Experts predict a warmer world will be “geologically turbulent”. Join the dots, get a solar panel, and stop the world cracking up ok?
Below one national news outlet speculates about the effects storms, melting ice and floods have on crustal plates, and fault lines. It’s possible, unknown, or at least not-entirely-ruled-out that man-made CO2 could maybe theoretically lead to earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and tsunamis. The story contains stacked “ifs”, “buts”, “coulds” and caveats, plus some links that are not-statistically-significant and several “unknowns”.
This is essentially one-sided scientific rumour mongering. Quick let’s transform our economy.
h/t Andrew V
This is what our future looks like if climate change goes unchecked
Jamie Seidel
… experts predict a warmer and more geologically turbulent future for the planet.
The US Geological Survey has discovered there is one link between weather and earthquake.
Just one link?
Major storms, such as cyclones and hurricanes, can produce substantial changes in atmospheric pressure. This sometimes triggers a ‘slow earthquake’ – a slow but steady movement that does not create any noticeable jolt.
“They note that while such large low-pressure changes could potentially be a contributor to triggering a damaging earthquake, the numbers are small and are not statistically significant,” Buis says.
So experts say there is really no evidence at all here?
What does this next line even mean?
And then there’s the fact that weather is not the same as climate.
Would you like an earthquake with that?
Recent NASA research in California, Oregon and Washington indicate extended drought could have implications of seismic proportions.
Between 2011 and 2017, the Sierra Nevada mountain range lifted by up to 2.5cm as it shed water and lost weight. Then it fell more than 1cm after heavy rains.
“Such stress changes could potentially be felt on faults in or near the range,” Buis writes.
It supports earlier research linking depleted subterranean groundwater aquifers to seismic activity on the San Andreas Fault. Once again, the change in pressure and weight had a domino effect.
You don’t say:
But there are still too many unknown variables at play to be sure.
“We’re not close to being able to predict when an earthquake may occur as a result of climate processes,” he concludes.
Don’t be surprised if the Earth cracks up:
Researchers already know dramatic changes in the water levels of lakes and dams can trigger local seismic activity.
But upscaling this impact to a global level is difficult.
We know glaciers are retreating rapidly around the world.
So, what if such enormous weights shift?
“With this in mind, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the loading and unloading of the Earth’s crust by ice or water can trigger seismic and volcanic activity and even landslides,” Professor McGuire says.
Stopping surprises like this is just what we have professors for.
The article mentions “climate” nine times, and the the sun, solar magnetic, solar wind and solar weather not at all. Get the picture? Your taxes pay for these experts.
Climate change could produce more stacked caveats.
If we dig up enough precious metals (to make solar panels and lithium-ion batteries) then there should be room for the planet’s tectonic plates to slop around a bit.
At least nobody (outside hollyweird) is yet claiming that the neutrinos are heating up.
I’m gonna go with “doomed” as that is very scary for gullible Gretas …
U.N. head demands bolder climate action or ‘we are doomed’
Well I hope he is.
They are panicking…hence the ramp up in the shrill , loony tunes climate witch-doctoring….
When the ice sheets retreated at the start of the current interglacial land masses across the whole northern hemisphere began to rebound. The Netherlands and Scandinavia are still in a phase of continental uplift and yet these places and right across northern Russia to Canada are not what I would call known for there unusual earthquake or volcanic activity.
If hundreds of billions of tons of disappeared ice has resulted in little seismic activity how could the loss of a few million tons of water result in increased activity? No doubt there are some very smart government paid scientists eager to apply for a grant that will “prove” this crack pot hypothesis.
As we know in the world of post-modern pseudo-science extraordinary claims no longer require extraordinary proof only a need to believe whatever you might be “feeling” and to convince your peers to go along. Not difficult if it opens up a whole new area of investigation which promises endless funds and career opportunities for you and your peers.
