Jacida Ardern declared that New Zealand faces a climate emergency. She may think it’s just symbolic but there are prices, aside from making the word “emergency” just that much more useless. Ardern has stepped into a psychology trap like a public Chastity Vow. She and everyone who voted for it will be measured against this in everything they do. She’s been captured just that bit tighter. What?! say the eternally indignant, How can you fund a new Port / Frigate / Hospital / insert idea here — when we face a climate emergency, right here, right now and for the next billion years! This will be used against her and the party and she will have less room to maneuver.
But the real price is what irresponsible people might do next
Declaring a fake emergency also provides the perfect excuse for activists to break the law then say “I’m just saving the Earth, your honor!” Perpetrators of civil disobedience have been using this in the US and UK to stay out of jail for things like shutting high pressure gas pipelines — a form of industrial sabotage that risks explosions. Alleged law breakers don’t have to prove there is a climate emergency, they just have to prove that a reasonable person would think there is. Thus Jacinda Ardern’s declaration becomes a reason for doing all kinds of dangerous and damaging activities, and then getting off scot free.
Activists are using the climate emergency as a new legal defence to justify law-breaking
Nicole Rogers, Senior lecturer, School of Law and Justice, Southern Cross University
The defence permits law-breaking in circumstances of “sudden or extraordinary emergency” if:
…an ordinary person possessing ordinary power of self-control could not reasonably be expected to act otherwise.
It’s a version of the common law “necessity defence”, which allows law-breaking to avoid greater harm or irreparable evil. This defence has been argued by climate activists in the US and UK for over a decade.
Emergencies are also the choice du jour for censorship. It’s that much easier to declare that people who discuss the role of the sun in climate change are dangerous thinkers.
If you are in New Zealand, hop over to the Climate Science Coalition and speak up while you still can.
The last word today goes to New Zealand’s official bureau NIWA. Here’s a graph from their site of what 25,000 years of climate emergency looks like. Which part are we supposed to panic over?

It’s a climate emergency, just like every other year since the last glacial maximum. From NIWA, NZ.
There’s another 1°C (in theory) that occurred over the 20th Century that’s not shown on the graph, but we are supposed to believe another half a degree more will turn the north island into a coral sea or something.
But even if that occurs, NZ will not even be as warm as it was 10,000 years ago.
Which part are we to look at – thanks for the laugh Jo
The oldest trick in their book!
“Look over there while I pick your pocket!”
A new school subject – Climate History.
Also a reference source cataloguing climate (doomsday) predictions – the source author(s), the organisation they worked for and the media spots that promoted it.
Let the people clearly see – their parents and grand parents were reading the same type of articles, by the same type of scientist in the very same media sources….NONE of which have EVER came true.
Just how far below sea level is that Proto-continent around NZ?
A new ice age might drop the sea level enough to make a bigger country?
Of course the declaration of a Climate Emergency by the Emoters is pure gold.
So they will of course immediately stop those evil fossil fuelled ships,ban the Airlines and bury all tractors?
And that despicable trade in Carbon Based Products..
Can’t be freighting any food products about as these are all exclusively carbon based lifeforms..the horror.
I wonder how long before these gullible self loathing twits,seek publicly funded medical procedures to have all carbon removed from their bodies?
I await with great amusement for the benighted citizens of NZ to have the petition to ban DiHydrogen MonOxide made law.
A petition to ban that would have to be put forward as “Controlling that dangerous explosive MonOxygen DiHydride.”
Don’t worry, I’ve been thinking of it …
The Zealandia continent is too deep to be of any real use. Sea Level would have to drop substantially lower than before the Younger Dryas …
It is a very strong solvent , and everyone who has ever ingested it has died so yeah ban it they even use it in hospitals and kindergartens.
Vets use it on your pets.
They have all died so 100% fatal ?
I think it requires repeated application and even ingestion.
Actually if a lot of Di-hydrogen mono-oxide is ingested in a short time it can kill you. The large amount of water increases the blood volume which lowers blood sodium levels (hyponatraemia}.
When this happens water moves from the blood stream into the cells. This lowers the amount of water in the blood and so the blood sodium concentration increases. But due to the increased water, the cells swell and can put pressure on the brain causing amongst other things, coma and death
Old VIKING method of torture.
I will take symbolic actions over real ones every time. Plus there was a politically sizable 36% “no” vote on this motion, so not all that symbolic. The very active NZCSC can take some cretdit for this vote.
More than 30 countries have taken this meaningless step, including France, the UK and Canada. Hard to see a Lefty party doing otherwise. See https://apnews.com/article/technology-climate-climate-change-new-zealand-financial-markets-a6b3325feb5083622a1707a79997f928
An important post that directly connects the expectations of law abiding citizens with the often inadequate, rambling, self serving, misdirected actions of their Government.
By definition, the elected government has the capacity to assemble the means of investigating new problems, defining them and carrying out the necessary “fix”:
but that’s the perfect world.
In the ideal world all changes to society should have to be processed by government not unelected activist groups with unknown or darker, Soros type motives.
So now a lawyer says if you do something previously denoted as illegal, but you “feel” it was necessary to create a better world, then you can be deemed to be innocent.
