A science presenter, writer, speaker & former TV host; author of The Skeptic's Handbook (over 200,000 copies distributed & available in 15 languages).

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We have been hit by a blizzard of information about the Corona Virus. There are experts coming out of the woodwork everywhere and for every bit of information we get, there is, it seems, a contradiction readily at hand.
I am reminded of the words of Thomas Sowell who said “One of the common failings among honourable people is a failure to appreciate how thoroughly dishonourable some other people can be, and how dangerous it is to trust them.”
Everyone knows the old saying about how power corrupts. It doesn’t happen with everyone, nor does it happen all the time, but there has been a number of worrying examples of the misuse of power so far, during the Corona saga.
Firstly, there is the “I’m above the law” types.
During the “stay at home” rule, a NSW Government Minister drives up to his holiday house on The Central Coast, while The Deputy Premier visits his farm in the country. The former was fined $1000 and forced to resign, the latter gets off scot-free. Seems some are more above the law than others
Secondly, there are the “East German Stasi“ types.
The Victorian Police who knocked on a couples’ door and handed them each a fine of $1600 for posting ‘year old’ holiday snaps on Facebook, need to be counselled urgently. For the police to just say oops! and withdraw the fine, is a long way short of good enough.
Thirdly we have the “PC is above everything” types.
The Queensland Chief Health Officer gave permission for 80 people to attend an indigenous funeral even although the rules stated that only 10 were allowed. Her excuse was that the deceased was an exalted tribal elder. She then refused permission to allow 4 single seater planes to perform an ANZAC Day tribute fly-over Brisbane on the grounds that it may encourage people to go for a drive in their cars.
And finally there is the “I’ll tell lies just to scare you” types.
Again it was The Queensland Chief Health Officer who said that the schools must be closed, just to scare people into submission. Her statement “So sometimes it’s more than just the science and the health, it’s about the messaging” struck me as being straight out of the climate alarmists’ handbook.
Even more worrying is the way that someone close to the top of the tree, can persuade people even higher up to tell their lies for them.
This Corona thing has provided a close-up look at exactly how some people will miss-use power and it is not difficult to understand how certain sycophants can revel in vicarious power. All the more so when their job or career is at stake, not to mention the threat of burning to death, drowning or even becoming extinct, depending on what branch of the church of climate change one listens to.
The United Nations was established with the best of intentions, however it seems to have been allowed to grow into a potential hotbed of corrupted power, where good intentions have been taken over by ideologies and money making schemes. The WHO and The IPCC appear to be prime examples.
Sadly we live in a world where trust has become a human frailty and scepticism has become an absolute necessity.
Thanks, Pete. That is an excellent summation of the situation in Australia as of now.
I live in Victoria, and while I agree with Dan Andrews’ lockdown and stay at home directives, his draconian fines for breaching such directives is a bridge too far.
It seems like Scott Morrison hands out money for people in need, and Dan Andrews claws it back in the form of jumped-up fines.
If I had been in receipt of such an arbitrary fine, I would fight it in court.
Victoria is densely populated…
I see what you did there and I have to agree !
Yeah but Dangerous Dan is of the “Lock Em Down” persuasion similar to the Democrat governors in the US who appear to be on “destroy the middle class by deliberately ruining the economy” power trips.
They appear to be communist, you can expect anything else.
Sorry…should read
“…you cant expect anything else.”
The Arts Minister was fined by Police for his travel. The Deputy Premier was investigated and was not fined because he traveled on May 2 after a change in restrictions on May 1. Maybe there was a difference in the two cases and not just preferential treatment for one.
Eventually the CV19 crisis will subside and fade away leaving us a huge puzzle to solve:
What Happened?
Italian doctor says power of the Covid19 virus is fading to go by viral loading.
So the lockdown and quarantine have worked ?
Completely ?
I hope so for the sake of all the Italian people.
But some stronger evidence is I think needed.
Test, Test, Test !
One pays to play
5-24-20 On 24 April NIH informed the nonprofit EcoHealth Alliance led by wildlife disease specialist Peter Daszak that it was ending a grant, first awarded in 2014 and renewed in 2019, because it no longer aligned with the agency’s priorities. The move came after Conservative U.S. politicians and media suggested—without evidence—that the coronavirus causing the pandemic escaped from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, that employs a Chinese virologist who had received funding from the grant. The termination also came 1 week after President Donald Trump, when asked about the project at a press conference, said: “We will end that grant very quickly.”2 Thirty-one scientific societies have also written to Collins, calling on NIH “to be transparent about their decision-making process”
5-1-20 The Newsweek report revealed an alarming tidbit: The Wuhan lab at the center of the controversy had for years been engaged in gain-of-function research. What exactly is it? It’s a line of research where scientists take viruses and study how they might be modified to become deadlier or more transmissible.
