A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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Here in my very Blue US East Coast City, restaurants and schools suddenly being allowed to reopen.
The Orange Threat is gone.
The risk is now manageable.
Same in your part of the world?
In Australia things are open but be ready for being ‘managed’ at any time for any reason John.
So predictable, and people believe this rot.
Not sure what rot you are talking about but it is no rot that opinion polls show Biden is enjoying an approval rating of almost 60 per cent, far higher than anything Trump achieved over four years.
In contrast, his vanquished opponent left Washington as a sore loser, disgraced by his final months, petulant till the end and with his approval ratings at a rock-bottom 34 per cent, the lowest of his presidency.
Is that 60% Democrats ?
It might be 60% of the 99.9% that voted for Biden with postal votes.
No actually, Rasmussens poll has Trumps exit approval rating higher than Bidens entry approval rating.
Today I read it is sub 50%
On the basis of how few cases / deaths Australia has suffered, it is reasonable to claim that it has been “managed” pretty well, in terms of restrictions and closures.
Our greatest errors have been dealing with people coming in from overseas (by ship and plane) and Australians returning home. And the management of quarantine … there have been some major mistakes, and we are yet to find out if there will be a political cost at the next election in each state.
Some lockdowns have been long and severe, and on the basis of very few cases. The economic and lifestyle costs have been significant.
There have been some grumbling, but basically Australians are good citizens and not crackpots, so compliance has been really high. Mask-wearing has become very normalised … no-one goes ditzy over it.
do di di did doo doo doo.
Australians are so placid when they’re mesmerized.
We are descended from convicts … it’s in our DNA.
You might be, i have none that i know off
Don’t No Anything.
It is no dishonor to be a descendant of convicts, to become a willing serf and to submit to authority without thought or question is disgraceful.
Millions of people have died in the past thousand years trying to liberate themselves from serfdom, and throw off the yoke of the church, the aristocracy, and the state.
There were very few “willing serfs” … the political, legal, social, and military structures in place made it extremely difficult for at least 90% of the population to improve their lives peacefully.
But in the modern world, it is also crazy for the dispossessed, powerless, and impoverished to look for “solutions” from populist charlatans, and lunatic conspiracy hobgoblins.
A very informative vid. by Penny Kelly. Sorry, don’t know how to link.
Brand New Tube, latest video, titled, “Do you see what I see”
Re, Fake Biden and roll of army. 15 min.
Canada is Warming at Only 1/2 the Rate of Climate Model Simulations
C’mon Canada, get with the program, we can’t have any laggards messing up our predictions
With everywhere else warming twice as much as everywhere else, somewhere has to be cold. C’mon man, Science™.
And global warming theory predicts that cold dry climates should have greater temperature increase the hot humid climates!
Well surprise, surprise, now that the leaders of the US coup have ousted President Trump from office the World Homicide Organisation has decided to allow a reduction in PCR cycle count for C-19 testing. This will likely dramatically reduce the number of positive test results reported (which are falsely counted as clinical cases). Of course Imposter Biden will get the credit for reducing the covid “case” count. The lower cycle count will give a closer correspondence between positive test results and actual clinical cases.
You may have a look here some what more in the details…
As Tony Heller points out in his new video, COVID case counts have been rapidly reducing across many US states for the last 10 weeks. The high PCR cycle count appears to have misrepresented all influenza infections for COVID cases:
In another video, he highlights the absurdity of mask mandates and lockdowns having successfully eradicated influenza cases and deaths for the entire 2020 flu season in the US, while the exact same mechanisms have resulted in an explosion of COVID cases:
In the meantime, a new study from Stanford has highlighted that masks and lockdowns have proven useless. Anticipate instant success for Joe Biden’s policies, because Democrats believe in “The Science”.
I am constantly baffled a to why we are continually told to stay inside small unventilated houses with others coughing over you when surely its far safer to be keeping your distance outdoors in the fresh air? Where on earth did this ‘indoors’ idea originate from?
Doesn’t there seem an origin point for many of these things?
Lockdown policy seems to be a cloned image from country to country.
Is it a cabal or a phenomenon of human culture in the internet age?
Who are what was able to bring Biden/Harris from last place in the primaries to the Whitehouse?
Who coordinated the placement of 25,000 + troops to DC for political theater?
There sure seems to be something behind the curtain.
