Daniel Greenfield put’s his finger on the diabolical feedback loop the West is in.
Big Gov protects the Big Tech monster from market competition — and in return Big Tech protects Big Government from political competition. Democrats have outsourced political repression of their enemies to cabals of private companies.
Nice Racket if you can get it.
The Democrats wet dream is to tar and feather opponents and then ban them from even speaking, and the conglomerate multinational octopuses are happy to oblige by tweaking search results, and suspending the right accounts. In return, they get sweet government deals and Section 230 protection. Who knew Amazon has nearly 500 federal subcontracts? When Amazon employees donate to the Democrats they’re just protecting their jobs.
When Google invests another $2 billion in Renewables, the last thing they want is climate denier Commander in Chief.
Public-Private partnerships are the unholiest anticompetitive destroyer of free speech. Big Gov works to make sure Big Tech can protect its monopoly control, while Big Tech works to make sure sure Big Gov is protected from criticism by blocking and banning free speech.
Daniel Greenfield,
That same old document written by old white dead men, not to mention centuries of jurisprudence and tradition, prevents the government from kicking down your door in the middle of the night for wrongthink. But nothing keeps corporations from firing you for wrongthink, for being related to someone who committed wrongthink, or for insufficient political correctness.
The public-private partnership between big government and big monopolies is based on Democrats and corporations doing the dirty work of repressing each other’s opponents.
Corporations can’t write regulations that suppress competition from upstart rivals, and so the government steps in and keeps the marketplace under the control of a few cartels. And the government can’t censor, deplatform, fire, bankrupt, and bar its political opponents from speaking, flying, and doing business. But the monopolies it’s been partnering with can and do.
Greenfield is savage:
The public-private totalitarian partnership between a one-party state and oligarchs who carry on its propaganda, enrich its officials, and suppress its enemies is a familiar one in China, Russia, Turkey and other hellholes that the Democrats seem bent on using as models for their utopia.
Democrats knock off Amazon’s rivals and Amazon knocks off Republicans. The Washington Post, owned by Amazon CEO Bezos, goes after President Trump. Amazon’s AWS takes out Parler and makes it more likely to get back its $10 billion military cloud contract from Biden.
Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.
It gets worse…
Biden state’s that he has no idea what he is signing on tape.
And after he signs it he state’s to get it to the President…meaning Obama.
Shows that Obama is behind all this crazy crap.
Is that legal that the President state’s he doesn’t know what he signed?
This can also explain why a nobody like Harris is now VP
Speculation here but, her banging Obama would explain a great deal.
Actually, it was banging Willie Brown (SF Mayor) that got Harris her jump start in politics.
“Heels Up Harris”
The Washington Post Just Proved How Desperate It Is to Be Kamala Harris’ Pravda
The Washington Post attempted to throw an embarrassing story about now-Vice President Kamala Harris down the memory hole but reversed course after Reason and others exposed the paper’s attempt to become Kamala Harris’ personal Pravda. How embarrassing.
Back on July 23, 2019, when Harris was a lowly senator from California and one of the many 2020 Democratic candidates for president, the Post dared to run quotes from an unflattering interview. How impertinent!
Here are the first seven paragraphs of the original article, written by Ben Terris and preserved by Reason‘s Eric Boehm:
This brief section of text showed a key aspect of Kamala Harris’s character — and it wasn’t pretty.
What lack of taste – on both their behalf’s.
‘Willie Brown!’ You couldn’t make this up could you?
Many of us are,
White Willie.
You watch he’ll sign his own resignation without knowing it. A few days later he’ll forget he ever became president.
China Military Tests the Strength of Their Bond With Hunter Biden by Violating Taiwan Airspace With Military Flights
It might turn out to be the best $5 million investment China ever made.
Repeating myself before going further — with the goal being to achieve global economic and military hegemony, supplanting the United States as the leading power in the world on both issues, makes the Chinese Communist Party and Chinese Military far and away the biggest threat to United States’ security and prosperity over the next 20+ years.
The first military step on the path towards the realization of this goal is the subjugation of Taiwan. The second step is making the South China Sea de facto territorial waters of China, thereby controlling all commerce through that trade route as well as the natural resources found there.
On Sunday China sent 15 military aircraft into Taiwanese airspace between mainland Taiwan and the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands in the South China Sea.
A key issue now pending before the Biden Administration is what it should do about the Trump Administration’s determination that China is engaged in genocide. Is Haines willing to support policies within the Administration that support her published words — “mobilizing a multilateral response to stop or prevent additional atrocities and laying the groundwork for accountability”? Secretary of State Tony Blinken told the Senate he agreed with Pompeo’s action.
Or will the CCP investment in Hunter Biden finally pay off?
Taiwan may give us the answer.
As evil and anti-American and anti-Western as he is, Biden was only installed as President because the truly evil one and the intended President is Harris but she was unelectable, and the voter fraud would have to be too massive to get her over the line. Even her own party hated her.
Biden is useful because he can be plausibly “retired” for “medical reasons”, being his dementia, and then Harris installed. If he won’t sign his own resignation, which is unlikely because he’ll sign anything put in front of him, he’ll either get a mysterious case of covid (despite his obsessive mask wearing and supposed vaccination) or he’ll have an “accident” falling down some stairs.
“Biden is useful because he can be plausibly “retired” for “medical reasons”, being his dementia, and then Harris installed. If he won’t sign his own resignation, which is unlikely because he’ll sign anything put in front of him, he’ll either get a mysterious case of covid (despite his obsessive mask wearing and supposed vaccination) or he’ll have an “accident” falling down some stairs.”
Seems like Plan A and Plan C. The matter was discussed before the election and suggested Plan B was be that Biden is asked to retire (for medical reasons) or the details of Hunter’s laptop, which the FBI have been holding for 12 months, will be revealed.
You are assuming that the democrats are united behind Harris.
There’ll be bunfight me lads
There will without a doubt
We’ll all be rooned said Hanrahan
Before the year is out.
>”You are assuming that the democrats are united behind Harris”
2% support among Democrats and Democratic-leaning Independents.
Then she dropped out of the primaries.
Fortunately she met Biden’s diversity criteria and has an impeccable hard-Left AG prosecutorial record. Made her VP selection a no-brainer for Biden.
See DDG search – Harris AG record
Remains to be seen what the 98% think of her if President and how that translates to overall approval rating. Whether those stats are valid is another matter.
As you say “Biden will sign anything” so why terminate him at all? His strings are being pulled and China Joe is definitely not in control but he will do as he is told.
>…he’ll have an “accident” falling down some stairs.
The equivalent of Russian doctors “falling out of windows”.
Harry Reid and his exercise accident … dangerous business, could happen to anyone.
In the situation in America now your hypothetical scenario is entirely plausible should the Democrats think it necessary eg if Biden gets even stroppier than he is now… as is apparently common as dementia progresses….and he opts to dig in.
What I’m wondering is what would happen if Big Tech seeks Biden’s help in screwing Australia for not succumbing in this dispute over paying for news.
Big Tech calls in the massive favor Biden owes them …and demands with menaces that he give Australia some sort of ultimatum to back off or the alliance will be at risk.
Australia would have plenty of leverage even in that situation because of our geography…the fact that we could be the only major country for US bases if China deploys its ‘nine dashes’ noose around Taiwan…Vietnam and the Philippines…and denies US access to Japan and Korea…as has been signaled in the past.
The other leverage is that many other countries would like to do as Australia is doing…and could possibly bring some extra pressure on Big Tech…but the European countries haven’t been big on solidarity when it mattered…more likely to throw us under the bus and do a separate deal.
How many remember that in the 1960s North Vietnam was at war with China?
Or that the Vietnamese hated the Chinese, who had ruled them for a thousand years?
Or that it was the USSR, not China, that backed the Viet Cong in the Vietnam War?
The tech supremacy: Silicon Valley can no longer conceal its power
Control, halt, delete
‘To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle,’ George Orwell famously observed. He was talking not about everyday life but about politics, where it is ‘quite easy for the part to be greater than the whole or for two objects to be in the same place simultaneously’. For years before the 2020 election, nearly all American conservatives were in favor of standing up to Big Tech — but most were also against changing the laws and regulations enough to make such a stand effective. And yet the threat from Silicon Valley was literally in front of our noses, day and night: on our cell phones, our tablets and our laptops.