Perhaps the NZ prime minister believes that governments are actually doing such a poor job that any private fixes to society by activists might actually be an improvement.
So elevating feeling over logic is sensible now.
I’d expect that from a 2 year old, not the leader of a nation…..
You can sense the break down of sanity globally, and the “Mad Max” scenario getting closer and closer.
In the USA if the swamp keeps blocking the will of the people through corrupting the election, I suspect civil war 2 will start, with eventual bloody removal of the swamp. Based on what I know of human nature and history, I suspect if the Elite get desperate they will either release an actual nasty virus, or will nuke a US city to prove they mean business, but I suspect it will just rile up the average american even more.
The end game will be the Elite will invite in UN troops for “peacekeeping” , which technically would make the UN troops an illegal occupying force…which would actually be a really dumb move with a pile of angry armed locals…..
Now the Australian and NZ disarmament makes more sense, even if you thought years ago it seemed far fetched.
Question is, what do they have planned for Oz and NZ?
Some comments from Australians is that “trump is causing grief” – but when I point out what is actually going on, and word is getting out, the penny drops, as they realize they are trying to do things legally.
I have a Christain faith that sustains me, I know we win in the long run, but have to endure awful stuff to get there…
I saw her announcement in the House yesterday.
My enduring impression is that it was shamanism and mummery, not to mention a perfect proof of Goebbel’s Law.
In the scheme of things is it of meaning. Think about it, a grand declaration of a climate emergency with gravitas and solemn reflections. Jacinto is another one of those earth mother types with a big red streak( do capito have red streaks?)
[…] the ruining politicians in New Zealand have declared a climate emergency, or so one reads here, and that breaking the law thus becomes permissible. Perhaps but banning fossil fuels comes with […]
Emergency. “a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action.”
So what is the immediate action to be taken? Exactly how is New Zealand’s Woke government going to change the world’s temperature? Especially of a mountainous country so close to the South Pole and in direct competition with Tierra Del Fuego and the Falklands. You would think they would welcome a bit of warming.
Black Lives Matter, Climate Extinction, Climate emergency, AntiFA, reparations. You wonder which terribly important World issue is going to occupy globally aware politicians now they have finished with Wu Flu?
Sudden and unexpected global warming must be the greatest disaster since Argentina beat them at rugby. This is distraction politics.
If Gandalf was still around, he would know what to do.
Fly, you fools!
TdeF regarding the existing powers of a citizens arrest The New Zealand crimes act 1961 states,
Section 35. Arrest of persons found committing certain crimes –
Every one is justified in arresting without warrant –
(a) Any person whom he finds committing any offence against this Act that is punishable by death
or for which the maximum punishment is not less than 3 years’ imprisonment:
(b) Any person whom he finds by night committing any offence against this Act.
Under subsection (a) of section 35 a person making an arrest for theft is only protected from
criminal or civil liability if the value of the property stolen exceeds $1,000. The penalty for theft of
property valued over $1,000 is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years. The penalty for
theft of property valued over $500 and under $1,000 is imprisonment for a term not exceeding 1
year, and for property valued $500 or less the penalty is a term of imprisonment not exceeding 3
This is similar to our section 462A of the crimes act 1958,
Use of force to prevent the commission of an indictable offence
A person may use such force not disproportionate to the objective as he believes on reasonable grounds to be necessary to prevent the commission, continuance or completion of an indictable offence or to effect or assist in effecting the lawful arrest of a person committing or suspected of committing any offence.
If the separation of powers and constitutions are diluted even more the Governments or foreign entities could change the definitions of an offence with the stroke of a pen thus making any dissension against the climate emergency whatever they deem fit for the agenda, anything from using a BBQ to driving outside curfew could become commonplace, after all who would’ve imagined a year ago entire nations would be under house arrest and travel restrictions that go directly against the constitution?
You will notice the section dealing with treason no longer applies the death penalty.
Excellent question. The solution to the announced emergency has to be the immediate shutting down of all fossil fuel power stations in the West and the immediate banning of all fossil fuel vehicles throughout the West. What else is there to do if the NZ PM’s announcement of the emergency is to be taken seriously? If it’s just the usual mantra that is not followed up with action then of course NZ has just proudly exposed to the world they are the biggest fools of all time.
Poor devils need a half-day refresher course on photosynthesis, rubisco and the carbon cycle in order to begin to understand that in the climate criminal court carbon dioxide has already walked.
Cognitive dissonance is the recurring motif in all green sophistry and naturally enough, green ignorant-and-proud-of-it-ism attracts untold adherents who form into mobs and support the likes of Ardern.
As so often the antidote is education but good luck finding any of that in the totalitarian future the high priests of CCP/WEF are ramming into all the anglosphere communities.
Go The Donald!
Govt cars now have to be electric or hybrid. That’s to prevent severe weather around the NZ coast from creating damage. (That’s the point when I nearly dropped my cup of tea…) Coal burning of any sort will have to stop so we will have to import cement rather than make it. I dont know what the Glenbrook steel mill has to say.
That could make life rather inconvenient.