Where’s Toto when we need him?
The plan is to maximise infections….?
This Prof has been attacked for saying what she has. Can anyone comment if medically she is correct?
Wasn’t there some mention early in the piece that in China, people who had been vaccinated against SARS were having much worse reactions to Covid-19? We don’t seem to have heard much more about it.
I worry about my family in the UK. The older members have already had their first shots of the Pfizer vaccine.
Come in our resident medicos if you have any useful info.
My reply is in moderation.
Re. talk early last year that vaccinated people in a certain country against a certain early version of the Wuflu were having worse reactions to the current version than those who weren’t.
[Retrieved for you Annie it was just the auto filter.]AD
Thanks AD and thanks Brenda.
Have a look at this speech by Dr Simone Gold which is saying the same thing (I think)
There sems to be a problem in some people of an antibody reaction which can be fatal in a few months. Put me off the vaccine and I was already reticent.
I was a medical microbiologist then a paramedic.
Thanks Brenda,
I admired her strength in her first appearance on “America’s Front Line Doctors” some time back, and she’s really on fire in this. Again she’s pulling no punches, in this presentation from Tuesday Jan 19.
Dave B
Thank you Brenda for this link. Like you I was not at all inclined to have an experimental vaccine that has been rushed through, but now having seen your link of Simone Gold and the one from Dolores Cahill, I’m certain. Remains to be seen if it’s mandated. ToM
It’s an hour well spent listening to Simone Gold who has not missed any detail around SARS-COV1&2 in this absolutely comprehensive talk; thank you Brenda Spence.
Thankyou again Brenda, have now watched that and the other link from Boris below.
Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi seems to agree with Dolores Cahill’s assessment from what he describes in this clip.
I can’t think of a safer place than on a beach. The sun and the clean sea breeze would keep you safe.
Precisely, which shows ignorance and arrogance on the part of those making rules and those aggressively enforcing them.
People have to be confined indoors because governments can be seen ‘taking action’. And you feel so grateful when released.
Great News on the ‘Gold Standard’ PCR tests!
WHO announced to the effect on the Inauguration Day that a positive PCR was no longer a positive for COVID19 if the patient did not have symptoms.
Does this mean the greater than 99.5% asymptomatic individuals who were recorded as positive for the SARS-OV-2 are no longer positive results due to the absence of symptoms?
Poor Richard Wilkins should not have had to suffer isolation if the directive for the PCR test to be the ‘gold standard’ for the Pandemic testing had been thought through using the current logic of the WHO.
Yes. No symptoms but a positive pcr means no illness from the virus. It does not mean the patient does not have any virus, only that the amount if any is too small to cause illness or to spread. So much for the test, you could say it invalidates the idea of being asymptomatic, no such thing.
The pcr test is useful for tracing the spread, worthless as an indicator of illness in an individual.
G’day David M,
That is surely just co-incidence, that it’s dated January 20. Was it released at 12:05 pm, or was it held back until Jo signed his EO to again have the US recognise the WHO? How many $$$, measured in billions, will that cost US taxpayers?
Do I need the “/sarc” for this?
Dave B
David Maddison you write
” the World Homicide Organisation has decided to allow a reduction in PCR cycle count for C-19 testing. This will likely dramatically reduce the number of positive test results reported”
It seems you may not fully understand the factors that affect PCR sensitivity.
Low cycle numbers are preferable for unbiased amplification and accurate replication of target DNA
Conversely high cycle numbers can result in the appearance of nonspecific bands and accumulation of by-products and depletion of reaction components can drastically lower PCR efficiency.
There are many factors that can affect sensitivity far more than cycle numbers. Annealing temperatures. Primer length. Thiol modified primers and many more
Latest comments from Mark Dice on Imposter Biden’s “performance” so far.
“It Has Begun.”
Apologies for the Leftist YouTube link, this video is not yet on his free speech accounts on Rumble or Bitchute.
what is this all about that Google have threatened to shut down in Australia if they are made to pay for content?
Will that be good or bad?
By ‘shutting down’, does that mean stopping access to Google by Australians or does it mean stopping all reporting and listing of all things Australian, or both?
If access to Google is stopped that could force the sheeple to use other search engines. That can only be good. If it means no more reporting of Australian news, well, that is just annoying or silly.
There’s more internet out there than just Google.