Deglaciation began in the Southern Hemisphere, Mt Takahe in West Antartica was probably the source of Meltwater Pulse 1A
Well, you know, like maybe…it’s sort of like…um…well…it’s the vibe. Yeah, that’s it….it’s the vibe
Ah those vibes. Just as well St Greta doesn’t stomp her feet when she shouts “How dare you” or California might fall into the Pacific.
Yeah, its 97% either Greta’s footstomping or the earthquakes in the brains of the great green blob as they ponder whether its just global warming, catastrophic anthropogenic global warming, global heating, climate change, a climate crisis or a climate catastrophe. If you could get them to ponder the option of a great big hysterical overreaction [to] the [snip] work of a few self promotoers then there would 100% be a volcanic eruption.
Perhaps it’s a good thing that at least some of these people have made a decision not to have children, thereby ensuring that their genes won’t be passed on
I’m not saying that St George used to win a lot more games (nudge) because of previously stable climate (wink). I’m just saying (nudge) that back in the 1950s they had no trouble cleaning up opponents (wink). No claims being made (nudge) just some observations (wink). While nobody can say for certain that backline defense could be improved by committing to renewable energy (nudge) and it is still to early to call out atmospheric change as a cause of poor goal kicking (wink), scientists will continue to monitor glacial retreat (nudge) and groundwater changes (wink) ahead of this year’s NRL season (nudge).
Wink. Nudge.
Not statistically significant means it’s not happening.
So it’s not true.
So what the **** are they on about?
Solar triggered earthquakes are being successfully predicted and have been since 2017.
Those of you who visit for their daily news will be well aware of this.
Chapter 7 in his book “The Weatherman’s Guide to the Sun” (ISBN: 978-1-54934-621-5) is all about the mechanism, how to predict size and location. If you have a suitable smartphone, you can download an app to help you with plotting them and predicting them.
See and you too can watch for and predict solar-triggered earthquakes.
The USGS is well aware of the science behind this so `Climate triggered earthquakes’ looks to be just another method of extracting grant money. The premise of a `warming world being an unstable world’ is peripheral. The sun can do and has done enormously greater damage.
“expert” Isn’t that a drip under pressure.
“Ex” = former
“Spurt” = a discharge of water under pressure
“Expert” = a has-been who’s a drip in the first place.
Incidentally, as an undergrad, our class developed a geological theory, which, as it turns out, explains everything and anything geological.
We called it the “Theory of Universal Glaciation”. It works like this: The world-wide phenomenon of rampant red beds can easily be explained as advancing glaciers, crushing and squeezing the blood out of all the animals. See? Universal Glaciation.
Plate tectonics? Easy!! When all the glaciers retreated into the North and South Poles, they slid under the Earth’s crust, and as we all know, ice is slippery, so the continents are sliding around on all the subterranean ice! See? Easy!! Universal Glaciation!!
Now that you know the basic principals of Universal Glaciation, you can find other examples as well. Just post them here, and we’ll add them to our cache of knowledge and understanding.
In 1972 very early on in my first lecture of my engineering degree, delivered by the ean of faculty, it was put umphatically that the term ‘expert’ should never be used to characterise oneself as “x is an unknown quantity and a spurt is a drip under pressure”. I like your alternative Vlad but combining them gives ‘a has been who is just a drip under pressure’ which has a certain resonance with the carry on of the Manniacals.
Komrade Kuma:
I would amend your “has been” (a good observation, by the way) to:
“a wannabe or a has-been” etc
Q: What is Arnold Schwarzennegger when he is unemployed?
A: An Ex-Terminator.
Sorry, couldn’t resist.
Ed King, formerly ClimateChangeNews, former producer, BBC Radio 5 Live:
TWEET: Ed King, Tracking international climate diplomacy since 2010
Current text at #COP25 “a betrayal of people” says @climatemorgan… hosts Chile are “listening to the polluters”
17m ago
followup tweet Ed King – 11m ago
“If there’s one time I would say governments f**ked up it’s now” says @mohadow – says text is a disgrace and talks a farce
So presimably its climate sceptics that are the cause of the recent volcano NZ tragedy if we follow the flawed warmist “reasoning” ….