12-1-2014 These critical genetic features include those that based on previous experimental validation are predicted to confer virulence and/or have the ability to transmit efficiently in mammals. In this context, genomes are sequenced, mutations are detected relative to earlier viruses and prototype strains, significance is appraised based on prior knowledge of genetic markers, and phenotypes are tested using a variety of in vitro and in vivo experiments. Viruses possessing phenotypes of interest or concern often become candidates for reverse-genetics studies, which are essential to elucidate the precise molecular correlate(s) of a given phenotype.
2013 Now for the first time since the controversy erupted in November 2011, there is a growing recognition among scientists that GOF virology – experiments with H5N1 and now H7N9 and H7N7 viruses – will not help us predict a pandemic (Morse et al, 2012; Merson et al, 2013), nor will it help us develop more effective vaccines (Butler, 2012; Malakoff, 2013), the two principal arguments for doing the research.
Trump anti-censorship Executive Order is here!
The order:
President Trump’s remarks:
Much analysis to follow.
Re Trumps’ remarks:
He is running stronger than ever before. He’s pushing this Executive Order to bring social media giants to heel and he will succeed.
It’s glorious to watch.
Correction: Trump has already succeeded.
Imagine if we had a leader in Australia like Trump:
We’d be out of the Paris Agreement, we’d be building new coal and nuclear power stations.
We’d be utilising our vast reserves of gas.
We’d have so much energy we wouldn’t know what to do with it.
Instead, what was once the lucky country has become the stupid country and we are beholden to the lunatic Greens who oppose any power generation other than the fictional ‘renewable energy’.
The tragedy is that both major parties subscribe to this lunatic view, thinking that C02 is a problem
Funny, the red-thumb leftist clowns are up early..
Stop being cowards, and put forward a reasoned response
Um…you’re expecting them to use grey matter?
By definition, to be a hard core Leftist, it is required to have a religious adherence to PC / crippling group think is essential…oh and a good supply of money you acquired from people who can actually make it.
4 legs good and all that…..
What on Earth are you blathering about man. I see green thumbs overwhelmingly in the majority but you see a lefty red thumb plot instead. What is wrong with you ?
Your ridculous bias wont even let you see reality. A sad indictment on the failure of human intelligence and an indication we have nothing but a dystopian future to look forward to.
The only hope I see is a comet wiping us out because natures little experiment in intelligence is a total flop.
Jane, if only you’d been here seven hours ago you might have understood.
Jan, when I posted there were ONLY red thumbs.
Your ridiculous cognitive inadequacy allows you to the sucked into making comments based on just “not knowing anything”.
Come on babe, when you identify people with gender specific nomenclature, as in;
“What on Earth are you blathering about man.”
you are just confounding fact with gender.
well done Jan for waiting for statistically significant data
I do, 97% of the time.
Having been blocked by both facistbook and twitter for having the wrong opinion, I agree something needs to be done.
If President Trump just quit twitter and went elsewhere (perhaps gab) he would take 24million+ followers and twitter would over.
I reckon he’d have Twitter better over a barrel if he just posted simultaneously on GAB
A lot of the EO is laying out legal arguments. Good thinking.
Trump gets Straight to the Point;
Trump gets a mention here
“ABC presenter wants to punch herself in the head after accidental exposure to the real world”
Obviously she’s never heard of the accuracy of the taxi driver survey?
Margaret Throsby!
Surely she is retired by now. If not maybe she could punch herself in the head. [As she says she want to. Snip. Perhaps we can find ways to say this that aren’t quite so easy to misinterpret? – Jo]
Truly, a very old name.
Trump’s remarks are wonderfully lucid. I particularly like at the beginning when he says “You know what I am talking about” and we do. That is pure Trump.
5-30 Brazil new cases/current cases 13.6% increase/day
Mexico averaging 30% increase/day over last 3 days
Russia 4% increase/day
India 8/78= 10% increase/day
4-28-20 The NIH established a framework for determining how the research would go forward: scientists have to get approval from a panel of experts, who would decide whether the risks were justified.