If you’ve ever looked for news on Australia when overseas you’d say minimal difference
Good for Australia, bad for Goebbledegook Google.
Gurgle down the gurgler….
They are appear to be part of the truth ministry…no great loss
And the revenue from advertising and sales of information to merchandisers will drop.
Perhaps they should google “effects of loss of revenue” or “shooting ones self in the foot”?
I would welcome Google preventing us to access Google products and services. Perhaps then Australians will wake up before the Americans do, which in itself would be good as it will force us to be better prepared when the crash and burn starts.
That would be the best for us.There are alternative search engines available to all of us such as Duck Duck Go.Works just as well as gooooogle,if not better.
I was very relieved to go back to DDG. I was using Firefox for quite a while but they seemed to lose the plot entirely and became very tedious to use.
If Google removes their search engine people would be forced to use honest ones like DuckDuckGo. Promoting honesty over Leftist lies, manipulation and propaganda as promoted by Google has to be a good thing.
Interesting that’s it’s come a few weeks after China tried bullying us too. Might be a trial run in preparation for bigger targets.
1-21-21 The EB-5 visa program allows wealthy foreign nationals to claim to invest at least $900,000 in U.S. development projects in order to receive green cards for themselves and their families with eventual pathways to American citizenship.
The EB-5 foreign investor’s only requirement is to claim to have created ten U.S. jobs and revitalize “distressed” areas. Those areas, though, are often in wealthy zip codes to build luxury shopping centers and condos for the wealthiest of Americans. The program effectively sells American citizenship to the highest foreign bidders.
As Breitbart News has reported, 10,000 foreign nationals and their families are allowed to enter the U.S. every year on the EB-5 visa. The overwhelming majority of EB-5 visas are rewarded to China’s elite — driving a migration of rich Chinese to cities across the country.
Edison Research (reporting US election data) and an Iran host linked in, apparently
I shouldn’t do it, but WTF.
“People tell me it’s the bad side of me, the trouble maker, the awkward bas**rd, the devil in me coming out to play, all of which are lamentably true and I fret about constantly. But everyone also knows the devil always has the greatest laughs. Look around you if you don’t believe that.”
Read on at –
Loved it!! Great strategy. Nest of luck. 🙂
Thganks. Added to Chiefio’s “to ban or not to ban” thread
And in that spirit
“Bumped: OAN reports that Trump has offered NG troops free lodging at his DC hotel.”
I notice on another blog that someone has started to quote Rudyard Kipling’s “Tommy”.
Thanks Ian. I had never read “Tommy” much as I like Kipling. I now have, thanks to your comment. And how appropriate considering the car garage sleeping arrangements with one power outlet and one bathroom. But you’d better be there when we need you!! ToM
You are right, you shouldn’t do it. Let the left do it as they are masters of evil. Why try to compete with them? It only makes us as bad if not worse then them. We are better than them and we should stick to defending good not evil.
I disagree Peter S,
He’s tried their “official” way to exit gracefully, any attempt to use the legal system in the current system is pointless as is a request to any of his elected representatives. He’s not threatening violence, let alone mayhem or death.
And you object to his using humour?
To do nothing would be an appeasement.
Dave B
In other words, evil is not a joking matter; it’s very serious and very bad.
No bite, so changed the bait. It disappeared from sight into special moderation automatically. It may come back, you never know with these Bozos …
I just had a comment back from spreading this – “Just try getting off Facebook”.
Not being a user of either I guess the acid test would be to sign off andout, then see if you can get back in with previous details?
Apparently, we here in the Old Country are suffering from a serious mutation of the Covid virus, called the Kent Variant: more transmissible and more deadly.
Bearing in mind where all the Channel ‘boat-people’ are landing I wonder how this variant got into the UK….
I think sometimes the powrs that be are running a massive scare campaign to frighten people into taking the vaccne…..
We have no way of verifying what they tell us, its all “monsters under our beds” stuff…
That thought had certainly crossed my mind a few times!
Somewhere a while back it was described as “A syringe full of politics”
Another Ian. It reminds of Dr. Zelenko’s comment when his protocol of hydroxychloroquine plus zinc with its very high success rate against Covid, was being described as harmful, sometimes deadly, by the official health team (not enough money in it), he said “Covid isn’t killing people, politics is”. Hear hear. ToM
… it’s back on the useful list.
