A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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South Australia joined the defunct second world some years ago when it blew up the power station. Not having a meaningful electoral system, the USA has joined the Third World. What next, a virus from the CCP? Actually that’s not next but a massive financial collapse probably is.
I am having a blast with popcorn watching the mainstream media make fools of themsev4s with all this fake news with Biden. His actual vote currently is 226 and not the media’s fiction of over 270.
Checkmate: President Trump won using the backdoor in the constitution and the Whitehouse already stated he will be staying.
I think we have talked ourselves to a standstill.
We cannot change things so time we sat back and watch it play out.
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” ―
Edmund Burke
I’ve reached that conclusions a long time ago wrt the West in general. Just watch the it decay into chaos as the Great Reset plays out once Biden is officially made POTUS in spite of the voter frauds. I suppose it was never to be that Trump remain President due to the overwhelming forces everywhere, and I mean everywhere, that were trying to de-legitimise his election in 2016 and remove him from office for the last 4 years. I give us at most until around 2030’s before the West collapses into some authoritarian nightmare.
It really doesn’t matter who becomes POTUS, US values will remain in place.
‘I give us at most until around 2030′s before the West collapses into some authoritarian nightmare.’
Hmmm …
By 2030 just about everyone on earth will be aware that we are being invaded by aliens.
Well it feels a bit that way. But.
Trump is forcing the world to know how the system works. He can keep doing that until Jan 20. Two more months of cussing him in the face of his successes might wear them out
Our ALP’s ‘Mojo’ went down the gurgler in May 2019. At last some of them are waking up to the fact that the AGW scam is the big issue.
In the US the Democrats are suffering a near death experience similar to Joel Fitzgibbon’s, but may still come out on top. However their top is now much less secure than it was.
I don’t have much puff left in me. Every time I click on I think of Roy Hogue. Such men we depend on heavily. But on the basis of “do as I say”, I suggest that the period from now till Jan 20 offers a golden opportunity for reward for effort in challenging the AGW scam.
The message that should lead the push is that workers’ wages come out of the same money barrel as the bosses’ energy bills. Subsidies for “renewables” mean higher energy bills, means less for wages. High energy costs hit workers twice, in the initial cost and in the depressed wages.
The true cost of energy should be published widely. The relevant true cost for coal fired energy is the marginal cost with government interference removed, because this is the energy that is displaced by government mandates. For “renewables” cost is the gross cost including mandated subsidies as costs. Too often the subsidies are calculated as reducing cost. It’s price, not cost, that is reduced.
The other message is, CO2 is not harmful. All the ‘evidence” that it is is subjective.
Then publish Ken Stewart’s debunking of the BOM’s original temperature data “homogenisation”, which in my understanding proved that not only was the BOM incompetent to do that work, but they hadn’t even done the simplest check of their work to discover the absurdity of it. It seemed that their “science” had been dictated to them by the politicians.
Well Jo’s blog seems to have come to a standstill in the past day or so !
Very strange! My view of this page has been stuck on Thursday and 13 comments for two days, no matter how many times I tried to refresh, until I posted the comment above.
“I, For One, Welcome Our New Self-Driving Overlords”
“A Tesla test drive in drunk mode.”
Link at
In comments “Teslacide.”
A mobile rechargable toaster is all they are….
They have a long way to go. Let them play with their toys.
an interesting short tricycle musical . . . . .
The scene …
Wednesday before Super Tuesday in the US Democratic(gag) Party primaries.
Harris has dropped out.
Biden in last place as all the MSM wonder why he is still in and comment on his mental decline.
Friday … most contenders suddenly drop out …
leaving Warren to suck votes from Sanders.
Tuesday …
Lo and behold BIDEN wins … huh?
Wednesday a week … Biden coronated, Harris likely Rasputin.
MSM “Biden is wonderful and he loves puppies”.
Now if I suspect a Puppet Master(s) I am pronounced a conspiracy theorist
Probably end up on a list.
Nah, just means youre sane..
The Left scream at the sky….er….
It’s a game…all of it.
For the last for or fives days, the media has failed to lower Biden’s correct score with these court challenges. So, it is FAKE NEWS they are putting out now as Biden lost.
This is a cracker of a read….
“For four years, President Trump has achieved major victories in the face of this opposition, making the country richer and stronger than it was when he assumed office.