Writing in the London Spectator more than three years ago, I warned of a coming collision between Donald Trump and Silicon Valley. ‘Social media helped Donald Trump take the White House,’ I wrote. ‘Silicon Valley won’t let it happen again.’ The conclusion of my book The Square and the Tower was that the new online network platforms represented a new kind of power that posed a fundamental challenge to the traditional hierarchical power of the state.
By the network platforms, I mean Facebook, Amazon, Twitter, Google and Apple, or FATGA for short — companies that have established a dominance over the public sphere not seen since the heyday of the pre Reformation Catholic Church. None had malign intent. As recently as 2008, not one of them could be found among the world’s largest companies by market capitalization. Today, they occupy first, third, fourth and fifth places in the market cap rankings, just above their Chinese counterparts, Tencent and Alibaba.
What happened was that the network platforms turned the originally decentralized worldwide web into an oligarchically organized and hierarchical public sphere from which they made money and to which they controlled access. That the original, superficially libertarian inclinations of these companies’ founders would rapidly crumble under political pressure from the left was also perfectly obvious.
Heres the thing…most people just move platforms to butchute or gab ir parler. Then the bug tech weenies can scream at the sky all they want…
Job done.
A comment to any search engine people who might be reading this….your services are like buying a box of breakfast cereal…plenty to choose from and we dont care if you go off and sulk.
Carry on…
What a macabre video. Is he signing death sentences?
Certainly nothing joyous about enacting new legislation.
“When Google invests another $2 billion in Renewables, the last thing they want is climate denier Commander in Chief.”
They don’t want to acknowledge how wrong they are because it would expose how wrong the left is about everything else, especially since this climate change nonsense is what they consider their most supportable cause.
The cancel culture is really all about saving face.
“When Google invests another $2 billion in Renewables. Its not ‘renewables’ they’re investing in its Govt enforced SUBSIDIES from taxpayers and billpayers!
Just like the currupt ‘carbon trading’ scheme scams that have made millions for Gore and Obama
CAGW and RE might be Big Tech’s ‘most supportable cause’…but could it not be their Waterloo?
Unless there are huge leaps in technology…the internet is going to be the biggest user of electricity…unsustainably voracious…and their business and wealth is totally dependent on it.
I don’t know what the numbers are and it’s just another of the CAGW issues that flies under the radar in order to hose us all down .
But what happens I wonder… with absolutely everything dependent on the internet and data centres now…if …as seems very very likely …RE can’t even come close to powering the world…not enough of the vital non-renewable minerals….when it becomes clear that RE eats itself alive and there’s no point in anyone funding it because there’s no money in it and it can’t power all the world’s infrastructure build…transport…industry …lighting …heating ..cooling…water treatment
etc…can’t power the cleanup of its own pollution…and it’s a far worse GHG polluter than FF…if half the people in the world are unemployed..who will pay for the grid that will still be needed…and replacement of its shortlived assets…and even if their captive crooked politicians ration the electricity for the rest of us…and subsidize them …how is their humungous money-spinner anything but a fast-diminishing white elephant?
The answer might by implicit – as you say, (at least) half the world’s people are surplus….how best to address that I wonder? Malthus has the answers.
Got it all there Truth.
A great outline of Hollywood’s greatest production ever:
Global Warming and The Future.
Say whatever we like, even these oligarchs must eventually face the market.
When the people they depend on can’t run their air conditioners in the heat of day, down will come their market caps.
If they carry through with the very foolish threat to withdraw services, that will give open slather to competitors to build a base to take to the world.
Trouble is, in the meantime we cop the collateral damage.
One doesn’t ‘face the market’ when one wears jackboots, raised the barbed wire, and holds the guns. It’s the lesson of history revised and expunged in Gramsci’s, ‘long march through the institutions‘.
The mushrooms and sheeple slept and were herded through the scamdemic into The Great Reset.
The coup d’état in America spells the beginning of the end.
Think differently now, begin to think very differently.
― Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn , The Gulag Archipelago 1918–1956
It gets better….thus appears to be Newsoms Mea Culpa….
““Newsom says the transition away from fossil fuels has left California with a gap in the reliability of its energy system. He says the state must examine its reliance on solar power and how that fits into its broader energy portfolio,” reports the San Francisco Chronicle’s Alexei Koseff.
““Today we are anticipating substantially greater need for energy,” Newsom said at a Monday press conference. Per Koseff, he added that this greater need is “about 4,400 megawatts short of what the state needs. That’s a ten times greater shortfall than Saturday. ”
““We failed to predict and plan these shortages and that’s simply unacceptable,” Newsom somehow said without bursting into flames.
“Give me a break.
“No one “failed to predict” anything.
And…..chickens the size of psycho emus ( with roid rage thrown in..) coming home to roost like a dump truck through the ceiling at 3am….
Germany is completely…. Merkelled…..
“Green energies destabilized the German power grid
“Then in the 1990s, environmental activists, politicians, climate alarmists and pseudo-experts decided they could do a better job at generating power in Germany and eventually passed the outlandish EEG green energy feed-in act and rules. They insisted that wildly fluctuating, intermittent power supplies could be managed easily, and done so at a low cost.
“Blackouts threaten
“Fast forward to today: The result of all the government meddling is becoming glaringly clear: the country now finds itself on the verge of blackouts due to grid instability, has the highest electricity prices in the world, relies more on imports and is not even close to meeting its emissions targets.
“Germany’s rickety and moody power grid now threatens the entire European power grid stability, as we recently witnessed.
Easy fix…put engineers ( not greenists ) back in charge, sack any bureacrat who dares advocate flaky wind power, and sack any pollie who enabled this green nonsense. Job done.
OS, your last sentence “Easy fix .. put engineers etc.” should be writ large on T-shirts, billboards, skywriters, sides of buildings, even curved to fit the Sydney Harbour Bridge. Hear hear. ToM
Welcome to the illusion of Liberty, Law, and Democracy.
The ultimate goal of a corrupt government is creation of the Unification Board and implementation of Directive 10-289:
“In the name of the general welfare, to protect the people’s security, to achieve full equality and total stability, it is decreed for the duration of the national emergency that: ……..”
See: Atlas Shrugged, Directive 10-289
Got Hypocrisy, Joe? Biden Raked in More ‘Dark Money’ Than Any Candidate in History, Dwarfing Trump’s Donations
Sometimes, I almost feel like “The hypocrisy of the Left knows no bounds” should be permanently affixed as the opening sentence of my articles if not the headline. The 2020 presidential election was and remains a quintessential case in point.
As is the case with every presidential election, the “pure as the driven snow” Democrat Party — this time with addled old Joe in tow — incessantly hyperventilated — lied — about the untold vast amounts of “special interest” money flowing into Donald Trump’s evil coffers.
Just one problem.
While Biden and his handlers continually bragged about his campaign’s small-dollar donations — as a “moral” contrast to Trump’s “corrupt” “special interest” donations, of course — it appears that again they were either lying, clueless, or both.
The title of a Saturday report from Bloomberg says it succinctly:
‘Dark Money’ Helped Pave Joe Biden’s Path to the White House.
More specifically, Biden’s campaign reeled in more “dark money” than any campaign in history, dwarfing Trump’s special interest contributions by multiples:
$145 million to $28.4 million.
And that’s before mentioning the half a billion Zuckerberg ponied up for ballot drop box installations and what have you.
5 a.m. headlines in Godzone :-
Climate Toddlers Want Climate Now.
Princess Cnut to Act Soon.
Here it comes again folks ; there is no let-up.
“you can check out any time you like . . . .”
Like Twitter apparently
The actual issue is whether IT companies should regulate content providers to prevent them from repeating falsehoods or inciting illegal acts. Freedom of speech does not give permission to knowingly lie in public. It is pretty much impossible to police everybody even with AI, so the regulating tends to be only applied to prominent players. This is not transparent.
Big Tech companies do use the donor and lobby system in the US to try and mitigate anti-trust and regulation. Change is coming though, mostly driven from Europe.
Interesting that public-private partnerships has supposedly become “left wing”. For decades the term was meant as a means to add free market principles into public works.
Well obfuscated.
So just tell us, who gets to decide what is the truth?
We’ve been lied to for generations, none of us really knows what’s true. Free speech is the only way we can examine what we think we know.
Many things can be objectively proven, e.g. Biden received more votes than Trump or carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas.
Well, until there are INDEPENDENT investigations into the various allegation we will never know whether Biden got more LEGAL votes.
CO2 may be termed a greenhouse gas but in reality the surface is warmed by convection, a purely mechanical process. Any imbalances introduced by CO2 are neutralised by changes in convection.