I can’t see any incoming Global Cooling being understood. It will all be marked “Climate Change. Panic!”
no matter what.
The cement works on the south island have all closed (Golden Bay at the top of the South Island and Westport on middle west side of the south island) have closed with loss of jobs. Cement is imported to a new terminal south of Christchurch. The north island still has a works south of Auckland (Whangarei)but it will not be long before it closes. There are already import terminals at Wellington and I think Nelson. I think imports come from Indonesia and Phillipines.
You should try exporting NZ politicians…..
PS – we dont want them…..
>”So what is the immediate action to be taken? Exactly how is New Zealand’s Woke government going to change the world’s temperature?”
Yes that’s just got a bit problematic:
‘Bombshell: UN Admits CO2 Cuts Have Been Futile In War On Climate Change’
I guess it’s over to the Techno-Fascists and their Neo-Eugenics lust now…
I live in Wellington. Our City Council went through this climate emergency charade about 12-18 months ago. Last year they announced they were going ahead with building a “gold plated” cycleway from the outskirts of the CBD to Petone round the side of the harbour —about 10-12kms. The cycleway will be literally on the waters edge with a small seawall separating it from the water. That is, it is at sea level. Two weeks later they come out with a big glossy report about Climate Change (all the sea level rise stuff!!) and how it will affect planning for the next couple of decades.
The original cost was $70 -$80 mill. It is now $135mill with doing any work. So it will be north of $200 million in the end.
Will this national declaration of a climate emergency make any difference? Of course not, the hypocrites will not give up their nice to have, pet project.
Cycling around the harbour will be such fun when the wind and rain are like they were one late November we were there! We had crossed over from Picton in sleet and a full gale (have slides of the reef!) and walking outside was a challenge.
That sounds typical of Cook Strait, Annie.
I’ve had beautiful days on the Cook Strait ferry going South, which makes the Marlborough Sounds pure Magic, but for some reason, what you’ve just described seems to be typical for crossing the Strait going North! I can only remember one Cook Strait trip which was good weather back to Wellington and that was years ago.
“Wellington, where the rain falls sideways,” was a long time motto of the now long gone, but not forgotten Radio Windy. 😀
I hope you enjoyed your stay despite the weather. November usually behaves as the first month of summer.
” …speak up while you still can.”
Quite so.
There will be no denial of doomsday global warming.
Lists will be made.
NZ is in effect announcing that the execution of the Great Reset plan has begun. If Biden becomes POTUS it will pick up speed throughout the West, In that case crash and burn of the West will happen sooner than I excepted. There is one problem with Biden though. At the Kraken-Wood Press Conference, Atlanta, GA, Trump supporters just announced they will fight the left for stealing the election and stop Biden from becoming POTUS at all costs. Things are about to get hot, and it’s not due to climate change
Swamp vs We The People.
And on the madness marches.
Luckily for the lunatics..the “journalists” have no access to “the google” and cannot think.
we in enzed are accutely aware we voted in a totally irressienal PM who bathes in the glory of adulation by the torakky demented people who voted for her. It is going to be a hell pf a job to get rid of her and the communist party she represents. BUT IT WILL HAPPEN once the duped population wakes up the reality of her goverment.
You can kiss goodby to any freedom we have had AND ALL YOUR SAVINGS AS WELL becaus rthey can tax it into oblivion
I live in an NZ electorate which has been non-Labour (true blue) for many elections. I mis-evaluated its true blueness, and put my vote to the Labour candidate whom I and many others had never heard of. Bother. She won and took the seat Red.
I’m wondering what sort of reception something like “The Climate Crisis Operational Party” might have (apart from annoying the Greens, which I always do when they come around). I also like “The Climate Madness Party,” but the journos would take that too seriously and want serious answers to their questions.
One MP, a Nicola Willis (Opposition), of the ten who spoke to the motion, initially impressed me. Unfortunately, I missed the second half of her speech so I’ll be asking her for a transcript. The rest of the speakers just added to the proof of Goebbel’s Law.
I apologies for all the spelling mistakes. I blame it on CLIMATE CHANGE
And there was I thinking you were taking the piss about the kiwi eccent.
New Zealand and New Zealanders do not have an accent.
Not loike Ostrahliuns.
A colleague told me had finally managed to translate “fushionchups” into something comprehensible. But he was an American and we know just what difficulty they can have with plain clear Unglitch.
Is murder, assassination, sabotage, assault & general mayhem now legal??
John Raat, apologizing for spelling mistakes, said:
That’s very fair and in view of our new Climate In Crisis, quite reasonable. You might as well. It also and apparently, causes damaging storms around NZ’s coastlines according to our Beloved, Ignorant and Unbelievable PM. So keep your dictionaries inside to keep them dry. Bad weather could cause soggy references.
Remember to write to NZ’s PM [[email protected]] and blame all bad weather and coastal storms, no matter where in the world you live, on her late declaration of a climate crisis. (I’m serious!) NZ has to do it’s bit and save the world from all bad weather. If you can, send a bill with it. You never know, some bright Civil Servant in the PM’s office might even pay it. Don’t forget to cc. it to the Hon. James Shaw, Minister of Climate [ [email protected]]
They elected a self-confessed communist.
