every time they are sick. Doesn’t matter what the sickness is.
Also there is three uses of vitamin C. 1. Vitamin C as a normal nutrient for which I think our needs are quite modest. 2. vitamin C for when we are sick, and our needs are bigtime and should be compared to the vitamin C production internally of goats when they get sick and 3. Vitamin C in huge IV doses. This is like chemo-therapy vitamin C. Completely different concept to vitamin C as a nutrient. And it seems to be able to buy time in almost any sickness. It seems to be able to kick any sickness can down the road.
David . . . . re Quercetin.
It is similar to Ivermectin regarding safety.
I have been reading about both since April/May 2020 and have not found any reference to clearly identifiable harmful side effects at any dose.
Thanks Lucky,
I’m not concerned about its safety. I was more wondering if anyone had found anything better.
Is it possible for example that, at some suitable blood level, vitamin D itself acts as a zinc ionophore?
Dave B
Dr Stella Immanuel is furious she was ridiculed by Joe Biden for alerting everyone that Hydroxychloroquine would have save hundred of thousand of lives. She demands an apology
She says in other tweets that Hydroxychloroquinine and Ivermectin should have been used as prophylaxis
I was very interested in the putdowns the dumb left were launching at Stella. Clearly she is an African. And clearly she is a Christian. So of course her Christianity will have an African flavour to it. So they picked out some exotic ideas she cast about when discussing matters with her homies, and didn’t pay any attention to her medical degree or look into her success as a healer.
If you have a doctor who cannot heal you, for what use was the medical degree? If I wake up in the middle of the night and I’m not breathing well I’d hope that it was Dr Immanuel who was there to help me and not some fool that believes what he watches on the television.
Here, I am not commenting on Ivermectin in particular, which I agree is effective, but positive test results in general.
One thing we have to be conscious of is that, now Biden has been installed (I won’t say elected), the World Homicide Organisation (WHO) has changed the criteria for what constitues a positive PCR test result. They have reduced the PCR number of cycles thereby reducing test sensitivity and therefore the number of false positives due to excessive sensitivity.
This will falsely give the impression that in the US Biden has reduced the number of cases. The cycle length was likely previously kept high to “prove” Orange Man Bad.
COVID cases plummet after WHO changes testing protocol on Biden’s Inauguration Day
On January 20, the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration and entrance into the White House, the World Health Organization (WHO) quietly issued new guidance on the manner in which polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were to be conducted and reported.
February 8, 2021 (LifeSiteNews) – Days after the World Health Organization changed the protocol for confirming a positive COVID-19 test, the number of positive cases across the world have dropped dramatically, leaving the mainstream media confused and leading people to suggest that the timing of the change in testing protocol was political.
On January 20, the day of Joe Biden’s inauguration and entrance into the White House, the World Health Organization (WHO) quietly issued new guidance on the manner in which polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests were to be conducted and reported. It warned against reporting someone as having COVID-19, just because the test had been positive, when they did not actually present with any symptoms. The WHO also raised concerns about the “risk of false positive” tests.
In a surprising statement, the WHO described PCR tests merely as an “aid for diagnosis” without placing any greater weight upon the results of PCR tests, pointing the testers to examine real life evidence, such as symptoms.
“Most PCR assays are indicated as an aid for diagnosis, therefore, health care providers must consider any result in combination with timing of sampling, specimen type, assay specifics, clinical observations, patient history, confirmed status of any contacts, and epidemiological information,”the WHO stated.
Reporting on the news at the time, theU.K. based website Lockdown Sceptics, wrote that the news vindicated the warnings of likeminded “sceptics,” who had been “ridiculed for questioning the accuracy of the PCR test, referring to the risk of false positives when prevalence is low and urging the Government to carry out confirmatory second tests on those that test positive.”
Agreed, David.
The pCR Covid19 test, at 16 thermal cycles, gives a 3% false negative. At 17 cycles, 2% false positive.
The WHO set the “standard” at 45 cycles. Which gives about 97% false positive results.
In a rational world, the standard would be 20 thermal cycles. That catches the false negatives and minimizes the false positives.
But, a rational standard wouldn’t be as scary, nor would it herd people into mRNA vaccines, nor would it provide an excuse for “emergency Powers” , nor would it enrich the testing facilities, the vaccine providers, etc.
Please note: each pCR cycle doubles the concentration. So 2^(45) is 2^20 x 2^ 25 .
Roughly, 2^45 is 33 million times 2^20 . Of course it gives a lot of false positives.
That was always the point, eh?
A core issue.
Quite incorrect Lance. Where are all the false positives in Australia? Oh they are all in people who returned from overseas. Try calculating the odds of that!
Quite possibly, that is one of the most inane things ever posited in recorded history.
Can you explain in lay persons terms how your claim of more than half of all positives being false works in Australia? More than a million tests now and all positives bar a handful are linked to people exhibiting the disease or in contact with someone else who tested positive or an overseas traveler.
False positives should be random and therefore affect any person. The pattern is not random and positives are almost all explicable.
False positive require traces of the genetic fragment being tested for.
Here in Australia, the absence of the disease means that even tiny traces are not present in the nasal swabs of those being tested.
Overseas, there are many who have had very slight exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus and either haven’t developed the disease or only had a very mild case of CoViD-19, quite possibly having recovered without knowing they even had it, and these provide the false positives being discussed.
Please keep up.
Sorry but these are not false positive test results as mentioned by Lance. The tests are actually positive as they are detecting the target. You are saying that the positive PCR test is not necessarily indicative of an active case.
How do you come to that conclusion?
Please define exactly which false positives Lance is referring to.
OK, I have read the reply by Lance and stated my agreement with you on the validity of the genetic sequence being tested.
I still disagree with you on all the positives being valid due to the inordinate level of amplification.
“More than a million tests now and all positives bar a handful are linked to people exhibiting the disease or in contact with someone else who tested positive or an overseas traveler.”
and from where does this ‘information’ come from?
To date, over 13 million tests have been conducted nationally.
The issue is that pCR tests “amplify” the existence of trace fragments of RNA by design, and do so blindly.
Every cycle doubles the amount present in the previous cycle.
However, the complete Covid19 RNA genome was not known and is still yet not known.
So, the extant test is calibrated to react to ANY covid genome, regardless of whether or not it is Covid19 or a close variant. There are hundreds, or thousands, of existing coronaviruses. They are common. Like the common cold virus, an adenovirus.
OK. WHO set the test at 45 cycles. US FDA set the test at 40 cycles. Even Dr Fauci said anything above 37 cycles is meaningless because the test is counting dead genetic material that is irrelevant to any conclusion.
So. In AU, depending on the number of required cycles in their testing protocol, they might be counting “positives” that are not relevant. The issue is whether the positive test is from a person showing symptoms. If the person is asymptomatic, they are not infectious, so a positive test means little or nothing.
That AU is testing everyone who enters AU with an over-cautious test showing high levels of “cases” is a rather meaningless measure if the cycles were above 20.
“More than a million tests now and all positives bar a handful are linked to people exhibiting the disease or in contact with someone else who tested positive or an overseas traveler.”
Those are 3 different claims. If the test is oversensitive, then any or all of them might well be false positives. A false positive is NOT an actual infection, a communicable infection, or a defensible “case”.
If you applied the same oversensitive test to the AU population, my bet is that you’d find a tremendous number of “positive cases” among people who never left home, didn’t travel, were not in contact with anyone outside their immediate family.
In other words, your claims of “positive tests” is meaningless because the test cycles are so high they result in “positive tests” when nothing is actually present.
If the test cycles were 20, and there were symptoms, I’d believe it an accurate assessment. Other than that, it is nothing but nonsense.
It’s only an issue if you make it one. Fortunately clinicians understand the limitations.
I will agree with Gee Aye that this is untrue. There is a lot of testing of the general population in Australia with very, very few positives except in the vicinity of returned overseas traveller.
So I feel the PCR test is testing for the correct genetic sequence but is massively over-sensitive
point of order here… “dead genetic material”. There is no such thing.
If the ssRNA is intact in the collection tube it will be amplified. If it amplifies that indicates that the RNA is intact and is therefore exactly the same whether it came from a live active virus or an isolated harmless piece. It will be just as amplifiable.
The difference is the amount, not the infective potential of the virus. The [RNA] in an infectious patient is way more than found in other scenarios. The extra cycles allow detection/visualisation of smaller [starting]
Very true hence false positives can abound due to the extreme level of amplification applied.
And also provides positives for cases where the level of infection is mild/trivial
Lance, I admire your patience.
Where did you get that information from?
Any link?
I supplied a link
Thanks for the link.
I checked and it gives an indication of the number of positive test results as follows:
13536915 * 0.2 / 100 = 27073.83
This approx 27k Australians have tested positive, although some of these are repeat positive tests and we don’t know how many because the site you linked does not break it down.
Also they provide the number of people in hospital which is kind of useless in determining “people exhibiting the disease” since not everyone goes to hospital, and they do not include historical hospital visits anyway.