I thought convection cooled the surface.
I think Steven has a concept involving descending air (subsidence).
Good catch Peter.
Stephen wrote:
Please give your definition of greenhouse gas. I know CO2 is used in greenhouses to increase the productivity of plants. Is that what you are referring to?
A gas that can absorb or emit infrared radiation.
That has nothing to do with why it is called a greenhouse gas. It is used in greenhouses to improve plant productivity.
Only under specific conditions relating to pressure, temperature and constraints on volume within the atmosphere.
As Peter C states convection cools rather than warms the earth’s surface.
Thermal energy is transferred from hot places to cold places by convection. Convection occurs when warmer areas of a liquid or gas rise to cooler areas in the liquid or gas. Cooler liquid or gas then takes the place of the warmer areas which have risen higher. This results in a continous circulation pattern. Water boiling in a pan is a good example of these convection currents. Another good example of convection is in the atmosphere. The earth’s surface is warmed by the sun, the warm air rises and cool air moves in.
Ian wrote:
True in most case but not the most important to Earth’s thermostat.
Once the precipitable water in the atmosphere reaches 30mm, the atmosphere forms a Level of Free Convection. There is a lower convecting zone and a stable, non-convecting zone above the LFC. Once there is an LFC, then convective potential can form but does not result in immediate convection. However once triggered, highly buoyant moist air rapidly ascends into the dry zone above. The process is termed “cloudburst” for obvious reasons. It is also termed convective instability.
This is a good article on convective instability and how it is being measured globally:
Convective instability dominates in the intertropical convergence zone and is the reason why sea surface temperature rarely exceeds 30C and 32C is the upper limit apart from the Persian Gulf, which has uniquely dry prevailing winds that prevent cloudburst.
Convective instability has been an important weather event for aircraft. Pilots operating in regions prone to convective instability have a reasonable knowledge of the conditions that trigger instability. It is a process constantly occurring in the ocean in regions known for their monsoon. Convective potential is also a precondition for winding up cyclones.
Cloudburst creates highly reflective cloud that knock out most of the ground level sunlight. The surface cools once the cloud forms. The cloud becomes more persistent as the sea surface temperature increases as it takes longer to deposit water vapour carried above the the cloud base as ice after the cloudburst.
Once TPW reaches 40mm, the cloudburst cycle is continuous and cloudburst occurs ever few days as the convective potential rebuilds following each cloudburst.
I got a great picture of what must have been a cloudburst a few days ago.
I might try to get it to you for comment.
There are some good time lapse video of cloudburst like this one:
I have flown around two massive cloudbursts, termed supercells, on the northern approach to Brisbane airport. The pilot advised they were as high as 75,000ft. These are the ones with huge updraft velocity that form over warm land and can produce cricket ball size hail. Hail that size require updraft velocity around 180kph.
Ian that is the second law of Thermodynamics (proved by Boltzmann) and known by engineers for some 220 years and never disproved. The law also applies to radiation. Molecules of CO2 radiate to space as measured by satellites at around 200K. I hope you know that the actual radiation window as measured by satellites is 66W/m2 see this https://cementafriend.wordpress.com/2015/09/25/radiation-window/
CO2 is not a greenhouse gas as proposed by IPCC definition, nor is methane (CH4). The IPCC does not regard water vapour (H2Og) as a greenhouse gas. The second law of thermodynamics also applies to H2Og, H2Ol & H2Os in clouds except when there is an inversion.
Will J once mentioned that the altitude at which CO2 can act as an individual gas is about 14,000 metres.
I notice you didn’t include “Man-made CO2 is causing global warming” in your “things [that] can be objectively proven”…. shows that you actually do understand fact from fiction.
Carbon Monoxide is a poison.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it.
A sophist’s defence that the truth is what the oligarchs say it is.
Anyone could say that is ‘objectively true that the sky is blue
Physicists are still discussing it tho
Simon wrote:
What on planet Earth is a “Greenhouse Gas”?
If you are describing something that regulates Earth’s temperature in any way then you have been badly misinformed. It is non physical claptrap.
It is very easy to demonstrate that there is no “Greenhouse Effect” and no global warming. It is a fairytale made up for uniformed children and adults; no different to Santa Clause.
Some things can be objectively proven…but not that Biden won more votes than Trump …and not that CO2 is a worse GHG than many other GHGases….eg the thousands of times worse SF6 and NF3 released in the manufacture of turbines and solar panels .
The sensitivity of climate to a doubling of CO2 is hugely contested…and if at the lower levels CO2 has no significant effect on earth’s climate.
If you and other Biden supporters really thought Biden got more votes than Trump…you’d be advocating that all of the ballots and the machines and methods…plus the allegations of physical removal of votes etc be subjected to a forensic investigation over a few months in order to have the ‘unity’ ‘Democrats’ profess to crave.
It’s not as if ‘Democrats’ were averse to disruption…having caused it and much worse for the last five years.
If not for the results to be checkable during the next two years ..why are ballots required by law to be preserved for that time?
Every action and utterance of democrats and their supporters reeks of guilt and fear of exposure…so Trump supporters amongst Republicans should/must continue to seek evidence of the fact that the whole rational world believes is true…that the Democrats…with the assistance of BigTech…Deep State …LW journalists and corporate behemoths…stole the election .
The future of the world depends on it…no less.
According to Propublica there are more than 18 thousand registered lobby organisations, at both state and federally in the USA. Most of these use the revolving door method of hiring talent..
The takeaway is not that either the Democrats or the Republicans are friendly to big business, but business has has bought and paid for government.
Except for Trump. He wasn’t for sale.
Yep. All these useful woke idiots who decry capitalism but welcome the money and influenced peddled by the globe’s biggest capitalists … Bezos, Zuckerberg and Dorsey.
Then again, some Twitter post probably told them that Amazon and Facebook are not for profit organisations.
I hear that BIg Pharma is still number 1 for influence and money bribes.
They complained about the Tabaco industry for years, and I don’t doubt there was much money changed hands to keep the industry afloat, but the new IT’s are really getting down and dirty. They aren’t just looking for influence, but are actively controlling the narratives on a world wide scale.
You are kidding, right?
From Open Secrets data
Contributor Total
Las Vegas Sands $45,010,352
Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment & Research $45,005,600
America First $37,186,291
Walt Disney Co $10,587,474
Laura & Isaac Perlmutter Foundation $10,500,000
Energy Transfer Equity $10,033,339
Marcus Foundation $10,000,000
Eshelman Ventures LLC $7,000,000
GH Palmer Assoc $6,005,600
Hendricks Holding Co $5,007,548
Uline Inc $4,093,652
Stephens Inc $3,519,887
Blackstone Group $3,040,361
Mountaire Corp $1,500,100
Irving Moskowitz Foundation $1,300,000
Beal Bank (Employees) $1,109,552
Cerberus Capital Management $1,089,142
RDV Corp $1,034,369
Intercontinental Exchange Inc $1,013,680
Silver Lake Partners $1,013,644
This is not to say that the others did not get similar amounts, but to say he wasn’t for sale is demonstrably false
Hey Fitz, your hero has only 48% favourability rating. The outgoing Prez is way above that. LOL
How can a popularly elected President get <50% on inauguration day?
Trumps biggest donors were 3 individuals
1.Bernard Marcus
2.Sheldon Adelson (now deceased)
3.Paul Singer
What do these three donors gave incommon?
Boris beastly anti-semitism before bedtime?
The issue is whether or not IT companies should be allowed to leverage their market position to affect elections with what amounts to unlimited and unaccounted for campaign contributions as they actively suppress the first amendment rights of one side and prop up the nonsense of the other.
Was it proper to prevent the public from knowing about the Biden family business of influence peddling, the revelation of Hunter’s laptop and Bobulinski’s first hand account of Joe’s involvement and financial participation in the influence peddling schemes?
Is it proper to prop up the fake science coming from the IPCC and denigrate the contra-indicative facts discovered by scientists who put the scientific method above political agendas?
Was it proper to weaponize hate against Trump and his supporters, while projecting their own hateful behavior on the target of their hate?
Was it proper to consider the antifa/BLM rioters heroes of the cause while demonizing the capital rioters?
Was it proper to reinforce the fake Russian collusion and impeachment hoaxes by misrepresenting facts while giving Biden a pass on his many indiscretions and those of his family?