“But his greatest achievement has been boldly and courageously standing up to this wounded bear of a ruling class, which has now shown America its true face. Americans’ eyes are now irrevocably open to what has become of their country, and what must be overcome to take it back.
I am in enormous respect for how he has pulled off this Presidential Win!!!
The media definitely can’t handle this and still pushing this fake news!
What win? I know of the reports of one or so states are now in doubt after being given to Biden but they are far from being enough to give Trump the election. Please enlighten me as I would love to know that Trump is the actual winner.
Keep it to yourself Trump won and the media can’t handle it.
Really? I wish it were true.
Good luck with that Nett Carbon Neutral by, umm, well by whenever really.
Look at this image at this link and then let me explain it to you.
This is an image of a Load Curve (the upper black line) for actual power consumption, and here keep in mind you can only generate what is being consumed at any one point in time, so this is also the Load Curve for total power generation across the five States of the AEMO coverage area, and to this simple Load Curve I have added some very important information.
Okay, the date, 18March 2020. This is the day across the whole last twelve Months that closely matches all of the indicator points for total power consumed/generated, maximum Peak power, Base Load, the percentage for all four Renewables and the total for wind power. All five of those indicators are as close to the year round average I could find in the 366 days of this last year. Those figures are as below with the year round average in the brackets after each one.
Peak Power – 26,500MW (26,500MW)
Average Hourly Power Consumption – 23,125MW (23,166MW)
Total Daily Generated Power – 555GWH (556GWH)
Base Load – 18,000MW (18,000MW)
Total Wind Generation – 50GWH (49.3GWH)
Total Percentage Contribution of the Four Renewables – 26.2% (24.9%)
Note that bulge at the bottom showing ….. ALL FOUR of those renewable power sources, and here I have added the text for each one.
See how it never even gets remotely close to the Base Load, the absolute minimum power consumption across the day, let alone close to actual total power being required, and that total power is also an absolute, mind you. That also HAS to be there.
See that bulge showing both versions of solar power.
See how I added the time indicator at 6.00PM (18:00)the time of that evening peak every day of the year when everyone is now at home and the residences are consuming their most power, every home in the Country. Now, where that time indicator is, go to the left vertical axis and I have circled the actual total power consumption at the top, and the total from ALL FOUR Renewables, and look at the difference. and here that is almost ….. 21,000MW, umm, TWENTY ONE THOUSAND MEGAWATTS.
That’s the year round average mind you, because there are days when it’s way higher than that even.
Okay then now, trace for yourselves the difference at any one point in time across the day the difference between the total and the FOUR Renewables. The lowest it is is at that Base Load minimum, 14,000MW, and it goes up from that.
I do not care a fig what people might say, but that upper black line total will not change, except to gradually rise. The same with the Base Load, that 18,000MW, and again, that also will only rise inexorably, slowly, but it will rise.
Now, try and even imagine in your wildest dreams what it is going to take to get those four Renewables to deliver not just enough to ….. RELIABLY (forever and absolutely) generate enough power just to reach the Base Load minimum, let alone up to the daily maximum.
At no stage ….. EVER does that blip of those four renewables get even close to looking bigger than this.
Okay, so good luck with that Nett zero carbon whatever whenever ….. because ALL of that white area is fossil fuelled power and this image at this link is just the coal fired power on that same average day of the year. (the rest of the power generation to make up to the total is all versions of Natural Gas Fired Power)
Oh, and the biggest battery on Planet Earth, what does it supply when added to this main graph.
Do this little exercise for yourselves.
See that big graph image on the screen in front of you. Grab a biro and place the tip on the intersection of that 18:00 vertical time indicator, where it intersects the four renewables total. With that biro, place a small dot the size of a full stop at that point.
THAT is what the biggest battery in the World is delivering.
Yeah right, good luck with that nett zero thingie, eh!
Hello Tony.
Good to see you are still around, telling it like it is re power supplies.
Good to see you back too MV.
Is this the same Memoryvault? Some thing seems wrong. Not just the change of Avatar
True, it is 2020 and things are Not always what they seem.
Still coming to terms with being single after losing my lover, wife, and best friend for these past 42 years, Peter. I wasn’t very good at it first time around, doing it again is no fun at all.
But I’m getting there. I will be relaunching “The Inside News” soon. Time to get back to shit-stirring our politicians.
We have something in common there Mv. My condolences to you. I am suffering a lot.
