The information war escalates
Conservative Treehouse reaches 500,000 to one million readers each day and has run for ten years on WordPress. But now they are suddenly being given two weeks notice to get out. They are being “Deplatformed” and there is not even any reason given:
…”given the incompatibility between your site’s content and our terms, you need to find a new hosting provider and must migrate the site by Wednesday, December 2nd.
If the Hunter Biden scandal can be cleansed from the media. If the US election can be brazenly stolen by stopping vote counting at 2am and starting it at 4am with huge dumps of Biden votes, by kicking out Republican observers, and backdating postmarks — what can’t be hidden? All previous “lines in the sand” have been crossed. In the new order what pushback will there be for attacks on free speech?
Corruption emboldens the corrupt. Even the minor totalitarians, the weak minded — have been fed testosterone sandwiches by the success of rampant brazen fraud.
They think there will be no consequences:
What does this mean? It means CTH is being kicked-off the WordPress website hosting platform because the content of our research and discussion does not align with the ideology of those who define what is acceptable speech and what is not.
What was our violation? After ten years of brutally honest discussion, opinion, deep research and crowdsourcing work -with undeniable citations on the events we outline- there is no cited violation of any term of service because CTH has never violated one.
The WordPress company is not explaining the reason for deplatforming because there is no justifiable reason for it. At the same time, they are bold in their position. Perhaps this is the most alarming part; and everyone should pay attention. They don’t care.
The consequences though will be that right now any non-left WordPress hosted site must surely be making a back up plan or getting out while they still can. Why wait to be pushed? Smart sites will leave in protest.
This site here does not run on a WordPress hosted platform. I was never confident that WordPress would not go the way of all the TechGiants. Though self-hosting this site has extra costs and management issues and right now the technical help is working solve the slow delivery of posts and comments and to accommodate the post election surge in traffic.
If for some reason you can’t see new posts, please try to click through on “Recent comments” or with a different browser (Firefox seems to work?). I will add links to new posts on Gab (@JoNova) and Twitter (@JoanneNova). So people can find new posts there. Thanks for your patience.
I have been a regular reader of Conservative Tree House for 4-5 months. It is written by Sundance (I don’t know his actual name).
Sundance has made a particular study of a conspiracy within the DOJ, the FBI and the CIA and the Democratic Party to get rid of Trump. This started before his election.
Sundance has put together a great many documents supporting the Conspiracy allegation, to the point that it is proven to my satisfaction. He tried to get the DOJ to commence prosecuting some individuals but so far Bill Barr has poceeded cautiousky with endless investigations.
This seems to the the ‘Content’ that WordPress objects to and hence the deplatforming.
I have followed Sundance for some years and he is always accurate and on the money. His occasional commentary on why he believes and acts the way he does are like music to my ears. Here is somebody who is authentic in his love of the USA, explains clearly why the Left is a complete dead end and disaster, and who is forensic in his detailed investigation.
Obamagate, fake Russia collusion and all manner of Leftist actions have been examined and called out.
No wonder the Left want Sundance shut down – the truth hurts, badly.
We need Sundance (and yourself Jo) to be able to keep reporting on the “inconvenient truth” and we are at a very dangerous tipping point in history. If Biden wins every election from now on will be rigged for the Democrats – conspiracy you say??? Look at the far left nutters like Harris and AOC who are on board here, and just listen to what they say. In the old Soviet Union there was never ever an election that was not controlled by the Communist party. And these people are cut from the same cloth….they will have learnt their lesson this time and with the MSM completely in control over reporting the whole process will be choreographed by the DNC…
If you look clearly you see a media which has completely abandoned any pretence of accurate reporting. The Australian has now fallen and useful only as toilet paper with a totally false article today about the Washington march on the weekend. A big tech is actively censoring anybody who dares to tell the truth – aka Sundance. So many have been lulled here by the ABCs biased utterances for years and now have no realisation of the terrific danger we face. Scomo is even playing along here – and many in the Liberal Party are not happy at all by the way over his ridiculous “captains call” to congratulate Joe. If Joe is not elected then how will that play out for us here??