Anyone who can’t see the hypocrisy and lack of ethics coming from the left and their comrades in big data and the media either isn’t looking very hard or they have a serious cognitive deficit like TDS.
>”…they [IT companies] actively suppress the first amendment rights of one side and prop up the nonsense of the other.”
Exhibit A: Instagram Is Forcing Users to Follow Biden White House Account So That It’s Not So Pathetic Even When Users Repeatedly Un-Follow the Page
I tipped off Pointman on this
Simon >…public-private partnerships has supposedly become “left wing”
Or as Greenfield puts it:
Can be Left or Right wing.
Actually this is fascism. Mussolini’s ghost writer Giovanni Gentile supposedly invented the term (although fascii – a bundle of sticks – predates this and see US below) and defined it in the Encyclopedia Italiana in this way:
Fascism was very popular is the US prior to Pearl Harbour which broke the corporate fascists of the time who were doing good business with Nazi Germany (think Bush banking) and enabled US entry to WWII.
The symbol of fascism (a bundle of sticks bound around an axe) is evident on several Federal Washington DC buildings and monuments:
# Two on the wall behind the speakers chair in House of Representatives (Congress).
# Numerous carved into the wood paneling of the bench in the capitol Hearing Room (for impeachments, McCarthy inquisition etc).
# All around the top of the capitol building rotunda (exterior). Building of which commenced 1793.
# Two on the chair of the Lincoln Memorial.
This latest development is just USA returning to form – Fascism with Democrat characteristics, to paraphrase China’s “socialism with Chinese characteristics”.
Both are totalitarian – no dissent allowed.
You have pretty well nailed it Richard, but I might add that China IS the largest Fascist State ever to exist, and also the pivot from Communism to Fascism by China proves the two ideologies are two sides of the same totalitarian coin. They are both big Govt Extreme Leftist ideology, something the Biden/Harris Democrats are keen to emulate.
I hesitate to brand China’s CCP a pivot to CFP in entirety but obvious that the middle “C” is just pretense and “F” has grown exponentially since Deng Xiaoping.
I’m inclined to think China is now just a dictatorship. Everything else – C, F, National Congress, citizenry – kowtow’s to Xi Jinping’s thought, or else.
Take the case of Jack Ma (from Breitbart):
So the state is the ultimate benefactor to corporates (fascism maintaining a semblance of communism) but at the pinnacle is Xi Jinping (dictatorship).
>”something the Biden/Harris Democrats are keen to emulate”
Yes, especially their Social Credit System I’m guessing.
I first came across fasces whilst reading Colleen McCullough’s Masters of Rome series of books. The fasces was carried by the lictors, or attendants, and was characterized by an ax head projecting from a bundle of elm or birch rods about 5 feet (1.5 metres) long and tied together with a red strap; it symbolized penal power. Roman Senators when in public within the walls of Rome were attended by lictors who carried their fasces.
>”an ax head projecting from a bundle of elm or birch rods about 5 feet (1.5 metres) long and tied together with a red strap”
>”Roman Senators when in public within the walls of Rome were attended by lictors who carried their fasces”
Two of those on the wall of Congress behind Pelosi. Two on the seal of the U.S. Senate.
Federal USA mirrors Imperial Rome.
Comports uncomfortably closely with the “beast” and “image of the beast” in Rev 13. As does 13:17 and restrictions on “buy or sell” via Big Tech.
“Freedom of speech does not give permission to knowingly lie in public”.
I ‘knowingly’ consider this to be an ignorant statement.
Therefore, your statement is not ‘knowingly’ a lie.
So we’re good.
Freedom does not require, ask, or wait for permission.
Actually freedom of speech does include the right to lie. Context matters and depends upon the jurisdiction. Law concerning defamation is different in Australia from that in USA. Some places have laws about lying in connection with the sale of goods, for example.
Allegations are not necessarily lies – if someone alleges that it is lying to assert there was fraud in a ballot that doesn’t make it true, any more than the contrary.
Evidence matters and claiming something isn’t evidence because you don’t like the consequence if it is true doesn’t mean it is not evidence or not true.
You might want to believe a claimant is a victim but you might be wrong he\she might be lying or mistaken.
Time for a lot of people to grow up,
Sniffy Joe, lost in space. Obama’s and Clinton’s are back in the palace.
This is an interesting piece about mail-in voting.
Just on voting. The Democrats have drafted their election bill called For the People Act 2021. Didn’t take them long to set their winning election formula into concrete. In a nutshell, the US will not have free and fair elections ever again.
Or is that being too harsh?
And everyone says DUR!
They rigged the primary so that Burnie Sanders didn’t get the nomination.
Then they rigged the election using voting machines and unverifiable voting methods.
They insisted that illegal immigrants could vote.
They printed hundreds of thousands of Biden votes as backup insurance, and had them delivered to multiple polling booths at 3am in the morning.
They then ran those printed Biden votes through the voting machine multiple times to rack up the vote count.
They removed vote watchers from the room, either out onto the streets or putting cardboard over the glass so that they couldn’t even see in.
The judicial system refuse to hear the cases, at least one judge goes on the record saying there will be riots in the streets and he doesn’t want to be blamed for that riot.
There were several suspicious deaths around the same time as the pressure was on and time was running out for an investigation.
Who thinks they are suddenly going to be honest?
The federal government can break down your doors for any reason Civil Forfeture, Structuring and IRS allows that.
A couple of decades ago two local union members had a discussion in the outskirts of NovoCastria about who should be top of the ticket in the upcoming election for union leader.
The “discussion” involved gunfire and police became involved.
The fight was about who was going to run their branch of the union; just imagine the infighting that might occur over who was going to run the USA.
Getting elected now is an important thing to fight about because of the business opportunities.
And with the media under control the gunshots won’t even be heard.
7 pieces to US election puzzle
(can even be done on Waikiki Beach)
President Eisenhower had warned Americans in his final presidential (farewell) address to the nation. He warned Americans of the MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX. Now it’s the DEMOCRAT PARTY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX.
Eisenhower also warned about ‘scientists’ and scientific bureaucrats.
Attention,please. This is real FASCISM.
Not the past 4 years of “trumped up” accusations
>”…real FASCISM”
Agreed. See #5.5 upthread.
Seems Jeff Bezos is against his employee union members using mail-in voting for it’s officials election As he believes it is open to fraud.
Is this the same Jeff Bezos that was all for mail-in voting to get Biden elected to protect the protection he gets from Section 230.
These people have no shame.
The hypocrisy is unbelievable, then again it’s normal from the Left.
Hypocrisy is standard operating procedure for Lefties and an important pillar of their political postmodernism. Let’s not forget Sleepy Joe’s running mate accused him of sexual misdemeanours but within months that was forgotten about.
Not that her tweets amounted to more than boilerplate support for those who identify as victims much as the petulant Archbishop of Woke Daniel Andrews is wont to do when the land’s top court overturns a conviction which he’d already inked onto his cv.
>”Let’s not forget Sleepy Joe’s running mate accused him of sexual misdemeanours but within months that was forgotten about.”
Or Chuck Schumer’s gaffe memory holed:
ABC’s ‘This Week’ Alters Schumer Audio to Fix ‘Erection’ Gaffe
“Pravda-Level Propaganda” – WaPo Quietly Tries To Memory-Hole Kamala Harris’ “Joke” About Starving Inmates – Zero Hedge
I thought it would happen here but never once thought it would happen in the USA. Socialism raised it’s ugly head there several times before and each time was soundly defeated by massive votes for the conservative candidate. It would have happened again this time too if Dominion and the crooked Democrats had not teamed up. The people who do not want socialism are still there; they just do not have a voice for the moment. They will eventually rise up and win; probably through the state legislatures rather than Washington. I have great faith in ordinary Americans to pursue happiness through work and achievement, two characteristics foreign to socialists. Watch for the states taking back control of the election process as per the Constitution. Watch for RINOs being primaried out. Kellie Ward is back as chair of the GOP in Arizona which is a good sign. Her aim is to clean up the voting process. The Democrats overplayed their hand in beating Trump so now everyone knows they cheated and how they cheated. It will not succeed again.
I think the work of the Frankfurt School in academia and media and sections of the security agencies can explain the subversion.
What do the media, Frankfurt School and Hollywood have incommon?
Masons eh.
Close, but no cigar.
Lawrie >”Socialism raised it’s ugly head there several times before”
Except this is fascism not socialism, and fascism is by no means new to USA – see #5.5 and #10.