Hence I am probably spending more time on the blog than I should.
The hatchett in the head is a bit disturbing. Can we go bak to the vault door.
So, another unwilling bachelor, and both Peters. Maybe we could find some kind lady to adopt us? A matched pair?
After the last major stroke in 2018 I lost a lot of my memory. “Memory VAULT” didn’t seem appropriate, so I changed it to memoryfault, and the hatchet through the head, as more fitting (better than “the old fossil” that my family insisted on for a while).
Anyways, the memory is slowly coming good now, so I will change my avatar back to something more appropriate – when I remember how to do it.
Same here: there’s been a big gap in my life for the last four years but strangely no anger.
It would be ungrateful when we had the most amazing forty seven years together.
I’m losing my child bride of 57 years a little every day. I do not relish joining you chaps but it will take a few years.
It appears that MV came from WA and IIRC may have lived up in N Qld?
Born and bred a Sandgroper, Keith. Had to leave in 1986 when the little gnome from the West, Brian Burke, made it impossible to stay. Ended up in QLD “temporarily” in 1988. Been here ever since.
Now Marilyn’s gone (covered upthread but in moderation for some reason) I am at loose ends. If WA Premier is doing what I think he is doing, and quietly working towards a gold-backed cryptocurrency, I will be back there so fast you won’t see me for dust.
Given Jo’s gold connections, I’m surprised she hasn’t covered it.
Sorry to hear you’ve been having a rough time MV. I missed your contributions.
Thanks Annie.
Hi MV, I saw you on Catallaxy a bit over the years while browsing, sorry about Marilyn hope you stay around.
Yeah. I found out something quite unsavoury about the owner over there, and deliberately got myself banished telling him what I thought of him because of it.
I wouldn’t expect anything less from you MV 🙂
Hi Tony,
Here is another fine example of “Virtue Signaling”. PR.
“ Woolworths plant to be 100% powered by renewables within 5 years “
So they will be adopting the “Canberra” method no doubt ?
I wonder if they will shut down their cold storage and shops when the wind drops overnight ?
Should have been “ Woolworths PLAN to be …”
Chad, not sure if you saw the article, but AREH have now changed tack again and are not planning to send electricity to Singapore, instead opting to produce ammonia for export using solar and wind power. Apparently their previous plan was to run four 3000km HVDC cables, not one. Their latest plan is to use 1,743 wind turbines each 290 metres tall, with solar panel arrays generating 18,600 MW. It will be interesting to see if AAPL now go forward with their proposal to send power to Singapore.
“Under the latest proposed change, the size of renewable energy production will be expanded up to 26 gigawatts — more than a third of Australia’s current total power-generation capacity.
This massive output would be generated from up to 1,743 wind turbines, each 290 metres tall, covering 668,100ha, and a sea of 18 600MW solar panel arrays, covering 1,418ha of land.”
Installed/Nameplate Capacity, or Capacity Factor?
Nameplate,..(Peak). for certain !
So with a CF of less than 30%,.. about 8 GW equivalent capacity.
But they have to build a plant wth the ability to handle 26 GW , when most of the thime it will be operating with much less
Result ?….lousy utilisation efficiency, anf economics !
Lets wait to see what their next plan is .
… or until they drop the whole idea !
I just noticed that AREH actually state on their site..
Which implies an average output of 11.4 GWh , or a CF of 44% !
…Optimistic,…to say the least ?
Methinks advertising may be subject to regulations. Show us their full story.
It is sad to think that the real plan might be to kill off all the people creating the demand for the electricity so the people fit the renewable supply curve rather than the electricity is supplied for the people. Thanks Tony for your work I love reading it as it is so informing and factual.
Thanks Plain Jane,
and the fact that you can actually understand it means that I’m doing something right.
This is all so technical, and the task is to try and write it so that the average person can read it and say hey I can see that.
That’s the reason wind and solar power can get away with what they do. They know that no one understands the reality, so they can get away with whatever they want, safe in the knowledge that the real people who run things will NEVER allow the grid to fail, so it always looks like wind and solar are pulling their weight.
Look again at that main image I linked to.
You can’t run a Country on that.
That’s why they talk in vagaries: Enough power to supply 25,000 homes.