There is no information on there at all about “in contact with someone else who tested positive or an overseas traveler”. In fact, there is no information whatsoever about the circumstance of those positive test results.
So your link does not verify your claim.
There is a site which claims to use WHO information and claims nearly 29k Australians are “infected” which is more than the positive test results, even if you presume no repeat testing (and we know for sure that’s more than zero). They also give no information about contacts or overseas travel.
Have you got anything good that does provide backing for your claim.
Before Sars-Cov-2 entered the lexicon , a person who was shown to have remnants of viral material and no symptoms would have been called IMMUNE .
” Where are all the false positives in Australia? ”
We don’t have the data for that. Because we don’t have a gold standard test from which to judge our own tests against. I don’t have it. You don’t have it. Since virologists stopped isolating. I mean ISOLATING-isolating viruses a long time ago, and instead went in for statistical model-building we can’t assess a test, itself based on sampling and computerisation, because we don’t have a proper test to compare it too. Its all playing Golf in the dark.
But with Denmark, if they get an alleged positive test on these feeble tests that we are using, then they go ahead and try to statistically figure out the genome of the virus that the guy with the positive test is supposed to have. Its all second-best stuff. But at least the Danes are trying. Better than the rest of us I would say. But as good as the efforts of Denmark are its all going to be rubbish compared to any place who pushes for out-patient treatment planned IN ADVANCE of catching the lurgie.
The idea of a non-Symptomatic spreader. Thats a very dubious idea. What are we saying here. The virus expands in his cells, explodes out of them, keeps going with that process until he is infecting others and he feels no ill effects? A dubious idea.
In the UK they recently lowered the PCR cycles to 25 – and got a massive reduction in cases (infections).
I think this kind of proves the point that the PCR test is a complete joke and that Lances original post about the cycles has real world proof.
I believe that happened in Israel as well Prophet of Boom. The reduction in cycles may have been timed perfectly to show magical results for the vaccine. It strikes me as implausible that the Israelis would subject their own people to a real corona vaccine. So one suspects a great deal of fakery here. Notice that if you have been following Doctor Campbell the US and British infection rates ……… both trended sharply downward AT THE SAME TIME. So it looks like various alleged allies have timed their cycle change for propaganda effect. The cycle change, co-ordinated with Bill Gates’ W.H.O. will have been changed for vaccine pseudo-success.
“implausible that the Israelis would subject their own people to a real….”
The data on a few deaths and more injuries suggest, that is what they are doing.
“great deal of fakery here”. ‘Here, there, and everywhere’
They could have just thrown that in for faux-realism purposes. Or kicked in the real vaccine to take some of their own out of commission. The church is more important than the congregation. The first instinct is always deception.
Which church is it with deceptive impulses? Yours? Their’s?
My church, the Kalatumpian-Bush-Buddhists, is too naive for deception.
Right but the Mossad church makes us all naive by the comparison. Their very motto is all about deception.
And the change was made with no hint of embarrassment or worry that the underlying use of the pCR test might become public knowledge.
They know that they are untouchable.
what did “they” do?
From the original post
Yet the PCR test result is being used in isolation as definitive proof of infection. That’s what “they” did.
“what did “they” do?”
Are you in some sort of doubt that there is a THEY? You think that the ‘They” don’t exist? Well then who stole the election and made the mainstream media speak with one voice and claim “no evidence”. Tell me your position on THEY-SKEPTICISM. I think we are going to find that you are as clueless on this subject as you were on space lasers.
Skeptics are the most gullible people on the planet to day no exceptions.
‘CDC illegally inflated the COVID fatality number by at least 1,600 percent as the 2020 presidential election played out, according to a study published by the Public Health Initiative of the Institute for Pure and Applied Knowledge.’
‘CDC’s quiet admission that it blended viral and antibody test results for its case numbers and that people can test positive on an antibody test if they have antibodies from a family of viruses that cause the common cold.’
‘On March 24th the CDC published the NVSS COVID-19 Alert No. 2 document instructing medical examiners, coroners, and physicians to deemphasize underlying causes of death, also referred to as pre-existing conditions or comorbidities, by recording them in Part II rather than Part I of death certificates as “…the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause of death more often than not.” This was a major rule change for death certificate reporting from the CDC’s 2003 Coroners’ Handbook on Death Registration and Fetal Death Reporting and Physicians’ Handbook on Medical Certification of Death, which have instructed death reporting professionals nationwide to report underlying conditions in Part I for the previous 17 years. This single change resulted in a significant inflation of COVID-19 fatalities by instructing that COVID-19 be listed in Part I of death certificates as a definitive cause of death regardless of confirmatory evidence, rather than listed in Part II as a contributor to death in the presence of pre-existing conditions, as would have been done using the 2003 guidelines. The research draws attention to this key distinction as it has led to a significant inflation in COVID fatality totals. By the researcher’s estimates, COVID-19 recorded fatalities are inflated nationwide by as much as 1600% above what they would be had the CDC used the 2003 handbooks,” stated All Concerned Citizens.’
Looks to me like an important read
“Pathogenic Priming & Autoimmune Risks”
It’s fun, in a macabre sort of way, to live in a region of good governance,
and read about haw bad things are here in the brown nose press based in laces where things
are really bad.
I live about 20 miles south of our most recent armageddon level super spreader event, otherwise
known as the super bowl. My fears are moderated, a bit, but the fact that my wife and I have had both
our shots (understanding that not all agree this is wise or useful). How did this miracle happen.
Who did we know? Nobody. We logged on to our county web site, got an appointment, drove to the county
park where the drive-through was set up, got out shot within a few minutes of arriving, were held for a bit for observation
to make sure there was no reaction, and set on our way. Got the second, same process, three weeks later.
Lots of our seniors have been jabbed. All of our health workers. Florida was set up for far more, but since the election supplies have slowed. It would not be politically correct to suggest a red state blue state thing.
No one has suggested the connection between reasonable competent handling of covid and sporting performance. But our football team just won the title, our Hockey team has Lord Stanley’s Cup, our Baseball team was in the world series, and our other football team even won their division. And we went to our sports bars and restaurants, with social distancing and masks, and watched and cheered.
Our schools are open. The biggest issue is massive in-migration from cities that can’t manage that pushing up class sizes. Our gyms, golf courses, and parks are open and people still enjoy life and wave at each other. Unemployment is still high, but considering we are a hugely tourism dependent area and tourism has slowed (but not stopped), the economy is managing. Disney Florida is open, Disney California is, of course, a menace. You can charter a fishing boat. You can Scuba. You can Golf. You can, apparantly, no longer rent a place to live to escape somewhere else, as rentals available are near zero. And we have a lot of rentals; a seasonal population of 120,000 Canadians usually winters in our area.
I’m sorry we just had a superspreader event, and doomed millions of our fellow Americans by having a football game. They didn’t have to come. Now that they are here, they don’t have to leave. They didn’t have to bet a billion dollars. Most of the sportwriters who are pontificating didn’t want to have the season in the first place, because …… but somehow they managed to overcome their fears, accept the invitation to cover the event and write about it.
Tell you what. After this very pubic opportunity to compare and contrast, I don’t think we’ll bother to listen to y’all any more.
I wish our governor had been willing to import Ivermectin, but he’s had to swim upstream to do everything he has done.
Got any manatees near you? I hear they are full of vitamin D. Good luck to you in any case. I enjoyed your story.
I can, and often do kayak to the Manatee Viewing Center from my dock as during the winter we have a pod of over 100 that winters in the canal system we live on. We even have the odd visitor to the house as we have luxuriant sea grass growing at our dock base, and once in a while one or two come to nibble. Our Canal Water temp is about 78F right now, very comfortable for them.
I’m sure it is a typo, or a freudian slip, but nonetheless entertaining.
“After this very pubic opportunity to compare and contrast,…”
Your eyes must be sharper than mine. I read through that first time.
Dave B
And they talk about “following the science”!
Well Craig Kelly is slowly but surely demonstrating the foolishness of following the science touted by the State and Federal CMOs that have sided with big Pharmaceutical on this and by Peruvian evidence, and look at Switzerland, India, Bangladesh, and lately I believe Argentina, government has delivered a big F on this issue.
This “we know best” from big Government and not allowing the use of those over-the-counter anti-virals by local health operatives in the absence of any “vaccine”. Must be some sort of crime that has cost lives.
Craig Kelly very much follows the Science (ie the Scientific Method), which allows him to demonstrate the foolishness of following “the science™”
“the science™”: just another concept (from an extensive list) corrupted and co-opted by Socialists to disguise their malevolent intent.
But hey, “the science is settled”. So back in your boxes you common folk and let the “experts” control the decisions that we then have to live by.
And like every time a word salad is “corrupted and co-opted by Socialists to disguise their malevolent intent.” It sounds important and plausible, but lacks meaning, lacks testability, lacks conclusion, lacks substance, can be said for any item any situation any cause any effect. Ultimately is usable for persuasion of the gullible. Is difficult to impossible to prove wrong, because it says nothing in the first place.
So Slovakia has just approved the use of Ivermectin as both a preventative and a prophylactic for COVID , and the good old USA have changed the status of ivermectin from not approved to don’t care .