Yes Biden is riding on the back of socialism (as did the Nazis in 1930s Germany) but the DNC shafted socialism’s Bernie Sanders and installed Biden who is backed by corporates:
Credit companies (“Senator for MBNA”),
Health care industry,
Weapons makers.
See – ‘Joe Biden Is as Corrupt as They Come’
There’s much of Greenfield’s post that Jo left out obviously, but this part underscores #12.2:
>”..the DNC shafted socialism’s Bernie Sanders and installed Biden who is backed by corporates”
‘As Far As We Can’: Bernie Sanders Plans To ‘Push’ Joe Biden To The Left – Daily Caller
Biden’s lurch Left is just for show; to capture the far-Left. But Biden is ensconced as a corporate fascist. This is the same fascist-socialist tussle that resulted in the Nazi-Soviet war (the Eastern Front) where around 30 million deaths occurred including 9 million children.
Todays Antifa in the USA equates to the Soviet backed socialists in 1930s Germany (same flag).
These factions coexist now but ultimately they cannot coexist because both are totalitarian – Two men enter! One man leaves!
In the time of Ronald Reagan the Republicans were the party of business, while the Democrats were the party for the working man. So how did the Republicans manage to loose business? Hint: it wasn’t Donald
And the the bigger question is how did the Demorats become so corrupt and immoral? It is so blatant what is going on both in the USA and in Brussels that now the don’t even care to hide it.
Almost had it Peter , the dems were once for the people and republicans were once more aligned for business , republicans just don’t have the tech giants on side and while that might be where the big influence and dollars might lie it does nothing for lower and middle Americans.
Most of these know who to vote for .
It was a case of a rejection of neoconservatism and Unity party politics. McConnell and Romney think somehow they can go back to the bankrolling good times of the Unity party but it’s not going to happen. The cat is well and truly out of the bag. The Unity Party knows it can’t legitimately win a future election so the only tool left is repression.
‘So how did the Republicans manage to lose business?’
Does it have something to do with the Tea Party?
One the money el gordo
You’ve got it wrong as the Left always do PeterF..assuming that a party …a conservative party…eg Reagan Republicans…that respects and honors people who risk all to build businesses big and small….necessarily doesn’t care about working people.
It’s the Democrats that don’t care about people in general …they just use them…herd them…corral them..see them as donors or captive compliant voting blocs….as JFK did when he and his family stole the 1960 election for him….as the Democrats see the ‘immigrants’ they’re calling into the country ;;;feigning compassion but really after their votes…at the expense of Americans’ jobs..and American workers’ access to health…safety etc.
As with all on the Left …with the Democrats..except for a few who more properly belong on the conservative side…everything is about them personally…their power…their money from selling influence…their credibility within their group…their bogus images and noble poses as compassionistas…all fake and contemptuous of ordinary Americans.
Likewise Labor and Green Left here.
Reagan cared about ordinary Americans…you only have to read the thousands of genuine personal letters he took the time to write while a high-achieving President…to many ordinary working Americans …with follow-up letters when they were asking for help or information…and with some, corresponding with them for years…lovely letters to children…
Conservative Republicans didn’t lose business.
The Social[ist] engineering by Clinton and his Treasury Secretary Rubin…ensured that their pals in banking and finance went from filthy rich to unfathomably mega-rich….that’s not business… it’s government using TPM to do the bidding of a certain sector of business at the expense of others….crony Capitalism at its worst…but more akin to Fascism.
Clinton/Rubin repealed the Glass Steagall act to allow and facilitate the merging of big banks into rapacious megabanks that then took the opportunity of Clinton’s Social[ist]-engineered and forcibly-distributed NINJA loans, to bundle the loans into mortgage-based securities that in this case were of course based on worthless mortgages that would never provide an income stream.
The Clinton-engineered mortgage-based securities were worth nothing to the unfortunate people who bought them with the knowledge that mortgage-backed securities had always been a safe investment, but without the knowledge that the payments would never be made on those particular mortgages….hence the GFC.
On the other hand those same mortgage-backed securities were massively lucrative to the donors and friends of Clinton and Rubin…the already unfathomably rich money and paper-traders of the big banks and financial behemoths who packaged them…..all the usual suspects…enjoying the socially-engineered status only Big Government can confer…. ‘too-big-to-fail’.
From there the gap between the uber-rich and the middle and working classes has increased exponentially…to be larger than ever before in history…and their latest Social[ist] engineering product…the CAGW hoax is designed to make the same mob …the money and paper traders that with their symbiotic soulmates in big Tech,
bought the election for their Democrat comrades and benefactors…all infinitely richer and more powerful still…and the rest of us poorer on every single front.
Conservatives and the Left are two entirely different breeds of human beings …totally different values….IMO.
truth, I think you are right that conservatives and leftists are two different breeds of human. One is following K-selected evolutionary pressure and behaviours, and the other is r-selected. Both are successful strategies! But humans can epigenetically switch from r to K, and often start off behaving like r’s (children) and grow up into K’s (adults). Environmental factors (a land of plenty) can delay or prevent the normal transition from occurring during maturation.
The GFC.
The Clinton involvement.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.
Reminds me of Australia’s French Submarines.
Who profits: in both cases they were selling junk.
No accountability.
The real questions seem to me to be two.
First, are we going to have meaningful elections any longer.
I think we are in something of a last chance mode for state legislatures to make this possible, but the power is theirs,
and the axis of the Democrats runs from city to federal, but bypasses much of rthe governance that takes place in statehouses.
They have just perhaps lost three more they thought win with their ban on oil and gas leases on federal lands.
We need also to assume that big tech will become common carriers regulated as we regulated the railroads, the power companies, the telephone folks,
and others.
If we are to have meaningful elections, the question becomes what the two coalitions look like, there being very significant forces in the US towards a two party
The Democrat alliance starts with, and cannot escape being the party of government, government employees, and government dependents. It also include some intellectual elites,
and business elites. It has traditionally had and co-opted the black civil rights movement and used to have blue collar labor. There were some other greivance based groups.
That left small business, “patriots”, and conservatives for the republicans.
How will we re-arrange?
The natural home for our hispanic population, Democratic wet dreams about demographic destiny notwithstanding, is the Republic party. They are entrapenurial small business people,
with a relatively conservative religious cultural tradition, and a bnuy-in yo “the American Dream”. Florida and Texas show the way. I’m not sure the business community loves the big-tech/wall street axis, and we may see a countervailing power and banking center with a different set of material, customer, employee, and regulatory needs. The natural home for folks screwed by the green movement will be the Republican party. The lower tax folks will find a home there, as cities become luxury goods they wish the countryside to pay for.
This has happened several times before.
Our hope is the states. Every example of tyranny I can think of has been a single country, taken over. Our 50 states as power center has always been our difference and our hope.
What puzzles me is that although many of us can see this relationship between governments, in this case democrats and media/big-tech corporations in the realm of speech and ‘press’ but they are afraid of recognising or acknowledging that a similar problem exists with the pharmaceutical industry and governments and their agencies.
In the case of media it’s usually democrat specific but in drugs and vaccines it’s unbipartisan.
Last word should be [bipartisan]
Public private partnerships are pure fascism. Il Duce would have loved it. Toss in a few union deals and it’s all tied up nicely.
Macspee >”Public private partnerships are pure fascism. Il Duce would have loved it”
Yes, il Duce’s heart will be warmed as will be the heart of his admired predecessor, D’Anunnzio.
In a past life when I was a Lefty I was obsessed with Fascism (the ideology of the enemy) and in the process became very well read in fascist policy and ideology. I can say with full confidence what is currently being pushed down our throats is unadulterated fascist corporatism. The only difference is that instead of being called “corporatism”, it’s now being called “Stakeholder capitalism” to make it more palatable to modern sensibilities (of course, changing the meaning of words or coming up with new terms is standard for today’s Left (or more accurately neo-fascists).
It might be a different name but the principles and alleged benefits are exactly the same albeit the scope is now global. Surprise! Surprise! This is the same nonsense Klaus Schwab of the Great Reset fame is currently pushing. No coincidence Schwab’s latest book on Amazon is called: “Stakeholder Capitalism”. https://www.amazon.com.au/Stakeholder-Capitalism-Global-Economy-Progress/dp/1119756138/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Stakeholder+capitalism&qid=1611541912&sr=8-1
PS: Come to think of it, historical Italians have played a big part in the mess we currently find ourselves in. Add Mussolini’s Corporatism to Antonio Gramsci’s Cultural Marxism and you have the basic framework of what’s happening in the world today. Hope everyone has got a black shirt in their wardrobe.