The latest all singing all dancing state of the art wind plant where it supplies, as Hanrahan says here:
Without once ever referencing even that leftist bastion Wikipedia where it says this: (under the heading History, at the top, end of the third paragraph)
Oh, and incidentally, if the Bayswater Upgrade to USC went ahead, it would generate more power, and where it says in that same Wikipedia link that Bayswater currently burns 8 MegaTonnes of coal, well, after the Upgrade it would only burn 6 MegaTonnes of coal, and probably less.
(Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone.)
A cost benefit analysis comparing the use of Hunter Valley NSW coal resources in power stations in that area compared to constructing a new pipeline or pipelines to import gas would be interesting to read.
Correction: “up to 25,000 homes”.
They are never specific.
And they never explain Installed/Nameplate Capacity compared to Capacity Factor, but nearly always mention Installed in sales and marketing material including media stories.
Another point worth considering is the tiny by comparison with power stations electricity supply output from wind and solar installations as a percentage of total essential baseload grid supply.
Nailed it
I second the motion.
In the end, as weather in the midlatitudes turns nasty, some countries maybe exposed.
‘Since September, France has relighted four coal-fired power plants to offset the shutdown of the Fessenheim nuclear power plant and the lack of wind.’ GWPF
Quite clearly, at least 14GW of baseload nuclear should have been the policy priority.
We live in the extraordinary times. If the US votes can be faked, what chance other democratic countries have? How easy is to Venezuelise the whole world. Biden, the geriatric with strong pedophilia-like behaviour, not much different from Chernenko just before USSR collapsed, got his chance through seniority, despite his crack smoking corrupt son and strong suspicion that he is also corrupt?. +70mnl people voted for him? No wonder that democracy never flourished for a long time. Trump’s validation of this election is the most important fight for the free world since the fall of communism in 1989 and the defeat of Nazism in 1945
Not even Adolf usurped power the way the new Chernenko is trying to do. Want unity and respect? Allow votes to be properly vetted then, so pets, the dead, the “Russian” influence etc. are excluded.
It bears repeating over and over until the people get the truth even if Stalin didn’t actually say it as some have explained:
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything”
Whoever came up with that quote probably didn’t realise how true it is in others ways. For example, in our Australian version of democracy we elect a government but once in power we have very little or no involvement in the decision making processes. Then there is the preferential voting system, which ought to be re-assessed.
‘Trump’s validation of this election is the most important fight for the free world since the fall of communism in 1989 and the defeat of Nazism in 1945 … ‘
Making comparisons with last century won’t get you a pass mark.
At the moment China and Russia are fascist dictatorships, which means they are open for business. The US election and aftermath is a great example of how democracy works in the US, very robust and healthy.
The idea that the US is leading the free world maybe outdated.
AFR: Ignoring Climate Activist Campaigns is No Longer an Option for Australian Business
The post refers to an article titled “Why climate change is keeping directors awake” but after reading the article I think it should have been titled “Why climate change activists are keeping directors awake”
Offers people cant refuse….now where have we heard that before?
In 1812 Gov Eldbridge Gerry of Massachusetts creatively drew the legislative districts of his state to favor his party,
and the term Gerrymander has been part of the language ever since.
Somehow the folks who “elected” Joe Biden, the amiable corpse, tot he presidency, failed to delivered the bulk of
the state legislatures to the Democrats; in fact the center right dominates the countryside.
The left hates this. They wish it weren’t so. Thus you will hear, even in far off OZ, that this Republican control of he majority of he statehouses is
racist, sexist, and disgusting for all manner of reasons as well as threatening to the very health of the plane because, you know, climate change. It
is a it ironic, this last, since all of farm country in in the republican majority n the hinterland, but waht could a farmer know about the climate.
We hold a census every ten years. We rewrite our legislative maps, and our national electoral districts every ten years. Guess what happens next year?
Our national elections are weighted toward the cesspools of cities that dot our landscape, where the folks are all better than those of us who still row the odd vegetable or two.
Our redistricting processes are titled, in most places, toward the countryside, and the folks that actually have to live under the often insane laws that state and local legislators pass- they live in town with us and are much easier to keep accountable than the folks we send off to the distant capital.
I have commented before here the we have been migrating internally, as people of common sense leave the blue states for the red. This will be reflected in our redistricting process,which has the potential to help flip the house to the republicans in 2022 and give us a fully divided government, which may be good for the world; absent doing good things a government may be at its best when it does nothing.