Doubt it: it’s a vicious little dragon … and has been since the European arrivals tried to mine it for sulphur at the start of last century.
I’ve sailed around White Island once in the past aboard a very fast ship, but I will not land on it.
Been there, seen that, ticked it off.
Science-Fiction….. But it will please the cultists.
1 hour ago:
TWEET: Ed King
Saudi negotiators walking out of #COP25 plenary smiling. Make of that what you will.
14 Dec 2019
from replies:
nathan thanki, Tracking international climate diplomacy since 2010:
and US smiling like the Cheshire Cat
Jeremy Burke, Aussie green finance guy. Now @ImpactInv and Trustee at @CDP – was @GreenInvGroup FD & Strategy
Australia too?
Robert Theophile, Vegan, Green Party member
No surprises there. Saudi Arabia
TWEET: ClimateActionNetworkInternational
26min ago –
@aldenmeyer: I’ve been attending these climate negotiations since they first started in 1991. I’ve never seen the almost total disconnection we’ve seen here at COP25 between what the science requires & the people, the world demand, and what the climate negotiators are delivering.
7min ago –
The United States, joined by European Union, Australia and Canada are responsible for this bullying. It seems we are going to leave this COP with no support for people, leaving them on their own. Ambition cannot happen without finance.
14 Dec 2019
pat – finally some good news coming out of COP25
The ambition of the UN administrators is taking a real hit without access to easy money.
Once the dictators in all the nations with their hands out realise that there is no easy money in this scam, they will stop sending delegates to these silly talkfests. Will be interesting to plot the number of delegates for future COPs. Once numbers drop off it will be clear that the scam is losing steam. The attendance trend was still up by COP22:
COP24 had 22,771 official attendance. Official participants for COP23 was 19,115 but attendee numbers post event stated >30k. Provisional list for COP25 gives 26.706.
Hopefully 2019 will mark peak stupid. No one with money is willing to give it away to save the planet (or feather the nest of scammers). The unsavoury part is the willingness of those in government to give other people’s money away. Then there is the insidious transfer of wealth to proponents of intermittent electricity generation.
Madrid forecast cool today. Hopefully it is consistent with the mood of COP25 delegates as they depart with empty coffers. Dictators are not going to pay for large number of delegates to attend when they return home with less money than when they set off.
Just hope that Trump gets re-elected in 2020.
And every day there are tidal pulls, seasonal tilts and various wobbles of the earth’s axis. I guess every perturbation can play it’s part, no matter how inconsequential.
More expert predictions are predicted.
I’ve mentioned this before, but every event in the world ‘could’ be attributed to climate change (or increased CO2); however, I have only ever seen one event that can be categorically attributed to climate change. That event is the regrowth of previously sparse vegetation landscapes. An actual benefit.
I read scientific papers as a hobby. The more I read, the more I consider the IPCC and the UN to be irrelevant. Yep. Publishers of Superstition. They’re about as up to date as Phlogiston and as scientific as Piltdown Man. (There’s the problem for your fires: send Harry Twinotter out to weigh it all and Fitzroy to sweep/shovel it up.)
The Parker Probe into the Sun’s atmosphere: fantastic. I’ve said in the past, TCs are formed by lumps in the Solar Wind. The Parker Probe has not only found lumps but actual magnetic reversals therein. Wow.
The new SWARM satellites have confirmed Solar connections to Terrestrial Earthquakes. Wow.
It’s … um … really interesting. But it’s so far over the heads of the Space Cadets we’ll have to continue to put up with their pseudo-scientific and superstitious rantings/ravings …sigh.
TWEET: Tasneem Essop, Executive Director of CAN-International, (ex WWF, etc)
Final hours at #COP25 and no words to describe how bad it looks. Complete lack of ambition and urgency. And then to hear US block all language on addressing the gaps is nauseating. The arrogance to block progress while leaving Paris Agreement is treacherous. #HowDareYou
reply: Hans Lak
#ExtinctionRebellion our only chance PIC
Mohamed Adow, Power Shift Africa, referenced in Ed King tweet posted above – was just on Aljazeera. said protesters are gathering outside COP.