The reviews were indeed conducted—but in secret, for which the NIH has drawn criticism. In early 2019, after a reporter for Science magazine discovered that the NIH had approved two influenza research projects that used gain of function methods, scientists who oppose this kind of research excoriated the NIH in an editorial in the Washington Post.
“We have serious doubts about whether these experiments should be conducted at all,” wrote Tom Inglesby of Johns Hopkins University and Marc Lipsitch of Harvard. “[W]ith deliberations kept behind closed doors, none of us will have the opportunity to understand how the government arrived at these decisions or to judge the rigor and integrity of that process.”
Ahoy! 5-1-20 many researchers are frustrated that the US government was not more transparent about which considerations prompted them to fund G-O-F research. Is it really necessary to study how to make H5N1, which causes a type of bird flu with an eye-popping mortality rate, more transmissible? Will precautions be in place to make it harder for the virus to escape the lab? What are the expected benefits from the research, and which hazards did the experts who approved the work consider?
“The people proposing the work are highly respected virologists,” Inglesby said. “But laboratory systems are not infallible, and even in the greatest laboratories of the world there are mistakes.” What measures are in place to prevent that? Will potentially dangerous results be published to the whole world, where unscrupulous actors could follow the instructions?
These are exactly the questions the review process was supposed to answer but didn’t.
The reason the subject of gain-of-function research can inspire such heated opposition is because the stakes can be so high.
In some good news, the SpaceX DM-2 crewed mission to the ISS has entered low earth orbit successfully.
Aaaannd finally the two new Americans have just floated aboard the ISS.
Before opening the last hatch to the space station, the DM-2 crew had to perform the procedure of reporting to Houston how much of each type of space food and space drink had been consumed from the food lockers during the flight.
Yes, that’s right. Before the astronauts were allowed to check out of the SpaceX hotel they had to tell reception how much they’d taken from the bar fridge. Welcome to commercial space travel!
The mini bar fridge bill would be astronomical!
“A paper in pre-print
Povidone-Iodine Nasal And Oral Antiseptic Preparations Against Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome-Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
It works in dilute concentrations.”
“E.M.Smith says:
30 May 2020 at 8:09 pm
@Terrry Jackson:
Gee a kind of an Iodine bleach… someone ought to tell the TDS folks…
(Yes, I know it stains a brownish iodine color, but it is also oxidizer similar to what chlorine does, just more mild)”
Would you believe?
““Mummy, What’s that Smell?”: SMH Climate Activist Explains Tim Flannery’s Electrical Impulse Tree Communication Theory”
In comments
IPCC ….. Inter Planetary Climate Clowns…..
Peter Ridd versus Prestige, and Clown Fish Beyond that Mudflat
by Jennifer Marohasy, May 30, 2020
I need some help. Can someone explain in simple terms how Roy Spencer’s satellite temperatures seem to roughly approximate the ground based weather station records. This seems to me to be an absurdity but i’m sure there is an explanation. Perhaps there is a website to help a non scientific but interested person such as I.
Say what ???
UAH has basically zero trends from 1980-1997 and from 2001-2015, showing clearly the influence of El Ninos.
Pretty sure GISS doesn’t.
But then, GISS isn’t really surface station data, its a faked composite that resembles the real surface temperatures in name only
Thanks Andy but I think you’ve not understood my question and remember i’m a dummy when it comes to this stuff. Perhaps if i put it this way.
Isn’t it a helluva lot colder up there where the satellites are, compared to down here on the surface?
Where do you find Spencer’s temperatures? The standard chart is anomalies, that is differences from some designated base temperature.
David, i do understand the principle of anomalies, or at least I think I do. So the comparisons between satellites and ground stations only compares anomalies and not actual temperatures – i think i’ve got it now.
Yes, I see what you were actually asking now.
I hope other’s explanations have helped you a bit.
Aussie Pete,
The satellites use Microwave Sounding Units to indirectly infer the temperature by measuring the microwave energy from oxygen in the atmosphere. As NASA says —
for how this is achieved. However watch out for the slimy wording that I attribute to Wikipedia’s editors’ dislike satellite temperature data. (e.g.
Says Wikipedia. This is an ‘interesting’ account of what Christy et al. (2007) have actually showed with calculations and data.
Also see for the progress made in MSU technology.
Also Pete,
has a good look at global atmospheric temperature measurement.