None of this should be a surprise.
Not quite, she is a democratic socialist with a strong green hue.
Social Democrats want regulated capitalism, redistribution of wealth, fair taxation of the rich, democracy, and strong social safety net programs.
Democratic socialists want to use democracy to their advantage and convince the citizens’ vote to move away from capitalism toward more citizen (read government) ownership of the means of productions.
Nations that follow the latter typically end up being communist. The former is what typically is found in some Western nations that tend to avoid becoming communist.
North Korea is a communist state, Russia and China are fascist, while Oz and our cousin across the gap have benefitted from democratic socialism over the past century.
Laissez faire capitalism of the 19th century was replaced by a more sensible approach at the end of the 20th century, free markets gave ordinary people the opportunity to enjoy the good life. The impact of cheap air flights, for example, made it possible for the lower middle class to enjoy the feeling of luxury and they have no intention of becoming communists.
Much of what you just said is true. However, you still don’t get it. Democratic socialism is still SOCIALISM but grants the people to vote. We are certainly not that. At best we could be classed as social democrats but more accurately are a representative liberal democracy, not a democratic socialist nation, not yet anyway.
When the pandemic hit and sent the world into a tailspin, Morrison became a socialist and printed money, yet we remain a liberal democracy.
The catalyst for the Great Reset will be the changing of the guard, when the Yuan becomes king. Under this new world order we should expect laissez faire capitalism to return, with a twist.
Socialists print money, the West on the other hand have the central banks to digitally loan money to the government in the form of notes and short term bonds with the expectation it is all paid back eventually. Two completely different things.
Also the NWO doesn’t come into play until after the crash and burn. First we have the Great Reset or something like it to lead the West over the cliff. It’s possible though the crash and burn happens much sooner than I thought in which case the Great Reset and the NWO happen at the same time.
In April there was this general consensus.
‘We’re all socialists again now, or at least pump-priming Keynesians. The Morrison government, like its centre-right cousins globally, has tossed the free-market texts of Friedrich Hayek and Milton Friedman into the ideological bin. The post-1970s Thatcherite ascendancy, first weakened by the 2008-09 global financial crisis, appears fatally wounded by the COVID-19 pandemic.’
Fin Review
As Ayn Rand said:
There is no difference between communism and socialism, except in the means of achieving the same ultimate end: communism proposes to enslave men by force, socialism—by vote.
And here she admits to being a communist:
And here she calls the audience “comrade” 15 times in 7 minutes.
And like most communists she has a cult of personality around her.
Tea towel with her image on it: https://mountvicandme.com/shop/jacinda-ardern-art-tea-towel/
Silo with Jacinda Ardern:
‘There is no difference between communism and socialism …’
Strongly disagree, democratic socialism emerged as a bulwark against Marxism.
You didn’t reference the full quote.
“Socialism” is a slower and easier path to achieve the goals of the collectivists.
Its not going to happen as you imagine, democratic socialism was created through unions, but now individual contracts are more popular than collective bargaining. So the democratic socialist parties have reached the end of the line, which is why they snuggled up to the greens.
Ultimately, with the approach of global cooling, the green/left will be history.
Collectivist herders of people are always looking for ways to deceive the sheeple into seeing their ideology as ‘the side of the angels’
So full-on Communists with eugenic aims and nothing but contempt for the people they intended to enslave and would cull given the chance as they described in detail….morphed their evil ideology way back into something they thought easier to sell ….using the strategy of gradualism and the massive deceit it requires… that would lull their victims into a false sense of security until it was all too late…while they proceeded to capture the institutions….have their way with the children….’mould the world’ with hammer and anvil… under cover of their compassionista ‘sheep’s clothing’…. as depicted on their Fabian Socialism shield.
Fabian Socialists are alive and well and in every Democratic Socialist or ‘progressive’ government around the world.
They are thriving…rebirthed and never more powerful worldwide…. as ‘progressives’ or ‘democratic Socialists’…or WetLeft phonies who get into government either by deceit …by censorship….by electoral chicanery of one sort or another….. or by coup under the sheep’s clothing of conservative .
Far from being a ‘bulwark against Marxism’ the ‘progressives’ or democratic Socialists came for the West’s children over the last four or so decades…..fired them up with the drug-soaked 60s…. the flower child pose and its Ayres and Dohrn dreams of violent and bloody revolution for Communism in America and across the world…and have spent every decade since, turning them into Marxists in the universities in droves as we speak….scrambling the brains of each generation of the world’s children ….no matter which ideology is in power.
The vampires were ceded the bloodbank and from then on resistance became almost futile…the fight for reason ongoing …..but against ever more massive odds and almost on the ropes.
Australia had a sympathetic Marxist as PM, but she was constrained by the ALP hierarchy and in the same way the kiwi PM can only do so much before being reigned in.
I agree the universities have been pivotal in pushing a Marxist world view, especially in Communications courses. They have then gone off into the MSM with a formidable left wing lean.