Following Wokebuster, from Conservapedia:
Long march through the institutions is a Marxist concept formulated in 1967 by the West German student movement leader Rudi Dutschke. Dutschke reformulated Antonio Gramsci’s philosophy of cultural Marxism with the phrase the long march through the institutions (German: Marsch durch die Institutionen) to identify the political war of position or incrementalism, an allusion to the Long March (1934–35) of the Communist Chinese People’s Liberation Army, by means of which, the working class or “oppressed” would produce their own intellectuals, civil servants, and culture (dominant ideology) to replace those imposed by the bourgeoisie or “oppressor class.”[1][2][3][4][5][6]
Karl Marx spoke of a sudden revolution, where everything changes in a moment. Gramsci, the head of the Italian Communist party, was thrown in prison by Benito Mussolini, where he speculated on the failure of Marxist revolution in his Prison Notebooks, and attributed the failure to the cultural hegemony of the bourgeois oppressor class. Dutschke built on Gramsci’s writings by proposing a long march through the cultural institutions of society – the church, entertainment, civil service, educational faculties, family institutions and marriage – to replace the dominant culture and replace it with revolutionary godless cultural Marxism.
Continues at link above.
# # #
Corporate Fascism’s replacement god on the other hand appears to be government. Check out the cover of Jacobin magazine.
Strange bed fellows for sure but totally reconciled now. Both back slapping each other in Dante’s 9th circle.
Loved the cover shot.
Richard I was a little disappointed Pope Francis wasn’t somehow included in that cover illustration.
In the UK (very?) Conservative Peter Hitchens of the Mail has noticed he is being nobbled by Twitter. See the section “The Riddle I’m At A Loss To Explain”.
Of course Tony Heller noticed he was being disconnected in an ‘algorithmic’ manner a long time ago. It is just part of Twitter’s dirty underhand war to break up networks of people and the spread of political views they dislike.
What poor old Hitchens has yet to notice is the political swing in the bias of the Mail to the liberal/left, the editorship has clearly been assimilated by the NWO (or whatever), and I expect his services and one or two other stalwarts are only being retained whilst the readership’s opinion is quietly modified. He’ll be out the door soon.
Yep, the great purge of ‘wrongthink’ has begun. Facebook banning conservatives:
Instagram going the other way and forcing people to follow JoeBiden’s Whitehouse:
Same, exactly, with The Australian. Slowly moving more and more leftwards. Censorship of comments is getting more strict on anything that is in support of Trump or election fraud, for example.
Yes Peter, comments that would go through and hit the top spot on a regular basis are now disallowed. I have over half my comments disallowed at the Oz.Always on woke issues never the facts.
Strangely when I appeal based on a factual basis nearly always they are reistated. But by that time they are submerged and garner few likes.
Prophet of Boom.
The United States government announced today that it officially changing the emblem of the United States, from the Eagle holding olive branches and arrows, to a Condom.
This new emblem will be a more accurate reflection of the political stance of the government.
A condom allows for inflation, halts production, destroys the next generation, protects a bunch of dicks, and gives you a sense of security, all while you’re being screwed.
It just doesn’t get any more accurate than that!
Ha hahahahahahahaha very clever – well done!
The American constitution, only has meaning when the people and organisations entrusted to support and protect do so. The American Republic has now been broken from its foundations by the corruption of the very people and organisations entrusted to protect it. America now has an illegitimate president and administration, a single party house and senate, a partisan justice department, and a cowardly supreme court. I doubt that this level of corruption of the Republic can be sustained without something breaking.
And there was I thinking the events since November 3 demonstrated that something was already broken; I’m now waiting for an announcement that all ballots have been incinerated irrespective of the twenty-two month retention requirement with the stated intention being to eliminate continuing restive antics in the community by recreant individuals.
The introduction of IT giants to the government may eliminate classic Deep State, and replace it with tech-based AI Deep State. Classic Deep State is based on oligarchy planting its human agents at power making position. Especially those more permanent, and less visible than a president – various types of directors of agencies, advisers and so on.
Tech companies are masters at eliminating humans from decision-making roles, replacing them with software, artificial intelligence, computer intelligence, automation etc. And they will lobby to sell their decision-making, automation computer systems to the government. This means simplification of decision chain: the only human at decision level being a president, then it goes to the computer system, and all intermediate decisions are made by the computer system.
It’s not that such computer decision system can’t do scams or be evil, but the way things will work will be much different than they are now.
There’s going to have to be many USC coal plants built to support the power reliability requirements of the IoT and 5G which is key to the coming surveillance state.
The best analysis I have seen so far (sorry Jo) comes from Angelo Codevilla in American Greatness
He is the first one I have seen to call the new America an Oligarchy
Thanks for sharing this. What a powerful piece of observational writing.
Melanie Phillips
“No, this is not “getting back to normal”
Talk about crony capitalism. See the real reason why Obama cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline then Trump allowed it and then Biden’s controllers cancelled it.
Sorry, the text is in an image but I have extracted it with software.
Apparently an update is required:
Railroad Tycoons Of The 19th Century
Add Warren Buffet/Berkshire Hathaway in the 21st Century.
And cancel the Keystone XL “climate emergency”.
To get a flavour of the ruthlessness of american rail tycoons read The Octopus by Frank Norris.
Free pdf downloads all over –no need to post a particular one.
I tipped off Pointman on this
Goes with #5.4.1
And I have just worked out one way of getting replies out of sequence. Seems if you do a double tap when posting a comment you get “duplicate comment” message. If you then hit the “back” offer, find the comment and resend it will be out of sequence.
Test of that
This video is worth 30 minutes of your time. A Law Prof at New Mexico State University takes the President of the University to task over a memo he sent out to all staff over the Capitol rally. A very brave Prof but he does it very professionally and will probably get “cancelled” for his efforts.
The big picture of what he is saying could easily be applied to other issues especially related to modern day Universities.
Another piece of the puzzle is that Soros began funding progressive liberals to be elected to Secretary of State and Attorney General positions in 2006.
By 2018, a majority of the key/critical swing states necessary to achieve national elected office, were wholly controlled.
They are the ones who manipulated the voting observations, introduced major changes to the voting system, then covered up the illegalities and refused to prosecute violators in the controlled states. Like termites.
Yes, very good point. Now the question is was Soros also funding grifting Republicans?
Yes, Lance. Šoroš has done a similar stacking job in the Ukrainian dpt of justice.
But for Šoroš to have done so many of the things he has on the US means he has cover from of the FBI and the DOJ. Recall William Barr’s blind eye to election fraud. Incidenty Barr’s father had close connections with Epstein and Wextner.
So many of the choke points of the so called ‘checks & balances’ are corrupted. It’s fair to assume he and those for whom he acts for have captured the whole of US Inc.
Let us all hope this plays out as described?
Via American Media Periscope
How The ‘Trump Card” Destroyed the Old Guard
John Brennan’s Protégé Gina Haspel Resigns as CIA Director After Covering up Chinese Interference in 2020 Election January 19, 2021, 1:31pm.
Trump actually won a second term but was cheated out of it by way of a coup.
This was the third coup attempt on President Trump.
The Russian hoax failed and the Ukraine phone call impeachment failed.
The Communist virus (biological attack) which allowed for the mail-in voting fraud and the China (cyber attack) which allowed for the voting machine software fraud finally worked.
The whole world witnessed the stealing of this election.
We saw the boxes of ballots being brought out from under a covered table and entered into a scanner to be counted multiple times over after everyone was told to leave.
We saw Republican observers being kicked out of polling stations.
We saw the cardboard being taped up to windows to hide what they were doing inside
We saw the numbers switch from Trump to Biden in real time.
We saw all of it!… Everyone saw it and we can’t un-see it!
If this is not resolved one way or another, the Communist Democrats will know that they can get away with stealing every election from here on out using the same template they used to steal this one.
This must not stand if we are to remain a free nation…
Just look at the Orwellian censorship they are engaging in. If you think it’s bad now, just wait until they have been in office for a few weeks.
Given Joe Biden’s ties to Communist China, he is a national security threat…
Had a look at this, would be great if it was true. After checking around it seems that USA Inc only applies to DC not the US. Correct me if I’m wrong.
There have been so many stories eg that the votes were watermarked, simon parkes and co, etc that I’ll just wait and see. Trump has gone quiet though somaybe something is afoot..