I am glad you don’t rely on a WordPress platform Jo, but perhaps you can explain the difference between the statement “Powered by WordPress & Atahualpa” at the bottom of your page and relying on an actual WP platform?
just to clear up jargon and to expose my ignorance. In this case is WordPress not a platform but is just software for generating the content to put on the platform (which is not WordPress?)?
What I gather
WordPress source code is available for people to use on their own server system – for how long now might be moot.
WordPress also hosts and there is where the current problem lies
Why should I help you here?
You can use the WordPress blogging program on a WordPress server. Or you can use the WordPress program independently, on some other server.
I saw this comment about WordPress deplatforming certain climate skeptic blogs.
***In the following link replace the “s” in the domain name with a “c” otherwise Jo will get a moderation warning which is not her fault.***
Back in “Swamp Panic” thread I posted a linc to Bitshute which has come up “in moderation”
Tested in reply under that using Bitshute and passed with flying colours
That is a most interesting snippet of info, David, thanks.
I’ve explained on the two previous unthreaded forums that climate is cyclical; that we entered a Grand Solar Minimum in 2004 and so it was all downhill – cooling – for the next 120 years or so. Atmospheric CO2 levels have SFA to do with it, and are the result, not the cause, of the previous global warming.
However, I was not aware that there was now a concerted effort to silence this news, to the extent of stomping on websites that discuss it. Again, thanks, and a thumbs up from me.
The parent company of WordPress is owned by Matt Mullenweg. His political donations can be seen here:
He is obviously not a Trump supporter as is obvious from his pattern of donations.
I had heard from Dr. Vernon Coleman that Amazon had refused to release his free e books. He went across to Smashwords and when I did a search by author nothing comes up. Appears his books have been “burnt”. It would seem the Ministry of Truth, 1984, is becoming more and more bold. Perhaps we ain’t seen nothing yet. As I posted under weekend unthreaded if Australia is to survive at the next elections I’ll vote for Australia One, with Riccardo Bosi. As a Lib voter all my life I see no difference between Lib, Labour and Greens. And now South Australia introduced full term abortions. Don’t get me started, I’m disgusted.
Apart from two elections in which I voted Libl, I’ve always voted Independent.
After attending a discussion session run by Riccardo’s group I supported his candidates last election.
Always preference Libl and Laba last.
Where should I put the Greens?
“Where should I put the Greens?”
Below last
Evening Peter.
Our compulsory preferential voting system is a rigged system, specifically designed to ensure your vote ultimately flows to either the Lib, Labor, or National candidate. In the last election that’s how it worked out, with Lib, Labor and National securing 146 of the 151 seats in the HoR.
The only way to throw a spanner in the works of this rigged system is to stop thinking in terms of parties altogether in the HoR. Assuming they are Lib, Labor or National, at the next General Election simply number the sitting member last, regardless of party.
At a federal level there are six seats in the HoR where less than 2,000 people doing this will cost the sitting member their seat. There are about 14 electorates where less than 5,000 people doing it will cost the sitting member their seat. The only variation to the rule is where the current sitting member is retiring, then you number their party replacement last.
So we get more Zali Steggalls and Adam Bandts. Great!
One of the definitions of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting to get a different result.
When you go to the polling booth and cast your vote you have no real idea of how the result will turn out, regardless of how you order your compulsory preferences. The only thing you know with absolute certainty, is whoever you put last will NOT get your vote. That’s it. The end result remains in the lap of the Gods, regardless of how you order your preferences.
So, the only vote you cast knowing the outcome, is whoever you preference last. If you preference the sitting member last, regardless of party, then they will not get a vote from you. And if enough people do it, you will cost them the seat.
Currently Libs and Nats hold 77 seats, Labor 68, Greens 1 – Bandt, and Independents 3 – including Ms Steggell. If you actually believe that putting the sitting Lib/Labor/Nat member last will lead to a parliament full of Greens and Independents, then there is no hope for you.
The obvious outcome for the current parliament would be the election of a Labor government. And in the election after that it would mean a Liberal/National government. The difference being that the actual elected members would know that the actual voters in their electorate had finally discovered that they can fire their elected member, as well as hire them.