Biden has waved his magic wand and HCQ is no longer dangerous.
So it’s more deadly this mutation? In that case it’s mutating the way you wouldn’t expect. Viruses in general mutate to be become more transmissible but less deadly. Natural selection is more likely to select viruses that don’t kill the host! So why isn’t it following this rule? 2 theories: they’re lying or perhaps the sicker patients get taken to hospital and admitted to ICU and pass it on whereas well patients remain isolated.
Well, the first round didn’t kill Trump, so the fresh ones are stronger, uglier and nastier …
The constant reference to Trump as being divisive, without proper analysis of why, is frustrating. Given that politics is by its very nature divisive, I think the answer to my question deserves investigation. Why Trump?
Leaving aside the question of style (which seems to be the major complaint) it appears that his election slogan of “Make America Great Again” is the problem.
This goes against the meme that is promoting (largely by stealth) the idea of a “one world government” with power in the hands of a few.
Trump’s opponents on both sides of the political spectrum won’t come out and admit this because it is patently obvious that there is strong opposition at the grassroots.
The endless ad hominem, justified or not, provides for a perfect cover to implement a less than universally accepted agenda.
Maybe a useful resource on coming LIA and past periods of cool weather and impact on food.
I notice Bhamphpmet Bill has bought up huge swathes of agricultural land in the USA, presumably to either corner the food market, or restrict food production. I guess if the vaccne doesnt get people, denying them food might finish them off…
It appears humanity / civilisation flourishes during ‘warm’ periods yet collapses into disease, hunger and chaos during ‘cold snaps’. Truly astounding. If only experts* and those in positions of power knew this… oh wait –
“It appears humanity / civilisation flourishes during ‘warm’ periods…”
Along those same lines:
Another New Study Says Warming And CO2-Induced Greening Leads To COOLING Of Land Surface Temperatures
Oh my goldfish, everything’s STILL all our fault! Guess in 79 years’ time we’ll find out.
At least the 3-day snow storm down in the South Island has finally abated and temperatures are returning to *average* for this time of year, ie. high summer. Yet I heard a 16-year-old schoolboy on the radio this week saying he’s recommencing School Strike For Climate as Jacinda’s “not doing enough” to save the planet, and because Trump.
So young – so much to learn. Sigh.
Unfortunately we still have nothing to refute their claims, what can I say to a classroom full of eager students on the question of climate change.
Tell them its happening now and if there are any astrologers or sun worshippers in class then they may have it wrong. The general theory is that natural variability is reduced to noise and a tipping point is at hand.
The PDO has typically moved into negative phase during La Nina, but they’ll both bounce back to neutral within a couple of months. The AMO is no help travelling in its warm phase and flirting with neutral, but one punter I spoke to said it won’t go to its cool phase until 2035.
I’ll need to do some homework or I won’t be graduating anytime soon.
G’day e g,
Have a close look with them at the LIA, in particular how it ended. What caused that warming? And the timing in relation to the Industrial revolution. Throw in some ice ages, and have them explain why the IPCC doesn’t mention them.
Good luck,
Dave B
What caused the warming had nothing to do with James Watt, so there must be another explanation. It might be more productive to look at the start of the LIA, coming down from the MWP there was a time when climate was similar to now.
There is little interest in history, so we’ll focus purely on the scientific facts, cause and effect. Do we have a definitive start date?
PS e g,
We’re both one up on Greg in NZ.
Dave B
We have to find a way through the heavy propaganda, but we cannot even get a start if the UAH doesn’t fall to a lower level for a decade.
El Gordo,
I’ve given that a green tick for linking the University of Alabama Huntsville with “heavy propaganda”.
I thought that UAH was reliable.
Everyone seems confident that UAH is acceptable.
“The end of prime time TV”
Australia is fortunate to have a strong centre right government.
‘Scott Morrison says the political debate about reaching a carbon-neutral future is over but he will not take a new 2030 or 2035 emissions reduction targets to a key UN climate conference.’ Oz
Today’s Leftists, including those who post on this blog (even though we aren’t allowed to post on Leftist blogs because they can’t handle alternative opinions) like telling us that they are not like the National Socialists and International Socialists of yesteryear but that’s simply not true.
‘There has to be consequences’: Leftists call for Trump supporters to be punished, ‘deprogrammed’
‘There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed’
See link for rest.