The masses have been brainwashed , but it shouldn’t be too hard to turn it around with social media at our fingertips.
reined (I’ll never tire of this)
Turn it around? Impossible under the current circumstances. We will have to learn it the hard way. Of course it could be avoided if appropriate steps were taken to flush out the left, such as defunding the ABC, stop the propaganda taught at our schools and Universities and make the MSM accountable for telling lies.
Thanks Serp, I blame autocorrect.
Peter the government has been steadily defunding the ABC and the staff have been warned to check their left wing bias. Apart from that there is little more we can do, if the organisation doesn’t introduce right wing views then the ABC will surely wither and die.
Essentially we need auntie to bring back balance before we decide to dismantle, otherwise we won’t be able to reeducate the masses with any sort of authority.
The education system will then gradually step back into line after debriefing.
EG said
You could have blamed Climate Change.
Have a relative that was pro union but anti socialist / communist , I pointed out that their union was communist based but would not listen until they sent a letter one day to
“My dear Comrade” .
Dropped the union like a hot scone and hasn’t joined one since .
You also could have explained to him the strong ties between the then Communist Party of Australia and the unions. On some occasions they had the Australian flag in red instead of blue with the hammer and sickle in place of the stars. The hammer and sickle was taken up by many communist groups around the world.
The first republic movement involved communist unionist migrants from Great Britain to Australia.
They were also involved in wartime sabotage of ADF assets preparing to head overseas.
Heres a photo basically showing the Elite created socialism through paying Marx to write his anti-human manifesto
Many of the characters are identified in the cartoon.
The plan of the ELite is to create both side sof the struggle, so the “fight”can be directed to where they want it to go.
Ultimately, it appears they plan to live like kings, while everyone else is enslaved.
Its pure evil.
I could say something REALLY sexist…
but I won’t………
Tooth Fairy.
The only climate emergency facing NZ is the same one that it’s been dealing with for the past 700 years, which is dealing with the cold and damp. Many people deal with this situation by moving to Australia, usually permanently. Ironically, the outcome of this absurd climate declaration and net zero policies will be to cause an economic emergency, further increasing the flow of people to Australia.
So New Zealand joins the UK, the European Union, Japan, Canada etc etc.
Have any of these other countries seen the playing out of the premise in this post?
No, its of no consequence, the green/left politicians do a lot of talking but its only hot air.
The irony is that global cooling has begun and let me assure you its not an emergency requiring government action.
Really el gordo, over the years you have repeatedly made predictions, none of which have proved correct. Eg December rainfall in australia is still below average, and heat records continue to be broken. If the BOM or CSIRO used your model, even I would criticise them
Couple of things .
December has just started Fitz and if rainfall does end up below average it will have nothing to do with CO2 unless you have some proof that AndyG kept asking you for but you never could supply .
BOM / CSIRO long range predictions have been all but useless in the past although that saying about the broken clock I believe they might have cracked the wetter year this year .
ElGordo has made a prediction of cooling as have NASA if I’m not mistaken .
Robert, I supplied reams of links to AndyG and this site, none of which were acceptable him, in the end I gave up.
el gordo continues the cooling mantra, but it is not in the data, NASA have not made a cooling climate projection ever.
But on the topic, Is Japan warong?, is the UK?, is Canada? Have they seen outbreaks of leftist anarchy directly related to the emergency? Has the emergency been used as a defence anywhere?
Try to stay on topic
>”…the cooling mantra, but it is not in the data”
Maybe not but neither is warming:
GFS 2m-T
SH now is no different to mid climatological baseline 1995 i.e. in terms of temperature, no-one born in the SH over the last 25 years +/- has experienced “climate change”.
Peter, none of your links was acceptable to me either. Not one was an observational record that showed some cause and effect connection and hadn’t been altered through some magical black box secret process to be something quite different from what it originally showed.
didn’t that Fitzroy ‘entity’ say ….. “so long, farewell, and goodbye, never again,” a while back.
How can we trust someone who doesn’t keep his word?
His word is just as good as his links Tony .
‘Have they seen outbreaks of leftist anarchy directly related to the emergency? Has the emergency been used as a defence anywhere?’
Not to my knowledge.
Yep. Extinction rebellion loons have used it and ghot away with it in the UK 2019. Allowed to block roads for weeks and after arrest they’ve been let go with no penalties. So yest its happened.
I had forgotten that lot, Greta fans for the most part, the pandemic has taken the wind out of their sails.
I have no idea if it has been used as a defence in either of those countries but it has been used here in oz with Adani protestors and Getup from memory .
As for your links what can I say apart from most of them disproved what you were claiming.
Always good for a laugh a chap posting links which directly contradict the point he is trying to make; welcome back Peter Fitzroy.
But the science is acceptable to a large slice of the world. For example google scholar lists 75,000+ results for “global warming human caused”, 5000+ for “AGW climate”, and 29,000+ for “human fingerprint global warming”. I find that when searching for “observational record” and since 2019, around 10,000 articles, or changing it to “global warming observation record humans” gives 17,500 results, again from 2019
SO what is acceptable to you?
Peter Fitzroy
(Glitch while compiling – try again)
The problem you have PF, is that the issue is not “warming” per se. The issue is whether observed temperature comports with theoretical CO2-forced warming as embodied in CO2-forced climate models.