Just how much of a difference that would make in heir voting habits, I have no idea, only a hope that it might just force them to start acting in accordance with the wishes of their electorate.
If you have a better solution to our current dilemma I’m all ears.
I take your point MV.
However I only have one vote and I try to make it count.
Generally I will place minor parties first, second and third if they have policies I support. At least that contributes to their primary vote, which is important, even if they are not successful.
Then the least worst major party so that my vote does not end up with a party that I cannot support.
If opur voting system gets corrupted like the USA then I might as well make an invalid vote (even that might be counted).
You would need enough voters to perform you contrarian flip as would vote crackp0t independents and Greens into many seats.
At the last election, the coalition did notice that their electoral funding was reduced, even in seats they did well in, due to voters not placing coalition candidates first but still giving them enough priority for them to be preferred over the Labor, Green and the worst of the crackp0t independents. This passes on the message as well as still having your vote mean something.
Wikipaedia puts the boot into him:
“Vernon Coleman (born 18 May 1946) is an English blogger, novelist, self-published author and conspiracy theorist who writes on topics related to human health, politics and animal issues. Coleman’s medical health claims have been widely discredited or described as pseudoscientific. He was formerly a newspaper columnist and general practitioner (GP).”
His books are probably available from his own website.
With the paint still not dry on a Biden win, Welcome to Marxism !!!
This is how totalitarianism starts and it ends when all opposing voices have been silenced or cancelled. With Trump now on his last legs it is not surprising that the first actions of the new regime are to call on their corporate comrades to cancel all voices that are a threat. Obviously they will start at the top and work down, so I’m wondering how long it will take for WUWT to become a casualty in what will be a long list.
What we need to realise is that this is a declaration of war by the Marxists upon the forces of freedom and conservatism and now that the first shots have been fired we need to execute a counter plan and fight back. Once we start cancelling these people by boycotting the media platforms from which they rely as their income streams and move to alternate platforms that provide freedom of ideas and expression, then it will start to bite these people very hard. It’s very heartening to see new apps such as Parler gain such rapid membership and it will be even better when we see groups like Twitter collapse under their own censorship.
This morning a Coalition Parliamentarian from the Australian Parliament called me to indicate that based on:
– available information; &
– the balance of probabilities
they believe that @realDonaldTrump
will be elected as the next President of the USA!
[don;t know what happened to the rest of that]
A privately capitalised company boots sites which it deems harmful to its brand, and it laid out in section 13 of the terms and conditions
“ We may terminate your access to all or any part of our Services at any time, with or without cause, with or without notice, effective immediately. We have the right (though not the obligation) to, in our sole discretion, (i) reclaim your username or website’s URL due to prolonged inactivity, (ii) refuse or remove any content that, in our reasonable opinion, violates any Automattic policy or is in any way harmful or objectionable, (iii) ask you to make some adjustments, restrict the resources your website uses, or terminate your Services, if we believe your website’s storage or bandwidth usage is out of hand and burdens our systems (which is rare and typically only occurs when a website is used for file sharing or storage), or (iv) terminate or deny access to and use of any of our Services to any individual or entity for any reason. We will have no obligation to provide a refund of any amounts previously paid.”
A better question would be is there a site host that does not have similar wording in their terms and conditions
Poiter surely you would be against censorship , I mean what is next ? .
If the truth is getting in the way of something surely truth should win out .
Robert – you misunderstand, there is no censorship as there is no provision for free speech in the WordPress terms and conditions. This site, as an example is more accomodating, but it does restrict what can be posted here. Does JoNova therefore censor free speech? Certainly it is easy to fall foul of the gatekeeper algorithm, and as I found out there are some phrases which will get you ousted.
If they had said, “We invoke our right to terminate without cause” then that would be legitimate. At least they upheld their original agreement.
Thing is, they have made a statement the CTH violated the terms, and that’s a way of smearing their customer. I think at the least CTH has a reasonable demand that WordPress should be able to back up this supposed violation of terms … or else retract, apologize and admit this was done for political reasons, nothing to do with any violation.