The big unanswered question is ‘where are they getting their data about such things as ‘We know glaciers are retreating rapidly around the world”?
One can only assume it is from unvalidated computer models which we all know have never produced a reliable result yet.
This sounds like wishful thinking to support the failing COP in Madrid. Basically they are grasping at straws to hype the doom and gloom stories.
They just say it and it’s taken as fact. No one that has a national voice will question what they say.
It’s like “rising sea-levels!”
With current sea-level rise at an average of 0.9mm pa (9mm per decade and 9cm per century, we’ll have to wait a while.)
I think they’ll start falling soon.
“to support the failing COP in Madrid.”
COPD then?
Their problem is that telling the truth will collapse their alarmist house of hockey sticks because it would mean admitting that the sun has an influence on Earth. ‘No, sh*t Sherlock’ enlightened ones may say but for them to say that earthquakes are aligned with fast streams of the solar wind hitting the planet will start people questioning what else the sun might be able to do. The cosmic ray – cloud seed process has been proven and a recent paper linked changes in cloud cover to all of our recent temperature changes. The final mechanism is out there to be found. And volcanic eruptions increase during solar minimum and the aerosols created may play a part in cooling the planet during these phases. But hey, there is no tax money to be made from this and no chance to punish the little people with increased government interference with their lives, so don’t expect any funding to research it. Global warming? How much would like?
I saw a post on faceache earlier in the day about a newspaper in Queensland saying the enzed volcanoe eruption was caused by man burning fossil fuels .
Someone had a cartoon of Dilbert that explains the situation to a tee .
If the eruption had occurred twelve hours earlier or later it wouldn’t have caused any news nor any of this nonsense!
Were there not frequent tours?
Not sure if the many visits would be enough to invoke the law of large numbers (LLN), but casinos make millions using the rules of probability.
So does the CAGW industry .
Yes there were. I would have gone to the island if I had the opportunity. You trust the tour operators. If there was any danger you would expect the government to intervene, privately owned or not. However it was all a version of Russian Roulette wasn’t it!
Is there no end to this unscientific madness?
Not when money and power are up for grabs…..
Chickens not laying? Professors jabbering total schist? ABC full of lying morons? Steak knives going blunt? Delusional children? Hair falling out? That’s CO2 attacking.
Well I cracked up laughing at this nonsense.
Was I supposed to go into panic mode and order solar panels, or something, whatever…???
A question for them. Prove it.
Do you deny the science ? , that’s about all the evidence they need .
I had a conversation with my niece.
She told me that life on earth is ending, due to climate change resulting from the Australian governments inaction.
She stated that Solar panels and windmills need to be built so we can build a space rocket that we can all get on to move to Mars.
I asked her who told you that? She said, Mr xxxxx,(her university trained teacher)
She is 11
That just shows how far education has fallen in Australia. I feel for the kids that have been let down and deprived of a real education. It is little wonder the country has declined.
And the teacher wont even get dishonorably discharged (walked to the gate and told to never come back) with pending child-abuse charges and a dreadful reference.
The State Education Department will give her a glowing positive performance review and a raise of our money for doing such shameful and damaging ideological brain-hacks on children, and setting them up for a decade or two of mental illness, anger and general depression.
And the Teachers colleges will be busy spewing out more reckless idiotic ideologically tuned ‘teachers’ just like her.
Greta left early because her teachers were already perfect at destroying young minds with a wall of depressing lies. No wonder she kinda struggled to adjust, and failed to become a happy normal young woman.
“What? No, we did a great job with Greta, she freaks-out in public daily about the end of the world. She’s the popular face of depression and delusion, the crazy of the year! And educational success story – mission accomplished!”
Life on Earth is not ending, due to climate or any other known issue, let alone government inaction. What has solar panels and windmills got to do with building rockets? Must be a huge rocket if all 7.5 billion of us
to move to Mars. Mars atmosphere is 95% CO2 and wont support life? WTF? I know everyone here dismisses this teacher as a sad joke but if the same teacher told their students that women and gays were inferior or that Jews should be exterminated, they would be dismissed immediately. Why is this teacher still working?