The answer is, and in the case of the SH upthread especially – not happening
How can that be? Because the bulk of emissions have occurred in the 21st Century therefore the most warming should be occurring right now but nada:
“World emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide increased three times faster after 2000 than in the 1990s”
Apparently the CO2 forcing in the models is redundant; the models overshoot with it factored in.
>”SO what is acceptable to you?”
When the CO2-forced climate models actually mimic observed temperature let us know.
[Previous response hung up in moderation]
PF: you claim “Reams of evidence …”
What you supplied were links to papers and articles all about climate models.
They were each and every one, without fail, worthless as any form of evidence.
‘ … over the years you have repeatedly made predictions, none of which have proved correct.’
That is simply not true, global cooling is coming, it just takes a long time for the teleconnections to settle into a step change. Anyway, I forecast this La Nina back in Autumn, about six months before BoM.
that was you last time, but you also did the same the year before and the year before that
I may have forecast the 2016-17 La Nina, which was considered weak, but I definitely forecast correctly the back to back La Nina 2011-12 a long time before BoM.
More importantly, if temperatures fail to drop with this La Nina then the game is up for the Denialati.
ElGordo your arguing with someone who thinks he pays .12 cents a kw for electricity in NSW and also someone who believes that a PH of 8.2 is slightly acidic .
Fitz is alright, he encourages me to think.
He never concedes a millimetre no matter how many opponents pile on; I continue to live in hope that his fascination with the views expressed on this site will eventually result in the sudden conversion known as abreaction and see him going off and forming a separate chapter promoting a philosophy parallel with the celestial wisdom of Jo Nova and thus strengthening our hand in world affairs. One can dream…
‘Politics, Positivism and the Science of Tyranny’
Author: Tom Luongo
There is nothing worse than the politicization of science. If there is one thing that 2020 has taught us it is that we live within this basic framework.
Science is nothing today if not political.
But it’s beyond even that. This is a framework of experts in all major intellectual arenas, be it economics, psychology, diet or health. And they have all been tied in some basic way to public safety and the role of government in administering that goal, supposedly for the betterment of all of us.
Now, the use of science and the scientific method is perfectly applicable when illuminating underlying physical laws of the universe. But it is a means to an end, not an end unto itself.
And politics is nothing if not obsessed with ends rather than means.
From Theory to Theorem
Theory? A priori. Practice and application? Positivism.
This distinction is truly the most important thing that needs to be interjected back into our political discourse. Hell, I’d like it to come back into our scientific discourse, c.f. the nonsense about dark matter, global warming etc.
The problem we have today with modern liberalism, especially those in the sciences, is this misapplication of positivism to subjects where variables are explicitly beyond its ability to control for.
This is why appeals to ‘believe all scientists’ and ‘science has spoken’ are, at best, specious, even if they have the veneer of truth to them. Because when you set up an experiment without proper controls none of the conclusions you draw from it are defensible.
They may point you to inquire further, certainly, and that is an unqualified good thing in the search for truth. But it cannot be a bludgeon by which that search for truth ends simply because someone got their intellectual cookie either.
In the down and dirty world of politics hastily drawn conclusions from poorly-controlled ‘science’ can be used to write really provocative headlines capable of swaying public opinion.
Again, I point you to both theories about dark matter and global warming.
Manufacturing Consent
Black Communist Swans
But ‘Science’ Says…
The Reality Bomb
# # #
But to hell with all that – in our real psuedo-scientific Lysenkoist world there’s a “climate emergency” to deal with.
Luongo makes such a case it’s hard to know what to leave out. I think it is worth adding this:
Brings to memory the words of climate scientist Stephen Schneider (deceased):
The “climate emergency” declaration encapsulates Schneider’s vision – quite a legacy.
It is because of the low resolution of the data, in other words the peak of ~14C around 10,000 years ago was the putative average over maybe 500 years.
If higher resolution data were available that peak would have been higher.
“… extending smoothed graphs beyond their formal endpoints represents an unfortunate habit which should be avoided in the analysis of meteorological data series …” (Climate4you Data smoothing).
Thanks for all your condolences yet Dear Leader speaks The Truth™ – on this first full-day of Emergency #2 (remember we’re still under a C-19 ’emergency’) the temperature was 11 C when I got up, now it’s a scorching 18 degrees! That’s SEVEN degrees of catastrophe!!! What will happen if we reach the life-threatening 20 degrees by lunchtime?
As for the “north island [turning] into a coral sea or something” – we can only wish! – that’s what the South Island was c. 20 million years ago when Central Otago (an inland basin renowned for its Brass Monkey mid-winter freeze-outs) was a tropical lake full of crocodiles and turtles and sharks, surrounded by Queensland-like flora with a similar temperature, 6 to 8 degrees WARMER than today. But hey, what do geologists know…
I’m still waiting for a CO2-centric explanation for all the glaciated valleys in SI sans ice vs the supposed alarm over the ice there now.
If I get a satisfactory answer to that maybe then I’ll be ready for explanations of ancient tropical rainforests in SI and Antarctica – from a CO2-centric frame of reference of course.