A third of America think the electoral system was corrupted by the deep state, they need debriefing.
Yup…and when the leftists turn up…guess what…
Civil war is possible.
A comment from a long time ago
“Beware the hatred of patient men and women”
Beijing understands the meaning of corrupt practice.
“The struggle between corruption and anti-corruption efforts will continue to exist for a long period to come,” Xi said. “There is no alternative in the anti-corruption fight, and we must move ahead in spite of difficulties.” (China Daily)
Quick question el gordo, have you done business in CCP
No, I think its important to know what the fascists are thinking.
Thought so – Sorry you are naive.
Don’t worry about me old man, do you think the CCP is really communist?
The US Election result has emboldened the Green verbalists , and released a new battle cry.
A US “spokesman” questioned about the plans for “Climate Action” resulted in the repeated use of the phrase. “CARBON TERRORISTS” when talking about countries which do not toe the line of the Paris Accord. !
Ironic really, coming from the country with one of the highest Carbon emission levels
PS , their plan is to have a Zero Carbon Electricity grid supply by 2035 !
That should be interesting to watch !
I’m guessing that the sparks won’t only be from the grid?
There is no problem some of the world’s worst and most evil dictators posting on social(ist) media such as Twitter, just people like President Trump and other conservatives.
Last updated January 22, 2021 7:57PM AEDT
US Presidency: Iranian leader’s chilling threat to Trump
JANUARY 21, 2021 5:04PM
Iran’s supreme leader has promised to take “revenge” on Donald Trump, posting a chilling picture of what they want to do to the former president.
Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tweeted a doctored image of a man bearing a strong resemblance to Mr Trump.
In the image, the blonde man can be seen playing a game of golf as the shadow of a stealth aircraft hovers overhead.
The text that goes with the image promised “revenge” against Mr Trump.
The text referred to a statement made by Khamenei on Twitter in December, according to a translation by Reuters, including the supreme leader’s vow that the US would face retribution for the death of Qassem Soleimani.
Soleimani was one of Iran’s top generals when he was killed in a US airstrike in Iraq last year.
“Those who ordered the murder of General Soleimani as well as those who carried this out should be punished. This revenge will certainly happen at the right time,” Khamenei’s statement read, according to Reuters.
Any US legal/constitution experts here ??
..if so, how far are the Democrats and the Senate generally , stretching the legal system to try impeachment on a non sitting President.?
I do not claim to have much lunderstanding of US legal proceedings , but this seems to be both an exception process as well as a very concocket accusation.
Any faith i had in Democracy or Justice systems in the USA has completely evapotated.!
Requires a “super majority” in the Senate to pass. That means two thirds must support the charge. Given that the Democrats have a one seat majority, this would require at least 16 Republican senators to cross the floor and vote in support of impeachment.
The last time around, the process was so rushed in the Senate, I can’t be sure if any examination of evidence presented to the lower house was done. In the current impeachment process, the process was so rushed in the lower house, I’m not sure that any evidence was actually presented. No one was called. No agency heads were questioned. Pure political theatre again, by Nancy Pelosi.
So I’m thinking that it will most likely fail along party lines, again.
The Senate is actually split 50-50 (VP Kamala Harris only has a casting or tie-breaking vote, not a deliberative vote), so the Democrats require 17 Republicans to convict and remove an official- a tall order.
However barring an official from holding office in the future only requires a simple majority in the Senate, so the bar is lower, as one would expect.
What I’m not clear about is whether the Senate needs to convict first (a two-thirds vote) before they can vote on disbarment (50% plus 1). Seems illogical if they do.
So many situations where converse findings will be hard to separate from the routine adjustments normally used with inverse data systems. Structurally indecisive when it’s so obvious that the current situation requires political correctness at every turn.
Huh? Can I have a translation? I’m on holidays, so I only have beach-brain functioning.
Sorry, it was meant as a sarcastic imitation of many of the comments made both here and in the media generally.
Politicians and some bloggers become very adept at this type of Verbalism.
The more I read about the media’s incitement of the rabid hatred of Donald Trump and his supporters, the more I am reminded of George Orwell’s quote “The further a society drifts from the truth, the more they will hate those that speak it.”
1984 must be reentering the best seller lists. If not, it should be.