Finding and measuring averaged global atmospheric temperature has become an end in itself for the IPCC. It holds up their flimsy claim that the world is getting warmer — as if a degree Celsius (average) in about a 150 years or so, was a big deal.
IMO averaged global atmospheric temperature is not that important and does little to help show what or where this planet’s climate is likely to go. The long term solar variations, and the ocean currents probably provide more cause to climate variation than the effects of the (relatively short term) variation in atmospheric temperature. The sun and oceans influence Earth’s climate variation and those have some affects on atmospheric variations.
Thank you tomo and others. I’ll do some homework.
Aussie Pete, you ask an excellent but difficult question.
The satellites end up assessing a large thick band of the lower atmosphere close to the ground. UAH is calibrated against the radiosonde network. RSS is calibrated against the surface network now. Hence RSS will never show is the surface network is overestimating temperatures.
The most accurate way to know tropospheric temperatures is with radiosondes that travel up through the layers sending measurement details back continually in high resolution.
The radiosondes however don’t have great coverage over the oceans, and drift as well.
But the combination of radiosonde plus mass coverage of the satellites is obviously the best estimate we can get.
Thanks Jo. Readers of my blog are basically uninterested and uncommitted on C.C and probably even less scientific than I am, but I at least like to keep a couple of steps ahead of them if i can.
Also worth a read is Dr. Roy Spencer’s explanation of the version 6 adjustments that are needed from 2015 onward.
Yes it is a long piece but it is very thorough. He explains a lot but also gives meaning to all those acronyms and abbreviations that he uses as well as an in depth explanation of the whys and wherefores of the adjustments.
Just to give you some idea of the way RSS has been corrupted by now using the fabricated surface temperature farce as a reference.
Even after that, RSSv$ shows no warming between 2001 and 2015
This has always left me wondering why the proxies we use to reconstruct the past aren’t really our most accurate means of measurement into the present.
Now I know that the height of the tree line, or the northern boundry of corn growing ability don’t have three decimal places. But these various proxies,
as well as the more esoteric biochemical ones, do measure, with some consistency, the entire climate variability and it impacts upon the biosphere that we live in and are part of. We seem so obsessed with measurement of temperature vs carbon dioxide concentration , sometimes, as to disregard the general suitability of climate for
human life. There are areas of extreme seasonal temperatures where people manage comfortable and prosperous lives, and those of moderate and consistent temperature that are virtually unlivable without extreme effort; heck one cn find both within a few hundred mile on hone another in California, and I believe, Australia as well.
And, of course, when we ask the large question about how the use of fossil fuels impacts the ‘environment’ permitting the greening effect to be considered, the equation is most likely positive for continued use.
Temperature ‘Science’ seems to me to have become a catechism far, far from science.
Lets assume the world reaches a state of zero emissions in 2050 with a final figure of 450 ppm as emissions gradually taper off.
how many Years would it take for co2 to naturally decay from the atmosphere to reach 350ppm, James Jansens designated upper safe limit?
What theoretical temperature reduction would that reduction of 100 ppm result in, bearing in mind the logarithmic progression of co2 to temperature?
Assuming a final figure of 450 ppm is reached approximately 18 of the 450 would be of human origin.
It is commonly accepted that after a maximum of 7 years all of those 18 ppm would have been redeployed by nature and all human origin CO2 would be gone.
Unfortunately for Mr Hansen, those 18 ppm would have been replaced by natural origin CO2 and the total would still be 450. Nature abhors a vacuum.
As for the other questions the Earth’s temperature is controlled by the Sun and other longer term aspects of orbital mechanics so unless solar energy getting to the earth, atmosphere and oceans changed, Mr. Hansen would be stuck with the same CO2 levels.
Be aware that Wikipedia is TOTALLY CORRUPTED when it comes to climate change.
All reality has been scrubbed from existence… Even comments by top scientists like Soon, Lindzen, Dyson are changed to mean something other, often opposite, to what was written by the author.
However Andy their sections on the Corona virus in each country seem pretty factual.
For example their article on Costa Rica that I linked to earlier tonight.
Those articles put the statistics provided by World of Meters, into a context.
As it happens, UAH matches NOAA’s own satellite data very closely.
As well as matching CERES radiation data rather well.
“Why RE is not sustainable – not enough wind”
Analysis of data since 2011
I’m sure there was a movie similar to this , monkeys in India stole Covid samples being taken to a lab for testing .