This smells like more of the “me too” idea. A makes some wild assertion and gets praise for it. Now B is jealous ad must 1-up A. So B makes some even less credible but more acceptable claim to the believers and so it goes round and round. Will the sane person in the room please stand up and be recognized.
Oops! No one stood up.
It has about as much substance as Governor Newsom’s orders to the 2 California State Teachers retirement funds to, “…mitigate climate change.” I suppose by that he means invest in believing solar panels will stop earthquakes. Both funds are reported to be puzzled as to how they can carry out Newsom’s order.
Don’t ask why there are 2 state teachers retirement funds.
They’re prepping and training Social[ist]-Media via the idiot MSM, to instantly rant blame at geological natural disasters due to Evil-Human-Carbon-Climate™.
At risk of touching off a controversy I don’t intend to get started, this reminds me of the tactics you would have found in early 1930s Germany.
My point to those still capable of learning anything is if you don’t understand history you’re doomed to repeat it.
The parallels are there, we may have a stoush on our hands….
Once the blackouts really get going , people will realize they have been duped.
Next there will be a suggestion that climate change causes continental drift
I’m surprised no one has used this history gem from the film Monty Pythons, The Holy Grail
Sir Bedevere:
…and that, my liege, is how we know the Earth to be banana shaped.
King Arthur:
This new learning amazes me, Sir Bedevere. Explain again how sheep’s bladders may be employed to prevent earthquakes.
What was a parody on the scientific ignorance of medieval times has become a reality in the greatest technological times known to man.
Witch trials for Weather Cooking isn’t far off.
New video: Sabine Hossenfelder talks about scientists and cognitive bias. It would apply to a false belief in anthropogenic global warming as well.
The reason for the current flurry of alarmist predictions is to bolster support the failing COP in Madrid… and of course, to ensure future funding of similar research.
“The article mentions “climate” nine times, and the the sun, solar magnetic, solar wind and solar weather not at all. Get the picture? Your taxes pay for these experts.”
No mention of the moon and it’s effect on tides either. However, there have been claims over the centuries that a full moon affects some peoples brains
Hence the term “lunatic”.
I sense a correlation …… Lefts scream at the sky…I think thats close to howling at the moon….
Not that I subscribe to the assertion that air pressure and seismic activity are linked, if any low atmospheric pressure system triggers a ‘…slow earthquake’ – a slow but steady movement that does not create any noticeable jolt.’, this should be a good thing, as it would be progressively relieving stress in a fault line. But then again, I am not a professor.
I think all new ideas should be investigated….
That leads to an angle I have not seen mentioned too many times.
Fossil fuels supplies are not un-limited=bad
Precious metals for “clean energy” are not unlimited either..
Nothing is..except for cult like idiocy…
God knows driving around with climate change stickers on your car..points to the tipping point of human stupidity…enjoy the decline
Moon’s pull can trigger big earthquakes
Geologic strain of tides during full and new moons could increase magnitude of tremors.
Alexandra Witze
12 September 2016
The seaside town of Pelluhue, Chile, in 2010 after a magnitude 8.8 earthquake and the resulting tsunami.
Big earthquakes, such as the ones that devastated Chile in 2010 and Japan in 2011, are more likely to occur during full and new moons — the two times each month when tidal stresses are highest.
Earth’s tides, which are caused by a gravitational tug-of-war involving the Moon and the Sun, put extra strain on geological faults. Seismologists have tried for decades to understand whether that stress could trigger quakes. They generally agree that the ocean’s twice-daily high tides can affect tiny, slow-motion tremors in certain places, including California’s San Andreas fault1 and the Cascadia region2 of the North American west coast.
But a new study, published on 12 September in Nature Geoscience3, looks at much larger patterns involving the twice-monthly tides that occur during full and new moons. It finds that the fraction of high magnitude earthquakes goes up globally as tidal stresses rise.