Well that does seem like a tautology, but I repeat myself.
Two approved uses are better than none, I suppose.
Aa I have said before, isn’t the reversal of the Left’s traditional attitude interesting?
Prior to C-19 and President Trump, the Left hated Big Pharma and were all for more simple and/or natural and/or inexpensive remedies/treatments for medical conditions.
Now they are the ones vigorously supporting Big Pharma and their expensive and possibly dangerous remedies and they specifically reject the simple, inexpensive and proven treatments.
It’s just like they support the Socialist Billionaires. Before they wanted to tax them into poverty, now there is an unhealthy and dangerous alliance between them.
Always remember, if it were not for the double standards of the Left they would have no standards whatsoever.
Of course, it all makes sense when you realise the modern Left’s objective is the same as that of their predecessors, the National Socialists and International Socialists.
The objective is total power and control for the Elites, supported by a slave army of useful idiots.
You say National Socialists and International Socialists. Why leave out the Communists? They are just as much part of the anti-Western agenda.
The International Socialists are the communists.
Yes although they are communists, they are not THE communists of today. They were Trotskyists, an earlier form of communism that started in Soviet Russia by a leader of that name. They were purged fairly early. Today they exists in small numbers in some countries, including Hong Kong but not in China. The Revolutionary Communist Party of China is a Trotskyist political party based in Hong Kong. The party’s members fled from Mainland China after the anti-Trotskyist Communist Party of China seized power in 1949. There’s an affiliate group of the International Socialists here in Australia called Solidarity.
I’m referring to the communism prevalent in China. They are definitely not part of the International Socialists.
Lets face it.
We can pontificate till the cows come home. The elites hated Trump he challenged their corruption and deviant behaviour, he had to go
Than along came the wuflu, how convenient.
The whole fraud got a speed injection and Off it rolled resulting in a absolute sham of an election
So any debate about the pandemic has to be viewed from the perspective of the final outcome.”Orange Man Bad”
They were so scared of the President they were prepared to murder people, lie, cheat, swindle and tank the western worlds economy for one outcome.
The question is, what are the elite up to that they would go to such extremes
One can only assume, SOMETHING REALLY BAD
So forget about corrupt stupid lying health officals they were in on the joke, Orange Man Bad must be destroyed whether it was there idological bent or just good old brown paper bags who knows
But he isnt destroyed, and now they have gone full nuclear getting more hysterical by the hour
The Wuflu was the trigger for the election fraud full stop
And any politician or beuracrat who argues diffently is a corrupt liar and theif
The Donald will return and when he does there is going to be an armagedion event against the elites
Their afraid their really afraid
Today, February 8, 2021, will go down in world history as the day the United States Senate under the leadership of Charles Schumer, joined the United States House of Representatives under Speaker Nancy Pelosi, as a lawless legislative body. The United States Congress now officially aligns itself with a lawless Supreme Court, FISA Court, numerous Federal Courts, the FBI, and CIA as well as a litany of other lawless Government Agencies.
Today the United States Constitution was abandon and the oligarchy imposed their will on the Free Peoples of the United States. Having succeeded in their goal to destroy the Rule of Law, in the face of every American Citizen, their will be no further need for the facade of lawful governance. The American Reichstag Fire has served its purpose. The fuse burns short. I can only pray the good men and woman at all levels of Government abandon their positions and stand up for the Constitution and the Rule of Law. We are now governed by incompetent, arrogant fools in all branches of Government. Where do Free Man go for justice when there is now? Wherever you are in the world tonight, Pray that Justice prevails and the lawless are held to account.
Wet Mountains.
After the past twelve months I am at a loss as to whom we should trust. The answer is to follow your own gut feeling and do your own research. It is one of the reasons I come here because there are a variety of views and links to alternative information made by a diverse but generally well read and wise group of people. I agree that justice has been elusive lately and a test will come next week when SCOTUS decide whether it will look at several cases brought by the Trump team of supporters. Hopefully the litigants have had the time to prepare cases that demand to be heard. They know what the courts will not accept and now there are no time constraints. We only need one case where the evidence shows fraud to put a spoke in the wheel of the MSM and it’s mantra of “no evidence of corruption”. I thought we would see it in Arizona first but it seems Boyer has been nobbled. He has certainly nobbled his next election chances.
If you want to discourage people from getting the vaccine, this is how …
Fauci Spills The Beans: A Vaccine Won’t End COVID-19 Restrictions
” … contrary to the implicit promise numerous politicians made that COVID-19 restrictions would only last “until there’s an effective vaccine,” Fauci says the arrival of a vaccine won’t mean life will return to normal, perhaps for more than a year.”
COVID-19: ‘Too risky’ for special mixing rules among vaccinated people
“A member of the public asked why people who have had both jabs couldn’t socialise “exclusively” with one another … Allowing people who have had both doses of the coronavirus vaccine to meet up with each other without social distancing has been ruled out.”
h/t: instapundit
WHO now says the idea that the virus leaked from a lab in China is extremely unlikely and is more likely from an animal, perhaps even a frozen meat. Watch the world lap it up, and anyone who is sceptical of what WHO is now saying will be lumped together with the same sort of people who are sceptical about the man-made catastrophic global warming story. The trick is going to work and the climate change agenda will be pushed harder and stronger than ever before in the West.
WHO, World Homicide Organisation, is owned by China. That’s why President-in-Exile Trump withdrew
Yes I know but that’s irrelevant now. Trump is now out of the way so the US can now go full speed ahead to de-industrialise all the Western nations, all in the name of CAGW, which most of us here already know it’s the biggest hoax and scam of all time. Lock downs are now another way to achieve that goal, on top of emissions reductions. How far they go in achieving their goal depends on how gullible, asleep and stupid the people of the West are.
Is it surprising that the W.H.O. could find no trace of the virus in city of Wuhan or the Lab given that:
Well they did spend 3 hours in discussion with the lab staff so that comprehensively rules out the WIV as the source.
(obligatory /S)
The Dems are in power, there is no Trump excuse for hiding Covid cures and spreading lies about covid cures…. The covid cure cover ups are an explosive issues that can be used to permanently change the system. This info will always have power, if it can be packaged and explained to the masses.
Non-Vitamin D deficiency people (Blood serum levels above 40 ng/ml or 100 nmol/l, Optimum level has not been found and is at or above 150 nmol/l.) are immune to covid and any other virus that connects to ACE-2 connector in our cells, to replicate.
In the last 12 years it has been found, not included in medical textbooks… ….That Vitamin D is required by every cell, in the body, to access each cells’ copy of our DNA.
The DNA is used to get the blueprints to which are required to produce biochemical chemicals and build cellular apparatus that the cell needs and have been developed by evolution to protect people that do not have a ‘health’ ‘care’ system. These bioactive chemicals and new apparatus is turned on and used by the cell based on stimulus, like a virus attack or to stop inflammation that enables cancers to grow and so on.
The body uses Vitamin D like money…. When money is limited, it is used first to protect against immediate body risks/dangers/requirements and for the daily/hourly regulation of body functions, such as calcium control which it has been found requires a blood serum level above 30 ng/ml or 75 nmol/l. This explains why it was ‘dangerous’ to take calcium supplements to correct against calcium deficiency. Calcium supplement studies require Vitamin D supplements to raise blood serum levels above 32 ng/ml.
The body produces insufficient biochemicals to protecting against the body from getting most common cancers and dementia which are long term issues ….. except when people get old and get the cancers and dementia. 10,000 genes have been identified that are activated by Vitamin D. It is estimated that 10% of the human genome is Vitamin D activated. There are hundreds of complex body protecting changing system that require Vitamin D.
It is surreal how many things are connected/caused by Vitamin D deficiency. Violence, human anger, human selfishness, the failure of dark skin people to reach middle class in the high latitude countries, and so on …. is indirectly caused by Vitamin D deficiency.
The climate scam is hard to fight because there are two sides. The planet did warm, although it has stopped warming. If the planet cools which it appears it will this year…. Science/logic will restart.
Our cells produce bioactive chemicals like Remdesivir to protect the body from viruses, common cancers, type 2 diabetes, type 1 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, most common ‘depressions’, the internal body condition that which is the cause of most common thoughtless violence and so on.
The scam is that rather than correct the population severe Vitamin D deficiency the Medical industry produces drugs to treat the ‘diseases’ that are caused by Vitamin D deficiency. For example, $17 billion has been spent to find the cure for breast cancer in the US and life expectancy of US breast cancer patients has increased 0.19 years.
Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Concentrations ≥40 ng/ml Are Associated with >65% Lower Cancer Risk: Pooled Analysis of Randomized Trial and Prospective Cohort Study
Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study
Vitamin D Insufficient Patients 12.55 times more likely to die, blood serum 25(OH)D level from 21 to 29 ng/ml
Vitamin D Deficient Patients 19.12 times more likely to die, Vitamin D blood serum level less than 20 ng/ml
Vitamin D ‘normal’ for this study is 25(0H)D above 30 ng/ml.