Point is that any business must trade honestly, and it’s part of the whole “rule of law” concept that if you want to accuse someone of doing the wrong thing, you need to also point out what they did and prove it. It shouldn’t be hard, when there’s a public website, you just take a screenshot and draw a red circle around the offending article, and identify what’s wrong with it. They can’t even do that much.
Accurate even if it discloses how few of us even read those “Terms of Service”.
Do you have a suggestion for a site host that is compatible with free speech?
It would be easier to have some confidence in the reset if it was not brought into place by people who not only engage in massive political manipulation, but with that manipulation involving serious abuse of the state and the law, serious violence including murder, association with china, association with the United Nations which is amongst the most corrupt gathering of rogues ever to have graced the face of the earth, massive censorship, a very close resemblance to communism which has the worst record of murder of any system of thought in human history, and perhaps worst of all it appears to remove the motivation for the expression of human energy, instead rewarding obsequious passivity. Property is the greatest bulwark against tyranny and its removal is the first agenda item of the reset.
Otherwise it sounds rather nice.
These kinds of idea sets remind me of Charlie the Unicorn and his trip to Candy Mountain.
As a matter of interest coming to this page using Brave and Firefox, I have both times, a long time apart, seen only the first two comments. Only when I post a comment do I see more comments.
It would be easier to have some confidence in the reset if it was not brought into place by people who not only engage in massive political manipulation, but with that manipulation involving serious abuse of the state and the law, serious violence including murder, association with china, association with the United Nations which is amongst the most corrupt gathering of rogues ever to have graced the face of the earth, massive censorship, a very close resemblance to communism which has the worst record of murder of any system of thought in human history, and perhaps worst of all it appears to remove the motivation for the expression of human energy, instead rewarding obsequious passivity. Property is the greatest bulwark against tyranny and its removal is the first agenda item of the reset.
Otherwise it sounds rather nice.
These kinds of idea sets remind me of Charlie the Unicorn and his trip to Candy Mountain.
I think we are in the early stages of the bifurcation of the internet into politically separated camps.
Not just then Internet, but the entirety of society.
But, with this Lockdown Terror, the Internet may become all that’s left of society.
Convenient turn of events.
Maybe the bifurcation is … FACES vs. MASKS.
Funny that the side that wants to show their face is the side that is accused of conspiratorial heresy.
Agree John. Masks are of little effect at all. All those mandates do not show any blip in the curves of cases. This is the left in all its awfulness. Pushing a concept claimed to be needed and necessary, whereas the real reason is only to control and silence, literally, the population. Walk among the masked – silence. Walk among the normal all sorts of chit chat, visual ques etc.
When will Dan Andrews or his sidekick Brett Sutton actually show us the science that shows that masks are effective anywhere including out of doors and work in reducing the spread of the virus. They cannot as such research does not exist and never will. The fact that Biden is now promoting a national “mask down” says it all – complete failure everywhere so we apply it to the whole country. I think we know why, CONTROL….
All we will do is cause mass psychological damage and frightened children…
We should ban mandating masks like the Florida governor De Santis.
Also like his position on defense of private property against looting and fire bombing.
(oh, I meant peaceful protest that destroys insured stuff that no one should own anyway)
The site is wrong to enforce censorship.
A site is wrong to enforce ideas of a party in politics. The free flow of information of pro and negative are needed to learn.
The winter revolution taught that they traded one type of dictatorship for another, not an improvement of life for the masses. Just the masters.
Democrats controlled the information sources in america, when? They controlled the courts? Cia? Again, when, look at the leadership, look at the hiring policies, look at the promotional policies, and say that again. They are not liberal, but very conservative. The liberals are rarely promoted, or hired. The leadership is ultra conservative. They are not members of liberal groups, such as greens, smokers, blm, but franklin society, and such.