If fact, the Democrats lost down ballot in this election, and this is where it will eventually be seen.
The left enters this battle with one hand tied behind their back, because of their demands over the years made in the name of identity politics; they are compelled to group overwhelming number of “their” voters together to ensure “majority minority” districts.
If you enjoy vapid leftist mental gymnastics, bring popcorn. GOP gets the house in 2022.
I am quite certain the election of Mr. Biden will not be overturned.
I am quite certain it should be.
There has been a lot of talk, some of it mine, about this or that form of fraud or chicanery,
of funny software or ballots passed on a stormy deck in the dead of night.
But in fact, the numbers are probably too big for counting to matter.
It all boils down to a simple proposition. Our written constitution, that the courts are sworn to enforce,
specifies that the legislatures of the states set the rules for elections; custom decrees that they be set in time for the parties to
There were last minute changes, sometimes after the voting had begun, made by secretaries of state, judges, election commissioners, and governors
to the election rules. If these were substantial, and materially changed the conduct of the election, all votes under these modified provisions should be discarded.
The court may either truncate the election, or order a new one.
In most cases, a lay person would look at the evidence, and say: “they can’t do that”!!! 99% of judges WILL look and say to themselves “How the hell do i duck this one?”
and come up with some legal gibberish that the law and the constitution don’t actually mean what they say, because, COVID!.
We trust them not, now we trust them less. They know this.
There is guilt here and there in the countryside; a few will be working to rehabilitate their honor. While I’d like them to suffer, we need civilization, not chaos.
Even some of the “Police Defunders” are having second thoughts.
What’s a concerned citizen to do?
In the Senate, Alaska and NC are now red. So all they need is one win in the two Georgia runoffs to control the Senate, making Biden’s radical agenda dead on arrival. Huge amounts of money will now flow into Georgia. The runoffs Election Day is Jan 5.
They will find ways and means to get around the Senate. Orchestrating a financial collapse would be one possible way. A fake war would be another. A pandemic is yet another, fake or man-made. In all cases it will give them authority to do whatever they like using emergency powers. Failing that big business will still have their Great Reset to achieve their wet dreams using the current pandemic and CAGW as their excuses, and if necessary another pandemic to complete the change.
“The Sound Of Settled Science”
“Absolutely massive error in a new Nature paper
Says it shows hurricanes decaying slower over land post-landfall (more damaging)
But they forgot to remove storms that landfall & then go back over the ocean”
“IT Contractor for Dominion Ballot Counting Software Co. Exposes Massive Ballot Fraud in Detroit Michigan…”
‘If what Ms. Mellissa Carone outlines is true, this would explain how the ballots in Michigan were manipulated. Ms. Carone was a contracted worker for Dominion a company providing software services for ballot counting machines in Detroit.”
BOM and CSIRO have teamed up for your latest climate change scare story , complete with works of pure fiction disguised as science .
‘This year might have been a breather from the latest drought, but dry winters over southern Australia have been common over the last 20 years. Three quarters of hydrologic reference stations across the country show a declining trend in streamflow.’
They have no idea that Australia is going to experience a decade of cool/wet conditions.
I almost convinced we’ve lost the war with the CAGW scam and hoax. Everywhere I look in government and business circles all I see is a growing sentiment to reduce our emissions and reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. Once Biden re-establishes the Paris Agreement for the US it’s all over. Let’s face reality. Of course that doesn’t mean we give up. It just means we have to come up with better approaches to convince voters to stop voting for any party that supports the emission reduction agenda, which means stop voting for the two major parties at least to give them a strong message. Otherwise, we might as well surrender.
Yesterday I had a two hour tour around Newcastle harbour.
While opposite the empty BHP site the bloke on the microphone pointed out the wind turbine blades.
There were three sets of three and they were huge. Later back in the city area there was another set of three laying besides the dockyard building.
It spoilt my day. Two industrial complexes empty and the symbol of their demise dumped on them for further insult.
Our politicians are shafting us and the few workers left to pay tax are feeding the gigantic Military Educational Grievance Gender Neutral Victimhood Studies complex that has no useful output.
It is collapsing and we can see the future for Australia in the demolition of Europe, Britain and the United States.
The only hope was Trump, and that seems now to be almost gone.
Merry Christmas.
It makes no difference what the US does in regard to Paris, our PM has set a course of least resistance. So its a lukewarm way until we can convince the government that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming.