Rob Smith ‘not surprised’ George Orwell’s ‘1984’ reached Amazon’s top sellers amid Big Tech censorship
Smith says ‘1984’ is selling because people are growing concerned over censorship of a president
This is a quote of unknown origin, perhaps falsely attributed to Vaclav Klaus, but whomever wrote it, it is still valid. Today you could substitute Imposter Biden for Obama. Or even “our” Dan Andrews of Victoriastan.
Typical Leftist hypocrisy. I thought Leftists were meant to be egalitarian? I bet Trump never made such demands.
Kamala Harris fury as Democrat ‘demands staff stand up when she walks into room’
I’m not sure if you guys are familiar with Catherine Austin Fitts. She’s the author of the Solari Report. In the past she was the assistant secretary of housing and urban development in ‘old’ Bush’s US administration. Prior to that she was a merchant banker with Dillon Reed on Wall Street.
She recently gave an interview “Planet Lock-down”.
If you follow her reading of events in the recent past up to the present it gives an eye-popping survey that indicates the “trap” that has been set for Western nations.
“Biden falls at the first hurdle”
Biden seems to be getting praise for his intention to roll-out 100 million vaccines in his first 100 days. This is actually less than Trump’s plan of 8 million a week. Trump’s plan with agreeance from the states was that the feds are responsible for supply of the vaccine but the state governments are responsible for undertaking vaccinations. Trump fulfilled his part and even gave the States 9 months notice, to be ready to go before Christmas, but they weren’t ready at all, with many centres even running out of needles.
But what about cause and effect – The vaccine started rolling out a month ago. Assuming the typical 10 day lag time, cases are down 21% in the last 2 weeks. Amazing coincidence – NOT. All this rubbish Biden is spouting now, is to try and steal all the credit, just like the election.
Useful idiots getting theirs? And so soon too!
“71,000 Antifa Accounts Closed”
Ahhh, the irony is magnificent…
And the squeals heard loudly cross the ocean. Even behind the Great Divide.
Dave B
One might suggest “getting Rohm-ed”?
And they probably expect sympathy with that?
Like the Home Alone photo of President Trump pointing Macaulay Culkin where he was going – saying
“Don’t go that way. Joe Biden is sniffing kids over there”
Oops supposed to be reply to another ian 23
To anyone using Brave browser:
Think before you accept the latest upgrade. If you don’t want it to auto queue to the next youtube video, don’t do it. This must be another case of big tech helping out their mates. It annoys me.
Did you get the red “*” button that lets you bookmark? When I downloaded the one I’m using it didn’t show.
Thanks for the warning
I don’t know about the read star but there are many subtitles I am unaware of.
I’m sorta hoping someone will call me a DH and point to a switch I can’t find.
BTW I’m with MacOS BECAUSE they don’t pull this sheet – usually. At my age I have zero interested in learning a new OS at MS’s whim.
I have always hated Gates and his crapware and put a LOT of effort into installing an IBM point’n’ click OS that came on 13 floppies. I sort of got it running and they dumped it. Thanks for nuttin!
I’ve finally found the autoplay switch – It is small and it has moved.
I haven’t had that problem with brave browser.
The Covid-19 virus has already mutated at least eight times since it was first detected. Six of those were harmless…only the UK and South African variants are dangerous. The virus will keep mutating and evolving, no matter what vaccines are produced. I would not be surprised that, in 1-2 years time, the current vaccines are ineffective against the new strains, and it will eventually become a vicious cycle (just like the battle against staff infections in hospitals).
The folly of trying to find a vaccine against the common cold.
“We” no longer seem to be smart enough to recognize this.
We must now abandon Sydney because of globull warming .
We are late into January and still haven’t had a 40 degree day yet in northeast Victoriastan.
True RR, though we seem to be expecting the first one tomorrow. We’ve usually had a couple or more by this time in January. We just reached 37C briefly yesterday. A few days ago the minimum was 5C.
Today and tomorrow are supposed to be above 40 here but I think it will struggle to get to or past 40 , we just haven’t had successive days of high heat .
Red RadioNZ just uploaded that bo!!ocks article – Warning: Penrith Hot In Summer! – due to asphalt, concrete, and warm winds off the “desert to the east” (?). Sounds like a mix of Urban Heat Island effect, weather, and a dose of back-to-front geography journalism.