The NWO swamp explains what is going on …
‘……….They don’t care’ so why should I, or WE (care). From when we could begin to understand and comprehend, we were taught to Care ( weren’ t we? – most of us at least ) and some still do.I have given up “Caring” having suffered at the end of Big business Lobbying for this n that n t’other:BS 5750 was maybe the beginning, the Millenium bug and so on… and what of it all? just to extract money and other resources ( time & intellect) from us all. YOuu support a Political party or football team or supplier of PCTech or Mobility tech etc …. andwhat has all happened to it? eg recently it seems From the Register, that HP Printers will not work on non-HP ink Chip and update related stuff. So much for having an affinity to something. ” You don’t align with our sentiments any more, we’ll not just abandon you, we’ll Kick you in the teeth and stuff you up the hole ….. whatever these expressions all mean ( I’,m a rural bumpkin who was a taught a heck of a lot, some time ago – becoming wasted time because it doesn’t fit in with modern Narrative. ) Where did I go wrong ? Seemplz – too busy in my own world providing for Kith n kin in a turbulent economy and no time to keep up to date with what I thought was only a “fashion”
We are entering another one – maybe WORSE than the Dark / Medieval Ages. As I’ve stated before, Boris may fall off his Filly and be history by / around Christmas. “interesting times”
The League of Nations were simply a bunch of cowardly wimps. The United Nations is simply a bunch of cowardly, CORRUPT, bunch of wimps
As expected the Left are now destroying all free speech platforms. I just saw this on BitShute. ***Replace the S with a C, I did it to avoid automatic moderation which is apparently not to do with Jo.***
They are obeying the rule book, Orwell’s “1984” to the letter.
In the US the Left can effectively violate the free speech rights granted to Americans by the First Amendment without altering the constitution simply by working with the Billionaire Socialists of social(ist) media and their armies of useful idiot drones.
It’s like “The Night of the Long Knives” all over again. Another reason the Left don’t want history to be taught, they don’t want to be compared with the actions of their National Socialist and International Socialist predecessors.
“Another reason the Left don’t want history to be taught, they don’t want to be compared with the actions of their National Socialist and International Socialist predecessors.“
On the money, David.
Here in the States, there’s an entire generation that grew up in grades 9-12 reading “A People’s History of the United States” by the communist Howard Zinn who takes every opportunity to rewrite American history and denigrate our country at every turn.
My three kids were all brainwashed by this swill and, since I was in the middle of a VERY messy divorce from their mother, I had little energy to counter it.
Result? The two eldest hate this country. The youngest I’m not sure of…
Moral of the story: Pay Close Attention to what your kids are being taught. And home-school if you can.
Hmm, whilst in general agreement with you, there is of course the Peer-ratings effect – poor bairns, and at their age, Know what I’m saying? Cows can do it too. As a Rule, Highlanders and Abdn -Angus tend to be Quiet and fairly docile – but look out for their cows and the odd Bull . Like to be considered to be something like them as an educated modern person -being considerate, etc But………. Don’t think that the Social Media does any good, nor is it when Teeecherz use it for lack of being prepared in advance. …. Some Club of …. . has sown a lot of WILDOATS some time ago now. I read recently that 1 WildOat per square metre reduced arable crop yield by 1ton/hectare. I know it’s nonsense BUT – came from a reputable site or should I have wrote Shite but you get the idea … and sorting out the wheat from that chaff is difficult. Can’t makemuch bread with chaff in it.
Wise words, FF. Thank you
Here in Oz every State has a version of The School of Distance Education. It is an offshoot of the State Education Department, but since parents get to see everything, it is far more toned down. On top of that, because the parent has ongoing access to the material, it is possible to “skip over” anything that is questionable.
My 17 year old granddaughter did two years of SDE and has now only gone back into school for Years 11 and 12 because she is doing an apprenticeship in horticulture. As such she only does three days a week at school anyway, the other two – Wednesday and Thursday – are “on the job”.
My 14 year old grandson is currently doing his first year of SDE – Year 8 – and will probably complete through to Year 12 at home. He is looking to a future in computer programming.
By “at home” I mean not at an actual school. It did not take long for either of them to hook up with kids doing the same in our locality via Facebook. I am regularly ferrying grandson off to spend a morning studying with a group at somebody’s place, and we have groups here usually once a week.
Looks like Jo’s tech people have finally got on top of the problem.
Well done all!
I use MS Edge (now telling me there is an update) and except for some of the relative slowness issues, I’ve no trouble here.
_ _ _ _ _
Free Speech:
Ideas differ around the world, and regarding an official meaning relative to common usage. The USA does have an official provision stated in the Constitution’s 1st Amendment. Multiple court cases have enhanced this topic. Those from other Nations may have less history to work out just what it means for you.