This J&J Moriarty pdf has links that delve deeper into your question
You can safely ignore anything from simon parkes and that ilk.
As for water marks on ballots, so what? All those now shredded.
US elections fixed forever ….
Biden is the ultimate expression of the “Peter Principle”, promoting someone way beyond their level of competence. Admittedly he is only there for the use of his controllers, but the way he signs any piece of paper put in front of him without reading or understanding it is reminiscent of the worst of any Australian Government Minister.
He’s the “Chauncey Gardener” from the movie “Being There”.
A complete incompetent, in his position by mere chance and a puppet.
Seriously doubt the drooling, dementia ridden, man , will remain in place for more than a few weeks or months.
The end game was always to install KommieLa HeelsUp Horizontal Harris.
That shrieker is to be feared because she has all the signs of a true a sociopath.
Biden couldn’t last more’n a year in a Parliamentary Democracy where the leader serves at the whim of his/her party. The democrats are already fighting among themselves. America’s greatest strength is the Constitution. Its greatest weakness is also its constitution.
Off topic but Paul Murray says we will have an election here in the second half of the year when the Senate election can also be held. Sounds right to me.
I don’t share the view that Biden is an out of his depth dope. Bobulinski hasn’t said so. Biden will continue to make lots of money and maybe even unseat Putin as world’s richest leader of government.
Will this blog return to science or will it remain a refuge for embittered Conservatives yearning for Trump’s return?
Just for you, Ian:
Thanks for that Lance it is much appreciated as it confirms my claims to my wife that my consumption of G&Ts is mainly for medicinal purposes
This blog has never needed to be about science; any science involved has been clear and understood.
CAGW, previously the blog focus, has effectively been a political issue although, it must be conceded that many people don’t understand the science and continue to support politicians who claim to be “saving da Planet”.
The real Kraken in the room is Jo’s failure, despite years claiming so, to have provided reviewed evidence. Science 101 as she willfully ignores.
Ideally Jo would commission a precognition course to be conducted by Simon Parkes and then we’d all achieve omniscience.
Jo has not failed.
She has provided an amazing opportunity, for those interested, to delve into the cesspit that is the United Bloody Nations Climate Change conglomerate and try to look at the claims made and compare those with reality.
I have outlined in detail on previous occasions the truth of the science and methods of closing down any claim that human origin CO2 is in any way likely or able to create Global Warming.
But just a few points;
1. There’s no such thing as the much hyped “Back Radiation” attributed to CO2.
2. Quantitatively, human origin CO2 is such a small component of the atmosphere that it would be immeasurable even if the supposed Back Radiation mechanism was true.
3. If you don’t understand the full implications of PV=nRT and have additional necessary skills to apply it to the global warming thing then you are not equipped to even start looking at the problem let alone solve it.
Jo has done an amazing thing, and guess what the motivation was.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, likes being misled and treated like a fool.
Its nice that you believe that Keith, but what counts is the global scientific community’s review of your Kraken level evidence, that’s how science is conducted, not by wishful thinking.
Harley what exactly is this evidence you speak off ?
Jo’s and KK’s failed evidence.
Pretty much what I thought , you have no idea but you do have faith and faith trumps science in your world !
I don’t need to ” believe” it.
I know it.
And I can see right through the scam.
Having said that I have great admiration for Christopher Monckton who is sure that CAGW is not real but isn’t sure why. He has approached the scam through careful application of his mathematical skills to dissecting the IPCCCCC reports and claims.
He has also strongly criticized the IPCCCCC analyses of climate change.
The truth of the science is that the atmosphere is a coherent gas above 30 metres asl and no amount of CO2 can alter the operant lapse rate.
Below 30 metres altitude the atoms/molecules constituting the air are subjected to heat embedded in the surface; being forced into close proximity with the heated ground means that they pick up energy by impacting the surface, conduction, or a combination of conduction plus direct absorption of IR escaping to space.
Between 30 and 14,000 metres ASL the air behaves as that coherent gas, the only exception being water in the air.
The great bulk of so called “scientists” don’t have a clue about what’s going on, all they know is that if they follow the IPCCCCC down that yellow brick road they can have a comfortable life with very few people knowing that they sold out their scientific integrity.
Great that you now know you’re right and have even more evidence.
Monckton also can’t get his efforts through peer review, so what is your belief based on ?. You can’t dismiss the scientific method and offer an alternative science.
Can you show KK where his calculations are wrong Harley or are you just a troll ?
Yes Robert, informative that all he can do is throw up phrases like “scientific method” to confront real science.
I would bet that he doesn’t even know that the atmospheric temperature at 11,000 metres altitude is Minus 38 degrees Celsius.
He’s a typical political advocate who knows nothing of real science and process analysis.
The scientific method is paramount and it keeps your evidence in the spam bin.
Btw, it’s actually minus 37 degrees
I’m not a scientist but I’m smarter than the average bear.
I don’t recall seeing science presented without a political bent other than here, WUWT and such blogs for years.
You are dumb as dogchit if you accept what a politician presents to you as science. [Rare exceptions accepted]
For Harley,
Lots of talk but that is not science.
If there is a scientific effect, show it to me, demonstrate it to me.
Speculation is not science, measurement and observation are the basis of science.
When people talk about “climate” what do they mean?
The whole thing is deliberately vague so that they won’t have to confront the real science.
UV heats the world and IR runs down the drain as the washed out, low virtue, leftovers.
IR is a bit like that proverbial flea jumping on and off the elephants back.
Clearly, if major institutions like CSIRO etc can’t convince you then I’d be wasting my time highlighting your confirmation bias.
Again Harley you expose how little you know , just look at senate estimates when CSIRO get a grilling from some informed politicians and the sham gets exposed .
It’s a bit like trying to tell Harley that Santa doesn’t exist !
Informed politicians like Mal Roberts??, their’ supposed evidence fell flat, please send link to this Kraken you speak of.
They wouldn’t answer Malcolm Robert’s just gave a spleel about nothing but here is Matt Canavan catching them out and please note the shocked silence at this question .
So Mal didn’t understand the science, no surprise there.
Not having an answer on the spot isn’t classed as win, science doesn’t progress through theatrics. The increased fires are as predicted by scientists.
Still , a pretty weak point you’re making against AGW. It seems the less the polies know about science the greater their denialism.
Wow Jo, you must have some serious connections to force whingers to visit your blog against their will…
We thought it was climate science 101, anyway some die hards still hang around on the open thread hoping to start a conversation.
Yet here you are Ian offering no science, no politics and no wit?
That is unfair, its the subject matter in question.
I was asking a question not offering a scientific discussion. If you thought I was re-read what I wrote at #30.
And what will you winge about then?
Its always been about searching for the truth.
The narrative on “truth” whether scientific understanding or anything else, depends on politics.
Hi Jo,
FYI/Something to consider/Thought you might be interested…
IPFS (https://ipfs.io/) is an internet technology that has been developed over the last few years to replace HTTP. It basically allows websites to be distributed, rather than sitting on a single server (a bit like bit-torrent). Brave browser has recently incorporated it, and Netflix have signed on – so it may have some long term future.
Benefits: Harder for your website to be blocked/deplatformed. Also reduces your data bandwidth requirements.
Might be worth keeping in mind/discussing with your ‘IT team’…
[Deory, thanks. Useful info – Ta!- Jo.]
If a thread opens up on AC Power systems, or another on Transmission Line costs, I’d like to participate.
My point is that a large number of people don’t understand how grids operate, AC power is generated and transmitted, and how all of the systems must work together to make a grid functional. Many think that all electricity is interchangeable.
Grid scale power is mind bogglingly complicated, expensive, precarious, and precious.
That some toy around with it is frighteningly stupid.
Here’s a teaser: Primer on Electricity Transmission
As an engineer I appreciate exactly what you are talking about. When I see rubbish pieces from AEMO, showing they clearly have absolutely no understanding of the basics of our power grid I know we are in for a tough time.
The section on Reserves needs to be front and centre. We have little reserve in our grids at all, except in QLD. The other states are in a very precarious situation.
Where’s Antifablm in all this? They need to be called out for hypocritically accepting big tech funding to STILL destroy low income neighborhoods as well as Federal buildings in the Pacific northwest. Their Marxist manifesto pits them in direct contrast to big corporations, but they are funded by some of them and have free reign of trashmedia, while the destructive footage of their actions and their ultra radical soundbites are carefully edited for consumption through the propaganda machine. Powder puff denials of support by big tech and the US V-P and her cabal allow them all to go on abated.