The late Bob Carter was ahead of his time.
“There is a climate problem,” Carter admits. “It is the natural climate-related events that exact very real human and environmental costs. Therefore, we must prepare for, and adapt to, all climate hazards when they happen. Spending billions of dollars on CO2 controls in a vain attempt to stop these events from occurring reduces the wealth of societies, and so our capacity to address these and other real world problems.”
Jacinda declares a climate emergency for the Kiwis, but then I think you’ll find that NZ’s main export industry , agriculture, gets magical exemptions.
>”magical exemptions”
Like Level 4 Lockdown.
Hundreds of people per shift day and night, from all over the world, jammed into packhouses around the country (observing “compliance” of course), packing kiwifruit for “essential” export. I was one of the “essential” workers.
If ever there was going to be a superspreader event it would have occurred in that sector. There was only one positive that I know of and that was a Te Puke hostel manager who probably contracted from a tourist/backpacker coming across from Rotorua. Instead he blamed the Vanuatuans and kicked most of them out of his hostel. No Vanuatuan I know of has contracted and many are still trapped here.
Meanwhile, on the way to work I passed through major roading construction sites in lockdown and had to detour around a water main project that closed one lane – also in lockdown.
These sites, as opposed to packhouses, were outside in the sunlight – the best disinfectant – and by function “socially distanced”. It would have been the perfect opportunity to complete these projects but no. Similarly going to the beach, surfing, kayaking, and SUPaddle boarding were banned and the ban policed.
‘Coronavirus and the Sun: a Lesson from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic’
Now we have Genevieve Briand’s article “A closer look at U.S. deaths due to COVID-19” suppressed in social media and MSM irrespective of the student newspapers rotation policy:
‘Johns Hopkins student newspaper deletes, then retracts, article on faculty member’s presentation about COVID-19 deaths’
We seem to be in a vortex of hypercritical deceit funneling down to the politically correct “right side of history” – as Jacinda Ardern puts it in respect to her “climate emergency”.
The graphic above, Temperature vs Years before present, could serve as a rough surrogate for sea level/ocean height over the last 25,000 years.
The generally accepted sea level max was about 6 metres above present, 7,000 years ago.
Current sea levels have been relatively constant over the last 2,000 years.
Quite so, KK.
Ancient Aboriginal stories preserve history of a rise in sea level
“In a recent paper we presented at an indigenous language conference in Japan, we analysed 18 stories from around Australia’s coast.
All tell tales of coastal flooding.
We argue that these stories (and probably many others) recall coastal inundation as sea levels reached their present level at least 6,000-7,000 years ago.
Around Australia, we know that at the coldest time of the last ice age about 20,000 years ago, sea level stood about 120 metres below its present level.
When the last ice age began to end, a few thousand years later, huge masses of ice that had built up on the land, particularly in the northern hemisphere, began melting.
Water poured into the world’s oceans, raising their levels in ways that are now well understood.
By about 13,000 years ago, sea level had risen to around 70 metres below its present level.
One thousand years later, it had risen to about 50 metres below present.”
>> And we are supposed to ‘believe’ that an 8 inch rise in sea level in last 150 years is caused by burning coal is something to panic about?
And only a solar panel, a windmill and a carbon (sic) tax is all that is needed to stop it!
‘ … particularly in the northern hemisphere, began melting.’
The transition to the Holocene began in the Southern Hemisphere, from memory volcanic activity is suspected. I’ll do some sleuthing.
Got it, the LGM came to an abrupt end because of 192 years of volcanic activity.
What about orbital mechanics and previous examples of the termination of the glacial maxima?
The pattern of the last glacial cycle and recovery was not unique and is the reason many believe that the next fall into glaciation isn’t far off.
It has been suggested that the last big melt had a significant interruption caused by atmospheric “dust” from meteor impact.
‘Weber and others estimated that the flux of icebergs from Antarctica during AID6 contributed a substantial (at least 50%) to the global mean sea-level rise that occurred during meltwater pulse 1A. These icebergs came from the widespread retreat of the Antarctic Ice Sheet at this time, including from the Mac Robertson Land region of the East Antarctic Ice Sheet; the Ross Sea sector of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet; and the Antarctic Peninsula Ice Sheet.’ wiki
– you can forget about the need for the solar panel and the windmill — they won’t stop anything — but watch what happens when the carbon tax comes in!
There were several rises from 7,000 till now.
These occurred after falls which saw significant oscillations in sea level.
Don’t know which one was associated with Noah, but one of them probably was.
The category of ‘the reasonable person’ is shrinking by the day, as the fallout from the Green/Labor /WetLeft success over the last four decades……in morphing the once-great education systems into Marxist Indoctrination Systems ….kicks in big time.
Many people’s jobs are also now contingent ….whatever their own views are….on professed or assumed undying belief in CAGW……especially in science as Peter Ridd…Bob Carter…Murry Salby…Clive Spash et al and probably many of us whose children’s jobs are in science at various levels….have discovered.