It’s not about how to deal with the virus, and knowing what the facts are about what works and what doesn’t. Those in control do not care about those facts. All they care about is using the full force of the law to enforce their draconian measures regardless of the facts to make sure people accept their ideological agenda that the West must de-industrialise to avoid a mythical CAGW by way of lockdowns and emissions reductions. It really is that simple.
In reply to:
“Those in control do not care about those facts. All they care about is using the full force of the law to enforce their draconian measures regardless of the facts to make sure people accept their ideological agenda…..”
Yes. I totally agree. What you say is True…..
The point is the evil ‘plan’ of those in control will be defeated if the masses/the general population find out the entire population is Vitamin D deficient and what is required to correct that deficiency.
There are no logical sides to the Vitamin D deficiency issue from the general population’s standpoint. No one in their right mind would risk cancers and dementia and so on, to stay Vitamin D deficient. Every country is running out of money to fund ‘health’ ‘care’. Logically if our governments had not been taken over by special interest groups.. Dark skin people, elder people, children, infants, and so would not be Vitamin D deficient. All the talk about caring…..
People are immune to covid if they are Vitamin D ‘normal’ (Vitamin D enables our cells to construct a zinc ionophore which enables a micro amount of zinc into our cells, which stops covid from connecting to the ACE-2 connector (our cell’s evolutionary protection for viruses) and replicating. No replication, no issue). No isolation, no masks.
We can restart our society. Vitamin D is not a controlled ‘drug’, it is cheap, and it is available in every drug store. 4000 UI/day per person, for the entire population is sufficient.
The Vitamin D deficiency is a different kind of issue. The Vit D research has been done, no more need for double blind studies. Climate change is tough to explain to the general population. Green engineering madness is a better attack.
Vitamin D deficiency is not. As people find out and wake up, this will become criminal negligence resulting in death. Mass murder and medical torture. The breast cancer and prostate treatments, for example, are sort of torture and do not extend the patients lives.
There’s your problem. The masses will either not listen to such facts or won’t give a damn. They haven’t thus far to the facts of the climate change scam so why would they listen and take action about the those other facts? They will stand up and take notice though when things get too dictatorial, by which time either millions have already been murdered or about to be.
Many thanks for both your comments William A,
Much appreciated, but I do have one point of disagreement with you. In this ” 4000 UI/day per person, for the entire population is sufficient. “, I reckon your 4000 is too low, and for many people way too low to reach, and maintain a blood level even of 40 ng/ml, let alone 150.
( I doubt I’ll be able to find and post a link in reference today, but will post one here hopefully tomorrow. It’ll be the same one I posted some time back, as I’ve not seen anything to update it since.)
Dr Fauci is on 6,000IU per day. I’m on 10,000 per day, and expect to be not much more than holding at 40 ng/ml. Blood test next week, so will report results the following week.
I’ll study your comments closely, and decide on a new target and dosage based on those results, but will probably target 100ng/ml by the following blood test, in about 6 months.
Dave B
Just a comment here. More and more is ok to a point and above that vit D becomes toxic. I know, as i have had to sort out issues in animal nutrition where there has been an excess of vitamin D. Dogs fed on my clients diet were on occasion getting sick. Testing showed vit D over 5000IU in some samples. This was traced to a salmon meal with excessive vitamin D levels. A very expensive mistake as all the product was withdrawn and reworked.
By all means take it but realise there are limits!
G’day Aussie,
Have you seen any definitive estimate of either a safe maximum intake or a safe maximum blood level in humans? The dietary guidelines go for just 400 IU per day, with no mention of blood levels. Apparently that’s what the UK govt is giving its citizens. Not much use in my opinion.
William Astley’s numbers have been verified and I first saw them in the Indonesian work, which was the first I’d seen to relate Covid mortality to vitamin D blood levels, but only reporting levels up to 30+ ng/ml.
The consideration of safe intakes is considered in the same paper I mention above, and still hope to find and post here later today. In that, numbers above 10,000 IU per day are considered safe as intake, and a blood level of 100 ng/ml was mentioned as Ok ( if I remember correctly ).
I opted for my own intake of 10,000 IU per day with a sense of caution(!), and targeting just 40 ng/ml.
Dave B
I totally agree with what you say. 4000 UI/day is not sufficient for most people to reach optimum. 4000 UI/day is, however, high enough to stop covid and is sufficient to slow down most common cancers. I take 9000 UI/day.
Vitamin D is sort of medical miracle or an ironic tragedy.
Vitamin D is required by every cell in the body to access the cell’s copy of the our genome. Vitamin D is only used once for every cellular operation. The blueprints for the systems that protect and repair the cells/body are stored in the DNA and require Vitamin D to access. The repair systems are built and run on Vitamin D.
The entire population, in every country in the world is vit D deficient. The Medical Industry has specialized in treating the common diseases that humans get when they are vit d deficient. Many of these disease are chronic… meaning that they torture the person for the remainder of their life and require expensive medical treatment. Dementia, common cancers, type 1/2 diabetes, depression, anger, and so on can be almost completely eliminated.
It is not just avoidance of almost all common diseases and avoiding premature death. Vitamin D changes how we look, feel, age, and make decisions.
From an evolutionary standpoint before there was paid ‘health’ ‘care’, our bodies repaired themselves, at night. These repairs included changes to the body and the brain, that included processes/systems that removed the fear and anger out of our bodies (’emotion’ that is connected to memories in the cortex as well as general fear, anxiety, and injuries.). This Vitamin D activated repair processes/systems produces old people who have soft, friendly, smiley faces, and who have almost no fear or anger stored in their body.
The Vitamin D repaired smiley old people who do not have dementia, do not have type 2 diabetes, do not have cancer, who have decades of life experience, and that do not have stored fear (will not freeze in sight of danger, feel strong)…. Is evolutionarily, exactly what is required to protect young women and children from an attack of a wild animal. Think of a skinny, strong, old man/woman with a spear. Hearing/sight suddenly dramatically improves as the distortions in the body/face/neck which almost all old people have, disappear open up changing the ear channel and returning the eye/face back to initial conditions. Same explanation for the increase in blood circulation and the drop in blood pressure.
Think of a time before there was language. Human tribes were at that time around 30 people. Young people bond and have children and store emotional memory in their bodies that creates a happy feeling when they see those special people. The Vitamin D activated systems clears all of the emotional memory out of the body at the same time the fear is cleared out. People who feel angry/scared/anxious have a difficult time concentrating and solving life problems.
Stored fear and anger, short term, is from an evolutionary standpoint useful before there was language. Now it is problem.
There are hundreds of complex systems that repair/change/protect our bodies. All of which require ‘high’ Vitamin D levels to activate. The body uses Vit D like money, when vitamin d is limited the body does not operate all body repair/protection systems.
It is logical that the body would have evolved to find a way to stop viruses that must connect to the ACE-2 connector to replicate. The biochemical solution, a zinc ionophore that lets a controlled micro amount of only zinc into the cells is a perfect, simple biochemical protection scheme, that has zero side effects, for the class of viruses that must connect to the ACE-2 connector.
These systems, for example, protect young men from turning in to mean, ugly old men.
People are smarter, make better decisions as ’emotions’ are cleared out of the ‘body’. You can see it (stored emotion/past physical injuries, stress, fear, and so on) come out of the face, change in posture, change in sleep, increase in body temperature at night when repairs changes are being made, feel better, and so on when they are vitamin D optimum.
Calcium supplements and magnesium supplements are also required. Roughly half of the minerals in the soil worldwide have been lost due to long term farming of the same soil. The plants take the minerals out of the soil. We eat the plants. The minerals are lost to the sea. Modern farming replaces nitrogen. It is not practical to replace the minerals. Zinc deficiency is widespread as is magnesium deficiency.
At higher levels the body turns on and tries to repair to the initial factory settings….. At higher levels muscle cells are generated, body temperature increases at night when stuff is going on, sleep changes, and so on.
The breakthrough is the body when it turns on…. it the dynamic part of the body which the cortex does not control tights up and tries to adjust back to factory settings. How the body felt when we were say 10 years old. We have a natural reset function that clears out ….. The powerful hidden residue that distorts the dynamic part of the body causing the cortex to feel general body feeling.. …. pain, fear, worry, anger, and so on.
This distortion of the dynamic part of the body…. Is maintained because humanity…. Likely when language was developed and due to how we live almost everyone has severe distortions of this super powerful system which cause hearing loss, vision loss, loss of body flow, cold body parts, high blood pressure, and a feeling of depression. (body feelings)
can clear/reset the dynamic part of the body
G’day again.
This is the link I promised yesterday:
dated June 24, 2020.
The particular sections which influenced me are:
p18 bar chart showing disease responses to different vitamin D blood levels;
p32 table giving suggested intake to move from an existing blood level to a desired one; and
p26 and onwards, a discussion of dosages and limits.
Dave B
If reports are believable we have people clamouring for enrolment in the mRNA nano-lipid experiment being rolled out under the masquerade of vaccination. Our masters have definitely gone the path of hubris running Covid terror in tandem with the CAGW terror. Lord alone knows if there’s a third campaign of mendacity being brewed.