When Albo is rolled by Joel Fitzgibbon, then both majors will be on the same plate and the independents marginalised.
I can see that, to some extent, but in the meantime, Australia is rolling out the implanting of Renewables and that’s a burden for business, industry and households that are collapsing under a “woke” electricity hidden tax.
The turbine blades, mentioned above are awaiting shipment to Griffith.
A real leader would not burden our country with the appalling woke renewables burden that we have.
The market is paying for the renewables and the government sees this as infrastructure and jobs. To bring this madness to an end we’ll have to wait for global cooling to set in, which might be related to the polar vortex.
The people are the market.
We are paying for the rort that the Elites are profiting from.
Get rid of useless politicians.
In a free market prices should fall to sustainable levels, but the system has become corrupted by gougers, so government intervention maybe necessary to underwrite some projects.
Do you think Scott Morrison is useless?
There’s No free market and the Gougers are sponsored and supported by the government: the Morrison government.
What does that say about Scotty from Renewables?
This is the reality.
‘ … 82% of subsidies is concentrated in the Australian Government’s ‘Clean Coal Technology’, with the remaining 18% of funds allocated to the renewable energy ‘Project Solar Systems Australia’ $75 million.’ wiki
Also, as you know, the states are responsible for their own power supply.
“‘ … 82% of subsidies is concentrated in the Australian Government’s ‘Clean Coal Technology”
That is off the Planet.
The government is treading water, a sleight of hand searching for the middle way until global cooling begins. They need proof that CO2 doesn’t cause warming, so that new coal fired power stations can be built.
There is a claim that big money from government is going into “clean coal technology”. But current hysteria will not allow anything coal. I suppose any useful knowledge could be given to China, no compunction about coal use there.
More likely, this spending is to assuage/fool the skeptics, nothing useful will come out it. If at some future time Australia needs to build a new big power station for actual electrical power supply, coal or nuclear, it will be Chinese designed and made. Win/win for China as meanwhile they make and sell the wind machines and solar panels.
Another scenario is that manufacturing will cease, power demand becomes very low, so a few diesel and gas turbines will suffice for hospitals and Canberra. The rest of us are limited to wind and solar, ah.. but burning what is left of forests is ok, renewable..
The renewable market believes their own propaganda and are throwing money at it, the renewable zones in NSW are a good example but they’ll need Narrabri gas power station as backup or it won’t work.
Methinks the market wouldn’t see much profit and be reluctant to invest, so Morrison has told them if they don’t come to the party then the government will build the infrastructure at taxpayer expense.
Of course it would be better to build a coal fired power plant outside of Dubbo, there is enough coal nearby to last a thousand years, but we’ll have to wait for proof that CO2 doesn’t cause global warming before that can happen.
Jo, what’s going on? Comments form various people are appearing, disappearing then re-appearing, then disappearing again. None as far as I know are in moderation.
Ditto here on Tuesday’s Unthreaded, Peter. When I tried to repost it I got the “it appears you have already posted that” response.
When I attempted to post an altered version, it disappeared as well.
Very strange.
It happened to me a few days ago, but when I came back later the post had appeared. Traffic for the blog has been heavy.
For a short time this afternoon (EST, Ohio, USA) the connections to Jo’s site failed with a scripting error. Luckily the problem didn’t last very long and I haven’t had any problems connecting since then.
Jo, why are you blocking my comments?
[Peter you have no comments in moderation or trapped elsewhere, if you’re missing comments please email Jo .]AD
Look at this, and I know I keep ‘harping’ about it, but if I don’t keep drawing attention to it, it will just become accepted that wind power is the gift that keeps on giving, the all benevolent future of power delivery, that perfection in power generation, that wonder of the modern era, that beauty to behold, that smell on the bottom of your shoe that tells you that you stepped in dog$h1t.
The image at this link shows the Load Curve for power generation for yesterday 12November2020.
Now see how (for one of those very rare times when) it is relatively high across the whole day, by looking at the scale on that left side vertical axis and the high point is at over 4000MW, so for this one rare day, wind power was really humming across the whole day, with just 900MW between the low for the day and the high.
Now, when it’s like this, it highlights an anomaly where the graph has to be sized to best fit the space it is put into, if you see my point here.
So, the scale is now compressed.
It then gives the impression that this is a relatively stable output across the day.