I don’t know much about WordPress but it seems WP is not violating anyone’s rights, but are offending folk’s perception of free speech.
WordPress likely didn’t make this move entirely spontaneously, but was urged to do so by activists, who possibly threatened to make a fuss if it wasn’t done. Activist pressure, from both within and without, likely played a role in censorist-actions by other key Internet players as well.
This is censorship pure and simple . WordPress is now a publisher and cannot pretend otherwise . The way thing are going , soon anyone who isn’t singing from the politically correct songbook will only be able to post on the dark web. 1984 was a novel , not an instruction manual…
[…] that never happened pre-Biden fake winning an election. Lots of sites are being attacked – Jo Nova has seen the same thing happening to her […]
I am now being regularly censored on the Australian. I wrote a comment yesterday on the article about our cricket test team taking off their shoes to support BLM! My comment was a factual exposé of the stated aims and objectives of BLM, including their Marxist policies and aim to socialise the world, with no real concern for black lives. My comment was rejected as has any comment regarding the fact that Biden is not yet the President Elect, but just a candidate. It’s a worry.
I have had the same sort of problem. When I questioned my rejected comments, they were often reinstated but too late for relevance of course so I have cancelled my subscription. Yesterday I received a survey request so I told them exactly what I thought!
I was getting the same, and I ended up cancelling my subscription. They’ve either changed their policy or they have a moderator who has decided to kill off influencers and anyone who dissents until they leave.
There’s around 4 of us who have had the same experience. You would be the 5th, and that’s just on this site.
There used to be other commentators who always contributed great comments on The Australian then I noted they just stopped.
It looks like a pattern.
Given Brenda above also cancelling, that makes 6 others who’ve been targeted for silencing.
For years it was rare my comments would be rejected. Very often I was the top comment and then suddenly, couldn’t get most comments accepted. Rejected immediately. Occasionally a comment went through…maybe it was a certain moderators day off?
Legacy media rely on engaged readership. As it ends up being a conversation between writers and readers. Sometimes the readers comments were the best part. Sime really clever people out there. It gave a real flavour for what ‘real’ people thought. That’s what they killing off.
I also cancelled my Subscription for the reason that after years of successful commenting, I started (seemingly) to be always automatically placed in moderation. I renewed when I was assured that there was allegedly no such restriction on my comments. Within days, the same thing started happening again so I cancelled for good!
Good morning all.
For a quick ten minute summary of exactly what is going on right now, and why, I don’t think you can do better than this 10 minute article on Sky News the other day. Hopefully Jo will take the time to watch it.
It’s like a final assault on democracy and capitalism. The fact that all Govt irrespective of party are signing up to global socialism by stealth is disgraceful.
The other mechanism to strong arm corporations to sign up is via ISO accreditation and organisational climate policy. The company I work for is signing up to this nonsense.
Tossed and turned last night about this. It’s really challenging me as to whether I want to stsy in the company, given they seem to stand for increasing energy poverty through nutty climate posturing that achieves nothing but the impoverishment of the people.
Globalist socialism by stealth and without a POTUS like Trump, who actually has both backbone and principles, how do we fight?
The Australian Liberals are so woke and wet,they might as well be left. Utter sellouts.
Hi Jo
Thanks for all the work you do
Can I suggest that your readers look at using Firefox for their web browser as it has privacy features built in and can block social media trackers if you want it to.
Can I also suggest your readers look at using as their search engine. This search engine doesnt track you
I would suggest that these 2 simple activities will hit big techs bottom line, in 2 ways first it denied them page impressions and as a result revenue. The use of duckduckgo also denies them the info for their trackers and subsequently also hits their revenue.
Win win all round
Missing votes (almost 7% of total) found in Floyd county during Georgia recount – large majority were for Trump
Meanwhile, Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger says that there is currently no credible evidence that fraud occurred on a broad enough scale to affect the outcome of the election and says
I ALWAYS use my iPad. Trying this out on a 2012 Mac Mini
WordPress and Censorship, no different than the rest of the other Leftist Censoring Goons.