So why did they bother with trials with many thousands of people? What extra thing will they find out in this evil experiment?
Indeed. Why bother. The idea was to allow all of us to get the HCQ and Ivermectin over the counter right away. Trials were a stalling tactic to get people killed as part of the terrorist attack. All the trials rubbish have always got in the way. The trials for HCQ were integral to the terrorist attack. What we needed to do was get the high-dose D3, the zinc, the vitamin C and the HCQ right in everyones fridge as soon as possible. If there were lockdowns it could have only been in order to give us time to get the gear in the fridge.
Allow me to refer you to the first part of your comrade’s comment here:
Then tell us the answer.
If the result of the trials was only to delay treatment and kill people of what use were the trials? When you have COVID you can judge your own dose. If you cut the 200mg pill in half and the half pill doesn’t clear your lungs you take the full dose. Its not all that complicated because the drug works so quickly you are going to know what dose is right for you. The right dose being the dose that allows you to breath easily. So where does a new trial come into it? All the HCQ trials were already done for Sars-1 (a corona virus) back before 2005. So the new trials were just a charade to get everyone killed. So that the terrorist attack was not interrupted.
Ivermectin certainly appears interchangeable with HCQ in the Zelenko protocol. When you consider that the daily dose for Ivermectin for COVID is 12 mg (vs low dose HCQ @ 400mg) this active ingredient is quite remarkable. But again, like HCQ, timing is critical where both products in the Zelenko type protocol are used early in the infection cycle. Preferably within 3 days of confirmation of COVID because both drugs actively reduce viral reproduction via the zinc ionophore effect and other biochemical pathways. There are a number of social media doctor contributors who can describe COVID in its progressive stages and the treatments vary depending on on which stage the patient is observed. ( Viral reproduction, inflammation, thrombosis etc). Waiting for COVID infected people to progress untreated to the latter stages where hospitalisation is required is just medically dumb.
Ross thanks, what you say is correct about HCQ,I think it is Quercetin that is interchangeable, but at a different amount. (Add vit C esp with Quercetin).
I understand that Ivermectin is effective up to a rather later stage than HCQ.
“Waiting for..” Yes, yes.
“Ivermectin certainly appears interchangeable with HCQ in the Zelenko protocol.”
They both seem equally effective early on, and Ivermectin may still be effective when HCQ is too harsh for the sick person. But if the theorists have it right they have different effectiveness pathways. So with the right expertise they could likely have been used in parallel. All these bureaucratic obstacles have stopped us from getting our practice on the ground fully honed.
No wonder Slymo has “Gone Dark” on this subject. Those who spruik negative about Ivermectin et al and talk about “no peer-reviewed” studies are farcical. On just the first page of a simple, non-google, search I sighted at least 10 but there were plenty of others. An old biblical adage, the truth will set you free, has never been more appropriate!
Yes, the truth will set one free but usually not until a draconian government has murdered a not so insignificant proportion of its own people. That has been the trend throughout history, and history keeps repeating.
It is said that globalist stick together.
Dissenters are disposed of at the ballot box by fair means or foul, whatever it takes.
Old news. Too late, that’s already happened. Their current order of business is to search for, gather and re-educate the dissenters. Failing that they are extinguished.
Penguinite, don’t worry. It’s not your problem.
It’s all part of natural selection. Those who don’t pay attention are on the pathway out.
Those who do (pay attention) will be counted amongst the survivors.
You, and most of those who visit Jo’s site, fall into the latter category.
This is the question the American people should be considering now…not the question of whether Trump should be impeached…but how many people died prematurely and avoidably …not just in America but around the world…especially in the major democracies…. because the Left …the miserable mob impeaching him….was hell bent on ensuring that Donald Trump could never be allowed to be seen as right…prescient even….on any issue…even when the lives of thousands of people were at stake.
Donald Trump was right on this issue and almost every other major issue…and the Left was horribly dangerously wrong.
What we need to know is why our bureaucrats and our PM …who is supposed to be a right of centre politician…even labeled conservative by MSM….in this autonomous country where we normally place enormous trust in our medical system….ignored the positive results in other countries and militantly denied Australians the use of therapeutics that might have saved their lives…to play follow-the-leader in a supine grovel….behind the rabid Trump-hating Left.
To this day…Craig Kelly… the only politician in the country with the guts to tell the truth and try to do what’s right for the Australian people …is slimed and defamed from one end of the country to the other and threatened with cancellation…while our smug…pugnacious…weak and wrong PM who’s wrong about almost everything…continues to leave Australians who might contract COVID before a vaccine is available….without options.
Craig Kelly and Donald Trump are world heroes …likewise Australia’s only legitimate PM Tony Abbott….and the Left …including IMO Morrison …are the least compassionate and the very least of us in every way.
There has to be an accounting for this…too many people have died and will still die…because moral pygmies with great power didn’t like Donald Trump’s ‘style’…and those detractors had and exercised ….the power of life and death over whole populations.
Hear, hear.
Here here.
“Hear here” is correct, means “Listen to this.”.
🙂 🙂
That’s an each way bet if ever there was one.
Here hear.
In this time and place, listen.
We are fortunate to have such an expressive language.
Victoria’s CHO Brett Sutton is the brother of Trevor Sutton who is the husband of Jane Halton. Jane represented Australia at EVENT 201 on the 18th October 2019 in New York City.It was a pandemic simulation exercise. Jane is Chair of the W.H.O. and works for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Jane is Australia’s Covid – 19 Coordinator and she is the person that both our Federal and State governments answer to. McGowan is basically doing as he is told by Jane.That is why HCQ and Avermectin is not recommended. Craig Kelly is one of the only politicians game enoogh to take on the charlatans.
Not meaning to be Harsh but when you say:
Somebody forgot to tell Jane.
The fact that Craig Kelly is being attacked by his own party (and other like him in the past) ought to be proof enough both major parties are up to no good. As long as we keep voting for either nothing will change, at least until crash and burn to learn our lesson the hard way.
Interesting deaths in Australia so far for 2020. Jan to Oct 27th provisional data from the ABS, but will change in time.
So far fewer deaths than the 2015 to 2019 average up to OCT 27th.
The 2020 season had lower normal flu deaths than a normal year, probably because of frequent state’s lockdowns for CV-19.
BTW the ban on normal tourist travel from the NH countries would be another reason for our lower deaths from flu in 2020.
And then internal lock downs probably added to the above. Who knows?
Beyond the Roundup / First EU Nation to Approve Ivermectin
Lots of articles on ivermectin at TrialSiteNews. e.g.
Nice – India can’t afford expensive and somewhat useless drugs like Remdesivir and doesn’t have the infrastructure to roll out delicate (and expensive) vaccines like the Pfizer and Moderna ones so they fall back to trying known, safe medicines and have now found that both Ivermectin AND Hydroxychloroquine are effective in arresting CoViD-19
But “lack of clinical trials” so the Western world just ignores this.
Wow – what has the woke filter tagged this time?
Probably punctuation nazi putting you in detention for terminating the first sentence without a full stop.
Once there one can fill out a form to receive a daily update by email.
A link to their podcasts:
Thanks Rob.
This is an interesting article. Why is the Media/Medical Industry hiding the super cheap invermectin cure for covid? Covid isolation is killing our economy and a lot of people are getting permanent damage.
India has defeated/is defeating covid using invermectin.
This was no small move. Were it a country, U.P.’s more than 230 million citizens would rank it fifth worldwide. As India’s largest state, its embrace of ivermectin may have changed the treatment landscape across India.
“This authentication of ivermectin revived the faith of people,” Dr. Chaurasia told me, “and net result was a massive inclination to take these drugs” — both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.
By the end of 2020, Uttar Pradesh — which distributed free ivermectin for home care — had the second-lowest fatality rate in India at 0.26 per 100,000 residents in December. Only the state of Bihar, with 128 million residents, was lower, and it, too, recommends ivermectin.
But Uttar Pradesh did more than treat 300,000 mild cases at home through 2020; it also opted to use ivermectin to prevent infection. It seems a young health officer’s COVID response teams had taken the drug and remained well – something prophylaxis studies support. U.P. then had contacts of COVID patients take it, with similar success. “Recognizing the sense of urgency,” Amit Mohan Prasad, a U.P. health official, wrote in a Dec. 30 article, “we decided to go ahead.”
Such urgency is in short supply in the U.S., where the single-minded focus is on vaccination. Nonetheless, a group of doctors called Frontline COVID Critical Care Alliance is pressing for adoption of ivermectin immediately as an adjunct and bridge to vaccination. Its logic is twofold: Ivermectin has a known safety profile, as a life-saving drug given to millions since the 1980s, and 46 COVID studies, including 18 peer-reviewed, have shown “high efficacy.”
However, even India is holding back, perhaps temporarily. The Indian Council of Medical Research declined in October to recommend ivermectin nationwide, citing, as other such entities have, the need for more data. Similarly, COVID guidelines in bordering Bangladesh make no mention of the drug, despite successful studies done there.