However, note those spikes and they are pretty obvious here, so there’s no need to count them.
Each one of those power losses is around 200MW, and there are a couple of large ones around 600MW.
That’s pretty big chunks of power being taken out of the system, to only come back within an hour or so, and then go away, and come back, and go away, and come back, etc etc. Not just one or two occurrences, but 20 to 30 of them spread across the day.
That’s a high wind cut off situation. So ….. ‘automatically’ mind you, and without any warning, those wind towers just turn themselves off, and then a little later, back on, and then off again, also etc etc.
Now this is an occurrence that is becoming more prevalent, (a) because there are more wind plants, and (b) because the individual generators are getting larger. In the early days, they were under 1MW, and now that technology has improved, we have larger generators between 2.5MW and 3.2MW.
So, because we have larger generators, we now need larger ‘driving force’, hence a larger ‘fan out the front’ hence longer blades, heavier blades hopefully stronger blades, and because the blades are now longer those towers have to be much taller, you know, taller than the largest skyscraper you have ever seen.
However, with longer blades, we now have the all important problem of tip speed, and in some cases that approaches huge numbers.
Higher tip speed, so the more propensity for blade disintegration, so now ….. in high wind situations we have the whole thing just turning off, so it doesn’t destroy itself, and then back on and then off again.
Again, let me stress here that each down spike, is a turning off situation in high wind ….. for these graphs that show high power situations, and again, each loss is around 200MW to 6o0MW, and sometimes it has been even higher.
That’s the loss of around 100 to 300 individual towers, just ‘blink’ turning off.
Now I don’t care what you think.
Try operating a stable grid when you have situations like this, and you don’t have the slightest idea when it’s going to happen, or come back, or happen again, etc etc.
Please do not ever try and tell me that wind power is all we are going to have to look forward to in the future.
And nobody gives a WTF. Because no one knows, and frankly, no one really cares.
Lose a large scale coal fired Unit, and the screams about unreliability are loud and long, and nobody actually even knows, because that loss is instantaneously covered by fast acting hydro, and then natural gas fired units running up, and that happens every so often. Look at that graph, and note how it happens almost every hour for wind generation.
We’ve been conned.
Oh, and on that same graph, look at the bottom, and see that purple one standing out at the top. That’s Macarthur wind plant, now the second largest in Australia. It’s humming along at around the absolute maximum it can deliver its power. That almost steady horizontal line is that maximum output. That’s around 330MW. Macarthur has a Nameplate of 420MW so the best it can currently do is 78% of Nameplate. Oh for joy, what did we pay for this? Or more importantly, what are we getting for our money? (not very much really)
Wouldn’t the on/off business cause bad stresses in these huge blades?
The “on/off business” is bad for the furnaces of coal fired plants. They are designed to be brought up to heat and stay there, I assume for months. Every time a furnace cools to be reheated its life is shortened, it needs to be shut down and relined more often than it should, adding cost to coal that should really be attributed to “renewables”.
“Trump wins this court case in Pennsylvania – court orders certain votes not be counted”
“How easy is it to get full admin access to a US voting machine? *TFE.”
Jo, would appreciate a critique on the new CSIRO State of Climate report
It is all over the airwaves today, with a CSIRO spokeswoman virtually saying we are all going to drown in boiling seas.
And BoM report;
‘CO2 concentrations in our atmosphere are now well above any level reached in the last 800,000 years.’
That is a whopper in plain sight, Antarctic ice cores are unreliable proxies for CO2 levels.
Hey, who would have thought, eh!
PremierSenior Health officer in Queensland has lifted ALL the restrictions on outdoor gatherings with effect from 5PM next Tuesday.How lucky is that, eh.
The last Origin football game is on Wednesday Night and now they can have a full stadium of 50,000 people.
How wily is that cunning little Wuhan CCP Coronavirus that it can send an email to the Senior Health Officer telling here that he’ll be gone by Tuesday at 5PM, so things can get back to normal.
How lucky was that eh!
We have to be wary of the Oz Virus spread, I understand, by Poly Ticks.
Are our politicians idiots?
Australia invests $9.6m in ‘revolutionary’ Chinese solar company Sunman
Depends on your outlook, John.
If you assume they are trying to do the right thing, but keep getting it wrong, then yes, they are idiots.
However, if you assume they are working to bankrupt the country to facilitate the establishment of a new totalitarian regime, then no, they are not idiots, they have been very clever.