So Iran is still the outlier when it comes to the nightmare ‘second wave’’? Germany – nope, Spain – nope, Italy – nope, France – nope.
“Friends Of Australia Friday #FCFriday”
First party results
Fire chiefs gagged, told to stick to area of their expertise.
And Mullins is a ‘real’ expert on Climate change ?
Maybe he got “blessed” by Tim Flannery and is now infallible. 😉
Just watching “Outsiders” on Sky News and it seems that BOM’s margin for error on temps might be as high as +or- 1c .
They are supposed to have three thermometers in each of the Acorn measuring stations and have destroyed some data prior to the 1970’s .
Yes and the cost of installing those extra thermometers will be $300,000 or 0.1% of their total yearly budget, tell me again why this agency hasn’t been formally held accountable for its performance by government and the people it represents,
From the BOM website:
The Bureau of Meteorology operates under the authority of the Meteorology Act 1955 and the Water Act 2007 which provide the legal basis for its activities, while its operation is continually assessed in accordance with the national need for climatic records, water information, scientific understanding of Australian weather and climate and effective service provision to the Australian community. The Bureau of Meteorology must also fulfill Australia’s international obligations under the Convention of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and related international meteorological treaties and agreements.
On 1 July 2002, the Bureau of Meteorology became an Executive Agency under the Public Service Act 1999, and on 1 July 2014 it became a Non-Corporate Commonwealth entity under the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Act 2013. Under the Public Service Act 1999, the Director of Meteorology has the powers and responsibilities of an agency head. The Director reports to the Minister for the Environment on all general matters, and to the Minister for Agriculture and Water Resources on water-related matters.
Is it stretching things to say we don’t have an education system any more, we actually have a re education system? Normally we think re education camps are used to re program mis-directed adults, into a consensus world view. So we have trouble thinking in those terms in our western societies, where there is a broad range of views, and there is no clear consensus. But under our noses the whole curriculum of the education system has been altered, without discussion. Everything we were, is shown in negative light, to create a culture of self-hating, self-destructive, nihilists. Welcome to our re education camp(us’)(and schools)(and child care!).
Any examples of a society that has moved from blacklists to social stigma to de-platforming to monologue, without moving to re education camps
and disappearances. 2025 2030 when does the killing start?? Discuss.
I wonder if Sky can do an investigation into these BoM adjustments.
The Climate summary for 2011 clearly states ‘The Australian area-averaged mean temperature in 2011 was 0.14 °C below the 1961 to 1990 average of 21.81 °C.’
Yet in the Australian climate variability & change Time series graphs it shows 2011’s annual mean temp as 0.0C – an upward adjustment of 0.14C.
The BoM have done this to all years from at least 1995 to 2017 – upward adjustments of all these years of at least 0.1C.
With ethermometers now having a response time of one second, temps should be adjusted down, not up.
Check for yourself.
Climate summary – 2011.
Time series
I dont know exactly what you expect Sky to do, more than they have already.
Outsiders (Rowan Dean) has already made a lengthy expose of the BOM temp adjustments etc , back before Covid hogged all the airtime.
He made it very obvious what BOM had done and why they had done it.
Ian the only investigation that will count will be from an impartial senate inquiry and if enough malfeasance comes to light then a Royal Commission.
Senators Canavan ,Rennick? and Roberts are the main ones keeping Bom on their toes but even then the Bom is a law unto itself .
And maybe Craig Kelly. Abbott was about to do it but was rolled by MT.
Didn’t see Rowan D on it (maybe on Youtube now). But having seen him a few times, I’m sure he would have done his research.
18 year old gets knee on his neck in S.F. for 5 minutes
‘US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi once called the violent protests in Hong Kong “a beautiful sight to behold.” Now, the “beautiful sight” is extending from Hong Kong to over a dozen US states. US politicians now can enjoy this sight from their own windows.’
Global Times
Well, I’m late to the show (again).however, this recent release of 27 May caught my eye:
Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis
“More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization treatment with its high mortality. An outpatient treatment that prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed: remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin. Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials have been registered in outpatients. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and outpatient trials results are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than 300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe."
At least one professional society is advocating for hydroxychloroquine.
In the mean time it seems that Australian Researchers have suspended their hydroxychloroquine trial, possibly caving into pressure from the WHO.
There was a report in the Australian Newspaper 3 days ago but it is paywalled.