In India, premier medical centers have, nonetheless, adopted it. In Bangladesh, doctors are using combination ivermectin/doxycycline therapy for home care, as are major hospitals in Dhaka for inpatients.
“The economy is flying,” Dr. Tarek Alam, who led several studies on the drug’s efficacy, told me in an email. “Hospitals have empty COVID beds and the initial demand for ICU has come down.” Indeed, Bangladesh – the world’s most densely populated country — has an even lower fatality rate than India, ranking 126th globally.
Think you might have a hard time collecting
Notice how they quote as a reason for not allowing HCQ extremely rare side-effects from long term high dose usage such as “sudden heart attacks and irreversible eye damage, and can also lead to a coma”.
Such dosage is not relevant to the two Zelenko protocols, one for early stage treatment, the other for prophylaxis.
At what point can we hold politicians and public serpents criminally liable for the deaths they have caused for denying the science that HCQ works as per the Zelenko protocol? Sadly, it is almost impossible to prosecute these Luddites.
Iris damage- For those on long term HCQ, medics recommended a special set of tests every 6 months to detect this. The effect had only been noticed on users of HCQ for at least 5 years – rather longer than the treatment discussed here.
Heart irregularity, a real effect but insignificant, noted and monitored in recent HCQ trials as nearly always of no concern.
Sickening isnt it?! My daughter-in-law has been using it for years for an autoimmune disease …no side effects,
After looking carefully at all the graphs I can find . European countries vs European Countries and American states vs American states Two things emerge .
1. There is no difference between lock down and mask wearing states and no lockdown and no masks ; the graphs track closely.
2 Sars -Cov-2 is seasonal . As summer comes “cases” drop right off and as the cooler weather sets in case numbers begin to rise. Regardless of where you live.
And the difference between New York State and Florida – is climate. Not population, not demographics , not demi god governors just climate.
At least 36 people develop blood disorder and a doctor DIES after receiving Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines – as experts probe potential link between shots and the rare condition – .
Pfizer drops India Vaccine Application, fail to meet drug regulators demand – .
Bret and Heather 65th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: Because Science – .
Bret and Heather 66th DarkHorse Podcast Livestream: All Biology is Evolutionary Biology – .
sorry – typo –
At least 36 people develop blood disorder and a doctor DIES after receiving Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccines – as experts probe potential link between shots and the rare condition – .
The COVID-19 shots are looking a real
money-maker for the drug companiessavior for humanity:J&J CEO says people may need annual Covid vaccine shots for the next several years
Of course they are.
Create the fear. Sell the absolution. Deny failure. “Rinse and repeat”.
Never in the History of the World have healthy people been quarantined to protect the general population from a “pandemic” with a 96% survival rate for the entire population and a 99.6% survival rate for those without comorbidities and less than 75 years old.
Draw your own conclusions.
There’s always a first for everything.
Here’s a condensed reposting of a comment on ivermectin by:
Ron Clutz | December 21, 2020 at 10:12 am | Reply
He in turn quotes from an article that I link to at the end:
An example is Dominican Republic, small island nation depending on tourism, so not isolated. Dr. Redondo:
“After eight months of active clinical observation and attending about 7 thousand patients of Covid-19 in three medical centers located in Puerto Plata, La Romana, and Punta Cana, Dr. José Natalio Redondo revealed that 99.3% of the symptomatic patients who received care in his emergency services, including the use of Ivermectin, managed to recover in the first five days of recorded symptoms.”
He added that “in a therapeutic format duly tested over the years, infections have always been cured faster and leave fewer sequelae if antimicrobial treatment is applied as early as possible since this allows the use of lower doses of the selected drugs. This has been one of the dogmas that remain in our daily medical practice.”
“We realized that the war was being lost because of the obsession of large groups, agencies, and companies linked to research and production of drugs, to focus their interest almost exclusively on the management of critical patients.
“Our results were immediate; the use of Ivermectin, together with Azithromycin and Zinc (plus the usual vitamins that tend to increase the immune response of individuals) produced an impressive variation in the course of the disease;
It really is worse than disgusting, it is surely criminal, that the vested interests around the pharmaceutical industry have so successfully killed this information until now. Or as some cynics would say, until the Orange Man was banished to oblivion and the “Tum Tabard” Biden was installed.
(Tum Tabard – old Scots for “Empty Cloak”.)
If there is any justice the ICC in The Hague will have a very busy time ahead of it, and one Silicone Valley billionaire should be front and centre.
Crimes against humanity. How blatant.
Here is interesting article from a comment to the WUWT article “Climate change may have driven the emergence of SARS-CoV-2”
Aloha! WAIT A MINUTE!!!! I bought NVAX at $29 and sold at $310 and I bought MRNA at $19 and sold at $48! How am I supposed to get rich off IVM if they sell it by the tonne?????
Do a Bunker Hunt and corner the market – by fair means or foul.
This stuff is so dangerous they pour it down the throats of sheep.
Meanwhile, back in the jungle, the vax only has minor side effects in Britain, such as permanent blindness [5], sudden death [107 I think], stroke with associated brain damage and brains never repair, miscarriage and more.
The choice is easy but no one will take it. :sigh:
I have seen those statistics also, but I lost the link to the article and haven’t been able find it again. Do you have a link to the article containing those statistics?
The link may have come from Jo’s site.
I’ll see if I can find it in history.
OK, I’ll start looking there also.
Found it!
February 9, 2021 at 10:36 pm
about Covid ( at least in the UK )
Mmm! Does not sound too comforting!
Read the report (as opposed to the Principia Scientific story) here:
Over 7 million people have been injected according to the Government’s Yellow Card Report).
107 have died (according to the Principia Scientific story).
Looks pretty good to me.
Table 1: Number of people who have received the first dose of a vaccination for COVID-19 in the UK between 8 December 2020 and end of 24 January 2021.
Country/Number of doses
Northern Ireland/168,140
OH? Wikipedia does not have an article with this exact name. Please search for National COVID-19 Commission Advisory in Wikipedia to check for alternative titles or spellings.
You cannot create this article. You may need to log in or create an account and be autoconfirmed to start this page. Alternatively, you can use the Article Wizard, or add a request for it.
Search for “National COVID-19 Commission Advisory” in existing articles.
I don’t know how Wikipedia got into the action. The report is here:
Covid vaccine side effects? SIDE effects. They are not side effects. The bad stuff are the intended effects. You see it turns out that we have been through this research project already. So we know the outcome. In 2012 it was found that all the vaccines that they had attempted to make for corona viruses had two effects:
1. Yes the vaccines did successfully wind up producing antibodies to the corona virus …. but
2. It led to ongoing lung (pulmonary) damage over time in the animals (animal models). The bracketed translations are because these people don’t speak good English.
This is Deja Vu all over again. Thats why Bill and his bros showed up on the scene with so much confidence. All the research had already been done. They want to take your daughter out of the gene pool by giving her ongoing lung problems, just for starters.
NbDN -good skeptical thinking and analysis, thanks.
Aye, indeed: the POPULATION is the guineapig. – and the MSM for all their “reporting / story telling have NOT picked up on this: we have gladly succumbed to Computers and ALL THOSE ISSUES with crashing OS’s from Windows to WINDOWS: Then “we” decided we needed to control basic engines and other functions of the automobile which until “recently” worked fine – even central locking. NOW – everything has to undergo UPGRADES which fail and whilst some upgrades may be reversible, others ARE NOT. ‘did you read the small print / make backups etc’ Whaaat ? backup of a car’s software update? ‘ wtf ‘ THe Dealer cant even do thaaat!
So whilst we’ve acceped all that trash – so’s we ‘d have the latest EU5 or 6 engine to travel thru’ londinium as a tourist, or whatever, we should NOT complain about being the guineapig for medications ……
We are now the product of too many “woke” , I think you’d calll them, politicians who’ve spent their youth watching too much Sc-Fictional “tv” instead of getting out and about to see how SIMPLY the real natural world works. I was too busy learning how to do & make things. and now I have to put up with those plonkersMAKING me re-learn what they don’t even know. The soft Underbelly needs to be ripped open.
10 years JAIL in UK for telling porkies to avoid Quarantine NOW – huh, where was Quarantine 13 months ago?
PORKIES ? Round up the politicians. As I’ve said manys a time before: We are to have a ” HUNGER FOR COMPLIANCE”
This is the first I have heard about covid vaccines causing blindness. The health industry is so corrupt. People accept the odd old chap dying from a vaccine, blindness might be a different matter.
The vaccine side effects such as blindness …. Should be included as s health warning.
A vaccine is not the safest means to protect against a virus that must connect to the ACE-2 connector to replicate.
“Thanks to the Pfizer vaccine, which uses MRNA technology to instruct human cells to carry out “a certain task” 5 people are now blind and a further 31 have had their vision impaired.
In total there have been 634 eye disorders reported so far. Imagine being confined to the same four walls for over a year and not being able to see family or friends.