Many of us expected last year’s arsonists to plead ‘for the planet’ on the grounds of warning the world re the fiery future the supposed rampaging CAGW they’d taken to the streets to protest…..foreshadowed.
But then …suddenly there were no arsonists….there apparently was no arson…the police who’d told us of hundreds of cases were apparently all mistaken….but owed us no explanation of course.
No doubt that was Ardern’s new law already in play here.
In the era of the worldwide purge of conservatives and of reason….in the landscape of no objective truth….of a generation that’s drowning in an ocean of lies and propaganda….of the Marxist-captured institutions and the MSM across-the-board censorship….of the cancel culture….of international Socialist opportunists using Socialist-manufactured catastrophes to rebirth their Global Socialist aims that even the slaughter of more than 100 million innocent people could not achieve…..no mayhem can be ruled out….any cataclysm is possible…IMO.
The problem when true believers think there is an “emergency” is that it gives them an excuse in their “minds” to ruthlessly suppress free speech.
E.g. look at this:
And look at how YouTube has now silenced Tony Heller, he has now moved to NewTube. Please subscribe to him there.
Also Tony Heller received a Tweet:
“Not yet, but not too far in the future either, there will come a day when influential deniers will be arrested and improned for imperiling the earth.”
We are not welcome on “their” sites but “they” are allowed here, and they don’t have even the slightest sense of irony over that.
Look at how the Billionaire Socialists ruthlessly suppressed free speech in the US election in favour of the Left.
There is NO freedom and NO truth under socialism but the last sixty years of socialist influence in the “education” system of Western countries has brutally suppressed independent critical thinking and knowledge of the evils of socialism/communism. The overall ignorance of the masses is why people like Dan Andrews in Victoriastan, Ardern in NZ, Trudeau in Canada can get elected and why Biden has any support at all, although not enough to win an honest election.
Surely an ordinary court Judge possessing ordinary power of brains could not reasonably excuse dangerous and disruptive acts resulting from climate fear would expect people to act otherwise when other reasonable options are available.
Perhaps news services, film makers, and publications promoting climate change fear with misinformation and ill informed claims of pending disaster can be made complicit in acts of sabotage and public disruption by activists who successfully claim they couldn’t act otherwise.
This is an excerpt from Lomborg’s book False Alarm, Chapter 8 – Why the Paris Agreement is failing.
He comments on NZ’s policies because Ardern ordered estimates of the costs.
Lomborg, Bjorn. False Alarm: How Climate Change Panic Costs Us Trillions, Hurts the Poor, and Fails to Fix the Planet (pp. 121-123). Basic Books. Kindle Edition.
interesting: https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-12-02-280000-fraudulent-ballots-ny-pa-postal-service.html#
also: https://www.military.com/daily-news/2020/12/01/no-kraken-refer-military-intelligence-unit.hmtl
T’was ever thus…
As H.L. Mencken observed a century ago, “the whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by an endless series of hobgoblins, most of them imaginary.”
Helps the MSM thrive and prosper too. “President Elect” Biden’s unlikely “win” has triggered a revitalised tsunami of “climate change” alarmism on the BBC, ABC, etc.
I wonder how the Leftists that post here feel about the fact that they can post here but we can’t post on your sites because Leftists can’t tolerate alternate opinions?
Indeed but I wouldn’t waste time posting on their sites. They are unintelligible and they won’t listen to reason, logic and truth.
David that’s the Beauty of this site and Sky news , you can find both sides to a story .
We all protest, point out the natural Earth Cycles while the leftists ignore us and concentrate on propaganda spreading.
Our side is out gunned.
President Trump speaks;
Also see YouTube before they delete it.
This speech is not being reported by the legacy or social(ist) media.
There are also reports that views got to over 495,000 within hours and then YouTube reset the counter to zero. It’s now at 12,000. They have also been deleting pro-Trump comments.
New Zealand, it seems came to be,
left-overs from geology,
That its shores became home,
for those people that roam,
when Zealandia sank in the sea.
The NZ PM is full of hot air and methanedione. Sequestration is indicated.
Another problem is ignorance. I’ve asked people a few simple questions WRT Climate Change, and so far the successful answer rate is less than 10%. When I ask the question “what is the % of CO2 in the atmosphere” I get answers that range from 1% to (believe it or not) 25%! (Note that no answer is less than 1%…quite a few people swore that 1% was correct, until I pointed out that yes, there is a gas which makes up 1% of the atmosphere, but that gas is Argon. Two people then asked me was Argon poisonous.. I said ‘well, it is really just a harmless inert gas which is 25 times more prevalent than CO2 in the atmosphere. Life doesn’t seem to worry about it’. I think this misconception arises when people are told the lie that CO2 is the third most abundant gas, behind N and O). BTW, the ignorance was across all ages, not just indoctrinated schoolkids.
At 0.04% it’s just above starvation levels for many plants but when you consider only about 3-4% of that is from man you end up with a meaningless fraction of minuscule proportions.
And our minuscule contribution is in fact so tiny that its effect can only be modelled or guessed at .
[…] https://joannenova.com.au/2020/12/new-zealand-pm-has-just-given-permission-for-climate-zealots-to-br… […]