India and Indonesia are continuing with their active treatment programs despite the WHO advice.
IF we ever get any decent trial results on the drug it will probably come from one of those countries.
Ref: India and Indonesia stand by antimalarials (Australian May 30, 2020.
Apparently, the Walter and Eliza Institute in Melbourne is continuing with its trial of HCQ use as a prophylactic.
Not sure where they’re getting a sample from though.
And, I suspect that the trial that’s been abandoned, that you referenced, stopped the project because of the lack of subjects, given the current Covid-19 case load in Australia. However, my suspicion is that the proponents have tried to spin the story to better align with their funders interests.
But then I would say that wouldn’t I, given I’m a sceptic. 🙂
Fair comment here IMO
“Consensus is “the process of abandoning all beliefs, principles, values, and policies in search of something in which no one believes, but to which no one objects; the process of avoiding the very issues that have to be solved.”
Margaret Thatcher”
Seems to fit “consensus science” too
Hmm….clever….could you crank up the power output from phone towers and force people to be locked in thier own houses for fear of being cooked by 5G? A city wide area denial system. Very clever if so.
5G covers a range of frequencies, including the O2 destroying 60GHz.
“The ADS, a non-lethal directed-energy weapon, projects a very short duration (on the order of a few seconds) focused beam of millimeter waves at a frequency of 95 gigahertz (GHz). A microwave oven operates at 2.45 GHz. At the much higher frequency of 95 GHz, the associated directed energy wavelength is very short and only physically capable of reaching a skin depth of about 1/64 of an inch.”
No, but you could crank up 4G (2.1GHz) to cook people. As pointed out the short wavelength means 5G has very limited penetration.
Microwave ovens run at a much lower frequency that penetrates far more. It’s designed so the energy is efficiently transferred into polar molecules, 4G is much better than 5G for heating.
“4G is much better than 5G for heating” — you do realise that you are encouraging various idiots to try and warm themselves by climbing into the microwave?
Surely no-one could be that stupid? Well, look at all those who believe that CO2 is heating the Earth.
They’ve gone from CO2 is bad to 5G is bad .
All youre effectively after with ADS is stopping people from being in a particular area, not actually cooking them.
Id have to confirm how much power is needed for the skin heating effect ( using sweat glands as helucal antennas ) , but if an area is covered by 5G towers if the power calculations work out, you could effectively lock people in thier homes for fear of the 5G heating effect if they venture out.
I think its an evil but clever use of the technology. Watching a Senate Enquiry in the US, ot was clear no safety stidies had been done, but the globalists are keen to roll it out.
Actually the ISR band of 13.56 MHz used for NFC and contactless smart cards can be more harmful to humans than microwave energy.
Should have been ISM.
Earth shattering breakthrough for reducing bushfire danger – controlled burnoffs. Luckily, we have traditional Aboriginal expertise available for us to pay for this previously unthought of approach because the burnoffs we did prior to Climate Change were SOOOO different.
Aboriginal traditional burning expert hired for key role in growing bushfire challenge
Do what works.
Where ever needed.
Aboriginal tradtional burn offs = lightning
It will be interesting to see how many of the wedge-tailed eagle chicks that researchers are GPS tagging end up being killed by the wind-farms at Cattle Hill, Granville Harbour, Musselroe and Woolnorth.
Wedge-tailed eagles wear trackers for research into safer flights
Wholesale electricity prices have been dropping this year.
Victorian ex generator average price for 2019/20 is $75.98/MWhr, for 2018/19 was $109.81/MWhr,
Furthermore, monthly prices since Feb have dropped to an average of just $41/MWhr.
Similar current prices in other States for May:
NSW $42; Qld $31; SA $37; Tas $35; Vic $38.
“Cheap intermittent renewables” also get to sell large generator certificates (LGCs) to retailers – current spot price for LGCs is $33/MWhr, a drop from $40-50/MWhr last year – so essentially they are getting double the revenue of the reliable coal and gas generators.
1 June 2020 [anthropogenic global warming] roundup:
Australia – freezing and snowing on the Snowy Mtns
South Africa – record-breaking COLD temps with widespread snow
South America – 1/2 a metre of freezing snow for Argentina & Chile
New Zealand – minus 3°C and sunny in Queenstown with snow on the way end of week; Tauranga (North Island) 17°C and muggy wet windy
The Sun – 30th consecutive day with not one sunspot.