Then getting excited because you naively think an experimental “vaccine” is going to give you your life back and allow you to see them once more. But then leaving without the ability to ever see anything ever again.”
yellow card reporting is not the same as causation reporting
In the old days we had all these union bully boys that were skeptical of the big end of town. How is it on the left that these tough guys, have now been replaced by you gullible babes in the woods? The dumb left now believes everything the CIA and the super big business tells them. What happened to you clowns Gee Aye? You tell me I go a little bit more to the left every year because I’m egalitarian and things have gone wrong in the business ecology. But what happened to you guys? Our labour guys who came up through the union movement were never that gullible. And they were tough guys. They weren’t a bunch of sissy-boys who just believed everything they were told.
The Front Line Covid-19 Critical Care Alliance state that in their experience, ivermectin is safe and effective in treating CoViD-19 (as a rebuttal to big pharma Merck saying it is potentially dangerous and not proven to be effective ala hydroxychloroquine).
Perhaps the answer to why governments and official medical advice try to shut down drug therapies has more to do with getting a vaccine developed. For pharmaceutical companies to develop a vaccine, the costs can be very high and the chances of failure, no return and huge losses is also high. If governments are fearful a debilitating disease, deadly to some groups, are convinced the disease can only be expedititiously brought under control by a vaccine, it may be that the pharmaceutical companies can only justify the expenditure if there is no effective therapy that would reduce their ability to recoup costs and make profit. This involves ethics, capitalism, political decision making. Judgements have to be made as to which decision, in the end, saves the most lives, limits most the economic loss and effects on society in the long run. It’s reality; the devil’s question. Ethically and morally there is no quick and easy answer. I’m glad I would never have to make such a decision.
A frontline doctor and a patient need something immediate that works for both individuals. An epidemiologist sees disease in a time span with measured overall health outcomes. Economists see economic outcomes, but sociologists see social reactions to being ‘kept safe’. If COVID-19 was allowed to run free because it’s selectively fatal to ‘just’ particular groups that might be able to have some protections, there is still a cost to the economy with continuing illnesses from mutations. How long can you lock down people, even ‘groups’ of people? We have ‘flu’ vaccines for such times. Why not for COVID-19? ie there are economic, social as well as health points to vaccines.
I’m all for the therapies, but one has to be mindful that the requirement for those therapies could be permanent in the face of no vaccine being developed, especially when those therapeutic drugs are said to be so cheap. Are they actually ‘cheap’ in the long run with this scenario where longterm illness in a meaningful number of patients is known to persist, continuing deaths happen in those prone to the disease and economic loss continues with mutations causing business closures?
“Perhaps the answer to why governments and official medical advice try to shut down drug therapies has more to do with getting a vaccine developed.”
I agree but we are being a bit virginal and coy here. We are not going all the way.
If you conduct a biowarfare false flag attack, you must already have the designated antidote in your back pocket. You then give yourself the protection of the cure, and deny it to your targets. The vaccine is a force multiplier when it comes to be the people you are trying to take out of the gene pool.
Spot on DOC.
I have been following the change in new daily cases in the US as logged by ‘worldometers’ site
there’s a fairly significant decreasing trend from 8 Jan til now and the linear y = 0 intercept is about 10 March, ie no new cases if the trend is maintained
I see the numbers for the 8th have been edited up from 87k when I logged it yesterday to 90k for the 8th
have these guys been getting tips from ‘hide the decline’ climate-meisters??
The WuFlu kills the aged and infirm, ergo it’s deadly and we must go into lockdown, destroying business.
The Pfizer vaccination kills 33 aged and infirm in Norway, ergo
“We absolutely shouldn’t confuse the very normal and natural deaths that will happen to older and more frail people with the consequences of the vaccine,” cautions Stuart McDonald, a fellow of the Institute of and Faculty Actuaries and co-founder of the Covid-19 Actuaries Response Group.
These people have no shame.
More links for those interested….the last from a US doctor with an interesting take on the “vaccine”…
It is pathetic that a drug that has been used for 50 years and is super cheap and is super effective in stopping covid…. And it is not used because our medical industry/political system/fake news outlets are so corrupt.
•The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 38 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 275 billion (p = 0.0000000000036).
Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 38 studies
Covid Analysis, Nov 26, 2020 (Version 27, Feb 10, 2021)
@CovidAnalysis Share Tweet PDF Studies
•100% of the 38 studies to date report positive effects. Early treatment is more successful, with an estimated reduction of 82% in the effect measured using a random effects meta-analysis, RR 0.18 [0.10-0.34]. Prophylactic use also shows high effectiveness.
•100% of the 19 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) report positive effects, with an estimated reduction of 72%, RR 0.28 [0.17-0.48].
•The probability that an ineffective treatment generated results as positive as the 38 studies to date is estimated to be 1 in 275 billion (p = 0.0000000000036).
The curves attributed to Ivermectin look very much like the curves used to show closed cases and outcomes at this link. This curve occurs just about everywhere it is generated to show outcomes. I’ve attributed it to healthcare givers learning what doesn’t work (misusing ventilators for example).
[Was caught in spam.]ED
Sorry to intrude with something completely off topic but a little levity doesn’t go astray:
In 1987, I believe Dolly Parton said, in response to the question regarding the race, “Honey, I AM the America’s Cup”.
In 1987, I believe Dolly Parton said, in response to the question regarding the boating race, “Honey, I AM the America’s Cup”.
I use Ivermectin (apple flavored paste) for parasites in horses. A tube injector for a 1,200 pound horse cost about $6 a few years ago. However, veterinarians say it is not appropriate for humans; purer forms specifically for humans are made. More costly, I guess.
Man is that ever a good tip. Pretend you have a horse and go get the supplies that way. Where do you buy this stuff John?
I live in ranch country (cattle, horses, sheep, goats) and stores cater to the needs of the region – grains, bales of hay, pelleted feed, and medicines for the animals. I haven’t purchases any paste wormer in the last couple of years. Prior to that I think the packaging cost more than the paste. Watch the use thereof:
John it is difficult to get straight Ivermectin ( horse wormers ) these days as wormers now incorporate other anti parasitic drugs such as Praziquantel. Here in Australia wormers are around the $20 mark. As for taking horse wormers ( straight Ivermectin) I can verify that plenty of humans who work with horses have taken it, although it is not recommended. Dosage is based on body weight. I’ve tried it and suffered no after effects.- it just tastes horrible.
Chis, I just did a search and heart worm tabs for dogs use ivermectin. Dogs have loving owners so that would have to be carefully formulated or a law suit may ensue.
The little I know is that when a dog starts coughing the dose becomes important, killing the worms quickly may poison the dog, the dead worms, not the treatment.
I recommend the Heartguard for large dogs. Contains Ivermectin and Pyrantel (what you get in Combantrin from the chemist). 2 chews if you’re between 60-90kg… Quite palatable actually…..
People don’t get worked up. They parrot what the media parrots. People are scared and they want mummy to come and wipe their botty, rather than thinking and acting on the problem themselves. Ive been listening to talk back radio, and the hatred being poured on Craig Kelly is both astonishing and depressing as it makes you see just how stupid people actually are, how easily lead they are. Thank goodness for the few smart people among us who develop and innovate, because most of us are stupendously dumb. Black pilled.
The Craig Kelly pile on is a product of the lefties and their “Get Up” communist comrades.
Their fragile personalities can’t handle truth.
Love the comments but have to point out the irony of Ivermectin used for the people and sheep…..LOL.
This proves that it was a terrorist attack and not any kind of accidental release. Since Covid was dovetailed with the coup in the US, and also since we have had a year long campaign of international treatment denial. The bogus HCQ trials were incredible. Some of them purporting to actually murder patients with four times the recommended dosage. Its true that we didn’t know about Ivermectin when the biowarfare started. But its been treatment denial the entirety of the time.
See what happens when you get good treatment. You dance your way out of hospital and win an election by a landslide. Right from the start is was wall-to-wall treatment denial combined with full steam ahead on the vaccine idea. Which was known to be inappropriate for Covid viruses at least as early as 2012. The very fact that vaccines were proven to be no good for a covid virus was probably the motive that the deep state needed. That would seem to be a juicy target that they couldn’t let go of. If you get vaccinated for Covid, your lungs will get worse and worse until you die. Thats the news that the deep state had in their hands by 2012. So we’ve got this sense of the same research being done over with a decades delay. But Gates and those guys already know the answers. They are all in the medical literature circa 2005-2012.
But wasn’t it president Trump who initiated the “Warp Speed” development of the vaccine – to be available before Christmas 2020?
So what are you saying, exactly?
He might have won the election but he lost the White House.
“But wasn’t it president Trump who initiated the “Warp Speed” development of the vaccine – to be available before Christmas 2020?
So what are you saying, exactly?”
We have no idea of the level of collaboration between Trump and the deep state. He appears to be blameless, a pretty good President, and the victim of these lunatics. He looks like he would have been a fantastic President had he been given room to move. But he is a zionist. Me and you cannot fathom these things from where we sit. I mean I can’t help likely him. I can’t help myself. But I don’t know the truth here. All I can say is we can never take the Q-Anon hopium pill. These are people we can’t have any faith in no matter how loveable they seem to be.