Satoshi Ide, a seismologist at the University of Tokyo, and his colleagues investigated three separate earthquake records covering Japan, California and the entire globe. For the 15 days leading up to each quake, the scientists assigned a number representing the relative tidal stress on that day, with 15 representing the highest. They found that large quakes such as those that hit Chile and Tohoku-Oki occurred near the time of maximum tidal strain — or during new and full moons when the Sun, Moon and Earth align.
For more than 10,000 earthquakes of around magnitude 5.5, the researchers found, an earthquake that began during a time of high tidal stress was more likely to grow to magnitude 8 or above.
////See link for rest.////
Here was silly old me thinking that the major Earthquakes were caused by the movement and suduction of plates due to continental drift, the slipping of faults and tectonic activity. Perhaps this new revelation means that we need to earthquake proof Darwin because the cyclical weight variation of the 8 metre tidal range must be causing severe stress. Should we create an earthquake emergency as a subset of the climate emergency trope.
“Recent NASA research in California, Oregon and Washington indicate extended drought could have implications of seismic proportions.”
From the NASA research: “This suggests that the solid Earth has a greater capacity to store water than previously thought,” said research scientist Donald Argus of NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, who led the study.”
This may water down the Climate Change theory (proven by models of course) that higher temperatures caused by increasing CO2 levels will cause the ice to melt and sea levels to rise.
I’m getting so tired of this crap ,The noFunbergers are shuffling along like the walking dead ,ready to bite anyone that gets in the way. Haven’t they heard of Sunspots ? or lack there of in recent times,the sun spot cycle will come again like it has for millennia ,man is delusional if he thinks he can manipulate and control the weather ,adapt you idiots. Happy Christmas or whatever your code.
Great footage on Youtube of James Delingpole interviewing Dr Will Happer a top physicist, expert on high-energy lasers, and anthropogenic climate change skeptic about the global warming scam.
Great footage on Youtube of James Delingpole interviewing Dr Will Happer a top physicist, expert on high-energy lasers, and anthropogenic climate change skeptic about the global warming scam.
” Climate processes ” lol. Another meaningless phrase with no technical basis from the climateers.
“Prof McGuire” – sounds familiar, probably Bill. From the link:
Yup, Bill.
Waking the Giant – Bill McGuire – Oxford University Press
Published: 25 April 2013. £11.99
Sales must be slow
Like the IPCC: effectively pseudo-science through misattribution.
Tsunamis: requires BIG earthquakes and the probabilities are not high.
Big earthquakes: triggered by the sun. Big earthquakes: triggered by the sun, subject to plate tectonics.
How these are triggered is known.
Volcanoes: magma chambers are heated by GCRs (Galactic Cosmic Rays). We are in a time when
GCRs are at an historical high, just like the Little Ice Age during the Maunder Minimum was, and big volcanoes like Campi Flegrei (the Flegreian Fields super volcano under the city of Naples) and Yellowstone are quietly cooking. Anak Krakatau in Indonesia, Mt Agung etc are either erupting or preparing to. There hasn’t been, in my limited knowledge, much in the way of aligning the databases. Perhaps it should be done.
Until it is, Billy boy can make his pseudo-scientific claims about volcanoes with impunity.
At the moment, I think he should hand back his Ph.D. and go do something else.
I am not convinced. So I’ll denounce him now and maybe apologize later)
Does he know the current state of the planetary Magnetic field?
Does he know about the geomagnetic excursion which is building? (geomagnetic field is weakening rapidly)
Does he know about the severe climate variation caused by an excursion? ( = very low strength geomagnetic field and strong cooling.)
Does he know about the Sun’s SC26? (= no sunspots)
Does he know about climate effects of that? (= possibly strong cooling)
If he hasn’t taken any of the above into account then he’s pissing into the wind.
I admit I wouldn’t mind a copy of his book to read but I’m not prepared to pay for one.
I not prepared to pay for one after reading its table of contents.
It has that delicate scent of pseudo-science.