As for the northern hemisphere (first day of their meteorological summer) it’s still snowing/freezing in parts of Canada, Greenland, Russia, Tibet – no wonder the false profits [sic] are panicking.
Thanks for the update Greg, sea ice average around Antarctica.
Get with the narrative, Bro. There is cooling so the Climate is Changing – C’mon guys, it all CO2 these days.
Of course! I must keep up with all the ‘new’ science: CO2 now stands for COLD dioxide. My apologetic indulgence cheque/bribe will be in the post first thing tomorrow… promise!
Your ever humble servant,
Bro in NZ.
If its all about CO2 they must be getting disturbed by the complete lack of impact on global CO2 trends of the current great lockdown experiment.
Teslas big Power Play. ??
Recently, news emerged that Tesla was quietly applying for an electricity supply licence in the United Kingdom.
British paper The Telegraph reported that the US electric vehicle and battery storage giant had applied to the UK energy regulator for the licence, for reasons not made clear on the application form.
The paper did cite a company source, however, who reportedly suggested the move could be about introducing the company’s Autobidder platform – such as is currently being used at the Tesla big battery – aka the Hornsdale Power Reserve in South Australia – to the UK market.
Further , Tesla are known to be furiously developing their V2G ( Vehicle To Grid) technology and equipment which could effectively allow the creation of very large distributed battery capacity using privately owned EV and PowerWall batery capacity, directly connected to the grid and managed by a version of the “Autobidder” software ….controlled by Tesla.
Remember, every EV battery has a capacity of 60 – 120 KWh , such that for every 1000 EVs connected ( normal charging ) , this “virtual Grid” has a potential capacity of 100+ MWh…equivalent to the Hornsdale Big Battery.
And 10,000 EVs could represent 1.0 GWh of storage
Now , its not likely that this will make a big impact on main stream grid generation, or even peaker use initially, but .. remember how much money the Hornsdale battery makes by supplying FCAS and by “playing the market” of power price variation… well that is where “Autobidder” was developed !
If Tesla can devise a commercial plan for EV and PowerWall owners to reward their cooperation , then this will drive another wedge into the Electricity Market.
The UK could just be a “Pilot” run to refine the technology and software.
Who are you going to trust?
Prestigious Journals Publish and be Damned despite promises to peer review and publish the sources data.
This major Article in what was the worlds leading medical journal, shows just how far the Publishers, Editors and Journalists have sunk.
The error they corrected regarding the Australian data which had MORE patients treated with HCL than had been treated in total!
They fixed the error and sadly I did not record what their data number was. The data collection agency wont publish their data citing intellectual property, privacy and confidentiality rules (now where have I heard that explanation before?) These people who managed to get published in ‘The Lancet’ are a Data collection outfit! Not in any way medically competent to make such sweeping statements yet they got published. AND some national leaders and organizations listen to this rubbish and ACT upon it.
In other examples Eminent Professors of Medicine pronounce HCL harmful when they have not followed the recommended dose and probably killed their patients by prescribing a dose 100 times the recommended dose to patients with the advanced disease caused by the virus.
And Main Stream Media publish this failure to read the label and follow the recommended dose, they don’t of course mention this in their rubbish outpourings claiming to be really important news!
The world has gone MAD!
Cancer patients have worse outcomes with Covid19 virus One month later.
Lockdowns kill economies, not to mention basic rights and freedoms, and a few people with mental issues. Oh, and a few people needing urgent medical treatment .
Response to BIll in Oz, Post 6.2 in Invermectin topic:
” belittle Jo’s post with remarks supporting their ant-vaxxer ideology.”
There is nothing wrong with vaccines…if they work , and if they are safe.
My scientifically-driven research over many years into both these alleged attributes of vaccines ( i.e. allegedly safe & effective ) revealed a less than shining outcome which didn’t warrant the risk of a medical intervention with normally healthy bodies.
One of the biggest drivers appears to be a cult-like belief system around them, which will brook no questioning, which flies in the face of both personal choice and will not tolerate scientific scrutiny. On top of that , it appears they have significant use as a social control mechanism, and witness the treatment of the NRL players – this in my mind is a perfect microcosm of how the whole vaccine “game” works.
I cant talk to other parents view on such matters – that is their choice and I always champion freedom of choice and freedom of speech
Besides – if vaccines work and are effective ( as advertised ) – what logically do the vaccinated have to fear from the un-vaccinated?