Simon B,
Corporate Fascism and Marxist Socialism coexist and cooperate while it is expedient.
But there is a limit to that coexistence and after that it gets nasty – see #12.2.2 upthread.
Gets nasty for the foot soldiers but the owners of both sip champagne!
I’m not so sure about that. The key to the CCP’s success over the last 20 years or so has been combining fascist corporatism with Marxism. It’s worked a treat so far. Why would they abandon a proven formula. With the US now in its pocket, its full steam ahead.
>”CCP’s success over the last 20 years or so has been combining fascist corporatism with Marxism”
Steve at #5.5.1 made a similar point except his was that the CCP is wholly fascist now.
I’ll accede either way because it’s fuzzy to me. I settled on a Xi Jinping dictatorship over and above their fascism and communist pretense at #
From my reading Xi has moved sharply to the right, so our biggest trading partner is a fascist dictatorship and SOE are spearheading the Belt and Road.
el gordo >”From my reading Xi has moved sharply to the right, so our biggest trading partner is a fascist dictatorship”
The movement to corporate fascism began with Deng Xiaoping; it is all-encompassing Left, Right and Centre totalitarianism in extremis (with Han characteristics).
But yes, Xi’s now a fascist dictator. There’s a vestige of communism except China Daily makes it perfectly clear – ‘Xi Thought is modern Marxism’.
Maoism’s dead (apart from deadly force), Deng Xiaoping abolished most Maoist practices in 1978.
If I am a small business (say, a bakery) it is apparently illegal for me to not serve everyone equally regardless of whether I agree with their beliefs. However, if I am a multinational IT company I can allow BLM riots to be organised for months using my platform, and I can let Dems talk about untrue Russian collusion for four years. But then apparently I can ban conservatives from my platform because they ask for potential election fraud to be investigated.
Jo – FYI
“If you want a taste of what the Biden tyranny will bring please download this:”
I do not know how accurate this is, but just received it in an email. Can anyone throw some light on it? ToM
Interesting perspective.
Yes, it is an interesting perspective.
I would just add that most articles and reports like this, as revealing as they are, fail to mention when and by [whom] the initial facilitation of China becaming the industrial, military and espionage power. A power that now is able to extend its tentacles deep into the body politic of the west.
A good parallel of building a formidable enemy in the past was the USSR from the inception of Lenin’s and Trotsky’s revolution right through to the end of WWII. Although, it could be argued that much of the cooperation during WWII was through official policy, as questionable as that seems to have been, but there was an enormous clandestine channel – cheating on the lend lease agreement, to name just one example – to place the USSR as a recipient of nuclear technology amongst other technologies, to become the enemy rival for future strategic use.
It seems there is a pattern of building another proxy enemy/warrior for strategic use in world affairs that is being deployed.
Diana West has some very good information on some of the mid-level apparatchiks and cooperatives but even she falls short in identifying a common thread of the over represented group linked with the innermost kernel.
Do you know how to tell the difference between largely peaceful protests and a riot?
In one the participants wear black, smash everything, throw molotov cocktails and burn, loot and murder.
In the other, returned servicemen and women smile and wave American flags and are shot by the police.
This is loopy I know but…
Does anyone else here wonder if this sudden widespread censorship, the fraudulent election, the unashamed bias of big media and the gangster-like behavior of big tech are all a bit too clumsy and obvious? It’s hardly a secret underground operation. Could it actually be aimed at scaring the population into treasuring their freedoms and rights?
If I was asked to come up with a scheme to help garner support for western values, I wouldn’t muck around with silly ‘feel-good’ advertising campaigns. I’d scare people into realising just how easily it can all be lost and how we unwittingly could aid the process through both apathy and the seduction of internet convenience.
I pray this is actually what is happening but I’m not confident.
It would be great to think that might be the outcome…but I don’t for a minute think it’s so.
I’ve never in my lifetime seen anything as brazen and predatory..from people who believe they have all their ducks in a row and no retribution is coming down the tracks for them.
They just straight out bought the election for Biden and he hoped to accept it gratefully…but when even that didn’t work and they had to deploy plan B and steal it …they somehow felt/feel supremely confident that the American law enforcement and judiciary bears no threat at all to them….that absolutely no one is coming for them…that they’re home and hosed.
It could just be that the Democrats are aware and prepared to use to their advantage in their assault on the American people and the Constitution…the fact that fear of being blamed for overturning an election or even questioning it…even when all the signs are there…is alive and well even in the highest courts in the land ..even when they’re not already captured by the Left.
They know that fear overwhelms any judicial honesty and principle and courage …so that the doctrine of avoidance and passing the buck ensures that no election declared won by a Democrat can be safely questioned or investigated.
How is it that they can be sure though….that no Judges close to retirement [ I don’t think any of the SCOTUS conservative Justices are close enough] will speak out against the complete full frontal assault on the Constitution?
Are the Judiciary afraid…or totally onside with such totalitarian perfidy…or as has been suggested re Chief Justice Roberts’ strange behavior….are they trying to soothe the savage beast by feeding it just enough of that which it craves in the hope that they can prevent it from devouring them …eg rendering conservative Justices irrelevant by court-packing?
Whichever way you look at it…it’s unsustainable if America wants ever again to be seen as a healthy functioning democracy where the rule of law is paramount and administered on equal terms.
It looks more every day like a banana republic wherein the rule of law is the Left’s plaything…threat more than protection for law-abiding Americans.
And now MeWe is purging stop the steal groups…
The confidence in openly rorting public systems is not exclusive to the U.S.
From top to bottom here in the Land Down Under it is ever present.
Why would anyone at the top buy a fleet of useless submarines for us and know, deep in his sole, that there would be no day of reckoning.
On top of the obvious insult to the nation it’s entirely possible that a brand new bank account was waiting for him in New York.
At the Local Government level, here in NovoCastria, our lady Mayor has returned from representing our city at the United Bloody Nations and had us invested as a U.N. World City of Renown, or something; the kerb and guttering has been put off till the next budget.
Then to make sure our rates didn’t get too low she moved the entire Council administration into new, high rise, rented premises. The rooftop garden is reported to be luxurious as befits a U.N. Rep. Julie Bishop will make an appearance some time soon.
Never has there been such open disregard for taxpayers, ratepayers and other assorted peasants.
Yesterday I heard that fisr had prepared and distributed two billion shots of the new vaccine for CV19 in the new minus 70° fridges. Well done Fiz.
At $100 a pop, that’s a turnover of $200,000,000,000.
But I’m almost sure that the annual flu is a completely separate disease from the dreaded CV19 and it’s definitely not true that the flu has been eradicated: please keep up with those annual flu jabs.
It sounds similar to the way corruption is maintained in institutions like police forces etc. Your a cop and want to get ahead. You don’t get promoted without approval from superiors and your superiors are corrupt. So you must prove you will turn a blind eye to their corruption and carry out their dirty work for them when required – but that means someone has the dirt on you. But you get promoted which also means you owe favors. You increasingly become corrupt and eventually start issuing promotions only to those who will maintain the ‘system’.
And I guess the current system of media, tech, politics etc uses that method.
The media in USA has been owned by the six corporations from way back. I first read about it in a 1971 book.
cross posted at https://freedomaustralia.freeforums.net/thread/783/democrats-corporate-monopolies-combine-rpression
Biden, the únion’s friend, has cancelled the Canada – Nebraska oil pipeline, at a cost of at least 4000 (union) jobs. The USA is down the drain while the Democrats/Socialists/Greens/1984 party is control of both houses. The Republicans had better get a grip on themselves (and that means getting rid of Trump and family for 2024), otherwise the USA may as well change names to GILEAD.
So blatant-A demonstration of a politician following science
Jan 26, 2021 at 2:31 AM
Gavin Newsome Opens California as Deaths at All-Time High!
Less than one week after the inauguration, Gorgeous Gavin Newsome is opening California, according to a report from Joel Pollak at Breitbart.
What happened to Follow the Science?
Does he know people are dying now more than ever before from this pandemic in his state?
Who recommended to him that this was the best of course of action, and why now?
Indonesia is the 4th most populated country on earth.
275 million people. ~28,000 Dead w/C19.
California has ~37,000 Dead w/C19 and only 39 million people.
Can someone ask Gorgeous Gavin Newsome to explain these phenomena?