But just on what we DO KNOW. “HE MIGHT HAVE…..” Don’t be silly man, and you aren’t under your own name. So don’t be talking like this. We know he won the election because the contrary thesis is statistically impossible. So if we aren’t under our real name, lets keep some high standards up.
WHO says Australian cows to blame for China Virus.
(See link for rest.)
The CCP are bad guys alright. But I’m on China’s side on this one. Even though I am a huge fan of Steve Bannon, and I understand his one man war against the CCP, I’m not buying this idea that this came out of Wuhan. I don’t see the evidence for that. Its pretty hard to prove these things one way or another when they have stopped isolating viruses in the strictest sense of the word “isolate” for many decades now. But I’m not seeing it and the CCP doesn’t have the international media clout, or the form, or the experience to be engaging in massive terrorist attacks. You cannot just become experts in international terrorism overnight. To make that fly you need to control the media first.
The question cannot be resolved 100% so I’m not going to go toe to toe on this one because if the profession of virology has abandoned strict isolation and gone instead for sampled statistical model building (with the potential for all kinds of confounding factors) then its built into the industry that arguments of this nature cannot be properly won or lost. Surely such an outcome must be deliberate. But where is the evidence really that its a Wuhan originated virus? We have the impression of it from back when the mainstream media with one voice were rubbishing the seafood markets lack of hygiene. But lack of hygiene is no formula for the creation of the rapid evolution of new little nasties. Lack of hygiene is a method of creating breakouts of the old familiar diseases. This was alleged to be a “novel” virus. Not a familiar friend. So the reality that the Western Pravda promoted this very stupid idea with one voice really points the finger at the West as being behind the terrorist attack and all the spinoff tactical strategies that went with it. But now that we know they brought in the CCP as junior partners in the American coup, then we can circle back and suggest that the biowarfare is probably a joint Deep State/CCP project.
I went and ordered a litre of Ivermectin sheep drench. Will have to make an assessment as to whether there is anything in it that will hurt a human. This reminds me of when I got horse steroids for the kids swimming team and when the boys got up on the starter blocks all the young mothers fainted. I won’t be able to make a judgement of it without the drench right in front of me. But the thing is humans poison other humans. They don’t try too hard to poison sheep because the sheep don’t have health insurance and the farmer won’t pay a premium for the kind of snake oil that the pharmaceutical companies would rather sell them. You might earn a dollar a day per head of cattle as the animals are putting on weight. Thats not enough to justify expensive drugs so there is no point in poisoning sheep or cattle. But I do recognise I’ll have to make a very serious assessment of whats in the bottle when it gets to me.
This year of 2021 has to be the start of the rumoured attempt to thin our numbers out. So sometimes you’ve got to do things in a serious fashion. All jokes about horse steroids aside. You must have your stash IN THE HOUSE before you get sick. Its too late when you are full of fear and struggling to breath. No-one will help you then. They’ll put you in quarantine and deny you the treatments you request.
I am all for Ivermectin, but I must question that analysis.
Yes the Deaths did fall.
But they have [b]increased[/b] again since mid January.
The question must be if Ivermectin is as good as we think why are deaths on the increase?
Biowarfare is not a one time set and forget policy. Thats got to be taken into account here.
Why the two downvotes people? Obviously if you have your terrorist attack and someone finds an even better and cheaper solution then the designated antidote (HCQ) you have to respond to that on the ground before the word gets out and everyone sends for their sheep drench. You have to do it. You must respond to keep the vaccine option viable in the minds of the public.
Obviously some people are wavering back to the accidental release hypothesis, or the lack of hygiene in Wuhan hypothesis, when neither of these fit the data. We should have got that right as soon as the campaign of treatment denial kicked off. The last time the Bolsheviks took over a major country they killed off between 20 million and 60 million people in one stronghold and perhaps even more in another. These people aren’t mucking about here. They don’t want you in the gene pool. There is just enough of them and too many of you.
cross posted at
As a kid I grew up ‘assisting’ many, many, many sheep into a plunge dip pool and frequently dunking a head fully underwater of those that didn’t do the deep dive.
The backsplash was unavoidable and as much as I may have tried to spit it out I’m pretty sure I got the full Ivermectin treatment from a young age.
Coopers was top shelf stuff!
Not Using Ivermectin, One Year In, Is Unethical And Immoral
Ivermectin for Covid-19
By Mary Beth Pfeiffer January 18, 2021
In Far-Flung Places, COVID-19 Is Being Treated Early And Well. Here’s Why Americans Don’t Know This
By Mary Beth Pfeiffer
A Letter to NIH and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Is Anybody Home?
By Mary Beth Pfeiffer January 30, 2021
I’ve noticed that in Peru, for all cases that have an outcome, the death rate is 3.7%. In the US it is 2.6%, and in Australia it is 3.3%.
I’ve also come to realize the infection rate is largely a matter of policy and the death rate is largely a matter of treatment. The US has one of the worst policies and we’re paying the price. By far effective policy saves more lives but does not result in greater immunity. For that we need covid-19 survivors and effective vaccines.
Why have the vaccines in the first place? Are we saying that a vaccine gives better immunity than the disease itself? That would be a very strange outcome. Combining excellent treatment with surviving the disease would seem to be the best vaccine. With vaccines for other ailments, for example measles, the immunity given is only medium-term. This may set up a very dangerous situation in the community since mothers who were vaccinated a long time ago cannot be expected to give their breast-fed children good cover while they are still very little. Of course since the measles virus, if one exists, hasn’t been properly isolated I may have chosen a bad example. But the notion that the vaccine provides superior cover to the disease would have to be vaccine industry hype.
In any case we know the outcome to vaccines for corona viruses here. They seem to work after a fashion but lead to lung damage over time. Thats why they were never attempted before this campaign of biowarfare, treatment denial and slave training.
Not strange at all. Vaccines can be designed to activate the immune system way beyond what the virus itself can.
“Not strange at all. Vaccines can be designed to activate the immune system way beyond what the virus itself can.”
Captain Gullible strikes again. No thats completely ridiculous. And you’ve got no evidence for that anywhere. Where the malady is easily survivable the immunity gained is always superior to that of a vaccine because the vaccine actively bypasses most of the immune system. Even before your evidence deficit is taken into consideration, your idea is foolish on its face. There are vital vaccines of course. But these are for such diseases as might cause death or permanent damage. With rabies the virus itself is pretty weak and sails under the bodies defences. Then once it has a foothold in the brain it gets the persons brain to destroy that same persons organs. So thats where vaccines are useful. Only in these exceptional circumstances to ward off what we might think of as a “stealth attack.”
Yes its true that Covid can also cause organ damage but only as a result of the campaign of treatment and preparation denial. Nobody with appropriately elevated vitamin D levels and the collection of known treatments in their house, is going to get permanent organ damage from this thing. But that is what the Covid vaccines are designed to do. They are designed to see to it that you are out of baby-making game via the path of lung damage.
Thats why we didn’t have a corona virus vaccine at an earlier date. You think these big business sharks would have missed out on that money-making opportunity? The whole reason we didn’t have a corona virus vaccine, is that every time it was attempted it lead to lung damage. It was only a matter of time until this was brought to humanitarian Bills notice.
The virus by design is intended to kill you. The vaccine by design is intended to keep you alive. If the virus does not produce your death it can still leave you permanently damaged in terrible ways.
“The virus by design is intended to kill you. The vaccine by design is intended to keep you alive. ”
Not true. The virus was intended to make us get the vaccine. And the vaccine is intended to take us out of the gene pool. Do keep up 007.
This sounds like you have a case of CDS (Coronoavirus Derangement Syndrome).
No it’s sounding like you are dismissing data and not going through your analysis in a systematic way. Your thinking cannot explain the treatment denial and therefore must be sent to the fires.
CDS is strong in this one.
No you are just not that bright fella.
“I’ve also come to realize the infection rate is largely a matter of policy and the death rate is largely a matter of treatment.”
How is that for a succinct summary? Bravo. I’ll steal that one and run like a thief in the night.
Although if the treatment were to be pre-existing in everyone’s house that would reduce the infection rate. Infection doesn’t begin person to person through the mouth and nose. If standard viral theory is true, infection begins cell-to-cell. So if you are destroying the virus, and its ability to replicate, inside and going in and out of the cell, you are also reducing the infection rate. Since vitamin D controls the strength of the macrophage response as the virus explode out of the cell, failure to elevate your vitamin D levels is much more irresponsible than failing to wear a mask. Since enough zinc absorbed within the cell cuts down or cuts off viral replication it also reduces infectiousness many membranes away at the interface between one human and the next.
So I like your summary as a description of the world as we find it. But treatment reduces infectiousness, if standard virology has a great deal of truth to it.
[…] In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks: cheap, safe and quite ignored – […]
Asthma inhalers?
Chris Kenny on sky news did an interview with a Victorian man about ivermectin and how it saved his wife’s life , unfortunately any attempt to copy the video has been blocked .
In Victoria it can still be used for Covid apparently.
[…] In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks: cheap, safe and quite ignored – […]
[…] In Peru, Ivermectin cut covid deaths by 75% in 6 weeks: cheap, safe and quite ignored – […]