And so far it has worked very well.
Can we start sending them our coal and barely now that at least part of the inducement has been paid?
Friday thread is NOT coming up on Google Chrome
neither is the Wednesday thread.
Nor on firefox.
What happened?
and what about the Monday morning thread and the Thursday evening one?
Too many threads is a sign that things are unraveling.
As soon as I read the BOM Climate Report, the red flags came up all over the place. First thing to notice was…WHY 1910? I think we all know the answer here: ACORN 1 and ACORN 2. I may be way out, but according to my calculations, based on including raw temperature data from 1880 – 1910, the temperature increase SINCE 1880 is more like 1.22 degrees, not 1.44 since 1910. And I think that the global atmospheric temperature will rise about 1 degree from now until 2100AD (at most). Also the BOM rants on about sea level rises…I just can’t wait to see the Maldives and other island nations sink beneath the sea in the next 50 years (LOL… any argument, Tom Foolery?). Unfortunately, the BOM, like the ABC and CSIRO, have been infested by the watermelon virus, and there is no way out of it while we have cowardly wimps like Morrison and Buttrose running the show.
‘ … global atmospheric temperature will rise about 1 degree from now until 2100AD (at most).’
I hypothesise that temperatures will fall about 1 degree over that time span. We can’t both be right..
‘ … we have cowardly wimps like Morrison and Buttrose running the show.’
They are playing a long game to gradually bring auntie back to the centre. The newsroom has been informed that they should get out more or risk becoming totally irrelevant and dispensable.
Why 1910? Good question, world temperatures were low.
An interesting talk from Dr. Ban — Doc Talk with Dr. Ban Episode 48 – Covid-19 and Underlying Medical Conditions at
Yorkshire Ripper dies of Covid.
“Friday Funny BONUS: Funniest Things Blamed on Climate Change?”
A Fascinating Cat Herding Video”
“Alex Jones as one guest, and Michael Malice as the other, with 2 of Tim’s staff on the side…”
“Watch it while you can. Yes, way long at 3 hours 40 minutes. Hang onto your hat! The discussion of The Great Economic Reset alone is fascinating (starts about 20 minutes in). Yet Another Power Grab by the World Economic Forum based on Covid actions. A big “Dig Here!”.”
Anyone aware of this???
“This same company is also involved with elections in Australia:
‼️ BOOM ‼️
DOMINION voting system in Australia. This from the APH website: a report from 2016 recommending Dominion be used in AUS elections. I am confident it already is. Digging more.″
Can JoNova Technical Weather watchers give me a hand here.
Yesterday afternoon, watching BOM Radar show heavy rain approaching Sydney, scattered Yates Dynamic Lifter on Front Lawns in anticipation of the rain soaking.
During the height of the storm yesterday afternoon with BOM 64km/128km Rain Radar showing heavy yellow/black rain in our area, in Seaforth, there was not one drop of rain during the storm
How can the BOM rain radar show heavy rain and there be no rain?
Any Thoughts?
That happened here (Nth Central Vic) a few days ago. We wondered where this mythical rain had got to; not here, for sure!
“Steve Cortes Discusses “The Election of Statistical Improbabilities” – GA With 95,000 Biden Only Votes…”
“Alex Jones as one guest, and Michael Malice as the other, with 2 of Tim’s staff on the side…”
“A Fascinating Cat Herding Video”
“Watch it while you can. Yes, way long at 3 hours 40 minutes. Hang onto your hat! The discussion of The Great Economic Reset alone is fascinating (starts about 20 minutes in). Yet Another Power Grab by the World Economic Forum based on Covid actions. A big “Dig Here!”. ”
In 3,2,1,???
I just saw the comments up thread on loading problems
When I opened this thread just now there was nothing much showing below the first post by Tony in Oz.
And I had posted earlier this morning and had it come up on thread refresh.
So #34 is a testing repeat
I’m using Firefox.
“CSIRO State of the Climate Report: Australia Up by Almost 1.5C”
Is Dominion counting software in the list of acknowledgements?
“It’s A Small Country”
What went missing
“A quick check & it appears Dominion Voting Systems and a Canadian branch of the notorious Tides Foundation are based in the same Toronto office complex.
If you aren’t familiar with Tides, maybe a once-affiliated group rings a bell: ACORN.
— Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) November 13, 2020 “