After a mild summer you’re finally getting hot winds off the desert (north of Melbourne & west of Sydney, for those bass-ackward churnalists) followed by the usual “cool change” southerly off the ocean, according to the BoM’s models. Sounds like weather to me yet the headline shouted HEATWAVE!
Hobgoblins, the lot of ’em.
The only difference to last year’ heatwave is La Nina, the east coast is tempered by sea breezes.
The blocking high pressure is a global cooling signal.
Re Melbourne Heat waves
The climateers have been cooling the past so much that we now think 35 C is incandescent.
Yep – Memories of Melbourne Feb 1968
according to BOM, the run from the 13th Feb to the 25th Feb 1968 recording – 32.1C, 26.2C, 37.1C, 38.2C, 38.9C, 38.1C, 36.3C, 31.6C, 32.2C, 23.8C, 36.3C, 41.4C, 40.9C
I have lived most of my life in the tropics, only a small fraction of it in aircon. I assure you it is habitable, it’s an attitudinal thing.
The cane was once cut by hand, by whites [take a bow Italians], and homes are still built. Guys in yellow vests learn how to work outdoors.
As long as the work rules aren’t made by those sitting in airconditioned comfort.
… and before the Italians there were the islanders, I don’t believe real white men did the work.
Insulting Little Creep aren’t you!
I dont believe anyone did all the work. That would be, if you pardon the pun, just a little bit too black and white for the real world.
On the history, an attitude had grown up that cane cutting in the tropics was not something an Englishman could do. The white Australia policy brought an end to black birding.
“The Rhyme Of History Calls…”
“The whole thing is well worth the read. I’m only going to quote parts of it so as to encourage folks to “hit the link”. The case is made, and rather well, that the arc of history is once again rhyming with itself and we can likely see our future in a Roman past. ”
More at
Stumbled across this site the other day, may be old news to some but thought I would post it anyway.
Bills itself as “A Collection of Interesting, Important, and Controversial Perspectives Largely Excluded from the American Mainstream Media”
some interesting reads
Science based on a false premise is junk.
It was a close run thing for SA , & VIV, on Sunday evening for power supply.
The Evening peak saw SA, Vic and even TAS fire up every thing they had to keep the lights on.
SA used all it GAS and ALL the Diesel genies and drained the batteries too.. .
VIC burned all its coal, gas and still had to import from TAS… who in turn opened ALL its Hydro taps AND fired up its Gas genies also to cover the VIC shortage.
I bet there were a few sweary palms at AEMO during that period. !
Sun linked to meandering jet stream.
My grandfather was directly involved with the ‘Blackbirding’ trade, and he got out of it, because he was disgusted by the way the Islanders were treated by the Sugar Kings. And El Gordo…you don’t know what you’re talking about in this topic, so keep your rancid opinions to yourself
I have just done a “back of the envelope” calculation on the melting of all the ice and the effect that it would have on the sea level :-
If the ice is on the land then the extra ocean volume would be 1.2¹⁵ L. The total ocean water volume is 1.335²¹ L. Therefore the increase would be 0.000000899.
The average depth of the oceans is 3688m therefore the increase in depth would be 3688000 x 0.000000899 -> 3.315mm.
Data Source NASA: Volumes of the World’s Oceans from ETOPO1
Can someone please check my maths. My suspicion is that they are multiplying % figures rather than actual figures therefore getting a 100 x error.
Interesting, but you might get a better picture by allocating the new water from the ice melt to the existing sea surface area; is that available?
Going back about 2,000 years the oceans were 1.2 metres deeper and this has left a lot of previously wet or swampy surface dry. Consequently any new sea level rise might not all go up; some will go sideways.
Source information – graphs – being looked for :-
1. ocean temperature versus latitude.
2. ocean CO2 concentration versus latitude.
3. ocean pH versus latitude.
In searching on the Internet I found it very difficult to find basic raw information so have had to
draw this analysis together from multiple sources with the information being more indirectly
obtained (ie buried). The principles seem to be clear so working with them :-
Ocean Temperature versus Latitude
The further away from the equator – the higher the latitude – the colder the water.
Ocean CO2 Concentration versus Latitude
The colder the water the higher the concentration of CO2. CO2 is soluble in water inversely
proportional to temperature.
Ocean pH versus Latitude
The higher the concentration of CO2 the more acidic the water is. Therefore the colder the water
(hence the Earth) is the more acidic the oceans are. And vice versa.
A relevant overview.